
“采访(interview)”成就英语高效课堂1. “采访(Interview)”的概念及特点采访就是“交谈、会话”,即在交谈中采访者以问题的形式从被采访者那里获取所需信息;而被采访者则通过倾听问题,积极思考,迅速作答,从而达到交际的目的。
学生参与的英语课堂教学“采访”活动具有以下显著优点:1.1 提供了活化教材知识的机会,有利于巩固学习所学的语言知识高中英语课程标准中强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认识水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式。
1.2 创造了用英语进行真实交际的平台,有利于培养学生的语言技能新课标中强调教师要鼓励学生通过体验、实践等方式,发展学生听、说、读、写的综合技能,要创造条件让学生能够探究他们自己感兴趣的问题并自主解决问题,要特别强调让学生在人际交往中得体地使用英语,“采访”正好能为学生提供一个运用英语进行真实交际的平台。
1.3 提出了用英语思考的要求,有利于发展学生的高阶思维采访是一种具有合作性、实践性、创新性、真实性、交际性的语言交际活动。
1.4 营造了愉悦的学习氛围,有利于提升学生的人文素养苏霍姆林斯基说过“在人的心灵深处,都有一种根深蒂固的需要,这就是希望感到自己是一个发现者、研究者、探索者。

作者:wenkookoo 当一位人士就一些相互关联的问题采访另外一位人士或者多位人士,并将问题集与回答整理成文,就产生了访谈(interview)这种形式的文体。

5.The _p_r_e_as_u_r_e_ of being a doctor
causes me stress.
6.Breathing exercises can help r_e_d_u_c_e
stress. 2020/12/09
7. Someone must _o_r_g_an_i_s_e_ this year’s Christmas party. 8. Dr. Smith is an _e_x_p_e_rton losing weight.
2. parties.
3. Make a list and do all the important things first.
4. A friend, someone in the family ,or a teacher.
Ex.6 listen to Mark and complete the table.
other illness.
2.The interview(面试/采访) took place
in a _s_tu_d_i_o_.
3.I’m shy and find _s_o_c_ia_l _ situations
(场合) stressful. 4.John _s_u_f_fe_r_s_f_ro_m___ backache.
French lessons
Thank You For Watching
Listen to learn
• EX.5 Listen again and answer:
interview 技巧

※请某人重述某事Could you repeat that, please? Could you say that again, please?I’sorry, but I didn’t quite catch what you were saying.核实一下自己对对方意思的理解是否正确λDo you intend to say that…Do you mean…Does that mean…If I understand right…※重述I was just saying…※换一种方式重述in other words,…That’s to say…Let me put it another way,…(2)回答技巧:如何拖延Well, let me see…Oh, let me think for a minute…Im not sure; Ill have to check…Thats a very interesting question.(3)回答技巧:如何拒绝Im not really sure.I cant answer that one.Im sorry, I really dont know.Ive got no idea.Id like to help you, but…Thats something Id rather not talk about just now.告别:λI’ve enjoyed speaking with you.That’s my pleasure. It’s been nice tal king with you.Well, nice to have been talking to you.Thank you for interview with me. I hope to meet you again.谈话中:λThank you for your compliment.It’s very kind of you to say so.Excuse me, I guess I don’t make myself clear.下列句型则通常用以表示犹豫λYou see,…Well, the thing is,…Well, you know, er,…I mean…Oh, let me think for a moment…Well, let me see.That’s a very big / interesting / difficult question…表示你的意见λAs far as I’m concerned, I think…As I see it,…In my opini on…Personally, I believe…下列句型则通常用以表示重述λSituational dialogues (情景对话)明确:#Who is your character?#What does your character need?#What relationship does your character have with the character played by the interviewer or another candidate?电话用语λ3.兴趣爱好A: What are your hobbies?B: I like music.A: Can you play any kind of musical instrument?B: I can play piano, but I’m not very good at it.B: How about you?A: I know nothing about any musical instrument. But I have a collection of many different CDs and records.4.体育运动A: Mr. ××, what’s your favorite sport?B: My favorite spot is tennis.A: What is the most popular sport in China?B: Ping-Pong is the most popular one in China.A: In our country, we prefer soccer to ping-pong.B: If it is the convenient for you, how about we go to watch the professional ping-pong game together tomorrow?A: I would be glad to.讨论问题、分享意见这类话题可以涉及的对象比较广泛,但是不论说什么,都会用到下面这六组句型。

