
TEACHER: Good morning. Who watched TV last night? Ah, most of you. OK, today we are going to talk about an important part of the media-TV. Specifically, TV viewing and TV dramas. Now first,I’llgive you some background, then we’ll discuss what makes this typ e of programming, dramas, so popular worldwide. OK. Let’s get started. Most of you would agree that watching TV is part of most people’s lives. Now statisticsvary on how much TV people watch, but research shows that quite a few Americans, on average,exceedsix hours of TV per day. An English professor named Cecelia Tichi has studied TV for many years. In her book,Electronic Hearth:Creating anAmerican Television Culture,she discusses how the TV has become the center of activity at home. We walk into a room, turn on the TV, and suddenly the outside world becomes less important. People use TV to tune out, or forget, about the outside world. Were safe to relax and join the world of the TV shows. Do you ever feel this way about TV? . . . Yes, many of you are nodding. She also sees our culture as being defined by TV. Now, by this she means that TV has a huge influence on our attitudes, on what we like to eat, on what we like to wear, on what we like to talk about. For example, popular TV shows are discussed at work, at school, in coffee shops. Why, even children four or five years old do this with their favorite shows. This shows that we live in a TV culture. Improved technology has contributed further to our TV culture. Satellite services, in particular, haveexpandedthe TV programming in many parts of the world. There are now hundreds of TV channels people can watch, and theoptionscontinue to expand: game shows, sports, news, talk shows, comedies, TV dramas, movies,.,. Man, with cable and satellite there are a lot of choices. | Nielsen Media Research studies peoples TV viewing habits in the U.S. Theymonitorwhich shows are popular and with whom. For example, popular shows have included the game showWho Wants To Be A Millionaire?and the reality TV showSurvivor.They were very, very popular and watched by millions of people of all age groups. Now, all of this is really background. What I want to focus on today is one form of a popular TV show that is popular with many peopleofmany age groups. This is TV dramas, specifically TV dramas known as soap operas, or, in Spanish, telenovelas. Some of you might be familiar with telenovelas. Telenovelas and soap operas in the U.S. aresimilarbut have one big difference-the number ofepisodesthey have. Telenovelas and TV serials end after about 200 episodes. The story eventually ends. Soap operas in the U.S., however, continue day after day for many years and may never end. Well, for example,The Guiding Lighthas been on for more than 12,000 episodes, and on it goes. Can you believe that? More than 12,000 episodes!Soap operas started in the United States in 1959, with the showThe Guiding Light.These TV shows were called soap operas because the main advertisers were companies that made soap. Now, this type of programming is popular all over the world. Dozens of countries make their own soap opera shows. Mexican soap operas have been voted the most popular TV show of the year in countries such as Korea and Russia. Japanese soap operas are sent to Belgium. U.S. soap operas are watched worldwide. The Latin American soap opera,Betty La Fea,or Betty The Ugly, was a huge success in the U.S. Brazilian telenovelas are the most widely distributed television shows in the world and have been seen in more than 100 countries. And there are many other examples. What is it about these shows that makes them popular everywhere? And why do people from very different cultures all enjoy watching the same soap opera? Wet!, there areacouple of reasons. One reason suggested by Robert C. Allen, who has done extensive research on television viewing, is that many soap operas deal with universal themes that people all over the world understand. Themes are topics—for example, family, love, personal struggle, money problems, marriage problems, health problems, job problems. Viewers do not need to know the culture in order to understand the family problems in the show. Now according to Irna Phillips, one of the creators ofThe Guiding Light,another reason is char people identify with the characters. They feel the characters are just like them. Toquoteher from an interview, “they (the soap operas) deal withNow according to Irna Phillips, one of the creators ofThe Guiding Light,another reason is char people identify with the characters. They feel the characters are just like them. Toquoteher from an interview, “they (the soap operas) deal with life as we know it. Now by this she means the families in soap operas deal with problems of everyday life. And so, as people watchevery day, day after day, a specialbondor feeling develops between them and the TV family.hey get to know the characters and their problems. The TV family’swelfarebecomes important. There is a sense of community, of sharing, of family. All of these things contribute to character loyalty. If any of you have watched a show regularly, you know what I mean. You watch it because you identify with the characters. Now, writers of TV shows understand that TV viewers want to have a group of characters to know and care about. As Wendy Riche, former executive producer ofGeneral Hospitalput it,“the audience wants a personal, human connection, and when they get ir, they are devoted•” This means they become veryloyalto the TV characters they watch every day. To give an interesting example fromAs the World Turns:Some years back,the writers wanted to have the main character, Bob Hughes, get shot on a Friday. Well, that Friday turned out to be Christmas Eve. The p roducers of the show told the writers, “No,no, no .•.he can’t be shot on this Fridays show. Do you know why?STUDENT 1: Because it was too violent?Teacher:Well, no, not because it was too violent, but they didn't want him shot on the Friday before Christmas.;j.STUDENT 1: Why? I mean, why not?Teacher:Because the audience would worry all weekend about him. They wouldn't know if he was alive or dead, and they would not enjoy Christmas. So, the writers had to change the story, and have him shot after Christmas. 1 mean, the viewers really identify with these characters as if they’re real people. Writers for evening TV also try to create character loyalty, but not with a continuing story. Instead, each week, thestory beginsand ends. However, each week the same characters appear, and viewers watch because they know the characters and they care about them, like friends. A great example of this was the show Seinfeld.There were four main characters:Jerry, George, Kramer, and Elaine. They each had their own problems, their own personalities. Viewers got to know them, and wan red to see what would happen to them. When you think about it, don’t good, writers usually do this? They develop our interest i n the characters so that we want to keep reading, or keep watching TV. The next time you watch a soap opera, think about the themes that make these shows so popular worldwide. Think about how as people watch each day, they get to know the characters and become a part of that TV community. OK, that’s ah for today. Uh, its time for you to go home and watch some TV!。
英语听力教程(第2册)Unit 2 听力原文

Unit 2 听力原文PartⅠBH—House agent W—Woman M—ManH: …right, if you’d just come this way.W: Thank you.M: Yes.H: Er…on the right here we have the…er…the bathroom, which as you can see is fully…fully fitted. If we just move forward now, we…er…come into the er…main … main bed-sitting room here. And…er…on the left here are dining room table and chairs.W: Oh yes.M: Yes.H: And er…straight ahead of us…um…foldaway double bed and mattress, which I think you’ll agree is quite a novel idea.M: Oh yes.H: And then…um…to…W: Behind the armchair.H: Yes, behind the armchair. To our right, um…in the corner there, a fitted wardrobe. And another one on my left here.W: On either side of the bed?H: Yes, that’s right. That’s right, so you can put all you…er…night attire or what … whatever jyou like in here.M: Yes, that’s good.H: (facing the door) Then, there…the…we have the sofa here…er…in front of the…um…the window.M: Oh, yes.H: Er…so there’s plenty of light coming through into the room and as you can see there’s a nice view through the windows there.W: No curtains, though.H: No curtains, but we’ve got roller blinds.W: Oh.H: Yes, they’re nice and straight forward. No problems about that—don’t have to wash them of course. And…um…on the left of the…er…sofa there, you can see nice coffee tables.H: If…if we move straight a … straight ahead, actually, into the …er… the kitchen you can see that um…on my left here we’ve got a washing machine, tumble dryer and …um…electric cooker…W: Oh yes.M: Mmm.H: All as you can see to the most modern designs. And there um…on the other side of the kitchen…um…refrigerator there in the…in the corner.M: Oh yeah, yes.W: Oh, what a nice little cubbyhole! Yes, very neat.H: Yes. Well…um… I don’t know whether you’ve got any questions. That’s it of course.W: Well, could…could we perhaps see the bathroom, because we…we didn’t see that?H: OK, yes, yes, Let’s…um…let’s go on out of here and…um…end up in the bathroom…CD—Dave R—RandallD: Hi Randall. (Hi.) Come on in.R: Uh, yeah, I stopped by to see if you were still looking for a roommate to share your house.D: Yep. I sure am. Ever since I cut back on my working hours to go to school, I’ve been really strapped for cash.R: Oh.D: Hey, let me show you the place. Uh, here’s the living room.R: Oh. It looks like you could use a new carpet…and those stains?D: Well, I’ve had a few problems with some former roommates. I know it needs to be cleaned, but I just don’t have the money to do it right now.R: Oh. And what about the kitchen?D: Right this way. Look. It’s completely furnished with all the latest appliances, except…R: What?D: Well, the refrigerator door is broken…a little bit…and it won’t shut all the way. It needs fixing, but don’t worry. I’ve just impoversihed by pushing a box against it to keep it shut.R: Hmm. Great.D: Ah. It isn’t that bad.R: Well how about the bathroom?D: Well…R: No, no. Don’t tell me. The toilet is clogged or the sink has a few leaks.D: No, those work fine, but, uh, the tile in the shower needs to be replaces, and the window needs fixing.R: Let me see. The tile…what? The window? Where’s the window pane?D: Well, that’s another slight problem. I’ve put up a piece of cardboard to keep out the (Hmmm) rain and snow, and if it gets a little cold, you can always turn up the heat. Well, you used to until the central heating went out. (Oh, boy.)R: Hey, I think I’ve seen enough. I can’t believe you’ve survived under these conditions.D: So what do you think? You really can’t beat a place like this for $450 a month. So it has its problems, but we can fix those.R: Uh, no thank you. I think I’ve seen enough.Part Ⅱ1. My dream house would be a canal boat. I’d like to wake up every morning and see the water. Erm, I’d paint it bright red, and it would have a little roof-garden for all my pot-plants.2. My ideal house would be modern, ermm, it would be made of bricks, and it would have white pillars outside the front door, and it would be detached…on yes, it would have a garage.3. My ideal home would be to live in a cottage in a small village by the sea. Er, somewhere like Cornwall, so it’s unspoilt and there are cliffs and trees around.4. I think if I could have any sort of house, I’d like one of those white-walled villas in Spain. (It’d) Be marvelous to be able to just fall out of bed and into the sea first thing in the morning. (It’d) Be absolutely great. All that heat. Marvelous.5. I’ve always wanted to live in a really big house in the country, a big family house with, er…at least two hundred years old, I think, with a big garden, and best of all I’d like to have a dry-stonewall around the garden. I’ve always lived dry-stone walls.6. D’you know, I may sound daft but what I’ve always wanted to do is live somewhere totally isolated, preferably somewhere enormous like a castle or something, you know, right out in…by the sea or even sort of in a little island, on an island, you know, out at sea, where you have to get there by a boat or something, where it’s cut off at high tide. I think it’d be really great. Questions1. According to the first speaker, in what color would her dream house be painted?2. Where would she put all her pot-plants?3. In the second speaker’s opinion, what would there be outside the front door of his ideal house?4. What would there be around the third speaker’s ideal home?5. When the fourth speaker got up in the morning, what would he do first?6. What is Spain famous for?7. According to the fifth speaker, what would she like to have around the garden of her dream house?8. How should one get to the last speaker’s ideal house?Part ⅢW—Wendy Stott H—House ownerW: Oh hello. (Hello.) My name’s Wendy Scott. Did the estate agent ring you and tell you I was coming?H: Oh yes, yes I was expecting you. Do come in. (Thank you.) Have you had the particulars and everything? Did the estate agent give you, you know, all the details?W: Oh yes. Yes I have, and I was rather interested; that was why I came round this afternoon. You seem to have decorated quite recently…H: Yes, oh, yes, it was decorated last year. Now this is the … this is the kitchen.W: Yes…er… What kitchen equipment are you leaving behind or are you going to take it all?H: Well, you know it rather depends on what I end up buying. I’ve got something in mind at the moment but as you know these things can take ages (Yes.) but the place I’m going to has no gas so I’ll probably be leaving this stove, this oven here.W: Is it…is it quite new? Have you had it long?H: Oh, no, not long. It’s about five or six years old. (I see.) I’ve found it very reliable but I shall be taking that fridge but you can see everything else. It’s a fully fitted kitchen.W: Yes, what about the dishwasher…um…is that a dishwasher under the sink?H: No, no, that’s a washing machine, I shall be taking that, yes, I will but there is plumbing for a washing machine. (Right.)W: Is the gas cooker the only gas appliance you’ve got?H: No, no, there is a gas fire but I don’t use it very much; it’s in the main room, the lounge.W: Oh. Right. That seems fine.H: Well, then across here if you’d like to come in with me, this is the sitting room. (Oh. Yes.) Well you can see for yourself it is really.W: Oh I like the windows, right down to the floor, that’s really nice…H: Yes, yes, they are nice. It’s got a very pleasant view and there’s a balcony you can sit out on in the summer. (Yes, it’s a nice view.) Yes, it is nice. Now then across here this is the smallest bedroom; (Yes.) there are three rooms, this is the smallest and it’s no more really than a box room but of course you can get a bed in.W: You could make it into a study. It would be more useful I think.H: Yes, well I think somebody else has got this room as a study. Then this…this is the second bedroom. (Yes.) As you can see it’s got a fitted cupboard and those shelves there they are also fitted.W: Have you got an airing cupboard anywhere?H: Oh. Yes, there’s one in the bathroom. I’ll show you that in a moment. (Oh right.) Now this is the third bedroom, this is the largest bedroom. (Oh.) Of course it’s got the wash basin, double fitted cupboard, plenty of space really, there, (Very nice.) and of course this room does take the double bed. Now…um…this is the bathroom. There’s the airing cupboard. (Is that the airing cupboard?) Yes, that’s right. It’s nice and warm in there; it’s rather small but I mean it is adequate, you know, and of course there is…there is the shower.W: Is that, did you put that in yourself or was it in with the flat?H: Oh, no. No that was in when the flat was built.W: Is it quite reliable? (Oh yes.) because I’ve had problems with a shower recently? (Yes, no I’ve never had problems with that. No. It’s really good.) Is it gas heated at the water point?H: No, that is electric. (Ah.)Statements:1. Wendy Stott knows nothing about the flat before she comes to have a look at it.2. The flat was decorated five or six years ago.3. The house owner has used the oven and the stove for about five or six years.4. The windows in the largest bedroom are right down to the floor.5. There is a balcony in the sitting-room.Part ⅥInterviewer: how important are property prices in the economy?Roy: In the UK, most people invest most of their money in their house. So property prices are extremely important.Interviewer: Mmm. What’s you view on the UK property market? Do you think prices are too high?Roy: Well, in recent years, prices have gone up…ten to twenty percent a year, um…in some years even more. But inflation has been just two or three percent a year. So I think it’s clear that, um…the bloom has to end.Interviewer: Mmm. The last property market crash, in the UK, was in the late 1980s, and it put the UK economy into a recession. Do you think the same thing will happen again.Roy: I don’t think prices will crash. The…the economic situation was different in the late 80s…interest rates rose quite fast just before property prices fell. Today the Bank of England is much more careful with… with changes in interest rates. The other important difference, I think, is that then unemployment was quite high. Today, it’s very low—about five percent. So I don’t think prices will crash, but it is possible they’ll fall a little. Or stay at the same level for a few years.Interviewer: Banks have lent people a lot of money in recent years. People have got big mortgages. Do you think there’ll be a problem? Will people have less money to spend in the future?Roy: Oh, certainly. Because the loan haven’t just been mortgages — people have also borrowed money to spend in the shops. So far, that’s helped the economy, because spending has been high. But at the end of the day, people will have to pay the money back. So I think we’ll see lowerconsumer spending over the next few years.PartⅤApartment manager: well, hi, Mr. Brown. How’s your apartment working out for you?Tenant: Well Mr. Nelson. That’s what I would like to talk to you about. (What?) Well, I want to talk to you about that noise! (Oh) You see. Would you mind talking to the tenant in 4B and ask him to keep his music down, especially after 10:00 o’clock at night?Apartment Manager: Ohhh. Who me?Tenant: Why yes. The music is blaring almost every night, and it should be your job as manager to take care of these things.Apartment Manager: Hey, I just collect the rent. Besides, the man living there is the owner’s son, and he’s a walking refrigerator. (Well . . .) Hey, I’ll see what I can do. Anything else?Tenant: Well, yes. Could you talk to the owners of the property next door about the pungent odor drifting this way.Apartment Manager: Well, the area is zoned for agricultural and livestock use, so there’s nothing much I can do about that.Tenant: Well, what about the . . . . That, that noise.Apartment Manager: What noise? I don’t hear anything.Tenant: There, there it is again.Apartment Manager: What noise?Tenant: That noise.Apartment Manager: Oh, that noise. I guess the military has resumed its exercises on the artillery range.Tenant: You have to be kidding. Can’t anything be done about it?Apartment Manager: Why certainly. I’ve protested this activity, and these weekly (Weekly!) activities should cease . . . within the next three to five years.Tenant: Hey, you never told me about these problems before I signed the rental agreement.。

Unit 6 听力原文Part IB1. Tell me about yourself.2. What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?3. We have a lot of applicants for this job, why should we appoint you?4. What has been your most valuable experience?5. How would you describe your personality?6. When did you last lose your temper? Describe what happened.7. Which is more important to you: status or money?8. How long do you think you’d stay with us if you were appointed?9. Why do you want to leave your present job?10. What makes you think you’d enjoy working for us?11. Are you an ambitious person?12. What would you like to be doing ten years from now?13. What are you most proud of having done in your present job?14. What was the worst problem you have had in your presentjob and how did you solve it?15. What is the best idea you’ve had in the past month?16. What is your worst fault and what is your best quality?17. Don’t you think you’re a little young for this job?18. What are your long-range goals?19. Describe your present job — what do you find rewardingabout it?20. Now, what do you do in your spare time?21. What excites you about the job you’re doing now?22. What worries you about the job you’re doing now?23. Describe your ideal boss.24. How would you rate your present boss?C1. A person who likes to give or share things with others.2. Someone who always tells the truth.3. A person who is quick at learning new things.4. Someone who is always on time.5. A person who can’t keep a secret.6. Someone who does not think about other people’s feeling.7. A person who speaks in a very direct and honest way.8. Someone who is educated or has good manners.9. A person who comes up with new and original ideas.10. Someone who has a strong desire to succeed.Part II Two girls talking on the phoneClara: That number has been engaged for ages. Nobody can be that popular. I wonder if her number’s been changed. I think I’ll try again (Dialling)Sue: 3346791Clara: Is that you sue?Sue: Who’s callingClara: This is Clara, Clara Fulkson. Don’t you remember me?Sue: Clara! Of course I remember you. How are you? I haven’t heard from you for at least 2 years. What are you doing?Clara: Nothing very exciting. That’s one reason I’m ringing. I need some advice.Sue: Advice? Hm...That’s a good one. I’ve just been sacked (Pips) Clara: There’s (a) pips. Hang on Sue. (Insert a coin) What do you mean you’ve just been sacked? Sue, you are the most successful woman I know.Sue: That’s probably why I’ve been sacked. But let’s talk aboutyou. You said you needed some advice.Clara: I certainly do. I want to ask you about interviews. Have you had (a) lots of them?Sue: Yes, I have. Too manyClara: So could you tell me the sort of questions you are usually asked?Sue: Let me think. The first ten questions are almost always the same. I call them the why’s, how’s and where’s.(pips again)Clara: Not again, Don’t go away, Sue, I’ve got one more coin. (Insert one more coin) Are you there Sue?Sue: Yes, I’m still here?Clara: Sorry, I didn’t understand what you were telling me. Could you repeat it?Sue: It’s very boring. But here you are. I’m always asked: whyI want to leave my present job; why I’m interested in the new job;how I intend to get to work; how long I intend to stay at the job;Where I live; where I went to school; how much I ‘m paid in my present job; how much I expect to be paid in the new job. Oh, yes.I’m always asked if I’m married.(pips again)Clara: That is it, Sue. No more coins. I’ll write to you soon. And many thanks.Questions:1. What are the manes of the two speakers?2. Where might the caller make the phone call?3. How many coins did the caller insert?4. How long haven’t the two girls seen each other for?5. How many why’s, how’s and where’s can you remember? Place a tick by all the questions you can remember.Part III A good interviewA.Interviewer: Good morning, Miss ...Miss Jones: Miss Jones.Interviewer: Miss Jones, yes, right. Now, you’d like to join our team, I gather.Miss Jones: Yes, I would.Interviewer: That’s very good. I’d like to know a little bit about you. Perhaps you could tell me a little bit about your education.Miss Jones: Oh yes. I left school at 18 and for the first two yearsI went to Gibsons. They’re an engineering firm. And after that, I did a one-year full-time PA course and went back to Gibsons. I was PA to the Export Director. I stayed there for two years and then moved on to my present company. That’s Europa Marketing. And I’ve been with them for three years now, first working with the Marketing Director and now I’m with the Sales Director.Interviewer: That’s all very interesting, Miss Jones. I’d like to know what was the course that you enjoyed most at school?Miss Jones: Foreign languages. We did French and German. Interviewer: And are you quite fluent in those languages now or ...?Miss Jones: Yes, a bit rusty now, but obviously the more travel I can do the more I can use my languages and I’d like to learn another language. I’d like to add Italian as well.Interviewer: Italian?Miss Jones: Yes.Interviewer: Very good, that might be very useful. Now tell me a little bit about the work you’re doing at present.Miss Jones: Well Europa Marketing is a marketing and public relations company and they do consultancy work for companies operating in the UK and European markets. Our clients come from allover the world. I assist the sales director by arranging these visits, setting up meetings and presentations and I deal with her correspondence. I’ve not been able to go with her on any of her trips abroad, but I’ve been to the firms in this country, several times on my own to make these arrangements.Interviewer: It sounds as if you’re very happy there, Miss Jones.I’m curious why you’d like to leave them and join our company.Miss Jones: Well I know Anglo-European has a very good reputation. And I feel that I would have more scope and opportunity in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me. I might be able to travel and use my languages because at the moment most of my work is rather routine secretarial-type work and I like the idea of more challenges in my life really ...B.Interviewer: Good morning, Miss ...Miss Jones: Miss Jones. Good morning.Interviewer:Miss Jones, yes, right. Hi. Um ... now, you’d like to join our team, I gather.Miss Jones: Yes, I would.Interviewer: That’s ... that’s very good. Er ... I’d like to know alittle bit about you. Perhaps you could tell me ... perhaps we could start ... if you could tell me a little bit about your education.Miss Jones: Oh yes, right. Well, I left school at 18 and for the first two years I went to Gibsons, you might know them, they’re an engineering firm.(An, yes, right.) Um ... and after that, I wanted to do a course, so I d ... I did a one-year full-time PA course and went back to Gibsons. I was PA to the Export Director. I stayed there for another two years and ... and then I moved on to my present company. Um ... that’s Europa Marketing ... um ... Mr. Adair, the marketing director, offered me a job because Gibsons had ... had worked quite a lot with Europa Marketing. (Oh, yes, Europe’s got big business.) And I’ve been with them for three years now ... um ... first with the Marketing Director and ... and now I’m with the Sales Director.Interviewer: That’s all very interesting, Miss Jones. Um ... I ... I’d like to know, what did you enjoy most at school? What was the course that you enjoyed most?Miss Jones: Ah ... foreign languages I liked best. (Foreign languages.) We did French and German. Yes.Interviewer: Mhm. And are you quite fluent in those now or ... ?Miss Jones: Yes, a bit rusty now, but ... um ... obviously themore travel I can do the more I can use my languages and I’d like to learn another language. I’d like to add Italian as well.Interviewer: Italian?Miss Jones: Yes.Interviewer: Very good, very good, that ... that might be very useful. Now ... er ... tell me a little bit about ... er ... the work you’re doing at present.Miss Jones: Um ... well ... er ... Europa Marketing is a marketing and public ... public relations company and they do ... they do consultancy work for companies operating in the UK and European markets. Er ... our clients come from all over the world ... um ... we deal with some of them by ... by post, but most of them come to our offices and at least once during a project. I assist the sales director by arranging these visits, setting up meetings and presentations and I ... I deal with her correspondence. I’ve not been able to go with her on any ... on any of her trips abroad, but I ... I’ve been to firms in this country, several times on my own ... um ... to make these arrangements.Interviewer: It sounds as if you’re very happy there, Miss Jones. I’m curious why you’d like to leave them and join our company.Miss Jones:Well ... um ... I know the reputation of Anglo-European and it has a very good reputation. And I feel that I would have more scope and opportunity in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me. I might be able to possibly travel and use my languages because at the moment most of my work is ... is rather routine secretarial-type work and I like the idea of more ... um ... challenges in my life really ...Part ⅣAAt interview the first thing that I notice is how the person settles down, and when they sit down. Do they immediately rush into the room, grab a chair without being invited to sit down? Are they nervous? Do they spend a lot of time fiddling with their hands, brushing their hair back, holding their pen, tapping it on the table? Obviously everyone is nervous at interview and you make allowances for that, but if it continues throughout the whole interview then you have to ask yourself what will they be like in a normal job?Second thing that I look for is: Do they look at you? Do they make eye contact? Because if they won’t look at you in a job which depends on making a good impression, then probably in the job they won’t do verywell in terms of making contact and having good relations with other colleagues. The sort of person normally we would look for would be someone who was, open, outgoing, enthusiastic and who could talk intelligently about what they had done and what they hoped to do. That doesn’t mean that they have to have had a lot of experience but that they should be able to reflect on whatever experience they’ve had.The other kinds of things that we might talk about in an interview of course are what the person expects to get from a new job, and I think that it is important because it shows the expectations that the person has-what they want from their job. It’s interesting to hear why people want to change jobs.B... But as important as qualifications are, and you won’t get to an interview or at least people won’t get to an interview without the qualifications, the most important thing in fact is the character and how a person presents themselves at interview. I find it very difficult to define exactly the sort of person I am looking for, but when I meet someone I can tell whether they are the sort of person that I would like to appoint or whether they are not.At interview the first thing that I notice is how the person settlesdown, when they sit down. Do they immediately rush into the room, grab a chair without being invited to sit down? Are they nervous? Um, do they spend a lot of time fiddling with their hands, brushing their hair back, er holding their pen, tapping it on the table? Obviously everyone is nervous at interview and you make allowances for that, but if it continues throughout the whole interview then of course you have to ask yourself if they’re like this after, say, an hour of interview, what will they be like in a normal job?Second thing that I look for is: Do they look at you? Do they make eye contact? Because if they won’t look at you in a job where in, in a situation where a job depends on, on them making a good impression, then probably in the job they won’t do very well in terms of making, er, good, making contact with other colleagues, making, having good relations with other colleagues. The sort of person normally we would look for would be someone who was, open, outgoing, enthusiastic and who could talk intelligently about what they had done and what they hoped to do. That doesn’t mean that they have to have had a lot of experience but that they should be able to reflect on whatever experience they’ve had.The other kinds of, of um things that we might talk about in aninterview of course are what, er what the person expects to get from a new job in a new country, and that I think is important because it shows the expectations that the person has — what they want from their job. Um it’s interesting to hear why people want to change jobs, why they want to go to a new country.Part V Who’ll Get the Job?(Jane Langley is being interviewed by Mrs. Grey, the Personnel Manager, and Mr. Toms. )Mr. Toms: Yes, I see. Good. Good.Mrs. Grey: Miss Langley, I see that your last employer, Mr.Carmichaes, described you as “conscientious”. Do you think you are?Jane: Well, I certainly try to be. I have a set routine for the day in the office which means that I know exactly all the jobs that I have to do. And if conscientious means being exrtemely careful and paying attention to detail, then yes, I suppose I’m conscientious.Mr. Toms: But he said too that you could ‘adapt quickly to change’. Did you leave because they were making changes, or what?Jane: No, not at all. They made a lot of changes while I was there. I’m afraid I became unhappy because I wanted something more challenging.Mrs. Grey: I assume you wanted something like the job of Senior Secretary that we’re offering.Jane: Yes, that’s right.(Michael James is being interviewed now by the same two people. )Mrs. Grey: ...and according to your last employer, Mr. Smith, you ‘tend to be a little impatient at times’.Michael: Well, perhaps I am, perhaps I’m not. Some of the others in the office there were so slow!Mr. Toms: Yes, yes. I like a person who wants to get on with the job.Mrs. Grey: Mr. James, what I’d like to know is ...Mr. Toms:Excuse me, Mrs. Grey, but I wanted to ask Mr.James about his sport. You’re a keen footballer, I understand.Michael: Oh, yes. I play regularly twice a week. And I organised a team at my old place.Mr. Toms: And golf, too, I gather.Michael:Yes. Actually, I like golf better than football really.That’s why I play nearly every morning ...(Mrs. Grey and Mr. Toms are now discussing Jane and Michael after the interviews.)Mrs. Grey: ... so in my view, when you compare the two of them — and this has nothing to do with Jane being a woman — I’d give the job to Jane Langley. She’s obviously a better secretary than he is, she’s a much better typist, she mixes better with people and is clearly far more polite. We don’t even need to discuss Mr. James.Mr. Toms: Well, we do, because I think he’s brighter than Miss Langley. I know he doesn’t dress as well or speak as clearly, and he’s not as experienced as she is, but he’s quicker, more alert. And he’s keen on football and golf. I like that. So he gets the job.Mrs. Grey: No, I’m sorry, Mr. Toms. He doesn’t.Mr. Toms: Yes, he does, Mrs. Grey. He’s the Director’s nephew.。

