





1.常见的词义猜测题型:T he underlined word “ … ” refers to (means) .Which of the following words can take the place of the word “ … ”?What is the meaning of “ … ” as the words are used in the text?Which of the following has the closest meaning to the word “ … ”?2.解题方法:(1)利用定义线索特征:常有be, be called, mean, refer to, be defined as等词语来提示。

例1[,ænθrə’pɔlədʒi]Anthropology is the scientific study of man. Anthropology means _______例2Desert can be defined as a large area of land where there is not enough rain and vegetation to support human life. Desert refers to______.(2)利用解释说明线索特征:常有that is(to say), in other words, namely,or 等词语来提示或者利用同位语或定语从句。

例1In some countries where there is very little rain, the farmers have to irrigate, or water their fields.To irrigate means______.注:or=mean 表示一词语对另一词语的解释关系或为其同义词语例2His uncle is a zoologist, an expert who does research on animals. Zoologist refers to ________.例3 [si’mæntiks]Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently. Semantics means_______.例4The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year. Herdsman refers to ________.(3)利用举例线索特征:常有for example, for instance, such as, like等词语来提示。



ssat阅读真题测试附带答案SECTION 3 READING COMPREHENSION SKILLSEver wonder why we have wisdom teeth? If you're like most people, you’ll have your wisdom teeth removed before they even start to surface.How can we just throw away teeth without their absence having someimpact on the state of our mouths? The science of dentistry studiesquestions like this.5Although it dates back to 3700 Egypt, dentistry as we know it did not emerge until the 19th century, when people began to studysystematically the mouth, gums, jaw, and teeth. Modern dentistry is anintrinsic part of our lives. Nowadays, we cannot go a day withouthearing something about teeth care, if only through our television sets.10If we have gingivitis, we can use mouthwash. If we have cavities, we canget fillings in a variety of colors and material types. If we have yellowteeth, we can make them white again in seven short days.And, if we have crooked teeth, we can get braces. In fact, people routinely get braces, so much so that we consider it an oddity if someone 15goes through their entire childhood without the experience of going to the orthodontist every month. Chances are that if someone does not getbraces, they lack money or time, not interest in having work done.The evolution of dentistry shows how medical science is changing the human being. Because of i ncreasingly good dental care, we don’t lose20our teeth and rely on our wisdom teeth coming in to give us a new set.To answer the question with which we began: We simply don’t needthose teeth anymore. Indeed, nowadays we have to pay to get ourredundant teeth taken out.1. The article says that we pull our wisdom teeth because______.(A) we have gingivitis(B) they cause crooked teeth(C) we don't need them anymore(D) we listen to information about teeth care daily on TV(E) they make our teeth yellow2. Which of the following statements is true based on the reading?(A) Braces are a common solution to yellowing teeth.(B) Egyptian dentists conducted dentistry much as we do today.(C) If we have gingivitis, we can treat it with fillings.(D) We don’t expect to lose our teeth because we havebeen taught how to care for them.(E) Braces are a rare experience while growing up.3. When did dentists pull the first tooth?(A) 3700 B.C.(B) 17th century(C) 18th century(D) 19th century(E) The article does not say.4. The writer’s main purpose is apparently______.(A) to answer frequently asked questions about teeth .(B) to talk a little about the history of dentistry(C) to explain dreams about teeth(D) to write the section on dentistry for a medical school text(E) to encourage people to cut down on sweets5. All but which of the following problems, according to the article, can dentists fix?(A) bad breath(B) yellowing teeth(C) crooked teeth(D) root canals(E) cavitiesI t’s easy, nowadays, to blame others for bad things that happen to us.We complain that we don’t have enough money because thegovernment takes our taxes. We blame carbohydrates for our fat count.We blame society for our embarrassingly low educational scores.Well, I disagree. I say we could save money by skippingMcDonald’s5and buying the non-name-brand food items at the grocery.I say we’re fat beca use we don't exercise. I say we’re stupid because we watch toomuch TV and never read anything more difficult than sixth gradereading material.I say that it’s in our own hands if we are operating at less than our10potential.So, sometime, when yo u’re at a loss for something to do, change your life for the better. Crack open the dictionary at a random page and see what’s inside.Seriously.15Chances are you’ll find something interesting you didn’t know before. Reading the dictionary is like reading a thousand mininovels, for each word has a story.For example, we often hear someone referred to as a “spinster.” Most of us know that we use this term to describe an old, unmarried woman, 20but few of us know that the name originally had more meaning. Thereason that “spinster” came to refer to all old, unmarried women isbecause in earlier times old, unmarried women had to spin to earn their livings; old, unmarried women who could not spin nevertheless gotlumped in with the rest. Consider, also, the word “whirling dervish.”25We know that this word is used to refer to dancers or tornadoes.Originally, however, the word referred to Muslim priests who wandered the land as beggars; In addition to whirling dervishes, there existed also howling and dancing dervishes, too.So, take five minutes and re ad the dictionary next time you’re bored.30Seriously.6. What is the best title for this passage?(A) Unexpected Discoveries(B) Through the Eye of a Needle(C) A Thousand and One Words(D) Boring Facts and Trivia(E) On the Origin of the Word “Dervish”7. How would you describe the authors tone in this piece?(A) humorous and trivial(B) adamant and angry(C) friendly yet tired(D) amusing yet serious(E) sulky and sullen8. Who does the author say is responsible for the state of our lives?(A) the government(B) McDonald s(C) television(D) educators(E) we, ourselves9. Why does the author give the word seriously in line 12 its own paragraph?(A) The author thinks the reader will take his/her advice seriously; therefore s/he usesseriously to indicate s/he has made a joke.(B) The author must include nine paragraphs in the article and is cheating.(C) The author wishes the reader to look up the word seriously in a dictionary.(D) The author anticipates that the reader will scoff at the author's advice; the authorwishes to convey serious intent of his/her advice.(E) The author desires to confuse the reader at all costs.10. Which of the following words best defines the phrase lumped in?(A) left out(B) copied(C) combined with(D) evolved(E) destroyedPieter Brueghel, 16th century Flemish painter, has left for us a series of great paintings. One of his best works depicts the Greek myth ofIcarus.To understand Brueghel’s treatment of the piece, you m ust first recall the facts of the Icarus story. Icarus was the son of Deadalus, the most5brilliant thinker of his time. Deadalus had aided Ariadne insavingTheseus from the Minotaur. The king, angered by Deadalus’ action,swiftly imprisoned Deadalus and his son in a lonely tower on a deserted shore, visited only by birds. Eager to escape, however, Deadalus usedthe feathers and wax to create two sets of wings, and he and his son10made plans to fly to freedom. Unfortunately, Icarus, exhilarated by thefreedom he felt while flying, flew too close to the sun, despite hisfather’s warnings. The suns heat melted the wax on his wings, and heplummeted into the ocean and drowned. Deadalus, heartbroken,nevertheless, made it to safety.15Brueghel’s work depicts a huge, glorious scene of people working the land along a beautiful shoreline. Animals frolic; men work. Ships ladenwith goods plow through the waves. Amidst all the action captured inthe scene, one is hard pressed to locate Icarus. Finally, after somesearching, we see him. He is located in the lower, right-hand side of the 20painting. Even so, his depiction is small. Indeed, ail we see are two palelegs, kicking frantically in the surf.Brueghel’s work sends a clear message, one that underscores the largeness of the world and the relative insignificance of the individualtherein.2511. W hat will the author most likely discuss next?(A) artist Vincent van Gogh and how he cut off his ear(B) another artwork by Brueghel(C) an explanation of Brue ghel’s message regarding the insignificance in the world(D) an expanded discussion of the crime that landed Dedalus in jail(E) nothing, the article is complete12. T he author’s purpose can best be described by which of the following statements?(A) to avoid discussing anything important(B) to advocate the talents of Brueghel(C) to relate the tale of Dedalus and Icarus(D) to argue that Brueghel is an untalented artist(E) to show how art can convey social comment.13. W hich of the following words can be substituted for the word exhilarated in line 11without changing the meaning of the sentence?(A) saddened(B) angered(C) joyous(D) frightened(E) advised14. What is the tone of this piece?(A) solemn(B) understanding(C) sarcastic(D) joyous(E) unintelligent15. All but which of the following words have the same meaning as plummeted in line 14?(A) fell(B) hung(C) dropped(D) sank(E) plunged16. Which of the following words has a meaning most nearly opposite to the wordfrantically in line 22?(A) feebly(B) wildly(C) enthusiastically(D) vigorously(E) angrily17. What caused Icarus’ wings to melt?(A) the cold ocean spray(B) the swooping, swirling seagulls(C) the dampness of the water(D) the heat of Dedalus’ wrath(E) the warmth of the sunHistory documents the bloody habits of Vlad Tepes (or Vlad the Impaler), an infamous general who lived in Transylvania from 1431 to1476. Stories about Vlad Tepes seem gruesome even bytoday'sstandards. Consider this story about a group of generals whom VladTepes was entertaining. Prior to their arrival, Vlad had punished several 5people by impaling them on long spikes surrounding the banquet area.One of the visiting generals complained of the smell; after all, he hadbeen invited to a dinner. Vlad apologized and then had the generalimpaled on an even longer spike. His reason? So that the general, being suspended above the other rotting bodies, would not have to smell what 10offended him.Other vampire tales come to us from this period, but they are clinical, historical accounts. The vampire legend grew popular only after the publication of Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1897. In his novel, Stokercreates a frightening combination of man and monster. His Dracula is15striking in appearance, ruthless, calculating, and quite intelligent. Sincethen, vampire stories have grown in popularity over the years, inspiring both serious and tongue-in-cheek treatments.The serious vampire offerings have grown increasingly enraptured by the idea of being undead. Take for example, the work of Anne Rice.20Rice’s books modernize the old vampire story. While Stokers novel tells about the exp loits of a single vampire, Rice’s novels explore an entirevampiric underworld that coexists with—and preys upon—the humanworld. R ice’s stories allow the old vampire lore to evolve into an entireworld view; they work out in great detail the logistical and philosophical 25problems that come into play, if vampires really exist en masse. Moreimportantly, however, Rice^ stories humanize the vampire. Many of her characters are guilt-stricken to the point of madness because they must drink human blood to survive; some rail against their undead state, forthey are frozen in time, unable to transit from one stage of human30maturity to the next.18. What does the word Tepes mean?(A) innocent(B) Dracula(C) impaler(D) bloody(E) ruler19. Which statement gives an acc urate description of Vlad Tepes’ character?(A) He is a wise and caring ruler.(B) He is a brilliant military strategist.(C) He was poor, despite his great power.(D) He was popular with women.(E) His sense of justice is very unconventional.20. Which is the best title for this passage?(A) An American Werewolf in London(B) Witches, Warlocks, and Other Halloween Nasties(C) The Vlad Dynasty: A Family Tree(D) The Enduring Zombie(E) Still Hungry After All These Years21. Which date approximates the time period when Anne Rice wrote?(A) 1431(B) 1476(C) 1789(D) 1897(E) 199022. The statement “Other vampire tales come to u s from this period, but they are clinical,hi storical accounts” implies that_______.(A) vampire tales that come from this period are even more exciting than the T epes story(B) interest in vampire lore died out altogether during this period(C) vampire stories that were written from this period were boring(D) stories about female vampires were especially popular during this period(E) Anne Rice was popular even during this periodExistentialism is a philosophy that focuses only on the actions that we humans make in the physical world that surrounds us. Because itadmits no afterlife of any sort, Existentialism takes the world veryseriously; every decision forces the Existentialist to ponder deeplythe consequences. She only gets one shot at life, so everything depends on 5her getting it right the first time. According to its tenets, life is absurdand filled with actions that seem pointless, futile, and ceaselessly endless.Camus illustrates Existentialism using the example of Sisyphus from Greek mythology. Sisyphus vastly enjoyed life but held little respect forthe gods. Upon his deathbed, Sisyphus instructed his wife to leave his10body unburied as a gesture of anger and resentment at dying. Sheagreed to do as he said, but when he died, she reneged on her word.Upon waking in Hades, Sisyphus knew immediately that his wife hadbetrayed him, and he asked permission from King Hades to go revengehimself upon her. Hades agreed on condition that Sisyphus return to15the underworld immediately after getting his revenge. However, as soonas Sisyphus reached the earth’s surface, he chose to giveup his revengeand refused to return to the underworld. Only after great efforts didKing Hades recapture his prisoner.As punishment for his hubris or conceitedness, King Hades created a20special task for Sisyphus. He now spends eternity rolling an enormousrock up a great hill, only to have it come crashing down immediatelyupon reaching th e hill’s summit. Sisyphus’ task ill ustrates clearly thetenets of E xistentialism outlined here. Let’s see how.23. According to the article, the story of Sisyphus comes from______.(A) old wives’ tale s(B) Japanese tradition(C) Indian lore(D) Roman history(E) Greek myth24. What does Sisyphus initially want to do when he returns to earth?(A) Stay alive.(B) Get revenge on his brother.(C) Punish his wife.(D) See his family.(E) Negotiate a treaty.25. Which of the following most nearly means tenets as used in line 6?(A) beliefs(B) rules(C) portable buildings(D) woven strands of rope to catch fish(E) numbers26. What will probably come after paragraph three?(A) background information about Camus(B) more information about Sisyphus’ escapades(C) nothing; the author has made his/her point(D) a discussion of how S isyphus’ story illustrates the tenets of Existentialism(E) an opinion from a philosophy professor at the University of Kentucky27. Which of the following words best represents an antonym for hubris?(A) daring(B) fearful(C) piety(D) miserable(E) perturbedHave you ever wondered why you aren’t supposed to wear white after Labor Day? It is a long-standing tradition, one that those of us from the South have had beaten into our heads from our very earliest memories.But from where does this rule come?People dispute the origin of this custom. Some say that the rule5developed from practicality. After all, everyone knows that wearingwhite in the summer is wise because the white reflects heat and helpsthe wearer keep cool; wearing dark colors is wise in the winter becausethe dark material absorbs heat and keeps the wearer warm. The rule ofthumb, they say, merely solidifies what was already well known, widely10accepted common knowledge.Others say that the custom developed out of practical concerns, but for cleanliness reasons not for warmth purposes. They argue that therule of white applies only to shoes, and that out of attempts to keepthem clean grew the rule of wearing white only in the warm months.15Still others say that the rule grew out of a class struggle that took place in the late 1800s. With the rise of manufacturing in America, anew class of wealthy people grew up, one that conflicted with the oldmoney class that had existed since the founding of the colonics in the18th century. The nouveau riche class wanted desperately to be accepted 20by the old money folk, but the old money people did not want toaccept them. Therefore, the old money folk used knowledgethat theyhad created for use among themselves, unwritten customs and accepted ways of doing things unknown to the nouveau riche, to keep the newmoney folk away.25Whatever the reason, however, the rule remains in use today.28. Which of the following words can be substituted for the word solidifies withoutchanging the meaning of the sentence?(A) confirms(B) thickens(C) rebuilds(D) reconstitutes(E) goes against29. Which of the following statements is supported by the information in the passage?(A) Customs became a weapon used by those with new money to force those with oldmoney to let them became part of society.(B) Customs became a weapon used by those with old money to snub those with newmoney.(C) Customs regarding fashion quickly became out of date.(D) Customs regarding when to wear white changed to allow people to wear white year-round.(E) Customs always grow out of practical responses to issues of daily life.30. Which of the following statements is not true accordingto the article?(A) The issue over when to wear white may have originated in the 1800s.(B) The nouveau riche had a hard time getting respect.(C) People should wear dark clothes in the winter.(D) Wearing white originally applied to shoes rather than clothes.(E) Concerns over keeping clean were never a concern when the rules for wearing whitewere developed.31. All but which of the following inferences may be made about the author?(A) The author is willing to do research to find answers to interesting questions.(B) The author has studied some history.(C) The author is knowledgeable about fashion.(D) The author is female.(E) The author is from the South.32. What will come next in this discussion?(A) nothing; the author has finished the article(B) a discussion of other instances in which the new money and old money clashed(C) an account of some famous Southern wome n who defied the “no-white- after-Labor Day” rule(D) a complete list of insta nces in which one can break the “no-white-after- Labor-Day”rule(E) a handy mnemonic device to help us remember when to wear black33. This passage deals with all but which of the following topics?(A) social customs(B) historical data(C) human behavior(D) psychology(E) data analysis34. Based on your, reading of the article, what does nouveau riche mean?(A) newly married -(B) newly wealthy(C) newly graduated(D) newly born(E) newly bankrupted35. This article sets out to______.(A) set the record straight on old money in the South .(B) supply interesting, but trivial, information(C) support new money people in the North(D) explain the cause of the Civil War(E) convince people to wear white after Labor Day36. In which of the following publications would you most likely find this information?(A) the sports section of your local newspaper(B) the world news section of a weekly newsmagazine(C) the arts and leisure section of the Sunday paper(D) the science news section of a television news program(E) the comics page onlineMost, if not all, Americans are familiar with the concept of kamikaze, special Japanese pilots who fought in World War II. These men wereunique because they enlisted in the war effort knowing that they would be fighting to the death. They trained to be suicide pilots, whopurposely drove their planes headlong into their targets, exploding5themselves along with their planes and their targets.Few of us, however, have heard of the kaiten. The kaiten were small vessels, carried on submarines; they weighed eight tons and were loaded with explosive warheads. They had limited range (traveling a distanceranging from 12 miles at top speed and 30 miles at low speed) and10silent movement. But like the kamikaze planes, these kaiten wereunrecoverable; if they reached their target, they exploded, captain andall, and if they didn’t, they sank, carrying their captains with them.Both of these military strategies depended heavily on the concept of honor. Honorable death, especially by suicide for the sake of the15Emperor during battle, brought nobility to the soldier and his family.These fighters were idolized by their countrymen; they represented the highest ideals of the nation—that of total sacrifice on behalf oftheir ruler.37. Based on the article, which of the following actions would be seen as honorable byJapanese warriors in World War II?(A) becoming a kamikaze pilot but pulling out of the final dive at the lastminute(B) refusing to man the kaiten on which he had trained(C) defending Hiroshima as the atom bomb dropped(E) emigrating to Canada just after the war started(D) spying for the Americans38. Which of the following words best describes the kaiten?(A) luxury liners(B) floating coffins(C) bamboo tubes(D) warrior flutes(E) underwater kayaks39. W hat kind of ruler did Japan have during World War II, according to this article?(A) emperor(B) king(C) prince(D) president(E) chancellor40. W hich of the following gives an example of something that is unrecoverable}(A) a penny at the bottom of a wading pool(B) the moon when it is full(C) your shoe when it fails over a cliff(D) your book you left at your grandmother’s house(E) a sand dune at high tideReading1-5 C D E B D6-10 A D E D C 11-15C E C A B 16-20A E C E E 21-25 E C E C A 26-30 D C A B E 31-35D A E B B 36-40 C C B A C。



