Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development







关键词:非常规油气;非常规地质理论;“甜点区”评价;页岩油中图分类号:TE122文献标识码;A文章编号:1008-021X(2021)07-0065-02Progress in Geological Theory and Exploration Technology ofUnconventional Oil and GasXiao Shengdong,Zhao Siyuan,Yang Hongtuo(Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an710065,China)Abstract:Into the21st century,the shale revolution led by North America has achieved strategic breakthroughs in unconventional oil and gas geological theories and exploration technologies,in addition reshaping the world's energy landscape.This article compares the differences between conventional and unconventional oil and gas geological theories,and summarizes the major advances in unconventional oil and gas exploration technologies in recent years;A detailed analysis of unconventional exploration "six characteristics"logging evaluation technology series and unconventional"sweet spot"evaluation of4key technologies.Finally,it discusses the major breakthroughs in unconventional oil and gas,which have a profound impact on the theory and technology of the petroleum industry,and the world's energy structure and pattern.Key words:unconventional oil and gas;unconventional geological theory;"sweet spot"evaluation;shale oil1非常规油气特征非常规油气是用传统技术无法获得自然工业油流,需用新技术改善储层渗透率或地层流体性质才能经济开采的连续或准连续型聚集油气资源[1]。






托福TPO4阅读真题原文Part3Petroleum ResourcesPetroleum, consisting of crude oil and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment. Microscopic organisms settle to the seafloor and accumulate in marine mud. The organic matter may partially decompose, using up the dissolved oxygen in the sediment. As soon as the oxygen is gone, decay stops and the remaining organic matter is preserved.Continued sedimentation-the process of deposits' settling on the sea bottom-buries the organic matter and subjects it to higher temperatures and pressures, which convert the organic matter to oil and gas. As muddy sediments are pressed together, the gas and small droplets of oil may be squeezed out of the mud and may move into sandy layers nearby. Over long periods of time (millions of years), accumulations of gas and oil can collect in the sandy layers. Both oil and gas are less dense than water, so they generally tend to rise upward through water-saturated rock and sediment.Oil pools are valuable underground accumulations of oil, and oil fields are regions underlain by one or more oil pools. When an oil pool or field has been discovered, wells are drilled into the ground. Permanent towers, called derricks, used to be built to handle the long sections of drilling pipe. Now portable drilling machines are set up and are then dismantled and removed. When the well reaches a pool, oil usually rises up the well becauseof its density difference with water beneath it or because of the pressure of expanding gas trapped above it. Although this rise of oil is almost always carefully controlled today, spouts of oil, or gushers, were common in the past. Gas pressure gradually dies out, and oil is pumped from the well. Water or steam may be pumped down adjacent wells to help push the oil out. At a refinery, the crude oil from underground is separated into natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, and various oils. Petrochemicals such as dyes, fertilizer, and plastic are also manufactured from the petroleum.As oil becomes increasingly difficult to find, the search for it is extended into more-hostile environments. The development of the oil field on the North Slope of Alaska and the construction of the Alaska pipeline are examples of the great expense and difficulty involved in new oil discoveries. Offshore drilling platforms extend the search for oil to the ocean's continental shelves-those gently sloping submarine regions at the edges of the continents. More than one-quarter of the world's oil and almost one-fifth of the world's natural gas come from offshore, even though offshore drilling is six to seven times more expensive than drilling on land. A significant part of this oil and gas comes from under the North Sea between Great Britain and Norway.Of course, there is far more oil underground than can be recovered. It may be in a pool too small or too far from a potential market to justify the expense of drilling. Some oil lies under regions where drilling is forbidden, such as national parks or other public lands. Even given the best extraction techniques, only about 30 to 40 percent of the oil in a given pool can be brought to the surface. The rest is far too difficult to extract andhas to remain underground.Moreover, getting petroleum out of the ground and from under the sea and to the consumer can create environmental problems anywhere along the line. Pipelines carrying oil can be broken by faults or landslides, causing serious oil spills. Spillage from huge oil-carrying cargo ships, called tankers, involved in collisions or accidental groundings (such as the one off Alaska in 1989) can create oil slicks at sea. Offshore platforms may also lose oil, creating oil slicks that drift ashore and foul the beaches, harming the environment. Sometimes, the ground at an oil field may subside as oil is removed. The Wilmington field near Long Beach, California, has subsided nine meters in 50 years; protective barriers have had to be built to prevent seawater from flooding the area. Finally, the refining and burning of petroleum and its products can cause air pollution. Advancing technology and strict laws, however, are helping control some of these adverse environmental effects.Paragraph 1: Petroleum, consisting of crude oil and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment. Microscopic organisms settle to the seafloor and accumulatein marine mud. The organic matter may partially decompose, using up the dissolved oxygen in the sediment. As soon as the oxygen is gone, decay stops and the remaining organic matter is preserved.托福TPO4阅读真题题目Part31.The word "accumulate" in the passage is closest in meaning to○grow up○build up○spread out○break apart2.According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true about petroleum formation?○Microscopic organisms that live in mud produce crude oil and natural gas.○Large amounts of oxygen are needed for petroleum formation to begin.○Petroleum is produced when organic material in sediments combines with decaying marine organisms.○Petroleum formation appears to begin in marine sediments where organic matter is present.Paragraph 1: Petroleum, consisting of crude oil and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment. Microscopic organisms settle to the seafloor and accumulate in marine mud. The organic matter may partially decompose, using up the dissolved oxygen in the sediment. As soon as the oxygen is gone, decay stops and the remaining organic matter is preserved.Paragraph 2: Continued sedimentation-the process of deposits' settling on the sea bottom-buries the organic matter and subjects it to higher temperatures and pressures, which convert the organic matter to oil and gas. As muddy sediments are pressed together, the gas and small droplets of oil may be squeezed out of the mud and may move into sandy layers nearby. Over long periods of time (millions of years), accumulations of gas and oil can collect in the sandy layers. Both oil and gas are less dense than water, so they generally tend to rise upward through water-saturated rock and sediment.3.In paragraphs 1 and 2, the author's primary purpose is to○describe how petroleum is formed○explain why petroleum formation is a slow process○provide evidence that a marine environment is necessary for petroleum formation○show that oil commonly occurs in association with gas4.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.○Higher temperatures and pressures promote sedimentation, which is responsible for petroleum formation.○Deposits of sediments on top of organic matter increase the temperature of and pressure on the matter.○Increase pressure and heat from the weight of the sediment turn the organic remains into petroleum.○The remains of microscopic organisms transform into petroleum once they are buried under mud.Paragraph 3: Oil pools are valuable underground accumulations of oil, and oil fields are regions underlain by one or more oil pools. When an oil pool or field has been discovered, wells are drilled into the ground. Permanent towers, called derricks, used to be built to handle the long sections of drilling pipe. Now portable drilling machines are set up and are then dismantled and removed. When the well reaches a pool, oil usually rises up the well because of its density difference with water beneath it or because of the pressure of expanding gas trapped above it. Although this rise of oil is almost always carefully controlled today, spouts of oil, or gushers, were common in the past. Gas pressure gradually dies out, and oil is pumped from the well. Water or steam may be pumped down adjacent wells to help push the oil out. At a refinery, the crude oilfrom underground is separated into natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, and various oils. Petrochemicals such as dyes, fertilizer, and plastic are also manufactured from the petroleum.5.The word "adjacent" in the passage is closest in meaning to○nearby○existing○special○deep6.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about gushers?○They make bringing the oil to the surface easi er.○They signal the presence of huge oil reserves.○They waste more oil than they collect.○They are unlikely to occur nowadays.Paragraph 4: As oil becomes increasingly difficult to find, the search for it is extended into more-hostile environments. The development of the oil field on the North Slope of Alaska and the construction of the Alaska pipeline are examples of the great expense and difficulty involved in new oil discoveries. Offshore drilling platforms extend the search for oil to the ocean's continental shelves-those gently sloping submarine regions at the edges of the continents. More than one-quarter of the world's oil and almost one-fifth of the world's natural gas come from offshore, even though offshore drilling is six to seven times more expensive than drilling on land. A significant part of this oil and gas comes from under the North Sea between Great Britain and Norway.7.Which of the following strategies for oil exploration is described in paragraph 4?○Drilling under the ocean's surface○Limiting drilling to accessible locations○Using highly sophisticated drilling equipment○Constructing technologically advanced drilling platforms8.What does the development of the Alaskan oil field mentioned in paragraph 4 demonstrate?○More oil is extr acted from the sea than from land.○Drilling for oil requires major financial investments.○The global demand for oil has increased over the years.○The North Slope of Alaska has substantial amounts of oil.9.The word "sloping" in the passage is closest in meaning to○shifting○inclining○forming○rollingParagraph 5: Of course, there is far more oil underground than can be recovered. It may be in a pool too small or too far from a potential market to justify the expense of drilling. Some oil lies under regions where drilling is forbidden, such as national parks or other public lands. Even given the best extraction techniques, only about 30 to 40 percent of the oil in a given pool can be brought to the surface. The rest is far too difficult to extract and has to remain underground.10.According to paragraph 5, the decision to drill for oil depends on all of the following factors EXCEPT○permission to access the area where oil has been found○the availability of sufficient quantities of oil in a pool○the loca tion of the market in relation to the drilling site○the political situation in the region where drilling would occurParagraph 6: Moreover, getting petroleum out of the ground and from under the sea and to the consumer can create environmental problems anywhere along the line. Pipelines carrying oil can be broken by faults or landslides, causing serious oil spills. Spillage from huge oil-carrying cargo ships, called tankers, involved in collisions or accidental groundings (such as the one off Alaska in 1989) can create oil slicks at sea. Offshore platforms may also lose oil, creating oil slicks that drift ashore and foul the beaches, harming the environment. Sometimes, the ground at an oil field may subside as oil is removed. The Wilmington field near Long Beach, California, has subsided nine meters in 50 years; protective barriers have had to be built to prevent seawater from flooding the area. Finally, the refining and burning of petroleum and its products can cause air pollution. Advancing technology and strict laws, however, are helping control some of these adverse environmental effects.11.The word "foul" in the passage is closest in meaning to○reach○flood○pollute○alter12.In paragraph 6, the author's primary purpose is to○provide examples of how oil exploration can endanger the environment○describe accidents that have occurred when oil activities were in progress○give an analysis of the effects of oil spills on the environment○explain how technology and legislation help reduce oil spillsParagraph 2: Continued sedimentation-the process of deposits' settling on the sea bottom-buries the organic matter and subjects it to higher temperatures and pressures, which convert the organic matter to oil and gas. █As muddy sediments are pressed together, the gas and small droplets of oil may be squeezed out of the mud and may move into sandy layers nearby. █Over long periods of time (millions of years), accumulations of gas and oil can collect in the sandy layers. █Both oil and gas are less dense than water, so they generally tend to rise upward through water-saturated rock and sediment. █13.Look at the four squares [█] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Unless something acts to halt this migration, these natural resources will eventually reach the surface.Where would the sentence best fit?14.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points."Petroleum" is a broad term that includes both crude oil and natural gas.●●●Answer choices○Petroleum formation is the result of biological as well as chemical activity.○The difficulty of finding adequate sources of oil on land has resulted in a greater number of offshore drilling sites.○Petroleum extra ction can have a negative impact on the environment.○Petroleum tends to rise to the surface, since it is lower in density than water.○Current methods of petroleum extraction enable oil producers to recover about half of the world's petroleum reserves.○A ccidents involving oil tankers occur when tankers run into shore reefs or collide with other vessels托福TPO4阅读真题题目答案Part3参考答案:1. ○22. ○43. ○14. ○35. ○16. ○47. ○18. ○29. ○210. ○411. ○312. ○113. ○414. Petroleum formation is the…The difficulty of finding…Petroleum extraction can…托福TPO4阅读真题翻译Part3参考翻译:石油资源石油是由原油和天然气组成,似乎都源自于海洋的有机物沉淀。