什么是interview?An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questionsare asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee.--wikipediainterview的目的是什么?Exchange informations. 交换信息具体地说就是面试人试图了解被面试人是否是他要寻找的合适人选同时被面试人也要了解这个职位是否如自己期望interview分类:根据对象分类1. 和教授interview2. 和招生负责人interview3. 和工作公司interview (HR or technical manager)interview分类:根据形式分类1. One-to-One interview2. Panel Interview3. Lunch/Dinner Interview4. Telephone/Videoconference Interview5. MMI6. Presentationinterview分类:根据问题内容分类1. Traditional2. Technical3. Behavioural4. Situational5. Impossible6. Illegal questions如何准备interview1. 判断interview的对象2. 判断interview的形式和内容3. 充分了解对方4. 推测可能出现的问题进行思考5. mock interview6. 对细节的最后思考和准备on the day of interviewtipsafter the interviewtipsinterview分类:根据对象分类1. 和教授interview对于申请科研式研究生的同学,经常会需要和教授interview. 教授的目的是了解一下这个学生的能力,对未来的规划, 以确定学生是否是自己研究生的合适人选.一般来说,和教授interview往往会用电话面试的形式,偶尔有机会可能是当面一对一面试. 内容一般包括Traditional, Technical, Behavioural等问题.和教授的interview一般相对比较随和,主要会是聊天的形式,其间夹杂一些问题. 有的时候教授可能会提前给你文章读,然后在面试时问你看法.具体问题类型和准备方式见后文2. 和招生负责人interview对于申请本科,授课式研究生和co-op等项目的同学,更多遇到的是和招生负责人面试的情况。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如英语单词、英语语法、英语听力、英语知识点、语文知识点、文言文、数学公式、数学知识点、作文大全、其他资料等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor.I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides various types of classic sample essays, such as English words, English grammar, English listening, English knowledge points, Chinese knowledge points, classical Chinese, mathematical formulas, mathematics knowledge points, composition books, other materials, etc. Learn about the different formats and writing styles of sample essays, so stay tuned!interview的用法总结大全interview的意思n. 接见;采访;面试;会谈vt.& vi. 面试;vt. 采访;访问;会见;(私下)提问interview的用法用作名词(n.)The matter can't be discussed except at a personal interview.这件事只能在私人面谈时讨论。

interview⾯试⾃我介绍Everyone knows how to introduce themselves, right? It's just like those name tags organizers pass out at networking events, "Hello, my name is…" Unfortunately, a lot of job seekers have a tough time getting beyond that very basic introduction. Sure, they can chat about where they grew up or their favorite book or movie, but when it comes time to say something smart and relevant about their job search interests, it gets a little tricky.⼤家都知道怎么做⾃我介绍吗?⼤多时候我们都像是给⾃⼰贴上宣传标签,“你好,我叫……”,悲剧的是,⼤部分求职者都很难跳出这个基本的框框。
Do you have a pitch about you, your skills, and accomplishments ready to use the next time someone asks what you're looking for? While conventional wisdom used to dictate you prepare a two-minute "elevator pitch," most elevator rides don't last two minutes, and most people's attention spans certainly don't.下次⾯试官问你想做什么的时候,你能对⾃⼰的特长和成就对答如流么?⼀般情况下你都需要准备⼀个两分钟的“电梯游说”(⼩编注:电梯游说⼜叫电梯法则,即假设你在电梯⾥,只有30秒的时间来向⼀位关系公司前途的⼤客户推⼴产品且必须成功)。
job interview情景对话20句

