



人教版数学六年级上学期期末测试卷学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 一.选择题(共10小题)1.甲圆直径与乙圆直径的比是3:2,甲圆面积与乙圆面积之比是()A.4:9B.9:16C.16:9D.9:42.下列算式中,()的得数最大.A.×B.÷C.÷3.早晨,当子玉背对家门时,他的前面是西北面,他的后面是()A.东南B.西北C.西南4.一个数的是,求这个数是多少算式是()A.×B.÷C.÷5.如图(单位:cm),求环形面积,列式正确的是()A.3.14×302﹣202B.3.14×(30﹣20)2C.3.14×(302﹣202)6.下面能用百分数表示的是()A.一个苹果重kgB.母鸡只数是公鸡只数的C.一根铁丝长0.6米7.旋转式水龙喷头的射程是8米,8米就是指圆的()A.半径B.直径C.周长D.面积8.把35%的百分号去掉,这个数与原数相比,()A.扩大到原数的100倍B.缩小为原数的C.不变9.按规律填上合适的数:160,145,(),115,100.A.120B.130C.135D.14010.六(1)班有40名学生,选举中队长时,四名候选人的得票数分别是:李丽20票、王琪10票、张峰6票、邓浩4票.下列四幅图中,能准确地表示这一结果的是()A.B.C.D.二.填空题(共8小题)11.是个,个是.12.252千克的是千克;米的是90米.13.69%的计数单位是,它有个这样的计数单位,再添上个这样的计数单位就是“1”.14.李华与张兵两学生的体重比是4:5,李华的体重比张兵的体重轻%.15.三联超市在学校东偏北30°距离1300米的方向上,那么学校就在三联超市的偏°距离1300米的方向上.16.按规律填数:,,,,,,.17.某花店各种花的销售量情况如图.玫瑰最多,占全部花销售量的%;最少,占全部花销售量的%;百合比花篮多占全部花销售量的%;康乃馨和玫瑰共占全部花销售量的%.18.将一个直径是8cm把的圆等分成2018个小扇形,割拼成近似的长方形,这个长方形的周长是厘米,面积是平方厘米.三.判断题(共5小题)19.把2克盐放入50克水中,盐和盐水的质量比是1:26.(判断对错)20.圆的周长与它直径的比就是圆周率,用字母“π”表示.(判断对错)21.一种树苗的成活率是101%.(判断对错)22.若学校在银行的北偏西36°方向800米处,则银行在学校西偏北54°方向上.(判断对错) 23.一个自然数(0除外)除以一个真分数,商一定大于这个自然数.(判断对错)四.计算题(共1小题)24.直接写出得数.×=×24=÷=25×=0.9×=×=÷= 1.8×=五.操作题(共3小题)25.填一填.小丽家在小美家的东北方向,在小新家的西北方向,小丽家的东北方向是小海家,西北方向是小亮家,请你在图中标出他们各自家的位置.26.如图是用小棒摆出的正方形,观察图形中的规律,画出后面的图形,再填一填.27.画一个直径为3厘米的圆,并在圆中画出一个圆心角是90°的扇形.六.解答题(共6小题)28.kg是kg的;t的是3t.29.==12÷=30.某文化宫广场周围环境如右图所示:根据图完成下列各题.(1)体育馆在文化宫方向45°米处.(2)李东以50米/分的速度从学校出发,沿人民路向东走了8分钟,他走了米,请在图上用“●”画出李东现在的位置.31.小兔想做一个正方形的画框,可是它的细木条长短都不一样,有1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9厘米长的细木条各一根.(1)如果不能锯断,但可以连接(接头处不计损耗),小兔可以做一个怎样的正方形画框?(2)要做边长是9厘米的正方形的画框,可以怎么做?32.(1)请你在下面的正方形中画一个最大的圆.(2)如果剪去最大的圆,剩下部分的面积是多少?33.根据统计图中的数学信息回答问题.(1)这个统计图中,用整个圆表示.(2)“雨”天占%.(3)“多云”的天气一共有天.(4)“雨转多云”比“雨”天少天.(5)2019年6月,家住锦州市的李叔叔要到广州去.根据广州的天气情况,你对他有什么建议?七.应用题(共4小题)34.李伯伯家的果园去年摘了640kg苹果.今年摘了多少千克苹果?35.用一张长6分米,宽3分米的长方形铁皮剪出一个最大的圆,剩下的面积是多少平方厘米?36.甲、乙两个粮仓的存粮数的比是4:3,如果从甲粮仓拿出1200千克放入乙粮仓,这时甲粮仓存粮数是乙粮仓存粮数的.①甲、乙两粮仓共有粮多少千克?②甲粮仓原有粮多少千克?37.如图是学校为同学们购买的故事书、科技书、连环画三类图书数量的统计图.已知故事书和科技书共2100本.(1)连环画有多少本?(2)根据以上条件,自己提出一个数学问题并解答.答案与解析一.选择题(共10小题)1.[分析]设甲圆的直径为3d,则乙圆的直径为2d,利用圆的面积公式S=πr2,分别求出甲乙两个圆的面积,写出比、化简即可.[解答]解:设小圆的直径为3d,则大圆的直径为2d,甲圆的面积:π×(3d÷2)2=πd2,乙圆的面积:π×(2d÷2)2=πd2,甲圆的面积:乙圆的面积=πd2:πd2=9:4;答:甲圆面积与乙圆面积的比是9:4.故选:D.[点评]此题主要考查圆的面积公式的灵活应用应用.2.[分析]根据分数乘除法的计算方法求出算式的结果,再比较即可.[解答]解:×=÷=÷=>>最大的是算式是C.故选:C.[点评]解决本题关键是正确的计算出各个算式的结果,再比较.3.[分析]根据方向的相对性,西北对东南,据此解答.[解答]解:早晨,当子玉背对家门时,他的前面是西北面,他的后面是东南;故选:A.[点评]本题主要考查方位的辨别,注意方向的相对性.4.[分析]根据已知一个数的几分之几是多少,求这个数用除法计算列式为:÷.[解答]解:一个数的是,求这个数是多少算式是:÷.故选:C.[点评]本题考查了已知一个数的几分之几是多少,求这个数用除法计算.5.[分析]根据圆的面积公式S=πr2可分别计算出内圆、外圆的面积,然后再用外圆的面积减去内圆的面积即可得到答案.[解答]解:3.14×302﹣3.14×202=3.14×(900﹣400)=3.14×500=1570(平方厘米)答:这个环形的面积是1570平方厘米.故选:C.[点评]此题主要考查的是圆环面积的计算方法,即大圆的面积减去小圆的面积.6.[分析]百分数是“表示一个数是另一个数百分之几的数.”它只能表示两数之间的倍数关系,不能表示某一具体数量,据此解答.[解答]解:A、一个苹果重kg,不能用百分数表示;B、母鸡只数是公鸡只数的,能用百分数表示;C、一根铁丝长0.6米,不能用百分数表示;故选:B.[点评]百分数不能表示具体的数量是百分数与分数的区别之一.7.[分析]旋转式水龙喷头的射程是8米,8米就是指圆的半径;据此解答.[解答]解:旋转式水龙喷头的射程是8米,8米就是指圆的半径.故选:A.[点评]本题的关键是让学生理解水龙喷头的射程就是圆的半径.8.[分析]把35%的百分号去掉,即变成35;35%=0.35,由0.35到35,小数点向右移动2位,即扩大100倍;据此解答即可.