cadenceperiod_jitter函数1. Introduction to Cadence Period Jitter:2. Causes of Cadence Period Jitter:a) External noise sources: Electromagnetic interference (EMI) from nearby devices or external sources can induce noise in the clock signal, leading to variation in the clock period.c) Power supply noise: Variations or noise in the power supply voltage can directly impact the clock signal and resultin jitter.d) Thermal effects: Temperature variations can cause changes in the propagation delay of the clock signal, leading to jitter.3. Impact of Cadence Period Jitter:The presence of cadence period jitter can have several negative effects on digital systems:a) Data corruption: In high-speed data transmission systems, even small variations in clock period can cause errors in the received data, leading to data corruption or loss.c) Reduced system performance: Jitter can degrade theoverall performance of digital systems by introducing timing uncertainty, reducing system reliability, and limiting the achievable data rates.4. Measuring Cadence Period Jitter:Accurate measurement and characterization of cadence period jitter is vital to assess system performance and validate design specifications. Several techniques are available for measuring jitter, including:b) Phase noise analysis: Phase noise refers to the random phase fluctuations in the clock signal. By analyzing the phase noise spectrum, jitter can be determined indirectly.5. Minimizing Cadence Period Jitter:To minimize cadence period jitter and ensure reliable system operation, various techniques can be employed:a) Clock synthesis and conditioning: Using high-qualityclock synthesis circuits and conditioning techniques, such as clock buffering and impedance matching, can help mitigate jitter.b) Noise isolation: Isolating the clock signal from external noise sources, such as electromagnetic interference, can reduce the introduction of jitter into the system.c) Power supply filtering: Implementing effective power supply filtering techniques can reduce power supply noise andits impact on the clock signal.d) Thermal management: Proper thermal management techniques, such as efficient heat dissipation and temperature regulation, can help minimize thermal-induced jitter.6. Conclusion:Cadence period jitter is a critical parameter in digital systems, affecting data transmission integrity and system performance. By understanding its causes, measuring its impact, and employing appropriate jitter reduction techniques, designers can ensure reliable and high-performance digital systems. Accurate measurement techniques and precise modeling tools can aid in optimizing system performance and meeting design specifications.。
由于示波器是由信号自身触发的,我们可以观察到对应于不同信号坑长度的Jitter (比如3T,4T,5T等)。
SONET指南-网元特性(05-06抖动和相位变化)SONET指南-网元特性(05-06抖动和相位变化)内部华为技术有限公司版权所有侵权必究SONET指南-网元特性(05-06抖动和相位变化)内部修订记录SONET指南-网元特性(05-06抖动和相位变化)内部目录1SONET网元特性 (6)1.1抖动 (6)1.1.1网元抖动标准 (6)1.2净负荷信号上的相位变化 (8)1.2.1映射相位变化 (8)1.2.2指针调整相位变化 (8)SONET指南-网元特性(05-06抖动和相位变化)内部关键词:抖动摘要:无。
缩略语清单:PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy(准同步数字系列)SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy(同步数字系列)SONET Synchronous Optical Network(同步光网络)ITU International Telecommuication Union(国际电信组织)ANSI American National Standard Institute(美国国家标准协会)STS Synchoronous Transport Signal(同步传送信号)STS-N Synchoronous Transport Signal Level NSPE Synchoronous Payload Envelope(同步净荷包)VT Virtual Tributary(虚支路)LAPS Linear Automatic Protection Switching(线性自动保护倒换)MSP Multiplex Segment Protection(复用段保护)BLSR Bidirectional Line-Switiched Ring(双向线路倒换环)SNCP Subnetwork Connection Protection(子网连接保护)UPSR Dual-fed Unidirectional Path-Switched Ring(单向通道倒换环)TPS Tributary Protection Switching(支路保护倒换)参考资料清单无。
