
欢迎来到现代大学英语听力1课程!在这个课件中,你将学习与人建立联系的 词汇、听力技巧和口语技巧。让我们开始探索吧!
Unit 1: M aking Connections
Unit 2: Living A broad
谈论习俗和文化,寻求帮助和表 达观点。
表达观点,讨论好处和缺点,提 出改进建议。
Unit 3: Technolog y and Society
U nit 5: Educatio n and Careers
学习与教育和职业发展相关的 词汇和表达方式。
理解如何为未来的教育和职业 目标做准备。
讨论教育和职业规划,表达职 业目标,并给出建议。
Unit 6: Contem porary Issues
学习与当代问题相关的词汇和 表达方式。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ理解当前事件
表达关于社会和政治问题的观 点、讨论解决方案和辩论有争 议的话题。
Unit 4: H ealth and W ellness
英语听力教程1-Unit8Spending Money Wisely课件

Part I Getting ready With the improvement of people's living standards, the consumption of goods has been increasing year by year. In order to meet people's need in this aspect, more and more department stores, shopping centers, supermarkets and grocery stores appear. At these places, bargain prices are offered for different goods at different times. Therefore, if one has a very clear idea of them, he / she is bound to save a lot of money.
*consumption of goods 商品消费 *bargain price 低价,廉价
A. The following words and phrases will appear in this unit. All of them are related to money and spending behavior. Listen carefully and study the definitions.
*non-stick frying pan 平底不粘煎锅 *scratching/scraping (同义词)刮,擦 *basement 地下室 *hairdryer 吹风机 *special switch 特种开关 *hand-held model 手持型号 *dressing-gown 睡衣 *a treat 极佳的东西 *perfume 香水 *dining-room suites 餐厅套件 *a once-in-a-lifetime chance 千载难逢的好机会 *roof garden 屋顶花园
精品课件-大学英语听力应用教程(第1册)-Unit 1 Successful Language

Unit 1 Successful Language Learning
Part Three Passages
Unit 1 Successful Language Learning
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).
Sealed with a Kiss
Bobby Vinton
Though we gotta say goodbye for the summer
Baby I promise you this I’ll send you all my love every
day in a letter Sealed with a kiss Yes it’s gonna be a cold lonely
3. A) White leather gloves.
5. A) Call the repairman. B) Fix the lock himself. C) Open the door. D) Lock the door carefully.
6. A) At 12:00. B) At 11:00. C) At 1:00. D) At 12:30.

As far as I am concerned, I think the development of the Internet technology has shortened the geographical distance among people all over the globe. This increasing interconnectedness among people in different regions, countries and even continents has gradually rendered the world we live in as One World, in which people of different backgrounds can communicate with each other in no time at all. Take online education as one example, since there is no time and space limitations in an online class any more, a Chinese student can enroll in
Unit 1 One World
2. Do you think people all over the world are largely similar? Why or why not?

1. Professor Andrews is talking to Dr. Baxter. 2. Al is talking to Eric. 3. Sally is talking to Steve. 4. Tony is talking to Mary Parker.
Unit 1
s1p1 s1p2 s2ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ1d1
s2p2 s2p3n1 s2p3n2
s3p1 s3p2 s4p1p1 s4p1p2 s4p2
Woman 1: I've got good news (1) for you! Woman 2: Oh, yes? Woman 1: I'm getting married. Man: Well, well! (2) Who's the lucky man? Do we know him? Woman 1: Of course you (3) know him! It's David! Woman 2: (4) That's wonderful news! Man: I'm sure (5) you'll be very happy. Woman 2: (6) When's the wedding? Woman 1: Next June. (7)We're going to have a big June wedding! Woman 2: Are we invited? Woman 1: Of course! I hope you (8) can all come.

B. education C. suggestion
B. profession C. decision
Next page 6
大学英语听说教程1 Unit 1
2 Read the following sentences and pay attention to the pronunciation
大学英语听说教程1 Unit 1
1 Listen to 10 words in the recording and identify the word from
each group which has the same sound as the word you hear.
neighbor snacks themes now thousand
What’s your name?
Where are you from?
What are you most proud of about your home town? Which three words would you use to describe your personality?