job interview情景对话20句1. Interviewer: Hello, please introduce yourself.2. Job seeker: Hello, I am John, I graduated from ABC University and have three years of work experience.3. Interviewer: What responsibilities did you undertake in your last job?4. Job seeker: In my last job, I was responsible for project management and teamwork, ensuring project delivery on time and maintaining good communication with customers.5. Interviewer: Do you know anything about our company?6. Candidates: Yes, I researched your company's business while preparing for the interview and gained an understanding of your company's competitive advantages in the market.7. Interviewer: What do you think is your greatest strength?8. Candidates: I think my greatest strengths are my teamwork and problem-solving skills. I am able to work effectively with people from different backgrounds and find creative solutions.9. Interviewer: Have you ever encountered a difficult situation at work? How to deal with it?10. Job Seekers: Yes, I was once under time pressure and resource constraints on a tight project. I have successfully completed projects through priority management and working closely with my team members.11. Interviewer: What plans do you have for personal career development?12. Job seekers: I plan to delve into my field in the next few years and improve my skills and knowledge by attending training and obtaining relevant certificates.13. Interviewer: How do you handle stress and challenges at work?14. Job Seekers: I usually start by analyzing the root cause of a problem and then develop an action plan. At the same time, I will keep in touch with my team members and superiors and try my best to find a solution.15. Interviewer: How do you manage your time?16. Job seekers: I usually use a calendar and task list to organize my time and set priorities to make sure I meet deadlines.17. Interviewer: What role do you play in the team?18. Job Seeker: I usually take a coordinator and problem solver role on a team. I am good at collaborating with others and helping teams achieve common goals.19. Interviewer: Do you have any questions for me?20. Job seeker: Yes, I want to know about your company's training and career development opportunities, as well as the working atmosphere and culture of your team.翻译:1. 面试官:你好,请介绍一下你自己。

Dear Liz,We recently interviewed three candidates for this position. We have decided to appoint Tadeusz Vajda.I will briefly describe the strengths of the candidate and explain the reasons for our decision.At first, the job needs a good academic background, Tadeusz Vajda has university degree. Secondary, the job needs suitable experience, but he had joined Fast-Trank five years old as a Regional Manager for the south of Poland, which proves he has suitable experience. Thirdly, the successfully candidate will be responsible for developing sales, achieving results, increasing customer numbers. He has been fairly successfully increasing sales by 12% over the five year-old period. So he has strong sales ability. The candidate must have fluent linguistic ability. However, he can speak fluent polish and English. The successfully candidate will be energetic, confident, outgoing. He is clam and relaxed, and he moves and talks slowly. From this, we can come to a conclusion that he is confident. What is more, He is not creative but happy to get ideas from the creative members of a team and current staff think he is practical and reliable. To some extent, not only can he get well along with others but also he masters certain interpersonal skills. We also can see he is an outgoing person. He is a hard worker, so that we can see he is energetic in the work. And the candidate must have handle administration. He had joinedFast-Trank five years old as a Regional Manager for the south of Poland. So I believe he can manage the sales team so that it is more motivated, dynamic, and effective. The position will involve frequent travel throughout the region. He had been a Regional Manager for the south of Poland, so I believe he is familiar to the region and enjoys traveling throughout the region.Because of the above reasons, so I choose to decided to appoint Tadeusz Vajda.Your colleague: Charlane。

