戴尔云计算“Any Cloud”战略首发布
该工具具有云资源自助配置/解除配置、多币种费用/退款追踪、基于定制角色的访问控制、可管理所有云资源的单点登录等功能,并且支持包括SAML 2.0和OpenID在内的企业身份认证系统。
5.公司名称:Informatica产品名称:Informatica Cloud 2013春季版工具类型:云数据集成老牌数据集成厂商Informatica在2013年4月刚刚宣布推出新一代的云集成工具套装(将以平台即服务的方式交付),增强的功能包括解决云中的数据安全问题,帮助企业IT在混合云部署中管理数据集成问题。
目录发展历史运作机制服务模式厂商实例操作系统业务变革形式分类产业链条∙中国市场∙相关资料展开发展历史1983年,太阳电脑(Sun Microsystems)提出“网络是电脑”(“The Network is the Computer”)。
2006年3月,亚马逊(Amazon)推出弹性计算云(Elastic Compute Cloud;EC2)服务。
2006年8月9日,Google首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)在搜索引擎大会(SES San Jose 2006)首次提出“云计算”(Cloud Computing)的概念。
Google“云端计算”源于Google工程师克里斯托弗·比希利亚所做的“Google 101”项目。
2007年10月,Google与IBM开始在美国大学校园,包括卡内基美隆大学、麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学、加州大学柏克莱分校及马里兰大学等,推广云计算的计划,这项计划希望能降低分布式计算技术在学术研究方面的成本,并为这些大学提供相关的软硬件设备及技术支持(包括数百台个人电脑及BladeCenter与System x服务器,这些计算平台将提供1600个处理器,支持包括Linux、Xen、Hadoop等开放源代码平台)。
SoftLayer 是领先的云基础架构提供商
丰富的附加服务,支持定制和构建 SoftLayer 环境
存储多种技术,包括对象存储、iSCSI 和 FTP/NAS网络通过负载均衡以及端口速度和带宽升级自定义您的网络配置和服务软件业界领先的 OS、控制面板和虚拟机管理程序
As of 2Q13
全球 zEnterprise(System z主机)不断增长
System z = 最高端的硬件技术 z/VM = 最成熟的虚拟化技术Linux on System z = 最开放的操作系统
旨在满足您具体应用程序需求的裸机、专用解决方案提供丰富选件,从入门级的单处理器到四处理器、十六核和 GPU 支持的选件,并提供多种硬件升级方案 通过 SoftLayer 门户或 API 实时部署灵活的映像服务器部署系统提供专业映像捕获和部署功能,就像虚拟化云服务器一样
基于SoftLayer自动化平台的多租户云计算、存储和内容交付多租户环境与 SoftLayer 托管虚拟机管理程序完美配合,是实现快速可伸缩性和更高经济效益的理想之选通过一个专用网络无缝集成 SoftLayer 专用服务器和自动化服务包含虚拟服务器、远程存储和强大的内容交付网络
* Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
希望能够得到大家的指教和喜欢!下面是正文一、云计算的产生云计算是并行计算(Parallel Computing)、分布式计算(Distributed Computing)和网格计算(Grid Computing)的发展,或者说是这些计算科学概念的商业实现。
云计算是虚拟化(Virtualization)、效用计算(Utility Computing)、将基础设施作为服务IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service)、将平台作为服务PaaS(Platform as a Service)和将软件作为服务SaaS(Software as a Service)等概念,混合演进并跃升的结果。
这就产生了最早的基础设施即服务IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)的云计算服务模式。
现在看来,云计算除了基础设施即服务IaaS模式外,还有平台即服务PaaS (Platform as a Service)模式,例如Google的APP Engine和微软的Azure;软件即服务SaaS(Software as a Service)模式,如和等等。
云计算的发展史(2012-10-31 14:47:51)I、云计算发展历程大事记众所周知,云计算被视为科技界的下一次革命,它将带来工作方式和商业模式的根本性改变。
追根溯源,云计算与并行计算、分布式计算和网格计算不无关系,更是虚拟化、效用计算、SaaS、SOA 等技术混合演进的结果。
那么,几十年来,云计算是怎样一步步演变过来的呢?本文总结回顾了云计算发展历程中的点滴事件:1959 年6 月,ChristopherStrachey 发表虚拟化论文,虚拟化是今天云计算基础架构的基石。
1961 年,JohnMcCarthy 提出计算力和通过公用事业销售计算机应用的思想。
1962 年,J.C.R.Licklider 提出“星际计算机网络”设想。
1965 年美国电话公司WesternUnion 一位高管提出建立信息公用事业的设想。
1984 年,Sun 公司的联合创始人JohnGage 说出了“网络就是计算机”的名言,用于描述分布式计算技术带来的新世界,今天的云计算正在将这一理念变成现实。
1996 年,网格计算Globus 开源网格平台起步。
1997 年,南加州大学教授RamnathK.Chellappa 提出云计算的第一个学术定义“,认为计算的边界可以不是技术局限,而是经济合理性。
1998 年,VMware(威睿公司)成立并首次引入X86 的虚拟技术。
1999 年,MarcAndreessen 创建LoudCloud,是第一个商业化的IaaS 平台。
1999 年, 公司成立,宣布”软件终结“革命开始。
2000 年,SaaS 兴起。
2004 年,Web2.0 会议举行,Web2.0 成为技术流行词,互联网发展进入新阶段。
2004 年,Google 发布MapReduce 论文。
Hadoop 就是Google 集群系统的一个开源项目总称,主要由HDFS、MapReduce 和Hbase 组成,其中HDFS是GoogleFileSystem(GFS)的开源实现;MapReduce 是GoogleMapReduce 的开源实现;HBase 是GoogleBigTable 的开源实现。
在今年4月戴尔宣布IT进入"虚拟时代"(Virtual Era),发布了全新解决方案、系统和服务,以帮助更多客户构建高效、高性价比的云计算和超大规模数据中心基础设施。
ADMe Avamar Data Migration Enabler Compatibility and Interoperability MatrixOctober 1, 2020Overview of ADMeADMe–Avamar Data Migration Enabler is a utility providing automation around the need for extending the retention of Avamar backup data by migrating their content to a different storage medium such as tape, disk or cloud based storage. Backup data is re-hydrated to a staging disk area using a structured top level folder layout for organizational purposes and from there can be automatically backed up to a tape application using a standard file system backup. When staged to cloud enabled storage files are automatically uploaded to it potentially eliminating the need for a tape application. The migration process entails three distinct phases, a client/backup selection phase to identify the backups to act on, a rehydration or staging phase followed by an optional tape backup or cloud synchronization phase. These phases are automated end-to-end using ADMe Job policies eliminating the need for any manual intervention or localized scripting. Each phase can also be performed interactively or by job policies as required.ADMe Interoperability Matrix1.Only FS backups are supported from a Networker dedup node (deprecated)2.Best effort support for recovery from existing AER tapes1.Rehydrate mode recovers Avamar backup data to its original file format with no dependency on Avamar in order to utilize the file data2.Archive Mode recovers Avamar backup data to a streamed PAX file format similar to that used by AER but has a 100% dependency on the need for an Avamar GSAN to import it back to in order to be able to recover its contents3.OS versions chosen must be valid and supported by both Avamar and the tape application being used1.The use of non EMC tape applications are the responsibility of the user2.Avamar used as a target destination when migrating from a GSAN only or GSAN + DD system to a GSAN/DD Griffin system3.Backup Exec 2012 and previous versions are supported4.Full end-to-end automation only available with a Windows staging serverworker version should be latest supported by Dell EMC1.Cloud enabler tools other than EMC Geo-Drive are the responsibility of the user2.Amazon support is the responsibility of the user3.Support for any cloud provider is feasible assuming its object storage can be presented via iSCSI, CIFS or NFS4.Archive mode should be used as a last resort due to its dependency on the need for Avamar GSAN storage to which it mustbe imported to convert it to a usable format5.All future support of Cloud Array has been deprecated as the CA product is discontinuedNotes:1.NDMP for Isilon requires Avamar version 7.1 or higher2.Oracle has a dependency requiring it to be re-ingested to an Avamar system when recovering it from tape3.SAP with Oracle will be treated as flat files and may require user action to ensure appropriate backups are being selected.Due to backup selection challenges, consider SAP support as a best effort only.rge NDMP backups recovered in Archive mode may result in a PAX file size exceeding the max file size permitted by the staging server OS and filesystem5.NDMP redirected recoveries to Windows or Linux FS does not preserve NAS specific ACLS or Extended File Attributes for Windows6.NDMP Support for NetApp is discontinued due to its poor rehydration performance from Avamar and other technical challenges7. A Celera/VNX using its Space reduced Backup feature, must have this feature disabled by setting it to 0 and a new Lvl-0 backup performed afterwards. Refer to ETA 495263 available from ADMe home page8.SharePoint support is limited as it performs a directed recovery of the complete backup content to an out of place directory which may not be useful in all situations。