太空旅游可行吗英文作文Space tourism, once a realm of science fiction, is now edging closer to reality. The prospect of civilians venturing beyond Earth's atmosphere for leisure and exploration has captured the imagination of many. But the question remains: Is space tourism feasible?Advancements in aerospace technology have paved the way for the possibility of space tourism. Private companieslike SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic have made significant strides in developing reusable rockets and spacecraft, driving down the cost of space travel. These developments have opened up opportunities for individuals with the means to experience space firsthand.However, several challenges must be overcome to make space tourism a viable industry. Firstly, there are safety concerns associated with space travel. While significant progress has been made in ensuring the safety of space tourists, spaceflight inherently carries risks, includingexposure to microgravity, radiation, and potential accidents during launch or reentry.Another significant hurdle is the astronomical cost of space travel. As of now, the price tag for a trip to space remains prohibitively high for the average person, often reaching millions of dollars. This limits space tourism to a wealthy elite, raising questions of accessibility and equity.Moreover, the infrastructure required to support space tourism operations is still in its infancy. Spaceports, specialized training facilities, and accommodations inorbit are all necessary components that need further development. Without adequate infrastructure, the growth of space tourism will be stunted.Environmental concerns also come into play. The carbon footprint of space travel, particularly rocket launches, is substantial. As the industry expands, there is a need to address the environmental impact and explore more sustainable propulsion systems.Despite these challenges, there is optimism surrounding the future of space tourism. Continued technological advancements, coupled with growing interest from bothprivate investors and governments, suggest that space tourism could become more accessible in the coming years.Additionally, the potential economic benefits of space tourism cannot be overlooked. Beyond providing a unique experience for tourists, space tourism has the potential to stimulate innovation, create jobs, and drive economicgrowth in related industries such as aerospace, hospitality, and entertainment.In conclusion, while space tourism presents exciting opportunities for exploration and adventure, it is not without its challenges. Safety, cost, infrastructure, and environmental considerations must all be addressed to make space tourism a sustainable and inclusive industry. With continued innovation and collaboration, however, the dreamof traveling to space may soon become a reality for more people around the world.。

Surfactant and Surfactant-Polymer Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery

Surfactant and Surfactant-Polymer Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery

ISSN 1925-542X[Print]ISSN 1925-5438[Online] Surfactant and Surfactant-Polymer Flooding for Enhanced Oil RecoveryAbhijit Samanta1; Keka Ojha1; Ashis Sarkar2; Ajay Mandal1,*1Enhanced Oil Recovery Laboratory, Department of PetroleumEngineering2Organic Material Research Laboratory, Department of Applied ChemistryIndian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India-826 004*Corresponding author.Email: mandal_ajay@Supported by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, 424/07) and University Grant Commission [F. No. 37-203/2009 (SR)], to Department of Petroleum Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India.Received 14 August 2011; accepted 14 Septermber 2011. AbstractInvestigation has been made to characterize the surfactant solution in terms of its ability to reduce the surface tension and the interaction between surfactant and polymer in its aqueous solution. A series of flooding experiments have been carried out to find the additional recovery using surfactant and surfactant polymer slug. Approximately 0.5 pore volume (PV) surfactant (Sodium dodecylsulfate) slug was injected in surfactant flooding, while 0.3 PV surfactant slug and 0.2 PV polymer (partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide) slug were injected for surfactant-polymer flooding. In each case chase water was used to maintain the pressure gradient. The additional recovery in surfactant and polymer augmented surfactant flooding were found around 20% and 23% respectively.Key words: Enhanced oil recovery; Surfactant; Polymer; Surface tension; FloodingSamanta, A., Ojha, K., Sarkar, A., & Mandal, A. (2011). Surfactant and Surfactant-Polymer Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2(1), 13-18. Available from: URL: /index.php/ aped/article/view/10.3968/ j.aped.1925543820110201.608 DOI: /10.3968/ 10.3968/ j.aped.1925543820110201.608CAC Critical aggregation concentration CMC Critical micelle concentrationEOR Enhanced oil recoveryk Absolute permeability, Darcyk o Effective permeability to oil, Darcyk w Effective permeability to water , Darcy OOIP Original oil in placeP PolymerPHPA Partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide PSP Polymer saturation pointPV Pore volumeS SurfactantSDS Sodium dodecyl sulfateS or Residual oil saturationSP Surfatctant-PolymerS wi Irreducible water saturation INTRODUCTIONChemical flooding methods are classified into a special branch of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes to produce residual oil after water flooding. These methods are utilized in order to reduce the interfacial tension, to increase brine viscosity for mobility control and to increase sweep efficiency in tertiary recovery. Surfactants are considered as good enhanced oil recovery agents since 1970s[1] because it can significantly lower the interfacial tensions and alter wetting properties. Displacement by surfactant solutions is one of the important tertiary recovery processes by chemical solutions. The addition of surfactant decreases the interfacial tension between crude oil and formation water, lowers the capillary forces, facilitates oil mobilization, and enhances oil recovery. The surfactant is dissolved in either water or oil to form microemulsion[2] which in turn forms an oil bank. The formation of oil bank and subsequent maintenance of sweep efficiency and pressure gradient by injection of polymer and chase water increase the oil recoveryAdvances in Petroleum Exploration and Development V ol. 2, No. 1, 2011, pp. 13-18DOI:10.3968/ j.aped.1925543820110201.608significantly[3-5]. The idea of injecting surfactant solution to improve imbibitions recovery was proposed for fractured reservoirs[6-8] and carbonaceous oil fields in the United States[9-11]. The effects of capillary imbibitions and lowering of IFT using surfactant slug have been reported by many researchers[12-16].It is well known that use of polymer increases the viscosity of the injected water and reduces permeability of the porous media, allowing for an increase in the vertical and areal sweep efficiencies, and consequently, higher oil recovery[17-20]. The main objective of polymer injection is for mobility control, by reducing the mobility ratio between water and oil. The reduction of the mobility ratio is achieved by increasing the viscosity of the aqueous phase. Another main accepted mechanism of mobile residual oil after water flooding is that there must be a rather large viscous force perpendicular to the oil-water interface to push the residual oil. This force must overcome the capillary forces retaining the residual oil, move it, mobilize it, and recover it[21]. The injection of polymer helps to propagate the oil bank formed by surfactant injection by increasing the sweep efficiency. Austad et al.[22] reported that significant improvements can be obtained by co-injecting surfactant and polymer at a rather low chemical concentration.In the present study, the investigation has been made to characterize the surfactant solution in terms of its ability to reduce the surface tension and the interaction between surfactant and polymer in its aqueous solution. A series of flooding experiments have been carried out to find the additional recovery using surfactant and surfactant polymer slug.1. EXPERIMENTAL1.1 Materials UsedSodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) (approximately 99% purity) was used as surfactant and commercial grade Partially Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide (PHPA) used as polymer. SDS (C12H24SO4Na, M.W. = 288.38) was purchased from Central Drug House (P) Ltd., India and PHPA (Av. Mol. Wt. =3000000) from SNF Floerger, France. NaCl were purchased from Qualigens Fine Chemicals.The aqueous solutions with different concentrations of surfactant and polymer were always freshly prepared to avoid degradation, and then stirred with the help of Remi Magnetic Stirrer. The appropriate quantity of anionic surfactant and polymer were mixed carefully for about 15 minutes. A wide range of concentrations around the critical micellization concentration of SDS (0.1 – 0.3 wt %) and PHPA concentrations (1500, 2000, 2500 and 5000 ppm) were chosen for the present study).1.2 Flooding ProcedureAll the experiments have been completed by using sand packs in the laboratory. The experimental apparatus is composed of a sand pack holder, cylinders for chemical slugs and crude oil, positive displacement pump, measuring cylinders for collecting the samples. The detail of the apparatus is shown in Figure 1. The displacement pump is one set of Teledyne Isco syringe pump. Control and measuring system is composed of different pressure transducer and a Pentium IV computer. The physical model is homogeneous sand packing model vertically positive rhythm. The model geometry size is L= 35 cm and r= 3.5 cm.Sandpack flood tests were employed by (i) preparing uniform sandpacks, 60−100 mesh sand was cleaned and washed with 1% brine. Then the sands were poured in to the core holder which was vertically mounted on a vibrator and filled with 1.0 wt% brine. The core holder was fully filled at a time and was vibrated for one hour. (ii) The wet packed sandpack was flooded with brine, the absolute permeability (k w) is calculated. (iii) Then sand pack was flooded with the Crude oil at 800 psig to irreducible water saturation. The initial water saturation was determined on the basis of mass balance. (iv) Water flooding was conducted horizontally at a constant injection flow rate. The same injection flow rate was used for all the displacement tests of this study. (v) After water flooding, ~0.5 PV polymer or surfactant in case of (polymer surfactant flooding) and ~0.3 PV surfactant followed by ~0.2PV polymer buffer (surfactant-polymer flooding) was injected followed by ~2.0 PV water injection as chasewater flooding.Figure 1Schematic of Experimental Set-Up for Flooding Experiments Through SandpacksSurfactant and Surfactant-Polymer Flooding for Enhanced Oil RecoveryFigure 2Effect of Partially Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide PHPA on Surface Tension of SDS2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION2.1 Influence of Polymer of Surface TensionIt is well known that the surfactants reduce the surface tension of water by getting adsorbed on the liquid-gas interface. The critical micelle concentration CMC, one of the main parameters for surfactants, is the concentration at which surfactant solutions begin to form micelles in large amount[23]. Surface tensions of the aqueous solution of SDS at different concentrations were measured and plotted as a function of concentration Figure 2. The concentration at the turning point of the curve is CMC.The interaction of water-soluble polymers with anionic surfactants should be considered while injecting surfactant and polymer slugs for enhanced oil recovery. To observe the effect of polymer on the surface properties, surface tension of aqueous solution of surfactant were measured in presence of polymer (PHPA) as shown in Figure 2. The surface tension of the surfactant solutions increases in presence of polymers. Hongyan et al.[24] reported that because of elevation of system viscosity upon the addition of polymers, the diffusion of surfactant from water phase towards oil/water interface slows down, extending the time for IFT to reach the super low level. The surface tension vs. surfactant concentration plots in presence of polymer shows three distinct zones. Above the critical aggregation concentration (CAC), the interaction between the water-soluble polymer and surfactants is started. Dynamic equilibrium between surfactant-saturated-polymer and the regular aqueous micelles coexist just above the polymer saturation point (PSP). With further increase in surfactant concentration, surface tension remains constant and normal surfactant micelles start to form. 2.2 Polymer ViscosityPolymer plays an important role to improve the mobility ratio in chemical flooding by increasing the solution viscosity. The details of rheology of PHPA have been discussed in our earlier paper[25]. Polymer viscosity decreases with increase in shear stress and temperature. In surfactant flooding, one the oil bank is formed propagated through the expansion of swept volume by polymer[26]. Mobility control is needed to prevent the chemical slug from fingering into the oil/water bank where it would dissipate by dispersive mixing[27].2.3 Surfactant and Surfactant Polymer Flooding In the present study two sets of surfactant flooding scheme have been conducted. In the first set, enhanced recovery over water flooding has been studied using different concentrations of surfactants. In other set a combined surfactant and polymer has been injected after water flooding. Approximately 0.5PV surfactant slug were injected in surfactant flooding, while in surfactant-polymer flooding, ~0.3PV surfactant slug were injected after water flooding followed by injection of ~0.2 PV polymer slug.To determine the effects of surfactant concentration on the additional oil recovery, three sets of sandpack flooding (Sample S1, S2 and S3) were conducted using different surfactant concentrations, viz. 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 wt%. The concentrations of the surfactant were kept above CMC considering the surfactant loss by adsorption during flooding[28]. Surfactant slugs were injected when water cut reached ~95% during water flooding. The oil recovery and water cut as function of pore volume injected of surfactant slugs have been plotted in Figure 3. Use of surfactant shows significant additional recovery after water flooding due to reduction of interfacial tension between oil and displacing fluid and consequent formation of oil bank. The additional recovery after the water flooding increases with increase in surfactant concentration. A relationship between the surfactant concentrations and the flow rate across the sand pack is shown in Figure 4. The three runs had almost the same flow rate for the initial waterflood stage. However, during surfactant injection the flow rate was found to decrease drastically though the injection pressure was maintained constant. The decrease in injection rate may be due to the formation of oil bank and consequent displacement of oil with lower mobility. The higher drop in flow rate was observed for higher concentration of surfactant which results higher recovery at higher concentration. The additional recoveries by surfactant flooding over conventional water flooding have been summarized in Table 1. Residual oil saturations have been calculated by material balance equation.Abhijit Samanta; Keka Ojha; Ashis Sarkar; Ajay Mandal (2011).Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development , 2(1), 13-18Figure 3Production Performance of Surfactant FloodingFigure 6Production Performance of Surfactant and Surfactant-Polymer FloodingFigure 4Effect of Produce Pore Volume on Injected Flow Rate in Surfactant FloodingFigure 5Production Performance of Surfactant-Polymer FloodingThe production performance of polymer augmented surfactant flooding is shown in Fig. 5 and the results are summarized in Table 2. In case of surfactant flooding 17.955%, 20.29% and 21.565% OOIP (Fig 3 and Table 1) additional oil recovered after water injection were observed for three different concentrations of surfactant. While in case of surfactant-polymer flooding the additional oil recovery is 20.997%, 23.068% and 23.15%OOIP (Fig 5 and Table 2). Therefore the additional recovery for surfactant-polymer flooding is effectively higher than only surfactant flooding. This is due to the synergic effects of reduction of interfacial tension by surfactant and improvement of mobility ratio by polymer solution. A comparative picture of the flooding performances by surfactant and surfactant-polymer flooding is shown in Figure 6.Table 1Recovery of Oil by Surfactant Flooding for Three Different SystemsExp. Porosity Permeability,k (Darcy) Design of chemical Oil recovery after water Additional recovery Saturation, % PVNo. (%) k w (S w =1) k o (S wi ) slug for flooding flooding (%OOIP) (% OOIP) S wi S oi S or S1 38.665 1.2340.212 0.5PV SDS (0.1%) + Chase water 51.652 17.955 19.0 80.9 20.2S2 39.586 1.235 0.212 0.5PV SDS (0.2%) + Chase water 52.42 20.29 19.8 80.2 19.1S3 38.665 1.2330.213 0.5PV SDS (0.3%) + Chase water52.522 21.565 17.9 82.1 18.3Table 2Recovery of Oil By Surfactant-Polymer Flooding for Three Different SystemsExp. Porosity Permeability,k (Darcy) Design of chemical Oil recovery after water Additional recovery % SaturationNo. (%) k w (S w =1)k o (S wi ) slug for flooding flooding (%OOIP) (% OOIP) S wi S oi S or SP1 36. 805 1.224 0.213 0.3 PV 0.1% SDS+ 0.2 PV 2000 51.353 20.997 15.0 85.0 22.9ppm PHPA+ Chase waterTo be continuedSurfactant and Surfactant-Polymer Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery% o f o i l r e c o v e r y a n d o f w a t e r c u tPore volume injected after water Flooding% o f o i l r e c o v e r yContinuedExp. Porosity Permeability,k (Darcy) Design of chemical Oil recovery after water Additional recovery % Saturation No. (%) k w (S w=1) k o (S wi) slug for flooding flooding (%OOIP) (% OOIP) S wi S oi S or SP2 37.725 1.236 0.213 0.3 PV 0.2% SDS+ 0.2 PV 2000 51.362 23.068 17.1 82.9 21.7 ppm PHPA+ Chase waterSP3 37.725 1.245 0.212 0.3 PV 0.3% SDS+ 0.2 PV 2000 51.41 23.15 18.5 81.5 21.3 ppm PHPA+ Chase waterCONCLUSIONIn the present study a series of flooding experiments have been conducted to observe the additional oil recovery after water flooding using surfactant and surfactant-polymer slug. Based on the experimental results the following conclusion may be drawn:1. Use of very small quantity of surfactant reduces the surface tension of displacing fluid (water) significantly, which in turn increases the recovery by forming an oil bank. On the other hand use of polymer increases sweep efficiency by decreasing the mobility ratio.2. 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The Effects of Non-darcy Flow on Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization Design

