



金属材料及热处理期终试题(A)卷(06机械系大专班)一.填空题(每空1分,共40分)1.填出下列力学性能指标符号:屈服点σs ,抗拉强度σb ,洛氏硬度C标尺,伸长率,冲击韧度,布氏硬度.2.大多数合金元素溶于奥氏体后使C曲线的位置减少了钢的,提高钢的.3.常见的金属品格类型有,,三种,r-Fe晶格为a-Fe晶格为.4.金属结晶过程是由和两个基本过程组成.5.铁碳合金的基本相是,,,其中属于固溶体是和,属于金属化合物是.6.分析钢的等温转变中,在A1~650摄氏度温度范围内,转变产物为,在650~600摄氏度温度范围内起转变产物为,600~550摄氏度温度范围内转变产物为,在550~Ms温度范围内转变产物为和.在Ms温度以下转变产物为.7.根据工艺的不同,钢的热处理方法可分为,,,及五种.8.白口铸铁中的碳主要以形式存在,而灰口铸铁中的碳主要以形式存在.9.45钢中平均碳含量为;T8A中平均碳含量为;55Si2Mn弹簧钢中平均碳含量为,Si的含量约为,Mn的含量为.二.判断题(正确的打"√"错的打"×")(每小题1分,共10分)1.晶粒越细小,金属材料力学性能越好()2.理论结晶温度与实际结晶温度之差称为过冷度()3.在退火状态下25钢塑性韧性比45钢好,比T8更好()4.调质处理就是淬火+低温回火()5.合碳为2.4%的铁碳合金也会发生共晶反应()6.金属经热变形后也会存在硬工硬化现象()7.合金钢回火稳定性比碳素钢好()8.珠光体不仅强度硬度较高,而且还具有一定的塑性()9.莱氏体的平均含碳量为2.11%()10.马氏体与回火马氏体属同一组织()三.选择(每空1分,共25分)1.选取适当的牌号:优质碳素结构钢(45)碳素工具钢(T10)合金调质钢(40Gr)合金渗碳钢(20GrMnTi)普通碳素结构钢(Q235-A.F)灰铸铁(HT200)球墨铸铁()(20CrMnTi,40Cr,HT200,QT600-2,T10A,45Q235-A.F)2.为下列材料选材冷冲压件(10)重要的轴类(40Gr)车床床身(HT200)重要齿轮(20GrMnTi)车刀(W18Gr4V)(20CrMnTi,10,40Cr,HT200,W18Cr4V)3.选择下列零件的最终热处理刀具()重要轴类零件()弹性零件()(淬火+低温回火淬火+中温回火淬火+高温回火)4.为下列合金选择室温下的平衡组织Wc=1.2%的铁碳合金()共析钢()45钢()(PP+FeCⅡP+F)5.铁碳合金相图上的共析线()共晶线()共晶反应温度()共析反应温度为()(ECFACDGSPSK912℃727℃1230℃1148℃)6.灰铸铁中石墨呈()球墨铸铁中石墨呈()可锻铸铁中石墨呈()(片状球状团絮状)四.问答题(共25分)1.随着碳含量的增加,碳素钢的组织与性能如何变化?(13分)随碳的增加亚共析钢中的铁素体减少,珠光体增多,而过共析钢中珠光体减少,二次渗碳体增多.由于组织变化导致性能也发生相应的变化,即:随碳量的增加,钢的塑性,韧性降低,硬化逐渐增大,在Wc≤0.9%范围内强度也会提高.但当Wc>0.9%后随碳含量的增加,网状二次渗碳体增多,因而强度反而降低2.试述高速钢的成分特点及合金元素的主要作用?(12分)Ⅰ答案一.填空题1.σs σb HRCбαk HBS或HBW2.右移临界冷却速度(Uk)淬透性3.体心立方石心立方密排立方石心立方体心立方4.形核晶核长大5.铁素体(F)奥氏体(A)渗碳体(Fe3C)FAFe3C6.珠光体(P)索氏体(S)托氏体(T)上贝氏体(B上)下贝氏体(B下)马氏体(M)7.退火正火淬火回火表面热处理8.渗碳体(Fe3C)石墨(G)9.0.45%0.8%0.55%2%或1.5%~2.5%<1.5%二.判断答案:1√2√3√4×5√6×7√8√9×10×三.选择1.45T10A40Cr 20CrMnTi Q235-A.FHT200QT600-22.1040Cr HT20020CrMnTi W18CrV3.淬火+低温回火淬火+高温回火淬火+中温回火4.P+FeCⅡPP+F5.PSKECF1148℃727℃6.片状球状团絮状四1.答:随碳的增加亚共析钢中的铁素体减少,珠光体增多,而过共析钢中珠光体减少,二次渗碳体增多.由于组织变化导致性能也发生相应的变化,即:随碳量的增加,钢的塑性,韧性降低,硬化逐渐增大,在Wc≤0.9%范围内强度也会提高.但当Wc>0.9%后随碳含量的增加,网状二次渗碳体增多,因而强度反而降低.性能中,硬度,塑性,韧性错1处扣2分,强度项扣3分2.答:高速钢的成分特点有两点,其一:碳含量高,Wc=0.7%~1.65%,其二:是含有大量的合金元素:WCr Mo V等,这些合金元素在钢中的主要作用分别是:Cr:主要提高淬透性,WMo两元素主要提高钢的热硬度并细化晶粒,V:主要作用是提高钢的硬度和耐磨性,并能一定程度提高热硬性.09高数模1金属材料及热处理期末试卷A一.填空题(每空1分共20)1.塑性通常用和来表示2.金属结晶的必要条件是3.单晶体的塑性变形方式是和4.固溶体合金在结晶过程中,产生晶粒内部化学成分不均匀的现象为,由于这种偏析呈树枝状分布,故又称5.工业纯铁的室温平衡组织为6.淬火钢在250~350℃温度范围内回火时要发生回火脆性,称为7.滚动轴承钢主要用于制造滚动轴承的8.灰铸铁的热处理方法有、、9.变形铝合金按其性能特点可分为、、和锻铝10.青铜是指除、以外的铜合金11.金属材料、和统称三大固体工程材料二.选择题(每题2分共20分)1.灰铸铁的硬度测定方法是( )A.布氏硬度B.洛氏硬度C.维氏硬度2.下列物质属于晶体的是( )A.松香B.水晶C.石蜡3.冷塑性变形的金属晶粒重新结晶为均匀的等轴晶粒需进行的热处理是( )A.去应力退火B.完全退火C.再结晶退火4.下列情况属于相变过程的是( )A.液态金属的结晶B.晶粒长大C.冷变形金属的再结晶5.在铁碳合金的基本组成相中,属于金属化合物是( )A.铁素体B.渗碳体C.奥氏体6.调质是( )A.淬火+低温回火B.淬火+中温回火C.淬火+高温回火7.下列关于合金元素在钢中的作用论述错误的是( )A.合金元素的加入使铁素体产生固溶强化B.合金元素的加入使奥氏体相区的大小发生改变C.除钴外,合金元素的加入使C曲线左移8.阻止石墨化的元素有( )A.硅B.磷C.硫9.属于软基体上分布硬质点的轴承合金有( )A.锡基巴氏合金B.铝基轴承合金C.珠光体灰铸铁10.碳以片状石墨形式存在的铸铁是( )A.灰铸铁B.白口铸铁C.球墨铸铁三.判断题(对的打√,错的打×。