[解答]解:35%=0.35,由35%变为35,小数点向右移动2位,即扩大100倍;故选:A.[点评]解答此题应明确:一个数(不等于0)后面添上百分号,这个数就缩小100倍;同样一个百分数,去掉百分号,这个数就扩大100倍.9.[分析]160﹣145=15,115﹣100=15,规律:每次递减15,据此解答即可.[解答]解:145﹣15=130故选:B.[点评]数列中的规律:关键是根据已知的式子或数得出前后算式或前后数之间的变化关系和规律,然后再利用这个变化规律再回到问题中去解决问题.10.[分析]根据六(1)班有40名学生,四名候选人的得票数分别是:李丽20票、王琪10票、张峰6票、邓浩4票,可以分别计算出四个人所占的百分比,从而可以判断出哪个扇形统计图是正确的.[解答]解:李丽占×100%=50%,王琪占×100%=25%,张峰占×100%=15%,邓浩占×100%=10%,故选:C.[点评]此题主要考查扇形统计图,并且从统计图中获取信息,然后再进行计算、解答即可.二.填空题(共8小题)11.[分析]要求几个是,用除以即可;要求几个是,用除以即可.[解答]解:÷=4÷=3答:是4个,3个是.故答案为:4,3.[点评]本题主要考查了分数除法的计算方法,属于基础题,细心解答即可.12.[分析](1)把252千克看成单位“1”,用252千克乘即可求解;(2)把要求的长度看成单位“1”,它的是90米,根据分数除法的意义,用90米除以即可求出要求的长度.[解答]解:(1)252×=42(千克)(2)90÷=135(米)答:252千克的是42千克; 135米的是90米.故答案为:42,135.[点评]解答此类问题,首先找清单位“1”,进一步理清解答思路,列式的顺序,从而较好的解答问题.13.[分析]根据题意,百分数可以看作分母是100的分数,69%=,的分数单位就是,所以69%的计算单位是1%,它有69个这样的计数单位;用100%﹣69%计算即可求得再添多少个这样的单位就是100%.[解答]解:69%的计算单位是1%,它有69个这样的计数单位;100%﹣69%=31%.再添31个这样的单位就是1.故答案为:1%,69,31.[点评]此题主要考查的是百分数的计算单位及其百分数加减法的应用.14.[分析]李华与张兵两学生的体重比是4:5,把李华的体重看作4份数,张兵的体重看作5份数,用(5﹣4)÷5即可得解.[解答]解:(5﹣4)÷5=1÷5=20%答:李华的体重比张兵的体重轻20%.故答案为:20.[点评]此题考查了逼的应用,求一个数比另一个数少百分之几,用除法解答.15.[分析]根据位置的相对性可知,它们的方向相反,角度相等,距离不变,据此解答.[解答]解:三联超市在学校东偏北30°距离1300米的方向上,那么学校就在三联超市的西偏南30°距离1300米的方向上;故答案为:西,南,30.[点评]本题主要考查了学生对位置相对性的掌握情况.16.[分析]分母10﹣4=6;16﹣10=6;所以规律是:分母依次增加6,分子都是1.[解答]解:==故答案为:;.[点评]数列中的规律:关键是根据已知的式子或数得出前后算式或前后数之间的变化关系和规律,然后再利用这个变化规律再回到问题中去解决问题.17.[分析]通过观察扇形统计图可知:玫瑰最多,占全部花销售量的35%,花篮最少,占全部花销售量的16%,百合占全部花销售量的23%,康乃馨占全部花销售量的26%,求百合比花篮多占全部花销售量的百分之几,根据求一个数比另一个多多少,用减法解答,求康乃馨和玫瑰共占全部花销售量的百分之几,用加法解答.[解答]解:23%﹣16%=7%;26%+35%=61%;答:玫瑰最多,占全部花销售量的35%,花篮最少,占全部花销售量的16%,百合比花篮多占全部花销售量的7%,康乃馨和玫瑰共占全部花销售量的61%.故答案为:35、花篮、16、7、61.[点评]此题考查的目的是理解掌握扇形统计图的特点及作用,并且能够根据统计图提供的信息,解决有关的实际问题.18.[分析]根据圆面积公式的推导过程可知,把一个圆平均分成若干份,沿半径剪开后再拼成一个近似长方形,这个长方形的长等于圆周长的一半,宽等于半径.根据圆的周长公式:C=πd,圆的面积公式:S=πr2,把数据分别代入公式解答.[解答]解:3.14×8+8=25.12+8=33.12(厘米)3.14×(8÷2)2=3.14×16=50.24(平方厘米)答:这个长方形的周长是33.12厘米,面积是50.24平方厘米.故答案为:33.12,50.24.[点评]此题考查的目的是理解掌握圆面积公式的推导过程,以及圆的周长公式、面积公式的灵活运用,关键是熟记公式.三.判断题(共5小题)19.[分析]把2克盐完全溶解在50克水里,盐水为(2+50)克,进而根据题意,求出盐与盐水的比,进行选择即可.[解答]解:2:(2+50)=2:52=1:26;所以原题计算正确;故答案为:√.[点评]此题考查了比的意义,应明确:盐+水=盐水.20.[分析]根据圆周率的含义:圆的周长和它直径的比值叫做圆周率,用字母“π”表示,π是一个无限不循环小数,计算时一般取它的近似值3.14;据此解答.[解答]解:任意一个圆的周长与它的直径的比值都是一个固定的数,我们把它叫做圆周率,用字母π表示.所以圆周率是比值,不是比,原题说法错误.故答案为:×.[点评]此题主要考查圆周率的含义.21.[分析]成活率是指成活的棵数占总棵数的百分比,计算方法是:成活树的棵数÷植树的总棵数×100%,由此可知:一种树苗的成活率最多是100%,不能超过100%,由此判断即可.[解答]解:一种树苗的成活率是101%,说法错误,因为一种树苗的成活率最多是100%,说法错误;故答案为:×.[点评]此题属于百分率问题都是用一部分数量(或全部数量)除以全部数量乘百分之百,代入数据求解即可.22.[分析]根据位置的相对性可知,它们的方向相反,角度相等,距离不变,据此解答.[解答]解:若学校在银行的北偏西36°方向800米处,则银行在学校南偏东36°方向上,故原题说法错误;故答案为:×.[点评]本题主要考查了学生对位置相对性的掌握情况.23.[分析]一个数(0除外)除以小于1的数,商大于这个数;据此解答.[解答]解:真分数都小于1;个自然数(0除外)除以一个真分数,商一定大于这个自然数;原题说法正确.故答案为:√.[点评]此题考查了不用计算判断商与被除数之间大小关系的方法.四.计算题(共1小题)24.[分析]分数乘法:分子相乘的积做分子,分母相乘的积做分母,能约分的先约分;分数除法:除以一个不为零的数等于乘上这个数的倒数.[解答]解:×=×24=20÷=25×=150.9×=×=÷= 1.8×=0.3[点评]本题属于基本的计算,在平时注意积累经验,逐步提高运算的速度和准确性.五.操作题(共3小题)25.[分析]依据地图上的方向辨别方法,即“上北下南,左西右东”,以及题目给出的其他信息,即可进行解答.[解答]解:[点评]此题主要考查地图上的方向辨别方法的灵活应用.26.