The Effects of Non-darcy Flow on Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization Design
Vol.1 No.1, 2011
Hydraulic fracturing is today the mainly stimulation treatments in many producing wells all over the world. The petroleum engineers have been aware of the potential for non-Darcy flow in propped fracture for many years since the work of Cooke(1973). In recent years, non-Darcy flow has a significant increase in interest in the petroleum industry, especially in hydraulically fractures, and the non-Darcy flow effects have been studied widely with examples of field cases. In hydraulic fracture design, the non-Darcy flow can have great impact on the reduction of a propped half-length to a considerably shorter “effective” half-length, thus lowering the well’s productive capability. These effects within the propped fracture are mainly due to high velocity and higher pressure drop in the fracture. These non-Darcy flow effects in propped fractures have been typically associated with high flow rates in both oil and gas wells. The non-Darcy effects significantly influence gas production performance(2004).

Sub-Layer Correlation of Quantou Ⅳ Formation of the Lower Cretaceous in Haituozi Area

Sub-Layer Correlation of Quantou Ⅳ Formation of the Lower Cretaceous in Haituozi Area

ISSN 1925-542X [Print] ISSN 1925-5438 [Online] Advances in Petroleum Exploration and DevelopmentV ol. 5, No. 1, 2013, pp. 55-62DOI:10.3968/j.aped.1925543820130501.1112Sub-Layer Correlation of Quantou Ⅳ Formation of the Lower Cretaceous in Haituozi Area of Songliao BasinLI Shizhen [a,b], *; LV Lin [c]; WANG Hongliang [d]; MENG Miaomiao [d]; WANG Qian [e][a]Basin and reservoir research center, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China.[b]Oil and gas Survey, China Geological Survey, Beijing, China.[c]Petroleum exploration and production research institute, SINOPEC, Beijing, China. [d]School of the energy Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China.[e]Strategic Research Center for Oil and Gas Resources, Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing, China.*Corresponding author.Received 17 January 2013; accepted 15 March 2013AbstractFluvial-flood plain facies are developed at lower-mid Quantou Ⅳ Formation , and delta front - shallow lake facies are developed at the upper formation in Haituozi area of Southern Songliao Basin. Channel sand bodies are good oil and gas reservoirs, but the distribution of sand is not clear, which has become a key factor restricting oil and gas development. No less than 100 wells data of logging , some data of drilling , cores and testing are collected and used in correlation, firstly 5 roughly provenance direction and 5 crosscutting provenance direction sections were selected in the area, with high resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis, Quantou Ⅳ Formation is subdivided into 4 sequences (corresponding to the fifth order cycle sequence, are respectively called cycle A, B, C and D), sequence stratigraphic framework were established. Then the similarity of facies association characteristics in base level change, consistency of reservoir fluid properties, isochronous maximum flooding surface in a certain area, different stages of overlay channels are took full account in the operation of sub-layer correlation. In the end 3 sub-layers are divided from cycle A , 3 sub-layers divided from cycle B, 5 sub-layers from cycle C, and cycles D corresponds to a sub-layer, Quantou Ⅳ Formation is divided into 12 sub-layers, which lays good foundation for the production and development.Key words: High resolution sequence stratigraphy;Sub-layer correlation; Songliao basin ; Haituozi area; Quantou Ⅳ FormationLi, S. Z., Lv, L., Wang, H. L., Meng, M. M., & Wang, Q. (2013). Sub-Layer Correlation of Quantou Ⅳ Formation of the Lower Cretaceous in Haituozi Area of Songliao Basin. Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development , 5(1), 55-62. Available from: URL: /index.php/aped/article/view/j.aped.1925543820130501.1112 DOI: /10.3968/j.aped.1925543820130501.1112INTRODUCTIONResearch on stratigraphic division and correlation, stratigraphic development characteristics in the isochronous stratigraphic unit is one of the most basic research contents in sedimentology (Qian et al ., 1994; Holland et al ., 2000). Geological features of sedimentary data record is the basis for comparison. Because of different research angles, the early stratigraphic correlation methods commonly include lithostratigraphic correlation, lithofacies correlation, paleontology lithofacies correlation, geochemical characteristics correlation, magnetostratigraphic correlation, and so on, these methods are good ways to solve large-scale chronostratigraphic comparison and correlation.To meet the higher economic requirements, high-resolution stratigraphic division and correlation within the scope of the target block become particularly important, such as the detailed exploration and development of oil and gas, coal, geothermal and other sedimentary mineral, in particular for their production design, dynamic analysis and production management. China’s geologists have summarized “comparison method of cycles of contrast, hierarchical control”, “the principle of similar lithology, thickness ratio of roughly equal” in lake delta depositional system, “comparison method of ancient soils, sliced and other elevation” in the river sedimentary system underSub-Layer Correlation of Quantou Ⅳ Formation of the Lower Cretaceous in Haituozi Area of Songliao Basinthe China’s oil exploration and development practices (Zhao, 1988; Wang et al., 2001; Wen et al., 2010), these methods are based on a marker bed, have good applicability at some extent and conditions, and have widely used in stratigraphic division and correlation of oil exploration and development.Since Cross proposed the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, a large number of researchers start high-resolution sequence stratigraphy research using the data of core, log, logging, seismic and so on, and the theory applied to the prediction and stratigraphic comparison and division of continental reservoir of coal, oil and gas, uranium and other reservoir (Li et al., 2008; Chen and Zhang, 2005; Zheng et al., 2003; Bourquin et al., 1998). Especially in the fluvial facies, establishing high-resolution stratigraphic framework, analyzing stratigraphic features, summarizing deposition variation, discussing the role of base-level changes control on reservoir development, predicting conducive accumulation conditions achieve good applications (Zhang et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2005; Zheng et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2002; Tang, 2008). Geologists have been troubled by the problem of fluvial facies reservoir sub-layer correlation, but some scholars (Wang et al., 2005; Qu et al., 2008; Yuan and Shen, 2007; Deng et al., 1997; Kjemperud et al., 2008; Bourquin et al., 2006; Cross, 2000)use the theory of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy to fluvial sand and finer comparison study of body cell, also made a useful theoretical exploration and practices.In this paper, no less than 100 wells’ log data and some data of cores, drilling, well testing are collected and analyzed, and based on these, high-resolution continental sequence stratigraphic framework of the study area is established (corresponding to the fifth order sequence), in the end with the application of sub-layer correlation methods, Quantou Ⅳ Formation(also called Fuyu oil layer in the oilfield) is fine divided and correlated within the frame, significant application resu lts are achieved.1. GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Haituozi area is located in southern Songliao Basin (Figure 1), across two major tectonic units—the western slope and the central depression, and it is a major discovery area of oil and gas exploration in Jilin Oilfield in recent years. During the period of Quantou Ⅳ formation of the Lower Cretaceous deposition, the climate is arid, the basin tectonic subsidence is relatively stable, terrain is flat, large fluvial systems are well developed in the margin of the basin and flow into the depression center, which led to formation of a wide range of fluvial deposits throughout the basin. Combined with previous knowledge of sedimentary facies of the area (Zhao et al., 2008; Gong, 2010), and through a large number of core observation and experimental analysis, this study suggests that the deposition provenance of Quantou Ⅳ formation of Haituozi area mainly came from the southwest. Alluvial fluvial (low-sinuosity rivers) - flood plains are mainly developed in early and mid period, and delta front - shallow lake sedimentation are mainly developed in later period. The channel sand and the delta front sand bodies are major oil and gas reservoirs. After years of exploration practice, the reservoir of Quantou Ⅳ Formation in Haituozi area has been in the rolling development stage, fine prediction the distribution and characterization of reservoir sand is becoming increasingly important for the reservoir andfurther potential increasing reserves evaluation.Figure 1The Locations of Haituozi Area, Wells, and Cross Sections2.T H E E S T A B L I S H M E N T O FH I G H-R E S O L U T I O N S E Q U E N C E STRATIGRAPHIC FRAMEWORKBased on the principles and research methods of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy (Deng et al., 2003), combined with the recognition of “Turnaround Surface” —base-level rise and fall (Wang, 2008), Quantou ⅣFormation is divided into four short-term cycles, and the interfaces of 4 sand groups are roughly the same withLI Shizhen; LV Lin; WANG Hongliang; MENG Miaomiao; WANG Qian (2013).Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 5(1), 55-62short-term cycle top and bottom and blooding surface, but the exact division of the interface may be different. Four short-term cycles are named A, B, C and D from bottom to top (Figure 2). The characteristics of each sycle and its interfaces of each cycle are analyzed below, typical interface drilling and logging response are shown in Figure 3.Figure 2Sequence Stratigraphy and Sub-Layer Correlation of Quantou Ⅳ Formation in Haituozi Area(Well Hai 116)Rising half cycle of A: the Bottom Boundary Surface is roughly equivalent to sand group 4 bottom interface (the interface of Quantou Ⅳ formation and Quantou Ⅲformation), more data of drilling and logging shows that it is the bottom interface of thick channel sand or Multi-stage stacked sand (mutant side), part is progradation to retrogradation turnaround surface (Figure 3), characteristic is not obvious on the seismic profiles; top interface is surface of thicker sediment of floodplain mudstone. Purple, gray-green mudstone are mainly developed, with interbeds of siltstone and fine sandstone. The whole half cycle performances retrogradation characteristics. Stratigraphic thickness is small, generally 20 to 30 meters.Falling half cycle of A: The bottom boundary is Rising half cycle A’s bottom interface, roughly equivalent to the bottom boundary of sand group 3. Top interface is retrogradation to progradation turnaround surface, which is sand group 3’s internal interface. Characteristics are not obvious in seismic profile. In half cycle mudstone colors are mostly purple red, a small amount are light gray.The whole half cycle performances trogradation characteristics, stratigraphic thickness is about 20m.Rising half cycle of B: Bottom interface is the top interface of falling half cycle A. Top interface is the surface of thicker floodplain mudstone sediment. Red, light gray mudstone are mainly developed with fine sandstone and siltstone. the whole half cycle performances retrogradation characteristics, and the thickness is approximately 20m.Falling half cycle of B: Top interface, sand group 3’s internal interface, is bottom interface of thick channel sand or multi-stage retrogradation stacked sand in drills and well logging performance, part is progradation to retrogradation turnaround surface (Figure 3).A set of approximately 5 m sand body or the floodplain mudstone sediment is developed. The mudstone colors mostly are purple, red, light grey. The whole half cycle performances trogradation characteristics, the thickness is about 15m.Rising half cycle of C: bottom interface is half-cycle B’s top interface, top interface are usually turnaround surface, mostly floodplain deposition. Mudstone colors are light gray, red. The whole half cycle performances retrogradation characteristics.Falling half cycle of C: the bottom interface is half cycle C’s top interface. The top interface is the same as sand group 1’s top interface, which is the turnaround surface of trogradation and retrogradation or bottom interface of a set stacking retrogradation sand from drilling and logging performance. Mudstone has significantly different colors, upper side are red, gray-green, but lower side are gray, dark gray (Figure 3). In the seismic profile, the interface should be the weak reflection interface under regional marker T2, and locally onlap phenomenon may be