量具培训试题姓名:成绩:一、填空题(每空 2 分,共 40 分)1.高度尺的精度是()数显高度尺的精度是()。

)或(), 2.数显卡尺的精度是 ( ) ,带表卡尺的精度是(游标卡尺的精度是()。



5.数显卡尺显示组件包括:外壳、( )、液晶、( )。


二、单项选择题(每题 4 分,共 20 分)1.如图所示哪种测量方法是台阶测量()2.下列哪个配件不属于数显游标卡尺的()A.防尘帽 B.主板 C.导电条 D. 外壳3.带表卡尺的尺身是什么材料()A. 碳钢B.生铁C.铝D. 不锈钢4.数显高度尺不可以碰到()A.酒精B.水C.防锈油D.清洁布5.高度尺可以测量哪些项目()A.高度、精密划线 B.直径 C.圆弧 D.内经三、判断题(每题 4 分,共 40 分)1.游标卡尺,是一种测量长度、内外径、深度的量具。


()3.使用前,应先擦干净两卡脚测量面,合拢两卡脚,不用检查副尺 0 线与主尺 0线是否对齐. ()4.游标卡尺的主尺一般以厘米为单位()5.游标卡尺的主尺和游标上有两副活动量爪,分别是内测量爪和外测量爪,内测量爪通常用来测量内径,外测量爪通常用来测量长度和外径。






()四、问答题(每题 20 分,共 60 分) 1.卡尺应注意哪些事项?2.千分表和百分表应注意哪些事项?3.在你的工作当中你发现我们公司有哪些量具没有做到维护和保养?一、填空题1、0.02mm、0.01mm;2、0.01mm、0.01mm、0.02mm、0.02 mm;3、内测量、深度测量、台阶测量;4、0.001mm、0.01mm;5、主板、导电条;6、主指针、转数指示盘、表盘、转数指针、表圈、量杆、测头;二、选择题C\A\D\B\A3. 判断题第 3.4.8 题×其余全部√四、问答题1.卡尺是比较精密的测量工具,要轻拿轻放,不得碰撞或跌落地下。

(完整word版)汉硕 真题

(完整word版)汉硕 真题


现代汉语部分一、填空(10分)1. 联合国目前共有六种法定的工作语言,除汉语外,还有英语、_____、_____、西班牙语、阿拉伯语。






























词汇 C.语法D。











陈述式 C.支配式D。



作家——--诗人 B.维他命——--维生素C。

制服——-—军装 D.文人——--文豪6。





二年级语文下册按课文内容填空答案◆1 找春天1、我们几个孩子,(脱掉)棉袄,(冲出)家门,(奔向)田野,去(寻找)春天.几个动词可以感受到孩子们找春天那急切激动的心情.2、春天像个(害羞)的小姑娘,(遮遮掩掩),(躲躲藏藏)。



她在柳枝上(荡秋千),在风筝尾巴上(摇啊摇);她在喜鹊、杜鹃(嘴里叫),在桃花、杏花(枝头笑)……◆2 古诗两首1、默写.2、白居易是(唐)代的大诗人.他写《草》的时候才16岁。




《宿新市徐公店》写了(篱落)、(径)、(树头)、(花)、(儿童)、(黄蝶)、(菜花)先写了静态景物,再写动态景物,非常生动.◆3 笋芽儿1、(春雨姑娘)把笋芽儿唤醒了,(雷公公)的呼唤让笋芽儿钻出地面,她睁开眼睛一看,啊,(多么明亮)、(多么美丽)的世界呀!(桃花)笑红了脸,(柳树)摇着绿色的长辫子,小燕子(叽叽喳喳)地叫着。





3、笋芽儿被叫醒了.她(揉了揉)眼睛,(伸了伸)懒腰,(看看)四周仍一片漆黑,撒娇地说:“是谁在叫我呀?”◆4 小鹿的玫瑰花1、花骨朵(渐渐地)长大了.他只能(静静地)躺在床上养病。





执业医师法试卷及答案一、填空题:1、《中华人民共和国执业医师法》自_________________ 起施行。



















1. 120分=()时240秒=()分360月=()年210分=()时()分270秒=()分()秒2. 273里最多有()个23;288里最多有48个()。

3. 把85枚1元的硬币换成10元一张的纸币,最多能换()张。


4. 三位数除以两位数,商最多是()位数,最少是()位数。


5. 526除以41,商是()位数。


6. 长方形的长由26厘米变成52厘米,如面积不变,宽将由18厘米变成()厘米。

7. 汪老板买来13件皮大衣用去7800元,如果售价是进价的2倍,他一共能卖()元。


8. 490÷54,把除数看作()来试商,商()了,改商()。

9. 最大能填几?42×()﹤299 35×()﹤265 57×()﹤65010. 小明在计算除法时,把除数48写成84,结果得到的商是4还余48。


11. 学校买了4套《科技博览》,每套10本,一共用去360元。




14. 计算650÷68时,把68看作()试商,商的最高位上估计是()。

15. 382÷□9,如果商是一位数,□里的数可以填(),如果商是两位数,□里最小填()。

16. □37÷58,如果商是二位数,□里最小填(),如果商是一位数,□里最大填()。

17. 517÷2□,如果□里的数是(),可以把除数看作20来试商,如果□里的数是(),可以把除数看作()来试商。

18. 把下面每组的两个算式,列成一个综合算式。

565-127=438,438×3=1314 ()192÷16=12,235+12=247 ()26+37=63 ,20×63=1260 ()19. 先在□里填上数,再列出综合算式。














()7、轴与滑动轴承组成高副.()8、发动机就是将能量转换成机械能的一种机器.( )三、选择题1、我们把各部分之间具有确定相对运动构件的组合称为( ).A。


机构 C.机械 D.机床2、下列运动副属于高副的是()。








螺旋副 D.高副5、下列属于机构的是().A.机床B.纺织机C。

千斤顶 D.拖拉机6、普通车床中的带传动部分是机器中的()。







构件 D.机构。



根据所给句子的意思用所给词的适当形式填空(每空最多填3词)1. Knowing (know)basic first—aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies。


Anyone, once tested (test) positive for H7N9 flu virus,will receive free medical treatment from our government.3. Founded (found)in the early 20th century,the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art。