LECTURE AUDIOSCRIPTSUNIT 1 What’s in a Name?TEACHER: Good morning, everybody. Good morning, Felipe, Monica, Theo, and I can't remember your name.STUDENT 1: Patricia.TEACHER: Patricia, right, Patricia. Those are all beautiful names, and that's our topic today-names. Names are a culture universal. This means everyone uses names. A person's name can tell us a bit about a person's family. Today, we’ll begin by looking at first names and how people choose names for their children. And then we'll talk about family names, and look at the different categories of family names. Although the scope of the lecture today is English-language names, we can use the same approach, you know, to look at names from any culture.Let's take a brief look at first, or given names. There are several ways parents choose the first name for their child.The first way is by family history. Parents may choose a name because it is passed from generation to generation; for example, the first born son might be named after his father or grandfather. Although family names are also passed to daughters, it is usually as a middle name. Adding "junior" or "the second" for example, William Parker the se conds only done with boys', not with girls’names.The second way parents choose a name is after a family member or friend who has died recently, or after someone "they admire, like a well-known leader or a famous musician. Although most English first names mean something, for example, "Richard" means powerful and “Ann" means grace, nowadays meaning is not the main reason people select their baby's name.The third way is to provide a "push" for the child. Parents want to choose a name that sounds very "successful." A strong name might help them in the business world, for example. Or they might choose a name that works for either gender, like Taylor or Terry. So, given these three methods, what is themost common way parents choose a name? Many parents choose a name simply because they like it, or because it's fashionable or classic. Fashions in names change just as they do in clothes. One hundred years ago, many names came from the Bible names such as Daniel, and Anna, and Hannah and Matthew. Then fifty years ago, Biblical names went out of fashion. Nowadays, names from the Bible are becoming popular again.Similarly, parents often choose classic names, names that were popular in 1900, 1950, and are still popular now. Classic names for boys include Thomas, David, Robert, and Michael. And for girls: Anna, Elizabeth, Emily, and Katherine, just to name a few. They're classic. They never go out of style.Let's look at the origin of last names, also called family names or surnames. Researchers have studied thousands of last names, and they've divided them into four categories. The categories are: place names, patronymics, added names, and occupational names. A recent survey showed that of the 7,000 most popular names in the United States today, 43 percent were place names, 32 percent were patronymics, 15 percent were occupational names, and 9 percent were added names.The first category is place names. Place names usually identified where a person lived or worked. Someone named John Hill lived near a hill, for example, and the Rivers family lived near a river. If you hear the name Emma Bridges, what image do you see? Do you see a family that lives near a bridge? If you do, you get the idea.The second category is patronymics. That's P-A-T-R-O-N-Y-M-I-C-S. A patronymic is the father’s name, plus an ending like S-E-N or S-O-N. The ending means that a child, a boy, is the son of his father. The names Robertson, Petersen, and Wilson are patronymics. Robertson is son of Robert, Petersen is son of Peter, and so on.The third category is added names. Linguists sometimes call this category "nicknames," but when most of us hear the word "nickname," we think of a special name a friend or a parent might use. The word "nickname" is actually an old English word that means an additional name, an added name. So I'll use the term "added name." This category of last names is fun because the names usually described a person. Reed, Baldwin, and Biggs are examples. Reed was from "red" for red hair. Baldwin was someone who was bald, someone who had little or no hair. And Biggs.STUDENT 2: Someone big?TEACHER: Yeah, someone big, right. Now, if we look around the room, wecould probably come up with some new last names, like, uh. Curly or Strong. Now, the fourth category is occupational names. The origin of the family name was the person's occupation. The most common examples of occupational names still used today are Baker (someone who bakes bread). Tailor (someone who sews clothes). Miller (someone who makes flour for bread), and Smith. . . . Now, Smith is actually the most common name in the western English-speaking world. The name comes from an Old English word, smite, that's S-M-I-T-E, which means to hit or strike. In the old days, a smith made metal things for daily life, like tools. Every town needed smiths. What's interesting is that many languages have a family name that means Smith. In Arabic it is Haddad, H-A-D-D-A-D. In Spanish it is Herrera, H-E-R-R-E-R- A. In Italian it is Ferraro, F-E-R-R-A-R-O. And in German it is Schmidt, spelled S-C-H-M-I-D-T. All these names mean smith.Though names may tell us something about someone's family history, you need to keep in mind that they may not tell us much at all about the present. For example, there's usually not much connection between the origin of the name and the person who has it now. Take the name Cook, for instance. A person named Cook today probably doesn't cook for a living. Also, many people change their names for various reasons. Lots of people who have moved to the United States have changed their names to sound more American. This happens less now than in the past, but people still do it. People also use pen names or stage names to give themselves a professional advantage. For example, the writer Samuel Clemens used the pen name Mark Twain, and Thomas Mapother IV uses the stage name Tom Cruisey.So, let's recap now. In today’s lesson, we looked at how parents choose English first names. We also looked at some common origins of family names. In the next class, we'll look at how names are given in Korea and in Japan. This is covered in the next section of the book. That’s all for today.Unit 2 English: A Global Language? TEACHER:Today’s topic is English as a global language. I know many of you speak English as a second language, right? How about you, Hiroshi? Is English your first language?STUDENT 1: No, my first language is Japanese. English is my second language.TEACHER: And how about you, Patricia?STUDENT 2: English is my second language, too. My first language is Spanish.TEACHER: See, many of you use English as a second language, even as a global language to communicate with other people who speak English as a second language. Today, I want to give you two contrasting points of view on whether or not English is a global language. The first is that English is obviously a global language. People who support this point of view believe English is the language people all over the world use to communicate, and that it is gradually replacing other languages. The second point of view is that English is not truly a global language because it is not the main language spoken by people worldwide. Supporters of this view say that though many people speak some English worldwide, English has not replaced other languages. They acknowledge that people use English every day, for many reasons, but this doesn't mean English is replacing other languages, nor does it make English the main language spoken in the world.First, let's examine the first view. First of all, English is the dominant language of business, travel, and science. When people need a common language, they often use English. Think about it. English is often used at tourist information centers, in international hotels. If you use a taxi in Rome, and you can't speak Italian, the taxi driver is more likely to use English than any other languages. It is use at business meetings and international sports events. The European Union uses English, along with French, at its meetings….ASEAN the Asian trade group, uses English at its meetings. Can you think of other situations in which English is used as common language?STUDENT 2: How about this class? All of in the Philippines, Singapore, and Indian.TEACHER: Absolutely. Educational settings are a great example. Any others?STUDENT 2: How about a chatroom on sometimes go to chatrooms andeveryone is using English.TEACHER: Excellent example. The Internet has created a lot of communities and people often use English. In fact, most people who use the Internet know English. This helps support the view that English is a global language.The second major reason that people believe English is a global language is that it is the official language of more than seventy-five countries. This means these countries use English in schools, banks, business, and government. Of these seventy-five countries, English may be the only official language of the country, like in England, or English may be used along with other official languages, like in the Philippines, Singapore, and India. In countries like India, where so many languages are spoken, you can see how using English as an official language makes it easier for people to communicate.The third reason to support the global argument is that every year about 1 billion people study English. Why? What are some of the reasons? Hiroshi? How about you?STUDENT 1: Well, now to study, and someday I want to be in international business.TEACHER: That's a solid reason. How about you, Oksana?STUDENT 3: I'm not really sure. I just think it will help me in the future somehow.TEACHER: OK. There's a more general reason. The point is, people want and need to learn English because it offers them opportunities.To sum up, English is used every day by many people. People all over the world come in contact with each other for many reasons. They need a common language, a language to facilitate communication. Being proficient in English gives someone an advantage in these situations.OK. I have given you many examples of how English is used in a variety of situations. Nevertheless, does this mean that English is a global language?Let's look at why some people don't believe English has replaced other languages. First, there are about three times as many people who speak Chinese as their first language as those who speak English as a first language. And in many countries where some people use English for work each day, they don't use English anywhere else. Even in English-speaking countries, there are millions of people who prefer to speak a language other than English at home, with friends, or at work.Second, I mentioned before that seventy-five countries have English as their official language. This doesn't mean all, or even most of the people in these countries can speak English. For example, in India, most sources agree that only about 5 percent of the population speaks English. That's a small percentage!Third, how much English does a person need to know to be called an English speaker? People may learn some English for specific situations, such as the taxi driver I mentioned earlier. However, I think you would all agree with me that a taxi driver who knows a few phrases like where are you going?" or "What is the name of your hotel?" isn't really a proficient English speaker. Another example is Airspeak, the English that is used by air traffic controllers and pilots. A pilot for Japan Airlines or an air traffic controller in Paris needs to know Airspeak. But they may learn only the English words they need for these jobs, and therefore they can't be considered English speakers.The point here is that people all over the world may use some English for work or other situations. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean they are fluent in English. They still use their first language for daily communication. English is not their main language.So, what does this all mean? I think it's safe to say that English will continue to be the main language used in many international settings because, as I said earlier, people all over the world need a common language. And, for now, English is that language.But, English won't replace other languages for most daily communication and this, to me, is what a global language really is, one that replaces others for most everyday communication. Some people are afraid of this. They worry that as people use English more and more, their ability in their first language will decline. I think people will use English along with other languages. We are moving into a global culture, and as this continues, I think people from non-English speaking countries will want to maintain their culture, including their first language. They may still want to learn English, but I don't see them giving up their own language for English. What do you think?I'm going to stop there. I know that's a lot of information to digest. We'll continue talking about some of the differences in the English words used in various countries like Australia, Singapore, and the Philippines. That's all for today. Come see me if you have any questions.Unit 3 High Anxiety: PhobiasTEACHER: Good afternoon. Today we're going to turn to a new topic in psychology and start looking at some specific psychological problems. There are a variety of mental problems that can affect us in our daily lives-some are not so serious, like a fear of cats or of insects, and others are more serious. Now as psychologists, we try to study these different problems and find ways to help people.I want to start the discussion by talking about a fairly common kind of psychological problem-a phobia, that's P-H-O-B-I-A. First, I'll explain what a phobia is and then I'll talk about some theories on why people have phobias. As you probably know, a phobia is a fear. So do any of you have phobias? Oh, come on, you can tell me; I'm a psychologist. Yes, Monica?STUDENT 1: I have a fear of swimming. I don't like to go near the ocean. TEACHER: OK, that's not an unusual phobia. Anyone else? Ali? STUDENT 2: I hate dogs. I mean, I just don't like them. When I see a big dog, actually any dog, I just get nervous, so I avoid them.TEACHER: OK, that's another common phobia. Thanks for sharing those examples of phobias. A phobia is not a normal fear; it is an extreme fear―a very strong fear. For example, my brother, who's a successful artist, had compute r phobia. He didn't simply dislike using computers. He used to have a very strong fear of using them.Psychologists have come up with three characteristics of a phobia. People display these three characteristics if they have a phobia, not just a normal fear. Now first, a phobia is not a rational response. It's a very strong reaction, too strong for the situation. For my brother, this meant he had a very strong physical reaction if someone asked him to use a computer. He started shaking violently and had trouble breathing. Once, he even started choking. Physical reactions like this are common. Second, a phobia often lasts for a long time, for months or even years. In my brother’s case, it lasted several years. Third, the reaction is too strong for a person to control. For example, even if my brother told himself not to be afraid at the computer, it didn't help. He still felt very afraid. Usually, people avoid whatever it is they are so afraid of. So, in my brother’s case, he avoided using a computer.OK, so those are the three characteristics of phobias. It's an extreme, irrationalresponse, it's long-lasting, and it’s uncontrollable.STUDENT 3: So uncontrollable means even if you try to control it, you can't? TEACHER: Yes, it means you can't control it by trying to deny you feel the phobia. There are ways to treat phobias, and we'll talk about those in a minute. Yes?STUDENT 4: What happened to your brother? Did he get over it? TEACHER: Yes, he did. The main thing was that he decided that he wanted to get over it, and he was treated by a psychologist. Now he uses computers all the time.OK, so let's spend a minute going over some classifications of phobias. Phobias are classified by the thing or situation that the person fears. Greek or Latin names are usually used to describe the fear. Here's an example: hypno, H-Y-P-N-O, means sleep, so fear of sleep is hypnophobia. Cyno, C-Y-N-O, means dog. So a fear of dogs is ... cynophobia, right? Here's another example. Aerophobia. Listen to the first part, Aero. What's the fear? Aero as in airplane- aerophobia is fear of flying.Let's turn now to the causes of phobias. One theory is that a phobia is learned. This means something happens that causes someone, or in a sense "teaches someone" to free afraid. For example, Ali could have learned to be afraid of dogs if he was attacked and injured by one as a child.People can also learn to have phobias by watching how other people react. In fact, doctors find that phobias tend to run in families. For example, let's imagine that Ali’s mother has always been afraid of dogs. Whenever All and his mother were together and saw a dog, his mother would get very scared, very nervous. When Ali saw how his mother reacted, he would then gradually become very scared, too. He would then have developed cynophobia from watching his mother. So, you can see that there are two ways learning can be involved in phobias. So, the first theory is that a phobia is learned. Learned either by direct experience or by watching the reactions of others.The second theory says that a phobia is only a sign of a deeper problem. This means that the phobia isn't the whole problem. Let's take another example. I once treated a teenager who was very afraid of the dark. He couldn't be in a dark room by himself. He was terrified to go outside at night, and so on. According to this theory, when he acted afraid of the dark, he was really showing his fear of something else. In therapy, it was revealed that he was afraid of his father. His father was very strict when he was young, and once his father made him sit in a dark the room when he did something bad.According to this theory, his fear of the dark was a sign of his deeper, real fear of his father. Yes, question.STUDENT 4: So what did you do? Did he have to talk with his father? TEACHER: Well, no, we couldn't do that. But recognizing that he was really afraid of his father, and not the dark was the key step in the treatment. Nowhe's cured. No more fear of the dark.OK, so let's think about these two theories, and about the main difference between them. The first theory says that the phobia is the problem itself. Right? And, the second theory says that the phobia is a sign of a deeper problem the person has. Why is this difference important? It's mostly important in deciding how to treat the person. According to the first theory, if a phobia is learned, perhaps it can be unlearned. A psychologist who follows this theory will tryto teach someone to react differently, to behave differently when he or she feels afraid. Changing the p erson’s behavior is the goal. On the other hand, a psychologist who believes the second theory may start by trying to teach the person to react differently, but the doctor is interested in more than that. The doctor’s objective, or goal, is to help the patient reveal the deeper psychological problem, because it will be easier to treat the phobia if the deeper problem is identified and worked on as well.I want you to think for a minute about the significance of having these two theories, or any competing theories. What does it mean? It tells us that psychologists, like any scientists, have to continue to do research, to learn, and to test treatments we believe will be effective based on research. Treatments improve the more we learn.I’m going to stop there for today. In the next class, I want to talk about other psychological problems. Read the next unit in your book before the next class. That’s all for today.Unit 4 TV: What We WatchTEACHER: Good morning. Who watched TV last night? Ah, most of you. OK, today we are going to talk about an important part of the media—TV. Specifically, TV viewing and TV dramas. Now first, I'll give you some background, then we'll discuss what makes this type of programming, dramas, so popular worldwide.OK. Let's get started. Most of you would agree that watching TV is part of most people lives. Now statistics vary on how much TV people watch, but research shows that quite a few Americans, on average, exceed six hours of TV per day.An English professor named Cecelia Tichi has studied TV for many years. In her book, Electronic Hearth: Creating ' an American Television Culture, she discusses how the TV has become the center of activity at home. We walk into a room, turn on the TV, and suddenly the outside world becomes less important. People use TV to tune out, or forget, about the outside world. We're safe to relax and join the world of the TV shows. Do you ever feel this way about TV? ... Yes, many of you are nodding. She also sees our culture as being defined by TV Now, by this she e means that TV has a huge influence on our attitudes, on what we like to eat, on what we like to wear, on what we like to talk about. For example, popular TV shows are discussed at work, at school, in coffee shops. Why, even children four or five years old do this with their favorite shows. This shows that we live in a TV culture.Improved technology has contributed further to our TV culture. Satellite services, in particular, have expanded the TV programming in many parts of the world. There are now hundreds of TV channels people can watch, and the options continue to expand: game shows, sports, news, talk shows, comedies, TV dramas, movies, ... Man, with cable and satellite there are a lot of choices. Nielsen Media Research studies people’s TV viewing habits in the U.S. They monitor which shows are popular brand with whom. For example, popular shows have included the game show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? And the reality TV show Survivor. They were very, very popular and watched by millions of people of all age groups.Now, all of this is really background. What I want to focus on today is one form of a popular TV show that is popular with many people of many agegroups. This is rat TV dramas, specifically TV dramas known as soap operas, or, in Spanish, telenovelas.Some of you might be familiar with telenovelas. Telenovelas and soap operas in the U.S. are similar but have one big difference—the number of episodes they have. Telenovelas and TV serials end after about 200 episodes. The story eventually ends. Soap operas in the U.S., however, continue day after day for many years and may never end. Well, for example. The Guiding Light has been on^ for more than 12,000 episodes, and on it goes. Can you believe that? More than 12,000 episodes! Soap operas started in the United States in 1959, with the show The Guiding Light. These TV shows were called soap operas because the main advertisers were companies that made soap.Now, this type of programming is popular all over the world. Dozens of countries make their own soap opera shows. Mexican soap operas have been voted the most popular TV show of the year in countries such as Korea and Russia. Japanese soap operas are sent to Belgium. U.S. soap operas are watched worldwide. The Latin American soap opera, Betty La Fea, or Betty The Ugly, was a huge success in the U.S. Brazilian telenovelas are the most widely distributed television shows in the world and have been seen in more than 100 countries. And there are many other examples.What is it about these shows that makes them popular everywhere? And why do people from very different cultures all enjoy watching the same soap opera? Well, there are a couple of reasons.One reason suggested by Robert C. Allen, who has done extensive researchon television viewing, is that many soap operas deal with universal themes that people all over the world understand. Themes are topics ---for example, family, love, personal struggle, money problems, marriage problems, health problems, job problems. Viewers do not need to know the culture in order to understand the family problems in the show.Now according to Irna Phillips, one of the creators of The Guiding Light, another reason is that people identify with the characters. They feel the characters are just like them. To quote her from an interview, "they (the soap operas) deal with life as we know it." Now by this she means the families in soap operas deal with problems of everyday life. And so, as people watch every day, day after day, a special bond or feeling develops between them and the TV family. They get to know the characters and their problems. The TV family's welfare becomes important. There is a sense of community, of sharing, of family. All of these things contribute to character loyalty. If any ofyou have watched a show regularly, you know what I mean. You watch it because you identify with the characters.Now, writers of TV shows understand that TV viewers want to have a groupof characters to know and care about. As Wendy Riche, former executive producer of General Hospital put it, "the audience wants a personal human connection and when they get it, they are devoted.” This means they become very loyal to the TV characters they watch every day. To give an interesting example from As the World Turns: Some years back, the writer wanted to have the main character, Bob Hughes, get shot on a Friday. Well, that Friday turned out to be Christmas Eve. The producers of the show told the writers. “No, no, no… he can’t be shot on this Friday’s show. Do you know why? STUDENT 1: Because it was too violent.TEACHER:Well, no, not because it was too violent, but they didn’t wanthim shot on the Friday before Christmas.STUDENT 1: Why? I mean, why not?TEACHER: Because the audience would worry all weekend about him. They wouldn’t know if he was alive or dead, and they would not enjoy Christmas. So the writers had to change the story, and have him shot after Christmas. Im ean, the viewers really identify with these characters as if they’re real people. Writers for evening TV also try to create character loyalty, but not with a continuing story. Instead, each week, the story begins and ends. However, each week the same characters appear, and viewers watch because they know the characters and they care about them, like friends. A great example of this was the show Seinfield. There were four main characters Jerry, George, Kramer, and Elaine. They each had their own problems their own personalities. Viewers got to know them, and wanted to see what would happen to them. When you think about it, don’t good writers usually do this? They developour interest in the characters so that we want to keep reading, or keep watching TV.The next time you watch a soap opera, thin about the themes that make these shows so popular worldwide. Think about how as people watch each day, they get to know the characters and become a part of that TVB community. OK, that’s all for today. Uh, it’s time for you to go home and watch some TV!。

Unit 6 听力原文Part IB1. Tell me about yourself.2. What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?3. We have a lot of applicants for this job, why should we appoint you?4. What has been your most valuable experience?5. How would you describe your personality?6. When did you last lose your temper? Describe what happened.7. Which is more important to you: status or money?8. How long do you think you 'd stay with us if you were appointed?9. Why do you want to leave your present job?10. What makes you think you 'd enjoy working for us?11. Are you an ambitious person?12. What would you like to be doing ten years from now?13. What are you most proud of having done in your present job?14. What was the worst problem you have had in your present job and how did you solve it?15. What is the best idea you 've had in the past month?16. What is your worst fault and what is your best quality?17. Don 'tyou think you 're a little young for this job?18. What are your long-range goals?19. Describe your present job —what do you find rewarding about it?20. Now, what do you do in your spare time?21. What excites you about the job you 're doing now?22. What worries you about the job you 're doing now?23. Describe your ideal boss.24. How would you rate your present boss?C1. A person who likes to give or share things with others.2. Someone who always tells the truth.3. A person who is quick at learning new things.4. Someone who is always on time.5. A person who can 't keep a secret.6. Someone who does not think about other people 's feeling.7. A person who speaks in a very direct and honest way.8. Someone who is educated or has good manners.9. A person who comes up with new and original ideas.10. Someone who has a strong desire to succeed.Part II Two girls talking on the phoneClara: That number has been engaged for ages. Nobody can be that popular. I wonder if her number 's been changed. I think I'll try again ( Dialling )Sue: 3346791Clara: Is that you sue?Sue: Who 's callingClara: This is Clara, Clara Fulks on. Don 'you remember me?Sue: Clara! Of course I remember you. How are you? I have n 'heard from you for at least 2 years.What are you doing?Clara: Nothing very exciting. That ' one reason I'm ringing. I need some advice.Sue: Advice? Hm...That ' a good one. I'v e just been sacked (Pips)Clara: There V (a) pips. Hang on Sue. (Insert a coin) What do you mean you 've just been sacked?Sue, you are the most successful woma n I know.Sue: That V probably why I 've been sacked. But let 'talk about you. You said you needed some advice.Clara: I certa inly do. I want to ask you about in terviews. Have you had (a) lots of them?Sue: Yes, I have. Too manyClara: So could you tell me the sort of questions you are usually asked?Sue: Let me think. The first ten questions are almost always the same. I call them the why ', how ' and where's.(pips aga in)Clara: Not again, Don 'go away, Sue, I v e got one more coin. (Insert one more coin) Are you there Sue?Sue: Yes, I'm still here?Clara: Sorry, I didn V understand what you were telling me. Could you repeat it?Sue: It 'very boring. But here you are. I 'm always asked: why I want to leave my present job; why I 'm in terested in the new job; how I intend to get to work; how long I intend to stay at the job;Where I live; where I went to school; how much I m paid in my prese nt job; how much I expect to be paid in the new job. Oh, yes. I 'm always asked if I'm married.(pips aga in)Clara: That is it, Sue. No more coins. I 'll write to you soon. And many thanks.Questio ns:1. What are the manes of the two speakers?2. Where might the caller make the phone call?3. How many coins did the caller in sert?4. How long haven 'the two girls seen each other for?5. How many why ', how's and where's can you remember? Place a tick by all the questions you can remember.Part III A good in terviewA.In terviewer: Good morning, Miss ...Miss Jones: Miss Jones.In terviewer: Miss Jon es, yes, right. Now, you'd like to join our team, I gather.Miss Jones: Yes, I would.In terviewer: That 'very good. I 'd like to know a little bit about you. Perhaps you could tell me a little bit about your educatio n.Miss Jones: Oh yes. I left school at 18 and for the first two years I went to Gibsons. They 're an engineering firm. And after that, I did a one-year full-time PA course and went back to Gibs on s.I was PA to the Export Director. I stayed there for two years and the n moved on to my prese ntcompa ny. That's Europa Market ing. And I 've bee n with them for three years now,first worki ng with the Market ing Director and now I 'm with the Sales Director.In terviewer: That 'sail very in terest ing. Miss Jon es. I ' like to know what was the course that you enjoyed most at school?Miss Jones: Foreign Ianguages. We did French and German.In terviewer: And are you quite flue nt in those Ian guages now or ...?Miss Jones: Yes, a bit rusty now, but obviously the more travel I can do the more I can use my Ianguages and I'd like to learn another Ianguage. I ' like to add Italian as well.In terviewer: Italia n?Miss Jon es: Yes.In terviewer: Very good, that might be very useful. Now tell me a little bit about the work you 'e doing at prese nt.Miss Jones: Well Europa Marketing is a marketing and public relations company and they do consultancy work for companies operating in the UK and European markets. Our clients come from all over the world. I assist the sales director by arranging these visits, sett ing up meetings and presentations and I deal with her correspondence. I v e not been able to go with her on any of her trips abroad, but I 've been to the firms in this country, several times on my own to make these arran geme nts.In terviewer: It sounds as if you 're very happy there, Miss Jon es. I 'm curious why you ' like to leave them and join our compa ny.Miss Jones: Well I know Anglo-European has a very good reputation. And I feel that I would have more scope and opportunity in your company and that the work will be more challe nging for me.I might be able to travel and use my Ian guages because at the mome nt most of my work israther routine secretarial-type work and I like the idea of more challenges in my life really ...B.In terviewer: Good morning, Miss ...Miss Jones: Miss Jones. Good morning.In terviewer: Miss Jon es, yes, right. Hi. Um ... now, you ' like to join our team, I gather.Miss Jones: Yes, I would.In terviewer: That' ... that 'very good. Er ... I 'd like to know a little bit about you. Perhaps you could tell me ... perhaps we could start ... if you could tell me a little bit about your educati on.Miss Jones: Oh yes, right. Well, I left school at 18 and for the first two years I went to Gibsons, you might know them, they 'e an engineering firm.