Major Phenolics in Apple and Their Contribution to the Total Antioxidant Capacity

player in plant immune response
❖ Phytoalexins can be antimicrobial
terpenoids or phenolics (抗菌的萜或酚类)
❖ Synthesized in response to infection or
stored in surface glands表面腺细胞)
Sesquiterpenes (C-15)
Herbivory deterБайду номын сангаасents威慑草食动物
❖ Bitterness
❖ Examples include
sagebrush山艾树 and
四萜(tetraterpene)、 多萜(polyterpene)。
CH2 = C
CH = CH2
Terpenoids: The largest group
Flavor deterrent威慑味道,如涩味
Tea, blackberry,grape, apple
Mode of action is via protein binding蛋白鞣质结
Examples of phenolic compounds
Monoterpenes (C-10)
Pyrethroid insecticides拟除虫菊脂

E COLOGY AND P OPULATION B IOLOGYEffects of Photoperiod and Light Intensity on the Genetics of Diapause in the Apple Maggot(Diptera:Tephritidae)KENNETH E.FILCHAK,1JOSEPH B.ROETHELE,AND JEFFREY L.FEDER Department of Biological Sciences,Galvin Life Science Building,University of Notre Dame,Notre Dame,IN46556Ann.Entomol.Soc.Am.94(6):902Ð908(2001)ABSTRACT Rhagoletis pomonella(Walsh)is an important pest of apples and has been at the centerof a long-standing debate concerning modes of speciation.Theßy has been proposed to speciatewithout geographic isolation(i.e.,in sympatry)in the process of shifting and adapting to new hostplants.Previous studies have shown that diapause-related traits play a key role in adapting apple-and hawthorn-infesting races of R.pomonella to a difference in the fruiting times(phenologies)oftheir respective host plants.These experiments indicated that prewinter temperature and itsduration affected the survivorship and genetics of over-wintering R.pomonella pupae.However,theearlier work did not test whether photoperiod and light intensity,two environmental factors thatalso differ between the host races,affect the genetics of diapause.Here,we report that variation inphotoperiod,but not light intensity,during the larval stage affects adult eclosion.Haw-origin larvaeexposed to longer photoperiods(18:6[L:D]h)eclosed signiÞcantly earlier that those experiencingshorter photoperiods(14:10and10:14[L:D]h).We also conÞrmed previously observed geneticrelationships between eclosion time and six allozyme loci displaying allele frequency differencesbetween the haw and apple host races.However,we did notÞnd a signiÞcant genetic response tophotoperiod for any allozyme.Our results suggest that,while photoperiod cues can regulate R.pomonella diapause,daylength is probably of secondary importance relative to temperature andseason length in genetically differentiating the host races.KEY WORDS Rhagoletis pomonella,host race,diapause,sympatric speciation,photoperiod,lightintensityD IAPAUSE IS A dynamic,hormonally mediated physio-logical state in insects characterized by low metabolic rates,limited behavioral activity,resistance to envi-ronmental extremes,and reduced morphogenesis. There are two general and interrelated reasons for insect diapause(Tauber et al.1986).First,to pass through a period unsuitable for survival(e.g.,winter), and second to coordinate an insectÕs life cycle to key resources or conditions conducive to growth and re-production(e.g.,host-plant availability).Insects use any of a number of different environmental cues, alone or in combination,as signals to initiate diapause, with photoperiod and temperature being the most common(Danilevsky1965,Morris and Fulton1970, Saunders1982,Tauber et al.1986).Diapause-related traits have been hypothesized to play a key role in sympatric speciation for phytoph-agous insects(Bush1969,1975;Smith1988;Wood and Keese1990;Abrahamson et al.1994;Feder and Filchak 1999).Speciation in sexually reproducing animals was traditionally thought to be predicated on complete geographic separation(i.e.,allopatry)of populations (Mayr1942,Futuyma and Meyer1980).But as early as the1860s,Walsh(1864)proposed that certain host-plant speciÞc phytophagous insects could speciate in the absence of geographic isolation(i.e.,in sympatry)in the process of shifting and adapting to new host pants.Subsequent studies have documented several examples of partially isolated“host races”(Feder et al. 1988,McPheron et al.1988,Wood and Keese1990, Carroll and Boyd1992,Abrahamson et al.1994)pos-sessing the hallmarks of incipient species.In several of these cases,diapause-related traits adapting the races to a seasonal difference in host availability(seasonal-ity)appears to be a primary aspect of differentiation (Smith1988,Wood and Keese1990,Abrahamson et al. 1994,Feder and Filchak1999).The apple maggotßy,Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh),is a major economic pest of apples and a model for sympatric speciation(Bush1966,1992). Hawthorn(Crataegus spp.L.)is the native host for the ßy(Bush1966).But in the mid-1800s,a new popula-tion was reported attacking domesticated apple(Ma-lus pumila,Mill.)(Walsh1867).Subsequent studies have conferred host race status on the apple-infesting population(Feder et al.1988,McPheron et al.1988). Apple and hawthornßies differ in allele frequencies for six allozyme loci(aspartate amino transferase-2 [Aat-2],NADH-diaphorase-2[Dia-2],malic enzyme [Me],aconitase-2[Acon-2],mannose phosphate isomerase[Mpi],and hydroxyacid dehydrogenase [Had])(Feder et al.1988,McPheron et al.1988,Feder and Bush1989,Feder et al.1990a,1990b).In addition, mark-release-recapture studies have shown that adult1E-mail:Filchak.1@0013-8746/01/0902Ð0908$02.00/0᭧2001Entomological Society of Americaßies tend to return to the same species of host plant (fruit)to mate and oviposit that they fed within as larvae,a condition known as“hostÞdelity”(Feder et al.1994).Because R.pomonellaßies mate exclusively on or near the fruit of their hosts(Prokopy et al.1971, Prokopy1972),hostÞdelity translates directly into premating isolation.Although hostÞdelity is strong in R.pomonella,it is not complete(Feder et al.1994).Some intermixing still occurs between the apple and hawthorn host races at a rate ofϷ6%per generation.Given this level of geneßow and R.pomonella being univoltine,pop-ulation genetic models predict that the host races would become genetically indistinguishable within15 generations or years(Dean and Chapman1973,Boller and Prokopy1976,Feder and Filchak1999).However, long-term allozyme surveys(11yr)of naturalßy pop-ulations indicate that the apple and haw races are not fusing(Feder and Filchak1999).Therefore,some form of host-dependent selection must be occurring each generation to counteract the homogenizing ef-fects of geneßow.Several lines of evidence point to diapause-related traits associated with a difference in the fruiting times of apples and hawthorns as being the key to divergent selection between host races.Rhagoletis pomonella overwinters in a facultative pupal diapause(Prokopy 1968,Dean and Chapman1973,Boller and Prokopy 1976).Flies exposed to permissive environmental con-ditions as larvae and pupae can forgo a pronounced diapause and rapidly initiate adult development (Prokopy1968).In nature,such“nondiapause”devel-opment has disastrousÞtness consequences.Nondia-pauseßies either eclose at inappropriate times in the fall when host fruit is no longer available or commit to, but do not complete,adult development before the onset of winter and freeze/starve to death.Fruit on apple tree varieties favored by R.pomonella generally ripen from3Ð4wk earlier than haws(Feder and Fil-chak1999).As a result,the life history of appleßies is shifted earlier in the season,such that appleßy larvae and pupae are exposed to higher temperatures for a greater period of time before winter than hawthorn ßies.We hypothesized that the earlier phenology of apples selects for a more recalcitrant developmental response(deeper diapause)in the apple than the hawthorn race.Results from a series of rearing experiments have supported this“diapause”hypothesis.First,alleles at all six allozyme loci displaying frequency differences between the host races were found to correlate with the timing of adult eclosion,an event dependent on the duration of the pupal diapause(Feder et al.1993, 1997a,1997b,).Moreover,ßies possessing alleles typ-ically found in higher frequencies in the apple race eclosed later than individuals possessing“haw race”genes(Feder et al.1997a,1997b;Filchak et al.1999), as predicted by the diapause hypothesis.Second,as discussed above,elevated temperature has been shown to affect the diapause characteristics ofßies (Prokopy1968,Filchak et al.2000).Third,and most importantly,varying rearing conditions elicited ge-netic responses in the races in predicted directions. Allozyme frequencies in surviving(successfully over-wintering)adults exposed to higher temperatures for longer periods of time before winter as larvae and pupae,or to longer overwintering periods as pupae, shifted to become more“apple-like”than controls (Feder et al.1997a,1997b;Filchak et al.2000). Temperature and season length may not be the only diapause-related cues involved in the genetic differ-entiation of the host races.Photoperiod is also a good candidate because the earlier phenology of apples means that developing appleßy larvae experience longer day lengths than hawthorn larvae.Indeed, Prokopy(1968)demonstrated that variation in pho-toperiod during the larval,but not the pupal,life-stage caused signiÞcant shifts in adult eclosion times for apple-originßies.However,Prokopy(1968)did not explore the effects of photoperiod variation on survi-vorship or the genetics of host races.In addition to photoperiod,host-associated varia-tion in light intensity may be important in differenti-ating the races.Apples are physically larger than haw-thorns(mean diameter of apples at a study site(near Grant,MI)ϭ5.2cm;mean diameter hawsϭ1.6cm) (Feder1995).Consequently,light intensity near the core of fruits,where larvae prefer to feed,will likely be lower in apples than hawthorn(Prokopy1968). Fruit dissections have indicated thatßy larvae feed at much greater average depths within apples than in haws(average feeding depth in applesϭ1.38cm, hawsϭ0.13cm)(Feder1995).Moreover,competi-tion from plum curculio and codling moth larvae may force many hawthorn,but not apple-infesting,mag-gots to feed right below the surface(skin)of fruits (Feder1995),where light penetrance is greatest.Al-though Prokopy(1968)showed a photoperiod re-sponse for R.pomonella even at very low light levels (300lux),this result does not,by itself,rule out the possibility that varying light levels affect diapause and the genetics of host races.Verifying an effect of light intensity on diapause is of particular interest because it could help explain a puzzling difference in the geographic pattern of allo-zyme variation for host races.As mentioned above,six allozyme loci show consistent allele frequency differ-ences between sympatric apple and hawthorn-ßy pop-ulations across eastern North America(Feder et al. 1988,McPheron et al.1988,Feder and Bush1989; Feder et al.1990a,1990b).However,these six allo-zymes also display latitudinal frequency clines within both host races.Alleles more common to the apple than hawthorn race at the Grant,MI,site were found at higher frequencies in both host races at more south-ern locales(Feder and Bush1989,Feder et al.1990a, Berlocher and McPheron1996).Furthermore,the slopes of the clines differ between the races,being steeper for the hawthorn race(i.e.,from north to south allozyme frequencies change more dramatically among hawthorn than apple-ßy populations).One possible explanation for the pattern is that the fruiting times of hawthorns are more strongly inßuenced by latitude-related factors than apples,resulting in theNovember2001F ILCHAK ET AL.:E FFECTS OF P HOTOPERIOD AND L IGHT ON A PPLE M AGGOT903hawthorn race experiencing more variable selection pressures than appleßies.ButÞeld observations in-dicate that theϷ3Ð4wk earlier phenology of prime apple varieties is consistent across the range of overlap of apple and hawthorn trees in the Midwest(J.L.F.,un-published data).However,if increased light levels ex-perienced by hawthorn-infesting larvae exacerbate the effects of elevated temperature and a longer growing season at more southern sites,then this could account for the clinal difference between the host races.The objective of this study was to test for genetic or developmental responses to variation in photoperiod and light intensity.Our a priori hypothesis was that higher photoperiods and/or lower light intensities would select against alleles more common to the haw-thorn host race.Materials and MethodsOverview of Experiments.The experimental design consisted of exposing collections of hawthorn-origin larvae within the host fruit to varying photoperiods and light conditions in controlled environmental chambers.After a simulated winter,over-wintering survivorship and eclosion times were recorded and compared amongßies in the various environmental treatments.Surviving adults were scored for the six allozyme loci displaying frequency differences be-tween the host races to test for genetic relationships with diapause/development and for genetic responses to varying photoperiod and light-intensity conditions. Only hawthorn(not apple)ßies were used in this experiment.Ideally both apple and hawthornßies would be used in such a manipulation.However,this method was not employed herein for several reasons. One,statistical sensitivity requires large numbers of individuals to detect a response to experimental ma-nipulation.Second,genetic variation exists between individuals on different trees.If mixed samples were used,it is likely that unequal numbers of larvae would result and thus the unrepresentative proportions of this variation would bias the result.It is therefore necessary to use individuals from a single tree,which also has sufÞcient larvae numbers to detect a response to our rearing conditions.In nature infested hawthorn trees tend to support larger populations that apples. Finally,each race contains all of the variation pos-sessed by the other,although at different frequencies. Therefore,usingßies from a single race and tree is a practicalÞrst step in the majority of our investigations and is the one employed herein.Infested fruit for these experiments was collected from a hawthorn tree at aÞeld site near Grant,MI,on 28August1998(see Feder et al.1990b for a map of the Grant site).Rhagoletis pomonellaßies used herein generally eclose in early summer and have one gen-eration per year(Dean and Chapman1973,Boller and Prokopy1976).Although a small,second generation of appleßies is sometimes observed eclosing in the fall, theseßies are inevitably doomed and do not repro-duce(Dean and Chapman1973).Sexually mature adults rendezvous on or near unabscised host fruit to court and mate(Prokopy et al.1971,Prokopy1972). Females deposit one egg per oviposition bout imme-diately below the surface of host fruit(Bush1992). Eggs hatch within a few days,with subsequent larval feeding conÞned to the fruit oviposited into by the larvaÕs mother.When fruit abscise from trees in late summer or early fall,larvae leave the fruit and burrow into the soil to an average depth ofϷ2.5cm(Dean and Chapman1973,Boller and Prokopy1976).Here,they form puparia and undergo a fourth larval instar before entering a facultative pupal diapause for winter(Dean and Chapman1973,Boller and Prokopy1976). Photoperiod rval-infested fruit was transported to the laboratory and placed on0.3by 0.6m wire mesh racks that were set within plastic collecting trays(0.3m by0.6m).The fruit was divided into three equal subsamples maintained at photope-riods of18:6,14:10and10:14(L:D)h in three different constant temperature(26Ϯ1ЊC)incubators.Fruit was positionedϷ0.6m below the light source(2Ð48Љßuorescent lamps,110W,General Electric F48T12/ CW/1500,GE part#10751)in the incubators.At this distance,fruit received8500lux of light on itÕs surface, as determined with a foot candle/lux light meter(cat-alog no.L524880,Extech Instruments,Stamford,CT). As larvae completed feeding they emerged from fruit and formed puparia in plastic trays.Puparia was placed in petri-dishes containing moist vermiculite and were returned to the incubators.After10d,the petri-dishes were taken from the incubators and placed in a refrigerator(0to5ЊC cycle)to simulate winter(Data from Grant,MI,indicate that this tem-perature range is typical for pupae over-wintering in the soil there)(Feder and Filchak1999,Filchak et al. 2000).Equal samples of petri-dishes(pupae)were removed from the refrigerator after15and30wk and put into an incubator maintained at23ЊC with a pho-toperiod of14:10(L:D)h(We have estimated that temperatures are below the developmental threshold for R.pomonella for an average ofϷ26wk at the Grant site)(Filchak et al.2000).Pupal sample sizes within the15and30wk winter length treatments were nϭ529,nϭ418,and nϭ558for the photoperiods18:6, 14:10,and10:14(L:D)h,respectively.Newly eclosing adults were collected from the petri dishes on a daily basis and immediately frozen atÐ80ЊC for later genetic analysis.Light Intensity Experiment.Fruit for this experi-ment was transported to the laboratory and placed on wire racks in plastic collection trays.These trays were housed in a single incubator maintained at22.5ЊC (Ϯ1ЊC)and a photoperiod of14:10(L:D)h.Light intensity was varied by covering the fruit with no,one, or two layers of mosquito netting(0.5mm mesh size, dark gray nylon material),resulting in high(8500lux), medium(1,500lux),and low(430lux)light treat-ments.We found that fruit within and beneath host trees at the Grant site in1998typically received from 1,000Ð10,000lux of light.(These light levels were recorded using a foot candle/lux light meter.Catalog #L524880,Extech Instruments,Stamford).However, fruit outside the canopy that is exposed to full sunlight904A NNALS OF THE E NTOMOLOGICAL S OCIETY OF A MERICA Vol.94,no.6can experience as much as150,000lux of light on their surface.Consequently,the range of light intensity conditions used in our study(430Ð8500lux)was a reasonable representation of what most fruit would receive on its surface in nature.But,of course,a subset of fruit not in,or under,the canopy will be exposed to much brighter daylight.Temperature readings taken using a HOBO external temperature data logger(H08-031-08,Onset Com-puter,Pocasset,MA)indicated that the mean surface temperature of fruit in the high light treatment (23.5ЊC)averagedϷ1ЊC above that in the medium (22.5ЊC)and low treatments(22.4ЊC).Our study was therefore confounded by slight temperature differ-ences among certain light treatments,pointing to the inherent difÞculty in experimentally disentangling the two factors,as increased light intensity will almost invariably lead to increased surface heating of fruit. However,as we show in the results section,eclosion times and allozyme frequencies did not differ among light intensity treatments,allowing us to discount its importance as a diapause cue.Puparia were collected and treated in the light-intensity experiment as described above for the pho-toperiod study,except that all three light intensity samples were over-wintered for just15wk.The total number of pupae in the high,medium,and low light treatments were nϭ204,237,and238,respectively. Adults were collected on a daily basis as they eclosed in petri-dishes and immediately frozen for later ge-netic analysis.Genetic Analysis.Standard horizontal starch gel electrophoresis techniques were used to scoreßies for the six allozymes(Aat-2,Dia-2,Me,Acon-2,Mpi,and Had)displaying allele frequency differences between host races(Berlocher and Smith1983,Feder et al. 1989).Isocitrate dehydrogenase(Idh)was also scored as a genetic control because it displays no frequency differences between the host races,as well as limited geographicvariationin R.pomonella(Federetal.1990a). Flies not used for genetic analysis were saved and stored atÐ80ЊC.Theseßies are available as voucher specimens and for subsequent genetic analysis.Statistical Analysis.Eclosion time differences among photoperiod and light intensity treatments were analyzed for signiÞcance using nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis tests with tied ranks(Zar1996).Sub-sequent comparisons between pairs of treatments were conducted using the Nemenyi test(Zar1996),as modiÞed for unequal sample sizes and tied ranks by Dunn(1964).Survivorship differences among treat-ments were analyzed for signiÞcance using Fisher exact tests(Zar1996).G-heterogeneity tests were performed to test for signiÞcant genetic responses (i.e.,allozyme frequency differences)among photo-period and light intensity treatments(Zar1996).Re-lationships between eclosion time and single-locus allozyme genotypes forßies were analyzed by Spear-man rank correlation coefÞcients(r s)corrected for tied ranks(Zar1996).Flies were assigned to three different genotypic classes for each locus according to the number of Me100,Acon-295,Mpi37,Aat-2ϩ75,Dia-2100,Had100,or Idh100alleles each possessed (Note:ϩ75for Aat-2indicates the class of alleles withՆ75relative anodal mobility relative to the most common100electromorph).Correlation coefÞcients were z-transformed to test for signiÞcance(Hedges and Olkin1985).One-tailed tests were conducted for Me100,Acon-295,Mpi37,Aat-2ϩ75,Dia-2100,and Had100because of our a priori expectation from previous studies thatßies possessing these alleles should eclose earlier than others(Feder et al.1997a, 1997b,Filchak et al.1999).Two-tailed tests were done for the control locus Idh.We also conducted a meta-analysis combining correlation coefÞcients across winter length,photoperiod,and light intensity treat-ments using the methods of Hedges and Olkin(1985). These common correlation coefÞcients(known as“ef-fect magnitudes”and designated by the symbol r z)Fig.1.Mean days to eclosion versus(a)photoperiod (daylength in hours)and(b)light intensity(Lux).Treat-ments showing a letter in common within winter treatments were not statistically signiÞcant at the PϽ0.05level as determined by DunnÕs test corrected for tied ranks.All three comparisons between15-and30-wk winters in a given pho-toperiod treatment were signiÞcant at the PϽ0.05level as determined by Fisher exact tests.November2001F ILCHAK ET AL.:E FFECTS OF P HOTOPERIOD AND L IGHT ON A PPLE M AGGOT905were tested for signiÞcance by z-transformation (Hedges and Olkin1985).ResultsEclosion Time.Both photoperiod and winter length signiÞcantly affected mean time to adult eclosion (MTE)(Fig.1a).Flies exposed to longer day lengths as larvae eclosed increasingly earlier(had decreasing MTEÕs)within both the15-and30-wk overwinter treatments(Kruskal-Wallis H tied ranks for15wkϭ66.3,dfϭ2,PϽ0.0001;H for30wkϭ65.6,dfϭ2,PϽ0.0001).In addition,ßies experiencing the same pho-toperiod eclosed signiÞcantly earlier the longer they were overwintered.There was no apparent interac-tion between photoperiod and winter length.MTE decreased in a linear and parallel manner with in-creasing photoperiod between the15-and30-wk win-ter treatments(Fig.1a).In contrast to the results for photoperiod and winter length,light intensity did not affect eclosion time(Hϭ2.1,dfϭ2,Pϭ0.40);MTEs were virtually identical between the low,medium and high light treatments (Fig.1b).Survivorship.Overwintering survivorship did not vary signiÞcantly with photoperiod within either the 15-or30-wk overwinter treatments(P for15wkϭ0.152,P for30wkϭ0.069,as determined by Fisher exact tests).Althoughßy viability tended to be lower in the14:10(L:D)h(44and45%for the15and30wk, respectively)than for the other photoperiods(50%, 51%18:6[L:D]h and47%,52%10:14[L:D]h for the 15and30wk,respectively),this trend was not signif-icant.Survivorship differed signiÞcantly among light intensity treatments(Pϭ0.0003,as determined Fisher exact test).Viability was higher in the medium(76%) than in the low(64%)or high(59%)light-intensity experiments(Pϭ0.005and0.0001,respectively,as determined by Fisher exact tests).Genetic Response.No allozyme locus showed a signiÞcant allele frequency difference related to pho-toperiod within either the15-or30-wk overwinter treatments(Table1).Allozyme frequencies also did not vary signiÞcantly among light intensity treatments (Table1).Consequently,the survivorship difference seen among light intensity treatments was not accom-panied by a corresponding genetic response at any of the six allozyme loci differentiating the host races. In contrast to the muted genetic responses seen to varying photoperiod and light intensity,highly signif-icant relationships were observed between eclosion time and allozyme genotypes within every environ-mental treatment performed in this study(Table2). The signs of these relationships were negative in all cases,indicating thatßies possessing alleles(geno-types)typically found in higher frequencies in the hawthorn race at Grant,MI,eclosed earlier than in-dividuals possessing“apple race”alleles.The control locus Idh,showed no relationship with photoperiod, light intensity,or eclosion time(Table2).DiscussionOur results indicate that photoperiod is an impor-tant environmental cue affecting developmental pe-riodism in rvae exposed to longer day lengths eclosed signiÞcantly earlier as adults than those receiving shorter photoperiods.TheseÞndings are not overly surprising given that many temperate zone insects use daylength as a prime cue to regulate diapause(Saunders1982,Tauber et al.1986).More-Table1.Results for G-heterogeneity tests for significant allele frequency differences among photoperiod(10:14,14:10,and 18:6[L:D])and light intensity(430,1500,and8500lux) treatmentsTreatment/Locus Me Acon-2Mpi Aat-2Dia-2Had IdhPhotoperiod (15-wk winter)0.20.4 5.1 4.1 1.0 2.40.1Photoperiod (30-wk winter)3.9 2.7 3.10.6 1.0 2.9 1.0Light intensity(15-wk winter)1.3 1.5 1.1No test was statistically signiÞcant at the PՅ0.05level with2df.Table2.Spearman rank correlations between eclosion time and allozyme genotypesTreatment/Locus Me Acon-2Mpi Aat-2Dia-2Had Idh Photoperiod18:6rϪ0.36****Ϫ0.23****Ϫ0.19***Ϫ0.24****Ϫ0.19***Ϫ0.14**0.02 df273273273272271273271 14:10rϪ0.36****Ϫ0.24***Ϫ0.16*Ϫ0.07Ϫ0.93Ϫ0.13*0.03 df177177177177171177176 10:14rϪ0.43****Ϫ0.19**Ϫ0.25***Ϫ0.17*Ϫ0.14*Ϫ0.28****0.01 df180180180174180180180 Light IntensityLow rϪ0.57****Ϫ0.46****Ϫ0.14Ϫ0.04Ϫ0.03Ϫ0.21*Ϫ0.05 df90909089869090 Med rϪ0.63****Ϫ0.68***Ϫ0.15Ϫ0.25**Ϫ0.25**Ϫ0.22*Ϫ0.11 df88888888868888 High rϪ0.36***Ϫ0.22*Ϫ0.49Ϫ0.22*Ϫ0.19*Ϫ0.27**Ϫ0.07 df84848483808483Photoperiod results represent common coefÞcients(effect magnitudes)calculated across the15and30week winter treatments by meta-analysis.Correlation coefÞcients were z-transformed to test for signiÞcance(*,PϽ0.05;**,PϽ0.01;***,PϽ0.001;****,PϽ0.0001). 906A NNALS OF THE E NTOMOLOGICAL S OCIETY OF A MERICA Vol.94,no.6over,our results are consistent with the previous work of Prokopy(1968)showing that apple maggots re-spond to variation in photoperiod even in dim light (300lux).There are reasons to suspect that photoperiod does not play a dominant role in genetically differentiating the host races.Although longer photoperiods resulted in earlier mean eclosion times in our experiment,this shift was not accompanied by an increase in over-wintering mortality or a genetic response at any of the allozyme loci.The latterÞnding was true despite the observation of highly signiÞcant relationships be-tween eclosion time and allozyme genotypesÑa result reinforcing the key tenet of the diapause hypothesis that the allozymes(or linked genes)displaying host-related differences regulate the timing of develop-ment.The photoperiod experiment contrasts with ear-lier studies in which increasing the prewintering period(26ЊC)or lengthening the duration of winter not only reduced mean eclosion time,but also mark-edly decreased pupal survivorship and induced strong genetic responses favoring apple race alleles(Feder et al.1997a,1997b;Filchak et al.2000).However,past experience suggests that the10-d prewinter period used in the photoperiod experiment represents a rel-atively benign rearing condition forßies.Conse-quently,we may have pushed pupae close to,but not beyond,the point of nondiapause development to induce genotype speciÞc mortality in our study.It is, therefore,premature to completely discount a role for photoperiod in contributing to the genetic differen-tiation of the host races.Field measurements taken from our Grant,MI, study site imply that the effect of photoperiod will nevertheless be of secondary importance relative to temperature and season length in differentiating the races.In1999,the mode time for larval infestation of apples at Grant,MI,was5August and for haws1 September(Filchak et al.2000).Civic daylength,as determined from National Weather Service(USA) data,was16h,21min on1August and15h,11min on 1September a difference of70min.However,in the laboratory we failed to elicit a genetic response to photoperiod differences as great as8h(10:14com-pared with18:6[L:D]h).Therefore,while the70min longer day experienced by apple-ßy larvae could ex-acerbate the known effects of higher temperatures of apple than haws,increasing selection pressures for more recalcitrant pupal(diapause)development, photoperiod itself is unlikely to be a prime factor driving host race system.The lack of any detectable effect of light intensity on diapause,while not unexpected,was disappointing. Reports of light intensity inßuencing diapause are sparse in the insect literature(Saunders1982).In addition,Prokopy(1968)showed that R.pomonella can respond to photoperiod differences from external light sources as low as300lux,suggesting thatßies are sensitive to even very dim light.Nevertheless,light levels are likely to differ substantially for developing apple and hawthorn-ßy larvae.Moreover,as we dis-cussed above,a light intensity effect would help to explain a puzzling difference in the pattern(slope)of latitudinal allozyme clines between host races.But our results clearly reject a role for light intensity in the genetics of diapause,at least for the allozyme loci we scored.Consequently,other hypotheses(e.g.,the in-volvement of additional,as yet unidentiÞed,diapause loci partially overriding the effects of the allozymes in the apple race)must be entertained to explain the clinal differences between races.We have now accumulated information concerning the effects of a number of different environmental factors on R.pomonella diapause.Temperature,the length of the growing season,and the duration of winter all exert strong,differential selection pressures on allozymes(or linked loci)between host races (Feder et al.1997a,1997b;Filchak et al.2000).Al-though photoperiod inßuences the setting of the dia-pause clock in R.pomonella,it appears to be of only secondary importance in differentiating sympatric ap-ple and hawthorn-ßy races.Whether photoperiod plays a greater role in differentiating Rhagoletis spe-cies infesting host plants whose fruiting phenologies differ by more than apples and hawthorns is a question that remains to be investigated.In addition,light in-tensity has no detectable effect on the genetics of diapause.Given our current understanding of the rel-ative importance of various environmental cues on R. pomonella diapause,we can now concentrate on how factors such as temperature and season length interact to maintain allozyme differences between host races. Moreover,the recent development of a molecular linkage map for R.pomonella(Roethele et al.1997), and evidence for synteny between the apple maggot and Drosophila melanogaster(Meigen),will permit theÞner genetic dissection of diapause-related phe-notypes in R.pomonellaßies.AcknowledgmentsWe thank Bill Perry,Uwe Stolz,Hattie Dambroski,Xie (Frank),Nikki Wilson,and Amir Tamassebi who gave help or moral support,and Dave Prokrym and the other staff at the USDA(Niles Michigan laboratory)who allowed us to use their incubators and helped signiÞcantly with insect rearing. Additional aid was given by David Lodge,Nora Besansky,and Guy Bush.This work was supported,in part by a National Science Foundation graduate research traineeship(Grant No.9452655)to K.E.F.References Cited Abrahamson,W.G.,W.M.Brown,S.K.Roth,D.V.Sumer-ford,J.D.Horner,M.D.Hess,S.T.How,T.P.Craig,R.A.Packer,and J.K.Itami.1994.Gallmaker speciation:an assessment of the roles of host-plant characters,phenol-ogy,gallmaker competition and natural enemies,pp.208Ð122.In P.Price,W.Mattson,and Y.Baranchilov[eds.], Gall-forming DA For.Serv.N.Central Exp.Stn.Gen.Tech.Rep.NC-174.Berlocher,S.H.,and D.C.Smith.1983.Segregation and mapping of allozymes of the apple maggotßy.J.Hered.74:337Ð340.November2001F ILCHAK ET AL.:E FFECTS OF P HOTOPERIOD AND L IGHT ON A PPLE M AGGOT907。