delivering true HD quality. (more)
HMDI Version Comparison
HDMI version Maximum clock rate (MHz) Maximum TMDS throughput per channel (Gbit/s) Maximum total TMDS throughput (Gbit/s) Maximum video throughput (Gbit/s) Maximum audio throughput (Mbit/s) Maximum color depth (bit/px) Maximum resolution over single link at 24-bit/px[B] Maximum resolution over single link at 30-bit/px[C] Maximum resolution over single link at 36-bit/px[D] Maximum resolution over single link at 48-bit/px[E]
tests for TMDS_CLOCK channel (5-3),New VL
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Adds mini
triggering (7-2)
Digital Cinema systems used in many
1920×1200p75 4096×2160p24
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Maxim > App Notes > HIGH-SPEED INTERCONNECTKeywords: jitter, gaussian, random, RJ, deterministic, cycle to cycle, adjacent cycle, duty cycle distortion,pulse width distortion, inter-symbol, bit error rate, BER, berMar 06, 2003APPLICATION NOTE 1916An Introduction to Jitter in Communications SystemsAbstract: This introduction to jitter presents definitions for various jitter types including the random jitter types: Gaussian, cycle-to-cycle, adjacent cycle; and deterministic jitter types: duty cycle distortion, pulse width distortion, pulse skew and data dependent (pattern) jitter. The application note also discusses the relationship between the various jitter components and system Bit Error Rate (BER).What is Jitter?The SONET standard states that "Jitter is defined as the short-term variations of a digital signal's significant instants from their ideal positions in time. Significant instants could be (for example) the optimum sampling instants." The Fiber Channel standard simply defines jitter as "The deviation from the ideal timing of an event." In short, the term "jitter" describes timing errors within a system. In a communications system, the accumulation of jitter will eventually lead to data errors.The parameter that is of most value to the system user is the frequency of occurrence of these data errors, normally referred to as the Bit Error Rate (BER). We'll discuss BER in more detail later.First, some definitions. The basic jitter types and definitions are listed in Table 1 below. Some jitter types have a number of commonly used terms describing the same measurement. Others have terms describing different measurement methods for the same jitter type. Where multiple terms are used to describe the same jitter type, these are listed together.Table 1. Terms and Definitions Associated with Jitter MeasurementsJitter Term Definition Additional InformationJitter In addition to the definitionsabove, jitter is composed oftwo basic types: random anddeterministic.Random Jitter (RJ)Jitter that is not bounded andcan be described by aGaussian probabilitydistribution. Random jitter ischaracterized by its standarddeviation (rms) value.The principal source is Gaussian (white) electrical noise within system components. Electrical noise interacts with the slew rate of signals to produce timing errors at the switching points.Random RJ measurement method. Aprobability distribution basedon the difference in timebetween an actual clock edgeand its ideal (intended)position.Although two measurements of the same source, random and cycle to cycle jitter are not equivalent. Cycle to cycle jitter has frequency dependant terms and, compared to random jitter measurements, will accentuate high frequency jitter sources while rejecting low frequency sources. Therandom jitter measurement is independent of frequency.Cycle to Cycle Adjacent CycleRJ measurement method. A probability