TOP值: 干系物镜(0.95),水浸物镜(1.2),油浸物镜(1.4),特制物镜(1.6)
介质折射 率越大, NA值越高 开口角α 越大,NA 值越高 n=物镜与 被检物体 之间介质 的折射率
物镜对物放大 目镜对象放大
● ●
目镜 物镜
像差分类: 球差 象散 慧差 识
像 差
慧差 负畸变 基础知识
离透镜主轴远的光线 因折射率大而交点离 透镜近;离透镜主轴 近的光线因折射率小 而交点离透镜远 如果镜头有球差,就 不可能结成清晰的影 像
1、当f<u<2f时,在凸透镜像方一 侧成倒立、放大的实像(物镜放大) B ”
2、当u<f时,通过在凸透镜像方 一侧可观察到在物方一侧有正立 放大的虚像(目镜放大)
目镜 物镜
在现代,显微镜作为一种工具在各类学科的研究方面已得到 了极大的发展。例如半导体工业就需要用显微镜来观察新的 高技术材料及集成电路的表面特征,显微术也是法学上的的 一个重要工具,经常用来检查毛发、纤维、织物、血渍子弹 及其它有关的犯罪项目。现代先进的荧光染色技术及单克隆 抗体技术,荧光显微术在生物医学及细胞生物学上的应用预 期将发生爆炸性的增长。 生物医学与材料学上,显微镜技术的不同点主要是光线投射 到标本上的方式不一样。典型的生物医学显微术是将很薄的 标本经制备后用光透过该标本,用物镜进行调焦后投射到目 镜;而观察材料或集成电路的表面时,光线从物镜出来再由 标本的表面反射到显微镜的物镜。 按照现代科学的命名方法,透射光显微术和反射光显微术应 该称为diascopic和episcopic照明显微术。下面展示的照片 有透射光和反射光科学研究的图片。
目乐MOLLER公司历史 • • • • • MOLLER-WEDEL,GmbH 1864成立专业技术公司 光学仪器 光学测试设备 镀膜技术
MOLLER-WEDEL,GmbH 1975目乐发明显微镜内自动变焦调节系统 • 显微镜更换物镜变焦距 • 显微镜不更换物镜变焦距
Apochromatic Optic 复消色差 • 蓝,红和绿在同个焦点上 • 同时提高图像解析度
Apochromatic Optics
Apochromatic color correction not only increases the color fidelity, it also improves the overall resolution (see Optical Resolution) of an optical system in comparison to achromatic correction.
• 对手镜:面对面助手镜 double eyepiece head
滤 光 器 /盘
眼科 • 蓝光 λ<405nm 增强荧光,应用于角膜切口 • 黄光 λ <475nm 增强保护术者和患者的眼睛 • 橙光 λ <515nm 增强保护术者和患者的眼睛 • 日光,增大色温 耳鼻喉科 • 绿光当血液充盈腔体的时候增强血管可视性
1991 World‘s first computer-controlled OR microscope 1991年世界上第一款计算机控制手术显微镜研发并投入使用 1994 World‘s first manual/robotic OR microscope 1994年世界上第一款机器人手术显微镜 1966年世界上研制并使用第一款吊顶手术显微镜 1975年世界上第一款连续变焦的手术显微镜在目乐诞生 2002 World‘s first senso-servo drive OR microscope
Apochromatic Optic 复消色差 • 蓝,红和绿在同个焦点上 • 同时提高图像解析度
团结 信赖 创造 挑战
手术显微镜(体式显微镜)包含 必不可少三个部分: • Objective lens物镜组 • Binocular system目镜系统 • Illumination system光源系统 在物镜组和目镜系统之间通常会有变倍 适配器(magnification changer)或者 连续变倍系统(zoom system)。
Apochromatic Optics
Apochromatic color correction not only increases the color fidelity, it also improves the overall resolution (see Optical Resolution) of an optical system in comparison to achromatic correction.
