06.5.021210_VOA News
VOA新闻100篇-VOA News Item 91【声音字幕同步PPT】

could emancipate women. The team they worked with to make that
attached other far-reaching utopian dreams
'Cause now I've got the pill.
When the Pill hit the market in 1960, 30 states had laws restricting
the advertising and sale of contraceptives. Two states banned them outright.
would creБайду номын сангаасte happy families because married couples could enjoy sex
without fears of unwanted pregnancy; that single women wouldn't have babies
anymore because they could prevent it until they
the Pill, making it the leading contraceptive in the
United States.
In her 1975 hit single, country star Loretta Lynn sings a victory
anthem for the Pill: You wined me and dine me
VOA 新闻10篇

VOA News Item 1. 政治:战后多年韩国与美国检查指挥权移交The U.S. and South Korean militaries say they would fight a second Korean War, if it became necessary, side-by-side and seamlessly.For decades, their alliance has deterred a repeat of the North Korean attack of June 25th, 1950. Seoul has always agreed that U.S. forces would have command of South Korea's military if war re-ignites. But that is to change in April 2012, when Seoul assumes wartime operational control of its own forces, a step referred to as OPCON Transfer.VOA News Item 2. 社会:美国婴儿母乳喂养A new survey finds that three-quarters of U.S. newborns are breastfed beginning at birth. But the number of breastfeeding infants falls off rapidly during the first year of life.Seventy-five percent of babies started life breastfeeding, according to this latest Breastfeeding Report Card. That represents a slow but steady increase in recent years in the percentage of American infants who are breastfed.The new survey is for babies born in 2007, the most recent year available.The breastfeeding study comes from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A public health adviser at the agency, Carol MacGowan, says it's not enough for a new mom to want to breastfeed her baby."There's still a lot of practices that need to take place in the hospital to support the mother's decision to breastfeed." "So she may have decided to breastfeed, but if there's no support in place that helps her to continue that, then she may not even start."Hospital practices that encourage breastfeeding include putting the newborn skin-to-skin with the mother right after birth, and not offering infant formula or pacifiers.Although three out of four babies started life on their mother's milk, by the time they're six months old, just 43 percent were still breastfeeding. And by 12 months, only one baby in five was getting any breast milk.U.S. officials recommend babies be breastfed for the first year of life. The World Health Organization says breastfeeding should last two years.MacGowan says there are a number of reasons why American women don't continue breastfeeding. "Some of it is the community support; thus, we address the number of lactation professionals out there to help the women. A big barrier to women is working and breastfeeding. It's a perceived barrier in some cases. It's a real barrier in others."But despite the barriers, the underlying message is that breast milk is the right food for babies. Many studies have shown that infants who are fed breast milk are healthier." The benefits are multiple. Everything from prevention of certain infectious and chronic diseases ---respiratory, for example, being one, decreasing the severity of asthma, if they're prone to asthma---and chronic disease such as diabetes and obesity."Mothers benefit too. Breastfeeding lowers the risk of some cancers, naturally promotes spacing between pregnancies, and it costs less, too.VOA News Item 3. 政治:联合国大会致力于减少贫穷、饥饿和疾病The U.N. General Assembly's annual debate gets under way on September 23. Leaders andrepresentatives from all 192 member states are expected to address the gathering. In a long-established tradition, Brazil's president will open the debate, followed by the U.S. president as the leader of the host nation.This year's debate will be preceded by a three-day summit on the Millennium Development Goals. Some 140 presidents and prime ministers are expected to attend.The goals are meant to reduce extreme poverty, hunger and disease by 2015. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has warned that with the target date just five years off, many countries are in danger of not meeting the goals, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. But he said recently that with the right strategies countries can close those gaps.VOA News Item 4. 经济:印度货币有了新标志The search for a symbol for the Indian rupee began more than a year ago, when the government decided that the currency needed an identifiable symbol.After going through 3000 entries submitted in a national competition, a panel of bankers, officials and artists chose the new symbol. It is a mix of the Roman letter "R" and its Hindi equivalent in the ancient Devanagari script.Information minister Ambika Soni said the decision to have a symbol for the rupee is significant.VOA News Item 5. 政治:巴以第二轮直接和谈结束Secretary of State Clinton met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the Palestinian Authority's headquarters in Ramallah. There was no statement and no details of what, if any, progress might have been made after two days of negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. President Abbas sounded positive in his remarks as he began his meeting with Mrs. Clinton.He says everyone knows that there is no alternative other than negotiating for peace.The Palestinian leader thanked the Obama administration for its commitment to mediating a peace deal. Clinton said the United States will press ahead with its efforts to bring about an agreement. “The United States and all of us led by President Obama are very committed and determined to work toward a peace agreement through direct negotiations that leads to an independent, sovereign, viable, Palestinian state that realizes the aspirations of the Palestinian people.”The talks began Tuesday in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el Sheikh. It was the second round of direct negotiations after a 20-month hiatus.Secretary Clinton then traveled to Amman in neighboring Jordan for a meeting and lunch with King Abdullah, before heading back to Washington.There are questions of whether the negotiations could last beyond the end of the month. The Palestinians have threatened to quit talks if Israel does not extend a self-imposed partial moratorium on construction inside Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. The temporary freeze expires on September 26, and Israel has given no hint that it will extend it.The Palestinians say the presence of more than 100 Israeli settlements impede the establishment of a viable, contiguous Palestinian state.Militants in the Gaza Strip, which is not under the control of President Abbas' Palestinian Authority, oppose the negotiations with the Jewish State. They stepped up their attacks this week, firing anumber of rockets into southern Israel. Israel responded by launching air attacks inside the Gaza Strip.VOA News Item 6. 健康:感冒疫苗可降低心脏病风险Getting a flu shot can help prevent influenza. But now, a large study in Britain indicates that older adults who get an annual flu vaccination are less likely to suffer a heart attack.The study involved more than 78,000 people, age 40 and older.Researcher Niroshan Siriwardena of Britain’s University of Lincoln who led the study."Our research suggests that flu shots are associated with a reduction in relative risk of heart attack in adults by about 19 percent."The reduction was even higher - 21 percent - for people who got their vaccination early in the flu season.The results were mathematically adjusted to reflect the fact that people who are at higher risk for heart attack in the first place are more likely to get a flu shot.Although Siriwardena is careful to point out that his study is one of associations, not necessarily cause-and-effect, he does offer one possible link between the seemingly unrelated conditions of influenza and heart attack.VOA News Item 7. 政治:广播电台致力于赋权予巴勒斯坦女性Halla Bazzar, an attractive woman in her 20s, begins her afternoon show. For this young professional, the job is more than just running a show. It is about giving women living in conflict a key to success. "We talk about issues that would inspire women in the future."Giving women hope for the future is one of the goals of the station, Nisaa FM, which started broadcasting this month from the West Bank town of Ramallah.Founder and manager Maysoun Odeh tells VOA the station wants to entertain, but also empower women. "We broadcast success stories of women regionally, internationally, or locally in which they can take example from, and they know that they can do something and they can achieve something regardless of the situation."The day-to-day situation for many Palestinian women living under occupation involves supporting their children while their husbands are in prison, finding housing after their homes are demolished, and navigating their way through Israeli checkpoints.Wafa Abdel Rahman, a woman's activist with the West Bank group Filastiniyat, says Palestinian women also face cultural issues."We suffer, as the rest of the women in the Arab world suffer, political Islam - the interpretation of Islam, which actually, is putting more burden on the women." "It portrays women as if they are the key to the honor of the family. If you are a good Muslim or not depends on how is your woman. Is she covered? Is she following all the instructions, etcetera. This is really hard on women."Abdel Rahman welcomes the new station. "We need a radio that brings out all those issues." "But also to take it a step further and think how we can - not only women but also men - how we can together change the status of women and make it better."The station, whose name "Nisaa" means "woman" in Arabic began operations this month with the help of Smiling Children, a Switzerland-based humanitarian foundation.VOA News Item 8. 政治:波兰期望关闭决胜投票Sunday, Polish voters are choosing their new president from between two candidates. One is the Speaker of Parliament and Acting President Bronislaw Komorowski, from the governing center-right Civic Platform party. The other is Jaroslaw Kaczynski from the far-right Law and Justice party. Neither candidate was able to win an outright majority in the first round of voting June 20th.Kaczynski is running in the place of his twin brother, the late President Lech Kaczynski, who was killed in April along with his wife Maria and 94 others in a plane crash near Smolensk, Russia. The crash moved the presidential election forward nearly four months.Before the first round of voting, opinion polls had placed Komorowksi firmly in the lead. But the results were closer than predicted, with only a five percent difference between the two men. Grzegorz Makowski of the Warsaw-based Institute of Public Affairs explains this surge of support for Kaczynski, saying he thinks the plane crash at Smolensk mobilized more conservative voters. If the crash had not happened, he says, Komorowski would almost certainly have won in the first round."I am almost 99 percent sure that if it didn't happen, probably Lech Kaczynski would lose these elections in the first round," "I think it had a really strong impact on those who were passive. Maybe not on those who were against Kaczynski and they dislike him, it didn't change their opinions. But it made those who were passive, and those who were potentially supporters of Kaczynski, active. Because of Smolensk, I thinkthey started thinking that maybe we should be more conservative."Kaczynski has run an effective advertising campaign, and may well have gained ground over the last two weeks.At the moment, Komorowski's Civic Platform party controls parliament. Makowski says Kaczynski has played on his status as opposition leader by arguing that it could be dangerous for the Civic Platform (Platforma Obywatelska) to control both the Parliament and the Presidency."This is a very populist argument, but it works. People in Poland have very emotional attitudes to politics, and when he is saying something like that people think, oh, we will have something like a totalitarian regime if the president is also from Platforma. "Makowski adds that the summer holiday season may also affect the vote, since wealthier Poles tend to support Komorowski and many will be leaving for vacation over the weekend.At this point, most analysts agree that the race is too close to call. Final results are expected to be announced on Monday.VOA News Item 9. 