油茶籽油不同形态酚类化合物的抗氧化互作关系刘国艳,李思童,梁丽,朱雯绮,周婉丽,徐鑫*(扬州大学食品科学与工程学院,江苏扬州 225009)摘 要:本研究首先对油茶籽油中游离酚(free phenolics,FP)、酯化酚(esterified phenolics,EP)及不溶性结合酚(insoluble-bound phenolics,ISP)含量及主要物质组成进行分析,并通过测定铁离子还原能力、2,2’-联氮双(3-乙基苯并噻唑啉-6-磺酸)阳离子自由基清除能力、1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼自由基清除能力及β-胡萝卜素漂白能力对其中FP、EP及ISP的抗氧化活性及互作关系进行研究。
3 种形态酚类化合物在不同机制下的抗氧化能力不同,且呈现质量浓度依赖效应。
关键词:油茶籽油;游离酚;酯化酚;不溶性结合酚;抗氧化;互作关系Antioxidant Interaction of Different Forms of Phenolic Compounds Extracted from Camellia Seed OilLIU Guoyan, LI Sitong, LIANG Li, ZHU Wenqi, ZHOU Wanli, XU Xin*(School of Food Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China) Abstract: The contents and major compositions of free phenolics (FP), esterified phenolics (EP) and insoluble-bound phenolics (ISP) from camellia seed oil were analyzed. The ferric ion reducing antioxidant power, 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS) cation radical scavenging capacity, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging capacity and β-carotene bleaching capacity were used to study the antioxidant activity of the three phenolic compounds and their interactions. The results showed that the content of total phenols in camellia seed oil was (137.97 ± 5.14) mg/kg. ISP was significantly more abundant than FP and EP (P < 0.05), which accounted for 47.74% of the total phenols in the oil. In addition, benzoic acid derivatives (mostly isovanillin and methyl vanillin) were the dominant component in FP, salicylic acid was the dominant component in EP, and 3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid was the dominant component in ISP. The three forms of phenolic compounds showed different antioxidant capacities with different mechanisms in a concentration-dependent manner. FP + ISP and EP + ISP showed a synergistic and additive interaction in the antioxidant tests, the antioxidant activity of the latter combination being stronger than that of the former. However, FP + EP and FP + EP + ISP showed an antagonistic or additive effect.Keywords: camellia seed oil; free phenolics; esterified phenolics; insoluble-bound phenolics; antioxidant; interactionDOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20210111-113中图分类号:TS225.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2021)11-0034-06引文格式:刘国艳, 李思童, 梁丽, 等. 油茶籽油不同形态酚类化合物的抗氧化互作关系[J]. 食品科学, 2021, 42(11): 34-39.DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20210111-113. LIU Guoyan, LI Sitong, LIANG Li, et al. Antioxidant interaction of different forms of phenolic compounds extracted from camellia seed oil[J]. Food Science, 2021, 42(11): 34-39. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20210111-113. 收稿日期:2021-01-11基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31671785)第一作者简介:刘国艳(1979—)(ORCID: 0000-0001-6639-360X),女,副教授,博士,研究方向为油脂营养、安全检测、深加工及微量伴随物结构鉴定与生理活性。


关键词:苹果;果实发育;酚类物质;抗氧化能力 中图分类号:S661.101 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1001-4942(2021)11-0035-10
ChangesofPhenolicSubstancesandAntioxidantCapacityduring FruitDevelopmentofDifferentAppleVarieties
水果和蔬 菜 的 天 然 抗 氧 化 作 用 与 三 大 类 物 质———维 生 素、类 胡 萝 卜 素 以 及 酚 类 物 质 有 关[7],其中,起主要作用的是酚类物质,维生素 C 和类胡萝卜素在抗氧化过程中起的作用远不如酚 类化合物[8]。如在苹果中,多酚等物质被证明是 抗氧 化 的 主 要 来 源,而 维 生 素 C仅 贡 献 不 到 0.4%[9,10]。酚类化 合 物 具 有 极 强 的 抗 氧 化 活 性, 有助于改善植物的颜色、风味并保护其免受一定 程度的生物胁迫和非生物胁迫;对癌症和心脑血 管疾病等具有治疗作用[11],可通过各种机制影响 与癌症相关的基本细胞的功能,可能通过诱导细 胞周期停滞和凋亡来抑制肿瘤的形成和生长[12]。 苹果是人类摄取酚类化合物的重要来源之一,王 思新等[13]对我国 9个常见苹 果 栽 培 种 秦 冠、嘎 拉、富士、华帅等的多酚物质含量及其在发育过程 中的变化动态进行了研究;另外,研究人员也已对

1.a special interview 专访2.cut both ways 各有利弊3.correct one’s former errors 纠正自己以往的过失4.retain one’s self-confidence 保持自信5.newly appointed office head 新任命的部门经理 rely on external factors 依靠外在因素 preserve this facade 保全这种门面(表面形象) respond to life’s challenges 回应生活的挑战9.a fine way to keep in touch with a friend 与朋友保持联系的好办法10.have the virtue of being inexpensive and convenient 具有价廉、便利的优点11.stay grounded in one’s feeling 保持现实、理智、头脑清醒 rated as the most loyal friend 被认为是最忠实的朋友 a new bank account 新开一个银行账户14.a digital camera 数码相机 sb. Mad 把某人逼疯16.make an effort to arrive on time 尽力按时到达17.the informalities that we practice 我们不拘礼节的做法18.solace for the “sting of poverty”“贫困的痛苦”中的慰藉19.gain admittance to the homes of the rich 获准进入富人家庭 the kindest thing in the kindest way 以友善的方式做最友善的事21.remain mentally alert 保持思维敏捷22.the frailty and immaturity of human nature 人类脆弱而幼稚的本性 of the whole person 全面素质教育24.full and active cooperation between the teacher 教师与学生之间充分而积极的合作25.once a week 每周一次26.skim over a new chapter 浏览/略读新的一章27.turn titles and headings into questions 将题目和标题作为问题28.get good grades 取得好成绩29.adopt a different method 采用一种不同的方法30.preserve meat by smoking and salting it 通过烟熏和腌制来保存肉类31.the masses of people in Europe 大批的欧洲人32.modern standardized measures 现代标准化方法33.最早的厨具the earliest kitchen utensils34.冷却下来cool off35.在中世纪的动荡年代in the troubled times of Middle Ages36.防止食物变质keep the food from spoiling37.增强对所学内容的记忆promote retention of what has been read/learned38.默诵要点recite the key points to oneself39.在大多数情况下in most cases40.编造一个有趣的故事make up an interesting story41.个人魅力personal charm42.个性品质personal qualities43.装模作样;帮作姿态put on an act44.长处与不足strengths and limitations45.过时的礼议outdated eqiquette46.受欢迎的社会成员popular members of society47.热情和善意的体现an indication of one’s warm heart and kindness48.意识到礼貌的重要be conscious of the importance of (good) manners49.外科开心手术an open-heart surgery50.粗鲁之极the height of rudeness51.跳伞时发生意外a parachuting accident52.被恶臭熏死be intoxicated by the fumes53.放弃不重要的朋友关系let go of less important friends54.利用写信来维系友谊take advantage of letter-writing to keep a friendship alive55.培养友情nature friendships56.真正的忠诚real loyalty57.具备入会资格be qualified for membership58.经历严酷考验be through some severe tests59.与他人建立良好关系build good relations with other people60.着手解决一个共同问题address a common question61.一片刚刚落满白雪的土地a filed of newly fallen snow62.个人的伦理道德标准a personal standard of morality ethics63.见风使舵to sell out to expediency64.底线bottom line65.眼下,跨国的旅游已成为世界上最大的产业之一。