[分析]根据图示,发现这组图形的规律:摆1个正方形需要小棒:4根;摆2个正方形需要小棒:4+3=7(根);摆3个正方形需要小棒:4+3+3=10(根);……摆n个正方形需要小棒:4+3(n﹣1)=(3n+1)根.据此解答并完成作图.[解答]解:如图:摆1个正方形需要小棒:4根摆2个正方形需要小棒:4+3=7(根)摆3个正方形需要小棒:4+3+3=10(根)……摆n个正方形需要小棒:4+3(n﹣1)=(3n+1)根所以,摆4个正方形需要小棒:3×4+1=12+1=13(根)[点评]本题主要考查数与形结合的规律,关键根据所给图示发现这组图形的规律,然后利用规律做题.27.[分析]画圆时“圆心定位置,半径定大小”,在平面上确定一点O为圆心,所画圆的半径为3÷2=1.5(厘米),然后把圆规的两脚定为1.5厘米,即可画出此圆.在圆内画一条半径,以圆心为顶点,以这条半径为一边,另一条半径为另一边画一个90°的角,这两条半径及它们所夹的短弧即所围成的图形就是所画的扇形.[解答]解:[点评]此题考查的知识有圆的意义及画法、扇形的意义及画法.六.解答题(共6小题)28.[分析]求kg是kg的几分之几,用kg除以kg即可;把要求的数量看作单位“1”,它的是3t,用除法解答即可.[解答]解:÷=3÷=12(t)答:kg是kg的;12t的是3t.故答案为:,12.[点评]求一个数是另一个数的几分之几,用除法解答.29.[分析]分数的分子和分母同时乘或者除以相同的数(0除外),分数的大小不变.据此解答.[解答]解:==12÷15=故答案为:25,15,16.[点评]此题考查了分数的基本性质,分数与除法的关系的灵活运用.30.[分析](1)根据比例尺和图上距离,计算体育馆和文化宫之间的实际距离,然后根据图上确定方向的方法确定体育馆的位置.(2)根据公式:路程=速度×时间,计算李东所走路程,然后利用比例尺和实际距离,计算其图上距离,并标出其位置.[解答]解:(1)100×3=300(米)答:体育馆在文化宫北偏东方向45°300米处.(2)50×8=400(米)400÷100=4(厘米)李东的位置如图所示:故答案为:北偏东;300;400.[点评]此题主要考查依据方向(角度)和距离判定物体位置的方法以及线段比例尺的意义.31.[分析]根据题意,9根细木条可以连接成边长为10厘米的正方形或边长为9厘米的正方形,利用整数加法的运算法则计算即可.[解答]解:(1)根据题意,1+9=10(厘米)2+8=10(厘米)3+7=10(厘米)4+6=10(厘米)答:小兔可以做边长是10厘米的正方形画框.(答案不唯一,合理即可.)(2)要做边长是9厘米的正方形的画框,1+8=9(厘米)2+7=9(厘米)3+6=9(厘米)最后取9厘米的木条.[点评]本题主要考查数与形结合的规律,关键根据图示发现这组图形的规律,并运用规律做题.32.[分析](1)在正方形内画的最大圆的直径等于正方形边长.根据画圆时“圆心定位置,半径定大小”,作这个正方形的两条对角线,以对角线的交点为圆心,以正方形边长的一半为半径即可画圆.(2)正方形边长已知,所画圆的直径与正方形边长相等,根据半径与直径的关系“r=”可求出圆的半径.根据正方形面积计算公式“S=a2”、圆面积计算公式“S=πr2”分别求出正方形面积、圆面积,二者相减就是剩下部分的面积.[解答]解:(1)在下面的正方形中画一个最大的圆(下图).(2)62﹣3.14×()2=62﹣3.14×32=36﹣3.14×9=36﹣28.26=7.74(cm2)答:剩下部分的面积是7.74cm2.[点评](1)关键是确定圆心的位置及所画圆半径;(2)关键是正方形、圆面积的计算.33.[分析](1)这个统计图中,整体表示2018年6月份天气.(2)把6月份的天数看作单位“1”,根据减法的意义,用减法先求出雨天占这个月的百分之几.(3)根据一个数乘分数的意义,用乘法解答.(4)先求出雨转多云有多少天,再根据求一个数比另一个数的少多少,用减法解答.(5)因为6月份广州阴雨天较多,所以李叔叔去广州必须要雨伞.[解答]解;(1)这个统计图中,整体表示2018年6月份天气.(2)1﹣10%﹣30%=60%30×60%=30×0.6=18(天)答:雨天有18天.(3)30×10%=3(天)答:多云有3天.(4)30×30%=9(天)18﹣9=9(天)答:“雨转多云”比“雨”天少9天.(5)因为6月份广州阴雨天较多,所以李叔叔去广州必须要雨伞.故答案为:6月份的天数;60;3;9.[点评]此题考查的目的是理解掌握扇形统计图的特点及作用,并且能够根据统计图提供的信息,解决有关的实际问题.七.应用题(共4小题)34.[分析]把去年的产量看成单位“1”,今年的产量是去年的(1+),用去年的产量乘上这个分率就是今年的产量.[解答]解:640×(1+)=640×=896(千克)答:今年摘了896千克苹果.[点评]本题的关键是找出单位“1”,已知单位“1”的量求它的几分之几是多少用乘法求解.35.[分析]长方形内最大的圆的直径等于这个长方形的宽边3分米,再据剩下部分的面积=长方形的面积﹣圆的面积,由此利用长方形和圆的面积公式即可解答.[解答]解:6×3﹣3.14×(3÷2)2=18﹣3.14×2.25=18﹣7.065=10.935(平方分米)10.935平方分米=1093.5平方厘米答:剩下的面积是1093.5平方厘米.[点评]抓住长方形内最大的圆的特点得出这个圆的直径是解决此类问题的关键.36.[分析]由题意可知,甲、乙两个粮仓的存粮总量没变,把甲、乙两个粮仓的存粮总量看作单位“1”,原来甲粮仓的存粮量是甲、乙两个粮仓的存粮总量的,如果从甲粮仓拿出1200千克放入乙粮仓,这时甲粮仓存粮数是乙粮仓存粮数的,则这时甲粮仓存粮数是甲、乙两个粮仓的存粮总量,所以1200千克就占甲、乙两个粮仓的存粮总量(﹣),由此用除法可求得甲、乙两粮仓共有粮多少千克,再乘就是甲粮仓原有粮多少千克;据此解答.[解答]解:①1200÷(﹣)=1200÷(﹣)=1200÷=7000(千克)答:甲、乙两粮仓共有粮7000千克.②7000×=7000×=4000(千克)答:甲粮仓原有粮4000千克.[点评]解答此题关键是找出甲、乙两个粮仓的存粮总量没变,把甲、乙两个粮仓的存粮总量看作单位“1”.37.[分析](1)把这三种书的总本数看成单位“1”,故事书和科技书共占总本数的(40%+35%),它对应的数量是2100本,根据分数除法的意义,用2100÷(40%+35%)即可求出总本数;再用总本数乘25%就是连环画的本数;(2)可以根据(1)提问某种书的本数,如科技书有多少本?先根据(1)的方法求出总本数,再乘40%就是科技书的本数.[解答]解:(1)2100÷(40%+35%)×25%=2100÷75%×25%=2800×25%=700(本)答:连环画有700本.(2)问题:科技书有多少本?2100÷(40%+35%)×40%=2800×40%=1120(本)答:科技书有1120本.(答案不唯一)[点评]解决本题关键是从图中读出数据,找出单位“1”,再根据基本的数量关系求解.。