政治:据报道俄罗斯科学家在与美间谍交换中被释放A lawyer for an imprisoned Russian nuclear expert, Igor Sutyagin, says her client was released Thursday from a jail in Moscow and flown to Vienna. Other reports say he will be transferred later into British custody.His family says his release is part of an exchange for suspected Russian agents detained last month in the United States in a high-profile case. Neither U.S. nor Russian officials have confirmed the reports.Sergei Markov, a deputy in the Russian State Duma from the ruling United Russia party, said he has heard the rumors of an exchange. He tells VOA that if such a thing occurs, it represents a kind of confession from both the United States and Russia."I think most important is that by exchange, both sides recognize that those arrested people - they are spies."Sutyagin was serving a 15-year prison sentence, after being convicted of sending classified information to a British firm that Russian authorities said was a front for U.S. intelligence.He and his family have repeatedly denied his guilt. His case has been championed by human rights groups who say he was unfairly persecuted by the government. But Markov says the United States has already confirmed he was a spy."It was a very big shock for some of the Russian human rights activists who protected Sutyagin for many years, repeating many times that he is, you know, a scientist who is being arrested by the KGB, by Putin, Putin is oppressing science and so forth."Meantime, the ten members of the alleged Russian spy ring operating in the United States are charged with conspiring to act as unregistered foreign agents. They are accused of seeking to infiltrate U.S. policy-making circles and to gather information on U.S. political affairs. Nine of them are also charged with money laundering.An eleventh suspected was detained briefly in Cyprus, but went missing after being released on bail.VOA News Item 10. 政治:报道称2010年海盗袭击数量下降The coast of Somalia remains a major piracy hotspot, the location of more than half this year's pirate attacks. But International Maritime Bureau Director Pottengal Mukundan says the target area is widening."The fact is that the Somali pirates are ranging further out than they have ever done before. We are talking of going 1,000 nautical miles away from the coast in order to attack ships, board them, hijack them and then bring them back into Somalia until a ransom is paid for their release."The International Maritime Bureau recorded 196 piracy incidents in the first six months of the year - about 20 percent less than the same period last year.In the Gulf of Aden there were 86 pirate attacks in the first half of 2009 and 33 so far this year. Mukundan says foreign navies, which have operated in the Gulf of Aden since 2009, have been instrumental in reigning in piracy in the area. But he says piracy is more difficult to manage in the Indian Ocean."It is a huge, huge expanse of sea, very difficult for the navies to effectively monitor it and deal with it in the way it has been successfully dealt in the Gulf of Aden."He says he thinks by the end of 2010 the number of piracy attacks may match or even exceed the 2009 total."At the moment we are seeing a lull because of the southwest monsoons in the Indian Ocean, where these small pirate skiffs cannot operate, but the southwest monsoons will subside by the end of August and then we expect the pirates to be back there trying to seize the ships."According to the International Maritime Bureau report, the first half of the year has seen one crewmember killed, 597 crewmembers taken hostage, and 16 injured.。

51VOA慢速英语是美国之音(Voice of America)的一个特色
VOA News report新闻听力及试题

Date: June 17th Title: Historic U.S.-N. Korea Summit is Productive Name : Number:
• the Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea (DPRK) 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 • the Korean Peninsula 美 /pə‘nɪnsələ/ 朝鲜半岛 • reaffirm 美 /'riə'fɝm/ vt. 再肯定,重申;再断言 • repatriation美 /,ripetrɪ'eʃən/ n. 遣送回国;调回本国 • expeditiously /,ekspi'diʃəsli/ adv. 迅速地;敏捷地 • arduous美 /'ɑrdʒuəs/ adj. 努力的;费力的;险峻的 • adversary 美 /'ædvɚsɛri/ n. 对手;敌手 • the joint statement 联合声明 • press conference 新闻发布会
Fill the blank
• President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or DPRK, held a historic summit in Singapore on June 12. • Both leaders discussed how to build a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula. In a joint statement, President Trump committed to provide security guarantees to North Korea, and Chairman Kim reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. • The United States and the DPRK vowed to recover the remains of prisoners of war and those missing in action, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.
voa 新闻稿件

诺拉·沃尔考(Nora Volkow)博士领导了这项研究。她是美国国家健康研究院下属的美国国家药物滥用研究所所长。沃尔考博士称,她不担心暴露在手机辐射下50分钟会伤害任何人。但她表示,该研究确实显示,有必要对若干年来长期暴露在手机辐射下是否会产生持久影响进行研究。
Her team studied forty-seven healthy volunteers between January and December of two thousand nine. The volunteers had cell phones placed against both ears while the scientists made images of their brain activity.
The study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Experts say people who are concerned about mobile phones can take steps like using a hands-free device.
Dr. Giuseppe Esposito is a nuclear medicine expert at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington. He says after many years of studies, better kinds of research are still needed to settle questions about cell phone safety. These studies would take years.

VOA新闻10篇VOA News Item1社会:水灾后的美国小镇约翰斯敦One of the most famous small towns in America is Johnstown,Pennsylvania,population 24,000.Unfortunately,it owes that fame to a tragedy.In the late19th Century,Johnstown was the nation’s mightiest steel center—more prosperous than Pittsburgh—turning out steel rails and barbed wire.The air was yellow and black from the smoke,but the pay was good.The town lay on a flat plain at the base of an Allegheny Mountain valley so steep that the hillsides rose straight upward along the Little Conemaugh River.It was a natural funnel,pointed directly downhill at Johnstown.High in those mountains,behind a crude earthen dam,wealthy Pittsburgh industrialists and their friends sailed yachts on a pretty private lake.Naysayers warned of a catastrophic flood should the dam break,but amid the prosperity,the warnings were ignored.Town leaders said any floodwaters coursing down the mountain would flatten out once they reached the valley.But one spring night in1889and on into the next day,drenching thunderstorms pounded the mountainsides.The lake rose,intensifying pressure against the dam.With the force of a giant waterfall,the dam burst,launching a wall of water18meters high down the funnel toward Johnstown faster than warnings could be sounded.Grinding up trees,houses,boulders,locomotives,humans,and animals in its path,it slammed into Johnstown,pulverizing the center of town.Afterward,most observers blamed the rich yachtsmen and their leaky earthen dam for the deaths of2,200men,women and children.These days,tourists make a point of visiting a museum that tells the dramatic story.Ironically, it’s located in a building donated by industrialist Andrew Carnegie.He was one of the owners of the pleasure club whose members cavorted high above ill-fated Johnstown,Pennsylvania.VOA News Item2社会:南非艾滋病测试运动受好评Leaders of South African’s opposition political parties,labor unions and health-care professions praised President Zuma for launching an ambitious program to test15million South Africans for the HIV/AIDS virus by June of next year.In announcing the program,Mr.Zuma said many people are afraid to be tested because of the stigma associated with HIV.In South Africa the virus,which weakens the immune system,is transmitted primarily through unsafe sex.“We have to work harder together to fight the perceptions and the stigma.We have to make all South Africans understand that people living with HIV have not committed any crime.”He said the country’s4,300clinics and hospitals are ready to provide HIV testing and counseling to all.And he said the number of facilities supplying anti-retroviral drugs used to combat AIDS would be doubled from500to1,000.He appealed to retired health-care professionals to help in the campaign.Under the plan,the government would also triple the number of condoms distributed each year to1.5billion.In South Africa an estimated5.7million people,or11percent of the total population,are infected with HIV.In a move to encourage more South Africans to be tested,the South African president publicly announced the results of his latest HIV test.“My April results,like the three previous ones,registered a negative outcome for the HIV virus.”But he went on to underscore the decision to be tested for HIV remained a voluntary and confidential,individual choice.HIV activists have praised Mr.Zuma for breaking publicly in his first year of office with the policies of his predecessor,former President Thabo Mbeki who was accused of failing to respond adequately to the HIV pandemic.But the68-year-old Mr.Zuma,who has three wives,has come under criticism for his personal lifestyle.He was acquitted in a2006rape trial,during which he admitted having unsafe sex with an HIV-positive woman,and he came under political pressure recently when it emerged that he fathered a child out of wedlock last year.VOA News Item3社会:国际忧虑不丹能否有能力主持国际会议This sleepy capital in a Himalayan valley of more than2,300meters high,is home to100,000 Bhutanese who do not have much experience playing host to visiting dignitaries.A president or prime minister from a neighboring foreign country might drop in every few years,but never have seven heads of government come calling simultaneously.The Secretary of the Information and Communications Ministry,Kinley Dorji,tells VOA News that makes the SAARC summit an unprecedented event in Bhutan’s history.“It’s the biggest meeting we’ve held,we’ve ever held.And it will be the biggest for a long time because I don’t see Bhutan being able to host any of the larger international gatherings.”During the quarter century of SAARC’s existence,Bhutan repeatedly backed away from taking its turn as summit host,citing lack of infrastructure and inability to provide adequate security.Visiting leaders will stay in a complex recently built to house Bhutan’s Cabinet members.Every hotel and guest house in Thimphu has been booked by delegation members and the more than100visiting foreign correspondents.That has shopkeepers in central Thimphu delighted.Tenpa runs a small store selling traditional and modern garments,as well as a bit of jewelry. The merchant says many visitors will surely drop in to his shop and he is expecting a bonanza of additional sales.Not everyone is caught up in the whirlwind.For Buddhist nun Mindu Zangmo,walking back to her monastery from a hospital visit,it is all a bit confusing.She says she has no idea what is SAARC but if all these important foreigners are coming,she figures,it must be good for Bhutan.Many others seem to agree with that optimistic assessment.Hundreds of civil servants,students and recent graduates have volunteered and undergone training to become cooks,butlers and janitors to provide manpower at summit venues.In addition to host Bhutan and the seven other SAARC countries—Afghanistan, Bangladesh,India,Maldives,Nepal,Pakistan and Sri Lanka—there will be a number of official observer delegations:Australia,China,the European Union,Iran,Japan,South Korea and the United States.VOA News Item4政治:澳洲泰米尔人与移民局官员洽谈Representatives from several Tamil community groups were invited to Canberra for talks with officials from Australia’s immigration and foreign affairs departments.A range of issues was discussed,including Australian aid to Sri Lanka.They also considered how the Tamil diaspora can support reconciliation and lasting peace in their troubled homelands, where decades of civil war have only recently come to an end.But the main point of discussion was Canberra’s decision to freeze for three months the processing of asylum applications from Sri Lanka.Australia says the move is the result of improved security in Sri Lanka.But Tamil activist Sara Nathan,who attended the meeting in Canberra,says community representatives made it clear they opposed Australia’s decision.Australia has also suspended the processing of asylum claims from Afghanistan for six months,again insisting that the situation there was becoming less hazardous.Australia reopened mainland immigration detention facilities following a surge in boats ferrying asylum seekers,including many Sri Lankans and Afghans.A purpose-built camp on Christmas Island,a remote Australian territory in the Indian Ocean, is over-capacity.Conservative opponents of Australia’s left-of-center government say what it calls“soft”immigration policies have failed to deter boat ernment ministers have strongly rejected that point of view.The vast majority of people seeking asylum in Australia arrive by air,but community groups worry that the debate about illegal immigration will become more uncompromising as an election due later this year draws closer.About13,000refugees are allowed to resettle in Australia each year as part of official international humanitarian schemes.News Item5政治:印度和阿富汗领导在新德里讨论安全与恐怖主义After holding talks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in New Delhi,Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the Afghan president had promised all possible measures for the security of Indians working in Afghanistan.New Delhi has been concerned about several terror attacks that have targeted Indians in Afghanistan.In February,a militant attack on a Kabul guest house killed six Indians.But the Indian leader indicated New Delhi will not waver in its commitment to the reconstruction of Afghanistan.