Unit 8 Section A Animals or children?—A scientist's choice动物还是孩子?——一位科学家的选择1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury —circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research.1 我就是那个敌人!我就是那些被人诅咒的、残忍的、搞动物实验的医生科学家之一。

⾷品⼯艺学课件Processing of fruitsInstructor: mingfeng zheng(郑明锋) phd.Email:vanheng@/doc/bca037d13186bceb19e8bb68.htmlCell: 138********注意:课件全部根据⽼师提供的ppt整理,在编号上可能会有些问题,所以⼤家将就着看,祝⼤家考试顺利。
Chapter one:introductionFruit quality and preprocessingObjectsThrough the introduction, the students knowThe relationship between quality of fruit and the processed product,The relationship between composition of fruit and the processed product,Quality attributes of fresh fruits, and quality measurementspreprocessing methods and technologies1.1 classification of fruitsFruits are commonly classified by growing region as follows. Temperate zone, subtropical, and tropical. Growing region and environmental conditions specific to each regionsignificantly affect fruit quality. Examples of fruit grown in each region are listed below:1) temperate zone fruits2) subtropical fruits3) tropical fruits(1) temperate zone fruitsPome fruits(仁果类): apple, asian pear (nashi), european pear, quince榅桲果Stone fruits: apricot杏, cherry, nectarine, peach, plumSmall fruits and berries: grape (european and american types), strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, cranberry (2) subtropical fruitsCitrus fruits: grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange, pummelo, tangerine, and mandarinNoncitrus fruits: avocado, cherimaya, fig, kiwifruit, olive, pomegranate(3) tropical fruitsMajor tropical fruits: banana, mango, papaya, pineappleMinor tropical fruits: carambola, cashew apple, durian, guava,longan, lychee, mangosteen, passion fruit, rambutan1.2 quality of raw materialsThe quality of processed fruit products depends on their quality at the start of processing; How maturity at harvest, Harvesting methods,Post harvest handling proceduresMaintenance in fresh fruits between harvest and process initiation.Quality attributes of fresh fruitsAppearance、exture factors、flavor components、nutritional quality、safety factorsAppearance factorsSize、shape、color、freedom from defects and decay.Texture factorsFirmness, crispness, juiciness.Flavor componentsSweetness, sourness (acidity), astringency, (收敛),bitterness, aroma, off-flavors,Nutritional qualityFruit's content of vitamins (a and c are the most important in fruits), minerals, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, proteins. Safety factorsResidues of pesticides, presence of heavy metals, mycotoxins produced by certain species of fungi, microbial contamination.1.3 losses in fresh fruits after harvastWater loss,Physical injuries,physiological breakdown, decayLoss of acidity, flavor, color, and nutritive valueFactors influence fruit qualityIn the orchard,During transportation,Throughout the handling system (sorting, sizing, ripening, and storage).The total time between harvesting and processingMinimizing the delays throughout the post harvest handling system greatly reduces finality loss, especially in highly perishable fruits such as strawberries, blackberries, apricots, and cherries.1.4 contribution of fruits to human nutritionEnergy (calories)VitaminsMineralsDietary fiberThe us. Department of agriculture and other organizations currently encourage consumers to participate in the "five a day" program which focuses on consumption of five servings of either fruit or vegetables each day.Energy (calories)(1) carbohydrates: banana, breadfruit, raisin葡萄⼲(2) proteins & amino acids: nuts, dried apricot and fig(3) fats. Avocado, olive, nutsFruits typically contain between 10% and 25% carbohydrates, a small amount (less than1.0%) of proteins, and a very small amount (less than 0.5 %) of fat. Carbohydrates, sugars,and starches are broken down to co2, water, and energy during metabolism. Carbohydrates and fats provide most of the calories the body requires for heat and energy.Vitamins(1) fresh fruits and vegetables contribute about 91% of vitamin c, 48% of vitamin a, 27% of vitamin b6, 17% of thiamin硫胺(维⽣素b1) to diet.(2) the following fruits are important contributors (based on their vitamin content and the amount consumed) to the supply of indicated vitamins in the u.s. Diet:*vitamin a: apricot, peach, cherry, orange, watermelon, cantaloupe*vitamin c: strawberry, orange, grapefruit, banana, apple, cantaloupe* niacin烟酸: peach, banana, orange, apricot"*riboflavin核黄素: banana, peach, orange, apple* thiamin: orange, banana, grapefruit, appleMinerals(1) fresh fruits and vegetables contribute about 26% of the magnesium镁and 19% of the iron to the u.s. Diet.(2) the following fruits are important contributors to the supply of indicated minerals in the us. Diet:* potassium钾: banana, peach, orange, apple* phosphorus磷: banana, orange, peach, raisin, fig*calcium: tangerine, grapefruit, orange* iron: strawberry, banana, apple, orangeDietary fiber(1) all fruits and nuts contribute to the dietary fiber in the diet. Dietary fiber consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin⽊质素, and pectic substances, which are derived primarily from fruit cell walls and skin.(2) the dietary fiber content of fruits ranges from 0.5-1.5% (fresh weight basis).(3) dietary fiber plays an important role in relieving constipation by increasing water-holding capacity of feces. Its consumption is also linked to decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease, diverticulosis, and colon cancer.factors influefncing composition and quality of fruitsPreharvest factors(1) genetic: selection of cultivars, differences in raw fruit composition, durability, and response to processing. Fruit cultivars grown for fresh market sale will not be the optimal cultivars for processing.(2) climatic: temperature, light, wind--climatic factors may have a strong influence on nutritional quality of fruits. Light intensity significantly affects vitamin concentration, and temperature influences transpiration rate, which will affect mineral uptake and metabolism. ?(3) cultural practices: soil type, soil nutrient and water supply, pruning修剪, thinning, pest control-fertilizer addition may significantly affect the mineral content of fruit.1. 5 maturity at harvest and harvesting methodMaturity at harvest is one of the primary factors affecting fruit composition, quality, and storage life. Although most fruits reach peak eating quality when harvested fully ripe, they are usually picked mature, but not ripe, to decrease mechanical damage during postharvest handling. Harvesting may also mechanically damage fruit; therefore, choice of harvest methodshould allow for maintenance of quality.Postharvest factors1) environmental,2) handling methods,3) time period between harvesting and consumption(1) environmentalTemperature, relative humidity, atmospheric composition,(2) handling methodsPostharvest handling systems involve the channels through which harvested fruit reaches the processing facility or consumer. Handling methods should be chosen such that they maintain fruit quality and avoid delays.(3) time period between harvesting and consumptionDelays between harvesting and cooling or processing may result in direct losses (due to water loss and decay) and indirect losses (decrease in flavor and nutritional quality).Fruit maturity, ripening, and quality relationshipsMaturity at harvest is the most important factor that determines storage life and final fruit quality. Immature fruits are of inferior quality when ripened. Overripe fruits are likely to become soft and with insipid flavor soon after harvest. Fruits picked either too early or too late in the season are more susceptible to physiological disorders and have a shorter storage life than those picked at mid-season.Maturity and ripeningIn general, fruits become sweeter, more colorful, and softer as they mature.Some fruits are usually picked mature but unripe so that they can withstand the postharvest handling system when shipped long distances. Most currently used maturity indices are based on a compromise between those indices that would ensure the best eating quality to the consumer and those that provide the needed flexibility in transportation and marketing.Carbohydrates(碳⽔化合物)Carbohydrates : fresh fruits vary greatly in their carbohydrate content, with a general range being between 10% and 25%;. The texture, taste, and food value of a fresh fruit is related to its carbohydrate content. Sucrose, glucose, and fructose are the primary sugars found in fruits.Fructose is sweeter than sucrose, and sucrose is sweeter than glucose.Starch is converted to sugar as the fruits mature and ripen.Proteins(蛋⽩质)Fruits contain less than 1% protein (as opposed to 9-20% protein in nuts such as almond, and walnut). Changes in the level and activity of proteins resulting from permeability changes in cell membranes may be involved in chilling injury. Enzymes, which catalyze metabolic processes in fruits, are proteins that are important in the reactions involved in fruit ripening and senescence.Enzymes in fruits:(Organic acids(有机酸)Organic acids are important intermediate products of metabolism. The krebs (tca) cycle is the main channel for the oxidation of organic acids in living cells, and it provides the energy required for maintenance of cell integrity. Organic acids aremetabolized into manyconstituents, including amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.Citric acid、malic acid、tartaric acid、oxalic acidPigments(⾊素)Pigments undergo many changes during the maturation and ripening of fruits.(1) loss of chlorophyll (green color), which is influenced by ph changes, oxidative conditions, and chlorophyllase action(2) synthesis and/or revelation of carotenoids (yellow and orange colors)(3) development of anthocyanins (red, blue, and purple colors.Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin a. Carotenoids are very stable and remain intact in fruit tissues, even when extensive senescence has occurred.Phenolic compounds(酚类化合物)Total phenolic content is higher in immature fruits than in mature fruits and is the main substrate involved in enzymatic browning of cut, or otherwise damaged, fruit tissues when exposed to air.Enzymatic browning(酶促褐变)Enzymatic browning occurs due to the oxidation of phenolic compounds and is mediated, in the presence of o2, by the enzyme polyphenoloxidase (ppo). The initial product of oxidation is usually o-quinone, which is highly unstable and undergoes polymerization to yield brown pigments of higher molecular weight. Polyphenoloxidase catalyzes the following tworeactions:Volatiles(挥发性)Volatiles are responsible for the characteristic aroma of fruits. They are present in extremely small quantities (c <100µg/g fresh wt.).Volatile compounds are largely esters(酯), alcohols, acids, aldehydes(醛), an d ketones (low-molecular weight compounds).VitaminsThe water-soluble vitamins includeVitamin c,Thiamin硫胺(维⽣素b1),Riboflavin核黄素,Niacin烟酸, vitamin b6,Folacin叶酸, vitamin b12, biotin维⽣素h. Fat soluble vitamins include vitamins a, d, e, and k.Fat-soluble vitamins are less susceptible to postharvest losses.Vitamin cAscorbic acid is most sensitive to destruction when the commodity is subjected to adverse handling and storage conditions. Losses are enhanced by extended storage, highertemperatures, low relative humidity, physical damage, and chilling injury. Postharvest losses in vitamins a and b are usually much smaller than losses in vitamin c.1.7 biological factors involved in postharvest deterioration (变坏) of fruits ?Respiration (呼吸作⽤)Ethylene productionTranspiration (蒸腾作⽤)Physiological disordersPhysical damagePathological breakdownRespirationStored organic materials (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) are broken down into simple end products with a release of energy. Oxygen (o2) is used in this process, and carbon dioxide (co2) is produced.The loss of stored food reserves in the commodity during respiration hastens senescence as the reserves that provide energy to maintain the commodity's living status are exhausted. ?Food value (energy value) for the consumer is lost; it has reduced flavor quality, with sweetness especially being lost; and salable dry weight is lost (especially important for commodities destined for dehydration). The energy released as heat.Ethylene productionEthylene, the simplest of the organic compounds affecting the physiological processes of plants, is produced by all tissues of higher plants. As a plant hormone, ethylene regulates many aspects of growth development, and senescence and is physiologically active in traceamounts (less than 0.1 ppm).Transpiration or water lossWater loss is the main cause of deterioration because it results not only direct quantitative.Losses (loss of salable weight) hut also in loss of its appearance, loss of cripsness, andjuiciness), and nutritional quality.The dermal system (outer protective coverings) governs the regulation of water loss by the commodity.Physiological disorders(1) freezing injury :usually results in immediate collapse of the tissues and total loss.(2) chilling injury when fruits (mainly those of tropical and subtropical origin) are held at temperatures above their freezing point and below 5-15℃, depending on the commodity. ?(3) heat injury results from exposure to direct sunlight or to excessively high temperatures.Symptoms include surface scalding, uneven ripening, excessive softening, and desiccation. ?(4) very low (<1%) oxygen and/or elevated (>20%) carbon dioxide concentration can result in physiological breakdown of all fruits.Physical damageVarious types of physical damage (surface injuries, impact bruising, vibration bruising, etc.) Are major contributors to deterioration. Mechanical injuries are not only unsightly, but also accelerate water loss, stimulate higher respiration and ethylene production rates, and favor decay incidence.Pathological breakdownDecay is one of the most common or apparent causes of deterioration; however, attack by many microorganisms usually follows mechanical injury or physiological breakdown, which allows entry to the microorganism. Pathogens can infect healthy tissues and become the primary cause of deterioration.Environmental factors influencing deterioration of fruits(影响⽔果变坏的环境因素)Temperature,Relative humidity,Air movement,Atmospheric composition,Ethylene,Harvesting procedures Postharvest handling proceduresDumping、Sorting、Sizing、Cooling、Storage、RipeningDumping:Fresh fruits should be handled with care throughout the postharvest handling system in order to minimize mechanical injuries. Dumping in water or in flotation tanks should be used for fruits. If dry dumping systems are used, they should be well padded bruising. Sorting:Manual sorting is usually carried out to eliminate fruit exhibiting defects or decay. For some fruits, it may also be necessary to sort the fruit into two or more classes of maturity or ripeness.Mechanical sorters, which operate on the basis of color, soluble solids, moisture, or fat content, are being implemented and may greatly reduce time and labor requirements. Sizing:In some cases, sizing the fruits into two or more size categories may be required before processing. Sizing can be done mechanically on the basis of fruit dimension or by weight.Mechanical sizing can be a major source of physical damage to the fruit if the machines are not adequately padded and adjusted to the minimum possible fruit drop heights Ripening:Ripening before processing may be required for certain fruits (banana, kiwifruit, mango, papaya, peach, pear, plum, melon) that are picked mature but unripe. Ethylene treatment can be used to obtain faster and more uniform ripening. The optimum temperature range for ripening is 15-25℃and, within this range, the higher the temperature, the faster the ripening. Relative humidity should be maintained between 90% and 95 % during ripening. Cooling:Cooling is utilized to remove field heat and lower the fresh fruit's temperature to near its optimum storage temperature. Cooling can be done using cold water (hydrocooling) or cold air (forced-air cooling or "pressure cooling"). Highly perishable fruits, such as strawberries, bush berries, and apricots, should be cooled to near 4℃within six hours of harvest. Other fruits should be cooled to their optimum temperature within twelve hours of harvest. Storage:Short-term or long-term storage of fresh fruits may be needed before processing to regulate the product flow and extend the processing season. The relative humidity in the storage facility should be kept between 90% and 95%.To reduce decay, elevated c02 (15-20%) may be added to the atmosphere within pallet covers for strawberries, bush berries, and cherries, and sulfur dioxide (200 ppm) fumigation may be used on grapes.1.8 quality measurementsMany quality measurements can be made before a fruit crop is picked in order to determine if proper maturity or degree of ripeness has developed.ColourColour may be measured with instruments or by comparing the colour of fruit on the tree with standard picture charts. TextureTexture may be measured by compression by hand or by simple type of plungers.Soluble solidsAs fruit mature on the tree its concentration of juice solids, which are mostly sugars, changes. The concentration of soluble solids in the juice can be estimated with arefractometer or a hydrometer液体⽐重计.Acid contentThe acid content of fruit changes with maturity and affects flavour. Acid concentration can be measured by a simple chemical titration on the fruit juice. But for many fruits the tartness and flavour are really affected by the ratio of sugar to acid. Sugar to acid ratioIn describing the taste of tartness of several fruits and fruit juices, the term "sugar to acid ratio" or "brix to acid ratio" are commonly used. The higher the brix the greater the sugar concentration in the juice; the higher the "brix to acid ratio" the sweeter and lees tart is the juice.1.9 preprocessing1.9.1 harvestingThe above and other measurements, plus experience, indicate when fruit is ready for harvesting and subsequent processing.1.9.2 reception - quality and quantity1.9.3 temporary storage before processing1.9.4 washingHarvested fruit is washed to remove soil, micro-organisms and pesticide residues.Fruit washing is a mandatory processing step; it would be wise to eliminate spoiled fruit before washing in order to avoid the pollution of washing tools and/or equipment and the contamination of fruit during washing.1.9.5 sortingFruit sorting covers two main separate processing operations:Removal of damaged fruit and any foreign bodies (which might have been left behind after washing);Qualitative sorting based on organoleptic criteria and maturity stage.Mechanical sorting for size is usually not done at the preliminary stage. The most important initial sorting is for variety and maturity.1.9.6 trimming and peeling (skin removal)This processing step aims at removing the parts of the fruit which are either not edible or difficult to digest especially the skin.Up to now the industrial peeling of fruit and vegetables was performed by three procedures: Mechanically;By using water steam;Chemically; this method consists in treating fruit and vegetables by dipping them in a caustic soda solution at a temperature of 90 to 100°c; the concentration of this solution as well asthe dipping or immersion time varying according to each specific case.1.9.7 cuttingThis step is performed according to the specific requirements of the fruit processing technology.1.9.8 blanchingA brief heat treatment to vegetables some fruits to inactivate oxidative enzyme systems such as catalase, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase, ascorbic acid oxidase, and lipoxygenase. ?When the unblanched tissue is disrupted or bruised and exposed to air, these enzymes come in contact with substrates causing softening, discoloration, and the production of off flavors. ?It is most often standard practice to blanch fruits in order to prevent quality deterioration. ?Although the primary purpose of blanching is enzyme inactivation.There are several other benefits blanching initially cleanses the product;Decreases the microbial load,Preheats the product before processing.Softens the fruit, facilitates compact packing in the can.Expell intercellular gases in the raw fruitImproved heat transfer during heat processing.Water blanching is generally of the immersion type or spray type as the product moves on a conveyor.Steam blanching often involves belt or chain conveyors upon which the product moves through a tunnel containing live steam.adequacy of blanching is usually based on inactivation of one of the heat resistant enzymes (peroxidase or polyphenol oxidase).During the blanching process, it is imperative that certain enzymes that have the potential to cause flavour and textural changes be inactiviated. The process involves a brief heattreatment applied to most vegetables and also to some fruits in order to inactivate oxidative enzyme system such as catalase, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase,ascorbic acid oxidase, and lipoxygenase.When unblanched tissue is disrupted or bruised and exposed to air,these enzymes come in contact with substrate causing softening,discoloration, and the production of off-flavours.Since this action can potentially occur during the period prior to heat processing, it is most often standard practice to blanch fruits in order to prevent quality deterioration.1.9.9 ascorbic/citric acid dipAscorbic acid or vitamin c minimises fruit oxidation primarily by acting as an antioxidant and itself becoming oxidised in preference to catechol⼉茶酚-tannin compounds.It has been found that increased acidity also helps retard oxidative colour changes and so ascorbic acid plus citric acid may be used together. Citric acid further reacts with (chelates) metal ions thus removing these catalysts of oxidation from the system.1.9.10 sulphur dioxide treatmentSulphur dioxide may function in several ways:Sulphur dioxide is an enzyme poison against common oxidising enzymes;It also has antioxidant properties; i.e., it is an oxygen acceptor (as is ascorbic acid);Further so2 minimises non enzymatic maillard type browning by reacting with aldehyde醛groups of sugars so that they are no longer free to combine with amino acids;Sulphur dioxide also interferes with microbial growth.In many fruit processing pre-treatments two factors must be considered:Sulphur dioxide must be given time to penetrate the fruit tissues;So2 must not be used in excess because it has a characteristic unpleasant taste and odour, and international food laws limit the so2 content of fruit products, especially of those which are consumer oriented (e.g. Except semi-processed products oriented to further industrial utilisation).5.2.11 sugar syrupSugar syrup addition is one of the oldest methods of minimising oxidation.Sugar syrup minimises oxidation by coating the fruit and thereby preventing contact withatmospheric oxygen.Sugar syrup also offers some protection against loss of volatile 挥发性的fruit esters 酯and itcontributes sweet taste to otherwise tart fruits.It is common today to dissolve ascorbic acid and citric acid in the sugar syrup for addedeffect or to include sugar syrup after an so 2 treatment.QuestionsWhat factors influence the quality of fruits after harvest?How to maintain the fruit in good quality before the processing begin?第⼀节果蔬原料特性新鲜果蔬原料的特点 ? 果蔬原料的化学成分原料的化学成分与加⼯的关系1.新鲜果蔬原料的特点易腐性、季节性、区域性2.果蔬中的化学成分(chemical composition in fruits and vegetables )3.化学成分与加⼯的关系(relation between chemical composition and processing )3.1 ⽔分(water)果蔬中⽔的含量:⼤多数在80%以上,含⽔量⾼的如冬⽠(wax gourd)可达96%以上。

