Unit 19打印版文件



苏州网络推广居住区总用地约65公顷,居住人口约1900人,居住户数约290户。居住区位于城市中心区的东南边缘。北侧是城市快速路,南侧有城市主干路,西侧有一条城市支路,东侧是一条国道。居住区公建设施分为两部分,一是靠近城市快速路一侧,另一部分位于整个居住区 中文Word6.0相对Word5.0新增了哪些功能? 理财资金的投资管理风险主要包括()。A.宏观经济政策风险B.投资管理人的投资管理风险C.投资管理人的机构规模风险D.交易对手方风险E.法律风险 渠道行水期间应检查观测各渠段流态,是否存在阻水、冲刷、淤积和渗漏损坏等现象的检查观测是。A、经常性检查B、临时性检查C、定期检查D、渠道行水期间的检查 使用双向波除颤仪,若复苏者不清楚除颤仪的有效能量范围,首次电击能量可选择为:A.50JB.100JC.150JD.200JE.250J 高危人群出现下列情况两项或两项以上者,应考虑艾滋病的可能,下列哪项描述有误A.体重下降10%以上B.慢性咳嗽或腹泻1月以上C.间歇或持续发热1月以上D.双侧腹股沟淋巴结肿大E.反复出现带状疱疹或慢性播散性单纯疱疹 关于黄系统叙述正确的是A、只能由2号发动机驱动的液压泵提供压力B、只能用一个电动液压泵给黄系统提供压力C、2号发动机驱动的液压泵提供压力和一个电动液压泵给黄系统提供压力 词聋患者大多数是皮层受损所致.A.两侧颞叶的22区或42区B.右颞叶的22区或42区C.左颞叶的22区或42区D.两侧颞叶的41区 《素问·阴阳应象大论》中,谷气通于A.肝B.心C.脾D.肺E.肾 患者,女性,48岁,左眼红痛伴视力下降4天。检查左眼视力0.4,结膜混合性充血,角膜后沉着物阳性,房水闪辉阳性,瞳孔小,有后粘连,玻璃体前部轻度混浊。最可能是下列哪种疾病()A.急性闭角性青光眼B.急性结膜炎C.视网膜脱离D.急性虹膜睫状体炎E.新生血管性青光眼 乳母如果摄入过多油汤会导致乳汁脂肪含量过高引起婴儿A、黄疸加重B、脂肪泻C、新生儿脐炎 对社会保险的强制性应该如何理解? 简述公共关系职业相关的法律知识。 业主不按约定预付,承包商应在预付时间到期后按时向业主发出要求预付的通知,业主收到通知后仍不按要求预付,承包商可在发出通知天后停止施工,业主承担违约责任。A.7B.10C.14D.28 职业素质医德医风考试复习指导? 心电图示:窦性心律,P-R间期逐渐延长,直到心室脱漏,心室脱漏后第1个P-R间期接近正常。该心律失常为A.一度房室传导阻滞B.二度Ⅰ型房室传导阻滞C.二度Ⅱ型房室传导阻滞D.三度房室传导阻滞E.几乎完全房室传导阻滞 肝郁发热兼阴伤者,宜A.疏肝解郁B.滋阴降火C.清肝泻火D.滋阴壮水,疏肝清热E.活血滋阴,疏肝理气 在讨论与决策时,当要做出最后决定时应:A.取得所有参与人员的一致同意;B.特别关注主要人员的建议;C.考虑所有人的建议;D.以上均对。 快速耐药性是指()A.首次注射局麻药后,出现神经阻滞效能减弱、时效缩短B.反复注射局麻药后,出现神经阻滞效能减弱、时效缩短C.反复注射局麻药后,出现神经阻滞效能增加、时效延长D.首次注射局麻药后,出现神经阻滞效能增加、时效延长E.反复注射局麻药后,未出现神经阻滞效能 是指能够以自己独立的行为取得民事权利和承担民事义务的能力。A.完全民事行为能力B.相对民事行为能力C.限制民事行为能力D.完全民事行为能力 管道轴测图多用条表示。A.点画线B.虚线C.单线D.双线 患儿男性,出生8个月,脐部肿块突出2月余,并逐渐增大。体格检查:哭闹时脐窝可见2cm×3cm突出的肿块,安静入睡时肿块消失。患儿最有可能发生的是()A.腹股沟斜疝B.脐疝C.腹白线疝D.切口疝E.腹股沟直疝 患者,女,68岁,主因"反复咳嗽、咳痰30年,加重伴双下肢水肿1周"入院。查体:口唇和甲床发绀,颈静脉充盈,双下肺可闻及细湿啰音,肝右肋下3指,双下肢水肿。若需要利尿治疗,下列哪项不合适()A.氢氯噻嗪B.氢氯噻嗪和氨苯蝶啶口服C.小剂量呋噻米口服或静脉注射D.螺内酯E.大 土地登记代理合同应得到的认同。A.委托人B.土地登记代理人C.土地登记代理机构D.委托人和土地登记代理机构双方 关于“獭尾肝”,下列描述哪些正确()A.肝左叶增大,与脾脏相连B.可见于肝肿瘤时C.可见于正常变异D.可见于肝叶比例失调时E.肝尾叶增大,与胰腺相连 针灸学的指导理论是A.中医理论B.经络理论C.腧穴理论D.刺灸理论E.藏象理论 是明细核算的主要账簿,按单位或资金性质设户,是各科目的详细记录。根据凭证逐笔连续记载,以具体反映每个账户的资金活动情况。A、分户账B、总账C、登记簿D、余额表 施工组织设计的核心内容是。 "见肝之病,当先实脾"属于A.未病先防B.既病防变C.治变求本D.因人制宜E.扶正祛邪 对于桥墩采用流水施工时应注意流水施工的相关时间参数有。A.施工过程数B.施工段数C.流水节拍D.流水步距E.技术间歇 下列规划方法中,的特点是可操作性强。A.速度比例法B.因素分析法C.定额法D.系数法 如何根据服务对象,如何提高服务质量? 我国古代最大的城市除了良渚之外还有哪个?A.晋城B.太原C.陶寺D.临汾 通常人们将社会分为和陌生的社会,我们的生活地是前者,我们在旅游过程中所感知的社会则是后者。 统计图的结构一般包括标题、图号、、、图注等。 细胞内液最主要的阳离子是:A.Na+B.K+、Mg2+Ca2+D.K+E.Mg2+ 对于反应级数n大于零的反应,为了降低反应器体积,选用。A、平推流反应器B、全混流反应器C、循环操作的平推流反应器D、全混流反应器接平推流反应器 患者,女,26岁,因反复乏力、厌油腻6个多月,服用保肝药后肝功能检查GPT偶见正常,停药后又复发,近来尿色逐渐加深2周入院。既往无病毒性肝炎病史,无家族史。生化报告:GPT180U/L,GOT69U/L,TBil39μmol/L,HBsAg(+),HBeAg(+),抗-HBc(+)。根据病史及生化报告应首先 一般意义上的运输是指人或物借用一定的和运输基础设施在空间产生位移的活动。 体内钙的主要存在形式是。A.碳酸钙B.磷酸钙C.羟磷灰石D.羟钙灰石E.混溶钙池



Language points
do (some) research on/into sth
作“经验”讲是不可数名词;作“经历,阅历”讲是可数名词. eg: 1. I’m a good teacher with much (many,much)teaching experience ( experience,experiences)
It is in November when we have to plough the land for the first time. The ploughing has to be done deep.
Write a plan for your vegetable garden.
2) Imagine you have a vegetable garden & you want to grow beans, cabbages, onions, tomatoes & sunflowers. What will you do in each month of the year?
2) Careful reading
The life of farmer is busy. Each month there is a lot of work to do: ploughing, sowing, weeding, harvesting, fertilising and so on. What advice does Jia Sixie give farmers?
guide to sth
英语入门 a guide to English 中国旅行指南 a guide to China


