first aid 教案
人教版必修五Unit5《First aid》word教案3

英语:Unit5《First aid》教案(5)(新人教版必修5)一、教材分析1.课本内容分析本单元的中心话题为“急救”,具体涉及一些紧急情况下应采取的急救措施,尤为详细地陈述了“烧伤”的急救常识,并通过一个真实的第一时间对被刺伤者进行急救的故事阐明急救的重要性。
“热身”(Warming up)部分呈现了急救的定义,并要求学生讨论六幅画里出现的紧急情况及应采取的急救措施。
“语言学习”(Learning about language)部分的“Discovering useful words and expressions”包括词性转换与填词练习,涉及的词汇均与单元主题“急救”相关;“Discovering useful structures”部分以与“急救”相关的句子呈现语法内容“省略”,操练的句子大多与“急救”相联系,并通过简化(划掉累赘部分)和还原(写出划掉词语)巩固学生对“省略”用法的掌握。
“语言运用”(Using language)部分包括读、讨论、听、说与写。
“小结”(Summing up)部分要求学生对急救常识(包括烧伤急救)、词汇、省略及如何发出、书写指令进行自评,以明确已掌握的和未掌握好的。
人教版高中英语必修5《Unit 5 first aid》教案

人教版高中英语必修5《Unit 5 first aid》教案人教版高中英语必修5《Unit 5 first aid》教案【一】一、教学内容分析本单元以“急救”为中心话题。
本案例把教材的Warming up 和Reading部分结合起来,旨在通过教学,使学生了解相关的急救知识,并能用所学的有关first aid的知识,根据不同情况提出急救措施。
四、教学策略选择与设计教学策略主要以任务型教学(Task-based Teaching)为主,通过多媒体课件以及安排多个课堂教学活动贯穿整个课时,侧重培养学生的阅读能力。
六、教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1. Leading-in1. Greetings2. What words can you think of when talking about home accidents and first aid?3. First aid quiz (according to the pictures shown on Page 33)4. Definition of first aid: a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.GreetingsBrainstorming(cut, nosebleed, choking, burn...)Watch, read and think, then work in groups to make the choicesRead aloud and understand the definition通过问题自然引入本课内容日常急救知识小测试,使学生自然顺利进入新课学习让学生朗读理解定义Step 2. Pre-readingPresent the picture on Page 33 and ask the students to answer the questions of Pre-reading.Ask the students to look at the title and subtitle, and predict: What may be written in the text? Look at the picture carefully and discuss in groups. Choose one student to give the answers. (Answers can vary)Students look at the title and subtitle and give their prediction. 利用课文图片导入主题:FIRST AID FOR BURNS 培养学生通过标题和小标题预测阅读内容的能力,也激发学生进一步阅读以验证预测Step 3. While-readingReading for general idea1. Make the students to skim the passage in limited time and get a general idea, then ask the students to divide the passage into 5 parts.2. In which order are these topics covered in the text?(Page 35)Reading for details (Get the students to read the text part by part)1. Ask the question:What is skin? What can get the skin burned? What is the function of the skin?2. Types of burns and their characteristics. Do Ex.2 of Page 35.(Label the pictures)3. Answer the following questions. (Ex.3, Page 35)Students skim the passage to find the answer.Students work individually to give the right answers.Students read and find out the answers. Do related exercises.限时阅读培养学生快速阅读的能力和通过略读理解大意独立完成,培养学生独立学生的能力,同时也是为了充分了解学生的课文理解情况培养学生把握文章细节的能力; 培养学生通过阅读寻找所需信息的能力; 培养学生根据信息进行判断的能力Step 4. Post-reading1. Give a few minutes for the students to read after the tape.2. Ask the students to judge the treatments of Ex.4.3. Ask the students to practise to give first aid treatments to different burns and then act it out.Students read aloud after the tape.Students read and make their judgement.Students practise in groups and act. 语音语调锻炼,同时也使得学生进一步理解所学课文本环节为输出阶段,目的在于检查学生的学以致用创设活动任务,培养学生解决实际问题的能力Step 5. Homework1. Get more about first aid from the newspaper, magazine or the Internet.2. Find out the important and difficult words and expressions to you and finish exercises on page 36.Students get ready for homework. 所布置的作业把学生的学习任务从课堂延伸到课外,有利于巩固课堂所学和进一步让学生掌握更多的急救知识七、教学评价设计评价采用了自我评价、小组比赛、学生互评和教师评价相结合的方式。
first aid词汇教案

first aid词汇教案一、教学目标。
1. 学生能够正确发音、识别“first aid”相关词汇的词性。
2. 学生能够理解并运用这些词汇进行简单的交流表达。
1. 重点。
- 掌握“first aid”相关词汇的发音和词性。
- 能够准确记忆词汇的拼写。
2. 难点。
- 对一些专业性较强的词汇(如“ambulance”)的理解与运用。
1. 导入(3分钟)- 通过展示一些急救场景的图片或视频,引出“first aid”这个话题,提问学生是否了解急救相关的英文表达,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 词汇讲解(20分钟)- first aid [fɜːst eɪd]- 发音:[fɜːst],先发“f”音,然后是长元音“ɜː”,最后是“st”的清辅音组合;[eɪd],由双元音“eɪ”和“d”音组成。
- 词性:名词短语,意为“急救”。
例如:Everyone should learn some first aid knowledge.(每个人都应该学习一些急救知识。
)- aid [eɪd]- 发音:[eɪd],双元音“eɪ”加上“d”音。
- 词性:可作名词和动词。
- 名词:意为“援助;帮助;助手”。
例如:With the aid of my friends, I finished the work on time.(在我朋友们的帮助下,我按时完成了工作。
)- 动词:意为“帮助;援助;有助于”。
例如:We should aid those in need.(我们应该帮助那些有需要的人。
)- injury ['ɪndʒəri]- 发音:['ɪndʒəri],先发“ɪn”音,然后是“dʒ”音(类似汉语的“机”),再发“ə”音,最后是“ri”音。
- 词性:名词,意为“伤害;损害”。
例如:He got a serious injury in the accident.(他在事故中受了重伤。