Student 1
Student 2
大学英语 听力 unit 1

Unit one2. Phonetic Basis for Listening ComprehensionLCFPEE mainly involves the following seven phonetic phenomena: confusing phonetics, liaison, assimilation, weak forms, plosion and incomplete plosion, difference between British and American, intonation.2.1 Confusing PhoneticsIt is one testing form to use the confusing phonetics as the interference factors in LCFPEE. Many candidates find it very difficult to distinguish among them. The following are the main confusing phonetics, which the examinees should memorize clearly./ɪ/-/i: /: pitch- peach; still-steel; itch- each; chip-cheap; lid-lead/ʌ/-/ɑ: /: stuff-staff; much-march; become- be calm; hut-heart; cut-cart/ɔ /-/ɔ:/: spot-sport; fox-forks; not-naught/aʊ/-/ɔ/: cows-cause; down-dawn; town-torn/ʊ/-/ʊ:/:full-fool; pull-pool; foot-food/æ/-/e/: sad-said; batter-better; mass-mess/aɪ/-/æ/, /e/: crime-cram; fight-fat; pine-pan-pen/eɪ/-/i:/, /ɪ/: take it-ticket; weight/wait-wheat; bay-bee/s/-/θ/: sing-thing; pass-path; sink-think; some-thumb; sought-thought/z/-/ð/: close-clothes; breeze-breathe; tease-teethe[Ex1][A] They might have to change their plan.[B] He has got everything set for their trip.[C] He has heavier workload than the woman.[D] They could stay in the mountains until June 8.W: I just called the travel agency. It’s all set. On June 1st, we’re heading for the mountains and we’ll be camping there for a whole week.M: Have you checked the academy calendar? My classes aren’t over until the 8th.Q: What does the man imply?[Analysis] The answer should be [A]. If we mix “t over [təʊvə]” with tower [taʊə], it will bedifficult for us to choose the correct answer.[Ex2][A] She will do her best if the job is worth doing.[B] She prefers a life of continued exploration.[C] She will stick to the job if the pay is good.[D] She doesn’t think much of job-shopping.M: Jenny, remember this: a job worth doing at all is worth doing well.W: Oh, yes! I certainly won’t forget it. But don’t expect me to stick to the job just because it pays a few more bucks. A life of continuous exploration is a life worth living.Q: What can be inferred about the woman from the conversation?[Analysis] The answer should be [B]. If we take “worth [wɜ: θ]” as worse [wɜ: s], it will be difficult for us to choose the correct answer.2.2 LiaisonLiaison has three types in English, which play a significant role in listening comprehension.1.Consonant + vowelcome⌒in/work⌒out/good⌒idea/think⌒it⌒it/read⌒it⌒again/speak⌒English/first⌒of⌒a ll/not⌒at⌒all/all⌒of⌒us/look⌒at⌒it/pick⌒it⌒up/put⌒it⌒on/take⌒it⌒along/take⌒it⌒aw ay/leave⌒it⌒alone/an⌒hour/an⌒egg/an⌒end/in⌒an⌒hour/in⌒August/in⌒an⌒instant/put⌒on/put⌒it⌒on/put⌒it⌒up/let⌒him⌒in/best⌒of⌒all/take⌒it⌒out/back⌒in⌒a⌒minute/one ⌒of⌒us/make⌒it⌒up/keep⌒on/above⌒all/stand⌒up/take⌒it⌒off2.r-linkingthere⌒is/there⌒are/our⌒own/more⌒over/for⌒ever/after⌒all/far⌒away/here⌒andthere/father⌒and mother/remember⌒it/for⌒instance/later⌒on/clear⌒enough/for⌒a moment/for⌒an⌒hour/a pair⌒of shoes/for⌒example/more⌒or less/far⌒and wide/a matter⌒of fact3.Consonant+semivowelThank⌒you/nice to meet⌒you/did⌒you get there late⌒again/would⌒you like⌒a cup⌒of tea/could⌒you help me, please[Ex1][A] New laws are yet to be made to reduce pollutant release.[B] Pollution has attracted little attention from the public.[C] The quality of air will surely change for the better.[D] It ’ll take years to bring air pollution under control.W: Look at all the pollutants going into the air from those factories! Do you think they’ll ever get that under control?M: Now with the new laws in effect, and social awareness increasing, we’re sure to turn things around.Q: What does the man mean?[Analysis] The answer should be [C].[Ex2][A] Mr. Johnson’s ideas are nonsense.[B] He quite agrees with Mr. Johnson’s views.[C] Mr. Johnson is good at expressing his ideas.[D] He shares the woman’s views on social welfare.W: I don’t agree with Mr. Johnson on his views about social welfare. He seems to suggest that the poor are robbing the rich.M: He might have used better words to express his ideas, but I find what he said makes a lot of sense.Q: What does the man mean?