“I conveyed to President Karzai that the perpetrators of such attacks will not succeed inundermining India’s commitment to assist the Afghan people.”Hundreds of Indians are working in development projects in Afghanistan,including construction of highways,hospitals,dams and schools.The Afghan president discussed efforts to reach out to the Taliban for a negotiated settlement of the nine-year conflict in the country.Mr.Karzai referred to a peace conference or“peace jirga”,in which tribal and ethnic leaders will meet with the government next month in Afghanistan.“We discussed the upcoming Afghanistan‘peace conservative jirga,’which will comprise all the people of Afghanistan from all walks of life to advise the Afghan government on how to move forward toward reintegration and reconciling of those elements of the Taliban and others who have accepted the Afghan constitution,who are not part of al-Qaida,who will not be part of any terrorist network.”Mr.Karzai met Indian leaders while on his way to Bhutan,where a two-day summit of leaders of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation starts Wednesday.News Item6医学:吃糖过多会增加患心脏病的风险Studies show that global sugar consumption has risen dramatically from11million tons in 1900to about145million tons today.Analysts attribute the growth to population increases and greater wealth.What used to be a rare food additive is now a staple.High fructose corn syrup and other forms of sugar are routinely added to processed food and many beverages.The study included all added sugar,even the sugar people add to their coffee.While this may be good for the sugar industry,it is not good for the heart.Dr.Miriam Vos and public health nurse Jean Welsh at Emory University collaborated in a study that shows eating a lot of sugar can increase your cholesterol and triglycerides which make up body fat also known as lipids.And that increases the risk for heart disease.The researchers studied US government nutritional data and fat levels in the blood in more than6,000adults for at least six years.They found that high sugar consumption negatively affected HDL.HDL improves heart health and doctors want to see high HDL numbers.“One of the things that this study was really helpful to show is that the amount of added sugar, as it increases,the triglycerides go up and the HDL goes down.”The researchers found that HDL levels in those who consumed the most sugar were20 percent lower than those who consumed the least amount.The researchers say if people want to avoid heart disease,they should be more aware of how much sugar is in their food,and reduce it,if need be.The American Heart Association says most American women should not consume more than 100calories of added sugars per day;and most men,no more than150calories.It also warns that soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages are the number one source of added sugars in the American diet.The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.News Item7政治:美国与墨西哥边境的安全隐患The recent killing of three people with ties to the U.S.consulate in Juarez,Mexico,and the shooting death of a popular rancher on his property in Arizona,are increasing the anger over drug-related violence on both sides of the U.S.-Mexican border.The Mexican government says more than22,000people have been killed in Mexico since a U.S.-backed crackdown on cartels began three years ago.Larry Dever is the sheriff of Cochise County,Arizona,and is leading the investigation into the killing of rancher Rob Krentz.He says authorities suspect people working for drug cartels.“The bad guys keep coming.And no matter whether the apprehension rates rise or fall,the numbers of criminal aliens rise.That sir,gentlemen,is the threat to homeland security in this country.”The increased violence is spilling over into many U.S.border towns,including Nogales, Arizona.“Gentlemen,Nogales needs your help.”Mayor Octavio Garcia-Von Borstel told U.S. lawmakers that three ports of entry in his city must process more than15million people a year, and inspect some three million incoming cars.But he says federal inspections of all southbound vehicles are impeding the rightful free movement of tens of thousands.“The unanticipated consequence is that people are now crossing less frequently and have to wait one to two hours coming in and out from our ports of entry.”A source of anger for many lawmakers at the hearing was a ernment contract for a so-called“virtual fence”monitoring system along the nearly3,200-kilometer U.S.-Mexico border.The program has cost more than$700million so far,but has only been tested over a 37-kilometer section.The U.S.Department of Homeland Security has halted worked on the project.Senator Joe Lieberman is chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee:“By any measure,SBInet has been a failure.A classic example of a program that was grossly oversold and has been badly under-delivered.”Senator Roland Burris also blasted the program,and the ernment’s contract with Boeing for the work,during this exchange with Customs and Border Protection Agency commissioner Alan Bersin.“Taxpayers do not have unlimited pockets for Boeing,or for any other company.”Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl of Arizona announced a plan to step up border security,including a request for3,000National Guard troops along the Arizona-Mexico border.News Item8军事:北约远程探查阿富汗山谷These soldiers with the503rd Infantry Regiment face a risky mission.They intend to drive deep into the Chowkay Valley in eastern Kunar province,along Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan.NATO and Afghan government forces have avoided the region for years.The Chowkay lies beyond the so-called“red line,”that marks the allies’area of control.Here, the Taliban and other armed groups are the real powers.Farmers grow poppies,for the heroin that funds the Taliban insurgency.When NATO troops cross the red line,the fighting is often fierce.Captain Joe Snowden leads today’s patrol.While his soldiers focus on defending againstattack,he channels his energies towards a more complex challenge:bridging the cultural gap between NATO and the valley’s Pashtun residents.The soldiers infiltrate the valley under the cover of gunship helicopters.They keep watch while Snowden’s team of agricultural experts meets with village elders,trying to convince them to stop growing poppies.Enemy fighters soon surround the Americans,forcing them to withdraw.The helicopters fire white-phosphorous rockets as the soldiers retreat.News Item9艺术:新奥尔良爵士乐Although classical music has yet to make its debut at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival,better known as“Jazz Fest,”you never know.There’s always a chance a string quartet may someday pop up on the schedule.For the hundreds of thousands about to pass through the gates of the New Orleans Fairgrounds,as long as the music has a great beat,it doesn’t really matter what you call it.This year’s lineup boasts a number of rock and soul veterans,including Van Morrison,Aretha Franklin,Simon and Garfunkel,The Allman Brothers Band,B.B.King,Jeff Beck,Irma Thomas, Richie Havens,Dr.John,and The Neville Brothers.Rounding out the long list of headliners are Pearl Jam,My Morning Jacket,Anita Baker,Lionel Richie,The Gipsy Kings and Jose Feliciano.Among the festival’s most popular attractions are its local acts,arriving from one end of Louisiana to the other.Beyond the main stage,11other stages will feature zydeco,Cajun,brass bands,gospel,country,blues and folk,with a continuous offering of traditional and contemporary jazz and world music.Jazz Fest officials suggest arriving early to beat the long lines at the internationally-famous Food Fair,as well as the Crafts Fair and Louisiana Marketplace.The2010Jazz Festival poster is a portrait of the late New Orleans singer,songwriter and bandleader Louis Prima,painted by jazzman Tony Bennett.Tributes to Prima,whose100th birthday is being celebrated this year,will include performances by his children,Louis Prima,Jr., and Lena Prima,as well as his former wife and collaborator Keely Smith.News Item10教育:美国的大学纷纷走向环保The nickname of sports teams at Tulane University in New Orleans is the Green Wave.North Texas University’s squads are the Mean Green.Once called the Indians,Dartmouth College’s teams are now the Big Green.Green is in college sports.But there’s an even bigger green wave in the classroom.Last year alone,colleges and universities across the country created more than100major or minor programs in energy,sustainability,environmental studies and other so-called green subjects.Two reasons for this:Even in a tight economy,green industries are offering good jobs to graduates.And students and their parents are pressuring colleges to train them for these jobs.So college architecture,agriculture,and engineering departments are launching green-studies programs to do just that.According to the USA Today newspaper,the Obama Administration estimates that opportunities in energy and environmental occupations will grow by52percent by2016—compared to just a14-percent increase in other fields.Ten years ago at the University of California-Berkeley,just40students enrolled in an introductory class on the subject of energy.This year,270students are taking the class.There are energy CLUBS on campus.The one at Massachusetts Institute of Technology has 1,700members.And at Arizona State University,600students have declared sustainability as their major.Not long ago,even top college students would likely have had trouble defining sustainability. Now,a lot of them are specializing in it.。

以下是一个典型的VOA慢速英语短篇新闻示例:Title: The Power of FriendshipOnce upon a time, there was a young girl named Alice who had a best friend named Bob. They met at school and quickly became inseparable. Alice and Bob shared a love of music and spent many hours playing their guitars together.One day, Alice learned that she would be leaving the city for a few months to visit family. She was very sad and didn't want to leave her friend behind. Before she left, she gave Bob a special gift - an acoustic guitar with their initials on it.When Alice returned, she found that Bob had learned to play theguitar and they could now play together even more than before. The power of their friendship had brought them closer together and made their bond even stronger.这个短篇新闻讲述了一个关于友谊的故事,通过慢速的语速和简单的语言,使学习者能够更容易地理解和学习。

