Earliest environments

高中英语人教版必修二unit2Protection单元知识清单短语句式作文单词串记作文M2 Unit2 Wildlife Protection I.II.Expressions1.on earth 究竟到底2.die out 灭亡逐渐消失3.be aware of 意识到知道4.on average平均地5.make rapid progress取得快速地进步6.be concerned about对……关切的为……担忧的7.adapt to 适应8.under pressure在压力下承受压力9.make out看清听清分清10.remind sb.of sth. 使某人想起某事11.watch over保护照管监督12.due to=because of 由于因为13.search for 寻找14.stir up 激起15.be struck by the beauty被美打动;(迷恋…)16.make profits 获利润17.in harmony with 与……和谐相处18.a threat to sth.对……的一种威胁19.save endangered wildlife拯救濒危野生动植物20.illegal hunting 非法狩猎21.end up with\in 以……告终22.make a prediction 进行预测23.at an alarming rate 以一种惊人的速度24.mass extinction 大规模的灭绝25.preserve the natural habitats保护天然栖息地26.stand for 代表支持27.stressed syllable 重读音节28.recover from 从…中恢复过来29.reserve a table 预定一张桌子30.observe doing sth. 观察某事31.observe the school rules 遵守校规32.observe the Spring Festival 庆祝春节33.on the plain在平原上34.keep them safe from attacks让他们免受攻击35.remove…from 把某物从…中移除36.intend to do sth. 打算做某事37.day and night 日夜昼夜整天/doc/4a6859264.html,e into existence 形成存在=come into being39.under pressure 在压力下承受压力40.bird field guide鸟类图鉴41.primary\secondary stress 主\次重音42.a herd of graceful Tibetan antelopes 一群形体优美的藏羚羊III.Important sentences1.When the buying stops, the killing can too. 没有买卖,就没有伤害。

第四单元环境Text A”绿色环保风”吹了五十年,下一步何去何从?现代社会的环保主义已经推行了近五十载。

2010年英语一第四篇阅读译文(实用版)目录1.概述:英语一 2010 年第四篇阅读译文的文本内容2.第一段:原文及翻译3.第二段:原文及翻译4.第三段:原文及翻译5.第四段:原文及翻译6.总结:对整篇文章的翻译进行评价和分析正文【概述】本文是 2010 年英语一第四篇阅读的译文,文章主要讲述了一种名为“生态足迹”的概念,以及这个概念如何被用来衡量人类对环境的影响。
【第一段】原文:The concept of "ecological footprint" has been widely discussed in recent years.It refers to the amount of land and water needed to support a person, city, or country"s lifestyle.翻译:近年来,“生态足迹”的概念引起了广泛的讨论。
【第二段】原文:The ecological footprint is calculated by multiplying theaverage amount of land and water required by each person in a country by the country"s population.翻译:生态足迹是通过将一个国家每个人所需的平均土地和水资源乘以该国的人口来计算的。
【第三段】原文:An ecological footprint that is larger than the available land and water in a country means that the country is using more resources than it has, and that its lifestyle is not sustainable.翻译:如果一个国家的生态足迹大于该国可用的土地和水资源,这意味着该国使用的资源超过了其实际拥有量,其生活方式不可持续。
Unit4The following text is extracted from Marriages and Families by Nijole V Benokraitis. The book has been used as a text book for sociology courses and women studies in a number of universities in the United States。
It highlights important contemporary changes in society and the family and explores the choices that are available to family members,as well as the constraints that many of us do not recognize. It examines the diversity of American families today, using cross-cultural and multicultural comparisons to encourage creative thinking about the many critical issues that confront the family of the twenty fist century.Love and Loving RelationshipsNijole V. Benokraitis1.Love-as both an emotion and a behavior-is essential for human survival- The familyis usually our earliest and most important source of love and emotional support。