I got to the office earlier that day, having caught (catch)the 7:30 train from Paddington 5. -—-—They might just have a place left (leave)on the writing course. -—-—-why don’t you give it a try?6. The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing (throw)hard—edged shadows on the ground.7. Lionel Messi, having set (set)the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.8。

Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced ( reduce )to ruins, the city took on a new look。



选择填空1、单选题(1)html中的注释标签是()A、 <-- -->B、<--! -->C、<!-- -->D、<-- --!>(2)<strong>…</strong>标签的作用是()A、斜体B、下划线C、上划线D、加粗(3)网页中的空格在html代码里表示为()A、&amp;B、&nbsp;C、&quot;D、&lt;(4)定义锚记主要用到<a>标签中的()属性。

A、nameB、targetC、onclickD、onmouseover(5)要在新窗口中打开所点击的链接,实现方法是将<a>标签的target属性设为()A、_blankB、_selfC、_parentD、_top(6)下列代表无序清单的标签是()A、 <ul>…<li>…</ul>B、<ol>…<li>…</ol>C、<hl>…<li>…</hl>D、< li >…< ol >…</ li >(7)要实现表单元素中的复选框,input标签的type属性应设为()A、radioB、checkboxC、selectD、text(8)要实现表单元素中的单选框,input标签的type属性应设为()A、radioB、checkboxC、selectD、text(9)要使表单元素(如文本框)在预览时处于不可编辑状态,显灰色,要在input中加()属性A、selectedB、disabledC、typeD、checked2、多选题(选错、多选、少选都不给分)(5*2)(1)定义表格常用的3个标签是()A、tableB、trC、tdD、tp(2)哪两个属性可用于表格的合并单元格()A、colspanB、trspanC、tdspanD、rowspan(3)实现下拉列表框,要用到一下哪几个标签()A、inputB、selectC、optionD、radio(4)定义框架要用到以下的哪个标签()A、frameworkB、framesetC、frameD、framespace(5)要在网页中加入音乐或背景音乐,以下哪个标签可以实现()A、embedB、objectC、bgsoundD、sound3、填空题(1*8)(1)、可用p标签定义段落。

(完整版word)初二 英语数词填空练习题及答案

(完整版word)初二 英语数词填空练习题及答案

(完整版word)初二英语数词填空练习题及答案一、初中英语数词1.Two ____________students are from Korea.A. hundreds ofB. hundredC. hundredsD. hundred of【答案】 B【解析】【分析】句意:有两百名学生来自朝鲜。

hundred,百,其前接具体数词时,用其单数形式,当其前没有具体数字修饰时,用其复数形式,后和of连用,hundreds of,成百上千,根据two,基数词,hundred用其单数形式,故选B。



2.When Huawei P20 came out, ______ people couldn't wait to buy one in our town.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of【答案】 D【解析】【分析】句意:当华为P20上市时,成千上万的人迫不及待地想在我们镇上买一台。

thousand,千,其前有具体数词修饰时,用其单数形式,当其前没有具体数词修饰时,用其复数形式,且和of连用,thousands of,成千上万,这里没有具体数词修饰,故选D。



3.In the Ukraine(乌克兰), a ________ of the population are Russia speakers.A. fiveB. fivethC. fifthD. fifty【答案】 C【解析】【分析】句意:在乌克兰,五分之一的人口是俄罗斯人。






答案Word 2010练习题1:(Word简介和界面)1。

Word 2010默认的文档格式为 docx .2. Word的版本由2003升级为2007、2010时,操作界面方面大量采用了选项卡加功能区的方式来代替旧的菜单模式.3. 启动Word 2010的常用方法:①使用桌面上的快捷图标;②使用“开始”菜单→“所有程序" →“Microsoft Office”→“Microsoft Word 2010”命令;③打开任意Word 文档时启动Word 2010程序。


关闭Word 2010程序窗口常用的方法:①使用“文件”选项卡下的“退出”命令;②使用标题栏右端的“关闭”按钮;③单击标题栏左端的控制图标,选择出现的控制菜单中的“关闭”命令;④双击标题栏左端的控制图标;⑤使用快捷键 Alt+F4 .5. 在Word 2010程序窗口中包含标题栏、快速访问工具栏、选项卡、__功能区、文档编辑区、滚动条、状态栏和标尺等。


Word 2010窗口中默认有“文件”、“开始”、“插入”、“页面布局”、“引用" 、“邮件”、“审阅”、“视图”等选项卡。




Word 2010的标尺默认是隐藏的,可以通过单击垂直滚动条上方的“标尺”按钮或者选中“视图”选项卡“显示”功能区中的“标尺”复选框来显示。

9. 状态栏位于Word窗口底部,显示当前正在编辑的Word文档的有关信息。


Word 2010练习题2:(视图方式、显示比例)1。

Word 2010窗口某些功能区的右下角带有↘标记的按钮,称为扩展按钮。


单击Word 2010窗口状态栏的页面区域,会弹出“查找和替换”对话框,用于定位文档;单击“字数”区域,会弹出“字数统计”对话框。


Word 2010提供了页面视图、 Web版式视图、阅读版式视图、__大纲视图、草稿视图等多种视图方式.4。



八年级英语上册完形填空专项练习1When Mr Smith retired(退休),he bought a small 1 in a village near the sea。

He2 it and hoped to live a quiet life in this house.But to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most 3 building in the village。

From morning to night there were 4 outside the house。

They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and 5 of them even went into Mr Smith's garden。

This was too much for Mr Smith。

He decided to ask the visitors to 6 。

So he put a notice on the window。

The notice said,“If you want 7 your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look round。

Price:twenty dollars." Mr Smith was sure that the visitors would 8 coming,but he was wrong。

More and more visitors came and Mr Smith had to 9 every day showing them around his house.“I came here to 10 not to work as a guide(导游),"he said angrily. In the end,he sold the house and moved away。



WORD判断题和填空题二、判断题:50题1、页码的外观不能用“字体”命令改变()2、用户自定义的项目符号既可以是图片也可以是特殊符号()3、一行只能不能有多于一个的项目编号()4、给段落加边框,其2边均可不同()5、word2000中“$#”不可定义为项目符号()6、在“自动套用格式”中,将会把段落前键入的空格左缩进()7、网格线只有在页面方式下可以显示出来()8、在word2000中可以通过页面设置对话框中的版式选项来自定义纸张大小()9、在设置制表位时,只能利用格式菜单中的制表位命令()10、word2000中的分栏命令分出的都是等宽的栏()11、若要进行输入法之间的切换,可以在任务栏上的下拉式菜单中选择,也可以按ctrl+Alt键()12、表格菜单中的表格自动套用格式命令中,可对应用的格式进行改变()13、在word2000中能够打开EXCEL文件,并且能够以excel 形式保存它()14、首行缩进只能使所有段落首行保持统一格式()15、在word2000中不能调用power point演示文稿和幻灯片文件()16、用样式管理器可以删除内置样式()17、拖动文档中对象时,先按shift键,既可限制该对象只能横向或纵向移动()18、利用ctrl+F3可以实现文本的复制()19、启动word2000后默认的视图状态是页面视图()20、打开word2000文档是指显示并打印出指定的word2000文档文件的内容()21、word2000中文件菜单底部所列的文件名对应的是最近被操作过的文件()22、word文档的扩展名是.ppt()23、在使用word2000过程中可随时按F5打开查找替换命令()24、在使用word2000过程中可随时按F1获得联机帮助()25、word中可以利用标尺改变段落的缩进方式。

