



7A Unit 4词汇讲解a.m./ei’em/abbr.上午(43)get up 起床(43)get up to 赶上,追上;达到get up late 起床晚to get up 起床;起立get up early 早起;机警;清醒get up the courage 鼓起勇气activity/æk'tɪvɪtɪ/n.活动(43)activities afterschool activities课外活动housework/'haʊswɜːk/n.家务劳动,家务事(43)do housework 做家务,干家务活homework/'həʊmwɜːk/n.家庭作业(43)do homework 做作业,做功课;做家庭作业hand in homework 上交作业weekday/'wiːkdeɪ/n.周工作日(43)weekdays adv. 在每个周日; n. 平日,工作日((weekday的复数形式); on weekdays 在工作日(43)at weekdays 在工作日usually/'ju:ʒuəli/adv.通常地(43)usual adj. 经常的,通常的;寻常的,惯常的as usual 像往常一样;照例usual practice 惯例,通常办法usual method 通常方法out of the usual 与众不同,异常common: 多用于指物,侧重很常见,不稀奇。

ordinary: 用于物,指每天发生,十分平淡无奇;用于人,指无特别之处,很一般。

common: place强调缺少新意。

general: 语气强于common,侧重大多如此,很少有例外情况。

usual: 指常见常闻和常做的事或举动,强调惯常性。

popular: 指适应大众爱好、需要,为大家所公认或接受。

a little一点,少量;少量的,一些(43)myself/maɪ'self/pron.我自己;亲自(43)by myself 独立完成enjoy oneself玩得痛快,得到乐趣 (43)first/fɜːst/Det.,ord. num. &adv.第一;首先(44)for the first time 第一次;第一时间at first 起先,首先;最初first of all adv. 首先first place 第一名first day n. 星期日first half 上半时;前半场first class 头等,第一流;最高级first choice 第一选择term/tɜːm/n.学期;期(44)in terms 明确地;毫不含糊地in term of 依据,按照;在…方面in the short term 从短期来看;就眼前来说in the long term 从长远来看start /stɑːt/vi.(从···)开始vt.开始,着手start with 从…开始start from 从…开始n.开头,开端(44)at the start 开始at the start of 在…开始的时候start in 开始from the start 从一开始start up v. 开始;发动;突然站起;突然出现start at 开始于…;以…开始;因…吃惊start on v. 开始进行start for 出发,启程;动身去start out 出发;著手进行start off 出发,开始start point 出发点;起始点start doing/ to do sth 开始做某事writer/'raɪtə/n.作家(44)language/ˈlæŋɡwidʒ/n.语言(44)foreign language(s) n. 外语;外文language learning 语言学习second language 第二语言body language 身体语言natural language 自然语言spoken language 口语,口头语言;出声语言common language 共同语;公用语言native language 本国语言;本机语言;机器各单元间编码语言amazing/ə'mezɪŋ/adj.令人大为惊奇的(44)biology/baɪ'ɒlədʒɪ/n.生物学(44)biological adj. 生物学的;生物的living/'lɪvɪŋ/adj.活着的,活的(44)n. 生计;生存;生活living environment 生活环境living room 客厅,起居室living standard 生活水平,生活标准standard of living 生活水平;生活标准living space 生存空间living condition 生活条件;居住环境make a living 谋生,维持生活cost of living 生活费,生活费用for a living 为了生存;为…谋生living thing 生物living level 生活水平earn a living 谋生;活命living habit 生活习惯;生活方式alive: 其反义词为dead,指生命从奄奄一息到精力旺盛的各种状态。