中国环境变化英文作文英文:As a Chinese citizen, I have witnessed firsthand the environmental changes that have occurred in my country over the past few decades. The rapid industrialization and urbanization that has taken place has had a significant impact on the environment, resulting in air and water pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity.One of the most visible signs of environmental changein China is the air pollution. In cities like Beijing and Shanghai, the air quality is often so poor that it is difficult to see more than a few meters in front of you. This is due to the high levels of particulate matter and other pollutants that are emitted by factories, power plants, and vehicles.Another issue that has arisen as a result of China's rapid development is water pollution. Many of the country'srivers and lakes have become contaminated with industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and untreated sewage. This has had a devastating impact on aquatic ecosystems and the people who rely on these water sources for drinking, fishing, and irrigation.Despite these challenges, there are also signs of progress. The Chinese government has taken steps to address environmental issues, such as implementing stricter regulations on factories and power plants, and investing in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. Additionally, many Chinese citizens are becoming more aware of the importance of environmental protection and aretaking action in their daily lives, such as using public transportation instead of driving and reducing their consumption of single-use plastics.中文:作为中国公民,我亲眼目睹了过去几十年中国环境发生的变化。
environment 英语解释

environment 英语解释Environment.The term "environment" refers to the surrounding conditions and influences that affect the life and development of an organism or a system. It encompasses a wide range of factors, including physical, chemical, and biological components, as well as social and cultural influences. The environment can be divided into two broad categories: natural environment and built environment.Natural Environment.The natural environment refers to the naturally occurring conditions and features of an area, including terrain, climate, soil, water bodies, and flora and fauna. This encompasses everything from the smallest micro-organisms to the largest ecosystems. The natural environment plays a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth, providing resources such as air, water, and food, aswell as regulating critical processes like climate and weather patterns.Built Environment.The built environment, on the other hand, refers to the human-made structures and modifications to the natural landscape. This includes cities, roads, buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure. The built environment is aproduct of human activity and culture, reflecting the needs, values, and aesthetics of different communities. It canhave significant impacts on the natural environment, both positively and negatively, through resource extraction, pollution, and habitat destruction.Interactions with the Environment.Organisms and systems interact with their environmentin various ways. For example, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into oxygen through photosynthesis, while animals consume plants and other animals to obtain energy and nutrients. These interactionscreate complex webs of dependency and interdependence, known as ecological systems.Environmental Issues.Environmental issues arise when human activity disrupts or degrades the natural environment, leading to negative consequences for human health, economic well-being, and ecological sustainability. Some of the most pressing environmental issues today include climate change, pollution, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and soil degradation.Climate Change.Climate change refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns and average temperatures, primarily caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This leads to extreme weather events, melting ice caps, and rising sea levels, among other impacts. The main sources of greenhouse gases are fossil fuel combustion and deforestation.Pollution.Pollution refers to the contamination of air, water, and soil by harmful substances. This can be caused by industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, agricultural runoff, and other anthropogenic activities. Pollution can have immediate and long-term negative effects on human health and ecological systems.Deforestation.Deforestation refers to the clearing of forested areas for agricultural, urban, or other uses. This leads to loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and increased greenhouse gas emissions. Deforestation is a major contributor to climate change and global warming.Biodiversity Loss.Biodiversity loss refers to the decline in the variety and abundance of species in an ecosystem. This can becaused by habitat destruction, pollution, overexploitation, and other anthropogenic factors. Biodiversity loss has profound impacts on ecological systems, affecting food webs, pollination, and natural processes.Soil Degradation.Soil degradation refers to the loss of soil quality and fertility due to erosion, compaction, salinization, andother factors. This can be caused by agricultural practices, urbanization, and industrial activities. Soil degradation has negative impacts on crop yields, water quality, and ecological systems.Environmental Protection and Sustainability.Environmental protection and sustainability arecritical goals in addressing environmental issues. This involves measures such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy, conserving natural resources, and implementing sustainable development practices. International agreements and policies, such as the ParisAgreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aim to promote global cooperation and action on environmental issues.In conclusion, the environment is a complex and interconnected system that supports life on Earth. Human activity has had significant impacts on the environment, leading to a range of pressing issues that require urgent attention and action. Environmental protection and sustainability are essential for ensuring a healthy and habitable planet for future generations.。
研究生英语综合Unit Four爱和情感联系原文及翻译

Unit Four下面的文章选自奈杰尔贝诺克瑞提斯的婚姻与家庭。
1 Love- as both an emotion and a behavior- is essential for human survival- The family is usually our earliest and most important source of love and emotional support. Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems- for example, depression, headaches, physiological impairments, and neurotic and psychosomatic difficulties- that sometimes last a lifetime. In contrast, infants who are loved and cuddled typically gain more weight, cry less, and smile more. By five years of age, they have been found to have significantly higher IQs and to score higher on language tests.2很多研究发现婴儿获得关爱的质量会影响到他们以后的交友,在学校的表现,如何应对陌生的或可能充满压力的情况,以及他们成年后如何建立并且维系情感连系。