firstaid阅读教学设计教学设计:First Aid 阅读导语:First Aid(急救)是一项基本的生存技能,它可以在紧急情况下拯救生命。
阅读与理解First Aid的相关知识对每个人来说都是至关重要的。
本文将通过一系列的阅读活动和教学策略,帮助学生掌握First Aid 的基本概念和操作技能。
一、前期准备:1. 准备教材:教师可以选择一些与First Aid相关的文章、故事或案例,确保内容简洁明了,容易理解。
2. 确定教学目标:学生能够理解First Aid的重要性,掌握基本的First Aid知识和技能。
二、活动一:预测猜测(Predicting and Guessing)步骤:1. 教师将一段关于First Aid的文章分成几个段落,删去每个段落的最后一句话。
2. 学生阅读文章,并根据上下文猜测被删去的句子内容。
3. 学生将自己的猜测写在纸上,并与同桌分享。
4. 教师呈现完整的文章,学生核对自己的猜测并讨论正确答案。
5. 学生讨论文章中哪些地方可以进一步解释或扩展。
三、活动二:交际阅读(Interactive Reading)步骤:1. 教师备足First Aid相关短语和词汇的卡片,例如:“apply pressure”(压迫止血),“perform CPR”(进行心肺复苏)等。
2. 学生分成小组,教师分发一篇与First Aid相关的文章。
3. 学生阅读文章并标出不了解的单词和短语。
4. 学生根据自己的理解,使用卡片上的短语和词汇填写文章中的空白处。
5. 不同小组之间分享答案,教师纠正并解释正确答案。
四、活动三:信息交流(Information Exchange)步骤:1. 教师将一份First Aid相关的文章分成若干段落,并在每个段落末尾加上几个问题。
2. 学生分成小组,每个小组负责阅读并回答一个段落末尾的问题。
3. 学生互相交流各自的答案,并对不同答案进行讨论。
4. 教师引导学生就答案进行辩论,鼓励学生提供合理的解释和证据。
First Aid教案_1

First Aid教案Unit5FirstAidPart1TeachingDesign第一部分教学设计Period2AsamplelessonplanforLearningaboutLanguage IntroductionInthisperiodstudentswillbewarmingupbydiscoveringuse fulwordsandexpressions.Thentheyshallbereadingandthi nking,dealingwithEx.1,2and3onpage37andgoingoverther eadyusedmaterialsforEllipsis.Theclassistoendbystude ntsdoingexercises.objectives■TohelpstudentslearnaboutEllipsis■Tohelpstudentsdiscoverandlearntousesomeusefulwordsa ndexpressions■Tohelpstudentsdiscoverandlearntousesomeusefulstruct uresProcedures.warmingupbydiscoveringusefulwordsandexpression sTurntopage36anddoEx.1and2first.checkyouranswerswith yourclassmates’.2.ReadingandthinkingTurntopage34andreadthetextofFIRSTAIDFoRBURNS.Asyour eadon,payattentiontotheellipsisofsentence.Forreference:youcangetburnedbyhotliquidsandsteam.Burnsarecalledf irstdegree,seconddegreeorthirddegreeburns.Theseburn sarenotseriousandshouldfeelbetterwithinadayortwo.3.DealingwithEx.1,2and3onpage37Turntopage37.InEx.1,youhavetolookatthedifferencesbetweenSentencesAandB;whichsentenceisbetterandwhyitis better.ThesentencesinEx.2areallcorrectbuttheysounda wkwardbecausetheyhaveunnecessarywordsinthem.youshou ldtakeouttheunnecessaryparts.EachsentenceinEx.3hase llipsis.Thisexerciseseeswhetheryouknowwhichwordshav ebeenomitted.4.GoingoverthereadyusedmaterialsforEllipsis省略是为了避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法修辞手段。

《First Aid 》教学设计一、教学目标:1.知识目标:在复习烧伤急救措施的基础上,通过拓展阅读,让学生学习有关其他校园意外事故的急救措施。
first aid 教案

《First Aid》Teaching PlanTopic:First AidTeacher:Xu bingyingSchool:Wuchang Vocational schoolTeaching Aims:◆Knowledge aims:⒈Help the students to master the new words and expressions⒉Let the students know more about first aid◆Skill aim:Improve the students’ ability to read by fast reading,intensively reading anddiscussing.◆Moral aim:Students should be ready for help and know when to give help.Teaching important points:⒈Improve t he students’ reading ability .⒉Help the students know more about first aid .Teaching difficult point:How toimprove the students’ abilityof reading.Teaching methods:⒈Fast reading to get the general idea .⒉Intensive reading to master the detail information in the text .⒊Discussion to help the students understand the passage better .Teaching Aids:⒉The blackboard .Teaching procedures:Ⅰ:Greetings.Ⅱ:Lead-inShow one of the pictures to the students. Ask them what may happen.Ⅲ:Presentation and discussion.Step⒈The teacher asks the students to give the meaning of some words : first aid,shock, breathe ,principle…Step⒉Ask the students to read the passage. Discuss and answer this question:Which outline do you think is used in the passage?⒈First aid is important.⒉Learn how to give first aid.Step⒊Ask the students to read the passage carefully to find out what the word andphrases on the blackboard mean and how to use them. Then give some examples.Step⒋The teacher shows some pictures and asks the students to decide whether theactions in the pictures are right or wrong.Step⒌Ask and answerThe teacher and students deal with the problems which make the students confusedby means of discussion.IV.Summary and Homework.⒈Ask students to review the difficult and important points .⒉Write a short passage about first aid.。
first aid 的阅读教学设计

first aid 的阅读教学设计First Aid的阅读教学设计一、引言在生活中,我们时常会遇到各种意外伤害的情况,因此学会急救技能是非常重要的。
本文旨在设计一份涵盖First Aid(急救)主题的阅读教学方案,帮助学生提高阅读理解能力的同时,掌握基本急救知识。
二、教学目标1. 掌握与First Aid(急救)主题相关的常见单词和词组;2. 能够通过阅读文章,理解基本的急救知识;3. 提高学生的阅读理解能力和批判思维能力。
三、教学准备1. 预先准备一篇相关主题的急救文章,内容涵盖常见的急救场景和措施;2. 制作单词卡片,包括本文中出现的生词和相关词组;3. 准备填空练习和问题解答的活动。
四、教学过程1. 导入活动利用生动有趣的图片或故事开场,引发学生对急救知识的兴趣,激发他们的思考。
2. 单词与词组学习在投影屏幕上展示单词卡片,并逐一介绍单词和词组的含义、用法以及发音。
3. 阅读文章在学生阅读之前,可以提供一份相关的预习问题,引导他们在阅读中寻找答案。
4. 阅读理解练习a. 填空练习:提供一份和文章相关的填空练习,要求学生基于文章内容填写正确的单词或短语。
b. 问题解答:设计一系列开放性问题,引导学生深入思考,比如“你认为掌握急救知识对社会有什么影响?”等。
5. 小组讨论与分享将学生分成小组,要求他们在小组内分享对文章的理解和回答问题的思路,鼓励他们相互讨论、互相学习。
6. 总结与巩固通过师生互动讨论的形式,总结本堂课所学到的急救知识和阅读技巧,并鼓励学生回家继续拓展相关知识。
五、教学评估1. 在课堂结束前,进行一个简短的测试,检查学生对本文所学内容的掌握程度。
2. 提供一篇其他主题的文章,请学生以小组形式分享对文章的理解并回答相关问题,评估学生在阅读理解上的表现。