2024新版(译林版)七年级英语上册单词带音标1序号 英文 中文序号 英文 中文1greet/ɡriːt/vt.和(某人)打招呼(或问好)25both/bəʊθ/det.&pron.两个都2introduce/ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/vt.介绍26enjoy/ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/vt.享受…的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱3each other pron.互相27pretty/ˈprɪti/adj.漂亮的,标志的4go by叫做,被称为28shy/ʃaɪ/adj.害羞的5glad/ɡlæd/adj.高兴29only/ˈəʊnli/adv.只有,仅仅6same/seɪm/adj.同一的,相同的30stay/steɪ/vi.保持,继续是;暂住7hobby/ˈhɒbi/n.业余爱好31stay/steɪ/n.停留,逗留8grade/ɡreɪd/n.年级;等级32match/mætʃ/n.比赛9classmate/ˈklɑːsmeɪt/n.同班同学33luck/lʌk/n.幸运,好运10friendly/ˈfrendli/adj.友好的34good luck祝成功,祝好运11full/fʊl/adj.满的35maths/mæθs/n.数学12be full of满是…的36chess/tʃes/n.国际象棋13energy n.精力,活力37Chinese chess n.(中国)象棋14be good at擅长…38problem/ˈprɒbləm/n.数学题;难题,困难15slim/slɪm/adj.苗条的39weekend/ˌwiːkˈend;ˈwiːkend/n.周末16polite/pəˈlaɪt/adj.有礼貌的40at the weekend在周末17smart/smɑːt/adj.聪明的;智能的41fun/fʌn/adj.有趣的,使人快乐的18ready/ˈredi/adj.愿意迅速做某事;准备好42fun/fʌn/n.开心,乐趣,好玩的事19be ready to do sth愿意(或准备好)做某事43make friends with与…交朋友20other/ˈʌðə(r)/pron.&adj.另外,其他44jog/dʒɒɡ/vi.慢跑、慢步长跑(尤指锻炼)21interested/ˈɪntrəstɪd/adj.感兴趣的45jog/dʒɒɡ/n.慢跑22be interested in对…感兴趣46paint/peɪnt/vi.&vt.用颜料画;在…上刷油漆23looks/lʊks/n.相貌,容貌47paint/peɪnt/n.绘画颜料;油漆24character/ˈkærəktə(r)/n.性格48paper-cutting/ˈpeɪpə(r)/n.剪纸49all kinds of各种各样的74meeting/ˈmiːtɪŋ/n.会面;会议50fit/fɪt/adj.健康的75sound/saʊnd/linking v.听起来51around/əˈraʊnd/prep.围绕,环绕76plan/plæn/vt.&n.计划52around/əˈraʊnd/adv.到处,向各处77questionnaire/ˌkwestʃəˈneə(r)/n.调查问卷53change/tʃeɪndʒ/vt.,vi.&n.改变,变化78role/rəʊl/n.角色54life/laɪf/n.个人生活;生命79model/ˈmɒd(ə)l/n.模范,典型;模特55museum/mjuˈziːəm/n.博物馆80role model n.楷模,行为榜样56thing/θɪŋ/n.东西81design/dɪˈzaɪn/vt.&n.设计57apart/əˈpɑːt/adv.拆分82skill/skɪl/n.技能58take apart拆分83painting/ˈpeɪntɪŋ/n.画作59fix/fɪks/vt.修理;安装84artist/ˈɑːtɪst/n.艺术家,(尤指)画家60endless/ˈendləs/adj.无穷无尽的,不计其数的85master/ˈmɑːstə(r)/n.能手,擅长…者;大师,师父61scientist/ˈsaɪəntɪst/n.科学家86work/wɜːk/n.作品;著作62dream/driːm/n.梦想;梦87become/bɪˈkʌm/linking v.成为63true/truː/adj.真正的,实质的88designer/dɪˈzaɪnə(r)/n.设计师64come true实现,成为现实89future/ˈfjuːtʃə(r)/n.未来65at weekends在周末90in (the) future在未来66club/klʌb/n.社团,俱乐部91hope/həʊp/vt.vi.&n.希望67member/ˈmembə(r)/n.成员92gym/dʒɪm/n.体育馆68geography/dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/n.地理(学)93building/ˈbɪldɪŋ/n.大楼,建筑物69p.m./piː/abbr.下午94field/fiːld/n.运动场70volleyball/ˈvɒlibɔːl/n.排球95sports field n.体育场71each/iːtʃ/det.pron.&每个;各自96dining/ˈdaɪnɪŋ/n.吃饭72once/wʌns/adv.一次97hall/hɔːl/n.大厅,礼堂73join/dʒɔɪn/vt.&vi.加入;与…一道去98dining hall n.食堂,餐厅99lab/læb/n.实验室124different/ˈdɪfrənt/adj.不同的100part/pɑːt/n.部分125thousand/ˈθaʊz(ə)nd/num.数以千计的;一千101modern/ˈmɒd(ə)n/adj.现代化的,先进的;现代的126fact/fækt/n.事实102as well也127in fact确切地说;事实上103bright/braɪt/adj.明亮的128borrow/ˈbɒrəʊ/vt.借104everyone/ˈevriwʌn/pron.每个人129newspaper/ˈnjuːzpeɪpə(r)/n.报纸105perfect/ˈpɜːfɪkt/adj.完美的130magazine/ˌmæɡəˈziːn/n.杂志106spend/spend/vt.度过,花(时间);花(钱)131else/els/adv.其他的,别的107chat/tʃæt/vi.&n.闲聊132care/keə(r)/vi.&vt.关心108exciting/ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/adj.令人激动的133care/keə(r)/n.照顾;小心109take place发生134care about关心110noticeboard/ˈnəʊtɪsbɔːd/n.布告板,告示牌135event/ɪˈvent/n.事件;活动111gate/ɡeɪt/n.大门136together/təˈɡeðə(r)/adv.一起112news/njuːz/n.新闻137quite/kwaɪt/adv.相当;非常113board/bɔːd/n.布告牌;木板138large/lɑːdʒ/adj.大的114like/laɪk/prep.例如;像139special/ˈspeʃ(ə)l/adj.特殊的,特别的115trust/trʌst/vt.相信140a.m./ə;eɪ/addr.上午116more/mɔː(r)/det.porn.&更多的,更大的;更,更多141get up起床117really/ˈriːəli/adv.很,十分;真正地142activity/ækˈtɪvəti/n.活动118soon/suːn/adv.很快,马上143housework/ˈhaʊswɜːk/n.家务活动,家务事119teach/tiːtʃ/vt.&vi.教(课程),讲授144homework/ˈhəʊmwɜːk/n.家庭作业120team/tiːm/n.队;组145weekday/ˈwiːkdeɪ/n.工作日121form teacher班主任146on weekdays在工作日122show/ʃəʊ/n.演出;展览;音乐会147usually/ˈjuːʒuəli;ˈjuːʒəli/adv.通常123grey/ɡreɪ/adj.灰色的148 a little一点;少量;少量的;一些149myself/maɪˈself/我自已,亲自174tour/tʊə(r)/n.参观;旅行150enjoy oneself玩得开心,得到乐趣175website/ˈwebsaɪt/n.网站151first/fɜːst/det.ord.nu第一(的);首先176video/ˈvɪdiəʊ/n.视频152term/tɜːm/n.学期;期177outside/ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/adv.在(向)外面153start/stɑːt/vi.&vt.(使)开始178outside/ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/prep.在(向)…外面154start/stɑːt/n.开始,开端179peace/piːs/n.平静;和平155writer/ˈraɪtə(r)/n.作家180quiet/ˈkwaɪət/n.宁静,平静156language/ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/n.语言181teamwork/ˈtiːmwɜːk/n.团队合作157amazing/əˈmeɪzɪŋ/adj.令人大为惊奇的182better/ˈbetə(r)/adj.更好的158biology/baɪˈɒlədʒi/n.生物学183tiring/ˈtaɪərɪŋ/adj.累人的159nature/ˈneɪtʃə(r)/n.大自然;天性184duty/ˈdjuːti/n.职责,任务;责任,义务160practise/ˈpræktɪs/vi.&vt.训练;练习185area/ˈeəriə/n.区域;面积;领域161field/fiːld/n.田;地;领域186take part in参加162trip/trɪp/n.旅行187through/θruː/prep.以,凭借;通过;穿过163field trip野外考察;实地考察188group/ɡruːp/n.组,群,批164leave/liːv/vi.&vt.离开;使保留189turn/tɜːn/n.(依次轮到的)机会165leave for动身去;到…地方去190take turns轮流166pick/pɪk/vt.采;摘;挑选191empty/ˈempti/vt.倒空,腾空167would/wʊd/v.想(表示愿意、喜欢、不愿意等)192empty/ˈempti/adj.空的168would like愿意;想要193bin/bɪn/n.垃圾桶169of course当然194take care of照顾170seldom/ˈseldəm/adv.很少195something/ˈsʌmθɪŋ/pron.某事,某物171tennis/ˈtenɪs/n.网球196lifestyle/ˈlaɪfstaɪl/n.生活方式172roller skate vi.滑旱冰;溜旱冰197cucumber/ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)/n.黄瓜173grow/ɡrəʊ/vt.&vi.(使)生长;发育198lemon/ˈlemən/n.柠檬199watermelon/ˈwɔːtəmelən/n.西瓜224need/niːd/n.需要的事物;需要200pepper/ˈpepə(r)/n.甜椒;胡椒粉225enough/ɪˈnʌf/adj.足够的201chocolate/ˈtʃɒklət/n.巧克力226cheese/tʃiːz/n.奶酪202beef/biːf/n.牛肉227piece/piːs/n.一块(片);(文艺作品等的)篇(首/幅…等)203carrot/ˈkærət/n.胡萝卜228bowl/bəʊl/n.一碗(的量);碗204pork/pɔːk/n.猪肉229salt/sɔːlt;sɒlt/n.盐205sweet/swiːt/n.