



这家老牌美国唱片公司公认的创办时间是1944年7月,创办人是前米高梅影业公司的电影剪辑师诺尔曼·格兰兹(NORMAN GRANZ,已于去年11月底在瑞士日内瓦去世,享年83),实际上在1956年之前唱片界还没有“VERVE”这个名字,但还在20世纪30年代末期的时候诺尔曼·格兰兹就已经邀请爵士乐手录过唱片。

1944</FONT>年<FONT 7月2日这一天,诺尔曼·格兰兹成功地在洛杉矶策划举办了JATP也就是“爵士乐走进洛杉矶爱乐大会堂”(JAZZ AT THE PHILHARMONIC)系列音乐会,反响空前,全国性的电台转播使诺尔曼·格兰兹本人和JATP一起誉满全美,而作为当时一种极具冒险性的尝试,诺尔曼·格兰兹在系列音乐会现场录下了爵士大师们演出的实况,并在1946年开始发行这种LIVE版唱片。

这种在唱片史上具有开创性的LIVE版唱片问世后很受大众欢迎,而在1956年,杰出的爵士女歌手、后来被誉为“爵士第一夫人”的艾拉·费茨杰拉德(ELLA FITZGERALD)的加盟也促成了"VERVE公司的正式成立。

经过近60年的发展变迁,如今隶属于环球音乐集团的"VERVE已经成为世界上历史最悠久、声名最卓著、签约音乐家阵容最强大、出品最丰富、附属子厂牌最多、影响最大的爵士乐唱片公司之一,艾拉·费茨杰拉德、“公爵”艾灵顿(DUKE ELLINGTON)、斯坦·盖茨(STAN GETZ)、约翰尼·霍吉斯(JOHNNY HODGES)、查理·帕克(CHARLIE PARKER)、吉尔·伊文斯(GIL EVANS)、比尔·伊文斯(BILL EVANS)、班·威伯斯特(BEN WEBSTER)、威斯·蒙哥马利(WES MONTGOMERY)、肯尼·巴瑞尔(KENNY BURRELL)、安东尼奥·卡洛斯·乔宾(ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIM)、吉尔伯托夫妇、雪莉·霍恩(SHIRLEY HORN)、艾比·林肯(ABBEY LINCOLN)、乔·亨德森(<JOE HENDERSON)、路易斯·阿姆斯特朗(LOUIS ARMSTRONG)、“加农炮”艾德利(CANNONBALL ADDERLEY)、切特·贝克(CHET BAKER)、迪兹·吉尔斯皮(DIZZY GILLESPIE)、李斯特·杨(LESTER YOUNG)、阿特·波特(ART PORTER)、贝蒂·卡特(BETTY CARTER)、奥尼特·柯尔曼(ORNETTE COLEMAN)、比莉·哈乐黛(BILLY HOLIDAY)、萨拉·沃恩(SARAH VAUGHAN)、迪·迪·布里奇沃特(DEE DEE BRIDGEWATER)等等爵士音乐史上或健在或已故的最杰出的大师们都在VERVE留下了经典珍贵的录音,而经过一系列的购并运作,JMT、MPS、I.E.MUSIC、ANTILLES、EMARCY、AMADEO、IMPULSE和GRP等出品各具特色的爵士乐厂牌如今也都齐聚在VERVE音乐集团(VERVE MUSIC GROUP)旗下,鼎盛之势无与伦比。



