英语:Module 4 Unit 3 Water Festival课件(上海牛津七年级下)




The history of Thanksgiving:
In 1602, some people went to America. They arrived in November. It was a cold winter. Many of them died because of hunger(饥饿) or disease(疾病). Only 50 people were alive(活着). The next spring, They began to plant pumpkins and other vegetables with the help of Indians( 印第安人). Finally, they had a good harvest(收获). They were so happy, so they celebrated(庆祝) for three days. After that, the fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving. It means thanks for the giving from others
Children wait for presents from Father Christmas
家庭聚餐 People have a family dinner. They have lots of nice food.
On the 25th of December Decorate a Christmas tree and put it up Give presents to each other Wait for presents from Father Christmas Have a family dinner

外研版英语(三起)六年级上册 Module 4 课件

外研版英语(三起)六年级上册  Module  4 课件

Ask and answer.
A: what’s your favourite festival ? B: It’s the _____________Festival. A: What do you eat at the _____Festival ? B: I eat _______. A: What do you do at the _____Festival ? B: I ____________.
traditional festivals 传统节日
中元节 重 阳
Chinese festivals
Chinese culture
2 Listen and read.
The Dragon Boat Festival I love this festival. We all go to see the
dragon boat race. We eat zongzi. It's
very delicious.
The Mid-Autumn Festival My mother loves this festival. She makes delicious moon cakes. My father likes this festival too. He sings songs about the moon. He sings very well.
Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my
favourite festival.

沪教版(牛津)七年级英语上册Unit 4 Seasons -Period 3 公开课PPT课件

沪教版(牛津)七年级英语上册Unit 4 Seasons -Period 3   公开课PPT课件
S1: Which season do you like best? S2: I like summer best. S1: Why? S2: Because it’s exciting to play on the beach in the
sunny weather.
S1: Which season do you dislike? S2: I don’t like summer. S1: Why not? S2: Because it’s hot to walk in the sunshine.
It is nice to eat ice
cream in the park.
+ adj. exciting good
hard It is dangerous to drive too fast.
to do sth. important It is exciting to watch this film.
brown cold cool dry exciting green hot interesting nice red snowy warm wet yellow
Grammar C
Adjectives with It is and to + a verb We can use the adjectives below with It is and to followed by a verb.
Grouping words
Can you put the following adjectives into different groups?
Tips: For example, brown, green, red and yellow are all colours.



Look and learn
windy /wɪndi/ adj.(形容词) 多风的;风大的
wind windy
It’s windy today. 今天有风。
风向:方向+wind 北风:North wind
•What season is it? It’s winter.
•How’s the weather in winter? It’s snowy .
Q : How’s the weather in … ? What do people …? ……
It’s __ra_i_n_y__. It __r_a_in_s_____.
People wear _ra_i_n_co_a_t_s__.
We can __d_an_c_e__in__th_e__r_a_in__.
Best wishes, Amy
Let’s learn
Learn the sound /θ/
th th
Thank You
Look and say
live in居住在 live with和...住
Australia澳大利亚 Australian(s)澳大利亚人
make phone calls to sb. 打电话给某人
each other互相 =one another
Look and say
在北半球,冬季通常是12月至2月,夏季 通常是6月至8月,与南半球四季相反。