糖果;甜食230packet/ˈpækɪt/n.小袋;小包装纸袋206sweet/swiːt/adj.甜的;可爱的231kilo/ˈkiːləʊ/n.千克,公斤207snack/snæk/n.点心,小吃232carton/ˈkɑːtn/n.硬纸盒,塑料盒208health/helθ/n.健康233bottle/ˈbɒt(ə)l/n.一瓶(的量);瓶子209delicious/dɪˈlɪʃəs/adj.美味的234strawberry/ˈstrɔːbəri/n.草莓210diet/ˈdaɪət/n.日常饮食235maybe/ˈmeɪbi/adv.也许211important/ɪmˈpɔːt(ə)nt/adj.重要的236than/ðæn;ðən/conj.比212without/wɪˈðaʊt/prep.没有237almost/ˈɔːlməʊst/adv.几乎213pancake/ˈpænkeɪk/n.烙饼,薄饼238chip/tʃɪp/n.炸薯条;炸薯片214tofu/ˈtəʊfuː/n.豆腐239smartphone/ˈsmɑːtfəʊn/n.智能手机215sugar/ˈʃʊɡə(r)/n.食糖240tablet/ˈtæblət/n.平板电脑216tooth/tuːθ/n.牙,齿241score/skɔː(r)/n.分数,成绩217homebody/ˈhəʊmbɒdi/n.喜欢待在家里的人242point/pɔɪnt/n.得分;要点;观点;地点218mutton/ˈmʌtn/n.羊肉243meal/miːl/n.一餐所吃的食物;一顿饭219have a sweet tooth爱吃甜食244porridge/ˈpɒrɪdʒ/n.粥220stay up熬夜245whole/həʊl/adj.全部的;整个的221unhealthy/ʌnˈhelθi/adj.不健康的246whole/həʊl/n.全部;整个222less/les/det.&pron.较少的,更少的;少,较少247miss/mɪs/vt.错过223need/niːd/vt.需要248rest/rest/n.休息时间249pie/paɪ/n.馅饼251most/məʊst/det.,pron.大多数.几乎所有;最大.最多250yogurt/ˈjɒɡət/n.酸奶2024新版(译林版)七年级英语上册单词带音标2序号 英文 中文序号 英文 中文1style/staɪl/n.样式;方式,作风25stand out突出,显眼2blouse/blaʊz/n.女士衬衫26match/mætʃ/vt.&vi.般配,相配3jacket/ˈdʒækɪt/n.夹克衫27suitable/ˈsuːtəb(ə)l/adj.适合的4jeans/dʒiːnz/n.牛仔裤28formal/ˈfɔːm(ə)l/adj.适合正式场合的,正规的,庄重的5scarf/skɑːf/n.围巾29suit/suːt/n.套装,西服6tie/taɪ/n.领带30casual/ˈkæʒuəl/adj.非正式的,随便的7T-shirt/tiː/n.T恤衫31comfortable/ˈkʌmftəb(ə)l/adj.舒适的8calm/kɑːm/adj.镇静的,沉着的32interview/ˈɪntəvjuː/n.采访,访谈;面试9fashion/ˈfæʃ(ə)n/n.时装业;流行33primary/ˈpraɪməri/adj.初等教育的,小学教育的10choose/tʃuːz/vt.选择34smart/smɑːt/adj.衣冠楚楚的,衣着讲究的11could/kʊd;kəd/modal v.(礼貌地请求或征询许可)能,可以35date/deɪt/n.日期12advice/ədˈvaɪs/n.建议36traditional/trəˈdɪʃən(ə)l/adj.传统的13depend/dɪˈpend/vi.取决于37popular/ˈpɒpjələ(r)/adj.广受欢迎的;流行的14depend on取决于;依靠38type/taɪp/n.类型,种类15skin n.皮肤39festival/ˈfestɪvl;ˈfestəvəl/n.节日16such as诸如40wedding/ˈwedɪŋ/n.婚礼17purple/ˈpɜːp(ə)l/n.紫色41just/dʒʌst/adv.仅仅,只不过;正好18purple/ˈpɜːp(ə)l/adj.紫色的42culture/ˈkʌltʃə(r)/n.文化19similar/ˈsɪmələ(r)/adj.相似的43country/ˈkʌntri/n.国家20example/ɪɡˈzɑːmp(ə)l/n.例子44history/ˈhɪstri;ˈhɪstəri/n.历史21for example例如45loose/luːs/adj.宽松的22dark/dɑːk/adj.深色的;黑暗的46belt/belt/n.腰带,皮带23dark/dɑːk/n.黑暗,暗处47close-fitting/kləʊz/adj.紧身的24mix/mɪks/vt.vi.&n.混合48be made of由…制成49silk/sɪlk/n.丝绸74inside/ˌɪnˈsaɪd/adv.在(向)里面50feel/fiːl/linking v.模起来感觉…,手感像…75another/əˈnʌðə(r)/pron.&det.另一,又一51smooth/smuːð/adj.光滑的76colourful/ˈkʌləf(ə)l/adj.多彩的52soft/sɒft/adj.软的,柔软的77surprise/səˈpraɪz/n.令人惊奇的事情(或消息等)53cotton/ˈkɒtn/n.棉织物,棉布;棉花78player/ˈpleɪə(r)/n.运动员54agree/əˈɡriː/vi.同意79protect/prəˈtekt/vt.保护,防护55feature/ˈfiːtʃə(r)/n.特点,特色80mall/mɔːl;mæl/n.购物商场56material/məˈtɪəriəl/n.材料,原料81across/əˈkrɒs/prep.在…对面;从…一边到另一边;遍布57leather/ˈleðə(r)/n.皮革82cost/kɒst/vt.需要付,价钱为58size/saɪz/n.尺寸83manage/ˈmænɪdʒ/vt.明智地使用;管理59wise/waɪz/adj.明智的84budget/ˈbʌdʒɪt/n.预算60yuan/juˈɑːn/n.元(中国货币单位)85cover/ˈkʌvə(r)/vt.足以支付,够付61euro/ˈjʊərəʊ/n.欧元(欧盟中某些国家的货币单位)86education/ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/n.教育62pound/paʊnd/n.英镑(英国货币单位)87pay/peɪ/vi.&vt.付款63yen/jen/n.日元(日本货币单位)88pay for支付64rouble/ˈruːbl/n.卢布(俄罗斯货币单位)89flat/flæt/n.公寓65dollar/ˈdɒlə(r)/n.元(美国,加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位)90daily/ˈdeɪli/adj.每日(的)66lucky/ˈlʌki/adj.幸运的91percent/pəˈsent/n.百分之…67key/kiː/n.钥匙92expensive/ɪkˈspensɪv/adj.昂贵的68ring/rɪŋ/n.环状物,圈形的东西93save/seɪv/vt.&vi.储蓄;节省69baseball/ˈbeɪsbɔːl/n.棒球94bank/bæŋk/n.银行70Russian/ˈrʌʃ(ə)n/adj.俄罗斯(人)的,俄语的95account/əˈkaʊnt/n.账户71set/set/n.套,一副,一组(类似的东西)96rainy/ˈreɪni/adj.有雨的72 a set of一套,一副,一组97matter/ˈmætə(r)/vi.&vt.要紧,有重大影响73inside/ˌɪnˈsaɪd/prep.在(向)…里面98pocket/ˈpɒkɪt/n.口袋99pocket money n.零花钱124dragon/ˈdræɡən/n.龙100notebook/ˈnəʊtbʊk/n.笔记本125dragon boat龙舟101rest/rest/n.剩余部分;其他126Christmas/ˈkrɪsməs/n.圣诞节102bookshop/ˈbʊkʃɒp/n.书店127race/reɪs/n.速度竞赛103eraser/ɪˈreɪzə(r)/n.橡皮128lady/ˈleɪdi/n女士;淑女104as/æz;əz/prep.作为,当作129gentleman/ˈdʒentlmən/n.先生;绅士105as/æz;əz/conj.正如130see...off/siː/送别…106as/æz;əz/adv.和…一样131throw/θrəʊ/vt.扔107present/ˈprez(ə)nt/n.礼物132hang/hæŋ/vt.&vi.悬挂108away/əˈweɪ/adv.(时间或空间上)离开,在(某距离)处;去别处133onion/ˈʌnjən/n.洋葱109shell/ʃel/n.壳,骨架134Greek/ɡriːk/adj.希腊(人)的,希腊语的110deal/diːl/n.交易135tradition/trəˈdɪʃ(ə)n/n.传统111coin/kɔɪn/n.硬币136symbol/ˈsɪmb(ə)l/n.象征;符号112online/ˌɒnˈlaɪn/adv.在线上,在网上137midnight/ˈmɪdnaɪt/n.午夜113online/ˌɒnˈlaɪn/adj.线上的,网上的138strike/straɪk/vt.&vi.敲,鸣,报时;击打114lucky money n.压岁钱139into/ˈɪntuː/prep.进入,到… 里面115grandpareut n.(外)祖父、(外)祖母140in the hope of希望116relative/ˈrelətɪv/n.亲戚141ahead/əˈhed/adv.在前面,向前117send/send/vt.发送142carry/ˈkæri/vt.拿,提,搬;携带118red packet红包143suitcase/ˈsuːtkeɪs/n.(旅行用的)手提箱119survey/ˈsɜːveɪ/n.民意调查;概述144block/blɒk/n.街区120in need在贫困中,在困难中145traveller/ˈtrævələ(r)/n.旅行者,游客121beginning/bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ/n.开头,开端146wherever/weərˈevə(r)/conj.在任何地方122habit/ˈhæbɪt/n.习惯147violin/ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/n.小提琴123celebrate/ˈselɪbreɪt/vi.&vt.庆祝148lively/ˈlaɪvli/adj.有生气的;热闹的149spring roll n.春卷161forever/fərˈevə(r)/adv.永远150moment/ˈməʊmənt/n.时刻,瞬间162decorate/ˈdekəreɪt/vt.装饰151at the moment现在,当时163put up张贴,挂起152tonight/təˈnaɪt/adv.在今晚164Spring Festival couplets n.春联153double/ˈdʌb(ə)l/adj.双的;两倍的165beforehand/bɪˈfɔːhænd/adv.事先,预先154mountain/ˈmaʊntən/n.高山,山岳166prepare/prɪˈpeə(r)/vt.&vi.预备(饭菜);把…预备好155climb/klaɪm/vt.&vi.攀登,爬167dish/dɪʃ/n.一道菜,菜肴156natural/ˈnætʃ(ə)rəl/adj.自然的168meaning/ˈmiːnɪŋ/n.意义,意思157beauty/ˈbjuːti/n.美;美人169during/ˈdjʊərɪŋ/prep.在…期间158respect/rɪˈspekt/n.尊敬170till/tɪl/prep.&conj到…时,直到…为止159elder/ˈeldə(r)/n.长者,长辈171lantern/ˈlæntən/n.灯笼160elder/ˈeldə(r)/adj.年纪较长的172heart/hɑːt/n.内心;心脏。