[Analysis] The answer should be [B].when the first word ends with the consonant and the second word begins with the sound [h], [h] will be omitted to make the two adjacent phonetics of the two words liaised.Tips: practice makes perfect; listen to the liaison again and again.Exercise 2Listen to the sentences and read them.1. Why not join us?2. I got a job in a gold mine.3. You can eat them in 15 minutes.4. It all depends on your own decision.5. There twin sets tell us many things.6. Shall we meet at 8 or 10 tomorrow morning?7. There is an apple tree in front of the house.8. He has a great deal of translation to do.9. I’m afraid I can’t come at 9.10. This was a time when one had got to have a certification to live in China.2.3 assimilation1. Mixed assimilationIt refers to the phenomenon that two adjacent phonetics affect each other and become a whole sound./ t/+/ j/ →/tʃ/ not yet /´nɔtʃe t /; next year /´nekstʃɪə //d/+/ j/ →/dʒ / did you /´dɪdʒʊ:/; would you /´wudʒʊ: //z/+/j/→/ʒ/ because you /bɪ´kɔʒʊ:/; seize you/si:ʒʊ://s/+/ j/ →/ʃ/ advice you/əd´vaɪʃʊ:/; issue/´ɪʃʊ:/[Ex1][A] She was exhausted from her trip.[B] She missed the comforts of home.[C] She was impressed by Mexican food.[D] She will not go to Mexico again.M: I heard you took a trip to Mexico last month. How did you like it?W: Oh, I got sick and tired of hotels and hotel food. So now I understand the saying, “East, west, home’s best”.Q: What does the man mean?[Analysis] The answer should be [B].1.Phonetics changeIt refers to the phenomenon that the last phonetic of the first word affected by the first one changed into another similar one./n/ →/ŋ/ in front of /k/ and /g/: in case/ɪŋ´keɪs/; ten girls/´t eŋ´gɜ:lz//s/→/ʃ/,/z/→/ ʒ / before /ʃ/: this ship/´ðɪʃ´ʃɪp/, is she?/ɪʒ´ʃɪ//ð /→/θ/, /z/→/s/, / v /→/ f /: when one voiced phonetic meet a voiceless one end to end, thevoiced one will become the voiceless one. With thanks /wiθ´θæŋks/; has to /hæs ´t ʊ:/; of course/əf´kɔ:s/[Ex2][A] Mary has a keen eye for style.[B] Nancy regrets buying the dress.[C] Nancy and Mary went shopping together in Rome.[D] Nancy and Mary like to follow the latest fashion.M: How does Nancy like the new dress she bought in Rome?W: She said she would never have bought an Italian style dress if she had known Mary had already got such a dress.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?[Analysis] The answer should be [B].Exercise 3Listen to the sentences and read them.1. Would you mind doing me a favor?2. It can’t be done.3. Is she going to be there, too?4. Take some water in case you need it.5. Does she have to finish the homework this afternoon?6. All of us will miss you forever.7. I heard you took a trip to America last month.8. How did you like that?9. It’s a pity that you can’t go with us.10. The style of this shirt is not suitable for me.2.4 weak formsWeak forms play a highlight role in listening comprehension. The candidates should distinguish them from the conversation.a, an /ə, ən/ an ugly man; an hour; an honest man; an apple a day keeps the doctors away.Am/əm, m/ I’m all right; I’m not ready yet; I’ve seen him and am glad to say he’s well; what am I to do?And/ənd, ən/ two and six; fire and the sword; Tom and AAnie; Go and tell your uncleAre /ə / the boys are here; our friends are out; are you there; what are you doingAs /əz/ as good as gold; as far as I know; it looks as if you’re rightAt/ət/ I’m looking at the clock; Tom’s still at school; I’ll meet you at the gateBe/bi /Don’t be late; Do be quiet; I’ll be ready soon; we shall be there in plenty of timeBeen/ bin/ You’ve been a long time; I’ve been cheated; we’ve been playing chese.But/bət/ It’s old but useful; we’ve nothing but water; It’s raining but I’ll go out.Can/kən/ what can I do to help you? I can see it quite well; I can smell gas; that can be done in a minuteCould/kəd/ I could leave early; what