SSAT基础阅读练习(六)Many great inventions are greeted with ridicule and disbelief. The invention of the airplane was no exception. Although many people who heard about the first powered flight on December 17,1903, were excited and impressed, others reacted with peals of laughter. The idea of flying an aircraft was repulsive to some people. Such people called Wilbur and Orville Wright, the inventors of the first flying machine, impulsive fools. Negative reactions, however, did not stop the Wrights. Impelled by their desire to succeed, they continued their experiments in aviation.Orville and Wilbur Wright had always had a compelling interest in aeronautics and mechanics. As young boys they earned money by making and selling kites and mechanical toys. Later, they designed a newspaper-folding machine, built a printing press, and operated a bicycle-repair shop. In 1896, when they read about the death of Otto Lilienthal, the brother´s interest in flight grew into a compulsion.Lilienthal, a pioneer in hang-gliding, had controlled his gliders by shifting his body in the desired direction. This idea was repellent to the Wright brothers, however, and they searched for more efficient methods to control the balance of airborne vehicles. In 1900 and 1901, the Wrights tested numerous gliders and developed control techniques. The brothers´ inability to obtain enough lift power for the gliders almost led them to abandon their efforts.After further study, the Wright brothers concluded that the published tables of air pressure on curved surfaces must be wrong. They set up a wind tunnel and began a series of experiments with model wings. Because of their efforts, the old tables were repealed in time and replaced by the first reliable figures for air pressure on curved surfaces. This work, in turn, made it possible for them to design a machine that would fly. In 1903 the Wrights built their first airplane, which cost less than one thousand dollars. They even designed and built their own source of propulsion- a lightweight gasoline engine. When they started the engine on December 17, the airplane pulsated wildly before taking off. The plane managed to stay aloft for twelve seconds, however, and it flew one hundred twenty feet.By 1905 the Wrights had perfected the first airplane that could turn, circle, and remain airborne for half an hour at a time. Others had flown in balloons or in hang gliders, but the Wright brothers were the first to build a full-size machine that could fly under its own power. As the contributors of one of the most outstanding engineering achievements in history, the Wright brothers are accurately called the fathers of aviation.1.The idea of flying an aircraft was ___to some people.A. boringB. distastefulC. excitingD. needlessE. answer not available2. People thought that the Wright brothers had ____.A. acted without thinkingB. been negatively influencedC. been too cautiousD. had not given enough thoughtE. acted in a negative way3. The Wright´s interest in flight grew into a ____.A. financial empireB. planC. need to actD. foolish thoughtE. answer not in article4. Lilenthal´s idea about controlling airborne vehicles was ___the Wrights.A. proven wrong byB. opposite to the ideas ofC. disliked byD. accepted byE. opposed by5. The old tables were __ and replaced by the first reliable figures for air pressure on curved surfaces.A. destroyedB. canceledC. multipliedD. discardedE. not used6. The Wrights designed and built their own source of ____.A. force for moving forwardB. force for turning aroundC. turningD. force to going backwardE. none of the aboveAnswer Key: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (A)。