【知识学习】Module 4 Unit 3 Water Festival教案

【知识学习】Module 4 Unit 3 Water Festival教案

Module 4 Unit 3 Water Festival教案module4ThenaturalelementsUnit3waterFestivalLanguagefocus:Usingconnectivestoexpressalternativese.g.Theyhaveeitherahotdrinkoracolddrink.Usingadverbs/adverbialstoexpressadditione.g.class,you’venotonlylearnthowmakedeliciousdrinks,you’vealsolearntaboutthethreeformsofwater.Languageskills:ListeningRecognizedifferencesintheuseofintonationinquestions ,statements,commands,andrespondappropriately.ListenforspecificinformationUnderstandthespeaker’sintention,attitudeandfeelingsthroughhis/herchoicea nduseoflanguage,gesturesandfacialexpression Speakingopenaninteractionbyelicitingaresponsemaintainaninteractionbyacknowledging,agreeingordisa greeing,replaying,askingquestions,addingorgivingexa mples,explainingandusingformulaicexpressionswhereap propriate.maintainaninteractionbyaskingandrespondingtoothers’opinions.ReadingReadwrittenlanguageinmeaningfulchunksUsevisualclues,contextandknowledgeoftheworldtoworko utthemeaningofanunknownwordandacompleteexpression RecognizerecurrentpatternsinlanguagestructurewritingGatherandshareinformation,ideasandlanguagebyusingst rategiessuchasbrainstorming,listing,questioning,and interviewing.Developwrittentextsbyusingappropriateformat,convent ionsandlanguagefeatureswhenwritingnon-narrativetext s.materials:Student’sBook7Bpages76and77cassette7BandacassetteplayerPhotocopiablepage72.Recipesfordifferenthotandcolddrinks.Preparation:cuethecassette.makeacopyofPhotocopiablepage72foreac hpair.Pre-taskpreparationLanguagelearningactivity,commands,andrespondappropriately.Speakingopenaninteractionbyelicitingaresponsebyaskingquesti onsorprovidinginformationonatopic.maintainaninteractionbyacknowledging,agreeingordisa greeing,replying,askingquestions,addingorgivingexam ples,explainingandusingformulaicexpressionswhereapp ropriate.maintainaninteractionbyaskingandrespondingtoothers’opinions.closeaninteractionbygivingreasons.ReadingReadwrittenlanguageinmeaningfulchunks.Usevisualclues,contextandknowledgeoftheworldtoworko utthemeaningofanunknownwordandacompleteexpression.Recognizerecurrentpatternsinlanguagestructure.writingGatherandshareinformation,ideasandlanguagebyusingst rategiessuchasbrainstorming,listing,questioning,and interviewingPlanandorganizeinformationandideasbydecidingonthese quenceofcontent.[:]Developwrittentextsbypresentingmainandsupportingide as.Developwrittentextsbyexpressingownideasandfeelings.materials:Student’sBook7Bpage77workbook7Bpage41Photocopiablepage73Preparation:makeacopyofPhotocopiablepage73foreachpair.Pre-taskpreparation.Demonstrateboilingwaterturningintosteaminclass .Havestudentswatchthedemonstrationandgivebriefexpla nationabouteachstepofthedemonstration.2.Askstudents:whathappenswhenweboilwater/freezewater/icemelts?Toelicit:whenweboilwater …/whenwefreezewater…/whenicemelts…youmayaskmoreablestudents:whatarethethreeformsofwat er?consolidationGrammarPracticeBook7Bpage673Languagefocus:Usingconnectivestoshowthetimerelationshipbetweentwo actions.e.g.whenthejugfull,itcontains100millilitresofwater.Usingnouns/nounphrasestorefertoquantity/units.e.g.100millilitresofwater.Usingmodalstoexpressobligationandprohibition.e.g.youmustpourallthewaterintoanotherobject.Usingtheintroductory‘there’toexpressfacts.e.g.Therewere100millitresofwaterinthejug.Languageskills:ListeningRecognizedifferencesintheuseofintonationinquestions ,statements,commands,andrespondappropriately.Indentifythemainideasofanewtopic.Listenforspecifici nformation.SpeakingUseappropriateintonationandstress,andvaryvolume,toneofvoice,andspeedtoconveyintendedmeaningsandfeeling s.maintainaninteractionbyacknowledging,agreeingordisa greeing,replying,askingquestions,addingorgivingexamples,explainingandusingformulaice xpressionswhereappropriateReadingReadwrittenlanguageinmeaningfulchunks.Usevisualclues,contextandknowledgeoftheworldtoworko utthemeaningofanunknownwordandacompleteexpression.Recognizerecurrentpatternsinlanguagestructure.materials:Student’sBook7Bpage78cassette7BandacassetteplayerAjug,abowl,acupandwater.Preparation:cuethecassette.Pre-taskpreparationLanguagelearningactivity,commands,andrespondappropriately.SpeakingUseappropriateintonationandstress,andvaryvolume,ton eofvoice,andspeedtoconveyintendedmeaningsandfeeling s.openaninteractionbyelicitingaresponse.maintainaninteractionbyacknowledging,agreeingordisa