In Brazil, the debate over genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, affects mostly soybean production. Brazil is the world's second largest producer of soybeans behind the United States and ahead of Argentina. Most European and Asian retailers want to remain GM free.Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Brazil are going on a media offensive to prevent the legalization of genetically modified crops. Environmentalists and consumer groups for years have been able to thwart government and companies' attempts to legalize altered food. In radio dramas that are being broadcast in remote regions, Brazilian NGOs are telling soy farmers the use of genetically modified seeds could endanger their health, their fields and their business. "We are not saying that genetic engineering is, in principle, something bad; we say that we need more science to be sure that it will work in an appropriate way with no harm in the future," said campaign coordinator Jean-Marc von der Weid. "This is both for health and environmental reasons. The other question is on economics. What we think is that in Brazil, if we approve the GMOs, we will lose a spectacular advantage that we have now. We are selling more to the international market, mostly for Europe and Asia, than we have done in our history, because we are not GMO contaminated."Another opposition group, ActionAid, has been organizing grass-roots support in Brazilian farming regions to rouse consumer sentiment against legalization. ActionAid public policy director Adriano Campolina says he is fighting for farmers to remain independent. "When the small-scale farmer or a big farmer starts using this kind of seed, this farmer will be completely dependent on the transnationals, which control intellectual property rights over these seeds," he said.Brazilian scientist Crodowaldo Pavan said there should be checks on what multinationals can do, but that doesn't mean GM seeds should be banned. He says fears over their usage are unfounded. Despite the official ban, Dr. Pavan says up to one third of Brazil's soy crop is genetically modified, because GM seed is being smuggled from Argentina. Brazil's government has invested heavily in a GM project by the U.S. biotech company, Monsanto, but the project was put on ice following a successful court challenge by consumers.The anti-GMO groups are hoping the politicians' preoccupation with the October presidential election will give them time to gather enough support to defeat any future attempts to legalize genetically altered crops.41. According to the passage, the issue in dispute in Brazil is ___________.[A] contamination of the environment by genetically modified crops[B] Brazil’s standing in the international market[C] the October presidential election[D] the legalization of genetically modified organisms42. According to the passage, Brazil is the world’s _____________ soybean producer.[A] largest[B] second largest[C] third largest[D] fourth largest43. Which of the following statements is NOT true about NGOs in Brazil?[A] They believe genetically modified crops will harm the farmers’ health.[B] They believe genetic engineering is altogether a bad practice.[C] They believe scientific methods should be introduced to ensure GM brings no harm.[D] They believe GMOs will harm Brazil economically.44. Which of the following statements is true about the organization called ActionAid?[A] They encourage the farmers to produce genetically modified products.[B] They encourage the farmers to depend on themselves for seeds.[C] They strongly support the legalization of genetically modified products.[D] They encourage the farmers to upgrade their farms to bigger ones.45. What does the Brazilian scientist Crodowaldo Pavan say about genetically modified products?[A] Genetically modified seeds should be banned.[B] Brazil government should crack down on the smuggling of genetically modified seeds.[C] The fear over the use of genetically modified seeds is uncalled for.[D] Consumers should file more law suits to protect their rights.答案及解析41. 答案是[D] the legalization of genetically modified organisms解析:本文介绍的是巴西的一些民间组织如何反对转基因作物。

‘海红果’、‘红丽’和‘钻石’黄烷醇总量均在10000 mg kg-1 FW以上;‘金冠’除外,其余种质资源黄酮醇总量均不足10000 mg kg-1 FW;花色苷主要存在于红色的叶片、花瓣和果实中,特别是红色北美观赏品种,‘凯尔斯’、‘王族’、‘绚丽’和‘钻石’均超过10000 mg kg-1 FW。

小学下册英语第六单元期末试卷(含答案)考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)B卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in a Caesar salad?A. LettuceB. SpinachC. KaleD. Bok Choy答案:A2. 选择题:What do you call a baby hedgehog?A. HogletB. KitC. PupD. Calf3. 听力题:My uncle is a ______. He loves to travel.4. 选择题:What do you call a person who sings songs?A. DancerB. MusicianC. SingerD. Performer答案: C5. 填空题:My brother is always ready to __________ (帮助别人).6. 听力题:The _______ attracts hummingbirds.A flamingo gets its pink color from its ______.8. 填空题:I sometimes write stories about my ________ (玩具名) and their adventures in my diary.9. 听力题:A _______ is a process that alters the chemical structure.10. 听力题:I enjoy _____ (swimming/running) in the summer.11. 听力题:A ______ is a geographical feature that can influence ecosystems.12. 填空题:The _____ (狼) lives in packs and hunts together.13. 填空题:My favorite fruit is _______ (橘子).14. 听力题:The chemical symbol for iridium is ______.15. 选择题:What do you call a person who studies ancient civilizations?A. HistorianB. ArchaeologistC. AnthropologistD. All of the above16. 填空题:A _____ (植物保护法) can ensure biodiversity.17. 填空题:My brother has many __________ (爱好) he enjoys.18. 填空题:The _______ (马) is a loyal companion.19. 填空题:I saw a _______ (小鸟) building a nest.20. 听力题:I enjoy _____ (reading/writing) stories.What is the capital of Egypt?A. CairoB. GizaC. AlexandriaD. Luxor答案:A22. 选择题:What do you call the person who studies rocks?A. BiologistB. GeologistC. ChemistD. Physicist23. 填空题:My mom is known for her __________ (耐心).24. 填空题:The bee collects ______ (蜜) from flowers.25. 选择题:What do we call the process of converting a solid to a liquid?A. FreezingB. MeltingC. BoilingD. Evaporating答案: B26. 填空题:In the summer, we like to pick _____ (浆果) from the bushes.27. 听力题:The chemical formula for potassium hydroxide is _____.28. 选择题:What do we call the process of plants making their own food?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. TranspirationD. Germination29. 选择题:What do you call a story that is made up?A. NonfictionB. FictionC. BiographyD. Autobiography答案:B30. 听力题:She is _______ (skipping) down the path.31. 听力题:The _______ of an object can be changed by adding or removing mass.32. 选择题:Which planet is known for its rings?A. MarsB. JupiterC. SaturnD. Neptune答案:C33. 填空题:The __________ is often crowded during the summer. (海滩)34. 选择题:What is the sound a cow makes?A. BarkB. MeowC. MooD. Roar35. 选择题:How many continents are there in the world?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight答案: C36. 听力题:We need to clean the ______. (house)37. 听力题:I enjoy ________ in the summer.38. 选择题:What do you call the time after noon?A. MorningB. AfternoonC. EveningD. Night答案: B39. 填空题:I love to play ______ games.40. 填空题:The __________ (历史的分析) can uncover hidden narratives.41. 填空题:I have a toy _______ that can sing and dance.42. 选择题:Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. PotatoC. AppleD. Onion答案:C43. 选择题:Which animal is known for its beautiful feathers?A. EagleB. PeacockC. PenguinD. Sparrow答案:B. Peacock44. 选择题:What is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius?A. 50B. 75C. 100D. 15045. 听力题:The chemical formula for calcium bicarbonate is ______.46. 填空题:A squirrel can jump from tree to ______ (树).47. 填空题:The _____ (科技) helps us understand plants better.48. 选择题:What is the name of the famous bear who loves adventures?A. Winnie the PoohB. PaddingtonC. BalooD. Yogi49. 选择题:What do you call an animal that hunts for food?A. PredatorB. PreyC. ScavengerD. Herbivore答案: A. Predator50. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in cereal?A. FlourB. OatsC. SugarD. Rice答案:B51. 填空题:The _______ (Black Death) was a devastating plague in the 14th century.52. 填空题:The parrot can _______ (鹦鹉会_______).53. 听力题:The chemical formula for silver nitrate is _____.54. 选择题:What do we call a place where you can buy books?A. LibraryB. BookstoreC. MarketD. School答案: B55. 选择题:What do we call the process of changing liquid to gas?A. CondensationB. EvaporationC. FreezingD. Melting答案:B56. 听力题:Photons are particles of ________.57. 听力题:The flowers are ________ in spring.58. 听力题:We play ________ (cards) on rainy days.59. 选择题:What is the capital of South Africa?A. Cape TownB. PretoriaC. JohannesburgD. Durban60. 填空题:A _____ (小狗) wags its tail when happy.61. 选择题:What is the capital of China?A. TokyoB. BeijingC. SeoulD. Bangkok62. 填空题:I enjoy going ________ (钓鱼) on weekends.63. 听力题:A covalent compound typically has a lower _____ point than ionic compounds.64. 听力题:The ______ enjoys reading stories.65. 选择题:What is the capital of Italy?A. NaplesB. RomeC. MilanD. VeniceWhat do you call a large, furry animal that lives in cold regions?A. Polar bearB. Grizzly bearC. PandaD. Koala答案:A67. 听力题:Many animals hibernate during the ______.68. 选择题:What do we call a large area of land that is high and flat?A. PlateauB. HillC. MountainD. Valley答案: A. Plateau69. 听力题:Hydrogen bonds play a crucial role in the properties of ______.70. ts are used for __________ (装饰目的). 填空题:Some pla71. 填空题:The first person to conduct a successful organ transplant was _______. (巴尼斯特)72. 听力题:A _______ is a process that involves mixing liquids.73. 听力题:Chemical bonds can be ionic, covalent, or ______.74. 选择题:Which item is used to tell time?A. CalendarB. ClockC. MapD. Book答案:B75. 听力题:A __________ is used to represent the number of atoms in a molecule.The earliest known human artifacts date back to the ________ Age.77. 听力题:A gas has _____ (no definite shape) or volume.78. 填空题:A frog's color helps it hide from ______ (捕食者).79. 选择题:What color is a typical watermelon?A. PinkB. YellowC. GreenD. Blue80. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. SaltD. Water81. 选择题:What is the soft drink made from cola?A. TeaB. CoffeeC. ColaD. Juice82. 填空题:The flowers brighten up the _______ (花使_______变得明亮).83. 填空题:This ________ (玩具) is my lucky charm.84. 填空题:I enjoy learning about ________ in science class.85. 听力题:She is wearing a lovely ___. (scarf)86. 填空题:The weather is _______ (非常宜人).I watched a _______ (小豚鼠) running in its wheel.88. 选择题:What is the name of the famous landmark in India?A. Taj MahalB. Gateway of IndiaC. Red FortD. Qutub Minar答案:A. Taj Mahal89. 填空题:A ______ (生态友好的设计) incorporates nature.90. 填空题:I like to _______ outside.91. 填空题:My _____ (叔叔) works at a zoo and takes care of the animals. 我叔叔在动物园工作,照顾动物。

小学下册英语第五单元暑期作业(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)A卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 选择题:What is the name of the famous wizarding school in Harry Potter?A. HogwartsB. NarniaC. OzD. Camelot答案:A2. 填空题:I practice ________ (钢琴) every day after school.3. 听力填空题:I believe that setting boundaries is important for maintaining __________.4. 填空题:The ______ (小鸟) chirps in the morning.5. 听力题:I like to _____ (捡) shells.6. 填空题:A ________ (森林) is full of different plants.7. 听力题:A sedimentary rock can contain layers of ______.8. 填空题:The stars are _______ in the night sky.9. 填空题:_____ (珍稀) plants need protection from extinction.The tree is _______ (full) of fruit.11. 听力题:My friend enjoys playing ____ (hockey) with his team.12. 选择题:What is the capital of South Korea?A. SeoulB. PyongyangC. BusanD. Incheon答案:A13. ts are used for __________ (装饰目的). 填空题:Some pla14. 选择题:What do we call a place where you can see many butterflies?A. GardenB. ConservatoryC. Butterfly houseD. All of the above15. 听力题:The cake is ___ (delicious/yummy).16. 填空题:My aunt loves to travel to ____.17. 填空题:I can ______ very fast.18. 选择题:Which animal is known for being slow and carrying its home?A. RabbitB. TurtleC. FrogD. Fox答案: B19. 听力题:The sun is _____ in the sky. (high)20. 填空题:A _____ (植物发展) can lead to sustainable practices.A _____ (猫头鹰) watches silently from a tree branch.22. 选择题:What do you call a drawing or painting of a person?A. LandscapeB. PortraitC. SculptureD. Collage答案:B23. 填空题:Crickets make a _________ (声音) at night.24. 选择题:What do we call a small insect that can fly?A. ButterflyB. BeeC. AntD. Ladybug25. 选择题:What is the capital of Denmark?A. OsloB. CopenhagenC. StockholmD. Helsinki答案: B26. 填空题:My favorite cartoon character is ______.27. 听力题:The chemical formula for sodium hydrogen carbonate is _______.28. 填空题:The butterfly is ________ (美丽).29. 选择题:What is the name of the famous mountain range in Asia?A. RockiesB. AndesC. HimalayasD. Alps答案:CThe __________ (历史的探索之路) invites curiosity.31. 填空题:The ________ (多样性保育) is essential for sustainability.32. cultural identity) shapes community values. 填空题:The ____33. 听力题:The boy plays the ________.34. 听力题:My mom _____ breakfast every morning. (prepares)35. 听力题:They went ________ for a vacation.36. 选择题:What do we call the time when the sun sets?A. SunriseB. SunsetC. DuskD. Twilight答案: B37. 填空题:I like to visit new ______ (城市) and learn about their history.38. 选择题:What do we call a story about someone's life?A. AutobiographyB. BiographyC. NovelD. Fiction答案:B39. 选择题:What do you call a place where you keep animals?A. ZooB. FarmC. ParkD. Garden答案:AThe chemical formula for ammonium sulfate is _______.41. 选择题:What do you call a baby chicken?A. CubB. ChickC. GoslingD. Calf答案:B42. Listen and number.(听录音标号.)43. 选择题:What do you call a baby kangaroo?A. JoeyB. CalfC. KitD. Pup答案: A44. 填空题:The _______ (The Louisiana Purchase) doubled the size of the US in 1803.45. 填空题:A _____ (植物保护组织) works towards conservation goals.46. 听力题:Astronomers study the ______ to learn more about space.How many hearts does an octopus have?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4答案:C48. 选择题:What is the term for a baby goat?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal49. 选择题:What do you call the process of cleaning the surface of a vegetable?A. WashingB. PeelingC. ScrubbingD. Slicing50. 填空题:My _______ (猫) enjoys climbing on high surfaces.51. 听力题:The sun is ______ over the mountains. (rising)52. 填空题:I am excited to learn about ______ (科学) experiments. They can be really fun and surprising!53. 选择题:What is the term for a baby cow?a. Calfb. Kidc. Foald. Lamb答案:a54. 填空题:The _____ (植物研究成果) can advance agricultural practices.55. 听力题:The element with atomic number is __________.The __________ (历史的时间线) helps us understand sequences.57. 听力题:The __________ is a region known for its traditional crafts.58. 填空题:The capybara is the largest ______ (啮齿动物).59. 选择题:Which planet is known for its extreme winds?A. VenusB. SaturnC. NeptuneD. Jupiter60. 选择题:What is the name of the famous mountain range in Europe?A. AndesB. HimalayasC. AlpsD. Rockies答案:C61. 听力题:A saturated fatty acid contains only ______ bonds.62. 填空题:The teacher gives us ________ (奖励).63. 填空题:The rainbow is _______ (美丽的).64. 填空题:中国的________ (history) 充满了战争与和平的故事。