interview例句1. During the interview, the candidate was asked a series of questions to assess their skills and experience.2. The interviewer was impressed by the candidate's confident and articulate responses.3. The interviewee arrived early for their appointment, demonstrating their punctuality and professionalism.4. The interviewer asked the candidate about their previous work experience and how it relates to the position they were applying for.5. The candidate brought a portfolio of their past projects to showcase during the interview.6. The interviewer asked the candidate about their strengths and weaknesses, as well as how they handle difficult situations.7. During the interview, the candidate was given a hypothetical scenario and asked how they would handle it in real life.8. The interviewer asked the candidate about their long-term career goals and how this position fits into them.9. The interviewee dressed appropriately for the interview, showing respect for the company culture and expectations. 10. After the interview, the candidate sent a thank-you email toexpress gratitude for being considered for the position.11. During the interview, both parties discussed salary expectations and benefits offered by the company.12. The interviewer asked behavioral questions to gauge how well-suited the candidate is for working with others in a team environment.13. The candidate provided references from past employers during or after their interview as requested by HR department personnel14. During an online video conference interview using Zoom or Skype software, both parties had technical difficulties which were resolved quickly before continuing with questioning 15. After completing an initial phone screening process, selected candidates were invited for in-person interviews at company headquarters16. During an on-site group panel interview with multiple executives present, candidates were given opportunities to ask questions about company culture and values17. In preparation for an upcoming job fair event, human resources department personnel conducted mock interviews with current employees seeking promotion opportunities within organization18. During an informal coffee chat meeting with potentialemployer, the candidate was able to ask questions about company culture and work-life balance in a more relaxed setting19. After completing a series of assessments and interviews, the candidate was offered the position and accepted the offer. 20. During an interview for a remote position, the candidate demonstrated their ability to work independently and communicate effectively through virtual channels such as email and video conferencing.。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用范文,如工作总结、策划方案、演讲致辞、报告大全、合同协议、条据书信、党团资料、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides various types of practical sample essays for everyone, such as work summary, planning plan, speeches, reports, contracts and agreements, articles and letters, party and group materials, teaching materials, essays, other sample essays, etc. Please pay attention to the different formats and writing methods of the model essay!Interview面试对话(优秀6篇)在英语面试的时候我们总是考虑:如何回答面试官的问题,如何才能作出得体的回答。

The interview is an important event in the job-hunting process, because the 20 or 30 minutes you spend with the interviewer may decide whether or not you get the particular job you want.Therefore, it is important to remember that your purpose during the interview may differ from that of the potential employer.You want to make yourself stand out as a whole person who has personal strengths and should be considered the right person for the job.It i s encouraging to know that the interviewer's task is not to embarrass you, bu t to hire the right person for the job.Remember, job-hunting is very competitive.Anything you can do to improve your interview techniques will be to your advantage.The following suggestion s may help you land the most important job.Your goal in this interview is to make sure your good points get across.The interviewer won't know them unless you point them out, so try to do this in a factual and sincere manner.Don't say anything bad about your former employers.If you have been fired from a job and the interview asks about it, be honest.Show the interviewer that you are interested in the company by asking questi ons.Ask about responsibilities, working conditions, promotion opportunities a nd benefits of the job you are interviewing for.If at some point you decide the interview is not going well, do not let your discouragement show.You have nothing to lose by continuing a show of con fidence, and you many have much to gain.It may be real, or it may be a test to see how you react to adverse conditions.Some interviewers may bring up salary early in the interview.At this time, yo u may indicate that you are more interested in a job where you can prove y ourself than a specific salary.This politely passes the question back to the int erviewer.If possible, you should negotiate for salary after you have been offe red a job and have completed the paperwork.1.To get the job you want, during the interview you should ________.[ ]A.avoid the interviewer's questions that are designed to embarrass youB.remember that you are the bestC.make yourself stand out as the right person for the jobD.tell yourself that you want to get the job2.If you did not get along with your former employer, you ________.[ ]A.should tell a lie to the interviewerB.should not speak ill of himC.should refer to him in a factual mannerD.should never mention it3.The underlined word “adverse” in the sixth paragraph can be replaced by ________.[ ]A.difficultB.friendlyC.oppositeD.different4.The passage is mainly about ________.[ ] to make your strengths to show your interest in the to be frank and to deal with an interview答案:1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D。

interview的动词用法1. You can interview for that dream job! Just imagine yourself sitting there nailing the interview and getting it. Example: I'm going to interview for that marketing position tomorrow. Nervous but excited!2. Have you ever interviewed someone? It's like having a conversation but with a purpose. Example: I interviewed several candidates for the internship yesterday.3. We should always interview thoroughly before making a big decision. It's like checking under the hood of a car before buying it. Example: We need to interview all the potential suppliers carefully.4. Don't be afraid to interview multiple times if you don't get it the first time. It's like trying again and again to hit a bulls-eye. Example: I didn't get the job after the first interview, but I'm going to interview again.5. You have to really prepare to interview well. It's like getting ready for a big game. Example: I spent hours preparing for that important interview.6. When you interview, be yourself! Don't try to be someone you're not. Example: She just relaxed and was herself during the interview.7. Interviewing can be nerve-wracking, but think of it as a challenge to overcome. Example: I was so nervous before the interview, but I pushed through.8. You can learn a lot from interviewing others. It's like opening a window to a whole new world. Example: I really enjoyed interviewing that experienced professional.My view is that interview is an important verb that we use in various situations in life. Whether it's for a job, to gather information, or to make a decision, knowing how to interview well can make a big difference. It can be exciting, challenging, and rewarding all at the same time.。
interview 句子