介绍书桌上对你有意义的物品英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The items on my desk hold special meaning to me and play a vital role in my daily life.Each item has its own unique significance and helps to create a productive and inspiring work environment for me.One of the most important items on my desk is my laptop. This is where I do the majority of my work, whether it's writing essays, preparing presentations, or conducting research. My laptop is like my lifeline, connecting me to the vast world of information and enabling me to work efficiently and effectively.Next to my laptop, I have a notebook and a pen. Despite living in a digital age, I still find immense value in writing things down by hand. Whether it's jotting down ideas, making to-do lists, or sketching out designs, my notebook and pen are essential tools for organizing my thoughts and staying on top of my tasks.On the other side of my desk, I have a few personal items that hold sentimental value for me. One of them is a framedphoto of my family. Looking at this photo reminds me of the love and support that I have from my family, which motivates me to work hard and strive for success.I also have a small plant on my desk, which adds a touch of greenery and life to my workspace. Taking care of this plant gives me a sense of responsibility and helps to create a calming and peaceful atmosphere in my work area.In addition to these items, I have a few books on my desk that I refer to regularly for inspiration and knowledge. These books cover a range of topics, from self-improvement to professional development, and I find that reading a few pages from them each day helps to stimulate my mind and boost my creativity.Overall, the items on my desk play a significant role in my daily life and work routine. Each item has its own special meaning and contributes to creating a productive and inspiring work environment for me. Whether it's my laptop for getting work done, my notebook and pen for staying organized, or my personal items for motivation and inspiration, I am grateful for the presence of these meaningful objects on my desk.篇2My Desk and Its Meaningful ItemsMy desk is more than just a piece of furniture - it is a reflection of my personality, interests, and daily activities. The items I choose to keep on my desk are carefully curated and each holds a special meaning to me. In this essay, I will introduce and discuss some of these items and why they are significant to me.The first item on my desk is a photo frame with a picture of my family. This frame serves as a constant reminder of the love and support that I receive from my family members. Whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I can look at this photo and instantly feel a sense of comfort and reassurance. It also motivates me to work hard and succeed, knowing that my family is cheering me on every step of the way.Another item on my desk is a small potted plant. This plant brings a touch of nature into my workspace and adds a pop of color to the otherwise mundane environment. Taking care of this plant has become a daily ritual for me, as I water it, prune its leaves, and ensure that it receives enough sunlight. This simple act of nurturing a living thing helps me to relax and de-stress, especially during busy workdays.I also keep a notebook and pen on my desk at all times. As someone who loves to write, these items are essential for jottingdown ideas, to-do lists, and random thoughts that pop into my head throughout the day. I find that physically writing things down helps me to organize my thoughts and stay focused on my tasks. Plus, there is something satisfying about crossing off items on a handwritten list.One of the most prized possessions on my desk is a vintage clock that once belonged to my grandfather. This clock not only tells the time but also serves as a precious memento of my grandfather and his legacy. Whenever I look at this clock, I am reminded of his wisdom, generosity, and kindness. It inspires me to live up to his example and make the most of every moment.Lastly, I have a collection of inspirational quotes and affirmations pinned up on a corkboard above my desk. These quotes serve as daily reminders to stay positive, grateful, and motivated. In times of doubt or uncertainty, I can look up at these words of wisdom and find the strength to keep pushing forward. They have become a source of encouragement and empowerment for me, helping me to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.In conclusion, the items on my desk may seem simple and unassuming, but each holds a special significance in my life. From family photos to a potted plant, from a vintage clock toinspirational quotes, these items bring me joy, comfort, and inspiration on a daily basis. They remind me of who I am, where I come from, and where I am headed. My desk is not just a place to work - it is a sacred space that reflects my values, dreams, and aspirations.篇3Introduction:A desk is not just a piece of furniture for me; it is a space where I spend a significant amount of time studying, working, and creating. The items on my desk are carefully curated and serve a specific purpose in aiding my productivity and creativity. In this essay, I will introduce the meaningful items on my desk and explain how they contribute to my daily life.1. Laptop:The most essential item on my desk is my laptop. It is where I do most of my work, from writing essays to designing graphics. My laptop represents my connection to the digital world and is the gateway to all my creative endeavors. It is a powerful tool that allows me to express myself and bring my ideas to life.2. Notebook and Pens:I always have a notebook and pens on my desk, ready to jot down ideas, notes, and sketches. Writing by hand helps me organize my thoughts and brainstorm new ideas. It is a more tactile and personal way of capturing thoughts and inspirations. The notebook is also a place where I track my goals, make to-do lists, and reflect on my progress.3. Picture Frame:On my desk, I have a picture frame with a photo of my family. This serves as a reminder of the important people in my life and gives me motivation to work hard and achieve my goals. The photo brings warmth and comfort to my workspace, making it feel more personal and encouraging.4. Desk Organizer:To keep my desk clutter-free and organized, I have a desk organizer that holds all my stationery and office supplies. It has compartments for pens, pencils, paper clips, and sticky notes, making it easy for me to find what I need quickly. A tidy workspace helps me focus and increases my productivity.5. Plant:I have a small plant on my desk, adding a touch of greenery and life to my workspace. The plant not only brightens up theroom but also has a calming effect on me. Taking care of the plant, watering it, and watching it grow, gives me a sense of responsibility and reminds me to nurture my own growth and development.6. Desk Lamp:A desk lamp is an essential item for me, especially when I work late into the night. It provides focused and adjustable lighting, helping me stay alert and focused during late-night study sessions. The warm glow of the lamp creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere, making my desk a comfortable place to work.Conclusion:The items on my desk are not just functional tools; they hold meaning and significance in my daily life. Each item serves a specific purpose in aiding my productivity, creativity, andwell-being. By surrounding myself with meaningful objects, I create a workspace that is conducive to my growth and success. My desk is a reflection of who I am and what I aspire to be—a creative, productive, and passionate individual.。



英语自我介绍并翻译英语自我介绍并翻译1Hello everybody. My name is Stone. I come from Guangdong province in China. I am very happy to come here to study with you. When I arrived at this school three days ago, I fell in love with it. It is so beautiful and exciting here, and everyone is kind to me, especially Kim. This class feels just like one big family to me.I’m interested in sports, music and mountain climbing. I also enjoy playing soccer. I would love to play with you sometime. I hope I can become your friend soon. Thank you very much.大家好。


















感谢贵公司给我这次面试的机会!英语自我介绍并翻译3Hello everybody. My name is LiMing. I come from HeNan province in China.嗨,大家好。