VOA 新闻100 篇VOA News Item 1 经济:印度及东南亚国家签署了自由贸易协定Indian Commerce Minister Anand Sharma and his counterparts from the Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations sealed the agreement in Bangkok Thursday. They met on the sidelines ofthe annual ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting.The agreement creates one of Asia‟s biggest trading areas and integrates India‟s fast growingeconomy with 10 of its neighbors.Trade between India and ASEAN amounts to $40 billion each year. Under the pact, India andASEAN will eliminate tariffs on various goods by 2016.VOA News Item 2 政治:英国政党领袖进行电视辩论第二轮角逐Britain‟s political life has been dominated for the past three decades by two parties —theConservatives, now led by David Cameron, and Labor headed by current Prime Minister GordonBrown.But a third party, the Liberal Democrats, are turning this election into a three-horse race.Their campaign was given a major boost by Britain‟s first ever televised debate last week;Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg emerged as the clear winner.V iewer polls taken after this second debate, which focused on foreign policy, showed therewas no runaway victor.The last time Britain had a hung parliament was in 1974. A final televised debate is to takeplace next Thursday, followed by the election on May 6.VOA News Item 3 政治:参议院就索托马约尔就任最高法院大法官进行了讨论On the second day of debate all signs continued to point toward an easy confirmation win forSotomayor, the 55-year-old federal court judge nominated by President Barack Obama earlier thisyear.Although most of the 40 Senate Republicans are likely to vote against her, the decisionW ednesday of Missouri Senator Kit Bond added to the number of Republicans who havecommitted to voting for her.Senator Bond, who is one of several Republicans retiring from the Senate next year, saidwhile he respects and agrees with the legal reasoning others in his party used to oppose Sotomayor,lawmakers have an obligation to show deference to a president‟s choice of a nominee.VOA News Item 4 政治:南部非洲的部长们准备报告区域危机Foreign ministers of the Southern African Development Community met in Maputo toprepare a report on the region‟s political crises. It is to be presented to African leaders at theirupcoming summit in Ethiopia.SADC‟s Political and Diplomatic Committee has been mediating three major crises in theregion.SADC officials said the ministers are pleased the various parties to the unity government in1 Zimbabwe resumed negotiations on implementing their power-sharing agreement. They said theybelieved Zimbabwe was on the right path.The officials said the ministers also believe that progress is being made toward easing theconflict in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and that reconciliation efforts between thegovernment and various rebel groups were on the right track.But the officials said they were less optimistic about the political crisis in Madagascar. Iterupted in March after Andry Rajoelina, backed by the military, seized power following the ousterof then-President Marc Ravalomanana.SADC and the African Union do not recognize the Rajoelina government and havesuspended Madagascar from their organizations. VOA News Item 5 政治:以色列国防部长遭到恐吓Security has been tightened around Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak after he receiveddozens of death threats. Security sources say the threats were made by Jewish militants whooppose the government‟s partial freeze on settlement construction in the W est Bank. The freezewas imposed in November under pressure from the United States, which sees the settlements as anobstacle to peace.The death threats are being takenseriously. In 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabinwas assassinated by an Orthodox Jew opposed to his policy of trading land for peace with thePalestinians. VOA News Item 6 政治:泰国军警围捕红衫军领袖行动失败Government officials say they will investigate just how three leaders of the anti-governmentprotests managed to escape when police tried to surround their hotel Friday.One of the leaders climbed down three floors using a rope, and was rushed away bysupporters thronging the building.Officials earlier Friday said the government is preparing to arrest people linked to clasheswith security forces last Saturday that left 24 soldiers and protesters dead.The government says armed men infiltrated protester ranks and fired on troops trying todisperse a rally.The anti-government movement, led by the United Democratic Front against Dictatorship orUDD, demands that the Government call fresh elections. UDD supporters have held protests inBangkok for more than a month.Thailand is facing its most severe political crisis in almost 20 years. Some parties in thegoverning coalition want to set a clear time frame for elections to ease tensions. But thegovernment says it will only call elections once the political situation has cooled.VOA News Item 7 政治:吉尔吉斯斯坦政变威胁美军基地未来Kyrgyzstan‟s five-day-old pr ovisional government is vowing to use the country‟s military tolaunch a special operation to neutralize President Kurmanbek Bakiyev if he does not resign.Interim Kyrgyz leader Roza Otunbayeva says her government is willing to negotiate hisdeparture from the country and wants to resolve the standoff without any more harm to innocent2 civilians. The president was effectively ousted after last W ednesday‟s clashes between governmentforces and protesters. Authorities say about 80 people have died and more than 1,600 werewounded. VOA News Item 8 政治:内塔尼亚胡称以色列只能依靠自己On the eve of Israel‟s 62nd Independence Day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said thenation must not rely on the help of mentators say it is a clear reference to Israeli ties with the United States, which haveplummeted over Jewish construction in disputed in East Jerusalem. The U.S. backs Palestiniandemands that East Jerusalem should be the capital of a future Palestinian state.But Israel sees all of Jerusalem as its eternal capital, and Mr. Netanyahu, who heads aright-wing government, has rejected U.S. demands to stop building there. As a result, thePalestinians have refused to return to U.S.-sponsored peace talks, and the diplomatic process hasbeen deadlocked for 15 months.Defense Minister Ehud Barak took a softer approach. Barak said Israel would not make anycompromises when it comes to the security of the state. But he said it would show courage in thestruggle for peace with the Palestinians based on the two-state solution.VOA News Item 9 经济:非洲农民种植有机作物供应欧洲市场Nearly 5,000 farmers in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Senegal, and Sierra Leone areexporting organically-grown produce to Europe, after gaining organic and fair-trade certificationwith help from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).The program focuses on all stages of production from planting and harvesting to packagingand promotion, increasing the profitability of farmers who previously struggled to afford costlychemical fertilizers.30 small-scale pineapple farmers in Ghana saw sales grow from 26 tons to more than 115tons after gaining their organic certification.Pascal Liu is an economist with the FAO‟s trade and markets division. Liu says the UnitedNations expects demand for organic foods will grow by between five and 15 percent during thenext five years. And African farmers are well positioned to benefit from more people eatinghealthier food.VOA News Item 10 经济:债务危机扩展到希腊以外The heads of theInternational Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank were in BerlinW ednesday for talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel and other senior officials. The aim: to getagreement on a bailout package for Greece.Greece has been in negotiations with EU member countries and the IMF to secure a bailout—money that would allow it to pay debts coming due in time to avoid having to default.In return Greece is under pressure to restructure its economy and implement austeritymeasures.Disgruntled public-sector workers went on strike in Greece W ednesday to protest against the3 cutbacks. A daylong general strike has been called for next week.Opinion polls show the majority of Greeks are against an IMF-EU bailout, seeing it asforeign interference.W orries about the Greek economy‟s potential meltdown have sent jitters through worldmarkets. And help is imperative because the Greek crisis could spread.A joint EU-IMF package for Greece is put at $60 billion, but some European officials saidW ednesday the full cost could be much higher, reaching about $160 billion over three years.VOA News Item 11 经济:奥巴马致华尔街:别抵制金融改革Aiming his appeal directly at the financial industry and skeptics within it, and at Republicancritics in Congress, the president warned of the danger of a repeat of economic collapse.Calling the financial crisis the outcome of a failure of responsibility from W all Street toW ashington, he said the time has come to seize the moment to make fundamental changes in therules of the financial road.With many, but not all, of the most prominent executives of W all Street firms present, thepresident outlined key aspects of legislation the U.S. Senate will debate in coming days.These include steps to impose new oversight and controls on hedge funds and complexfinancial instruments known as derivatives, and protections for consumers of financial products.Of particular importance would be a system to ensure that troubled financial companies couldbe dismantled in an orderly way without posing the kind of systemic risk they did in 2008.Calling the Senate bill and one the House of Representatives approved last year a significantimprovement over flawed rules now in place, he said changes would be advantageous for theindustry and the country.VOA News Item 12 经济:亚洲航空遭受冰岛火山喷发影响The International Air Transport Association says global carriers are losing an estimated $200million a day in revenue as a result of airline groundings related to the Iceland volcano. AlbertTjoeng, a Singapore-based spokesman for the association, says that is just part of the problem.Travelers waiting around here are missing out on income because they cannot return to work.The flight cancellations are expected to have additional repercussions for smaller SoutheastAsia countries, where travel and tourism is a major share of the economy.VOA News Item 13 经济:WFP 对尼日尔粮食援助加倍The W orld Food Program is now expe cting to feed more than 1.5 million people in nextmonth‟s general food distribution, along with specialized therapeutic feeding for 500,000 childrenunder the age of six.That is because poor rains last year have brought forward the time when people no longerhave enough to eat.WFP is trying to raise $182 million to scale up its operations in Niger.The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization is also stepping in to aid cattle herders in Nigerand Chad. Livestock pastures are dry, so herders are selling their animals at lower prices to buyfood for their families.4 Eight FAO projects in Niger worth more than $12 million are aimed at helping two millionpeople.VOA News Item 14 经济:立法者、反对者和媒体齐聚2010 底特律车展Cobo Center is home to the 2010 North American Auto Show in downtown Detroit.For theevent, the Center has been transformed into an expanse of flashy displays and trendy marketingdisplays, featuring the latest in automotive engineering.Known as the Detroit Auto Show, the annual event is one of the industry‟s biggest. It helpsgenerate publicity for some models, like the newly-redesigned Ford Focus, and it helps promotenew technology, like the electric battery in the Chevrolet V olt.But in the wake of one of the worst years for U.S. automobile sales, this year‟s show has adifferent feel.General Motors and Chrysler —two of the Detroit “Big Three” automakers, which alsoinclude Ford —went bankrupt last year and received billions of dollars in federal aid. Althoughsome of that money has been paid back, the U.S. government is still a major shareholder in bothcompanies.VOA News Item 15 经济:世博会在上海开幕China celebrated the opening of the 2010 W orld Expo in Shanghai with an evening offireworks and fanfare. Dubbed the “Economic Olympics,” by Chinese officials, some 190 nationsand 50 international organizations are participating in the multi-billion dollar event.Similar to how 2008 Beijing Olympic Games put the Chinese capital in the internationalspotlight, Shanghai‟s hosting of the W orld Expo has given the city of 20 some million people andChina a chance to showcase its emergence as a global economic power.The theme for the Shanghai W orld Expo is “Better City, Better Life” and features majorexhibitions that look at modern and future urban life, and consider issues such as sustainabledevelopment and the interaction between cities and the environment.The Shanghai 2010 W orld Expo runs until the end of October. VOA News Item 16 经济:经济衰退已过,债务危机依旧First the good news: after contracting收缩slightly in 2009, global economic output is expected togrow more than 4 percent this year, according to the International Monetary Fund. With afledgling无经验的人,刚会飞的幼鸟recovery gaining strength, it is easy to forget how close major industrialized nations 工业化国家came to economic collapse经济崩溃less than two years ago, an outcome that almost surely would havetriggered a worldwide