()26、word中当前正在编辑的文档的文档名显示在状态栏()27、页眉/页脚命令在插入菜单中()28、全屏显示命令在视图菜单中()29、word中文字和表格相互都能转化()30、打印文档之前预览应使用的命令是文件—>打印预览()31、为文档中选定的内容添加波浪下划线可以使用格式菜单中的字体命令()33、word中提供多种显示文档的视图方式,有“所见所地”的显示效果的方式是页面()34、给选定的段落、表格单元等添加的背景称为底纹()35、在word中要做复制操作首先应定位插入点()36、在word中要选择整个文档,应按ctrl+c键()37、在word中按enter键产生一个分页符号()38、可用word的格式工具栏改变字体的大小()39、标尺不可以用于设置首字下沉()40、在word中选定内容并按DEL键则选定的内容被复制()41、在word中调整行距可以使用格式菜单中的段落命令()42、合并视图是word提供的视图方式之一()43、在word中想要文字分2栏显示应使用分隔符命令()44、在WORD中要显示或隐藏常用工具栏应使用视图菜单()45、在word中需要制作一个表格则需要使用表格菜单中的绘制表格命令()46、在word中能在页眉/页脚处插入当前日期/时间()47、在word中插入XII应使用格式菜单中的字体命令()48、word中文字方向的更改是使用格式菜单中的文字方向命令()49、word中进行字体设置后,按新的设置显示的文字是文档中被选定的文字()50、退出数学公式编辑环境只要单击公式外的文本区就可以()答案如下二、判断题:1B 2A 3A 4A 5B 6B 7A 8B 9B 10B 11B 12A 13B 14B 15A 16B 17A 18B 19A 20B 21A 22B 23A 24A 25A 26B 27B 28A 29A 30A 31A 32A 33A 34A 35B 36B 37B 38A39B 40B 41A 42B 43B 44A 45A 46A 47B 48A 49A 50A三.判断题(每小题1分,共10分)1.Word 2000主程序窗口右上角包含了“最大化”、“还原”和“关闭”三个按钮。



1.Listen, Jim __________(sing) an English song in the music room.2.Wang Bing ____________(like) (make) model ships.3.I ___________(live) in Nan Jing , but my friend (live) in England.4.My father (like) (read) newspaper, but my mother (not)5.It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. We _________ (have) an English class now.6.I like __________(sing), she _________(like)_________(dance).7. What Helen often (do) at the weekends? She often (catch) insects.8.He __________(do not) want (eat) bread for breakfast.9.I _______(have) a friend. Her name ______(be)Susan. She _____(like) singing and dancing10. __________Yang Ling (have) (some) hobbies ? Yes, she .11.Where (be) Helen and Tom from? They (be) from (American)?12.She usually __________(go) shopping with her mother.13.What’s (Nancy) hobby? She (like) (grow) flowers.14.Mr Smith __________(come) from Australia. He speaks (England).15.Look, They __________ (play) football in the playground.16. ________(do) your sister (watch ) TV every day? No, she .17.Liu Tao can (swim) (good) . (he) mother can (dance) (beautiful).18.I often go _______(swim) on Sunday afternoon. But my mother (go) (shop)19. (Nancy) parents (be) from (Japanese). They’re Japanese (visit).20.How many (child) are there in your class? There (be) thirty.21.A chicken (have) two (foot) .22.I’d like __________(buy) some (peach) in the supermarket.23.Let (we) (help) (she) with (she) homework.24.We __________(want) (go) (fish).25.________ you _____(skate) now? No, I (write) an e-mail to (I) friend.26.There (be) some milk in the bottle.27.There (be) some (butterfly) and ( dragonfly ) in the park.28.What (be) (you) mother (do) now? She (cook) in the kitchen.29.I want to __________(buy) some interesting books at the bookshop30.There (be) some (knife) and ( fork) in the cupboard.31.I (like) (ski). I can (ski) (good).32.Liu Tao and Wang Bing usually __________ (run) after school. Look, they (run) in the playground.33.This is (she) book. Those (be) (they) (book).34.Today (be) (teacher) Day . These (card) are for (they).35.I want _________(write) a letter to my friend. He is (Australia).36. (be) there (some) bread in the fridge? No, there .37.Today is the __________(one) day of the new term.38.There any (student) in the classroom. They (paly) volleyball now.39.Mum and I __________(have) (same) hobby.40.Shall we __________(go) to the cinema by bike? All right.41._______(do) your friends (visit) your family every week? No, they________(do).42.What _(be) one plus four? It’s five.43. show (they) how (darw) firefly).附加题:Where (be) my gloves? They (be) there justnow. I can’t find (it).用所给词的适当形式填空1._________(be) a lot of milk in the glass? Yes, there _______.2.There _______(be) a tree and some flowers in the garden.3.The soup _________ (be) very hot.4.There _______(be) any cakes in the fridges.5.Can you show _____(we) around your school?6.Give ______(they) some water. They are very thirsty.7.Look at the cat. ______(it) eyes are blue.8.He often plays football with _______(they).9.Look at _______(that) apples. They are bad.10.M iss Chen teaches ________(we) Maths.11.W ould you like _______(any) coffee?12.I t’s time ________(have) lunch now.13.J ack is good at sports. And he is ______(too) good at Music.14.M y father fishes very ________(good)15.M ike’s sisters _________(have) many hobbies.16._____ Miss Li’s son _______(have) any animal friends? Yes, he _______.17.Bird can _______(fly), but dogs _________(not).18.Mike likes _________(watch) TV. But he _______(not) ________(want)________(watch) TV now.19.Do you like _______(wear) yellow? Yes, I do. But my sister___________(not like)_______(wear) yellow.20.Nancy’s hobby is _________(fly) kites.21.Helen would like ________ (swim) with me together.22.My parents ________(all) like playing the piano.23.Mike is not good at _________(draw) pictures. What ______(be) he goodat?24.Look at my cat. It _______(like) drinking milk.25.Lily, don’t ________(carry) that desk. It’s too heavy. Let me ______(carry)with you.26.It’s very cold. The water ______(turn) to ice. Let’s go ________(skate).27.What _____ your sister _______(do) ? She is a teacher.28.My father _______(teach) Maths in my school. He _______(have) a lot ofstudents.29._____ your mother ______(cook) _______(good)? Yes, she’s a_______(cook). She is good at _____(cook)30._____ your parents ______(speak) English at home? No, they only______(speak) at work. They usually ______(speak) Chinese. I usually _______(speak) Chinese. Because I can’t ______(speak) any English.31.W hat _______ he ________(do) on Sundays? He always _________(go)__________(climb) and _______(clean) his car.32.W here ________ he ______(live) ? _______ he _______(live) in China? No,he ______(live) in the USA.33.W hat time _______ you and your parents ________(get) up? We all_______(get) up at seven.34.W ho ________(teach) you English? Mr Green _________.35.I n winter, water ________(turn) to ice. And sometimes it ________(snow).So when the winter weather ________(come), we always _______(wear) warm clothes.36.R ubber duck likes the rain, but he doesn’t like sunny weather. So when thesummer sun ______(come) out, he _______(carry) an umbrella.37.I s that a/an __________(US) car? No, it’s a/an _________(UK) car.38.H elen always has _________(dance) lessons on Sunday afternoons.根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。



