


MX29LV400C T/B4M-BIT [512K x 8 / 256K x 16] CMOS SINGLE VOLTAGE3V ONLY FLASH MEMORY•Ready/Busy# pin (RY/BY#)- Provides a hardware method of detecting program or erase operation completion •Sector protection- Hardware method to disable any combination of sectors from program or erase operations- Temporary sector unprotect allows code changes in previously locked sectors•CFI (Common Flash Interface) compliant- Flash device parameters stored on the device and provide the host system to access•100,000 minimum erase/program cycles•Latch-up protected to 100mA from -1V to VCC+1V •Boot Sector Architecture - T = Top Boot Sector - B = Bottom Boot Sector •Package type:- 44-pin SOP - 48-pin TSOP- 48-ball CSP (6 x 8mm)- 48-ball CSP (4 x 6mm)- All Pb-free devices are RoHS Compliant •Compatibility with JEDEC standard- Pinout and software compatible with single-power supply Flash•20 years data retentionFEATURES•Extended single - supply voltage range 2.7V to 3.6V •524,288 x 8/262,144 x 16 switchable •Single power supply operation- 3.0V only operation for read, erase and program operation•Fully compatible with MX29LV400T/B device •Fast access time: 55R/70/90ns •Low power consumption- 30mA maximum active current - 0.2uA typical standby current •Command register architecture- Byte/word Programming (9us/11us typical)- Sector Erase (Sector structure 16K-Byte x 1,8K-Byte x 2, 32K-Byte x1, and 64K-Byte x7)•Auto Erase (chip & sector) and Auto Program- Automatically erase any combination of sectors with Erase Suspend capability- Automatically program and verify data at specified address•Erase suspend/Erase Resume- Suspends sector erase operation to read data from,or program data to, any sector that is not being erased,then resumes the erase •Status Reply- Data# Polling & Toggle bit for detection of program and erase operation completionGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe MX29LV400C T/B is a 4-mega bit Flash memory organized as 512K bytes of 8 bits or 256K words of 16bits. MXIC's Flash memories offer the most cost-effec-tive and reliable read/write non-volatile random access memory. The MX29LV400C T/B is packaged in 44-pin SOP , 48-pin TSOP and 48-ball CSP . It is designed to be reprogrammed and erased in system or in standard EPROM programmers.The standard MX29LV400C T/B offers access time as fast as 55ns, allowing operation of high-speed micropro-cessors without wait states. To eliminate bus conten-tion, the MX29LV400C T/B has separate chip enable (CE#) and output enable (OE#) controls.MXIC's Flash memories augment EPROM functionality with in-circuit electrical erasure and programming. The MX29LV400C T/B uses a command register to manage this functionality. The command register allows for 100%TTL level control inputs and fixed power supply levels during erase and programming, while maintaining maxi-mum EPROM compatibility.MXIC Flash technology reliably stores memory contents even after 100,000 erase and program cycles. The MXIC cell is designed to optimize the erase and programming mechanisms. In addition, the combination of advanced tunnel oxide processing and low internal electric fields for erase and program operations produces reliable cy-cling. The MX29LV400C T/B uses a 2.7V~3.6V VCC supply to perform the High Reliability Erase and auto Program/Erase algorithms.The highest degree of latch-up protection is achieved with MXIC's proprietary non-epi process. Latch-up pro-tection is proved for stresses up to 100 milliamps on address and data pin from -1V to VCC + 1V .MX29LV400C T/BPIN CONFIGURATIONS 44 SOP(500 mil)PIN DESCRIPTIONSYMBOL PIN NAMEA0~A17Address InputQ0~Q14Data Input/OutputQ15/A-1Q15 (Word mode)/LSB addr(Byte mode) CE#Chip Enable InputWE#Write Enable InputBYTE#Word/Byte Selection inputRESET#Hardware Reset Pin/Sector ProtectUnlockOE#Output Enable InputRY/BY#Ready/Busy OutputVCC Power Supply Pin (2.7V~3.6V)GND Ground PinNC Pin Not Connected Internally48 TSOP (Standard Type) (12mm x 20mm)A15A14A13A12A11A10A9A8NCNCWE# RESET#NCNC RY/BY#NCA17A7A6A5A4A3A2A1123456789101112131415161718192021222324A16BYTE#GNDQ15/A-1Q7Q14Q6Q13Q5Q12Q4VCCQ11Q3Q10Q2Q9Q1Q8Q0OE#GNDCE#A0484746454443424140393837363534333231302928272625MX29LV400C T/B2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2244 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23NC RY/BY#A17A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A0CE#GNDOE#Q0Q8Q1Q9Q2Q10Q3Q11RESET#WE#A8A9A10A11A12A13A14A15A16BYTE#GNDQ15/A-1Q7Q14Q6Q13Q5Q12Q4VCCMX29LV4CT/BMX29LV400C T/BMX29LV400C T/BBLOCK STRUCTURETable 1: MX29LV400CT SECTOR ARCHITECTURE Note: Byte mode:address range A17:A-1, word mode:address range A17:A0.Sector Sector SizeAddress range Sector AddressByte Mode Word ModeByte Mode (x8)Word Mode (x16)A17A16A15A14A13A12SA064Kbytes 32Kwords 00000-0FFFF 00000-07FFF 000X X X SA164Kbytes 32Kwords 10000-1FFFF 08000-0FFFF 001X X X SA264Kbytes 32Kwords 20000-2FFFF 10000-17FFF 010X X X SA364Kbytes 32Kwords 30000-3FFFF 18000-1FFFF 011X X X SA464Kbytes 32Kwords 40000-4FFFF 20000-27FFF 100X X X SA564Kbytes 32Kwords 50000-5FFFF 28000-2FFFF 101X X X SA664Kbytes 32Kwords 60000-6FFFF 30000-37FFF 110X X X SA732Kbytes 16Kwords 70000-77FFF 38000-3BFFF 1110X X SA88Kbytes 4Kwords 78000-79FFF 3C000-3CFFF 111100SA98Kbytes 4Kwords 7A000-7BFFF 3D000-3DFFF 111101SA1016Kbytes8Kwords7C000-7FFFF3E000-3FFFF11111XSector Sector SizeAddress range Sector AddressByte Mode Word ModeByte Mode (x8)Word Mode (x16)A17A16A15A14A13A12SA016Kbytes 8Kwords 00000-03FFF 00000-01FFF 00000X SA18Kbytes 4Kwords 04000-05FFF 02000-02FFF 000010SA28Kbytes 4Kwords 06000-07FFF 03000-03FFF 000011SA332Kbytes 16Kwords 08000-0FFFF 04000-07FFF 0001X X SA464Kbytes 32Kwords 10000-1FFFF 08000-0FFFF 001X X X SA564Kbytes 32Kwords 20000-2FFFF 10000-17FFF 010X X X SA664Kbytes 32Kwords 30000-3FFFF 18000-1FFFF 011X X X SA764Kbytes 32Kwords 40000-4FFFF 20000-27FFF 100X X X SA864Kbytes 32Kwords 50000-5FFFF 28000-2FFFF 101X X X SA964Kbytes 32Kwords 60000-6FFFF 30000-37FFF 110X X X SA1064Kbytes32Kwords70000-7FFFF38000-3FFFF111XXXTable 2: MX29LV400CB SECTOR ARCHITECTURE Note: Byte mode:address range A17:A-1, word mode:address range A17:A0.MX29LV400C T/BBLOCK DIAGRAMCONTROL INPUT LOGICPROGRAM/ERASE HIGH VOLTAGEWRITE STATE MACHINE (WSM)STATE REGISTERFLASH ARRAYX-DECODERADDRESS LATCHAND BUFFERY -PASS GATEY -DECODERARRAY SOURCE HVCOMMAND DATADECODERCOMMAND DATA LATCHI/O BUFFERPGM DATA HVPROGRAM DATA LATCHSENSE AMPLIFIERQ0-Q15/A-1A0-A17CE#OE#WE#RESET#MX29LV400C T/BAUTOMATIC PROGRAMMINGThe MX29L V400C T/B is byte programmable using the Automatic Programming algorithm. The Automatic Pro-gramming algorithm makes the external system do not need to have time out sequence nor to verify the data programmed. The typical chip programming time at room temperature of the MX29LV400C T/B is less than 10 seconds.AUTOMATIC CHIP ERASEThe entire chip is bulk erased using 10 ms erase pulses according to MXIC's Automatic Chip Erase algorithm. T ypical erasure at room temperature is accomplished in less than 4 second. The Automatic Erase algorithm au-tomatically programs the entire array prior to electrical erase. The timing and verification of electrical erase are controlled internally within the device.AUTOMATIC SECTOR ERASEThe MX29L V400C T/B is sector(s) erasable using MXIC's Auto Sector Erase algorithm. The Automatic Sector Erase algorithm automatically programs the specified sector(s) prior to electrical erase. The timing and verifi-cation of electrical erase are controlled internally within the device. An erase operation can erase one sector, multiple sectors, or the entire device.AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING ALGORITHMMXIC's Automatic Programming algorithm requires the user to only write program set-up commands (including 2 unlock write cycle and A0H) and a program command (program data and address). The device automatically times the programming pulse width, provides the pro-gram verification, and counts the number of sequences.A status bit similar to Data# Polling and a status bit toggling between consecutive read cycles, provide feed-back to the user as to the status of the programming operation. Refer to write operation status, table7, for more information on these status bits.AUTOMATIC ERASE ALGORITHMMXIC's Automatic Erase algorithm requires the user to write commands to the command register using stan-dard microprocessor write timings. The device will auto-matically pre-program and verify the entire array. Then the device automatically times the erase pulse width, provides the erase verification, and counts the number of sequences. A status bit toggling between consecutive read cycles provides feedback to the user as to the sta-tus of the erasing operation.Register contents serve as inputs to an internal state-machine which controls the erase and programming cir-cuitry. During write cycles, the command register inter-nally latches address and data needed for the program-ming and erase operations. During a system write cycle, addresses are latched on the falling edge, and data are latched on the rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever happens first.MXIC's Flash technology combines years of EPROM experience to produce the highest levels of quality, reli-ability, and cost effectiveness. The MX29LV400C T/B electrically erases all bits simultaneously using Fowler-Nordheim tunneling. The bytes are programmed by us-ing the EPROM programming mechanism of hot elec-tron injection.During a program cycle, the state-machine will control the program sequences and command register will not respond to any command set. During a Sector Erase cycle, the command register will only respond to Erase Suspend command. After Erase Suspend is completed, the device stays in read mode. After the state machine has completed its task, it will allow the command regis-ter to respond to its full command set.AUTOMATIC SELECTThe automatic select mode provides manufacturer and device identification, and sector protection verification, through identifier codes output on Q7~Q0. This mode is mainly adapted for programming equipment on the de-vice to be programmed with its programming algorithm. When programming by high voltage method, automatic select mode requires VID (11.5V to 12.5V) on address pin A9 and other address pin A6, A1 as referring to T able 3. In addition, to access the automatic select codes in-system, the host can issue the automatic select com-mand through the command register without requiring VID, as shown in table4.To verify whether or not sector being protected, the sec-tor address must appear on the appropriate highest orderMX29LV400C T/BTABLE 3. MX29LV400C T/B AUTO SELECT MODE OPERATIONNOTE:SA=Sector Address, X=Don't Care, L=Logic Low, H=Logic HighA17A11A8A5DescriptionMode CE#OE#WE#RE- | |A9 |A6 |A1A0Q15~Q0SET#A12A10A7A2Manufacture LLHHXX VID XLXLLC2HCodeRead Device ID Word L L H H X X VID X L X L H 22B9H Silicon (T op Boot Block)Byte L L H H X X VID X L X L H XXB9H IDDevice ID (Bottom Word L L H H X X VID X L X L H 22BAH Boot Block)ByteL L H H X X VID X L X L H XXBAH XX01H Sector Protection LLHHSAX VID XLXHL(protected)VerificationXX00H (unprotected)address bit (see T able 1 and T able 2). The rest of address bits, as shown in table3, are don't care. Once all neces-sary bits have been set as required, the programming equipment may read the corresponding identifier code on Q7~Q0.MX29LV400C T/BTABLE 4. MX29LV400C T/B COMMAND DEFINITIONSFirst Bus Second Bus Third Bus Fourth Bus Fifth Bus Sixth Bus Command Bus Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle CycleCycle Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Reset 1XXXH F0HRead1RA RDRead Silicon ID Word4555H AAH2AAH55H555H90H ADI DDIByte4AAAH AAH555H55H AAAH90H ADI DDISector Protect Word4555H AAH2AAH55H555H90H(SA)XX00HVerify x02H XX01HByte4AAAH AAH555H55H AAAH90H(SA)00Hx04H01HProgram Word4555H AAH2AAH55H555H A0H PA PDByte4AAAH AAH555H55H AAAH A0H PA PDChip Erase Word6555H AAH2AAH55H555H80H555H AAH2AAH55H555H10H Byte6AAAH AAH555H55H AAAH80H AAAH AAH555H55H AAAH10H Sector Erase Word6555H AAH2AAH55H555H80H555H AAH2AAH55H SA30H Byte6AAAH AAH555H55H AAAH80H AAAH AAH555H55H SA30H Sector Erase Suspend1XXXH B0HSector Erase Resume1XXXH30HCFI Query Word155H98Byte1AAH98Note:1.ADI = Address of Device identifier; A1=0, A0 = 0 for manufacturer code,A1=0, A0 = 1 for device code. A2-A17=do not care.