interview 句子以下是一些与面试相关的句子,包括可能的问题和回答:面试官可能问的问题:1.Can you tell me a little about yourself?你能简单介绍一下自己吗?2.Why are you interested in this position?你为什么对这个职位感兴趣?3.What are your strengths and weaknesses?你的优点和缺点是什么?4.How do you handle stress and pressure?你如何处理压力和紧张情绪?5.Can you describe a situation where you overcame a challenge?你能描述一个你克服挑战的情况吗?6.Where do you see yourself in five years?你觉得自己五年后会在哪里?7.Are you willing to travel or relocate for this job?你愿意为了这份工作出差或搬家吗?8.What questions do you have for us?你对我们有什么问题吗?应聘者可能的回答:1.I have a strong background in [field] and am looking for an opportunity to apply my skills.我在[领域]有扎实的背景,正在寻找一个应用我技能的机会。
2.I'm particularly interested in this company's approach to [industry trend or innovation].我对这家公司针对[行业趋势或创新]的做法特别感兴趣。
3.One of my strengths is problem-solving, but I recognize that I need to improve my public speaking skills.我的一个优点是解决问题,但我认识到我需要提高我的公开演讲技能。

In the prosecution of his duties, he had to interview people of all classes.
I think I fared quite well in the interview.
May I make a few preliminary remarks before we start the interview?
The two rival politicians came/were brought face to face in a TV interview.
I'm interviewing all this afternoon.
All the applicants were interviewed one by one.
He mentioned that problem at our interviews.
As he had nothing to ___, he refused to give any interviews to the journalists.

那么interview的过去分词是什么呢?下面是为你整理的interview的过去分词的相关资料,希望大家喜欢!interview的过去分词过去分词:interviewedv.面试( interview的过去式和过去分词); 访问; 会见; (私下)提问interview的过去分词interviewed造句1. She expressed resentment at being interviewed by a social worker.她表达了对被一位社工采访的愤恨。
2. Nearly all the women I interviewed were aggressively antagonistic to the idea.几乎我采访过的所有女性都对这个观点表示了强烈的反感。
3. He was among the three candidates interviewed for the job.他是3个来参加求职面试的人选之一。
4. The average age of the women interviewed was only 21.5.参加面试的女性平均年龄才21.5岁。
5. The police interviewed the driver, but had no evidence to go on.警方讯问了司机,但是没有获得什么有用的证据。
6. Many students declined to be interviewed on tape.许多学生谢绝录音采访。
7. We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us.我们和数名申请人进行了面谈,但都没有给我们留下什么印象。