distribution based on the difference in the period measured between one clock cycle and an adjacent cycle.Deterministic Jitter (DJ)Jitter with a non-Gaussian probability density function. Always bounded in amplitude and with specific causes. DJ is characterized by its bounded, peak-to-peak, value.Sources are generally related to imperfections in the behavior of a device ortransmission media but also may also be due to EMI, crosstalk, grounding problems.Duty Cycle Distortion Pulse Width Distortion Pulse SkewDJ component. Deviation in duty cycle value from the ideal (intended) value. Inmany serial data systems this equates to a deviation in bit time between a 1 bit and a 0 bit. May also defined as the difference in propagation delay between low to high and high to low delay times. Source is commonly timing differences between rising and falling edges within a system. May also be caused by ground shifts in single ended systems.Data Dependant Jitter Pattern Jitter Inter-Symbol InterferenceDJ component. Timing errors that vary with the datapattern used. Data dependant and Pattern jitter are used to describe the effect of jitter in the time domain. Inter-Symbol Interference is more commonly applied to frequency domainmeasurements i.e., thespreading of a signal peak as would be seen on a spectrum analyzer.Primary source is component and system bandwidthlimitations. Higher frequency signals have less time to settle than lower frequency ones. This leads to changes in the start conditions for transitions at different frequencies and produces timing errors dependent on the data pattern being applied.Sinusoidal Jitter Periodic JitterDJ component. Jitter that has a sinusoidal (or periodic) form and is related to (correlates to) the data pattern.Source is interference from signals that are related to the data pattern. Ground bounce and other power supply variations are commoncauses although the levels of sinusoidal jitter normally encountered are very low.Uncorrelated bounded JitterDJ component. Jitter that is bounded in amplitude and uncorrelated (to the data pattern).Commonly sinusoidal innature, source is interference from other signal sources either within the system or external to it. Sources include EMI, capacitive and inductive coupling and power supply switching noise.Total Jitter (TJ)The summation (orconvolution) of deterministicand random jitter. Total jitteris the peak to peak valueobtained.TJ = DJ + n × RJ where n = number of standard deviations corresponding to the required BER. This summation is usually applied due to it's simplicity although this method over-estimates the actual BER since the maximum RJ errors will not always coincide with maximum DJ error. A probabilistic (convolved) summation of the two jitter types would produce a more accurate solution though the application of this would require knowledge of the DJ modulation waveform.Mapping Jitter System level jitter componentof DJ type. Jitter due tomapping of data from onetransmission standard toanother when bit stuffing hasoccurred during the mappingprocess. Gaps are left in the recovered signal after de-mapping. Phase locked loops (PLLs) are used to smooth the resulting gaps but a certain amount of jitter remains.Pointer Jitter System level jitter componentof DJ type. Jitter resultingfrom the application of aSONET signal containingdefined sequences of pointeractivity to a demultiplexer.Wander Jitter System level jitter componentof DJ type. Low frequencytiming errors less than 10Hzin frequency (SONET).Principal source is system temperature variations.Jitter Transfer Jitter Gain Ratio of jitter on output signalto jitter applied on inputsignal.Used to