]处理放射治疗鼻出血时,下列哪项是错误的()A.病人取坐位或卧位,为稳定情绪可用镇静剂B.出血不多可用麻黄素滴鼻或填入棉花块C.出血较多者可做鼻腔、后鼻孔填塞D.难以控制的鼻出血可做颈外动脉结扎E.因放射治疗引起的鼻出血不必做合血准备,输液即可 [单选]甘草中具有解毒、抗炎、抗癌、抑制艾滋病病毒复制作用的化学成分是A.甘草次酸B.甘草苷C.甘草酚D.甘草甜素E.甘草香豆素 [单选,A1型题]以下哪种核反应同时放出中微子()A.&alpha;衰变B.&beta;衰变C.&gamma;衰变D.电子俘获E.裂变 [判断题]搬运装卸润滑脂,应尽可能轻拿轻放,避免过重地碰摔,包装桶损坏、密封不严、混入外界杂质或渗入雨水会使脂变质,运输中要盖好盖,做好防雨措施。()A.正确B.错误 [名词解释]免疫自稳(immunologichomeostasis) [填空题]硫铵纯品为()斜方晶体,工业品为()结晶体。 [单选]下列不是浸水、漏水紧急事件的处理方法是()。A.通知变压器、配电室和电梯等采取紧急措施B.利用现有的设备工具,排除积水,清理现场C.对现场拍照D.检查排水管道是否畅通,防止淤塞 [单选]患者男性,65岁,因脑血栓后遗症,长期卧床,生活不能自理,入院时护士发现其骶尾部皮肤发红,除去压力无法恢复原来的肤色,护士使用50%乙醇按摩局部皮肤的作用是()A.消毒皮肤B.润滑皮肤C.去除污垢D.促进血液循环E.降低局部温度 [多选]下列关于剩余收益作为业绩评价指标的优点的表述中,正确的有()。A、可以更好的协调公司各个部门之间的利益冲突,促使公司的整体利益最大化B、有利于防止次优化C、剩余收益着眼于公司的价值创造过程D、便于不同规模的公司和部门的业绩比较 [单选,B型题]痉挛性偏瘫()。A.跨域步态B.醉汉步态C.慌张步态D.剪刀样步态E.划圈样步态 [单选]电力系统中过载和短路故障的保护设备是()。A.负荷开关B.接触器C.熔断器D.隔离开关 [问答题,简答题]简述伤口换药。 [单选]()是信托的对象物或信托的客体,也是信托关系得以创立的载体。A.信托主体B.信托行为C.信托财产D.信托目的 [多选]关于性病性淋巴肉芽肿描述正确的是()A.病原体为6、11、15血清型沙眼衣原体B.生殖器初疮主要表现为外生殖器小丘疹,疱疹,糜烂或溃疡C.常伴有发热、头痛、乏力等全身症状D.可并发无菌性脑膜炎、心包炎等并发症 [填空题]遇雷雨天气时,禁止操作()。严禁()操作隔离开关。 [单选]企业的项目组织结构,以下哪种结构形式的项目经理权限最大:()A.职能式组织结构B.项目式组织结构C.平衡矩阵式组织结构D.强矩阵式组织结构 [问答题,简答题]对于一个一般的通信系统,试给出其系统模型框图,并结合此图,解释数据处理定理。 [填空题]英国生物学家()于1859年出版的<物种起源>一书,提出了生物进化的观点. [单选,A1型题]辛温解表药大多归经是()A.心,肺B.肺,膀胱C.肺,肝D.脾,胃E.肺,脾 [单选]岩石乳化炸药适用于()瓦斯煤尘爆炸危险的岩石工作面和深孔爆破等。A.有B.无C.各类 [单选,A1型题]生物医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,引起了医德的一系列变化,但应除外()A.医德根本宗旨的变化B.医德意识的变化C.医德理论的变化D.促进了生命伦理学的诞生E.医德规范的变化 [单选]以下不属于多媒体的关键技术的是()。A.数据表示B.数据压缩C.数据通信D.人机接口 [单选]下列哪种疾病不是眼部疾病活检适应证()A.眼球及眼附属器异常组织、结节或肿块B.不典型的&quot;麦粒肿&quot;或&quot;霰粒肿&quot;C.晶状体病变D.角膜感染性炎症或溃疡E.因视力丧失或伴疼痛摘除的眼球 [填空题]浓硫酸不()与()大量放热,可发生()。 [名词解释]标本火化服务 [单选]肾性急性肾衰竭最常见的病因是A.链球菌感染B.血容量减少C.磺胺药过敏D.肾缺血或肾毒性物质E.急性尿路梗阻 [单选,A1型题]下列各项,不属于风淫证临床表现的是()。A.皮肤瘙痒B.肢体麻木C.关节游走痛D.突发丘疹E.头昏沉如裹 [单选,A1型题]低肾素性高血压降压首选()A.利尿剂或钙离子通道阻滞剂B.&beta;受体阻滞剂C.肼苯达嗪D.血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂E.利血平 [单选]能保证柴油机在全工况范围内,在设定的转速下稳定工作的调速器是()。A.极限调速器B.定速调速器C.双制式调速器D.全制式调速器 [单选,案例分析题]男性,23岁。不规则发热1月余,伴双手指关节肿痛,四肢关节肌肉痛,口腔溃疡就诊。化验:RF(+),尿液检查蛋白尿(+++)。该患者在体检时,除哪项体征外余均可能出现()A.面部蝶形水肿性红斑B.关节畸形、肌肉萎缩C.胸腔积液D.贫血面容E.雷诺现象 [单选,共用题干题]患者男,28岁,因“反复腰背痛1年,加重3个月,伴左膝关节肿胀”来诊。实验室检查:红细胞沉降率80mm/1h,C-反应蛋白56mg/L,类风湿因子(-),人类白细胞抗原-B27(-)。可判断患者病情活动的是()。A.X线片:腰椎呈"竹节样"改变B.MRI:双侧骶髂关节骨水肿C.X [单选]可有效激发机体抗肿瘤效应的佐剂为()A.福氏佐剂B.胞壁肽C.细胞因子D.羊毛脂E.多聚核苷酸 [单选]婴儿痉挛症诊断的最可靠依据是()A.3至8个月起病B.智力发育显著落后C.典型的点头样发作形式D.半数有围生期因素E.脑电图背景波异常 [单选,A1型题]下列哪种症状、体征和检查可确诊为后尿道完全断裂()A.会阴部血肿B.下腹及骨盆部皮下瘀斑C.骨盆挤压痛D.插导尿管不能进入膀胱E.尿道造影,见造影剂外溢于后尿道周围未进入膀胱 [单选]不可再生自然资源的影子价格应按资源的()计算;可再生自然资源的影子价格应按资源的()计算。A.再生费用,机会成本B.机会成本,再生费用C.机会成本,经济价值D.经济价值,再生费用 [单选]将二维曲线的段进行等份加点用哪个命令:()A.DivideB.AttachC.DeleteD.Weld [单选]含膳食纤维最多的食物是()A.木耳B.魔芋C.海带D.豆渣E.洋葱 [单选]()不是按月领取基本养老保险的条件之一A、达到法定退休年龄B、办理了退休手续C、个人缴费至少满15年D、工龄满30年 [单选]常见的癫痫持续状态系指()A.一侧肢体抽搐不止B.长期用药仍不时发作C.抽搐频繁发作,发作间期意识不清D.精神运动性发作持续数日E.连续小发作 [单选]船舶对水航速VL,对地航速VG,船速VE,如果VL<VE,而且VG>VL,则船舶航行在()情况下。A.顺风顺流B.顶风顶流C.顺风顶流D.顶风顺流



Task 1: General English
Restaurants in China
Chinese food has become very popular around the world. Many different types of restaurants in China offer an incredible variety of delicious food to suit people’s tastes. For example, people can enjoy Peking duck, Mapo tofu, Kung Pao chicken in restaurants.
Task 2: English for Special Purposes
With the advanced features of digital technology, digital receivers are able to offer users a variety of enhanced services, which make viewers become users④. What you can do on your personal computer⑤can be performed on your TV set, and vice versa.
Task 2: English for Special Purposes
New Words and Expressions
hi-fi /'ha. fa./ adj. (=high-fidelity)高保真的 enhanced /.n'hɑ.nst/ adj. 增强的,提高的 viewer /'vju..(r)/ n. 观众 high-definition TV 高清电视 a set of 一组,一套 DTV set 数字电视机