greeing,replying,askingquestions,addingorgivingexam ples,explainingandusingformulaicexpressionswhereapp ropriate.maintainaninteractionbyaskingandrespondingtoothers’opinionsReadingReadwrittenlanguageinmeaningfulchunks.Usevisualclues,contextandknowledgeoftheworldtoworko utthemeaningofanunknownwordandacompleteexpression Recognizerecurrentpatternsinlanguagestructure.writingGatherandshareinformation,ideasandlanguagebyusingst rategiessuchasbrainstorming,listing,questioning,and interviewing.Developwrittentextsbyexpressingownideasandfeelings.writeoutapieceofworkbypresentingwritingusingappropr iatelayoutandvisualsupportincludingillustrations,ta bles,chartswherenecessary.materials:Student’sBook7Bpage79workbook7Bpage42Photocopiablepage74Ajug,abowl,acupandwaterPreparation:makeacopyofPhotocopiablepage74foreachstudent.5Languagefocus:Asking‘wh-’questionstofindoutplace,positionordirection.e.g.wheredoweusuallyfindthissign?Useadverbs/adverbialstoexpresstime/frequency.e.g.weusuallyfindthissignnearreservoirsandpiers.Useformulaicexpressionstoexpressopinions.e.g.whatashame!Languageskills:ListeningRecognizedifferencesintheuseofintonationinquestions,statements,commands,andrespondappropriately.Identifythemainideasofanewtopic.ListenforspecificinformationSpeakingUseappropriateintonationandstress,andvaryvolume,ton eofvoice,andspeedtoconveyintendedmeaningsandfeeling s.maintainaninteractionbyacknowledging,agreeingordisa greeing,replying,askingquestions,addingorgivingexam ples,explainingandusingformulaicexpressionswhereapp ropriate.maintainaninteractionbycontrollingparticipationinan interactionorgroupactivitiessuchastakingone’sturnattherightmomentandrecognizingothers’desiretospeak.Reading.Readwrittenlanguageinmeaningfulchunks.Usevisualclues,contextandknowledgeoftheworldtoworko utthemeaningofanunknownwordandacompleteexpression.Recognizerecurrentpatternsinlanguagestructurematerials:Student’sBook7Bpage80cassette7Bandacassetteplayerworkbook7Bpage43Preparation:cuethecassette.Pre-taskpreparationLanguagelearningactivity(Thissectionaimsatprovidingstudentswithopportunitie stopractisethelanguage/vocabularyneededorbecomefami liarwiththebackgroundforthetaskthatfollows..Reviewthedifferentplaces,suchas:swimmingpools, reservoirs,constructionsites,beaches,etc.Askstudent s:whatsignsdoweseeattheseplaces?Toelicitdifferentsi gnswhichstudentsknow.Getstudentstocomeuptothefronta nddrawthesignontheboard.offerhelptostudentsiftheyar enotsurewhatthesignsays.2.Playtherecording:Read,thinkandmatch.Studentsliste nandfollowintheirbooks.3.Invitesomestudentstorole-playthecharactersandsayt heconversationinRead,thinkandmatch.4.Askstudentstocomeupwiththeproceduresandrulesforth ematchinggameinRead,thinkandmatch.writestudents’ideasontheboard.6Languagefocus:Asking‘wh-’questionstofindoutplace,positionanddirection.e.g.wheredowefindthissign?Usingadverbs/adverbialstoexpresstime/frequencye.g.weusuallyfindthissignin…usingimperativestoexpressprohibitions.e.g.Divingisnotallowed.Languageskills:ListeningRecognizedifferencesintheuseofintonationinquestions ,statements,commands,andrespondappropriately.Unders tandthespeaker’sintention,attitudeandfeelingsthroughhis/herchoicea nduseoflanguage,gesturesandfacialexpression SpeakingUseappropriateintonationandstress,andvaryvolume,ton eofvoice,andspeedtoconveyintendedmeaningsandfeeling s.openaninteractionbyelicitingaresponsebyaskingques tionsorprovidinginformationonatopic.maintaininteractionbyacknowledging,agreeingordisagr eeing,replying,askingquestions,addingorgivingexamples,explainingandusingformulaicexpressionswhereappro priate.ReadingReadwrittenlanguageinmeaningfulchunks.Usevisualclues,contextandknowledgeoftheworldtoworko utthemeaningofanunknownworkandacompleteexpression.R ecognizerecurrentpatternsinlanguagestructure.materials:Student’sBook7Bpage81workbook7Bpage44Photocopiablepages75and76AfewboxesPreparation:makeacopyofPhotocopiablepages75and76foreachgroup.Pre-taskpreparation.Introducethedifferentsignspage81oftheStudent’sBooktostudents.Askstudentstoreadouteachsign.Askthe m:wheredowefindthissign?Toelicit:weusuallyfindthiss ignin/at/near…2.Askstudentstothinkofothersignsthattheyknowof,besi destheonesonpage81oftheStudent’sBook.Getstudentstodrawandwritethesignsonpaper.Tell studentstoincludetheirsignswhentheyplaythematchingg ame.Post-taskactivityworkbookpage44consolidationGrammarPracticeBook7Bpages70and75。