ssat真题 测试题3

ssat真题 测试题3

SECTION 11. NOVICE(A) sophisticated(B) agreement(C) beggar(D) beginner(E) expression2. FABRICATE(A) stitch(B) fasten(C) falsify(D) deter(E) decorate3. FRIENDLY(A) congenital(B) amiable(C) sanctimonious(D) ambivalent(E) responsive4. GENRE(A) proposal(B) category(C) purpose(D) principle(E) generation5. SUMMIT(A) conference(B) valley(C) essence(D) nadir(E) outline6. DEFTLY(A) wilfully(B) closely(C) quickly(D) randomly(E) skillfully7. PROSPER(A) accomplish(B) strive(C) affect(D) gather(E) thrive8. SPURN(A) cross(B) return(C) betray(D) reject(E) hinder9. COMPLIMENTARY(A) secondary(B) free(C) charming(D) attractive(E) matched10. VISAGE(A) encounter(B) station(C) face(D) bandage(E) wound11. RESPITE(A) pause(B) presumption(C) recluse(D) blockage(E) susceptibility12. REGRETFUL(A) bewildered(B) credulous(C) desultory(D) contrite(E) dubious13. FRUGAL(A) inadequate(B) shrewd(C) economical(D) balanced(E) equitable14. IMPLY(A) suggest(B) implore(C) greet(D) reminisce(E) appeal15. INCITE(A) insist(B) dispel(C) maintain(D) assert(E) provoke16. MEAGER(A) paltry(B) stunted(C) timid(D) sloppy(E) frigid17. P REDICTION(A) predecessor(B) forecast(C) predicament(D) prejudice(E) display18. F ACET(A) goal(B) endeavor(C) tactic(D) aspect(E) ambition19. A BSOLVE(A) admonish(B) accede(C) opine(D) clear(E) affirm20. D ESTROY(A) inveigh(B) subvert(C) rescind(D) sanction(E)abjure21.MOURN(A) replete(B) whimper(C) argue(D) disapprove(E) grieve22. P OISONOUS(A) dangerous(B) hurtful(C) toxic(D) devious(E) ruthless23. APLOMB(A) omen(B) ascent(C) epitome(D) confidence(E) atonement24. CORROBORATION(A) confirmation(B) announcement(C) bulletin(D) tribulation(E) ordeal25. ERRATIC(A) mistaken(B) immaculate(C) unpredictable(D) opportune(E) inadvertent26. C REDIBLE(A) languid(B) believable(C) forthright(D) fallible(E) enviable27. A BSCOND(A) abolish(B) choose(C) leave(D) remove(E) steal28. C ALM(A) rest(B) inspire(C) exalt(D) soothe(E) commend29. I RRITABLE(A) voluble(B) timorous(C) transitory(D) turgid(E) petulant30. T RAVESTY(A) disaster(B) mockery(C) misfortune(D) adage(E) opinion31. S afe is lo dangerous as(A) taste is to smell(B) bland is to spicy(C) dry is to fire(D) multiplication is to divide(E) lazy is to exercise32. S tar is to sky as(A) mountain is to valley(B) cloud is to sun(C) fish is to ocean(D) dream is to sleep(E) fit is to shoe33. C ut is to wound as(A) storm is to snow(B) brick is lo building(C) drink is to thirst(D) save is to money(E) cry is to tears34. C amera is to picture as(A) breeze is to fan(B) paint is to frame(C) brush is to hair(D) phone is to call(E) horse is to gallop35. L umens is to brightness as(A) velocity is to speed(B) decibel is to volume(C) pint is to liquid(D) mile is to kilometer(E) measure is to depth36. B ook is to writer as(A) needle is to doctor(B) cavity is to dentist(C) truck is to driver(D) crop is to farmer(E) script is to actor37. F rigid is to tropical as(A) raw is to cooked(B) detergent is to clean(C) snow is to sunshine(D) sleek is to stylish(E) beach is to sandy38. L os Angeles is to California as(A) Phoenix is to New Mexico(B) Philadelphia is to Pittsburgh(C) Houston is to Texas(D) state is to country(E) Denver is to America39. M enu is to diner as catalog is to(A) cashier(B) order(C) seller(D) purchase(E) shopper40. C uff is to collar as mouse is to(A) keyboard(B) cheese(C) cat(D) trap(E) rodent41. S nake is to belly as(A) monkey is to tail(B) bear is to hands(C) horse is to legs(D) pig is to snout(E) person is to feet42. C arat is to diamond as(A) calorie is to heat(B) liquid is to volume(C) perimeter is to inches(D) unit is to measurement(E) gram is to pound43. B ook is to read as data is to(A) analyze(B) prove(C) submit(D) foretell(E) conclude44. B urnish is to polish as(A) search is to find(B) wash is to rinse(C) peel is to scrape(D) shine is to glisten(E) reinforce is to strengthen45. F resh is to rancid as(A) heat is to boil(B) ripe is to rotten(C) molten is to lava(D) shed is to discard(E) cooked is to burnt46. F ire is to heat as(A) cold is to snow(B) lamp is to light(C) cool is to breeze(D) wax is to melt(E) music is to listen47. Browsing is to shopping as(A) skimming is to reading(B) nodding is to agreeing(C) walking is to running(D) hiking is to climbing(E) seeing is to recognizing48. Recital is to pianist as exhibit is to(A) museum(B) clay(C) auction(D) artist(E) gallery49. Song is to medley as(A) series is to book(B) collection is to displays(C) gumball is to machines(D) picture is to collage(E) survey is to lists50. Exercise is to sweat as(A) wander is to meander(B) reduce is to budget(C) harvest is to produce(D) accept is to refuse(E) vote is to confirm51. Stamen is to flower as(A) computer is to monitor(B) lens is to eye(C) socket is to cord(D) spiral is to notebook(E) pillow is to sleep52. M ap is to cartographer as(A) club is to golfer(B) book is to librarian(C) car is to mechanic(D) building is to architect(E) cake is to baker53. B aby is to crawling as(A) rock is to skipping(B) trout is to fishing(C) frog is to jumping(D) parent is to driving(E) bird is to nesting54. E raser is to chalkboard as(A) mop is to floor(B) keyboard is to computer(C) ballpoint is to pen(D) towel is to soap(E) machine is to washing55. Eager is to fervent as(A) tedious is to bored(B) glum is to sad(C) pleased is to ecstatic(D) enraged is to mad(E) remorse is to sorrow56. Bread is to moldy as(A) whisker is to hairy(B) disease is to sickly(C) blood is to scab(D) steel is to rusty(E) running is to sweaty57. Dog is to collie as lizard is to(A) cage(B) chameleon(C) reptile(D) pet(E) desert58. C hisel is to carving as(A) thread is to sewing(B) clay is to sculpting(C) wheel is to driving(D) blender is to mixing(E) recipe is to cooking59. D rop is to break as(A) spill is to tip(B) stumble is to fall(C) adorn is to decorate(D) stitch is to sew(E) drive is to crash60. R uby is to red as amber is to(A) brown(B) green(C) pink(D) blue(E) purpleSECTION 21.If 6+ 12 + __= 5 + 11 + 6, then__=(A) 2(B) 3(C) 4(D) 5(E) 62. 4x3x6x2is equal to the product of 24 and(A) 6(B) 7(C) 8(D) 9(E) 113. If 2/3 of a number is 24, then 1/4 of the same number is(A) 20(B) 16(C) 13(D) 12(E) 94. A box of chocolates has 45 pieces. If 9 pieces have nuts in them, whatpercent of the chocolates are without nuts?(A) 20%(B) 45%(C) 79%(D) 80%(E) 84%5. In the Northshore Swimming Club, 6 of 48 members arc females. What is theratio of females to all club members?(A) 316(B) 115(C) 14(D) 18(E) 1126. Two numbers together add to 375. One number is twice the size of theother. What are the two numbers?(A) 25, 50(B) 50,100(C) 75,150(D) 95,190(E) 125,2507. 6 3/4% =(A) 67.5(B) 6.75(C) 0.675(D) 0.0675(E) 0.006758. A club collected $1,085.00. If 75% of that membership dues, how much money came from sources other than membership?(A) $271.25(B) $338.75(C) $365.75(D) $425.05(E) $442.259. A right angle is an angle that measures(A) exactly 90°(B) greater than 90°(C) less than 90°(D) 45°(E) 30°10. In the equilateral triangle shown, what is the measure of each angle?(A) 60°(B) 90°(C) 120°(D) 140°(E) 180°11. If 12a + 4a - 7a = 27, a =(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 512. It costs n dollars to buy 10 boxes of crackers. At the same rate, how manydollars will it cost to buy 25 boxes of crackers?(A) 2.5n(B) 25n(C) 2n/5(D) 5n/2(E) 250n13. In the figure below, if ∠1 is 33°, what is the measure of ∠2?(A) 56°(B) 110°(C) 130°(D) 147°(E) 180°14. P aul has a garden that is 4 meters by 7 meters. If he uses 2 ounces offertilizer per square meter, how many ounces must he use?(A) 21 oz(B) 42 oz(C) 44 oz(D) 50 oz(E) 56 oz15. S teve is measuring the growth of a tomato plant. The chart below indicateshis measurements for the past five weeks. Based on the information in the chart, what should he predict will be the height of the plant at week 6?(A) 15 inches(B) 17 inches(C) 18 inches(D) 21 inches(E) 24 inches16. A student buys a sandwich for 80 cents, milk for 20 cents, and pie for 30cents. How much does the meal cost?(A) $1.00(B) $1.20(C) $1.30(D) $1.40(E) $1.5017. On a test with 75 questions, Cassidy answered 45 correctly. What percentdid she answer correctly?(A) 60%(B) 72%(C) 84%(D) 89%(E) 92%18. W hich of the following is NOT equal to a whole number?(A)164(B) 6 × 23(C) 4 ÷14(D) 13 × 4(E) 3 + 219. J ake spent one-fifth of his life in school. If he is now 55, how many years didhe spend in school?(A) 9(B) 11(C) 13(D) 15(E) 1720. What is the perimeter of the following rectangle?(A) 12m(B) 18m(C) 24m(D) 28m(E) 30m21. Bobby's test scores for social studies are 93,76,91,83, and 72. What is hisaverage score?(A) 83(B) 87(C) 91(D) 93(E) 9422. R iverside School has 150 fewer students than twice the number of studentsat Hillside School. If Riverside School has 500 students, how many students attend Hillside School?(A) 125(B) 150(C) 250(D) 300(E) 32523. A ladder is placed against a building. If the ladder makes a 55° angle withthe ground, what is the measure of the angle that the ladder makes with the building?(A) 25°(B) 30°(C) 35°(D) 40°(E) 45°24. A shley buys 48 apples. There are 12 Red Delicious apples and 16 GrannySmith apples. What fraction of the apples are not Red Delicious or Granny Smith?(A) 15(B) 14(C) 13(D) 512(E 71225. What is the total cost of a $750 television, including an 8% sales tax?(A) $765(B) $784(C) $792(D) $810(E) $824SECTION 3 Volcanoes are mountains, but they are very different from other mountains; they are notformed by folding and crumpling or by uplift anderosion. Instead, volcanoes arc built by the accu-mulation of their own eruptive products--lava,5bombs (crusted over lava blobs), ashflows, andtephra (airborne ash and dust). A volcano is mostcommonly a conical hill or mountain built arounda vent that connects with reservoirs of moltenrock below the surface of the Earth. The term10volcano also refers to the opening or vent through which the molten rock and associated gases areexpelled.Deep within the Earth it is so hot that some rocks slowly melt and become a thick flowing15substance called magma. Because it is lighterthan the solid rock around it, magma rises andcollects in magma chambers. Eventually some ofthe magma pushes through vents and fissures inthe Earth's surface and a volcanic eruption occurs.20Magma that has erupted is called lava.Some volcanic eruptions are explosive and others are not. How explosive an eruption isdepends on how runny or sticky the magma is.If magma is thin and runny, gases can escape25easily from it. When this type of magma erupts, itflows out of the volcano. Because they moveslowly enough for people to get out of their way,lava flows rarely kill people. They can, however,cause considerable destruction to buildings in30their path. If magma is thick and sticky, gasescannot escape easily. Pressure builds up until thegases escape violently and explode. In this type oferuption, the magma blasts into the air and breaks apart into pieces called tephra. Tephra can range 35in size from tiny particles of ash to house-sizeboulders. Large-sized tephra typically falls backto the ground on or close to the volcano andprogressively smaller fragments are carried awayfrom the vent by wind. Volcanic ash, the smallest40tephra fragments, can travel hundreds to thousands of kilometers downwind from a volcano.1. A primary difference between volcanoes and other mountains is in(A) their height(B) their ruggedness(C) their age(D) where they are located(E) how they are formed2. A volcanic eruption is likely to be most explosive if magma(A) is thin and runny(B) is thick and sticky(C) rises and collects in magma chambers(D) pushes out through Assures in the Earth's surface(E) becomes lava3. T he author uses italic print primarily to(A) emphasize words that are used in an unusual way(B) indicate words that are difficult to pronounce(C) point out foreign words(D) highlight important terms that are defined in the text(E) indicate words that are not necessary to understanding the passage4. A ll of the following can be explicitly answered by the passage EXCEPT:(A) What factors contribute to hot temperatures deep inside the Earth?(B) Why are some volcanic eruptions explosive while others are not?(C) As dangerous as eruptions can be t why do lava flows rarely kill people?(D) W hy does magma rise and collect in chambers?(E) Why does pressure build up in magma that is thick and sticky?5. T his passage would most likely appear in(A) a newspaper(B) a science textbook(C) an adventure novel(D) a travel brochure(E) a safety manual6. W hich of the following statements is NOT true of tephra?(A) It can range in size from tiny particles of ash to huge boulders.(B) It can travel thousands of kilometers from a volcano.(C)It can be found trapped in magma.(D) L arge tephra falls on or close to a volcano.(E) It is the term for rock fragments erupted into the air by volcanoes.I am one of those who believe that it is themission of this war to free every slave in theUnited States. I am one of those who believe thatwe should consent to no peace which shall not bean Abolition peace. I am, moreover, one of those5who believe that the work of !he American Anti-Slavery Society will not have been completeduntil the black men of the South, and the blackmen of the North, shall have been admitted, fullyand completely, into the body politic of America.10I look upon slavery as going the way of all theearth. It is the mission of the war to put it down.I know it will be said that I ask you to makethe black man a voter in the South. It is said thatthe colored man is ignorant, and therefore he15shall not vote. In saying this, you lay down a rulefor the black man that you apply to no other classof your citizens. If he knows enough to be hanged,he knows enough to vote. If he knows an honestman from a thief, he knows much more than some 20of our white voters. If he knows enough to takeup arms in defence of this Government and bare his breast to the storm of rebel artillery, he knowsenough to vote.All I ask, however, in regard to the blacks,25is that whatever rule you adopt, whether ofintelligence or wealth, as the condition of votingfor whites, you shall apply it equally to the blackman. Do that, and I am satisfied, and eternal justice is satisfied; liberty, fraternity, equality, are satisfied, 30and the country will move on harmoniously.7. A ccording to Douglass, the mission of the Civil War is to(A) destroy the Confederacy(B) punish the rebel soldiers(C) end slavery(D) preserve the Union(E) create a new class of citizens8. D ouglass believes the work of the Anti-Slavery Society should not beconsidered complete until(A) slavery is abolished(B) black men in the South are able to vote(C) blacks can move freely between the South and the North(D) b lack men of the North and South have the right to vote(E) all conditions for voting are ended9. W hat does Douglass mean by c alling for black men to be admitted “fully andcompletely into the body politic of America” (lines 9-10)?(A) They must have the same rights and privileges as all other citizens.(B) They must be able to vote.(C) They must be able to run for office.(D) T hey must take up arms to defend the Government.(E) They must be considered a separate class of citizens.10. The purpose of Douglass's speech was to(A) inform members of the society of the horrors of slavery(B) convince listeners to adopt fair and equal voting requirements(C) inform listeners of the progress of the war(D) c onvince members of the society chat slavery should be ended(E) explain how the right to vote would create harmonyThe great Pullman was whirling onward with such dignity of motion that a glance from thewindow seemed simply to prove that the plains ofTexas were pouring eastward. Vast flats of greengrass, dull-hued spaces of mesquite and cactus,5little groups of frame houses, woods of light andtender trees, all were sweeping into the east,sweeping over the horizon, a precipice.A newly married pair had boarded this coachat San Antonio. The man's face was reddened10from many days in the wind and sun, and a directresult of his new black clothes was that his brick-colored hands were constantly performing in amost conscious fashion. From time to time helooked down respectfully at his attire. He sat with 15a hand on each knee, like a man waiting in abarber's shop. The glances he devoted to otherpassengers were furtive and shy.The bride was not pretty, nor was she very young. She wore a dress of blue cashmere, with20small reservations of velvet here and there andwith steel buttons abounding. She continuallytwisted her head to regard her puff sleeves, verystiff, straight, and high. They embarrassed her.It was quite apparent that she had cooked, and25that she expected to cook, dutifully. The blushescaused by the careless scrutiny of some passengers as she had entered the car were strange tosee upon this plain, under-class countenance,which was drawn in placid, almost emotionless30lines.They were evidently very happy. “Ever been in a parlor-car before?” he asked, smiling withdelight.“No,” she answered, “I never was. It’s fine,35ain’t it?”“Great! And then after a while we'll go forward to the diner and get a big layout. Finest meal inthe world. Charge a dollar.”“Oh, do they?” cried the bride. “Charge a40dollar? Why, that's too much—for us—ain’t, it,Jack?”“Not this trip, anyhow,” he answered bravely.“We’re going to go the whole thing.”—Stephen Crane from 45“The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky”11. The tone of the passage suggests that the author regards the newly married couple with(A) embarrassment(B) disrespect(C) sympathy(D) sorrow(E) scorn12. W hich word best describes the newlywed couple?(A) well-to-do(B) sad(C) frightened(D) unsophisticated(E) unpleasant13. W hen this passage takes place, the bride and groom are most probably(A) in a hotel(B) at a train station(C) on a stagecoach(D) in a diner(E) on a train14. A s it is used in line 18, the word “furtive” most nearly means(A) stealthy(B) steady(C) focused(D) friendly(E) unabashed15. The narrator of this story is(A) the groom(B) the bride(C) a participant in the story(D) an outside observer(E) an adult looking back on his life16. The main purpose of this passage is to(A)express an opinion(B)analyze information(C) introduce characters and setting(D) resolve a crisis(E) set up a conflict between two characters17. By saying, “It was quite apparent that she had cooked, and that sheexpected to cook, dutifully,” the author is suggesting that the bride(A) expects to eat out regularly(B) has led a life of hard work(C) has never eaten in a restaurant before(D) wants to learn more about cooking(E) will learn to cook her husband's favorite foodsOver two decades ago, scientists in the Agricultural Research Service Vegetable CropsResearch Unit at Madison, Wisconsin, began aquest to breed carrots packed with beta-carotene –an orange pigment used by the body to create5vitamin A. Thanks largely to their work, today'scarrots provide consumers with 75 percent morebeta-carotene than those available 25 years ago.The researchers, led by plant geneticistPhilipp Simon, haven't limited themselves to the10color orange. They've selectively bred a rainbowof carrots -purple, red, yellow, even white.Scientists are learning that these plant pigmentsperform a range of protective duties in thehuman body.15Red carrots derive their color mainly from lycopene, a type of carotene believed to guardagainst heart disease and some cancers. Yellowcarrots accumulate xanthophylls, pigments similarto beta-carotene that support good eye health.20Purple carrots possess an entirely different class ofpigments—anthocyanins—which act as powerfulantioxidants.While colored carrots arc unusual, they're not exa ctly new. “Purple and yellow carrots were25eaten more than 1,000 years ago in Afghanistanand 700 years ago in western Europe,” says Simon.“But the carrot-breeding process has gone onintensively for just 50 years.”In nature, different strains of carrots contain30varying types and amounts of carotenoids—thepigments responsible for orange, yellow, and redcolors. To assist seed companies and growers whowish to produce nutrient-rich carrots, Simon andhis lab are working to map all the genes that play 35a part in synthesizing carotenoids in major carrotlines. Simon now knows of 20 genes that areinvolved. But determining a particular gene's role in generating carotenoids is not that straightforward.Aside from enhancing the nutritional value of40carrots—as well as onions, garlic, and cucumbers—researchers at Simon's laboratory also workto improve the vegetable's culinary quality andappeal.With their compelling health benefits and a45thumbs-up from taste testers, Simon's colorfulcarrots will be a great addition to supermarketproduce aisles once consumers create a demandfor them.18. The main purpose of this passage is to(A) explain why carrots can be various colors(B) point out the health benefits of carotenoids(C) report on enhancements to the nutritional value of carrots(D) explore ways to increase carrot production(E) encourage people to buy carrots of various colors19. The author's tone can best be described as(A) argumentative(B) emotional(C) sentimental(D) informative(E) optimistic20. A ccording to the passage, carrots have been bred in all of the followingcolors EXCEPT:(A) yellow(B) green -(C) white(D) red(E) purple21. T he type of carotene that gives carrots a red color is(A) lycopene(B) xanthophyll(C) anthocyanin(D) beta-carotene(E) antioxidant22. Which of the following is true of colored carrots?(A) They first appeared about 50 years ago.(B) They do not equal regular carrots in nutritive value.(G) They are not as tasty as traditional carrots.(D) They were first bred by scientists at the Agricultural Research ServiceVegetable Crops Research Unit.(E) They derive their color from varying types and amounts of carotenoids.23. This passage can best be described as(A) a short story(B) a biography(C) a research report(D) propaganda(E) an editorialFrom the outskirts of the town,Where of old the mile-stone stood,Now a stranger, looking downI behold the shadowy crownOf the dark and haunted wood5Is it changed, or am I changed?Ah! the oaks are fresh and green,But the friends with whom I rangedThrough their thickets arc estranged By the years that intervene.10Bright as ever flows the sea,Bright as ever shines the sun,But alas! they seem to meNot the sun that used to be,Not the tides that used to run.15—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow"Changed”24. The author’s tone is best described as(A) lighthearted(B) optimistic(C) nostalgic(D) hostile(E) humorous25. This poem is written from the point of view of(A) a frightened child(B) a disinterested adult(C) a sympathetic outside observer(D) a sad observer of a transformation(E) an adult recalling a childhood dream26. I n line 5, the author most probably refers to the woods as “haunted” inorder to(A) make the narrator seem foolish and superstitious(B) hint at the narrator's acceptance of death(C) reveal the narrator’s belief in spirits(D) set a dark and gloomy mood(E) indicate the woods were filled with memories27. W hich of the following best expresses the theme of this poem?(A) the power of the sun(B) the passage of time(C) the fluctuation of the tide(D) autumn(E) nature’s renewalThe Statue of Liberty was a gift to the people of the United States from the people of France inrecognition of the friendship established betweenthe two nations during the American Revolution.Over the years, the Statue of Liberty has come to5symbolize freedom and democracy, as well as thisinternational friendship.Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to design a sculpture with the year1876 in mind for completion, to commemorate10the centennial of the American Declaration ofIndependence. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (designerof the Eiffel Tower) was called in to address thestructural issues of Bartholdi's colossal sculpture.The Statue was a joint effort between America15and France and it was agreed upon that theAmerican people would build the pedestal, andthe French people would be responsible for theStatue and its assembly here in the United States.Lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the20Atlantic Ocean. In France, public fees, variousforms of entertainment, and a lottery were amongthe methods used to raise funds. In the UnitedStates, benefit theatrical events, art exhibitions,auctions and prize fights helped to provide the25needed funds. When fundraising for the pedestallagged, Joseph Pulitzer (noted for the PulitzerPrize) used the editorial pages of his newspaperThe World to aid in the fundraising effort.Pulitzer's campaign of harsh criticism against30both the rich, who had failed to finance thepedestal construction, and the middle class, whowere content to rely upon the wealthy to providethe funds, was successful in motivating the peopleof America to donate.35Financing for the pedestal was completed in August 1885, and pedestal construction was finished in April of 1886. The Statue was completedin France in July 1884 and arrived in New YorkHarbor in June, 1885, on board the French frigate40。