found on the reflection interface. C’s falling half cycle is transition from floodplain to deltafront, the sedimentary characteristics is from trogradation to accretion, the thickness is heavy, usually around 30m, falling half cycle of C is asymmetric with Rising half cycle of C.Rising half cycle of D: the bottom interface is cycle C’s top interface. The top surface is flooding surface of semi-deep lake mudstone, the GR curve base value change occurs at the interface, seismic reflection profiles are strong axis, mostly are oil shale deposition section, with comparative in all the region. The upper part is source rocks, the lower is reservoir, with the most favorable source-reservoir-seal assemblage, so half-cycle D’s sand strata is usually hydrocarbon reservoir, which is the most favorable lithology trap layer. The thickness is generally 10 ~ 20 m.Sub-Layer Correlation of Quantou Ⅳ Formation of the Lower Cretaceous in Haituozi Area of Songliao BasinHai127Hai1719502000 GR SP RTHai 49Hai33Figure 3Response Characteristics of Cycle Boundary onDrilling and LoggingWith the principles and methods of high-resolutionsequence comparison, the sequence stratigraphy ofbackbone profile contrast on the basis of a single wellsequence. Ten sections (5 roughly provenance directionand 5 crosscutting provenance direction) are selected inHaituozi area, the hemicycle level stratigraphic correlationis carried out, hemicycle level sequence stratigraphy ofnearly 100 wells in the region is established at last.3. SUB-LAYER CORRELATION IN THEFRAMEWORK3.1 Main Problems of Previous Sub-LayerDivisionMain problems of previous division of Quantou ⅣFormation in Haituozi area are: 1) Divide oil group (similarto the fifth level cycles in this study) firstly, the divisionmostly has the isochronal geology significance at thistime, then thickness correlation are carried out in each oilgroup based on the relations of mudstone and sandstone-lithological correlation (contrast sandstone to sandstone,mudstone to mudstone). 2) Short-term cycles are identifiedusing sequence stratigraphy approach, but the existenceof autocyclicity is ignored. For instance the fining-upwarddistributary channel rhythm is mistaken for base levelrising half cycle, and correlate to another river channelor rising half-cycles around; or the coarsening-upwardcrevasse fan is mistaken for base level falling half cycle,and correlate to another crevasse fan/ crevasse channelor falling half-cycles. The above two methods resultpure lithological correlation, rock layer equal thicknesscorrelation or anisochronous correlation. On this wrongbasis, w rong analysis and forecasting of the reservoirdistribution and reservoir characteristics are made, andit is not conducive to guide the later period developmentand production.3.2 The Principles of Sub-Layer Correlation inthe StudyAt early and mid-major Quantou Ⅳperiod alluvial river - floodplain sedimentation are mainlydeveloped in Haituozi area, and at later period shallowthe banded distribution of early sand body sedimentation,sand lateral changes quickly, poor connectivity, the riverburst diversion, frequent variation of sedimentary facies,characteristic of stratigraphic division and correlation isnot obvious, the lack of obvious division contrast symbol,all of these cause some difficulties for the division contrastwork. To solve this problem, this research takes the highresolution sequence stratigraphy theory as the instruction,and establishes a regional high-resolution sequencestratigraphic framework based on various geological datasuch as core, logging, seismic and oil testing data. In theactual operation of sub-layer correlation, the predecessorshave recognized the significance of comprehensive use ofvarious information to increase the accuracy and reliabilityof crrelation (Yuan and Shen, 2007; Qiu et al., 1987).The comparative study, according to the actual data, inthe high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework,similarity of facies association characteristics in baselevel change, consistency of reservoir fluid properties,isochronous maximum flooding surface in a certain area,different stags of overlay channels are took full account inthe operation of sub-layer correlation.3.2.1 Similarity of Facies Association Characteristicsin Base Level ChangeRegarding the fluvial deposits, the short-term autocyclicityis obvious (Yuan and Shen, 2007; Huang et al., 2006),autocyclicity is the combined result of rivers’ own waterbody power and the sediment source supply, usually itonly controls the internal structure of sedimentary faciesand proportion of each facies, less relations with base-level cycles change (Deng et al., 2007), there is nocomparative with each other; The fluvial deposits arecontrolled by the role of climatic change and small-scaleregional tectonic activity (Lou and Zhao, 1991; Amorosiet al., 2008; Nádor et al., 2007), its depositional cycleis the reflection of base level change, which controlsthe formation of stacking pattern, formed contraststratigraphic unit. The faster base-level changes, the moreobvious depositional cycle reflection on the stratum.Combined with previous knowledge of sedimentary faciesin this area (Zhao et al., 2008), based on core observationand experimental analysis, log-phase recognition,this paper analyzes microfacies firstly, especially thecharacteristic change of microfacies association, thatis the change of stratum stacking pattern which reflectdeposits allocycles (Liu et al., 2002), different microfaciesLI Shizhen; LV Lin; WANG Hongliang; MENG Miaomiao; WANG Qian (2013).Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 5(1), 55-62development position in the base-level cycle is different, the horizontal development of sedimentary microfacies and the vertical evolution of the facies sequence is result of base-level cycles (five cycles) change, when contrast it has the similarity. The relationship of facies association characteristics and short-term base level change provides the basis for correlation, this method is the most direct application high-resolution sequence stratigraphy theory to the sub-layer correlation (Figure 4-A).3.2.2 Isochronous Maximum Flooding Surface in a Certain AreaMudstone section formed at maximum flooding period is stratum response of base-level rise and fall. If there is no such flooding surface in fluvial environment in a certain unit of geological time, it is autocyclicity sediment and has no comparative; only flooding can connect the mutual isolated river to form a flood plain mudstone, it is isochronal surface in a certain area. In different wells, as long as the upper and lower surfaces is isochronal, respectively, the rock layer under the control of two flooding surface is also isochronal (Hu et al., 2010). Mudstone formed during maximum flooding period generally are darker, relatively pure, thicker, and easy to distinguish on the lithology and logging properties, in a certain area it is a good “marker bed”, with good contrast (Figure 4-B).3.2.3 Consistency of Reservoir Fluid Properties Reservoir’s fluid information has important meaning to sub-layer correlation (Yuan and Shen, 2007). The oil, gas and water have good differentiation in the reservoir. In the conventional oil or gas reservoir, the same oil or gas reservoir has the oil-gas interface and the water-oil interface, the gas located at the highest spot, the oil layer next, and the water level must be located at the lowest spot; the layers which have different oil-gas or water-oil interface must have the stable compartment separated. Based on this law, making fully use of well tests data and production test data provided another kind operation method for the sub-layer correction (Figure 4-C).3.2.4 Different Stages of Superimposed Channels Channel deposit includes two kinds, the isolated channel deposition (intermittent superimposed channel) and the superimposed channel deposition (continuous superimposed and erosional superimposed). The former is easy to identify, the latter is that the channel formed at later period directly superimposed or erosional superimposed on the channel formed at early period, if not thoroughly washed, there are still fine-grained sediments between two sedimentary unit measured from the power curve, on the other hand if erode strongly, two period channels are completely superimposed and it is not easy to identify from cores and logs, so it is not easy to separate (Bridge and Tye, 2000). General “split layer” is used in the previous division and correlation of this kind channel (Wen et al., 2010). However, this phenomenon generally occurs in the transition period of base-level cycles falling to rising (Kjemperud et al., 2008), the smaller the A/ S value for low curvature of meandering river, the more prone to erosion superimposed. Accordingly, analysis of the channel development position of base-level cycles can better determine whether there is superimposed channel, the different periods of channel sand are better distinguished according to the changes in response to a variety of logging curves (Figure 4-D).3.3 ApplicationThe overall thickness of Quantou Ⅳ Formation in Haituozi area is 100-120m, and it distributes relatively stable in the region. From bottom to top, the mudstone colors change from red to mottled, light gray, which responses relative rise sedimentary base level cycle. In the lower part (A, B, Rising half cycle of C ), river - flood plain facies are major developed, in the upper part (Falling half cycle of C, Rising half cycle of D ), delta front - Bin shallow lacustrine deposits are major developed. The bottom is interface of of Quantou Ⅲ and Ⅳ Formation, lithology is more consistent, thick layer of river sand or multi- period stacked sand bodies of this section are responded by drilling and logging, so sub-layer correlation of this section should give full consideration of different stages of superimposed channels; Up floodplain and lacustrine sedimentary is more developed, isochronous maximum flooding surface in a certain area should be considered; upper delta front is deposited, because of the distribution of big range of micro–facies, Similarity of facies association characteristics in base level change, especially vertical evolution of river channel, crevasse-splay / crevasse channel deposits should be considered; top boundary is a flooding surface, response the semi-deep lake mudstone, which is oil shale development segment, the GR curve base value changes the interface up and down, strong axis reflection in seismic profile, is a good marker bed; Meanwhile, making full use of the well tests data and production data of oil fields, considering the consistency of reservoir fluid properties, the sub-layer correlation of Haituozi area is carried out.Took full advantage of established 10 short sequence cycles skeleton profile of the region (Figure 1), made full use of the above summary of the principle, and combined with the traditional correlation approach, 3 sub-layers are divided from cycle A , 3 sub-layers divided from cycle B, 5 sub-layers from cycle C, cycles D corresponds to a sub-layer, and finally Quantou Ⅳ Formation is divided into 12 sub-layers (Figure 5).Sub-Layer Correlation of Quantou Ⅳ Formation of the Lower Cretaceous in Haituozi Area of Songliao BasinWell 1Well 2Well 3Well 2Well 3Well 1Well 2Well 3Well 1Well 2Well3splayoil bedwater bedfalling half cyclerising half cycleA different stags of superimposed channels C similarity of facies association characteristics in base level change certain areaHai51G RR 25Hai115GR R25Hai 130GR R25Hai 127GR R25Hai 6SP R25Hai3GR RLLD Hai 9SP R25Sub-layer Figure 4Sub-Layer Correlation in High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic FrameworkCorrelation Section of Well Hai51-Hai9 in Haituozi Area(⑧ in Figure 1)LI Shizhen; LV Lin; WANG Hongliang; MENG Miaomiao; WANG Qian (2013).Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 5(1), 55-62CONCLUSIONSThe theory of high resolution sequence stratigraphy has good guidance and applicability to carry out stratigraphic division and correlation for fluvial - Delta deposition. The above practices not only take into account the development of autocyclicity , but also consider the impact of short-term allocycles, essentially the sub-layer correlation in this study is the comparison of the allocycles, which constraints the autocyclicity in the stratigraphic framework. Integrated sub-layer correlation method had a very good practical application for the further analysis of the sedimentary microfacies vertical evolution and distribution, judgment of accumulation type, analysis of reservoir control factors, prediction of reservoir favorable target, the results proved the reasonableness of the division plan. The application of this method is most instructive for the similar areas whose data is relatively mature.REFERENCES[1] Qian, Y. Z., Chen, H. D., & Liu, W. J. (1994). The Theoryand Research Methods of Sequence Stratigraphy. Chengdu: Sichuan Science and Technology Press.[2] Holland, S. M., Meyer, D. L., & Miller, A. I. (2000). 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petroleum exploration and development简写