could I do; I wish I could swim; you could do it if you tried.Do/də, d/ what do you want; where do you buy them; where do you get them; why do you work so hardDoes/dəz/ what does he do for a living; where does this road lead to; where does your brother live; how does that affect you.For/fə/ Is this for me; this watch will last for ever; there’s a parcel here for you; this’ll be good for you;From/frəm/ I can’t tell one from the other;had has have/həd,həz,həv/has the post come;had I know;him/im/I gave him a book; give him my best wishes;must/məst/ you must eat it at once. He must go now;shall/səl/ when shall I see you again; I shall be back soon;should/ ʃəd / what should I say; we should get there earlysome/səm/ would you like some milk; I’ve got some letters for you; give him some more;than/ðən / it’s bigger than I thought; that’s more than I want;that/ðət/ he said that he was late; I told him that he was lazy.Us/əs,s/they told us to go;Would/wəd,d/what would you like;[Ex1][A] The man might be able to play in the world cup.[B] The man ’s football career seems to be at an end.[C] The man was operated on a few weeks ago.[D] The man is a fan of world-famous football players.M: Good news! I’m not going to have surgery after all. The doctor says I can start working out again soon and maybe play football like before in a few weeks.W: Tha t’s terrific! It will be great if you could get back in shape in time for the world cup.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?[Analysis] The answer should be [A].Exercise 4Listen to the sentences and read them.1. We went without him, because he wasn’t ready in time.2. We tried to do it but in vain.3. What does it mean?4. That is my cup.5. You are the right man for the job.6. I’m not going to that company.7. I’ve heard that you’ve just come back from America.8. I will bring you up- to- date on what we’ve learned these days. ]9. He will be here for a couple of days.10. I can’t believe it.2.5 plosion and incomplete plosion1. Incomplete Plosion1) plosives+plosive: /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/Active blackboard bookcase post-card September /put down/wet ground/next door/stop talking/keep quiet/take care/not bad/hard times2) plosives+fricatives: /f/,/v/,/s/,/z/,/ʃ/, /ʒ/,/θ/ , /ð/,/r/,/h/Friendship first/old friends/step forward/red flags/a bright future/sweet flowers/ripe fruit/a complete failure/advance/advice/ a kind voice/ just thank/a thousand thanks/get through/take three/bright thought/the right thing/black thread/get there/just then/take this/red stars/ bright sky/first step/keep silent/short stories/folk songs/deep snow/a good season/bookshelves/first shift/don’t shout/make sure/a good shot/a smart shirt3) plosives+affricates: /tʃ/ /tr/ /ts/ /dʒ/ /dr/ /dz/White chalk/great changes/loud cheers/a good try/a good child/the first chapter/a bit dry/a second choice/a good job/a black jacket/a big tree/a fast train/a sweet dream/a cold drink2. Nasal Plosiont, d+m,n good morning/attend meetings/not mine/help me/a good memory/a different meaning/an important matter/midnight/quite near3. Lateral Plosiont, d+l little battle bottle cattle gentle kettle settle title candle handle idle middle needle/friendly/hardly loudly proudly rapidly/at least/at last/at lunch/the third lesson[Ex1][A] Janet loves the beautiful landscape of Australia very much.[B] Janet is very much interested in architecture.[C] Janet admires the Sydney Opera House very much.[D] Janet thinks it’s a shame for anyone not to visit Australia.M: Hi, Janet. I hear you’ve just returned from a tour of Australia. Did you get a chance to visit the Sydney Opera House?W: Of course, I did. It will be a shame for anyone visiting Australia not to see this unique creation in architecture. Its magnificent beauty is simply beyond description.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?