小学上册英语第五单元暑期作业(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?A. FishB. DogC. BirdD. Cat答案: C2.The __________ is a major river that flows into the Gulf of Mexico. (密西西比河)3.The tree is _______ (full) of fruit.4.The hen lays _________. (蛋)5.What is the largest continent on Earth?A. AfricaB. AsiaC. EuropeD. North America答案: B6.ecological footprint) reflects human activity's impact. The ____7.What do we call the time of year when it is very cold and often snows?A. SummerB. WinterC. SpringD. Fall答案:B8.What is the term for a young seagull?A. ChickB. HatchlingC. CalfD. Kit答案:a9. A chemical reaction can occur in _____ solutions.10.Plants can be used for __________ (食物和药物).11.The bear catches fish in the cold ____.12.The sun is ___ in the afternoon. (setting)13.The firefly lights up the _______ (夜空).14.The _______ (青蛙) often sits on lily pads.15.I think friendship is one of the greatest gifts. Friends support each other through thick and thin. I’m grateful for my friend __________, who always knows how to cheer me up.16.My brother loves to explore __________ (新地方).17. A saturated solution holds the maximum amount of _____.18.In a chemical reaction, products are on the ______ side of the equation.19. A solution that can conduct electricity is called an ______ solution.20.What do we call the place where we learn?A. HomeB. SchoolC. ParkD. Office答案: B21.The crow is often seen in _________. (城市)22.They are _____ (walking) the dog.23. A ______ (水培) system allows plants to grow in water.24.My room is __________ than yours.25.The fall of the Roman Empire occurred in the _______ century.26.The puppy is ________ (顽皮).27.The __________ (维也纳会议) aimed to restore order after Napoleon.28.The ________ loves to jump and explore new places.29.What do we call a person who studies the structure of the Earth?A. GeologistB. BiologistC. ChemistD. Physicist答案: A30.In chemistry, a reagent is a substance used to cause a _____.31.My favorite animal to see at the zoo is the ________ (大象).32.The __________ (绿叶) provide oxygen.33.I love visiting the __________ because it has beautiful flowers and plants.34.I like _____ (to cook/to eat).35.The butterfly flaps its wings ______ (优雅).36.The parrot can be very ________________ (吵闹).37.What do you call a baby seal?A. PupB. CalfC. KittenD. Cub答案: A38.The ________ (向日葵) turns towards the sun.39.My pet ______ (狗) loves to go for walks.40.If I could have any superpower, I would choose __________ because __________.41.I like to help my mom ________ (种花) in the garden.42.The __________ (历史的双重性) showcases complexity.43.Rain helps the plants to ______ (生长).44. A ____ is a friendly pet that often wags its tail.45.She is _____ (baking) a pie.46.What do you call a person who studies insects?A. BiologistB. EntomologistC. ZoologistD. Botanist答案:B47. A flower can have many different ______ (结构).48.The ________ is very tall and strong.49.I like to ______ (参与) in charity events.50.The _____ (叶子) change color in autumn.51.In _____ (澳大利亚), you can find kangaroos.52.The __________ (小径) through the woods is peaceful.53.I like to ______ in the ocean. (swim)54.Napoleon Bonaparte was a military leader from __________. (法国)55. A playful ___ (小猫) pounces on a toy.56.The leaves change _______ in the fall, creating a lovely sight.57.I have a toy _______ that can jump high and far across the room.58. A __________ is formed by the accumulation of sediments in a coastal area.59. A chemical change alters the _____ of a substance.60.My cat likes to sleep on ____.61.I have a toy ______ (火车) that goes around the ______ (轨道).62.The teacher is _____ (kind/mean) to us.63.The monkey is _____ in the tree. (swinging)64. A ________ is a geographic region defined by its climate.65.The __________ is an important tool for environmental management.66.I love to ______ (观察) the stars at night.67.Some _______ can survive drought conditions.68.My _______ (小狗) loves to play fetch.69.I enjoy listening to audiobooks while __________.70.What do you call the fear of heights?A. AcrophobiaB. ClaustrophobiaC. AgoraphobiaD. Nyctophobia答案:A71.The chemical symbol for phosphorus is ______.72.I can make music with my ________ (玩具类型).73.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. VenusB. EarthC. MarsD. Mercury答案: C74.The ______ of a tree is often wider than its trunk. (树的冠层通常比树干更宽。

烟台2024年03版小学三年级英语第四单元自测题考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the name of the first successful landing on the far side of the Moon? A, Apollo 11B, Chang'e 4C, Luna 16D, Surveyor 12、What color do you get when you mix red and white?A, PinkB, PurpleC, OrangeD, Brown3、What is the capital of Kenya?A, NairobiB, MombasaC, KisumuD, Eldoret4、What is the main ingredient in apple pie?A, ApplesB, PeachesC, BerriesD, Bananas5、What is the term for the region of space where two galaxies collide?A, Collision ZoneB, Intergalactic SpaceC, Merger ZoneD, Cosmic Collision6、What is the term for a small rocky body that orbits the sun?A, CometB, AsteroidC, MeteorD, Planet7、What type of animal is a dolphin?A, FishB, ReptileC, MammalD, Amphibian8、What do we call the process of turning a liquid into a gas?A, MeltingB, FreezingC, EvaporationD, Condensation9、What is the primary color of a green pepper?A, GreenB, RedC, YellowD, Orange10、What do we call a scientist who studies the atmosphere?A, MeteorologistB, ClimatologistC, Environmental ScientistD, Geologist11、What is the name of the first robotic probe to explore the outer planets? A, Voyager 1B, Pioneer 10C, Mariner 10D, New Horizons12、Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"?A, VenusB, JupiterC, MarsD, Saturn13、What do you call a baby stingray?A, PupB, KitC, CalfD, Cub14、What do you call a baby llama?A, CalfB, KidC, PupD, Kit15、What is the opposite of happy?A, SadB, ExcitedC, AngryD, Joyful16、What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to go around the sun? A, DayB, MonthC, YearD, Century17、What is the largest mammal in the world?A, ElephantB, Blue WhaleC, GiraffeD, Hippo18、What is the opposite of ‘hot’?A, ColdB, WarmC, BoilingD, Cool19、What is the name of the closest galaxy to our Milky Way?A, AndromedaB, TriangulumC, WhirlpoolD, Sombrero20、Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?A, CatB, DogC, BirdD, Fish二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)My grandma loves to play ____ (cards) with friends.2、听力题:The _____ (天空) is blue.3、听力题:The process of fermentation converts sugar into ______.4、听力题:A __________ is a mixture that can be separated by centrifugation.5、听力题:A compound is a substance made of two or more different _____.6、听力题:The ______ is a common farm animal.7、听力题:My friend is a ______. He loves to write stories.8、听力题:The dog is ________ at the door.9、听力题:The process of photosynthesis takes place in ______.10、听力题:We have a test in ___. (math)11、听力题:I saw a _______ (deer) in the forest.12、听力题:Heat makes some materials _______.13、听力题:A _______ is a type of mixture that does not settle out over time.14、听力题:An exothermic reaction releases heat into the ______.15、听力题:A _______ is formed when two or more elements combine chemically.The first printed book was the _______ Bible.17、听力题:The chemical formula for magnesium hydroxide is __________.18、听力题:__________ help in breaking down dead plants and animals.19、听力题:The clouds are ______ (fluffy) and white.20、听力题:I want to have a ______ (pet) rabbit.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:My mom is very . (我妈妈很。

小学上册英语第3单元期末试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I can ___ (run) around the track.2. A _______ is a type of chemical reaction that involves the transfer of electrons.3.The invention of the steam engine changed _____ transportation.4.He is my _____ (teacher).5.The ancient Romans had a powerful ________ (军团).6.What is the name of the famous British author known for his detective novels?A. Agatha ChristieB. J.K. RowlingC. Charles DickensD. George Orwell答案: A. Agatha Christie7.The chemical symbol for chlorine is _______.8.The ancient Romans built roads that connected __________ (城市).9.My ______ loves to play sports.10.The chemical symbol for cadmium is __________.11.I like to watch ______ (比赛).12. A group of lions is called a ______.13.The country known for its chocolate is ________ (比利时).14.What is the opposite of "day"?A. MorningB. NightC. EveningD. Afternoon答案: B15.The bunny's fur is soft and _____ warm.16.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)17.Curtain symbolized the divide between ________ (东西方). The Kore18.The __________ is a small island nation in the Indian Ocean. (马尔代夫)19.My aunt has a pet ______ (狗), and it is very friendly.20.I am excited to join the school ________ (合唱团) and sing with my friends.21.We have a _____ (庆典) for the festival.22.The stars are ___ (twinkling/shining).23.The invention of the assembly line changed _____ manufacturing.24.We have a ______ (愉快的) time during family outings.25.The ancient Greeks are famous for their _____ and philosophy.26. A ____(partner organization) collaborates on initiatives.27.My dad is my strong _______ who lifts me up when I'm down.28.The __________ (历史的研究) informs practices.29.My friend is a ______. She loves to act in plays.30.What do we call a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides?A. PeninsulaB. IslandC. CoastD. Bay答案:B.Island31.What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. JamD. Butter答案:B.Honey32. A ________ (狐狸) is clever and can be found in forests.33.My sister is a ______. She loves to create music.34.The element with atomic number is __________.35.My aunt loves to cook ____ (southern cuisine).36.I like to pick ______ in the spring.37.In a solution, the amount of solute relative to the solvent is called the _____.38.My grandpa loves to talk about ____.39.What is the process of converting a liquid into a gas?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. FreezingD. Melting答案:A.Evaporation40.The ancient Greeks contributed to the fields of _____ and math.41.Certain plants are ______ (季节性) and bloom at specific times.42.We like to ___ (play/sing) songs.43.We will have a ________ (聚会) for the holidays.44.I see a ________ (cat) in the tree.45. A _______ can enhance indoor spaces.46.Flowers are often given as _____ (礼物) on special occasions.47. A parrot can learn to ______ words.48.Martin Luther King Jr. is known for his role in the ________ rights movement.49.Planting a variety of species can help create a balanced ______. (种植多样的物种可以帮助创建一个平衡的生态系统。

杂交小麦之父英语作文The Father of Hybrid Wheat。
Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops in the world, providing a staple food source for millions of people. However, the yields of traditional wheat varieties were often limited by various factors such as diseases, pests, and environmental conditions. It was not until the development of hybrid wheat that significant improvements in yield and quality were achieved. The father of hybrid wheat, Dr. Norman Borlaug, made tremendous contributions to the field of agriculture and played a crucial role in the Green Revolution.Dr. Norman Borlaug was born on March 25, 1914, in Cresco, Iowa, United States. Growing up on a farm, he developed a deep understanding and appreciation for agriculture from an early age. After completing his education in plant pathology and genetics, Borlaug began his research on wheat improvement. He focused on developinghigh-yielding and disease-resistant wheat varieties that could withstand harsh environmental conditions.In the 1940s, Borlaug joined the Cooperative Wheat Research and Production Program in Mexico, where he began his groundbreaking work on hybrid wheat. By crossbreeding different wheat varieties, Borlaug was able to create new hybrids that exhibited superior traits. These hybrids had increased resistance to diseases and pests, as well as improved tolerance to drought and heat. Furthermore, they produced higher yields, ensuring food security for a growing population.The success of Borlaug's hybrid wheat varieties was evident during the 1960s, when they were introduced in India and Pakistan. These countries were facing severe food shortages and were on the brink of famine. The adoption of Borlaug's wheat varieties, along with improved agricultural practices, led to a significant increase in wheat production. This period became known as the Green Revolution, as it brought about a revolution inagricultural productivity and saved millions of lives.Borlaug's contributions to agriculture did not stop there. He continued to work on wheat improvement and collaborated with scientists from around the world to share his knowledge and expertise. Through his efforts, Borlaug helped establish research centers and training programs in developing countries, empowering local farmers with the necessary tools and techniques to improve their crop yields.In recognition of his remarkable achievements, Dr. Norman Borlaug was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. His work not only revolutionized agriculture but also had a profound impact on global food security and poverty alleviation. Borlaug's hybrid wheat varieties continue tobe widely cultivated today, ensuring a stable food supplyfor millions of people worldwide.In conclusion, Dr. Norman Borlaug, the father of hybrid wheat, made significant contributions to the field of agriculture. His development of high-yielding and disease-resistant wheat varieties revolutionized wheat production and played a crucial role in the Green Revolution. Throughhis dedication and expertise, Borlaug has left a lasting legacy, ensuring food security for generations to come.。

小学下册英语第2单元测验卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 What do we call the middle of the day?A. MorningB. NoonC. EveningD. Night2 The capital of El Salvador is __________.3 What do you call it when water falls from the sky?A. RainB. SnowC. HailD. Sleet答案:A4 What is the capital of Somalia?A. MogadishuB. HargeisaC. KismayoD. Baidoa答案:A5 What is the opposite of 'hot'?A. ColdB. WarmC. CoolD. Boiling6 What do we call a sweetened drink made with fruit?A. SodaB. JuiceC. SmoothieD. All of the above7 What is the opposite of ‘hot’?A. ColdB. WarmC. BoilingD. Cool8 _____ (pruning) helps plants grow better.9 I like to organize my ________ (玩具名称) by size.10 What is the capital of Thailand?A. BangkokB. PhuketC. Chiang MaiD. Pattaya答案: A11 What do we call the process of breathing?A. InhalingB. ExhalingC. RespirationD. All of the above12 I like learning about different cultures. It’s fascinating to discover how people in __________ celebrate and live their lives. I hope to travel and experience it firsthand.13 The tortoise can live for many _________ (年).14 The _____ (kiwi) is fuzzy.15 Which animal is known for its ability to climb trees?A. FishB. MonkeyC. SharkD. Turtle16 What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. BreadD. Butter答案:B17 The country known for its festivals is ________ (印度).18 The __________ is a region known for its mountains.19 The book is ______ (exciting) to read.20 A tortoise can retract its head into its ______ (壳).21 What do you call the place where you go to borrow books?A. BankB. LibraryC. SchoolD. Park答案: B22 The ______ (植物的生理特征) can reveal much about their needs.23 Planting _____ (树木) can enhance a community’s green space.24 I like to ________ cartoons.25 The _____ (book/magazine) is interesting.26 A _____ (leaf) changes color in autumn.27 The cake is _______ and delicious.28 The Earth's crust is essential for supporting ______.29 My ______ loves to participate in competitions.30 My uncle is a skilled ____ (potter).31 The ________ (公共艺术) beautifies spaces.32 I want to plant ________ (树) in my backyard.33 ts can produce ______ (种子) without flowers. Some pla34 The _______ can grow in sandy soil.35 Which animal is known for its ability to change colors?A. ChameleonB. SnakeC. FrogD. Lizard答案:A36 The ______ (金鱼) swims around happily in its tank.37 She likes to _____ (cook/bake) cookies.38 I want to _______ (去旅行) abroad.39 What is the first month of the year?A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. MarchD. April40 What do you call the place where you keep books?A. LibraryB. GymC. OfficeD. Kitchen答案:A41 What do you wear when it rains?A. SunglassesB. BootsC. UmbrellaD. Hat答案: C42 The __________ (历史研究) can influence current events.43 Which gas is most abundant in the Earth's atmosphere?A. OxygenB. NitrogenC. Carbon DioxideD. Hydrogen答案:B44 What do you call a book of maps?A. EncyclopediaB. AtlasC. DictionaryD. Novel答案:B45 How do you say "book" in Spanish?A. LibroB. LibriC. BookeD. Libros46 The stars are ___ (twinkling/shining).47 I saw a ________ walking along the path.48 What is the capital of the USA?A. New YorkB. Washington D.C.C. Los AngelesD. Chicago49 What sound does a cow make?A. MooB. QuackC. BarkD. Neigh50 There are seven __________ in the world.51 What is the primary language spoken in China?A. HindiB. MandarinC. EnglishD. Spanish52 Which planet do we live on?A. VenusB. MarsC. EarthD. Jupiter答案: C53 I have a _____ book bag. (red)54 The mantle is primarily composed of ______.55 The chemical formula for lactic acid is _______.56 What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. RiceD. Meat57 What is the largest organ in the human body?a. Heartb. Skinc. Liverd. Brain答案:B58 Metals are usually _______ conductors of electricity.59 We have a ______ (快乐的) family outing every month.60 What is the name of the fairy tale character who left a glass slipper?A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. Sleeping BeautyD. Little Red Riding Hood答案: B61 I can ______ (帮助) my little brother with homework.62 A ferret is playful and _______ (好奇).63 I saw a ________ making a nest in the bushes.64 Rocks are classified into three types: igneous, sedimentary, and ______.65 My _____ (外婆) makes the best pie.66 What instrument measures temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. AltimeterD. Anemometer答案:B67 What is the opposite of "fast"?A. QuickB. SlowC. SpeedyD. Rapid68 The formula for table salt is _______.69 I enjoy ______ (swimming) in the pool.70 The concept of ecological restoration focuses on revitalizing damaged ______.71 What is the capital of Malaysia?A. Kuala LumpurB. JakartaC. BangkokD. Manila答案:A72 I enjoy playing ________ (棋类) with my family.73 What do you call the process of putting food in the refrigerator?A. ChillingB. CoolingC. FreezingD. Storing74 I see a deer in the ___. (forest)75 What do we call the king of the jungle?A. TigerB. LionC. BearD. Elephant76 My friend enjoys playing ____ (rugby) with his team.77 Which food is made from wheat?A. RiceB. BreadC. CornD. Oats78 The __________ (历史的结果) depend on the decisions made.79 In _____ (80), you can see the Northern Lights.80 The Sun's energy is produced through nuclear ______.81 landscape) can greatly differ from one place to another. The ____82 I like to watch the __________ change colors in the fall. (树叶)83 The owl's feathers are very _________. (安静)84 My sister is younger than me. She is only ________ (五岁). We play together and share our ________ (玩具).85 My sister enjoys __________ (参与文化活动).86 What do you call a story about a hero?A. AdventureB. MythC. LegendD. All of the above答案:D87 What do you call a place where you can see animals?A. ZooB. FarmC. AquariumD. Circus答案:A88 Geologists study the Earth’s structu re, materials, and ______ processes.89 What do we call the solid form of water?A. LiquidB. GasC. IceD. Vapor答案:C90 We will go ______ to watch the parade. (out)91 This ________ (玩具) is very ________ (形容词).92 The first successful lunar landing occurred in ________.93 I like ________ (ice cream) in summer.94 The _______ (Lousiana Purchase) doubled the size of the United States in 1803.95 What do we call the act of connecting with another person?A. Relationship-buildingB. NetworkingC. BondingD. All of the Above答案:D96 The _______ plays a vital role in the ecosystem.97 The __________ is a famous area known for its wildlife.98 What do you call a person who repairs computers?A. TechnicianB. EngineerC. ProgrammerD. Developer答案:A99 The _______ can flourish even in challenging conditions.100 I can draw a blueprint for my dream _________ (玩具).。