quantify the jitteraccumulation performance ofdata retiming devices:regenerators, PLLs.Jitter Tolerance Amount of input jitter areceiver must toleratewithout violating system BERspecifications. Can be split into Random Jitter Tolerance and Deterministic Jitter Tolerance.Unit Interval (UI)Time period equivalent to 1bit time in a serial datastream.Reciprocal of baud rate. Jitter specifications are often quoted in multiples of UI.How Does Jitter Lead to Data Errors?Information is extracted from serial data streams by sampling the data signal at specific instants. Ideally these sampling instants would always occur at the centre of a data bit time, equidistant between two adjacent edge transition points. The presence of jitter changes the edge positions with respect to the sampling point. An error will then occur when a data edge falls on the wrong side of a sampling instant.As has been stated in Table 1, the total jitter can be expressed as the sum of deterministic jitter and a number of standard deviations of random jitter at any particular error probability value. Random jitter is defined aboveas jitter which can be described by a Gaussian probability distribution. Gaussian distributions are symmetrical about a mean value. One standard deviation (1σ) is defined as the window which contains 68.26% of a population to one side of the mean. Table 2 lists multiples of σ with the proportion of total population applicable to each.Table 2. Proportion of Total Population vs. Standard Deviation in a Gaussian Distribution±1σ68.2689%±2σ95.45%±3σ99.73%±4σ99.99367%±5σ99.9999427%±6σ100-1.973 × 10-7%±7σ100-2.5596 × 10-10%±8σ100-1.24419 × 10-13%±9σ100-2.25718 × 10-17%±10σ100-1.53398 x 10-21%The result of the summation of deterministic and random jitter is another probability distribution, an example of which is shown in Figure 1. The distribution plots probability against timing error magnitude and is characterized by a having a centre portion, which represents the deterministic jitter content, and outer portions which are the tails of the (random jitter) Gaussian distribution. The shape of distribution shown is referred to as a bimodal response.Figure 1. Probability histogram showing deterministic and random components.Adding the jitter probability distribution of Figure 1 to a data stream effectively modulates the data edge positions with respect to the sampling instant. This is illustrated in Figure 2, which shows an ideal eye diagram with probability histograms superimposed on the data transition points. The probability of a data error associated with the sampling instant is the sum of the probabilities that either the first data transition will arrive too late or the second data transition will arrive too early. This probability is denoted by the shaded portion under the curves at the sampling point in Figure 2.Figure 2. Ideal eye diagram with data transition time probability histograms.To find the probability of a data error occurring, the sum of the probabilities of either data edge being in error must be multiplied by the probability of a transition actually occurring. The latter is represented by the average transition density and assumed to be equal to 50% for a typical data stream.By way of an example, consider a data stream with 0.3UIp-p total deterministic jitter (which includes all non-Gaussian timing error sources) and 0.05UI rms random jitter. The maximum allowable jitter is 1UIp-p; this is the amount of jitter an ideal receiver would tolerate before an error occurs (see note below). Using the expression of equation 1DJ(pk) + n × RJ(rms) = TJ(pk)and substituting TJ = 0.5UI(pk), DJ = 0.15UI(pk) and RJ = 0.05UI(rms), we