人教版六年级上册数学单元测试卷及答案一、选择题1. 下列各数中,只有一个是偶数的是()。

A. 11B. 16C. 27D. 362. 九九乘法口诀表中,下列四个数中哪一个数“十位”上的数字最小()。

A. 49B. 58C. 67D. 733. 圆的直径是10cm,求它的周长是()。

A. 10cmB. 15cmC. 20cmD. 30cm4. 一张由6cm×8cm小正方形砖铺成的地板,长是多少米()。

A. 0.6mB. 0.48mC. 0.08mD. 0.0048m5. 小明放了36支铅笔在六个铅笔盒里,每个铅笔盒有几支铅笔()。

A. 3支B. 6支C. 9支D. 12支二、填空题1. 十二小时有__________分钟。

2. 36分=_____小时______分钟。

3. 一个矩形面积是60cm^2,它的长是6cm,它的宽是______cm。

4. 一个由正方形砖铺成的大正方形地板的边长是______m,每块正方形砖的边长是6cm。

5. 一个长方形的长是12cm,宽是8cm,面积是______cm^2。

三、解答题1. 小明拿5元钱去买文具,钢笔价格是4元,他还剩几元?解:钢笔价格是4元,剩下5-4=______元。

2. 作业本有98页,小明上了55页后,还剩几页?解:作业本有98页,上了55页后,还剩______页。

3. 杰明做数学题用了30分钟,他做英语题比数学题用的时间多15分钟,他一共用了多少分钟?解:做数学题用了30分钟,做英语题用了30+15=______分钟。


1. 如果砖的边长是60cm,需要多少块砖才能铺满整个地板?解:地板的面积是______平方米,每块砖的面积是______平方米,所需的砖块数量是______块。

2. 如果砖的边长是40cm,需要多少块砖才能铺满整个地板?解:地板的面积是______平方米,每块砖的面积是______平方米,所需的砖块数量是______块。



人教版小学六年级上册英语试题(答案及解析)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.I _______ (study) English every day.2.Tom is working on a science project at home. He needs to collect some __________ for his experiment. Tom plans to mix the __________ with the water and observe the results. He is very interested in how plants grow.3.Which of these is a number?A. BookB. FourC. ChairD. Table4.They ______ in the park now.A. is playingB. are playingC. playD. played5.Maria is walking to school. She carries her __________ (backpack) on her__________ (shoulder). She walks past the __________ (park) and the __________ (supermarket) on her way. When she arrives at school, she goes to her __________ (classroom).6.I am going to the __ next week. It is a place where you can see many beautiful __. I plan to take some pictures with my __ and learn more about the __. I will also bring a notebook to write down what I see. It is going to be a __ trip.7.Which one can fly?A. FishB. BirdC. DogD. Lion8.We _______ (drink/drinks) water during class.9.Tom is in the garden with his dad. They are planting some __________. Tom uses a __________ to dig a hole in the soil, and his dad puts the seeds into the hole. After planting, Tom waters the plants with a __________. They both hope the plants will grow soon.10.What do you use to open a door?A. KeyB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate11.If you want to bake a cake, which of the following ingredients would you typically need?A. FlourB. SaltC. SoapD. Vinegar12.Which of these is a season?A. MondayB. WinterC. BlueD. Book13.Every Sunday, my family _______ (cook) a big meal together. My father _______ (make) soup, and my mother _______ (prepare) the main dishes. My sister and I _______ (set) the table and _______ (serve) the food.14.Which one is a fruit?A. BananaB. ChairC. TableD. Spoon15.We __________ (1) a new dog last month. It __________ (2) very playful and friendly. I __________ (3) to take care of it. My parents __________ (4) me to feed it every day.16.They _______ (study) for the test now.17.He _______ (speak) Chinese very well.18.Which of these is used to write?A. PenB. CupC. PlateD. Spoon19.I _______ (not/have) any pets.20.We _______ (play) tennis next Saturday.21.Yesterday, I went to the ______ with my parents. We bought some ______, ______, and a ______ for the house. After shopping, we went to the ______ to pick up my younger sister. She had a ______ with her because she was carrying a lot of books. When we got home, we had a big ______ for dinner, and we all enjoyed it together.22.I __________ (have) a pet dog named Max. He __________ (be) very friendly and __________ (like) to play outside. Every morning, I __________ (take) him for a walk in the park. Max __________ (chase) after the ball, and I __________ (throw) it for him. After playing for a while, we __________ (sit) on the bench and __________ (rest). In the evening, my mom __________ (feed) him, and he __________ (eat) his dinner quickly.23.She _______ (go) to the park on weekends.24.What should you do if you want to keep your room clean?A. Leave all the toys on the floor.B. Pick up your toys and put them away.C. Hide everything under the bed.D. Let your parents clean it for you.25.They _______ (have/has) many toys.26.They _______ (go) to the park after school.27.He _______ (speak/speaks) Chinese and English.28.He _______ (not/understand) the question.29.I _______ (never/see) a tiger.30.He _______ (not/sing) in the choir.31.Tom __________ (1) his homework every evening. He __________ (2) it after school. When he __________ (3) done with his homework, he __________ (4) to play video games. His sister Lucy __________ (5) to read books, and she __________ (6) alot of time in the library.32.I __________ (1) study English every day. I __________ (2) listen to English songs, __________ (3) read English books, and __________ (4) write English sentences. It__________ (5) fun and helpful for me to learn English.33.Which of these is a healthy food?A. CandyB. PizzaC. AppleD. Chips34.We _______ (have) a test tomorrow.35.Which of these is a season?A. JanuaryB. SummerC. SeptemberD. Weekend36.They _______ (not) come to school on Sundays.37.She _______ (can / can’t / could) swim very fast.38.How many fingers do humans usually have?A. FourB. SixC. TenD. Eight39.Which one is a day of the week?A. FridayB. SunC. ChairD. Paper40.Which of these is a type of animal?A. ElephantB. ForkC. KnifeD. Chair41.What do we use to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate42.We _______ (not) like the cold weather.43.Where does a fish live?A. In the treeB. In the skyC. In the waterD. On the ground44.They _______ (speak) English in class.45.We _______ (study) English at this time tomorrow.46.They _______ (visit) their grandmother last weekend.47.They _______ (not/go) to school on Sundays.48.We _______ (not) have school on Sundays.49.They _______ (swim) in the pool.50.They _______ (eat) lunch at 12 o’clock.(答案及解释)。



人教版六年级上册数学试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个数是偶数?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 62. 一个正方形的周长是24厘米,那么它的边长是多少厘米?A. 4厘米B. 6厘米C. 8厘米D. 12厘米3. 下列哪个分数等于0.5?A. 1/2B. 2/3C. 3/4D. 4/54. 下列哪个数是质数?A. 12B. 13C. 15D. 185. 下列哪个图形是平行四边形?A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 三角形D. 圆形二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 0是最小的自然数。

()2. 1是最大的质数。

()3. 2的倍数都是偶数。

()4. 所有的偶数都是2的倍数。

()5. 两个锐角相加的和一定是钝角。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 5的倍数有:1、2、3、4、______。

2. 9 + 5 = ______。

3. 2 × 4 = ______。

4. 18 ÷ 3 = ______。

5. 一个等边三角形的三个角都是______角。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请写出5个3的倍数。

2. 请写出5个2的倍数。

3. 请写出5个质数。

4. 请写出5个偶数。

5. 请写出5个奇数。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,求这个长方形的面积。

2. 一个等腰三角形的底是8厘米,高是5厘米,求这个三角形的面积。

3. 一个数的3倍是15,求这个数。

4. 18除以几等于2?5. 一个正方形的周长是32厘米,求这个正方形的面积。

六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析一下偶数和奇数的区别。

2. 请分析一下质数和合数的区别。

七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请画出一个边长为6厘米的正方形。

2. 请画出一个底为8厘米,高为5厘米的等腰三角形。

八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1. 设计一个面积为36平方厘米的长方形,并给出其长和宽的具体数值。