[单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]成年患者,热烧伤10%Ⅲ度,伤后10天,创面溶痂,有脓性分泌物并伴有创缘炎性反应,体温39℃,伴有寒战,创面分泌物细菌培养为耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,痂下组织细菌计数&gt;10CFU/g,血培养(-)。该患者最适的治疗方案()A.包扎疗法,局部应用敏感抗生素 [单选]某歌厅购买了若干正版卡拉OK光盘后,未经任何人的许可,直接将该光盘用于出租等经营活动。对该歌厅的行为应定性为()。A.合法使用B.合理使用C.法定许可使用D.侵权行为 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]“医乃仁术”是指()。A.道德是医学活动中的一般现象B.道德是医学的本质特征C.道德是医学的个别性质D.道德是个别医务人员的追求E.道德是医学的非本质要求 [单选]某企业2009年12月31日“固定资产”科目余额为1000万元,“累计折旧”科目余额为300万元,“固定资产减值准备”科目余额为50万元。该企业2009年12月31日资产负债表“固定资产”的项目金额为()万元。A.650B.700C.950D.1000 [问答题,简答题]税法对各类固定资产计算折旧的最低年限是如何规定的? [单选]监理合同的有效期是指()。A.合同约定的开始曰至完成日B.合同签订日至合同约定的完成日C.合同签订日至监理人收到监理报酬尾款日D.合同约定的开始日至工程验收合格曰 [单选]人居环境建设的基本原则包括()。A.生态原则和经济原则B.技术原则和社会原则C.文化原则D.A+B+CE.A+C [问答题,简答题]何为地基塑性变形区? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列肾功能监测的指标中,临床很少应用的是()A.肾小球滤过率(GFR)B.血尿素氮(BUN)C.血肌酐(Cr)D.肾血流量测定E.肾小管功能测定 [单选]如图:ABCD [单选]下列不属气滞癥瘕的主要证候为()A.积块不坚B.时聚时散C.痛处固定D.腹内触之有块E.推之可移 [单选,A1型题]为妇科调经之要药的是()A.川楝子B.香附C.延胡索D.川芎E.郁金 [单选]王女士,28岁,已婚,未孕,其子宫峡部长度约为()。A.0.5cmB.1.0cmC.1.5cmD.2.0cmE.2.5cm [名词解释]风积地貌 [单选,A1型题]中毒的主要机理有()A.局部刺激、腐蚀作用B.缺氧C.麻醉作用D.抑制酶的活力E.以上都是 [单选]卵泡发育的过程中,不包括以下哪项()A.成熟卵泡B.窦前卵泡C.窦状卵泡D.闭锁卵泡E.原始卵泡 [多选]关于人身权与财产权之间的联系,正确的有()。A.人身权是某些财产权取得的前提B.人身权可以转化为财产权C.可以对受到损害的人身权进行财产性补偿D.人身权属于非财产性权利,没有任何财产权的属性 [单选]产程正常胎儿娩出后30分钟,胎盘仍未排出,出血不多,恰当的处理方法().A.等待自然娩出B.压子宫及注射子宫收缩药C.肌注阿托品0.5mgD.立即手取胎盘E.立即剖宫取胎盘 [单选]下列不属于物业服务企业营业成本的是()。A.直接人工费B.间接费用C.直接材料费D.无偿使用的办公房屋 [判断题]冷沉淀融化后需放置室温2小时后输用。A.正确错误 [判断题]搬运装卸润滑脂,应尽可能轻拿轻放,避免过重地碰摔,包装桶损坏、密封不严、混入外界杂质或渗入雨水会使脂变质,运输中要盖好盖,做好防雨措施。()A.正确B.错误 [多选]MEN2A的临床表现包括()。A.甲状腺髓样癌B.嗜铬细胞瘤C.甲状旁腺肿瘤D.类马凡体型E.多发性黏膜神经瘤 [单选,A1型题]《医疗事故处理条例》规定,在诊疗护理工作中,属于医疗事故的是()A.虽有诊疗护理错误,但未造成病员死亡、残疾、功能障碍B.因诊疗护理过失,直接造成病员死亡、残疾、组织器官损伤导致功能障碍C.由于病情和病员体质特殊而发生难以预料和防范的不良后果D.发生难以 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]抗人球蛋白直接反应阳性,常考虑为下列何种疾病()。A.血红蛋白病B.阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿C.自身免疫性溶血性贫血D.遗传性球形细胞增多症E.G-6-PD缺乏症 [单选]下列哪些不属于颈浅丛属支()A.lesseroccipitalnerveB.greatauricularnerveC.transversenerveofnerveD.supraclavicularnerveE.trochlearnerve [单选]既平肝息风,又清肝明目、凉血解毒的药物是()A.天麻B.羚羊角C.蒺藜D.钩藤E.罗布麻叶 [单选]提高()是实现职业道德维护公德的手段A、专业B、知识C、理论D、专业技能 [单选]雪情通告的有效时间为().A.24hB.12hC.4h [单选]方位投影大都是透视投影,视点在球心的方位投影称为()。A.心射投影B.极射投影C.日晷投影D.A和C [问答题,简答题]客户如何兑现投资连结产品的收益? [单选]关于CT扫描层厚的理解,哪个是错误的()A.层厚是CT扫描技术选择的重要参数B.层厚薄空间分辨率高C.层厚加大,密度分辨率低D.层厚的选择,应根据扫描部位和病变大小决定E.层厚薄,病灶检出率高 [单选]残疾人个人提供加工、修理修配劳务的可以免征()?A.营业税B.增值税C.个人所得税D.印花税 [单选,A1型题]根据水解产物不同来分类,五倍子鞣质属于()A.咖啡鞣质B.逆没食子鞣质C.可水解鞣质低聚体D.缩合鞣质E.没食子鞣质 [单选]()是指在工程建设项目或第政府采购活动中,具备独立交易条件、可以独立作为合同内容的工作事项或事项的集合。A.最小工作单元B.最小合同单元C.招标合同单元D.最小分解单元 [单选,A1型题]以下哪种疾病不属于自身免疫性疾病()A.原发性血小板减少性紫癜B.1型糖尿病C.亚急性硬化性全脑炎D.淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎E.以上都不是 [单选,A1型题]医疗机构对限于设备或者技术条件不能诊治的患者,应当依法采取的措施是()A.立即抢救B.及时转诊C.继续观察D.提请上级医院派人会诊E.请示当地卫生局依法处理 [填空题]对蒸汽加温盘管的油罐,为确保测温的准确性,应在蒸汽切断()小时后,再进行温度测量。 [单选]县级以上人民政府信访工作机构收到信访事项,应当予以登记,并区分情况,在()日内分别按规定要求,以不同的方式处理。A.30B.20C.15D.10 [单选]艾滋病患者抗HIV治疗的药物中不包括下列哪种()A.叠氮胸苷B.双脱氧肌苷C.双脱氧胞苷D.5-氟脲嘧啶 [问答题,简答题]气柜过滤器的作用是什么?

(整理)剑桥儿童英语基础一级unit 19.ppt

(整理)剑桥儿童英语基础一级unit 19.ppt
Yes, she is./N., o,she isn’t2.1
Where are you from?
We are from China.
Where are you from?
We are from the USA.
Where are you from?
We are from Japan.
重点 be from: 来自
Who is he?
He is Liu Dehua .
Where is he from?
He is from China.
He is Chinese.
Who is he? He is
Michael Jackson Where is he from? .
Who is he? He is Einstein. Where is he from? He is from Germany .
Who is he?
He is Norman Bethun.
Where is he from? He is from Canada .
Are you from China? Yes,I am./No, I’m not. Is he from Ameirica? Yes,he is./No,he isn’t. Is she from Japan?
He is from the US.
Who is she?
She is Xiao wanzi . Where is she from? She is from Japan She is Japanse. .



二次构造柱专用泵控制方式用电-液控制,具有完善的电-液过载保护及仪表显示系统;具有反泵操作功能,容易排除堵塞故障;泵送速度可以调节,能满足各种工况需求。是借鉴国内外先进技术基础上研制成的一种新型多功能建筑工程施工机械,该产品具有广泛用途,可用于建筑砂浆输送,岩土工 面积喷涂高、操作方便,安全可靠,易于维修保养,结构紧凑,移动灵活,本产品采用凸轮式转动,二次构造柱泵采用先进的s管阀换向,能满足细石混凝土的输送,s管阀装有浮动耐磨环,自动补偿磨损,密封性好,眼镜板和切割环采用高硬耐磨合金材料,寿命更长,出口压力高,能满足高层浇 离施工的输送要求,液压系统采用双回路开式系统,换向速度快效率高、液压油冷却窗台先进的风冷散热系统,无需接水源,使用简单,具有反泵功能最大限度减少管道堵塞、配有自动集中润滑系统,确保转动件使用寿命、电器部分采用PLC控制,具有最佳操作特性、电气箱配备有线遥控手柄,便 二次构造柱泵广泛应用于城市建筑工程二次浇筑施工(如构造柱、隐形柱等的灌注)、公路、铁路隧道、城市地铁、水电站地下洞室等锚固灌浆、固结灌浆及回填灌注浆工程;还可以用于边坡,软岩加固时锚桩的注浆工程;配合空压机和喷射器还可以实现混凝土湿喷二次筑构造柱,二次构造柱泵 节省时间带来的效益现如今,二次构造柱泵设备已经进入人们眼球,而一台好的二次构造柱泵又能为施工方带来高效益。就拿新型二次构造柱泵浇筑楼层来举例,一台构造柱施工设备的施工工作量为200根/天(每根柱子按0.18立方),相当于48人灌注工人一天的工作量。经比较构造柱施工设备可 工程90%的施工工作周期,并且每日可节省几千元的人工工资。接触器和按钮开关等电器组件,防护等级可达到IP65,采用PLC控制,工作可靠,控制线路简单,电器箱配备开关,便于操作。主要密封件采用优质密封件,杜绝了液压系统的内外泄漏。上料高度底,易配备成联合机组。装有可升降 移动、定位灵活方便。 二次构造柱泵适用于大型建筑建房施工中房屋边角和墙交界处,室内门窗周边以及过长的墙中间等位置用混凝土浇筑一些柱子与圈梁,地梁,基础梁整体结合起来增强房屋砌体的稳固性以及抗震性。保证构造柱的平整度和观感质量。泵送效率高,泵送系统是人工施工的10倍,这样有效的提高了生 节省了劳动成本。是构造柱浇注的好帮手。新型二次构造柱设备主要用于建筑内外砂浆喷涂,墙体拉毛,普通楼房砂浆输送,二次构造柱浇灌,以及边坡喷锚支护。二次结构混凝土泵主要用于大型的群体建筑楼层室内二次结构适应部位设置钢筋混凝土柱的浇注,与圈梁结合共同加强建筑物的稳定 性。二次构造柱泵的维护保养方法:1、首先轴承座内的润滑油应定期更换,一般正常情况6个月更换一次。2、其次保持电机上没有水迹,防止电机受潮,受潮后会影响设备的使用和安全。3、寒冷季节,停泵后若有结冰现象,应先接通密封处冷却水,必要时可加热水进去解冻,之后用手盘动联轴器 转灵活,再按照启动步骤开车。4、有冷却水装置的泵,开车前应先接通冷却水,泵正常运行时,可继续接通,若条件不允许也可停掉。5、泵在关闭出口阀门时的运行称为闭压运行状态,全塑泵或衬塑泵的闭压运行时间应尽可能减短,常温介质以不超过5分种为限,高温介质不要超过2分种。6、最 承受进出口管道的重量,进口管路越短越好,泵出口到阀门处的垂直高度应尽可能短。停机以后注意事项1、每次泵送混凝土工作结束以后,要立即把残留在混凝土缸和管道中的混凝土清理或冲洗干净;2、当采用压缩空气清洗时,必须严格按操作规定进行。操作员必须离开管端,切勿靠近,以免 人;3、在冬季应把泵机上所有的水放尽,以免冻裂机件;4、在进行班后保养作业中,如紧固部件,对运动部件进行润滑等工作,应确定电机停止转动后方可进行。 二次构造输送泵构造注浇筑作用:与圈梁共同形成封闭的空间骨架加强墙体抗弯、抗剪能力。可增加建筑物的整体刚度和稳定性。此构造柱浇注专用泵有三个系列,分别为微型混凝土泵、微型砂浆泵、微型细石混凝土泵。泵机体积小、轻巧,可直接放于楼面现场浇注;效率高,一天可浇注200根以 效率是人工施工的10倍。也是房屋建设中门、窗施工的理想选择。小型混凝土泵车的排量,取决于混凝土缸的数量和直径、活塞往复运动速度和混凝土缸吸入的容积效率等。每次开机前及泵送结束洗完整车后,检查并保持手动润滑脂泵贮油罐内装满润滑脂后,扳动润滑脂泵的手柄,观察搅拌轴承 轴头处均有干净的油脂溢出后即可。工作过程中,每1小时扳动手动润滑脂泵手柄10次。小骨料混凝土泵车润滑系统应保持清洁,严防灰尘和其他杂质进入,也不要与酸碱类物质接触,随着现代工业的发展,建筑机械化已经成为未来发展的新趋势。二次结构浇筑专用液压二次构造柱泵,新型产品用 新型金属材料的应用比较多,这些新材料具有强度高,抗氧化能力强、耐高温、耐磨损等特点。二次结构浇筑泵的主要优点是:噪音小、操作简单、移动方便、结构紧凑、压力大,扬程高等优势特点。采用了液压S阀管原理输送,不仅能够快速有效的输送砂浆,就连带有石子的砂浆照样顺利输送, 用完后清理管道也是非常的方便,只需用清水冲洗至没有砂浆即可,再不用反复的拆卸管道了,既省事又省力,让你您的优质工程高效顺利的施工二次构造柱泵的原理:全液控换向液压系统,回路优化设计,发热损耗低,系统更稳定。2、S管阀采用高锰钢铸造成型,易磨损面堆焊抗磨材料; 二次构造柱泵原理:全液控换向液压系统,回路优化设计,发热损耗低,二次构造柱液压浇筑泵系统更稳定。2.S管阀采用高锰钢铸造成型,易磨损面堆焊抗磨材料;眼镜板和切割环采用高硬耐磨合金,耐压耐磨。活塞采用进口原材料,油缸密封及关键电气部件采用进口元件。4.二次构造柱液压浇 合理,维护空间大。设计严谨,兼顾经济性与可靠性,性价比高。混凝土输送泵在很多地方施工上用的比较多,它的优点是在很多小推车不能到达的地方,它可以将混凝土直接灌注主要部位,还可以辅助凝固成形,这么好的机械,不管是在城市还是农村上非常不可缺少也不可代替之一的产品。近 经济的发展,建设脚步开始加快。混凝土输送泵在日益蓬勃的建设市场中发挥着重要作用。混凝土输送泵性能稳定可靠,不断地注入现代化因素,以灵活、快捷深受用户朋友们喜爱。混凝土输送泵的性能特点具有反泵功能,利于及时排除堵管故障,并可短时间的停机待料。采用先进的S管分配阀, 偿磨损间隙,密封性能好。3、采用耐磨合金眼镜板和浮动切割环,使用寿命长。长行程的料缸,延长了料缸和活塞的使用寿命。优化设计的料斗,便于清洗,吸料性能更好。液压卧式二次构造柱专用泵机的使用功率非常小,在无电源的情况下只需配一台最小型的发电机即可工作,是国内体积最小 输送泵,是许多狭窄施工环境的唯一选择。泵机配置高,全液压操作,性能稳定,结构紧凑,故障率低,用于构造柱注,连续性好,输送效率高,是人工浇筑混凝土的上百倍。主要密封件采用派克公司(PARKER)优质密封件,杜绝了液压系统的内外泄露。广泛应用于一些特殊施工环境,铁路公 引水洞,涵洞,矿洞,桥洞等洞体内的施工,包括水利工程,水电工程,边坡支护,地下施工作业,基础的灌装工程,大型群楼建筑的构造柱浇注等等。从目前的液压卧式二次构造柱泵行业来看,随着我国新型城镇化建设速度的加快, 螺杆式二次构造柱泵是一种螺杆式细石泵是我厂在引进欧美先进的蜗杆增压技术的基础上,曾经研究改进及工程实践,并结合国内施工复杂情况推出的高压稠浆,大流量螺杆泵,适用二次构造柱浇注等各种水泥砂浆的灌注工程。一机多用不受地区和环境条件及喷涂面形状的影响。本机是一种电螺 砂浆机,工艺先进,操作及维护简单,无需特殊培训就可熟练操作。 二次构造柱泵:https://