沪教牛津版六年级英语上册教案Unit 3 Festivals in China一、单元分析(Unit Analysis)(一)单元地位(Unit Position)1. 本单元为Module 4的第三单元。


与之前Unit 2中的假日安排和之后Unit 4的各种活动(activities)相关。

2. 本单元在前两个单元的基础上,继续围绕一般将来时展开,用于描述将来的活动。

3. 本单元向学生介绍如何描述一个节日,对学生在写作上的提高有所帮助。


(二)单元目标(Unit Target)1. 学会用一般现在时描述一般的状态或现在的状态。

2. 学会用一般将来时描述将要发生的事情或打算。

3. 其他需要解决的问题:1)掌握六个主要节日的名称。

2)掌握like … best的用法。


(三)单元重点(Unit Focus)1. 关键词:Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Lantern Festival, Qing Ming, Christmas, special, decorations, mooncakes, rice dumplings, race。



2. 功能1)询问信息(Asking for information)●Which festivals do you like?●Which festival do you like best?3. 语法点本课可作为对一般将来时(will)的复习。

依旧要注意will + 行为动词和will +be +形容词的这一教学难点。

二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)本课的教学内容安排是:春节→端午节/中秋节→各种节日。



Suddenly, McFinn heard barking(狗叫).
That’s Flake and Crystal! The friends met and hugged and laughed and tumbled(翻滚)in the snow together. Now they were all ready to be home!
What’s the ending? Can you guess?
Use your imagination(想象力)and try to write an ending for the story.
The Ending: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ __________________________
ThMe unmexmt dfoaryd, tphaetytecdo(n轻tin拍ue)dM(继cF续in)n tohneir
wathyehhoemaed.. ThHeye dkiedpnt(’tkteeellp过his去lit式tle)bhreoatdhienrgh(e向w…as… 进c发on)cneronrethd,(t担he心w的ay)htomo.e.
the colourful eggs → Easter eggs Children are looking for _E_a_s_te_r_e_g_g_s_. → Go on Easter egg hunts Chocolate eggs → Eat Chocolate eggs