如何玩转云计算戴尔Any Cloud三部曲大揭秘有很多不同的云厂商都在推自己的云方案,公有云也有,私有云也有。
戴尔在推出了自己的首个云战略——Any Cloud(任意云),在这个云计算方案中,避免了强迫客户做出某种选择,一切从客户的角度出发来考虑问题,支撑所有可能的云模式。
戴尔Any Cloud自从提出后获得了用户的广泛关注,还在第三届中国国际云计算技术和应用展览会暨论坛上获得了工信部权威奖项《2014-2015年度云计算十大最具影响力企业奖》和《2014-2015云计算优秀解决方案奖》两项大奖,在如此高规格的会议上获奖,对进入云计算领域不久的戴尔任意云来说,是鼓励,更是肯定。
戴尔Any Cloud三部曲戴尔Any Cloud解决方案中为用户规划除了一个上云的三部曲,分别由云就绪、云部署和云管理构成。
云计算端到端解决方案杨长城【摘要】This paper analyses the challenge of IT management and opportunity of cloud computing, and studies how to build the end-to-end cloud computing platform by introducing Dell total cloud solutions, finally further introduces how to build the desktop virtualization and cloud computing client.% 本文首先分析企业IT部门面临的挑战和云计算所带来的机遇;然后通过戴尔云计算整体解决方案探讨如何构建端到端云计算平台;接着重点探讨如何实现客户端虚拟化。
【期刊名称】《电信工程技术与标准化》【年(卷),期】2013(000)004【总页数】4页(P55-58)【关键词】云计算;客户端虚拟化;云战略;云客户端【作者】杨长城【作者单位】戴尔中国有限公司,上海 200050【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393电信运营商等众多企业的IT管理部门面临着全新的挑战,这些挑战在性质和复杂性上都是前所未有的:为规模日益壮大的移动办公人员提供IT支持,应对五花八门的安全隐患,将大数据变成宝贵的资产,在预算和人员都捉襟见肘的情况下继续提升总体IT性能。
的互 联 , 以 此 促 进 农 村 学 校 的发 展 , 提 高 学 校 课 堂 教 学
质量, 转 变 学 生 的 学 习方 式 。
华 东 师 范 大 学 副 校 长任 友 群 表 示 : “ 我们 希 望 能够 通 过 与 戴 尔 的合 作 ,充 分 整 合 现 有 I T资 源 ,构 建 先 进 、 高
中心 。
活 动 了 提 供 了基 础 。 还 构 建 了支 持 学 校 师 生 开 展 项 目 学 习 活 动 的 网 络 社 区 ,为 项 目学 校 师 生 提 供 相 互 学 习 与交流 的平 台, 促 进 城 乡 师 生 的交 流 与协 作 , 实 现 发 达
地 区 学 校 和 相 对 落 后 地 区 学 校 的 教 育 资 源 互 联 、师 生
泛 应 用 。”
上海 签署合 作备 忘 录 , 共 同构建 “ 互 联校 园 f C o n n e c t e d C a m p u s ) ” 。双方将 在 数据 中 5 1 , 虚 拟化 和云 计算 解决 方
案等 领域 展开合 作 , 为华东 师范大 学 的教学 、 科 研 和 管 理 提 供 云 计 算 产 品 和 服 务 。 双 方 将 共 同 推 动 教 育 信 息 化 技 术 的发 展 应 用 以及 人 才 培 养 , 以实 施 “ 云 华 东 师 范
术应用 , 提高教师应 用信息技术 水平 , 更新 教学观念 , 改
进教学方法 , 提高教学效果 ” 的信 息化应用要求 。 双方将
共 同建 立 数 据 中 心 虚 拟 化 及 云 计 算 解 决 方 案 , 同时 基 于 移 动学 习 、 电子书包 应用 等开展 科研 合作 , 并 在 相 关 院 系建 设并 逐步 完善 “ 虚拟 化基础 架构 云” 实 验 室 及 培 训
戴尔云解决方案提供商 (CSP) 订阅条款和条件说明书
Dell Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Microsoft Online Services Terms & Conditions for Seat Based Subscriptions, and Usage Based subscriptionsYou are subject to the terms and conditions governing your purchase of Microsoft Online Services Seat Based Subscriptions which may include Microsoft 365, Office 365, Dynamics 365, and Power Platform, and usage-based subscriptions, (“Subscriptions”) purchased through Dell’s Cloud Solutions Provider (“CSP”). The following guide provides you with Dell’s terms and conditions which govern the purchase of your Subscriptions from Dell along with Microsoft’s terms and conditions which govern your use of the Subscriptions under Microsoft New Customer Experience program (“NCE”) (collectively referred to as the “Agreement”).I. Dell Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) SubscriptionsTerms & Conditions – New Commerce Experience (NCE)For new Commercial Subscriptions effective from March 10, 2022 or existing CommercialSubscriptions migrated to NCE on the next renewal of the existing CommercialSubscriptions (or any date up to and including July 1, 2022 if the renewal occurs between March 10, 2022 and July 1, 2022).II. Dell Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Subscriptions Terms & ConditionsFor all non-Commercial* Subscriptions purchased through Dell’s CSP program untilfurther notice, and Commercial Subscriptions purchased prior to March 10, 2022.* Non -Commercial in this context means Government, education/academic, and charity/nonprofit offers.I. Dell Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) SubscriptionsTerms & Conditions – New Commerce Experience (NCE)THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (THE “TERMS”) APPLY TO SUBSCRIPTIONS THROUGH DELL’S CSP PROGRAM AS PART OF THE NEW COMMERCE EXPERIENCE (“NCE”).PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE ACCEPTING THESE TERMS OR ACCESSING OR USING THE SUBSCRIPTIONS (“SUBSCRIPTION” OR “SERVICES”). BY PLACING AN ORDER FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS OR ACCESSING OR USING THE SUBSCRIPTIONS, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, OR DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT THESE TERMS, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO, ACCESS, OR USE THE SUBSCRIPTIONS.1. Your use of Subscriptions reflected on your Dell account are subject to the Dell CloudSolutions Agreement located at /cloudterms (the “Cloud SolutionsAgreement”) and the Microsoft 365 from Dell Service Description available at/learn/us/en/04/service-contractssaas-cloud-services (the “Microsoft 365Service Description”). The Cloud Solutions Agreement and the Microsoft 365 ServiceDescription are incorporated by reference in their entirety herein.2. Subscription Types and Billing OptionsThe Subscriptions are available in one of the following subscription commitment terms(“Subscription Term”). Each Subscription Term allows you to lock in the price of yourSubscription as available:a) Monthly CommitmentFor Subscriptions billed monthly, you will be charged monthly in advance based onthe quantity of Services that you purchase.b) Annual (12 month) CommitmentYou may choose to pay for an annual Subscription, monthly, or annually in fullupfront. For Subscriptions billed annually, you will be charged annually in advancebased on the quantity of the Subscriptions that you purchase. If you choose to bebilled monthly for your annual commitment, you will be charged monthly in advancebased on the quantity of the Subscriptions that you purchase.3. Auto Renewala) You will be automatically opted into auto renewal upon subscribing to yourSubscriptions based on the Subscription Term you have purchased.b) You must opt-out of auto renewal no later