参加面试英文怎么说你知道参加面试用英文怎么说吗?下面是店铺给大家整理的参加面试英文怎么说,供大家参阅!参加面试英文怎么说interviewinterview是什么意思n. 接见;会见;采访;面谈v. 面试;接见;访问They interview the recruit.他们面试了新成员。
He asked for an interview with the president.他要求与校长会晤。
To hand in a card requesting for an interview.递片求见。
If the opportunity for an interview with a paper arises.如果有报纸采访的机会He was called for an interview.他被通知去参加面试了。
参考例句Interview in progress正在面试I solicit the favor of interview.本人恳请惠予面试机会。
The interviews is to cream off the most promising candidates.面试是为了挑选最有发展前途的应试者。
Children that open audition can get 1 photo that taken by professional photographer.另外,所有到场参与面试的小朋友更可得到由专业摄影师所拍的照片一张。
I would welcome an opportunity to have a talk with you regarding my qualifications.我希望您能给我一个面试机会,以便我能与您进一步谈谈我的资格。
He summoned up his courage for the job interview.他鼓起勇气去面试。
She got herself into a real state(ie became very anxious)before the interview.她还未面试就紧张极了.Thank you for the interview.谢谢你给我这次面试机会。
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Interview Q & A Behavior–Based InterviewingFollowing are common interview questions and suggestions on how to respond to them.Tell me a little bit about yourself.This is an open-ended question usually asked to help “break the ice.” The key thing to remember is to keep your response related to the job. Be specific and don’t ramble. Your answer should be about 2 minutes in length.Why are you interested in working for this organization?This will show the employer if you have done your homework. Be specific and state how what you have learned about the organization through your research relates to your career goals.Why have you chosen this particular field?This allows you to demonstrate your enthusiasm and dedication to your field.Describe your best/worst boss.Be positive. Speak about your best boss if possible. If pressed to speak about your worst boss, try to put a positive spin on it. For instance, “I had a supervisor who was often very vague. However, because of this, I learned the value of good communication.”What is your major strength/weakness?Your major strength should be easy, but be sure it is directly related to the position. As for your major weakness, again, put a positive spin on it. For instance, “I tend to be nervous around my supervisors, although I’ve gained more confidence in that area since my last job where my supervisors encouraged me to ask questions.” Give me an example of a problem you encountered either in school or at work, and explain how you solved it.Be logical. State the problem and then illustrate the step-by-step procedure you used to correct it.Where do you see yourself in three years?Tell the interviewer that you hope to be with the company in whatever capacity you can make the greatest contribution, based on the skills and experiences you’ve gained over the course of the preceding three years.Describe an experience in which you worked as part of a team. Being able to contribute to and lead a team are very important qualities. Give this situation serious consideration and develop answers for both situations.If you could be an animal, which would it be and why?This is not a trick question. You may be asked questions that seem ridiculous or out of place. The interviewer is trying to see if you can think on your feet.What was the last book you read?This is intended to see if you remain current in your field and/or read for self improvement. Think of (and read) a book that relates to your business or contributes to your personal growth.Do you have any questions for me?This is a question you can always anticipate. Moreover, as a result of your research, you should always have several good job and/or company specific questions to ask. Again, it shows you are prepared. Among HR professionals across the country, behavior-based interviewing (BBI) is one of the fastest growing interviewing methods. Based on the premise that an applicant’s past behavior will predict how he or she will respond in similar situations in the future, BBI focuses on determining how you, the interviewee, have actively applied your skills. The recruiter is looking for proof that you can demonstrate the described capabilities in the real world. Typically, campus recruiters ask general questions about previous job or activities, future goals, grades, classes, and the like (see “Interview Q&A,” left). Although such questions are part of the behavior-based interview, most of the recruiter’s questions will be designed to elicit detailed descriptions from you on how you handled yourself in certain situations. BBI challenges you to recall (in detail) what you did, thought, and felt in key situations as if you were reliving them. This allows the recruiter to see the whole picture– your thought process, decision-making skills, and emotional state- as well as the results of your actions. It is a very effective interviewing technique.So, how should you handle the BBI? You will be expected to give detailed, but focused, descriptions of actual circumstances. Expect to think- often in painstaking detail- under pressure. Take you time in formulating your response. The interviewer will understand and allow you to gather your thoughts. In your response, be thorough, yet direct. Describe an overview of the situation, the action you took, and the results.Perhaps the best way to prepare for the BBI is to familiarize yourself with the types of questions you may be asked. Below are some questions commonly asked in the behavior-based interview: Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced whichled to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.Think of a situation where you distrusted a co-worker/supervisor, resulting in tension between you. What step did you take to improve the relationship?What was the most complex assignment you have had? What was your role?Provide an example of how you acquired a technical skill and converted it into a practical application.By providing examples, demonstrate that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations, and/or environments.Tell me about a suggestion you made to improve the way job processes/operations worked. What was the result?What are three effective leadership qualities you think are important? How have you demonstrated these qualities in you past/current situation?Give me a specific example of a time when you did not meet a deadline. How did you handle the subsequent situation?。