Unit 5 First aidⅠ. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals▲Talk about first aid and medicine▲Practice expressing giving instructions▲Learn about Ellipsis▲Practice instructional writing: first aid instructions for particular injuries Ⅱ. 目标语言功能句式Expressing instructionsGive others your positive suggestions or orders We / Y ou should / ought to ...Please do ...Make sure ...Y ou must / have to / ought to ...Y ou must never ...Y ou ought never to ...Give others your negative suggestions or orders Y ou should not ...Y ou ought not to ...Please don‟t ...Y ou should never ...Y ou must / should never to ...词汇1.四会词汇aid, injury, bleed, ankle, choke, blood, bloody, burn, organ, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, tissue, electric, swell, damage, jewellery, squeeze, wound, bandage, symptom, kettle, wrist, damp, sleeve, throat, present, ceremony, bravery, towel, pressure, ambulance, authentic 2.认读词汇sprain, essential, layer, heal, blister, watery, char, nerve, ointment, infection, label, Jason, Slade, stab, scheme, bruise3.词组first aid, fall ill, electric shock, squeeze out, over and over again, in place, a number of, put one‟s hands on, catch fire, ought to, have to, stay calm, keep in mind, manage to, flow out, die of4.重点词汇injury, bleed, swell, damage, wound, damp, throat, present, bravery, should, ought to, make sure, have to语法Learn about Ellipsis1. Burns are called first degree burns, second degree burns or third degreeburns. P342. These burns affect both the top layer of the skin . P343. John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the重点句子bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another. P384. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed repeatedly with a knife. P385. It was John‟s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade‟s life. P38Ⅲ. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以“急救”为中心话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解相关的急救知识,并能用所学的有关first aid的知识,根据不同情况提出急救措施,能牢固地掌握构词法和省略句,能写急救措施。
First Aid教案(通用2篇)

First Aid教案(通用2篇)First Aid教案篇1first aid教案teaching planunit 8 first aidreading dr abcteaching objectivesknowledge objectives1. enable the students to realize the great importance of time in emergency.2. let the students know more about first aid.3. help the students to master some useful words and expressions.ability objectives1. improve the students’ reading ability.2. improve the students’ speaking ability, listening ability and writing ability.3. train the students’ ability of co-operation.moral objectivesmake the students learn to care for others and be helpful.teaching important points1. improve the students’ reading ability.2. how to give first aid.3. useful words and expressionteaching difficult points1. how to give first aid.2. key words and expressionsteaching methods1. task-based preview assignments2. students-centered activitiesteaching procedurestep1: warming upshow some pictures and ask the students to think of some words or phrases related to the scenes.what will you do when you happen to see those scenes above?step2:skimmingask the students to skim the passage and then answer this question:1. what is first aid in your opinion?2. what does dr abc stand for?3. what should you do if you find a person who has stopped breathing?a. run to find help.b. try to start his or her breathing, using mouth-to-mouth way.c. take him or her to hospital at once.4. what should you do if you find whose leg is bleeding?a. tie a piece of cloth round the leg above the bleeding point.b. do nothing. just send him to hospital at once.c. press firmly on the bleeding point using a clean handkerchief.5. what should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake?a. make the person drink more water.b. take the person and the container to hospital.c. leave the person there and call the first aid centre6. what should you do if you find a person has been trapped undera car?a. try to pull him / her out.b. leave him / her there and drive the car away.c. find enough people to lift the car safely.step3: detailed readingactivity1:read the passage carefully and divide it into several parts and give the main idea of each part.part1 (para1): the importance of first aid.part2 (para2): keep calm when dealing with an emergency.part3 (para3-5): the principles of giving first aid: dr abc.part4 (para6): how to give a person first aid.activity2:read the passage again and explain what the people are doing in the pictures on page 60.activity3:interview:perform an interview with your partner, one as a reporter, the other a doctor and ask how to give first aid using the structure below.first, you shouldsecond,third,fourth,last,activity4:group work:suppose there is a certain accident. (show the picture) act out the scene and makeconversations possibly match the picture.step4: language points1. upside down: the kite hang upside down from a tree.2. witness (vt.) : he witnessed how the accident happened.3. seconds count:seconds count in an emergency: every second is importantwhat else do seconds count? --in a basketball game, in the war...etc..:4. keep in mind: bear in mind: keep in mind that this selection will affect both your download and upload speeds.5. recommend: this book is recommended by mr. john.6. make sure that-clause: will you make sure that he has come back?7. calm: he always keeps/ stays calm in an emergency.8. panic: in case of fire, don’t panic.9. on the way: he is on the way to successon the way to doing sth: he is on the way to becoming a doctor.10. save one's life: she saved an old man from the fire.step5: homework1. find all the clauses with “if” and analyze them.2. do the exercise 2 on page 61.3. use the letters dr abc to tell your parents how to give first aid.First Aid教案篇2unit 5 first aidpart 1 teaching design第一部分教学设计period 2 a sample lesson plan for learning about language(ellipsis)introductionin this period students will be warming up by discovering useful words and expressions. then they shall be reading and thinking, dealing with ex. 1, 2 and 3 on page 37and going over the ready used materials for ellipsis. the class is to end by students doing exercises.objectives■to help students learn about ellipsis■to help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions■to help students discover and learn to use some useful structuresprocedures1. warming up by discovering useful words and expressionsturn to page 36 and do ex. 1 and 2 first. check your answers with your classmates’.2. reading and thinkingturn to page 34 and read the text of first aid for burns. as you read on, pay attention to the ellipsis of sentence.for reference:you can get burned by hot liquids and steam. burns are calledfirst degree, second degree or third degree burns. these burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two.3.dealing with ex. 1, 2 and 3 on page 37turn to page 37. in ex.1, you have to look at the differences between sentences a and b; which sentence is better and why it is better. the sentences in ex.2 are all correct but they sound awkward because they have unnecessary words in them. you should take out theunnecessary parts. each sentence in ex.3 has ellipsis. this exercise sees whether you know which words have been omitted.4. going over the ready used materials for ellipsis省略是为了避开重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法修辞手段。
高中高三英语教案:First aid