完形填空(专项练习)( A )My grandfather was a teacher. He was the headmaster of a school for boys 1 the age of thirteen and eighteen. He was very strict with the boys but kind 2 , because when I was young , he usually gave me nice things, told me interesting stories. But I believe that the boys at his school were 3 of him.At school, when he 4 a room full of noisy boys, there was 5 at once. When he looked at a boy, that boy 6 red in the face, and looked down at his shoes. If a boy didn’t do his homework 7 and brought him his poor and careless work, my grandfather would pick up the boy’s book and threw it8 the room, shouting, “Do it again and bring back tomorrow morning!” If the boy forgot to bring the work with him9 time, he had to do it again and again, and yet again. My grandfather worked hard all his life. All the students had their love for him 10 they left his school.( )1. A. of B. between C. at D. by( )2. A. to the girls B. on the face C. at heart D. careful( )3. A. afraid B. fond C. proud D. careful( )4. A. came near B. walked into C. went towards D. passed by( )5. A. fear B. silence C. smile D. cry( )6. A. turned B. changed C. appeared D. seemed( )7. A. again B. at all C. well D. in class( )8. A. into B. up C. across D. off( )9. A. the first B. at a C. a second D. for some( )10. A. after B. since C. before D. while( B )When you wave to a friend, you are using sign language. When you smile to someone, you mean to be 1 . When you put one finger in front of your 2 , you mean “Be quiet”.Yet, people in different countries may use different sign languages.Once an Englishman was in Italy. He could speak 3 Italian. One day while he was walking in the street, he felt 4 and went into a restaurant. When the waiter came, the Englishman 5 his mouth, put his fingers into it and took them out again and moved his lips. In this way, he 6 to say, “Bring me something to eat.” But the waiter brought him a lot of things to 7 . First tea, then coffee, then milk, but no food. The Englishman was 8 that he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry. He was 9 to leave the restaurant when another man came in and put his hands on his stomach. And this sign was 10 enough for the waiter. In a few minutes, the waiter brought him a large plate of bread and meat. At last the Englishman had his meal in the same way.( )1. A. nice B. friendly C. fine D. well( )2. A. eye B. hand C. mouth D. arm( )3. A. a little B. few C. a few D. little( )4. A. hungry B. tired C. sad D. worried( )5. A. washed B. opened C. closed D. touched( )6. A. dared B. meant C. had D. decided( )7. A. eat B. drink C. carry D. play( )8. A. happy B. glad C. sorry D. afraid( )9. A. quick B. slow C. ready D. quiet( )10. A. good B. bad C. bright D. wrong( C )There are robots all around us. Some do very 1 jobs like flying airplane and driving subway trains. And some do simple jobs.When an automatic(自动的)washing machine 2 , water goes in. The machine waits until the water is hot 3 washing the clothes. It does this by “feedback”(反馈). Information about what’s happening is “feed back” into the robot to tell it 4 next.Our eyes, ears and other senses(感官)are our feedback. They tell us 5 around us. So robots are like people in 6 ways. They work and they have feedback.But 7 robots look like people. Many are hidden away. Robots control the temperature of our house, our cookers, our hot water systems. We can set the controls to the temperature we want. The robot does 8 . Its feedback usually come from a thermostat(自动调温器).One kind of thermostat is strip of metal, which bends(弯曲)when it gets hot. At the right temperature, it bends just enough 9 a switch. This turns off the heat. As the air around it gets 10 , the metal gets straight, and this turns the heat on again.( )1. A. easy B. simple C. different D. difficult( )2. A. is switched on B. is switched C. is switching D. switches on( )3. A. after B. before C. as soon as D. while( )4. A. how to do B. what to do C. what to do it D. to do what( )5. A. what will happen B. what’s happeni ngC. to happen whatD. something will happen( )6. A. some B. any C. two D. three( )7. A. many B. a lot of C. very few D. a little( )8. A. something B. some other things C. half the work D. the rest ( )9. A. to work B. working C. to working D. works( )10. A. cold B. hot C. cool D. warm( D )A man was sitting in the doctor’s office. He was telling the doctor about his 1 . “I like football, docto r.” he said. “Please help me. My life has 2 been a good one since I became 3 in football and it is getting worse and worse. I can’t even 4 well at night. When I close my 5 , I’m out there in the football field 6 after a flying ball. When I wake u p , I’m more7 than I was when I went to bed. What am I going to do? The doctor sat back and said, “First of all, you8 to do your best not to dream about football. Before you are falling asleep, try to 9 about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.” “Are you crazy?” the man shouted. “I’ll10 the ball!”( )1. A. problem B. family C. sport D. journey( )2. A. always B. already C. never D. often( )3. A. interested B. careful C. deep D. strong( )4. A. work B. play C. do D. sleep( )5. A. doors B. window C. books D. eyes( )6. A. looking B. playing C. running D. waiting( )7. A. worried B. tired C. surprised D. pleased( )8. A. want B. hope C. have D. decide( )9. A. hear B. write C. talk D. think( )10. A. miss B. play C. catch D. pass( E )Many years ago, a man 1 Wu taught the king how to ride horses and how to drive a chariot. 2 some time the king started to race against Wu. But no matter how many 3 the king raced against Wu, Wu always won.The king was 4 and said to Wu, “You have taught me how to ride and how to drive a chariot. But I don’t think you have taught me everything about 5 .”“I have taught you 6 I know,”7 Wu. “But you have not learned everything. The8 thing about driving a chariot is to think of the horses. The driver of the chariot and the horses should work together. You can then go very 9 and drive for long distances. But your problem is this: When you are behind me, you want 10 with me. And when you are 11 me, you are afraid that I will catch up with you. 12 whether you are in front of me or behind me, you are thinking of me. You are not thinking of your 13 . If you want to win, you must 14 thinking of my. You 15 think only of your horses.”