人教版小学六年级上册英语试题【答案和题解】(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.I __________ (wake) up late today. My alarm clock __________ (not, ring), so I __________ (rush) to school. When I __________ (arrive) at school, my teacher__________ (already, start) the lesson. I __________ (feel) very embarrassed.2.Which one is used for cleaning teeth?A. ToothbrushB. PlateC. ForkD. Spoon3.She _______ (like) apples.4.Which one is used for eating?A. ForkB. BookC. ChairD. Door5.Which animal is known as the "king of the jungle"?A. TigerB. ElephantC. LionD. Bear6.I _______ (read) a book every night.7.She _______ (go / goes / went) to the store this morning.8.We _______ (watch) a movie tonight.9.We _______ (play) basketball on Fridays.10.In the summer, my family and I go to the beach. We enjoy swimming in the sea, building sandcastles, and collecting seashells. After a day at the beach, we have a picnic with sandwiches and lemonade.11.I _______ (read) a funny story yesterday.12.I _______ (go / goes / went) to the park every Sunday.13.Which of these is used for cleaning?A. MopB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair14.I _______ (want) to go to the movies.15.This morning, I __________ (see) a cat outside my window. It __________ (look) very cute, and it __________ (sit) on the fence. I __________ (wish) I could play with it, but I __________ (not have) time because I __________ (need) to go to school.16.We _______ (go) to the park on weekends.17.I _______ (eat) lunch at school every day.18.What do you use to write on a blackboard?A. PenB. ChalkC. MarkerD. Eraser19.I _______ (take) the bus to school every morning.20.What do we use to write?A. PenB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair21.What is the past tense of "eat"?A. EatsB. AteC. EatingD. Eaten22.They _______ (study/studies) in the library.23.What do we use to write?A. SpoonB. PenC. ChairD. Table24.They _______ (play) tennis next weekend.25.What is the opposite of "big"?A. SmallB. TallC. HappyD. Fast26.Which one is a body part?A. FootB. PlateC. ForkD. Spoon27.She _______ (run) very fast.28.I _______ (not) like to get up early.29.They _______ (visit) their cousins next week.30.I _______ (play) basketball with my friends tomorrow.31.Which of the following is a pet?A. DogB. TableC. SpoonD. Chair32.My dad __________ (work) at a hospital. He __________ (help) sick people and__________ (take) care of them. He __________ (be) a doctor, and he __________ (love) his job very much.33.They _______ (sing) a song now.34.We _______ (buy) some ice cream after the movie last night. It was a hot evening, and we enjoyed the cold treat.35.My dad is cooking dinner tonight. He is making __ with vegetables and rice. It smells delicious! My little sister is setting the __ on the table. After dinner, we will watcha __ on TV. I can’t wait to eat and enjoy the evening with my family.36.What do we use to tell the time?A. ClockB. BookC. CarD. Table37.We _______ (go) to the library every Friday.38.I ______ (go) to the library every Saturday to read books. Sometimes, I ______ (borrow) books on science, and sometimes I ______ (borrow) books on history. I ______ (love) reading and learning new things.39.This is my family. My father is a __________ and my mother is a __________. I have one __________ and two __________. We live in a __________ near a__________. Every weekend, we like to go to the __________ to play. My father likes to play __________, and my mother likes to walk. My brother likes to play with his__________, and my sister likes to play with her __________. After playing, we usually have __________ in the park and then go home in the afternoon. I love my family very much.40.Which of these is used to carry money?A. WalletB. BasketC. SpoonD. Plates t Sunday, I __________ (1) a cake for my sister’s birthday. I __________ (2) chocolate, strawberries, and cream. My sister __________ (3) very happy. After the cake, we __________ (4) games and __________ (5) music. It __________ (6) a great birthday party.42.What is the opposite of "cold"?A. HotB. BigC. HeavyD. Small43.What do you use to write on a board?A. PenB. PencilC. ChalkD. Eraser44.She _______ (be) very tired after the trip.45.What is the opposite of "day"?A. WeekB. NightC. MorningD. Evening46.Which one is a tool for cutting?A. HammerB. ScissorsC. ScrewdriverD. Brush47.We _______ (eat) breakfast at 7:00 AM every day.48.They _______ (be) on holiday next week.49.They _______ lunch at 12:00 every day.50.I __________ (not like) to eat vegetables, but my mother __________ (make) me eat them every day. Yesterday, I __________ (eat) broccoli, and it __________ (be) not so bad. Today, I __________ (eat) carrots, and they __________ (taste) better than broccoli. I __________ (try) to like vegetables, but I __________ (prefer) fruit.(答案及解释)。













A.1B.2C.37.0.7 mm的自动铅笔芯,这里“0.7 mm”指的是()。











六年级上册数学测试卷人教版一、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1.2/5×( )=1。




5. 6.02立方分米=()升()毫升。












A. 5+3=8B. 4x+3C. 3x-8=16D. 2x+1>52.把一根钢管截成6段,每截一次用3分钟,一共需要()分钟。

A. 12B. 15C. 18D. 243.两个连续自然数的和是57,这两个自然数中,比较小的数是()。

A. 28B. 29C. 27D. 27.54.一个正方体纸盒的棱长总和是24厘米,它的表面积是()平方厘米。

A. 24B. 36C. 48D. 545.下列说法正确的是()。

A. 半径为2厘米的圆的周长和面积相等B. 直径所在的直线是圆的对称轴C. 圆的半径扩大2倍,它的面积就扩大4倍D. 两个半圆一定能拼成一个圆四、计算题(共35分)1.直接写出得数。

(每题1分,共10分)0.77+0.33= 7÷1.4= 9+1/6= 2.4×5=4/3-1/2= 12÷0.12= 1÷1/3= 1-1/4+3/4=2.5×40= 4/5÷3/5=2.计算下列各题,能简算的要简算。




















人教版六年级上册数学期末测试卷一.选择题(共8题, 共16分)1.画一个直径4厘米的圆, 那么圆规两脚间的距离应该是()厘米。

A.4厘米B.2厘米C.8厘米2.在直径是3米的圆形喷水池边上每隔0.628米放一盆花, 一共可以放()盆花。

A.14B.15C.163.实验一小和实验二小的女生人数都占本校学生总数的48%, 两个学校的女生人数()。

A.相等B.不相等C.以上两种情况都有可能4.不但可以表示数量的多少, 而且能够清楚地表示数量增减变化的情况, 应选哪种统计图?()A.条形B.折线C.扇形5.大圆的半径与小圆半径的比为2: 1, 则大、小圆周长之比是()。

A.4: 1B.π: 1C.2: 16.一份工作, 甲单独做小时完成, 乙单独做3小时完成, 甲与乙工作效率的比是()。

A.8: 1B.15: 8C.5: 247.如果小红在小强北偏东42°的位置上, 那么小强在小红的()位置上。

A.南偏西48°B.北偏东48°C.南偏西42°8.一桶纯净水有升, 喝去一些后, 还剩下这桶水的。


A.升B.升C.升二.判断题(共8题, 共16分)1.半径2厘米的圆, 周长和面积一样大。

()2.如果两个圆的半径比是2:3, 它们面积和周长的比都是4:1。

()3.小明吃了一个蛋糕的四分之一, 小亮吃了剩下的25%, 他们吃的一样多。

()4.冰冰的年龄是爸爸的, 那么爸爸与冰冰年龄的比是5:2。

()5.把一根1米长的绳子对折3次, 每段的长度是这根绳子的。

()6.如果A:B=4:5, 那么A一定等于4, B一定等于5。

()7.a和b都是非0自然数, 如果a÷=b×, 那么a>b。


()三.填空题(共8题, 共20分)1.甲数比乙数多60%, 则甲数是乙数的()%;乙数是甲数的()%;乙数比甲数少()%。

2.学校合唱队有80名队员, 舞蹈队队员比合唱队队员少, 学校舞蹈队有队员()名。



人教版六年级语文上册各单元测试题全册,含答案 Revised by BETTY on December 25,2020六年级语文上册第一单元测试字词小天地(22分)一、读句子,写词语。