外研版英语八年级上册 Module 4 Unit 3

外研版英语八年级上册 Module 4 Unit 3
Module 3 Sports
Unit 3 Language in use
Learning Objectives
By the end of the class, we will be able to:
e the superlative forms correctly; anize words or phrases by category, and improve the efficiency
6. Complete the email with the words in the box.
book choice cost travel trip
FROM: Sally TO: Tony
SUBJECT: Journey to China Hi, Tony, My family is planning a journey to China in the summer. We want to visit Beijing first. Do you
of words learning; 3. introduce your own or others’ travel plans and ways of
Please categorize the following words.
friendly outgoing fast beautifully serious popular quietly funny hard-working carefully well hard early high
2. Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box.

6A Module 4 Unit 3 Festivals in China 中国的节日公开课

6A Module 4 Unit 3 Festivals in China 中国的节日公开课

Oral work: read the text on page 69, try to recite it Written work: 1. Workbook pages 37,38
2. Grammar Practice Book pages 57-59
__________ (a festival) Soon it will be __________. (a festival)
) 4. On the first day of Chinese New Year,the Li family visits friends. are at home ( F ) 5. The New Year decorations are in the flower markets only. not
Kitty’s diary
It’s the first day of Chinese New Year. Today, ___ we ___ at home . are
This morning ,Mum and Dad gaveus some ___ red packets. Tomorrow, we ________ Aunt May and will visit Uncle Paul. I will wear my new coat! We _______ will have a special dinner together. I like _____ Chinese New Year! (one, be, give, visit, wear, have)



Shanghai Hangzhou
Hong Kong Hainan Island
I know this place. It’s_J_i_n_m_a_o_B__u_il_d_in_g__.
I know this place. It’s ___________.
I know this place. It’s _T_ia_n_’_a_n_m__e_n_.
I know this place. It’s _Y_u__G_a_r_d_e_n__.
I know this place. It’s _N_a_n_p_u__B_r_i_d_g_e_.
West Lake
Ocean Park
San Ya
Li River
I don’t know this place.
Know more places
3 5
It is one of the largest cities in the world.
The Imperial Palace
It is in Beijing. It is very famous.
Yellow Mountain
It is in Anhui province.
1.Where are you from? Are you from China?
2.Do you like your country? Why?
3. What place do you like in China? Why?
Do you know these places?
That’s Yu Garden.

上海牛津英语七年级 7A M4Unit 3 Water Festival

上海牛津英语七年级 7A M4Unit 3 Water Festival
Unit 3 Water Festival
by Rachel

How many other festivals do you know in China or in western countries?
Mid-Autumn Festival
Dragon Boat Festival
What happens when we freeze water?
we freeze water, it turns into ice.
What happens when ice melts?
ice melts, it turns into water.
What happens when we boil water?
Step 1: Peeling some apples. Step 2: Cutting some peaches. Step 3: Adding some sugar . Step 4: Boiling them for 15min.
Iced Fruit Punch
Step 1: Preparing some different drinks ice-cubes Step 2: Making Step 3: Pouring out the sprite Step 4: Putting ice-cubes into sprite.
we boil water, it turns into steam.
What happens when steam cools?
steam cools, it turns into water.