[Analysis] The answer should be [C].Exercise 5Listen to the sentences and read them.1. Sit down.2. The big bus from the factory is full of people.3. What does the man mean?4. What time does he get up every morning?5. The boy is going into the room.6. Officials say there will be a parade.7. This is an old picture of a big car.8. The old doctor has a cat, too.9. We’re going to work on a farm next Tuesday.10. I’m sorry, I can’t do this.2.6 phonetic difference between British and American1. retroflex consonant /r/When /r/ appears after a vowel, it is pronounced in American while it is not pronounced in British.Ex.1 Ladder – British: /´lædə/ American: /´lædər/Apartment- British:/ə´pɑ:tmənt/ American: /ə´pɑ:rtmənt/2.difference in vowels(1)in American /ɑ:/is often pronounced as /æ/Ex.2 can’t→British: /kɑ:nt/ American: /kænt/fast→British: /fɑ:st/ American: /fæst/(2)in American /ɔ /is often pronounced as /ɑ:/Ex.3 crop→British: /krɔp/ American: / krɑ:p /ironic→British: /ai´rɔnik/ American: / ai´rɑ:nik /(3)in American /ju: /after /t/,/d/and /n/ is often pronounced as /u:/Ex.4 tune→British: /tju:n/ American: /tu:n/due→British: /dju:/ American: /du:/3.Some special words.neither→British: /´naiðə/ American: /´ni:ðər/either→British: /´aiðə/ American: /´i:ðər/record→British: /´rekɔ:d/ American: /´rekərd/dictionary→British: /´dikʃənəri/ American: /´dikʃəneri /library→British: /´laibrəri/ American: /´laibreri /laboratory→British: /´ləbɔrətri/ American: /´læbrətɔ:ri /Exercise 6Listen to the words and read them.1. dual Britain: /dju:əl/ American: /du:əl/2. half Britain: /ha:f/ American: /hæf/3. spot Britain: /spɔ:t/ American: /spa:t/4. path Britain: /pa:θ/ American: /pæθ/5. utter Britain: /´ʌtə/ American: /´ʌtər/6. polish Britain: /´pɒliʃ / American: /´pa:liʃ /7. matter Britain: /´mætə/ American: /´mætər/8. neither Britain: /´naiðə/ American: /´ni:ðər/9. January Britain: /´dʒænjuəri / American: /´dʒænjueri /10.duplicate Britain: /´dju:plikeit/ American: /´du:plikeit/11.supervisor Britain: /´su:pəvaizə/ American: /´su:pərvaizər /12.conversation Britain: /kɔnvə´seiʃən/ American: / k a:nvər´seiʃən /2.7 Intonation1. the use of falling intonation(1) statements: everything is all right/I’m not sure/it looks like rain/I must get my hair out/this letter belongs to you.M: I hear John left his car in your care. How are you getting along with it?W: Well, it never comes when I call it. It spills its food and sheds all over the place.(2) special questions: what’s the date?/what day is it?/which do you like best?M: what did you think of the dress?W: It is not my style.But when to confirm the question, we use the rising intonation to repeat the question.M: when will the meeting begin?W: when will the meeting begin?When we are very interested in the question, we use the rising intonation.M: I had a trip on the weekend.W: where did you go?(3)exclamations: oh!/look!/Good!/excellent!/woderful(4) Commands: Take care!/stop talking!/Come here!/Hurry up!/Go away!2. the use of Ring intonation(1) general questions: have you time?/Does it work?/Can I help?/May I try?Or when the statements express questions, they imply with the rising intonation.M: I haven’t seen John for a few days. He has gone to paris?W: as far as I know, he was ill.(2) Requests, remarks of concern, encouragement, comfort and apology: hurry up/don’t belate./ have a try.M: I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend the lecture last Monday. I learnt it was quite a success.W: well, you can make it up.(4)statements with an implication: it won’t take long./that wasn’t what he wanted./I don’tthink it matted.M: I am worried about Jenny going to college. College students are so wild nowadays.W: Actually, only a few are like that. Most students are too busy studying to have time to cause trouble.Exercise 7Listen to the dialogue, read them, mark the intonation and pay more attention to the intonation change.1.M: my brother is coming this weekend and I was thinking the three of us could go out todinner Saturday night. Any suggestions?W: it’s up to you. I don’t know the restaurants here that well.Q: what does the woman mean?2. M: Jimmy is