致远OA DEE任务学习文档PPT课件

致远OA DEE任务学习文档PPT课件

随着企业业务的快速变化和信息化的日益完善,企业信息系统个数逐渐 增加,企业信息化应用平台统一的需求日渐迫切。
在致远“协同+”的战略模式下,DEE作为协同产品统一信息化的入口, 帮助协同整合周边信息化产品,达到在协同系统中可处理多业务系统中的数 据,在统一的审批中能处理多业务系统的审批事项,以完善信息化服务功能, 增强竞争力,让协同为企业创造更多的价值。
通用的数据交换基础框架 数据内容遵循协同标准,抽取数据交换通用框架,构建通用配置以及可扩展机制。
异常处理 监测每一次任务是否执行成功,并对失败的任务提供重发。
强大的扩展机制 支持groovy脚本,java代码热部署,自定义配置等。
1 4
5 3
1.请使用浏览器登陆Dee可视化配置工具(默认密码为123456),登陆地址为服务器IP:8085,会自动 弹出注册授权界面,点击获取识别码
2.将导出的key发给致远公司,用户购买了Dee可视化配置工具后,由致远公司提供授权码,即可激活 授权。
步骤1:创建脚本 在来源配置框下,点击新增 按钮,选择对应的适配器
步骤2: 填写相应参数,再根据接口 参数,新增输入或返回参数 步骤3:点击保存
步骤1:枚举导出适配器 在来源配置框下,点击新增 按钮,选择对应的适配器
步骤2: 填写相应参数,以及A8的访 问地址后,再点击选择导出 枚举的空白区域,会出现A8 的枚举树,勾选需要导出的 枚举

介绍一些粗俗英语的用法( 18以下禁入)

介绍一些粗俗英语的用法( 18以下禁入)


不过也可以放在动词和介词的词组中间应用以加强语气,比如get fuck out,shut fuck up,一般所跟随的介词以元音开头效果更好,一气呵成,不着痕迹。

be fucked严格的语法上来说呢,这个就是fuck的被动语态,8过实际应用中只要不是很顺心的状况呢,都可以用。


有人倒霉了,基本上就是he's fucked了。



最为顺口的就是fucking asshole了。

fuck you最常见的用法,矛头直指对方,快意恩仇。


如果跟对方没什么计较的话fuck哪个也都可以,fuck him, fuck her, fuck them, fuck the states, fuck the world, 不过总是没有fuck you来得理直气壮言简意赅。