obtain n = 7. This is the number of standard deviations (σ) of random jitter that will produce a data error. For a Gaussian distribution, 1.28 × 10-10% of samples lie outside a 7σ limit to one side of the mean. The total error rate (BER) is then given by equation 2.BER = (1.28 × 10-10% + 1.28 × 10-10%) × 50% = 1.28 × 10-10%The result of equation 2 corresponds to a BER of 1.28 × 10-12.The bit error rates corresponding to random jitter limits from ±1σ to ±10σ are tabulated below in Table 3.Table 3. BER as a Function of Number of Standard DeviationsLimit BER±1σ0.16±2σ 2.28 × 10-2±3σ 1.35 × 10-3±4σ0.32 × 10-4±5σ 2.87 × 10-7±6σ0.98 × 10-9±7σ 1.28 × 10-12±8σ0.62 × 10-15±9σ 1.13 × 10-19±10σ0.77 × 10-23Note: The maximum jitter allowable at a particular BER value is normally provided by the system specifications or by the communications standard which the system is required to be compatible with. The maximum allowable jitter is normally specified at a level lower than 1UI.。
1.2.时间抖动的描述方法可以通过许多基本测量指标确定抖动的特点,基本的抖动参数包括:1)周期抖动(period jitter)测量实时波形中每个时钟和数据的周期的宽度。
2)周期间抖动(cycle-cycle jitter)测量任意两个相邻时钟或数据的周期宽度的变动有多大,通过对周期抖动应用一阶差分运算,可以得到周期间抖动。
3)时间间隔误差(timer interval error,TIE)测量时钟或数据的每个活动边沿与其理想位置有多大偏差,它使用参考时钟或时钟恢复提供理想的边沿。
1.编译内核:$tar -xjvf linux-3.1.6.tar.bz2$cd linux-3.1.6$cp /boot/config-3.0.0-12-generic .config$make menuconfig选择以下驱动│┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐│││ <*> PPS support ││││ [ ] PPS debugging messages ││││ *** PPS clients support *** ││││ <*> Kernel timer client (Testing client, use for debug) ││││ <*> PPS line discipline ││││ < > Parallel port PPS client ││││ *** PPS generators support ***{*} 8250/16550 and compatible serial support ││││ [*] Console on 8250/16550 and compatible serial port ││││ <*> 8250/16550 PCI device support$make$make modules$make modules_install$make install$reboot选择新内核启动系统$ cd /usr/include$ mv linux linux.old$ mv asm asm.old$ mv asm-generic asm-generic.old$ ln -s /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include/linux linux$ ln -s /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/arch/x86/include/asm asm$ ln -s /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include/asm-generic asm-generic$ cd /usr/include$ cp /usr/src/pps-tools/timepps.h timepps.h$ cp /usr/src/pps-tools/ppsclock.h ppsclock.h2.编译ntp$ sudo apt-get install ntp 获取相应的配置文件进入ntp-4.2.6p5目录$./configure --disable-all-clocks --enable-NMEA --enable-SHM --enable-ATOM --enable-LOCAL-CLOCK --disable-parse-clock$make;make install3.配置启动环境修改/etc/init.d/ntp文件第50行删除内容NTPD_OPTS="$NTPD_OPTS -u $UGID" 中的文字-u $UGID将16行的DAEMON=/usr/sbin/ntpd改为DAEMON=/usr/local/bin/ntpd15行下增加几行,这里假定使用串口4,此时的串口设备为/dev/ttyS4,如果使用其他串口,将下面的串口设备名做相应的修改:if [ ! -e /dev/pps1 ] ;thenldattach PPS /dev/ttyS4fiif [ -e /dev/gps0 ] ;thenrm -f /dev/gps0fiif [ -e /dev/gpspps0 ] ;thenrm -f /dev/gpspps0filn -s /dev/ttyS4 /dev/gps0ln -s /dev/pps1 /dev/gpspps0setserial /dev/ttyS4 low_latency4.配置ntpd启动文件更改配置文件/etc/ntp.conf去掉其他以server 开头的行,取消从网络获取时间编辑ntp.conf 方法:vim /etc/ntp.conf 回车进入界面,按i插入,编辑完成后,按ESC,按shift+Z 两次之后 /etc/init.d/ntp restart 回车启动ntp配置方法一:(推荐使用,同步更快,误差更小):增加一下两行:server mode 17 minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 preferfudge flag1 1 flag3 1 time2 0.085 (0.182)上面的time2 0.085 需要准确测量,它为秒脉冲前沿到串行数据结束之间的时间差,单位为秒。
jitter指标摘要:1.介绍jitter 指标的背景和作用2.jitter 指标的具体定义和计算方法3.jitter 指标在通信和网络领域的重要性4.如何优化jitter 指标以提高通信质量5.总结jitter 指标在现代通信技术中的地位和价值正文:Jitter 指标在现代通信技术中具有举足轻重的地位,它是衡量通信系统性能优劣的关键参数之一。
简而言之,jitter 指标描述的是数据包在传输过程中产生的一种时延变化,这种变化会影响到数据的传输速度和通信质量。
首先,我们需要了解jitter 指标的具体定义和计算方法。
jitter 指标通常用数据包到达时间与预定时间之间的差值来表示,单位为毫秒。
计算方法为:jitter = max(|arrival_time - scheduled_time|)。
其中,arrival_time 表示数据包实际到达时间,scheduled_time 表示数据包的预定到达时间。