depression rivaling the Great Depression of the 1930s.In short, the pain, havoc大破坏,浩劫,蹂躏, and economic devastation经济灾难could have been far worse, according tothe head of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas, Richard Fisher. Addressing centralbankers from Europe and elsewhere, Fisher said central banks and national governments avertedcatastrophe through aggressive intervention积极的干预.VOA News Item 17 军事:以色列成功试射导弹防御系统Rocket alarms火箭警报have terrified Israeli border communities边境的社区near the Gaza Strip加沙地带for years. But5 now Israel has a high-tech answer to the thousands of low-tech rockets that Palestinian militantshave fired across the border since Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005.Israel has successfully tested its Iron Dome defense system铁穹防御系统, which uses cameras and radar雷达totrack incoming rockets and can shoot them down within seconds of their launch. The system wasdeveloped by Rafael, the Israel Military Industries, at a cost of $200 million.VOA News Item 18 军事:美国正在尝试培训黑客来对抗罪犯和间谍Computer security engineer Alan Paller recalls how the Soviet Union‟s 1957 launch ofSputnik, the world‟s first artificial satellite, spurred the U.S. government to accelerate its lagging space technology program落后的太空技术计划. Now Paller, research director at an educational company called theSANS Institute, is leading the campaign to bring that kind of energy to defending cyberspace fromassault by pranksters爱开玩笑的人,爱恶作剧的人, thieves and spies.VOA News Item 19 社会:挫败底特律机场袭击事件凸显以色列的安保成功It‟s another day of stringent security checks严格的安检at Tel Aviv‟s Ben Gurionairport. About a millionpassengers pass through the airport each month, on average. But here, the lines move quicklythanks to what Israeli security experts say is an approach that —unlike other countries —reliesmore on eye contact with passengers and less on technology.VOA News Item 20 社会:意大利三名医生在阿富汗被捕The Italian aid group Emergency has had a tense relationship with local authorities inviolence-wracked Helmand province, due in part to its policy of treating all patients.Afghan officials said they detained three Italian Emergency workers Saturday, a doctor, anurse and a logistics worker. Afghan officials said they were held as part of an investigation intoan alleged plot to kill the governor of Helmand province.Helmand Province Governor Gulab Mangal said an Emergency staff member received$500,000 as an advance payment for killing him. In total nine people, including six Afghans, wereheld after explosive suicide vests, hand grenades and other weapons were discovered in thestoreroom of the Emergency-run hospital in Helmand‟s capital, Lashkar Gah.Emergency founder Gino Strada denounced the detentions of the aid group‟s three workers,calling it a mafia-style attempt黑帮的尝试to silence a witness.VOA News Item 21 军事:利比里亚人反对临时解除武器禁运政策The U.N. Security Council has lifted its arms embargo禁止,禁令on Liberia利比里亚for one year, primarily to allow its peacekeeping mission there to receive military equipment. But it also allows the government of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf to acquire arms and training to fight ernment misuse滥用,误用of force under former President Charles Taylor brought about the arms embargo武器禁运,军火禁运10 years ago. Its lifting, even temporarily, has been met with both pride and worry among Liberians still recovering from a long civil war.VOA News Item 22 社会:非洲国家加强机场安全防范Reaction to the attempted bombing of a U.S. Airliner班机,大型客机on Christmas Day has been mixed among the six African nations with direct air links空中直航to the United States.Ghana加纳,非洲西部国家has announced it will install full-body scanners 扫描仪at Accra阿克拉,加纳首都‟s international airport by next month. Nigeria 尼日利亚has also announced it will install the scanners at Lagos拉各斯,尼日利亚首都international airport.Nigerian student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab departed from Accra and transited through Lagos and Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹. He subsequently attempted to set off a bomb on a Northwest Airlines flight traveling to Detroit.Abdulmutallab successfully passed through metal detectors金属探测器and hand luggage searches at both airports, allegedly by concealing powdered explosives under his clothes.The full-body scanners are more powerful than metal detectors that are standard at most airports. They can detect non-metallic materials 非金属材料hidden on the human body.But some rights groups consider the scanners an invasion of privacy, because they show private physical characteristics in detail.South Africa, whose airports handle the largest number of travelers flying directly between Africa and the United States, says it does not intend to install the scanners at this time.VOA News Item 23 科技:美国将于周二发射发现号飞船The Discovery crew is set to launch early Tuesday to deliver nearly 8,000 kilograms of equipment to the International Space Station. NASA engineers cleared the shuttle to fly on Sunday,after deciding there were no technical concerns to delay launch from Kennedy Space Center inFlorida.Shuttle weather officer Kathy Winters said the skies should be clear for the evening launch,but storms could delay the delicate process of filling the shuttle‟s external fuel tanks.VOA News Item 24 科技:珊瑚礁在物种进化中的重要性A new study out this week highlights the role that coral reefs play in evolution, addinganother reason to preserve these delicate, diverse, and often beautiful ecosystems.Many of the world‟s coral reefs are threatened by ocean acidification酸化and pollution, amongother things.W olfgang Kiessling of Berlin‟s Natural History Museum柏林自然历史博物馆says that concerns ecologistsbecause of the vital role reefs play in ocean ecosystems.VOA News Item 25 科技:澳大利亚、新西兰科学家挑战日本捕鲸业The researchers will set sail for Antarctica南极洲early next month, in an expedition funded by theAustralian and New Zealand go vernments.The scientists hope their journey to the Southern Ocean will help to disprove Japan‟s claimsthat whales have to be killed to properly study them.During their six-week voyage, researchers will employ使用a range of techniques一系列技术to unlock解开,开启,开锁someof the secrets of the giant marine mammals巨大的海洋哺乳动物.They will fire darts鱼鳔from small air rifles气枪to collect blubber and skin for genetic testing, and to attach satellite-tracking tags卫星追踪标记to monitor the whales. Samples of dung will also be gathered,photographs taken, and acoustic instruments 声学仪器will record the animals‟ dist inctive calls.7VOA News Item 26 医学:母亲越高,孩子越健康Taller mothers are more likely to have children who are healthier —indeed, their childrenare more likely not just to thrive, but to survive —compared to children of shorter mothers.That‟s the conclusion of a massive new study of millions of children in low- and middle-incomecountries.“The key finding of this paper was to show a consistent association between maternal height and offspring health, which was mainly defined in terms of offspring mortality by age five and therisk of experiencing a failure in growth.”The Harvard researcher says that while the association is clear, the “why” still needs morework.VOA News Item 27 医疗:联合国帮助不发达国家对抗H1N1The W orld Health Organization is warning countries to prepare for further spread of theH1N1 influenza pandemic in coming months.However, aid agencies say it will be more difficult to fight the disease in poorer countries,which have weak health systems, poor health status and limited resources.They say countries overburdened by diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria,will have great difficulty dealing with the surge of pandemic flu cases.W orld Health Organization spokesman, Paul Garwood, says this Call to Action aims toreduce the impact of H1N1 by offering a range of measures applicable to all countries.VOA News Item 28 医疗:美国民众对医保体系缺乏信心Americans are just as divided on health care as they were before President Obama‟s healthcare reform legislation became law.Protesters in W ashington carried signs on Thursday calling for the repeal of the legislation.They say it represents runaway spending.A new Associated Press-GfK poll shows that 50 percent of Americans oppose the new healthcare law and opposition is strongest among those 64 and older. Many older Americans worry thattheir care will be affected by cuts in federal payments to hospitals and other providers.In another survey, this one by Ipsos/Reuters, only 51 percent of Americans thought theycould get adequate, affordable health care. The survey included people in 22 nations. W omen,adults under the age of 55 and less educated people in all the countries included in the studyreported low satisfaction with health care access.Y et another study showed that Americans without medical insurance, often delay going to ahospital after a heart attack.VOA News Item 29 教育:印度学生重新考虑去澳大利亚接受高等教育Fornearly a decade, the popularity of Australian universities rose rapidly among Indianstudents, and the number of those heading to the country for higher education rose from about10,000 in 2001 to more than 70,000 last year.But that could change this year due to a string of negative publicity generated by attacks onIndian students in Australia.8 A travel advisory by the Indian government earlier this week warned that Indian students inAustralia face an increased risk of assault. It was issued after an Indian graduate was stabbed todeath in Melbourne. His stabbing came on the heels of a spate of attacks on Indian students inAustralia in recent months, which the Indian media have dubbed as racist.It is a charge that Australian officials have strongly denied. They say the attacks are purelycriminal, and the country is safe for foreign students.Nevertheless, as concerns rose in India, foreign minister S.M. Krishna called on Indians to assess their options while exploring the possibility of studying in Australia.VOA News Item 30 社会:法国调查电信员工自杀事件For some, the wave of suicides at France Telecom reveals the downsides of the scramble tostay competitive amid the pressures of globalization and the recent economic downturn. More than40 France Telecom employees have taken their lives since 2008. Unions say that includes a dozensuicides this year alone.The probe by the Paris prosecutor‟s office follows a court complaint filed by the unionSolidaires Unitaires Democratic (SUD). Union lawyer Jean-Paul Tessionniere blamed workingconditions at the company for the suicides.A February report by the French labor inspector‟s office linked 14 France Telecom suicidesdirectly to the company‟s management practices.France Telecom denies its management practices have led to the suicides. France Telecomlawyer Claudia Chemarin told French television that each suicide will be examined individually.She said that under no condition can it be claimed that there was an organized polic y that led tothem.In March, France Telecom‟s new boss Stephane Richard outlined ways the company plannedto improve employee working conditions.France Telecom is not the only French company grappling with employee suicides. But because ofthe numbers of employee deaths and the media attention they have attracted, critics say FranceTelecom‟s problems have emerged as a warning story about the downsides of valuing productivityand growth over employee well being.VOA News Item 31 社会:移民者抗议冻结约旦河西岸建设Jewish settlement councils have declared a general strike to protest the Israeli government‟sfreeze on construction in W est Bank communities. Settlement leaders demonstrated outside thePrime Minister‟s Office in Jerusalem as the Cabinet held its weekly meeting. They carried signssaying, you can freeze in the North Pole, but not in Israel.The settlers helped elect right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but now theyaccuse him of abandoning his nationalist ideals.VOA News Item 32 社会:密西西比的小城吸引大量游客The King of Rock …n‟ R oll, Elvis Presley, was born 75 years ago last week in a two-roomhouse in the town of Tupelo in the piney woods of the deep southern state of Mississippi. So thistime of year, and again in August on the anniversary of the King‟s death, pilgrimages of Elvis fans9 descend upon that furniture manufacturing center of 34,000 people.Surprisingly, you don‟t see a lot of Elvis markers there. There is one sign that says The Kingis Up Ahead, but that‟s for an automobile dealership. V isitors can take a self-guided Elvis Presleydriving tour. One stop is the Tupelo Hardware where Elvis got his first guitar. The folks there sayElvis had wanted a rifle. But his mother, Gladys would have none of it. She stood him on a keg and let him play around with a guitar. He