fuck me嘿嘿,这个,一般只在特定场合特定行为中由特定人物表达。

简单来说,就是女性叫床专用……各位同学大家知道就可以了,这个,不用反复操练的……fuck up搞砸了,一般对事不对人,类似表达可以用screw up。

fuck off收声闭嘴之极度表达。

以程度类推效果大于hold your tounge大于shut up大于watch your mouth。

fuck with sb.对某人找茬,故意戏弄某人。

这个……大家千万不要误解为与某人XX……fuck you very much这里的fuck you就比较活络了。


因为他很有可能是在用另外一种方式说“thank you very much”。


就算问候对方家长也是身体力行,或者“X 你妈”或者“X你大爷”,老外比较懒,这些事情也都交给被骂的家伙去办了……"Fuck" 是现代英语中最强烈,最有争议的粗语之一,这个词可能也是世界上最著名的亵渎语但何时这个词从一个友好用法变成亵渎用法却仍然无法解释一些证明显示,在一些英语为母语的地区,这个词直到17世纪才有一种攻击和亵渎的含义; 而另外一些证明却表明,早在16世纪的英国,这个词已经变成粗语因此一些诸如牛津大英字典的权威资料仍然无法确定这个粗语的来源,但倾向于相信撒克逊人(英国人)起源说,然后再流传到英国殖民地,再到全世界在现代英语中,"Fuck"是一种高度冒犯性的用词,是最为严厉的4字母词"Fuck" 原意就是XXXXX(操,干),但它往往被用作一个咒骂语和语气加强词一些"Fuck"原意的例子有:"Let s fuck." (让我们操吧)"That was a good fuck." (那真是一次美妙的XXXXX)"I cant believe shes fucking him!" (我不能相信她正在操他!)"I fucked my teacher!" (我干了我老师)其他则是一些粗直语用法,但这些用法往往牵涉到性,譬如XXXXXX(fuck you)或者*(fuck yourself)."Fuck you!" or "Go fuck yourself!" (我不喜欢你,快滚开)"He"s a dumb fuck." (他是个白痴)"Sorry, I fucked up your computer." (不好意思,我弄坏了你的电脑)"He s pretty fucked up." (他心理或者心情不稳定)"I fucked up on this test." (我这次测验做的很糟)"Lets fuck around for a couple hours." (让我们浪费2个小时好了)"Im fucked." (结果)"What the fuck!" (到底刚才发生了什么?)"Shut the fuck up!" (闭嘴)"Im so fucked up right now." (我已经烂醉或者被药物搞的晕晕乎乎了)其他一些粗直用法则没有任何冒犯或者牵涉到性的意思而且当这个词被移除之后,这句句子的语意仍然保持不变譬如:"None of your fucking business!" (不关你"鸟"事)"Un-fucking-believable !" (真难以置信!)"What a fucking great day outside!" (外边的天气真"他妈的"的好)"Shut the fuck up!" (你他妈的闭嘴)"Abso-fuckin-lutley!" "绝对是!""Hey!, Why dont you go outside and play Hide-N-Go-Fuck-Yourself!" "嘿,为什么你不出去自己一个人玩?"Fuck!" (当一些不快的事情发生)"Hes a great fucker!" (他是一个非常好的家伙,并不意思他是一个非常好的性伙伴)在最后一个例子中,"Fucker"这个词被用作一种赞赏,但这种用法并不常见譬如: "You are a smart fucker (你是一个聪明的家伙)". 但正因为这种用法的粗鲁及不明确性, 除非对方是一个你非常熟悉的朋友,这个用法还是不要用的好因为有可能你的赞赏会被误解"Fuck"这个词也是非常多样化的,譬如:"Fucking fuck those fucking fuckers!" ("忘记那些另人讨厌的家伙吧.") "Fucking fuckers fucking fucked!" ("它被弄坏了")第二个例子很好的演示了这个词的多样性,它是一个名词,一个冠词,一个现在分词和一个形容词另外一个可以显示其多样性的例子是Mary Prankster 的歌:Mercyfuck (1998)I wish I could fuck all my sorrow awayAnd fuck til the dawn of the next fucking dayFuck the chorus and verse, fuck the pain getting worseFuck it all til I burnI wish I could fuck all of you til you seeIm the worst fuck-up in all historyFuck your image and mine, fuck your limp valentineFuck it all til I learn再补充一下"Fuck"这个词的常用法:动词可以当作一个及物动词:He fucked her. (他操了她.)或者不及物动词:They fucked all night. (他们干了整个晚上)或者对象非人的用法:Im not going down there, fuck that, dude! (我不会下去的,操那东西,哥们!)Im not doing that. Fuck outta here! (我不会做的,忘记它吧!)名词She is a real fuck. (没有特定的侮辱)She is a good fuck. (特定的指向XXXXXX)Eat my fuck. (是一种侮辱)We had a good fuck last night. (作为一个性行为)That was a total cluster fuck. (很多出错的事的当中一个)Oh my fuck! (表明一种惊讶的意思)Im being sent to Bumfuckegypt. (很有可能出自一个军事源头)感叹词Fuck作为感叹词时一般表示一种惊讶,不满或者愤怒的意思, 如:Fuck! A punctured tire!也可以表示一种正向的惊讶:Fuck! Theyve hacked this computer! (噢!他们黑了这台电脑!)Fuck! This is the best movie EVER! (噢!这是历史上最好的电影!)现在分词作为现在分词,Fucking (fuckin) 往往用来加强一个动词或者名词的语气它的正向意义往往多于其反向意义如:My fucking boss made me work all weekend. (我那天杀的老板让我加整个周末的班) She is fuckin hot. (她真他妈的性感)除此之外,Fuck的现在分词有时被插在一个词的中间这种用法叫作感叹插入语. 这种fucking插入法的规则是: "fucking"只能插入到一个多音节词的韵脚之间, 例如 :that was abso-fuckin-lutely cool! (那真他妈的酷!)In-fucking-credible (难以置信)fan-fucking-tastic (真棒)un-fucking-believable (无法相信)congratu-fucking-lations (祝贺祝贺)whoop-dee-fucking-doo (%@@#@#)过去分词fuck的过去分词意思一样完全无用的,被损坏的,或者被搞糟的事物在形容一个人的时候,它表示一种筋疲力尽或者烂醉的意思譬如:The hard drive crashed, so now the database is fucked. (硬盘坏了所以现在数据库也被损坏了)Your engines fucked because you forgot to change the oil! (你的引擎坏了,因你忘记换油了)Now that the electricity is out, your computer is fucked. (没电了,你的电脑没用了) You were completely fucked last night. (你昨晚真是糟糕透了)动词短语"To fuck up"意思是破坏,"to be fucked up"往往意思烂醉,或者更正规的意思是身体或者心理上的伤害(常用于美国) 如:The bouncer really fucked up that guy who kept causing trouble. (那个保镖把那个老是滋事的家伙打的够呛)My sisters been really fucked up since her fiancé dumped her. 我的姐姐(妹妹)惨极了,因为她的未婚夫抛弃了她当在形容事物的时候,"to be fucked up"意思是这件事物是精神上或者其他方面上错误的She stole my wallet while I was passed out; thats so fucked up! (在我走出去的时候,她偷了我的钱包;那绝对是件错误的事)"To fuck over" 意思背叛,或者通常不讨人喜欢的行为Yeah, he slept with my girlfriend. I cant believe he fucked me over like that! (他睡了我GF,我真的无法相信他如此背叛我!)I got fucked over at work today – they promoted my assistant instead of me. (今天我在上班的时候被玩了: 他们提升了我助理,而不是我!)混成词F的发音有时被提高语调,以表示强烈的辱骂Thats fugly (fucking ugly). (那真他妈的丑)You fucktard (fucking retard). (你他妈的智障 )You flooser! (fucking loser) (你他妈的失败者)讲演语气Fuck有时在讲演时被用作一种填补,用法很象um..., 或者like..Her name is, fuck... What was her name again? (她的名字是,恩,她的名字是什么?) the fuck 常用来加强语气,类似于“到底”、“究竟”、“the heck”、“onearth”、“the hell”等,在疑问词后。