(An, yes, right.) Um ... and after that, I wan ted to do a course, so I d ... I did a on e-year full-time PA course and went back to Gibs on s. I was PA to the Export Director. I stayed there for ano ther two years and ... and the n I moved on to my prese nt compa ny. Um ... that ' Europa Market ing ... um ... Mr. Adair, the marketing director, offered me a job because Gibsons had ... had worked quite a lot with Europa Marketi ng. (Oh, yes, Europe 'got big bus in ess.) And I 've bee n with them for three years now ... um ... first with the Marketing Director and ... and now I'm with the Sales Director.In terviewer: That 'all very in terest ing, Miss Jon es. Um ... I ... I 'd like to know, what did you enjoymost at school? What was the course that you enjoyed most?Miss Jones: Ah ... foreign Ianguages I liked best. (Foreign Ianguages.) We did French and Germa n. Yes.In terviewer: Mhm. And are you quite flue nt in those now or ... ?Miss Jones: Yes, a bit rusty now, but ... um ... obviously the more travel I can do the more I can use my Ianguages and I'd like to learn another Ianguage. I ' like to add Italian as well.In terviewer: Italia n?Miss Jones: Yes.In terviewer: Very good, very good, that ... that might be very useful. Now ... er ... tell me a little bit about ... er ... the work you 're doing at present.Miss Jones: Um ... well ... er ... Europa Marketing is a marketing and public ... public relations compa ny and they do ... they do con sulta ncy work for compa nies operati ng in the UK and Europea n markets. Er ... our clie nts come from all over the world ... um ... we deal with some of themby ... by post, but most of them come to our offices and at least once duri ng a project. I assist the sales director by arra nging these visits, setti ng up meeti ngs and prese ntati ons and I (I)deal with her corresp onden ce. I v e not bee n able to go with her on any ... on any of her trips abroad, but I ... I v e been to firms in this country, several times on my own ... um ... to make these arran geme nts.In terviewer: It sounds as if you 're very happy there, Miss Jon es. I 'm curious why you ' like to leave them and join our compa ny.Miss Jones: Well ... um ... I know the reputation of Anglo-European and it has a very good reputati on. And I feel that I would have more scope and opport unity in your compa ny and that the work will be more challe nging for me. I might be able to possibly travel and use my Ianguagesbecause at the moment most of my work is ... is rather routine secretarial-type work and I like the idea of more ... um ... challe nges in my life really ...Part IVAAt in terview the first thing that I no tice is how the pers on settles dow n, and whe n they sit down. Do they immediately rush into the room, grab a chair without being invited to sit down? Are they n ervous? Do they spe nd a lot of time fiddli ng with their han ds, brush ing their hair back, holdi ng their pen, tapp ing it on the table? Obviously every one is n ervous at in terview and you make allowa nces for that, but if it con ti nues throughout the whole in terview the n you have to ask yourself what will they be like in a no rmal job?Second thing that I look for is: Do they look at you? Do they make eye con tact? Because if they won 'look at you in a job which depends on making a good impression, then probably in the job they won ' do very well in terms of mak ing con tact and hav ing good relati ons with other colleagues. The sort of pers on no rmally we would look for would be some one who was, ope n, outgo ing, en thusiastic and who could talk in tellige ntly about what they had done and what they hoped to do. That does n 'tmea n that they have to have had a lot of experie nee but that they should be able to reflect on whatever experience they've had.The other kinds of thi ngs that we might talk about in an in terview of course are what the person expects to get from a new job, and I think that it is important because it shows the expectati ons that the pers on has-what they want from their job. It 'sin teresti ng to hear why people want to cha ngejobs.B... But as importa nt as qualificati ons are, and you won 'get to an in terview or at least people won' get to an in terview without the qualificati ons, the most importa nt thing in fact is the character and how a pers on prese nts themselves at in terview. I find it very difficult to defi ne exactly the sort of pers on I am look ing for, but whe n I meet some one I can tell whether they are the sort of pers on that I would like to appo int or whether they are not.At in terview the first thing that I no tice is how the pers on settles dow n, whe n they sit dow n. Do they immediately rush into the room, grab a chair without being invited to sit down? Are they n ervous? Um, do they spe nd a lot of time fiddli ng with their han ds, brush ing their hair back, er holdi ng their pen, tapp ing it on the table? Obviously every one is n ervous at in terview and you make allowa nces for that, but if it con ti nues throughout the whole in terview the n of course you have to ask yourself if they 're like this after, say, an hour of in terview, what will they be like in a no rmal job?Second thing that I look for is: Do they look at you? Do they make eye con tact? Because if they won 'look at you in a job where in, in a situation where a job depends on, on them making a good impressi on, the n probably in the job they won 'do very well in terms of making, er, good, making con tact with other colleagues, making, havi ng good relati ons with other colleagues. The sort of pers on n ormally we would look for would be some one who was, ope n, outgo ing, en thusiastic and who could talk in tellige ntly about what they had done and what they hoped to do. That does n'mea n that they have to have had a lot of experie nee but that they should be able to reflect on whatever experienee they v e had.The other kinds of, of um things that we might talk about in an in terview of course are what, er what the pers on expects to get from a new job in a new coun try, and that I think is importa nt because it shows the expectati ons that the pers on has ——what they want from their job. Um it 's interesting to hear why people want to change jobs, why they want to go to a new country. Part V Who 'l Get the Job?(Ja ne Lan gley is being in terviewed by Mrs. Grey, the Personnel Man ager, and Mr. Toms.) Mr. Toms: Yes, I see. Good. Good.Mrs. Grey: Miss Lan gley, I see that your last employer, Mr. Carmichaes, described you as con scie ntious”.Do you thi nk you are?Jane: Well, I certa inly try to be. I have a set rout ine for the day in the office which means that I know exactly all the jobs that I have to do. And if conscientious means being exrtemely careful and paying attention to detail, then yes, I suppose I 'm conscientious.Mr. Toms: But he said too that you could adapt quickly to change 'Did you leave because they were making cha nges, or what?Jane: No, not at all. They made a lot of cha nges while I was there. I 'm afraid I became un happy because I wan ted someth ing more challe nging.Mrs. Grey: I assume you wan ted someth ing like the job of Senior Secretary that we 're offeri ng. Jane: Yes, that's right.(Michael James is being in terviewed now by the same two people.)Mrs. Grey: ...a nd accord ing to your last employer, Mr. Smith, you tend to be a little impatie nt at times'.Michael: Well, perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not. Some of the others in the office there were so slow! Mr.Toms: Yes, yes. I like a person who wants to get on with the job.Mrs. Grey: Mr. James, what I'd like to know is ...Mr. Toms: Excuse me, Mrs. Grey, but I wan ted to ask Mr. James about his sport. You 're a kee n footballer, I un dersta nd.Michael: Oh, yes. I play regularly twice a week. And I organised a team at my old place.Mr. Toms: And golf, too, I gather.Michael: Yes. Actually, I like golf better than football really. That' why I play nearly every morni ng ...(Mrs. Grey and Mr. Toms are now discuss ing Jane and Michael after the in terviews.)Mrs. Grey: ... so in my view, whe n you compare the two of them —and this has nothing to do with Jane being a woma n —I' give the job to Jane Lan gley. She's obviously a better secretary tha n he is, she'a much better typist, she mixes better with people and is clearly far more polite. We don 'even need to discuss Mr. James.Mr. Toms: Well, we do, because I think he ' brighter tha n Miss Lan gley. I know he does n 'dress as well or speak as clearly, and he ' not as experieneed as she is, but he's quicker, more alert. And he 'keen on football and golf. I like that. So he gets the job.Mrs. Grey: No, I'm sorry, Mr. Toms. He doesn 'Mr. Toms : Yes, he does, Mrs. Grey. He's the Director 'nephew.。

Unit 10 It's in the DNATEACHER: Good morning. Today we'll talk about an important topic in biology-DNA and DNA testing. Can anybody tell us what DNA stands for?STUDENT 1: de-oxyribonucleic acid....TEACHER: Right. It's the molecule that carries genetic information in all living cells. Now first, we'll look at what DNA is and when it was discovered. Then, we’ll look at DNA testing and several applications, or uses of testing. This is an exciting topic for biologists because the more we learn about DNA, the more we see how science may change our lives-from healthcare to our relationships. OK, what does DNA look like?STUDENT 1: It looks like two strings, kind of wrapping around each other.TEACHER: Yes, exactly. There's a simple drawing of one in your book. As you can see, a molecule of DNA consists of two strands of chemical compounds arranged in a twisted pattern. Inside the human cell are chromosomes. The DNA is organized in twenty-three pairs of chromosomes in the ceil Genes are arranged on the chromosomes and these carry jUnd4menutl genetic information like hair color, eye color, or characteristics that aren't ad visable, such as intelligence. and a lot more. Scientists have been studying DNA for a long time. First, in 1860, Gregor Mendel made two important discoveries: tiny particles he called genes, and, that genes carry information from cell 10 cell. Now this was really the beginning. Then, in 1953, J. D. Watson and Francis Crick discovered and described the DNA structure. Their work was so important that they received the Nobel Prize in 1962. For the first time, scientists could understand exactly how DNA tells the cells what 10 do. This generated more DNA research, and by the end of the twentieth century, scientists made other important discoveries. Probably the most important work was the Human Genome Project. The goal of the Human Genome Project was to complete the first reading of the human genome, the complete set of human DNA. Uh, this was a huge job, but after ten long years in June,2000, the head of the Project announced that they had identified the complete set of human genes. Uh, this was a huge deal. Most people saw this as the beginning of a whole new era in DNA research. Scientists could read all of the genetic messages in the human body! This is, of course, a very brief history of the study of DNA. All right, let's consider DNA testing. One important use of DNA testing is testing identity, which is also called DNA t1ngerprinting. Here's how a DNA fingerprint is done. Scientists take a small sample of someone's hair or skin, which contain DNA. Next, they treat the sample with chemicals and make a film, like a small photograph. On this film there is a visible pattern of black bars. This pattern of black bars is unique for each person. So, a DNA sample from your hair identifies you, it's, it's like your fingerprint; it identifies you and you only. I see a question. Miguel?STUDENT 2: Does the DNA from hair or skin or blood all look the same?TEACHER: No, not exactly. The DNA from your hair will look like hair DNA but it will be uniquely your DNA pattern. It's sort of like all noses look like noses, right? Bur your nose looks like your nose only. Now I want to look at two applictltjDns, or uses, of DNA testing. First, how it can be used by doctors, and second, how it can be used by the police. Within health care, one important use is to identify potential for health problems. Researchers have found some genes linked to specific diseases. For example. Huntington’s disease is linked to a defect in chromosome 4, and Alzheimer's diseases linked to a defect in chromosome 19. A genetic link means that doctors know that if someone has defects in these genes. they’re more likely to get these health problems;their potential is increased. Notice, I didn’t say "Researchers have found that some gene defects cause specific diseases." There is simply a link. After doctors perform DNA testing, they can then decide the best way 10 use the information. For example, they may give medication to a patient to prevent a disease from ever starting. Genetic testing can also be used to decide which medicine to give someone. This is called targeted medicine. To me, this is very exciting and promising. There are tiny differences in DNA from person to person. These differences can affect which patients will be helped by a drug, and who may be harmed by it. This is, uh, a tremendous advantage. [t saves lives and money. NOW, let's look at how DNA testing is used by police. The police can use DNA fingerprints to identify and frau criminals. All they need is a small amount, or trace, of blood or hair from the crime scene. if the DNA samples from the crime scene and the suspect match, the results, at least in the United States, can be used as evidence in court. So, DNA testing can be used 10 help put someone in prison. In much the same way, DNA testing can be used 10 help innocent people in prison. People in prison can now try to use DNA testing for crimes that happened, say, ten years ago. If their DNA fingerprint doesn’t match the DNA fingerprint from the crime scene, this can help them get a new trial and perhaps get them out of prison. As you can see, there are benefits to DNA testing. However, there are also some concerns that this type of information might be used against us in the future. Now let's consider how DNA testing could be used against you. What if a company you wanted to work for asked you to take a DNA test? And what if your DNA test showed that you had a gene defect linked to a certain type of cancer? Would the company decide not to hire you? People also worry about health insurance. They’re afraid they might not be able to get health insurance if their DNA test shows they're at a higher risk for certain diseases. As a result, in the United States, some laws have been passed to protect the privacy of medical records. Now DNA testing has other possibilities that we won’t discuss today. But in any case, many people think about the negative uses of testing-the fear that it will be used against people or to create "perfect" babies. Others think about police being able to trace criminals and possible advances in healthcare. But, another way 10 think about it is that it tells us more about who we are, and that's the goal of biology-to understand nature.[ guess ['II stop there for Toady. [n the next class, I want to talk in more depth about uses of DNA testing by doctors. OK, we'll start there next time. That's, uh, that's all for today.。

Unit4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accent1 . A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the secretary's office is pleaseB: Yes. It's up the stairs, then turn left, ... ↗2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets areB: Yes, they're at the top of the stairs.↘3. A: What did you do after work yesterdayB: Ah, well, I went for a drink in the pub opposite the car-park. ↘4. A: What did you do after work yesterdayB: Oh, I ran into Jane and T om ..... ↗5. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine worksB: Certainly. Erm, first of all you adjust the height of the stool, and then put four 10 pence pieces there, ...↗6.A:Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine worksB:Yes. You put 30 pence in the slot and take the ticket out here. ↘Part2 Listening and Note-takingFrog legsPeople want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries -- or at least until they have run out of frogs. But the most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspired frog-eating in Europeand the United States are the French. By 1977 the French government, so concerned about the scarcity of its native frog, banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. So the French turned to India and Bangladesh for frogs.As happened in France, American frog-leg fanciers and restaurants also turned increasingly to frozen imports. According to figures collected from government agencies, the United States imported more than million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.So many frozen frog legs were exported from India to Europe and the United States. One of the attractions of Indian frogs, apart from the fact that they have bigger legs than French frogs, was the price. In London, a pound of frozen frog's legs from India cost about £, compared with £ for the French variety.Indian scientists have described as "disastrous" the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouring damagingsince the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country the legs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belonged to frogs are taken from the wild, not from farms. Frogs are nearly impossible to farm economically in the countries where frogs are commercially harvested from the wild.Exercise A:1.Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.2.By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians.3.Indian scientists have described as "disastrous" the rate at which frogs aredisappearing from the rice fields and wetlands.4.The United States imported more than million pounds of frozen frog meat eachyear between 1981 and 1984.5.One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price.Exercise B:Frog legsPeople want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries, The most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspired frog-eating in Europe and the United States are the French. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. So the French turned to India and Bangladesh for flogs. And the United States imported more than million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price.Indian scientists have described as "disastrous" the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouring damaging insects.Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country the legs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belonged to frogs that are taken from the wild, not from farms.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialoguesDialogue 1 Health ClubInterviewer: Lorna, you and your husband opened this health club here last summer.Can you tell me something about the clubLama: Yes, well we offer a choice of facilities -- gym, sunbed*, sauna* andJacuzzi* -- that's also from Scandinavia -- as well as our regular fitness classes, that is. And there's a wholefood bar for refreshmentsafterwardsInterviewer: And does it cost a lot I mean, most people think health clubs are reallyexpensive.Lama: Actually our rates are really quite competitive. Since we only startedlast July, we' ve kept them down to attract customers. It's only £30 ayear to join. Then an hour in the gym costs £ -- the same as half an hour on the sunbed. Sauna and Jacuzzi are both ~ for half an hour.Interviewer: And is the club doing wellLama: Well, so far, yes, it's doing really well. I had no idea it was going to be such a success, actually. We're both very pleased. The sunbed'sso popular, especially with the over 65s, that we're getting anotherone in August.Interviewer: What kind of people join the clubLama: We have people of all ages here, from small children to old-age pensioners, though of course the majority, about three-quarters ofour members, are in their 20s and 30s. They come in their lunch hour,to use the gym, mostly, or after work, while the Youngsters come whenschool finishes, around half past three or four. The Jacuzzi's verypopular with the little ones.Interviewer: What about the old-age pensionersLoma: They're usually around in the mornings, when we offer them special reduced rates for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, it's only £2,which is half price, actually. It doesn't affect our profits really-- only about 5% of our members are retired.Dialogue 2 skiingSimon: This one shows the view from the top of the mountain.Sally: Oh, it's lovely!Teresa: That's me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is itTeresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn't itSally: Yes, it does rather.Teresa: Oh, don't worry. I know it looks ridiculous.Simon: Look. That's our instructor, Werner.Teresa: Yeah, we were in the beginners' class.Sally: Well, everyone has to start somewhere.Simon: Ah, now, this is a good one.Sally: What on earth is thatSimon: Can't you guessSally: Well, it looks like a pile of people. You know, sort of on top of each other.Teresa: It is!Sally: How did that happenSimon: Well, you see we were all pretty hopeless at first. Every day Werner used to take us to the nursery slope* to practise, and to get to the top youhad to go up on a ski lift.Teresa: Which wasn't really very easy.Simon: No, and if you fell off you'd start sliding down the slope, right into all the people coming up!Sally- Mmm.Simon: Well, on that day we were all going up on the ski lift, you know, we were just getting used to it, and, you see there was this one woman in ourclass who never got the hang of* it. She didn't have any sort of controlover her skis and whenever she started sliding, she would sort of stickher ski sticks out in front of her, you know, like swords or something. Teresa: I always tried to avoid her, but on that day I was right behind her on the ski lift* and just as she was getting to the top, she slipped andstarted sliding down the slope.Sally: Did she ~Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way.Simon: And that's how they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope -- it was lucky I had my camera with me.Sally: I bet that woman was popular!Simon oh,yes. everybody's favourite!Exercise A:1. They are looking at some pictures.2. A ski class for beginners.3. Two.Exercise B:Everyday the coach took them to a nursery slope. They got to the top on a ski lift. In their class there was one woman who could never learn how to ski. She couldn't control her skis and whenever she started sliding, she would stick her ski sticks out in front of her. People always tried to avoid her.One day as she was getting to the top, she slipped and started sliding down the slope. Everyone let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way and they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope.Passage 2 The Truth about the French!Skiing in France is heaven on Earth for a dedicated skier. There are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all the ski resorts in Utah* and Colorado* combined.The larger resorts have an adequate number of restaurants and discos. It is a good idea to eat a good lunch because the mountain restaurants are normally much better than the restaurants in the ski stations.French resorts are mostly government owned and operated. The social system puts a high percentage of money back into the areas. This provides state-of-the-art* lifts, snow making and snow grooming. In general, an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily be able to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.The French school systems have a staggered* two-week winter vacation period. When the snow is good, nearly all of France migrates to the mountains for this period. The break usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March. The time to absolutely avoid is the "Paris school holiday week" which will always be in the middle period of the vacation time but alternates starting the first or second week of the break.No one has a more undeserved* reputation about his or her character than the French. The French are not generally arrogant and rude. Tree, in large tourist centers there are unpleasant people and if you're looking for or expecting rudeness, you may just provoke* it. Generally the French, especially in the countryside, are as kind as you wish and you will find warmth and acceptance.The most fractious* Frenchman is easily disarmed by a little sincerity*.When greeting someone or saying good-bye, always shake hands. Don't use a firm, pumping handshake, but a quick, slight pressure one. When you enter a room or a shop you should greet everyone there. If you meet a person you know very well use their first name and kiss both cheeks. Men don't usually kiss unless they are relatives. Good topics of conversation include food, sports, hobbies and where you come from. Topics to avoid are prices, where items were bought, what someone does for a living, income and age. Questions about personal and family life are considered private. Expect to find the French well-informed about the history, culture and politics of other countries. To gain their respect, be prepared to show some knowledge of the history and politics of France.France is generally a very safe country to visit. Pickpockets, however, are not unheard of. In large cities particularly, take precautions against theft. Always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visible and don't carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!Exercise A:Exercise B:2. A3. A4. A5. B6. C7. D8. D Exercise C:1.Because there are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is largerthan all the ski resorts in Utah and Colorado combined.2.Because an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily be able toski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.3.This staggered two-week winter vacation period usually covers the last twoweeks of February and the first week of March.4.The French are not generally arrogant and rude. Generally they are as kind asyou wish.5.In large cities in France, always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of valuevisible and don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children.Part 3 NewsNews Item 1France's busiest airport will reopen part of a terminal that was not damaged when a segment of the roof collapsed in May, killing four people.The Transport Minister Gilles de Robien said a segment of the three-building 2E terminal at Charles de Gaulle airport would return to service on July 15. In the May 23 disaster, failing glass, steel and masonry* killed four travelers -- two Chinese,one Czech* and one Lebanese*. Three others were injured.A preliminary report by experts said Tuesday that a weakness in the concrete that formed the futuristic terminal's vaulted roof may have contributed to the collapse.Officials are still unsure about what exactly caused it to collapse. Exercise A:This news item is about the new information Of France Charles de Gaulle airport where a segment of the roof collapsed in May.Exercise B:News Item 2An Antonov 26 plane crashed in northwestern Congo shortly after take-off on Saturday, killing all 22 Congolese passengers and the crew.It was not known how many crew members were on the plane when it crashed near the town of Boende, more than 600 km northeast of the capital Kinshasa. The cause of the crash was unknown.A string of accidents this week has underlined the parlous* state of Democratic Republic of Congo's transport infrastructure* after five years of war and decades of misrule.More than 160 people drowned when a ferry sank during a storm on Lake Mai-Ndombe, north east of Kinshasa, on Tuesday.On Saturday, 18 people were killed or injured when a small truck experienced brake trouble and crashed near the eastern town of Goma.Exercise A:This news item is about a string of accidents this week in Congo.Exercise B:News Item 3In the United States lawyers for Raed jarrar, an airline passenger forced to cover his T-shirt because it displayed an Arabic script, say he has been awarded a total of $240,000 in compensation.Lawyers representing Raed Jarrar say the payout* is a victory for free speech and a blow to the practice of racial profiling*. Back in 2006 Mr Jarrar was waiting to board a flight at New York's JFK airport wearing a T-shirt that read 'We Will Not Be Silent" in English and Arabic. His lawyers claim he was ordered to remove the item of clothing by staff who said other passengers felt uncomfortable with the Arabic slogan. He eventually agreed to cover the shirt and boarded the plane, but says he was made to sit at the back.Exercise A:This news item is about the practice of racial profiling in the United States. Exercise B:Raed Jarrar, an airline passenger, has recently been awarded a total of $ 240,000 in compensation.Back in 2006 Mr Jarrar was waiting to board a flight at New York’s JFK airport wearing a T-shirt that read “ We Will Not Be Silent” in English and Arabic. Later he was ordered to remove the printed words on his T-shirt by staff who said other passengers felt uncomfortable with the Arabic slogan. He eventually agreed to cover the shirt and boarded the plane, but he was made to sit at the back.Lawyers representing Raed Jarrar say the payout is a victory for free speech and a blow to the practice of racial profilingSeetion three oral workRetellingThere is a street called "The Strand" in Galveston, where hundreds of thousands of touristsvisit today. This street was Mama's stomping* ground as a kid. Before Mama died,we took a streetcar around Galveston to see all the lovely, restored homes. Whata great day. She knew morethan the tour guide. As we sat enjoying the sights, Mama said, "Liz, do you know why my nose is a little crooked*" (I thought, "Where did that come from") "No, Mama, you haven't ever mentioned it," I replied."Well," said mother, "one day I followed my brothers to The Strand, and a streetcar ran overme. I put myself flat down between the rails and pushed my face in the groundso hard, I broke mynose! It sure caused a lot of chaos*. People screamed, the police came, and I just crawled out,brushed myself off and went home. The only thing 1 ever noticed different aboutme was a crookedI just looked at her nose and looked at Mama in utter disbelief!Section Four Supplementary ExercisesBabies and IntelligenceSome people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learningon their first day of life.Research scientists at the National Institute of Child Health and Development note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learnsto get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other humans. This abilityto learn exists in a baby even before birth. They say newborn babies can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were still developing inside their mothers.The Finnish researchers used devices to measures the babies' brain activity. The researchersplayed recordings of spoken sounds for up to one hour while the babies slept.The head of the study believes that babies can learn while asleep becausethe part of their brains called the cerebral cortex* remains active at night. The cortex is very important for learning. This part of the brain is not activein adults while they sleep.Many experts say the first years of a child's life are important for all later development. AnAmerican study shows how mothers can strongly influence social development and language skills in their children. The study involved more than 1,200 mothers and children. Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years. They observed the mothers playing with their children four times during this period.The researchers attempted to measure the sensitivity of the mothers. The women were considered sensitive if they supported their children's activities and did not interfere unnecessarily. They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old.The children of depressed women did not do as well on tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression. The children of depressed women did poorly on tests of language skills and understanding what they hear. These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people.Another study suggests that babies who are bigger at birth generally are more intelligent later in life. It found that the intelligence of a child at seven years of age is directly linked to his or her weight at birth. Study organizers say this is probably because heavier babies received more nutrition* during important periods of brain development before they were born.The study involved almost 3,500 children. Researchers in New York City used traditional tests to measure intelligence. Brothers and sisters were tested so that the effects of birth weight alone could be separated from the effects of diet or other considerations.The researchers found that children with higher birth weights generally did better on the intelligence tests. Also, the link between birth weight and intelligence later in life was stronger for boys than for girls.Exercise A:1. Some people thought babies were able to learn things when they were five or six months old.2. Doctors think babies begin learning things on their first day of life.3. Babies communicate with other people by smiling.4. They can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were stilldeveloping inside their mothers.5. Babies can learn while asleep.6. They are important for a child's all later development.Exercise:BExercise C:Your opinionDirections: Listen to the passage again and give your opinion on the following topics,"Many experts say the first years of a child's life are important for all later development."1. What should mothers do in the first year of a child's life2. What might affect a child if his parents get divorced in his first year oflifeFatigueFatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy.Fatigue is different from drowsiness. In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep, while fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy (a feeling of indifference or not caring about what happens) can be symptoms of fatigue.Fatigue can be a normal and important response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep. However, it can also be a nonspecific sign of a more serious psychological or , physical disorder. Fatigue that is not relieved by enough sleep, good nutrition, or a low-stress environment should be evaluated by your doctor. Because fatigue is a common complaint, sometimes a potentially serious cause may be overlooked.The pattern of fatigue may help your doctor determine its underlying cause. For example, if you wake up in the morning rested but rapidly develop fatigue with activity, you may have an ongoing pysical condition like an underactive thyroid*. On the other hand, if you wake up with a low level of energy and have fatigue that lasts throughout the day, you may be depressed.Here are some tips for reducing fatigue:Get adequate, regular, and consistent amounts of sleep each night.Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and drink plenty of water throughout the day.Exercise regularly.Learn better ways to relax. Try yoga* or meditation*.Maintain a reasonable work and personal schedule.Change your stressful circumstances, if possible. For example, switch jobs, take a vacation, and deal directly with problems in a relationship.Take a multivitamin. Talk to your doctor about what you need and what is best for you.Avoid alcohol, nicotine*, and drag use.If you have chronic* pain or depression, treating either often helps address the fatigue. However, some antidepressant* medications may cause or worsen fatigue. Your medication may have to be adjusted to avoid this problem. Do not stop or change any medications without instruction from your doctor.Stimulants* (including caffeine) are not effective treatments for fatigue, and can actually make the problem worse when the drugs are discontinued. Sedatives* also tend to intensify fatigue in the long run.Exercise A:Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy. Fatigue isdifferent from drowsiness. In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep, while fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy can be symptoms of fatigue.Exercise B:1. D2. A3. B4. D5. A6. B7. C8. C Exercise C:1. Fatigue is a normal and important response to physical exertion, emotionalstress, boredom, or lack of sleep.2. Drowsiness and apathy can be symptoms of fatigue.3. Enough sleep, good nutrition, or a low-stress environment can usuallyrelieve fatigue.4. Treatment for chronic pain or depression often helps address fatigue.。