( )1. A. calls B. names C. called D. name( )2. A. In B. After C. Since D. Before( )3. A. times B. days C. weeks D. months( )4. A. happy B. glad C. pleased D. unhappy( )5. A. playing B. racing C. running D. working( )6. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing( )7. A. asked B. told C. answered D. spoke( )8. A. dangerous B. newer C. beautiful D. most important( )9. A. slowly B. soon C. fast D. slow( )10. A. catch up B. do C. talk D. help( )11. A. beside B. in front of C. near D. next to ( )12. A. So B. But C. Or D. And( )13. A. cows B. dogs C. pigs D. horses( )14. A. start B. stop C. keep D. begin( )15. A. mustn’t B. many C. must D. can( F )When old friends meet, there are many different ways 1 a conversation. For example, you could say: a) How’s it going? b)How are things? c)Take care. d) What’s new?When old friends say 2 , they may say for example: a) Take it easy. b)So long. c) Take care. d)See you.In western countries, adults usually 3 when they first meet one another. In formal situations, people often shake hands when they 4 each other also. Man offer his hand 5 . If the woman offers her hand, then the man should shake 6 . Increasingly ,. Business and professional women shake hands 7 each other unless they 8 seen each other for a long time. 9 hands is often very formal, 10 is sometimes simply a casual friendly way to greet a friend.( )1. A. stop B. begin C. form D. to begin( )2. A. hello B. good morning C. good-bye D. sorry( )3. A. say hi B. smile happily C. nod D. shake hands( )4. A. leave B. go home C. meet D. talk to( )5. A. to a man B. to a woman C. to himself D. to somebody( )6. A. them B. him C. it D. her( )7. A. to B. for C. with D. of( )8. A. will not B. have not C. are not D. do not( )9. A. shaking B. Shake C. To shake D. For shaking( )10. A. and B. so C. or D. but( G )A hot dog is one of the most popular American foods. It was named after frankfurter, a German food.You may hear “hot dog” 1 in other ways. People sometimes say “hot dog” to express 2 . For example, a friend may ask 3 you would like to go to cinema. You might say, “Great! I would love to go.” Or , you could say, “ 4 ! I would love to go.”People 5 use the expression to describe someone who is a “show off”, who tries to show everyone else how 6 he is. You often hear such 7 called a “hot dog”. He may be a baseball player for example, who 8 the ball with one hand, making a(n) 9 catch seem more difficult. You know he is a hot dog because when he makes such a catch, he bows to the crowd, hoping to win their 10 .( )1. A. eaten B. used C. cooked D. picked( )2. A. strength B. practice C. pleasure D. reply( )3. A. if B. how C. when D. where( )4. A. Hot dog B. Don’t worry C. Never mind D. Excuse me( )5. A. ever B. also C. still D. yet( )6. A. hopeful B. careful C. kind D. great( )7. A. a dog B. a hand C. a person D. an action( )8. A. catches B. plays C. passes D. throws( )9. A. hard B. funny C. exciting D. easy( )10. A. thanks B. cheers C. medals D. matches( H )Mrs. White had a 1 cat, and it was the cat’s first 2 . One evening it was outside when it began to 3 heavily. Mrs. White looked everywhere and shouted its name, but she did not 4 it, so she telephoned the policeman and said, “ I 5 a small black cat. Has anybody found one?”“No, Madam,” said the policeman at the other end. “But cats are really very strong animals. They sometimes live for days in the snow, and when it melts or somebody finds them, they are quite 6 .”Mrs. White felt happier when she heard this. “And”, she said, “Our cat is very clever. She almost 7 .”The policeman was getting tired, “Well then”, he said, “Why don’t you put your telephone 8 ? Perhaps she is trying to telephone you now.”( )1. A. old B. young C. big D. white( )2. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter( )3. A. snow B. shine C. rain D. blow( )4. A. lose B. catch C. find D. look for( )5. A. am losing B. lose C. have lost D. will lose( )6. A. all right B. good C. better D. ill( )7. A. says B. tells C. laughs D. talks( )8. A. up B. down C. on D. in( I )Many people think the more time is spent, the more work will be done. So students haveto spend the whole 1 doing school work except the three meals. It is 2 to see students struggling(挣扎)in a sea of school work both at school and at home.Modern students usually have many 3 . They love music and sports. They love reading and watching TV. A two-day weekend can get them 4 from too much school work, and they can do what they like. But still teachers do not think about it. 5 they have too much school work, they have no time to enjoy themselves. Students are really tired of their weekend homework. So they usually don’t do their weekend homework 6 Sunday night. And there is not enough time but much work, students have to finish it 7 . The weekend homework makes teachers angry.Things always get 8 without right ideas. Too much school work makes students lose interest in learning. It’s also bad for their health.A horse runs faster after 9 . But for students only rest is not enough. So such a condition(状况)should be 10 to give students both pleasure and knowledge.( )1. A. day B. morning C. after D. week( )2. A. never B. common C. glad D. hardly( )3. A. books B. interests C. sports D. friends( )4. A. busy B. pleased C. away D. tired( )5. A. For B. With C. Though D. Because( )6. A. until B. when C. at D. on( )7. A. good B. Poor C. carelessly D. happy( )8. A. better B. afraid C. worse D. wonderful( )9. A. minute B. moment C. meal D. rest( )10. A. kept B. changed C. same D. different 完形填空参考答案:( A ) 1—5 B C A B B 6—10 A C C C A( B ) 1—5 B C D A B 6—10 B B C C A( C ) 1—5 D A B B B 6—10 C C D A C( D )1—5 A C A D D 6—10 C B C D A( E )1—5 C B A D B 6—10 A C D C A 11-15 B A D B C ( F )1—5 D C D A B 6—10 C C B A D( G )1—5 B C A A B 6—10 D C A D B( H )1—5 B D A C C 6—8 A D B( I )1—5 A B B C D 6—10 A C C D B。