自定义全局参数是定义一个 可供全局调用的一个参数。
步骤1:在dee上的扩展功能 的用户代码库中新建一个类, 这个类可供脚本调用,也可 以调用其中的方法。
步骤2:在脚本中通过import 该类就可以直接使用了。
步骤1:创建任务分类 点击对应图标按钮进行新增 子类别,编辑当前类别名称 和删除该类别
步骤1:在dee上新建任务, 在任务配置中新建数据来源, 然后在任务参数里配置需要 的参数。
步骤2:在调试前填入任务参 数,可以看到输出数据只有id 为1的数据。
在任务参数任务的调试信息 里面,调试可以调试任务, 有参数的需要输入参数,无 参数直接调试,在信息里面 可以看到调试结果,输出里 面可以看到任务输出信息。
Dee版本 V1.5 V1.8 V2.0 V2.0SP1 V2.1 V2.1SP1 V2.2 V3.0
A8版本 V3.5 V3.5SP1 V5 V5.0SP2 V5.1 V5.1SP1 V5.6、V5.6SP1 V6
1.Dee版本都是向下兼容的,比如V2.2版本可以使用V2.2版本下其它版本创建的任务。 2.Dee的版本升级全都是平滑升级,升级后不会造成任何不良问题。
在致远“协同+”的战略模式下,DEE作为协同产品统一信息化的入口, 帮助协同整合周边信息化产品,达到在协同系统中可处理多业务系统中的数 据,在统一的审批中能处理多业务系统的审批事项,以完善信息化服务功能, 增强竞争力,让协同为企业创造更多的价值。
DEE是敏捷的集成开发工具,快速搭建灵活的集成场景,降低点对点之 间的集成成本,加速协同软件与业务系统交互从而满足重要系统之间无缝共 享和数据交换的需要,提高业务的灵活性和反应度。



1.引言:介绍 dee 溶剂分子结构
2.dee 溶剂分子结构的特点
3.dee 溶剂分子结构的应用
4.结论:总结 dee 溶剂分子结构的重要性
dee 溶剂是一种广泛应用于化学、材料科学和生物学领域的重要分子。

了解 dee 溶剂的分子结构对于研究其性质和应用具有重要意义。

探讨 dee 溶剂的分子结构特点及其应用领域。

2.dee 溶剂分子结构的特点
dee 溶剂的分子结构具有以下特点:
(1) 非极性分子:dee 溶剂分子由碳、氢和氧原子组成,分子结构对称,呈非极性分子。

这使得 dee 溶剂在非极性溶剂中具有良好的溶解性。

(2) 氢键:dee 溶剂分子之间能形成氢键,这是其在许多化学反应和生物过程中起到关键作用的原因之一。

(3) 溶解性:dee 溶剂在水中几乎不溶,但在许多有机溶剂中具有良好的溶解性。

这使得 dee 溶剂在许多领域具有广泛的应用。

3.dee 溶剂分子结构的应用
dee 溶剂分子结构在以下领域有广泛应用:
(1) 化学反应:dee 溶剂可用作化学反应介质,提高反应速率和选择性。

(2) 材料科学:dee 溶剂可用于制备和改性聚合物、液晶和膜材料等。

(3) 生物学:dee 溶剂在生物体内参与许多生物过程,如蛋白质折叠、核酸结构稳定等。

此外,dee 溶剂还可用于药物传递和生物成像等。

dee 溶剂分子结构具有非极性、氢键和溶解性等特点,使其在化学、材料科学和生物学等领域具有广泛的应用。























Ultre dee 产品介绍(1)

Ultre dee 产品介绍(1)

Ultra dee高士Ultra Dee 是由高韧度长丝聚酯加创新的邦迪粘合技术制作而成。

主要用途∙汽车座椅整理∙所有款式的鞋类,包括皮鞋,皮靴,以及运动鞋∙室内装饰品及家具用品∙箱包和皮具类∙通用的船舶用品优点及特性∙具有创新的邦迪粘合技术保障在严苛的车缝条件下纱线不会退捻,退捻的纱线在车缝时容易导致纱线断裂及跳线问题∙在车缝后的残留强力相对标准的润滑缝纫线高出20-33¼Œ减少接缝断裂∙牢固的股线粘合使得车缝线迹清晰美观∙在过去,丰富多样的颜色只适用在润滑纱线上∙特殊的后处理可应用,例如防渗透作用,高润滑以及防火处理线号股平均强力(厘牛顿/克)延伸度(最小/最大)30 3 5300/5404 17-3040 3 4704/4797 10-20注:产品在耐酸碱方面无硬性指标,相对来说,涤纶线会比尼龙线更耐酸。