petroleum exploration and development简写

petroleum exploration and development简写Petroleum exploration and development, also known as exploration and production (E&P) in the oil and gas industry, is the process of finding, extracting, and producing petroleum resources. With the global demand for oil and gas continuing to grow, petroleum exploration and development plays a crucial role in ensuring the steady supply of energy for various industries and everyday needs. In this article, we will delve into the various steps involved in the petroleum exploration and development process.Step 1: Geological and Geophysical StudiesThe first step in petroleum exploration and development is to conduct detailed geological and geophysical studies of potential areas. This involves analyzing existing geological data, conducting seismic surveys, gravity and magnetic surveys, and studying rock formations. By analyzing these data, geologists and geophysicists can identify potential petroleum traps and reservoirs.Step 2: Exploration DrillingAfter identifying potential areas, exploration drilling begins. Exploratory wells, also known as wildcats, are drilled to test the presence of petroleum in a given area. This involvesdrilling deep into the Earth's crust and taking core samples for analysis. If petroleum is found in commercial quantities, further evaluation is conducted to determine the extent and quality of the reservoir.Step 3: Reservoir EvaluationOnce a potential reservoir has been discovered, reservoir evaluation takes place. This involves conducting additional drilling and taking fluid samples to analyze the physical and chemical properties of the petroleum. Factors such as reservoir pressure, permeability, and fluid composition are analyzed to estimate the recoverable reserves and production potential.Step 4: Well Design and ConstructionAfter evaluating the reservoir, well design and construction can begin. This involves designing the wellbore geometry, casing program, and other technical specifications required for drilling. Modern drilling techniques, including horizontal and directional drilling, are often employed to maximize production from the reservoir.Step 5: Production and ExtractionOnce the well is successfully drilled and completed, production and extraction of petroleum resources cancommence. This involves installing production facilities, such as wellheads, pumps, and pipelines, for the efficient extraction of petroleum from the reservoir. Various enhanced oil recovery techniques are also employed to maximize recovery from the field, including water flooding, gas injection, and chemical treatments.Step 6: Field Development and InfrastructureIn parallel to production, field development and infrastructure construction takes place. This includes building infrastructure for the transportation, storage, and processing of petroleum resources. Pipelines, storage tanks, refineries, and other facilities are constructed to facilitate the movement and refining of the extracted petroleum.Step 7: Environmental and Safety ConsiderationsThroughout the entire petroleum exploration and development process, environmental and safety considerations are paramount. Stringent regulations and best practices are followed to minimize the impact on the environment and ensure the safety of workers. Environmental impact assessments, waste disposal plans, and safety protocols are implemented to mitigate potential risks associated with oil and gas operations.Step 8: Continuous Monitoring and MaintenanceOnce petroleum production begins, continuous monitoring and maintenance of the field are crucial to ensure optimal performance and safety. Regular inspections, equipment maintenance, and reservoir management practices are implemented to maximize production and extend the life of the field.In conclusion, petroleum exploration and development is a complex and multi-step process that involves geological and geophysical studies, exploration drilling, reservoir evaluation, well construction, production, field development, and environmental considerations. Each step is essential in identifying and extracting petroleum resources efficiently and responsibly. With the world's increasing energy demands, the effective exploration and development of petroleum resources remain crucial in sustaining global energy needs.。








In the world, people have used oil obtained from the ground since at least 4,000BC. In the Middle East, crude oil that seeped to the surface was used to waterproof boats and as an adhesive in the construction of buildings and roads.The modern oil industry began as a result of the search for inexpensive lighting. In order to take advantage of the high prices of illumination, a group of investors hired a railroad conductor named Edwin Drake to head to a location close to where traces of crude oil had been observed on the surface. Thus, the first well was established.After years of developing, now, petroleum give us an over-abundance of light, speed and even wings and the ability to reach more people, more regions and more objectives in one lifetime. It allows us to put a man on the moon. The power and wealth of nations is determined from their petroleum production. Petroleum has profoundly changed man's way of life, and a peculiar notion that is often overlooked is that with every mile we drive we cremate the remains of our deceased ancestors.Global oil discoveries have declined steadily since the early 1960s despite periods of high prices and advances in exploration and production technology. It means unless consumer behavior changes, the oil industry has a lot of work to do.。