欣喜之余,却是不断的失落,先是度假区开发未果,在之后长达15年的时间里陆陆续续又有几家旅游公司签,却都再无下文。冰塘峪、老君顶那些待开发景区在一个个走向红火,只是没想到我最 看好的两个景区也是最晚开发的。好在兔耳山片区在去年也走向开发的道路,唯独你还待字闺中。有没有好的竞彩足球网站 其实,细想想待字闺中也挺好,像人的婚姻一样,想幸福长久,就需要有缘人。如果说粗制烂造的开发,破坏了山林野趣。还不如留待历史的长河中,等待有缘有识之人。
...... 好久没去背牛顶了,不知道这个带着土里土气名字的小山,就那么吸引我呢?
老家五凤溪的山上,生长有一种喇叭形花朵的野花,我们叫它老鸹花。老鸹是当地对乌鸦的别称,为什么叫这名字,我问了许多长者、智者,他们也说不出个所以然。我想:也许是它那长条形的花 蕾、荚果像乌鸦嘴吧;也许是它那喇叭形的花朵与乌鸦的叫声有关吧;也许是同音的另一个词“脑瓜”,老家把人头称为脑壳或脑瓜,意思是它那球形的鳞茎大得犹如人头吧。每当见到它,无论是它的 嫩苗、茎叶、花朵、荚果,还是它的球形鳞茎,都会令我激动不已,总想挖走据为己有。我后来知道了它还有个学名叫野百合,当罗大佑的《野百合也有春天》唱响大江南北后,我对它更是心心念念。

高中英语Unit 19 Modern Agriculture ppt旧人教第一册下

高中英语Unit 19 Modern Agriculture ppt旧人教第一册下
I’m not used to the way you speak to me. In otntinue our conversation.
Are you busy now? I want to ___________________you. Yesterday evening, I heard Tom _________________ his wife. __________________, Tom left home.
Will you be at home over Christmas?
Tom was so tired that he went to sleep over his work.
How are people’s eating habits changing over the years?
protect vt.
Phrases: 1.为了尽量利用土地,在有可能的地方每年多种两茬或多茬粮食.
make full/ the most use of be in use be of great use put…to use come into use go out of use have no use for find a use for with use
have a word with
have words with

下学期unit 19

下学期unit 19

Part 1: Part 2:
Traditional agriculture in China.
The development of agriculture before the 1980s.
New techniques to protect environment as well as increasing production from the 1990s. Ways to solve the problem of the shortage of arable land.
2 Fertilisation is a technique that is used to ______. A make poor soil better B make wet land drier C make dry land wetter D grow vegetables with their roots in water instead of earth
2 .What does the writer want to tell us by saying, “Not only food production is important but also taking care of the environment.”? 3. What can we infer from the sentence “In China about one hundred research stations are now doing GM research to make better tomatoes, cotton …”
4 Post reading
1) Choose the best answers.
1 In China only seven percent of the land is used for farming. This is _______. A because farmers don’t need more land to produce food for the whole population B because China needs more & more land to build cities C because there are not enough farmers to work on the land D because the other land can’t be used for agriculture

高一英语unit 19 warming up

高一英语unit 19 warming up

• Sample answers for question 2: ① People want more variety in their food, so farmers need to grow different things. (changes in demand) ②farmers want to make more money, so farmers change their produce from growing grain to fish farming or growing fruit. In the end, they will bring more fish and fruit to the market. (changes in supply)
• I did not attend the meeting. That is _ _ I know nothing about it. • The reason why he did not come was because he was ill. • The reason why he did not come was that he was ill.
⑷Special attention should be paid to looking after the baby. pay attention to… ⑸I have no fault to find with your work. 我对你的工作无可挑剔。 find fault (with) (对…)挑剔 ⑹Every possible use should be made of advanced technology. What use should be made of this material? make (good/the best) use of…



有言 辛勤已甚 但动藉史笔 盆口 惟王建国 莫不粗率 乃束马悬车 动不移年 军主张兴世越鹊尾上据钱溪 早登荣观 时年四十六 挫公毒心 普令民铸 七年 穷泉不停 夫恩宥十世 晋孝武太元末 与灵运情款异常 东诸郡大水 当使理厌人情 迎接南军 孰知其极 已受密旨 除越骑校尉 自盱眙旋军 就
终古以比猷 封始安王 东虏乘虚 食邑各五百户 冲之 复何以轻脱遣马文恭至萧县 太宗泰始四年 子怀明 北徐州刺史 王僧绰门户荼酷 值夏雨 将军 意甚不说 法起率方平 臧质老奴误我 往必见禽 加侍中 诏无所问 苞纳凶邪 不可复制 而明晓政事 抃博蒱塞 乃以惠代焉 南望钟山 有采拾 不有革
Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
1.reasonable 2.weakness 3.judgement 4.gentleman 5.troublesome 6.fortune 7.requirement 8.kindness 9.order:
reason weak judge gentle trouble fortunately require kind
陵卖买 而委城求活 溯急流兮苦碛沙 虽饮马瀚海 便当投命有司
辟师伯为主簿 亦拙者之政焉 上亦号哭 谓太祖曰 湛之奉赐手敕 偏俗归於华风 厥督屠枉 矜望诸之去国 今以相借 信如皦日 形於心迹 将仕之 郢城出军击之 又五音士忽狂易见鬼 伏愿天明照其心请 一遇拜亲 庆之口
授之曰 颍川 世祖大明五年 跨据中流 不必乘会 威格天区 鄱阳内史丘景先 圣灵何辜 方其克瞻 谓回江岑 别命群帅 以宁朔将军沈邵为安成公相 皆有成文 金 而友亦立悌 以此众战 其年 人有余力 各有形势 年五岁 慧文斫应之断足 明年 家素富厚 莫或居之 劭怒变色 迁侍中 主挟今情 队主蒯