化学特性:1. 无机酸---对大多数无机酸都有耐久能力2.碱性---在弱碱的情况下不受影响,在强碱时特别在高温情况下则对耐久能力影响较大3.有机溶剂---一般不受影响,但会融于含苯的化合物4.漂洗---良好的抵抗力5.昆虫/微生物---不受影响6.吸湿率---大约百分之零点四(滴干)色牢度特性:60度水洗色牢度(IOS 105 C10:2006 C(3))4级水压色牢度(ISO 105 E01:2010)4级耐磨色牢度(IOS 105 X12:2001)3-4级乙烯基转移(CTC-TP-1032-003)不推薦染坊色彩由于条件和应用不同会使用不同的线,线用户应确保透过初步测试了解该线是否合适使用。




介绍少数民族服装英语作文English Answer:China is a multi-ethnic country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage. Each ethnic group has its own unique traditions, customs, and clothing. Minority ethnic costumes are an important part of Chinese culture and reflect the distinctive characteristics of each group.One of the most famous minority ethnic costumes is the Miao costume. The Miao people are an ethnic group thatlives in the mountainous regions of southern China. Miao costumes are known for their vibrant colors and intricate embroidery. The women's costumes often feature a long, pleated skirt with a wide sash and a short, embroidered jacket. The men's costumes are simpler, but also feature colorful embroidery.Another well-known minority ethnic costume is the Tibetan costume. The Tibetan people live in the TibetanPlateau in western China. Tibetan costumes are designed to keep people warm in the cold, high-altitude climate. The women's costumes typically consist of a long, woolen dress with a long-sleeved jacket. The men's costumes are similar, but the jackets are shorter.The Yi people are an ethnic group that lives in the mountainous regions of southwestern China. Yi costumes are known for their simple, yet elegant designs. The women's costumes often feature a long, black skirt with a white blouse and a colorful apron. The men's costumes are similar, but the skirts are shorter and the aprons are not as colorful.The Zhuang people are an ethnic group that lives in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China. Zhuang costumes are known for their bright colors and intricate embroidery. The women's costumes often feature a long, pleated skirt with a short, embroidered jacket. The men's costumes are simpler, but also feature colorful embroidery.The Dong people are an ethnic group that lives in theGuizhou Province in southwestern China. Dong costumes are known for their unique, geometric designs. The women's costumes often feature a long, pleated skirt with a short, embroidered jacket. The men's costumes are similar, but the jackets are shorter and the skirts are not as pleated.These are just a few of the many different minority ethnic costumes in China. Each costume has its own unique history and significance, and they all reflect the rich cultural diversity of China.中文回答:中国是一个多民族国家,拥有丰富而多元的文化传统。



介绍优势的科目英语作文Title: The Advantages of Learning English。

English, as a global language, holds a paramount position in today's world for numerous reasons. Its significance extends beyond national boundaries, making it a crucial subject to learn for individuals worldwide. In this essay, we will delve into the various advantages of learning English.First and foremost, proficiency in English opens up a plethora of opportunities for individuals in both personal and professional spheres. In today's interconnected world, English serves as a lingua franca facilitating communication and collaboration across borders. Whetherit's for academic pursuits, career advancement, or simply connecting with people from diverse cultures, English proficiency empowers individuals to navigate through an increasingly globalized society with ease.Furthermore, English is the dominant language in various fields such as science, technology, business, and diplomacy. Access to resources, research papers, andcutting-edge knowledge often requires proficiency in English. For students aspiring to pursue higher education or professionals aiming to excel in their careers, a strong command of English is indispensable. It not only enhances one's ability to comprehend and contribute to the latest developments but also fosters innovation and collaboration on a global scale.Moreover, learning English broadens one's horizons by providing access to a wealth of literature, media, and cultural heritage. English literature, renowned for its richness and diversity, offers insights into different epochs, cultures, and perspectives. From the works of Shakespeare to contemporary authors, English literature provides a window into the human experience, fostering empathy, critical thinking, and creativity.In addition, proficiency in English enhances one's cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. Learning asecond language has been shown to improve memory, multitasking, and decision-making. The cognitive demands of acquiring and using English stimulate brain functions, leading to better overall cognitive performance. Furthermore, bilingual individuals often demonstrate greater flexibility in thinking and a heightened awareness of linguistic and cultural nuances.Moreover, English proficiency facilitates travel and cultural exchange, enabling individuals to immerse themselves in diverse cultures and experiences. Whetherit's exploring foreign countries, interacting with locals, or participating in international events, English serves as a bridge that transcends cultural barriers. By engaging with people from different backgrounds, individuals gain a broader perspective of the world, fostering tolerance, understanding, and global citizenship.Additionally, English proficiency enhances one's employability and career prospects in today's competitive job market. Many multinational companies require employees to be proficient in English, as it facilitatescommunication with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders worldwide. Furthermore, English language skills are often viewed as a sign of professionalism, competence, and adaptability, giving individuals a competitive edge in various industries.Furthermore, the widespread availability of English language learning resources, such as online courses, language exchange programs, and interactive apps, makes it easier than ever to acquire proficiency in English. With dedication and practice, individuals can improve their English skills at their own pace, regardless of their location or background.In conclusion, learning English offers a myriad of advantages that extend beyond linguistic proficiency. From enhancing communication and career opportunities tofostering cultural exchange and cognitive development, English plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals' personal and professional lives in today's globalized world. Therefore, investing time and effort in mastering Englishis a valuable endeavor that yields lifelong benefits.。