7A Unit 1 讲解greet/gri:t/vt.和(某人)打招呼(或问好)(7)greet sb greeting n.address: 侧重打招呼的方式或指所使用的称谓。

greet: 常指友好而热诚地欢迎。

salute: 正式用词,指用敬礼、亲吻或挥帽等动作向他人致意或问候,尤指以某种礼节欢迎某人。

welcome: 多指热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。

introduce/ɪntrə'djuːs/vt.介绍introduce ... to sbintroductionself-introductioneach other/iːtʃ; / /'ʌðə/ pron. 互相(7)go by叫作,被称为(7)glad/glæd/adj.高兴(7)happy, pleasant 物pleased 人merryglad to do sthsame/seɪm/adj.同一的,相同的(7)the same as ...等同于;与…一致at the same time 同时same way 同样;同样的方法;同样的感受all the same 仍然one and the same 同一个;完全一回事as same as 和…一样for the same reason 为了同样的理由same to you 彼此彼此;我也这样祝愿你hobby/'hɒbɪ/n.业余爱好(7)hobbies 复数develop ~grade/greid/n.年级;等级(8)grade 7class: 含义广泛,指人或物按优劣划分的等级,也指学校中的年级或班级。

degree: 指程度、范围不同,社会地位的高低。


grade: 指按地位或优劣划分的等级,既可指人又可指物。

rank: 指人在社会中的地位或等级,尤指军队中的军衔。

classmate/’kla:smeit/n.同班同学(8)-mateschoolmatedeskmate 同桌friendly/’frendli/adj.友好的(8)friend – friendlybe friendly tofriendship 友谊full/fʊl/adj.(有)大量的;满的(8)be full offull 饱的fully adv.be full of满是···的(8)be filled withenergy/'enədʒɪ/n.精力,活力(8)energetic adj. 精力充沛的energy saving 节能,能源节省solar energy 太阳能new energy 新能源energy: 用于人时,指工作时焕发出的精力或干劲。



















7A短 和句子n.名adv.副v.prep.介vt.及物 vi. 不及物pron. 代 conj.Unit 1 This is me!adj.形容1. look after sb.照 某人2. some of the new students新学生中的一些one of + 可数名 复数 ⋯ ..中的一个 many of + 可数名 复数 ⋯ ..中的 多 .much of + 不可数名⋯ ..中的 多3. love doing⋯ ./喜 做 ⋯.like doing⋯ .喜 做 ⋯.enjoy doing ⋯ . 喜 /享受做 ⋯ sb. do sth.5. make sb. do sth.使役 let, make某人做某事使某人做某事后面接省 to 的 不定式充当 足 、6 like sports 喜 运7 after class 后 in class 在 上8. be good at (doing) ⋯⋯擅 (做)某事 my new friends 我的新同班同学there在那11. tell sb. about sth. 告 某人关于某事12. Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。

13. wear glasses戴着眼14. like all the lessons 喜 所有的功=do well in (doing)⋯⋯15. need 作 行 的用法: need to do don ’ t / doesn’ t need to do16.twelve years old17. \come from 句子:1. How to look after your e-dog. 如何照 你的 子狗。

2. I have short hair. = My hair is short. 我短 。

3. Let ’ s meet my new classmates. 我 我的新同学。

4. She is tall and slim. 她高而苗条。



牛津译林版七年级英语上册全册知识点汇总(Unit1-8)Unit 1 This is me!知识点归纳汇总Words & Phrases:(结合音标记忆)master/'mɑːstə/、bicycle/'baɪsɪkl/、Excuse/ɪkˈskju:s; ɪkˈskju:z/、hobby/'hɒbɪ/、welcome/ˈwelkəm/、swimming/'swɪmɪŋ/、music/'mjuːzɪk/、polite/pə'laɪt/、chinese/tʃaɪˈniːz/、badminton /'bædmɪnt(ə)n/、cousin/'kʌz(ə)n/enjoy doing、work hard、be good at doing、like to do/doing、look up/after/like/out、help sb do sth、want to do sth、come from、be from、love doing、take sb for a walk、be born in sp、fly a kite with sb、walk to sp = go to sp on foot.Common phonetic:(常见音标)other/'ʌðə/ boat/bəʊt/ phone/fəʊn/ old/əʊld/bread/bred/ great/greɪt/ heavy/'hevɪ/ head/hed/that /ðæt; ðət/ thing /θɪŋ/ these/ðiːz/ those/ðəʊz/dog/dɒg/ shop/ʃɒp/ short /ʃɔːt/ long /lɒŋ/Sentences:1、What is your father ? 提问职业。