高中高三英语教案:First aid教案标题: First aid (急救)教学目标:1. 通过本课的学习,学生将能够掌握一些常见的急救知识和技能。
2. 培养学生的团队合作和沟通能力,以便在紧急情况下提供有效的急救。
教学重点:1. 掌握急救的基本原则和步骤。
2. 学会处理常见的急救情况,如创伤、呼吸困难和心脏骤停。
教学难点:1. 学生如何根据不同的急救情况采取合适的急救措施。
2. 如何在紧急情况下保持冷静并正确执行急救程序。
教学准备:1. PowerPoint演示文稿2. 视频和图片资源,以便展示不同类型的急救情况和急救技巧。
3. 一些常见急救器材,如绷带、胶布、救生口罩等。
教学过程:Step 1: 引入 (5分钟)利用图片或视频展示一些常见的急救情况,如跌倒、骨折、中暑等。
Step 2: 急救的基本原则 (10分钟)通过PowerPoint演示文稿向学生介绍急救的基本原则,包括:检查安全、叫救护车、保持冷静、检查伤势等。
Step 3: 掌握急救步骤 (20分钟)分组讨论不同的急救情况,并要求每组学生根据所分配的情况制定相应的急救步骤。
Step 4: 模拟急救训练 (15分钟)将学生分为小组,在每个小组中,学生将模拟不同的急救情况,并根据所学的急救步骤进行训练。
Step 5: 急救器材演示 (10分钟)展示一些常用的急救器材,如绷带、胶布、救生口罩等,并向学生解释如何使用这些器材进行急救。
Step 6: 急救技能考核 (15分钟)提供几个常见的急救情况,要求学生根据所学的知识和技能进行实际操作。
Step 7: 总结和反思 (5分钟)请学生回顾整个急救课程,并讨论他们在学习过程中遇到的困难和收获。

Unit 5 First aid教案unit 5 first aid核心单词1. aidn.& vi. 帮助;援助;资助vt.&n. 帮助;援助;救助they aided flood victims. 他们援助遭受水灾的灾民。
they aided in solving the problem. 他们帮忙解决这个问题。
常用结构:first aid 急救aid sb. 帮助某人aid sb. with sth. 帮助某人(做)某事in aid of 支持;为……筹措aid sb. in (doing) sth. 在……方面帮助某人联想拓展表示一般意义的“帮助”或“援助”时,aid 是不可数名词;表示具体意义的“助手”、“辅助用品”时,aid是可数名词。
如:a dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language.(是学习一种新语言的重要工具)。
用作动词时,搭配为aid sb. to do sth.帮助某人(做)某事(其中的 to 不可省略),也可用于 aid sb. in doing sth.帮助某人(做)某事。
易混辨析aid/help/assistanceaid 表示经济或其他方面给予的帮助或援助,多指强者(或足够者)援助弱者,多用于团体。
help 指给人精神或物质上的帮助,强调受助者的需要,有利于达到一定的目的或目标。
assistance 多指个人给予道义、知识、物质等方面的帮助,所提供的帮助往往只起辅助作用。
高手过招单句改错 (原创) ①the family lived on government aids for two years.。

First Aid 知识点复习教案一、教学目标:1. 知识与技能:(1)掌握基本的急救知识;(2)学会处理突发状况,如心脏骤停、出血、骨折等;(3)熟悉急救器材的使用方法。
2. 过程与方法:(1)通过案例分析,提高学生分析和解决问题的能力;(2)通过实践操作,提高学生的动手能力和应变能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:(1)培养学生的责任心和关爱他人的意识;(2)增强学生的安全意识和自我保护意识。
二、教学内容:1. 急救知识概述(1)急救的概念和意义;(2)急救的原则和注意事项。
2. 突发状况的处理(1)心脏骤停的处理;(2)出血的处理;(3)骨折的处理;(4)其他突发状况的处理。
3. 急救器材的使用(1)急救包的使用;(2)自动体外除颤器(AED)的使用;(3)呼吸器的使用。
三、教学过程:1. 导入:通过提问方式引导学生回顾急救知识,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 课堂讲解:(1)复习急救知识概述;(2)讲解突发状况的处理方法;(3)介绍急救器材的使用方法。
3. 案例分析:提供几个实际案例,让学生分析并讨论如何进行急救处理。
4. 实践操作:(1)模拟心脏骤停的情景,学生分组进行急救操作;(2)模拟出血和骨折的情景,学生分组进行急救操作;(3)让学生演示急救器材的使用方法。
5. 总结与评价:对学生的学习情况进行总结,给予表扬和鼓励,并提出改进建议。
四、教学资源:1. 教材:First Aid 知识点复习教材;2. 教具:投影仪、PPT、急救器材(如急救包、AED、呼吸器等);3. 辅助材料:案例分析资料。
1. 学生课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言和提问情况,了解学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
2. 学生实践操作能力:通过观察学生在实践操作中的表现,评估学生的动手能力和应变能力。
3. 学生知识掌握情况:通过课堂提问、案例分析和课后作业等方式,评估学生对急救知识的掌握程度。
六、教学策略:1. 采用问题驱动教学法,引导学生主动探究急救知识;2. 运用案例教学法,提高学生的实际操作能力;3. 采用分组讨论法,培养学生的团队协作能力;4. 利用模拟情景,增强学生的真实体验感。