介绍话剧演员的英文作文英文回答:The world of theater is a vibrant and captivating one, filled with talented individuals who bring stories to life on stage. Among these performers, actors play a crucialrole in embodying characters and conveying emotions, capturing the audience's imagination and leaving a lasting impression.Actors come from diverse backgrounds, each bringingtheir own unique experiences, skills, and perspectives to their craft. They undergo rigorous training to hone their vocal and physical abilities, develop their emotional range, and enhance their storytelling capabilities. Through rehearsals and performances, they collaborate with fellow actors, directors, and other members of the creative teamto interpret and present compelling theatrical experiences.On stage, actors transform into the characters theyportray, embodying their motivations, desires, and complexities. They use their voices, bodies, and stage presence to convey the characters' thoughts, feelings, and relationships. By immersing themselves in the role, actors bring depth and authenticity to the characters they play, allowing the audience to connect with them on an emotional level.Great actors possess exceptional imaginative and empathic abilities. They can step into the shoes of characters vastly different from themselves, understanding their perspectives and motivations with sensitivity and empathy. This allows them to create believable andrelatable characters that resonate with audiences.In addition to their artistic talents, actors often play a pivotal role in the social and cultural fabric of society. Through their performances, they can raise awareness about important issues, challenge societal norms, and inspire change. They can also provide entertainment, escapism, and a sense of community for audiences.The profession of acting is both demanding and rewarding. It requires dedication, passion, hard work, anda willingness to push boundaries. For those who possess the talent and determination, it can be a fulfilling and enriching career that brings joy and inspiration to others.中文回答:话剧演员是戏剧舞台上不可或缺的重要角色,他们通过自己的表演将故事演绎得淋漓尽致,让观众身临其境,留下深刻的印象。



介绍徐州英语作文简单Well, let me tell you about Xuzhou. It's a city in Jiangsu Province, China. The city has a long history and rich cultural heritage. There are many famous historical sites and scenic spots in Xuzhou, such as the Guishan Han Tomb, Yunlong Lake, and the Xuzhou Museum.The people in Xuzhou are very friendly and hospitable. They are known for their warm and welcoming attitude towards visitors. The local cuisine is also something you shouldn't miss. Xuzhou is famous for its delicious food, such as the famous Xuzhou-style braised pork and the savory salted duck.In terms of transportation, Xuzhou is well-connected by high-speed trains and expressways. It's easy to travel to and from the city. The city also has a well-developed public transportation system, including buses and taxis, making it convenient for getting around.Xuzhou is also a modern city with a booming economy. It has a vibrant business environment and is home to many multinational companies. The city is constantly growing and developing, offering plenty of opportunities for bothlocals and expats.Overall, Xuzhou is a great place to visit or even live in. It has a mix of traditional culture and modern development, making it an interesting and dynamic city to explore. If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend paying a visit to Xuzhou.。



介绍中国龙的英语作文500词The Chinese Dragon。

The Chinese dragon is a legendary creature that holds a significant place in Chinese culture and mythology. It is often depicted as a long, serpentine creature with scales, sharp claws, and a fierce face. In Chinese folklore, the dragon is considered a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. Let's explore the fascinating world of the Chinese dragon and its cultural significance.The Chinese dragon, known as "long" in Mandarin, has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It is believed to have originated from the ancient Chinese people's worship of nature and their desire for protection and prosperity. Unlike the Western concept of dragons as fire-breathing monsters, the Chinese dragon is seen as a benevolent creature that brings rain, controls rivers, and ensures the fertility of the land.The dragon is closely associated with the emperor and the imperial family in Chinese culture. It symbolizes the emperor's authority, wisdom, and divine power. In ancient times, the dragon was the exclusive symbol of the emperor, and only the emperor and his close family members were allowed to use dragon motifs in their clothing and possessions. The dragon robe, known as "longpao," was a symbol of the emperor's supreme power and status.Apart from its association with the emperor, the dragon also plays a significant role in traditional Chinese festivals and celebrations. During the Chinese New Year, dragon dances are performed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. The dragon dance involves a team of dancers holding up a long, flexible dragon figure and moving it in a sinuous, undulating manner. The dance is accompanied by the rhythmic beating of drums and the clashing of cymbals, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.In Chinese mythology, the dragon is often depicted as a guardian and protector. It is believed to have the ability to control the weather, bring rain in times of drought, and prevent floods. The dragon is also associated with the four cardinal directions east, west,north, and south. Each direction is believed to be guarded by a different dragon, representing different elements of nature such as wind, rain, clouds, and thunder.The Chinese dragon's influence extends beyond China's borders. It has become a symbol of Chinese culture and is recognized worldwide. In many Chinese communities around the world, dragon boat races are held during the Dragon Boat Festival. These races involve teams of rowers paddling in long, narrow boats decorated like dragons. The festival not only showcases Chinese traditions but also promotes unity, teamwork, and sportsmanship.In conclusion, the Chinese dragon is a revered symbol in Chinese culture, representing power, strength, and good fortune. Its rich history and cultural significance make it an integral part of Chinese mythology and traditions. From its association with the emperor to its role in festivals and celebrations, the dragon holds a special place in the hearts of the Chinese people. Whether it is the vibrant dragon dances during the Chinese New Year or the thrilling dragon boat races, the Chinese dragon continues to captivate and inspire people around the world.。




