牛津译林版七年级英语上册课文牛津译林版七年级英语上册课文一、My Daily Routine(我的日常生活)Hi, everyone! I'm Lisa, a seventh-grade student. Today, I'd like to share with you my daily routine.I usually wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I have a quick breakfast. Then, I catch the school bus at 7 o'clock sharp. The journey to school takes about half an hour.My classes start at 8 o'clock. I have six different subjects each day, including Chinese, English, Math, Science, History, and Physical Education. The lessons are interesting and challenging. Our teachers are knowledgeable and passionate. I especially enjoy English class because it helps me improve my vocabulary and pronunciation.During the lunch break at 12 o'clock, I eat with my classmates in the school cafeteria. We chat and laugh while enjoying our meals. In the afternoon, we have another two classes before school ends at 3:30.After school, I participate in various extracurricular activities, such as playing basketball and learning piano. These activities help me relax and develop new skills. When I return home, I usually spend some time doing homework and reviewing what I learned in class.In the evening, I have dinner with my family. We often talk about our day and share interesting stories. After dinner, I do some reading or watch educational programs on TV. I believe that continuous learning is crucial for personal growth.Before going to bed, I always reflect on my day and make a to-do list for the next day. It helps me stay organized and productive. I go to sleep around 10 o'clock, ensuring that I get enough rest for another exciting day ahead.二、My Favorite Hobby(我最喜爱的爱好)Hello, everyone! Today, I want to talk about my favorite hobby—painting. Ever since I was a kid, I have always been fascinated by colors and the beauty they can bring to life.I enjoy spending my free time in front of an easel, with a paintbrush in my hand. Painting allows me to express my feelings and emotions in a unique and creative way. Whether it's a landscape, a portrait, or an abstract piece, each stroke on the canvas is a reflection of my inner self.Nature is my biggest inspiration. I love capturing the vivid colors of the sunrise, the gentle movement of ocean waves, and the delicate petals of flowers. When I paint, I feel connected to the world around me. It's a meditative experience that brings me joy and tranquility.I have also joined an art club at school, where I can share my works withother passionate artists. We often have art exhibitions, showcasing our talent and creativity. It's amazing to see how different people interpret the same subject in their unique styles.Painting has taught me patience and perseverance. Sometimes, it takes hours or even days to complete a piece. But the sense of accomplishment I feel when I finish a painting is truly rewarding. It reminds me that with determination and effort, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.In the future, I hope to continue honing my painting skills and exploring different art forms. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll become a famous artist and have my own gallery. For now, I'll cherish each brushstroke and continue creating art that speaks to my soul.三、My Memorable Trip(我难忘的旅行)Greetings, fellow adventurers! Today, I want to share with you a memorable trip I took to a quaint village nestled in the mountains.It was a sunny morning when my family and I embarked on our journey. The air was fresh, and the scent of blooming flowers filled our senses. The winding road led us to a breathtaking view of lush greenery and cascading waterfalls.Upon arriving, we were warmly welcomed by the locals. Their hospitality and kindness made us feel at home. We stayed in a cozy guesthouse, surrounded by majestic mountains and crystal-clear rivers. The tranquility ofthe village was a soothing balm for our weary souls.During our stay, we explored the village and its surroundings. We hiked to the mountaintop, where we could see the panoramic view of the entire valley. The sight was awe-inspiring and left an indelible mark in our hearts. We also visited the local market, where we tasted delicious homemade treats and interacted with the friendly villagers.One particular highlight of the trip was a visit to a nearby temple. Its intricate architecture and serene atmosphere captivated us. We lit incense and offered prayers, hoping for blessings and good fortune.Another unforgettable experience was a traditional dance performance by the villagers. The vibrant costumes and graceful movements transported us to a different era. We couldn't help but join in the festivities, dancing with joy and laughter.As our trip came to an end, we bid farewell to the village and its people. Our hearts were filled with gratitude for the memories we had created together. It was a trip that reminded us of the beauty of simplicity and the importance of connecting with nature and fellow human beings.In conclusion, this trip will forever hold a special place in my heart. It taught me the value of exploration, cultural exchange, and embracing the wonders of the world. I look forward to embarking on more adventures and creating many more memories in the future.四、Conclusion(结语)In this article, I shared with you my daily routine, my favorite hobby, and a memorable trip. Each of these experiences has shaped me into the person I am today. They have taught me the importance of discipline, creativity, and appreciation for the world around me.I believe that life is a collection of experiences, and we should embrace every opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Whether it's following a daily routine, pursuing a passion, or embarking on an adventure, each step we take contributes to our personal journey.So, let's make the most of every moment and cherish the richness of life. Let's strive for excellence, nurture our talents, and create beautiful memories along the way.。



7A Unit 2 讲解jog/dʒɒg/vi.慢跑,慢步长跑( 尤指锻炼)n.慢跑(19)jogging --- go jogging go v-ingpaint /peɪnt/vi.&vt.用颜料画;在···上刷油漆n.绘画颜料;油漆(19)paintingoil paint 油漆;油画颜料;油性涂料paper-cutting/'peɪpə/ /'kʌtɪŋ/n.剪纸(19)all kinds of 各种各样的(19)kind – type / stylevary – variousfit/fit/adj.健康的(19)keep fit / healthyaround /ə'raʊnd/prep.围绕,环绕adv.到处,向各处(20)roundaround the world 全世界show sb around...turn aroundchange /tʃeɪn(d)ʒ/vt.使不同vi.&n.改变,变化(20)change one’s life 改变某人的生活change n. 找零exchange (students) 交换(生)li fe/laif/n.pl.li ves)个人生活;生命(20)all one’s lifethief(小偷),wife(妻子),wolf(狼),shelf(架子),knife(刀),half(半),leaf(树叶),life(生命),scarf(围巾)museum/mju:'ziəm/n.博物馆(20)thing/θɪŋ/n.东西(20)thingssomething, anything, nothing,everything*apart/ə'pɑːt/adv.分开(20)take apart拆卸,拆开 机器等)(20)fix/fiks/vt.修理;安装(20)mend: 通常指较简单的修复过程,一般不需要专门技术或特殊工具。