(Refer to table 3)DDI = Data of Device identifier : C2H for manufacture code, B9H/BAH (x8) and 22B9H/22BAH (x16) for device code.X = X can be VIL or VIHRA=Address of memory location to be read.RD=Data to be read at location RA.2.P A = Address of memory location to be programmed.PD = Data to be programmed at location P A.SA = Address of the sector to be erased.3.The system should generate the following address patterns: 555H or 2AAH to Address A10~A0 in word mode/AAAH or555H to Address A10~A-1 in byte mode.Address bit A11~A17=X=Don't care for all address commands except for Program Address (PA) and SectorAddress (SA). Write Sequence may be initiated with A11~A17 in either state.4.For Sector Protect Verify operation: If read out data is 01H, it means the sector has been protected. If read out data is 00H, itmeans the sector is still not being protected.5.Any number of CFI data read cycle are permitted.MX29LV400C T/BADDRESSQ8~Q15DESCRIPTIONCE#OE#WE#RE- A17A10A9A8A6A5A1A0Q0~Q7BYTE BYTE SET#A11A7A2=VIH=VILReadLLHHAINDoutDout Q8~Q14=High ZQ15=A-1Write L H L H AIN DIN(3)DIN Q8~Q14=High ZQ15=A-1ResetX X X L X High Z High Z High Z Temporary sector unlock X X X VID AIN DIN DIN High Z Output Disable L H H H X High Z High Z High Z StandbyVcc ±XXVcc ±XHigh ZHigh ZHigh Z0.3V0.3VSector Protect L H L VID SA X X X L X H L DIN X X Chip Unprotect L H L VID X XXXH X H L DIN X X Sector Protection VerifyLLHHSAX VID XLXHLCODE(5)XXTABLE 5. MX29L V400C T/B BUS OPERATIONNOTES:1. Manufacturer and device codes may also be accessed via a command register write sequence. Refer to T able 4.2. VID is the Silicon-ID-Read high voltage, 11.5V to 12.5V .3. Refer to T able 4 for valid Data-In during a write operation.4. X can be VIL or VIH.5. Code=00H/XX00H means unprotected.Code=01H/XX01H means protected.6.A17~A12=Sector address for sector protect.7.The sector protect and chip unprotect functions may also be implemented via programming equipment.sequences. Note that the Erase Suspend (B0H) and Erase Resume (30H) commands are valid only while the Sector Erase operation is in progress.COMMAND DEFINITIONSDevice operations are selected by writing specific ad-dress and data sequences into the command register.Writing incorrect address and data values or writing them in the improper sequence will reset the device to the read mode. Table 4 defines the valid register commandMX29LV400C T/BREQUIREMENTS FOR READING ARRAY DATATo read array data from the outputs, the system must drive the CE# and OE# pins to VIL. CE# is the power control and selects the device. OE# is the output control and gates array data to the output pins. WE# should re-main at VIH.The internal state machine is set for reading array data upon device power-up, or after a hardware reset. This ensures that no spurious alteration of the memory con-tent occurs during the power transition. No command is necessary in this mode to obtain array data. Standard microprocessor read cycles that assert valid address on the device address inputs produce valid data on the de-vice data outputs. The device remains enabled for read access until the command register contents are altered. WRITE COMMANDS/COMMAND SEQUENCEST o program data to the device or erase sectors of memory , the system must drive WE# and CE# to VIL, and OE# to VIH.An erase operation can erase one sector, multiple sec-tors , or the entire device. Table indicates the address space that each sector occupies. A "sector address" consists of the address bits required to uniquely select a sector. The "Writing specific address and data commands or sequences into the command register initiates device operations. Table 1 defines the valid register command sequences. Writing incorrect address and data values or writing them in the improper sequence resets the device to reading array data. Section has details on erasing a sector or the entire chip, or suspending/resuming the erase operation.After the system writes the autoselect command se-quence, the device enters the autoselect mode. The sys-tem can then read autoselect codes from the internal reg-ister (which is separate from the memory array) on Q7-Q0. Standard read cycle timings apply in this mode. Re-fer to the Autoselect Mode and Autoselect Command Sequence section for more information.ICC2 in the DC Characteristics table represents the ac-tive current specification for the write mode. The "AC Characteristics" section contains timing specification table and timing diagrams for write operations.STANDBY MODEWhen using both pins of CE# and RESET#, the device enter CMOS Standby with both pins held at Vcc ± 0.3V. If CE# and RESET# are held at VIH, but not within the range of VCC ± 0.3V, the device will still be in the standby mode, but the standby current will be larger. During Auto Algorithm operation, Vcc active current (Icc2) is required even CE# = "H" until the operation is completed. The device can be read with standard access time (tCE) from either of these standby modes, before it is ready to read data.OUTPUT DISABLEWith the OE# input at a logic high level (VIH), output from the devices are disabled. This will cause the output pins to be in a high impedance state.RESET# OPERATIONThe RESET# pin provides a hardware method of reset-ting the device to reading array data. When the RESET# pin is driven low for at least a period of tRP, the device immediately terminates any operation in progress, tristates all output pins, and ignores all read/write com-mands for the duration of the RESET# pulse. The device also resets the internal state machine to reading array data. The operation that was interrupted should be reinitiated once the device is ready to accept another command sequence, to ensure data integrityCurrent is reduced for the duration of the RESET# pulse. When RESET# is held at VSS±0.3V, the device draws CMOS standby current (ICC4). If RESET# is held at VIL but not within VSS±0.3V, the standby current will be greater.The RESET# pin may be tied to system reset circuitry.A system reset would that also reset the Flash memory, enabling the system to read the boot-up firm-ware from the Flash memory.If RESET# is asserted during a program or erase opera-tion, the RY/BY# pin remains a "0" (busy) until the inter-nal reset operation is complete, which requires a time of tREADY (during Embedded Algorithms). The system can thus monitor RY/BY# to determine whether the reset op-eration is complete. If RESET# is asserted when a pro-MX29LV400C T/Bgram or erase operation is completed within a time of tREADY (not during Embedded Algorithms). The system can read data tRH after the RESET# pin returns to VIH. Refer to the AC Characteristics tables for RESET# pa-rameters and to Figure 24 for the timing diagram.READ/RESET COMMANDThe read or reset operation is initiated by writing the read/ reset command sequence into the command register. Microprocessor read cycles retrieve array data. The de-vice remains enabled for reads until the command regis-ter contents are altered.If program-fail or erase-fail happen, the write of F0H will reset the device to abort the operation. A valid com-mand must then be written to place the device in the desired state.SILICON-ID READ COMMANDFlash memories are intended for use in applications where the local CPU alters memory contents. As such, manu-facturer and device codes must be accessible while the device resides in the target system. PROM program-mers typically access signature codes by raising A9 to a high voltage (VID). However, multiplexing high voltage onto address lines is not generally desired system de-sign practice.The MX29LV400C T/B contains a Silicon-ID-Read op-eration to supple traditional PROM programming meth-odology. The operation is initiated by writing the read silicon ID command sequence into the command regis-ter. Following the command write, a read cycle with A1=VIL, A0=VIL retrieves the manufacturer code of C2H/ 00C2H. A read cycle with A1=VIL, A0=VIH returns the device code of B9H/22B9H for MX29LV400CT, BAH/ 22BAH for MX29LV400CB.SET-UP AUTOMATIC CHIP/SECTOR ERASE COM-MANDSChip erase is a six-bus cycle operation. There are two "unlock" write cycles. These are followed by writing the "set-up" command 80H. T wo more "unlock" write cycles are then followed by the chip erase command 10H or sector erase command 30H.The Automatic Chip Erase does not require the device to be entirely pre-programmed prior to executing the Auto-matic Chip Erase. Upon executing the Automatic Chip Erase, the device will automatically program and verify the entire memory for an all-zero data pattern. When the device is automatically verified to contain an all-zero pat-tern, a self-timed chip erase and verify begin. The erase and verify operations are completed when the data on Q7 is "1" at which time the device returns to the Read mode. The system is not required to provide any control or timing during these operations.When using the Automatic Chip Erase algorithm, note that the erase automatically terminates when adequate erase margin has been achieved for the memory array (no erase verification command is required).If the Erase operation was unsuccessful, the data on Q5 is "1"(see Table 7), indicating the erase operation ex-ceed internal timing limit.The automatic erase begins on the rising edge of the last WE# or CE# pulse, whichever happens first in the com-mand sequence and terminates when the data on Q7 is "1" at which time the device returns to the Read mode, or the data on Q6 stops toggling for two consecutive read cycles at which time the device returns to the Read mode.MX29LV400C T/BPins A0A1Q15~Q8Q7Q6Q5Q4Q3Q2Q1Q0Code(Hex)Manufacture code Word VIL VIL00H1100001000C2HByte VIL VIL X11000010C2H Device code Word VIH VIL22H1011100122B9Hfor MX29LV400CT Byte VIH VIL X10111001B9HDevice code Word VIH VIL22H1011101022BAHfor MX29LV400CB Byte VIH VIL X10111010BAHSector Protection X VIH X0000000101H (Protected) Verification X VIH X0000000000H (Unprotected) TABLE 6. EXPANDED SILICON ID CODEREADING ARRA Y DATAThe device is automatically set to reading array data after device power-up. No commands are required to re-trieve data. The device is also ready to read array data after completing an Automatic Program or Automatic Erase algorithm.After the device accepts an Erase Suspend command, the device enters the Erase Suspend mode. The sys-tem can read array data using the standard read tim-ings, except that if it reads at an address within erase-suspended sectors, the device outputs status data. Af-ter completing a programming operation in the Erase Suspend mode, the system may once again read array data with the same exception. See "Erase Suspend/Erase Resume Commands" for more infor-mation on this mode. The system must issue the reset command to re-en-able the device for reading array data if Q5 goes high, or while in the autoselect mode. See the "Reset Command" section, next.RESET COMMANDWriting the reset command to the device resets the de-vice to reading array data. Address bits are don't care for this command.The reset command may be written between the se-quence cycles in an erase command sequence before erasing begins. This resets the device to reading array data. Once erasure begins, however, the device ignores reset commands until the operation is complete.The reset command may be written between the se-quence cycles in a program command sequence be-fore programming begins. This resets the device to reading array data (also applies to programming in Erase Sus-pend mode). Once programming begins, however, the device ignores reset commands until the operation is complete.The reset command may be written between the se-quence cycles in an SILICON ID READ command se-quence. Once in the SILICON ID READ mode, the reset command must be written to return to reading array data (also applies to SILICON ID READ during Erase Sus-pend).If Q5 goes high during a program or erase operation, writ-ing the reset command returns the device to read-ing array data (also applies during Erase Suspend).MX29LV400C T/Berase margin has been achieved for the memory array (no erase verification command is required). Sector erase is a six-bus cycle operation. There are two "un-lock" write cycles. These are followed by writing the set-up command 80H. Two more "unlock" write cycles are then followed by the sector erase command 30H. The sector address is latched on the falling edge of WE# or CE#, whichever happens later, while the command (data)is latched on the rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever happens first. Sector addresses selected are loaded into internal register on the sixth falling edge of WE# or CE#, whichever happens later. Each successive sector load cycle started by the falling edge of WE# or CE#,whichever happens later must begin within 50us from the rising edge of the preceding WE# or CE#, whichever happens first. Otherwise, the loading period ends and internal auto sector erase cycle starts. (Monitor Q3 to determine if the sector erase timer window is still open,see section Q3, Sector Erase Timer.) Any command other than Sector Erase(30H) or Erase Suspend(B0H) during the time-out period resets the device to read mode.SECTOR ERASE COMMANDSThe Automatic Sector Erase does not require the de-vice to be entirely pre-programmed prior to executing the Automatic Sector Erase Set-up command and Au-tomatic Sector Erase command. Upon executing the Automatic Sector Erase command, the device will auto-matically program and verify the sector(s) memory for an all-zero data pattern. The system is not required to provide any control or timing during these operations.When the sector(s) is automatically verified to contain an all-zero pattern, a self-timed sector erase and verify begin. The erase and verify operations are complete when either the data on Q7 is "1" at which time the de-vice returns to the Read mode, or the data on Q6 stops toggling for two consecutive read cycles at which time the device returns to the Read mode. The system is not required to provide any control or timing during these operations.When using the Automatic sector Erase algorithm, note that the erase automatically terminates when adequateStatusQ7Q6Q5Q3Q2RY/(Note1)(Note2)BY#Byte Program in Auto Program Algorithm Q7#Toggle 0N/A No 0Toggle Auto Erase Algorithm0Toggle 01Toggle0Erase Suspend Read1No 0N/A Toggle1(Erase Suspended Sector)Toggle In ProgressErase Suspended ModeErase Suspend ReadData Data Data Data Data 1(Non-Erase Suspended Sector)Erase Suspend ProgramQ7#Toggle 0N/A N/A 0Byte Program in Auto Program AlgorithmQ7#Toggle 1N/A No 0Toggle ExceededTime Limits Auto Erase Algorithm0Toggle 11Toggle 0Erase Suspend ProgramQ7#Toggle1N/AN/ATable 7. Write Operation StatusNote:1.Q7 and Q2 require a valid address when reading status information. Refer to the appropriate subsection for further details.2.Q5 switches to '1' when an Auto Program or Auto Erase operation has exceeded the maximum timing limits.See "Q5:Exceeded Timing Limits " for more information.。