(6分)ìnɡmì( )的大千世界,yùn hán( )着无穷的ào mì( ),有志的孩子去积极tàn suǒ( )吧。

2.树林里十分热闹,有的小鸟仿佛在yín sònɡ( )诗歌,有的小鸟仿佛在yǎn zòu( )吉他,有的小鸟仿佛在歌唱春天。



(8分)( )高望重意味( )长投( )取巧 ( )( )乐道望( )生畏随心所( ) 不拘一( ) ( )冲( )撞五、择优录取,选词填空。












(李白)5.卧看满天云不动, 。

(陈与义)6.不是花中偏爱菊, 。

(元稹) 二、选填关联词语,并用落选的一个关联词语造句.............。

(4分)与其……不如 无论……都 如果……就 哪怕……也1.( )我们放松了对自己的要求,( )会退步不前。

2.( )是读山还是品水,他( )将受到新的启迪。

3.( )山再高路再险,他( )能想方设法爬上去。

















、山中访友1、为加点字选择正确的读音唱和.(hèhé) 树冠.(ɡuān ɡuàn) 旋转.(zhuàn zhuǎn) 蕴.含(yùn wēn) 湛.蓝〔zhàn shèn〕栀.子〔zhīzī〕2、根据解释写出相应的词语。




















(每空1分,共17分)1. 用圆规画一个周长为18.84厘米的圆,圆规两脚间的距离应取( )厘米,所画圆的面积是( )平方厘米。

2. 张强在教室的位置用(3,7)表示,他前面第二个同学应该用( , )来表示。

3.有10吨媒,第一次用去51,第二次用去51吨,还剩下( )吨媒。

4.0.75︰169化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。

5.73、46%和0.45按从大到小的顺序排列起来应为( )。

6. ( )比20米多20%,3吨比( )千克少40%。


51×43( )51÷34 87×65( )65÷87 94+94( )94×94 8、某商品在促销时期降价20%,促销后又涨20%,这时商品的价格是原来价格的( )%。

9. 9 ÷( )= 0.75 =( )︰24 =( )%10.小丽的妈妈在银行存入8000元,按年利率2%计算,存满三年后,应得税后利息( )元。



( )2.甲数和乙数的比是4︰5,那么乙数比甲数多25%。

( )3.因为53= 60%,所以53米 = 60%米。

( ) 4.一个数除以分数的商不一定比原数大。

( ) 5.加工97个零件全部合格,合格率是97%。

( )三、反复比较,果断选择。

(把正确答案的字母填在括号里)(4分)1.周长相等时,( )的面积最大。

① 圆 ② 长方形 ③ 正方形2.把30%的百分号去掉,原来的数就( )。

① 扩大100倍 ② 缩小100倍 ③ 不变3.能清楚地反映各部分数量和总数的关系,最好用( )。

① 扇形统计图 ② 条形统计图 ③ 折线统计图4.x 、y 、z 是三个非零自然数,且x ×56= y ×78= z ×910,那么x 、y 、z 按照从大到小的顺序排列应是( )。






















4.已知a,b,c 都大于0,如果98×a=65×b=c×1,那么a,b,c 按照从大到小的顺序排列应是()。







12.5×80=180×6= 7.73+2。


9= 500÷5= 42×5= 8。


03= 120-25×4=41+81=32-31=51+101=32+41=43―21=61―71= 二、填空题.1、小明坐在教室的第4列第3行,用(4,3)表示,小星坐在第2列第5行,用( , )来表示,用(6 ,1)表示的同学坐在第( )列第( )行。

2、张明和李平在教室里的位置可以用点(3,6)和点(4,5)表示,(3,6)中的3表示第3列,则6表示( ),(4,7)表示王兵坐在第( )列第( )行。

3、如下图:△的位置为(2,3),则◆的位置可以表示为( , ),★的位置记为( , ).4、如下图:A 点用数对表示为(1,1),B 点用数对表示为( , ),C 点用数对表示为( , ),三角形ABC 是( )三角形。

三、选择题.1、如图,如果点a 的位置表示为(1,3),则点b 的位置可以表示为( )。

A 、(4,4)B 、(4,5)C 、(5,4)D 、(3,3) 2、如图,如果将△ABC 向右平移2格,则顶点A ′的位置用数对表示为(). A 、(5,1) B 、(1,3) C 、(7,1) D 、(3,1)3、科学课,聪聪坐在实验室的第3列第2行,用数对(3,2)表示,明明坐在聪聪正后方的第一个位置上,明明的位置用数对表示是( )。

A 、(3,3) B 、(4,3) C 、(3,2) D 、(4,1)4、如果A 点用数对表示为(1,5),B 点用数对表示为(1,1),C 点用数对表示为(3,1),那么三角形ABC 一定是( )三角形.A 、锐角B 、钝角C 、直角D 、等腰 四、解决问题。