going on a journey tomorrow. Shall we have a farewell dinner tonight?W: Do you think it’s necessary? You know he’ll be away just for a few days.Q: what does the woman mean?3. M: Who do you think should get the job? How about Mr. Becket?W: Mr. Becket? I’m not sure. He is a nice fellow, of course, and easy to get along with.But I doubt his professional expertise. I want someone who can get the job done.Q: what do we learn from the conversation about Mr. Becket?4.M: Why don’t you come to our house for dinner some time next week?W: I’d like to, but we have visitors from Finland, perhaps next week.Q: Why can’t the woman accept the man’s invitation?5.M: What do you think of people sing Mc Donald’s for making them fat?W: Well, its food doesn’t make you fat but eating too much of it does. How about chocolate and ice-cream? Are they all responsible? It’s silly.Q: Why can’t the woman think of the lawsuit against Mc Donald’s?6.M: The university is going to hold an interesting competition on computer programming.Many of my friends have signed up for it. How about you?W: Do you think I could ever win anything if I took part in it?Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the woman?7. M: Susan, I am going to change the light bulb above the dinning room table. Will youhold the ladder for me?W: No problem. But be careful while you’re up there.Q: what does the man want the woman to do?8. M:I am afraid there won’t be time to do another tooth today. Make sure you don’t eatanything like steaks for the next few hours, and we’ll fill the other cavity tomorrow?W: all right. Actually, I must hurry to the library to return some books.Q: where does the conversation most probably take place?9.M: Hi, Donna, are you interested in going to an Art Exhibition on Sunday? A friend ofmine is showing some of her paintings there. It’s the opening Night. Free drinks and food.W: well, actually, I don’t have anything planned. It sounds kind of fun.Q: What did the man invite the woman to do on Sunday?10.M: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the Friendship Hotel? I thought it wason this corner, but I seem to have made a mistake.W: I am sorry, but I am a stranger here myself. Maybe you can try calling them. There isa phone over there outside the department store?Q: What does the woman mean?。
unit 1大学英语视听说课件第一册

Book 1 – Unit 1
Section One
Intensive Listening
Conversation 1
Hi! George, how are you? you. Fine, thank you. And you? thanks. Very well, thanks. George, I’d like you to meet my roommate, Cathy. friend. Cathy. (To Cathy) Cathy, this is George, my friend. He is marketing. studying marketing. George: you. George: How do you do, Cathy? It’s nice to meet you. Cathy: too. Cathy: How do you do? Nice to meet you, too. George: George: Cathy, you and Linda are in the same department, aren’t you? Cathy: Department. Cathy: Yes, both of us are in the English Department. Linda: Mr. lecture. Linda: Oh, Cathy, we’ll be late for Mr. Jones’ lecture. Let’s hurry up! Cathy: OK. Cathy: OK. George: then. George: See you later, then. Cathy: you. Linda & Cathy: See you.
高等教育出版社英语听力教程1第三版unit1 (课堂PPT)

A. You are going to hear some recordings that the telephone company uses to tell you why your call did not go through. Listen carefully and write down all the telephone numbers you hear and the reasons why the calls did not go through.
Woman: __4_2_6_6_1___. Girl: What?
Woman: I said __4_2_6_6_1___. Girl: OK. Thank you.
3. Woman: My husband’s broken his leg. Man: What’s your phone __n_u_m__b_e_r_?
temporarily disconnected 暂时停机 changed to an unpublished number 更换号码(新号码是非 公开的)
Sometimes even when a telephone call goes through, the caller is still unable to speak to the person being called. Instead, the call might be answered by a machine. An answering machine answers calls with a tape recording, and many answering machines also allow the caller to record a message. It’s more efficient to leave your name and telephone number than to waste your time calling again and again.