than five (5) days before your auto-renewal date of each Subscription. You may opt-out by logging into the self-serve portal as described in your Microsoft 365 Service Description, or, you may contact your Dell account manager for assistance.4. Subscription ChangesThe following applies to Monthly and Annual Commitments:a) You may increase the number of licenses for the Subscriptions at any time. Yourfee for the additional licenses will be prorated to the next billing period and will be included on the next month’s invoice. Please contact your Dell account manager for assistance.b) You may reduce licenses within 7 days (168hrs) of your initial order or therenewal date (“Reduction Period”). You will receive a full refund for any license reductions made within the Reduction Period. License reductions made after the Reduction Period will not be honored until the next Subscription Term renewal.c) You may either reduce licenses within the Reduction Period on your own viaself-service upon purchase or renewal, or, you may contact your Dell account manager for assistance. Please be advised that you must contact your Dell account manager no laterthan five (5) days before your auto-renewal date for the change to be effective.5. Cancellationsa) You may terminate Subscriptions within 7 days (168hrs) of your Subscriptionorder, both from the initial order date or the renewal date (”Cancellation Period”). Therecan be no cancellations after the Cancellation Period. When cancelling within theCancellation Period, you will receive a full refund for the Subscriptions terminated withinCancellation Period. Your cancellation will be rejected if your cancellation request is madeafter the Cancellation Period. Therefore,(i) Each order will have its own Cancellation Period.(ii) Each Subscription renewal will have its own Cancellation Period.b) You may either cancel within the Cancellation Period on your own via self-service upon purchase or renewal, or, you may contact your Dell account manager forassistance.c) In addition to the Cancellation period, for existing Subscriptions, you may alsocancel no later than five (5) days before your auto-renewal date for the cancellation to beeffective. Please contact your Dell account manager for cancellation before the auto-renewal.Microsoft Online Terms and ConditionsIn addition to these Terms, the following supplemental terms and conditions of service applysolely with respect to your use of the Services purchased.By accepting these Microsoft Terms, you acknowledge that your use of Microsoft OnlineServices (“Services”) is subject to the Microsoft Customer Agreement (the “MicrosoftCustomer Agreement”) which is incorporated by reference in its entirety herein. In addition,you also acknowledge that your use of the Services is subject to the additional terms setforth below as established by Microsoft. You hereby accept and agree to comply with theMicrosoft Customer Agreement and the additional terms below.•Microsoft may modify the Services or may release a new version of the Services at any time and for any reason including, but not limited to, to address your needs or otherwiseaddress competitive demands, to respond to a government regulation, order, or law, orto advance innovation in its Services offerings. Microsoft reserves the right to add newfeatures or functionality to, or remove existing features or functionality from, theServices.•Upon cancellation, you will have ninety (90) days to migrate your data to either new Services or to some other service. You may incur an additional charge for Microsoft’sassistance in migrating your data.•At any time during the term of this Agreement, Microsoft may terminate your status as a customer. If you are terminated as a customer, Dell reserves the right to invoice you forthe Services that you ordered before termination.•At any time during this Agreement, Microsoft can change the terms or require a new agreement.•You are eligible for Service Level Agreement credits (as defined in the Microsoft Customer Agreement) not to exceed the invoiced amount during the period for whichyou claimed a credit.6. Miscellaneousa) Dell reserves the right to cancel orders as a result of pricing or other errors.b) You are required to adhere to the terms and conditions which may be updatedfrom time to time. You may contact your Dell sales representative for assistance withobtaining a copy of any of these documents.II. Dell Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Subscriptions Terms & Conditions1. The Microsoft Cloud Subscriptions – Dell CSP Dell Terms and Conditions (this “Agreement”) relatesto your order from Dell of (a) a subscription to Microsoft CSP Services, as further described in 4below, and (b) any additional services purchased from Dell as described in the Service Description for MS Cloud Solutions Provider with Dell program (“Services” or “Subscriptions”).2. This Agreement incorporates by reference herein the following Dell terms in their entirety:2.1. The “Dell Cloud Solutions Agreement” (/cloudsolutionsagreement);2.2. The “Microsoft 365 from Dell” service description (the “Service Description”) available athttps:///learn/us/en/uscorp1/service-contracts-saas-cloud-services?c=us&l=en&s=corp.3. This Agreement incorporates by reference herein the following Microsoft terms in their entirety:3.1. The Microsoft Customer Agreement, available athttps:///licensing/docs/customeragreement , which applies to the Customer’suse of Microsoft- hosted online services (the “Online Services”);3.2. If applicable, the Customer agreement amendment for financial services industry. Thisdocument is an amendment to the Microsoft Cloud Agreement. It contains terms and conditionsthat help customers in the Financial Services Industry (FSI) subject to oversight by financialservices regulators, to meet their privacy, security and regulatory requirements. This amendmentis required for FSI customers who transact with partners in Partner Center. To obtain a copy ofthe Customer amendment for financial services industry, please address your request to thefollowing email address: ***********************.4. Subscription. Customer is purchasing