ssat 阅读真题测试附带答案

ssat 阅读真题测试附带答案

SECTION 3 READING COMPREHENSION SKILLSEver wonder why we have wisdom teeth? If you're like most people, you’ll have your wisdom teeth removed before they even start to surface.How can we just throw away teeth without their absence having someimpact on the state of our mouths? The science of dentistry studiesquestions like this.5Although it dates back to 3700 Egypt, dentistry as we know it did not emerge until the 19th century, when people began to studysystematically the mouth, gums, jaw, and teeth. Modern dentistry is anintrinsic part of our lives. Nowadays, we cannot go a day withouthearing something about teeth care, if only through our television sets.10If we have gingivitis, we can use mouthwash. If we have cavities, we canget fillings in a variety of colors and material types. If we have yellowteeth, we can make them white again in seven short days.And, if we have crooked teeth, we can get braces. In fact, people routinely get braces, so much so that we consider it an oddity if someone 15goes through their entire childhood without the experience of going to the orthodontist every month. Chances are that if someone does not getbraces, they lack money or time, not interest in having work done.The evolution of dentistry shows how medical science is changing the human being. Because of i ncreasingly good dental care, we don’t lose20our teeth and rely on our wisdom teeth coming in to give us a new set.To answer the question with which we began: We simply don’t needthose teeth anymore. Indeed, nowadays we have to pay to get ourredundant teeth taken out.1. The article says that we pull our wisdom teeth because______.(A) we have gingivitis(B) they cause crooked teeth(C) we don't need them anymore(D) we listen to information about teeth care daily on TV(E) they make our teeth yellow2. Which of the following statements is true based on the reading?(A) Braces are a common solution to yellowing teeth.(B) Egyptian dentists conducted dentistry much as we do today.(C) If we have gingivitis, we can treat it with fillings.(D) We don’t expect to lose our teeth because we have been taught how to care for them.(E) Braces are a rare experience while growing up.3. When did dentists pull the first tooth?(A) 3700 B.C.(B) 17th century(C) 18th century(D) 19th century(E) The article does not say.4. The writer’s main purpose is apparently______.(A) to answer frequently asked questions about teeth .(B) to talk a little about the history of dentistry(C) to explain dreams about teeth(D) to write the section on dentistry for a medical school text(E) to encourage people to cut down on sweets5. All but which of the following problems, according to the article, can dentists fix?(A) bad breath(B) yellowing teeth(C) crooked teeth(D) root canals(E) cavitiesI t’s easy, nowadays, to blame others for bad things that happen to us.We complain that we don’t have enough money because thegovernment takes our taxes. We blame carbohydrates for our fat count.We blame society for our embarrassingly low educational scores.Well, I disagree. I say we could save money by skipping McDonald’s5and buying the non-name-brand food items at the grocery. I say we’re fat beca use we don't exercise. I say we’re stupid because we watch toomuch TV and never read anything more difficult than sixth gradereading material.I say that it’s in our own hands if we are operating at less than our10potential.So, sometime, when you’re at a loss for something to do, change your life for the better. Crack open the dictionary at a random page and see what’s inside.Seriously.15Chances are you’ll find something interesting you didn’t know before. Reading the dictionary is like reading a thousand mininovels, for each word has a story.For example, we often hear someone referred to as a “spinster.” Most of us know that we use this term to describe an old, unmarried woman, 20but few of us know that the name originally had more meaning. Thereason that “spinster” came to refer to all old, unmarried women isbecause in earlier times old, unmarried women had to spin to earn their livings; old, unmarried women who could not spin nevertheless gotlumped in with the rest. Consider, also, the word “whirling dervish.”25We know that this word is used to refer to dancers or tornadoes.Originally, however, the word referred to Muslim priests who wandered the land as beggars; In addition to whirling dervishes, there existed also howling and dancing dervishes, too.So, take five minutes and re ad the dictionary next time you’re bored.30Seriously.6. What is the best title for this passage?(A) Unexpected Discoveries(B) Through the Eye of a Needle(C) A Thousand and One Words(D) Boring Facts and Trivia(E) On the Origin of the Word “Dervish”7. How would you describe the authors tone in this piece?(A) humorous and trivial(B) adamant and angry(C) friendly yet tired(D) amusing yet serious(E) sulky and sullen8. Who does the author say is responsible for the state of our lives?(A) the government(B) McDonald s(C) television(D) educators(E) we, ourselves9. Why does the author give the word seriously in line 12 its own paragraph?(A) The author thinks the reader will take his/her advice seriously; therefore s/he usesseriously to indicate s/he has made a joke.(B) The author must include nine paragraphs in the article and is cheating.(C) The author wishes the reader to look up the word seriously in a dictionary.(D) The author anticipates that the reader will scoff at the author's advice; the authorwishes to convey serious intent of his/her advice.(E) The author desires to confuse the reader at all costs.10. Which of the following words best defines the phrase lumped in?(A) left out(B) copied(C) combined with(D) evolved(E) destroyedPieter Brueghel, 16th century Flemish painter, has left for us a series of great paintings. One of his best works depicts the Greek myth ofIcarus.To understand Brueghel’s treatment of the piece, you must first recall the facts of the Icarus story. Icarus was the son of Deadalus, the most5brilliant thinker of his time. Deadalus had aided Ariadne in savingTheseus from the Minotaur. The king, angered by Deadalus’ action,swiftly imprisoned Deadalus and his son in a lonely tower on a deserted shore, visited only by birds. Eager to escape, however, Deadalus usedthe feathers and wax to create two sets of wings, and he and his son10made plans to fly to freedom. Unfortunately, Icarus, exhilarated by thefreedom he felt while flying, flew too close to the sun, despite hisfather’s warnings. The suns heat melted the wax on his wings, and heplummeted into the ocean and drowned. Deadalus, heartbroken,nevertheless, made it to safety.15Brueghel’s work depicts a huge, glorious scene of people working the land along a beautiful shoreline. Animals frolic; men work. Ships ladenwith goods plow through the waves. Amidst all the action captured inthe scene, one is hard pressed to locate Icarus. Finally, after somesearching, we see him. He is located in the lower, right-hand side of the 20painting. Even so, his depiction is small. Indeed, ail we see are two palelegs, kicking frantically in the surf.Brueghel’s work sends a clear message, one that underscores the largeness of the world and the relative insignificance of the individualtherein.2511. W hat will the author most likely discuss next?(A) artist Vincent van Gogh and how he cut off his ear(B) another artwork by Brueghel(C) an explanation of Brueghel’s message regarding the insignificance in the world(D) an expanded discussion of the crime that landed Dedalus in jail(E) nothing, the article is complete12. T he author’s purpose can best be described by which of the following statements?(A) to avoid discussing anything important(B) to advocate the talents of Brueghel(C) to relate the tale of Dedalus and Icarus(D) to argue that Brueghel is an untalented artist(E) to show how art can convey social comment.13. W hich of the following words can be substituted for the word exhilarated in line 11without changing the meaning of the sentence?(A) saddened(B) angered(C) joyous(D) frightened(E) advised14. What is the tone of this piece?(A) solemn(B) understanding(C) sarcastic(D) joyous(E) unintelligent15. All but which of the following words have the same meaning as plummeted in line 14?(A) fell(B) hung(C) dropped(D) sank(E) plunged16. Which of the following words has a meaning most nearly opposite to the wordfrantically in line 22?(A) feebly(B) wildly(C) enthusiastically(D) vigorously(E) angrily17. What caused Icarus’ wings to melt?(A) the cold ocean spray(B) the swooping, swirling seagulls(C) the dampness of the water(D) the heat of Dedalus’ wrath(E) the warmth of the sunHistory documents the bloody habits of Vlad Tepes (or Vlad the Impaler), an infamous general who lived in Transylvania from 1431 to1476. Stories about Vlad Tepes seem gruesome even by today'sstandards. Consider this story about a group of generals whom VladTepes was entertaining. Prior to their arrival, Vlad had punished several 5people by impaling them on long spikes surrounding the banquet area.One of the visiting generals complained of the smell; after all, he hadbeen invited to a dinner. Vlad apologized and then had the generalimpaled on an even longer spike. His reason? So that the general, being suspended above the other rotting bodies, would not have to smell what 10offended him.Other vampire tales come to us from this period, but they are clinical, historical accounts. The vampire legend grew popular only after the publication of Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1897. In his novel, Stokercreates a frightening combination of man and monster. His Dracula is15striking in appearance, ruthless, calculating, and quite intelligent. Sincethen, vampire stories have grown in popularity over the years, inspiring both serious and tongue-in-cheek treatments.The serious vampire offerings have grown increasingly enraptured by the idea of being undead. Take for example, the work of Anne Rice.20Rice’s books modernize the old vampire story. While Stokers novel tells about the exp loits of a single vampire, Rice’s novels explore an entirevampiric underworld that coexists with—and preys upon—the humanworld. Rice’s stories allow the old vampire lore to evolve into an entireworld view; they work out in great detail the logistical and philosophical 25problems that come into play, if vampires really exist en masse. Moreimportantly, however, Rice^ stories humanize the vampire. Many of her characters are guilt-stricken to the point of madness because they must drink human blood to survive; some rail against their undead state, forthey are frozen in time, unable to transit from one stage of human30maturity to the next.18. What does the word Tepes mean?(A) innocent(B) Dracula(C) impaler(D) bloody(E) ruler19. Which statement gives an acc urate description of Vlad Tepes’ character?(A) He is a wise and caring ruler.(B) He is a brilliant military strategist.(C) He was poor, despite his great power.(D) He was popular with women.(E) His sense of justice is very unconventional.20. Which is the best title for this passage?(A) An American Werewolf in London(B) Witches, Warlocks, and Other Halloween Nasties(C) The Vlad Dynasty: A Family Tree(D) The Enduring Zombie(E) Still Hungry After All These Years21. Which date approximates the time period when Anne Rice wrote?(A) 1431(B) 1476(C) 1789(D) 1897(E) 199022. The statement “Other vampire tales come to us from this period, but they are clinical,hi storical accounts” implies that_______.(A) vampire tales that come from this period are even more exciting than the Tepes story(B) interest in vampire lore died out altogether during this period(C) vampire stories that were written from this period were boring(D) stories about female vampires were especially popular during this period(E) Anne Rice was popular even during this periodExistentialism is a philosophy that focuses only on the actions that we humans make in the physical world that surrounds us. Because itadmits no afterlife of any sort, Existentialism takes the world veryseriously; every decision forces the Existentialist to ponder deeplythe consequences. She only gets one shot at life, so everything depends on 5her getting it right the first time. According to its tenets, life is absurdand filled with actions that seem pointless, futile, and ceaselessly endless.Camus illustrates Existentialism using the example of Sisyphus from Greek mythology. Sisyphus vastly enjoyed life but held little respect forthe gods. Upon his deathbed, Sisyphus instructed his wife to leave his10body unburied as a gesture of anger and resentment at dying. Sheagreed to do as he said, but when he died, she reneged on her word.Upon waking in Hades, Sisyphus knew immediately that his wife hadbetrayed him, and he asked permission from King Hades to go revengehimself upon her. Hades agreed on condition that Sisyphus return to15the underworld immediately after getting his revenge. However, as soonas Sisyphus reached the earth’s surface, he chose to give up his revengeand refused to return to the underworld. Only after great efforts didKing Hades recapture his prisoner.As punishment for his hubris or conceitedness, King Hades created a20special task for Sisyphus. He now spends eternity rolling an enormousrock up a great hill, only to have it come crashing down immediatelyupon reaching th e hill’s summit. Sisyphus’ task ill ustrates clearly thetenets of E xistentialism outlined here. Let’s see how.23. According to the article, the story of Sisyphus comes from______.(A) old wives’ tale s(B) Japanese tradition(C) Indian lore(D) Roman history(E) Greek myth24. What does Sisyphus initially want to do when he returns to earth?(A) Stay alive.(B) Get revenge on his brother.(C) Punish his wife.(D) See his family.(E) Negotiate a treaty.25. Which of the following most nearly means tenets as used in line 6?(A) beliefs(B) rules(C) portable buildings(D) woven strands of rope to catch fish(E) numbers26. What will probably come after paragraph three?(A) background information about Camus(B) more information about Sisyphus’ escapades(C) nothing; the author has made his/her point(D) a discussion of how Sisyphus’ story illustrates the tenets of Existentialism(E) an opinion from a philosophy professor at the University of Kentucky27. Which of the following words best represents an antonym for hubris?(A) daring(B) fearful(C) piety(D) miserable(E) perturbedHave you ever wondered why you aren’t supposed to wear white after Labor Day? It is a long-standing tradition, one that those of us from the South have had beaten into our heads from our very earliest memories.But from where does this rule come?People dispute the origin of this custom. Some say that the rule5developed from practicality. After all, everyone knows that wearingwhite in the summer is wise because the white reflects heat and helpsthe wearer keep cool; wearing dark colors is wise in the winter becausethe dark material absorbs heat and keeps the wearer warm. The rule ofthumb, they say, merely solidifies what was already well known, widely10accepted common knowledge.Others say that the custom developed out of practical concerns, but for cleanliness reasons not for warmth purposes. They argue that therule of white applies only to shoes, and that out of attempts to keepthem clean grew the rule of wearing white only in the warm months.15Still others say that the rule grew out of a class struggle that took place in the late 1800s. With the rise of manufacturing in America, anew class of wealthy people grew up, one that conflicted with the oldmoney class that had existed since the founding of the colonics in the18th century. The nouveau riche class wanted desperately to be accepted 20by the old money folk, but the old money people did not want toaccept them. Therefore, the old money folk used knowledge that theyhad created for use among themselves, unwritten customs and accepted ways of doing things unknown to the nouveau riche, to keep the newmoney folk away.25Whatever the reason, however, the rule remains in use today.28. Which of the following words can be substituted for the word solidifies withoutchanging the meaning of the sentence?(A) confirms(B) thickens(C) rebuilds(D) reconstitutes(E) goes against29. Which of the following statements is supported by the information in the passage?(A) Customs became a weapon used by those with new money to force those with oldmoney to let them became part of society.(B) Customs became a weapon used by those with old money to snub those with newmoney.(C) Customs regarding fashion quickly became out of date.(D) Customs regarding when to wear white changed to allow people to wear white year-round.(E) Customs always grow out of practical responses to issues of daily life.30. Which of the following statements is not true according to the article?(A) The issue over when to wear white may have originated in the 1800s.(B) The nouveau riche had a hard time getting respect.(C) People should wear dark clothes in the winter.(D) Wearing white originally applied to shoes rather than clothes.(E) Concerns over keeping clean were never a concern when the rules for wearing whitewere developed.31. All but which of the following inferences may be made about the author?(A) The author is willing to do research to find answers to interesting questions.(B) The author has studied some history.(C) The author is knowledgeable about fashion.(D) The author is female.(E) The author is from the South.32. What will come next in this discussion?(A) nothing; the author has finished the article(B) a discussion of other instances in which the new money and old money clashed(C) an account of some famous Southern wome n who defied the “no-white- after-Labor Day” rule(D) a complete list of insta nces in which one can break the “no-white-after- Labor-Day”rule(E) a handy mnemonic device to help us remember when to wear black33. This passage deals with all but which of the following topics?(A) social customs(B) historical data(C) human behavior(D) psychology(E) data analysis34. Based on your, reading of the article, what does nouveau riche mean?(A) newly married -(B) newly wealthy(C) newly graduated(D) newly born(E) newly bankrupted35. This article sets out to______.(A) set the record straight on old money in the South .(B) supply interesting, but trivial, information(C) support new money people in the North(D) explain the cause of the Civil War(E) convince people to wear white after Labor Day36. In which of the following publications would you most likely find this information?(A) the sports section of your local newspaper(B) the world news section of a weekly newsmagazine(C) the arts and leisure section of the Sunday paper(D) the science news section of a television news program(E) the comics page onlineMost, if not all, Americans are familiar with the concept of kamikaze, special Japanese pilots who fought in World War II. These men wereunique because they enlisted in the war effort knowing that they would be fighting to the death. They trained to be suicide pilots, whopurposely drove their planes headlong into their targets, exploding5themselves along with their planes and their targets.Few of us, however, have heard of the kaiten. The kaiten were small vessels, carried on submarines; they weighed eight tons and were loaded with explosive warheads. They had limited range (traveling a distanceranging from 12 miles at top speed and 30 miles at low speed) and10silent movement. But like the kamikaze planes, these kaiten wereunrecoverable; if they reached their target, they exploded, captain andall, and if they didn’t, they sank, carrying their captains with them.Both of these military strategies depended heavily on the concept of honor. Honorable death, especially by suicide for the sake of the15Emperor during battle, brought nobility to the soldier and his family.These fighters were idolized by their countrymen; they represented the highest ideals of the nation—that of total sacrifice on behalf oftheir ruler.37. Based on the article, which of the following actions would be seen as honorable byJapanese warriors in World War II?(A) becoming a kamikaze pilot but pulling out of the final dive at the lastminute(B) refusing to man the kaiten on which he had trained(C) defending Hiroshima as the atom bomb dropped(E) emigrating to Canada just after the war started(D) spying for the Americans38. Which of the following words best describes the kaiten?(A) luxury liners(B) floating coffins(C) bamboo tubes(D) warrior flutes(E) underwater kayaks39. W hat kind of ruler did Japan have during World War II, according to this article?(A) emperor(B) king(C) prince(D) president(E) chancellor40. W hich of the following gives an example of something that is unrecoverable}(A) a penny at the bottom of a wading pool(B) the moon when it is full(C) your shoe when it fails over a cliff(D) your book you left at your grandmother’s house(E) a sand dune at high tideReading1-5 C D E B D6-10 A D E D C 11-15C E C A B 16-20A E C E E 21-25 E C E C A 26-30 D C A B E 31-35D A E B B 36-40 C C B A C。