First Aid 知识点复习教案第一章:急救概述1.1 急救的概念解释急救的含义和重要性强调急救在意外和紧急情况中的作用1.2 急救原则介绍急救的三个原则:快速、准确、安全解释如何在紧急情况下保持冷静和有条不紊1.3 急救人员的要求讨论成为一名合格急救人员所需的技能和素质强调急救人员应具备的知识和培训要求第二章:评估和呼救2.1 评估伤者状况介绍如何对伤者进行快速评估强调评估伤者意识、呼吸和脉搏的重要性2.2 呼救教授如何拨打紧急电话号码(如911或当地的紧急服务号码)强调提供清晰、准确的信息给接线员2.3 保护现场和安全介绍如何在现场保护自己和伤者的安全强调避免移动受伤者除非必要第三章:心肺复苏(CPR)3.1 心肺复苏的基本概念解释心肺复苏的含义和重要性强调CPR在心跳呼吸停止时的救命作用3.2 正确进行心肺复苏的步骤教授正确的心肺复苏步骤,包括按压和人工呼吸强调按压的深度和频率以及人工呼吸的方法3.3 使用自动体外除颤器(AED)介绍自动体外除颤器的作用和使用方法强调AED的普及和其在心跳骤停时的救命作用第四章:止血和包扎4.1 止血方法教授如何正确进行指压止血和绷带止血强调选择合适的止血方法和根据情况调整4.2 包扎技巧介绍如何正确进行包扎,包括环形包扎和螺旋包扎强调包扎的松紧度和固定方法4.3 处理出血伤口教授如何清洁和处理出血伤口强调避免感染和保护伤口的措施第五章:骨折和关节损伤5.1 骨折和关节损伤的识别介绍如何识别骨折和关节损伤的症状和迹象强调及时处理和避免进一步损伤的重要性5.2 骨折和关节损伤的固定教授如何使用夹板和绷带固定骨折和关节损伤强调固定方法的准确性和安全性5.3 处理关节扭伤和脱臼介绍如何处理关节扭伤和脱臼的情况强调及时就医和避免进一步损伤的措施第六章:常见的外伤处理6.1 烧伤处理介绍烧伤的分类和程度教授烧伤的急救处理方法,如冷却、清洁和覆盖6.2 切割伤和刺伤处理介绍切割伤和刺伤的急救处理步骤强调止血、清洁和防止感染的重要性6.3 眼睛受伤的处理教授眼睛受伤的急救处理方法,如保护眼睛、避免揉擦和尽快就医第七章:中毒和过敏反应7.1 中毒的识别和处理介绍中毒的症状和迹象教授中毒的急救处理方法,如立即催吐、提供解毒剂和寻求医疗帮助7.2 过敏反应的识别和处理介绍过敏反应的症状和迹象教授过敏反应的急救处理方法,如使用肾上腺素自动注射器和寻求医疗帮助第八章:常见疾病发作的处理8.1 心脏病发作的处理介绍心脏病发作的症状和迹象教授心脏病发作的急救处理方法,如立即拨打急救电话和提供心肺复苏8.2 癫痫发作的处理介绍癫痫发作的症状和迹象教授癫痫发作的急救处理方法,如保持冷静、防止受伤和提供必要的支持第九章:儿童和婴儿急救9.1 儿童和婴儿心肺复苏介绍儿童和婴儿心肺复苏的差异和特殊要点教授正确进行儿童和婴儿心肺复苏的步骤和技巧9.2 儿童和婴儿的窒息处理介绍儿童和婴儿窒息的症状和迹象教授儿童和婴儿窒息的急救处理方法,如背部拍打和胸部推压9.3 儿童和婴儿的外伤处理介绍儿童和婴儿外伤的急救处理方法,如骨折固定和伤口包扎第十章:急救场景模拟和实战演练10.1 急救场景模拟的重要性强调急救场景模拟对提高急救技能的重要性讨论模拟场景的种类和目标10.2 急救实战演练的步骤教授如何进行急救实战演练,包括场景设置、角色分配和操作流程10.3 急救演练的评估和改进介绍如何对急救演练进行评估和改进,以提高急救人员的应对能力第十一章:灾难和大规模伤亡事件11.1 灾难应对准备讨论灾难应对的准备工作,包括应急物资和个人保护装备的准备强调灾难发生时的安全转移和避难所选择11.2 大规模伤亡事件的处理介绍大规模伤亡事件的特征和处理原则教授如何进行快速评估、优先级划分和资源分配11.3 搜救行动介绍搜救行动的基本原则和方法强调搜救过程中的安全意识和团队合作第十二章:特殊环境下的急救12.1 水上急救教授水上急救的基本知识和技能,如救生员职责和水中救生技巧强调水上安全规则和预防措施12.2 高空急救介绍高空急救的特殊问题和处理方法强调使用安全设备和正确的安全操作程序12.3 野外急救讨论野外环境中的急救知识和技能,如处理野生动物伤害和极端天气条件强调野外生存技巧和紧急避难所建设第十三章:急救通讯和记录13.1 急救通讯技巧教授急救人员在现场通讯的技巧,包括清晰、准确地传达信息强调通讯设备和工具的使用13.2 急救记录的重要性讨论急救记录的必要性和作用教授如何准确记录急救过程中的关键信息第十四章:急救法律和伦理问题14.1 急救法律问题讨论急救人员在工作中的法律责任和限制强调遵守法律规定和保护自己的知识14.2 急救伦理问题介绍急救人员在处理紧急情况时可能遇到的伦理问题讨论伦理决策的原则和道德责任14.3 患者权利和隐私保护强调患者权利和隐私保护的重要性教授急救人员如何尊重和保护患者权利第十五章:急救培训和持续教育15.1 急救培训方法介绍不同的急救培训方法和教学技巧强调实践操作和模拟演练的重要性15.2 急救培训课程设计讨论急救培训课程的设计和结构,包括理论学习和实践操作强调课程内容的实用性和针对性15.3 持续教育和技能保持强调急救人员需要持续学习和更新知识讨论持续教育的方法和途径,如研讨会、在线课程和实战演练重点和难点解析本文主要介绍了First Aid知识点复习教案,包括急救概述、评估和呼救、心肺复苏(CPR)、止血和包扎、骨折和关节损伤、常见的外伤处理、中毒和过敏反应、常见疾病发作的处理、儿童和婴儿急救、急救场景模拟和实战演练、灾难和大规模伤亡事件、特殊环境下的急救、急救通讯和记录、急救法律和伦理问题以及急救培训和持续教育等十五个章节。
高中英语 Unit5《First aid》教案(8) 新人教版必修5.doc