loved it, and Mrs. Presley bought it for him for $7.95.VOA News Item 33 文化:很多人认为依地语正在消失 A funny thing is happening in the world of language instruction. Only it‟s not funny at all forone language in particular.Because of the growing importance of global commerce and contact, foreign language instruction is booming at U.S. colleges. But because of the tight economy, many colleges are eliminating fulltime language-teaching positions or filling them with cheaper lecturers who are not faculty members at all.This is the c ase at the University of Maryland‟s flagship College Park campus, a prestigious state-run school in the eastern U.S.. To save costs, the university plans to cut its oneYiddish-teaching position. It‟s the latest blow in what has been a steady decline in the study and use of Yiddish, which began among European Jews in the Middle Ages as a conversational Germanic language that uses Hebrew characters.Today, Yiddish is struggling to survive. It‟s thought that fewer than 500,000 people, mostlythe elderly, speak it worldwide. Most young, acculturated Jews speak only their countries‟principal language, plus Hebrew during worship.VOA News Item 34 自然:湄公河水坝威胁水生生命The Mekong River is the lifeblood of Southeast Asia, with the largest inland fisheries in theworld. About 40 million people depend to some degree on the fisheries, worth about $2.5 billion ayear.But fisheries experts say plans by Cambodia, Laos and Thailand to build hydropower damson the Mekong would block fish migration, threatening already endangered species.Environmental activists say plans by Laos to build a dam in the Don Sahong area near theCambodian border could doom the nearly extinct Irrawaddy dolphin.VOA News Item 35 灾难:联合国加紧救援海地灾区Haiti is prone to disasters, but this huge quake is the worst to hit the Caribbean island state intwo centuries. The 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti on Tuesday destroyed much of thecountry‟s capital, Port-au-Prince.The International Red Cross fears up to three million people may have been affected by theearthquake, which not only devastated the capital city, but many smaller nearby communities.The United Nations reports electricity has been cut off and communications are difficult. Itsays bridges have been knocked out, hospitals and care facilities have been damaged or destroyed.Haiti‟s envoy to the United States estimates losses could run into the billions.10VOA News Item 36 人物:迈克•济托在《珠江》融入了摇滚、蓝调和灵魂For Mike Zito, singing “Dirty Blonde” from Pearl River, the phrase “up-and-comer” is at hing of the past. As one reviewer评论者,评论家writes, “With his husky vocals and hard rocking guitar硬摇滚吉他, Mike is well on his way to the big time.”Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Zito gravitated to the guitar after hearing an album by ‟80s rockers V an Halen. Guitar greats Jimi Hen drix, Eric Clapton and B.B. King also made an impression, as well as Prince and Buddy Guy.Mike crafted his skills while working in a local guitar shop frequented by legendary rockerChuck Berry. Looking back, Mike says, “I soaked up the sounds of that store, and began buildingmy own style.”After a succession of independent releases in the 1990s, Mike picked up a steady stream of followers on extensive tours across the country. When he wasn‟t touring, he spent his time offplaying nightly gigs in his hometown.W eary from touring, and close to giving up altogether on a career in music, Mike remainedconfident that he was close to gaining a major label contract. He says, “Music can changeeverything; how you feel; how you see and what you believe.” Sure enough, he w as offered anational distribution deal with Delta Groove Music.VOA News Item 37 政治:以色列预期下周与巴勒斯坦和谈Prime Minister。

BBC新闻讲解附字幕:澳洲遭遇半世纪最严重洪水(2011-01-4)BBC News with Nick KellyA bomb has exploded in a market close to a military barrack s in the Nigerian capital Abuja, killing a number of people. Our correspondent Tomi Oladipo has the latest details.It's in an area which is a market, which has a bar, an open-air bar, where people come to drink. And I've spoken to witnesses who were at the scene, and they say they've seen bodies being carried out. So far, the sources within the ministry are telling me 11 people have been killed in the attack, but I still can't confirm that because the place has been cordon ed off by police and the ambulance services which are there.The man who's refusing to step down as president of Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo, has said the country could face greater violence if he were removed from office. The international communityis demanding that he hand over power to his rival Alassane Ouattara, who's believed to have won the election. Speaking to the Euronews television channel, Mr Gbagbo indicated he might consider resigning if the regional group Ecowas were to intervene militarily to try to remove him."I will see, but it's not on the agenda for the moment. What's on the agenda is to negotiate, so we are negotiating. I ask myself why those who pretend to have beaten me oppose a recount of votes.That's what I want to know. I ask those people to support a recount."The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay says she has warned senior Ivorian officials including Mr Gbagbo that they could be held criminally accountable for human rights violations in Ivory Coast. The UN has accused security forces loyal to Mr Gbagbo of killing and abducting people associated with the opposition. It says officials have been unable toinvestigate allegations of atrocities including at least two mass graves.In Australia, thousands more people are getting ready to evacuate their homes in the northeastern state of Queensland, where some of the worst flooding in half a century has affected more than a million square metres of territory. In the town of Rockhampton, the Mayor Brad Carter described what the emergency services were facing."We are going to have a very tough situation whereby we may have to use only indisaster,processes of forced evacuations, and this is a very difficult issue. As you can appreciate, you can have, for example, some very elderly people that are very reluctant to leave their home, and for their own safety and goodwill, we will have to look at ways and means of relocating them, and we hope that that these are isolated and extreme cases."Rescue workers in southern Egypt say they've recovered the bodies of 11 children who were on board a bus swept away by floods on Wednesday. The bus was carrying 75 children and teachers returning home after dark from a school outing when it was dragged into a sand-filled trench by the water. More than 60 managed to escape with minor injuries, but an ambulance driver who'd helped rescue some of the girls was killed. World News from the BBCOn his last full day in office, the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has decided not to extradite a former left-wing militant to Italy. Cesare Battisti escaped from an Italian jail nearly 30 years ago while awaiting trial and eventually fled to Brazil. In his absence, he was convicted of four murders. Italy has recalled its ambassador to Brazil in protest at President Lula's decision. The former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has appeared for further questioning by prosecutors investigating allegations of abuse of power. In a BBC interview, she again accusedPresident Viktor Yanukovych of being behind the charges so as to destroy political opponents. The army in Bolivia has begun selling bread in response to a strike by bakers angry at the government's decision to scrap fuel subsidies. Loaves baked in military ovens are being sold by troops from 12 locations in the city of La Paz and El Alto. The Bolivian government says the aim is to prevent shortages and counter a threat by bakers to raise bread prices. Mass protests against the fuel price hike, suspended for the New Year's weekend, are expected to resume on Monday. And the 19th century Wild West outlaw Billy the Kid has been denied a pardon 130 years after his death. The possibility was first suggested when historical documents appeared to show that Billy the Kid had been promised a pardon in return for testifying in a murder case. Ann Busby reports. Billy the Kid, whose real name was William Bonney, was only 21 when he was shot dead, but his brief life inspired dozens of books and films. It's not clear how many people he killed; some say more than 20. But his undoubted skill with a gun and his personal charm made him more of a folk hero than a notorious criminal. Supporters campaigned for a pardon, but the Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson has refused one after extensive research. "The romanticism appealed tome," he said, "but the evidence didn't support the idea." BBC News第二部分:参考翻译尼日利亚首都阿布贾一座军营附近的市场内一枚炸弹爆炸,造成多人死亡。

World Environment Day World Environment Day (WED) is a day that stimulates awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and public action. It is on 5 June. It was the day that United Nations Conference on the Human Environment began. The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was from 5-16 June 1972. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972.世界环境⽇ The first World Environment Day was on 1973. World Environment Day is hosted every year by a different city with a different theme and is commemorated with an international exposition on the week that 5 June is on. World Environment Day is in summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. 相关内容 1972年6⽉5⽇在瑞典⾸都斯德哥尔摩召开了《联合国⼈类环境会议》,会议通过了《⼈类环境宣⾔》,并提出将每年的6⽉5⽇定为“世界环境⽇”。

At the end of each year, the Associated Press releases a list of the top ten news stories of the year. American editors and news directors are asked to vote for what they consider the top stories.每年年终,美联社都会发布其年度十大新闻名单。
This year, the story with the most votes was the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. An oil rig operated by BP exploded in April. The explosion killed eleven workers. Close to five million barrels of oil were released into the Gulf until the leak was contained in the middle of July. BP agreed to set aside twenty billion dollars to pay claims and damages to people working in the area's fishing and tourism industries.今年,得票最多的新闻是墨西哥湾漏油事件。
The AP says the second most impor tant story was health care reform in the United Sta tes. President Obama won a major political victory with congressional passage of his health care reform plan. Among other things, it will extend health care insurance to thirty-two million Americans now withou t it. Bu t many Republicans in Congress oppose the law and want to cancel parts of it.美联社称,第2大年度重大新闻是美国医保改革。