2014text4英语一翻译【最新版】目录1.翻译文本背景和目的2.翻译文本内容概述3.翻译文本详细内容3.1 段落一:地球的生态系统3.2 段落二:人类对地球的影响3.3 段落三:保护地球的措施4.翻译文本的启示正文一、翻译文本背景和目的本文是一篇 2014 年的英语翻译题,旨在考查考生的英语翻译能力。
三、翻译文本详细内容3.1 段落一:地球的生态系统地球的生态系统是一个庞大而复杂的系统,包括陆地、海洋和大气等各种生态系统。
3.2 段落二:人类对地球的影响然而,随着人类社会的发展和进步,人类对地球的影响日益加剧。
3.3 段落三:保护地球的措施为了保护地球,人类需要采取一系列措施。
雅思环境类大作文 五段

雅思环境类大作文五段英文回答:The impact of the built environment on human behavior and well-being is a multifaceted issue that has been extensively studied in various disciplines. Environmental psychologists, architects, and sociologists have conducted numerous experiments and observations to understand how the physical surroundings shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions.Numerous studies have shown that the design of buildings, public spaces, and urban areas can have significant effects on human behavior. For example, researchers have found that exposure to natural environments, such as parks and gardens, can reduce stress levels, improve mood, and promote physical activity. Conversely, exposure to polluted air or congested urban environments can have negative effects on health and well-being.The built environment can also influence social interactions and community cohesion. For instance, public spaces that are designed to encourage interaction, such as plazas or community gardens, can foster a sense ofbelonging and reduce social isolation. On the other hand, isolated or poorly designed public spaces can lead to alack of social engagement and a sense of alienation.The impact of the built environment extends to the workplace as well. Studies have demonstrated thatworkplaces that are designed to promote employee well-being, such as those with natural light, comfortable temperatures, and ergonomic furniture, can improve productivity andreduce absenteeism. Conversely, poorly designed workplaces can lead to increased stress, fatigue, and health problems.In conclusion, the design of the built environmentplays a crucial role in shaping human behavior and well-being. By understanding the principles of environmental psychology, architects and urban planners can create environments that promote physical, mental, and socialhealth.中文回答:受建成环境对人类行为和幸福感的影响是一个多方面的议题,已在各个领域得到广泛研究。
高中英语Unit2IconicAttractions 学案新人教版选择性必修第四册

Unit 2 Iconic AttractionsUsing Language词汇积淀·素养初探Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词1. the unfair distribution (分配) of wealth2. a temporary(暂时的) measure3. the final phase(阶段) of the project4. a UK driving licence(执照)5. a training session(一段时间)6. a high / low frequency(频率)7. meet with a violent(暴力的) death8. building a nest(巢穴) of twigs and dry grass9. protect mammal(哺乳动物) species10. the biology(生物学) of marine animals11. hatch(使孵出) a chicken12. a fuel tank with a capacity(容量) of 50 litres13. a house surrounded with a strong fence(栅栏)14. the prison(监狱) population15. a very grand(宏大的) houseⅡ. 根据语境选择恰当的介、副词填空1. A flock of birds flew towards us slowly from far away.2. We must find a way of achieving a more equitable distribution of wealth.3. The electrical work will be carried out in phase with the other renovations.4. All the chicks have hatched out.5. He’s spent a lot of time in prison.Ⅲ. 翻译下列课文原句, 并观察黑体部分1. Our topic today is “Creatures Unique to Australia”, with questions answered by wildlife expert, Dr Jim Smith.我们今天的主题是“澳大利亚特有的生物”, 野生动物专家吉姆·史密斯博士回答了问题。

一、生物科学类原文:The discovery of the structure of DNA was one of the most important scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century.This breakthrough has had a profound impact on biology, leading to significant advances in fields such as genetics, molecular biology, and biotechnology.翻译:发现DNA结构是20世纪最重要的科学突破之一。
二、环境科学类原文:Climate change is a pressing global issue that demands urgent attention.Rising global temperatures have led to more frequent and severe natural disasters, such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods.These disasters have had a devastating impact on both human lives and the natural environment.翻译:气候变化是一个紧迫的全球性问题,需要紧急关注。