在通信和网络领域,jitter 指标的重要性不言而喻。
对于实时通信应用,如语音和视频通话,jitter 会导致声音和图像的同步问题,严重影响用户体验。
而对于非实时通信应用,如文件传输和电子邮件,jitter 也会导致数据处理速度的波动,影响系统的稳定性和效率。
那么,如何优化jitter 指标以提高通信质量呢?方法有很多,其中最重要的是优化网络传输协议和改善网络基础设施。
例如,采用改进的传输控制协议(TCP)算法,可以在一定程度上减轻jitter 的影响;而在网络层面,通过提高带宽、降低延迟和抖动,可以有效降低jitter 指标。
总之,jitter 指标在现代通信技术中具有重要地位和价值。
Long-Term Jitter
Long-Term Jitter有时也成为“累积抖动”,因为Long-Term Jitter是测试连续N个被测时钟周期的时钟沿和连续N个理想时钟周期的偏移。
1. ⾳视频系统。
2. 测距仪等远程遥测试应⽤。
Mean && Peak-Peak Jitter && Standard Deviation (RMS) Jitter
1.测量N个连续被测时钟周期,记录N个周期的时间之和( the time interval);
3.计算出上述统计的平均值(Mean),标准差(standard deviation)和 Peak to Peak Value。
4.重复1,2,3和4 25次,求出25次的平均值即可。
Phase Jitter
Phase Jitter是通过Phase Noise在关⼼的频率范围内做积分得到的时域抖动。
Standard Deviation (RMS) Jitter
Jitter和Noise (1)眼图EYE (3)如何将PDF和BER联系起来? (6)V oltage Noise和BER的关系如何? (9)Clock Jitter (12)Period Jitter 周期抖动 (12)Cycle to cycle Jitter (13)TIE (13)三者之间的关系 (13)Jitter/Noise的统计方法 (15)算术平均值Mean value (15)峰峰值Peak to Peak (16)标准偏差standard deviation, (16)概率密度(函数) Probability Density Function (PDF) (16)累计分布函数Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) (17)高斯/正态分布 (19)Jitter的分类、合成和分离 (21)Jitter的分类 (21)Jitter的合成和分离 (30)DJ、RJ和BER的关系 (31)示波器测量TJ的原理 (32)PCIE Jitter分析 (34)系统模型System (34)线性系统、卷积和傅立叶变换 (38)时域分析time domain (38)频域S域Frequency domain (39)如何从TJ区分各个Jitter (41)从直方图PDF中分离RJ (41)DDJ的分离 (43)分离方法的比较 (46)PLL和DLL (46)PLL基本原理 (46)Jitter和NoiseWhat is jitter noise signal integrity and it’s impactAmplitude noise timing jitter在以电压传递信号的数字系统中, 我们可以认为理想的信号应该: 在适当的时间出现适当的电压来代表1或者0.适当的时间我们称之为采样点(Sample), 适当的电压指大于或小于Reference V oltage, 我们假设大于Reference voltage认为是1, 小于大于Reference voltage电压为0一个实际的信号和理想信号在电平上的差异我们称为V oltage noise ΔA, 而时间上的差异称为timing Jitter Δt.一个实际信号和理想信号的在时间Timing和电压Voltage上的差异, 我们称它为Signal integrity.Signal integrity应该理解为时间和电压两个方面的组合, 我们用来描述它的常用概念有Overshoot,Undershoot和Ring等等, 对这些参数我们通常也只关心的是什么时候(timing)出现以及多大的电压差异(Voltage noise)时会导致问题出现.在很多讲解SI问题文章里, 特别是翻译的文章里, 往往会把timing jitter和voltage noise两个方面统称为Jitter(抖动), 虽然没有什么错, 但是我们应该要知道.它们如何影响系统的工作?Jitter会导致采样点(Sampling)偏离理想的时间, 从而采样到非预期的电压.这一Jitter可能作用在data和sample clock上, 导致data(voltage)或者clock(sample点)的延后或提前, 我们一般用Setup time和Hold time来描述, 只有在满足这两个条件的时候才能保证采样到正确的数据, 反之则会出现Bit error, 我们称之为出现timing问题. Bit error在实际的系统中是不可避免的, 那如何比较两个系统之间的性能差异? 很容易我们会想到比较在传输同样数量bit时出现错误的概率, 称为Bit Error Ratio, 一般来说10–12是最常见的要求, 即传输10的12次方个bit数据时, 最多有1个bit出现错误.而Noise会导致在采样点采样到错误的电压, 如图:眼图EYE导致Bit error的原因有两个Jitter和Noise, 最直观而有限的描述它们之间关系的手段就是眼图. 示波器通过将大量的连续3个bit位叠加在一个UI上形成眼图.一个UI简单讲可以理解为包含1个bit信息位的时间,比如2.5G PCIE GEN1 UI=400ps, 而5G PCIE GEN2 UI=200ps。
jitter指标(实用版)目录1.Jitter 指标的定义2.Jitter 指标的作用3.Jitter 指标的计算方法4.Jitter 指标的应用场景5.Jitter 指标的优缺点正文jitter 指标,又称抖动指标,是网络通信领域中用来衡量数据包传输时延变化的一个重要参数。
Jitter 指标的作用主要体现在以下几个方面:首先,jitter 指标可以反映网络的传输质量。
当 jitter 值较小时,说明数据包传输的时延变化较小,网络的传输质量较高;反之,当 jitter 值较大时,说明数据包传输的时延变化较大,网络的传输质量较低。
其次,jitter 指标可以帮助网络工程师定位网络中的问题。
当发现jitter 值较大时,网络工程师可以通过分析网络的拓扑结构、传输路径、传输协议等因素,找出可能导致 jitter 值增大的原因,从而采取相应的优化措施。
再次,jitter 指标可以用来评估网络的性能。
通过对 jitter 值的长期监测和分析,可以了解网络的性能状况,为网络的优化和升级提供数据支持。
jitter 指标的计算方法是:将数据包传输的总时延与平均时延之差,除以平均时延,得到一个比率值,即为 jitter 值。
jitter 指标的应用场景主要包括:网络性能测试、网络故障排查、网络优化和升级等。
在这些场景中,jitter 指标可以帮助用户和网络工程师更好地了解网络的传输状况,提高网络的传输质量和稳定性。
总的来说,jitter 指标是一个重要的网络传输参数,它可以用来评估网络的传输质量和稳定性,帮助用户和网络工程师发现和解决网络传输中的问题。
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Tektronix and HDMI Forum
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HDMI2.0 spec.
HDMI 2.0 Features
Uses same Cat 2 Cable and HDMI 1.4b connector Support 4K 2K 4:4:4 60/50 Hz – 594Mcsc(Mega Characters per Second per Channel)
HDMI 1.0 ----- 1.65GBps HDMI 1.4 ----- 3.4GBps HDMI 2.0........6GBps
HDMI Basics
HDMI Technology and Solution Status
Over 1000+ adopters till date HDMI Expands Footprint