团结 信赖 创造 挑战
显微手术一般放大倍 数
• 眼科:6x~10x • 外科:4x~8x • 术中仔细检查:16x~24x • 一般观察:2x~4x
团结 信赖 创造 挑战
•显微镜镜头——光学部分; •显微镜支架系统
支撑方式: FS——落地式 CU——吊顶式 WU——墙壁式 控制方式: 电磁锁平衡支架; 阻尼平衡支架;
团结 信赖 创造 挑战
OK 显微镜使用方法
![OK 显微镜使用方法](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f891d307a6c30c2259019e90.png)
二:机型----德国目乐CORELLA三:设备参数:技术参数德国MOLLER CORELLA手术显微镜,该机型是2013年上市的新机型。
五:设备配置CORELLA标准配置单CORELLAXY/FS 1-12配置单No. Description Qty.1 Stere Operating Microscope CORELLA XY立体手术显微镜 11. Apochromatic with Correction of Residual Aberration2. Magnification changer 5 step.3. Motorized focus +20/-30 mm.4. Stereo base 25 mm.5. Tiltable 160°Eyepiece Head.6. 2 Wide Angle Oculars 10x.7. P D – Adjustment ±7D.8. diopter setting.9. Coaxial illumination.10. Filter disc (white/yellow).11. Red Reflex Enhancer((permanent)12. Front Lens F= 200 mm 复消色差透镜5步变倍电动变焦范围50 毫米立体基线25毫米160°双目倾斜目镜架2个10×广角目镜PD 瞳距调节屈光度调节同轴冷光源照明装置滤光片(白/黄色)固定红光反射增强物镜f =200mm2 XY-coupling motorized 60X60mm电动XY移动装置3 Beamsplitter 50:50分光器 14 Stereoscopic Observer立体双目助手镜 15 Floor Stand FS1-12立式底座平衡支架 18 Mobile Z-Base Stand.8 Column,Weight Counter Balanced Spring Jiont Arm.可移动Z型底座。
(1) 1.物镜的分类显微镜的物镜虽然细分起来多达数百种,但是一般可采用下述三种分法:根据象差消正情况可分三类:A.消色差物镜:这是最常见的物镜,虽然能完全校正光谱中的C线(红光)和F线(青光)的色差,但严格地说还不能完全矫正其他色光的色差,消色差物镜通常与惠通斯目镜配合。
显微镜基础知识(德泉)——【蔡司显微镜 精】
![显微镜基础知识(德泉)——【蔡司显微镜 精】](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a7d32446a8114431b80dd839.png)
Page 30
场曲(Curvature of field) 场曲又称“像场弯曲”。当透镜存在场
曲时,整个光束的交点不与理想像点重合,虽 然在每个特定点都能得到清晰的像点,但整个 像平面则是一个曲面。这样在镜检时不能同时 看清整个像面,给观察和照相造成困难。因此 研究用显微镜的物镜一般都是平场物镜,这种 物镜已经矫正了场曲。 在一个平坦的影 象平面上, 影像的清晰度从中央向外发生变化, 聚焦形成弧型, 就叫场曲.
Page 21
色 差矫 正
Page 22
球差 亦称球面像差。轴上物点发出的光束,经光学系统以后,与光轴夹不同角度的光 线交光轴于不同位置,因此,在像面上形成一个圆形弥散斑,这就是球差。一般 是以实际光线在像方与光轴的交点相对于近轴光线与光轴交点(即高斯像点)的 轴向距离来度量它。
对于单色光而言,球差是轴上点成像时唯一存在的像差。轴外点成像时,存在 许多种像差,球差只是其中的一种。
Page 47
Page 48
焦深为焦点深度的简称,即在使用显微镜时,当焦点对准某一物体时,不仅位于该点平面上 的各点都可以看清楚,而且在此平面的上下一定厚度内,也能看得清楚,这个清楚部分的厚 度就是焦深。焦深大, 可以看到被检物体的全层,而焦深小,则只能看到被检物体的一薄层 1.焦深与总放大倍数及物镜的数值孔径成反比。 2.焦深大,分辨率降低。 由于低倍物镜的景深较大,所以在低倍物镜照相时造成困难。 焦深:物体上的点在镜头后的成像轴线上所能够获得的较清晰的成像距离。 焦深:指在保持影像较为清晰的前提下,焦点(焦平面)沿着镜头光轴所允许移动的距离。 焦深:与景深相互共轭的眼视网膜像位间的距离(不是很准确)。 焦深(简单的说):镜头的像平面两边的成像清晰范围。 定义:焦深从像平面前开始,到达像平面时汇聚的光锥形成最小程度的弥散圈,然后在像平 面背后发散光锥延伸到焦深开始时同样的直径上时而消失,它的深度很小只为一英寸的百分 之几而已。因此焦深所提供的调焦宽容度很小。
Ocular Eye
Parallel beam Objective lens
手术显微镜(体式显微镜)包含 必不可少三个部分: • Objective lens物镜组 • Binocular system目镜系统 • Illumination system光源系统 在物镜组和目镜系统之间通常会有变倍 适配器(magnification changer)或者 连续变倍系统(zoom system)。
• MOLLER-WEDEL,GmbH • 1864成立专业技术公司 • 光学仪器 • 光学测试设备 • 镀膜技术
MOLLER-WEDEL,GmbH 1975目乐发明显微镜内自动变焦调节系统 • 显微镜更换物镜变焦距 • 显微镜不更换物镜变焦距 • 连续变焦、变倍
2002 World‘s first senso-servo drive OR microscope
SSD伺服传感器第一次在手术显微镜控制中采用,使手术显 微镜进入传感器测量,电脑控制新时代
MOLLER-WEDEL,GmbH Quality, Environment 质量、环境认证 • ISO 9001, • EN 46001, • ISO 13485, • ISO 14001, • EG 761/2001
• 颌面外科 CMF/MKG
转像系统 光源
目镜 像
手术显微镜 光学结构示意图
放大转换系统 (伽利略望远镜)
光学显微镜的历史及基础知识光学显微镜optical microscope利用光学原理把人眼所不能分辨的微小物体放大成像,以供人们提取微细结构信息的光学仪器。
17世纪中叶,英国的R.胡克和荷兰的 A.van列文胡克都对显微镜的发展作出了卓越的贡献。
1827 年G.B.阿米奇第一个采用浸液物镜。
NexiusZoom 双目 三目显微镜产品说明书
![NexiusZoom 双目 三目显微镜产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/642df16c77c66137ee06eff9aef8941ea66e4b10.png)
NZ.1903-SAuxiliary lenses 0.3x, 0.4x, 0.5x, 0.75x, 1.5x and 2.0x arealso available for the standard NexiusZoom and for theNexiusZoom EVO NZ.5313NZ.9505100330450360º360º340º310max1.000 maxFrom 0 to 295 max40NZ.1902-ANZ.1902-APS TA N D• E rgonomic designed pillar or rack & pinion stand with 3W incident and 3W transmitted LED illuminations (-P and -S stands)• E rgonomically designed pillar stand with two 3W goose-neck type incident LED illuminations on each side and a 3W transmitted LED illumination (-PL stand)• E rgonomic pillar stand with rotating mirror and 3W LED transmitted and incident illuminations (-M stand)• E rgonomic designed universal or boom stands, without illumination (-U, -B and BC stands)• A rticulated arm stand for table mounting or with heavy desktop stand, both without head holder, without illumination (-A and -AP stands)All pillar and rack & pinion stands are supplied with two object clamps. Alloy metal cast, hardened coating.S TAG E180 x 155mm X-Y mechanical stage with 76 x 55mm translation stage and transparent glass plate for NexiusZoom, fixed on stage of microscope. Only available with new microscopes (due to fixing), so it has to be ordered with the purchase of a microscope (See picture: NZ.9505)I L L U M I N AT I O N3 W transmitted and incident LED illuminators with internal power supply 100-240 V. Both illuminators can be used simultaneously and the light intensities can be adjusted separately. The universal single or double arm stands and the articulated stands can be equipped with the ring illuminatorsLE.1974 and LE.1973 with respectively 72 or 144 power LEDs controlled in segments, ideal for creating or lifting shades E S D S A F E M I C R O S CO P E SFor inspection and assembly applications. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the unwanted sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects. ESD can cause a range of harmful effects as well as permanent damage to solid state electronics componentsEuromex therefore introduces electrostatic protected microscopes in the NexiusZoom range. The body and stand of the microscope are coated with a special static dissipative paint eliminating harmful electrostatic discharges making the microscopes suitable for all static-sensitive environmentsPAC K AG E CO N T E N TSupplied with power cord, dust cover, a spare fuse and user manual. All packed in a polystyrene boxN E X I U S Z O O M E V O 0.65-5.5 (W F 10X /23M M )N E X I U S Z O O M A N D N E X I U S Z O O M E S D 0.67- 4.5 (W F 10X /22M M )M O D E L SBinocularTrinocularPillar standRack & pinionstandUniversal standBoom standArticulated arm standGooseneck dual LEDAnti static ESDMirror LEDWeight (kg)NZ.1902-P•• 5.0NZ.1902-P-ESD•••5.0NZ.1902-PL•••5.1NZ.1902-M•••4.9NZ.1902-S•• 4.9NZ.1902-S-ESD•••4.9NZ.1902-U••15.6NZ.1902-U-ESD•••15.6NZ.1902-B••22.1NZ.1902-B-ESD•••22.1NZ.1902-BC (1)••10.5NZ.1902-A••8.6NZ.1902-AP(2)••20.7NZ.1903-P•• 5.2NZ.1903-P-ESD•••5.2NZ.1903-PL•••5.3NZ.1903-M•••5.1NZ.1903-S•• 5.1NZ.1903-S-ESD•••5.1NZ.1903-U••15.7NZ.1903-U-ESD•••15.7NZ.1903-B••22.2NZ.1903-B-ESD•••22.2NZ.1903-BC (1)••10.6NZ.1903-A••8.7NZ.1903-AP(2)••20.8M O D E L SBinocularTrinocularPillar standRack & pinionstandUniversal standBoom standArticulated arm standGooseneck dualLEDMirror LEDWeight (kg)NZ.1702-P•• 5.0NZ.1702-PL •••5.1NZ.1702-M •••4.9NZ.1702-S ••4.9NZ.1702-U ••15.6NZ.1702-B ••22.1NZ.1702-BC (1)••10.5NZ.1702-A ••8.6NZ.1702-AP (2)••20.7NZ.1703-P •• 5.2NZ.1703-PL •••5.3NZ.1703-M •••5.1NZ.1703-S ••5.1NZ.1703-U ••15.7NZ.1703-B ••22.2NZ.1703-BC (1)••10.6NZ.1703-A ••8.7NZ.1703-AP (2)••20.8(1) Boom stand model with tabletop clamp(2)Articulated stand model with heavy desktop base plateN E X I U S Z O O M E V O 0.65-5.5 (W F 10X /23M M )M AG N I F I C AT I O N SNexiusZoom standard& ESD: Working distance and field of view with standard HWF 10x / 22 High Wide Field eyepiecesZoom indication Auxiliary lens 0.3xWD 287 mmAuxiliary lens 0.4xWD 220 mmAuxiliary lens 0.5xWD 165 mmAuxiliary lens 0.75xWD 120 mmObjective 1x(standard) WD 110 mmAuxiliary lens 1.5xWD 53 mmAuxiliary lens 2xWD 30 mm Totalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mm0.672109,52,782,1 3.3565.7 5.043.8 6.732.810.121.913.416.4 0.72,1104,82,878,6 3.562.9 5.341.97.031.410.521.,491,73,268,8 4.055.0,3455,0,548,9636,77.529.311.319.615.014.722.59.830.07.32.0636,7827,510. 5.53.0924,41218,315.014.722.59.830.07.345.0 4.960.0 3.74.01218,31613,820. 3.780.0 2.8 4.513,516,31812,222.59.833.86.545.0 4.967.5 3.390.0 2.4Zoom indication Auxiliary lens 0.3xWD 287 mmAuxiliary lens 0.4xWD 220 mmAuxiliary lens 0.5xWD 165 mmAuxiliary lens 0.75xWD 120 mmObjective 1x(standard) WD 110 mmAuxiliary lens 1.5xWD 53 mmAuxiliary lens 2xWD 30 mm Totalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mm0.651,95117,92,688,5 3.2570.8 4.947.2 6.535.49.823.613.017.70.72,1109,52,882,1 3.565.7 5.343.47.032.910.521.914.016.40.82,495,83,271,9 4.057.5,7457,5,551,1638,37.530.711.320.415.015.322.510.,3828,810. 5.83.0925,61219,215.015.322.510.230.07.745.0 5.160.0 3.84.01219,21614,420.011.530.07.740.05.860.0 3.880.0 2..94.513,517,01812,822.510.233.8 6.845.0 5.167.5 3.490.0 2.65.516,513,92210,527.58.441.3 5.655.0 4.282.5 2.8110 2.1 WD = working distance, FoV = Field of view, Total mag. = total magnificationNexiusZoom EVO: working distance and field of view with standard High Wide Field (HWF) 10x / 23 eyepiecesNZ.1903-BNZ.1902-SNZ.1903-MNZ.1903-PLNZ.1902-PNZ.1902-UNZ.1903-P-ESDNZ.1903-U-ESDNZ.1903-S-ESD E S D S A F E M O D E L SBinocularTrinocularPillar standRack & pinion standUniversal standBoom standArticulated armstandAntistatic ESDWeight (kg)NZ.1902-P-ESD ••• 5.0NZ.1902-S-ESD ••• 4.9NZ.1902-U-ESD •••15.6NZ.1902-B-ESD •••22.1NZ.1903-P-ESD ••• 5.3NZ.1903-S-ESD •••5.1NZ.1903-U-ESD •••15.7NZ.1903-B-ESD•••22.2NexiusZoom ESDNZ.9005NZ.9000ACCE SS O R I E S A N D SPA R E PA R T SNZ.5302 NexiusZoom binocular head without head holder NZ.5303 NexiusZoom trinocular head without head holder NZ.5312 NexiusZoom EVO binocular head without head holder NZ.5313 NexiusZoom EVO trinocular head without head holder NZ.6010 Pair of HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiecesNZ.6010-C HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece only with crosshairNZ.6010-CM HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece only with 10/100 micrometer andcross hairNZ.6015 Pair of HWF 15x/16 mm eyepieces NZ.6020 pair of HWF 20x/12 mm eyepieces NZ.6110 HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece with micrometerNZ.6210 Pair of HWF 10x/23 mm eyepieces for NexiusZoom EVONZ.6210-C H WF 10x/22 mm eyepiece only with crosshair for NexiusZoom EVO NZ.6210-CM HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece only with 10/100 micrometer andcross hair for NexiusZoom EVONZ.6099 Pair of eyecupsNZ.8903 A dditional 0.3x lens. Working distance 287 mm. Only suitable formodels with universal, boom or articulated standsNZ.8904 A dditional 0,4x lens for NexiusZoom. Only suitable for models withuniversal or boom standsNZ.8905 A dditional 0.5x lens. Working distance 165 mm. Only suitable formodels with pillar or boom standsNZ.8907 A dditional 0.75x lens. Working distance 120 mm. Only suitable formodels with pillar or boom standsNZ.8915 Additional 1.5x lens. Working distance 45 mm NZ.8920 Additional 2.0 lens. Working distance 30 mm NZ.8950 Protection glass window, fits objective NZ.9000 Ergo pillar stand without illuminationNZ.9005 Ergo pillar stand with adjustable transmitted 3W LED illumination NZ.9010 Ergo rack & pinion stand with 3 W LED illuminators NZ.9015 Ergo pillar stand with 3 W LED illuminatorsNZ.9017 E rgonomically designed pillar stand with two 3W goose-neck typeincident LED illuminations on each side and a 3W transmitted LED illuminationNZ.9020 U niversal one-arm stand without NexiusZoom head holder andwithout illuminationNZ.9030 U niversal double-arm stand without head holder and withoutilluminationNZ.9032 U niversal double-arm stand with table clamp without NexiusZoomholderNZ.9042 Stand with rotating mirror and transmitted LED illuminationNZ.9090 NexiusZoom head holder (for NZ.9020, NZ. 9030 and NZ.9032)NZ.9095 N exiusZoom head holder with fine coarse (for NZ.9020, NZ. 9030and NZ.9032)NZ.9095-ADD N exiusZoom head holder with fine coarse ADD-ON forN Z.9020, NZ. 9030 and NZ.9032. Only available with new microscopesNZ.9025 A rticulated arm stand with table clamp (without NexiusZoom headholder). Not suitable for use in combination with auxiliary lensNZ.9027 A rticulated arm stand with heavy stand (without NexiusZoomhead holder)NZ.9081 N exiusZoom head holder (for articulated arm stand NZ.9025 andNZ.9027)NZ.9520 P olarization kit for NexiusZoom: 360° rotatable round stage withbuilt-in polarization filter (NZ.9524) + analyzer in mount to be screwed under head (NZ.9525)NZ.9524 360° rotatable round stage with built-in polarization filter forNexiusZoomNZ.9525 360° rotatable analyser in mount to be screwed under head ofNexiusZoom. Not suitable for use in combination with auxiliary lensesEuromexMicroscopenbv•Papenkamp20•6836BDArnhem•TheNetherlands•T+31(0)263232211•F+31(0)263232833•****************•NZ.9040 Dark Field attachment for NexiusZoom NZ.9950 Standard opaque stage plate NZ.9956 Black/white stage plate NZ.9570 Pair of object clamps for stageNZ.9572 Adjustable GEM object clamp for -P, -PL and -S stands NZ.9833 C -mount adapter with 0.33x lens for 1/3” cameras(suitable for trinocular models)NZ.9850 C -mount adapter with 0.5x lens for 1/2” cameras(suitable for trinocular models)NZ.9958 Standard glass object plate, opaqueNZ.9983 3 W Led replacement unit for NexiusZoom, incident illumination NZ.9983-R 3 W Led replacement unit for NexiusZoom, transmittedilluminationAE.1960 Round positioning tableAE.5168-NZ Heating stage with PID controller up to 50oC.Only with the purchase of a new microscopeAE.5130 U niversal Ø 23.2 mm tube adapter with built-in 2x lens forSLR photo camera with APS-C sensor. Needs T2 adapterAE.5025 T2 adapter for Nikon D digital SLR cameras AE.5040 T 2 adapter for Canon EOS digital SLR cameras Other T2 adapters on requestLE.1974 R ing illuminator with 72 LEDs with adjustable light intensity.External mains adapter 100-240 V. With segment controller. Brightness of 21.000 Lux at height of 100 mm and color temperature of 6.500K. Mounting diameter between 25-61 mmLE.1973 R ing illuminator with 144 LEDs with adjustable light intensity.External mains adapter 100-240 V. With segment controller. Brightness of 23.000 Lux at height of 100 mm and color temperature of 6.500K. Mounting diameter between 25-61 mmAE.1112 O bject micrometer 50 mm (divided in 500 parts on glass slide76 x 26 mm)。
Euromex NexiusZoom 立体显微镜系列产品说明书
![Euromex NexiusZoom 立体显微镜系列产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/92cbcdcddc3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b171b05d.png)