㊀山东农业科学㊀2023ꎬ55(5):76~83ShandongAgriculturalSciences㊀DOI:10.14083/j.issn.1001-4942.2023.05.012收稿日期:2022-09-19基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(21801064)ꎻ吉林烟草工业有限责任公司科技项目(JSZX-2019-03)作者简介:齐奎元(1998 )ꎬ男ꎬ河南周口人ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ主要从事烟草栽培生理生化研究ꎮE-mail:qikuiyuan34@163.com通信作者:刘鹏飞(1981 )ꎬ男ꎬ河南安阳人ꎬ博士ꎬ副教授ꎬ研究方向:烟草化学与品质ꎮE-mail:liupengfei523@126.com李玉娥(1979 )ꎬ女ꎬ硕士ꎬ工程师ꎬ研究方向:烟叶原料与品质ꎮE-mail:lyecys@163.com朱砂烟和普通烤烟烟叶酚类物质差异分析齐奎元1ꎬ赵华武2ꎬ金江华3ꎬ张瑞平1ꎬ张晓平1ꎬ刘鹏飞1ꎬ李玉娥3(1.河南农业大学烟草学院/国家烟草栽培生理生化研究基地ꎬ河南郑州㊀450002ꎻ2.云南中烟工业有限责任公司ꎬ云南昆明㊀650231ꎻ3.吉林烟草工业有限责任公司ꎬ吉林延吉㊀133001)㊀㊀摘要:为考察朱砂烟(云烟97变异种)和普通烤烟(云烟97)及其卷烟烟气中酚类物质含量的差异ꎬ采用气相色谱法和液相色谱法对朱砂烟叶和普通烟叶样品进行分析ꎬ并对两种烟叶卷烟进行感官质量评价ꎮ结果表明ꎬ完善后的福林-酚法测定烟叶总酚含量的最优条件为:样品用量0.5mLꎬ福林-酚试剂用量2.0mLꎬ充分混合后再加入10%碳酸钠溶液4.0mLꎬ25ħ下避光放置40minꎬ之后在760nm波长下测定样品中总酚类物质含量ꎮ同部位烤烟样品中朱砂烟总酚类物质含量较高ꎮ不同烤烟样品的主要多酚类物质总量差异显著ꎬ其中朱砂烟烟叶上特征性红色斑块含量最高ꎬ中㊁上部朱砂烟叶和红色斑块主要多酚类物质总量比云烟97分别高出18.71%㊁22.76%和31.82%㊁41.95%ꎻ不同部位烟叶之间主要多酚类物质含量差异较大ꎬ上部叶含量较高ꎮ朱砂烟叶及红色斑块的黄酮类物质含量处于较高水平ꎬ这也是影响朱砂烟外观特征的因素之一ꎮ朱砂烟中㊁上部叶卷烟中各挥发性酚类物质含量大多高于云烟97ꎬ总量均高于云烟97ꎮ朱砂烟卷烟的感官质量评价得分高于云烟97ꎬ这与该烟叶各酚类物质含量优于云烟97的结果具有一致性ꎮ该研究结果可为朱砂烟的选用提供相关参考ꎮ关键词:朱砂烟ꎻ高效液相色谱法ꎻ气质联用法ꎻ酚类物质ꎻ黄酮类物质中图分类号:S572.01㊀㊀文献标识号:A㊀㊀文章编号:1001-4942(2023)05-0076-08DifferenceAnalysisofPhenolicsinCinnabarTobaccoandCommonFlue ̄CuredTobaccoLeavesQiKuiyuan1ꎬZhaoHuawu2ꎬJinJianghua3ꎬZhangRuiping1ꎬZhangXiaoping1ꎬLiuPengfei1ꎬLiYu e3(1.CollegeofTobaccoScienceꎬHenanAgriculturalUniversity/NationalTobaccoCultivation&Physiology&BiochemistryResearchCenterꎬZhengzhou450002ꎬChinaꎻ2.ChinaTobaccoYunnanIndustrialCo.ꎬLtd.ꎬKunming650231ꎬChinaꎻ3.JilinTobaccoIndustrialCo.ꎬLtd.ꎬYanji133001ꎬChina)Abstract㊀Inordertoinvestigatethedifferenceincontentofphenoliccompoundsincinnabartobacco(Yanyan97mutant)andcommonflue ̄curedtobacco(Yunyan97)leavesandtheircigarettesmokeꎬthegaschromatographyandliquidchromatographywereusedfordeterminationofsamplesꎬandthesensoryqualityofthetwokindsofcigarettewasevaluated.Theresultsshowedthattheoptimalconditionsfordeterminingtheto ̄talphenoliccontentoftobaccoleavesbytheimprovedFolin ̄phenolmethodwereasfollows:0.5mLofsampledosageꎬ2mLofFolin ̄phenolreagentꎬ4.0mLof10%sodiumcarbonatesolutionafterfullmixingꎬplacinginthedarkat25ħfor40minutesꎬanddeterminingat760nm.Thetotalphenoliccontentofcinnabartobaccowashigherinthesamepartofflue ̄curedtobaccosamples.Thetotalamountofmajorpolyphenolsindifferentflue ̄curedtobaccosamplesvariedsignificantlyꎬamongwhichꎬthatofcharacteristicredflecksoncinnabarto ̄baccoleaveswasthehighest.Thetotalamountofmajorpolyphenolsinthemiddleanduppercinnabartobaccoleavesandredfleckswere18.71%ꎬ22.76%ꎬ31.82%and41.95%higherthanthoseinYunyan97ꎬrespec ̄tively.Thecontentofmajorpolyphenolsvariedgreatlyamongtobaccoleavesatdifferentpositionsꎬandthatinupperleaveswashigher.Thecontentofflavonoidsincinnabartobaccoleavesandredfleckswereathigherlev ̄elsꎬwhichwasoneofthefactorsaffectingtheappearancecharacteristicsofcinnabartobacco.ThecontentofvolatilephenolicsubstancesincinnabarcigarretewithmiddleandupperleaveswasmostlyhigherthanthatofYunyan97ꎬandthetotalamountwasallhigherthanthatofYunyan97.ThesensoryqualityevaluationscoreofcinnabarcigarettewashigherthanthatofYunyan97ꎬwhichwasconsistentwiththeresultsofthecontentofphenolicsubstances.Theresultsofthisstudycouldprovidereferencesfortheselectionandutilizationofcinna ̄bartobacco.Keywords㊀CinnabartobaccoꎻHighperformanceliquidchromatographyꎻGaschromatography ̄massspectrometrymethodꎻPhenoliccompoundsꎻFlavonoids㊀㊀朱砂烟是优良烟株在自然生长发育过程中发生自然变异的结果ꎬ其烟叶中烟碱大量转化为去甲基烟碱ꎬ正常调制后叶面特征显著ꎬ呈现 樱桃色 斑块ꎮ有研究认为ꎬ红色斑块是烟叶中多酚氧化产物在降烟碱作用下产生的 樱红 色素[1]ꎻ也有学者认为朱砂烟叶上的红色物质是由去甲基烟碱和醌类物质反应而形成ꎬ其具体化学结构至今尚未确定[2ꎬ3]ꎮ烟草中酚类物质含量是生物合成机制的结果ꎬ近年来研究表明烟叶中的酚类化合物作为烟草品质重要影响因素之一ꎬ对烟叶色泽㊁烟草香味和吃味有显著影响[4-9]ꎮ烟叶酚类物质按照羟基数目的不同ꎬ可分为简单酚类和多酚ꎮ简单酚类含量极微ꎬ而多酚含量较高ꎮ现已发现的烟草多酚类化合物包括单宁类㊁香豆素类㊁黄酮类㊁花色素类㊁简单酚类衍生物等ꎮ绿原酸㊁芸香苷和莨菪葶是烟草中多酚化合物的主要成分ꎬ约占烟草中酚类物质含量的80%以上[10]ꎬ其中绿原酸是改善烟叶等级最主要的多酚类物质[11]ꎮ烟叶在烘烤和调制过程中ꎬ非酶促棕色化反应会影响其外观质量ꎬ调制后的干烟叶在贮存㊁陈化及发酵过程中ꎬ酶促棕色化反应会形成醌类聚合物类物质ꎬ使烟叶由黄色逐渐加深ꎬ变为红色㊁棕色以至棕褐色[12]ꎮ曹建敏等[13]研究表明ꎬ烟叶颜色是影响烟叶多酚含量的主要因素ꎬ叶片颜色越趋于红棕色ꎬ黄酮类物质含量越低ꎬ莨菪葶含量越高ꎮ黄酮类物质是烟草中多酚类次生代谢产物ꎬ也是影响烟草品质的重要潜香型物质[9ꎬ14]ꎮ黄酮类化合物在烟叶调制㊁醇化和燃烧过程中可氧化分解ꎬ赋予烟草优雅的清香气味ꎬ并增加香气量ꎬ对烟草制品品质有重要的改善作用ꎮ成熟烟叶中黄酮体糖苷含量较高ꎬ通过裂解和降解等方式得到醇类和呋喃类等香味物质ꎬ可降低苦涩味ꎬ使吸味更加醇和[10]ꎮ芸香苷和绿原酸在烟草生长㊁调制和燃烧过程中发生多种化学反应ꎬ对烟草香味有直接影响ꎬ同时芸香苷和绿原酸含量与烟叶等级有关ꎬ其在酶的作用下ꎬ易形成淡红色至黑褐色的醌类物质及其聚合物ꎬ影响烟叶颜色[15]ꎮ目前对朱砂烟酚类物质方面的研究鲜有报道ꎮ本研究采用福林-酚法㊁芦丁法㊁高效液相色谱法和气相色谱法分析朱砂烟和普通烟叶及其卷烟烟气中酚类物质成分ꎬ通过解析朱砂烟酚类物质成分ꎬ探索朱砂烟叶特征性红色斑块与酚类物质的相关性ꎬ分析朱砂烟与普通烤烟酚类物质之间的差异ꎬ以期为朱砂烟的选用提供参考依据ꎮ1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀材料、试剂和仪器材料:供试烟叶为2021年云南省曲靖市采收77㊀第5期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀齐奎元ꎬ等:朱砂烟和普通烤烟烟叶酚类物质差异分析的中上部烤后朱砂烟(云烟97变异种)㊁普通烤烟云烟97及朱砂烟叶上红色斑块ꎮ试剂:甲醇为色谱纯ꎬ二氯甲烷㊁福林-酚试剂㊁苯酚㊁没食子酸㊁芦丁等其它试剂均为分析纯ꎬ均购自天津市大茂化学试剂厂ꎮ仪器:Agilent7890B-5977A气相色谱质谱联用仪(AgilentTechnologies产品)ꎻLC-20AR高效液相色谱仪(日本岛津公司产品)ꎻUV-5200紫外分光光度计(上海元析仪器有限公司产品)ꎻNico ̄letiS50傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(ThermoNicoletCo产品)ꎻSML2000直线型多通道吸烟机(中国科学院合肥物质科学院合肥众沃仪器有限公司产品)ꎮ1.2㊀测定项目及方法1.2.1㊀总酚类物质的测定㊀各测定环节如下: (1)标准溶液和样品的制备:准确称取0.1000g焦性没食子酸ꎬ用蒸馏水溶解并定容至1000mLꎬ没食子酸标准溶液浓度为100μg/mLꎮ准确称取6份0.1g烟样(过100目筛)ꎬ置于50mL锥形瓶内ꎬ分别加入50%㊁60%㊁70%㊁80%㊁90%㊁100%甲醇(分析纯)水溶液ꎬ超声萃取20min后静置过滤并定容至50mLꎮ取1mL提取液使用NicoletiS50傅里叶变换红外光谱仪进行全波谱扫描ꎬ表明用60%甲醇(分析纯)水溶液提取的样品在340nm处吸光度较大ꎬ提取的酚类物质较多ꎮ因此采用60%甲醇对样品进行提取ꎬ提取液备用ꎮ(2)福林比色法条件考察:参照王治同等[16]的方法并进行适当修改ꎮ10%碳酸钠溶液用量的确定:准确量取0.5mL没食子酸标准溶液6份于6支20mL试管中ꎬ均加入福林-酚试剂1.5mLꎬ待充分混合后再分别加入10%碳酸钠溶液1.0㊁2.0㊁3.0㊁4.0㊁6.0㊁8.0mLꎬ之后用蒸馏水补至20mLꎬ混匀后避光反应ꎬ使用UV-5200紫外分光光度计每30min在760nm处测定吸光度ꎬ以确定福林-酚试剂与碳酸钠溶液的最佳用量比ꎮ福林-酚试剂用量的确定:准确量取0.5mL没食子酸标准溶液5份于5支20mL试管中ꎬ分别加入福林-酚试剂1.0㊁1.5㊁2.0㊁2.5㊁3.0mLꎬ待充分混合后ꎬ加入10%碳酸钠溶液4.0mLꎬ其它条件不变ꎬ以确定福林-酚试剂用量对显色效果的影响ꎮ反应温度及时间的确定:准确量取0.5mL样品溶液4份于4支20mL试管中ꎬ分别加入福林-酚试剂2.0mLꎬ待充分混合后ꎬ加入10%碳酸钠溶液4.0mLꎬ之后用蒸馏水补至20mLꎬ摇匀后静置ꎬ避光反应ꎬ分别于25㊁35㊁45㊁55ħ恒温水浴锅中保温ꎬ其它条件不变ꎬ观察温度变化对显色效果的影响ꎮ(3)标准曲线的建立:准确称取0.100g没食子酸粉末ꎬ用蒸馏水定容至1000mLꎬ得到浓度为100μg/mL的没食子酸标准溶液ꎮ分别准确量取0㊁0.25㊁0.50㊁0.75㊁1.25㊁1.50mL没食子酸标准溶液于20mL试管中ꎬ加入福林-酚试剂2.0mLꎬ充分混合后再加入10%Na2CO3溶液4.0mLꎬ用蒸馏水定容后再25ħ下避光静置30minꎬ以不加样品为空白ꎬ使用UV-5200紫外分光光度计于760nm处测定其吸光度ꎮ(4)样品测定:分别量取上述制备样品溶液0.5mLꎬ采用与 (3)标准曲线的建立 相同的方法测定样品中总酚类物质含量ꎮ1.2.2㊀多酚含量的测定㊀取上述备用溶液2mLꎬ经0.22μm的有机相滤膜过滤至色谱瓶ꎬ用LC-20AR高效液相色谱仪测定烤烟样品中的绿原酸㊁芸香苷㊁莨菪葶等主要多酚类物质含量ꎮ仪器参数:A流动相为88%超纯水㊁10%甲醇㊁2%乙酸ꎬB流动相为88%甲醇㊁10%超纯水㊁2%乙酸ꎬ流速为1.0mL/minꎬ进样量为1μLꎬ检测波长为340nmꎮ时间程序:初始流量为15%ꎬ用3min升至30%ꎬ用15min升至60%并保持10minꎬ用1min升至100%ꎮ1.2.3㊀黄酮类物质的测定㊀各测定环节如下: (1)标准溶液的制备:准确称取120ħ温度下干燥至恒重的芦丁标准品20.00mgꎬ用50%甲醇溶解并定容至100mLꎬ即得到浓度为0.2mg/mL的芦丁标准液ꎮ(2)标准曲线的建立:参照陈爱洋等[17]的方法进行适当调整ꎮ分别吸取芦丁标准溶液1.0㊁2.0㊁3.0㊁4.0㊁5.0mL于5个25mL比色管中ꎬ用87㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀山东农业科学㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第55卷㊀50%甲醇均补至6mLꎬ再分别加入50g/L亚硝酸钠溶液1mLꎬ摇匀后静置6min再加入100g/L硝酸铝溶液1mLꎬ摇匀后静置6min再加入200g/L氢氧化钠溶液5mLꎬ用蒸馏水定容后摇匀并静置15minꎬ以空白样为参比ꎬ使用UV-5200紫外分光光度计在510nm处测定吸光度ꎮ以吸光度为纵坐标ꎬ加入芦丁试剂相对含量为横坐标ꎬ建立标准曲线ꎮ(3)样品测定:取样品储备液3mLꎬ采用上述方法测定烟叶中黄酮类物质总含量ꎮ1.2.4㊀烟气中挥发性酚类物质的测定㊀各测定环节如下:(1)卷烟样品制备:烟叶经人工去除主脉后切丝(宽度0.8mm)ꎬ卷制成重量为1ʃ0.1g的评吸烟支ꎬ按GB/T16447 