DisplayPort 1.2 Overview
2 2( )NN + D50 W1mW高速 ADC 时钟 jitter 求解高速 ADC 的时钟 jitter 会影响高速 ADC 的信噪比 SNR ,而信噪比决定了模拟前端输入的有效范围。
所以需要先确定模拟前端的有效输入范围,然后确定应该满足的 SNR ,然后推导出时钟 jitter 。
一、模拟前端动态输入范围和有效位 ENOB 的关系 假设 ADC 的最大输入幅度是 Vpp (单位 V ),分辨率位数 N 位,有效位数 ENOB 位。
有效位数 ENOB 是 ADC 的 N 位分辨率中实际有用的位数。
N 位 ADC 理论最小分辨率满足Vpp1L SB =2N 然而如果 ADC 的噪声信号大于 1LSB ,则 ADC 采样信号的 N 位表示中并不是每一位都能表示采样信号,所以实际的分辨率位数会小于 N ,实际的分辨率位数我们称为有效位数ENOB 。
因此对于 ADC 来说,更加有效的参数是 ENOB ,而不是 N ,ADC 实际的最小分辨率应该为:Vpp1L SB = 2EN OBADC 的模拟输入动态范围为(VppMin ,VppMax ),VppMin 和 VppMax 使用下面公式计 算2Vpp M ax = 10l g50 1mWdBmWVpp 2 (2EN OB )模拟输入的幅度宽度:VppMax- VppMin=6.02ENOB二、有效位 ENOB 、信噪比 SNR 、信纳比 SINAD ,总谐波失真 THD 之间的关系 2.1、SNRSNR 的定义是信号幅度均方根与噪声幅度均方根的比值。
假设信号幅度均方根是 S ,噪声均方根是 N ,则S N R = 20lg (S)2.3、SINADSINAD 是信号幅度均方根与所有其它频谱成分(包括谐波但不含直流)的和方根的平均值之比。
假设信号谐波幅度均方根是 N ,则S INAD = 20lg( S )( Vpp M in = 10l gdBmW)D (2.2、THDTHD 指的是基波信号的均方根值与其谐波(一般仅前5 次谐波比较重要)的和方根的平均值之比。
simplificationdistancetolerance的设置值 -回复
下面是一些常见的设置原则:1. 数据精度要求:如果对数据的精度要求较高,即需要保留较多的细节信息,应该选择较小的simplificationdistancetolerance值。
2. 数据可视化效果:如果主要目的是用于数据可视化,例如地图的绘制,可以根据可视化效果调整simplificationdistancetolerance值。
Jitter 数字信号抖动的测试
TDS7000系列示波器配合 TDSJit3应用软件 测量参数包括:
– – – – 共 时钟(10项) 数据(4项) 时钟-数据(3项) 通用(8项) 4类25项参数
一次可同时测量任意6项参 数
各测量参数都可详细列出 统计值 统计值包括:
– – – – – – – – 平均值(Mean) 最大值(Max) 最小值(Min) 峰峰值(Pk-Pk) 标准差(Std Dev) 捕获数量(Population) 正最大相邻误差(Max+Δ) 負最大相邻误差(Max-Δ)
What about Tj/Rj/Dj?
– Tj = Total Jitter in a signal(总体抖动) – Rj = random jitter in a signal(随机抖动) – Dj = deterministic jitter in a signal(固有抖动或者确定性抖动) Periodic Jitter(周期性抖动) Data Dependent Jitter (ISI)(数据相关性抖动) Duty Cycle Jitter(占空比失真抖动)
pdf 1 pdf 2 cdf 2
Eye open for BER @ 1.0E-12
0UI 0.5UI 1UI 1 0
cdf 1
- 0.5UI
T1 Tj=T1+T2
– Ground Bounce – Vcc噪声
抖动测试导航-Jitter wizard
jitter和skew 笔记
jitter抖动,常以ps为单位,主要是指一个时钟实际的过零点和理想的过零点(采样点)的时间差,skew偏差,主要是指两个时钟(例如差分对的+ -时钟)的过零点之间的时间差。
理想的信号是在理想的时间(采样点sample)出现理想的电压(参考电压reference voltage)来表示1或0;实际信号和理想信号在时间上的差异为jitter,电压上的差异为电压噪声;两者统称为signal integrity;jitter会导致采样点偏离理想的时间,导致采样到非预期的电压,作用在数据和采样时钟上会导致数据或时钟的延后或提前,用建立时间setup time或保持时间hold time描述,满足条件才能采样到正确的数据,否则会有误码,一般的误码率在10的12次方比特;噪音会导致在采样点采样到错误的电压;导致误码率的原因是噪声和jitter,直观的描述手段是眼图,将大量的连续3个比特叠加在一个UI(包含一个比特的时间)上形成眼图,例如sata 2的UI是330ps;在叠出眼图的采样样本中可统计出上升沿和下降沿出现位置的概率,也可统计出在1和0处不同电压出现的概率;眼图是大量3个bit的叠加,理论上对这3个比特是否连续没有要求;力科的现代的获得眼图的方法:示波器首先捕获一组连续比特,用软件PLL方法恢复出时钟,再利用恢复出的时钟和捕获到的信号按比特位切割,切割一次,叠加一次,最后将捕获到的一组数据的每个比特位都叠加到眼图上;该方法可对局部放大后的波形做眼图,也可对历史保存的波形做眼图;通过叠加眼图的大量样本中,可统计出上升和下降沿出现在UI中心两侧的频率,可绘制概率分布图,预测系统的BER(误码率);由于jitter,ts采样点会由于时钟jitter左右移动,data也会因为jitter左右移动;ts采样点出现在UI的中点时两侧出现误码的概率相等,总的出现错误的概率最小;比特错误是jitter和noise共同作用的结果,在UI的中心位置,noise导致错误的概率接近为0,导致noise的大部分集中在上升和下降沿处,时钟jitter周期抖动指的是每个时钟的周期和理想时钟周期的差异测量波形中每个时钟周期的时间,如果示波器在第一个边沿触发可在第二个边沿看周期抖动;cycle to cycle jitter测量时钟周期在任意两个相邻周期之间的变化程度。
TIE MTIE TDEV关系在2年多前就接触过这两个概念了,那时还在小老板手下干活时,路由器上有个三级时钟板,搜索BITS时就找出过这两个概念,那时候连jitter都搞不懂,所有对这两个概念当然不理解了。
后来在了解POS、SDH和SONET的时候,从synchronous networking的角度又遇上这两个东西,还有搞不懂,但是终究能够分清楚jitter和wander了,也算有些进步。
真正接触维护时钟板了,了解到G series 的recommendation之后,才发现满篇的MTIE和TDEV。
Actual clock和ideal clock 的时间差叫做时间偏差TE,说起来有些拗口,也是经不起推敲的,同时观察两个时间信号,是不会有时间差的,有的只是相位(Phase error)或者此刻的频率差(frequence offset,由相位差微分得到)。
既然这样,由x(t)表示的TE是一个时间的连续函数,从随机过程的角度来说,这个连续的时间函数是没有意义的,我们关系的实际上是采样点时刻的差,这个采样周期(sampling rate )就是我们说的TIE中的I(interval),这个和我们常在jitter度量中说的UI(Unit Interval)是不一样的,Interval表示的是一个ideal clock一个周期的时间,而TIE中interval是自定义的,可以是一个周期,也可以大于一个周期。
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Ref clk
Gerry Talbot, AMD – DesignCon East 2005
A bus is now to be viewed as a communications system even though spans are measured in inches or centimeters
Ref clk
Currently a very difficult measurement. Opportunity for PLL characterization techniques using phase noise approach