TEXT It is humorous essay. But after reading it you will surely find that the author is most serious in writing it.Ts There Life on Earth?There was great excitement on the planet of Venus this week. For the first time Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the plant Earth, and is has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since. The satellite was directed into an area know as Manhattan (named after the great Venusian astronomer Prof. Manhattan, who first discovered it with his telescope 20,000 light years ago). Because of excellent weather conditions and extremely strong signals, Venusian scientists were able to get valuable information as to the feasibility of a manned flying saucer landing on Earth. A press conference was held at the Venus Institute of Technology. "We have come to the conclusion, based on last week's satellite landing," Prof. Zog said, "that there is no life on Earth." "How do you know this?" the science reporter of the Venus Evening Star asked. "For one thing, Earth's surface in the area of Manhattan is composed of solid concrete and nothing can grow there. For another, the atmosphere is filled with carbon monoxide and other deadly gases and nobody could possibly breather this air and survive." "What does this mean as far as our flying sauce program is concerned?" "We shall have to take our own oxygen with us, which means a much heavier flying saucer than we originally planned." "Are there any other hazards that you discovered in your studier?" "Take a look at this photo. You see this dark black cloud hovering over the surface of Earth? We call this the Consolidated Edison Belt. We don't know what it is made of, but it could give us a lot of trouble and we shall have to make further tests before we send a Venus Being there." "Over here you will notice what seems to be a river, but the satellite findings indicate it is polluted and the water is unfit to drink. This means we shall have to carry our own water, which will add even greater weight to the saucer." "Sir, what are all those tiny black spots on the photographs?" "We're not certain. They seem to be metal particles that move along certain paths. They emit gases, make noise and keep crashing into each other. There are so many of these paths and so many metal particles that it is impossible to land a flying saucer without its being smashed by one." "What are those stalagmite projections sticking up?" "They're some type of granite formations that give off light at night. Prof. Glom has named them skyscrapers since they seem to be scraping the skies." "If all you say is true, won't this set back the flying saucer program several years?" "Yes, but we shall proceed as soon as the Grubstart gives us the added funds." "Prof. Zog, why are we spending billions and billions of zilches to land a flying saucer on Earth when there is no life there? "Because if we Venusians can learn to breathe in an Earth atmosphere, then we can live anywhere."NEW WORDShumorous a. funny; that makers people laugh 幽默的 humor n. essay n. 散⽂,随笔 excitement n. the state or quality of being excited planet n. large body in space that moves round a star esp. round the sun ⾏星 Venusian a. of or having to do with the plant Venus ⾦星的 n. supposed Venus being ⾦星⼈ satellite n. spacecraft that goes round the planet earth and sends back radio and television signals; heavenly body that goes round a plant (⼈造)卫星 signal n. 信号;暗号 astronomer n. person who studies the science of the sun, moon, stars and planets 天⽂学家 telescope n. instrument with special glasses used for seeing distant things extremely ad. very 极端,⾮常 extreme a. feasibility ad. possibility of being carried or done 可⾏性feasible a. manned a. occupied by one or more persons 载⼈的 saucer n. 浅碟;茶托 flying saucer n. 飞碟 conference n. meeting press conference n. meeting arranged by an important person to which news reporters are invited to listen to a statement or ask questions 记者招待会 technology n. 技术 conclusion n. decision of opinion reached by reasoning 结论conclude v. reporter v. person who gathers news for a newspaper, magazine, or radio or TV station 记者 compose vt. make up, form 组成,构成 concrete n. building material made by mixing cement with sand, small stones and water 混凝⼟atmosphere n. all the gasses round the earth; air in a place ⼤⽓;空⽓ carbon n. 碳 monoxide n. ⼀氧化物 deadly a. causing death; likely to cause death 致命的 gas n. ⽓体 survive vi. remain alive; continue to live or exist 活下来;幸存 vt. remain alive after; live longer than 经历...后还活着;⽐...活得长 survival n. program n. plan of what it to be done 计划 concern vt. be of importance or interest to; have an effect on 涉及,关系到 oxygen n. 