1、先写出三角形ABC 各个顶点的位置,再画出 三角形ABC 向下平移4个 单位后的图形△A ′B ′C ′, 然后写出所得图形顶点的 位置。



人教版小学六年级上册英语真题(答案和解释)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.What do we use to write?A. PenB. SpoonC. PlateD. Shoe2.We _______ (go) to the cinema on Saturdays.3.Today, the weather __________ (1) very nice. It __________ (2) sunny and warm, so I __________ (3) wear my new sunglasses. In the morning, my parents and I__________ (4) go to the zoo. We __________ (5) see many animals, like lions, giraffes, and monkeys. I __________ (6) take lots of pictures, and my parents __________ (7) enjoy the animals too. After the zoo, we __________ (8) go to the beach to relax.4.They _______ (play) football every afternoon.5.He _______ (study) very hard these days.6.We _______ (not/visit) the museum last week.7.Jack is getting ready for his school concert. He is going to play the __________ in the school orchestra. Jack loves playing music, and he has been practicing every day. His teacher, Mrs. Lee, says that Jack has improved a lot and is playing the __________ much better than before. His friend, Tim, is going to sing a __________ during the concert, and his sister, Lily, is going to play the __________. Everyone is excited about the concert, and Jack hopes the audience will __________ for them at the end.8.Which of these is the opposite of "slow"?A. FastB. HeavyC. TallD. Light9.They _______ (help) their parents at home.10.I _______ (play) basketball on weekends.11.I like to watch __________. My favorite show is __________. It is very__________ because it has funny characters. Sometimes, I watch it with my __________. After the show, we talk about our favorite parts. I also like to watch __________ movies. They are very __________ and exciting.12.I __________ (be) tired this morning because I __________ (stay) up late last night.I __________ (watch) a movie with my friends. Today, I __________ (feel) much better after a good rest.13.It ______ (be) a very busy day at school today. We ______ (have) two tests, and we ______ (study) a lot. After school, I ______ (go) to the park with my friends. We ______ (play) soccer and ______ (enjoy) ourselves.14.I _______ (like/likes) to watch cartoons.15.She _______ (like) apples very much.16.We _______ (play) basketball on weekends.17.Yesterday, my friend Tom __________ (1) a birthday party. It __________ (2) at his house. We __________ (3) a lot of fun. Tom __________ (4) to play games with us. We __________ (5) music and __________ (6) birthday cake. After the party, we__________ (7) some pictures together. I __________ (8) the party very much!18.Which of these is a type of weather?A. RainyB. TableC. ChairD. Car19.Which of these animals is known for its roar?A. DogB. CatC. LionD. Tiger20.She _______ (be) my best friend.21.She _______ (play) the violin.22.What do we use to clean our hands?A. SoapB. TowelC. SpoonD. Plate23.She _______ (walk/walks) to school every day.24.Which of these is a season?A. AprilB. SummerC. TuesdayD. Morning25.I _______ (have/has) a dog.26.They _______ (not like) math.27.Anna __________ (1) very good at playing the violin. She __________ (2) practice every day after school. Last week, she __________ (3) perform at a concert, and everyone __________ (4) say she is amazing. I __________ (5) want to learn how to playthe violin too, but I __________ (6) not have one. Maybe I __________ (7) get one for my birthday.28.Which of these is a season?A. JanuaryB. SummerC. New YorkD. Monday29.Which of these is used to write?A. PenB. KnifeC. ForkD. Spoon30.Which animal can fly?A. catB. dogC. birdD. lion31.He _______ (sing) very well.32.Which of these is a type of tree?A. CarB. OakC. SpoonD. Table33.My father _____ to work by car.A. goB. goesC. goingD. gone34.We _______ (watch) a movie next Friday.35.We _______ (not / go) to school on Sundays.36.Which one is a body part?A. AppleB. ChairC. ArmD. Tree37.I __________ (love) animals. I __________ (have) a pet cat named Bella. She__________ (be) very cute and friendly. Every day, I __________ (feed) her and__________ (play) with her. Bella __________ (enjoy) chasing toys and __________ (sleep) on my bed.38.We _______ (go) to the park yesterday.39.I _______ (not, know) his phone number.40.They _______ (have) a test tomorrow.41.What do we use to clean our teeth?A. ToothbrushB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Plate42.I __________ (1) to the bookstore yesterday. I __________ (2) a new storybook there. It __________ (3) about a young girl who __________ (4) an adventure in a forest.I __________ (5) the book very much and __________ (6) it with my friends. We__________ (7) to read more books like this.43.I _______ (call) you when I arrive.44.Which of these is a body part?A. ChairB. LegC. TableD. Spoon45.What do we use to wash our hands?A. SoapB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate46.Which one is a body part?A. HandB. ChairC. SpoonD. Plate47.I _______ (be) tired after school.48.We _______ (not/don’t) have school on Sundays.49.They _______ (play) football right now.50.I _______ (am/are) a student.(答案及解释)。



人教版小学6年级上册英语试题(答案和解释)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.I _______ (like/likes) to play with my friends.2.Which of these is a sweet food?A. CakeB. PotatoC. OnionD. Carrot3.They _______ (take) a bus to school every day.4.Peter usually ______ (go) to school by bus. But yesterday, he ______ (decide) to walk because the weather ______ (be) so nice. He ______ (leave) home early, but when he ______ (arrive) at school, he ______ (realize) that he ______ (forget) his homework.5.He _______ (take) a shower every morning.6.This weekend, we __________ (have) a party at home. My friends __________ (come) over, and we __________ (play) games and __________ (eat) snacks. I__________ (decorate) the house with balloons, and we __________ (sing) songs together. At the end of the party, we __________ (take) some photos to remember the fun time. It __________ (be) a wonderful day, and everyone __________ (enjoy) the party.7.Yesterday, I went to my friend’s birthday party. There were many guests, and everyone was __. We played games, danced, and ate delicious food. The birthday cake was decorated with colorful __, and we sang “Happy Birthday” before cutting the cake. I gave my friend a __ as a gift, and she was very happy.8.We _______ (visit) our grandparents next weekend.9.I _______ (not/have) any pets.10.We are learning about the seasons in school. My teacher explained how the weather changes in different __. In __, flowers bloom and the weather gets warmer. In __, the leaves fall off the trees. In __, it gets very cold, and sometimes it snows.11.They _______ (play) football at the moment.12.My brother _______ (love) to play video games in the evening. Last night, he_______ (invite) me to play with him. We _______ (play) for two hours. I _______ (lose)the game, but my brother _______ (win). Afterward, we _______ (eat) some snacks and _______ (talk) about school. It _______ (be) a fun night.13.I __________ (love) animals, and my favorite animal __________ (be) dogs. I__________ (have) a dog named Max. He __________ (be) very friendly and__________ (like) to play fetch. Every morning, we __________ (go) for a walk in the park, and I __________ (throw) the ball for him to catch. Max __________ (make) me very happy!14.We _______ (have) a picnic next weekend.15.In the evening, my family and I like to sit together and watch ______. Our favorite show is a ______ show about animals. After the show, we usually have a ______ or some snacks. It’s a fun way to end the day.16.We _______ (play) soccer next weekend.17.I _______ (have) a brother and a sister.18.My mother _______ (work) in a hospital.19.What do we use to drink?A. CupB. KnifeC. PlateD. Spoon20.Yesterday, we went to the park for a school trip. The weather was very __, so we decided to have a picnic. We brought __, __, and some __ to drink. After eating, we played games like __ and __. Our teacher also gave us a quiz about the plants we saw in the __. It was a very fun day.21.He _______ (is/are) very tall.22.What color is a lemon?A. OrangeB. YellowC. GreenD. Red23.Which one is a vegetable?A. BananaB. CarrotC. PearD. Peachst weekend, my family went to the __________ for a picnic. We sat on a__________ and ate sandwiches. My brother and I played __________ while my parents relaxed. After lunch, we went to the __________ to swim. It was a very fun day!25.Which of these is used for cutting?A. SpoonB. KnifeC. ForkD. Platest night, I _______ (watch) a movie with my family. We _______ (choose) a comedy, and it _______ (make) us all laugh. Afterward, we _______ (discuss) the movie and _______ (talk) about our favorite parts. I _______ (really) enjoy watching movies with my family.27.What color is an apple?A. GreenB. RedC. YellowD. All of the above28.I _______ (write) a letter to my friend now.29.I _______ (visit) my grandparents next weekend.30.Which one is a number?A. FiveB. ChairC. SpoonD. Plate31.What is the opposite of "fast"?A. SlowB. TallC. LightD. High32.I have a pet cat named Whiskers. She is very playful and loves to chase after mice. Every day, I give her food and fresh water. She also enjoys sleeping on my bed.33.He _______ (is / are / am) playing basketball right now.34.My family __________ (1) to the beach every summer. We __________ (2) swimming in the ocean and __________ (3) sandcastles on the shore. I __________ (4) to collect seashells, but my sister __________ (5) to build sandcastles.35.My parents __________ (take) me to the zoo last Saturday. We __________ (see) lions, tigers, and elephants. I __________ (love) the elephants because they __________ (be) so big. After the zoo, we __________ (have) lunch at a restaurant.36.They _______ (not play) basketball every day.37.He _______ (does / do / did) not like vegetables.38.I ________ (have/has) a new book.39.Which of these animals is a mammal?A. SharkB. WhaleC. FishD. Lizard40.They _______ (not read) books at the moment.41.What is the opposite of "long"?A. ShortB. WideC. BigD. Tall42.Fill in the blank with the correct word: There are _______ (many) cars on the road today than usual. The weather is _______ (bad), so people should be more careful when driving. There is _______ (much) traffic than normal because of the rain.43.I __________ (1) a letter to my friend last night. I __________ (2) her about my summer holiday. I __________ (3) to the beach, and I __________ (4) many pictures of the sea. My friend __________ (5) me a postcard from her trip to the mountains. I__________ (6) her letter this morning.44.What color is a strawberry?A. RedB. GreenC. BlueD. Yellow45.Which of these is an animal?A. TableB. DogC. SpoonD. Book46.Which of these is a season?A. JanuaryB. WinterC. TuesdayD. Sunday47.I _______ (be) happy to see you.48.They _______ (not, go) to school on Sundays.49.How do we say "你好" in English?A. ByeB. Thank youC. HelloD. Goodbye50.Which of these is a holiday?A. SundayB. ChristmasC. WinterD. Thursday(答案及解释)。