2022年四川省成都市中考英语真题(不含听力)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.—Where did you get this sky lantern?—I made it by _______.A.herself B.itself C.myself2.My mother often tells me it’s impolite to hit an empty bowl _______ chopsticks.A.in B.on C.with3.—There is a new art museum in our city. You _______ miss it.—Thank you. I won’t.A.can’t B.must C.needn’t4._______ medical book Tian Hui Yi Jian by Bian Que and Cang Gong has come out in Chengdu.A.The B.An C.A5.In the future, vocational(职业的)students _______ it easier to get jobs.A.found B.have found C.will find6.Rome is an ancient city _______ is full of places of interest.A.where B.which C.who7.The 21.58-meter-long 3D-printed bridge in Chengdu, with its _______ part reaching 8 meters and highest point hitting 2.68 meters, is really amazing.A.biggest B.widest C.longest8.Some groups _______ prizes on April 15, 2022 by the Central Committee of the CYLC (共青团中央).A.were given B.were giving C.will be given 9.Mary has learned a lot about the history of Sichuan _______ she can be a tour guide. A.even if B.as soon as C.so that10.—I wonder _______ life will be different in the future.—Maybe we will be able to live on another planet with the development of space technology. A.when B.how C.what二、补全对话5选5Man: Good morning, welcome to the Art School.Woman: Thanks. I’d like to join one of your evening art courses.Man: OK. ___11___Woman: Chinese painting course. I like Chinese painting. ___12___Man: Yes, it is. Very beautiful. Now let’s fill in this form. ___13___Woman: Lucy Green.Man: Which country are you from?Woman: Well, ___14___ But actually I’m American.Man: I see. Next question. Can you tell me where you live?Woman: ___15___Man: Thanks. Now, I’ll give you some information.A.It’s so beautiful.B.Which course?C.I work here in England.D.What’s your name, please?E.Yes, it’s 58 Charnwood Road.三、完形填空Sir Isaac Newton was a scientist who discovered the law of gravity(重力). People have learned that Isaac Newton once ___16___ when he was thinking under an apple tree. ___17___ he was woken up by an apple falling on his head. He jumped up, shouting, “Gravity made the apple fall!”Did the apple really fall on him? No one ___18___ for sure. The story of the apple may have some ___19___, but people who knew him have written that it never happened. Newton had actually been studying gravity and thinking about how apples fell down from a tree and not ___20___ for many years.16.A.fell over B.fell asleep C.fell ill 17.A.Suddenly B.Slowly C.Usually 18.A.promises B.forgets C.knows 19.A.truth B.purpose C.requirement20.A.inside B.off C.upAlbert was mad about computer games. When people encouraged him to return to___21___ life, he would say, “This is my doorway to the world.”In one of his favorite games, he would ___22___ as many turtles as hecould.___23___ else could collect more than he did. But Albert still wanted more. One day, when he got home from school, he found two real turtles in his bedroom.Albert’s parents decided to make them his ___24___. Albert had to learn all he could to look after the turtles. He also ___25___ to trick them into leaving his room, but it never worked. Gradually, he got used to living with the turtles, and ___26___ began to enjoy it. And other people loved hearing Albert’s stories and his growing knowledge about ___27___.One day, the turtles disappeared. His parents ___28___ that he would return to his games, but that didn’t happen. ___29___, he went to buy some pets and looked after them in his spare time.Now whenever people ask him about it, he points at his ___30___ and says, “They are my doorway to the world. There’s a lot more to them than you’d realize.”21.A.normal B.hard C.similar22.A.hide B.draw C.collect23.A.No one B.Anyone C.Someone 24.A.invention B.job C.secret 25.A.refused B.remembered C.tried26.A.once B.still C.even 27.A.computers B.nature C.bedrooms 28.A.worried B.hoped C.ordered 29.A.Anyway B.Instead C.Besides 30.A.games B.pets C.rooms四、阅读判断Tuesday 23rd MayHi SilviaWe’re having great time in Scotland. The people are very friendly, but they speak with a strange accent. I can’t always understand what they say! We leftEdinburgh yesterday and are now heading north. Tomorrow we are going to go looking for the Loch Ness Monster. Have you heard of it?Say hello to everyone at school. See you on the 29th!Hans Ms Silvia Toti 32 King’s Road BRIGHTON SussexBR24 7PQ31.Hans has difficulty in communicating with the people in Scotland. 32.Loch Ness is in the north of Edinburgh.33.Silvia will meet Hans the next Wednesday.34.Silvia’s address is on the right side of the postcard.35.Hans writes to invite Silvia to see the Loch Ness Monster.五、阅读单选AaTeens help students in remote areasLuo, Chinese university student, only turned 18 in January, but he’s already made a big difference to the lives of many poor young people living in China’s remote(偏远的)areas. His online English lessons have offered them a chance to know a world they could only imagine before. Many have achieved university dreams.bLuban Lock: magic Chinese puzzle2,000 years ago, a famous Chinese carpenter named Luban created a magic Chinese puzzle called “Luban Lock”, which he used to test how smart his son was. Watch as Rachel learns to make this Chinese puzzle and tries to solve it! Do you want to have a try?cFirst picture of the black holeThe first picture of the huge black hole at the heart of the Way was shown on Thursday, thanks to the Thursday, thanks to the efforts of astronomers(天文学家)from around the world, including17 from China. Shen Zhiqiang says that the future purpose of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)is to get video pictures of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.dChina’s healthcareChina has made progress in public health over the past years. In 1949, average life expectancy(平均寿命)was 35. It reached nearly 77 in 2019, much higher than the world average of 72. In 1949, there were just 3, 670 medical and health organizations in the whole country. The number increased to nearly 1 million at the end of 2018. Health insurance(保险)has also benefited over 95 percent of the population.36.What did