a subscription to Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Services(the “Services”). Customer can subscribe to one or more of the following subscription offers (the“Offering(s)”):4.1. License-based Subscriptions (Commitment Offering): Customer commits in advance topurchase a specific quantity of Online Services for use during a Term and to pay upfront or on aperiodic basis for continued use of the Online Service. Customer must subscribe to a minimumquantity of one (1) seat. Examples (non-exhaustive list): Office 365 Services, WindowsEnterprise, Microsoft 365 services, or Microsoft Dynamics Services.4.2. Usage-based Subscriptions (Consumption Offering): Customer pays based on actual usagewith no upfront commitment to a certain volume. These services are also designated as “Pay-As-You-Go” subscriptions. Examples (non-exhaustive list): Azure Services, or Visual StudioServices. Azure services are subject to an initial Azure by Dell account activation fees of onehundred pounds (£100). Once the account is created, Azure prices will be established on thebasis of the current Microsoft prices available at: https:///fr-fr/pricing/calculator/ .4.3. Trial Limited Offering. Customer receives a limited quantity of Online Services as part ofanother Microsoft offering (for example, MSDN) for a limited term without charge or for a smallfee. Provisions in this Agreement with respect to the SLA and data retention may not apply. Onlyapplies to License-based services.5. Pricing5.1. Pricing for license-based Subscriptions. Pricing is determined in advance for each twelve(12) month period. The Offering price at time of purchase is guaranteed throughout the twelve(12) month subscription period.5.2. Pricing is subject to change by Dell and Microsoft and will be revised on the annualsubscription’s anniversary date. Revised Pricing is determined for the next twelve (12) monthperiod and submitted to Customer for approval. If approved, Customer must issue a new PO orBlanket PO for the next annual period. If Customer refuses Revised Pricing, Online Services willbe terminated on the subscription anniversary date.5.3. Pricing for usage-based Subscriptions. Pricing is determined monthly based on theCustomer’s actual usage of the Online Services during the past month based on the Microsoftrates in effect for that given month and Customer’s separately negotiated price with Dell.Applicable monthly Microsoft rates can be consulted at https:///en-us/pricing/. Customer can contact its Dell sales representative at any time for more informationon pricing.6. Invoicing6.1. Invoicing for license-based Subscriptions. License-based subscriptions are invoiced basedon the number of user or device licences or Seats (the “Seats”) purchased, regardless ofwhether purchased Seats are effectively used.6.1.1. F requency. Invoicing frequency is defined at the time of subscription to the OnlineServices, Customer will choose between a monthly payment option or, on selectedoffers, an upfront annual payment option. Once the invoicing frequency is selected, itcannot be modified. Offers covered under the same subscription cannot be subject todifferent invoicing frequencies, either monthly or annual invoicing shall apply. Underthe same subscription, additional Offerings will apply the same invoicing frequency asthe main Offering to which Customer initially subscribed to.6.1.2. M onthly Invoicing. Invoicing of the Online Services takes place in 12 monthlyinstalments per annual subscription. Customer is invoiced in advance for the upcomingmonth for license-based services (based on the Seats used at the end of previousmonth). If any change in the number of Seats took place during the past month,Customer’s invoice will be adjusted proportionally in arrears for any such changes).6.1.3. A nnual Upfront Invoicing. Customer is invoiced upfront for a one (1) year period.Invoice amount is calculated based on the number of monthly periods between thedate of the order and the anniversary date of the subscription.For each order placed during a monthly period, whether the order is made on the 1st orany another day of during the period, the entire month’s price is chargeable.6.2. Invoicing of usage-based subscriptions. Usage-based subscriptions are invoiced in arrearsbased on Customer’s actual monthly consumption of the Online Services.7. Payment Methods.7.1. Blanket Purchase Order. Customer may issue a Blanket Purchase Order (the “Blanket PO”).The Blanket PO must include the following information:•Pricing;•the beginning and end date of the subscription;•Relevant Dell quote number covered by the Blanket PO.7.2. Credit card. Credit card details must be provided at the time of the initial purchase. Subsequentrenewals will be charged to that payment method of record provided by Customer at the time of initial purchase.7.3. To ensure continuity of the service, it is the Customer's responsibility to update or provide newpayment method details, if the information on record becomes invalid. Failure to provide a valid payment method in a timely manner, may lead to the suspension or cancellation of yoursubscription. Neither Dell nor Microsoft will be held liable for any consequences derived from the interruption of the services caused by Customer's failure to provide a valid payment method.7.4. Changes to payment methods. Customer may change payment method from Blanket PO tocredit card by accessing the Dell Digital Locker.If you experience challenges to process thechange via the Digital Locker, please contact our Customer Care specialist via Order Support |Dell UK.8. Adjustments8.1. Licensed-based Subscriptions8.1.1. M onthly Invoicing. Amounts invoiced will be calculated pro-rata based on the numberof additional Seats per days as calculated by Microsoft. Customer manages thenumber of Seats on the Dell Cloud Portal available at: https://uk-/servlet/Turbine/frm/single/.8.1.2. A nnual Upfront Invoicing. Increases in Seats are allowed at any time. To managethe number of Seats Customer must contact a Dell sales representative.8.1.3. R eduction of Seats for Annual Upfront Invoicing. Decreases in Seats are allowedonly on the subscription’s