Page 10 Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
Rx latch
Data In
Tx latch
Data Out
Pre-emphasized signal analysis (optimized signal versus channel performance), precision waveform characterization for compliance
BERTs are offering complete Jitter Tolerance Test capabilities in one box. Opportunity to reduce complexity and automate testing.
Page 9 Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
Page 5
Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
The new communications system
Transmitter Receiver
Rx latch
Data In
Data Out
Tx latch
Page 1
Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
Agenda • Trend and Challenges Testing High-Speed Serial Technologies
• Trends in High-Speed Serial Markets • New Challenges for Designers • Physical Layer Test Challenges
• Receiver Tolerance Testing
• What do Standards require • The Importance of the Receiver • How to implement Jitter Emulation
• Agilent’s Strategy to Address the New Requirements
TDR and VNA characterize the channel alone
Page 7
Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
Transmitters must compensate for low-cost cables and bolk
Tools available today for complete solution
Page 8 Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
Receivers must tolerate degraded signals
Smartest Characterization
Trends in Signal Integrity Test
Parametric Test for HighSpeed Serial Technologies Michael Reser Rainer Plitschka
Agilent Technologies High Speed Digital Test
CommunIcations Bus
SONET OC-768 CEI 11G 10.0 FBD-II Speed (Gb/s) SATA III FrontSide Bus 1.0 Hypertransport FBD-I
PCI Express-I/II
10x FC 8x FC
10G Ethernet
Ref clk
A Channel requires accurate characterization for impedance and transmission characteristics including equalization and interactions with TX and RX
Emerging test requirements
What is needed:
• Ability to easily analyze all aspects of the Tx/Ch/Rx/RefClk and treat them as a complete communications system, rather than individual components. • Efficiency – provide the right toolset to get to fast and accurate test results despite the overall complexity of Signal Integrity and the Jitter topic. • Ease of use - let engineers focus on analyzing their designs rather than learning how to use test equipment. • Confidence in measurement results - repeatability from one test system to the next. • Accurate, complete & affordable measurement capabilities.
Page 11
Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
Agenda • Trend and Challenges Testing High-Speed Serial Technologies
• Trends in High-Speed Serial Markets • New Challenges for Designers • Physical Layer Test Challenges
Memory Bus
Page 3
Trends in the computing environment
Serial busses are becoming mainstream As data rates go to 3, 5, and 6 Gb/s and beyond, technical challenges are increasing disproportionately.
Page 6
Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
Low-cost channels become lossy and dispersive
Rx latch
Data In
Tx latch
Data Out
Page 4
Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
Physical layer testing trends
Many players/vendors: Tests and specs designed to maximize interoperability Volume production: Avoid high-speed test by minimizing sensitivity to manufacturing variations • Heavy burden on R&D to get it right • Expertise on the entire system (TX/Channel/RX) • Design change in one area must be validated versus others • Typical digital engineer toolbox running out of steam • Required Jitter tests are time consuming and complex
Page 2 Trends in Signal Integrity September, 2006
High Speed Market Segments & Technologies
Computing Enterprise Public Network
Peripheral Bus
Processor Bus
Rx latch
Data In
Tx latch