S T E R E O M I C R O S C O P E S F O R M AT E R I A L S A N DL I F E S C I E N C E SNexius ZoomThe new standard in microscopy2 |Unsurpassed imagesDesigned to be superior in accuracy and color reproduction, the highest possible resolution is reached with virtual no aberrations. Multilayer optical coatings ensure minimal light absorption and crisp images in every contrast method. Experience in ergonomics result in long working sessions without fatigue Using additional lenses and objectives, magnifications from 3.3 up to 180 times can be achievedNZ.8907 / NZ.8905NZ.5302 / NZ.53034 |E Y E P I E C E S• Extended Wide Field HWF plan 10x eyepieces with 22 mm field of view and adjustable diopter on both eyepiecesH E A D• Binocular or trinocular heads are with 45° inclined tubes • Both eyepieces have ± 5 diopter adjustments• The interpupillary distance is adjustable between 54 and 75 mmO B JE C T I V E• Zoom 1:6.7 objective for 0.67x to 4.5x magnifications • Field of view from 33 to 4.9 mm • Working distance of 110 mm • Additional lenses 0.5x, 0.75x, 1.5x and 2.0x are availableAll optics are anti-fungus treated and anti-reflection coated for maximumlight throughputGreenough Optical System.The newly optimised Greenough Optical System offers more depth of focus without compromising on low distortion and color aberrationNZ.1903-P-ESDThe body and stand of the microscopeare coated with a special electrostaticdissipative paint eliminating harmfulelectrostatic discharges making themicroscopes suitable for allstatic-sensitive environments 6 |NexiusZoom (ESD)Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the unwanted sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects. ESD can cause a range of harmful effects as well as permanent damage to solid state electronicscomponentsEuromex therefore now introduces electrostatic protected microscopes in the NexiusZoom range. Special electrostatic dissipative paint eliminating harmful electrostatic discharges makes the microscopes suitable for all static-sensitive environments. Ideal for all kinds of industry, inspection and assembly applications| 7I L LU M I N AT I O NHigh power 3 W transmitted and incident LED illuminators with internal power supply for 100-240 V operation. Both illuminators can be used simultaneously and the light intensities can be adjusted separatelyE S D S AF E M I C R O S CO P E SElectrostatic protected microscopes for all kinds of industry, inspection and assembly applications Order references:For electrostatic discharge (ESD) safe microscope model add -ESD to the reference (see page 10)NZ.1903-P-ESD NZ.1903-U-ESDStands to match each applicationThe NexiusZoom stereo microscopes are supplied with a large choice of objectives and stands.Long working distances enable comfortable working under the microscope.Ideal for education, laboratories and industryThe NexiusZoom comes in several configurations like a pillar stand, rack & pinion stand but also a stable boom stand, which is ideal to handle large samples. Even an articulated stand for table mounting is available for which one can choose one of the Euromex LED ring light or cold light systems8 |S TA N D SThe rack & pinion and pillar stands of the NexiusZoom are equipped with an ergo-nomically designed, wide flat base. Complete with 2 object clamps and Ø 100 mm transparent and black/white stage plates and double LED illuminaton. The coarse adjustment is equipped with friction controlThe ergonomically designed universal (single arm) and boom (double arm) stand are ideal for looking at large samples or working under the microscope. Standard supplied without illuminationArticulated arm stand with table clamp for table mounting. Standard supplied without NexiusZoom head holder and illuminationSuitable for e.g. ring illuminators LE.1972 and LE.1973 with 60 or 144 power LEDs controlled in segments, ideal for creating or lift shades The stands are alloy metal cast, hardened off-white paintedPA C K A G I N GSmart Styrofoam packaging ensures a low environmental footprint while maintai-ning maximum safety during transport. Supplied with power cord, dust cover, eye cups, a spare fuse and user manual.YO U T U B ECheck out the product video on YouTube and learn more about this microscope YouTube channel: Euromex Optics Group B.V.NZ.1903-B double arm boom stand NZ.9020 universal single arm standNZ.9025 / NZ.9081 / NZ.5302Ergonomical rack and pinionstand of the NexiusZoom| 910 |BinocularTrinocularPillar standRack & pinionstandUniversal standBoom standArticulated arm standAntistatic ESDWeight (kg)NZ.1902-P ••5.0NZ.1902-S ••4.9NZ.1902-U ••15.6NZ.1902-B ••22.1NZ.1902-A ••8.6NZ.1903-P ••5.3NZ.1903-S ••5.1NZ.1903-U ••15.7NZ.1903-B ••22.2NZ.1903-A••8.7M O D E L STechnical specificationsBinocularTrinocularPillar standRack & pinionstandUniversal standBoom standArticulated arm standAntistatic ESDWeight (kg)NZ.1902-P-ESD ••• 5.0NZ.1902-S-ESD ••• 4.9NZ.1902-U-ESD •••15.6NZ.1902-B-ESD •••22.1NZ.1903-P-ESD ••• 5.3NZ.1903-S-ESD ••• 5.1NZ.1903-U-ESD •••15.7NZ.1903-B-ESD•••22.2E S D S AF E M O D E L SZoom indicationStandard objective 1x WD 110 mmAuxiliary lens0.3x WD 287 mmAuxiliary lens0.5x WD 165 mmAuxiliary lens0.75x WD 120 mmAuxiliary lens1.5x WD 45 mmAuxiliary lens2x WD 30 mmTotal magnificationField of view in mmTotal magnificationField of view in mmTotal magnificationField of view in mmTotal magnificationField of view in mmTotal magnificationField of view in mmTotal magnificationField of view in mm0.67 6.732.82109.5 3.3565.7 2.1104.8 3.562.9 5.341.910.521. 2.491.7 4.055.0 6.036.712.018.316. 4.548.97.529.311.319.622.59.830. 4.960.0 5.51218.320. 3.780.0 2.84.545.04.913.516.322.59.833.86.567.53.390.02.4M AG N I F I C ATI O N SWorking distance (WD) and field of view with standard HWF 10x / 22 High Wide Field eyepieces| 11Accessories and spare partsv. 631421The Euromex Quality system is certified according to ISO 9001:2008 and supports our pursuit of continuous improvement and our on-goning commitment to provide our world-wide customersNZ.5302 NexiusZoom binocular head with eyepieces NZ.5303 NexiusZoom trinocular head with eyepieces NZ.6010 Pair of HWF 10x / 22 mm eyepieces NZ.6015 Pair of HWF 15x / 16 mm eyepieces NZ.6020 Pair of HWF 20x / 12 mm eyepieces NZ.6110 HWF 10x / 22 mm eyepiece with micrometer NZ.6099 Pair of eyecupsNZ.8903 Auxiliary lens 0.33x. Working distance 165 mm (not suitable for NZ.1902-S and NZ.1903-S) NZ.8905 Auxiliary lens 0.5x. Working distance 165 mm(not suitable for NZ.1902-S and NZ.1903-S)NZ.8907 Auxiliary lens 0.75x. Working distance 120 mm NZ.8915 Auxiliary lens 1.5x. Working distance 45 mm NZ.8920 Auxiliary lens 2.0x. Working distance 30 mm(not suitable for NZ.1902-S and NZ.1903-S)NZ.8950 Protection glass for NexiusZoom headNZ.9010 Ergonomic rack & pinion stand (with transmitted and incident LED illuminators)NZ.9015 Ergonomic pillar stand (with transmitted and incident LED illuminators)NZ.9020 Universal (single arm) stand (without NexiusZoom head holder)NZ.9030 Boom (double arm) stand (without NexiusZoom head holder)NZ.9090 NexiusZoom head holder(for NZ.9020 and NZ. 9030)NZ.9025 Articulated arm stand with table clamp (without NexiusZoom head holder)NZ.9081 NexiusZoom head holder(for articulated arm stand NZ.9025)AE.5168-NZ Heating stage with PID controller up to 50°C NZ.9505 Mechanical 180 x 155mm X-Y stagewith 76 x 55mm translation stage and transparent glass plate, fixed on stage of microscope.(Only available with new microscopes)NZ.9950 Standard opaque stage plate NZ.9956 Black/white stage plate NZ.9570 Pair of object clamps for stageNZ.9833 C-mount adapter with 0.33x lens for 1/3” cameras (suitable for trinocular models)NZ.9850 C-mount adapter with 0.5x lens for 1/2” cameras(suitable for trinocular models)AE.5130 Universal SLR camera adapterwith 2x projection lens for 23.2 mm tubes.Need T2 adapterAE.5025 T2 adapter for Nikon D digital SLR cameras AE.5040 T2 adapter for Canon EOS digital SLR camerasOther T2 adapters on requestLE.1972 Ring illuminator with 60 LEDs with adjustable light intensity. External mains adapter 100-240 V. With segment controller.Brightness of 8.500 Lux at height of 100 mm and color temperature of 6.400K.Max. internal mounting diameter 60 mm LE.1973 Ring illuminator with 144 LEDs with adjustable lightintensity. External mains adapter 100-240 V. With segment controller.Brightness of 20.000 Lux at height of 100 mm and color temperature of 6.400K. Max. internal mounting diameter 60 mm AE.1112 Object micrometer 50 mm(divided in 500 parts on glass slide 76 x 26 mm)50.876Dark field attachmentPB.5245 Lens cleaning paper, 100 sheets per pack PB.5274 Isopropyl alcohol 99% (200 ml)PB.5275 Cleaning kit: lens cleaning fluid, lint free lens tissue,brush, air blower, cotton swabsH E A D QUAR T E R S Euromex Microscopen bv Papenkamp 206836 BD ArnhemThe NetherlandsTel: +31 (0) 26 323 22 11 ****************SAL ES E X PO R T O F F I C E Euromex Microscopen Spain sl Carretera de Barcelona 88, Entresuelo Edificio Technomar08302 Mataró, SpainTel: +34 (0) 937 415 609****************。
Euromex NexiusZoom 立体显微镜产品介绍说明书
![Euromex NexiusZoom 立体显微镜产品介绍说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e46862ad0408763231126edb6f1aff00bfd57013.png)