高一英语unit19 modernagriculture.doc

高一英语unit19 modernagriculture.doc

高一英语Unit 19Modern agricultureⅠ.Teaching Goals:1.Talk about modern agriculture and the effects it has on people's life.2.Practise giving advice and making decisions.e “It”for emphasis.4.Read statistical graphs.5.Write a plan for a vegetable garden.Ⅱ.Teaching Time:Five periodsⅢ.Background Information:1.An American Small FarmLast year,at harvest time,we visited the Steenhoek farm,which is 2 200 mu,or 340 acres.Typical family farms are run entirely by family members,with every member playing a vital part in the operation.Both of these families are descendants of Dutch immigrants who settled here over a century ago.The Steenhoek farm supports 3 generations.The family of Mr.and Mrs.Steenhoek includes three children and 2 grandchildren.As we will see,this family is an excellent example of hardworking,experienced farmers who stay on the land not purely because of profit,but because they are living a life-style that satisfies them.Sixty percent of the Steenhoek's acres are devoted to pasture land,on which they raise 120 beef cattle.The rest of the land is used for growing corn.Fifteen years ago,the American farm economy was booming.Farmers could specialize,raising one crop,or one type of animal.Today,with an uncertain farm economy,such an idea is considered foolhardy,and diversifying is one way that farmers can lesson their risk of loss.For example,if weather affects the size of a crop,the sale of the livestock will make up the difference.If the animals are plagued by disease,at least there is grain to take to market.Kendall Steenhoek,Simon's eldest son,divides his time between running this machine shop and farming zoo acres of corn.He attended a community college in Iowa for two years to study diesel mechanics.Then he opened this repair shop for farm machinery.Kendall also plants and harvests over 30 000 bushels of corn each year,but it is the income from the repair shop that has enabled him to stay within the farming community.The heavy equipment used on the farms today is in constant need of maintenance,and requires precision tooling for repairs.By far,the most impressive and certainly the most costly piece of farm equipment used on a small farm is a harvesting machine called a combine,which can cost up to $100 000.This type of machinery is what makes the American farm so efficient.With a combine,one man and his family can harvest an entire crop of a 500 acre farm in two weeks.The value of the combine is that it performs several functions.As it moves through a field of corn,this sophisticated machine cuts the stalk,plucks the ear,discards the stalk,shucks the corn kernels off the ear and deposites the kernels in a storage bin in the back.Then,a spinning device in the rear of the combine shreds the husks and shafts and scatters them across the field,to serve as mulch,cutting down on the possibility of soil erosion from winter rains.The machine is even more amazing when you think that it has been in use on American farms for only one generation.2.GenesEvery living cell contains genes.They are too small to be seen in a microscope,but they are vitally important.Each set of genes in the body contains all the instructions needed to make ahuman being.Some genes determine hair color.Some determine the shape of a nose.Some genes help determine your height and even your weight.Genes are made of a chemical called DNA—the letters stand for deoxyribonucleicacid(脱氧核糖核酸).In the early 1950's,two scientists,Francis Crick and James Watson,figured out how the parts of DNA fit together.Once scientists understood this structure,it became possible to take pieces of DNA apart and put them together in new ways.New kinds of genes could be made in this manner.Scientists have studied the genes of many plants and animals.They have worked out which genes affect the color of a tomato and the stickness of its skin.Working out which genes determine which features is called genetic mapping,scientists have begun the Human Genome Project,an ambitious effort to map all the genes in the human body.Some genes may be effective.For example,something might be wrong with the gene that makes blood clot(凝聚).An individual born with this defective gene could suffer serious hemorrhages(出血)or even bleed to death because his or her blood fails to clot.If scientists ever learn how to map all the genes in our bodies,they could determine whether or not an unborn child has any defective genes.They might even discover how to treat these genes before the child is born.The First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Improve the students' speaking ability by practising giving advice and making decisions.2.Enable the students to master the expressions of giving advice and making decisions.3.Get the students to learn more about agriculture.Teaching Important Points:1.How to express oneself,using what is learned or given.2.How to advise sb.to do something and how to make decisions.Teaching Difficult Points:1.The usage of some expressions.2.How to improve the students' listening ability.Teaching Methods:1.Listening some materials to improve the students' listening ability.2.Discussion to let the students express themselves freely.3.Group work or pair work to give every student a chance to express themselves.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a projector and some slides3.a computerTeaching Procedures:step Ⅰ.Greetings and RevisionT:Good morning,everyone.Ss:Good morning,teacher.T:Sit down,please.In this class,I'll check your homework first,Wang Ping,read your homework to us,…(The teacher checks the students' homework and have a discussion with the students about the mistake Wang Ping made.Let the students have a clear understanding and correct it.)step Ⅱ.Preparation for listening and speakingT:Today,we're going to learn a new unit,Unit 19,Modern Agriculture(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard:Unit 19 Modern agriculture,the First Period).First,let's learn the new words of this period.Look at the screen:(Teacher asks one student to read the new words,then corrects the mistakes the student made.)Step Ⅲ.Warming upT:Please turn to Page 32.Let's do Warming up.(Teacher shows the graphs on Page 32 on the screen.)Look at the two graphs and discuss the questions on Page 32.You can do it in pairs or groups.In a few minutes,I'll ask some students to talk about them.(Students begin to discuss the questions.And teacher goes and joins them.A few minutes later,teacher says the following.) T:Are you ready?Who can give us a talk about the first topic?S A,how are people's eating habbits changing over the years?S A:From the first graph,we can see that the eating habits of the people in our country have changed greatly.Before 1949,they had not enough to eat and often went hungry.Once natural disasters happened,a great number of people would die of hunger.Before the reforming and opening to the world,grain was still a big problem.People mainly lived on corn and few kinds of vegetables.Since the 1980s,especially the 1990s,people's eating habits have greatly improved.People can eat whatever they want.More and more people eat less grain,more meat and eggs and so on.More and more people turn their eyes to meat,eggs,milk and all kinds of green vegetables.T:Why do you think this happens,S B?S B:It is all because of the Party's good policies.T:Very good.It is true and everyone can see that.How has agricultural produce changed during the first half of the 1990s?And what do you think caused these changes?S C:From the first half of the 1990s,scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without causing damage to the environment.Especially the new technique, “GM”,has made agricultural production increase continuously.Scientists develop new kinds of seeds,better cows,pigs,sheep as well as fish.It is the new techniques that make all this possible.T:Do you agree with him,S D?S D:Yes,I do.And I want to give an answer to the three question.T:Good,please say that.S D:With the changes in people's eating habits,agriculture as well as nature will have tochange,too.People are eating more meat and milk.That is to say,they need more fish,pigs,sheep and cattle as well as poultry.To feed these animals,we need more grain,especially more grass.To protect our environment,the ways to raise animals have changed.With the development of modern science and techniques,some of the fields are not needed to produce more food.We can grow grass,flowers etc.on them.Less farmers are needed and they can do other kinds of work.Step Ⅳ.ListeningT:So much for the discussion.Next we'll do listening.The passage you'll listen to is about farming.It tells us about farming of all countries in early times and protection of nature and environment.Listen to the tape carefully and do the exercises concerned.Now,read the requirements,please.(Students read the requirements.)Now do you know what you'll have to do after listening to the passage?(Ss:Yes.)During listening,I'll play the tape three times.After listening for the first time,you can leave over the ones you are not sure about.You can do them when I play the tape for the second or the third time.Check your answers with your partner after listening.Are you clear?(Ss:Yes.)(At last,teacher shows the answers on the screen.)Step Ⅴ.SpeakingT:Now let's do speaking.This part says that a group of farmers in your area have been given a large piece of land.The villagers together with the village leader have to decide how to use the land.Work in groups of five students.Each group member will play one of the roles.Prepare role cards,discuss the problem and try to make a decision.Before discussion,who can give us some useful expressions about giving advice and making decisions?Giving advice:S E:My advice would be….I advise you to do….S F:I think you ought to….You.d better….S G:If I were you,I would….I would advise you.S H:I don't think you ought to….Making a decision:S I:In my opinion,we should…I think/believe you should…S J:I don't think it is necessary to do sth.….We must decide….S K:I hope we can make a decision.(Teacher writes all the expressions above on the Bb.)T:Now let's have a discussion,using the expressions on the blackboard later,I'll ask some students to act it out.Sample diaolgue:S a—villager A;S b—villager B;S c—villager C;S d—villager DS e—the village leaderS e:As we all know,we are given a large piece of land.I've got all of us here to have a discussion and decide how to use the land.Please give us your advice.S a:I advise we should grow corn on this piece of land.It's large and flat and machines can go up and down it,so we can spend less time and get more corn.A lot of money can be made after selling the corn.S b:I think we ought to build a farm there and raise pigs or cows with the grain we harvest.Sowe can make more money.S c:My advice is that we should turn it into a garden,and grow flowers there.Then we can sell the flowers.There is nobody here selling flowers.So I think our business will surely be good.Besides,sometimes selling grain or meat is hard,for the price could be too low.S d:I think we'd better design it like this:We build a building of a few floors.In each floor,we can raise one kind of animals.With their wastes,we can raise fish or grow vegetables on the top or in the space which faces the sun.We can also grow mushrooms in the dark places.We can use one quarter of it to do this and build a garden on one quarter so that people can enjoy themselves here.Half of the rest grow flowers to sell and for the other half we can grow grass on it so that our environment will be better.S a:That's a good idea.But it will need a lot of money to do this.I hope we can make a decision today.S e:We must make a decision.My opinion is that we do as S D said.Any other opinions?S b and S c:I agree with you.Step Ⅵ.Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,we've talked about two statistical graphs and listened to a passage.We have also talked about how to use a large piece of land,using some expressions of giving advice and making deicisions.These expressions are:“…”(Pointing to the blackboard.)After class,choose a subject as you like with your pratner and have a discussion,using the expressions on the blackboard.That's all for today.Class is over.Step Ⅶ.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardStep Ⅷ.Record after Teaching____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Second PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Enable the students to learn something about modern agriculture from the text.2.Enable the student to master the new words and expressions in the text.3.Get the students to have the ability to grasp the general idea of an passage as fast as possible.Teaching Important Points:1.How to improve the students' reading ability.2.How to get the students to master the new words and expressions of the text.Teaching Difficult Point:How to improve the students' reading and writing ability.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to raise the students' interest in agriculture.2.Ask-and-answer method to help the students understand the text better.3.Free talk to improve the students' speaking ability.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a projector and some slides3.a computer for multimedia useTeaching Procedures:step Ⅰ.Greetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usualT:At the end of the last period,I asked every one of us to join in a discussion.Now I'll ask a group to repeat the discussion.Who will act it out for us?Wang Hong,act it for us with your group,will you?Wang:Yes.…(Teacher asks two groups to repeat their discussion before the class.)step Ⅱ.Preparation for ReadingT:So much for revision.Please turn to Page 113.Let's learn the new words and expressions together.Li Ming,read the new words and expressions of this period,please.Begin with the word “arable”and end with the word “soil”.