人教版小学6年级上册英语试题(答案及解释)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.My school is very big. There are over 500 students in my school. We have many classrooms, a library, a gym, and a playground. The playground is where we play sports during recess. I usually play soccer with my friends. My favorite subject is English because I love learning new words and phrases. Our teacher, Mr. Smith, is very kind and funny. He always makes learning fun.2.Which one is a vegetable?A. StrawberryB. LettuceC. WatermelonD. Banana3.Which of these animals is a carnivore?A. RabbitB. DogC. CowD. Tiger4.What is the opposite of "clean"?A. DirtyB. SlowC. TallD. Heavy5.Yesterday, I went to the __________ with my family. We saw many __________, such as __________, __________, and __________. My little brother liked the__________ because they were very funny. My sister liked the __________ because they were very cute. We also went to the __________ and played on the __________. In the evening, we went to a __________ to have __________. It was a very fun day, and we all had a great time.6.They _______ (not) have a pet.7.What is the opposite of "short"?A. TallB. SmallC. LightD. Heavy8.Tom and his sister, Emma, are baking cookies in the kitchen. They have a bowl of__________, __________, and sugar. Tom mixes the ingredients together while Emma gets the __________ ready to bake the cookies. After the dough is ready, they shape it into __________ and put it on the baking sheet. The cookies smell delicious when they come out of the __________.9.She _______ (play) basketball with her friends every Sunday.10.Every day, I _______ (go) to school by bus. I _______ (leave) home at 7:30 and_______ (arrive) at school at 8:00. After school, I _______ (take) the bus back home and _______ (do) my homework.11.Every weekend, my family __________ (1) to the park. My dad __________ (2) the picnic basket, and my mom __________ (3) the drinks. We __________ (4) a blanket on the grass and __________ (5) sandwiches and fruit. My brother and I __________ (6) to play frisbee while our parents __________ (7) to relax. After eating, we __________ (8)a walk around the park.12.She _______ (walk) to school every day.13.Which of these is used to write?A. KnifeB. PenC. SpoonD. Plate14.They _______ (go) on a trip next summer.15.I __________ (go) to the park every Sunday. My sister __________ (like) to go with me, and we __________ (play) together. We __________ (usually) bring a ball and __________ (kick) it to each other. After playing, we __________ (sit) on the grass and __________ (eat) snacks. It __________ (be) our favorite activity.16.What is the color of an apple?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. Yellow17.What do you use to tell time?A. ClockB. SpoonC. ForkD. Plate18.I _______ (have/has) a pet cat.19.They _______ (watch) TV at this time yesterday.20.They _______ (go) to the park after school.21.We _______ (go) to the shopping mall tomorrow.22.I _______ (help) my mom every day.23.What time do we usually have breakfast?A. In the afternoonB. In the morningC. At nightD. At noon24.Which one is a kind of animal?A. LionB. ChairC. BookD. Spoon25.She _______ (be) a doctor.26.I _______ (not/see) her this week.27.I _______ (not/understand) this problem.28.I _______ (see) my friends on Sundays.29.Which of these animals barks?A. CatB. DogC. FishD. Bird30.They _______ (not/like) cold weather.31.This summer, my family and I __________ (travel) to the beach. We __________ (stay) in a small hotel near the sea. Every day, we __________ (swim) in the ocean, and in the evenings, we __________ (walk) along the beach. It __________ (be) a relaxing vacation.32.We _______ (have) English class at 9:00 AM.33.What do you use to write on paper?A. SpoonB. ForkC. KnifeD. Pen34.Which of these is used to tell time?A. ClockB. BookC. SpoonD. Plate35.Which of these is a number?A. 3B. DogC. ChairD. Spoon36.I _______ (help) my dad wash the car.37.I __________ (not/like) vegetables when I __________ (be) a child, but now I__________ (love) them. Last week, I __________ (eat) broccoli for the first time, and I __________ (enjoy) it!38.My teacher __________ (teach) us how to solve math problems yesterday. She__________ (explain) it clearly, and I __________ (understand) everything. Today, I__________ (use) the same method to solve my homework.39.They _______ (not) come to school on foot.40.I _______ (not/like) rainy days.41.We _______ (play) in the playground now.42.We _______ (eat) breakfast at 7:00 AM every day.43.Which sentence uses the correct subject pronoun?A. He is my friend.B. Him is my friend.C. Her is my friend.D. He my friend is.44.Which shape has four equal sides?A. CircleB. SquareC. TriangleD. Rectangle45.I _______ (like) to read comics.46.My family __________ (1) to a picnic last Saturday. The weather __________ (2) perfect for a picnic because it __________ (3) warm and sunny. We __________ (4) sandwiches, fruits, and juice. After we __________ (5) lunch, we __________ (6) a walk around the park. My little sister __________ (7) some flowers, and I __________ (8) a picture of the lake. It __________ (9) a wonderful day.47.Which one is a vegetable?A. BananaB. TomatoC. BroccoliD. Grape48.We ______ (have) a field trip last Friday. Our class ______ (go) to the zoo. We______ (see) many animals, and we ______ (take) lots of photos. It ______ (be) a fun day.49.We _______ (not/go) to the zoo last weekend.50.I __________ (1) a great time at my cousin’s house yester day. We __________ (2) board games and __________ (3) funny movies. I __________ (4) to visit her again. (答案及解释)。

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pù bù dǒu qiào tǐnɡ bá shēn qū jīnɡ zhì yùn hán
( )( )( ) ( ) ( )( )
ào mì xiá kè jìnɡ mì zhuīsuíxiǎo xiànɡqiào lì
( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
jié chū xiū zhù shè jì shīɡōnɡ zǔ náo kònɡ zhì
( )( )( ) ( )( )( )
ní jiānɡ chà dào zhēn zhì bì miǎn ménɡ lónɡ qī liánɡ
( )( )( ) ( )( )( )
shū shìɡē bǎn miǎn qiǎnɡ bào yuàn qīnɡ tīnɡ xiān qǐ
( )( )( ) ( )( )( )
kuí wú shēnɡwànɡ dǎo méi yán sù yōu lǜ shén shènɡ
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kū jié làn yònɡ wēi xié zhǐ wànɡ shè xiǎnɡ yí mín
( )( )( ) ( ) ( )( )
pò suì mù dǔ shènɡ jié jùn mǎxiónɡyīnɡchán chán
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chú fánɡ cì wei chù shenɡ yí tǐ wǎn lián zhì jìnɡ
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dī wēi hán yì shēn `ào xiánɡ xì kū shòu shì shì
( )( )( ) ( ) ( )( )
sù liào bǐnɡɡan jié zòu yuè pǔ jí xiánɡ qǐ pàn
( )( )( ) ( )( )( )
pǔ xiě yōu jìnɡ là zhú shī mínɡ chún shú mò shēnɡ
( )( ) ( ) ( )( )( )

















3. 金黄的稻子在微风的吹拂下翻滚着。