anniversary date. Customer must notify its decrease requestfive (5) days prior to the subscription’s annual anniversary date at the latest. For moreinformation on these options, please contact your Dell sales representative.8.2. Usage-based Subscriptions. Customer may adjust, increase or decrease usage capacity atany time. Invoicing will be done monthly in arrears based on actual monthly consumption ofservices.9. TerminationCustomer may terminate a subscription at any time provided prior written notice is given to Dell via email to your Dell Sales representative and via email to the following email address:*********************** . Notice must be provided to Dell no later than five (5) calendar days before planned termination date. Online Services will be suspended on the planned termination date.For subscriptions invoiced monthly, any monthly period in progress will be billed in its entirety even if planned termination date takes place before the end of the monthly period. Customer will not be entitled to any reimbursement for the remainder of the billable month following termination.9.1. Licensed-based subscriptions9.1.1. M onthly Invoicing. If planned termination date occurs before the end of a givenmonthly period, Customer is not eligible for any cancellation credit or reimbursementwhatsoever for the remaining amount of time in the current monthly period. Likewise,Customer is not eligible for any cancellation credit or reimbursement if terminationtakes place before the end of the monthly period for any decrease in the number ofSeats.9.1.2. A nnual Upfront Invoicing. Customer may not terminate this Agreement for Servicesunder annual upfront invoicing after the first 30 days following activation and until theend of the subscription’s twelve (12) month period. During the first 30 days followingactivation of the Service, Customer may terminate this Agreement following notificationto Dell and receive a full refund for the Services terminated. In case of termination ofan annual upfront subscription, Customer will not be entitled to any reimbursement,cancellation credit or payment for the remainder of the original subscription period. Incase of termination of an annual upfront subscription, Customer will not be entitled toany reimbursement, cancellation credit or payment for the remainder of the originalsubscription period.9.2. Usage-based Subscriptions. Regardless of planned termination date, Customer is invoiced asusual based on actual consumption of the Online Service during the last monthly cycle and upuntil the planned termination date. Online Services will be suspended on the planned termination date.10. Auto Renewal10.1. You will be automatically opted into auto-renewal upon subscribing to your Subscriptions,based on the billing option elected at time of purchase.10.2. You must opt-out of auto renewal no later than five (5) days before your auto-renewaldate of each Subscription. You may opt-out by logging into the self-serve portal as described inyour Microsoft 365 Service Description, or, you may contact your Dell account manager forassistance.11. Microsoft additional terms11.1. T he Microsoft Online Services may be modified at any time and for any reason including, but notlimited to: to address your needs or otherwise address competitive demands, to respond to agovernment regulation, order, or law, or to advance innovation in its Microsoft Online Servicesofferings. Microsoft reserves the right to add new features or functionality to, or remove existing features or functionality from, the Microsoft Online Services.•Early termination of Microsoft Online Services may incur an early termination charge.•Upon termination, you will have ninety (90) days to migrate your data to either a new Microsoft Online Service or some other service. You may incur a charge for Microsoft’sassistance in migrating your data.•At any time during the term of this Agreement, Microsoft may terminate your status as a customer. If you are terminated as a customer, Dell reserves the right to invoice you for theMicrosoft Online Services that you ordered before termination.•At any time during this Agreement, Microsoft may revise the terms or require a new agreement to be entered into for Services.12. Onboarding.Access to and use of the Microsoft Online Services will begin once the Customer has been fully on-boarded.13. Cancellation.Dell reserves the right to cancel orders because of pricing, typing or other errors.14. Acceptance and contracting language. By issuing a purchase order, Customer:14.3. Acknowledges having read, and agrees to be bound by, these Microsoft Cloud Subscriptions– Dell CSP Dell Terms and Conditions;14.4. Agrees to pay Dell directly for any applicable charges for the Services described herein.15. You may contact your Dell sales representative for assistance with obtaining a copy of any of thedocuments referenced in this Agreement.。
美对华半导体管制的趋势、实施要点与中国因应杨超 李伟 贺俊*摘 要:针对不断升级的中美半导体领域争端,本文梳理了美国对华半导体管制的趋势与要点。
一、美对华半导体管制的趋势(一)管制策略从“有限出口”转向“全面出口管制”在2018年对中兴实施出口禁令之前,美国对华芯片管制的基本态度是“有限出口”,同年10月“新美国”智库提出了旨在打压中国科技进步的“小院高墙”对抗策略(Laskai et al., 2018),美国改变了此前对华有限出口政策,开始基于“全面出口管制”态度限制中国芯片产业发展(黄日涵等,2022)。
Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft Cloud Platform System StandardNotes, cautions, and warningsA NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid theA WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2020 - Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.2020 - 01Rev. A36About this Manual (4)1 Introduction (7)2 Support Matrix (8)Contents3About this Manual This manual provides information about supported software and hardware configurations for Dell EMC Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft.The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Contact your Dell EMC SupportWhere appropriate, this manual lists both the minimum supported version and the latest supported version. DellThe recommendations and guidelines in this document are based on industry best practices, CPS StandardThe addition of any non-DHCS hardware to your system will cause the Patch and Update process to fail. Revision HistoryTable 1. Document