英语:Unit5《First aid》教案(8)(新人教版必修5)The Third Period ReadingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language教学语言a. 重点词汇和短语burn, essential, organ, layer, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, heal, tissue, electric, swell, swollen, blister, watery, char, nerve, damage, jewellery, squeeze out, over and over again, bandage, in placeb. 重点句式Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns.These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two.First degree burns turn white when pressed.2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to master some knowledge of first aid.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Enable the students to learn how to give their correct suggestions about first aid when others are in danger.Teaching important points教学重点Let the Ss learn to use the structures of giving suggestions.Teaching methods教学方法Skimming method and role-play method.Teaching aids 教具准备A projector, a tape-recorder and a blackboard.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Ⅰ Lead-inT: I think you must surf the Internet after class. You must know more about fist aid. Now who can tell us what first aid is?Ss: First aid is the initial care of a suddenly sick or injured person. It is the care administered by a person as soon as possible after an accident or illness. It is this prompt care and attention prior to the arrival of the ambulance that sometimes draws the line between life and death, or between a full or partial recovery. T: What are the main aims of first aid?Ss: To preserve life; To protect the casualty from further harm; To relieve pain. T: Throughout life, you will face injuries of different kinds; whether it is a simple paper cut or a severe chemical burn, every accident must be dealt with in the right way. Here are two situations: Ah, a hot summer morning. Perfect for the beach exercise. After a nice brisk swim in the refreshing tide, you curl up on your beach chair with your headphones and a book. As you sit contentedly, your eyes slowly fall shut in a mid-day nap. When you awake, the sun is a little lower in the sky, the people next to you have left, and your exposed skin is starting to look a suspicious shade of bright red. Do you know what to do?You are babysitting the neighbor’s kids, and as you are preparing dinner you turn around for a moment to rinse off the spoon. Suddenly you hear a clatter of pans anda high pitched cry that sends your adrenaline into overdrive. You spin around and see the little girl clutching her hand, her tears streaming from her eyes, the telltale pot of hot water spilled on the ground. Do you know what to do?Step Ⅱ Pre-readingT: Today we are going to learn first aid for burns. First look at the picture on page 33, and answer: What has happened in the picture?Sa: The child has pulled boiling water onto herself.T: What sort of injures the child will have?Sb: She will have bad burns.T: In our everyday life, we will face different types of burns. A burn can be caused by heat (flames, hot grease, or boiling water), the sun (solar radiation), chemicals, an explosion, or electricity. When a burn breaks the skin, infection and loss of fluid can occur; burns can also result in difficulty breathing. Sometimes a burn victim has trouble breathing. Burns caused by flames or hot grease usually require medical attention as well, especially if the victim is a child or an elderly person. What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation? What should you do? S: This kind of burns was caused by boiling water. I would perform first aid for burns. Cool the area of skin at once. Wash the area of skin under the cold tap for several minutes. Cover the wound with a loose bandage or a piece of dry clean cloth. See a doctor if a child has been burnt badly or if more than ten percent of the body has been burnt.T: Have you or someone you know ever been burned? What did the burn look like? Did anyone perform first aid? What did he do? You can use these words that might come up in relation to the characteristics of burns are: red, white, black, watery, blisters, painful, swollen.Ask the students to have a discussion in groups, and then answer the questions about their own various experiences. After a few minutes.T: Now stop talking. We are going to get the answers from the text. Let’s read the text and try to find the answers.Step Ⅲ While-readingT: The passage is a text from a book called First Aid for the Family. It is a quick-reference book which is organized under headings in such a way that readers can quickly find the information they want. In this type of text, it is common for information to be in note form. It is also common that ellipsis is used in giving instructions. The article the is often omitted in the instructions under ‘First aid treatment’, for example, cover burnt area instead of cover th e burnt area; hold bandage in place instead of hold the bandage in place. While reading you should pay more attention to this kind of ellipsis.SkimmingAsk the Ss to read the title of the text and the headings within it. Skim for general idea.T: What is the topic of the text and how is the information organized?S: It is about first aid for burns and the information is organized according to causes, types, characteristics and first aid treatment for burns.T: How is the information organized within the headings of types of burns and characteristics of burns?S: The information is organized according to the types of burns: first degree, second degree and third degree burns.T: Now please quickly glance at the information under the heading of First aid treatment and tell me why the information is numbered?S: The numbers indicate the steps you should take to treat a burn, in the order that they should happen. Especially pay attention to that each step gives an instruction using the imperative.T: How many parts are the text divided into and what are they?After a few minutes. Set Ex 1 in Comprehending.S: It can be divided into 5 parts.1. the function/purpose of skin2. how we can get burns3. the three types of burns4. the symptoms of burns5. what to do if someone gets burnedStep Ⅳ Detail readingT: Good. Pay attention to the title and subtitles. It clearly shows the main idea of each paragraph. We’ve known the main idea of the article from the headings. Now let’s get to details. Let’s read the first paragraph and answer the question: What can skin do for our body? Discuss the answer with your partner, then tell us the answer.S: Protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays;Keep you warm or cool;Prevent you from losing water;Gives you sense of touch.T: Very good. So first aid is a very important step in treatment of burns. How can we get burnt? Now let’s read the second paragraph and answer the question.S: We can get burnt by: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity and chemicals.T: Good. Then let’s come to the third paragraph, see how many types of burns. What are they?S: Three are three. First degree: They are not serious. They affect only the top layer of the skin. Victims feel better in a day or two. Second degree: The second degree burns affect both the top and the second layer of the skin. These burns are serious. Victim should take a few weeks to heal.Third degree: These are the serious degree burns. These burns are very severe injuries. They affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin. Victims must get to a hospital at once.T: Very good. Most good readers survey texts in this way before they start to read the text in detail. If you survey a text, it makes it easier to understand it because you already know something about the content and the organization. Now read Ex. 2. You don’t have to read the whole text to find the information you need to answerthis question. Which part of the text do you need to look at?S: The section under the heading Characteristics of burns.Label the pictures with three degree burns.The second degree burn The first degree burnt The third degree burnCheck the answers with them. And then do Ex. 4.T: After reading, let’s answer some questions. You may discuss in groups for 5 minutes, then we will check the answers.1. Why should you put cold water on a burn?The cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling.2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?Because the nerves have been damaged. If there are no nerves, there is no pain.3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?Because this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected. / Bacteria from the clothes and jewellery could infect the burns.4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?Because all the layers of the skin have been burnt showing the tissue underneath. / These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin. Step Ⅴ Language pointsT: Do you have any questions?S: Yes, I don’t know what is usage of sense and unless and the phrase in the place. T: Well let me show you. Let’s watch the Power-Point.▲ phrases with sensesense of touchsense of sightsense of hearingsense of tastesense of smellsense of humorsense of beautysense of urgency▲ unless: 除非……;如果不……Don’t make it public unless I agree.Unless the destruction of the ozone layer stops, the polar ice caps could melt with terrible consequences.▲ Make(some, no, ect) differenceIt shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.It makes no difference to me where you come from.Step Ⅵ Summary and homeworkT: This article is trying to tell us first aid is important. People who have witnessed an accident often wish that they had done things differently. Seconds count in anemergency, and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death. The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm. If we were to panic, we could not be able to help. By staying calm we will be able to think what to do and make better decisions. We can also prepare for an emergency by learning more about first aid. Calling an ambulance or the police is important, but there is more we can and should do. If we know how to respond, we can save lives. This passage does not contain enough information for you to do first aid correctly! You have to study with a teacher. However, after a few hours of study you will manage to know enough to save other people’s lives. So much for today. Here I like to recommend this to you. If you want more tips about first aid and ways to deal with common injuries, refer to the following websites./clinic/firstaid//parent/firstaid_safe//firstaid_rfrg.htm/articles/25936-71. Finish the Exx on page 36.2. Preview the material the next extensive reading.。
高中英语 Unit5《First aid》教案(6) 新人教版必修5