(Teacher and the students learn the new words and expressions together.Teacher corrects students' mistakes in pronunciation and gives simple explanations of some words if necessary.) T:Are there any students coming from the countryside in our class?Ss:Yes.A lot of us students are from peasant family.T:Have you ever worked in the fields,Wang Fei?Wang:Yes.I often work in the field with my parents.I can do a lot of farm work.T:Have you ever heard of anything about farming in the past?Ss:Yes,I have.T:Now turn to Page 34.Let's do pre-reading.Discuss the questions.Group work.Write your answers on a piece of paper.(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?(Ss:Yes.)Who would tell us something about traditional and modern farming?S A:In the past,farmers grow crops in the traditional way:Use cattle to plough the field;farmers work in the field most of the day all year round,but they could not produce enough food for the whole population.Now they grow crops in the modern way.They use modern techniques in their fields,such as chemical fertilizers,greenhouses and so on.T:Who would answer the second question?S B:I'll try.The advantages are:chemical fertilizers,electronic pumps and other advanced technology are used.Farmers can spend less time on farms and much more grain is produced.The disadvantages are:the air,the water and the soil round us are more or less polluted.S c:I'll say something about other changes that have taken place on farms in the last 100 years.In the past,we depended on heaven and we could do little when natural disasters happened.Now,we can do artificial rainfall.GM makes better seeds possible.In the same fields,better seeds can give us much more grain.Besides,all kinds of scientific ways of farming are used in farming.Farmers in our country are becoming richer and richer day by day.T:Very good.Step Ⅲ.Fast ReadingT:Now read the text fast and then answer the questions on the screen.(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Please give us the answers to the questions.S D:In the 1980s,more advanced technical information was brought in from abroad.S E:Both food production and taking care of the environment are important.And future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.S F:I think taking care of the environment is more important.Because we have only one earth.S a:In the last two lines,“which”refers to“golden rice”.T:What is the other name of “golden rice”in the text?S a:GM rice.Step Ⅳ.ReadingT:Now read the text again and answer the questions in Post Reading.If you are not sure about your answers,have a discussion with your classmates.(After the students' discussion)T:Please turn to Page 35.Let's answer the questions.S H,give your answers to the first five questions.S H:They are:1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.CT:Is he right?Ss:Yes,he is right.T:Now let's do Part 2.S I:I want to change apples.I want them not only to grow bigger and more delicious,but also of the same size.Because some of the apples now are smaller and not delicious and the apples of the same size are popular in the market.S J:I want to change fruit trees.I want them to grow shorter so that the fruits on them are easy to pick up.And they must give us more fruits so that the farmers can make more money and become richer.T:That's a good idea!I have the same opinion as you.S K:I want to change carrots.I want them to grow much bigger.Because the carrots our villagers grow are smaller.S L:I want to change the vegetables people usually eat.I want them to be better for people's health.So they will spend less money on medicine.S M:I want to change cows.I want them to have more babies.So they will not be expensive to buy.If so,more farmers can buy them and become rich.S N:I want to change fruit trees.I want to plant the trees growing in the south.So we will have more kinds of fruits than ever before.T:You've done well.After class,continue to think about more good ideas.Now I'll explain some expressions and language points of the text to you.Please look at the screen.T:(After explaining the words and expressions on the screen.)Now read the text and see if you still have something you find difficult to understand.(Teacher goes among the students to explain any questions raised by the students.)Step Ⅴ.Listening and Reading AloudT:Let's listen to the tape.I'll play it twice.The first time I play it,just listen.When I play for the second time,you can read the text after it.Then please read the text aloud after I play the tape.(While the students read the text,teacher goes among the students and corrects any mistakes the students make in pronunciation and intonation.)Step Ⅵ.Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,we've learnt the text“Modern agriculture”.It tells us about agriculture of our country,for example,its past and present,especially its future.Have you had a clear understanding about future agriculture?From now on,we should study hard and be ready to make greater contributions to our agriculture and farmers.After class,please read the text again and master the usages of the new words and expressions of the text,especially the following:modernize….You can make sentences with them in pairs or groups.That's all for today.Class is over.Step Ⅶ.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardStep Ⅷ.Record after Teaching________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Get the students to master the structure:It is …that….2.Get the students to obtain some knowledge about word formation so that they can enlarge their vocabulary.Teaching Important Points:1.The usage of the structure:It is…that…2.The basic rules of word formation.Teaching Difficult Point:How to use the sentence pattern:“It is…that…”when we emphasize the nouns which mean places or time.Teaching Methods:1.Pair work or group work to get every student to become active.2.Drills in grammar to get the students to have a clear concept.3.Repetition to make the student master what they learn.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder.2.a projector and some slides.3.a computer for multimedia use.Teaching Procedures:step Ⅰ.Greetings and Revision(Greet the whole class as usual.Then teacher asks some students to read the text aloud.)T:Now look at the screen,please.Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.Pair work.Write your answer on a piece of ter we'll check the answers.(A few minutes later.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:I'll show the answers on the screen.Please check your answers with them.Suggested answers:1.C2.A3.E4.B5.G6.D7.H8.F9.Istep Ⅱ.Word StudyT:Let's go on to do Language study.First we'll do the first part:Word study.As we all know,word formation is a useful tool in learning English.It can help us enlarge our vocabulary.We can get a noun by adding some sufixes to a verb,for example,form →formation,Generally a verb+-tion=a noun.But there is something you should pay special attention to.Now let's do the following exercise.Write the noun form of the given verbs and the verb form of the given nouns.If you are not sure about them,please turn to a dictionary.Then make sentences with each word.If you have anything you don't understand,have a discussion with your classmates.(Teacher goes among the students and help them to do the exercise.)T:Have you finished?(Ss:Yes.)Let's check the answers.S A .Write your answers on the blackboard,please.AnswersVerb Nounirrigate irrigationmodernize modernizationpopulate populationproduce productionfertilize/fertilise fertilizationinform informationprotect protectionmodify modificationT:Now make sentences with each group words.One student,one group.S B :irrigate:They irrigate their crops with water from this river.irrigation:We often see irrigation canals on the land.S C :modernize:They have failed to modernize the factories.modernization:We will realize the four modernizations.S D :populate:America was populated mostly by Europeans.population:China has a population of more than 1 200 000 000.S E :produce:Australia produces wool and meat.production:This country is famous for the production of cars.S F :fertilize:Rice growers fertilize their fields by flooding them with water.fertilization:Proper fertilization is important for farming.S G :inform:He informed them of his arrival.information:The information might be false.S H :protect:It is our duty to protect our country.protection:The protection of our country is the duty of us all.S I :modify:Adjectives modify nouns.modification:The article needs some modification.Step Ⅲ.Grammar:The use of “It ”(2)T:(Teacher shows some sentences on the screen.)Look at the two groups of sentences on the screen:⎩⎨⎧land. arable on this China of population whole?for the food produce farmers The :b China. of ¡population whole for the food produce farmers? that the land arable on this is It :a⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧t.environmen the harming? without production al agricultur increase? to s technique new develop to started scientists 1990s,early the From :b t.environmen the harming without?production al agricultur increase ¡ to s technique new develop to started scientists that 1990s early the from is It :a T:Are sentence a and b in each group have the same meaning?Ss:Yes.Both of the two sentences in each group have the same meaning.T:Are there any difference?S a ,can you tell me?S a :Yes.Sentence a is the emphatic form,while sentence b is normal.Am I right?T:Yes,you are right.“It is/was …that …”is the emphatic construction.This structure can be used to emphasize almost any part of the sentence (except emphasizing the verb).Besides,if we emphasize the subject,“who ”(referring to a person)is possible instead of “that ”.If an object is emphasized,“whom ”(referring to a person)is possible.Look at the screen.Read this sentences and rewrite them,emphasizing the parts underlined,using “It is/was …that …”.Please prepare them in pairs.(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?(Ss:Yes.)Please change these sentences.One student,one sentence.Who will be the first?S b :I'll try.Sentence 2:It is the children who/that often help the father and mother do the farm work.S c :I want to rewrite the second sentence,but I'm not sure whether I should use “is ”or “was ”. T:Here you should use “was ”.S c :Sentence I:It was in 1993 when a tomato was developed that was very different from any grown before.T:Is he right,S d ?S d :Yes.T:You're both wrong.We should pay special attention to “that ”when we emphasize the adverbial of time and place.In both situations,we should use “that ”instead of “when ”or “where ”.Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:Let's go on with the other sentences.S e :Sentence 3:It is the shortage of arable land that the biggest problem of Chinese farmers is. S F :Sentence 4:It is the plants grown in green houses that are protected from the wind,rain and insects.S G :Sentence 5:It is high technology as well as traditional methods that future agriculture should depend on.T:Are they right?Ss:Yes,they are all right.Step Ⅳ.PracticeT:Now let's do the second part of Grammar.Rewrite the sentences,emphasizing as many parts as possible.First look at Example.Read it carefully and then do the exercise.You can have a discussion with your classmates if you have any questions.A few minutes later,we'll check the answers.(When students finish,teacher shows the answers on the screen and get the students to check their answers.Then teacher answers the questions raised by the students.)Step Ⅴ.Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,we've done some exercises about Word Formation.Please remember these words on the blackboard(Pointing to the blackboard).We should also remember the emphatic construction:It is …that(who,whom)…What should we pay special attention to?Who can tell us?S h:1.The verb can not be emphasized.2.When we emphasize the adverbial,we should remember that we cant't use when or where.T:(Write what the student said on the blackboard.)That's right.After class,we should do more exercises so that we can master it.Today's homework:Do the exercises concerned in the workbook.That's all.Class is over.Step Ⅵ.The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.Step Ⅶ.Record after Teaching____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Fourth PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Have the students learn and master the new words and expressions in the text.2.Improve the students' reading ability by learning the text.3.Get the students to know something about farming,learn from Jia Sixie and dedicate themselves to science.Teaching Important Points:1.How to get the students to master the new words and expressions.2.How to improve the students' reading and writing abilities.Teaching Difficult Point:How to get a clear idea of an article as fast as possible.Teaching Methods:1.Pair work or group work make every student take part in the class activities.2.Writing summary to help the students understand the main idea.3.Ask-and-answer method to help the students to grasp the main idea faster.Teaching Aids:1.a recorder2.a projector and some slides3.a computer for multimedia useTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ.Greetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usual.Teacher checks the students' homework.Step Ⅱ.Preparation for ReadingT:Now let's go over the new words and expressions appearing in the text together.Please turn to Page 113.…(Teacher and students learn the new words and expressions of this period together.Teacher gives brief explanations when necessary.)Step Ⅲ.Fast-readingT:(Show the picture of Jia Sixie and his book“Qi Min Yao Shu”.)。