Stereo microscopesfor Materials and Life SciencesNexius ZoomThe new standard in microscopyEuromex NexiusZoom stereomicroscopes enable you toobserve your specimen withthe highest precision in threedimensional imagingThese high quality stereomicroscopes are perfect foranalyzing all kinds of materialsurfaces and for preparingbiological samplesFEATURES1 | Trinocular port for camera (optional)2 | Binocular and trinocular heads with WF 10x/22 mm or -23 mm eyepieces3 | Zoom ratio 1: 6.7x or 1: 8.4x4 | 6.7x to 45x or 6.5x to 55x standard magnification5 | Configurations from 2 to 220x magnificationstandard & EVODesigned to be superior in accuracyand color reproduction. Furthermore,the highest possible resolution is reachedwith virtually no aberrations. Multilayer opticalcoatings ensure minimal light absorptionand crisp images in every contrast method.Experience in ergonomics has resulted inmicroscopes allowing long working sessionsUsing additional lenses and objectives,magnifications from 2 up to 220 timesNexiusZoom EVOThe newly optimized GreenoughOptical System offers more depth offocus without compromising on lowdistortion and color aberrationESD SAFE MICROSCOPESElectrostatic protected microscopesfor all kinds of industry, inspection andassembly applicationsNZ.1903-P-ESDNZ.1903-U-ESDNZ.1903-P-ESD The body and stand of the microscope are coated with a special electrostatic dissipative paint eliminating harmful electrostatic discharges, thus making the microscope suitable for all static-sensitive environmentsNexiusZoomESDElectrostatic discharge (ESD) is the unwanted sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects. ESD can cause a range of harmful effects as well as permanent damage to solid state electronic componentsTo solve this Euromex has introduced electrostatic protected microscopes in the NexiusZoom range. Special electrostatic dissipative paint eliminating harmful electrostatic discharges makes the microscope suitable for all static-sensitive environments. Ideal for all kinds of industry, inspection andassembly applicationshalogenfluorescenceLEDNZ.1702-GEMFNZ.1902-GEMLNZ.1902-GEMLthe adjustable iris enables easy light and contrast controlILLUMINATIONThe gemology models are available with two stands. Both are equipped with intensity adjustable 30 W halogen transmitted illumination towards the specimen at oblique angles. This enables the examination of specimen in perfect darkfield conditions. The incident illuminations are either intensity adjustable 1 W LED or a The ergonomic tilting stand allows easy adjustment between 0 and 45ºNexiusZoom for gemologyThe specialized backwards tilting stand of the NexiusZoom and NexiusZoom EVO stereo microscope for gemology applications offers 30 W halogen transmitted illumination towards the specimen at oblique angles. This enables the examination of your gems in perfectdarkfield conditions41235Ergonomic flat pillar stand, including incident and transmitted 3 W LED illumination, built-in 100-240 V power supply. Both illumination intensities can be adjusted Universal single-arm stand for free observation of (large) objects. Mounted on a heavy base for maximum stability. Supplied without illumination. However, a wide Ergonomic pillar stand with rotating mirror for oblique darkfield illumination. 100-240 V power supply, both illumination intensities can be adjusted separately.106879121311Universal double-arm stand for free observation of (large) objects.Mounted on a heavy base for maximum stability. Guided double arm that allows titling of the head. Supplied without illumination. However, a wide range of illumination systems is available. AP standillumination towards gems and stones at oblique angles in perfect darkfield and brightfield conditions. With stone holding tweezers and built-in Iris. Comes with additional 1 W LED incident illumination. Built-in NZ.903734156NexiusZoom illuminationGood illumination of an object is crucial for stereo microscopy. When the correct illumination is chosen the details of the observed object becomes more distinct. Comfort and desired light intensity are the factors that determine the choice223AE.19601Positioning table allows easy and precise positioning of objects when using high magnifications. The round positioning table AE.1960, ø 20 cm is ideal for moving objects smoothly and precisely around a central point. Suitable for all free hanging standsAE.5168-NZ2Heating stage with X/Y mechanical stage. Temperature range: up to 50°C. LED display for set temperature (1 degree) and measured temperature (0.1 degree). For -S and -P stands*NZ.9505NexiusZoomMechanical stages & positioning tablesStages can be an ideal tool for stereo microscopes when delicate positioning or heating of a specimen is neededNZ.95053Mechanical 