Luo do for the young people in the remote areas? A.He improved their living conditions.B.He gave them online English lessons.C.He helped them choose dream universities.37.What does Rachel want to know?A.How Luban Lock works.B.Why Luban created Luban Lock.C.Whether Luban’s son was clever.38.Who took the first picture of the black hole?A.A foreign astronomer team.B.A Chinese astronomer team.C.An international astronomer team.39.Why are the numbers given in Passage d?A.To introduce the government’s plans.B.To show China’s progress in healthcare.C.To describe the present situation of China’s healthcare.40.What’s the theme of the four passages?A.East meets West.B.For a better future.C.Great Chinese, great China.BMost people agree that honesty is a good thing. But does Mother Nature agree? Animals can’t talk, but can they lie with their bodies and behavior? Animal experts may not call it lying, but they do agree that many animals behave dishonestly to fool other animals. Dishonesty often helps them survive(生存).Many kinds of birds are very successful at fooling other animals. A bird called the plover sometimes pretends (假装)to be hurt in order to protect its young. When an enemy gets close to its nest, the plover pretends to have a broken wing. The enemy follows the “hurt” adult, leaving the baby birds safe.Another kind of bird, the scrub jay, buries (埋)its food so it always has something to eat. Scrub jays also steal food. They watch where others bury their food and steal it. But clever scrub jays seem to know when others are watching them. So they get back later, unbury the food, and bury it again somewhere else.Chimpanzees can also be sneaky. After a fight, the losing chimpanzee will give its hand to the other. When the winning chimpanzee puts out its hand, too, the chimpanzees are friendly again. But an animal expert once saw a losing chimpanzee take the winner’s hand and start fighting again. When chimpanzees find food, it’s natural for them to cry out. Then other chimpanzees come running. But some clever chimpanzees learn to cry very softly when they find food. That way, other chimpanzees don’t hear them, and they don’t need to share thefood.41.Why does the plover pretend to be hurt?A.To show its friendliness.B.To save its young.C.To catch the enemy. 42.What do clever scrub jays do with their food?A.They bury the food deep.B.They watch the food.C.They bury the food twice. 43.What will the chimpanzee probably do after crying softly?A.It will eat all the food it finds.B.It will share the food with others.C.It will fight again with the winner.44.According to Paragraph 4, in which picture can we find a sneaky animal? A.B.C.45.What is the best title of the passage?A.Do animals lie?B.Honesty or dishonesty?C.How do animals protect lives?六、根据首字母填空46.Jiangnan, a famous area in China, has long been m_______ in many Chinese poems for its beautiful style.47.The Chengdu Plain belongs to the country’s double-planting area. This means wheat (小麦)and rice are planted in the same f_______.48.Animal r_______ have discovered the number of endangered animals in Yunnan Province is increasing.49.School education offers chances for p_______ development to help each of us realize our dream.50.China’s railway network has grown to c________ most cities and the government is looking to build on it further.七、填写适当的单词补全对话Bob, an exchange student from the UK, is at Li Ming’s home in Chengdu. They are talking about the photos on the wall.B-Bob L-Li MingB: What are you picking in the photo?L: Mulberries. Mulberries like these taste delicious.B: Oh, really? Are mulberries ___51___ fruit in Chengdu?L: Yes, there are a lot every May. You know Sichuan has a long history of silk culture. Silk from Chengdu became famous ___52___ as early as 2,000 years ago. I mean nearly all the people in the country knew it! And mulberry ___53___ are the main food for silkworms. B: I see. Where did you pick the mulberries?L: Inside an ecological(生态的)park in Chengdu. ___54___ like picking mulberries and feeding silkworms are hot in May.B: Wow! The ecological park ___55___ like a great place. What else can you do in the park? L: You can rent(租)a piece of land and grow crops or vegetables. Some experts will give you help if necessary. This way, you can learn more about ___56___.B: That’s a good way to ___57___ the life on the farm. It may help you forget the pressure in life and feel ___58___.L: That’s true. It has many ___59___. It also produces food for the city and makes the city greener.B: Could you ___60___ me there this weekend? I can’t wait to visit the ecological park.L: No problem.八、短文选词填空clear complete excite follow health interview luck shine silence ten touch wellWhen the other models appeared on the stage, the audience cheeredand clapped. Then it was Niu’s turn. The audience suddenly became __61__. However, after four or five seconds, Niu __62__ heard someone next to the stage say in admiration, “So cool!”Niu Yu, 24, became a(n) __63__ star at Shanghai Fashion Week for her confidence, even though she was wearing a prosthetic leg. When Niu was only 11, she __64__ lost her right leg during the Wenchuan Earthquake.Niu has won lots of praise. This gives those who have prejudice(偏见) against the disabled a hit on the nose.“I __65__ by something they said. They said the traditional view was that sports were for people with __66__ legs, but sports should be a kind of spirit. Even though I have lost a leg, I still deeply love sports and will do so forever,” Niu said. Actually, Niu first drew the public's attention when she __67__ a marathon—a 42-kilometer race in 2018, which was held in Wenchuan to mark the __68__ anniversary(周年纪念) of the earthquake.Now, Niu works as a photographer and has more than 850, 000 __69__ on social platforms, such as Douyin. “I feel I have a social responsibility to bridge the disabled and the public. Showing my life to the public can allow them to ___70___ understand our group and can also tell other disabled people that our society is more tolerant(宽容) than they imagined,” she explained.九、阅读还原6选5补全短文根据短文内容,从短文后的A-F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。