氧,氧⽓ originally ad. formerly 起初,原来 original a. hazard n. danger hover vi. stay in or near one place in the air 盘旋 consolidated a. untied; combined 联合的 consolidate vt. belt n. area that has some special quality; zone (地)带 indicate vt. show indication n. pollute vt. make (air, water, soil, etc.) dirty with manmade waste 污染 pollution n. unfit a. not good enough; not suitable particle n. 粒⼦;微粒 emit vt. send out 散发,射出 emission n. crash v. (cause to) break into pieces violently 坠落;猛撞 smash v. (cause to) break into pieces violently (使)碎裂 stalagmite n. ⽯笋 projection n. sth. that stands out from a surface 凸出物 type n. a particular kind, class or group 类型,种类 granite n. hard grey stone used for building 花岗岩 formation n. sth. that is formed; way in which sth. is formed 形成(物) skyscraper n. very tall building 摩天⼤楼 scrape vt. rub with sth. rough or sharp 刮,擦 proceed vi. continue after having stopped (停顿后)继续进⾏ fund n. sum of money set apart or available for a special purpose 资⾦;基⾦ billion n. one thousand million zilch n. zero; nothing at allPHRASES & EXPRESSIONS(be) known as also publicly called; named 以...闻名,通常名叫 name after give the same name as 以...名字命名 as to about, concerning 关于 base on / upon use as a basis or foundation for 以...为基础,把...基于 for one thing ... (for another) in the first place... (in the second place) be composed of have as members or parts 由...组成 as far as ... be concerned to the degree that it matters to 就...⽽⾔ stick up stand upright; project 直⽴;突出 give off emit; send out 发出;散发出 set back delay theadvance of development of 耽搁;阻碍v。
英语听力教程1-Unit4Flying In and Out课件

• 8. Well, my advice would be to be very __c_a_r_ef_u_l_about ___l_o_c_a_l _fo_o_dand ___d_ri_n.k
• 3. You know, it's a good __id_e_a_ to take _p_l_e_n_tyof ___o_f_ficweork to _______c_a_tcohnu.p
• 4. Well, you should take a w__al_k_m__anand plenty of r_e_a_d_in_g__m_a_tt.er
Part II Airport Announcements
• A You are going to hear some airport announcements. While you listen, tick all the names of places and airlines you hear on the tape.
use, either one in which the passengers sit or one in which the captain, pilot, and navigator work. • 10. stewardess: a woman who works on a ship, train, plane, etc. looking after passengers and serving meals to them.
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the South of France. Voice: What about Mr. Gray — extension 322. Operator: Mr. Gray's at home. Voice: Well, may I speak to Mr. Redman's secretary? Operator: She isn't in
1. Professor Andrews is talking to Dr. Baxter. 2. Al is talking to Eric. 3. Sally is talking to Steve. 4. Tony is talking to Mary Parker. 5. Susan Roper is talking to John Lee. 6. Al and Eric have known each other before. 7. Tony has known Mary Parker before.
Telephone rings for a long time. Operator: Redman Electronics. Can I help you? Voice: At last! Why don't you answer the phone? Operator: I'm sorry. I was downstairs. Voice: Well, can I speak to Mr.
Exercise B: Complete the following sentences. Where are they?
Mr. Redman is on holiday in the South of France. Mr. Gray is at home. Mr. Redman's secretary is at her sister's. Mr. Gray's secretary,9;s.
today. She's at her sister's. Voice: I see. Then I'd like to speak to Mr. Gray's secretary. Operator: Miss Jones? Voice: That's right. Operator: Sorry. She isn't in. She's gone to the hairdresser's. Voice: Who is in today? Operator: Well, I am. But I'm going home soon. Who is it please?
Woman 1 : Professor Andrews, this is Dr. Baxter. Woman 2: How do you do? Man: How do you do? Man l: Hello, Al. How are you? Man 2: Fine, thanks, Eric. Nice to see you again. Woman I: Sally, do you know Steve? Woman 2: No, how do you do? Man: Hello, Sally. I'm glad to meet you. Man l: Tony, I'd like to introduce my friend Mary Parker. Man 2: Oh, hello. I've heard so much about you. Woman: Hello. Woman: May I introduce myself? My name is Susan Roper. Man: Oh, hello. I'm John Lee. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
T 1. Etienne Bertrand is from Switzerland. (I'm Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland.)
T 2. The Bakers are expecting Mr. Bertrand. (Mrs. Baker says "Hello, Etienne. Come in. Welcome to Bristol.") T 3. There have probably been hijacks in recent days. (Mr. Baker says
s1p1 s1p2 s2p1d1 s2p1d2 s2p2 s2p3n1 s2p3n2 s2p3n3 s3p1 s3p2 s4p1p1 s4p1p2 s4p2
Unit 1
Woman 1: I've got good news (1) for you! Woman 2: Oh, yes? Woman 1: I'm getting married. Man: Well, well! (2) Who's the lucky man? Do we know him? Woman 1: Of course you (3) know him! It's David! Woman 2: (4) That's wonderful news! Man: I'm sure (5) you'll be very happy. Woman 2: (6) When's the wedding? Woman 1: Next June. (7)We're going to have a big June wedding! Woman 2: Are we invited? Woman 1: Of course! I hope you (8) can all come.