英语:Unit5《First aid》教案(6)(新人教版必修5)The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语aid, first aid,fall ill,illness,injury,bleed,sprain,ankle,choke,blood,bloody,burn,essential,organ, layer, poison, ray, treatmentb. 交际用语We / you should / ought to...Please do...Make sure...You must / have to / ought to...You must never...You ought never to...2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to talk about different accidents and how to give first aid in different situations.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to give first aid in different situations through discussion.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点Help the students use the expressions to describe the accidents and how to give first aid.Teaching methods教学方法Brainstorm and discussion (Group work).Teaching aids教具准备A recorder, a projector and a computer.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step Ⅰ Lead-inThe warming up exercise makes the students understand there are some kinds of dangers in our daily life such as snake bite, bleeding, a sprained ankle, choking and so on. What’s more, the students should be asked to know how to prevent these troubles from happening and how to give first aid when they happen.Talk about the pictures with the teacher’s help.T: Look at the pictures on page 33. Each of them is a picture of an accident. Although some accidents are small and some accidents are serious. You should know how to prevent these accidents from happening and know what to do when they happen. Now please discuss the following questions with your partner.1. What would you do in the above situations?2. What could we do to prevent these accidents?3. What do you already know about first aid?4. What new words do you think would be useful when you talk about accidents and first aid?Discussion:Sa: To tell you the truth, I would be very afraid and do nothing in the above situations.Sb: It means you don’t know much about first aid, am I right?Sa: Yes. I know nothing about first aid.Sb: I think we should stay calm at first. We can’t be too frightened to do anything. Then we should learn something about first aid.Sa: In my opinion, it is the most important thing to prevent these accidents from happening.Sb: I can’t agree with you more. We should try our best to avoid these accidents. We must be very careful when we are swimming, walking, cooking and even eating. By the way, what new words do you think would be useful when you talk about accidents and first aid?Sa: The accidents are dangerous, troublesome and frightening. First aid is very useful and necessary.Look at the pictures together and ask the Ss what has happened in each one. T: Well, can I help you? These pictures are all about the accidents. What has happened in each one? What kind of first aid we should give in the situations? What about Picture1?S: We can see a man whom a snake has bitten on his leg. When a person is bitten by a snake, the person bitten must get to a doctor or hospital at once. Speed is very important. It will help the doctor greatly if you can tell him what kind of snake it was, or describe the situation.T: Good. What about Picture 2?S: In Picture 2 we can see a woman who has cut her arm with some broken glass and is bleeding badly.T: Yes, then how to do first aid in this situation?S: When someone is bleeding: Try to stop the bleeding; Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there; Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible.T: Good, what about the third picture?S: Picture 3 is about a boy who has badly sprained his ankle on the playground and his friends are running towards him to help. He should tie his ankle with medical bandage. It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle. It is correct to use ice bag for relieving pain and bleeding.T: Good. Then the fourth picture?S: Picture 4, the girl sitting around the table is choking when she is eating something. We should make her spit by patting her back. To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.T: Right. Let’s talk about the fifth picture.S: Picture 5, the old grandma lying on the ground has broken her arm. We should not move the patient. Send for an ambulance at once. Keep the arm still using a sling or get the victim to support the broken arm with the other arm.T: What about the last picture?S: In the last picture, the boy has a nosebleed. He should stay calm. Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. Sit up and bend the head slightly forward. Pinch both nostrils shut using a thumb and forefinger. Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.T: Very good. All of you have a good knowledge of first aid. These accidents are all terrible. We should try our best to prevent these terrible accidents from happening. For example, when we are swimming, we can’t swim alone. We must swim with somebody else. Besides, we can’t swim in the river too deep. When an accident does happen we should keep calm and know how to deal with it correctly. So learning some first aid knowledge is of great importance to every one.Step Ⅱ Further discussionGive advice to the persons in trouble.T: I think you must know something about troubles and first aid. Now please give your advice to the persons in different kinds of troubles.Ss: OK.Show the slide.T: Please give your suggestions to the victims in order to prevent different kinds of accidents. For instance, to the person who is drowning you can say: Never swim alone. / Learn how to swim. / Don’t swim in dangerous rivers. Now, please work in pairs.Three minutes later.T: OK. I will check your answers. To the person in a traffic accident, what suggestion will you give him?Ss: You shouldn’t ride your bicycle without looking at the traffic.Follow the traffic rules and be attentive and careful.Never use a cell phone while you are driving, riding a bike or walking on a busy street.Use crosswalks and don’t walk on the street.Never run in traffic.T: What suggestion will you give the victim getting burns?Ss: You ought to be careful when cooking.Don’t leave lamps and candles burning in your house.Don’t let children touch flames or hot liquid.T: What suggestion will you give the victim who is bleeding or whose hand is cut? Ss: You must go to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.Don’t play with knives or other sharp objects.T: What suggestion will you give the person who is choking?Ss: You mustn’t eat too fast.Don’t forget to chew your food.Don’t talk while having food in the mouth.Some more situations are given and encourage the students to talk more.T: Now, here are some more situations, please give the first aid instructions to the situations. What should you do if someone is drowning?S: When someone is drowning, first we should check if he /she is breathing, then try to start his /her breathing. Never swim in deep water.T: Good. We call this CPR (= cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Now if someone has been hurt in a traffic accident, what should we do?S: In the traffic accident, first call for a doctor or an ambulance. We should make sure that the accident scene is safe, and then find out how the people involved are injured. If there is more than one injured person, we should help the most seriously injured person first. It is especially important to help someone who isn’t moving and seems to be unconscious. An