LabVolt Series DatasheetElectromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS)8970* The product images shown in this document are for illustration purposes; actual products may vary. Please refer to the Specifications section of each product/item for all details. Festo Didactic reserves the right to change product images and specifications at any time without notice.Festo Didactic en12/2023Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt SeriesTable of ContentsGeneral Description_________________________________________________________________________________3 Virtual Instrumentation_____________________________________________________________________________4 Metering Window__________________________________________________________________________________5 Oscilloscope_______________________________________________________________________________________5 Phasor Analyzer____________________________________________________________________________________6 Harmonic Analyzer_________________________________________________________________________________6 Data Table and Graph Windows_______________________________________________________________________7 Software Protection and Licensing____________________________________________________________________7 Online Edition_____________________________________________________________________________________7 Computer Requirements_____________________________________________________________________________8 Topic Coverage_____________________________________________________________________________________8 Features & Benefits_________________________________________________________________________________8 List of Available Training Systems_____________________________________________________________________9 List of Manuals____________________________________________________________________________________9 Table of Contents of the Manual(s)____________________________________________________________________9Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt Series••••••••General DescriptionThe Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) is a simulation software that covers the same courseware as the following systems:Computer-Assisted 0.2 kW Electromechanical Training System, Model 8006-1DC and AC Power Circuits Training System, Model 8010-1Electromechanical Training System, Model 8010-9AC Power Transmission Training System, Model 8010-BAll workbooks parts of the systems above are available in the navigation menu of LVSIM-EMS for online consultation. To obtain the printing rights, Campus Licenses for each are available and must be ordered separately.With LVSIM-EMS, all the standard EMS laboratory equipment is replaced by images of the actual EMS modules that students can manipulate on the computer screen. Students can identify and set up equipment for a given exercise, make the necessary connections between the virtual EMS modules, and verify the connections made without the need for actual EMS equipment.Sophisticated mathematical models fully simulate the electrical and mechanical characteristics of all the actual EMS modules: power supplies, motors, generators, transformers, electrical and mechanical loads, etc. All modules simulated in the LVSIM-EMS software feature the same front panel information as the actual EMSmodules. Short-circuit connections in the virtual equipment setup cause the virtual circuit-breaker protection to trip. This trip condition is clearly indicated on the virtual EMS modules.Used either as a complement to the actual EMS laboratory equipment, or as a stand-alone product, LVSIM-EMS is a cost-effective tool that enables students to perform the same exercises as in the courseware of the above-mentioned training systems. When used as a stand-alone package, the LVSIM-EMS software allows students to perform hands-on activities related to electrical power and machines, including active, reactive, and apparent power, phasors, ac/dc motors and generators, three-phase circuits, and transformers.LVSIM-EMS is a web-browser based application available in three different configurations. The simulation software can either be installed locally on a Windows ® personal computer (local version), on a Windows server (network version), or accessed directly online through the website at (onlineversion). Both network and local versions are delivered with perpetual license for the current version. The online version is delivered as a annual license with possibility to expand for more years.Please visit https:// and try the online version!The LVSIM-EMS virtual equipment is so representative of the actual EMS laboratory equipment that it allows students to develop hands-on abilities as they would with actual equipment. It also allows students to prepare laboratories in advance by virtually making the connections required in the exercise, validating theirconnections, and finally saving and printing the setup. Such a preparation can significantly reduce laboratory time and the need for physical hardware. By combining stations using virtual equipment with stations using actual equipment, with students using each type alternately, it is possible to set up an electromechanical training station that maximizes cost-effectiveness.LVSIM-EMS simulates the following modules from the 8006-1, 8010-1, 8010-9, and 8010-B training systems:Capacitive Load, Model 8331Capacitor-Start Motor, Model 8251Data Acquisition Interface, Model 9062Data Acquisition and Control Interface, Model 9063Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt Series•••••••••••••••••••••DC Motor/Generator, Model 8211Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor, Model 8221Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, Model 8960-2Full-Size Blank Module, Model 8160Half-Size Blank Module, Model 8161Inductive Load, Model 8321Lead-Acid Battery Pack, Model 8802Permanent-Magnet DC Motor, Model 8213Power Supply, Model 8821Power Supply, Model 8823Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model 8960-1Regulating Autotransformer, Model 8349Resistive Load, Model 8311Single-Phase Transformer, Model 8341Synchronizing Module, Model 8621Synchronizing Module / Three-Phase Contactor, Model 8621-A Synchronous Motor/Generator, Model 8241Synchronous Motor/Generator with Thermistor Output, Model 8241-2 Three-Phase Transformer, Model 8348Three-Phase Transmission Line, Model 8329Universal Motor, Model 8254Make sure to select the right license type (8970 Series for local or network installations, 8972 Series for online access).Virtual InstrumentationLVSIM-EMS comprises a set of conventional and specialized instruments that can be used for measuring, observing, and analyzing electrical and mechanical parameters in electric power systems and power electronic circuits. Each instrument appears as a window on the computer screen. The conventional instruments include ac/dc voltmeters and ammeters, power meters, and an eight-channel oscilloscope. The specialized instruments include a six-channel phasor analyzer, a harmonic analyzer, torque, speed, and mechanical power meters, and user-programmable meters. The software is also provided with data-recording and graph-plotting capabilities. The various instruments are briefly described in the next section of this datasheet.Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt SeriesMetering WindowThe Metering window displays up toeighteen meters, which can beconfigured individually for measuringac/dc voltage and current, electricalpower (active, reactive, and apparent),torque, speed, mechanical power, etc.The voltage and current meters haveseveral modes of operation that allowmeasurement of the mean (dc) value,RMS value, crest factor, RMS value of aparticular harmonic (up to the 15th value), RMS value of the harmonics, and total harmonic distortion (THD). Six of the eighteen meters are user-programmable and give access to a larger variety of functions for measurement of power factor, efficiency, impedance, frequency, energy, phase shift, etc. The layout of the meters in the Metering window is user-customizable.OscilloscopeThe Oscilloscope displays up to eightwaveforms simultaneously, each of adifferent color for easy identification.Each channel has independent verticalcontrols similar to those found onconventional oscilloscopes. Anautomatic scale-setting functionallows the sensitivity of each channelto be set automatically according tothe magnitude of the observedparameter. The time base and triggercontrols are similar to those found onmost oscilloscopes. The RMS value,average value, and frequency of eachobserved parameters can be displayed in the Oscilloscope window. Two vertical cursors can be activated to perform precise measurements at particular points on the displayed waveforms. The Oscilloscope toolbar includes two memory buttons for saving displayed waveforms.Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt Series Phasor AnalyzerThe Phasor Analyzer displays thephasors related to the measuredvoltages and currents. The amplitudeand phase angle of each voltage andcurrent is clearly represented by theorientation and length of theircorresponding phasors, allowing easycomparison between the displayedparameters. This produces a uniqueand dynamic display of the voltagesand currents in a circuit (especially inthree-phase circuits) that cannot beobtained with conventionalinstruments. The RMS value, phase angle, and frequency of the voltage or current related to each phasor isdisplayed in the Phasor Analyzer window.Harmonic AnalyzerThe Harmonic Analyzer allowsobservation and analysis of theharmonic components in themeasured voltages and currents. Thefundamental frequency can bemanually set to the ac power networkfrequency or automatically set to thefrequency of the fundamentalcomponent of the selected voltage orcurrent. The harmonic components ofthe selected voltage or current can bedisplayed using a vertical scalegraduated in either absolute or relative values. A group of data displays in the Harmonic Analyzer indicates thevalues of the dc component of the selected voltage or current, as well as the total harmonic distortion (THD).Vertical and horizontal cursors can be displayed to perform precise measurements at particular points on the display. Since the equipment simulated by LVSIM-EMS produces only dc and sinusoidal ac signals (without harmonics), the Harmonic Analyzer, which is intended for use with devices that produce harmonics, is not oftenused with LVSIM-EMS.Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt SeriesData Table and Graph WindowsThe values indicated by the variousmeters in the Metering window, aswell as values measured by the otherinstruments, can be recorded in theData Table window with a click of themouse. The values recorded in theData Table can be saved to a file(ASCII-formatted file). The recordeddata can also be used to plot graphsby selecting which parameter(s) toplot in the Graph window. This allowslab results to be plotted quickly andeasily. More sophisticated graphs canbe created by exporting the contentsof the Data Table window to anyspreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel®, directly through the Windows Clipboard.Software Protection and LicensingThe local and network version provides a perpetual licence and the online access version provides a annual licence (additional years can be purchased when ordering).The local and network version of LVSIM-EMS are copy-protected by means of a hardlock security device. When LVSIM-EMS detects the security device, students have complete access to all measuring functions of the virtual instruments and other protected features of LVSIM-EMS, as well as to the student manuals included with the simulation software. Note that students are allowed to copy the software onto their personal computer to allow them to prepare laboratories in advance.Two different security devices are available for LVSIM-EMS: a single-user hardlock key, which can be inserted in the USB port of the user's computer, and a multiple-user hardlock key, which can be inserted in the USB port of the network server or any computer in the same network. Once the hardlock key is active on the network, the other computer will see the available licences. Alternately, the multiple-user hardlock key can be inserted in a USB port inside the server using a circuit board with edge-type connector (provided with the key) that can be installed in a PCI expansion slot of the server.The multiple-user hardlock key can be installed in servers running under one of the following Microsoft®operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2008 Server, and Windows 2013 Server. As its name indicates, the multiple-user hardlock key allows several users of a network to run LVSIM-EMS simultaneously. Different versions of LVSIM-EMS are available, each allowing a particular number of users.Online EditionThe online version of LVSIM-EMS is accessible directly via the internet, and requires no software installation nor any update since the latest version of the software is always available. The online version of LVSIM-EMS also includes a demo mode that allows students to prepare laboratories in advance by familiarizing with the equipment and connections. The demo mode does not require any login.Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt Series••••••••••••••▪▪▪▪▪▪▪•••Topic CoverageFundamentals for Electric Power Technology Alternating CurrentCapacitors in AC Circuits Inductors in AC CircuitsPower, Phasors, and Impedance in AC Circuits Three-Phase CircuitsSpecial Transformer Connections Single- and three-Phase Transformers Fundamentals for Rotating Machines DC Motors and GeneratorsSpecial Characteristics of DC Motors AC Induction and Synchronous Motors Three-Phase Synchronous GeneratorsFeatures & BenefitsReplicates the Electromechanical Training System, enabling students to perform actual experiments using virtual equipment Install, move, and remove EMS modules in and from the workstation Modify module connections at any time and change the color of wires Install a timing belt between two EMS machines Verify module connections using a tool that highlights all wires connected to a same circuit point Perform measurements of voltage, current, power, speed, torque, impedance, resistance, reactance,and frequency and display the values on digital or analog meters Record measurements in a data table and plot graphs using the recorded data Display waveforms on a multi-channel oscilloscope and ac voltages and currents as phasors Students prepare for laboratories in advance using virtual equipment, thereby decreasing the time they require to perform the exercises using actual equipmentDecreases the quantity of actual equipment required per studentAllows students to practice with EMS equipment operation and connection at home on a personal computer••Computer RequirementsLocal and Network Versions:One (1) USB 2.0 port for the security dongle, Microsoft Windows 10 operating system recommended (compatible with Windows 7 and 8), basic dual core CPU, Google Chrome web browser installed (for better experience)Online Version:Microsoft Windows 10 operating system recommended (compatible with Windows 7 and 8 but not fully compatible with mobile devices), basic dual core CPU, internet access (bandwidth usage of 50 KB/s maximum), Google Chrome web browser installed (for better experience)Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt Series••••List of Available Training SystemsQty Description Model number1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 1 User with USB Dongle ____ 586920 (8970-00)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 5 Users with USB Dongles __ 586923 (8970-A0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 10 Users with USB Dongles _ 586926 (8970-B0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 15 Users with USB Dongles _ 586929 (8970-C0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 20 Users with USB Dongles _ 586932 (8970-D0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 25 Users with USB Dongles _ 586935 (8970-E0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 30 Users with USB Dongles _ 586938 (8970-F0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 35 Users with USB Dongles _ 586941 (8970-G0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 40 Users with USB Dongles _ 586944 (8970-H0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 5 Users Network __________ 586947 (8970-P0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 10 Users Network _________ 586950 (8970-Q0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 15 Users Network _________ 586953 (8970-R0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 20 Users Network _________ 586956 (8970-S0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 25 Users Network _________ 586959 (8970-T0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 30 Users Network _________ 586962 (8970-U0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 35 Users Network _________ 586965 (8970-V0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 40 Users Network ________ 586968 (8970-W0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 1 User Online, 1 year ______ 586971 (8972-00)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 5 Users Online, 1 year _____ 586974 (8972-A0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 10 Users Online, 1 year ____ 586977 (8972-B0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 15 Users Online, 1 year ____ 586980 (8972-C0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 20 Users Online, 1 year ____ 586983 (8972-D0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 25 Users Online, 1 year ____ 586986 (8972-E0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 30 Users Online, 1 year ____ 586989 (8972-F0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 25 Users Online, 1 year ____ 586992 (8972-G0)1Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM ®-EMS) - 40 Users Online, 1 year ____ 586995 (8972-H0)List of ManualsDescriptionManual numberElectromechanical Systems Simulation Software (User Guide) ______________________________583879 (20858-E0)Computer-Based Instruments for EMS (User Guide) ______________________________________584396 (36221-E0)Table of Contents of the Manual(s)Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (User Guide) (583879 (20858-E0))1 Overview of LVSIM-EMS2 Installing the Security Device3 Installing and Running LVSIM-EMS Computer-Based Instruments for EMS (User Guide) (584396 (36221-E0))1 Familiarization with the Metering Window and the Data TableElectromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt Series••••2 Familiarization with the Oscilloscope3 Familiarization with the Phasor Analyzer4 Familiarization with the Harmonic Analyzer5 Measuring Three-Phase Power Using the Metering WindowElectromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS), LabVolt SeriesReflecting the commitment of Festo Didactic to high quality standards in product, design, development, production, installation, and service, our manufacturing and distribution facility has received the ISO 9001 certification.Festo Didactic reserves the right to make product improvements at any time and without notice and is not responsible for typographical errors. Festo Didactic recognizes all product names used herein as trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. © Festo Didactic Inc. 2023. All rights reserved.Festo Didactic SERechbergstrasse 373770 DenkendorfGermanyP. +49(0)711/3467-0F. +49(0)711/347-54-88500Festo Didactic Inc.607 Industrial Way WestEatontown, NJ 07724United StatesP. +1-732-938-2000F. +1-732-774-8573Festo Didactic Ltée/Ltd675 rue du CarboneQuébec QC G2N 2K7CanadaP. +1-418-849-1000F. +1-418-849-166611© Festo Didactic。