ssat词汇练习题一、词义辨析题1. He displayed __________ while facing numerous challenges in his career.(A) persistence (B) indulgence (C) leniency (D) vulnerability2. The new policy will undoubtedly _________ the company's profits.(A) enhance (B) disrupt (C) moderate (D) trivialize3. The audience erupted in _________ applause after the breathtaking performance.(A) tentative (B) resounding (C) reluctant (D) frivolous4. The athlete demonstrated incredible _________ in the final moments of the race.(A) stamina (B) deprecation (C) apprehension (D) pessimism5. The professor _________ the students' hard work and dedication to the subject.(A) acknowledged (B) neglected (C) criticized (D) prohibited二、词汇填空题Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the options below:(A) arduous (B) detrimental (C) alleviate (D) diligent (E) prolonged1. The team faced an __________ journey to reach the mountain's summit.2. Regular exercise can __________ the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.3. The student's __________ study habits led to impressive academic achievements.4. The __________ heatwave caused discomfort for many residents.5. The government implemented measures to __________ the impact of the economic crisis.三、词组搭配题Match the words in column A with their corresponding meanings in column B:Column A Column B1. mitigate (A) to give up or renounce2. articulate (B) to express clearly and effectively3. relinquish (C) to gradually disappear or fade away4. dwindle (D) to lessen or reduce the severity or intensity5. alleviate (E) to make easier or more bearable四、同义词替换题Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence:1. The attorney provided a comprehensive analysis of the legal case.(A) exhaustive (B) limited (C) superficial (D) ambiguous2. The company experienced a decline in sales due to increased competition.(A) surge (B) resumption (C) downturn (D) stability3. The film adaptation accurately portrays the events described in the book.(A) mimics (B) distorts (C) neglects (D) differs4. The experiment yielded consistent results, confirming the hypothesis.(A) erratic (B) similar (C) uncertain (D) variable5. The young artist's talent is evident from her captivating paintings.(A) obscure (B) mundane (C) striking (D) trivial五、词型转换题Complete the sentence by using the correct form of the word in brackets:1. The __________ (persist) of the rain led to the cancellation of the outdoor event.2. The principal __________ (announce) the new school policies during the assembly.3. The jury reached a __________ (unanimous) decision regarding the defendant's guilt.4. The construction company __________ (prioritize) worker safety above all else.5. The novel's protagonist undergoes a __________ (transform) journey of self-discovery.六、语法填空题Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases to complete the passage:Dear Students,I am writing to inform you about the upcoming school __________ (event). We will be hosting a talent show on __________ (date) in the school auditorium. This event is open to all students, and we encourage__________ (participate). Whether you enjoy singing, dancing, playing__________ (instrument), or any other form of talent, we welcome__________ (show) off your skills and creativity.Please sign up at the school office if you are interested in __________ (take) part in the talent show. We will be holding auditions on __________ (date) to determine the final lineup. If you have any questions or__________ (concern), feel free to contact __________ (we) for further information.We look forward to __________ (see) the incredible talent that our students possess. Let's make this event a memorable __________ (one)!Sincerely,The School Event Committee七、问答题Answer the following questions based on the given passage:Passage:"Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate attention. Rising temperatures, melting polar ice caps, and extreme weather events are just some of the consequences we are already witnessing. It is crucial for individuals, communities, and governments to take action and implement sustainable practices to mitigate the effects of climate change."Questions:1. What are some of the consequences of climate change mentioned in the passage?2. Who needs to take action to address the issue of climate change?3. Why is it important to implement sustainable practices?4. How can individuals contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change?5. What is the overall message of the passage?八、写作题Write a brief paragraph discussing your opinion about the importance of learning vocabulary for academic success. Provide examples or reasons to support your viewpoint.注意事项:1. 正文回复要紧扣题目内容,语句通顺流畅。

新课标高考英语阅读理解(猜词训练) 精品课件

新课标高考英语阅读理解(猜词训练) 精品课件

【试题答案】 1. 1)考古学 2)磁铁 3)指南针 4)防弹背心 (马甲) 5)要求严格服从纪律和命令的人 6)动物学家 7)淬火 8)石匠 9)懂而且会说多种语言的人 10)家 禽
4. 根据生活常识猜测词意
things, his wife, however, is very thrifty. ⑤Although a large number of people considered him to
have stolen the money, I was sure that he was innocent of the theft(n. 偷窃).
money in any trade. ④Turgid with the water of the melting(融化的)snow,
the rivers would soon overflow their banks. ⑤She wanted the hairdresser(美发师)to trim her
of the cold. 句子的已知部分和我们的常识告诉我们:因为严寒,大
多数月季花正在开始( 枯萎 )。
5. 根据同等关系猜测词意 所谓同等关系,指的是一个词,一组词或短语在句中作
“ 木 匠 ” , mosquito 的 词 义 是 “ 蚊 子 ” , stethoscope的词义是“听诊器”,kinesics的词义 是“人体运动学”,而tornado的词义是“龙卷风 ”应是完全可能的。