牛津译林版七年级上册单词表Unit 1Oh (哦,啊)e-dog(电子狗)master(主人)grade(年级)student(学生)reading(阅读)classmate(同班同学)afterschool(放学后)slim(苗条的)be good at(擅长于)over there(在那边)classroom(教室)dancing(跳舞,舞蹈)swimming(游泳)age(年龄)looks(相貌,容貌)cute(可爱的;讨人喜欢的)hobby(业余爱好)glad(高兴地)everyone(每人,人人)come from(来自)glasses(【复】眼镜)Unit 2walking(散步,步行)really 的确,确实)bowl(碗,盆)time(次,回)tennis(网球)volleyball(排球)enjoy(享受……的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱)go swimming(去游泳)player(运动员)member(成员)club(俱乐部)free(空闲的)hope(希望)dream(梦想;梦)true(真的,真实的)come(变为现实,成为事实)drawing(画画)weekend(周末)at/on weekend(s)(在周末)of course(当然)shop(购物)table tennis(乒乓球)else(另外;其他)a lot of=lots of(许多;大量)fun(享乐,乐趣;有趣的事)team(队;组)talk about/of(谈论)match(比赛,竞赛)hero(偶像;英雄)Unit 3which(哪一个)best(最,最好地)so(因此,所以)biology(生物)geography(地理)history(历史)date(日期)meeting(会议;集会)o’clock(……点钟)OK(好,对;不错)gate(大门)so(如此,这么;非常)show(引,带,领)around(到处,向各处)Show somebody around. (领某人参观)front(前面)in front of(在……前面)building(建筑物,房子,楼房)ground(地,地面)first floor [(英)底层]ground floor[ (美)一楼]bright(明亮的)modern(现代的,新式的)hall(礼堂,大厅)diary(日记)look at(看一看)wall(墙)let me see(让我想想)after class(下课后)pardon(什么,请再说一遍)phone(电话)on the phone(通电话)from…to…(从……到……)take(需要……时间,费时)get up(起床)go to school(去上学)a.m.(午夜至正午,上午,午前)p.m.(下午,午后)reading room(阅览室)only(只,只有,仅)sure(当然)kind(种类)all kinds of(各种各样的)borrow(借,借用)borrow…from…(向……借……)letter(信,函)few(不多,少数)a few(一些,少量)away(离开,远离)far away from(远离)on foot(走路,步行)best(最好的)all the best(一切顺利)Unit 4wake(醒,醒来,唤醒)wake up(醒来)shall(表示提出或征求意见)hill(小山)seldom(很少,不常)out(出来,向外,外出)go out(出去)have breakfast/lunch/dinner(吃早饭/中饭/晚饭)need(需要)rest(休息,歇息)just(只是)have fun(玩得高兴)have lessons(上课)after-school(课外的,课后的)activity(活动)homework(家庭作业)go to bed(去睡觉)usually(通常,经常)never(从不,绝不)be late for(迟到)start(开始,着手)quarter(一刻钟)past(晚于)in the morning/afternoon/evening(在上午/下午/晚上)first(首先)chat(聊天,闲聊)each(每人,每个,每件)other(另外,其他)each other(互相,彼此)practise [(英)练习]practice[ (美)训练]have a good time(过得愉快,玩得高兴)wish(希望,祝愿)would(表示客气地建议或邀请)would like(想,愿意)life(生活,生命)roller skating(溜旱冰)luck(好运,幸运)museum(博物馆)twice(两次)picnic(野餐)once(一次)dislike(不喜爱,厌恶)reason(原因,理由)ready(准备好,准备完毕)get ready for something(为……准备好)learn(学,学习,学会)Unit 5celebrate(庆祝,庆贺)guess(猜,猜测)dress(穿着,穿衣)dress up(装扮,乔装打扮)as(作为,当作)ghost(鬼,鬼魂)Christmas(圣诞节)festival(节日)because(因为)present(礼物)together(在一起,共同)get together(聚会,联欢会)moon cake(月饼)full(满的)USA(美国)mask(面具,面罩)paint(用颜料图)pumpkin(南瓜)lantern(灯笼,提灯)inside(在里面)knock on the door(敲门)shout(大声说,叫,嚷)trick or treat(不招待,就使坏)if(如果)treat(招待)trick(诡计,把戏)special(特殊的,特别的)question(问题)dumpling(汤圆,饺子)rice dumping(粽子)grandparent[祖父(母)]other(另外,其他)thing(东西,物品)lion(狮子)lion dance(狮子舞)firework(烟火,烟花)find out(发现)more(更多)radio[无线电广播(节目)收音机] take photos(拍照)at night(在夜里)show(演出,秀)seem(好像,似乎,看来)different(不同的)around(围绕,在……周围)important(重要的)most(大多数,大部分)off(离开,脱离)let off=set off(使(炸弹)爆炸)packet[小包;(一)包]red packet(红包)Unit 6Lifestyle(生活方式)noon(正午)hamburger(汉堡包)keep(保持)lemon(柠檬)watermelon(西瓜)chocolate(巧克力)beef(牛肉)carrot(胡萝卜)pork(猪肉)sweet[(英)糖果]candy[(美) 甜点]meat(肉)snack(小吃,零食)health(健康)fit(健康的)keep fit(保持健康)meal(一餐)pear(梨)sugar(食糖,糖)tooth(牙齿)computer game(电脑游戏)cola(可乐饮料)change(改变,变化)plan(打算,计划)pool(水池,水塘)swimming pool(游泳池)piece(块)a piece of(一块)glass(玻璃杯,玻璃)plate(盘子)salt(盐)cup(茶杯,杯)kilo(千克,公斤)carton(盒)bottle(瓶子)less(较少,更少)than(比)less than(少于,小于)more than(多余,不仅仅)take a walk(散步)total(总的,总计的,全部的)number(数,数量)score(得分)point(分数)more(更强,更多)order(点菜)menu(菜单)bean(豆,豆科植物)all right(行了,好吧)taste(有……的味道)energy(能量)whole(整个的)Unit 7Shopping(购物)mall(大型购物中心)down(沿着,向下)hate(讨厌,恨)well(好吧,那么,哎呀)money(钱)wallet(钱包)carry(拿,提,搬)bookshop(书店)gift(礼物)CD(光盘,激光唱片)sure(确知,肯定,有把握)maybe(也许,可能)be interested in(对……感兴趣)stamp(邮票)collect(收集,搜集)you’re welcome(不用谢,不客气)shopkeeper(店主,售货员)just a minute(稍等片刻)take a look(看一看)cost(值多少钱,需付费)cheap(便宜的)last(最近的;上一个)hair clip(发卡,发夹)match(与……相配,般配)pink(粉红色的)pretty(漂亮的,俊俏的)enough(足够,充分)change(零头,找头)different from(与……不同)paper(纸)item(一件物品,项目)T-shirt(T恤衫,短袖汗衫)most(大部分,大多数)poor(贫穷的,可怜的)area(地区)most(最大,最高)pocket(口袋)pocket money(零花钱)pair(双,对,副)a pair of(一双,一对,一副)size(尺码,大小)try on(试穿,试试看)fit(适合,合身)expensive(昂贵的)another(别的;不同的;又一;另一)price(价格,价钱)large(大的,大型号的)note(笔记,便条)bus stop(公共汽车站)restaurant(餐馆)top(最高的)Unit 8fashion(时装,时尚,风尚)include(包括,包含)think about(考虑)spend(度过)lazy(懒惰的)blouse(短上衣,衬衫)tie(领带)lend(借给)lady(女士,夫人)gentleman(先生)style(风格,样式)trainer[(英)运动鞋]sneaker[(美)运动鞋]comfortable(舒适的,使人舒服的)popular(受喜爱的,受欢迎的)among(在三者或以上中分配或选择)purple(紫色的)grey(灰色的)smart(衣着讲究的,精干的)cool(酷的,绝妙的)cotton(棉,棉织物)scarf(围巾)both(两个)jeans(牛仔裤)silk(丝;丝绸)wool(羊毛,羊绒)boot(靴子)both…and…(……和……都;不仅……而且……)be made of(由……制成write to(写信给)wait for(等候)look for(寻找)lie(躺,平放)go for something(去从事,去参加)fit(适合的)fit for(适合于)think of(认为;考虑)glove(手套)leather(皮革)soft(柔软的;柔和的)smooth(光滑的,平坦的)lovely(可爱的;美丽的,迷人的)hat(帽子)jacket(夹克衫,短上衣)feature(特征)material(材料)design(设计;思)model(模特;模型)dark(暗的;深色的,暗色的)include(包括,包含)。