12 1-800-735-6200VI-J00MiniModDC-DC Converters 25 to 100 WattsProduct HighlightsThe VI-J00 MiniMod family establishes a new standard in component-level DC-DC converters. This “junior” size complement to the higher power VI-200family offers up to 100W of isolated and regulated power in a board mounted package. At one-half the size and twice the power density of previous 100W modules, and with a maximum operating temperature rating of 100˚C, the MiniMod opens new horizons for board-mounted (distributed) power architectures. Utilizing Vicor’s “zero-current-switching” forward converter technology,proven by an installed base of over 8 million units, the MiniMod family combines state of the art power density with the efficiency, low noise and reliability required by next generation power systems.Packaging OptionsSlimMods™, high power density,flangeless packages and FinMods™,featuring integral finned heatsinks.SlimMod: Option suffix: - S Example: VI - JXX - XX - SFinMod: Option suffix: - F1and - F2Examples:VI - JXX - XX -F1, 0.75" height VI - JXX - XX -F2, 1.00" heightConverter Selection ChartVI-JMax. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs(1)50W 50W 10A (2)75W 100W 20A (3)100W 100W 20AMax. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs(4)75W 75W 15A (5)50W 75W 15A (6)50W 75W 10AFeaturess Up to 50W/Cubic Inchs UL, CSA, TÜV, VDE, BABT s CE Markeds Up to 90% Efficiency s Size: 2.28" x 2.4" x 0.5"(57,9 x 61,0 x 12,7)s Remote Sense and Current Limit s Logic Disables Wide Range Output Adjust s ZCS Power Architecture sLow Noise FM ControlMechanical Drawing(7,6) Min.(3,0).12.30*Brownout 75% of rated load; transient voltage for 1 second.Rev 3 1 of 2For the latest Vicor Product Information: 12 1-800-735-620073Converter Specifications(typical at T BP =25°C, nominal line and 75% load, unless otherwise specified)VI-J00 E-GradeVI-J00 C-, I-, M-GradePARAMETERMIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.UNITSTEST CONDITIONSs Input Characteristics Inrush charge60x10-660x10-6100x10-6CoulombsNominal lineInput reflected ripple current – pp 10%10%I INNominal line, full load Input ripple rejectiondB 120 Hz, nominal line dB2400 Hz, nominal lineNo load power dissipation 1.3521.352Wattss Output Characteristics Setpoint accuracy 1.0%2.0%0.5% 1.0%V NOM Load/line regulation 0.5%0.05%0.2%V NOM LL to HL, 10% to Full Load Load/line regulation1.0%0.2%0.5%V NOM LL to HL, No Load to 10%Output temperature drift°C Over rated temperatureLong term drift 0.020.02%/1K hoursOutput ripple - pp: 2V, 3.3V 200100150mV20 MHz bandwidth 5V 5%2%3%20 MHz bandwidth 10-48V 3%0.75%1.5%20 MHz bandwidth Trim range 150%110%50%110%V NOM Total remote sense compensation 0.50.5Volts 0.25V max. neg. leg Current limit105%135%105%125%I NOM Automatic restartShort circuit current 105%140%105%130%I NOMs Control Pin Characteristics Gate out impedance 5050Ohms Gate in impedance 103103Ohms Gate in high threshold 66Volts Use open collectorGate in low threshold 0.650.65Volts Gate in low current 66mAs Dielectric Withstand Characteristics Input to output 3,0003,000V RMS Baseplate earthedOutput to baseplate 500500V RMS Input to baseplate 1,5001,500V RMSs Thermal Characteristics Efficiency78-88%80-90%Baseplate to sink 0.40.4°C/Watt With Vicor P/N 04308s Mechanical Specifications Weight3.0 (85) 3.0 (85)Ounces (Grams)110V, 12V and 15V outputs, standard trim range ±10%. Consult factory for wider trim range.For product compliance with agency standards please refer to pages 67 - 69.25+20Log( Vin Vout30+20Log ( VinVout20+20Log ( Vin)Rev 3 2 of 2For the latest Vicor Product Information: 。


– 何时采样由触发事件决定
– 仅当触发值为真时趋势按照预定的周期采样
Exercise 1练习 9.1
趋势模板风格 (pg9-4)
Exercise 1练习 9.2
趋势标签 显示趋势
Process Analyst过程分析
Chapter 10
趋势标签 显示趋势
显示趋势 (pg 9-1)
是示不需要激活 需要建立趋势标签
趋势标签 (pg9-2)
Variable Tag
Trend Tag
Trend Tag Files
从变量标签建立趋势标签 创建趋势页
Trend Page
Vijeo Citect 环境
– Runtime System运行系统 – 配置环境
• Citect 浏览器 • 项目编辑器 • Citect 图形编辑器 • Cicode编辑器 • Vijeo Citect 帮助
最小硬件要求 过程分析 – 高图形负荷
– One or Two Tags (ANDed)1个 或两个标签(和的关系)
– Pre-configured in CitectHMI/SCADA system在 Vijeo Citect中已经预先配置好了
– Action on Cicode program 由 Cicode 程序触发报警
什么是过程分析? 过程分析ActiveX Control 过程分析属性 在过程分析中显示数据 显示趋势 显示报警
过程分析 (pg10-2)

Z23S2445M01中文资料(AEROVOX)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

Z23S2445M01中文资料(AEROVOX)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

•单和双额定值 - 双额定值
• 专利压力灭弧符合UL810
所有AEROMET II电容都可以用时间和成本节约
EIA RS-186-3E状态测试要求.
EIA RS-186-2E湿度测试要求(TropiCAL条件).
• UL文件号E51176
• CSA文件号058450
• VDE认证可用
• 温度范围:-40〜+ 70℃.源自• 电容范围3至80μF.
• 电容公差±10%.
• 电压范围240至480 VAC,60赫兹.
• 损耗因数0.1%以下
@ 60赫兹和25℃.
• 绝缘电阻千M
• 期限至足月1.75×WVAC
• 期限到案2×WVAC + 1KVAC
• 窗式空调 • 单元式空调 • 电动汽车 • 风扇与鼓风机 • Pumps • 洗衣房设备 • 除湿机
P = Supernol(M系列) S = SuperSoy(Z系列)
电压编码 电压第一个两位数
24 = 240 V交流 33 = 330 V交流 37 = 370 V交流 44 = 440 V交流 48 = 480 V交流 60 = 600 Vac

GV60 MAX电子点燃远程控制系统用户手册说明书

GV60 MAX电子点燃远程控制系统用户手册说明书

1The GV60 MAX Electronic Ignition Remote Controlsystem is used on the Valor heatersmodels 700, 780 and 785December 2015Remote Control Initial Set-upThe receiver and the handset of the remote control sys-tem must be initially synchronized before the fi rst use.1. Insert alkaline batteries in the remote controlreceiver and handset. The receiver is located left of the control valve under the burner module.2. With a sharp object, press and hold the receiver’sreset button until you hear one short and one long beeps. Release the reset button after the second beep.3. Within the subsequent 20 seconds, press the smallfl ame button ( ) on the remote handset until you hear two short beeps con fi rming the sychronization is set.This is a one time setting only and is not required when changing the batteries in the remote receiver. The remote control system is now ready to use.GV60 MAXO PERATING I NSTRUCTIONS2When the pilot is off, it will take 2minutes before it can be lit again.TO TURN ON APPLIANCETO TURN OFF APPLIANCEFLAME HEIGHT ADJUSTMENTSTANDBY MODE (Pilot Flame)• Press and hold (small fl ame) to set appliance at pilot fl ame.• Simultaneously press the OFF and(large beep con • • • • Press OFF button.When the pilot is off, it will take 2 minutes before it can be lit again.• In standby mode: Press and hold(large fl ame) button to increasefl ame height.Remote Control OperationNOTE: Before using the remote control system for the fi rst time,the receiver and the handset must be synchronized. See the section Remote Control Initial Set-up on the previous page of this manual.Handset OverviewIMPORTANT: BEFORE YOU BEGIN, please note that on this system, the settings of time, temperature and automatic ON/OFF can only be programmed when the function display is fl ashing . Be patient when programming as it can take a few seconds to set.3SETTING THE TIMESETTING ºC/24-HOUR OR ºF/12-HOUR CLOCKMODES OF OPERATIONNOTE:Manual mode can also be reached by pressingeither the (large flame) or the (small fl ame) buttons.• Press and hold (small fl ame)button to decrease fl ame height or to set the appliance at pilot fl ame.• For fi ne adjustment tap the (large fl ame) or (small fl ame) buttons.• Double-click (small fl ame) button. “LO” will be displayed.NOTE: Flame goes to high fi re fi rst before going to designated low fi re.• In MAN mode, press OFF and(small fl ame) buttons until display changes from Farenheit/12-hour clock to Celsius/24-hour clock and vice versa.• Double-click (large fl ame)button. Flame automatically goesto high fi re. “HI” will be displayed.Express Low and High Fire- Daytime Tempera-ture Mode • - Fan Mode - Turns fan ONand OFF and adjusts fan speed.NOTE: To turn OFF fan press(small fl ame) until all 4 speed level bars disap-pear.x 2x 2TEMP TEMP TEMP4Double burner ON/OFF commands diagram at the rear of the handset- Nighttime SetbackNOTE: The display shows the set temperature every30 seconds.NOTE: 8 seconds after the fan has been set, thehandset will automatically go into temperature control mode. The fan starts 4 minutes after the gas opens (from OFF or from pilot) at maximum speed and goes to the displayed level after 10 seconds. The fan stops 10 minutes after the gas is OFF or at set at NOTE: The rear part of the double burner cannot be ac-tivated manually: it can only function with the re-mote control. However, if the battery runs down,the rear part of the burner will run according its the last operating position. During normal operation when lit with the remote control, both parts of the burner turn on regardless of the set-ting during the last use of the fi replace.- Circulating Fan - The circulating fan has 4 speed levels from low (1 bar) to high (4 bars).Rear burnerOFFRear burnerONCIRCULATING FAN OPERATION (if equipped)TO OPEN AND CLOSE DOUBLE BURNER(785 fi replace models only)TEMP TEMP5SETTING THE ON / OFF TEMPERATURESy press SET button to scroll toTEMP (sun) mode. Holdthe SET button until the TEMP Press (large fl ame) buttonto increase the Daytime SetPress (small flto decrease Daytime Set Temperature.• Press OFF or simply wait tocomplete programming.SETTING THE “DAYTIME” TEMPERATURESETTING THE “NIGHTTIME SETBACK”TEMPERATUREDefault Settings:Default Settings:Press (large increase Nighttime Setback Temperature.Press (small decrease Nighttime Setback Temperature.• Press OFF or simply wait tocomplete programming.y press SET button to scroll toTEMP (moon) mode. HoldTEMP TEMP TEMP TEMP6SETTING PROGRAM TIMERS• You can program two periods of time between 12:00 am and 11:50 pm in each 24-hour cycle.• The Programs P1 and P2 must be set in thefollowing order during a 24-hour cycle: , ,and . • The icon indicates the beginning of the period (ON) and the icon indicates the end of the period (OFF).• If = or = , the programming is cancelled.•To keep the fi replace ON all night, set at11:50 am and at 12:00 am.Default settings:Program 1: 6:00 am 8:00 amProgram 2: 11:50 pm 11:50 pm• Brie fl y press SET button to scroll toTIMER mode.• Hold the SET button until(sun) is displayed and the timefl ashes.• Brie fl y press SET button to scrollto TIMER (moon) while the time fl ashes.SETTING P1 ON TIMESETTING P2 ON TIME• Brie fl y press SET to scroll to TIMER mode(sun) while the time fl ashes.• Follow the instructions given to set P1 ON time.SETTING P2 OFF TIME• Brie fl y press SET to scroll to TIMER mode (moon) while the time fl ashes.• Follow the instructions given to set P1 OFF time.Press OFF button to save these settings. The timers are programmed. See the diagram on programming sequences on the following page.If you want to program only one period, program and with desired times and program and with the same time as .SETTING P1 OFF TIMEP1P1P1P1P1P1P2P2P2P2P2P2P1P1P1P1P1P1P2P2P2P2P27AUTOMATIC TURN DOWNAUTOMATIC SHUT OFFLOW BATTERY INDICATIONHANDSET / RECEIVER MATCHRemote handset:The battery icon will show when the battery needs to be replaced.Replace with one 9 V alkaline battery.Receiver: Frequent beeps for 3 seconds when the motor turns indicate the batteries need to be replaced. Replace with four 1.5 V alkaline batteries.The remote control handset and receiver are program-med to function together. In case of a replacement of the handset or the receiver, you will need to reset the receiver to allow them to function together. Contact your dealer for details.• No communication. If there is no communication between the receiver and the handset for a period of 6 hours, the appliance goes into pilot mode.• No change in fl ame height. If there is no change in fl ame height for a period of 6 hours, the appliance goes into pilot mode.NOTE: In TEMP or TIMER modes, the fl ame height will vary according to room temperature. The appli-ance will continue to work normally. However, if the room temperature remains the same for 6 hours, the appliance will go into pilot mode.• Low batteries in the receiver. With low batterypower in the receiver the system shuts off completely.NOTE: This does not apply when the power supply is interrupted.• No change in pilot. The appliance shuts offcompletely when it is continually in pilot position—without any change—for a period of 5 days.Miles Industries Ltd.190–2255 Dollarton Highway, North Vancouver, BC, CANADA V7H 3B1Tel. 604-984-3496 Fax 604-984-0246www.valor fi Because our policy is one of constant development and improvement, details may vary slightly from those given in this publication.。