1 海油陆采丛式钻井技术由于海油陆采技术是在人工岛上进行钻进,为了使人工岛控制更多的储层、更大的储层面积,降本增效,使用了丛式井技术。

1.1 常规钻井防碰技术常规钻井防碰主要通过防碰扫描、分离系数计算和柔性钻具进行防碰绕障。




在滩海地区使用柔性钻具需要搭配高转速螺杆海油陆采钻完井技术现状分析于琛1 李萍1 姜晓辉2 王建龙1 贾培娟1 罗洁1 刘轩1 杨振2 张美玲31. 中国石油集团渤海钻探工程有限公司工程技术研究院 天津 3002802. 中国石油大学(北京) 北京 1022493. 山东科瑞油气装备有限公司 山东 东营 257000摘要:滩海地区油田建设存在“陆上设备下不去、海上设备上不来”的问题,这导致我国渤海滩海地区油气资源丰富但难以开采。



第50卷第6期2019年6月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology)V ol.50No.6Jun e 2019微生物驱数值模拟研究进展王天源1,2,3,修建龙3,崔庆锋3,黄立信3,马原栋3,俞理3(1.中国科学院大学工程科学学院,北京,100049;2.中国科学院大学渗流流体力学研究所,河北廊坊,065007;3.中国石油勘探开发研究院渗流流体力学研究所,北京,100083)摘要:基于微生物驱采油机理,从数学模型和软件应用2个方面介绍和总结微生物驱数值模拟研究现状。




关键词:微生物;微生物提高采收率;数学模型;软件应用中图分类号:TD912文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-7207(2019)06-1474-11Research advances in numerical simulation of microbial enhancedoil recoveryWANG Tianyuan1,2,3,XIU Jianlong3,CUI Qingfeng3,HUANG Lixin3,MA Yuandong3,YU Li3(1.School of Engineering Science,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100049,China;2.Institute of Porous Flow&Fluid Mechanics,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Langfang065007,China;3.Department of Porous Flow&Fluid Mechanics,PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration&Development,Beijing100083,China)Abstract:Based on the mechanism of microbial enhanced oil recovery(MEOR),the advances in numerical simulation of MEOR were presented with particular reference to mathematical models and its application.Since the classical MEOR model(Islam model,Zhang model and Chang model)does not contain the component of metabolite,the advantages and disadvantages of existing models were mainly described by biosurfactants,biopolymers and other models,respectively.The software applications of numerical simulation were mainly described from five aspects:MTS,UTCHEM,CMG-STARS,ECLIPSE and MRST.The current mathematical model of MEOR cannot accurately reflect the actual MEOR process.Therefore,the focus and trend of future researches are follows:1)establishing a perfect spatial model of porous media to accurately describe the pore structure inside porous media;2)systematically studying the shape and size of microorganisms for microbial transport and oil displacement.3)developing a mathematical model for MEOR under the coupling effects of multi factors and multi components.收稿日期:2018−09−20;修回日期:2018−11−05基金项目(Foundation item):中国石油科学研究与技术开发项目(2016B-1106);中国石油天然气股份有限公司科学研究与技术开发项目(2017E-15)(Project(2016B-1106)supported by the Science Research and Technology Development Fund of China Petroleum;Project (2017E-15)supported by the Scientific Research and Technology Development Fund of PetroChina Co.Ltd.)通信作者:俞理,高级工程师,从事微生物渗流研究;E-mail:*********************.cnDOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2019.06.027第6期王天源,等:微生物驱数值模拟研究进展Key words:microbial;microbial enhanced oil recovery;mathematical model;software application经历了传统的一次采油和二次采油之后,在油藏中仍然有大约2/3的原油剩余[1−2]。



1061 概述仪征化纤有限责任公司60t/aPTA装置空压机组采用的是德国曼透平公司的设备。


透平膨胀机采用高、低二级膨胀,各有一个吸入口和排气口,叶轮采用三元叶轮(见图1)图1 膨胀机组剖面图(左:高压侧;右:低压侧)透平膨胀机的主要性能参数如下:高压侧转速为16583 r/min,低压侧转速为9045 r/min;膨胀机额定总功率为7990 KW,流量为12700~150450kg/h;进口压为1.3MPa,排气压力为0.003MPa,高压侧的进气温度为175℃,排气温度为80℃;低压侧的进气温度为175℃,排气温度为45℃;高、低压侧齿轮轴的两端均采用一组可倾瓦轴承,各带有5个瓦块,进油管路可两路进油,每个轴承上各有一路进油孔,通过3组共15个喷油嘴进油,进油喷嘴孔径为1.8mm,轴承回油孔由9个,正常情况下采用5通4堵。


2 机组存在的问题2018年,为满足VOC排放要求,该装置新增了VOC单元,对氧化反应器的尾气进行处理,将处理后的尾气仍注入膨胀机。




图2 膨胀机流量及非驱动侧轴振、温度图1-流量线;2-非驱动端度线;3-非驱动轴振线3 原因分析及处理方法经过排查和分析汽轮机轴承温度波动趋势,排除现场仪表显示问题、工艺波动、汽轮机电刷磨损静电传递、设备转速波动、配件质量等原因,导致轴承温度波动的原因主要是:(1)膨胀机低压端非叶轮侧轴承温度上升原因。



地质期刊中英文对照(按中文首字母排序)A安徽地质Geology of AnhuiB北京测绘Beijing Surveying and Mapping北京大学学报(自然科学版)网络版(预印本)Beijing University(Natural Science)Network Version(Advance Copy)冰川冻土Journal of Glaciology and GeocryologyC材料与冶金学报Journal of Materials and Metallurgy采矿技术Mining Technology采矿与安全工程学报Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering测绘工程Engineering of Surveying and Mapping测绘技术装备Geomatics Technology and Equipment测绘科学Science of Surveying and Mapping测绘科学技术学报(原解放军测绘学院学报、测绘学院学报) Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping测绘通报Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping测绘信息与工程Journal of Geomatics测绘学报Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica测绘与空间地理信息Geomatics &Spatial Information Technology测井技术Well Logging Technology长春大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Changchun University长春科技大学学报Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology超硬材料工程Superhard Material Engineering沉积学报Acta Sedimentologica Sinica沉积与特提斯地质(曾用刊名:岩相古地理&特提斯地质)Sedimentary Geology and Tethyan Geology成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)(曾用刊名:成都理工学院学报;成都地质学院学报)Journal of Chengdu University of Technology(Science of Technology Edition)D大地测量与地球动力学Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics大地构造与成矿学Geotectonica et Metallogenia大地构造与成矿学(英文版) Geotectonica et Metallogenia大地纵横(已停刊)Overview of the Earth大陆动力学(英文版) Continental Dynamics大庆石油地质与开发Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing大庆石油学院学报Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute大自然China Nature当代石油石化Petroleum & Petrochemical Today地层学杂志Journal of Stratigraphy地矿测绘(曾用刊名:地质测绘)Surveying and Mapping of Geology and Mineral Resources 地理教育Education of Geography地理科学Scientia Geographica Sinica地理科学进展Progress in Geography地理空间信息Geospatial Information地理信息世界Geomatics World地理学报Acta Geographica Sinica地理学报(英文版)Journal of Geographical Sciences地理研究Geographical Research地理与地理信息科学Geography and Geo-Information Science地球化学Geochimica地球科学进展Advances in Earth Science地球科学与环境学报Journal of Earch Sciences and Environment地球科学-中国地质大学学报 Earth Science—-Journal of China University of Geosciences地球空间信息科学学报(英文版)Geospatial Information Science地球物理学报Chinese Journal of Geophysics地球物理学进展Progress in Geophysics地球信息科学Geo-Information Science地球学报(曾用刊名:地质科学院院报;地球学报—中国地质科学院院报) Acta Geoscientica Sinica地球与环境(曾用刊名:地质地球化学)Earth and Environment地图Map地下水Underground Water地学前缘Earth Science Frontiers地域研究与开发Areal Research and Development地震Earthquake地震地磁观测与研究Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research地震地质Seismology and Geology地震工程与工程振动(英文版)Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration地震学报Acta Seismologica Sinica地震学报(英文版)Acta Seismologica Sinica地震研究Journal of Seismological Research地质调查与研究(曾用刊名:前寒武纪研究进展;国外前寒武纪地质)Geological Survey and Research地质科技情报Geological Science and Technology Information地质科学Chinese Journal of Geology (Scientia Geologica Sinica)地质力学学报Journal of Geomechanics地质论评Geological Review地质通报Geological Bulletin of China地质学报Acta Geological Sinica地质学报(英文版)Acta Geologica Sinica地质与勘探Geology and Prospecting地质与资源(曾用刊名:贵金属地质)Journal of Precious Metallic Geology地质找矿论丛Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research第四纪研究Quaternary Sciences东北地震研究Seismological Research of Northeast China断块油气田Fault—Block Oil and Gas FieldF非金属矿Non—Metallic Mines分析化学Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry福建地质Geology of FujianG甘肃科技Gansu Science and Technology甘肃冶金Gansu Metallurgy钢铁研究学报Journal of Iron and Steel Research钢铁研究学报(英文版)Journal of Iron and Steel Research,International高校地质学报(曾用刊名:南京大学学报。