SSAT TEST 2 真题2 阅读 Section 3 Reading Comprehension S

SSAT TEST 2      真题2 阅读 Section 3 Reading Comprehension S

SSAT TEST 2 Section 3 Reading Comprehension SkillsUFO enthusiasts often attempt to prove the existence of aliens. They show fuzzy photos of floating white cigars and point to oddities in the way the world works as proof that “we are not alone.” They also point to the mysterious Anasazi culture. The Anasazi, historians say, were an ancient Native American tribe located near the desert area we now call Area 51 that suddenly began experiencing a huge cultural revolution. Some people attribute such miraculous cultural growth to a decision to farm beans, but others prefer to give credit to assistance to friendly aliens.Now, alien fans can add some weight to their argument that aliens exist—from the writings of Washington Irving. Irving (1783-1859) wrote the first fiction works in the colonial America. Among other things, Irving wrote about the history of New York and mythological stories; he also wrote satires, a powerful tool given the fledgling nation's political turmoil. However, he is best known for his stories, like “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Tales of a Traveler.”Of Irving's ouvre, it is Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” to which UFO fans should direct their attention, for the argument has been made that Van Winkle's twenty-year sleep is actually a ease of alien abduction. As odd as this sounds, the ease deserves some investigation.1. What is the function of paragraph two?(A) to hook the reader’s attention so that s/he will continue reading(B) to move the discussion from the introduction to the highlight of the article(C) to give a detailed argument that “Rip Van Winkle” describes a UFO abduction(D) to tell biographical information about Washington Irving(E) to tell the story of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”2. Which of the following events happened around the time of Irving’s lifetime?(A) the Civil War(B) the Vietnam War(C) World War I(D) the American Revolution(E) World War II3. Which of the following inferences can be made about the Anasazi?(A) The beans probably gave them additional energy and cultural stability.(B) They lived near New England.(C) They all disappeared mysteriously.(D) They sacrificed children to the aliens.(E) They migrated freely until the 1980s.4. According to the article, for which of his writings was Irving famous?(A) “Tale of a Tub”(B) "Old Mother Hubbard"(C) “The Headless Horseman”(D) "Rip Van Winkle"(E) “The Life of Washington”5. Which of the following best describes the author’s tone?(A) rude but informative(B) knowledgeable but playful(C) Conceited but angry(D) Skeptical but pious(E) Sarcastic but rigorous6. The author’s main purpose in writing this piece is______.(A) to embarrass Washington Irving’s successors(B) to get the reader interested in reading mythology(C) to bring to light a little-known theory about Irving’s work(D) to argue that aliens do not exist(E) to refute the argument that George Washington believed in alien life.In the 1980s, theaters presented a new animated film called Anastasia. It told the story of a young, poverty-stricken Russian girl who comes to find out that she is the long-lost Princess Anastasia, daughter of Czar Nicholas II. By the end of the movie, she ascends her throne as a benevolent ruler. But fans of that movie must face an unpleasant truth: Either the writers got it all wrong, or they intentionally ignored history. On July 17, 1918, Anastasia, along with the rest of her family, was murdered before she reached the age of 18; there were no survivors. And although the film correctly targets Rasputin as a disreputable villain, it nevertheless caricatures his character and his ambitions.It's time to set the record straight.Rasputin, born Grigory Yefimovisc Novykh, was born in Siberia in 1872. He came from poverty-stricken, illiterate people, and he soon earned for himself a bad reputation for his wild lifestyle; indeed, his nickname “Rasputin” means debauched. For a time, Rasputin studied ata monastery, but he came to believe that the only means of salvation came through indulging one’s appetites. He then became a wandering, self-proclaimed holy man, and he traveled extensively, even into Greece and Jerusalem. Upon his return to Russia, Rasputin traveled to St. Petersburg. There he met Czar Nicholas II and his family. Unbelievably, despite his salacious lifestyle and his distaste for bathing, Rasputin ingratiated himself with the Czarina. For whatever reason, Rasputin proved repeatedly that he could comfort the crown prince Alexis, who was afflicted with hemophilia.Naturally, his close relationship with the ruling family threw a sour taste into the mouths of-the Russian nobility. They eventually plotted against Rasputin with" the goal of engineering his death. On December 29, 1916, a nobleman invited Rasputin to his home for drinks and conversation. There, he poisoned Rasputin^ drink and waited for himto die. Rasputin proved stronger than anticipated, and so the noble and his friends tried to shoot him instead. Again, Rasputin clung to life. Finally, the nobles had to drag him down to the river and drown him.Rasputin had his drawbacks. He was selfish. He was corrupt. He was politically ambitious. However, he does not deserve to be represented as he is in Anastasia.7. The author’s intent in writing this passage is______.(A) to further confound the information people have about Anastasia and her family(B) to desecrate Rasputin’s reputation(C) to praise the film Anastasia for its historical accuracy(D) to restore a little dignity to a powerful historical figure(E) to talk about Czar Nicholas II and his family8. When were Anastasia and her family murdered?(A) 1872(B) 1890(C) 1916(D) 1918(E) 19299. What did Rasputin consider himself?(A) a politician(B) a holy man(C) a czar(D) a noble(E) a spy10. Who, according to the article, had hemophilia?(A) Anastasia(B) the czar(C) the czarina(D) The crown prince(E) Rasputin11. The author writes this passage with(A) humility(B) fear(C) anxiety(D) serenity(E) outrageTurning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhereThe ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack all conviction, while the worstAre full of passionate intensity ...—William Butler Yeats (1920)12. Which of the following events take place in this poem?(A) The volcanoes are beginning to explode.(B) The falcon cannot hear the falconer.(C) The animals cannot find their way home.(D) The people cannot see the sun.(E) The tidal wave dashes the shore to pieces.13. What is let loose upon the world?(A) the blood-dimmed tide(B) the widening gyre(C) the falconer(D) the ceremony of innocence(E) mere anarchy14. What cannot hold?(A) the moon(B) the tide(C) the center(D) the world(E) the worst15. This poem tries to express the______.(A) fine skill of falconry(B) understandable injustice of death(C) great joy about life(D) deep pessimism about the world(E) appreciation for anarchy as a political system16. Why do you think that the author uses words like “blood-dimmed,” “anarchy,” and“drowned innocence”?(A) to give a happy tone to the poem(B) to give a sad tone to the poem(C) to give a menacing tone to the poem(D) to give a light-hearted tone to the poem(E) to give a proud tone to the poemScattered across the United States are countless statues of men on horseback. You can find them in cemeteries, in parks, and outside public service buildings. Normally, these statues depict men in uniform sitting astride horses. The main difference among these statues are the position the horses hold; they rear back on their hind legs with both hooves in the air, or hold one hoof aloft, or plant all four hooves firmly on the ground.Legend has it that you can look at statues of men on horseback, anywhere in the United States, and know how they died. If the rider sits atop a horse with one hoof held up, then that person was wounded in battle and later died of his wounds. If the horse rears back on both hind legs, then that person died in battle. And if the horse stands on all four hooves, the rider died of natural causes.Unfortunately, this story is a load of horse manure. It’s pr etty to think that all sculptors adhered to this rule, but they did not. A simple scan across the horse-and-rider statues will prove this point. In fact, the lore generally is true only for Civil War battlefields.17. You are in a graveyard located in Los Alamos, New Mexico. You see many statues of menon horseback. One in particular catches your attention; it is made of bronze, and the man sits astride a horse reared back on both hind legs. You infer that______.(A) this man died in battle(B) this man was wounded in battle and later died(C) this man died of natural causes(D) this man was a public servant(E) this man liked horses18. In what sort of publication would you likely find this article?(A) a science text(B) an almanac(C) a book of trivia(D) a history book(E) a comic book19. The best title for this passage would be______.(A) Urban Legends Explained(B) Ripley’s Believe It or Not(C) Secrets of Civil War Battlegrounds(D) The Story of the Civil War(E) The Art of Making Statues20. The author’s tone can be described as______.(A) heavyhanded(B) mathematical(C) dour(D) lighthearted(E) loquaciousIt has been said that “History is written by the winners,” and to a certain extent this statement is true. If nothing else, history has a very selective memory. As we study the events of World War II, stories continue to surface. Some of these are happy; others are sad. Still others are merely intriguing.One such story is that of Vasili Zeitsev, who fought for the Russian army against the invading Germans. Zeitsev, a deer hunter from the Urals, became a hero for his marksmanship; in one ten-day period, he shot 40 Germans. He was so good a shot, and so demoralizing for German soldiers, that the Germans shipped in their own sharpshooter, Colonel Heinz Thornwald, for the express purpose of killing Zeitsev. Unfortunately for Thornwald, Zeitsev proved the better soldier. Thornwald, after attempting a shot, stuck up his head for a quick look around; Zeitsev took the advantage and eliminated Thornwald. By the end of the war, Zeitsev alone defeated 242 Germans before he was blinded by a land mine.Anyone interested in Zeitsev’s story can watch the recent film Enemy at the Gates, starring Joseph Fiennes, Jude Law, and Ed Harris. Even though some details have been changed, for example the inclusion of a love triangle, the movie is quite exciting and informative.21. How many Germans did Zeitsev kill?(A) 142(B) 242(C) 342(D) 442(E) 54222. What does the phrase “History is written by the winners” mean?(A) The losers, because of their suffering, arc more interesting to listen to.(B) The soldiers, because of their sacrifice, are ignored.(C) The winners, because they are now more powerful, can control information flow.(D) The generals, because of their military skill, can remain silent.(E) The artists, because of their skill, will listen to the soldiers.23. What ended Zeitsev’s career?(A) He stepped on a land mine and blew himself up.(B) He went deaf after standing too near a tank when it fired its shot.(C) He drowned in the attack on Normandy.(D) He was blinded by a land mine.(E) He was paralyzed when the cavalry stampeded his tent.24. Zeitsev was ______.(A) American(B) French(C) German(D) neutral(E) Russian25. The author intended_______.(A) to anger the reader(B) to relate an interesting historical tidbit(C) to plug the movie Enemy at the Gates(D) to praise the Germans(E) to document the story of Heinz Thornwald26. What can we infer from Thornwald’s defeat?(A) If Thornwald had aimed to the left, Zeitsev would be dead.(B) If Zeitsev had been more careful about checking his shot, Thornwald would be alive.(C) If Thornwald had not eaten 15 minutes before making his shot, Zeitsev would be alive.(D) If Thornwald had not joined the German army, Zeitsev would not have joined theRussian army.(E) If Thornwald had been more careful about checking to see whether he hit, Zeitsev mightnot have gotten a shot.27. Because of his great aim, which of the following jobs was Zeitsev assigned?(A) sniper(B) radio man(C) gunner(D) pilot(E) cookAnyone who has lived in the United States for any length of time has seen, or heard of, graffiti. Graffiti is the scrawled artwork that defaces public buildings, street signs, and roadways. The subjects depicted by graffiti artists range widely; sometimes the graffiti is just gang names and logos, other times it is the artist’s name. Sometimes the graffiti is vaguely attractive, but more often than not, it is just a mass of obscene words.Linguists will tell you that the term graffiti comes from the Italian word graffito, which means to scratch. Artists will tell you that the art form (They call it an art form!) dates back to the dawn of humanity; even the cave men used graffiti on their cave walls, and don’t forget the caricature of Jesus on the Domus Gelotiana in Rome, now on display in a museum.These modern, politically correct yahoos would have you believe the garbage we sec scrawled on sidewalks and mailboxes every day is somehow contributing to our quality of life. By ridding ourselves of these “urban artworks,” they say, w e are discriminating against those whose artistic ideals are different from ours.Well, I say, our ideals arc different—and theirs arc wrong. Art does not deface property. Art is not vulgar. Art is not commercialism for gangland activities. And I urge you to join my opinion.28. From what language does the word graffiti come?(A) English(B) Russian(C) Italian(D) Latin(E) Hebrew29. In what context arc you likely to find this kind of writing?(A) the headlines(B) the opinions/editorial page(C) the gossip columns(D) the sports page(E) the real estate section30. 'Which position does the author likely endorse?(A) The city should set aside funding for grants to graffiti artists so they can continue theirwork.(B) The Museum of Modern Art should consider having a showcase for graffiti art.(C) Young children should be allowed to express their artistic impulses on sidewalks andschool buildings.(D) Urban artists should create their own wrapping paper design.(E) Graffiti artists should receive jail sentences.31. In what place docs this author likely live?(A) a rural town in Mississippi(B) a village in eastern Kentucky(C) N ew York City(D) the seaside in Florida(E) a resort in Alaska32. With what emotion does the author write?(A) satisfaction(B) joy(C) fear(D) exasperation(E) sorrowStudents study the theory of communism in school. They know that it was created and popularized by Marx and Engels. They know that it advocates putting the state's needs above the individual’s needs. They know many of the Russian leaders—like Stalin, Khrushchev, and Gorbachev.What they may not realize is that, in the late 1890s, many great European and American thinkers adamantly advocated communism. This was a time during which one could sec class division taking place. At that time, people generally fit into one of two categories; either they were rich, or striving to be rich, or they were dirt poor. The poor desired to be rich, and the rich had no desire to come into any contact with the poor. Communism offered a way out for the poor at the expense of the wealthy; classlessness offered a hopeful future for many.Take, for example, British author H. G. Wells. Wells, one of the first science fiction writers, wrote The Time Machine with the tenets of communism firmly in mind. The Time Machine warns about what will happen if society continues to split into two factions—the rich and the poverty-stricken. The book shows the poverty-stricken class finally rising up and taking revenge upon the rich. By contrast, Wells argues, communism, with its classless society, offers a much more hopeful future.Another writer who favored communism was American author John Steinbeck. In his The Grapes of Wraths for example, he sets up a story in which poverty-stricken folk are offered a dream—the American Dream—that will never come true for them. Steinbeck holds capitalism accountable for the poverty and despair that exists in the world. He does this by depicting the horrible events that befall the Joad family on their way to find work in California. Bankers take over their farm.Their car breaks down, and salesmen try to gyp them out of their cash. The Joads can’t find work in California because there is always someone willing to work at a lower wage. All of these traumas, Steinbeck insinuates, will come true under capitalism. Steinbeck offers only one harmonious event for the Joads: a camp that runs on the principlesof communism.33. According to the passage, what text did John Steinbeck write?(A) Marx and Engels(B) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(C) The Time Machine(D) Communism: The Way to Go(E) The Grapes of Wrath34. Which statement outlines the organization of these four paragraphs?(A) An introduction and an example with two opposite claims.(B) A conclusion, two supporting paragraphs, and an introduction.(C) An introduction, a claim, and two supporting paragraph-long examples.(D) Two claims with a supporting example.(E) An introduction, two supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.35. We can infer from the passage that the author_______.(A) is neutral(B) is a communist(C) is a capitalist(D) is a novelist(E) is poor36. The author sets out to______.(A) argue that communism is an evil theory(B) give an explanation as to why people once took a great interest in communism(C) advocate a return to communism(D) recommend some good books to read(E) eradicate capitalism from the worldIf you are a fan of such shows as Days of Our Lives or Passions, you are enjoying a dramatic tradition over a thousand years old. Any fan of a soap opera knows that certain trademark characters will be a part of the show, whether or not you want them to be. Every soap opera has a naive, innocent character (usually female) who runs into trouble with an evil, conniving, manipulative character (also usually female) who has set her sights on the innocent character’s boyfriend. Every soap opera, additionally, has an earnest young man who, because he is in love with the naive, innocent character, finds himself in conflict with a calculating, boastful man. These recurring character types are modern versions of archetypes created by commedia dell’arte.Commedia dell'arte evolved from the standards set by Roman comedies that became particularly popular during the Renaissance. Roman comedy had become highly formalized, and it used six main types of characters around whom the story unfolded. These characters included the Sweet Young Thing (a naive, innocent, young female character), the Miles Gloriosus (the superficially bold but secretly cowardly soldier), the Old Man (who takes a highly inappropriate interest in the Sweet Young Thing), the Old Woman (usually a nurseor chaperone of the Sweet Young Thing), the Brave Young Man (who eventually weds the Sweet Young Thing), and the Clever Slave (who comically but cleverly aids the Brave Young Man and the Sweet Young Thing in their attempts to escape the evil clutches of the Old Man).Commedia dell'arte adopted these main characters, in particular the Clever Slave (often called the zanni) and the Brave Young Man and the Sweet Young Thing (also called The Lovers or Harlequin and Columbine) and expanded their number. Eventually, a typical commedia dell’arte company consisted of 10 or 12 actors, each specializing in one or two character types, who ad-libbed performances. Over time, people grew tired of these stereotypical characters, and drama turned to more realistic depictions of human traumas. Nevertheless, remnants of commedia d ell’arte exist--such as those in modem soap operas, as we shall see as we analyze some modern day examples.37. The author wants to make the point that(A) soap operas are a complete waste of time(B) commedia dell'arte is a modem art form(C) Days of our Lives is the best soap opera on TV(D) old things can sometimes be recreated in new ways(E) commedia dell’arte was a highly scripted art form38. The character in commedia dell'arte who is a secret coward is the______.(A) Sweet Young Thing(B) Miles Gloriosus(C) Clever Slave(D) Old Man(E) Brave Young Man39. What is the purpose of paragraph one?(A) to tell about the commedia dell’arte(B) to discuss the latest plot developments of Days of Our Lives(C) to talk about specific commedia dell’arte characters(D) to engage the reader’s attention(E) to waste the reader’s time40. What is the name of the pair of lovers in commedia dell'arte?(A) Romeo and Juliet(B) Abbot and Costello(C) Punch and Judy(D) Betty and Veronica(E) Harlequin and Columbine。