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February 12, 2010021210.01Warrants Raise Hope for Victims in Guatemalan Massacre Case Brent Latham, Guatemala CityGuatemalan rights advocates are hailing this week's decision by the country's Supreme Court to issue arrest warrants for former members of the military accused of massacring villagers during the country's long and brutal civil war . But lawyers for the victims say bringing those responsible for the massacre to justice remains elusive.humanLawyers for some of Guatemala's mostactive human rights groups say thewarrants for the arrest of 17 formermilitary men is a step in the right directionafter a decade of legal squabbling. The 17are believed responsible for the 1982 DosErres massacre in the northerndepartment of Peten, carried out during one of the bloodiest years of the country's civil war . Benito Morales, a lawyer for the human rights group Rigoberta Menchu Foundation, says the large number of warrants in such a case is unprecedented.Morales says victims' rights organizations are pleased the Guatemalan Courts have finally taken action in the case. But Morales expressed skepticism that the arrest warrants would be followed up with concrete action. He says a number of higher ranking officers named in the case,whose whereabouts were known as of last week, fled their homes inThe Inter American Court of Human Rights judge DiegoGarcia Sayan gestures as he speaks on July 14, 2009 in La Paz, during a session on thecase of the massacre of 250 indigenous people in Dos Erres, Guatemala, inDecember 7, 1982, during the dictatorship (1982-1983) ofEfrain Rios Montt (File Photo)Guatemala City following news of the arrest warrants. He added Guatemalan authorities appear uninterested in their attempts to apprehend the perpetrators.The Guatemalan Supreme Court issued the capture orders, some of which reactivate old warrants issued nearly a decade ago but never acted upon, after the Inter-American Human Rights Court urged action in the case. Some of those sought had been previously indicted ten years ago. But legal maneuvers had stalled any further action, until victims' rights associations took the case to the Inter-American court, which is based in Costa Rica.Edgar Perez, a lawyer for the Guatemala City-based Center for Legal Action on Human Rights, says it was only because of international pressure that relatives of the victims are closer to seeing justice done.Perez says the cases would likely still be stalled in the Guatemalan justice system had the Inter-American court not forced Guatemalan judges into action. He says there are other such cases pending before international courts, and victims' rights advocates hope for similar results.The families of victims of the Dos Erres massacre also expressed hope that the new arrest warrants would lead to justice for their loved ones after nearly three decades of impunity for those responsible. Raul Gomez lived in Dos Erres at the time of the massacre, and though he managed to escape, he lost a number of family members.Gomez says he will consider justice to be done only when those responsible for the killing of his family members have been tried in court. While welcoming the warrants, he and other relatives of the victims say it is outrageous that perpetrators known to be responsible for the slaying of their loved ones have not been apprehended, and continue to live in relative luxury in Guatemala.The remains of more than 200 people, including numerous women and children, were discovered in mass graves around the town of Dos Erres in 1995. Five years later, Guatemalan President Alfonso Portilloadmitted government responsibility for the slayings, leading to the initial legal proceedings against the military members accused of carrying out the killings.021210.02Tymoshenko Refuses to Concede Ukraine Election Defeat Peter Fedynsky, MoscowSpeaking at a meeting of her Cabinet, Ms. Tymoshenko lashed out at Viktor Yanukovych, saying campaign deceptions on his part are becoming clear after the election. She referred to a decision in parliament by Mr. Yanukovych's Regions Party not to raise social spending.Ms. Tymoshenko says people shouldconsider this in all of their future politicaldecisions - that, unfortunately, publicrelations ads about raising socialstandards have, in essence, beenamended by the Regions Party, which didnot vote on the issue.Thursday's Cabinet meeting was devotedto the spring planting season and themining sector.Ms. Tymoshenko spent three full days in isolation after accusing the Yanukovych campaign of fraud soon after exit polls indicated she had lost the election Sunday evening.In Kyiv, the head of the independent Voters Committee of Ukraine, Oleksandr Chernenko, says it is impossible to narrow proof of election fraud to individual ballots and to determine if such cheating swayed the result.Chernenko says any challenge to the election should involve systemic violations that could theoretically influence the result. But he says his Ukraine's Prime Minister YuliaTymoshenko speaks at acabinet meeting during itssitting in Kyiv, Ukraine, 11 Feb2010organization sees no signs of genuine systemic violations that would void the entire election.The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) endorsed Sunday's vote as "an impressive display of democratic elections." The U.S. State Department, citing preliminary conclusions of an honest election by other international observers, welcomed the high turnout, saying it "reflects another step in the consolidation of Ukraine's democracy."A public opinion survey by Kyiv's Horshenin Institute indicates more than 68 percent of Ukrainians trust the results announced by the country's Central Election Commission. About 46 percent believe there were voting irregularities, but less than 14 percent think they influenced the result.On Wednesday, Viktor Yanukovych called on Ms. Tymoshenko to resign as prime minister and to join the opposition. He also urged the current parliamentary coalition to dissolve so that he can begin discussions with various factions about forming a new government.On Tuesday, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev telephoned Mr. Yanukovych with what appears to be a cautious statement. The Kremlin Web site says the Russian leader extended congratulations for completing an election campaign that was highly evaluated by international observers, and on the success Mr. Yanukovych achieved in the presidential election.In an online statement by the leader of Ukraine's Slavic neighbor to the west, Polish President Lech Kaczynski said he has met many times with Mr. Yanukovych and characterized their relations as good. Mr. Kaczynski adds, however, that he cannot say he is happy with Mr. Yanukovych's victory, but that time will tell what the fate of Ukraine will be.021210.03Sierra Leone Working to Attract TouristsFid Thompson, FreetownThe clean white sand, warm ocean and tropical backdrop of the No. 2 River Beach is a short if bumpy ride south of Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown. A well-known secret among expatriots and locals, many feel this beach symbolizes Sierra Leone's tourism trade - little-known, unspoiled, beautiful, and slightly difficult to get to.Jim Dean, an American expat who worksfor a USAID-funded project here, says thisbeach is special."It's kind of an unspoiled area. If you panin on the hills behind us, this is all theWestern reserve, this is what's left of therainforest in this part of Sierra Leone," heexplained. "So all of us who live here and really enjoy this environment would like to see it promoted as an eco-tourismdestination rather than turned intoanother Jamaica with big hotels, restaurants and bars."But for the community association running the nNo 2. River Beach Resort, the weekend crowds from Freetown are only just enough to sustain their business.Daniel Macauley heads the association that has successfully reinvested profit back into the business and into developing the nearby village. High youth unemployment and a beautiful beachside setting prompted the community to set up the resort fifteen years ago. Now the association wants to expand."Our future plans is actually to make sure that this resort becomes an eco-lodge - so that it will be internationally known, people will becoming from outside, that will make more money obviously and it will also be part of means of youth to be employed in this community," he said.A tourist wades in the water ata beach in Sierra LeoneMacauley says United Nations and NGO workers come in smaller numbers these days. So he hopes to attract international tourists to the resort instead.But challenges for Sierra Leone's tourism industry remain significant. Road infrastructure is poor and prices are often relatively high for transport and lodging. There are few charter flights and a return ticket on a commercial airline can cost over $1000.Bimbola Carroll runs a local tour company, Visit Sierra Leone, and an online forum that addresses traveler's concerns about going to Sierra Leone."For tour operators such as myself, I think the biggest challenge undoubtedly is the image that Sierra Leone has outside of the country," said Carroll. "I think during the years of the conflict a lot of negative images came out and it is very difficult to change those opinions that people have held about Sierra Leone."The country's civil war ended almost eight years ago, but many Westerners still associate the country with images of the conflict's violence and brutality. The 2006 Hollywood film Blood Diamond - set during the war - became the reference point for millions of viewers.Though nowhere near the height of the 1980s tourism boom, the Tourist Board says numbers are steadily rising. More than 5,000 people came to Sierra Leone on holiday last year. The first guidebook was published last year and two UK-based tour operators are now organizing trips to Sierra Leone.Caryl Canzius is a tourist visiting from Toronto, Canada. As she watches the sun set over Freetown's Lumely beach, she says Sierra Leone surprised her."I'd say my first impression people here are very kind, the land is beautiful, the beaches are absolutely amazing," she said. "I was one of those people that was a little afraid but now I've been here I've seen that it is quite stable and very safe as well. So pleasantly surprised."Bimbola Carroll says he is confident that in a few years time, Sierra Leone will be back on the tourism map. On the wall behind him, a poster depicting pristine beach advises, "Discover Sierra Leone Before Everyone Else Does".The Tourism Board says tourism currently generates approximately $20 million. As the country moves from post-conflict toinvestor-friendly destination, tourism could have a significant impact on the economy of one of the poorest countries in the world. If only they can convince people to come.021210.04Researchers Discover Stuttering GeneJessica Berman, WashingtonResearchers say the speech impediment appears to stem from a defect in the gene that regulates the way brain cells break down and recycle waste products. This abnormality interferes with the brain's ability to process speech.Stuttering causes sufferers to get stuck repeating or prolonging sounds, syllables or words that interrupt the normal flow of speech.Experts say most children who stutter seem to magically outgrow the disorder.But for people who continue to stutter into adulthood, researcher Dennis Drayna of the US National Institute on Deafness and Other Communicable Disorders says stuttering can be profoundly disabling."I think in some cases it is hardly even viewed as a legitimate disorder," said Drayna. "You know people just dismiss it all the time when in fact it's a clear biological disorder that has very big influences on affected individuals."Stuttering's cause has long been a mystery, but it has frequently beendiagnosed as a psychological problem. Treatments have included strategies to reduce anxiety and stress, and the use of breathing exercises.But stuttering tends to run in families, a fact that prompted Drayna and colleagues to search for a genetic link.They homed in on a single gene, known as GNPTAB, which was defective in 46 members of a large Pakistani family. The abnormal gene also was found in 77 unrelated Pakistanis with the speech impediment.In addition, the researchers found the same dysfunctional gene in a group of American and British stutterers.Drayna says the GNPTAB gene is present in all higher-order animals and contributes to humans' unique ability to communicate."We're not the biggest. We're not the strongest. We're not the fastest. We don't have the best senses of vision or hearing. What it is, is our ability to communicate so we can form groups in communities and do much larger things than we could ever do as individual organisms," he added. "So when you destroy an individual's ability to communicate, you have really destroyed one of the most important aspects that we have as a species."In addition to the abnormal GNPTAB gene, Drayna's research team discovered that several other defective genes associated with GNPTAB were also shared by the stutterers.These genes are involved in a number of inherited metabolic disorders, including Tay Sachs, a rare, incurable and usually fatal disease that causes the destruction of nerve cells in young children.Drayna says therapies to replace enzymes that cause the diseases have been developed to treat half a dozen of these metabolic disorders. He is hopeful there could eventually be a similar treatment for stuttering.But in a published commentary on the research, Simon Fisher, a speechand language researcher at the Wellcome Trust Center for Human Genetics at Oxford University cautions that before researchers can develop a drug therapy for stuttering, they will need to learn much more about the precise biochemical mechanism of the disorder .Fisher notes that not every stutterer in the Drayna study had thedefective gene, meaning there must be a number of other genes tied to stuttering."What we can't say that this is a recessive or a dominant form," said Fisher . "All that we can say is that by carrying this particular variant, you have a greater chance of being a stutterer."An article on the discovery of a gene associated with stuttering, and the commentary by Simon Fisher , are