Unit 2 English: a global languageToday's topic is English as a global language. I know many of you who speak English as a second language,right? How about you, H~? Is English your first language?H:No. My first language is Japnese. English is my second language.And how about you, P~?P: English is my second language,too. My first language is Spanish.See, many of you use English as a second language, even as a global language to communicate with other people who speak English as a second language.Today I want to give you two cantrasting points of view on whether or not English is a global language. First is that English is obvious a glabal language, people who support this point of view believe English is the language of people all over the world used to communicate, and that it is gradually replacing other languages. The second point of view is that English is not truely a global language because it is not the main language spoken by most people word wide. Suporters of this view say that even though many people speak some English world wide, English has not replaced other languages. They ackonwledge that people use English every day for many reasons, but this doesn't mean English is replacing other languages, not make English the main language spoken in the world.First,let's exam the first view. First of all, English is the dominated language of business, travel and sciences. When people need a common language, they often use English. Think about it, English is often used that touriest imformation setters, in international hotels, at airports. If you use a taxi in Rome, and you can't speak Italian, the taxi driver is more likely to use English than any other languages. It is used at business meetings and international sports events. The European Union uses English along with French at its meetings. ACN, the Asian Trade Group, uses English at its meetings. Can you think of other situation in which English is used as a common language?P: How about this class? All of us are listening to you in English.Absolutely, educational settings a great example. Any others?P:How about the chatroom on the internet? I sometimes go to chatroom, seems everyone uses English. Excellent example! The internet has creat a lot of international communities and people often use English. In fact, most people who use the internet know English. This helps to support the view English is a global language.The second major reason that people believe English is a global language is that it is the offical language of more than 75 countries. This means these countries use English in schools, banks, business and govenment. Of these 75 countries, English may be the only offical language of the country like in England, or English may be used along with other offical languages, like in Filipine, Singapore and India. In country like in India, where so many languages were spoken, you can see how using English as an offical language make it easier for people to communicate. The third reason to support the global arguement is that every year about 1 billion people study English. Why? Why are some of the reasons? P~,how about you?P: Well, now to study ,and some day, I want to be in the international business.That's a solid reason,How about you? A~?A: I'm not really sure. I just think it will help me in the future somehow.OK. There is more general reason. The point is people want and need to learn English because it offers them opportunities. To sum up, English is used everyday by many people. People all over the world coming contact with each other for many reasons. The need a common language, a languge to facilitate communication. Being proficient in English give someone an advantage in these situations.OK, I have given you many examples of how English is used in a variety of situations. Nevertheless, does this mean that English is a global language? lets look at why some people don't believe English has replaced other languages.First, there are about 3 times as many people who speak Chinese as their first language as those who speak English as their first language. As in many coutries, where some people use English for work each day, they don't use Enlish anywhere else. Even in an English speaking country, there are millions of people who perfer to speak a language other than english at home with friends or at work.Second, I mentioned before,that 75 countries had English as their offcial language. This doesn't mean all or even most of the people in these countries can speak English. e.g, In India, most (s ) agree that only about 5% of the population speak English. That's a small persentage. Third, how much English does a person need to know to be called an English speaker? People may learn some English for specific situation, such as the taxi driverd I mentioned ealier. However, I think you would all agree with me that a taxi driver who knows a few phrases like "where are you going" or "what is the name of your hotel" isn't really a proficient English speaker. Another example is, Airspeak, the English that is used by aircraft controll in pilots, a pilot from their lines or aircraft control need to know airspeak ,but they may only learn the words they need for these jobs ,and therefore they cannot be considered as English speakers. The point here is that people all over the world may use English for work or other situations, nevertheless, this doesn't mean they are fluent in English. They still use their first language for daily communication, English is not their main language. So, what does this all mean? I think it's safe to say that English will continue to be the main language used in many international settings because as I said earlier, people all over the world need a common language. And for now, English is that language. But English would replace other languages for most daily communication, and this to me is what a global language really is. One that replaces others for most everyday communication. Some people are afraid of this. They worry that as people use English more and more, their ability in their fist language will decline, I think people will use English along with other languages. We are moving into a global culture, and as this continues, I think people from non-English speaking countries will want to maintain their culture including their first language, they may still want to learn English, but I don't see them to give up their own language for English. What do you think? I'm gonna stop there. I know that's a lot of imformation to digest. we'll continue talking about some of the diffrences in English words used in vary countries in Austrilia,Singapore and Filipine.Unit 3 High Anxiety: Phobiasgood afternoon! Today we are going to turn to a new topic in psychology and start looking at some specific psychological problems. There are a variety of mental problems that can affect us in our daily lifes. some are serious, like a fear of cats, or of insects, others are more serious. Now, as a psychologist, we try to study this different problems and find ways to help people.I want to start the discussion by talking about faily very common psychological problem, a phobia. that's P-H-O-B-I-A. First, I'll explain what phobia is and then I'll talk about some theories on why people have phobias. As you probobly know, a phobia is a fear. So do any of you have phobias? Oh,come on, you can tell me, I'm a psychologist. Yes, Monica.(M) I have a fear of swimming. I don't like to go near the ocean.Ok. That's not an usual phobia. Any one else?Ali?(A) I hate dogs. I mean I just unlike them. When I see a big dog, actually any dog, I just get nervous, so I avoid them.OK. that's another common phobia. Thanks for sharing those examples of phobias. A phobia is not a normal fear, it is an extreme fear, a very strong fear. e.g, my brother, who is a sucessful artist, had computer phobia. he didn't simply dislike using computers, he used to have very strong fear of using them. Psychologist just come up with 3 characteristics of a phobia. People display these 3 characterisitics, if they have a phobia, not just a normal fear.Now, first, a phobia is not a rational response. It's a very strong reaction, too strong for the situation. for my brother, this meant he has very strong physical reaction if someone ask him to use a computer. he started shaking violated, had trouble breathing, once he even started choking. Physical recations like this are common.Second, a phobia often last for a long time, for months or even years. In my brother's case, it lasts several years.Third, the reaction is too strong for a person to control. e.g, even my brother told himself to not to be afraid of computer, it didn't help. He still felt very afraid. Usually, people avoid whatever it is they are afraid of. so, in my brother's case, he avioded using a computer. OK, so those are the 3 characteristics of phobias. It's an extreme unrational response, it's long-lasting,and it's uncontrollable.(M) so 'uncontrollable' means even you try to control it, you can't?yes, it means you can't control it by try to deny you fear of phobia. There are ways to treat phobias, and we will talk about it in a minute.Yes!(A) what happened to your brother, did he get over of it?Yes, he did. The main thing was that he decided that he wanted to get over it.and he was treated by a psychologist. now, he uses computers all the time.OK.let's spend a minute going over some classifications of phobias. Phobias are classified by the thing or situation that the person fears. Greek or Latin are usually used to describe the fears. here are examples: Hypno, H-Y-P-N-O means sleep, so, fear of sleep is hypnophobia. cyno, C-Y-N-O means dog, so a fear of dog is cynophobia, right? Here is another example, aerophobia, listen to the first part, aero, what's the fear? aero, as in airplane, aerophobia is fear flying. Let turn out to the causes of phobias.One theory is that phobia is learned. This means something happens that causes someone or in a sence, teach someone to fear afraid. e.g, Ali ,could have learn to be afraid of dogs, if he was attacked or injured by a dog when he was a child. people can also learn phobias by watching how other people react. In fact, I just find that phobias tend to run in families. e.g, let's image that Ali's mother has always been afraid of dogs, whenever Ali and his mother were together and so a dog, his mother got very scared, very nervous, when Ali saw how his mother reacted, he would then gradually became very scared, too. He would then, have developed cynophobia from watching his mother. So you can see that there are two ways learning can be involved in phobias. So the 1st theory is that phobia is learned either by directed experiences or by watching thereactions of others. The 2nd theory says that a phobia is only a sign of a deeper problem. This means that the phobia isn't the whole problem. Let's take another example, I once treated a teenage who was very afraid of dark, he couldn't be in a dark room by himself, he was terrified to go outside at night, and so on. According to this theory, when he acted afraid of the dark, he was really showing his fear of sth else. In theopy he reviewed ,he was afraid of his father. His father was very strict when he was young, and once his father made him sit in a dark room when he did sth bad. According to this theory, his fear of dark was a sign of this deeper, real fear of his father. Yes, question.(A)so what did you do? did you talk to his father?Well, no, we couldn't do that. But recongnizing that he was really afraid of his father, and not the dark, was the key-step of the treatment. Now he is cured, no more fear of the dark. Ok,let's think about these 2 theories, and about the main difference between them.The 1st theory says that the phobia is the problem itself, right? And the 2nd theory says the phobia is a sign of deeper problem a person has. Why is the difference important? The most improtant in deciding how to treat the person.According to the 1st theory, if a phobia is learned, perhaps, it can be unlearned. A psychologist who follow this theory would try to teach someone to react differently to behave differently when he or she feels afraid. Changing the person's behavior is the goal. On the other hand, the psychologist who believes the 2nd theory may start by try to teach the person to react differently, but the doctor was interersted in more than that. The doctor's objective or goal is to help the patient reveal the deeper psychological problem because it will be easier to treat the phobia if the deeper problem is identified and work down as well. I want you to think for a minute, about the significance of having these 2 theories or any competing thoeries. What is it mean?I t tells us that phychologist like any scientist have to continue to do research to learn and to test treatments we believe to affect based on research. Treatments improve the more we learn.Unit 4:TV-What we watch?Good morning. Who watched TV last night? Ha, most of you. OK, today we're going to talk about an important part of the media-TV. Specifically, TV viewing and TV dramas. Now, first, I'll give you some background, then we'll discuss what make this type of programming -dramas so popular worldwide? OK, let's get started. Most of you would agree that watching TV is part of most people's lifes. Now, statistic varies on how much people watch TV, but research shows that quiet a few Americans on average exceed 6 hours of TV per day. An English professor name Ceceila Tichi has studied TV for many years. In her book "Electronic Hearth" creating an American television culture, she discusses how the TV has become the centre of activity at home. We walk to a room, turn on the TV, and suddenly, the outside world becomes less important. People use TV to tune out or forget about the outside world. We are safe to relax and join the world of the TV shows. Do you ever feel this way about TV? Yes, many of you are nodding. She also seem out culture has also defined by TV. Now, by this, she means that TV has a huge influence on our attitudes on what we like to eat, on what we like to wear or what we like to talk about. E.g., popular TV shows are discussed at work, at school, and coffee shops. We even children 4 or 5 years old do this with their favorite shows. This shows that we lived in a TV culture. Improved technology has contributed it further to our TV culture. Satellites services in particular have expanded the TV program in many parts of the world. There are now hundreds of TV channels people can watch, and the options continue to expand. Game shows, sports, news, talk shows, comedies, TV dramas, movies, man with cable and satellite, there are a lot of choices. Nielsen Media Research studiedpeople's TV viewer habits in the US. They monitor which shows are popular and with whom. e.g., popular shows have included the game show “Who want to be a Millionaire", and the reality TV show "Survivor", They were very very popular and watched by millions of people of all age groups. Now, all of this is really background. What I want to focus on today is one form of a popular TV show that is popular with many people of many age groups. This is TV dramas, specifically, TV dramas known as soap operas or in Spanish telenovelas. Some of you might be familiar with telenovelas. Telenovelas and soap opera in the US are similar, but have one big difference: the number of episodes they have. Telenovelas and TV series end after about 200 episodes, the story eventually ends. Soap operas in the U.S., however, continue day after day for many years and may never end. For example, the Guiding light has been on for more than 12,000 episodes and on it goes. Can you believe that more than 12,000 episodes? Soap operas started in the United States in 1959 with the show "the Guiding light". This TV shows were called soap operas because the main advertisers were companies that made soap. This type of programming is popular all over the world. Dozens of countries make their own soap opera shows. Mexican soap opera has been devoted the most popular TV show the year in countries such as Korea and Russia. Japanese soap operas are sent to Belgium. US soap operas are watched worldwide. The Lattern American soap opera "Betty low-fair" or "Betty the Ugly" was the huge success in the US. Brazilian telenovelas are the most widely distributed television shows in the world, and have been seen in more than 100 countries. And there are many other examples. What is it about this shows that make them popular everywhere? And why do people from very different cultures all enjoyed watching the same soap opera? Well, there are a couple of reasons. One reason suggested by Robert C. Allen who has done extensive research on television veiwing is that many soap opera deal with universal things that people all over the world understand. Themes are topics, e.g., family, love, personal struggle, money problems, marriage problems, health problems, job problems. Viewers did not need to know the culture in order to understand the family problems in the show. Now, according to E.Pillps, one of the creators of the "Guiding Light", another reason is that people identify with the characters. They feel the characters are just like them. To quote her from an interview, they, the soap operas, deal with life as we know it. Now by this, she means the family in soap operas deal with problems of everyday life. And so, as people watch everyday, day after day, a special bond or feeling develops between them and the TV family. The get to know the characters and their problems. The TV family's welfare becomes important. There is a sense of community of sharing a family. All of these things contribute to character loyalty. If any of you have watched the show regularly, you know what I mean. You watch it because you identify with the characters. Now, writers of TV shows understand that TV views want to have a group of characters to know and care about. As W.R, former exclusive producer of Generally Hospital, quoted it, the audiences want personal human connection, and when they get it ,they are devoted. This means they become very loyal to the TV characters they watch everyday. To give an interesting example from "as the World turns", some years back, the writers wanted to have to main character Bob Hughes get shot on a Friday, well, that Friday turned out to be Christmas Eve, the producer of the TV shows told the writers, " No,No,No, he can't be shot on this Friday's show. Do you know why?"Because it was too violent?"Well, no, not because it was too violent, but they didn't want him shot on the Friday before Christmas."Why? I mean, Why not?"Because the audience would worry all weekend about them, they want to know if he was alive or dead, and they would not enjoy Christmas. So, the writers had to change the story and have himshot after Christmas. I mean, the viewers really identified with these characters as if they were real people. Writers for evening TV also try to create character loyalty but not with continuing story. Instead, each week, the story begins and ends. However, each week, the same characters appear, and viewers watch because they know the characters and they care about them, like friends. A great example with this was the show “Sign field" there were four main characters, Jerry, Jodge, Crema and Len. They each had their own problems, their own personalities. Viewers got to know them and want to see what would happen to them. When you think about it, don't good writers usually do this? They develop our interesting in the characters, so they want us to keep reading, or keep watching TV. The next time you watch a soap opera, think about the things that make these shows so popular worldwide, think about as people want everyday, the get to know the characters and become a part of that TV community. OK, that's all for today, it's time for you to go home and watch some TV.Unit 5 : Learning differentlyHello, everyone! I think we can get started now. As we has studied in this class, there are many different ways of learning, and there are many different learning problems. Some people have problems with reading or math, or with expressing their ideas in words. Some people have memory problems, for example, they have difficulty remembering what they hear, or read. Other people have problems holding a pencil or pens till they can write. As educators, these are challenges that we need to understand, because everyone deserves education. And it's our job to promote learning. Today, I would like to talk about one common cause of learning problems-dyslexia. The term dyslexia that's D-Y-S-L-E-X-I-A, is from Greek. It means difficulty with words and language. In the first part of my talk, I briefly explain what dyslexia is and give you some general background about it. Then in the second part, I'll present one doctor's explanation of why people with dyslexia have learning difficulties. OK, what is dyslexia? Dyslexia means a difficult with reading or writing. Before about 1970, researchers thought dyslexia with a visual problem - a problem seeing letters and words correctly. But this theory was never confirmed to be true. Researchers have now concluded that the main problem may be the dyslexic having trouble matching sounds with letters in words because their brains work differently from other people's. That explains it. Every word is made up of sounds, right? And the sound units are called phoneme. Let's take the word 'cat', now some one has not dyslexia, will read the word cat, and be able to break it into the sounds, the phonemes,[k],[ai],[t], however, some one who has dyslexia, has trouble breaking down the word into sounds and that's the result- has trouble reading the word. There are other problems people with dyslexia may have. And not everyone with dyslexia has the same problem, that's why there is no definition of dyslexia that is accepted by everyone. We do know, however, that the dyslexic person's brain works differently from other people's. Here is a few examples of students with dyslexia and their learning problems. Anna knows the answer to a question, but says the wrong words. Toms, studies hard for spelling test, he can say how each word to spell, but he cannot write the words correctly on the test. Kert, tries to pay attention in class, but he has trouble sitting still and listening. He can't concentrate, and his teacher thinks he doesn't care about school. CEG has the trouble with the order things, such as the steps in the math problem, history lessons or even his own daily schedule. Susan has trouble following directions, she may confuse left and right. Yes, do you have a question? (Student:) I don't understand about the boy who can't stand still.The boy who can't concentrate in class?(Student:) Yes, I mean, how is that to dyslexia?Well, typicaly, the trial has trouble following spoken directions or understanding the step in a lesson. And so he becomes very nervous or upset, and can't concentrate. OK?(Student:)Oh. Okay, so the dyslexia prevencing(?) from concentrating?Right, these are some of the challenges for people with dyslexia. And as I said earlier, no two people have identical problems. Of course there are other reasons why a student may not pay attention in class, or have trouble reading, however, these are problems someone with dyslexia may have, because the dyslexic person's brain works differently from other people's. Another question, yes?(Student:) How common is dyslexia?It's estimated 10 percent of all school children are dyslexic.(Student) Waa, that's a lot. I heard that only a fact of boys, that's not true, isn't it? No, researchers have confirmed both genders can have dyslexia. Ok, so that gives you an idea of that problem. But what causes dyslexia? Researchers think there may be a genetic basis for dyslexia. There problem may inherited from their mother or their father. This is based on the fact about 85 percent of children with dyslexia have either mother or father who is dyslexic. What's interesting is well as challenge for us educator is that these kids generally score high on intelligence tests. But they usually can't read, write, or spell as the same level of their classmates. This can be a problem because other people, even their teachers often do believe that the kids are very intelligent. In addition, dyslexics often feel there are something wrong with them, because they cannot learn the same way others kids at school can. They often feel stressed and blame their selves especially when other people say they are lazy, and not trying. Many of them try very hard to learn, but still have trouble. In this part of the lecture, I present the work that Dr. Harry Levinson, a psychologist who was studding dyslexia for over 25 years. To help to understand dyslexia, he tells us to think about our brain as TV sets, and to think our part of brain to receive information as computer chips. Everyday, these chips, the parts of new brain, receive information, right? Now, this information enters into the brain, as signals as what we see or hear or touch and so on. Now, the job of these brain parts is to tune the signals to different channels in our brain. Your brain receives the signals just as your TV set at home does. Like you say, channel 5, or channel 6. Now, with these computer chips, our brain working, right? They can't receive signals correctly, nor can they tune in the correct channels. So the signals drift around and become unclear. And that's the signals drift, this causes problems. For example, the child's brain cannot receive the signals on the page as she reads, she has difficulty reading. If a child cannot tune in the signals he hears in class, he has difficulty understanding what the teacher tells him. If the signal drifts, this can also control energy levels- our ability to concentrate, our ability to distinguish what is important and unimportant. This is why some children have difficulty sitting still in class. the good news is, that after many years of research, Dr. Levinson and others have concluded that the brain can learn to fix the drifting. Children who received help often learn to deal with individual problems and do better in school. Naturally, it's best the school intervene and give help when the children are very young. It's also important the teachers, and you, future teachers be flexible about how you teach, and consider the different learning needs of students with dyslexia. In some special schools for dyslexic learners, the teachers read to the students. They don't require the students to read or write to learn. Teachers present lessons in a variety of ways, students can take tests orally rather than in writing and reading and writing are taught a separate skills. This approaches recognize that the students are very capable of learning but to be taught in a different way because the learn differently. This is a very positive step. So today I gave you some generalideas about what dyslexia is and what educators are doing to help these students learn. OK, well that's enough for today, we will talk more about this in the next class.unit 6 immigrationAll right, lets get started. US immigration is our topic today. I know many of you are immigrants, so you know something about this topic. As you may know by my last name, I have a German background. My parents immigrated to the US from Germany about 50 years ago. Yes, question?Does that mean you're immigrant?Well, no. My parents are immigrants. They came to the states from Germany, I'm the 1st generation German-American because I was born here. First, we'll talk briefly about immigration, the history of immigration to the US, and the story of diversity in the US. To immigrate means to move from one country to another, it's a permanent move. By contrast, if you go to live and work in France for 2 years, you don't immigrate there, you move there temporarily, because you plan to return to your country. So to immigrate means to move to another country to live there indefinitely. Immigration happens all over the word, most people do it to improve their economic or social situation. While I do now is give a brief knowledge about US immigration. Let's start with the colonial period, the 1st wave immigration in the 17th century. Most immigrants were from western Europe, although the spani arrived in 1513. The 1st permanent settlement in North America was when the British started in 1607 in J. T. J. People were not prohibited from immigration by the British, anyone could come. Life was difficult, and some people did not survive, but people felt it was worth to risk to have a better life in the colonial. The French, Spanish and Dutch also came, but in smaller numbers. I should also point out that about 20% of the population of this time was African-American. However, most were immigrants. They were brought from Africa as slaves. Today, we ? our discussion to voluntary immigration, to people who choose to come to the US. Now, by 1775, the US population had grown to about. 2.5 million, the country was growing fast, some thought too fast. So in the 1790s, laws were passed to control immigration for the first time. The Naturalization Act of 1798, required immigrants to live in the US for a certain number of years before they became citizens. The 2nd big wave of immigration happened between 1840 and 1920. During this wave, about 37 million people came to the US. The industry of revolution has begun in Europe causing a big shift from farming to factory jobs. Many left for the US, hoping to continue doing the farming job they knew . About 80% of these 2nd wave immigrants were from all over Europe. During this 2nd wave, Chinese workers also came to the US, mostly as contract workers. They were ranged or contracted to work for American company before they left home. Most of them worked in the gold mines of California and later builded rail roads, then laws were past in the 1880s to keep most contract workers out. Ellis, where are we? Ah, yes, 1891. In 1891, US congress created the INS, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, to control immigration. Any of you who want to immigrate to the US have heard the INS. Upon to 1891, each state had its own law and could decide which immigrants could enter. So no one really control the total number of people allowed in each year, after 1891, the Federal Government made the laws instead. A year later, in 1892, the INS opened Ellis Island in New York Harbor. Ships would go passed the statue of liberty, the symbol of a new life for many people and stopped at Ellis Island. Have any of you seen Ellis Island, or the statue of liberty? You have, EF?Yes, I have. The statue of liberty and Ellis Island.What did you think?Very impressive, interesting, too.Yes, it is interesting. Now the Ellis Island had been made into a museum. It's an important part。

Unit 2 English: A Global Language?TEACHER: Today’s topic is English as a global language. I know many of you speak English as a second language, right? How about you, Hiroshi? Is English your first language?STUDENT l: No, my first language is Japanese. English is my second language.TEACHER: And how about you, Patricia?STUDENT 2: English is my second language, too. My first language is Spanish.TEACHER: See, many of you use English as a second language, even as a global language to communicate with other people who speak English as a second language. Today, I want to give you two contrasting points of view on whether or not English is a global language. The first is that English is obviously a global language. People who support this point of view believe English is the language people all over the world use to communicate, and that it is gradually replacing other languages. The second point of view is that English is not truly a global language, because it is not the main language spoken by most people worldwide. Supporters of this view say that even though many people speak some English worldwide, English has not replaced other languages. They acknowledge that people use English every day, for many reasons, but this doesn’t mean English is replacing other languages, nor does it make English the main language spoken in the world.First, let’s examine the first view. First of all, English is the dominant language of business, travel, and science. When people need a common language, they often use English. Think about it. English is often used at tourist information centers, in international hotels, at airports. If you use a taxi in Rome, and you can’t speak Italian, the taxi driver is more likely to use English than any other languages. It is used at business meetings and international sports events. The European Union uses English, along with French, at its meetings. . . . ASEAN, the Asian trade group, uses English at its meetings. Can you think of other situations in which English is used as a common language?STUDENT 2: How about this class? All of us are listening to you in English.TEACHER: Absolutely. Educational settings are a great example. Any others?STUDENT 2: How about a chatroom on the Internet? I sometimes go to chatrooms and everyone is using English.TEACHER: Excellent example. The Internet has created a lot of international communities and people often use English. In fact, most people who use the Internet know English. This helps support the view that English is a global language.The second major reason that people believe English is a global language is that it is the official languageof more than seventy-five countries. This means these countries use English in schools, banks, business, and government. Of these seventy-five countries, English may be the only official language of the country, like in England, or English may be used along with other official languages, like in the Philippines, Singapore, and India. In countries like India, where so many languages are spoken, you can see how using English as an official language makes it easier for people to communicate.The third reason to support the global argument is that every year about 1 billion people study English. Why? What are some of the reasons? Hiroshi? How about you?STUDENT l: Well, now to study, and someday I want to be in international business.TEACHER: That’s a solid reason. How about you, Oksana?STUDENT 3: I’m not really sure. I just think it will help me in the future somehow.TEACHER: OK. There’s a more general reason. The point is, people want and need to learn English because it offers them opportunities.To sum up, English is used every day by many people. People all over the world come in contact with each other for many reasons. They need a common language, a language to facilitate communication. Being proficient in English gives someone an advantage in these situations.OK. I have given you many examples of how English is used in a variety of situations. Nevertheless, does this mean that English is a global language?Let’s look at why some people don’t believe English has replaced other languages. First, there are about three times as many people who speak Chinese as their first language as those who speak English as a first language. And in many countries where some people use English for work each day, they don’t use English anywhere else. Even in English-speaking countries, there are millions of people who prefer to speak a language other than English at home, with friends, or at work.Second, I mentioned before that seventy-five countries have English as their official language. This doesn’t mean all, or even most of the people in these countries can speak English. For example, in India, most sources agree that only about 5 percent of the population speaks English. That’s a small percentage!Third, how much English does a person need to know to be called an English speaker? People may learn some English for specific situations, such as the taxi driver I mentioned earlier. However, I think you would all agree with me that a taxi driver who knows a few phrases like “Where are you going?”or “What is the name of your hotel?” isn’t really a proficient English speaker. Another example is Airspeak, the English that is used by air traffic controllers and pilots. A pilot for Japan Airlines or an air traffic controller in Paris needs to know Airspeak. But they may learn only the English words they need for these jobs, and therefore they can’t be considered English speakers.The point here is that people all over the world may use some English for work or other situations. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean they are fluent in English. They still use their first language for daily communication. English is not their main language.So, what does this all mean? I think it’s safe to say that English will continue to be the main language used in many international settings because, as I said earlier, people all over the world need a common language. And, for now, English is that language.But, English won’t replace other languages for most daily communication and this, to me, is what a global language really is, one that replaces others for most everyday communication. Some people are afraid of this. They worry that as people use English more and more, their ability in their first language will decline. I think people will use English along with other languages. We are moving into a global culture, and as this continues, I think people from non-English speaking countries will want to maintain their culture, including their first language. They may still want to learn English, but I don’t see them giving up their own language for English. What do you think?I’m going to stop there. I know that’s a lot of information to digest. We’ll continue talking about some of the differences in the English words used in various countries like Australia, Singapore, and the Philippines. That’s all for today. Come see me if you have any questions.。