DeltaV MX Controller 产品数据册说明书

DeltaV MX Controller 产品数据册说明书
2 X the control capacity
2 X user-configurable memory
2 X the DST count
Late changes. You can easily upgrade an MQ controller to an MX to handle project scope changes late in the project. The MX installs in the same footprint as the MQ Controllers but delivers twice the performance. Simply replace the MQ with the MX and all existing configuration, documentation and hardware design remain the same — forgiving.
Easy to use
Powerful control. The DeltaV controllers manage all control activities for the I/O interface channels as well as all the communication functions to the area control network. Continuous control function block diagrams, sequential function charts and phase logic provide powerful control structures that are further augmented by user-defined structured text algorithms. Time stamping for alarms and events is performed in the controller for accurate sequence of event recording. The controller executes your control strategy as fast as every 100 ms, and can communicate up to 4000 exception values per second. Data protection. All online changes made to control parameters are automatically stored for later upload into the engineering database. This way, the system always retains a complete record of all the data that has been changed online. Cold restart. This feature provides automatic restart of the controller in case of a power failure. The restart is completely autonomous because the entire control strategy is stored in NVM RAM of the controller for this purpose. Simply set the restart state of the controller to current conditions.



12 1-800-735-620070Converter Selection ChartVI-2Mechanical DrawingFeaturess Up to 50W/Cubic Inchs UL, CSA, TÜV, VDE, BABT, AUSTELs Up to 90% Efficiency s Size: 4.6" x 2.4" x 0.5"(116,8 x 61,0 x 12,7)s Remote Sense and Current Limit s OVP, Thermal Shutdown s Logic Disables Wide Range Output Adjusts Compatible Power Booster Modules s ZCS Power Architecture s Low Noise FM Control s CE MarkedVI-200DC-DC Converters 50 to 200 WattsProduct HighlightsThe VI-200 Family, with over 8 millionshipped, is Vicor’s first generation of“zero-current-switching” component-level DC-DC converters.Operating at frequencies up to 2 MHz, VI-200 Family Converters offerexceptional power density, efficiency,noise performance, reliability and ease of use. Power Boosters provide a simple, cost effective, off-the-shelf solution for higher power output requirements. One or more boosters may be used to create synchronous arrays capable of supplying several kilowatts of output power.The flexibility of Vicor’s power components is also available in half-size, half-power VI-J00 MiniMods. (pg. 72)Packaging OptionsSlimMods™, high power density,flangeless packages and FinMods™,featuring integral finned heatsinks.SlimMod: Option suffix: - S Example: VI - 2XX - XX - SFinMod: Option suffix: - F1and - F2Examples:VI - 2XX - XX -F1, 0.75" height VI - 2XX - XX -F2, 1.00" heightMax. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs< 5V Outputs(1)75W 75W 15A (2)150W 150W 30A (3)100W100W20A* Brownout 75% of rated load; transient voltage for 1 second.Max. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs(4)200W 200W 40A (5)150W 200W 40A (6)75W100W20ARev 3 1 of 2For the latest Vicor Product Information: 12 1-800-735-620071VI-200 E-GradeVI-200 C-, I-, M-Grade PARAMETERMIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.UNITSTEST CONDITIONSs Input Characteristics Inrush charge120x10-6120x10-6200x10-6CoulombsNominal lineInput reflected ripple current – pp 10%10%I INNominal line, full load Input ripple rejectiondB 120 Hz, nominal line dB 2400 Hz, nominal lineNo load power dissipation 1.3521.352Wattss Output Characteristics Setpoint accuracy 1%2%0.5%1%V NOM Load/line regulation 0.5%0.05%0.2%V NOM LL to HL, 10% to Full Load Load/line regulation 1%0.2%0.5%V NOM LL to HL, No Load to 10%Output temperature drift / °C Over rated temp.Long term drift 0.020.02%/1K hoursOutput ripple - pp: 2V, 3.3V 150 mV 60 mV 100 mV 20 MHz bandwidth 5V 5%2%3%20 MHz bandwidth 10-48V 3%0.75%1.5%20 MHz bandwidth Trim range 150%110%50%110%Total remote sense compensation 0.50.5Volts 0.25V max. neg. leg OVP set point 125%2115%125%2135%V NOM Recycle power Current limit105%135%105%125%I NOM Automatic restartShort circuit current 320%140%20%130%I NOMs Control Pin Characteristics Gate out impedance 5050Ohms Gate in impedance103103Ohms Gate in open circuit voltage 66Volts Use open collectorGate in low threshold 0.650.65Volts Gate in low current 66mAPower sharing accuracy 0.951.050.951.05s Dielectric Withstand Characteristics Input to output 3,0003,000V RMS Baseplate earthedOutput to baseplate 500500V RMS Input to baseplate 1,5001,500V RMSs Thermal Characteristics Efficiency78-88%80-90%Baseplate to sink 0.20.2°C/Watt With Vicor P/N 01777Thermal shutdown 490951059095105°CCool and recycle power (Drivers only)to restarts Mechanical Specifications Weight6.0 (170) 6.0 (170)Ounces (Grams)110V, 12V and 15V outputs, standard trim range ±10%. Consult factory for wider trim range. 2131% nominal for booster modules.3Output voltages of 3.3V or 5V incorporate foldback current limiting; all other outputs provide constant current limiting.4No overtemp protection in booster modules.Converter Specifications(typical at T BP =25°C, nominal line and 75% load, unless otherwise specified)25+20Log ( Vin)Vout30+20Log ( Vin)Vout20+20Log ( Vin)Rev 3 2 of 2For the latest Vicor Product Information: 。



12 1-800-735-6200Features■250W, 500W, 750W, 115/230Vac Strappable Single-Phase■ 1.5, 3, 5 kW, 208Vac Three-Phase ■20-50 mS Holdup■UL, CSA, TÜV, VDE, BABT ■FCC/VDE Class B (single-phase)■FCC/VDE Class A (three-phase)■BUS OK, AC OK, DC OK Status Signal■96-98% Efficiency ■PC and Chassis Mount■VI-26X, VI-J6X Series Compatible ■CE MarkedProduct HighlightsFrom AC line in, to highly regulated DC out, Vicor offers the total design solution through a complete family of off-line front end and DC-DC modular power components.Vicor’s family of off-line front ends interface VI-260 and VI-J60 series DC-DC converters, and MegaMods, to 100, 115, 230 or 240Vac single-phase and 208Vac three-phase mains. In addition,front ends provide conducted EMI/RFI filtering to FCC/VDE (Class B single-phase, Class A three-phase), transient surge protection, active inrush limiting, a BUS OK status output (suitable for controlling Vicor DC-DC convertermodules via their Gate In pin) and an AC OK status output for system use in the event of loss of the AC line.Operating Temperature(Free Convection)C: 0°C to +50°C (750W: +45°C)I: -20°C to +50°C (750W: +45°C)Storage Temperature-40°C to +80°COff-Line Front EndsSingle or Three Phase StrappableFront End Specifications:(typical at T = 25˚C, nominal line, 75% load, unless otherwise specified)Rev 1 1 of 2107Rev 1 2 of 2For the latest Vicor Product Information: 12 1-800-735-6200INPUTOUTPUTFUSES 2,3,4...n: 3A/250V BUSSMAN PC-TRON750W — FUSE 1: 15A/250V BUSSMAN ABC-15,LITTLEFUSE 314-015FUSES 2,3,4...n: 3A/250V BUSSMAN PC-TRONFront End Selection ChartFront End Connection DiagramMounting Output Power (Watts)Model PC Chassis 250500750Single Phase VI-FPE6-CUX ■■VI-FKE6-CUX ■■VI-FPE6-CQX ■■VI-FKE6-CQX ■■VI-FPE6-CMX ■■VI-FKE6-CMX ■■Three Phase1,5003,0005,000VI-TKY6-CHX ■■VI-TKY6-CEX ■■VI-TRY6-CCX■■Notes:1.If input power is applied with the DC output BUS shorted, the active inrush circuitry will usually prevent Fuse 1 from blowing. Remove power, clear shorts, wait a few minutes and reapply input power.2.If unit is strapped for 115V operation and 230V is applied, the internal overvoltage crowbar will clear Fuse 1. Replace fuse, strap correctly and reapply power.3.To control EMI/RFI most effectively, the return path to earth ground from either the front end ormodules should be made via a good RF ground. User must assure proper grounding for safe operation.500400300200100Airflow (LFM)6004080706050500400300200100Airflow (LFM)A m b i e n t T e m p e r a t u r e °C6004080706050600500400300200100Airflow (LFM)A m b i e n t T e m p e r a t u r e °C500W750W。



Page 1 of 4
Comparison of Input to Output Ripple (typical)
Attenuation Frequency (typical)
Input to the converter 10 V/cm
25 db 30 db 35 db 40 db 45 db 50 db 55 db 60 db
Isolation Size
500VRMS 2.28" x 2.4" x 0.5"
Input/Output to baseplate SlimMod and FinMod
(57,9 x 61,0 x 12,7)
packages available
E,C-Grade I,M-Grade
DC Voltage Drop: Below full load, the input to output DC Voltage Drop is controlled to be an essentially constant voltage which appears between the –IN and –OUT terminals. In overload the DC voltage drop will rise as current increases. A few tens of millivolts appears between the +IN and +OUT terminals. Care should be taken not to connect IN and OUT terminals (i.e. through scope probe returns, grounds, etc.), as attenuation will be adversely affected.