RevisionsRevision Date Changes from Previous RevisionA00December 2015Initial release of the Dell Hybrid Cloud System for MicrosoftSupport MatrixA02February 2016Updated the firmware matrix for release 1.0.2:•Near-line SAS drives•iDRAC•Fixed table headersA03May 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1:•BIOS•Firmware•Drivers•Additional HDDs and SSDs•Updates to support Intel E5 v4 processorsA04July 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.1:•BIOS•Firmware•Drivers•Additional hard drivesA05August 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.2:•BIOS•Firmware•Drivers•Additional hard drives4About this ManualA06September 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.3:•Hard drive firmwareA07October 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.4:•Document templateA08November 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.5:•BIOS•iDRAC•Switch firmware•Hard drive firmwareA09December 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.6:•Document version numbersA10February 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.3:•BIOS•iDRAC•Switch firmware•Firmware and driversA11March 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.3.1:•Additional SSDsA12May 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4 (1703):•BIOS•Firmware and driversA13June 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.1 (1705):•Expander and non-expander backplane firmwareA14July 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4 (1703b):•BIOS•FirmwareA15August 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.2 (1706):•Additional HDDsA16September 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.3 (1707):•Document version numbersA17October 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.4 (1708):•BIOS•Firmware and driversA18November 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.5 (1709):•BIOS•iDRAC•Firmware and driversA19January 2018 1.4.6 (1710): No updates. Releasing for version consistency.A20January 2018Updated the matrix for release 1.4.7 (1712):•BIOSAbout this Manual5A21March 2018Updated the matrix for release 1.4.8 (1802):•BIOS•iDRAC•Firmware and driversA22April 2018 1.5 (1803): No updates. Releasing for version consistency.A23May 2018Updated for release 1.5.1 (1804):•Firmware and driversA24June 2018 1.5.2 (1805): No updates. Releasing for version consistency. A25July 2018Updated for release 1.5.3 (1806):•Firmware and driversA26August 2018Updated for release 1.5.4 (1807):•Added minimum supported versions for hard drives.A27September 2018Updated for release 1.5.5 (1808):•Minor fixesA28October 2018Updated for release 1.5.6 (1809)•Minor fixesA29November 2018Updated for release 1.5.7 (1810)•Firmware and driversA30December 2018Updated for release 1.5.8 (1811)•Firmware and driversA31January 2019 1.5.9 (1812): No updates. Releasing for version consistency. A32March 2019Updated for release 1.5.10 (1901):•DriversA33April 2019Updated for release 1.5.11 (1902):•BIOSA34April 2019 1.5.12 (1903): No updates. Releasing for version consistency. A35June 2019 1.5.13 (1905): Updates to iDRAC.A36January 2020Updated for release 1.5.14 (1909)•Firmware and drivers6About this ManualIntroduction The Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft Support Matrix describes supported software and hardware for Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft.Introduction7Support MatrixCompute NodesThe Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft solution supports the following component driver and firmware versions for compute nodes: Table 2. C6300 and C6320Component Type Platform Category Software Bundle(SWB)Supported VersionFan Control Board Firmware C6300 Chassis Fan Control Board V0213 2.13Intel X520 (10 GB NDC)Driver C6320Network —Tenant M1P35Minimumsupportedversion: M4PJN18.8.0Minimumsupportedversion: 16.5.0PERC H330Driver C6320SAS HBA —Internal6V4WY 6.604.06.00 Chipset Driver C6320Intel C610 series JTN8310.1.2.85 BIOS Firmware C6320BIOS KV40Y 2.10.5 CPLD Firmware C6320CPLD6KF0V 1.0.0 iDRAC Firmware C6320iDRAC40T1C X520 (10 GB NDC)Firmware C6320Network —Tenant YHF9VMinimumsupportedversion: DKGC018.8.9Minimumsupportedversion: 16.5.20PERC H330Firmware C6320SAS HBA —InternalT23TV25.5.6.0009Intel SSDSC2BX400G4R Firmware C6320400 GB Boot SSD RXYF1Minimumsupportedversion: 8MD67DL2D Minimum supported version: DL29Hitachi HUC101860CSS204 (12 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD HY2HPMinimumsupportedversion: 89VK3FJ23Minimumsupportedversion: FJ11Hitachi HUC101860CSS204(6 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD H89FV FJ05Hitachi HUC109060CSS600(6 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD F5NH4N440 Hitachi HUC101860CSS200Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD3M7RX FU29Seagate ST600MM0088 (6Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD0YHRW TS05 8Support MatrixMinimum supported version: 40R7R Minimum supported version: TS04Seagate ST600MM0088 (12Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD KKNKX TT31Seagate ST600MM0006 (6 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD8FF65Minimumsupportedversion: 68NGYLS0CMinimumsupportedversion:LS0BSeagate ST600MM0238Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD64GYN BS04Toshiba AL14SEB060N (12 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD NK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Toshiba AL13SEB600 (6Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD MCM30DE11 StorageThe Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft solution supports the following component driver and firmware versions for storage hardware: Table 3. R730 and MD14x0Component Type Platform Category Software Bundle(SWB)Supported VersionIntel X520 (10 GB NDC)Driver R730Network — DataCenter M1P35Minimumsupportedversion: HP10318.8.0Minimumsupportedversion: 16.5.0Dell SAS 12 HBA Driver R730SAS HBA —External 7JTJ1Minimumsupportedversion: GX4V12.51.25.01Minimumsupportedversion: H330Driver R730SAS HBA —Internal6V4WY 6.604.06.00Chipset Driver R730Intel C600/C610/C220/C2000seriesJTN8310.1.2.85Non-expander StorageBackplaneFirmware R730Backplane HRP1V 2.25Expander StorageBackplaneFirmware