1. 重点单词表。

- 按照单元整理每单元的重点单词,例如:- Unit 1.- name [neɪm],n. 名字;v. 命名。

- nice [naɪs],adj. 美好的;令人愉快的。

- to [tuː],prep. 到;向(表示方向等)- 对于单词的记忆,可以提供一些记忆方法,比如联想记忆、词根词缀记忆等。


2. 词汇拓展。

- 列出由重点单词拓展出的相关词汇,如:- 由“nice”拓展出“nicely”(adv. 漂亮地;恰好地)。


1. 一般现在时。

- 概念:表示经常或习惯性的动作或状态,也表示客观事实或普遍真理。

- 结构:- 肯定句:主语+动词原形(第三人称单数形式加 -s或 -es)+其他。

例如:I like English. He likes English.- 否定句:主语+don't/doesn't+动词原形+其他。

例如:I don't like math. He doesn't like math.- 疑问句:Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他?例如:Do you like music? Does she like music?- 用法举例:- 描述日常活动:I get up at six o'clock every day.- 陈述客观事实:The sun rises in the east.2. 名词的单复数。

- 规则变化:- 一般情况加 -s,如book - books。

- 以s,x,ch,sh结尾的加 -es,如box - boxes。

- 以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加 -es,如baby - babies。

- 不规则变化:如man - men,foot - feet等。

- 用法:在句子中,根据主语是单数还是复数来决定名词的形式。



Unit 3 Welcome to our school教学目标教课目: 1. 掌握要点,如:tell , date, interesting 等2.掌握要点,如: Favourite = like....best ; learn about等3.掌握要点句型The man in white shirt is my English teacher.My favourite football star is Li Hua.教课要点:熟掌握unit3 的以及教课点:熟掌握 unit3的重要句型welcome to the unit1.迎到达我的学校2.最喜⋯3.告某人对于某事4. 学对于⋯5.今日的日期是什么?6.在开放日7.在学校口Reading1.看起来美丽2.某人参某地3.在⋯的前面4.在一楼5.一个美教室6. 在那边7.衣着白衫的男人7. 看上昨年Integrated skills1.怎去学校2. 它花我大体10分知 3.从⋯到⋯ 4. 各种各的识 5. 风趣的点及重难点梳理Task1.感你的来信2. 有一点教室3.在那边玩4. 离学校5.步行6. 或许室要点:表示的介in:一天的早中晚;月;季;年;on :礼拜;日期;特别的日子;特别的日at:详细的点;年the evening Sundays7:39Children's Day October1993Sunday morningso1)()所以,所以(不可以和_________同出)2)这样的so big ____________ ( 这样多的人 ) / __________________( 这样多的作) 3)取代上文的内容(代)I think so. / I hope so. / I am afraid so.favourite= like⋯bestWhich??do you like best? = ________ is _______ ________subject?点、礼拜几、日期的不一样提:What's the time ?It's ten o'clock.What day is it today ?What's the date today?It's Sunday. It's 2 October.区in front of / in the front ofI sit you.There is a desk my classroom.区不一样的穿的表达:1) in 衣着(表状) +衣服 / 色 the boy in blue / a woman in a red dress 区于 withthe girl ______ long hair / glasses2) wear 穿、戴着(表状)like to wear / wearing⋯3) ??on 穿上、戴上(作程)put it / them on -----___________( 脱)比方: Lucy likes _________ red. But today she __________ a purple blouse.Do you know the boy ______ the jeans?It's very cold outside. Please ____________ your warm coat, or you will catch a cold. borrow sth from sb (借)/ lend sth to sb(借出)borrow :人的西lend:自己的西花的四种法比如: It takes me about 30 minutes to get to school.= _____ ______ about half an hour _______ to school.提: ______ _____ ______ it _______ you _______ _______ to school?四个花:人+ spend +/金on sth.(in) doing sth.物 + cost+ sb. +to do sth.人 + pay ++ for sth.pay for sb.某人付It+ takes/took sb. +to do sth.比如: 1. I200 yuan for this pair of shoes.2.These books me 150 yuan.3.It me 20 yuan to buy this book.4.Tom two hours on his homework.5.My sister200 yuan buying her dress.交通方式的提:do you get to school? On foot / By bus....by+ 交通工具(中不加任何的西)= take a +交通工具坐机:take a plane by plane 区 a few / a little少许的few / littleby air表示否认(几乎没有)比方: He has_________ friends and often goes to visit them.There is _______water in the bottle. let's go to??some. open / close (v.)开/关(表作)be o?/ be closed (adj.) 开着 / 关着(表状)The supermarket _____________ from 7:00 . to 10:30 .Don't ____ the?. It's too hot.Keep the windows _________. There is a strong wind.The shop ______at 7:. and ________ at 10 . every day.考点训练kind:1)种类 n.a kind of / different kinds of / many kinds of / all kinds of2)热忱的,好的 be kind to sb----Our teachers__________________________.( 都对我们很好 ) 差别 it / one / that / those:Who is knocking at the??____ may be Jim.Kate?s a new computer. I also want to buy ____.Do you have a?? Sorry, I don't have ______.There's a book on the ground. Is _____yours?The weather in Guangdong is much hotter than in Nanjing.The apples in Yantai is much sweeter than in Dalian.一 . 依据中文提示,达成单词1.Yangzhou has a(历史) of nearly 2 , 500 years.2.We have two(地理) lessons every day.3.My pen is at home. Can I(借) your pen?4.Their classroom is next to(我们的) .5.Your English teacher(听起来) great.6.My mother often goes(购物) at the weekend.二 . 依据句意用适合的介词填空1.The playground is front of our classroom building.2.Who's that girl a white dress?3.Is your classroom the ground floor?4.Let's meet the school gate at 2:00 in the afternoon.5.I sit Sandy and Millie. I am in the middle.三 . 单项选择() 1. -- Excuse me,?-- It's Sunday.A. what day is it todayB. what's the timeC. what's the date todayD. what's the weather like today?() 2. Class is over. It's time you a rest.A. to; to haveB. for; haveC. to; haveD. for; to have() 3. Miss Wang teaches English. They like class very much.A. they; herB. them; herC. their; herD. them; she() 4. -- Please me about your new school.-- Of course.A. tellB. talkC. sayD. speak() 5. Millie is very tall and sits me. So I can't see the blackboard.A. behindB. in front ofC. besideD. under() 6. I can't find my pen. Could you help find it?A. meB. herC. himD. them() 7. -- Mike, is this Tom's pencil?-- Oh, yes, it is!A. mineB. hersC. yoursD. his() 8. -- Can I your bike?-- With pleasure. But you mustn't it to others.A. lend; borrowB. borrow; lendC. lend; lendD. borrow; borrow () 9. May I your bike, please? I'll give it back to you soon.A. touchB. bringC. borrowD. buy() 10. -- Could I your iPad, Alice?-- Of course. Here you are.A. lendB. keepC. borrowD. return() 11. There is a cup of tea. Please pass to me.A. oneB. itC. thisD. that四 .按要求改写句子1. Sandy usually goes to school on foot every day.(改为同义句)Sandy usually every day.2. It's 11th October today.(对画线部分发问)the today?3. My school is 15 minutes' walk from my home.(改为同义句)It me 15 minute walk from my home to my school.4. Daniel is in the school music club.(改为同义句)Daniel is the school music club.一 .用所给单词的适合形式填空1. I would like( show ) you around our school.2. Are there lots of tall(建筑物 ) in your city?3. Keeping(日志 ) is good for us. I like it very much.4. It takes me about an hour(finish) the homework.5. Mr Wu teaches(we) English. We like him very much.6. They like( get ) up early in the morning and to go to bed early at night.二 .单项选择() 1. We can borrow books there57 .A. from; toB. from; atC. at; toD. between; at() 2. The boy feels unhappy because he has friends.思A. a lot ofB. someC. a fewD. few () 3. When I take the bus, I like sitting it.维A. in front ofB. in the front ofC. behindD. near 拓() 4. -- Where can I buy a pen?展-- You can buy in that shop.A. itB. themC. oneD. ones() 5. -- Don't look out of the window.--? I can't hear you well.A. OkB. PardonC. ReallyD. All right(today, Millie ?-- It's 30 October.A. How are youB. What time is itC. What day is itD. What's the date三 .句型变换1. Mrs Zhang is their English teacher.Mrs Zhang English.2.All the students often go to school on foot.the students often school.3.My home is far away from the school.It's from my home to the school.4.It takes him a week to read the interesting book.He a week the interesting book.5.It takes me an hour to go to the town.(对画线部分发问 )it you to go to the town?四 . 完形填空Do you hear a game called "Music Chairs"? Do you know 1 to play it? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. You only need some2, some people and some ways of making music. You may use a 3 , a radio or a tape(磁带 ).First, put the chairs in a row( 行 ). Then, one person plays the music. When the music starts, the players walk around the chairs. Everyone goes in the4way, of course, they should walk with music. If the music is fast they should walk 5 . If the music is slow, they should walk slow.The person who plays music cannot see the people in the game. When the music 6 , the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot7 a chair to sit on, he drops out(裁减 ). Then,8the music starts again, people should take away one chair. When the music stops again, one more player will be9 .At last, there will be10players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.() 1. A. what B. how C. where D. when() 2. A. desks B. books C. bags D. chairs() 3. A. piano B. pen C. ball D. book() 4. A. best B. nice C. same D. different() 5. A. fast B. slow C. really D. only() 6. A. stops B. begins C. writes D. plays() 7. A. buy B. see C. watch D. find() 8. A. after B. before C. ago D. later() 9. A. in B. over C. far D. out() 10. A. no B. two C. three D. fourunit 3课后作业日期:讲课人:学生:口述作业详细内容及要求达成状况(优、良、差)1.预习作业unit 4单词2.复习作业unit3知识点要点3.背诵作业unit3单词词组4.习题练习教课设计后附一 .单项选择( ( ( ( ( () 1. -- What's the date today?-- It's.A. SundayB. on SundayC. September 9D. on September 9 ) 2. -- Don't stand me. I can't see the blackboard.-- I'm sorry.A. nextB. behindC. in the front ofD. in front of) 3. Don't worry! Let me you after.A. help; a classB. help; classC. to help; the class C. to help; class) 4. -- How long does it take us to Shanghai plane?-- About one and a half hours.A. to go; inB. go; byC. to go; byD. go; in) 5. -- Do you want at five in the afternoon?-- Sure.A. get homeB. get to schoolC. to go thereD. to go to there ) 6. -- We're going to have a basketball match with Class 3.--.A. Wish you good luckB. Let me seeC. Thank youD. Have a good time二 . 达成以下句子1. -- 你们常常在哪里开家长会?-- Where do you often have -- 在学校礼堂。