GCT考试模拟试卷语文表达能力测试-GCT语文试卷与试题1. 下列加点字的注音全都正确的一组是:A. 觊(jǐ)觎胴(dáng)体恫(dáng)吓纨绔(kù)子弟B. 忤(chǔ)逆扒(pá)窃伉(kàng)俪垂涎(xián)三尺C. 不啻(chì) 谄(chǎn)媚隽(j uàn)永稗(bài)官野史D. 刹(chà)那篡(cuàn)改狙(zǔ)击岿(kuī)然不动答案:C2. 对下列词语的解释,全都正确的一组是:A. 举措 (举动、措施) 举棋不定 (比喻做事犹豫不决)举止 (姿态、风度) 举手之劳 (形容轻微的劳动)B. 开禁 (解除禁令) 开源节流 (增加收入,减少开支)开拓 (开辟、扩展) 开门见山 (说话写文章直截了当)C. 民选 (由人民群众选举) 民不聊生 (人民没办法生活)顺民 (安分守己的人) 祸国殃民 (使国家受害,人民遭殃)D. 文才 (写作诗文的才能) 文不加点 (写文章很快,不用涂改就写成)文思 (文章的主题) 繁文缛节 (过分地讲究文采和礼节)答案:B3. 下面各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是:A. 乐此不彼密云不雨墨守成规循规蹈矩B. 靡靡之音诲人不倦漫不经心循循善诱C. 坚守自盗杀鸡儆猴出人头地力挽狂澜D. 投机取巧骇人听闻目不瑕接龙潭虎穴答案:B4. 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是:A. 我们要学会正确的立场、方法和观点,去解决问题、分析问题和提出问题。

B. 文件对经济领域中的若干重要问题,从理论上和政策上做了详细的规定和深刻的说明。

C. 为了防止不再发生类似事故,单位领导制定了一系列切实加强安全保卫工作的措施。

D. 我国宪法规定,公民享有宪法和法律规定的权利,同时必须履行宪法和法律规定的义务。

答案:D5. 把下列句子组合成语意连贯的一段话:①但是这正是无上的美的境界,绝好的自然诗篇。



Verbal(M)ⅠSynonym1.MALICEA.cunningB.forethoughtC.spiteD.benevolenceE.premeditation2.MENDICANTA.pharmacistB.beggarC.epoxyD.bandageE.soporific3.MINUTEA.trivialB.speedC.notesD.weaponryE.ammunition4.MALICIOUSA.odorousB.spitefulC.inedibleD.atypicalE.hungry5.MUNDANEA.stupidB.extraordinaryC.weeklyD.immensemon6.MANEUVERA.convergeB.avoidanceC.deviateD.contrivanceE.turn7.MARA.planetB.spoilC.scratchD.coverE.injure 8.MEAGERA.paltryB.stuntedC.timidD.sloppyE.frigid9.MOURNA.repleteB.whimperC.argueD.disapproveE.grieve10.MALCONTENTA.sicklyB.troublesomeC.dissatisfiedD.maliciousE.foolhardy11.MERITA.deserveB.requireC.necissitateD.pardonE.base12.MeanderA.manageB.exerciseC.reviewD.wanderE.deleteⅡAnalogy1.Menu is to dinner as catalog is toA.cashierB.orderC.sellerD.purchaseE.shopperliliter is to quart asA.pound is to gramlimeter is to yardC.inch is to yardD.pint is to yardE.foot is to yard3.Modesty is to arrogance asA.debility is to strengthB.cause is to purposeC.hate is to is to staminaE.agility is to stamina4.Mentor is to prefessor asA.advisor is to counselorB.child is to parentC.learning is to teacherD.mental is to physicalE.tooth is to dentist5.Monsoon is to rain asA.hurricane is to destructionB.tornado is to windC.sun is to springD.famine is to droughtE.morning is to dew6.Meager is to abuandant asA.slender is to skinnyB.rare is to mediumC.feeble is to richD.decrepit is to robustE.weak is to slow7.Morose is to cheerful asA.clean is to hyperactiveB.happy is to ecstaticC.hygienic is to contaminatedD.mud is to dirtE.subtle is to torpid8.Modest is to vanity as innocent is toA.happinessB.reasonC.fearD.guiltE.purity9.Monday is to Thursday asA.February is to MayB.eight is to sixC.March is to MayD.12:00 is to 09:00E.first is to third10.Map is to land asA.negative is to is to filmC.diagram is to machineD.crayon is to paintE.lens is to glasses11.Movement is to symphony asA.act is to playB.exercise is to conditioningC.recipe is to cookbookD.wedge is to pieE.segment is to orange12.Money is to tree as Euro is toA.bushB.grassC.cranberyD.stalkE.elm13.Mountain is to valley asA.basement is to roofB.genius is to idiotC.temperate is to tropicalD.tall is to flatE.slim is to short14.May is to July asA.April is to AugustB.February is to JuneC.October is to DecemberD.January is to NovemberE.March is to September15.Morgue is to corpse asA.refrigerator is to jarB.library is to is to nurseD.warehouse is to is to pew16.Monarch is to migrate asA.girzzly is to hibernateB.king is to travelC.salmon is to spawnD.kangaroo is to rangeE.squirrel is to climb。



SSAT 阅读题题型解析引导语;SSAT 阅读考试题型也是有规律可循的,掌握这些规律,能让你更好的去把握做题。


一、Word-in-context Questions(猜词题)既然叫做猜词,那必定是有风险存在的,但是我们可以使用恰当的方法将这种风险降到最低。

SSAT 阅读中对于词汇的考察不是测试考生对该词是否认识,目的不是去找和题干中对应的同义词,而是在语境之下对该词的理解。


比如,大家都知道divine 是神圣的意思,恰巧选项中有holy,那些认识词的考生欣喜若狂的选择了holy,然后就错了,在文章中就是predict 的意思。



二、Main Idea Questions(主旨题)该类题型是ssat 阅读题中比较重要的题,需要考生在读完文章的基础上合理的总结文章内容,平时训练的过程中要学会寻找Topic Sentence,即主题句,但并不是大家印象中的每一段落的第一句话就是该段的总结,要学会分情况判断。



三、Detail Questions(细节题)ssat 阅读题中的细节题和主旨题的总量差不多是SSAT 阅读的半。



SSAT阅读真题及答案解析免费下载1、When you want to hang the American flag over the middle of a street, suspend it vertically with the blue field, called the union, to the north and east-west street. When the flag is displayed with another banner from crossed staffs, the American flag is on the right. Place the staff of the American flag in front of the other staff. Raise the flag quickly and lower it slowly and respectfully. When flying the flag at half-mast, hoist it to the top of the pole for a moment before lowering it to mid-pole. When flying the American flag with banners from states or cities, raise the nation's banner first and lower it last. Never allow the flag to touch the ground.What is the main idea of this passage?A. The American flag is the symbol of American freedom.B. The American flag has fifty stars.C. Placing the American flag inappropriately will draw government intervention.D. American flag should be flown differently in certain situations.","The flag should be lowered quickly and respectfully.2、. What if someone told you about a kind of grass that grows as tall as the tallest trees? A grass that can be made as strong as steel? A grass from which houses, furniture, boats, and hundreds of other useful things can be made? A grass that you would even enjoy eating? Would you believe that person? You should, for that grass is bamboo, the “wood” of 1,001 uses.Bamboo may look like wood, but it is part of the family of plants that includes wheat, oats, and barley. It is a kind of grass. This grass is not just a material for making useful products. Young bamboo is eaten, often mixed with other vegetables, in many Asian foods.Bamboo grows in many parts of the world. In the United States it grows in an area from Virginia west to Indiana and south to Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. Most bamboo, however, is found in warm, wet climates, especially in Asia and on the islandsof the South Pacific Ocean.In most Asian countries, bamboo is nearly as important as rice. Many Asians live in bamboo houses. They sit on bamboo chairs and sleep on bamboo mats. They fence their land with bamboo and use the wood for cages for chickens and pigs.Bamboo is used to build large buildings as well as homes. When it is glued in layers, it becomes as strong as steel. On some islands in the South Pacific, bamboo is even used for water pipes. This extraordinary material has many other uses. It is used to make musical instruments, such as flutes and recorders. Paper made from bamboo has been highly prized by artists for thousands of years.Bamboo is light and strong, and it bends without breaking. It is cheap, floats on water, almost never wears out, and is easy to grow. Nothing else on earth grows quite so fast as bamboo. At times you can even see it grow! Botanists have recorded growths of more than three feet in just twenty-four hours! Bamboo is hollow and has a strong root system that almost never stops growing and spreading. In fact, only after it flowers, an event that may happen only once every thirty years, will bamboo die.There are more than a thousand kinds of bamboo. The smallest is only three inches tall and one-tenth of an inch across. The largest reaches more than two hundred feet in height and seven inches in diameter. No wonder, then, that the lives of nearly half the people on earth would change enormously if there were no longer any bamboo. No wonder, too, that to many people bamboo is a symbol of happiness and good fortune.。