Unit 1二、选词填空1.Her knowledge of the truth of the matter caused her more distress than pleasure知道了事实真相没有使她高兴,反而使她更加悲伤.2.She clutched her purse tightly,threading her way through the throng她紧握钱袋,小心地从人群中穿过。

3.I liked the photo very much as it is the only photo that shows me in a natural relaxed pose我很喜欢这张照片,因为它是唯一一张我的姿势自然放松的照片。


The special agent sneaked past the guard and entered the building through the back door该特工从警卫旁偷偷溜过,从后门进了大楼。


my greatest preoccupation was to accumulate a sufficient amount of money to travel to Europe攒够了一笔钱去欧洲旅游是我最大的愿望。

6.It is extremely hard to break the shackles of convention打破习俗的枷锁是很困难的。

7.Loneliness in old age is the curse modern society老年孤独(问题)是现代社会的弊端.8。

After long deliberation,she decided to turn down the job offer长久的深思熟虑之后,她决定拒绝这份工作。

Unit2二、选词填空1.The woman survived her husband by nine years这位妇女比她丈夫多活了九年2.The plot of the novel grabs the reader。



1.This is Miss Gao, ____ (her) is a teacher.2.That is my friend, _____ (he ) name is Bill.3.Nice ___________ (meet) you.4.It 's time ________ (go) home now.5.______ (she) name's Jane.6.What class _____ (be) Betty in ?7._______ (she) telephone number is 489368.8. Are you Mike? -------- Yes, I _____ (be).9.Jim is in ___________ (Mr Zhang) class.10.What's ________ (he)number? It 's seven three six,two eight nine.11. __________________ There are seven (chair) in the room.12. _____________ How many (bag) are there.13. ___________ There (be) a teacher in the classroom.14. ________________ How many girl ( be)there.15. ________ This is ( I) friend David.16. ____________ What's (he)favourite sport?17. ___________ L et's (be)good friend.18. __________________ These are good (idea).19. ____________ L et's go (swim)this afternoon.20. __________________ This is my friend. (she)name's Linda.21. _____________________________ B eijing and Shanghai are big____________________________________ (city)22. _____________ Jim is his (one)name.1.It ' s nice ___ (meet)you.2.Wang Hui is from Beijing.She is ___ (China).3.This is a photo of ___ (Jim)family.4.- Are ______ (this)your grandparents?-- No,they aren 't.5.Who ______ (be)the man and the woman?6.Those _______ (man)are my father ' s friends.7.The boy next to ____ (she)is her brother.8.These are ______ (policeman).9.John is a bus ___ (drive) at a bus station.10. _____________ T hese are (Lingling) parents.11. _______________ What't your (uncle) job?12. ________________ Dave is a hotel (manage).13. _______________ They are shop (work)14. ___________________ These are my friends. (they) names are Tony and Jim.15. __________ Are these (man) teacher?Yes,they are.16.I h ave a little dog. (it) name is Xiaobai.17. _______________ What are your (parent) jobs?18. _____________ A re there any (picture) on the wall ?19. ___________ How many (girl) are there in your class?20. ________ There (be) a teacher and some student in the classroom. 1. _____________ There aren't (some) pictures on the wall.2, _______________ T here is a lot of (furniture) in the house.3. _________ There (be) a desk and two chairs in my room.4. _______________ A re there (some) computers in your classroom?5. __________________ T here are thirty (boy) and sixteen girls in Class Four.6. ____________________ You can see two (library)in our school.7. ____________________ This is the science (build).8. _______________ D o you like (beef)?9. _________ (cola) is a kind of drink.10. ___________________________ A lot of children like eating_________________________________ (potato).11. ______________ Tom likes (chocolate) very much.12. _______________________________ We should eat more fruit and_____________________________________ (vegetable).13. __________________ ---Have you got (some) chicken?---Yes, we have.14. __________________ My mother goes (shop) on weekends.15. __________ M ary (have) got some cola.16. _________________ H ow about (get) some chocolate for her?17. __________ T oo (many) candy is bad for you.18.I h ave two ____ (tomato) for breakfast.19.Our family eat __ (health) food every day.20.There is much ______ (candy)in the big box.21. ________ (hamburger) are not good for our health.1. ______________________ They have got lots of (juice)in the fridge.2. _______________ Art and English (be)my favourite lessons.3.I t hink maths (be)a bit difficult.4. ______ you _____ (have)English today?5. _____________ They (not like) history.6. _______________ We don't have (some)lessons today.7. _________ L et's (go)home now.8.I o ften do ___ (I) homework at home.9. _______ (lesson) start at half past eight in the morning.10. ______________ What about (play) football?11. __________ We (not have) PE on Thursday.12. __________ They (not watch)TV in the evening.13. ___________ Lessons (start) at eight 'oclock in the morning.14. __________________ What time do you (go) home every day?15. ___________ Do you (have) lunch at half past eleven?16. _________________ We have four (lesson) in the morning.17. __________________ Tigers are very (danger).18. __________________ The giraffe eats (leaf) and plants.19. ________________________________________ T here are two pandas in the zoo.Le'st go to see _______________________ (they).20. __________________________ We all know pandas eat (bamboo).21. _______________________ Do you know the boy (call)Tom?22. __________________ John is from (African).1. _________________ My friend is an (America) girl.2. ____________________________ The elephant also eats a little_________________________________ (fruit).3. ______________ The tiger (not eat) grass.4.I w ant to buy five ___ (kilo) of apples.5. ________________ This is a bird .It (come) from Africa.6. _____________ These (Europe)can speak a lot of Chinese.7. _________________ There are many (animal)in the zoo.8. ______ --- _________ the lion (eat)leaves?---No,it doesn't.9. _________________ There are some (monkey) in Tianjin Zoo.10. ____________ Many (America) come to visit Beijing every year.11. _____________________ Giraffes like eating (leaf) very much.12. ___________________________ The star has about twelve (thousand) fans in China.13. __________________ Would you like (visit) your English teacher?14. ________________ There are many (mouse)in the old house.15. _______________ How do you (printer) it ?16.I o ften play computer ____ (game).17.How many ______ (box)are there in the desk?18. ______ (one),he writes his name on the paper.19.I'll tell you some ____ (information)about that.20.My parents make a plan __ (travel)to Australia.21.I u sually walk to school.But __ (sometime)I take a bus there.1. __________________ Mr Green wants (visit)his friends this weekend.2. _________________________ Can you send a postcard to (I)?3. ____________ Karl often (play)football at the weekend.4. ________________ J enny usually (go)online in the evening.5. _________________ My mother (not use)the computer at home.6. ____ you _____ (do)your homework on the computer?7. __________ David ________________________________ (not visit) her pen friends,but she often ______________________________ (send)emails to them.8. _________________ Jane has six silk .(scarf)9. ______________________________ Jack always spends much time___________________________________ computer games.10. ____________________ My mother 's clothes (be)very nice and expensive.11. ________________________ There are two football (match) this month.12. ___________ Lily often (go) to the cinema on Saturday evening.13. ____________________ Look!Some boys are (lie)in the sun.14. _________ Lily (take)photos of her friends now.15.Some students are reading in our class.What about the (oth?er)16. _____________ W hat is he (do)now?17.Some people are _____ (wait) for the bus.18.People in different places are doing dfferent (thing) now.19.It 's seven o'clock.They (leave)home to school.20.Tony _____ (not have)lunch now.He is drinking coffee.21.I'm ______ (write)a postcard to my friends.22. _______________ T hank you for (give) me the postcards.1.Look! Some boys are ____ (lie) in the sun.2.Lily ___ (take) photos of her friend now.3.Some students are reading in our class.What about the (other)4. _____________ What is he (do) now?5.Some people are ______ (wait) for the bus.6.People in different places are doing different (thing) now.7.It 's seven o`clock. They (leave) home to school.8. ________ Tony (not have) lunch now. He is drinking coffee.9.I'm _____ (write) a postcard to my friend.10. ________________ Thank you for (give) me the postcards.11. ______________ Look!Betty (lie) on the beach.12. ________________ Listen! Tom (sing) in the next room.13.It`s 7:00 in the morning. They (eat) breakfast.14.The people in London ___ ____ (not have) dinner now.They _____ _____ (sleep).15.She _____ (walk) to school now.16.It`s nine o`clock. Jim _ (have) an English class,17. ______ Lily (write) emails on the computer now.18. ____________ Look! They (swim) in the river.19. ________________ Listen! A bird (sing) in the tree.20. _____ --- ______ she (do) her homework at the moment.?- Yes,she is.用所给词的适当形式填空8。