VLZ-SeriesDocument Number 81759Rev. 1.0, 15-Aug-07Vishay Semiconductors19612009Small Signal Zener DiodesFeatures•Very sharp reverse characteristic •Low reverse current level•Very high stability•L ownoise •High reliability•Lead (Pb)-free component•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECApplications•Voltage stabilizationMechanical DataCase: QuadroMELF glass case SOD80Weight: approx. 34 mgCathode band color: black Packaging codes/options:GS18/10 k per 13" reel (8 mm tape), 10 k/box GS08/2.5 k per 7" reel (8 mm tape), 12.5 k/boxAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedThermal CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedElectrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedParameterT est condition Symbol Value Unit Power dissipation R thJA ≤ 300 K/WP tot 500mW Z-currentI Z P tot /V Z mA Junction temperature T j 175°C Storage temperature rangeT stg- 65 to + 175°CParameter T est conditionSymbol Value Unit Junction to ambient airon PC board 50 mm x 50 mm x 1.6 mmR thJA500K/WParameterT est condition Symbol MinT yp.Max Unit Forward voltageI F = 200 mAV F1.5V 2Document Number 81759Rev. 1.0, 15-Aug-07VLZ-Series Vishay SemiconductorsElectrical CharacteristicsPart-number-groupPart-numberZener Voltage Dynamic Resistance Test Current Reverse Leakage Current V Z at I ZT Z Z at I ZT Z ZK at I ZK I ZT I ZK I R at V R V VΩΩmA mAµA Vmin max max max maxVLZ2V4VLZ2V4A 2.33 2.521002********* VLZ2V4B 2.43 2.631002*********VLZ2V7VLZ2V7A 2.54 2.751001000201501 VLZ2V7B 2.69 2.911001000201501VLZ3V0VLZ3V0A 2.85 3.07801000201501 VLZ3V0B 3.01 3.22801000201101VLZ3V3VLZ3V3A 3.16 3.38701000201101 VLZ3V3B 3.32 3.53701000201101VLZ3V6VLZ3V6A 3.455 3.69560100020151 VLZ3V6B 3.6 3.84560100020151VLZ3V9VLZ3V9A 3.74 4.0150100020131 VLZ3V9B 3.89 4.1650100020131VLZ4V3VLZ4V3A 4.04 4.2940100020131 VLZ4V3B 4.17 4.4340100020131 VLZ4V3C 4.3 4.5740100020131VLZ4V7VLZ4V7A 4.44 4.6825900201102 VLZ4V7B 4.55 4.82590020162 VLZ4V7C 4.68 4.932590020132VLZ5V1VLZ5V1A 4.81 5.072080020122 VLZ5V1B 4.94 5.22080020122 VLZ5V1C 5.09 5.372080020122VLZ5V6VLZ5V6A 5.28 5.551350020112 VLZ5V6B 5.45 5.731350020112 VLZ5V6C 5.61 5.911350020112VLZ6V2VLZ6V2A 5.78 6.0910******** VLZ6V2B 5.96 6.271030020134 VLZ6V2C 6.12 6.441030020134VLZ6V8VLZ6V8A 6.29 6.638150200.524 VLZ6V8B 6.49 6.838150200.524 VLZ6V8C 6.667.018150200.524VLZ7V5VLZ7V5A 6.857.228120200.53 6.5 VLZ7V5B7.077.458120200.53 6.73 VLZ7V5C7.297.678120200.53 6.93VLZ8V2VLZ8V2A7.537.928120200.57.57.15 VLZ8V2B7.788.198120200.57.57.39 VLZ8V2C8.038.458120200.57.57.63VLZ9V1VLZ9V1A8.298.738120200.50.047.88 VLZ9V1B8.579.018120200.50.048.14 VLZ9V1C8.839.38120200.50.048.39VLZ10VLZ10A9.129.598120200.50.048.66 VLZ10B9.419.98120200.50.048.94 VLZ10C9.710.28120200.50.049.22 VLZ10D9.9410.448120200.50.049.44VLZ11VLZ11A10.1810.7110120100.50.049.67 VLZ11B10.511.0510120100.50.049.98 VLZ11C10.8211.3810120100.50.0410.28VLZ-SeriesDocument Number 81759Rev. 1.0, 15-Aug-07Vishay Semiconductors3VLZ12VLZ12A11.1311.7112110100.50.0410.6VLZ12B 11.4412.0312110100.50.0410.9VLZ12C 11.7412.3512110100.50.0411.2VLZ13VLZ13A12.1112.7514110100.50.0411.5VLZ13B 12.5513.2114110100.50.0411.9VLZ13C 12.9913.6614110100.50.0412.3VLZ15VLZ15A13.4414.1316110100.50.0412.8VLZ15B 13.8914.6216110100.50.0413.2VLZ15C 14.3515.0916110100.50.0413.6VLZ16VLZ16A14.815.5718150100.50.0414.1VLZ16B 15.2516.0418150100.50.0414.5VLZ16C 15.6916.5118150100.50.0414.9VLZ18VLZ18A16.2217.0623150100.50.0415.4VLZ18B 16.8217.723150100.50.0416VLZ18C 17.4218.3323150100.50.0416.5VLZ20VLZ20A18.0218.9628200100.50.0417.1VLZ20B 18.6319.5928200100.50.0417.7VLZ20C 19.2320.2228200100.50.0418.3VLZ20D 19.7220.7228200100.50.0418.7VLZ22VLZ22A20.1521.23020050.50.0419.1VLZ22B 20.6421.713020050.50.0419.6VLZ22C 21.0822.173020050.50.0420VLZ22D 21.5222.633020050.50.0420.4VLZ24VLZ24A22.0523.183520050.50.0420.9VLZ24B 22.6123.773520050.50.0421.5VLZ24C 23.1224.313520050.50.0422VLZ24D 23.6324.853520050.50.0422.4VLZ27VLZ27A24.2625.524525050.50.0423VLZ27B 24.9726.264525050.50.0423.7VLZ27C 25.6326.954525050.50.0424.3VLZ27D 26.2927.644525050.50.0425VLZ30VLZ30A26.9928.395525050.50.0425.6VLZ30B 27.729.135525050.50.0426.3VLZ30C 28.3629.825525050.50.0426.9VLZ30D 29.0230.515525050.50.0427.6VLZ33VLZ33A29.6831.226525050.50.0428.2VLZ33B 30.3231.886525050.50.0428.8VLZ33C 30.932.56525050.50.0429.4VLZ33D 31.4933.116525050.50.0429.9VLZ36VLZ36A32.1433.797525050.50.0430.5VLZ36B 32.7934.497525050.50.0431.2VLZ36C 33.435.137525050.50.0431.7VLZ36D34.0135.777525050.50.0432.3Part-number-groupPart-number Zener VoltageDynamic Resistance T est Current Reverse Leakage CurrentV Z at I ZT Z Z at I ZTZ ZK at I ZKI ZT I ZK I R at V RV V ΩΩmAmAµA Vmin max max max max 4Document Number 81759Rev. 1.0, 15-Aug-07VLZ-SeriesVishay SemiconductorsTypical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedVLZ39VLZ39A 34.6836.478525050.50.0432.9VLZ39B 35.3637.198525050.50.0433.6VLZ39C3637.858525050.50.0434.2VLZ39D 36.6338.528525050.50.0434.8VLZ39E 37.3639.298525050.50.0435.5VLZ39F 38.1440.118525050.50.0436.2VLZ39G38.9440.88525050.50.0437VLZ43VLZ43404590-5-0.0438VLZ47VLZ47444990-5-0.0441.8VLZ51VLZ514854100-5-0.0445.6VLZ56VLZ565360100-5-0.0450.4Part-number-groupPart-number Zener VoltageDynamic Resistance Test Current Reverse Leakage CurrentV Z at I ZT Z Z at I ZTZ ZK at I ZKI ZT I ZK I R at V RV V ΩΩmAmAµA Vmin max max max max Figure 1. Total Power Dissipation vs. Ambient TemperatureFigure 2. Typical Change of Working Voltage under OperatingConditions at T amb = 25°C1201600100300400500600P t o t- T o t a l P o w e r D i s s i p a t i on (m W )T am b - Am b ient Temperat u re (°C)20095 96022008040101520110V Z - V o l t a g e C h a n g e (m V )V Z - Z-V oltage (V )2595 959805Figure 3. Typical Change of Working Voltage vs.Junction TemperatureFigure 4. Temperature Coefficient of Vz vs. Z-Voltage- 60601201800. Z t n - R e l a t i v e V o l t a g e C h a n g eT j - J u nction Temperat u re (°C)95 9599305V Z - Z-V oltage (V )5095 96004010200T K V Z - T e m p e r a t u r e C o e f f i c i e n t o f V Z (10-4/K )VLZ-SeriesDocument Number 81759Rev. 1.0, 15-Aug-07Vishay Semiconductors5Figure 5. Diode Capacitance vs. Z-Voltage Figure 6. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Figure 7. Z-Current vs. Z-Voltage1015C D - D i o d e C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )V Z - Z-V oltage (V )95 960120500. 1.095 9605I F - F o r w a r d C u r r en t (m A )V F - For w ard V oltage (V )895 9604020*********I Z - Z -C u r r e n t (m A )46V Z - Z-V oltage (V )Figure 8. Z-Current vs. Z-VoltageFigure 9. Differential Z-Resistance vs. Z-Voltage152025300I Z- Z -C u r r e n t (m A )V Z - Z-V oltage (V )95 96070510152011010095 9606V Z - Z-V oltage (V )r Z - D i f f e r e n t i a l Z -R e s i s t a n c e (Ω) 6Document Number 81759Rev. 1.0, 15-Aug-07VLZ-SeriesVishay SemiconductorsPackage Dimensions in millimeters (inches): QuadroMELF SOD80Figure 10. Thermal ResponseZ t h p - T h e r m a l R e s i s t a n c e f o r P u l s e C o n d . (K W )t P - P u lse Length (ms)95 960310-1100101102VLZ-SeriesDocument Number 81759Rev. 1.0, 15-Aug-07Vishay Semiconductors7Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the L ondon Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associatedwith such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyDocument Number: 91000Revision: 18-Jul-081DisclaimerLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。

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MARKVI培训教材 -中英文-2011年10月10日

MARKVI培训教材 -中英文-2011年10月10日

Nigeria Omotoshi 4×9E Simple-Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant ProjectSPEEDTRONIC™MARK VI TRAINING MANUALCONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION (2)1. 概述 (2)2. CONTROL SYSTEM HISTORY (3)2. 控制器的发展历史 (3)3. CONTROL SYSTEM FUNCTIONS (6)3. 控制系统功能 (6)4. Gas turbine GEN. set protective (20)4. 燃机发电机组的保护 (20)5. SPEEDTRONIC MARK VI ARCHITECTUR (23)5. SPEEDTRONIC MARK VI 配置 (23)6. Network (58)6. 网络 (58)1. INTRODUCTION1. 概述The SPEEDTRONIC TM Mark VI Gas Turbine Control System is the latest derivative in the highly successful SPEEDTRONIC TM series. Preceding systems were based on automated turbine control, protection and sequencing techniques dating back to the late 1940s. The main functions of the MARK VI turbine control system are as follows:SPEEDTRONIC TM Mark VI燃机控制系统是最新推出的、最成功的SPEEDTRONIC TM系列的过程控制系统。