高中英语阅读理解猜词题单选题40题1. In the passage, the word "gregarious" is closest in meaning to _____.A. shyB. outgoingC. intelligentD. seriousAnswer: B. “gregarious” means fond of company and sociable, which is closest in meaning to “outgoing”.2. The word "dapper" in the text probably means _____.A. untidyB. stylishC. lazyD. angryAnswer: B. “dapper” usually refers to being neatly and stylishly dressed.3. When the author says the person is “pensive”, he means that the person is _____.A. happyB. sadC. thoughtfulD. excitedAnswer: C. “pensive” means engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought.4. The word “ebullient” in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. calmB. excitedC. tiredD. boredAnswer: B. “ebullient” means full of energy and enthusiasm, similar to “excited”.5. In the story, the word “resolute” describes a person who is _____.A. weakB. determinedC. confusedD. lazyAnswer: B. “resolute” means having or showing firm determination.6. In the passage about natural landscapes, the word "verdant" is used.What does it mean? A. Colorful. B. Lush. C. Rocky. D. Barren. Answer: B. "Verdant" means lush or covered with greenery. It is often used to describe areas that are full of plants and vegetation.7. The text mentions a "serene" lake. What does "serene" mean? A. Stormy. B. Calm. C. Murky. D. Busy. Answer: B. "Serene" means calm, peaceful, and undisturbed. A lake described as serene would be quiet and tranquil.8. The word "majestic" is used to describe a mountain. What is the meaning of "majestic"? A. Small. B. Ordinary. C. Grand. D. Ugly. Answer: C. "Majestic" means grand, magnificent, and imposing. A majestic mountain is one that is impressive and awe-inspiring.9. In the passage, a forest is called "dense". What does "dense" mean?A. Sparse.B. Open.C. Thick.D. Empty. Answer: C. "Dense" means thick or closely packed. A dense forest has a lot of trees growing close together.10. The word "picturesque" is used to describe a valley. What does "picturesque" mean? A. Ugly. B. Plain. C. Beautiful. D. Boring. Answer: C. "Picturesque" means beautiful, charming, and visually appealing. A valley described as picturesque would be very attractive to look at.11. In the passage about technological advancements, the word "innovative" most likely means _.A. old-fashionedB. creativeC. uselessD. expensiveAnswer: B. "innovative" means creative or introducing new ideas..12. The text on technology development mentions the word "sophisticated". What does it mean?A. simpleB. complexC. uglyD. cheapAnswer: B. "sophisticated" means complex or advanced..13. In a passage on high-tech gadgets, the word "revolutionize" could be replaced by _.A. destroyB. change completelyC. ignoreD. make worseAnswer: B. "revolutionize" means to change completely..14. The word "ubiquitous" in a text about the spread of technology probably means _.A. rareB. everywhereC. expensiveD. uselessAnswer: B. "ubiquitous" means being everywhere..15. In an article on future technologies, the word "prototype" is closest in meaning to _.A. final productB. broken thingC. first modelD. cheap copyAnswer: C. "prototype" means the first model of something..16. In the passage about a historical event, the word "consequence" is closest in meaning to _.A. resultB. causeC. processD. beginning.Answer: A. “consequence” means a result or effect. In the context of historical events, it is often used to refer to the results that follow an action or event..17. The word "chronicle" in the text related to historical eventsprobably means _.A. ignoreB. recordC. destroyD. forget.Answer: B. “chronicle” means to record or narrate events in chronological order. In historical contexts, it is often used to refer to written records of events..18. When the author mentions "revolutionary" in a historical passage, it is most likely to mean _.A. traditionalB. peacefulC. radicalD. slow.Answer: C. “revolutionary” means involving or causing a complete or dramatic change. In historical contexts, it is often associated with radical changes in society or politics..19. The word "pivotal" in a historical text could be replaced by _.A. unimportantB. minorC. crucialD. ordinary.Answer: C. “pivotal” means of crucial importance in a particular situation or event. In historical writings, it is used to describe events or people that had a significant impact..20. In a passage about historical events, the term "milestone" refers to _.A. a small stepB. an obstacleC. a significant eventD. a commonoccurrence.Answer: C. “milestone” is a significant event or stage in the development of something. In historical contexts, it is often used to describe important events that mark a turning point or progress..21. In the passage, the word "ceremony" is closest in meaning to _.A. partyB. celebrationC. meetingD. discussionAnswer: B. “ceremony” means a formal event, which is similar to “celebration”.22. The word "tradition" in the text could be replaced by _.A. habitB. customC. hobbyD. interestAnswer: B. “tradition” refers to a long-established custom.23. The expression "ritual" in the passage is most similar to _.A. routineB. ruleC. practiceD. lawAnswer: C. “ritual” and “practice” both imply a repeated action or behavior.24. The word "folklore" is closest in meaning to _.A. historyB. storiesC. legendsD. cultureAnswer: C. “folklore” consists of traditional stories and legends.25. The term "customary" in the text means _.A. usualB. specialC. rareD. newAnswer: A. “customary” means in accordance with custom or habit, so it’s similar to “usual”.26. In the passage, the word "pandemic" probably means _.- a widespread disease- a local illness- a personal problem- a rare conditionAnswer: a widespread disease. Explanation: "pandemic" refers to adisease that spreads over a large area or across the world. It is not a local illness, personal problem, or rare condition..27. The word "inequality" in the text is closest in meaning to _.- fairness- similarity- difference- disparityAnswer: disparity. Explanation: "inequality" means a lack of equality or a state of being unequal. "disparity" also means a great difference or inequality. Fairness is the opposite of inequality. Similarity means being alike. Difference is a more general term and not as specific as disparity..28. When the author mentions "unemployment", he/she is referring to the state of being _.- without a job- with a part-time job- with a high-paying job- looking for a new jobAnswer: without a job. Explanation: "unemployment" means not having a job. A person with a part-time job or a high-paying job is employed. Looking for a new job is not the same as being unemployed..29. The word "pollution" in the passage can be best described as _.- a natural phenomenon- a man-made problem- a minor issue- a temporary situationAnswer: a man-made problem. Explanation: Pollution is mainly caused by human activities such as industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and waste disposal. It is not a natural phenomenon. It is a significant issue and not minor. And it is often a long-term problem rather than temporary..30. The term "social unrest" in the text means _.- peaceful situation- stable society- public harmony- disorder and dissatisfactionAnswer: disorder and dissatisfaction. Explanation: "social unrest" refers to a state of disorder and dissatisfaction in society. It is not a peaceful situation, stable society, or public harmony..31. In the passage about famous artworks, the word “masterpiece” most likely means ____.A. an ordinary paintingB. a great work of artC. a beginner's attemptD. a damaged piece.Answer: B. “masterpiece” means a great work of art. In the context of artworks, this word is often used to describe something of exceptional quality and significance.32. The text mentions an “exhibition”. The word “exhibition” here refers to ____.A. a private gatheringB. a sale of art suppliesC. a display of artworksD. a music concert.Answer: C. An “exhibition” is a display of artworks. This is a common usage in the context of art.33. The phrase “aesthetic value” might mean ____.A. financial worthB. historical importanceC. beauty and appealD. size and weight.Answer: C. “Aesthetic value” refers to beauty and appeal. It is related to the visual or sensory qualities of an object.34. When the author talks about “patronage” in relation to art, it probably means ____.A. criticism of artB. support for artistsC. copying of artworksD. destruction of art.Answer: B. “Patronage” in the context of art usually means support for artists, often in the form of financial or other types of assistance.35. The word “sculpture” is likely to mean ____.A. a written storyB. a musical compositionC. a three-dimensional art formD. a flat painting.Answer: C. A “sculpture” is a three-dimensional art form. It is distinct from flat paintings and written stories or musical compositions.36. In the passage, the word "futuristic" is closest in meaning to _.A. old-fashionedB. modernC. traditionalD. out-of-dateAnswer: B. "futuristic" means relating to the future or looking like something from the future. "modern" also implies being up-to-date and having a contemporary look..37. The word "innovative" in the text can be best replaced by _.A. boringB. creativeC. dullD. repetitiveAnswer: B. "innovative" means introducing new ideas or methods. "creative" has a similar meaning of being imaginative and coming up with new things..38. The term "progressive" in the passage is similar to _.A. backwardB. regressiveC. advancedD. conservativeAnswer: C. "progressive" means moving forward or making progress. "advanced" also means being ahead or developed..39. The word "visionary" could be replaced by _.A. practicalB. realisticC. dreamyD. short-sightedAnswer: C. "visionary" means having or showing clear ideas about the future. "dreamy" can imply having lofty or imaginative ideas..40. The expression "forward-looking" is closest in meaning to _.A. backward-thinkingB. present-orientedC. future-orientedD. past-focusedAnswer: C. "forward-looking" means thinking about or planning for the future. "future-oriented" has the same meaning..。



高中英语阅读理解猜词题单选题40题1. In the passage, the word "magnificent" is closest in meaning to:A. beautifulB. bigC. wonderfulD. old答案:C。



2. The word "delicate" in the text can be replaced by:A. strongB. weakC. gentleD. hard答案:C。



3. In the following, which word is similar to "furious"?A. angryB. happyC. calmD. sad答案:A。



阅读猜词题Microsoft Word 文档

阅读猜词题Microsoft Word 文档


这种题常见的提问方式有:The word “…”in paragraph …can best be replaced by …….The underlined word “…”most probably means ….By saying “…”, the author means …The expression “…”is closest to …According to the passage, the phrase “…”suggests …The underlined part “……”(in Para. …)means …..做这种类型的题,要根据词、词组、句子所在的语境来判断其意义。





1. 根据定义(definition)猜测词义如果生词有一个句子或段落来定义,那么理解这个句子或段落本身就是推断词义。

定义常用的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, be called, define, represent, refer to, signify 等。

例如:(05 湖北卷A段)Do you know what a “territory”is ? A territory is an area that an animal ,usually the male, claims(声称)as its own.由定义可推知,这里territory指的是:(04 浙江卷B段)Green building means “reducing the impact (影响)of the building on the land”.由定义我们可以推断这里Green building 指的是:2.根据复述推测词义虽然复述不如定义那样严谨、详细,但是它提供的信息可以为阅读者猜测词义提供依据,至少读者可以根据复述猜测生词的大致“义域”(意义范围)。






VISIBLE PROGRESS SYSTEM 进步可视化教学体系第六章 阅读理解之猜词题 本章进步目标 ★★★☆☆☆ Level 3 通过对本节课的学习,你能够: 1. 判断题干是否为阅读猜词题,达到【初级理解】级别 2. 解答阅读猜词题题目,达到【高级理解】级别诊断测试and said,”ExcuseYes□ / No□is that they were notwant to translate the进步反馈卡补救练习Yes□ / NoYes□/______.Yes□ / No。


a look-alike,D。

The angledon't hold water,in family health care。

of the elderly. This养老金). Furthermore, some in-situation should be created for senior citizens, which can helpprovide a comfortable life for them。

Unfortunately, as the present situation in our country shows, this is not a truly viable answer. The government can seldom afford to care for the elderly, particularly when it is busy trying to care for the young.The underlined word “viable" most probably means “_______”.A. impossibleB. practicalC. meaningfulD. successful3. The English are often considered as unfriendly people who don’t talk to strangers, but not London taxi drivers。

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ssat 阅读题型-猜词题(word-in-context)1.Although the professor^ lectures were regarded by many as so wearisome that they regularly put students to sleep, he ignored all criticism and refused to make any changes.A.modestB.unpleasantC.boringD.objectionableE.long答案:c解析:ss址中的词汇题与托福不同,它主要考察学生联系上下文语境推理单词含义的能力。

木题中需要注意so wearisome that they regularly ••make any changes o T hat 后内容就是对wearisom的解释。


2.Her fashion sense was usually described as flamboyant,but on the night of the party, Tanya's outfit was uncharacteristically modest.A.impeccableB.showyC.sloppyD.unassumingE.distinct答案:B解析:解读上下文,发现but这个关键词。

因此but on the night of the party, Tanya's outfit was uncharacteristically modest.这部分内容应该和前文相反,抓取该句关键词为“modest”,该词在形容穿着时指低调的,普通的。



showy"引人注目的,华丽的”3.The intermittent rain soaked the garden many different times during the day.A.protractedB.periodicC.incredulousD.lightE.heavy答案:B解析:后半句说这个雨发牛在一天中的不同时段。

所以intermittent应该就是指many different times during the day “ 断断续续”答案是B4.As soon as the details of the election were released to the media, the newspaper wasinundated with calls一far too many to be handled effectively.A.providedB.botheredC.rewardedD.floodedE・ distuTbed答案:D解析:注意该句最后有一个破折号(・-),她的作用是对前文进行解释说明,所以inundated在句子中给的提示就是far too many。



5.The attorney wanted to expedite the process, because her client was becomingimpatient.A.accelerateB.evaluateC.reverseD.justifyE.simplify答案:A解析:后半句,because her client was becoming impatient 给击提示,因为客户不耐烦,所以律师想要加快进程。

expedite “加快,加速”6.The new shipping and receiving building is an expansive facility, large enough tomeet our growing needs.A.obsoleteB.meagerC.spaciousD.costlyE.luxury答案:c解析:这道题看选项很多词都可以修饰new shipping and receiving building o 比如选项costly/luxury。



答案是C7.The volcano lays dormant now, but we feel sure it will erupt again within the year.A.inactiveB.slackC.elevatedD.on attentiveE.flat答案:A 解析:同样根据but的提示,后面说这个火山肯定会喷发(erupt),所以前面的内容应该是相反的,就是说火山不会喷发,能表达这个含义的选项应该是A。

8.Most of the women in the orchestra wore conventional black skirts and white shirts during concerts and had their hair neatly pulled back. Robin, with her brightlycolored clothing and unusual hairstyles, was considered quite eccentric.51. What is the meaning of the underlined word eccentric as it is used in the sentence?A.unconventionalB.joyfulC.unreliableD.proudE.fashionable答案:A解析:这句话虽然没有明显的提示词。

但是分析句子的含义可知,Robin和管弦乐队中大多数女性的特点是不一样的,文中说多数女性比较传统(conventional),因此,Robin 就应该是非传统(unconventional)9.Most people today find themselves infatuated with new technological advances, especially in the field of telecommunications. How many of us have not seen, for example, ads for cell phones, shameless plugs for low-cost wireless telephone payment plans, and combination coffee-and-cyberspace cafes, places in which people can "jack if while they drink their java.The word plugs as underlined and used in this passage, most nearly means electrical triple-pronged device used for connecting an object that needselectricity to an electrical sourceB.a collection of matter that blocks the forward progress of other matter through astructure, like a clog in a drainC.a medical treatment used for treating baldnessD・ an advertisementE.technological advances答案:D解析:这属于一到熟词辟义的题。

如果不联系上下文很可能选Ao因为plug 本身就有“插座”的意思。

但是根据文章这句话How many of us have not seen, for example, ads for cell phones, shameless plugs for low-cost wireless telephone payment plans…可知,plug就是ads for cell phones的一个例子。


答案D10.A "Borgesian^ work is one that bends time and reality, often creating a fantasy world revealing unexpected historical connections. In The Library of Babel, Borges describes an infinite library that contains all possible texts. In The Babylon Lottery, he chronicles a lottery in which there are as many negative outcomes as positive; hence a winning ticket might carry a monetary prize while a losing ticket requires the loser's finger to be cut off.The word infinite in the passage is closest in meaning toA.wonderfulB.distantC.realisticD.immenseE.timeless答案:D解析:这道题,很多同学会误选成A,因为觉得wonderful library也很说的通。

但是,当分析上卜文的时候,infinite library that contains all possible texts 会发现作者想强调的是这个library包括所有有可能被想到的书,这是在强调图书馆无限大的特点,而不是说它怎样好,怎样完美。