injured person who is screaming with pain may seem to need our help, too, but if a person is able to scream or ask for help, they are at least conscious and breathing. Never pull her out of the car. Find enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital at once. Look at both sides when crossing the street.T: Very good. Now we know how to do first aids according to different situations. Step Ⅲ Talking( P39)T: Now let’s look at the pictures of Exercise 2 on p39, use the pictures above to help you give your partner first aid instructions for each situation. Try to use the useful expressions:You should always ... You must...Make sure that ... You ought to / should...You have to ... You should not...You should never ... You must never...Never ... Please don’t...T: What should you do when you meet the situation in Picture1?S: If we meet this sprained ankle situation, we should have the victim sit down and elevate the foot. We should make sure how serious the situation is. Perhaps we must put an ice pack on the ankle to reduce the swelling and then put a firm bandage around the foot and ankle. It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle.Help the Ss to talk about other situations.Burning clothes:Use a blanket to put out fire on the body.Remove clothing from burned area.Use running water to cool down.Sent for a doctor.Nose bleedsStay calm.Breathe through the mouth, not the nose.Sit up and bend the head slightly forward.Pinch both nostrils shut using a thumb and forefinger.Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.ChokingMake him /her spit by patting him/her on the back.To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.Step Ⅳ Talk about safety around the house, using Dos and Don’tsT: Now we are going to talk about the safety around the house, using some DOS and DON’TS. Work in pairs. Tell each other what you should and should not do.T: Now, anyone can tell us something about the safety for DOS.Sa: We have to make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can’t reach them.Sb: If a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly. Sc: Make sure that everyone in your family knows how to call 110 and 120.Sd: Learn more about first aid.T: Good, then can you talk about it using DON’TS.Sa: Don’t put poisons into other containers, for example empty bottles.Sb: Never leave small things a baby can put in its mouth on the floor or table. Sc: Don’t play with electrical equipment.Sd: Never use ladders on a wet floor.T: Well done! Don’t forget to phone 110 or 120 when necessary.Step Ⅴ Talking (in workbook)T: Just now we know how to do some first aid, but that’s not enough. We should make some emergency call to give the person a quick treatment. Then how to make this kind of call? Now choose an emergency situation and make a dialogue. Make sure the operator asks for all the information including name of the caller, telephone number, address, what has happened, number of people involved. Now practice in pairs and I like some pairs to show their dialogues.T: Now, let’s ask some pair to do the dialogue.Possible dialogue:Sa: Emergency. Can I help you?Sb: Yes, you got to help me — my son has had an accident. I don’t know what to do.Sa: Now calm down. Tell me your name and phone number — slowly.Sb: Ummm... Marry Grand. Oh, you’ve got to send an ambulance now.Sa: Yes. I will. Now take a deep breath and tell me your phone number.Sb: Yes, yes... 342562178.Sa: Good. Now tell me what’s happened.Sb: Well, my son was playing in the grass when he was bitten by a snake. Now he is lying on the ground, bleeding. Oh, what should I do?Sa: Well, we will come soon. Just apply pressure to the bitten area with your hands and then, as soon as possible, with a bandage firmly over the bite.Sb: OK, thank you. Bye.Sa: Wait, we need your address.Sb: Oh yes. I’m just so worried. It’s 23 Loft Stress.Sa: OK, we’ll arrive soon.Step Ⅵ Homework1. Do the SPEAKING TASK in workbook p74.2. Find more information about first aid — how to rescue breathing.。
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Unite 5 First Aid
Teaching Goals:
1. Enable the Ss to get some first aid knowledge
2. Enable the Ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.
3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage .
Key Teaching Points
How to improve the Ss’ reading ability.
Difficult points
1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage.
2. How to help the Ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment f or burns correctly. Teaching methods
1). Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.
1.Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class.
2.Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.
petition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interest
Teaching procedures
Step1. Lead-in
Lead-in by telling the Ss a story, meanwhile, teach them some new words: bandage, first-aid-kit, ambulance and then ask them to think of words about accidents and first aid
Step2. Pre-reading
Show the Ss the picture of Pre-reading on P33 and ask them the following questions: What has happened?
What sort of injuries the child will have?
What kind of first aid would you perform?
Step3. Fast reading
Let the Ss read the passage fast and then find out the answers to the questions
1. What will the passage be about?
2. What do they tell you about the passage?
3. In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5.
____ the three types of burns
____ what to do if someone gets burned
____ the purpose of skin
____ the symptoms of burns
____ how we get burns
Step4. Detailed reading
1). Tell if the following statements are true or false:
1.Our skin has three layers.
2.We will never get burned by the sun.
3.Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain.
4.Third degree burns are the most serious and painful.
5.Put cool water on any burns to cool them.
6.Don’t rub the burns
7.It’s better that you put som e butter or oil on burns.
2). Answer the questions
1.Why should you put cold water on a burn?
2.Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?
3.Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?
4.If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?
3). Read the text again and then find out how many parts there are and the main idea of each
Part1.The purpose / function of skin
Part2. Causes of burns hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, chemicals
Part3. Types of burns: First degree burns, Second degree burns, Third degree burns
Part4. Characteristics of burns
Part5 First aid treatment
3). Finish off Comprehending Ex2&3
Step5. Words competition
Have a competition to check the Ss’ words spelling
Step6. Making a first-aid kit
An activity to let the Ss know what are included in a first-aid-kit
A well-stocked(存备得好的) first-aid kit, kept in easy reach, is necessary in every home. It should include:bandage, alcohol, flashlight, thermometer, soap, sharp scissors, plastic gloves (at least 2 pairs), your list of emergency phone numbers etc.
Step7. Role play
Work in pairs to act out how to place an emergency call for help
Step8. Summary
This passage doesn’t contain enough information for you to do first aid for others. Please learn more after class. Do remember: Life is precious, we should care about others and help people in an emergency and try our best to give them effective first aid if they are in danger.。