2004«烟草及烟草制品调节和测试的大气环境»要求调节烟支水分ꎬ每处理均制备10支ꎬ使用SML2000直线型多通道吸烟机在标准吸烟条件下进行抽吸ꎬ并使用剑桥滤片收集ꎮ(2)样品前处理:采用乙酸苯乙酯为内标标准溶液ꎬ浓度为7.945g/Lꎮ将剑桥滤片置于50mL三角锥形瓶中ꎬ加入内标标准溶液50μL于滤片上ꎬ然后再加入甲醇20mLꎬ超声萃取10minꎬ萃取液过0.45μm滤膜并定容至50mLꎬ移取1.5mL于色谱瓶中ꎬ使用Agilent7890B-5977A气相色谱质谱联用仪ꎬ按照工作条件进行测定ꎮ(3)仪器条件:气相条件:进样口温度设定为250ħꎻ载气为氦气ꎬ纯度大于99.999%ꎬ载气流速为1mL/minꎻ采用分流进样方式ꎬ分流比设定为10ʒ1ꎻ进样量:1μLꎮ程序升温条件:初始温度100ħꎬ保持3minꎬ以8ħ/min的速率升至155ħꎬ保持8minꎬ再以20ħ/min的速率升至280ħꎬ保持8minꎮ离子源温度为280ħꎻ接口温度为280ħꎻ四极杆温度为150ħꎻ采用电子源轰击(EI)电子源ꎬ电离能量为70eVꎻ传输线温度设定为240ħꎻ溶剂延迟设定为2minꎻ扫描方式为全扫描模式ꎬ扫描范围为30~400amuꎻMS谱库:NIST14.1ꎻ采用内标法定量ꎮ1.2.5㊀感官质量评价㊀烟叶经人工去除主脉后切丝ꎬ卷制成重量为(1.0ʃ0.1)g的评吸烟支ꎬ按GB/T16447 2004要求调节烟支水分后进行感官质量评价ꎮ由吉林中烟技术中心组织专家以YC/T138 1998«烟草及烟草制品感官评价方法»为基础ꎬ按单料烟 标度值 标准统一进行感官质量评吸鉴定ꎬ并采用 九分制 标准打分ꎮ1.3㊀数据处理与分析采用Origin2021软件进行数据处理与作图ꎬSPSS19.0软件进行统计分析ꎬ差异显著性检验采用邓肯氏法(P<0.05)ꎮ2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀不同烤烟样品总酚类物质含量比较2.1.1㊀检测条件筛选㊀由福林-酚法原理可知ꎬ碳酸钠溶液用量对多酚物质显色有一定的影响ꎮ碳酸钠溶液用量少会影响多酚物质的显色ꎬ引起试验误差[18]ꎮ图1A结果显示ꎬ随着10%碳酸钠溶液用量增加ꎬ吸光度呈逐渐增加趋势ꎬ加入量增至4.0mL时反应液的吸光度较大且稳定ꎬ再增加用量ꎬ吸光度变幅太大ꎬ且其过量下反应体系较为浑浊ꎮ因此ꎬ10%碳酸钠溶液用量选择4.0mLꎮ由福林-酚法原理可知ꎬ福林-酚试剂与多酚类物质在碱性条件下呈蓝色ꎬ福林-酚试剂用量会影响底物是否完全显色[19]ꎮ由图1B可知ꎬ福林-酚用量为2.0mL时ꎬ反应液显色较为稳定且反应体系清澈㊁无碳酸钠结晶ꎬ再增加用量虽然吸光度增大但不稳定ꎮ因此ꎬ福林-酚试剂用量选择2.0mLꎮ由图1C可知ꎬ当温度为25ħ时ꎬ吸光度较大ꎬ随着温度的升高ꎬ吸光度逐渐下降ꎮ因此反应温度选择25ħꎮ综上ꎬ确定优化反应条件为:样品溶液0.5mLꎬ加入福林-酚试剂2.0mLꎬ充分混合后再加入10%碳酸钠溶液4.0mLꎬ并用蒸馏水定容至20mLꎬ于25ħ下避光放置40minꎬ之后在760nm处检测样品的吸光度ꎮ按该方法测定部分样品并反应30~40min时吸光度较稳定ꎬ因此确定用此方法ꎮ2.1.2㊀总酚类物质含量比较㊀由表1可见ꎬ同部位烤烟样品总酚类物质含量均存在显著差异ꎬ上97㊀第5期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀齐奎元ꎬ等:朱砂烟和普通烤烟烟叶酚类物质差异分析图1㊀10%碳酸钠不同用量(A)㊁福林-酚不同用量(B)㊀㊀和不同反应温度(C)对反应体系吸光值的影响㊀㊀表1㊀不同烤烟样品总酚类物质含量部位样品总酚类物质含量(mg/g)云烟9767.78ʃ0.67c中部叶朱砂烟69.12ʃ1.01b红色斑块75.55ʃ1.40a云烟9776.65ʃ0.22c上部叶朱砂烟78.30ʃ0.39b红色斑块80.40ʃ0.93a㊀㊀注:同部位同列数据后不同小写字母表示处理间差异达到显著水平(P<0.05)ꎬ下同ꎮ部叶总酚类物质含量均高于中部叶ꎮ云烟97上㊁中部叶总酚类物质含量均较低ꎬ朱砂烟处于中等水平ꎬ朱砂烟中红色斑块含量最高ꎬ且显著高于云烟97和朱砂烟ꎮ2.2㊀不同烤烟样品主要多酚类物质含量比较由表2可知ꎬ不同部位烟叶之间主要多酚类物质含量差异较大ꎬ上部叶含量较高ꎮ红色斑块总量处于最高水平ꎬ中㊁上部朱砂烟叶和红色斑块主要多酚类物质总量分别高出云烟9718.71%㊁22.76%和31.82%㊁41.95%ꎮ就中部叶而言ꎬ绿原酸和芸香苷含量各烟样间差异均显著ꎬ云烟97绿原酸含量最低ꎬ红色斑块含量最高ꎮ云烟97与朱砂烟比较ꎬ莨菪葶含量差异不显著ꎬ朱砂烟含量略高ꎻ红色斑块莨菪葶含量显著高于云烟97和朱砂烟ꎮ上部烟叶中ꎬ云烟97㊁朱砂烟和红色斑块的绿原酸含量差异显著ꎬ红色斑块绿原酸含量显著高于朱砂烟和云烟97ꎬ云烟97含量最低ꎮ红色斑块莨菪葶含量最高ꎬ显著高于云烟97和朱砂烟ꎬ云烟97莨菪葶含量最低ꎬ但与朱砂烟不存在显著差异ꎮ红色斑块芸香苷含量最高ꎬ与云烟97差异显著ꎬ朱砂烟与云烟97㊁红色斑块间均差异不显著ꎮ㊀㊀表2㊀不同烤烟样品主要多酚类物质含量(mg/g)部位样品绿原酸莨菪葶芸香苷总量云烟9710.61ʃ0.60c1.46ʃ0.05b7.46ʃ0.39c19.58ʃ1.10c中部叶朱砂烟11.84ʃ0.52b1.57ʃ0.15b8.48ʃ0.36b23.24ʃ0.65b红色斑块12.89ʃ0.83a1.89ʃ0.22a9.13ʃ0.51a25.81ʃ1.17a云烟9710.65ʃ0.95c1.95ʃ0.09b7.92ʃ0.47b20.48ʃ1.10c上部叶朱砂烟13.18ʃ0.35b2.15ʃ0.09b8.55ʃ0.40ab25.14ʃ0.47b红色斑块14.79ʃ0.66a2.41ʃ0.24a9.26ʃ0.52a29.07ʃ1.00a2.3㊀不同烤烟样品黄酮类物质总量比较通过全光谱扫描ꎬ确定黄酮类物质的反应体系在510nm处吸光度最大ꎬ因此使用紫外分光光度计检测此处样品中的黄酮类物质含量ꎮ以芦丁为标准品建立标准曲线:y=12x+0.0046ꎬR2=0.9992ꎮ由表3可知ꎬ同部位烟叶之间黄酮类物质总量存在显著性差异ꎬ且云烟97含量均最低ꎮ中部烟样中ꎬ相比于云烟97ꎬ红色斑块黄酮类物质总量高出9.07%ꎬ朱砂烟含量显著低于红色斑块ꎮ上部烟样中ꎬ云烟97黄酮类物质总量最低ꎬ朱砂烟和红色斑块含量比云烟97分别高出6.45%㊁10.37%ꎬ红色斑块黄酮类物质总量处于最高水平ꎮ08㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀山东农业科学㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第55卷㊀㊀㊀表3㊀不同烤烟样品黄酮类物质总量(mg/g)部位样品含量云烟9756.16ʃ0.53c中部叶朱砂烟58.01ʃ0.87b红色斑块61.25ʃ0.69a云烟9761.37ʃ1.00c上部叶朱砂烟65.32ʃ0.87b红色斑块67.73ʃ0.53a2.4㊀不同烤烟样品烟气中挥发性酚类物质含量比较酚类化合物是卷烟主流烟气的主要组分之一ꎬ与卷烟的安全性和感官品质密切相关ꎮ由表4可知ꎬ同部位不同烤烟烟气中挥发性酚类物质总量差异较大ꎬ上部叶明显高于中部叶ꎬ朱砂烟上部叶该类总量最大ꎬ且其各酚类物质含量大多高于云烟97ꎮ朱砂烟卷烟样品烟气中的苯酚㊁对苯二酚含量较高ꎮ2.5㊀不同烤烟样品卷烟感官质量评价由表5可知ꎬ朱砂烟中㊁上部烟叶各感官质量评价指标均优于云烟97ꎬ其香气质和香气量较好ꎬ余味舒适ꎬ刺激性稍有ꎬ劲头较低ꎬ燃烧性中等ꎬ灰分灰白ꎬ杂气较轻ꎮ同部位同等级烟叶中ꎬ朱砂烟叶感官质量综合评分较高ꎮ㊀㊀表4㊀不同烤烟样品烟气中挥发性酚类物质含量(μg/g)酚类化合物中部叶云烟97朱砂烟上部叶云烟97朱砂烟苯酚0.07290.10840.08800.1365对甲酚0.04330.07220.07900.1031邻甲酚0.06850.04540.05400.0488间甲酚0.04440.05140.05720.0641邻苯二酚0.14910.14460.15600.10774-甲基邻苯二酚0.02770.02920.03370.0359对苯二酚0.19520.18120.21570.22362-甲基间苯二酚0.04410.03580.03030.01954-乙基间苯二酚0.03170.04670.03850.05264-(2-烯丙基)-邻苯二酚0.07950.08830.08870.13582-乙基苯酚0.03790.04350.04500.05084-乙烯基苯酚0.09260.09620.11190.1211对乙烯基愈创木酚0.03120.04950.04400.05392ꎬ5-二叔丁基酚0.02520.02530.03770.0410总量0.94331.01761.07971.1945㊀㊀表5㊀不同烤烟样品卷烟感官质量评价结果(分)部位样品香气质香气量浓度刺激性杂气劲头余味燃烧性灰分总计中部叶云烟975.朱砂烟5.785.815.315.285.035.315.647.007.0052.14上部叶云烟975.085.175.475.644.895.615.537.007.0051.39朱砂烟6.005.945.695.445.175.535.727.007.0053.503㊀讨论3.1㊀福林-酚法优化酚类物质结构上含有酚羟基ꎬ呈酸性或弱酸性ꎬ不溶于水ꎬ而碳酸钠溶液呈弱碱性ꎬ因此需要控制碳酸钠溶液用量及浓度ꎬ既能使其充分反应ꎬ又可以避免反应体系的不平衡ꎻ碳酸钠溶液受温度影响较大ꎬ温度较低时会析出结晶㊁引起试验误差ꎻ多酚类物质受热易分解ꎬ会导致测定结果偏低ꎬ因此要控制合适的温度ꎻ显色30~40min时ꎬ吸光度均已达到稳定ꎮ通过对10%碳酸钠溶液用量㊁福林-酚用量㊁反应温度和反应时间的探索优化ꎬ确定福林-酚法测定条件的最优组合为:10%碳酸钠溶液用量4.0mL㊁福林-酚用量2.0mL㊁反应温度25ħ㊁显色时间40minꎬ这样总酚的测定结果更加准确ꎮ3.2㊀朱砂烟和普通烤烟酚类物质含量差异分析本研究结果表明ꎬ不同烤烟样品之间总酚类物质含量存在显著性差异ꎻ同部位烤烟中ꎬ朱砂烟叶上红色斑块处总酚类物质含量最高ꎬ云烟97略低于朱砂烟ꎮ不同烤烟样品间中部叶烤烟主要多酚类物质含量差异较大ꎬ绿原酸㊁芸香苷含量均差异显著ꎮ整体上朱砂烟叶主要多酚类物质含量相对较高ꎬ尤其是朱砂烟叶上红色斑块处ꎮ烟叶调制过程中ꎬ酚类物质发生酶促和非酶促反应形成分子量较大的黄色㊁红色以至棕褐色色素ꎬ影响烟叶的色泽[20]ꎬ这与朱砂烟独特的色泽有极大关系ꎮ上部叶烤烟中ꎬ不同烤烟样品间绿原酸含量均有显著性差异ꎮ绿原酸是改善烟叶品质最主要的多酚类物质[10]ꎮ朱砂烟与云烟97的芸香苷和莨菪葶含量不存在显著性差异ꎬ与红色斑块的芸香苷含量也没有显著性差异ꎬ与其莨菪葶含量相比显著减少ꎮ黄酮类物质为烤烟香气的前体物质之一[9]ꎮ本研究表明ꎬ不同烤烟样品黄酮类物质含量存在18㊀第5期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀齐奎元ꎬ等:朱砂烟和普通烤烟烟叶酚类物质差异分析显著性差异ꎻ同部位烤烟样品中朱砂烟叶黄酮类化合物含量较高ꎬ显著高于云烟97ꎬ显著低于红色斑块ꎮ朱砂烟叶特征性红色斑块的黄酮类物质含量和酚类物质含量最高ꎬ其形成原因可能是烟叶中酚类物质氧化成醌类或其它呈红色的物质ꎬ也可能是黄酮类物质在氧化或调制㊁纯化过程中形成的某种物质ꎮ3.3㊀不同烤烟样品烟气中挥发性酚类物质含量差异分析烟叶中酚类物质在卷烟抽吸时直接进入烟气的量很少ꎬ烟气中酚类物质主要来源于烟叶中多酚类物质的裂解ꎻ卷烟制品抽吸时会发生酸性反应ꎬ中和部分碱性ꎬ使吃味醇和ꎬ对卷烟制品的抽吸品质起着重要作用[21]ꎬ如2ꎬ6-二甲基苯酚具有增甜和增香的效果ꎬ苯酚具有甜味和药物气味ꎮ本试验通过GC-MS对烟草制品进行分析ꎬ结果显示ꎬ同部位卷烟样品中ꎬ朱砂烟的挥发性酚类物质总量较高ꎮ挥发性酚类物质大都具有酚香气ꎬ一些简单酚对烟气香吃味产生愉快的影响ꎬ其中苯酚㊁乙基酚㊁对乙烯基愈创木酚㊁2ꎬ5-二叔丁基苯酚对卷烟香气和吃味有较好影响ꎬ而朱砂烟中这些挥发性酚类物质含量均较高ꎬ这将赋予朱砂烟独特的香气质㊁充足的香气量和较好的吃味ꎮ3.4㊀烤烟样品感官质量分析烤烟感官质量与酚类物质相关ꎬ酚类物质在卷烟燃烧时ꎬ通过热裂解㊁中和等反应ꎬ使吃味更加醇和ꎮ有研究表明ꎬ多酚类物质尤其是绿原酸ꎬ是改善烟草吸食品质的重要因素之一ꎬ与香气质和香气量呈显著正相关[22ꎬ23]ꎮ朱砂烟叶中酚类物质尤其是绿原酸含量较高ꎬ赋予其丰满的香气质和充足的香气量ꎮ焦天雷等[24]研究表明ꎬ相比于普通烤烟ꎬ香气物质含量高可能是朱砂烟风味特征的物质基础ꎮ对烟草制品进行感官质量评价表明ꎬ朱砂烟叶整体质量较高ꎬ其卷烟香气质较好㊁香气量较足㊁吃味更加醇和ꎬ这与前人研究结果具有较高的一致性[25]ꎮ4㊀结论本研究确定的福林-酚法测定烟叶总酚含量的最优条件为:样品用量0.5mLꎬ福林-酚试剂用量2.0mLꎬ充分混合后再加入10%碳酸钠溶液4.0mLꎬ25ħ下避光放置40minꎬ之后在760nm波长下测定样品中总酚类物质含量ꎮ朱砂烟总酚类物质㊁主要多酚类物质和黄酮类物质含量较高ꎬ且与云烟97普通烟叶之间大多差异显著ꎬ品质较高ꎮ不同烤烟样品卷烟的挥发性酚类物质含量差异较大ꎬ朱砂烟各挥发性酚类物质含量较高ꎬ具有较好的香气质和吃味ꎬ香气量较足ꎮ整体上看ꎬ朱砂烟较优ꎮ参㊀考㊀文㊀献:[1]㊀PennPTꎬStephensRLꎬWeybrewJA.Theinvitrosynthesisofa 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小学上册英语第六单元测验试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The bat is a _______ animal.2.The Industrial Revolution started in the ________.3.I see _____ (clouds/stars) in the sky.4.She is a _____ (心理学家) who studies behavior.5.My ________ (玩具) has a lot of character.6.The __________ is a large area of open fields.7.We visit the ______ (艺术中心) to see exhibits.8.What is the primary color of the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. Green答案:B9.The ________ (桥) connects two sides of the river.10.What do we breathe?A. WaterB. AirC. FoodD. Light答案:B11. A ______ is a type of bird that can be found in deserts.12.The chemical formula for calcium chloride is _______.13.The __________ (历史的文化遗产) enriches our lives.14.What is the capital of Mexico?A. CancunB. GuadalajaraC. TijuanaD. Mexico City答案: D15. A _____ (植物研究合作) can lead to groundbreaking discoveries.16.I can ___ my grandparents. (visit)17.The process of adding oxygen to a substance is called _____.18.The __________ was a key moment in the fight for civil rights. (马丁·路德·金的演讲)19.I have a pet ______ that is very friendly.20.The park is _______ (热闹的) during weekends.21.My grandmother is an amazing __________ (厨师).22.Earth has one moon, while Mars has ______.23.The ____ is a wise animal often found in forests.24.My _____ (邻居) has a cat that loves to climb trees. 我的邻居有一只喜欢爬树的猫。