Victron GX产品系列介绍说明书

Victron GX产品系列介绍说明书

Victron GX product rangeIntroductionGX products are Victron's state-of-the-art monitoring solution. The family consists of the different GX products, and their accessories.The GX-device lies at the heart of the system - providing monitoring, and operating as the communication-centre of your installation. All the other system-components - such asinverter/chargers, solar chargers, and batteries - are connected to it. Monitoring can be carried out locally and remotely - via our free-to-use Victron Remote Management portal (VRM). The GX-device also provides Remote firmware updates and allows inverter/charger settings to be changed remotely.The GX Family consists of these models:Cerbo GX - Our newly released GX product.Color Control GX - Our first released GX product, the CCGX has a display and buttons.Venus GX - The Venus GX has more analog and digital IO, no LCD and is more cost effectivethan the CCGX.CANvu GX - The CANvu GX is best for harsh environments - when its IP67 rating and touch LCD is a must.Octo GX - The Octo GX is particularly suited to medium size installations which have many MPPT Solar Chargers, as it has 10 VE.Direct ports.Maxi GX - Compared to the other GX devices, the Maxi GX has most CPU power and mostVE.Direct ports: 25. This is the GX device to use for large systems with many VE.Direct MPPT Solar Chargers.Lastly, there is a GX device built into our MultiPlus-II GX and EasySolar-II GX Inverter/chargers. Available accessoriesGX Touch 50 - Touch screen display accessory for the Cerbo GXGX GSM - A cellular modem. It connects to GX device via USB, and takes a simcardWiFi USB sticksEnergy Meters - Measures PV Inverter Output where PV Inverters cannot be read-out directly.Also used as a grid meter in an Energy Storage System (ESS).VE.Can resistive tank sender adapter Allows a standard resistive tank-level sender to beconnected to the GX device.Comparison tableAppearanceDisplayGX Touch 50optional touchdisplay (16)800×480480 x 272 LCDDisplay & 7buttonsno display no display4.3“ touch-screen2×16 character displayRemote Console yesBuzzer yes yes yes no yes no Documentation Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGX Manual Cerbo GX manual CCGX manual VGX manual OGX manual CANvu manualMaxi GXmanualMultiPlus-IIGX manual Product detailpagepage page page page page page pageVictron comm.portsCerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX(12)Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGX VE.Direct ports(always isolated) 3(1) 2 (1)10 (1) 3 (1)251 VE.Bus(always isolated)2 paralleled RJ45 sockets 1 RJ45 socket2 paralleledRJ45 sockets VE.Can yes - non isolated 2 paralleled RJ45 sockets – isolated no (14)OthercommunicationCerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGX USB 3 USB Host ports 2 USB Host ports 1 USB Host portEthernet10/100 RJ45 socket - isolated except shield1 port.isolation?(12)10/100 RJ45 socket WiFi built-in optional (2)built-in, butsee (3)built-in,externalantenna (11)optional (2)no built-inBluetooth Smart yes (17)noMicro SDcardslot SDHC cards up to max. of 32GB.(5)no yes no Second CAN-busport(also featuresBMS-Can (18))no noyes - non-isolatedyes - non-isolatedno no no BMS-Can port (15)yes no yes (14)Built-in RS485no no noyes - non-isolatedno noIO Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX(12)Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGX Programmablerelay (7)2 x NO/NC (8) 1 x NO 1 x NO/NC (8)1x NO / NC2x NO / NC (8)n/a Resistive tanklevel inputs 4(9)no 3 (9)noTemperaturesense inputs 4(10)no 2 (10)noDigital Inputs4no5314noThird party compatibility Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGXCanbus-BMSbatteriesMany battery brands. See here for details Fronius PVInvertersSee here for detailsSMA PV Inverters See here for detailsABB PV Inverters See here for detailsSolarEdge PVInvertersSee here for detailsMarine MFD AppSupportGeneric MFD Manual, Navico, Garmin, RaymarinePerformance Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GX MultiPlus-IIGX and EasySolar-IIGXCPU dual core single core quad core RAM1GB256MB512MB512MB256MB512MB512MB Max. VE.Directdevices (1)tbd - 15 orso561042525Other Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GX MultiPlus-IIGX and EasySolar-IIGXSupply voltage8 - 70 VDC8 - 32 VDC32 - 70 VDCpowered internally, no externalsupplyMounting Wall or DIN rail(35mm)(19)PanelIntegrationWall mountingDIN Rail(35mm)PanelWall mountIP65Built-inOuter dimensions ( h x w x d )78 x 154 x 48mm130 x 120 x 28mm45 x 143 x 96mm61 x 108 x 90mm?600 x 380 x210 mmOperatingtemperature-20 to +50°C-20 to +70°C-20 to +50°C Batterybackupped clockyes no yes yes 5V output no 1 A (13)noStandards Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GX MultiPlus-IIGX and EasySolar-IIGXSafety tbd EN 60950???EMC tbd EN 61000-6-3, EN 55014-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-1, EN 55014-2 Automotive tbd E4-10R-053535In progress??noNotesThe listed maximum on the `Performance` section in above table is the total connected 1.VE.Direct devices such as MPPT Solar Charge controllers. Total means all directly connected devices plus the devices connected over USB. The limit is mostly bound by CPU processing power. Note that there is also a limit to the other type of devices of which often multiple areconnected: PV Inverters. Up to three or four three phase inverters can typically be monitored ona CCGX. Higher power CPU devices can monitor more.2.Though the CCGX has no built-in WiFi that functionality can easily be added by attaching a USB-WiFi dongle. See CCGX Manual, section 1.4.2 for details.3.The built-in WiFi in the Venus GX has a very low signal strength - unfortunately. It is strong enough to connect to a phone, tablet or laptop in order to access setup and monitoring. But to connect the Venus GX to the internet either use the built-in Ethernet port or add a USB-WiFi dongle. See CCGX Manual, section 1.4.2 for details. Make sure the Venus GX is running v2.06 or later - early shipments of Venus GX units ran v2.05.4.The hardware of the Venus GX and Octo GX includes a built-in Bluetooth Smart chipset which hasn't proved satisfactory. Bluetooth Smart for GX devices is coming soon but will not use built-in chipsets.5.Larger SD memory cards (SDXC) are not supported. SD cards can be used for two purposes: 1.Logging data, see this section in the ccgx manual for details.2.Updating firmware, see this section in the ccgx manual for detials.6.The second CANbus port is accessible via the GND, CAN-H and CAN-L terminals. Note that the port is not Isolated. See Settings → Services for configuring that port.7.The programmable relay can be set to act as an alarm relay, automatic genset start stop, or an on/off switch, and is controlled via the GUI and/or ModbusTCP.8.In the Venus GX hardware there are two relays - at present only one of them is available for use.The tank level inputs are resistive and should be connected to a resistive tank sender. Victron 9.does not supply tank senders. The tank level ports can each be configured to work with either European (0 - 180 Ohm); or US tank senders (240 - 30 Ohm).The Cerbo GX has four temperature terminals, and the Venus GX has two. They can be used to 10.measure & monitor all kinds of temperature-inputs. Temperature senders are not included. The required sensor is ASS000001000 - Temperature Sensor QUA/PMP/Venus GX. (Note that this is not the same as the BMV temperature accessory.)11.Octo GX comes with a small Wifi antenna. You may remove and replace it with any other Wifiantenna having an RP-SMA connector.12.Requires the CANvu GX IO Extender and wiring kit13.The 5V output on the Venus GX can be used to power, for example, a USB hub. Note that its output is not current limited or otherwise protected, and it shares the internal power supply in the Venus GX: overdrawing from it will result in shutdown(s) of the Venus GX. It isrecommended to install a fuse for prevention.14.Though some early batches of the Maxi GX, MultiPlus-II GX and EasySolar-II GX all have a dual set of RJ-45 sockets labelled VE.Can, this port is actually a BMS-Can port. It can only be used to connected to managed batteries such as Freedomwon, BYD, Pylontech, BlueNova, MG Energy Systems and others, at 500kbps. The hardware does not meet the requirements for a VE.Can port; and thus it is not possible to use to port to connect Victron products such as theSmartSolar VE.Can MPPT product range. Note that for a while Venus OS firmware did allow to select the VE.Can function and other baudrates. The result will be unreliable, and therefor they have been updated to lock into BMS-Can only at 500kbps.15.A BMS-Can port is a port dedicated to be used for connecting managed batteries, such asFreedomwon, BYD, Pylontech, BlueNova, MG Energy Systems and others, only. It is not possible to connect Victron VE.Can products to that port. To connect such managed battery, use our special cables, and see documentation here. Connect the side labelled 'VE.Can' into the BMS-Can/VE.Can port on the GX Device. And connect the other side to the battery. The baudrate of a BMS-Can port is fixed to 500kbps.16.The GX Touch 50 connects to the Cerbo GX using a single cable; fixed permanently to the GX Touch 50, which on the other end splits into a USB and a connector for the video signal. Bothneed to be inserted into the Cerbo GX, taking one of the three USB ports. The USB part of the cable is used to power the GX Touch 50. The cable is 2 meters in length; and can not beextended in length.17.The Bluetooth feature of the Cerbo GX allows to configure its WiFi and Ethernet settings from within VictronConnect.18.The secondary CAN port, available on some GX devices as per table above, can be configured to be used as a BMS-Can port, as well as other profiles. For details, see manual.DIN rail mounting requires additional accessory - DIN35 Adapter.19.。

莫萨VPort 36-1MP系列 rugged HD日夜箱型H.264IP摄像头说明书

莫萨VPort 36-1MP系列 rugged HD日夜箱型H.264IP摄像头说明书

VPort 36-1MP SeriesSpecificationsRugged Design Convenient InstallationSuperb Video QualityHigh Video Performance and Network SecurityThe VPort 36-1MP series is the world’s first rugged IP camera thatcan operate reliably in temperatures ranging from -40 to 75°C, withouta heater or cooling fan.The VPort 36-1MP is a unique and competitive camera in the IP CCTVmarket, with features such as high EMI/surge protection, optional IP66housing for rain/dust protection, and -40 to 75°C operation without aheater or cooling fan. The camera is available with PoE (Power overEthernet, 802.3af) or wire power input supporting 12/24 VDC or 24VAC.The VPort 36-1MP series is designed to be compatible with C/CSmount lenses to meet any viewing angle and distance requirement.With a built-in, removable IR-cut filter and automatic color modeswitching, the VPort 36-1MP series is suitable for either day ornight use. Highly-tuned ROI (Regions of Interest), and WDR (WideDynamic Range) functions enable the VPort 36-1MP series to produceexceptionally clear images.The VPort 36-1MP can encode analog video into both H.264 andMJPEG video streams and can transmit up to 3 independent videostreams (2 in H.264, and 1 in MJPEG) simultaneously. Advanced videoencoding technology enables the camera to support up to 30 FPS foreach of the H.264 and MJPEG streams.CameraSensor: 1/2.7” HD progressive scan CMOSLens: Designed for C/CS mount lens (lens not included)Auto Iris Type: DC driveIllumination (low light sensitvity):• Color: 0.2 lux at F1.2• B/W: 0.05 lux at F1.2White Balance: ATW/AWB (range: 3200 to 10000°K)Dynamic Range:• Color: 100 dB• B/W: 110 dBS/N Ratio:ICR Control:DNR:WDR: Levels 1-8AGC Control:Auto Exposure:Image Rotation:Image Setting: Manual tuning with saturation, sharpness, and contrastVideoVideo Compression: H.264 (ISO/IEC 14496-10) or MJPEGVideo Outputs: EthernetVideo Streams: Up to 3 video streams (2 x H.264 and 1 x MJPEG)• Stream 1: H.264, 1280 x 800 resolution (max.)• Stream 2: H.264, 720 x 480 resolution (max.)• Stream 3: MJPEG, 720 x 480 resolution (max.)Note: Streams 2 and 3 must be at the same resolution.Video Viewing:• DynaStream™ supported for automatic adjustment of frame rate• 3 privacy mask areas provided• Adjustable image size and quality• Timestamp and text overlay• Maximum of 5 simultaneous unicast connectionsPTZ: Digital PTZ with 4X zoomNetworkProtocols: TCP, UDP, HTTP, SMTP, FTP, Telnet, NTP, DNS, DHCP,UPnP, RTP, RTSP, ICMP, IGMPv3, QoS, SNMPv1/v2c/v3, DDNS,Modbus/TCP, 802.1X, SSH/SSLEthernet: 1 10/100BaseT(X) Ethernet port, RJ45 connectorSerial InterfaceRS-485: 1 half-duplex RS-485GPIODigital Inputs: 1, max. 8 mALow: +13 to +30 V; High: -30 to +3 VRelay Output: 1, max. 24 VDC @ 1 ALED IndicatorsSTAT: Indicates if the system is booted properly or notNetwork: 10 Mbps or 100 MbpsPower: Power on/offLocal StorageSD Socket: Standard SD socket (SDHC)Power RequirementsInput:• Power consumption: 7.5 W• Redundant power inputs• 12/24 VDC, 24 VAC, or Power-over-Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af)Physical CharacteristicsCamera Body Housing: Metal, IP30 protectionDimensions:• Camera Body: 78 x 65 x 150 mm• Outdoor Housing: 134 (diam.) x 318 (L) mm• Wallmounting Bracket: 205 mm (L)Weight: 670 gInstallation: Wall mounting, pole mounting, corner mountingNote: Optional external housing and mounting accessories may be required.AlarmsIntelligent Video: Camera tamper, virtual fence, alert zone, missingobject, unattended objectNote: IVA functions are optional except for camera tamper.Video Motion Detection: 3 independently configurable motion areasScheduling: Daily repeat timing scheduleImaging: JPEG snapshots for pre/trigger/post alarm imagesVideo Recording: Event recordings stored on the SD cardCustom Alarms: HTTP event servers for setting customized alarmactionsEmail/FTP Messaging: Automatic transfer of stored images via emailor FTP as event-triggered actionsPre-alarm Buffer: 24 MB video buffer for JPEG snapshot imagesSecurityPassword: User level password protectionFiltering: By IP addressAuthentication: 802.1XEncryption: HTTPS, SSHEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature:Standard Models: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)Wide Temp. Models: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% (non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsSafety: UL 60950-1Hazardous Location: UL/cUL Class I Division 2 Groups A/B/C/D, ATEXZone 2 Ex nCnAnL IIC T4EMI: FCC Part 15, CISPR (EN 55022) Class AEMS:EN 61000-4-2 (ESD), Level 3,EN 61000-4-3 (RS), Level 3,EN 61000-4-4 (EFT), Level 3,EN 61000-4-5 (Surge), Level 3,EN 61000-4-6 (CS), Level 3,EN 61000-4-8,EN 61000-4-11Shock: IEC 60068-2-27Freefall: IEC 60068-2-32Vibration: IEC 60068-2-6Traffic Control: NEMA TS2Rail Traffic: EN 50121-4Note: Please check Moxa’s website for the most up-to-date certification status.MTBF (mean time between failures)Time: 541,826 hoursDatabase: Telcordia (Bellcore), GB 25°CWarrantyWarranty Period: 5 yearsDetails: See /warrantyMinimum Viewing System RequirementsCPU: Pentium 4, 2.4 GHzMemory: 512 MB of memoryOS: Windows XP/2000 with SP4 or above, Windows Vista, Windows 7Browser: Internet Explorer 6.x or aboveMultimedia: DirectX 9.0c or aboveSoftware Development KitVPort SDK PLUS: Includes CGI commands, ActiveX Control, and APIlibrary for customized applications or system integration for third-partydevelopers (latest version available on Moxa website).Standard: ONVIFAvailable ModelsVPort 36-1MP: H.264/MJPEG fixed box IP camera, 12/24 VDC or 24 VAC power input or Power-over-Ethernet, 0 to 60°C operating temperature VPort 36-1MP-T: H.264/MJPEG fixed box IP camera, 12/24 VDC or 24 VAC power input or Power-over-Ethernet, -40 to 75°C operating temperature VPort 36-1MP-IVA: H.264/MJPEG fixed box IP camera, 12/24 VDC or 24 VAC power input or Power-over-Ethernet, 0 to 60°C operating temperature, 1 IVA licenseVPort 36-1MP-IVA-T: H.264/MJPEG fixed box IP camera, 12/24 VDC or 24 VAC power input or Power-over-Ethernet, -40 to 75°C operating temperature, 1 IVA licenseOptional Accessories (can be purchased separately)SoftNVR-IA V3.0: 64-channel IP surveillance software for industrial automation applications DR-4524/75-24/120-24: 45/75/120 W DIN rail 24 VDC power suppliesMDR-40-24/60-24: 40/60 W DIN rail 24 VDC power supplies, -20 to 70°C operating temperature VP-CI701: IP68 indoor/outdoor housing for the VPort 36-1MP series VP-CI800: Wall mount bracket VP-CI815: Pole mount bracketVP-3112MPIR: 3.1-8 mm F1.2 day and night lens123.1°- 48.3°1/2.7 type 123.1°- 48.3°Package Checklist• VPort 36-1MP series IP camera • Inner hexagon screw driver • C/CS mount adaptor ring • 5-pin terminal block • 3-pin terminal block •2-pin terminal block1/2.7 type (4:3)123.1°- 48.3°95.9°- 38.7°71.0°- 29.1°。