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Unit1Slang:Talking CoolT EACHER:OK,let's get started...Today we're going to be looking at a really interesting phenomenon,slang.We'll be looking at where slang comes from,who uses it and why.We all use it more often than you might think—every day of our lives,in fact. And we use it for a reason.You know,most of us are fascinated with slang.We continually hear new words and phrases enter the language and replace old,and we see familiar words take on new meanings.We feel a need to keep in touch with these changes,to be aware of the latest street talk.Fact is,we love slang.But what is it exactly?What is slang?Anyone like to suggest a definition?S TUDENT1:Isn't it basically kind of casual talk?TEACHER:Can you say a bit more?STUDENT1:You know,the sort of words we use with friends...in relaxed situations. TEACHER:Good.You're pretty much there with your idea of casual language.We can say that slang is language that's found only in the very informal speech of particular groups of people.It can help to identify the communities,the groups of people,who use it.And this brings me to the first important point of the lecture—why people use slang.A lot of slang comes from not wanting to be understood by outsiders,people outside your circle.In other words,people exploit slang to give their group an identity,by making their language exclusive,or at least private.Through this private language,they can tease one another,enjoy shared experiences,and keep everyone else at a distance. All cultures contain groups or subcultures with different interests and priorities,and each group tries to establish a separate identity.They want people to know who they are, what they stand for—and slang helps to construct and cement that identity.We can say, then,that slang reflects the experiences,beliefs,and values of its speakers.Now let's look more closely at this relationship between slang and community,slang and identity.A nice example of this is,uh,student language,sometimes called "youth-speak."Young people use a lot of slang,and many of the words they use are used by both sexes,often metaphorically rather than literally.That is to say,the conventional meaning of the words change.For example,words that have traditionally had strong negative literal meanings that are used as insults have taken on,uh,gentler, and in many cases even positive meanings in conversation.We'll look at some examples later.Now,if you ask college students why they use slang,they'll tell you it's cool,and that's true in several different ways.First,it's cool because it's in style,in ing current slang shows that the speaker is in tune with the times...you know,that he or she knows what's in fashion and is pan of that fashion.Second,slang is cool in the sense of showing that the speaker is knowledgeable...the speaker is"in the know,"the speaker knows when slang is acceptable.People don't use slang all the time,only in situations and with people who accept the use of slang—a point I'll return to later.Research tells us that although young people often deny that they use slang intentionally,in fact they clearly choose whether or not to use it depending on the situation they're in.As we've already said,slang's typically used in informal rather than formal settings,and this is certainly true among college students: They usually avoid using it in the class-room or a work environment,for example. Anyone like to suggest why?S TUDENT1:People won't understand them.STUDENT2:Yeah,so it's like a waste of time.TEACHER:Well,that may be true,but it's not the main reason.They don't use it simply because it could make them look bad.And everyone hates looking bad,right?So,to review,we've said that students use slang only in certain situations.But they also only use it with certain people,usually friends.When they use slang,they are showing that they share social and emotional experiences—so slang reinforces their relationships.But...it also gives special meaning to what they say.For instance,to say "That party was the bomb"is more than merely saying it was a very good party.It shares an emotional experience that might otherwise take several sentences to explain.In other words,it's a kind of...shorthand.The third and final way slang's cool is that it's fun;it's very creative in the same way that poetry is,and it's often humorous.In other words,it's a form of play,a way of entertaining.So...uh,let me repeat:I've said that slang's cool for three reasons:One,it shows the user's fashionable and in tune with the times;two,it's a way of reinforcing relationships and communicating efficiently;and three,it's fun and entertaining.Got that?All right then,let's now take a look at different kinds of slang,in particular three types of slang words:those that are currently most used,those that linger year after year,and those that have become unfashionable.So...now what is the most used slang?Well,research tells us that over the past few years,in the number one position is"dope,"which basically means very good,great,excellent,attractive,or nice.So somebody might say,for example,that his friend's new motorbike is really dope;in other words,it's very good.Other words that feature in the top twenty include"chill out"(to calm down or relax),"the bomb"(meaning the best or most excellent),"whack"(which means bad,unfair,crazy,or foolish),and"dude" (meaning person—usually a man,actually).Any other examples?Yes?S TUDENT1:Hella.T EACHER:Meaning?S TUDENT1:Very,a lot.T EACHER:OK,yep.Luis?STUDENT3:"Kick it,"which means,like,to hang out,uh,relax,you know,sit around doing nothing.TEACHER:Right.And it's interesting,isn't it,how most slang terms indicate approval or disapproval;they show what we feel positive or negative about.So,like"dope"and "the bomb,"we have"sweet,""phat"—spelled P-H-A-T,not F-A-T—"cool,"and "tight"—all meaning good,excellent,nice,or attractive.And then you have words like"bad"which really mean good;so"That new CD is bad" actually means it's good!So you see,slang does strange things with language.Like I said earlier,it's certainly creative.As a matter of fact,some slang words have many different meanings,sometimes as many as nine or ten.For instance,the word"trip"or"tripping" has various meanings,but they all reflect the idea of unusual,strange,or extreme.When a word's used a lot or has a number of different meanings like this,we sometimes say it "works hard."The word"trip,"then,is a word that works hard.Uh...now,the second type of slang consists of words that linger from decade to decade and never seem to go out of fashion—and these words also work hard,that is, they have a lot of meanings.A great example is the word cool—forever popular,it seems!Other terms in this category are"nerd,""cheesy,""chick,""the man,""toasted," "wasted,""what's up,""blow away,"and"gross."And once again,most of these show approval or disapproval.And...now,finally,there are slang terms that come and go;they disappear almost as quickly as they appear.Examples include"gimme five,""how's it hanging,"and"core." Words like these often disappear because they're closely associated with famous personalities who similarly come and go—they're popular,in the spotlight for a while, and then seem almost to disappear.And when they disappear,the slang associated with them tends to disappear as well.Now,today,public tolerance of slang is at an all-time high—just look at how widely it's used in newspapers.But how do college teachers and academics view slang?Well, some persist with the idea that its use will degrade...uh,you might even say"pollute" academic discourse.However,among themselves students tolerate words their teachersmight consider taboo.Students are actually very good at code-switching;that is,they're very good at using different styles or codes of communication in different situations.Do you agree?Do you use slang in your essays or when you speak with a teacher? STUDENT3:Personally I never use slang in essays.It just doesn't feel right.It's true, you know,most students know when to use slang,and when not to.STUDENT2:I agree.I sometimes use it with teachers,though;it just depends on who the teacher is.TEACHER:Why,I imagine most people do the same.Here's something you may find surprising:A recent study on student conversation suggests that students don't in fact use slang that often but instead they choose more ordinary colloquial vocabulary.OK,to finish up,now let me say something about the history of slang.Many years ago, slang was closely associated with underground,criminal organizations,groups that deviate from mainstream society...uh...with notions of outcasts and socially unacceptable behaviors.A look back in time shows,for example,that in the seventeenth century more than twenty words were used to refer to vagrants,that is,to someone who has no home or job.Today,of course,these associations are much weaker and slang's used much more widely.As underground culture has become more mainstream,there's not the same need for the kind of secret code that slang offered.Today,most of us use slang and aren't ashamed of using it.It may still have negative connotations,but like it or not it's here to stay,and increasingly it's become the subject of serious academic study. And why not?As I've tried to show,it's a fascinating social as well as linguistic phenomenon.So,any questions?...Unit2Murphy's LawTEACHER:Good afternoon,everyone.More than200years ago,the Scottish poet Robert Burns said that"the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."I'm sure we all have firsthand experience with what Burns means;no matter how carefully we plan a project and no matter how carefully we try to,uh,anticipate problems,we're likely to,uh encounter something unexpected and unwelcome that will throw our plan off course. Well,class today we'll be looking at how plans can go right or wrong...and,uh,how we can make sense of this.Are you all familiar with Murphy's Law?Well,according to Murphy's Law,anything that can go wrong will go wrong.So we'll be looking at everyday examples of Murphy's Law—uh,things like why toast falls buttered-side down, why it always seems like we choose slow lines at the supermarket,and why it is so difficult to win when we gamble.As you may know,we now have many different versions of Murphy's Law,and today I'd like to look at the science behind three of them.I'll try to show you that some thingswhich have happened to you,and which you may have thought were simply bad luck, had nothing to do with luck at all.What I'm saying is that there are some very good scientific reasons for many of the things that happen to us,and we're not victims of bad luck as often as we might think.When we consider some basic science and probability theory,we can more clearly understand why some"bad"things happen the way they do. All right.Let's begin with a very commonplace situation.Let's say you've just gotten up. You're still sleepy,and you make your way to the breakfast table.In your half-awake state,you accidentally hit your piece of toast,which has butter on one side.The toast begins to fall to the floor.Now what are the chances that you'll be lucky and the toast will land buttered-side up?Well,the toast has only two sides,so most people think that the answer is fifty-fifty.Fifty percent.Right?Do you think that there's a50percent chance that the toast will land with the buttered-side up?STUDENT1:Well,this sounds like a trick question,but,uh,yeah.Logically,50percent sounds about right.TEACHER:Yes,50percent does seem right,but,in this case,Murphy's Law of Falling Toast says:"Toast which falls from a table will land buttered-side down."Actually,the probability of this happening is extremely high.It's close to100percent.Now,here's why.When something like a piece of toast falls from a table,its behavior is not random. The rate of spin is controlled by the laws of physics.This is the problem.The rate of spin, that is,how fast the toast spins,is too low for the toast to make a complete revolution.It's too slow to turn completely around and hit the floor buttered-side up.The rate of spin is determined by the force of gravity.So in a very real sense,the laws of physics,and specifically the rate of spin,make sure that our toast lands buttered-side down almost all the time.So the point is that simple probabilities—for example,the probability that toast has a fifty-fifty chance of landing buttered-side up—can be greatly affected by other more fundamental factors,such as the laws of physics.So,in this case,we believe that we have bad luck because we don't understand that the natural laws of physics are in effect.The toast should land buttered-side down.OK?Let's look at the next point.Now we come to one of my most frustrating situations in life—the supermarket line.In this case,Murphy's Law of Supermarket Lines says:"The line next to you will move faster than yours."Now everybody wants to get into the fastest line when they go to the supermarket,right?OK,so let's say that you're at your local supermarket and there are five lines,but each of the five lines looks pretty much equal in length.Now,of course, you want to try to anticipate which one of the five lines will move the fastest.Well,this is where simple probability theory enters the picture.The chances that you have chosen the fastest of the five lines is one divided by the number of lines,which is five in this case.So mathematically,the formula is one divided by N where N is the total number of lines.So in this example,one divided by five gives us what?STUDENT2:One divided by five is one-fifth or...uh...20percent.TEACHER:Right.Twenty percent.There's only a20percent chance that we have chosen the fastest of the five lines.Now even if we reduce that to three lines,our line and the lines on each side of us,the chances we've chosen the fastest line are still only what?S TUDENT2:Uh,33percent.One out of three.TEACHER:Sure.One divided by three is33percent,so it's not just your imagination that one line near you almost always moves faster than yours.Simple probability theory shows that the odds are against you.If there are very many lines,the chances that you'll choose the fastest one is quite low.So,you see,it has little to do with luck,but w e perceive that it does.All right.Now let's look at a final situation that shows how we commonly misunderstand the laws of probability.We've come to Murphy's Law of Gambling that says simply:"You will lose."Now in the case of the supermarket lines that we've just talked about,probability theory applied very nicely.And actually,as we go through life, most things are fairly predictable because they follow the basic laws of probability. Weather is an example.Let's say that it's been raining for a week,and a friend says to you"I think it's going to be sunny tomorrow."Is that an unreasonable statement?Well, no.Clouds move,and they are of limited size,so if it's been raining for a week,it's likely that the rain and clouds will end soon.In other words,the next sunny day is more likely to occur after the seventh day of rain than after the first,because the storm front has what is called a life history.Now this is important,so let me explain that term.Events with a life history have changing probabilities of certain events occurring over time.For instance,uh,if you plant flower seeds,you can predict with reasonable accuracy when the plants will come up,when they will bloom,and how long they will bloom.For instance,with some types of flowers,there's a90percent chance that they will come up fifteen to twenty days after the seeds have been planted.In short,the growth of a flower follows a clear predictable pattern,and we call this pattern a life history.But this is the trick with many gambling games.The casino owners want us to believe that dice also have a life history and that we can therefore estimate the probability of events related to the dice.However,gambling devices like dice are different because they don't have life histories.Now...what do you think that means?STUDENT1:There aren't any reliable patterns?Um,just because I rolled a seven last time doesn't tell me anything about the next roll.TEACHER:Right.You can't look at the past rolls of the dice and predict what the next roll will be.Now many people,especially gamblers,think that they can,but this is what's called the gambler's fallacy.The gambler's fallacy is expecting to roll a seven with a pair of dice because a seven hasn't come up recently.So,in other words,there's a widespread belief among gamblers that dice have a life history.In thereal world,that's not a bad way to reason,but in a casino,it's the path to financial loss. Dice have no memory,no life history.Now you can predict that if you roll one dice many,many times,the number five will come up about16percent of the time.That's one divided by six.But that's not what we're concerned with here.We're concerned with the next roll of the dice.As a result,the element of arbitrariness or randomness makes prediction of the next roll impossible.Statisticians who work with probability theory call the roll of a pair of dice a single-event probability,and many of these same statisticians believe that the probability of a single event can't even be computed mathematically.So, the same probability theory that works well with supermarket lines won't help you win a million dollars in a dice game in Las Vegas.It could,in fact,lead to a catastrophe!So,to sum up,we have looked at three cases involving Murphy's Law and our perception of"bad luck."The first case was the toast,right?Our toast lands buttered-side down far more often than we would predict because the basic laws of physics have a strong effect on normal probabilities.The second case was the supermarket line, remember?Another line moves faster than ours because the laws of probability are behaving normally,even though we might perceive them as behaving unfairly.And the third case was the dice game.People lose at gambling games like dice because the laws of"life history probability"simply don't apply in those situations,even though gamblers think they do.So,as you can see,in some cases,Murphy's Law is not just some form of bad luck. There are some very real,scientific explanations for these events.OK,that's about it for today.For next class I'd like you to take a look at Chapter7and be ready to talk about the discussion questions on page255.See you then.Unit3Types of MemoryTEACHER:Good morning everyone.Um...today,I have the pleasure of introducing you to the basics of what I think is one of the most fascinating topics in the field of psychology—memory.What is memory?How does memory work?The research in this field is fascinating and dates back to the late1800s,so it's been going on for more than a century.I'll begin today by saying a few things about three types of memory that we all have,and then we'll look at how memory is measured.All right.First of all,let's begin by looking at types of memory.One of the most common ways to classify memory is based on time...based on time and duration of use.So typically,memory is divided into three types:sensory memory,working memory (which is also referred to as short-term memory),and long-term memory.Again,that's sensory memory,working memory,and long-term memory.Let's talk about sensory memory for a minute.Sensory memory holds information for only an instant,say,less than half a second.This is just long enough to register an impression on one or more of our five senses—sight,hearing,touch,smell,or taste.Let me give you an example of aphenomenon concerning visual sensory memory that I'm sure you've all experienced. Imagine that you're holding up a flashlight on a dark night.You start to move it in circles slowly,watching it carefully the whole time.Pretty soon you aren't just seeing the flashlight...you can see a full circle of light!Of course,it's actually just one point of light being moved around,but your memory of the visual sensation of the light fills in the rest of the circle.That's one example of sensory memory.So remember,you can hold something in your sensory memory for just a fraction of a second,up to around half a second,then it fades away.Now if you want to keep the information for longer than a second,you have to put it into your working memory.Working memory,the second type of memory,allows us to hold on to things for as long as we think about them,that is,as long as we're paying attention to them.It's something like a kind of temporary storage place.Let me give you a simple math problem.Are you ready?Here goes...18plus44plus9plus19...I'll say that one more time.OK?18plus44plus9plus19....All right?...Do you all have the answer?Maya?S TUDENT1:Uh,I think it's90.Yeah,90.T EACHER:Let's see...18plus44is62...plus9is71...plus19is90.Ninety is the answer.Now,to figure out this problem,you had to use your working memory.As you did the problem,you had to continue holding the numbers in your memory until you got the final answer.If you stopped concentrating on the numbers,that is,you stopped saying them to yourself,or stopped visualizing them,you would have forgotten them and then you wouldn't have been able to solve the problem.Do you see how that works? Here's one more example of working memory involving reading.Look at the sentence: "Honey is the only natural food that is made without destroying any kind of life."It's written down in your textbook.Why,you may wonder,do we need working memory to understand such a simple sentence?Well,the answer is because working memory holds the first part of the sentence,"Honey is the only natural food..."while our eyes move on to the last part,that is,"made without destroying any kind of life."Without our working memory,we would forget the first part of the sentence before we got to the end.So reading even short or simple passages would be impossible without our working memory.OK,I think you can see how important working memory is,but our working memory is very limited,and it can only hold information temporarily.It usually lasts only one and one half to two seconds and then it begins to fade.So if working memory were all we had,we would be very limited.Essentially,working memory mediates between how we experience the environment and our long-term memory.This brings us to the third type of memory that we'll talk about today,long-term memory.Now,long-term memory is involved with information that's stored for considerable lengths of time.For example,do you remember the name of your best friend when you were ten years old?I bet you do,because this information is certainly in your long-term memory.Actually,memory that's tested after about one minute behaves in a very simi-lar way to memory tested after a day,a week,or even years,so many scientists believe that any memories more than one minute old are part of our long-term memory. Interestingly,these memories seem to change over time in the sense that we tend to add information to them.In a sense,our memories become somewhat distorted.The reason behind these changes is that our memory is designed to keep or preserve meaning,not to keep impressions or images,but to keep meaning.For example,try to remember a conversation you had yesterday with a friend.Now if you're like most people,you can't remember the exact words that you or your friend said,but you can remember the ideas that you discussed.Your memories of the points that were most important to you will be the clearest.So the essential feature of long-term memory is that it specializes in holding meaning.OK,are there any questions about that?Yes?STUDENT1:Yeah.Can you explain why we don't remember all of the details of our past conversations?TEACHER:So the question is,"Why do we forget?"Well,most experts believe that if we remembered all of the details of our past experiences,our memory system would be filled with a lot of trivial information,a lot of trivial and generally useless information. Secondly,it is conceivable that we would find it extremely difficult to sift through such a...a mass of detailed information and find the really important information that we need.Um...in other words,memory searches would proceed a lot more slowly.S TUDENT1:OK,I see.Thank you.TEACHER:OK,let's move on to ways of measuring memory.Just as we distinguished three types of memory,there are three main ways of measuring how much a person remembers.The first of these methods is called recall.You use recall many times every day.Here's what I mean....Take out a sheet of paper....OK,now look at the word list in your text:drum,band,studio,and so on....Read it silently to yourself....OK?... Have you looked at all of the words?...OK,you should be finished by now.Now,close your book.Write down the words you saw,as many as you can,on your paper....Go ahead....OK,that's a simple recall test.Now,most of you probably remembered most of the words,but not all of them.Our memories,of course,are not perfect,and of course forgetting is natural.The second method of measuring memory is recognition.OK,for this you need another piece of paper,or just turn that one over....All right.Number the page from one to eight....Now look at the word list again.OK,now close your book.I'm going to say eight words.You have to write"yes"or"no"—"yes"if the word I say was on the list, "no"if the word I say was not on the list.Ready?Here I go.1.studio.2.guitar.3.stage.4.recorder.5.wiring.6.song7.vocalist.8.drum....OK,everybody finished?The answers are1.yes,2.no,3.yes,4.no,5.yes,6.no,7.yes,and8.yes....How did you do?Anyone get all eight correct?...Good!That's what we call a recognition test.In contrast to the recall test,recognition is more receptive and doesn't require you to produce anything.For this reason,recognition is a lot easier for most of us than recall.In other words,asking yourself "Have I seen this before?"is easier than remembering everything you saw.Now the third basic method used to measure memory is relearning.Let me give you an example of a relearning test.First,you try to memorize a list of words.Then you don't look at the list for a period of time,maybe a week.If you're like most people,you won't be able to remember all of the words.After a week,you then look at the list a second time and try to relearn it.As you would guess,most people relearn information somewhat faster than they learn it the first time.By measuring the time people need to relearn information,we can calculate how much information they have stored in their long-term memories the first time.So,let's stop there for today.Uh...I hope that you'll put today's material in your long-term memory...or you're going to have a hard time with the test.See you next week.Unit4Actions Speak Louder than WordsTEACHER:OK,class,OK...let's begin.What do we mean when we say that actions speak louder than words?STUDENT1:Uh...that means we believe people's actions more than we believe their words.TEACHER:Yes,exactly right—and,uh,in a sense,actions are more important than words.That's because we usually judge speakers'intentions by the nonverbal signals they send us.And that's what our subject today's all about,nonverbal communication—how we communicate through our actions—facial expressions,eye contact,tone of voice,uh,body movement,and so on.And if any of you doubt the importance of these things,you might like to consider a couple of statistics I've got here in front of me.Some communication specialists estimate we spend about75percent of our waking hours communicating.And,more to the point,words account for only,mm, 10to30percent of that communication—the bulk's nonverbal.That's food for thought, uh?Now although people clearly understand its importance,nonverbal communication—I'll call it N.V.C.for short—is actually a rather recent field of study and owes a lot to an American anthropologist named Raymond Birdwhistle—spelled B-I-R-D-W-H-I-S-T-L-E.Easy name to remember,right?Birdwhistle began studying nonverbal communication in the1950s and,um...one of his main ideas was that the meaning of nonverbal behavior depended on the context in which it was used....Uh,it depends on the context.So,he looked at the whole context of nonverbal behavior—how and,uh,where certain types of nonverbal behavior appeared—and not just one particular behavior in isolation.Facial expressions,for example—frowns,smiles,raised eyebrows, and,uh,so on—we all use these to convey many different meanings.But those meanings are largely determined by the situations we're in and the relationships that we have with the people we're communicating with.So,the same。

Unit 2I. Understanding Short Conversations1. W: What did your coach tell you about running in tomorrow’s race?M: He said, “All that glitters is Olympic gold,” to remind me of the Olympic spirit.Q: What was the coach’s advice to the man?2.M: I watched a TV show last night, called “All that Glitters Is Olympic Gold”.W: I watched that too. It was about the training and sacrifice necessary for athletes to compete in the Olympics.Q: What was the TV show about?3. W: Running the hundred-meter dash is nothing compared to the passion necessary to runlonger races.M: Are you kidding? I’ve run both and I know they both require determination.Q: Why does the man disagree with the woman?4. M: Do you think drug taking is widespread among amateur athletes trying to get stronger?W: It’s hard to say whether it’s true or not. So much of what we hear seems to be rumors.Q: Does the woman believe that there is a problem with amateur athletes taking drugs?5. W: Do you think that he could have run in the Olympics if things had turned out differently?M: Definitely. He had the heart. It was just his injury that cost him the opportunity to compete.Q: Did the athlete compete in the Olympics?6.. M: I heard that when the athlete accepted the gold medal, he thanked his mom.W: That’s right. He swore that she was responsible for him developing the strength to win the race.Q: Why was the athlete able to win the race?7. W: Come on, you can eat this cake. You don’t have to deny yourself sweet food just becauseyou’re in the Olympics.M: Yes I do! With the games coming so soon, I have to stay on a healthy diet.Q: Why does the man refuse the woman’s offer?8.M: Most people who watch the Olympics would like to be like the athletes they see.W: Maybe they would. But I don’t think most of them have determination to word so hard to get there.Q: What does the woman think about people who watch the Olympic Games?9.W: Are you noticing the frowns on the faces of the runners? Not one of them looks happy.M: You can be sure the two runners from our country are happy. Out of the five races, they’ve won four.Q: How many races have the runners from the speakers’ country won?10.M: Just hearing the Olympic song fills me with determination to go out and win.W: It was first played in 1896, but it wasn’t the official song until 1958. I like it too.Q: In which year did the Olympic song become official?1---10: B B C C C, A A A C AII. Understanding a Long ConversationW: Wow, you really look great. Have you been working out?M: Every day. I’m preparing for the Olympic Games.W: Oh, no.M: What? What’s the matter? You don’t think I can do it?W: I don’t know how to tell you.M: You don’t think I’m strong enough to enter, do you? Well, I’ll have you know I’m plenty strong.And if you say otherwise, you don’t know what you’re talking about.W: I know you’re strong. That’s not the problem.M: Then you think my heart is weak. But that isn’t so! I have amazing determination. I swear, my passion is unmatched by any other amateur athlete in the world. I defy you to say otherwise. W: I wouldn’t dare. I’ve seen you run and not quit, and I know your heart is strong. But that isn’t the problem.M: What’s the problem then?W: The Olympics ended yesterday.1.Why does the man look great?2.How does the man feel about his own strength?3.What does the man say about his passion?4.How does the woman know the man has a strong heart?5.What’s the man’s problem, according to the woman?1---5: D B C D DIII. Understanding a PassageIn the summer of 1936, Jesse Owens became famous all over the world. That summer, Jesse Owens, a black American, joined the best athletes from 50 nations to compete in the Olympics in Berlin, Germany.There was special interest in the Olympic Games that year because Adolph Hitler was then the leader of Germany. He and his Nazi party believed that white people were better than other races, especially those with dark skin. They were all very surprised when Owens won four gold medals and set new world records.Years later, Jesse Owens wrote that he was most proud of showing Hitler and the world how great a black man could be. Through everything, he never lost confidence in himself. Nor did he ever lose pride in himself. To this day, Jesse Owens is remembered as an amazing man who fully expressed the Olympic spirit.1.Why were so many people interested in the 1936 Olympic Games?2.According to the passage, what did the Nazi party believe?3.What surprised Hitler and the Nazis?4.What made Jesse Owens most proud?5.Why is Jesse Owens remembered as a great man?1—5: C B C D DIV. Understanding a Movie DialogTask11) training 2) touch 3) understand 4) appreciate 5) trouble6) fighting 7) three 8) honest 9) cry 10) borrow Homework Supplementary ListeningTask 1M: Have you ever tried scuba diving?W: No, I’m kind of scared of the whole diving thing. I mean I hear all these stories about getting sick from coming up too fast and dangerous fish and stuff. I don’t think it’s for me.M: I guess there’s a lot that could go wrong, but if you’ve been trained and you follow the rules, there’s really nothing to worry about.W: I don’t know.M: It’s really worth trying. It’s a whole other world down there. It’s s uch an amazing experience.W: That’s what a lot of people tell me, but I think I’d prefer to stick to surfing rather than take my chances in the deep.M: To be honest, I think you have more chance of meeting with an accident surfing than diving. W: As long as you don’t do anything stupid, you’ll be OK.M: Diving’s the same. You just have to follow the rules. Say, I’m going next weekend. Why don’t you come along? There’s a pool that isn’t so deep where you can see all kinds of fish and things.It’s perfect f or a novice diver.W: Well, if it’s not too deep, it can’t be too bad. Why not? Sure, I’ll go with you.M: Great!1.According to the woman, what makes diving scary?2.What measures might help ensure the safety of diving?3.According to the conversation, what has the woman heard about diving?4.What does the man think about surfing?5.Why does the woman decide to join the man in diving?1---5: D C D B ATask 2Some people say that aerobic dancing is a sport, and others say it’s not. I’ve begun a class that tea ches aerobics, and I would like to tell you about it. I think you’ll be very excited about this vigorous exercise and will agree with me that it’s a sport.Aerobic dancing is like other sports in that it can help you improve your mental strength. Often, when doing it, you’ll want to quit. Continuing, despite your desire to stop, forces you to be strong. The encouragement that you receive from those around you helps you to carry on for the entire 45 minutes until the end. It’s something like running a lon g race.Like swimming, aerobic dancing makes your body stronger. It quickens your heart beat and helps you to lose fat. Many football players, as well as athletes in other sports, do aerobic dancing to improve their fitness. Many other people enjoy it as well.Aerobic dancing can change your life. If you participate regularly, it’ll make you a better person, both mentally and physically. I recommend it to anyone who wants a little bit more out of life.1.According to the passage, how do people feel about aerobic dancing?2.In which way is aerobic dancing similar to other sports?3.Who will encourage you not to quit when doing aerobic dancing?4.How is aerobic dancing like swimming?5.According to the speaker, who should take part in aerobic dancing?1---5: A B C B DTask 31) on the ball 2) did something unexpected 3) at the job or activity 4) hit it out of the park 5) think it over 6) is very successful7) complete a job or activity 8) did something wrong9) how much it is worth 10) close to my selling priceTask 2Some people say that aerobic dancing is a sport, and others say it’s not. I’ve __1__ a class that teaches aerobics, and I would like to tell you about it. I think you’ll be very excited about this __2__exercise and will agree with me that it’s a sport.Aerobic dancing is like other sports in that it can help you improve your mental__3__. Often, when doing it, you’ll want to__4__. Continuing, despite your desire to stop, forces you to be strong. The encouragement that you __5__ from those around you helps you to carry on for the entire 45 minutes until the end. It’s something like __6__ a long race.Like swimming, aerobic dancing makes your body stronger. It __7__ your heart beat and helps you to lose fat. Many football players, as well as athletes in other sports, do aerobic dancing to improve their__8__ . Many other people enjoy it as well.Aerobic dancing can change your life. If you __9__ regularly, it’ll make you a better person, both mentally and__10__ . I recommend it to anyone who wants a little bit more out of life.1.begun2.vigorous3.strength4.quit5.receive6.running7.quickens8.fitness9.participate 10.physically。