Module 4 Unit 3 Water Festival教案

Module 4 Unit 3 Water Festival教案

Module 4 Unit 3 Water Festival教案dule 4 The natural eleentsUnit 3 ater Festival1Language fus:Using nnetives t express alternativeseg The have either a ht drin r a ld drinUsing adverbs/adverbials t express additineg lass, u’ve nt nl learnt h ae deliius drins, u’ve als learnt abut the three frs f aterLanguage sills:ListeningRegnize differenes in the use f intnatin in questins, stateents (inluding apprval and disapprval), ands, and respnd apprpriatelListen fr speifi infratinUnderstand the speaer’s intentin, attitude and feelings thrugh his/her hie and use f language, gestures and faial expressinSpeaingpen an interatin b eliiting a respnseaintain an interatin b anledging, agreeing r disagreeing, replaing, asing questins, adding r giving exaples, explaining and using fru lai expressins here apprpriateaintain an interatin b asing and respnding t thers’pininsReadingRead ritten language in eaningful hunsUse visual lues, ntext and nledge f the rld t r ut the eaning f an unnn rd and a plete expressinRegnize reurrent patterns in language strutureritingGather and share infratin, ideas and language b using strategies suh as brainstring, listing, questining, and intervieingDevelp ritten texts b using apprpriate frat, nventins and language features hen riting nn-narrative textsaterials:Student’s B 7B pages 76 and 77assette 7B and a assette plaerPhtpiable page 72Reipes fr different ht and ld drinsPreparatin:ue the assette ae a p f Phtpiable page 72 fr eah pairPre-tas preparatinLanguage learning ativit(This setin ais at prviding students ith pprtunities t pratise the language/vabular needed r bee failiar ith the bagrund fr the tas that flls1 Intrdue reipes f different ht and ld drins t students As students abut the different tpes f ht and ld drins an ae rite students’suggestins n the bard2 Pla the rerding: L and read Students listen and fll in their b s3 Distribute a p f Phtpiable page 72 t eah pair Students are required t ritea reipe fr aing Apple and Peah Tea Get students t disuss in pairs h the uld ae it, given the pitures and rds Then the rite their reipes4 Invite a fe paires t share their reipes ith the rest f the lass Get eah pair t he their ansers ith anther pair Aept all reasnabl e ansers and give explanatins hen neessarAs students t rite reipes fr their suggestins previusl disussed u a as students t thin f ther drins the an ae Students an r individuall, in pairs r in grups6 hen students have finished their reipes, llet the and bind the tgether t aea reipe b2Language fus:Asing ‘h-’questins t find ut varius inds f speifi infratin abut a persn, bet r an eventeg hat happens hen e bil ater?Using nnetives t sh the tie relatinship beteen t atinseg hen e freeze ater, it turns int ieLanguage sills:ListeningRegnize differenes in the use f intnatin in questins, stateents (inluding apprval and disapprval), ands, and respnd apprpriatelSpeaingpen an interatin b eliiting a respnse b asing questins r prviding infratin n a tpiaintain an interatin b anledging, agreeing r disagreeing, repling, asing questins, adding r giving exaples, explaining and using frulai expressins here apprpriateaintain an interatin b asing and respnding t thers’pininslse an interatin b giving reasnsReadingRead ritten language in eaningful hunsUse visual lues, ntext and nledge f the rld t r ut the eaning f an unnn rd and a plete expressinRegnize reurrent patterns in language strutureritingGather and share infratin, ideas and language b using strategies suh as brainstring, listing, questining, and intervieingPlan and rganize infratin and ideas b deiding n the sequene f ntent[:Zxx]Develp ritten texts b presenting ain and supprting ideasDevelp ritten texts b expressing n ideas and feelingsaterials:Student’s B 7B page 77rb 7B page 41Phtpiable page 73Preparatin:ae a p f Phtpiable page 73 fr eah pairPre-tas preparatin1 Denstrate biling ater turning int stea in lass Have students ath the denstratin and give brief explanatin abut eah step f the denstratin2 As students: hat happens hen e bil ater/freeze ater/ie elts? T eliit: hen e bil ater …/ hen e