Advances in Geosciences地球科学前沿, 2019, 9(4), 289-300Published Online April 2019 in Hans. /journal/aghttps:///10.12677/ag.2019.94032Advantages and Disadvantages Effects ofDiagenesis on Reservoir Physical PropertiesSong Hu1, Xiaoxiao Lu2,Danfeng Zhang3, Jing Cheng41Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, SNOPEC, Beijing2Daqing Branch of China Petroleum Logging Co. LTD., Songyuan Jilin3Greatwall Drilling Company, CNPC, Beijing4International Logging Company of Greatwall Drilling Company, CNPC, BeijingReceived: Apr. 7th, 2019; accepted: Apr. 22nd, 2019; published: Apr. 29th, 2019AbstractCompared with the traditional theory, the diagenesis types cannot be divided into two categories completely. In fact, both the diagenesis itself and its combination have two sides. In this paper, the diagenesis of the W oil field is taken as an example, and the main diagenesis types are summarized by the methods of observing cores, identifing common and casting thin sections, and detecting scanning electron microscope. And the dialectic influence of diagenesis on the physical properties of reservoirs is discussed in the light of the theory of dialectics. The results show that the main di-agenetic types, such as compaction, cementation, dissolution, recrystallization, their own or their combination, have a common duality, complexity and interrelated influence on the physical prop-erties. They are characterized by interdependence and mutual transformation of reservoir im-provement and destruction. In line with the advantages and disadvantages to find the principle of high-quality reservoirs, it is conducive to the ultimate improvement of reservoir physical proper-ties if the compaction, cementation and metasomatism are relatively developed in the early stage of diagenesis as well as the dissolution is more developed in the later stage of diagenesis.KeywordsDiagenetic Type, Diagenetic Evolution, Physical Property, Materialist Dialectics, Two Sides成岩作用对储层物性的利弊影响分析胡松1,路肖肖2,张丹锋3,成婧41中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京2中国石油测井有限公司大庆分公司,吉林松原3中国石油集团长城钻探公司,北京4中国石油长城钻探工程公司国际测井公司,北京胡松 等收稿日期:2019年4月7日;录用日期:2019年4月22日;发布日期:2019年4月29日摘 要与传统理论相比,成岩作用类型并不能截然地分为对储层影响利弊的两大类,事实上,无论是各类成岩作用本身还是它们的组合,对储层物性影响皆具有两面性。



大国风采英语作文The term great power is often used to describe a country that has significant influence on a global scale both in terms of its economic political and cultural contributions. When writing an essay on the great power demeanor in English it is essential to highlight the various aspects that contribute to a nations global standing and the positive image it projects. Heres a detailed outline and content for an English essay on this topicTitle The Demeanor of a Great PowerIntroductionBegin by defining what constitutes a great power in todays world.Mention the importance of a great powers demeanor in shaping international relations and global perceptions.Paragraph 1 Economic StrengthDiscuss how a great powers economic prowess is a significant factor in its global influence.Provide examples of economic indicators such as GDP trade volume and foreign investments that showcase a nations strength.Paragraph 2 Political InfluenceElaborate on the political stability and leadership that a great power must exhibit.Discuss the role of diplomacy international alliances and global governance in shaping a countrys political influence.Paragraph 3 Military PowerWhile not the sole determinant military strength is often associated with a great powers status.Describe how a strong defense not only protects national interests but also contributes to global peace and security.Paragraph 4 Technological AdvancementHighlight the importance of innovation and technological progress in maintaining a leading position in the world.Mention advancements in various fields such as space exploration renewable energy and digital technology.Paragraph 5 Cultural ImpactA great powers culture can have a profound impact on the world influencing art music literature and more.Discuss how cultural exports can enhance a nations soft power and global appeal. Paragraph 6 Social ResponsibilityA great power should also be a responsible global citizen addressing issues such as climate change poverty reduction and human rights.Describe initiatives and policies that demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental responsibility.Paragraph 7 The Role of EducationEmphasize the importance of education in nurturing future leaders and innovators.Discuss how a welleducated population contributes to a nations overall development and global standing.ConclusionSummarize the key points discussed in the essay reiterating the multifaceted nature of a great powers demeanor.Conclude by reflecting on the importance of a balanced approach that combines strength with responsibility and cooperation.Sample EssayIn the contemporary world the concept of a great power extends beyond mere military might it encompasses a nations economic political cultural and social influence. The demeanor of a great power is characterized by its ability to lead with strength wisdom and a commitment to the betterment of the global community.Economic strength is the bedrock of a great powers influence. A robust economy as measured by GDP and trade volumes allows a nation to invest in infrastructure education and research fostering an environment conducive to innovation and growth. For instance countries with strong economies often lead in technological advancements setting trends and standards for the rest of the world.Political influence is another hallmark of a great power. A stable government that engages in strategic diplomacy can shape international policies and alliances. This influence is not only about military alliances but also about being a voice for peace justice and cooperation on the global stage.Military power while a traditional indicator of a great power must be balanced with a commitment to peace and stability. A strong defense ensures national security but also plays a role in peacekeeping missions and humanitarian efforts reinforcing a nations role as a global guardian.Technological advancement is a modern measure of a nations prowess. Innovations in fields such as artificial intelligence renewable energy and biotechnology not only improve the quality of life within a country but also contribute to solving global challenges.Cultural impact is the soft power of a great power. The arts music and literature of a nation can inspire and influence people around the world fostering a positive perception and cultural exchange.Social responsibility is a critical aspect of a great powers demeanor. Addressing global issues such as climate change and promoting human rights demonstrates a nations commitment to the wellbeing of all people regardless of nationality.Education is the foundation upon which a great power builds its future. Investing in education cultivates a skilled workforce and thought leaders who will drive progress and innovation.In conclusion the demeanor of a great power is a reflection of its综合实力comprehensive national power encompassing economic political military technological cultural social and educational strengths. It is through a balanced approach that combines strength with responsibility innovation with tradition and leadership with cooperation that a nation can truly embody the essence of a great power.。



泥质砂岩平衡阳离子当量电导计算新方法高秦群;王亮;孟凡【摘要】泥质砂岩平衡阳离子当量电导(B)是W-S饱和度计算模型中的关键参数.Waxman与 Thomas于1974年提出了B值的实验图版,并于2007年进一步提出了B值的修正新图版.中国学者仍然运用旧的B值图版.在W-S模型简要介绍的基础上,详细比较了新、旧 B值图版.对比结果显示,25 ℃时新图版与旧图版 B值没有变化.温度大于25 ℃时,新图版与旧图版平衡阳离子当量电导最大值(Bmax)存在一定差异.地层水溶液浓度较小和地层水电阻率(Rw)较大时,新图版与旧图版 B值差异较大.岩石新 B值图版计算的泥质砂岩电导率与岩心实验电导率结果吻合性优于利用旧B值图版计算的结果,新的 B值图版更加合理可靠.基于新的 B值图版,提出了一种 B值计算新方法.%T he equivalent conductance of the clay counterions(B)is a key parameter in the W-S model for calculating saturation of shaly sand.The experimental chart of B was firstly proposed by Waxman and Tomas in 1974.In addition,the revised experimental chart of B was put forward by Waxman and Tomas in 2007.However,Chinese scholars still use the old chart of B.Based on the simply introduction of W-S model,the old and new charts of B is compared.T he comparison of the two charts of B shows that the new and old chart are same at the temperature 25 ℃,but different in Bmaxwith temperature greater than25 ℃.With low concentration and high resistivity of formation water,the values of the old and new chart of B are different.The conductivity of shaly sand calculated by the new chart of B shows a better consistent with experimental result than that calculated by old chart of B,w hichdemonstrates that the new chart of B is reliable. Based on the new chart of B,a new method for calculating equivalent conductance of the clay counterions(B)in shaly sand is proposed.Case study shows that the water saturation calculated by new B is more accurate than that by old B,as water saturation calculated by new B better matches well with the core analyzed result.【期刊名称】《测井技术》【年(卷),期】2018(042)001【总页数】6页(P14-19)【关键词】测井解释;泥质砂岩;储层;平衡阳离子;当量电导;饱和度;W-S模型【作者】高秦群;王亮;孟凡【作者单位】北京环鼎科技有限责任公司,北京102200;西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院,四川成都610500;中国石油大学地球物理与信息工程学院,北京102249;西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院,四川成都610500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P631.840 引言饱和度是泥质砂岩储层评价以及油气勘探开发方案制定中的重要参数[1-3]。

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