Unit 7 Who's Calling the Shots? TEACHER: Good morning. Hope you had a good weekend. Today we're going to start talking about styles of business management. Styles of management vary from country to country, company to company, and, from person to person. One approach to good management now considered important worldwide is team building. Team building is only part of what makes someone a good manager, but it underlies many good management practices. When team building, the manager does things to help employees work together effectively as a group, as a team.This is based on the idea that the manager's job isn't simply to tell people what to do, but to help solve problems and help people communicate so they work well together. This approach emphasizes employee relations, and it benefits the company. It hasn't always been this way. Not so many years ago there was an attitude in American companies, of "What the manager says, goes." Employees were expected to do what they were told. But we're seeing a new paradigm because companies have realized that employees don't do their best work when they're treated like this. This was a big change in American management style, perhaps influenced by the Japanese model.First, in order to build a team, a good business manager knows that different people are good at different things and values the special skills that each employee brings to the company. A good manager needs to find a way to let the employees know that their particular skills are important to the company. The employees are then more likely to do their best when they feel valued, and value each other. A strong manager knows how to build a team of employees who help each other do their best work.So, what can a manager do to help employees feel they're valued, like part of the team? Let's consider a situation at a company called the ABC company. Let's say there's new manager in the office, Mrs. Gomez, and she's made some changes. One day, an employee--Mrs. Parks--decides to approach Mrs. Gomez about some problems she is having at work. Mrs. Parks has worked at the company for more than ten years. The new changes make it difficult for her to do her job well. She's stressed, and this is affecting her job performance. So, Mrs. Gomez and Mrs. Parks talk. Mrs. Gomez listens. She knows she has made some changes, and that the office isn't being run like it was before. But she tells Mrs. Parks to try her best, and to give it more time. Oh, I see a question, Anna?STUDENT 1: I'm not clear. What kind of changes are you talking about? TEACHER: Oh. Well, let's say one change is that, before, you gave a rough draft of your report to the secretary, and she edited it and sent it out. Now, the secretary doesn't1 do this for you. You have to do it yourself. She changed the way the office was organized.STUDENT 1: Oh, OK.TEACHER: Later that night, Mrs. Gomez thinks about what Mrs. Parks said. She thinks it's possible that other people in the office are having problems, too.Mrs. Gomez knows that she needs a strong team to be a Successful manager. She also needs a stable group of employees. She doesn't want people to leave. She decides she needs to get an accurate idea of the employees' perspectives. She decides to give the employees an opportunity to share their ideas. She wants to show them she values their work and their experience at the company. So, Mrs. Gomez makes a team-building plan. She begins by scheduling a meeting for the next day to talk about the changes she has made, to give the employees an opportunity to say what problems they're having and to ask questions. At the end of the meeting, she gives the employees some questions to answer in writing to make it easy for them to share their ideas. She tells them she will use the answers they write and the ideas from the meeting to decide on the next step in the office.Let’s consider the kind or questions she gives them. She wants questions that focus on the work itself, questions that would be easy for an employee to answer honestlyQuestions like:A Is it clear to you what your responsibilities are?B Do you know who to talk to if a task is unclear?C Do your team members support you? If not, what specific things couldthey do to help you do a better job?D. What was done in the past that you think worked better?These questions are about the work, about how the office is organized, and about working together. They don't focus on the employee’s feelings aboutthe manager.Mrs. Gomez reads their answers to the questions. She also checks her notes from the meeting. She decides to modify the way she has reorganized the office. Not big changes-just a few small ones. She realizes that some of the old ways were better. So, she makes a few changes back to how the office was organized before. She also comes up with a six month plan for improvement, and tells the employees they will all review the plan together in six months. What message is she communicating to the employees by these actions? Well first, she's telling them she consider their ideas important; she values their opinions. Second she is telling them she is in charge, but she values what they say. Third, she's telling them that change is not necessarily good if there is no good reason for it. In other words, she didn’t need to make so many big changes when she started as manager. And, finally, she is telling them that she is human, that she can admit her mistakes and that she is willing to do what benefits the group. This puts her on the road to gaining their support, and to being a successful manager.Now, on to the third part of her plan. Mrs. Gomez plans a picnic at the park near their office. They have lunch, play games, and talk. They laugh and joke and relax. By the end of the day, they know each other better. Hope fully, this will help them work together better, as well.Let’s review the three parts or Mrs. Gomez’s team-building plan: she had ameeting, she gave employees questions about the office organization, and she planned a fun activity to help them get to know each other. We can see| that her plan is based on the importance of solving problems, and on the belief that communication is vital in order to succeed as a team. This is a key point: Her plan is based on the idea of solving problems and employees sharing ideas. Any questions? Felipe?STUDENT 2: Well, I've studied some business management courses, and I understand that it’s important to develop communication and build up team players, but isn’t it just a waste of time to have these “fun” activities? TEACHER:Well, a lot of managers do think it’s a waste of time, especiallyin the short term. But, in the long run, it's definitely not a waste of time. In fact, it's often a great way to save time in team building.Let's stop here. Today we discussed team building and why it has become important. In the next class, 1 want to talk about other group activities managers can use to build team. We’ll start there next time. That's all for today.Unit 8 Right and Wrong on the Net TEACHER: Good morning. Did anyone hear the news about the teenager in New York who hacked into a bank’s database and stole about 30,000 credit card numbers over the weekend? Hacking is related to computer ethics ―that’s our topic today.Computer ethics deals with the proper use of information technology, such as computers and the Internet. By proper use, I mean socially responsible use. We’ll first talk about what ethical behavior is and how this applies to computer use.First, I want to make sure we all know what ethics is. Anyone? Yes, John? STUDENT 1:It’s about right and wrong.TEACHER: Yes; OK, Jennifer.STUDENT 2:And it’s about being a good person, doing what’s right. TEACHER: Yes, ethics includes both of these ideas. It deals with moral judgment, with what is acceptable or unacceptable to do. Now we learn ideas about what is right and wrong from our families, our friends, and from the culture we live in. Because of differences in our backgrounds, we may not always agree on what is right and wrong.However, for our discussion today, I will define for you what I mean by an ethical action. An ethical action is something someone does that benefits someone and doesn't hurt anyone. So, for example, if you see a man drop some money, and you pick the money up and give it to him, this is an ethical action. On the other hand, if you pick up the money and don't give it back to the man, this benefits you, but hurts the man. This is not an ethical action.Now what about computers? What are the ethical boundaries for using computers and the Internet? Most people agree that it is wrong to steal from a store. Would they also say it's wrong to copy music files from the Internet? Or, to take another example, most people agree that it is wrong to open anenvelope and read a letter to someone else. Would they also say it's wrong to read someone else's e-mail?In the past decade or so, many more people have started using computers and the Internet, so these issues have become important. In 1992, the Computer Ethics Institute was founded in the United States. This is a research, education, and policy study group whose goal is to increase awareness of the ethicalissues that are likely to come up as technology develops.One concept the Computer Ethics Institute has developed is the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics. These rules are important guidelines the Institute thinks all computer users should follow. Now some of you may be familiar with the Ten Commandments from the Bible, like, uh, "Thou shalt not kill" or "Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother." The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics have been written in the same style of language used in the Ten Commandments from the Bible. For example, they use the phrase "Thou shalt not." "Thou shalt not" means don't or you shouldn't. Let's look at each commandment or rule. The first commandment says: Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. Simple enough, right? Number Two. Thou shalt not interfere with other peoples computer work. I interpret this to mean don't use a computer in any way that will affect or change the work someone else is doing. Don't move or edit someone else's files without telling them. Number Three. Thou shalt not snoop in other people's files. To snoop means to try to find out something without another person knowing it. If you look at someone else's files on the computer or read their e-mail, you're snooping. Respect other people’s privacy. Number Four. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal. There are situations on the Internet in which you have to decide if you are stealing or not, like downloading music files, as I mentioned earlier.Number Five. Thou shalt not use a computer to say things that are untrue. Itis up to you to be truthful in your website, in your e-business, and in your e- mail.Number Six. Thou shalt not use software for which you have not paid. In other words, if the software is free on the Internet, it's okay to download and use it. However, it is not okay to copy software from a friend, because you didn't pay for it.Number Se ven. Thou shalt not use other people’s computer resources without telling them, or without paying them. For example, you shouldn't use someone else's computer, password, or Internet connection without asking them first.Number Eight. Thou shalt not appropriate someone else's ideas. Appropriate is spelled A-P-P-R-O-P-R-I-A-T-E.... It means to take words someone else wrote and say they're yours. Uh, for example, you have to write a report for school. If you copy a term paper from the Internet and hand it in, you're breaking the rule. Copying even a few sentences off the Internet andpresenting them as your own is breaking the rule.Number Nine. The ninth commandment says: Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing. Now, this applies mostlyto computer programmers. Social consequences means how the program you're writing might affect others in society. Could hackers possibly use your program to illegally gain access to a computer system? Skillful hackers can hack into banks and into credit card companies; they can alter accounts and steal money. They can also create viruses that can cause billions of dollars of damage worldwide.Number Ten. The tenth commandment says: Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that are respectful of others. For example, sending unfriendly e-mail to someone or about someone or creating websites with negative messages are examples of breaking this rule.OK, the Computer Ethics Institute has sent these guidelines to many large companies and to schools across the United States. However, there's no way to enforce these rules. Nevertheless, they would like to see schools, in particular, utilize these rules to help students develop a strong sense of computer ethics. OK, any questions or comments at this point?STUDENT 1: How are we supposed to remember all those rules? TEACHER: Well, there are a lot of rules, but they all boil down to a couple of principles: respect and fairness. Respect what belongs to others and use resources fairly. Does that help?STUDENT 1: Yeah, I guess so.TEACHER:good. Let’s go back to ethics. Now increasingly, schools are seeing that students need to be taught computer ethics as part of the school curriculum. Some schools have come up with acceptable-use policies, or rules about what is or isn’t OK for students to do regarding computer use. This is how the Computer Ethics Institute would like to see schools utilizing the rules. Generally, it’s considered wrong to steal someone else’s password or to read someone else’s e-mail. It’s also considered unacceptable in college classes for a student to down load a term paper off the Internet and pretend that he or she wrote it. This is called “plagiarism,” and it’s a good exampleof breaking rule number eight. Students are permitted to use the Internet for research, but are instructed to write the information in their own words and to explain where they got the information.Now the ten rules are guidelines for us to follow. These rules help us to be aware of the ethical uses of technology. Let’s stop here for today. Think about these rules this week and we’ll talk about them. And read the next two chapters for next week.Unit 9 Which Way Will It Go?TEACHER: The topic for today's class is land as a resource. Land, water, trees, oil.., these are all resources, and as future environmental scientists, you need to understand how to manage these resources. As the world population increases, managing land resources will become a greater priority. Land is a limited resource.Today I'm going to divide the lecture into two parts. First we'll look at some of the factors contributing to pressures on the land we have, and then I wantto turn to some of the ways people worldwide are trying to address land problems and meet the needs of future generations. Think of it as first the bad news, then the good news. Let me start by saying there is less good productive land now than there was even ten years ago. By productive land I mean land that is fertile, that we can use to grow food and raise animals. Each year more and more land becomes degraded. We are losing productive land. Worldwide, new dry areas are developing and expanding. This is happening on every continent except Antarctica.I don't mean existing deserts like the Sahara are getting bigger. I'm talking about new dry areas, areas where land has been declining in quality. You can see these areas in the map in your book. Why are these areas forming and expanding? What do you think? Theresa?STUDENT 1: It's the climate, isn't it? The earth is getting, you know, hotter because of global warming, so water gets evaporated and the land dries out. TEACHER: OK. Marcel, do you agree?STUDENT 2: Well, yeah. It has to be the weather. What else could it be? TEACHER: Well, different reasons have been given. Some people contribute it to global warming or to climate changes. They say nature simply produces dry regions, like the Sahara Desert, as well as wet regions, like the Amazon Rainforest Well, let's think about this. Is it only the weather? Let's see if there are other factors contributing to this trend. Is nature, or the weather, really the problem? According to a large group of scientists, the weather isn't the main factor. Instead, they say, people are the main factor. When they say people are the main problem, they mean people's actions--how people use and manage land. Poor land management, overpopulation, poor farming techniques, too many animals, and so on, can all affect the land.Look at the chart in your book. As you can see, researchers have identified several ways human activities contribute to the problem. The first is overgrazing by farm animals. They say about 35 percent of the loss of productive land is due to overgrazing by farm animals. The second is overcutting of trees, which leads to about 30 percent of the loss. And lastly, 28 percent of the loss of good land is from methods of farming. Overgrazing, overcutting, and farming methods. Let's look at these one at a time.The first is overgrazing. Good topsoil is lost or damaged because of overgrazing by farm animals. Overgrazing means the animals eat too many of the plants. There are several bad results of overgrazing. First, there aren't enough plants left to hold the soil in place. Then, the topsoil is eroded by wind and rain; they carry it away. Second, as the animals walk around, the soil is compacted, and gets very hard. If the soil is too hard, rain- water isn't absorbed into the soil, and this causes the soil to stay dry and warm. As the soil gets drier, even fewer plants can grow. This, in turn, causes the animals to walk around more and more, in order to find enough food to eat. And, this causes the ground to get packed down even more, and get even drier, and so on. So, you can see that overgrazing can create this cycle.Second, overcutting of trees also contributes to the loss of good land. The main problem is too many trees are cut and not replanted. For years we'veheard about how this is happening on a large scale in the Amazon Rain Forest in Brazil. Trees, like land, are a resource we depend on. They're vital to the whole environmental balance on earth. If trees are cut down and not replanted, there is nothing to hold the good soil. Wind and water carry the good soil away and it erodes quickly, leaving land that is dry and less productive. So, overcutting is another reason why land quality is declining.Third, farming methods are another big factor. In some places, traditional methods that have been used for hundreds of years no longer work well. Why do they no longer work well? Partly because the population is increasing,and farmers aren't equipped to meet these new demands, and partly because the soil is getting worn out. More people need to be fed from less land. As a result, some farmers may use too much fertilizer on the limited land they have, or not let the land rest from year to year, causing it to become less fertile. Irrigation is a huge factor many of us don't think about. Irrigation water often has salt in it, and when the salt builds up in the soil, the soil can no longer be used for farming. Currently, about one third of the irrigated land in the world has too much salt in it. Irrigation has taken a heavy toll on good land.So, basically, how people use the land seems to be a bigger factor in the decrease of productive land than weather. Of course, weather extremes, likeno rain or too much rain, can add to the problem. However, the weather is not the main reason for the problem. Some of the extremes in the weather caused by global warming can make the situation worse for people who live in these dry areas. But the weather alone is not the main issue.The decline of productive land is a worldwide problem. Currently, about one third of the world's land area is considered unproductive because it is too dry and damaged.OK, so that's the bad news. Now let's turn to the good news. What are countries doing to help preserve land as a resource? As experts learn more about this worldwide problem, they have tried to find ways to address it. Right now there are several organizations, the United Nations for one, that are working to help people. They try to help countries or communities look at their specific problems and figure out what possible changes they can maketo protect their land. They talk to people about their farming methods, their animals, and how they use trees and other resources. Then they suggest changes that might alleviate some of their problems. Farmers might try to grow genetically engineered crops that don't hurt the soil as much, or plant new trees, or raise fewer animals, or build new irrigation systems that leave less salt in the soil. They look for local solutions that will work best for that country. This includes looking at what has been done traditionally and implementing modern farming methods in ways that respect the local culture. So, let's review what we covered today. I mentioned that about one third of the available land worldwide has become dry and less productive. The main reason for land degradation is people's actions, including overgrazing by animals, overcutting of trees, and farming methods. As scientists learn more, we need to work to help countries make specific changes and for farmers to become better equipped so that they can preserve the good land that is left. Let me just add that if we look at the estimates of what the world populationwill be fifty years from now-- about 9 billion people―it helps us see that protecting the good land that's left needs to be a high priority. I'll stop there. We'll continue with this next class. That's all for this afternoon.Unit 10 It's in the DNATEACHER: Good morning. Today we'll talk about an important topic in biology--DNA and DNA testing. Can anybody tell us what DNA stands for? STUDENT 1: de-oxyribonucleic acidTEACHER: Right. It's the molecule that carries genetic information in all living cells. Now first, we'll look at what DNA is and when it was discovered. Then, we'll look at DNA testing and several applications, or uses of testing. This is an exciting topic for biologists because the more we learn about DNA, the more we see how science may change our lives--from healthcare to our relationships. OK, what does DNA look like?STUDENT 1: It looks like two strings, kind of wrapping around each other. TEACHER: Yes, exactly. There's a simple drawing of one in your book. As you can see, a molecule of DNA consists of two strands of chemical compounds arranged in a twisted pattern. Inside the human cell are chromosomes. The DNA is organized in twenty-three pairs of chromosomesin the cell. Genes are arranged on the chromosomes and these carry fundamental genetic information like hair color, eye color, or characteristics that aren't as visible, such as intelligence, and a lot more. Scientists have been studying DNA for a long time. First, in 1860, Gregor Mendel made two important discoveries: tiny particles he called genes, and, that genes carry information from cell to cell. Now this was really the beginning. Then, in 1953, J. D. Watson and Francis Crick discovered and described the DNA structure. Their work was so important that they received the Nobel Prize in 1962. For the first time, scientists could understand exactly how DNA tells the cells what to do. This generated more DNA research, and by the end of the twentieth century, scientists made other important discoveries. Probably the most important work was the Human Genome Project. The goal of the Human Genome Project was to complete the first reading of the human genome, the complete set of human DNA. Uh, this was a huge job, but after ten long years in June, 2000, the head of the Project announced that they had identified the complete set of human genes. Uh, this was a huge deal. Most people saw this as the beginning of a whole new era in DNA research. Scientists could readall of the genetic messages in the human body! This is, of course, a very brief history of the study of DNA.All right, let's consider DNA testing. One important use of DNA testing is testing identity, which is also called DNA fingerprinting. Here's how a DNA fingerprint is done. Scientists take a small sample of someone's hair or skin, which contain DNA. Next, they treat the sample with chemicals and make a film, like a small photograph. On this film there is a visible pattern of black bars. This pattern of black bars is unique for each person. So, a DNA sample from your hair identifies you, it's, it's like your fingerprint; it identifies you and you only. I see a question. Miguel?STUDENT 2: Does theDNA from hair or skin or blood all look the same?TEACHER: No, not exactly. The DNA from your hair will look like hair DNA but it will be uniquely your DNA pattern. It's sort of like all noses look like noses, right? But your nose looks like your nose only.Now I want to look at two applications, or uses, of DNA testing. First, how it can be used by doctors, and second, how it can be used by the police. Within health- care, one important use is to identify potential for health problems. Researchers have found some genes linked to specific diseases. For example. Huntington's disease is linked to a defect in chromosome 4, and Alzheimer's disease is linked to a defect in chromosome 19. A genetic link means that doctors know that if someone has defects in these genes, they're more likelyto get these health problems; their potential is increased. Notice, I didn't say "Researchers have found that some gene defects cause specific diseases." There is simply a link.After doctors perform DNA testing, they can then decide the best way to use the information. For example, they may give medication to a patient to prevent a disease from ever starting. Genetic testing can also be used to decide which medicine to give someone. This is called targeted medicine. To me, this is very exciting and promising. There are tiny differences in DNA from person to person. These differences can affect which patients will be helped by a drug, and who may be harmed by it. This is, uh, a tremendous advantage. It saves lives and money.Now, let's look at how DNA testing is used by police. The police can use DNA fingerprints to identify and trace criminals. All they need is a small amount,or trace, of blood or hair from the crime scene. If the DNA samples from the crime scene and the suspect match, the results, at least in the United States, can be used as evidence in court. So, DNA testing can be used to help put someone in prison. In much the same way, DNA testing can be used to help innocent people in prison. People in prison can now try to use DNA testingfor crimes that happened, say, ten years ago. If their DNA fingerprint doesn't match the DNA fingerprint from the crime scene, this can help them get a new trial and perhaps get them out of prison.As you can see, there are benefits to DNA testing. However, there are also some concerns that this type of information might be used against us in the future.Now let's consider how DNA testing could be used against you. What if a company you wanted to work for asked you to take a DNA test? And what if your DNA test showed that you had a gene defect linked to a certain type of cancer? Would the company decide not to hire you? People also worry about health insurance. They're afraid they might not be able to get health insurance if their DNA test shows they're at a higher risk for certain diseases. As a result, in the United States, some laws have been passed to protect the privacy of medical records.Now DNA testing has other possibilities that we won't discuss today. But in any case, many people think about the negative uses of testing--the fear thatit will be used against people or to create "perfect" babies. Others think about police being able to trace criminals and possible advances in healthcare. But, another way to think about it is that it tells us more about who we are, and that's the goal of biology--to understand nature. I guess I'll stop there for today. In the next class, l want to talk in more depth about uses of DNA testing by doctors. OK, we'll start there next time. That's, uh, that's all for today.。

Why Don't You Join Me at the Gym Sometime?Peter: Hi, Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag?Laura: Hi, Peter. I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you known. I try to go three times a week, but I'm busy so I can't always make it.Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What's the main reason you work out? For your health, or to look good?Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a very important consideration.Peter: If they were honest, most men who work out would admit that they also do it to look better, and not merely for health reasons.Laura: How about you? Do you get any regular exercise?Peter: I do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoyment -- sometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a time -- but I never go to the gym like you do.Laura: Well, walking is good exercise. How about sports?Peter: Not since my school days. I used to love playing baseball, but it's impossible to get enough people together for a game now. Mostly I just watch sports on TV.Laura: I play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, and sometimes go swimming and cycling by myself.Peter: Oh, I forgot about that. I go cycling sometimes too. And I often go swimming on vacation, but only recreational swimming.Laura: Why don't you join me at the gym sometime? I can get you a guest pass.Peter: Well, maybe someday, but I'm pretty lazy about things like that.2-1-CWatching a GameAlan: Going to the football game today, Betty?Betty: No, but I'll be watching it on television with some friends.Alan: Weren't you able to get any tickets?Betty: I didn't try. I really don't go to games so often.Alan: But don't you enjoy going? Don't you find it exciting to be part of the crowd?Betty: Oh sure, nothing beats the atmosphere at a sporting event: the cheering, all that energy. But sometimes it's just too inconvenient getting into and out of the stadium before and after the game. And if you watch the game with friends, or at a bar or restaurant ...Alan: ... you've basically created your own crowd.Betty: That's right. Another reason why I like to watch sports on television is that I simply find it easier to follow the action on TV.Alan: Yeah, sometimes it is a little difficult to keep track of the ball when you're sitting in the stands.Betty: Especially when your seats are high up in the grandstand, and far from the field.Alan: It's like you're watching from an airplane, sometimes.Betty: Also good sports commentators on television can add to your understanding and enjoyment of the game.Alan: After listening to you I'm starting to wonder how they are able to sell any tickets to these games!Did You Hear the Weather Forecast?Alan: Oh, look at the sky, Michelle! It's starting to get cloudy.Michelle: I see it. I hope it doesn't rain. I thought it was going to be a fine day today.Alan: That's certainly what the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic. Michelle: You can't have a picnic without good weather. You need sunshine for all the eating and games and entertainment.Alan: Yeah, sunshine -- but not too much! Do you remember last year?Michelle: I sure do. It was so hot all we did was look for shade, look for ways to escape from the sun.Alan: And no one wanted to participate in any of the planned activities. All we wanted was cold drinks. And then dozed off.Michelle: If there had just been the tiniest breeze to cool us off...Alan: But there wasn't. Just that burning sun, without a cloud in the sky, and the temperature just seemed to climb higher and higher.Michelle Well, we don't have that problem this year, apparently. Alan, did you hear the weather forecast? Is it supposed to rain?Alan: I don't know. I didn't catch the weather report. But maybe if it rains, it will only be a short shower which cools things off a little. That might not be bad.2-2-CA ThunderstormLili: Look, Betty, the sky has turned completely black!Betty: Oh, wow. A big thunderstorm is coming. But I guess it won't last long.Lili: Yeah, maybe for about twenty minutes or so it's going to seem like it's the end of the world. And then the sun will come out again.Betty: I like storms like this. Summer is dramatic. What do you think, Lili?Lili: Yes, these storms do come quite suddenly in the summer. I often seem to get caught without an umbrella.Betty: But it's not so terribly getting caught in the rain occasionally in the summer. Now if you got all wet during a cold, dreary winter day -- that really would be horrible.Lili: True. Ah, it's starting to rain now. Here it comes. Yes, it's starting to pour.Betty: Here comes the lightning and thunder too.Lili: At least it's supposed to clear up later this afternoon, and to be fine this evening.Betty: That's good, because I'm going to meet some friends tonight.Lili: Well, most likely you will have a very pleasant evening, because this storm should take some of the humidity from the air.Betty: Yes, I must admit that these Chinese summers are very humid.Lili: More humid than in the US?Betty: Well, I can't speak about the whole country. But as far as New York goes, I'd say that the weather here in Shanghai tends to be hotter and more humid.Lili: But I think our winters are milder.Betty: Yes, I'm sure they are. We probably also get more snow in New York than you do here.What about Dining Out?Peter: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Peter. How have you been?Peter: Oh, OK, I guess. And you?Kate: Not too bad. We haven't seen each other for a while, have we?Peter: No, we haven't. So that makes me ask... Do you have any plans for this Saturday?Kate: No, not yet, I don't think so. Why?Peter: What do you think about getting together and going out to dinner this weekend?Kate: That would be great. Do you have any particular place in mind?Peter: Well, I think I'd like to eat something that's not too heavy. I've been eating a little too much lately.Kate: Me too.Peter: I love Italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time. They always seem to serve so much food in Italian restaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to.Kate: Chinese food would be good.Peter: Yes, or maybe some Japanese sushi. That style uses a lot of natural flavors, and not much oil or cream or heavy sauces.Kate: Yes, either of those choices would be good. Let's just meet on Saturday night, and decide then where to eat. Peter: That's fine by me.2-3-CEating OutA: Well, here we are -- not too crowded.B: Great! Let's order quickly so we can chat a little.A: OK. What are you in the mood for?B: Something light. I went out for pizza at lunch and I'm still full.A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich.B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.A: No, actually I ate out last night too, but we had fast food at McDonald's, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried Chicken. B: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have the chicken salad.A: Yes, I think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti. That sounds good.B: Oh, the prices are great, too. I'll have that as well.A: Now let's decide on drinks.B: I'll just have coffee and a glass of iced water.A: Italian food needs red wine. you know.B: But we have to go back to work.A: OK, a Coke then.B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first.Going to See the DoctorD: So what's your trouble?P: Well, doctor, I haven't been feeling well lately. My biggest problem is that I'm having trouble sleeping.D: Have you tried any of the sleeping medications available?P: I've tried one or two, but they don't seem to help.D: How long have you had this problem?P: Three or four months -- it's been rather a long time now.D: Are you suffering from an unusual level of stress in your life lately?P: Not more than usual. My biggest worry is the fact I can't sleep.D: Well, some people don't need as much sleep as others.P: But I feel tired all day, so it is a problem for me.D: Have you been experiencing any other symptoms?P: I've also had a lot of indigestion lately.D: Well, you are a little overweight, aren't you?P: Yes. And I've gained about seven kilograms this past year.D: You really should try to lose at least that extra weight. Do you get much exercise?P: No, not very much.D: Physical activity is very important.P: So what do you recommend, doctor?D: I will give you some medication for your insomnia and your indigestion. But I also recommend that you begin a regular exercise program.P: But I have neither the time nor the money to go to a gym.D: You don't need to go to a gym. A simple walking program would be very beneficial for you. I think you'll find that diet and exercise will be very helpful in taking care of your recent complaints.2-4-C Eating ApplesYou probably know a famous saying about the importance of eating apples. It is, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Now, a new American study shows eating apples may help fight cancer, too. Research scientists at Cornell University in New York say a combination of chemicals found in apples is important for good health. The study shows that the combination of chemicals plays an important part in anti-cancer activity.The scientists say the chemicals are in both the skin and the flesh of apples. Results of the study were reported in the publication Nature. The Cornell researchers studied the chemicals, or extracts, taken from the skin and flesh of red apples grown in New York State. They studied the effectiveness of the apple extracts in fighting cancer.The researchers treated colon (结肠) cancer cells with fifty milligrams of apple extract (苹果汁). Extracts from the apple skin reduced the growth of cancer cells by forty-three percent. Extracts from the fruit's flesh reduced the growth of cancer cells by twenty-nine percent.The researchers also treated human liver (肝) cancer cells with apple extract. Extracts from the apple skin reduced the growth of those cells by fifty-seven percent. Extracts from the fleshy part of the apple reduced the cancer cells by forty percent.Lead researcher Liu Ruihai said scientists have long known that apples are good for human health. He says some scientists are interested in testing single vitamins or other substances to see if they alone fight disease. He says his study shows no single substance works alone to reduce cancer. Instead, the combination of chemicals in apples is effective and eating fruit and vegetables is better than taking extra vitamin pills.Background MusicBackground music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in the USA. Very soon it spread to other parts of the world. Now it is becoming difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music.To begin with, background music was intended simply to create a soothing atmosphere. Recently, however, it's becoming a big business. An American marketing expert has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third.But it has to be the light music. Lively music has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 34%. This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spot items they would like to buy. Yet, slow music isn't always the answer. The expert found that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced overall sales. So restaurant owners might be well advised to play faster music to keep the customers moving -- unless, of course, the resulting indigestion leads to complaints.2-5-CCeline DionCeline Dion is the youngest of 14 children in a working-class family in Quebec, Canada. Her parents, who both loved music, encouraged her to develop her musical talent. At 12, Celine had composed the song "It Was Only a Dream". Her mother and brother helped her to make a recording of that song and sent it off to an address they found on an album of a popular French singer. The address was that of Rene Angelil, who became her first conquest, but there would be millions more.Celine's rise from a teenage singer to a pop superstar has been steady, but not without difficulties. Record companies were at first less enthusiastic about investing in a teenager than Angelil, who mortgaged his own home to pay for her first album. But her first two albums won a great success. And by 1983 she became the first Canadian ever to have a gold record in France.In 1990, Celine made her first English language record with Unison but her real breakthrough in America came when she was selected by Disney to sing the theme song of Beauty and the Beast. The song went to No. 1 on the chart and won both a Grammy and an Academy award. In 1996 she performed at the opening ceremonies of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and in 1997, she recorded the theme song for Titanic, and her name became synonymous with the enormously successful film.Celine Dion's favorite theme is love. She sings the depth and the power of love in a great many of her hits such as "Love Can Move Mountains", "Because You Loved Me", "The Power of Love" and, of course, the theme song of Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On".2-6-BWho Is to Be Promoted?(The Personnel Department is having a meeting. Joan Black is the chairperson of the meeting. )Joan: I think John Jeffrey's already been with the company for 20 years. Surely he's not still expecting promotion. Do you agree, Peter?Peter: Well. in my opinion, John's always shown great loyalty to the company. It's time this was rewarded. What do you think, Clive?Clive: It's not just a question of loyalty. Would he be any good at the job? He would need to manage a small team -- he's got no experience of that yet.Peter: He never will have any experience unless we give him a chance!Joan: We can't afford to be sentimental. I don't think he's the man for the job. He's always been a follower, not a leader.Let's move on to the other candidates. Rita Hayden has already shown great personnel management skill, I feel, even if she's ...Peter: Oh, come on, Joan! Rita's still learning her trade! We can't afford to take a risk with someone so inexperienced. Clive: I agree with Peter. I favor Susan Palmer. She's got a lot of experience. She's already worked in the department on other occasions so she knows the ropes and she's ...Joan: But Susan's always struck me as a bit cautious. We need someone dynamic for this job.Peter: I'd agree with Clive. I think Susan Palmer would do a good job. Maybe she's a bit cautious but she's solid, reliable... We need those qualities too.Joan: Well, if you're both so sure, I suppose I'll have to agree. Still, we'll wait a week before confirming it just in case any other applicants put their names forward.2-6-CA Good SalesmanMr Stevenson was the owner of a general appliance store. He had seen many newly-weds coming into his store to shop for their first refrigerator, washer and dryer, and air-conditioner. Pen and pencil in hand, they would ask him a lot of questions about price, features and after-sale services, but they would usually walk away at the end of their inquiry.The other day a young couple came into his store. They asked him all the usual questions and he answered all of them patiently. But when he suggested an order at the end, they replied firmly, "We'll have to look around places first."Although feeling a bit disappointed, Mr Stevenson did not show it. Instead, he smiled, moved closer and said, "I know you will go to Discount Dan to look at the price tags. That's perfectly understandable. I do the same. In fact, they sell the same stuff as we do. But if you buy things there, there is something you will not get. And that is me. I come with everything I sell. I've been in the business for thirty years and in a few years' time I'm going to give my store to my daughter and son-in-law. I hope they will carry on the family business. I stand behind everything I sell and I will make sure that you will never regret buying things from me."After this short speech Mr Stevenson offered the young couple some ice cream to thank them for their interest.Impressed by his honesty and sincerity, the young couple decided to place an order.2-7-BFashion -- Image or Reality?Why do people spend so much money on fashion? Do they want to create an image or make sure they are not old-fashioned? Do people really judge each other by the clothes they wear? The billion-dollar fashion industry certainly tries to convince consumers that such judgements are made.Unfortunately, they may be right. A recent study using elementary school students was interesting. They said that people wearing Calvin Klein designer jeans were more handsome and successful than those wearing Wranglers. Levi-wearers were seen as sporty, fashionable and fun! Obviously we learn early that "Clothes make the man." In other words, clothes show age, outlook, status and income. However, clothes that look great on professional models may look terrible on the average buyer.Although beautiful clothes don't help physically, they are important for social and psychological effects. Expensive clothes can make the wearer feel like part of the high status group that sets taste and style. So you are buying an image of success. You may really live a routine life, waking up in the morning feeling dull and ordinary. But when you dress in these expensive clothes, your mood brightens. You feel good, ready to face another day with energy. Sound crazy? People who love clothes say it's true.Of course, a lot of people don't like high fashion. They'd rather spend their money on something practical. Which would you prefer -- the image or the reality?2-7-CPlatform ShoesIf you have been thinking that platform shoes are the newest fashion trend on the planet, then it is about time you found out something about these height boosters. Not only were they wildly popular during the noisy disco days of the 1970's, but they were also all the rage during the late 1400's to 1600's.The platform shoes that were the sign of high fashion in the 1600's were more practical than today's style symbols. They were worn over delicate shoes to protect them from getting dirty when walking in muddy or dusty streets.After going out of fashion in the 1600's, platforms returned to the style scene in the 1930's when designers such as Salvatore Ferragamo began breaking the rules of fashion. They re-emerged again towards the end of the 1960's and by 1975 were so common that men were also trying to balance on their massive heels.No matter how fashionable platforms are, they also have a reputation for creating problems. It is very easy to twist your ankle while wearing platforms and the damage this can do to your foot can be serious. In Japan, they have also brought about traffic problems as women wearing them while driving have been unable to brake quickly enough and as a result caused accidents!2-8-BLottery WinnersDo you dream of winning the lottery? So have millions of other people. Every day, millions of Americans buy lottery tickets. They are hoping to win $100,000, $1,000,000 or more. What happens after you win the lottery?When you win a million dollars, you don't receive a check for the total amount. You receive $50, 000 a year for twenty years. Also, you must pay taxes. After taxes, you receive from $25,000 to $40,000 a year for twenty years. This is a lot of extra spending money.What have some people done with their money? Let's look at three past winners.Lisa K wanted to be an artist, but she didn't have enough money to go to art school. She was working at a job she didn't enjoy. In August, Lisa bought one ticket and won two million dollars. She quit her job three weeks later and is now attending art school.Mark L was a car salesman. He worked seven days a week and had little time for family life. After he won the lottery, he quit working. Now he spends his time bowling, working in the garden, and fixing things in his house. But, he's bored. He doesn't want to sell cars again, but he isn't sure what he wants to do with his life.Jack B is one of the small number of winners who did not quit his job. Jack still teaches at a school near his home. But now he and his wife take their children on an interesting vacation every year. And they don't worry about sending their children to college. They say that money brings security and gives a person opportunities, but it doesn't bring happiness.2-8-CAn Abandoned Newborn BabyA healthy newborn girl was discovered in Central Park yesterday morning. The baby was abandoned on the top of a rock shortly before dawn after the mother gave birth to her there.The police said that the baby was healthy and weighed 7 pounds. Now they were searching for the mother. A policeman said that they had never had anything like this before. They really didn't get babies left in the park. But theywere just happy the baby was all right.The police rushed the baby to a nearby hospital. Fortunately she was OK. The police believed the baby was born less than half an hour before she was discovered. They also believed judging from the amount of blood found on the rock, that the mother might have given birth there. It was 70 degrees when the baby was found.Detectives were investigating whether the mother was a homeless woman who called a baby rescue hotline early yesterday. The head of Hope Foundation said that his hotline received a call about 5:30 a.m. from a young homeless woman in Manhattan. The caller asked, "How do I get rid of my baby?" She was apparently in labor. Then she was told to go to either a hospital or a fire station. But the woman was afraid she would be recognized there. The head also said that the woman wouldn't even tell him where he could possibly meet her since they had two teams that could help with the delivery, if necessary.2-9-BA Belated PostcardA postcard carrying a George V stamp has mysteriously arrived at its destination at least 63 years after it was first posted.The card was sent to a baker named Richard Price of South Wales, before the outbreak of the Second World War. it was delivered to a van hire company last week, which is the current owner of the High Street house formerly used by the baker. After an appeal in the local newspaper to discover who the Mr. Richard Price of the address really was, a puzzled Mrs. Meyrick came forward.Pam Meyrick, who is 66 years old, is a granddaughter of the baker. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the address and the name. "My grandfather died in 1970 at the age of 92," she said. "The card carries a halfpenny stamp with George V's head on it. I just don't know how it was delivered. Seeing his name brings it all back to me. But it baffled me to understand where the card, which is in mint condition, has been all this time." She said that the unexplained postcard will become a treasured keepsake to her and her family.The card was sent from Birmingham by a salesman for a fruit essence maker. On the card it says: "Our Mr. Gwyn Thomas will have the pleasure of waiting upon you in a few days."A spokeswoman for the Royal Mail said it was unlikely that the postcard was delivered by a postman. "There is a slim chance it could have slipped through the system but I don't think the postman would have missed the stamp," she said. "We'll certainly look into the matter."2-9-CA Broken TubeOne morning I was sitting in a junior college classroom listening to a sociology professor explain why he thought corporal punishment for disobedient children was a great idea. He suggested that "bad" children should be offered the opportunity to choose the instrument of punishment for themselves, from a selection of belts, switches, and sticks. I couldn't believe my ears at this. I was so angry that without thinking, I raised my hand and asked the professor if he beat his wife as well as he beat his children. A tense silence swept through the classroom at that moment. The professor and I were glaring at each other. Both of us were speechless and shaking with rage. We were all waiting for something to snap. But before either of us could react to the horrible situation, the light in the enclosed ceiling box directly over my head shattered. Broken but untouched! You could see fragments of glass lying on the plastic window of the box. Everybody jumped at the little explosion. And startle turned immediately to laughter. The spell of anger was broken. And the professor finished his lecture and sent us all home early. The event was never discussed in class.2-10-BSurviving a Plane CrashThree months ago I flew to Burma with my boyfriend, Johan. The plane was a small one and our seats were near the back. The sky looked very black as we took off, and throughout the flight, we kept our seat belts fastened. Twenty minutes later we flew into a terrible storm. The plane rolled and shook in the wind. We were both very frightened. I couldn't remember anything after that until I opened my eyes. I didn't know where I was. Slowly I realized that the plane had crashed. I was in terrible pain and I couldn't move. "Johan," I called, but he didn't reply. It was dark, but I knew that he wasn't in his seat. I heard groans and I worked out that possibly six other people were still alive. When daylight came, I could see all the bodies around me. Johan was on the other side of the aisle, but I knew that he was dead.After a day or two the other voices stopped and I was alone. But the rescuers didn't come. "They must be on their way," I told myself. I didn't know that we were in a swamp in the middle of a jungle and that the helicopters couldn't fly in the heavy rain. Outside the window the flood water was slowly going up. But that water saved my life. I managed to stay alive by drinking that dirty water. At night the mosquitoes came. I was out of consciousness because of pain and hunger. Then I heard voices. I pushed my hand out of the window and amazingly someone grabbed it. The rescue team had arrived ... nine days after the crash.2-10-CMount St. HelensMost volcanoes are quiet. They rest peacefully for hundreds of years. No one pays much attention to them.Mount St. Helens was one of these volcanoes. Until 1980, it was a beautiful recreation area. Its last eruption had been 123 years ago. No one was worried about another one. Then, in March 1980, Mount St. Helens began to make noises. At first, there were tremors. Then, small eruptions occurred. Some residents left immediately. Others felt there was no danger.But on the morning of May 18, 1980, the mountain blew its top. With the power of twenty-five atomic bombs, Mount St. Helens exploded. Clouds of dust and ash rose more than twelve miles into the sky. Rocks and mud crashed down the slopes.Unfortunately, many people were still living, camping, or working in the area. Over forty people lost their lives. Others were rescued.Robert Baker was fishing with his family when the explosion occurred. He reported that the morning of May 18 was strange. No birds were singing. The air was still. Then, he saw a large black cloud coming down toward them. In minutes, day turned into night. He called his family to their van and they started on the slow dark ride away from the mountain. All the time, hot ash was raining on them.But other people were not so lucky. David Johnston, a volcano expert, was standing near the summit of the mountain. At 8:31 a. m. , he radioed, "This is it!" He was never heard from again.Mount St. Helens is peaceful now. But its slopes are empty. It will be many years before fish, plants, and trees will again live on the mountain.。

Unit 8 Right and Wrong on the NetIntroductionTEACHER: Good morning. Did anyone hear the news about the teenager in New York who hacked into a bank’s database and stole about 30,000 credit card numbers over the weekend? Hacking is related to computer ethics-that’s our topic today. Computer ethics deals with the proper use of information technology, such as computers and the Internet. By proper use, I mean socially responsible use. We’ll first talk about what ethical behavior is and how this applies to computer use.Body: Part 1First, I want to make sure we all know what ethics is. Anyone? Yes, John.STUDENT l: It’s about right and wrong.TEACHER: Yes. OK, Jennifer.STUDENT 2: And it’s about being a good person, doing what’s right.TEACHER: Yes, ethics includes both of these ideas. It deals with moral judgments, with what is acceptable or unacceptable to do. Now we learn ideas about what is right and wrong from our families, our friends, and from the culture we live in. Because of differences in our backgrounds, we may not always agree on what is right and wrong. However, for our discussion today, I will define for you what I mean by an ethical action. An ethical action is something someone does that benefits someone and doesn’t hurt anyone. So, for example, if you see a man drop some money, and you pick the money up and give it to him, this is an ethical action. On the other hand, if you pick up the money and don’t give it back to the man, this benefits you, but hurts the man. This is not an ethical action.Body: Part 2Now what about computers? What are the ethical boundaries for using computers and the Internet? Most people agree that it is wrong to steal from a store. Would they also say it’s wrong to copy music files from the Internet? Or, to take another example, most people agree that it is wrong to open an envelope and read a letter to someone else. Would they also say it’s wrong to read someone else’s e-mail? In the past decade or so, many more people have started using computers and the Internet, so these issues have become important. In 1992, the Computer Ethics Institute was founded in the United States. This is a research, education, and policy study group whose goal is to increase awareness of the ethical issues that are likely to come up as technology develops. One concept the Computer Ethics Institute has developed is the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics. These rules are important guidelines the Institute thinks all computer users should follow. Now some of you may be familiar with the Ten Commandments from the Bible, like, uh, “Thou shalt not kill” or “Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother.” The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics have been written in the same style of language used in the Ten Commandments from the Bible. For example, they use the phrase “Thou shalt not.” “Thou shalt not” means don’t or you shouldn’t.Body: Part 3Let’s look at each commandment or rule. The first commandment says: Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. Simple enough, right? Number Two. Thou shalt not interfere with other people’s computer work. I interpret this to mean don’t use a computer in any way that will affect or change the work someone else is doing. Don’t move or edit someone else’s files without telling them. Number Three. Thou shalt not snoop in other people’s files. To snoop means to try to find out something without another person knowing it. If you look at someone else’s files on the computer or read their e-mail, you’re snooping. Respect other people’s privacy. Number Four. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal. There are situations on the Internet in which you have to decide if you are stealing or not, like downloading music files, as I mentioned earlier. Number Five. Thou shalt not use a computer to say things that are untrue. It is up to you to be truthful in your website, in your e-business, and in your e-mail. Number Six. Thou shalt not use software for which you have not paid. In other words, if the software is free on the Internet, it’s okay to download and use it. However, it is not okay to copy software from a friend, because you didn’t pay for it. Number Seven. Thou shalt not use other people’s computer resources without telling them, or without paying them. For example, you shouldn’t use someone else’s computer, password, or Internet connection without asking them first. Number Eight. Thou shalt not appropriate someone else’s ideas. Appropriate is spelled A-P-P-R-O-P-R-I-A-T-E. . . . It means to take words someone else wrote and say they’re yours. Uh, for example, you have to write a report for school. If you copy a term paper from the Internet and hand it in, you’re breaking the rule. Copying even a few sentences off the Internet and presenting them as your own is breaking the rule. Number Nine. The ninth commandment says: Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing. Now, this applies mostly to computer programmers. Social consequences means how the program you’re writing might affect others in society. Could hackers possibly use your program to illegally gain access to a computer system? Skillful hackers can hack into banks and into credit card companies; they can alter accounts and steal money. They can also create viruses that can cause billions of dollars of damage worldwide. Number Ten. The tenth commandment says: Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that are respectful of others. For example, sending unfriendly e-mail to someone or about someone or creating websites with negative messages are examples of breaking this rule.Body: Part 4OK, the Computer Ethics Institute has sent these guidelines to many large companies and to schools across the United States. However, there’s no way to enforce these rules. Nevertheless, they would like to see schools, in particular, utilize these rules to help students develop a strong sense of computer ethics. OK, any questions or comments at this point?STUDENT 1: How are we supposed to remember all those rules?TEACHER: Well, there are a lot of rules, but they all boil down to a couple of principles: respect and fairness. Respect what belongs to others and use resources fairly. Does that help?STUDENT 1: Yeah, I guess so.TEACHER: Good. Let’s go back to ethics. Now increasingly, schools are seeing that students need to be taught computer ethics as part of the school curriculum. Some schools have come up with acceptable-use policies, or rules about what is or isn’t OK for students to do regarding computer use. This is how the Computer Ethics Institute would like to see schools utilizing the rules. Generally, it’s considered wrong to steal someone else’s password or to read someone else’s e-mail. It’s also considered unacceptable in college classes for a student to download a term paper off the Internet and pretend that he or she wrote it. This is called “plagiarism,” and it’s a good example of breaking rule number eight. Students are permitted to use the Internet for research, but are instructed to write the information in their own words and to explain where they got the information.ConclusionNow the ten rules are guidelines for us to follow. These rules help us to be aware of the ethical uses of technology. Let’s stop here for today. Think about these rules this week and we’ll talk about them. And read the next two chapters for next week.。
听力教程2 Unit 2 原文

Unit 2Section One Part 1a.It’s on top of the bookcase.b.With milk, please.c.At five past one.d.At five past one.e.It’s on top of the bookcase.f.With milk, please.Part2 Ralph NaderRalph Nader is a man of few possessions. He owns very little and lives in a small apartment. He doesn't have a car or a TV set. He doesn't have many clothes and he doesn't care about money when he makes a lot of money, he gives it away. He doesn't smoke and he works from six in the morning until late at night, seven days a week: he is paying back to America his debt as a citizen.When he went to parties as a young man, people complained that all he talked about was the dangers of cars, and how bad car design caused the deaths of so many people each year. After he graduated from Harvard, he published an article entitled "Unsafe at Any Speed," which was about a car called Corvair. Later, he made a big attack on the car industry and showed how many deaths in car accidents were because of badly-made cars. He said new laws were needed to make cars safer. In 1966, because of Nader's work, a law was passed to make car safer.After this success, Nader became interested in something very different. This was the quality of meat and the amount of meat that is put into foods like sausages and hamburgers. A year later, in 1967, again because of Nader's work, a law was passed to ensure that products like sausages and hamburgers contained the right amount of meat. In 1968, three more laws were passed because of Nader's efforts. The first was to ensure the safety of gas pipelines -- these are the pipes that take gas across the country from one town to another. The second was to protect people from radiation --that is, the dangerous radiation which may leak from nuclear sources. The third was to ensure the proper standard of poultry -- that is, the chicken and turkey meat.Ralph Nader, now one of the most influential people in the United States, has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the quality of life in their country.Section 3RetellingAs Susan and her daughter Jenny walked around the park they were hounded by beggars. The girl was shocked when she saw a skeletal young beggar woman wrapped in a gray shawl*. Her eyes were sunken* and she held out a bony hand like she was receiving communion, As she did, her shawl fell away revealing a young child standing under it. Jenny just started throwing her money into that bony hand. Susan grabbed her before she could start taking off her jewelry, and the mother decided to have a talk with her about the beggars when they got back to the hotel.They boarded the return bus. They were stopped at a red light when Jenny stood straight up and screamed, “Mother!” Susan went to her window and she pointed to a taxi next to the bus. There, in air conditioned comfort, sat the beggar woman with her child next to her, eating an ice cream cone.Section 4College Costs in the U.S.A new report says the cost of studies at public colleges in the United States increased 14 percent this year. This is the biggest increase in tuition* in 30 years. But the study also found that the average student pays a lot less than the published costs of a college education, because of grants*. And it points out that American students received a record amount of financial aid last year.Students do not have to repay grants, unlike financial aid in the form of loans. About half of American college students receive grants. This means that education costs differ from student to student. The report is from the College Board. This is a non-profit membership group of schools and other educational organizations. One of its best-known jobs is to administer* college entrance tests.The College Board says tuition at two-year public colleges rose at the same rate as four-year schools. The College Board says the increases were mainly caused by cuts in state spending on education.But a congressman says colleges have increased their prices in both good and bad economic times. John Baehner of Ohio is chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. He says colleges do not want to talk about their decisions to spend money to build things like rock-climbing walls.The College Board collected information from 4,000 colleges and universities. It says the average total charge for students who live at a public college in their state is 10,600 dollars. While tuition rose 14 percent this year, housing and other costs increased at a lower rate.At a private college, total charges are almost 27,000 dollars. That is an increase of about six percent over last year.David Ward is president of the American Council on Education. His group represents colleges and universities. Mister Ward called the College Board findings bad news. But he says percentage increases in tuition do not tell the whole story. He says there was good news about grants and otherstudent aid.The College Board says financial aid for the last school year reached 105,000 million dollars. That amount was up sharply from the year before.My GrandfatherI opened the door. My Grandfather was in the front room. He was wearing the ceremonial beaded deerskin shirt which had belonged to his grandfather. “Welcome back,” he said.I embraced my parents warmly, letting go only when I saw my cousin Roger sprawled on the couch. His eyes were red and swollen. He’d lost w eight. His feet were an unsightly mass of blood and blisters, and he was moaning: “I made it, see. I made it. I’m a warrior.”My grandfather looked at me strangely. I was clean, obviously well-fed, and radiantly healthy. Myparents got the message. My uncle and aunt gazed at me with hostility.Finally my grandfather asked, “What did you eat to keep you so well?”I sucked in my breath and blurted* out the truth: “Hamburgers and milk shakes.”“Hamburgers!” my grandfather growled*.“Milk shakes!” Roger moaned.“You didn’t say we had to eat grasshoppers,” I said sheepishly.“Tell us all about your Ta-Na-E-Ka,” my grandfather commanded.I told them everything, from borrowing the five dollars, to Ernie’s kindness, to observing the beaver.“That’s not what I trained you for,” my grandfather said sadly.I stood up. “Grandfather, I learned that Ta-Na-E-Ka is important. I didn’t think so during training. I was scared stiff of it. I handled it my way. And I learned I had nothing to be afraid of. There’s no reason in 1947 to eat grasshoppers when you can eat a hamburger.”I was inwardly shocked at my own audacity*. “Grandfather, I’ll bet you never ate one of those rotten berries yourself.”Grandfather laughed!