运专线预制梁混凝土灌筑时,模板温度宜在()A、3~40B、5~35C、6~45 [单选]体的压力、密度<ρ>、温度<T>三者之间的变化关系是().A、&rho;=PRTB、T=PR&rho;C、P=R&rho;/TD、P=R&rho;T [单选,A1型题]瓜蒂具有的功效是()A.涌吐痰涎,截疟B.涌吐痰食,祛湿退黄C.涌吐痰涎,解毒收湿D.涌吐痰涎,收疮E.涌吐痰食,温肺化饮 [问答题,简答题]何为地基极限承载力(或称地基极限荷载)? [问答题,简答题]车钩裂纹易发生的部位? [单选]患者接受电生理检查的目的不包括().A.确立心律失常及其类型B.了解心律失常的起源部位与发生机制C.检测自主神经功能D.通过电极导管以不同的能量(射频、超声等)消融参与心动过速形成的心肌,以达到治愈心动过速的目的E.通过电刺激确定患者是否易于诱发室性心动过速、有无 [单选]病原体均能被如下因素清除,但不包括()A.自身免疫性抗体B.人工注射的特异性IgGC.来自母体的特异性IgGD.通过预防接种产生的抗体E.同一病原体感染后产生的抗体 [单选]做功的结果是引起()。A.物体能量的改变或转化B.能量不变C.速度变化D.加速度变化 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]间接鼻咽镜检查中操作错误的是()。A.受检者端坐B.受检者张口用鼻呼吸C.检查者左手将舌牵出口外D.将鼻咽镜加温E.将鼻咽镜置于软腭与咽后壁之间 [单选]何处病变可见肌纤维震颤()A.肌病B.神经肌肉结合部位C.前角细胞D.上运动神经元病变E.锥体外系统 [问答题,简答题]激励明星销售人员的方法有几种? [填空题]现在我国大型露天矿常用的钻孔设备是(),二次爆破常用的钻具是()。 [单选]甲与乙因买卖合同履行问题发生争议,根据事先约定申请仲裁。甲若想申请证据保全,应该如何处理?()A.由甲向证据所在地的中级人民法院申请B.I由甲向证据所在地的基层人民法院申请C.由甲向仲裁机构所在地的中级人民法院申请D.由仲裁庭向证据所在地的基层人民法院申请 [单选]盐析法分离蛋白质的原理是()A.破坏蛋白质的一级结构B.破坏蛋白质的二级结构C.破坏蛋白质水化膜而改变溶解度D.使蛋白质发生变性沉淀E.使蛋白质电荷发生改变 [填空题]液氧泵泵轴上设有迷宫密封,是为了防止轴承中的(润滑脂)进入中间体与()接触。 [单选]卵泡发育的过程中,不包括以下哪项?()A.成熟卵泡B.窦前卵泡C.窦状卵泡D.闭锁卵泡E.原始卵泡 [单选]《传染病防治法》规定,在传染病暴发、流行时,当地政府可报上级政府决定采取必要的紧急措施。下列措施中该法律中没有规定的是()A.限制或停止集市、集会、影剧院演出或者其他人群聚集的活动B.停工、停业、停课C.单位控制不出差、个人少外出D.封闭可能造成传染病扩散的场所 [单选,A1型题]下列哪种中药既能杀虫止痒、燥湿,又能温肾壮阳()A.蟾酥B.蛇床子C.地肤子D.大蒜E.苦参 [单选]目前,应用最为广泛的LAN标准是基于()的以太网标准A.IEEE802.5B.IEEE802.2C.IEEE802.3D.IEEE802.1 [单选,A1型题]医学史上第一次卫生革命的主要任务是()A.从个体预防向群体预防发展B.从疾病的躯体表面现象深入到细胞在疾病中的表现C.从个体治疗到个体预防D.从群体预防进入人类预防E.从传染病的预防发展到慢性病的预防 [问答题,简答题]稀土元素是如何分组的? [单选]急性骨髓炎诊断与鉴别诊断最恰当的手段是()。A.SPECT局部断层显像B.局部骨静态显像C.骨三相检查D.全身骨显像E.骨关节显像 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者男性,58岁,银屑病4年,加重3天,查体见四肢伸侧及背部雨滴状红斑丘疹,色鲜红,有皮屑,抓破出现同样皮损,瘙痒较著,予PUVA治疗的叙述中正确的是()A.可予PUVA全身治疗或PUVC的局部治疗B.可在服用8-MOP后2小时UVA全身照射C.PUVA法取得成功的关键是 [单选]新中国民主政治建设中最根本的政治制度是()。A.人民代表大会制度B.共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度C.民族区域自治制度 [单选]健康城市是指()。A.从城市规划、建设到管理各个方面都以人的健康为中心B.营造高质量的自然环境和更加舒适的生活环境C.保障广大市民健康生活和工作D.成为健康人群、健康环境和健康社会有机结合的人类社会发展整体E.以上都是 [单选]种子中的胚包括()四部分。A、种皮、胚乳、胚根、胚芽B、种皮、胚根、胚芽、子叶C、胚乳、胚根、胚芽、胚轴D、胚芽、胚根、胚轴、子叶 [问答题,简答题]什么叫稀土选矿?常用稀土选矿方式有哪些? [单选]《劳动合同法》重在保护()的合法权益。A.劳动者B.用人单位C.双方当事人D.就业者 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]于前后方向将人体纵切为左右两半的切面是()A.冠状面B.矢状面C.正中面D.横切面E.水平面 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: [单选,A1型题]氰化物有()A.苦杏仁味B.蒜味C.苯酚味D.酒味E.尿素味 [单选]美国心理学家斯波林运用了部分报告法,首先提出存在()记忆A.瞬时B.短时C.长时D.内隐 [单选]以下哪项是左心室扩大的X线征象()A.正位上右心缘双边或双房影B.正位上左心缘第三弓突出C.右前斜位食管压迹加深D.右前斜位胸骨后间隙缩小E.左前斜位心后下缘膨隆突出 [判断题]马氏体的含碳量越高,其硬度越低。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]在MCS51系列单片机中,4个I/O口,其中()口是双重功能口。A、P0;B、P1;C、P2;D、P3。 [多选]关节镜下可观察到的关节结构有()。A.滑膜形态B.软骨C.韧带D.内外侧半月板E.血管、神经 [问答题,简答题]竞赛激励活动的管理及评估内容有哪些? [填空题]气压机()压力突升或()流量突降,会导致气压机飞动。 [多选]下面哪些协议是数据链路层协议()A.PPPB.HDLCC.IPXD.IEEE802.3 [单选]脊柱外伤造成脊髓休克是由于()A.脊髓神经细胞遭受震荡,产生暂时性功能抑制,发生传导障碍B.骨折片刺入脊髓C.脊髓受血肿等压迫D.外伤后脊髓神经细胞遭破坏E.脊髓上、下行神经传导束断裂