R730Backplane HYPYY 3.35BIOS Firmware R730BIOS1RKPD 2.10.5iDRAC Firmware R730iDRAC40T1C X520 (10 GB NDC)Firmware R730Network —TenantYHF9V18.8.9Support Matrix9Minimum supported version: 6FD9P Minimum supported version: 16.5.20Dell SAS 12 HBA Firmware R730SAS HBA —External 20VY1Minimumsupportedversion: 3VHN716.17.00.05Minimumsupportedversion: H330Firmware R730SAS HBA —InternalT23TV25.5.6.0009Hitachi HUC101830CSS204 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDHY2HPMinimumsupportedversion: 89VK3FJ23Minimumsupportedversion: FJ11Hitachi HUC101830CSS204 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDH89FV FJ05Hitachi HUC109030CSS600 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDF5NH4N440Seagate ST300MM0006 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDD8FF65Minimumsupportedversion: 68NGYLS0CMinimumsupportedversion: LS0BSeagate ST300MM0008 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDKKNKX TT31Toshiba AL13SEB300 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDMCM30DE11Toshiba AL14SEB030N (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDNK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Hitachi HUC101860CSS204 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDH89FV FJ05Hitachi HUC109060CSS600 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDF5NH4N440Hitachi HUC101860CSS204 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDHY2HPMinimumsupportedversion: 89VK3FJ23Minimumsupportedversion: FJ11Hitachi HUC101860CSS200Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDD3M7RX FU29Seagate ST600MM0088 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDKKNKX TT31Seagate ST600MP0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDWHWFNMinimumsupportedversion: KYWVCVT32Minimumsupportedversion: VT3110Support MatrixSeagate ST600MM0238Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDD64GYN BS04Toshiba AL14SEB060N (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDNK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Toshiba AL13SEB600 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDMCM30DE11Sandisk LT0400MO (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 400 GB SSD1HMP1Minimumsupportedversion: PFH20D416Minimumsupportedversion: D40ZToshiba PX02SMF040 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 400 GB SSD HHD9KMinimumsupportedversion: 2N3CVA3B3Minimumsupportedversion: A3AEToshiba PX04SMB040 (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 400 GB SSD WMGV3AM04Toshiba PX05SMB040Y (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 400 GB SSD DKM6P AS03Sandisk LT0800MO (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 800 GB SSD1HMP1Minimumsupportedversion: PFH20D416Minimumsupportedversion: D40ZToshiba PX02SMF080 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 800 GB SSD HHD9KMinimumsupportedversion: 2N3CVA3B3Minimumsupportedversion: A3AEToshiba PX04SMB080 (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 800 GB SSD WMGV3AM04Toshiba PX05SMB080Y (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 800 GB SSD DKM6P AS03Sandisk LT1600MO (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 1.6 TB SSD1HMP1Minimumsupportedversion: PFH20D416Minimumsupportedversion: D40ZToshiba PX02SMB160 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 1.6 TB SSD HHD9KMinimumsupportedversion: 2N3CVA3B3Minimumsupportedversion: A3AEToshiba PX04SMB160 (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 1.6 TB SSD WMGV3AM04Toshiba PX05SMB160Y (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 1.6 TB SSD DKM6P AS03Hitachi HUC101812CSS204(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD HY2HP FJ23Minimum supported version: 89VK3Minimum supported version: FJ11Hitachi HUC101812CSS204(6 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD H89FV FJ05Hitachi HUC101212CSS600(6 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD4DT2J U5E2Seagate ST1200MM0007 (6Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD2DDG2IS06Seagate ST1200MM0088 (6 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD0YHRWMinimumsupportedversion:40R7RTS05Minimumsupportedversion:TS04Seagate ST1200MM0088(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD KKNKX TT31Toshiba AL14SEB120N (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD NK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Hitachi HUS726020ALS214(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD WFTGN KJ03Hitachi HUS724020ALS640 (6 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD W21D1Minimumsupportedversion: J6G25W350Minimumsupportedversion: W2F0Seagate ST2000NM0023 (6 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD8PRG2Minimumsupportedversion: MNVH4GS14Minimumsupportedversion: GS10Seagate ST2000NM0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD297DWMinimumsupportedversion: W80FTMS06Minimumsupportedversion: MS05Seagate ST2000NM0045(12Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD RMDN6DS04Hitachi HUS724040ALS640 (6 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD W21D1Minimumsupportedversion: J6G25W350Minimumsupportedversion: W2F0Hitachi HUS726040ALS214(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD WFTGN KJ03Hitachi HUS726040ALS210(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD PC27G KU27Seagate ST4000NM0023(6 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD8PRG2GS14Minimum supported version: MNVH4Minimum supported version: GS10Seagate ST4000NM0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD297DWMinimumsupportedversion: W80FTMS06Minimumsupportedversion: MS05Seagate ST4000NM0025(12Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD RMDN6DS04Toshiba MG04SCA40EN (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD K3G1WMinimumsupportedversion: T0FMVDS07Minimumsupportedversion: DS04Toshiba MG04SCA40ENY(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD D2GG1EG03Hitachi HUS726060AL5214 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 6 TB HDD FX9XXMinimumsupportedversion: MTG3DKF26Minimumsupportedversion: KK06Seagate ST6000NM0034 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 6 TB HDD DN6J2Minimumsupportedversion: Y9J1FMS85Minimumsupportedversion: MS84Seagate ST6000NM0095(12Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 6 TB HDD Y76GF DS23Hitachi HUH721008AL5200(12Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 8 TB HDD VJ59F LS03Hitachi HUH728080AL5204 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 8 TB HDD TJ8NWMinimumsupportedversion: FT5JTGK23Minimumsupportedversion: GK04Seagate ST8000NM0075 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 8 TB HDD R2N0TMinimumsupportedversion: T51M7PS26Minimumsupportedversion: PS24EMM/ESM Firmware MD14x0EMM/ESM4Y1JH 1.07BackupBackup is optional. The Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft solution supports the following component driver and firmware versions for backup hardware:Table 4. R730xdComponent Type Platform Category Software Bundle(SWB)Supported VersionIntel X520 (10 GB NDC)Driver R730xd Network — DataCenterM1P3518.8.0Minimum supported version: HP103Minimum supported version: 16.5.0PERC H730P Driver R730xd SAS HBA —Internal6V4WY 6.604.06.00Chipset Driver R730xd Intel C600/C610/C220/C2000seriesJTN8310.1.2.85Non-expander StorageBackplaneFirmware R730xd Backplane HRP1V 2.25 Expander Storage Backplane Firmware R730xd Backplane HYPYY 3.35BIOS Firmware R730xd BIOS1RKPD 2.10.5 iDRAC Firmware R730xd iDRAC40T1C X520 (10 GB NDC)Firmware R730xd Network —Tenant YHF9VMinimumsupportedversion: 6FD9P18.8.9Minimumsupportedversion: 16.5.20PERC H730P Firmware R730xd SAS HBA —InternalG7N2C25.5.6.0009Hitachi HUC101860CSS204 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDHY2HPMinimumsupportedversion: 89VK3FJ23Minimumsupportedversion: FJ11Hitachi HUC101860CSS200Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDD3M7RX FU29Seagate ST600MM0088 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDKKNKX TT31Seagate ST600MP0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDWHWFNMinimumsupportedversion: KYWVCVT32Minimumsupportedversion: VT31Seagate ST600MM0238Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDD64GYN BS04Toshiba AL14SEB060N (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDNK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Hitachi HUS724040ALS640 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMW21D1Minimumsupportedversion: J6G25W350Minimumsupportedversion: W2F0Hitachi HUS726040ALS214 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMWFTGN KJ03Hitachi HUS726040ALS210 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMPC27G KU27Seagate ST4000NM0023 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPM8PRG2Minimumsupportedversion: MNVH4GS14Minimumsupportedversion: GS10Seagate ST4000NM0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPM297DWMinimumsupportedversion: W80FTMS06Minimumsupportedversion: MS05Seagate ST4000NM0025 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMRMDN6DS04Toshiba MG03SCA400 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPM0NXTP DG09Toshiba MG04SCA40EN (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMK3G1WMinimumsupportedversion: T0FMVDS07Minimumsupportedversion: DS04Toshiba MG04SCA40ENY (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMD2GG1EG03SwitchesThe Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft uses Dell Networking S4048-ON, which is a 10/40GbE top-of-rack open networking switch. It is a high-density, 1RU 48-port 10GbE switch with six 40GbE uplinks and ultra-low-latency, non-blocking performance to ensure line-rate performance.The solution supports the following firmware version:Table 5. S4048–ONComponent Type Platform Category Software Bundle(SWB)Supported VersionDell Networking S4048–ON SwitchDell Networking O/S Firmware N/A Top-of-rack switch N/A9.13.0.0Minimumsupportedversion:9.9(0.0P9)。
• 机对机通信Machine-to-Machine
– 机器与机器之间的通信;研究机器的智能交互和机器的网络化应 用; – 主要驱动力来自工业和自动化行业,M2M连接的机器多是非IT设备, 通过无线或有线通信网络实现通信。
• 信息物理融合系统Cyber Physical Systems
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区别于传统软硬件购置的方式,云计算采用按使用付费的模 式,让企业IT从资本投资转变为更灵活的运营费用。
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云计算发展历程 云计算概念及原理
• • 2006年3月,亚马逊(Amazon)推出弹性计算云(Elastic Compute Cloud;EC2)服务。 2006年8月9日,Google首席执行官埃里克· 施密特(Eric Schmidt)在搜索引擎大会(SES San Jose 2006)首次提出“云计算”(Cloud Computing)的概念。Google“云端计算”源 于Google工程师克里斯托弗· 比希利亚所做的“Google 101”项目。 2007年10月,Google与IBM开始在美国大学校园推广云计算的计划。 2008年2月1日,IBM(NYSE: IBM)宣布将在中国无锡太湖新城科教产业园为中国的软件公司 建立全球第一个云计算中心(Cloud Computing Center)。 2008年7月29日,雅虎、惠普和英特尔宣布一项联合研究计划,推出云计算研究测试床,推进 云计算。 2008年8月3日,美国专利商标局网站信息显示,戴尔正在申请“云计算”(Cloud Computing)商标,此举旨在加强对这一未来可能重塑技术架构的术语的控制权。 2010年3月5日,Novell与云安全联盟(CSA)共同宣布一项供应商中立计划,名为“可信任云 计算计划(Trusted Cloud Initiative)”。 2010年7月,美国国家航空航天局和包括Rackspace、AMD、Intel、戴尔等支持厂商共同宣布 “OpenStack”开放源代码计划,微软在2010年10月表示支持OpenStack与Windows Server 2008 R2的集成;而Ubuntu已把OpenStack加至11.04版本中。 2011年2月,思科系统正式加入OpenStack,重点研制OpenStack的网络服务。
3. 1999年:Salesforce成立Salesforce是第一个以云计算为基础的企业软件提供商。
4.2002年:亚马逊AWS推出亚马逊在2002年推出了第一个云计算基础架构服务(IAAS)Amazon Web Services(AWS)。
5.2024年:云中心概念的提出随着Google推出基于Web的应用程序Google Docs,人们开始意识到云计算可以提供从任何地方访问应用程序和数据的便利性。
7.2024年:公有云服务的普及2024年,亚马逊推出了Amazon EC2,成为云端基础设施即服务(IaaS)的开创者。
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戴尔云计算“Any Cloud”战略首发布
《企业网D1Net》1月19日(北京)记者昨日从”第五届中国云计算应用论坛“上获悉,戴尔云计算"Any cloud“战略正式发布,这是戴尔首次在公开场合直接提出自己的云计算战略。
戴尔中国企业解决方案总经理曹志平详述了"Any cloud“云战略的本质、内涵以及给客户的带来的价值。
同时,戴尔这么多年企业级市场的耕耘让我们看到了目前客户所面临的困境: 那就是传统IT 怎么办?如何将传统IT与云计算进行平滑演进?怎么帮助CIO将原有IT架构与云计算进行平滑部署?这是戴尔今天提出Any cloud云战略的主要出发点。
戴尔本身是务实创新的企业, 愿意在了解客户IT痛点的基础上,帮助客户提供中国乃至全球的实战经验和解决问题的有效方案。
二、戴尔Any cloud任意云策略
曹志平指出:戴尔Any cloud任意云希望能够高效务实地帮助客户从各个阶段部署云计算,无论客户是传统IT架构,还是已经有一定基础的IT架构,戴尔Any cloud 将根据客户实际提供平滑演进的端到端解决方案,帮助客户向基于云计算的IT基础架构转型,并基于云计算模式进行各种应用的创新。
其中,云就绪侧重于架构优化,保证了传统IT架构到云的平滑过渡, 满足各类应用的云能力需求;云部署侧重于新IT场景下的模块化搭建和集中管理,并提供融合高效的端到端技术解决方案;云管理则是以不同类型的云为管理对象,力求通过资源的集中统一管理, 实现企业IT环境的统一。
三、戴尔Any Cloud在私有云,公有云,混合云方面的能力
据了解,戴尔Any cloud云战略较其它厂商有不同的定位,曹志平说:“针对公有云、私有云和混合云,戴尔将分别采取不同的策略:
而是根据客户的实际需求, 提供端到端的定制性的有效解决方案。
在公有云方面,戴尔的策略是: 更多的去解决客户在面对大量公有云供应商们而产生的选择性困惑。
为此, 戴尔在全球范围内成立了Cloud Market的商业模式,在戴尔的平台上客户可以接触到所有公有云厂商能够提供的方案。
如果客户需要,戴尔还可以提供相关的咨询与服务. 戴尔会帮助客户了解不同云方案的差异,同时帮助客户更好的定位自身的需求。
曹志平最后总结:“戴尔全球董事长兼CEO Michael Dell曾指出,云计算不是一个目的地或单一路径,而是一种转型,将IT 带至企业的中心位置,作为创造价值的领导者和推动者。
戴尔Any cloud任意云将致力于为客户的转型提供并创造价值。