“Those berries –they are terrible,” Grandfather admitted. “I could never swallow them. I found a dead deer on the first day of my Ta-Na-E-Ka – shot by a soldier, probably – and he kept my belly full for the entire period of the test!”My grandfather called me to Roger. “You should have done what your cousin did. B ut I think you are more alert to what is happening to our people today than we are. I think you would have passed the test under any circumstances, in any time. Somehow, you know how to exist in a world that wasn’t made for Indians. I don’t think you’re going to have any trouble surviving.”Section 2Part 1Father: Well, whose fault do you think it is, then?Daughter: I don't know.Father: It couldn't be yours?Daughter: What? That I feel lonely because I haven't any friends there?Father: No, that you haven't got any friends.Daughter: But I've told you! They're not very friendly there. They never talk to me! They just leave me alone.Father: But why?Daughter: How should I know?Father: Isn't it possible it's because you're not very friendly towards them?Daughter: What do you mean?Father: Have you talked to them? Have you tried to make conversation?Daughter: I've told you! They're not interested in talking to me.Father: How do you know?Daughter: Because ... for example ... at lunch time, they all sit together in groups!Father: Yes, but why don't you sit with one of the groups?Daughter: Don't be silly. I couldn't. It would be awful!Father: why?Daughter: It just would. That's all.Father: How do you know?Daughter: I just do!Father: Well, you'll never make friends if you don't try, will you? I mean, you've got to meet them,too, at least half way.Daughter: It just wouldn't work!Father: You know what I think. I think you're just saying that because you're impatient. Daughter: Impatient? Me?Father: Yes, impatient. You always have been, ever since you were a child. If you don't get what you want immediately, you get depressed and you give up too easily!Daughter: Look, if you came with me some morning, you'd understand ...Father: You've only been there for four weeks. These things take time.Daughter: I know, but I still feel...Father: Listen, give them time to get to know you ... and give yourself time get to know them, and things will change. Believe me!Dialogue 2 GesturesNumber 1Woman: You know, a "nod" -- moving your head up and down -- means “yes” in most places, but not everywhere. Did you know that in Greece a nod means "no"?Man: It means "no" in Greece? I'm surprised.Number 2Man: I didn't know "raised eyebrows" means "yes" in Tonga. It means something very different in Peru.Woman: Yeah? What does it mean there?Man: Money. "Raised eyebrows" is a gesture for money in Peru.Woman: Hmm.Number 3Woman: Um, Alberto, you said that "tapping your head" means "I'm thinking" in Argentina.Man: That's right.Woman: You'd better be careful about using that gesture here in Canada. It means someone is crazy. Man: Oh, it means "crazy" in Canada? I didn't know that. I'll be careful.Number 4Man: You know, it's interesting that in the Netherlands, "tapping your elbow" means you can't depend on someone. In Colombia, they use the same gesture, but it has a different meaning. Woman: What does it mean in Colombia?Man: Well, it means someone is cheap. That person doesn't like to spend money.Woman: Hmm.Number 5Woman: Here's an interesting one. You know how "circling your head" means that a person's crazy? Man: Yeah.Woman: Guess what it means in the Netherlands.Man: The Netherlands? I have no idea.Woman: It means someone is calling on the telephone. You know, like dialing a phone.Man: That's interesting.Number 6Man: So "flicking your chin" means "go away" in Italy, rightWoman: Yes.Man: Guess what it means in Brazil.Woman: In Brazil? I don't know.Man: That's right.Woman: Huh?Man: In Brazil, "flicking your chin" means "I don't know."Woman: "I don't know" is the meaning?Man: Right.Number 7Woman: Well, everything is "thumbs up" for my trip to Nigeria. I've never been to Africa before. I'm really looking forward to it.Man: Ah, you'd better be careful with that expression in Nigeria.Woman: Huh?Man: Thumbs up. In Nigeria, it means ... um ... well, it has a very bad meaning. Don't use thatgesture. It will get you into a lot of trouble.Woman: Oh, thanks for telling me.Number 8Man: You said "tossing your head" means "come here" for Germans?Woman: That's right. But there are some other meanings. In India, it means "yes." But it has the opposite meaning in Italy. In Italy it means "no."Man: Hmm, "yes" in India, "no" in Italy. Isn't it interesting how the same thing can have such different meanings?Woman: It sure is.Part 2 PassageOne shouldn't always go by first impressions. In my hometown there lived a giant of a man with huge hands and a manner so fierce and unfriendly that he always sat alone in any public place. Yet to those who knew him, he was a kind and generous friend. In the same way one should never assume that somebody who looks inoffensive is always going to behave in an inoffensive manner.Recently my young brother, who works for a famous American airline, was reminded of this truth.The plane was overbooked and for once all the passengers turned up. So my brother had the difficult task of choosing three passengers and informing them that they couldn't travel on the flight in question*.Knowing that the young are generally impatient and often aggressive, my brother chose three elderly travellers, an English couple and a little old American lady.The English couple accepted the situation and went to have a drink while waiting for the next flight.Then my brother approached the American lady, whose name was Mrs Pepper, with a sad smile on his face, "Mrs Pepper? May I have a few words? I'm afraid we have a problem.""A problem? What do you mean, we have a problem, young man?"“Would you like to come into the office?” asked my brother,sensing that this was not going to be easy."Oh, very well, but only for a moment. I have a plane to catch, you know.""Er ... yes." My brother explained the position.The little lady looked at him with steely, blue eyes. "Youngman," she said. "I don't believe you are aware that you are talking to Mrs Katherine Pepper, widow of General Arnold Pepper, of the United States Army Air Force and I'd like to inform you, further, that the President of your airline was a personal friend of the General's. In the circumstances I'd advise you to sort this out right away, otherwise you're going to be in a lot of trouble. Do I make myself clear?"Part 3News ltem 1The simultaneous* bombings of three underground trains and a double-decker bus in London three years ago are imprinted* on the minds of many people in Britain.But our memories of the attacks are unreliable, according to a study from Portsmouth University. 40% of British students questioned about the events remembered seeing CCTV footage* of the bus bomb - footage which never existed. A further 28% claimed to have seen a non-existent computerized reconstruction.Some even recalled specific details of the attacks, which none of them witnessed."Memories are not like videotape you can rewind and replay for perfect recall," said lead researcher James Ost. "Because of this, they are not reliable enough to form the basis of legal decisions."News Item 2China begins three days of mourning for earthquake victims in Sichuan province, with a three-minute silence and half-mast flags.For three minutes a collective wail * was heard across the town of Beichuan as raid sirens* and car horns sounded the exact time when the earthquake hit China one week ago. Workers here laid wreaths* outside the town's school. At 2:28 in the afternoon, last Monday, it was engulfed* in a landslide*, hundreds of children died.To the side of the mourners, bodies lay waiting to be buried. Rescue work has resumed and two women were found alive here this morning, but these glimmer of hope are increasingly rare. The aftershocks* continue.News item 3Indonesia is expected to announce stronger security measures Wednesday after a deadly bombing in Jakarta. At least 13 people were killed when a car bomb exploded near a hotel. 149 people were injured. The hotel is operated by a United States company. The governor of Jakarta said it was very likely that the bomber was killed in the attack. Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri visited the damaged hotel. Buildings nearby also were damaged. The explosion comes 2 days before an Indonesian court decides the first case connected to the deadly bombings last year in Bali*. Those attacks killed 202 people.。
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LECTURE AUDIOSCRIPTSUNIT 1 What’s in a Name?TEACHER: Good morning, everybody. Good morning, Felipe, Monica, Theo, and I can't remember your name.STUDENT 1: Patricia.TEACHER: Patricia, right, Patricia. Those are all beautiful names, and that's our topic today-names. Names are a culture universal. This means everyone uses names. A person's name can tell us a bit about a person's family. Today, we’ll begin by looking at first names and how people choose names for their children. And then we'll talk about family names, and look at the different categories of family names. Although the scope of the lecture today is English-language names, we can use the same approach, you know, to look at names from any culture.Let's take a brief look at first, or given names. There are several ways parents choose the first name for their child.The first way is by family history. Parents may choose a name because it is passed from generation to generation; for example, the first born son might be named after his father or grandfather. Although family names are also passed to daughters, it is usually as a middle name. Adding "junior" or "the second" for example, William Parker the se conds only done with boys', not with girls’names.The second way parents choose a name is after a family member or friend who has died recently, or after someone "they admire, like a well-known leader or a famous musician. Although most English first names mean something, for example, "Richard" means powerful and “Ann" means grace, nowadays meaning is not the main reason people select their baby's name.The third way is to provide a "push" for the child. Parents want to choose a name that sounds very "successful." A strong name might help them in the business world, for example. Or they might choose a name that works for either gender, like Taylor or Terry. So, given these three methods, what is themost common way parents choose a name? Many parents choose a name simply because they like it, or because it's fashionable or classic. Fashions in names change just as they do in clothes. One hundred years ago, many names came from the Bible names such as Daniel, and Anna, and Hannah and Matthew. Then fifty years ago, Biblical names went out of fashion. Nowadays, names from the Bible are becoming popular again.Similarly, parents often choose classic names, names that were popular in 1900, 1950, and are still popular now. Classic names for boys include Thomas, David, Robert, and Michael. And for girls: Anna, Elizabeth, Emily, and Katherine, just to name a few. They're classic. They never go out of style.Let's look at the origin of last names, also called family names or surnames. Researchers have studied thousands of last names, and they've divided them into four categories. The categories are: place names, patronymics, added names, and occupational names. A recent survey showed that of the 7,000 most popular names in the United States today, 43 percent were place names, 32 percent were patronymics, 15 percent were occupational names, and 9 percent were added names.The first category is place names. Place names usually identified where a person lived or worked. Someone named John Hill lived near a hill, for example, and the Rivers family lived near a river. If you hear the name Emma Bridges, what image do you see? Do you see a family that lives near a bridge? If you do, you get the idea.The second category is patronymics. That's P-A-T-R-O-N-Y-M-I-C-S. A patronymic is the father’s name, plus an ending like S-E-N or S-O-N. The ending means that a child, a boy, is the son of his father. The names Robertson, Petersen, and Wilson are patronymics. Robertson is son of Robert, Petersen is son of Peter, and so on.The third category is added names. Linguists sometimes call this category "nicknames," but when most of us hear the word "nickname," we think of a special name a friend or a parent might use. The word "nickname" is actually an old English word that means an additional name, an added name. So I'll use the term "added name." This category of last names is fun because the names usually described a person. Reed, Baldwin, and Biggs are examples. Reed was from "red" for red hair. Baldwin was someone who was bald, someone who had little or no hair. And Biggs.STUDENT 2: Someone big?TEACHER: Yeah, someone big, right. Now, if we look around the room, wecould probably come up with some new last names, like, uh. Curly or Strong. Now, the fourth category is occupational names. The origin of the family name was the person's occupation. The most common examples of occupational names still used today are Baker (someone who bakes bread). Tailor (someone who sews clothes). Miller (someone who makes flour for bread), and Smith. . . . Now, Smith is actually the most common name in the western English-speaking world. The name comes from an Old English word, smite, that's S-M-I-T-E, which means to hit or strike. In the old days, a smith made metal things for daily life, like tools. Every town needed smiths. What's interesting is that many languages have a family name that means Smith. In Arabic it is Haddad, H-A-D-D-A-D. In Spanish it is Herrera, H-E-R-R-E-R- A. In Italian it is Ferraro, F-E-R-R-A-R-O. And in German it is Schmidt, spelled S-C-H-M-I-D-T. All these names mean smith.Though names may tell us something about someone's family history, you need to keep in mind that they may not tell us much at all about the present. For example, there's usually not much connection between the origin of the name and the person who has it now. Take the name Cook, for instance. A person named Cook today probably doesn't cook for a living. Also, many people change their names for various reasons. Lots of people who have moved to the United States have changed their names to sound more American. This happens less now than in the past, but people still do it. People also use pen names or stage names to give themselves a professional advantage. For example, the writer Samuel Clemens used the pen name Mark Twain, and Thomas Mapother IV uses the stage name Tom Cruisey.So, let's recap now. In today’s lesson, we looked at how parents choose English first names. We also looked at some common origins of family names. In the next class, we'll look at how names are given in Korea and in Japan. This is covered in the next section of the book. That’s all for today.Unit 2 English: A Global Language? TEACHER:Today’s topic is English as a global language. I know many of you speak English as a second language, right? How about you, Hiroshi? Is English your first language?STUDENT 1: No, my first language is Japanese. English is my second language.TEACHER: And how about you, Patricia?STUDENT 2: English is my second language, too. My first language is Spanish.TEACHER: See, many of you use English as a second language, even as a global language to communicate with other people who speak English as a second language. Today, I want to give you two contrasting points of view on whether or not English is a global language. The first is that English is obviously a global language. People who support this point of view believe English is the language people all over the world use to communicate, and that it is gradually replacing other languages. The second point of view is that English is not truly a global language because it is not the main language spoken by people worldwide. Supporters of this view say that though many people speak some English worldwide, English has not replaced other languages. They acknowledge that people use English every day, for many reasons, but this doesn't mean English is replacing other languages, nor does it make English the main language spoken in the world.First, let's examine the first view. First of all, English is the dominant language of business, travel, and science. When people need a common language, they often use English. Think about it. English is often used at tourist information centers, in international hotels. If you use a taxi in Rome, and you can't speak Italian, the taxi driver is more likely to use English than any other languages. It is use at business meetings and international sports events. The European Union uses English, along with French, at its meetings….ASEAN the Asian trade group, uses English at its meetings. Can you think of other situations in which English is used as common language?STUDENT 2: How about this class? All of in the Philippines, Singapore, and Indian.TEACHER: Absolutely. Educational settings are a great example. Any others?STUDENT 2: How about a chatroom on sometimes go to chatrooms andeveryone is using English.TEACHER: Excellent example. The Internet has created a lot of communities and people often use English. In fact, most people who use the Internet know English. This helps support the view that English is a global language.The second major reason that people believe English is a global language is that it is the official language of more than seventy-five countries. This means these countries use English in schools, banks, business, and government. Of these seventy-five countries, English may be the only official language of the country, like in England, or English may be used along with other official languages, like in the Philippines, Singapore, and India. In countries like India, where so many languages are spoken, you can see how using English as an official language makes it easier for people to communicate.The third reason to support the global argument is that every year about 1 billion people study English. Why? What are some of the reasons? Hiroshi? How about you?STUDENT 1: Well, now to study, and someday I want to be in international business.TEACHER: That's a solid reason. How about you, Oksana?STUDENT 3: I'm not really sure. I just think it will help me in the future somehow.TEACHER: OK. There's a more general reason. The point is, people want and need to learn English because it offers them opportunities.To sum up, English is used every day by many people. People all over the world come in contact with each other for many reasons. They need a common language, a language to facilitate communication. Being proficient in English gives someone an advantage in these situations.OK. I have given you many examples of how English is used in a variety of situations. Nevertheless, does this mean that English is a global language?Let's look at why some people don't believe English has replaced other languages. First, there are about three times as many people who speak Chinese as their first language as those who speak English as a first language. And in many countries where some people use English for work each day, they don't use English anywhere else. Even in English-speaking countries, there are millions of people who prefer to speak a language other than English at home, with friends, or at work.Second, I mentioned before that seventy-five countries have English as their official language. This doesn't mean all, or even most of the people in these countries can speak English. For example, in India, most sources agree that only about 5 percent of the population speaks English. That's a small percentage!Third, how much English does a person need to know to be called an English speaker? People may learn some English for specific situations, such as the taxi driver I mentioned earlier. However, I think you would all agree with me that a taxi driver who knows a few phrases like where are you going?" or "What is the name of your hotel?" isn't really a proficient English speaker. Another example is Airspeak, the English that is used by air traffic controllers and pilots. A pilot for Japan Airlines or an air traffic controller in Paris needs to know Airspeak. But they may learn only the English words they need for these jobs, and therefore they can't be considered English speakers.The point here is that people all over the world may use some English for work or other situations. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean they are fluent in English. They still use their first language for daily communication. English is not their main language.So, what does this all mean? I think it's safe to say that English will continue to be the main language used in many international settings because, as I said earlier, people all over the world need a common language. And, for now, English is that language.But, English won't replace other languages for most daily communication and this, to me, is what a global language really is, one that replaces others for most everyday communication. Some people are afraid of this. They worry that as people use English more and more, their ability in their first language will decline. I think people will use English along with other languages. We are moving into a global culture, and as this continues, I think people from non-English speaking countries will want to maintain their culture, including their first language. They may still want to learn English, but I don't see them giving up their own language for English. What do you think?I'm going to stop there. I know that's a lot of information to digest. We'll continue talking about some of the differences in the English words used in various countries like Australia, Singapore, and the Philippines. That's all for today. Come see me if you have any questions.Unit 3 High Anxiety: PhobiasTEACHER: Good afternoon. Today we're going to turn to a new topic in psychology and start looking at some specific psychological problems. There are a variety of mental problems that can affect us in our daily lives-some are not so serious, like a fear of cats or of insects, and others are more serious. Now as psychologists, we try to study these different problems and find ways to help people.I want to start the discussion by talking about a fairly common kind of psychological problem-a phobia, that's P-H-O-B-I-A. First, I'll explain what a phobia is and then I'll talk about some theories on why people have phobias. As you probably know, a phobia is a fear. So do any of you have phobias? Oh, come on, you can tell me; I'm a psychologist. Yes, Monica?STUDENT 1: I have a fear of swimming. I don't like to go near the ocean. TEACHER: OK, that's not an unusual phobia. Anyone else? Ali? STUDENT 2: I hate dogs. I mean, I just don't like them. When I see a big dog, actually any dog, I just get nervous, so I avoid them.TEACHER: OK, that's another common phobia. Thanks for sharing those examples of phobias. A phobia is not a normal fear; it is an extreme fear―a very strong fear. For example, my brother, who's a successful artist, had compute r phobia. He didn't simply dislike using computers. He used to have a very strong fear of using them.Psychologists have come up with three characteristics of a phobia. People display these three characteristics if they have a phobia, not just a normal fear. Now first, a phobia is not a rational response. It's a very strong reaction, too strong for the situation. For my brother, this meant he had a very strong physical reaction if someone asked him to use a computer. He started shaking violently and had trouble breathing. Once, he even started choking. Physical reactions like this are common. Second, a phobia often lasts for a long time, for months or even years. In my brother’s case, it lasted several years. Third, the reaction is too strong for a person to control. For example, even if my brother told himself not to be afraid at the computer, it didn't help. He still felt very afraid. Usually, people avoid whatever it is they are so afraid of. So, in my brother’s case, he avoided using a computer.OK, so those are the three characteristics of phobias. It's an extreme, irrationalresponse, it's long-lasting, and it’s uncontrollable.STUDENT 3: So uncontrollable means even if you try to control it, you can't? TEACHER: Yes, it means you can't control it by trying to deny you feel the phobia. There are ways to treat phobias, and we'll talk about those in a minute. Yes?STUDENT 4: What happened to your brother? Did he get over it? TEACHER: Yes, he did. The main thing was that he decided that he wanted to get over it, and he was treated by a psychologist. Now he uses computers all the time.OK, so let's spend a minute going over some classifications of phobias. Phobias are classified by the thing or situation that the person fears. Greek or Latin names are usually used to describe the fear. Here's an example: hypno, H-Y-P-N-O, means sleep, so fear of sleep is hypnophobia. Cyno, C-Y-N-O, means dog. So a fear of dogs is ... cynophobia, right? Here's another example. Aerophobia. Listen to the first part, Aero. What's the fear? Aero as in airplane- aerophobia is fear of flying.Let's turn now to the causes of phobias. One theory is that a phobia is learned. This means something happens that causes someone, or in a sense "teaches someone" to free afraid. For example, Ali could have learned to be afraid of dogs if he was attacked and injured by one as a child.People can also learn to have phobias by watching how other people react. In fact, doctors find that phobias tend to run in families. For example, let's imagine that Ali’s mother has always been afraid of dogs. Whenever All and his mother were together and saw a dog, his mother would get very scared, very nervous. When Ali saw how his mother reacted, he would then gradually become very scared, too. He would then have developed cynophobia from watching his mother. So, you can see that there are two ways learning can be involved in phobias. So, the first theory is that a phobia is learned. Learned either by direct experience or by watching the reactions of others.The second theory says that a phobia is only a sign of a deeper problem. This means that the phobia isn't the whole problem. Let's take another example. I once treated a teenager who was very afraid of the dark. He couldn't be in a dark room by himself. He was terrified to go outside at night, and so on. According to this theory, when he acted afraid of the dark, he was really showing his fear of something else. In therapy, it was revealed that he was afraid of his father. His father was very strict when he was young, and once his father made him sit in a dark the room when he did something bad.According to this theory, his fear of the dark was a sign of his deeper, real fear of his father. Yes, question.STUDENT 4: So what did you do? Did he have to talk with his father? TEACHER: Well, no, we couldn't do that. But recognizing that he was really afraid of his father, and not the dark was the key step in the treatment. Nowhe's cured. No more fear of the dark.OK, so let's think about these two theories, and about the main difference between them. The first theory says that the phobia is the problem itself. Right? And, the second theory says that the phobia is a sign of a deeper problem the person has. Why is this difference important? It's mostly important in deciding how to treat the person. According to the first theory, if a phobia is learned, perhaps it can be unlearned. A psychologist who follows this theory will tryto teach someone to react differently, to behave differently when he or she feels afraid. Changing the p erson’s behavior is the goal. On the other hand, a psychologist who believes the second theory may start by trying to teach the person to react differently, but the doctor is interested in more than that. The doctor’s objective, or goal, is to help the patient reveal the deeper psychological problem, because it will be easier to treat the phobia if the deeper problem is identified and worked on as well.I want you to think for a minute about the significance of having these two theories, or any competing theories. What does it mean? It tells us that psychologists, like any scientists, have to continue to do research, to learn, and to test treatments we believe will be effective based on research. Treatments improve the more we learn.I’m going to stop there for today. In the next class, I want to talk about other psychological problems. Read the next unit in your book before the next class. That’s all for today.Unit 4 TV: What We WatchTEACHER: Good morning. Who watched TV last night? Ah, most of you. OK, today we are going to talk about an important part of the media—TV. Specifically, TV viewing and TV dramas. Now first, I'll give you some background, then we'll discuss what makes this type of programming, dramas, so popular worldwide.OK. Let's get started. Most of you would agree that watching TV is part of most people lives. Now statistics vary on how much TV people watch, but research shows that quite a few Americans, on average, exceed six hours of TV per day.An English professor named Cecelia Tichi has studied TV for many years. In her book, Electronic Hearth: Creating ' an American Television Culture, she discusses how the TV has become the center of activity at home. We walk into a room, turn on the TV, and suddenly the outside world becomes less important. People use TV to tune out, or forget, about the outside world. We're safe to relax and join the world of the TV shows. Do you ever feel this way about TV? ... Yes, many of you are nodding. She also sees our culture as being defined by TV Now, by this she e means that TV has a huge influence on our attitudes, on what we like to eat, on what we like to wear, on what we like to talk about. For example, popular TV shows are discussed at work, at school, in coffee shops. Why, even children four or five years old do this with their favorite shows. This shows that we live in a TV culture.Improved technology has contributed further to our TV culture. Satellite services, in particular, have expanded the TV programming in many parts of the world. There are now hundreds of TV channels people can watch, and the options continue to expand: game shows, sports, news, talk shows, comedies, TV dramas, movies, ... Man, with cable and satellite there are a lot of choices. Nielsen Media Research studies people’s TV viewing habits in the U.S. They monitor which shows are popular brand with whom. For example, popular shows have included the game show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? And the reality TV show Survivor. They were very, very popular and watched by millions of people of all age groups.Now, all of this is really background. What I want to focus on today is one form of a popular TV show that is popular with many people of many agegroups. This is rat TV dramas, specifically TV dramas known as soap operas, or, in Spanish, telenovelas.Some of you might be familiar with telenovelas. Telenovelas and soap operas in the U.S. are similar but have one big difference—the number of episodes they have. Telenovelas and TV serials end after about 200 episodes. The story eventually ends. Soap operas in the U.S., however, continue day after day for many years and may never end. Well, for example. The Guiding Light has been on^ for more than 12,000 episodes, and on it goes. Can you believe that? More than 12,000 episodes! Soap operas started in the United States in 1959, with the show The Guiding Light. These TV shows were called soap operas because the main advertisers were companies that made soap.Now, this type of programming is popular all over the world. Dozens of countries make their own soap opera shows. Mexican soap operas have been voted the most popular TV show of the year in countries such as Korea and Russia. Japanese soap operas are sent to Belgium. U.S. soap operas are watched worldwide. The Latin American soap opera, Betty La Fea, or Betty The Ugly, was a huge success in the U.S. Brazilian telenovelas are the most widely distributed television shows in the world and have been seen in more than 100 countries. And there are many other examples.What is it about these shows that makes them popular everywhere? And why do people from very different cultures all enjoy watching the same soap opera? Well, there are a couple of reasons.One reason suggested by Robert C. Allen, who has done extensive researchon television viewing, is that many soap operas deal with universal themes that people all over the world understand. Themes are topics ---for example, family, love, personal struggle, money problems, marriage problems, health problems, job problems. Viewers do not need to know the culture in order to understand the family problems in the show.Now according to Irna Phillips, one of the creators of The Guiding Light, another reason is that people identify with the characters. They feel the characters are just like them. To quote her from an interview, "they (the soap operas) deal with life as we know it." Now by this she means the families in soap operas deal with problems of everyday life. And so, as people watch every day, day after day, a special bond or feeling develops between them and the TV family. They get to know the characters and their problems. The TV family's welfare becomes important. There is a sense of community, of sharing, of family. All of these things contribute to character loyalty. If any ofyou have watched a show regularly, you know what I mean. You watch it because you identify with the characters.Now, writers of TV shows understand that TV viewers want to have a groupof characters to know and care about. As Wendy Riche, former executive producer of General Hospital put it, "the audience wants a personal human connection and when they get it, they are devoted.” This means they become very loyal to the TV characters they watch every day. To give an interesting example from As the World Turns: Some years back, the writer wanted to have the main character, Bob Hughes, get shot on a Friday. Well, that Friday turned out to be Christmas Eve. The producers of the show told the writers. “No, no, no… he can’t be shot on this Friday’s show. Do you know why? STUDENT 1: Because it was too violent.TEACHER:Well, no, not because it was too violent, but they didn’t wanthim shot on the Friday before Christmas.STUDENT 1: Why? I mean, why not?TEACHER: Because the audience would worry all weekend about him. They wouldn’t know if he was alive or dead, and they would not enjoy Christmas. So the writers had to change the story, and have him shot after Christmas. Im ean, the viewers really identify with these characters as if they’re real people. Writers for evening TV also try to create character loyalty, but not with a continuing story. Instead, each week, the story begins and ends. However, each week the same characters appear, and viewers watch because they know the characters and they care about them, like friends. A great example of this was the show Seinfield. There were four main characters Jerry, George, Kramer, and Elaine. They each had their own problems their own personalities. Viewers got to know them, and wanted to see what would happen to them. When you think about it, don’t good writers usually do this? They developour interest in the characters so that we want to keep reading, or keep watching TV.The next time you watch a soap opera, thin about the themes that make these shows so popular worldwide. Think about how as people watch each day, they get to know the characters and become a part of that TVB community. OK, that’s all for today. Uh, it’s time for you to go home and watch some TV!。