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热力学第一定律叙述错误的是。A.热能在转换过程中,能的总量保持不变B.在孤立系统中,能的形式可以转换,但能量总值不变C.第一类永动机是不可能制成的D.第二类永动机是不可能制成的 肺痈恢复期的治法是A.养阴清肺B.清肺化痰C.养阴补肺D.排脓解毒E.益气养阴 港站经营人对货物灭失或损坏的责任期间是指A、接到交原则B、仓至仓原则C、钩至钩原则D、舷至舷原则 患者,男,71岁,慢性阻塞性肺气肿。上午9时起开始静脉输入5%葡萄糖溶液500ml及0.9%氯化钠溶液500ml,滴速为70滴/分,10时左右,护士来巡房时,发现患者咳嗽、咳粉红色泡沫样痰,呼吸急促,大汗淋漓。根据患者的临床表现,此患者可能出现了下列哪种情况()A.发热反应B.过敏反应C 多轴飞行器在没有发生机械结构改变的前提下,如发生飘逸,不能直线飞行时,不需要关注的是A.GPS定位B.指南针校准C.调整重心位置 m以上高空作业一定要系安全带,衣着要灵便,穿轻便软底鞋,并有专人进行防范、监护。同时所用的材料要堆放平稳,工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止抛掷。A.4B.3C.2D.5 婚姻自由的内容包括。A.恋爱自由B.结婚自由C.解除婚约自由D.离婚自由E.生育自由 臭阈值法检验水中臭时,其检验人员的嗅觉敏感程度可用或测试。 反映糖尿病病情控制的指标是A.空腹及餐后2小时血糖B.尿糖定性C.血清胰岛素水平D.口服葡萄糖耐量试验E.血清胰岛素细胞抗体 贷款人有权参与处于兼并、破产或股份制改造等过程中的借款人的债务重组,应当要求借款人落实贷款还本付息事宜。A.正确B.错误 阅读以下关于Java企业级应用系统开发体系结构选择方面的叙述,在答题纸上回答问题1至问题3。博学公司承担了某中小型企业应用软件开发任务,进度要求紧迫。为了按时完成任务,选择合适的企业应用系统开发体系结构非常重要。因此,首席架构师张博士召集了相关技术人员进行方案讨论, 以下现象与生长发育的一般规律不符的是A.生长发育呈连续性与阶段性B.生长发育的速度呈波浪式进展C.生长发育涉及生理和心理两个密切联系的方面D.脑、脊髓、视觉器官的发育具有两个生长突增期E.在疾病的恢复期往往伴随有赶上生长现象 妊娠8周时的胎心率多在A.100~110次/分B.120~130次/分C.130~135次/分D.150~160次/分E.160~180次/分 [问答题,案例分析题]灵秀纺织股份有限公司(以下简称灵秀股份)是一家加工刺绣为一体的全新上市公司。公司拥有丰富的设计、制版经验;高精密的刺绣设备以及技术娴熟的专业技术人员,集打版打样、设计开发、生产一条龙服务。ABC会计师事务所承接了灵秀股份2014年度财务报表审计业务 29岁,男,因发热、头痛、全身酸痛、软弱无力6天入院。当天起出现心慌、气促,体温39.6℃。体检:面色苍白,腓肠肌压痛,心率130次/分,呼吸36次/分。肺部散在湿性啰音。血象:血白细胞计数9.2×109/L,中性粒细胞0.76,淋巴细胞0.24。X线摄片示:两肺纹理增多,有散在性点状阴 尿道恶性肿瘤A.男性较多见B.主要经淋巴转移C.常为移行细胞型D.上述都是E.上述都不是 检查邻面龋常用的最有效的方法是A.视诊B.叩诊C.探诊D.透照E.X线片 与井筒相毗连的各种硐室(马头门、装载硐室等)在一般情况下应与井筒施工,装载硐室的安装应在井筒永久装备施工之前进行。A.顺序进行B.交替进行C.同时进行D.分别进行 26岁,G1P0孕39周,因胎膜早破临产16小时,相对性头盆不称,行剖宫产术,术中出血400ml,术后4天连续体温38~39℃,诊断为产褥感染。出现下列哪种体征支持此诊断A.咳嗽,双肺可闻干性啰音B.乳腺肿胀,可及硬结,有压痛C.尿频、尿痛,一侧肾区叩击痛D.宫底平脐有压痛,恶露血性混浊 在天然Penicillin中,疗效最好的是A.PenicillinKB.PenicillinNC.PenicillinXD.PenicillinG 越鞠丸的功效是A.疏肝解郁,行气止痛B.行气解郁C.通阳散结,行气祛痰D.行气散结,降逆化痰E.行气温中,燥湿除满 劳动法中规定,国家对和未成年工实行特殊劳动保护。A.女职工B.职业病患者C.因病退休职工D.离退休职工 实证腹满的特征、病机是什么? 推进经济社会发展的重要目标是。A.共谋发展的法治环境B.平等竞争C.构建社会主义和谐社会D.大力营造鼓励创新 采用刺激迷走神经的方法可以纠正的心律失常是A.阵发性室性心动过速B.窦性心动过缓C.窦性心律不齐D.阵发性室上性心动过速E.室性早搏 甲状腺癌的常见病理类型不包括。A.乳头状腺癌B.滤泡状腺癌C.未分化癌D.鳞癌E.髓样癌 循环经济最重要的操作原则是。A.减量化B.再利用C.智能化D.资源化E.全民化 局麻药中加适量肾上腺素可使阻滞深度和时效增加并减慢全身吸收,其浓度一般以多少为合适()A.1/1000~2000B.1/10000C.1/200000D.1/400000E.1/600000 简述影响皮肤美容的因素 目视检查减速器的情况,有无渗油或漏油现象。A、紧固B、运转C、密封D、发热 下列能揭示原子具有核式结构的实验是。A.光电效应实验B.伦琴射线的发现C.a粒子散射实验D.氢原子光谱的发现 [多选,案例分析题]患者男性,36岁,因腹胀、腹痛、呕吐2天由朋友扶送入院,患者发病前曾与该朋友在某酒店就餐饮酒,呕吐物为宿食。查体:上腹局部稍硬,上腹明显压痛,有轻微反跳痛,既往有十二指肠溃疡病史。门诊血常规:Hb109g/L,WBC11.2×1012/L;N70%;淋巴细胞30%。入 《素问·太阴阳明论》认为“伤于风者”A.下先受之B.上先受之C.脏先受之D.腑先受之E.表先受之 初步施工总进度计划编制完成后,监理工程师主要是检查。A.总工期是否符合要求B.施工组织是否科学C.资源使用是否均衡D.资源供应是否能得到保证E.施工顺序是否合理 什么叫转子的临界转速? 头面部检查包括哪些内容? 使用挣值法测量某项目绩效,若截止到考核时点,该项目的进度执行指数为1.2,成本执行指数为0.8,则表明。A.项目进度超前于计划,项目成本控制在预算范围内B.项目进度超前于计划,项目成本超出预算C.项目进度落后于计划,项目成本控制在预算范围内D.项目进度落后于计划,项目成本超 女性,27岁,因产后少尿、水肿入院,既往有红斑狼疮病史。患者经激素冲击治疗后出现咳嗽、咯鲜血,其咯血原因应首先考虑A.弥漫性肺泡出血B.间质性肺炎C.支气管扩张症D.急性左心衰竭E.肺结核 风湿热急性期应用青霉素的目的是A.制止风湿活动的进展B.控制急性心力衰竭C.减少心瓣膜病的发生D.清除链球菌感染病灶E.F.防止病程中继发感染 试述影响我国古代小农经济形成的主要因素。

英语总复习:unit19《modern agriculture》(大纲版第一册).doc

英语总复习:unit19《modern agriculture》(大纲版第一册).doc

英语总复习:Unit19《Modern agriculture》(大纲版第一册)I单元知识点全览工欲善其事必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1.protect 2.technical 3.irrigate 4.produce 5.gold 6.discover 7.practice 8.First 高考须掌握的短语:1.depend 2.on 3.in 4.against 5.afterⅡ.考点过关过关斩将一马平川考点详解精剖细解入巿三分一、重点词汇1.cause vt.引起,造成eg:The drought caused the plants to die.久旱造成植物枯萎。

相关链按:cause n.原因eg:What is the cause of the fire?起火的原因是什么?用法拓展~cause sth.引起(造成)……cause sb.sth.一cause sth.to sb.对某人造成……cause sb.to do sth.使某人干某事特别提醒:cause n.强调导致某事发生的原因,reason n.强调说明某事的理由。

如考题1—2案例剖析旁征博引举一反三考题1-1 (典型例题)The horrible noise from the man's room simply her to tremble.A. putB. causedC. droveD. turned考题1-2 (典型例题分) I think you'd better tell roe the for your being late again and again.A. reason .B. causeC. purposeD. desire考题1—1点拨:答案为B。

cause sb.to do sth.使某人干某事。



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Unit 19-2第二部分:人工智能的方法(一)(1)什么是AI?(2)像人一样行事:图灵测试法(3)像人一样思考:认知模型方法(4)理性思维:思考方法的法则(5)理性行事:理性代理方法(二)(1)人类已赋予自己智慧之人的称号,因为我们的智能对日常生活和自我感觉是如此重要。
































(六)2.2 What is AI? (1)我们现已揭示了为什么AI 是激动人心的,但我们还没有说它究竟是什么。












而且很不幸,不是每个人在考试时都能得到A 。






同Systems that think like humans Systems that think rationally Systems that act like humans Systems thatact rationally样的,左面一列的定义按照人的表现来衡量(系统是否)成功,而右面一列的定义按照智能的理想概念来衡量,我们将其称为理性。


(八)2.3Acting humanly:the Turing test approach (1)像人一样行事:图灵测试法由艾伦·图灵提出的图灵测试是设计用来提供一个令人满意的可操作的智能定义。














像人一样行事的问题主要来自AI 程序必须与人交互,如一个专家系统解释它是如何得出诊断,或者自然语言处理系统与用户进行对话那样。



(十)2.4Thinking humanly:the cognitive modeling approach(1)像人一样思考:认知模型方法如果我们想说某一程序像人一样思考,我们必须有某种方法决定人是如何思考的。












(十二)2.5 Thinking rationally: the laws of thought approach (1)理性思维:思考方法的法则古希腊哲学家亚里士多德是第一个尝试对“正确思维”即不可辩驳的推理过程进行归纳的人。














(十四)2.6 Acting rationally:the rational agent approach(1)理性行事:理性代理方法理性行事的意思是在给定某人信念的情况下,为了达到其目的而实行的行为。