1.Vim 编辑器的概述
2.Vi 手册的作用
3.Vi 手册中的基本操作
4.Vi 手册中的进阶操作
5.Vi 手册的应用场景
【Vim 编辑器的概述】
Vim 编辑器是一款功能强大的文本编辑器,其全名为Visual editor,Vi,是Bill Joy 在1976 年为了UNIX 系统开发的。

Vim 编辑器以高度可定制性和强大的编辑功能而著称,让用户能够通过快捷键和命令来进行高效的文本编辑。

【Vi 手册的作用】
Vi 手册是Vim 编辑器的使用说明书,其中详细记录了Vim 编辑器的各种操作方法和技巧。

通过阅读Vi 手册,用户可以深入理解Vim 编辑器的各种功能,从而更加高效地进行文本编辑。

【Vi 手册中的基本操作】
Vi 手册中的基本操作包括:打开和关闭文件、光标移动、文本输入和删除、复制和粘贴等。

这些基本操作是Vi 编辑器的基础,用户需要熟练掌握。

【Vi 手册中的进阶操作】
Vi 手册中的进阶操作包括:宏操作、查找和替换、文本缩进、行编辑等。


【Vi 手册的应用场景】
Vi 手册在各种文本编辑场景中都可以应用,无论是编写代码、编写文档还是编辑配置文件,都可以通过Vi 手册找到相应的操作方法和技巧。

因此,Vi 手册对于文本编辑工作者来说是一份必备的参考资料。

总的来说,Vi 手册是一份对于Vi 编辑器的使用说明书,可以帮助用户深入理解Vi 编辑器的各种功能和操作方法,从而更加高效地进行文本编辑。

Slimbox Underground Terminal 集成说明书

Slimbox Underground Terminal 集成说明书

Front Side
Page | 9
C16AK0007, Issue 1
Opposite Side 9. Sealing of unused oval output ports
1.2. Features
• Mechanical Sealing for ports • Supports up to 3 trays of 16 optical splices each, totaling 48 fibers as maximum capacity and one
tray for 16 connections of distribution cables.
C16AK0007, Issue 1
Ø<10 mm Ø 10 mm
For diameters less than 10mm, use an adhesive tape
85 mm
Page | 6
7. Drop Cables
C16AK0007, Issue 1
Use the Connectors Tray (purchased separately)
Page | 8
• You must observe precautions when handling cables and optical cords. It applies in particular when handling bare optical fiber

胡维特立体显微镜HSZ-700 HSZ-600产品说明书

胡维特立体显微镜HSZ-700 HSZ-600产品说明书

Comfortable work, not harder!Huvitz Stereo MicroscopeHSZ-700/HSZ-600Powerful PerformanceOptical system with high resolution, true color reproduction and low distortion is one of the key characteristic of Huvitz microscopes which provide with clear images for better analysis. Optimized task analysis can be achieved with the Huvitz optimized optical solution!Advanced DesignErgonomic design has been carefully implemented to improve efficient usage and minimize operators’ fatigue.Ideal position and angle of each module, compact size and high quality provide users friendly environment for any task given. Helps to reduce fatigue in long-duration inspection. Improved FlexibilityVariety of objective lenses and eyepieces allow user to combine the optical system for any propose and work or R&D environment. Customized stand and digital application guarantee the best resolution in any environment.ContentsHSZ-700 (2)HSZ-600 (4)High Performance (6)Ergonomic Design (8)Lighting Accessories ....................10Application Accessories . (12)Digital Application (14)System Overview (16)Specifications (17)HSZ-645TR HSZ-645HSZ-660H U V I T Z O P T I L U T I O NMost Optimized Optical Solution!As one of the world leading ophthalmology equipment manufacturer, the professionalism of Huvitz engineering guarantees upscaled satisfactionfor any R&D and production environment providing a more precise and optimized optical solution.HSZ-730TRWisely optimized zooming and color reproduction offer you stable and high quality images.Interchangeable objective lenses and accessories can be implemented to provide a guaranteed satisfaction for any given inspection environment and task.HSZ-700, the best solution where high precision Galilean optic system is required!Galilean Optical SystemThis not only change easily objective lens but also produce real image. It is possible to use wide range of research required high precision and wide range of accessories for Quality Control.Wide 7:1 ZoomIt offers the highest zooming specification among the competitor’s model.The 8x to 56x zooming range provide the easiness for any task execution.Longer working distance is another factor of consideration of the HSZ-700.Superior optic systemLive color reproducibility and high resolution power are just a result of superior optic design minimizing distortion and aberration offering a clear image on wide range and variety of samples.Effective task executionHSZ-700’s speed, accuracy and effectiveness offer the best solution for any challenging task.High resolution and power lenses can be interchanged easily to obtainbetter results for any routine tasks given.HSZ-STP7HSZ-600, A Greenough system to provide a wide range of inspection field demanding safety and comfortabilityGreenough Optical SystemEfficient Greenough Optical System offers you more superior flatness and outstanding depth of focus.Lens coating and material are carefully selected to provide the best result to minimize the distortion and color aberration.Compact DesignCompact microscope with large base for variety of specimens offer you optimized inspection environment.Ergonomic design optimizes the comfort during the operation.Effective 6.7:1 ZoomMost widely used and broadly accepted 6.7:1 zooming design provide more effective working environment.Higher working distance offers you better quality control of specimens and samples.Effective task executionCarefully selected lens and coating materials can improve the operation efficiency and minimize eye fatigue drastically.Most optimized observation angle of HSZ-660 is best for multiply customized environments.HSZ-645TR / 645 / 660HSZ-645 / Focus Mount CombinationAuxiliary objective lensThe improved performance is much easier to work by simple and intuitive structure.To provide the convenience of user-centered design and compact design creates and ideal combinationHighly stringent criteria design to minimize aberration and distortion with ideal coating technology and lens materials.High resolving power objective lensLow distortion, longer working distance, ideal lens combination and design offer you a better observation environment for any specimen.Ideal selection of lens and coating materials guarantee the fidelity of color reproducibility and their longevity.Interchangeable objective lens can adapt the microscope for any working environment.Eyepiece with Comfort ViewHigh eye point design and aberration correction are another advantages of Huvitz microscope eyepieces.They provide with the optimal visual field for low acuity power users.Flexibility of Observation TubeObservation tube is designed to be adaptable for any kind of observation needs.Huvitz Trinocular Tube, HSZ-645 and HSZ-730 are suitable for video port output for digital application.60 degree inclination tube is also available to meet special andcustomized need. (HSZ-660)Observation Tube for HSZ-730TRHigh Performance based stable system.Powerful Performance with upscaled color reproducibility.Compact design providing multiple functions reducing eye fatigue.Slim and Compact DesignAchievement of the most ergonomic design multiple computer simulation minimizes the operators’ fatigue and maximizes the work efficiency.Comfortable Zoom Knob / Focus Knob / Click StopCareful polyurethane material selection in zoom knobs and focus dials to assure the comfort in any operation.To achieve repetitive zooming change Click Stop function has been implemented to improve work efficiency.High Eye Point and Diopter functionHigh Eye Point eyepiece design provides comfort view with operation with a pair of glasses or with low visual acuity.The diopter control is easily achieved from the eyepieces.HSZ-ILSTP / HSZ-ILFM Click-stop mechanism(HSZ-645TR)Soft focus dialLED Transmitted / Reflected dialUser friendly Ergonomic DesignExtreme eye comfort and easy operability.High Intensity LED implemented.High Intensity LEDLow energy consumable and durable LED provide suitable transmission or reflection.LED lighting has been proved to reproduce real color without affecting specimen by its excess of color temperature providing longer lifetime and low energy cost.4 Split LED ring lightCompact 4 split right LED illumination can simulate different lighting environment for a better observation.Light intensity can be easily optimized for any glossy samples or specimens.LED Transmitted / Reflected lightOther external light is not needed as light angle can be regulated from stand arm.Transmitted light is designed to be used with stand base without anydiscomfort.LED Four-Part Ring Illumination HSZ-LRLSFlexible angle of LED lightLighting AccessoriesFidelity in Real Color Reproduction and Active illumination Control.Application with easy operability, wider working space and ESDWider Base StandVariety of stand can be chosen depending on the work environments’ needs.Hybrid transmitted and reflected light base is also available with very compact design and universal stand is also available for large specimens or samples.Variety of Video PortsHuvitz exclusive video port lenses assure better quality video images for any digital camera systems.ESD and surge protectionHuvitz Unique ESD and surge protection system comply with the UL and CL standards and regulations: another advantage of Huvitzsystem for electronic and electric quality control usage.HSZ-615 / HSZ-FM / HSZ-STUTHSZ-FM, HSZ-ILFM, HSZ-FM7Easy A pplication AccessoriesWide range of accessories can be attached without alternating the optical system.14Easy Digital ApplicationClarity image, color analysis easy imageand word processing are integral part ofHuvitz image system.Huvitz PanasisDigital CameraEnhanced MeasurementCharacteristic of Panasis ApplicationҭEasy and Intuitive User InterfaceҭҭҭҭWider filter and image processingҭR&ҭC-mount AdapterSystem Overview / HSZ-700Huvitz Building 689-3,Geumjeong-dong Distributed by Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, 435-862, KoreaTe l : + 82-31-442 -8868 Fax : + 82-31-477 -8617 http :// Huvitz Stereo Microscope HSZ -700 /HSZ -600DimensionsHSZ-600HSZ-700Meyer Instruments, Inc. 1304 Langham Creek Drive, Suite 235, Houston, TX 77084281-579-0342 。

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12 1-800-735-6200
DC-DC Converters 25 to 100 Watts
Product Highlights
The VI-J00 MiniMod family establishes a new standard in component-level DC-DC converters. This “junior” size complement to the higher power VI-200family offers up to 100W of isolated and regulated power in a board mounted package. At one-half the size and twice the power density of previous 100W modules, and with a maximum operating temperature rating of 100˚C, the MiniMod opens new horizons for board-mounted (distributed) power architectures. Utilizing Vicor’s “zero-current-switching” forward converter technology,proven by an installed base of over 8 million units, the MiniMod family combines state of the art power density with the efficiency, low noise and reliability required by next generation power systems.
Packaging Options
SlimMods™, high power density,flangeless packages and FinMods™,featuring integral finned heatsinks.SlimMod: Option suffix: - S Example: VI - JXX - XX - S
FinMod: Option suffix: - F1and - F2Examples:
VI - JXX - XX -F1, 0.75" height VI - JXX - XX -F2, 1.00" height
Converter Selection Chart
Max. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs
(1)50W 50W 10A (2)75W 100W 20A (3)100W 100W 20A
Max. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs
(4)75W 75W 15A (5)50W 75W 15A (6)50W 75W 10A
s Up to 50W/Cubic Inch
s UL, CSA, TÜV, VDE, BABT s CE Marked
s Up to 90% Efficiency s Size: 2.28" x 2.4" x 0.5"(57,9 x 61,0 x 12,7)
s Remote Sense and Current Limit s Logic Disable
s Wide Range Output Adjust s ZCS Power Architecture s
Low Noise FM Control
Mechanical Drawing
(7,6) Min.
*Brownout 75% of rated load; transient voltage for 1 second.
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12 1-800-735-6200
Converter Specifications
(typical at T BP =25°C, nominal line and 75% load, unless otherwise specified)
VI-J00 E-Grade
VI-J00 C-, I-, M-Grade
s Input Characteristics Inrush charge
Nominal line
Input reflected ripple current – pp 10%10%
Nominal line, full load Input ripple rejection
dB 120 Hz, nominal line dB
2400 Hz, nominal line
No load power dissipation 1.352
s Output Characteristics Setpoint accuracy 1.0%
2.0%0.5% 1.0%V NOM Load/line regulation 0.5%0.05%0.2%V NOM LL to HL, 10% to Full Load Load/line regulation
1.0%0.2%0.5%V NOM LL to HL, No Load to 10%Output temperature drift
%/°C Over rated temperature
Long term drift 0.020.02%/1K hours
Output ripple - pp: 2V, 3.3V 200100150mV
20 MHz bandwidth 5V 5%2%3%20 MHz bandwidth 10-48V 3%
1.5%20 MHz bandwidth Trim range 1
50%110%50%110%V NOM Total remote sense compensation 0.50.5Volts 0.25V max. neg. leg Current limit
105%135%105%125%I NOM Automatic restart
Short circuit current 105%
s Control Pin Characteristics Gate out impedance 5050Ohms Gate in impedance 103103
Ohms Gate in high threshold 6
6Volts Use open collector
Gate in low threshold 0.65
Volts Gate in low current 6
s Dielectric Withstand Characteristics Input to output 3,0003,000V RMS Baseplate earthed
Output to baseplate 500500V RMS Input to baseplate 1,5001,500
s Thermal Characteristics Efficiency
78-88%80-90%Baseplate to sink 0.40.4
°C/Watt With Vicor P/N 04308
s Mechanical Specifications Weight
3.0 (85) 3.0 (85)Ounces (Grams)
110V, 12V and 15V outputs, standard trim range ±10%. Consult factory for wider trim range.
For product compliance with agency standards please refer to pages 67 - 69.
( Vin Vout
30+20Log ( Vin
20+20Log ( Vin
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