译林牛津初一上册英语知识点归纳-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1初一英语Unit 1 This is me!短语归纳:look after \ take care of 照顾 on the first day 在第一天Class 1,Grade 7 7年级1班 play football 踢足球after school 放学后 be\come from 来自be good at \do well in 擅长 fly kite s 放风筝go home 回家 listen to music 听音乐play a game 玩游戏 wear glasses 戴眼镜at school 在学校 all the lessons 所有的课程talk about 谈论 over there 那里a lot of hobbies 许多爱好用法集萃:love\like doing sth 喜欢做某事 let’s +动词原形让我们I am\My name is 我叫 welcome to +地点欢迎来到This is 这是 be good at \do well in doing 擅长做in Class…Grade…在几年级几班 live with…in…和谁住在哪里I’m …year old. 我几岁了。

I have…hair.我留着……头发典句背诵What’s your name你叫什么名字Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。

I love reading. 我喜欢阅读Now let’s meet our new classmates. 现在让我们认识下我们的新同学。

I often play football after school.放学后我经常踢足球。

She is tall and slim. 她个头很高,身材苗条。

He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。



2024牛津译林版新版 7A Unit 1 单词详解greet和(某人)打招呼greet(v.)→ greeting(n.)问候→ greetings(复数)问候语greet sb. = say hello to sb. 向某人问好Tom gave us a cheery greeting. 汤姆愉快地跟我们打招呼。

introduce 介绍introduce(v.)→introduction(n.)an introduction to → 一个……的介绍introduce sb./sth. to sb. →向某人介绍某人/某物introduce oneself →自我介绍I will introduce my friend to you. 我会把我的朋友介绍给你。

Let me introduce myself to you. 让我向您做个自我介绍。

each other互相We can help each other in our study. 我们可以在学习上互相帮助。

注意:each的用法We each have a different point of view. 我们每个人都有不同的观点。

= Each of us has a different point of view.Each child is polite. 每个孩子都有礼貌的。

go by 被称作I go by Millie. →I am called Millie. 我被称为米莉。

go by →(时间)流逝,过去;经过,路过go → went(过去式)glad 高兴glad(adj.)→gladly(adv.)→happy(同义词)be glad to do sth. 做某事很开心I am glad to see you. 我很高兴见到你。

same同一的,相同的same →different(反义词)the same + 名词单数;different + 名词复数the same as 和……相同;be different from... 和……不一样Lily’s coat is the same as mine. 李莉的外套和我的相同。

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