2012年05 月一、填空题(每空 1 分,共 30 分)1、中心实验室应具有独立开展业务的 ,不受任何干预,在组织机构、管理制度等方面独立。



5、化验室检验系统的构成要素有、和 3个方面。


7、大型精密仪器设备的管理主要分为、、、和 4个方面。



11、电流通过人体内部组织引起的伤害称为 .12、化学灼伤是操作者的皮肤触及所致.二、选择题(每题1分,共 15分)1.化验室的主要工作包括A 分析检验工作B 组织与管理工作C 实现生产现场直接控制D 组织管理工作和分析检验工作2.根据化验室水平和化验室工作质量的差异,我国现有的化验室可分为A 2种层次 B 5种层次 C 6种层次 D 3种层次3.下列属于人力资源管理内容的是A 定编、定岗位职责、定结构比例和考核晋级B 实行严格的聘任制C 岗位培训和设立技术成果将D 加强思想政治教育工作4.大型精密仪器设备的管理主要有A 计划管理、技术管理、经济管理等3个方面的管理B 技术管理、经济管理和使用管理考核等3个方面的管理C经济管理和使用管理考核两个方面的管理D计划管理、技术管理、经济管理和使用管理考核等4个方面的管理5.属于化验室管理信息特性的是A 社会性、有效性、连续性和流动性、与信息载体不可分性B 物质性和有效性C社会性、有效性和实用性D连续性和流动性以及广泛性6.计算机系统运算器的作用是A在控制器的指挥下,对内存储器里的数据进行运算、加工和处理等B指挥计算机协调工作C将信息转换成电脉冲输入机器的存储器中D存储原始数据、最终结果和计算程序等7.化验室对废渣的处理方法是A先解毒后深埋 B直接深埋C解毒后不用深埋 D和生活垃圾一起处理8..打开浓盐酸、浓硫酸、浓氨水等试剂的瓶塞时,应在进行。

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一、选词填空1.Most cities in the country have introduced “Clean Air Zones” whereby factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.2.He knows that the pursuit of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort.3.The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to inhibit the spread of the disease.4.We see many special education directors trying to maintain the quality of their programs.5.People there are told it is their patriotic duty to support the national economy by buying their own products.6.Darwin’s thinking both drew upon and transcended the conventional ideas of his time.7.In spite of all your endeavors; there may be times when you encounter difficulties in the training process.8.My advice to Mr.Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in medicine, as this isa field which requires a lot of dedication and long working hours.9.Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions that are stable ans could bring prestige and economic benefits.10.It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.11.Although he was a famous politician and Prime Minister of Great Britain, Churchill found time to indulge in his hobbies of painting and gardening.12.The young actress was lucky to get a major part in a movie which was propelling her into fame overnight.13.The external debt problems in the developing countries throughout the world were further aggravated by the rise in interest rates.14.Watching the NBA is a visual treat; we are often dazzled by the skills of the best players in this sport.15.A new study published this week in the journal Science suggests that emotional tears may playa direct role in alleviating stress.16.Many members of the academic staff are internationally renowned experts who insist on methodical approaches to the analysis of society.17.He is nice and bright, and is always ready and determined to discuss the truth with his eloquent tongue.18.His attempt to control the meeting and to convince everyone to get the tax law passed will be destined to fail.19.He scorned social norms and politeness, and always said exactly what he felt: He was progressively rejected by many colleagues because of this behavior.20.At a conference in Beijing, Mr. Li apparently received more applause than any other speaker even though he made the shortest speech of the entire day.21.Kids are more likely to intervene in a situation if they believe their patents expect them to help.22.The first lesson I learned as a newcomer for the company was never to underestimate the degree of difficulty I would face in career advancement.23.Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede.24.Whatever the decision is, I would like you to know that your department is my first choice andI deem it a great honor if I could study in your department.25.During one particularly bleak moment in my career, a senior colleag ue of mine said to me, “If you follow your dreams, the money will come. Follow the money, and you’ll lose your dreams.”26.Unless we can find a way to appraise nature and then invest in protecting it, our basic life-support systems are going to collapse.27.The blizzard moved south, turning into an icy rain that paralyzed the airports for three days.28.In this introduction we have diagnosed some of the causes of the illness and, in the following chapters, we will draw attention to its various unpleasant symptoms.29.In those days, divorce under any circumstances was socially unacceptable and there was great dismay in the family who went through it.30.Every time she talked about being rejected in her hunt for a job, she seemed on the brink of tears, and I would quickly switch the conversation to another topic.31.The teacher drew a(n) vertical line to show the level of the students’ knowledge, and a horizontal line to show the length of the course.32.Seize your opportunity to study and make the best use of your time, or your dream to become a scientist will seem to evaporate.33.The UN Refugee Agency appealed to the countries concerned to take urgent measures and help to ease the plight of the prisoners of war.34.Amy watched her child’s intent and naive fac e eagerly, trying to imprint it on her mind forever.35.The hatsh weather conditions, the bridge having been swept away and the water levels being so high forced the scientific expedition to abort their plan.36.Numberous marriages now end in divorce, and women without careers are much more vulnerable than those with them.37.The factory’s proximity to the Railway Goods Yard means that goods can be dispatched promptly.38.Nightmares can perhaps better be defined in terms of the emotions they evoke, rather than any particular subject matter.39.The students have been advised to be more realistic and not to set their aims too lofty or too complicated to carry out or realize.40.If circumstances necessitate any changes, the exhinition management has the right to make appropriate decisions to make appropriate decisions to ensure safety.41.As a number of authors point out,the urge to migrate is a(n) integral part of human nature.42.Children should be allowed to cherish those few years of innocence before they have to learn the truth about the real world.43.He has been afflicted by a horrible disease, from which one of his best friends died two weeks ago.44.The results of the survey are noteworthy and useful despite being from a small sample.45.The director said that they needed a young actress who could portray someone who was both unbalanced and confident at the same time.46.Praise must be use wisely to compliment students who perform up to expectations and to encourage students to perform to maximum levels.47.In the domain of research, it is an accepted fact that scientific publications have to be written or translated into English to get published, acknowledged, and cited.48.He received a(n) annoymous call threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn’t pay the money.49.The movie presents Lincoln as a strong-willed, consciontious man who led the US through a moral, constitutional and political crisis.50.It is understandable that the health and wefare of their family is a(n) perpetual concern for this young couple.。