三亚2024年11版小学三年级下册英语第2单元真题考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、What do we call the study of ancient artifacts?a. Anthropologyb. Archaeologyc. Historyd. Sociology答案:B2、听力题:I have a _____ for my birthday. (celebration)3、填空题:I can ______ (利用) my time wisely.4、填空题:I like to take photos of ________ (风景) when I travel to capture beautiful memories.5、What is the main ingredient in apple pie?A. ApplesB. PeachesC. BerriesD. Bananas6、填空题:The prairie dog lives in ______ (地下) burrows.7、听力题:The _____ is a common pet that barks.8、habitat fragmentation) threatens many species. 填空题:The ____9、填空题:The first human to discover gravity was ______ (牛顿).10、填空题:A ______ (鸟) can be very colorful and beautiful.11、听力题:The city of Budapest is the capital of _______.12、填空题:My favorite stuffed ________ is a bear.13、听力题:A strong electrolyte dissociates completely in ______.14、听力题:The Earth's crust is rich in ______ materials.15、填空题:I enjoy making ________ for my family.16、填空题:A __________ (化学成分) can be analyzed for purity and quality.17、选择题:What do we call a baby cow?A. CalfB. FoalC. LambD. Kid18、填空题:The bird has a bright ______.19、填空题:The ancient Egyptians used ________ to measure time.20、How many teeth does an adult human typically have?A. 24B. 28C. 32D. 36答案:C21、听力题:The lunch is ___ (ready).22、What do we call a young adult?A. ChildB. TeenagerC. SeniorD. Baby答案:B23、听力题:The chemical symbol for manganese is ______.24、填空题:A tiny ___ (小蜜蜂) collects nectar.25、填空题:My favorite book is _______ (小王子).26、听力题:A ______ is a type of animal that can be found in the Arctic.27、选择题:What is the main source of light during the day?A. MoonB. StarsC. SunD. Lamp28、听力题:A bat uses ______ to navigate in the dark.29、听力题:The _______ can provide a sense of achievement.30、What do you call the first meal of the day?A. LunchB. BreakfastC. DinnerD. Snack31、填空题:______ (蝴蝶) love to visit colorful flowers.32、natural disaster preparedness) saves lives. 填空题:The ____33、听力题:The chemical symbol for radium is ______.34、听力题:A __________ is formed through the cooling of lava and volcanic ash.35、填空题:The capybara is the largest ______ (啮齿动物).36、听力题:The sun is very ________ today.37、What is the main color of grass?A. BlueB. GreenC. BrownD. Yellow答案:B38、Which planet has the longest day?A. VenusB. JupiterC. MarsD. Mercury39、填空题:Plants can be a source of ______ (灵感).40、How many players are on a soccer team?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eleven41、听力题:In a chemical reaction, substances are transformed into new _____ (substances).42、选择题:What do you call the distance between two points?A. LengthB. WidthC. HeightD. Measurement43、填空题:Many animals depend on plants for ______ (食物).44、What color is the sky on a clear day?A. GreenB. BlueC. RedD. Yellow45、填空题:Gardening is a fun way to learn about _____ (植物).46、What do we call a young female horse?A. ColtB. FillyC. MareD. Foal答案:B47、agette movement fought for ________ (女性的投票权). 填空题:The Suff48、填空题:The new puppy is very ______ (调皮).49、填空题:The _____ (植物文化遗产) enriches human history.50、ts can ______ (在极端条件下生存). 填空题:Some pla51、听力题:A ______ is a common household pet.52、听力题:The __________ is a famous area known for its artistic contributions.53、填空题:The __________ tells us it will be sunny next week. (天气预报)54、填空题:My favorite small animal is the ______ (兔子). It has long ears and loves to eat ______ (胡萝卜).55、填空题:My mom bought me a new ________ (滑梯) for the backyard. I can slide down________ (很快).56、What do we call the process of changing from a liquid to a solid?A. FreezingB. MeltingC. EvaporationD. Condensation答案: A57、听力题:A _______ can measure the amount of energy consumed by an appliance over time.58、ts are grown specifically for their ______.(某些植物专门用于生产其叶子或根部。
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Major Phenolics in Apple and Their Contribution to the TotalAntioxidant CapacityK I W ON L EE,†Y OUNG J UN K IM,§D AE-O K K IM,#H YONG J OO L EE,†ANDC HANG Y ONG L EE*,#Department of Food Science and Technology,Cornell University,Geneva,New York14456;Department of Food Science and Technology,Seoul National University,Seoul151-742,South Korea;and Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics,Cornell University,Ithaca,New York14853The contribution of each phytochemical to the total antioxidant capacity of apples was determined. Major phenolic phytochemicals of six apple cultivars were identified and quantified,and their contributions to total antioxidant activity of apples were determined using a2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)radical scavenging assay and expressed as vitamin C equivalent antioxidant capacity(VCEAC).Average concentrations of major phenolics and vitamin C in six apple cultivars were as follows(mg/100g of fresh weight of apples):quercetin glycosides,13.20;procyanidin B2,9.35;chlorogenic acid,9.02;epicatechin,8.65;phloretin glycosides,5.59;vitamin C,12.80.A highly linear relationship(r2>0.97)was attained between concentrations and total antioxidant capacity of phenolics and vitamin C.Relative VCEAC values of these compounds were in the order quercetin (3.06)>epicatechin(2.67)>procyanidin B2(2.36)>phloretin(1.63)>vitamin C(1.00)>chlorogenic acid(0.97).Therefore,the estimated contribution of major phenolics and vitamin C to the total antioxidant capacity of100g of fresh apples is as follows:quercetin(40.39VCEAC)>epicatechin (23.10)>procyanidin B2(22.07)>vitamin C(12.80)>phloretin(9.11)>chlorogenic acid(8.75). These results indicate that flavonoids such as quercetin,epicatechin,and procyanidin B2rather than vitamin C contribute significantly to the total antioxidant activity of apples.KEYWORDS:Apples;free radical;phenolics;vitamin C equivalent antioxidant capacity(VCEAC)INTRODUCTIONFree radicals are major molecules that cause human diseases such as cancer,heart disease,cerebrovascular disease,and aging through diverse cellular processes(1-3).Naturally occurring antioxidants have been reported to play a major role in ameliorating oxidative damage induced by free radicals.Re-cently,natural foods and food-derived components,such as antioxidative vitamins and phenolic phytochemicals,have received a great deal of attention because they are safe and not perceived as“medicine”;some of these are known to function as chemopreventive agents against oxidative damage.Vitamin C has been considered to be one of the most prevalent antioxidative components of fruits and vegetables and exerts substantial chemopreventive effects without apparent toxicity at a relatively high level(4).However,the contribution of vitamin C to the total activity of fruits was determined to be generally<15%(5).On the other hand,the importance of contributions of phytochemicals to the total antioxidant capacity of fruits,vegetables,grains,and tea has been suggested(5,6). Much attention has recently been paid to the possible health benefits of dietary phenolics that have antioxidant activities stronger than that of vitamin C.The nutritional value and health-related biological activity of fruits depend not only on the concentration but also on the amount of such foods consumed daily.Apples are one of the major fruits frequently consumed by Americans.Among fresh fruits consumed in1996,apples(8.76kg/person/year)ranked second to bananas(12.7kg).However,when fresh and processed products are combined,the estimated per capita consumption of apples(21.3kg)exceeds that of bananas. Therefore,apple phenolics as antioxidant sources in the American diet may provide major protection against free radical damages in the human body(7).Our previous studies showed that the antioxidative and antiproliferative activities of apples are the consequence of synergistic activities of phenolics rather than vitamin C(6).In particular,phenolics in apple skin showed a much higher degree of contribution to the total antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of whole apple than those in apple flesh(6,8). Furthermore,quercetin,one of the major antioxidative fla-vonoids in apple,exerted much stronger antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activities than vitamin C(4,9).Thus,the importance of contributions of phenolics to the total antioxidant capacity of apples has been suggested(4-6,9).Apples contain various antioxidative phenolics such as chlorogenic acid,*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed[telephone(315)787-2271;fax(315)787-2284;e-mail CYL1@].†Seoul National University.§Cornell University,Ithaca,NY.#Cornell University,Geneva,NY.6516J.Agric.Food Chem.2003,51,6516−652010.1021/jf034475w CCC:$25.00©2003American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web09/30/2003epicatechin,procyanidin B2,phloretin,and quercetin as well as vitamin C(10,11).In the mixture of such bioactive compounds, however,the relative contribution of each antioxidant to the total antioxidant capacity has not been clearly demonstrated. Because the contents of total phenolics or flavonoids in fruits often do not directly reflect the total antioxidant capacity,the accurate measurement of the antioxidant capacity of each bioactive compound should be warranted.In the present study, we identify major phenolics in various apple cultivars and investigate their contributions to the antioxidant activity of apples compared with that of vitamin C.MATERIALS AND METHODSChemicals.Ammonium hydroxide,2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothia-zoline-6-sulfonic acid)(ABTS)as diammonium salt,ammonium phosphate monobasic(NH4H2PO4),quercetin,epicatechin,phloretin, and chlorogenic acid were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co.(St. Louis,MO).2,2′-Azobis(2-amidinopropane)dihydrochloride(AAPH) was obtained from Wako Chemicals USA,Inc.(Richmond,VA). Procyanidin B2was obtained from Shimazu Co.(Kyoto,Japan). Quercetin glycosides(arabinoside,gulcoside,galactoside,and rham-noside)and phloretin glucoside were obtained from Extrasynthese (Genay,France).Vitamin C was purchased from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh,PA).All other chemicals used were of analytical or HPLC grade.Apple Cultivars.Six apple cultivars,Golden Delicious,Cortland, Monroe,Rhode Island Greening,Empire,and NY674,were picked at commercial maturity during the2001harvest season at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station orchard in Geneva,NY.Apples were stored in a2-5°C cold room.They were carefully cut into slices, the pits were removed,and the freeze-dried samples were ground to powder using a laboratory mill(Thomas-Willey)and then stored at-20°C until analyzed.Extraction of Phenolics.The phenolics were extracted by using the ultrasound-assisted method(12).Briefly,phenolics were extracted from10g of ground freeze-dried sample using100mL of80%aqueous methanol.The mixture was sonicated for20min with a continual stream of nitrogen gas purging to prevent possible degradation of phenolics, filtered through Whatman no.2filter paper(Whatman International Limited,Kent,U.K.)using a chilled Bu¨chner funnel,and rinsed with 50mL of100%methanol.Extraction of the residue was repeated under the same conditions.The two filtrates were combined and transferred into a1L evaporating flask with an additional50mL of80%aqueous methanol.The solvent was evaporated using a rotary evaporator at40°C.The remaining phenolic concentrate was first dissolved in50mL of100%methanol and diluted to a final volume of100mL using distilled deionized water(ddH2O).The mixture was centrifuged at refrigerated temperature(4°C)for20min and stored at-4°C until analyses.The total extraction process was done in duplicate.Identification of Phenolics.HPLC analysis was performed accord-ing to the method described in our previous paper(13).Extracted samples were filtered through a0.45µm poly(tetrafluoroethylene) syringe-tip filter,using a20µL sample loop,and were analyzed using an HPLC system(Hewlett-Packard model1100,Palo Alto,CA) equipped with a photodiode array detector,a quaternary pump,and a vacuum degasser.A C18reversed-phase Symmetry Analytical column (5µm×250mm×4.6mm)was used with a Symmetry Sentry guard column of the same packing material as the analytical column(Waters Corp.,Milford,MA).Three mobile phases were used:solvent A,50 mM ammonium phosphate monobasic(NH4H2PO4),pH 2.6(pH adjusted with phosphoric acid);solvent B,80:20(v/v)acetonitrile/50 mM NH4H2PO4,pH2.6;and solvent C,200mM phosphoric acid(H3-PO4),pH1.5(pH adjusted with ammonium hydroxide).The gradient for HPLC analysis was linearly changed as follows(total60min): 100%A at0min,92%A/8%B at4min,14%B/86%C at10min,16.5%B/83.5%C at22.5min,25%B/75%C at27.5min,80%B/20%C at50min,100%A at55min,100%A at60min.Flow rate was1.0 mL/min at constant room temperature(23°C).Phenolic standards were used to generate characteristic UV-vis spectra and calibration curves. Individual phenolics in the sample were tentatively identified by comparison of their UV-vis spectra and retention times with spiked input of polyphenolic standard.Three replicated HPLC analyses were performed for each apple cultivar.Quantification of Vitamin C.Ascorbic acid was determined by using the2,6-dichloroindophenol titrimetic method,according to AOAC method967.21(14).Reference material was an ascorbic acid solution (1mg/mL)prepared from L-ascorbic acid.ABTS Radical Scavenging Activity.The ABTS method described earlier was used with slight modification(9).Briefly,1.0mM AAPH was mixed with2.5mM ABTS in phosphate-buffered saline(PBS) solution(100mM potassium phosphate buffer containing150mM NaCl).The mixture was heated in a68°C water bath.The resulting blue-green ABTS radical solution was adjusted to an absorbance of 0.30(0.02at734nm.Various doses of antioxidants(each10µL) were added to190µL of the resulting blue-green ABTS radical solution in a96well plate.The control consisted of10µL of99%ethanol and 190µL of ABTS radical solution.The decrease in absorbance,which resulted from the addition of test compounds,was measured at734 nm using an ELISA reader(Emax,Molecular Devices Co.,Sunnyvale, CA).ABTS radical scavenging activities of the test compounds were expressed as percent remaining ABTS radicals at each time point.The radical stock solution was prepared fresh daily.Quantification of Total Antioxidant Capacity.A method devel-oped by Winston et al.(15)was applied with slight modifications for the quantification of antioxidant value of each compound tested.The area under the kinetic curve was calculated by integration.The total antioxidant capacity(TAC)of each tested compound was then quantified according to eq1.Percent increase in integrated area was measured to compare each phenolic and vitamin C.Here,∫SA and ∫CA are the integrated areas from the curve defining the sample and control reactions,respectively.The median effective dose(EC50)of all samples tested was calculated from the dose-response curve.TAC of each phenolic was expressed as vitamin C equivalents(VCEAC). All tested samples were replicated six times and presented as mean value(standard deviation.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONComposition and concentrations of the major phenolics of six apple cultivars studied are shown in Table1.Among the apple cultivars studied,Rhode Island Greening showed the highest content in all phenolic phytochemicals analyzed.Aver-age concentrations of the major phenolics were as follows(mg/ 100g of fresh weight):quercetin glycosides,13.20;procyanidin B2,9.35;chlorogenic acid,9.02;epicatechin,8.65;and phloretin glycosides,5.59.Chlorogenic acid and phloretin glycosides presented lower contents compared to quercetin glycosides and procyanidin B2.Several phenolics in apples were present as glycosides.In particular,a wide variety of quercetin glycosides were present in the apple cultivars.Galactoside was the most abundant form among the glycosides identified in most of the tested cultivars except NY674,in which rhamnoside was most abundant.In addition,xyloglucoside was an abundant form of phloretin glycoside.There is increasing evidence that flavonoids can be absorbed into the human body in amounts that are,in principle,sufficient to exert antioxidant or other biological activities in vivo(16-18).Chlorogenic acid is absorbed with no structural change in the small intestine(19),whereas both epicatechin and procya-nidin B2are absorbed as epicatechin(20).In general,derivatives of flavonoids and isoflavones were found to have lower biological activities in free forms compared with their parent aglycons in vitro.However,gastrointestinal hydrolase removes TAC)100-(∫SA/∫CA×100)(1)Major Phenolics in Apple J.Agric.Food Chem.,Vol.51,No.22,20036517the sugar moiety from flavonoid glycosides,and their aglycons are released to be absorbed in the gut (16).Intestinal conjugation seemed to be an important process for the absorption because only conjugated forms were detected in the mesenteric vein blood (17).Furthermore,when quercetin glycosides and genistin were fed to rats or humans,quercetin and genistein,their only respective aglycon forms,were detected in the urine (17,18).Therefore,we measured herein the antioxidant activity of quercetin and phloretin instead of that of quercetin and phloretin glycosides.Scavenging rates of each tested major antioxidants in apples against the ABTS radical at different concentrations and times are shown in Figure 1.Vitamin C and phenolics exerted ABTS radical scavenging activity in dose-and time-dependent manners.Strong correlations (r 2>0.97)were observed between the concentrations and the TAC of vitamin C (Figure 2)and phenolics (Figure 3)in apple.The relative TAC of phenolics evaluated by the ABTS assay compared to vitamin C was as follows:quercetin (3.06)>epicatechin (2.67)>procyanidin B 2(2.36)>phloretin (1.63)>vitamin C (1.00)>chlorogenic acid (0.97)(Table 2).The data show that quercetin has the lowest EC 50value among the major phenolics in the apple.Although most of the phenolics are reported to have anti-oxidant activity,quercetin has been reported to have structural advantages as an antioxidant because the o -dihydroxy moiety in the B ring confers stability to the resulting free radical form (21).Because quercetin is mainly present in apple peel (10),it was suggested that consumption of apples with skins is highly desirable in order to maximize apple antioxidant activity (22).In parallel,quercetin showed the highest antioxidant capacity in the ABTS radical scavenging assay.Considering the amount of each compound,the estimated contribution ofquercetinFigure 1.Kinetics of ABTS radical reactions with vitamin C,chlorogenic acid,epicatechin,phloretin,procyanidin B 2,and quercetin.Each test compoundat 0,0.5,1,2,3,and 4µg/mL was reacted with 2.5mM ABTS radicals.Error bars represent standard deviations of each data point (n )3).6518J.Agric.Food Chem.,Vol.51,No.22,2003Lee et al.(40.39VCEAC)to the total antioxidant capacity of apples is the highest among major phytochemicals,which was followed by epicatechin(23.10)and procyanidin B2(22.07),whereas chlorogenic acid(8.75)and phloretin(9.11)provide minimal contribution(Table2).Moreover,vitamin C contributes only 11%of the total antioxidant capacity of apple.These results clearly indicate that flavonoids such as quercetin,epicatechin, and procyanidin B2rather than vitamin C contribute significantly to total antioxidant activity of apples.Sun et al.(23)reported that phytochemicals in fruits including apple showed a high correlation with antioxidant capacity (r2)0.97).On the other hand,Imeh et al.(24)observed a weak correlation(r2)0.58)between the phenolic content of the fruits and the total antioxidant activity measured by ferric reducing antioxidant power assay.This was probably due to the other unquantified phenolics and/or synergism among these compounds and major phenolics.Apples,like other fruits,vary in chemical composition,even within the same variety,depend-ing on maturity,location produced,and agricultural practices, as well as numerous other environmental factors.Indeed, significant variations in phenolic content and antioxidant activity were observed among cultivars and even among different fruits in the same cultivar(24).In this study,various apple cultivars showed different levels of phenolic content and various phenolics showed different antioxidant activities.Some active phenolics such as chlorogenic acids,phloretins,epicatechins,quercetins,and procyanidin B2 have been identified as major antioxidants in apples.The evidence shown herein in terms of the content and the capacity of antioxidants suggests that quercetin may have the highestposition and Quantification of Major Antioxidants of Six Apple Cultivarsfresh apples with skins(mg/100g)antioxidantGoldenDelicious Cortland MonroeRhode IslandGreening Empire NY674avvitamin C16.6012.179.0014.2213.2211.6212.80 chlorogenic acid8.48 5.3610.0814.2811.52 4.409.02 epicatechin7.128.3210.7219.16 2.28 4.328.65 phloretin glycosidesglucoside 1.80 1.44 2.40 2.08 2.80 1.84 5.59 xyloglucoside 1.92 3.20 4.92 5.88 1.72 3.56 procyanidin B2 6.2811.328.3221.68 3.44 5.049.35 quercetin glycosidesarabinoside 2.16 2.40 4.44 2.88 2.76 1.5613.20 xyloside 1.68 1.08 2.28 1.92 2.16 1.20glucoside 2.40 1.56 2.40 1.20 2.400.36galactoside 4.20 3.36 4.80 4.32 4.20 1.92rhamnoside 3.84 2.28 3.12 4.08 3.84 2.40 total56.4852.4962.4891.7050.3438.2258.61Table2.Contributions of Major Antioxidants to the Total Antioxidant Activity of Applesphytochemicalconcn(mg/100g of fresh wt)EC50relative VCEACvalue atotal antioxidant activity(mg of VCEAC/100g)relativecontribution(%)quercetin glycosides13.200.56 3.0640.3934.7 epicatechin8.650.64 2.6723.1019.9 procyanidin B29.350.72 2.3622.0719.0 vitamin C12.80 1.71 1.0012.8011.0 phloretin glycosides 5.59 1.05 1.639.117.8 chlorogenic acid9.02 1.760.978.757.6 total58.61116.22100.0a Relative VCEAC value)VCEAC of each compound/antioxidant capacity of vitaminC.Figure2.Total antioxidant capacity(TAC)of vitaminC.Figure3.Total antioxidant capacity(TAC)of major phenolics in apples.Major Phenolics in Apple J.Agric.Food Chem.,Vol.51,No.22,20036519contribution as an antioxidant in apples.We suggest that the contribution of each nutrient or antioxidant in the daily diet should be carefully considered on the basis of its biological activity and quantitative consumption data.We also need to study the interactions among active food components and their diverse bioactivities to determine the total biological activities of the food.At present,we are studying anti-tumor promoting activities of major phenolics in apples. 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