freeze ater … / hen ie elts … u a as re able students: hat are the three frs f ater?nslidatinGraar Pratie B 7B page 673Language fus:Using nnetives t sh the tie relatinship beteen t atinseg hen the ug full, it ntains 100 illilitres f aterUsing nuns/nun phrases t refer t quantit/unitseg 100 illilitres f aterUsing dals t express bligatin and prhibitineg u ust pur all the ater int anther betUsing the intrdutr ‘there’t express fatseg There ere 100 illitres f ater in the ugLanguage sills:ListeningRegnize differenes in the use f intnatin in questins, stateents (inluding apprval and disapprval), ands, and respnd apprpriatelIndentif the ain ideas f a ne tpi Listen fr speifi infratinSpeaingUse apprpriate intnatin and stress, and var vlue, tne f vie, and speed t nve intended eanings and feelingsaintain an interatin b anledging, agreeing r disagreeing, repling, asing questins, adding r giving exaples, explaining and using frulai expressins here apprpriateReadingRead ritten language in eaningful hunsUse visual lues, ntext and nledge f the rld t r ut the eaning f an unnn rd and a plete expressinRegnize reurrent patterns in language strutureaterials:Student’s B 7B page 78assette 7B and a assette plaerA ug, a bl, a up and aterPreparatin:ue the assettePre-tas preparatinLanguage learning ativit(This setin ais at prviding students ith pprtunities t pratise the language/vabular needed r bee failiar ith the bagrund fr the tas that flls1 As students if the n an ater gaes Get students t explain the gae, inluding the predures and rules, t th e rest f the lass2 Pla the rerding: Thin and d Students listen and fll in their bs If it is neessar, larif the predures and rules ith the lass3 Invite t students t e t the frnt f the lass and denstrate the gae4 As students: H an u get 90 illilitres f ater in the ug? Give students tie t anser this questin Then denstrate it t the rest f the lassu a invite students t pla se ater gaes previusl suggested Get students t bring the aterials t lass Have students explain the predures and rules t the rest f the lass hile the denstrate it ffer help and guidane t the less able students4Language fus:Using the intrdutr ‘there’t express fatseg There ere 0 illilitres f ater in the blUsing the siple past tense t tal abut past ativities and stateseg There ere 0 illilitres f ater in the ugUsing the siple present tense t express siple truthseg N there are nl 20 illilitres f ater in itLanguage sills:ListeningRegnize differenes in the use f intnatin in questins, stateents (inluding apprval and disapprval), ands, and respnd apprpriatelSpeaingUse apprpriate intnatin and stress, and var vlue, tne f vie, and speed t nve intended eanings and feelingspen an interatin b eliiting a respnseaintain an interatin b anledging, agreeing r disagreeing, repling, asing questins, adding r giving exaples, explaining and using frulai expressins here apprpriateaintain an interatin b asing and respnding t thers’pininsReadingRead ritten language in eaningful hunsUse visual lues, ntext and nledge f the rld t r ut the eaning f an unnn rd and a plete expressinRegnize reurrent patterns in language strutureritingGather and share infratin, ideas and language b using strategies suh asbrainstring, listing, questining, and intervieingDevelp ritten texts b expressing n ideas and feelingsrite ut a piee f r b presenting riting using apprpriate laut and visual supprt inluding illustratins, tables, harts here neessaraterials:Student’s B 7B page 79rb 7B page 42Phtpiable page 74A ug, a bl, a up and aterPreparatin:ae a p f Phtpiable page 74 fr eah studentLanguage fus:Asing ‘h-’questins t find ut plae, psitin r diretineg here d e usuall find this sign?Use adverbs/adverbials t express tie/frequeneg e usuall find this sign near reservirs and piersUse frulai expressins t express pininseg hat a shae!Language sills:ListeningRegnize differenes in the use f intnatin in questins, stateents (inluding apprval and disapprval), ands, and respnd apprpriatelIdentif the ain ideas f a ne tpiListen fr speifi infratinSpeaingUse apprpriate intnatin and stress, a nd var vlue, tne f vie, and speed t nve intended eanings and