published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine.021210.05Obama, Republicans Get Mixed Reviews in Opinion Polls Jim Malone, WashingtonTwo recent surveys - one by ABC Newsand The Washington Post newspaper , theother by the Gallup organization - showPresident Obama's job approval rating at51 percent. Another new poll byQuinnipiac University in Connecticutfound that 45 percent of Americansapprove of the job the president is doing,while 46 percent disapprove.The surveys also show many Americans are losing faith in government and are frustrated at the lack of bipartisan cooperation in Washington - on issues ranging from the economy to health care to national security.The ABC-Washington Post poll found that two-thirds of those surveyedare dissatisfied or angry about the way the government is working. TheUS President Barack Obama (File)Quinnipiac poll found that only 16 percent of those questioned believe the government does what is right, while 27 percent said the government hardly ever does the right thing.President Obama has made more of an effort in recent weeks to reach out to Republicans, so far with mixed results."That is what the American people are demanding of us. I think they are tired of every day being Election Day in Washington. And at this critical time in our country, the people [who] sent us here expect a seriousness of purpose that transcends petty politics," he said.Republicans say they are open to the idea of cooperation, but warn they will go only so far when it comes to issues like taxes, government spending and a larger government role in health care.Republican Representative Jeb Hensarling of Texas says it is now up to Democrats in Washington to listen and change course." We are willing to work with them. But we will continue to stand on principle. We will oppose more reckless Washington spending and we will fight for better solutions that make government live within its means," he added.Public opinion polls show Democrats continue to stand by President Obama while Republicans overwhelmingly oppose his policies. The president's poll numbers have weakened in recent months, in part, because independent voters have become disenchanted with Mr. Obama's health care reform plan and with the overwhelmingly partisan nature of the political debate in Washington.Peter Brown is with the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute."Independent voters are more likely to find calls for bipartisanship appealing. They expect their elected officials to get the job done. Independents, by and large, are much more pragmatic. They want the job done," he said.Neither Republicans nor Democrats in Congress are viewed favorably in the latest polls. But the Republican victory in the recent Senate election in Massachusetts and last year's victories in governor's races in New Jersey and Virginia have Republicans expecting major gains in the midterm congressional elections in November.Democrats have been urging President Obama to draw more attention to Republican blocking tactics toward legislation in Congress that Peter Brown says could become an issue in this year's congressional races."Obviously, the Republicans are doing better vis-à-vis Democrats than they were six months or a year ago," said Brown. "But the public doesn't like politicians who don't do things. So that if the public were to perceive the Republicans as obstructionists, that would be very bad for the Republicans," he said.Despite all of the recent talk about bipartisanship, political experts like Brian Darling of The Heritage Foundation say the focus for both major parties will increasingly shift to the November elections."And as you get closer and closer to Election Day, Republicans and Democrats aren't going to want to work together. They want to start creating campaign themes to show that they're the party that needs to continue in leadership or to change the leadership," said Darling.All of the surveys show that the domestic economy and jobs remain the top issues for voters, and that early support for a bipartisan measure in the Senate aimed at job creation was one of the few concrete signs that Democrats and Republicans are willing to work together, even during an election year.021210.06Massive Aid Effort Underway in HaitiPort-au-Prince, HaitiHundreds of thousands of Haitians are living in ramshackle tent communities. They are seen in small clusters on people's property, andby the thousands in schoolyards and abandoned lots. The tents are made of bed-sheets and sometimes plastic sheeting, and are atemporary refuge for people whose homes were destroyed and others who are afraid to sleep indoors in the wake of the earthquake.Rain early Thursday morning drenchedmost of the tents in Port-au-Prince.A Haitian man named Jerry says he isworried about more rains in comingmonths. By March, the rainy seasonshould arrive. He says he is not the only one. Everyone is worried about the rainy season because rain in Haiti is a big thing. Whenever it rains, there is a lot of damage, and people are scared.Aid organizations have distributed food, water and tents. But it is not enough, and food distribution has been plagued with problems.The aid effort is complicated by two things. Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere, and the intense earthquake wreaked havoc on Port-au-Prince, the capital city. It killed an estimated 200,000 people or more, and displaced one million.Many Haitians have suffered disabling injuries, and medical workers have come to help from many countries. Doctors aboard the US Navy hospital ship Comfort have saved the lives of hundreds and children and adults.Aid workers are also concerned about the plight of displaced children. Some children find safe haven at international charity centers like SOS Children's Villages International. But there are too few facilities like this one.UNICEF's Kent Page calls the situation a children's emergency. Demonstrators shout "Down with Preval," as anti-riotpolice block their protest from reaching a police post where government ministers havetemporary offices in Port-au-Prince, 11 Feb 2010"Separated children, unaccompanied children, can be vulnerable to people who would exploit them, whether for the child sex trade, whether for domestic servitude, whether just violence or abuse, or whether for illegal trafficking," he said.Many workers have lost their jobs, and business owners likeMarc-Antoine Acra of Acra Industries says some companies may take months to reopen. He hopes that some of his operations may be up and running in a few weeks."Now for the country to be up and running, I would say that's a million dollar question," said Acra.International aid groups say the rebuilding process will take years, but they say it offers the opportunity for Haiti to build a working infrastructure that it never had. They say it will take a coordinated international effort.021210.07Luge World Champion Erin Hamlin Seeks to Upset Germans in VancouverTeresa Sullivan, Washington, DCLast year, Erin Hamlin did something that no American has ever done. She broke the powerhouse Germans' luge winning streak at 99 international victories to win a World Championship on her home track in Lake Placid, New York - the site of the 1980 Olympics. She is the first non-German since 1993 to win a world title.Heading into the 2009 World Championships the Germans had won 19 of the last 20 world titles.Hamlin says that while some of the German racers were devastated and stunned by her victory, others cheered and offered their congratulations."Granted, their team didn't win, but at thesame time they understand this is going tobe great for the sport and brings a newperspective," Hamlin said. "It makes thingsa little bit more interesting."Perhaps with that in mind, Hamlin says shethinks that her gold medal achievement lastyear will be on minds of the German racers in Vancouver ."I don't think that before, they ever really cared to think twice, but now I think they have to reclaim their rightful spot," Hamlin said. "The German women have had that streak for so long, but not having them up there, not having to hear the German [national] anthem again, was awesome."Erin Hamlin finished the 2010 World Cup season in fourth place with two bronze medals. She was behind the top three Germans - Anke Wischnewski, Natalie Geisenberger , and number one Tatjana Huefner who is a two time former world champion and reigning 2006 olympic bronze medalist.All four women are considered medal contenders in Vancouver ,however Germany is favored because it has won seven of the last 10 Olympic gold medals.In late January, Hamlin won the silver medal behind Huefner at the Challenge Cup competition on the Turin Olympic track in Cesana, Italy. Geisenberger was third. The event is for the best 10 luge racers-- or sliders -- from the World Cup standings, with no more than two athletes per nation competing.But every track is different, and Hamlin says speed is what sets Vancouver's Whistler Olympic track apart from others."The technical parts of how it's built, and the elevation drop," Hamlinsaid. "Some of the curves are bigger where you can pick up a lot of Two-time U.S. Olympian Erin Hamlin is the first American woman to win aluge world championshipspeed, and then you get to the bottom and it's just fast."How fast?"We go around right around 90 miles an hour (144 kph), the men 95 (152 kph). And for the Olympics I'm sure it will creep a little faster," Hamlin said.Erin Hamlin is from the town of Remsen in upstate New York, where winter sports are popular. She first started sliding at the age of 12. She says she had to work hard to learn the technical aspects of the sport such as steering, but she liked the challenge, and that is what kept her interested.After her 2009 victory at Lake Placid, a local ice cream shop in Remsen, The Soda Fountain, celebrated Hamlin's gold medal success by naming a dessert after her. The World Champion Erin Hamlin Sundae, consists of vanilla ice cream mixed with Reese's peanut butter cups and Oreo cookies, with hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry on top.Ice cream confections aside, it is conquering a tough course that gives Hamlin a certain satisfaction."When a track challenges you, it makes it that much more fulfilling when you can get to the bottom and feel like that was really good," Hamlin said.And don't forget going fast. Whistler Olympic-track fast. Erin Hamlin aims to slide her way to a sweet medal finish in Vancouver. 021210.08On Revolution Day Iran Says Uranium Further Enriched Elizabeth Arrott, CairoPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said scientists have enriched a batch of uranium to 20 percent, a level needed to make fuel for an Iranian research reactor.The International Atomic Energy Agencywas not able to immediately confirm theannouncement. Iran says IAEA inspectorshave been monitoring the process, which itsays got underway Tuesday.The two-day turnaround is likely to raise doubts among Western engineers, who said Iran would need a substantial reconfiguring of its known processing capabilities. But the timing allowed Mr . Ahmadinejad to add it to the list of Iranian achievements he hailed to massive crowds in Tehran gathered to mark the anniversary.Hundreds of thousands of people turned out for rallies around the country to observe the 31st anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.Some of the pro-government gatherings were used to denounce long-time foes Britain and the United States.Opposition demonstrators tried to hold their own rallies, but there are reports they have been met with tear gas, warning shots and arrests. One pro-reform Web site says the granddaughter of the Republic's founding father , Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, was briefly detained.The government had warned it would not tolerate anycounter-demonstrations, which sprang up after Mr . Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election last year .The Iranian leadership has been criticized internationally for itscrackdown on the opposition, as well as for its nuclear program. The government says the unrest has been fomented by foreign powers, and defends the enrichment as solely for civilian purposes.Western nations are angry Tehran rejected a United Nations deal to In this image made fromvideo provided by Iranian State TV, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejadspeaks at a rally in Tehran, 11 Feb 2010, marking the31st anniversary of Islamic Revolution。