180 x 155 mm X-Y stage with 75 x 75 mm translation and transparent glass plate.For –S and –P stands*The stages are designed for -S and -P stands. For other models, send your request* Supplied with new microscopes onlyWD = working distance, OH = object height, FoV = Field of view, Total mag. = total magnificationNZ.8903 NZ.8904 NZ.8905 NZ.8907 NZ.8915 NZ.8920MODELSSensorSensor size Max. frames (p/sec)Signal/Noise(db)Dynamic (db)Sensibility V/lux-secProduct numberCMEX-5 ProCMOS 143968.0 1.76DC.5000-PRO39100CMEX-10 Pro CMOS 835.563.50.31DC. 10000-PRO 25CMEX-18 ProCMOS642651.3DC. 18000-PRO1832Digital Solutions for NexiusZoomDigital Solutions CMEX 5, 10 & 18 PROThe Euromex digital solution products offer quick and accurate solutions for all industrial applications. Systems for computer and/or stand-alone use are available, measurement functions Check product quality, save images or videos, generate reports with great ease, high speed and accuracy This is a selection of the most popular cameras in the fieldDetailed information and all models are available The CMEX-5 Pro, -10 Pro and -18 Pro cameras are equipped with a 5.1, 10 or 18 MP CMOS sensor with 12 bits grayscale conversion and a 24 bits color rendering. These cameras are equipped with a USB-3 data interface enabling fast frame rate and are supplied with ImageFocus Alpha softwareNZ.1903-PGHD-Pro HDMI | VC.3038JEPG 1920 x1080 pixels ASF 1920x1080 pixels16 GB (max. 32 GB)0.036 ~ 8000 msUser defined gridlive and captured imagesThe Euromex HD cameras offer the perfect solution to modern microscopy VC.3038NZ.1903-PWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece only with crosshairs for NZ EVO micrometer anddditional 0.3x lens for NZ. Working distance 287 mm.dditional 0.4x lens for NZ. Working distance 220 mm.Only suitable for models with universal or boom standsdditional 0.5x lens for NZ. Working distance 183 mm.NZ.6210-CM NZ.9095HEADHOLDERSNZ.9520AE.1112A B365 nm6500 K C D395 nm420 nmv. 923281For your own safety it is highly recommended to wear protective orange glasses when using the 365 nm gooseneckEUROMEX MICROSCOPEN BV is a leading manufacturer of microscopes and other optical instruments. Founded in 1966, Euromex has become a world-class supplier of biological and stereo microscopesThe corporate office is based in Arnhem, The Netherlands. A facility with a 2.000 m2 conditioned logistics warehouse, an opto-mechanical workshop, an R&D department and a high-level quality control departmentAround the world, Euromex operates in more than 80 countries through distributors,resellers and agents. A wide variety of customers such as schools and educational institutes, clinical and research laboratories and a broad range of industrial customersare using Euromex microscopesThe Euromex Quality System is certified according to ISO9001:2015 and supports our pursuit of continuous improvement and our on-going commitment to provide our world-wide customers assurance of product qualityManagement SystemISO 9001:2015ID 0000037140G L O B A L H E A D Q UA R T E R SEuromex Microscopen bvPapenkamp 20 6836 BD Arnhem The NetherlandsTel: +31 (0) 26 323 22 11****************E U R O P E A N S A L E S OF F I C EEuromex Microscopen Spain sl Carretera de Barcelona 88, Entresuelo Esc. B - Local 908302 Mataró, Spain Tel: +34 (0) 937 415 609****************DISCLAIMERAll information and materials contained on this website have been prepared solely for the purpose of providing general information about the products offered by Euromex Microscopen bv. The content of and all information published on this website are provided in good faith as a convenience to you and may be used for information purposes only and at all times in accordance with these terms of accessEuromex Microscopen bv does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of information obtained from its website and does not undertake to update or correct its content or the information and/or materials contained on it on a regular basisEuromex Microscopen bv reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to(including the removal of) the products described or referred to on the website and to delete and/or move any such information at any time and without notice ___Euromex is a registered trademark of Euromex Microscopen bv。
1. 显微镜主机体(stand)显微镜的主机体设计成金字塔形,而底座的截面呈T字形,使显微镜的整体相当稳固。
2. 显微镜的底座(base)底座和主机体通常组成一个稳固的整体。
3. 透射光光源(tranilluminator)透射光光源由灯室(lamp housing)、灯座(lamp socket)、卤素灯(halogen lamp)、集光与聚光系统(lamp collector and lamp condenser)及其调整装置组成。
4. 透射光光源与反射光光源的转换开关(toggle switch)这是新一代AXIO系列显微镜特有的装置,透射光和反射光可通用。
5. 电源开关(mains switch)与亮度调节旋钮(brightness control)电源开关用来接通或切断显微镜所需用的交流电源。