feelingsaintain an interatin b anledging, agreeing r disagreeing, repling, asing questins, adding r giving exaples, explaining and using frulai expressins here apprpriateaintain an interatin b ntrlling partiipatin in an interatin r grup ativities suh as taing ne’s turn at the right ent and regnizing thers’desire t spea ReadingRead ritten language in eaningful hunsUse visual lues, ntext and nledge f the rld t r ut the eaning f an unnn rd and a plete expressinRegnize reurrent patterns in language strutureaterials:Studen t’s B 7B page 80assette 7B and a assette plaerrb 7B page 43Preparatin:ue the assettePre-tas preparatinLanguage learning ativit(This setin ais at prviding students ith pprtunities t pratise the language/vabular needed r bee failiar ith the bagrund fr the tas that flls1 Revie the different plaes, suh as: siing pls, reservirs, nstrutin sites, beahes, et As students: hat signs d e see at these plaes? T eliit different signs hih students n Get students t e up t the frnt and dra the sign n the bard ffer help t students if the are nt sure hat the sign sas2 Pla the rerding: Read, thin and ath Students listen and fll in their bs3 Invite se students t rle-pla the haraters and sa the nversatin in Read, thin and ath4 As students t e up ith the predures and rules fr the athing gae in Read, thin and ath rite students’ideas n the bard6Language fus:Asing ‘h-’questins t find ut plae, psitin and diretineg here d e find this sign?Using adverbs/adverbials t express tie/frequeneg e usuall find this sign in …using iperatives t express prhibitinseg Diving is nt alledLanguage sills:ListeningRegnize differenes in the use f intnatin in questins, stateents, ands, and respnd apprpriatel Understand the speaer’s intentin, attitude and feelings thrugh his/her hie and use f language, gestures and faial expressin SpeaingUse apprpriate intnatin and stress, and var vlue, tne f vie, and speed t nve intended eanings and feelings pen an interatin b eliiting a respnse b asing questins r prviding infratin n a tpiaintain interatin b anledging, agreeing r disagreeing, repling, asing questins, adding r giving exaples, explaining and using frulai expressins here apprpriateReadingRead ritten language in eaningful hunsUse visual lues, ntext and nledge f the rld t r ut the eaning f an unnn r and a plete expressin Regnize reurrent patterns in language struture aterials:Student’s B 7B page 81rb 7B page 44Phtpiable pages 7 and 76A fe bxesPreparatin:ae a p f Phtpiable pages 7 and 76 fr eah grupPre-tas preparatin1 Intrdue the different signs page 81 f the Student’s B t students As students t read ut eah sign As the: here d e fi nd this sign? T eliit: e usuall find this sign in/at/near …2 As students t thin f ther signs that the n f, besides the nes n page 81 f the Student’s B Get students t dr a and rite the signs n paper Tell students t inlude their signs hen the pla the athing gaePst-tas ativitrb page 44nslidatinGraar Pratie B 7B pages 70 and 7。

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15+30=45 11+52=63 25+45=?
60-52=8 70-52=18 90-52=? 12+12=24
30-6=24 12+12=30-6 ___+___=___-___
How can you get 90 ml of water in the jug?
New words and phrases:
How many millilitres of water are there in the bowl?
How many millilitres of water are there in the jug/cup?
介 词 plus---加
动词 equal---等于
• The players must pour all the water into another object. They must stop pouring water when that object is full.
100ml minus 50ml equals 50ml - minus 减 = equal 等于
• • • • • • • • jug---大罐 millilitre(s)---毫升 while---一会儿 minus---减 plus---加 equal---等于 contain---包含,容纳 zero---零 • For a while • Stop pouring water • Among the jug, the bowl and the cup • 30 minus 30 equals zero • 100 plus 20 equals 120 • It sounds difficult.
How to play the game:
• The players have to get 80 millilitres of water in the jug by pouring water among the jug, the bowl and the cup.
Rules of the game
Module 4 Unit 3
Water Festival ------Water game
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱjug
毫 米
How many millilitres of water does the jug contain when it is full? When the jug is full, it contains 100 millilitres of water.