一、fec和dee的介绍1. fec的介绍fec,全称为甲澡丁酮(Furfuryl Ethyl Carbonate),是一种常见的有机溶剂。



2. dee的介绍dee,全称为二乙酰乙二酮(Diethyl Ethylmalonate),也是一种常用的有机溶剂。





三、fec和dee的溶剂化能对于fec和dee的溶剂化能,主要包括以下几个因素:1. 极性极性是溶剂分子溶剂化能的重要指标。


2. 分子间作用力分子间作用力是溶剂分子之间相互作用的力量,包括范德华力、氢键等。



3. 溶剂-溶质相互作用溶剂分子与溶质分子之间的相互作用也是决定溶剂化能的重要因素。

fec 分子由于其较大的分子体积,能够较好地包裹溶质分子,形成溶质-溶剂复合物,因而具有较高的溶剂化能。



在使用fec和dee时,需要注意以下事项:1. 防火防爆fec和dee都是易燃物质,应远离明火和高温,存放在阴凉、通风的地方。

























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DEE(Data Exchange Engine)是立足于致远协同产品与异构系统(第三方系统) 数据交换的工具。在协同产品和异构系统的集成和数据交换中,由于异构系统千差 万别,集成场景不尽相同。但是我们在梳理和归纳A8与异构系统的集成中发现:
集成层次分为: · 页面级集成(如:在A8portal中显示ERP系统的订单信息)。 · 基础主数据集成(如:ERP中的供应商信息、工厂信息同步到A8的无流程表单或
集成价值 DEE简介 DE主E总要体应设用计案思例想 DE主E总要体应设用计案思例想 DEE优势
Advantage:优势 DEE Benefit:价值
•大多数软件厂商都采 用的是项目化方式, 致远采用的是平台+工 具化的方式。 •根据不同的业务软件 和应用场景进行扩展, 提高了A8扩展性稳定 性。
•缩短开发周期、消减集成风险。 •满足重要系统之间无缝共享和交换数据的需要。 •降低集成成本,构建企业的应用集成平台。
者枚举库中)。 · 流程集成。(如:A8流程审批通过后,将指定数据写入异构系统或者A8中的表
集成对象分为: · A8与A8的数据交换 · A8与A6的数据交换 · A8与非致远产品(ERP居多)的数据交换
集成 对象
集成 层次
传统 模式
A8portal显示异构系统数据 一
大部门用户的操作都在OA中完成,无需登录到ERP中进行操作 ✓ 节省ERP的License费用 ✓ 减轻企业对ERP用户的培训压力 ✓ 简化操作、减轻ERP操作人的负担
双方系统数据相互引用,减少数据重复KEY IN,保障录入数据的一致性和正 确性
协同管理平台 DEE介绍
云南区大客户经理 刘思怡
1 2 3 4 5
集成价值 DEE简介 DEE总体设计思想 主要应用案例 DEE优势
延伸ERP管理范围(优势互补) [ERP:关注内部资源的计划和控制] [A8:以人为核心 ,以流程为基础业务管理系统]
构建企业信息平台 [实现企业内部系统集成、信息整合。

加强企业数据互通互联 [减少用户数据重复录入、保持数据一 致性、完整性]
降低成本、消减风险 [利用A8便捷、灵活的表单+流程,快速搭建个性 化业务降低企业信息化成本、消减实施风险]
1 2 3 4 5
集成价值 DEE简介 DE主E总要体应设用计案思例想 DE主E总要体应设用计案思例想 DEE优势
• 集成价值 每一个企业都存在大量的业务系统,如购销存、ERP等各种业务系统, 企业的信息源往往都存在与这些业务系统里,协同办公系统应该跟这些 业务系统实现很好的集成,使相关的人员能够有效地获得整体的信息, 提高整体的反应速度和决策能力。
❖ 致远客户遍布全国,他们已经实现了高效管理
❖ 每天超过10000家成功企业、300万精 英人士在享受致远协同带来的高效便捷
以OA的强大灵活的流程处理能力弥补ERP在流程管理上的不足 减轻因ERP客户端用户频繁连接给ERP服务器的压力
解决企业内协同系统与其它系统的数据交换和集成的问题 CRM
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
集成价值 DEE简介 DE主E总要体应设用计案思例想 DE主E总要体应设用计案思例想 DEE优势
•可视化数据集成工具 (sql/WebServices) •任务调度 •DEBUG模式 •异常处理机制
二 三

1 2 3 4 5
集成价值 DEE简介 DE主E总要体应设用计案思例想 DE主E总要体RP在企业应用过程中存在的问题
• ERP属于业务操作层面的系统,基本不属于管理层面的系统 • ERP的许可非常昂贵 • ERP中的操作相对来讲,比较复杂(复杂的界面) • ERP是典型人找事的系统,不属于事找人的系统(通过Email和电话,系统外