高三英语课外时文分类阅读系列(5)第五部分“人与自然”之环境保护篇目录:Passage 1 太空垃圾应该如何清理?Passage 2 保护生物多样性,中国“Z世代”在行Passage 3 中国的“诺亚方舟”Passage 4 太空种菜Passage 5 印度青年用塑料制作运动鞋Passage 6 新版《牛津英语词典》关注气候变化Passage 1主题语境——人与自然——太空垃圾应该如何清理?China deployed a satellite to carry out technological tests for space junk 1.______ (manage). The spacecraft aims to demonstrate technologies to alleviate space debris.Since the dawn of the space age in the 1950s, humans 2. ______ (launch) thousands of rockets and sent even more satellites into orbit. Many are still there, and we are now facing 3. ______ ever-increasing risk of space junk.More than 27,000 pieces of, or “space junk”, are tracked in space. Much more debris is too small to be tracked 4. ______ large enough to threaten human spaceflight and robotic missions. Since a piece of debris can move 5. ______ (fast) than a speeding bullet, collisions with these tiny pieces often leave pits in many satellites, telescopes and other objects orbiting our planet.In 2006, for example, a tiny piece of space junk collided with the International Space Station, 6. ______ (take) a chip out of the heavily reinforced window.Space junk is a huge threat to space missions that involve human life. This is particularly important since careful consideration needs to be made about the orbital path of space junk before spacewalk exercises 7. ______ (conduct).In 2018, the UK’s Surrey Space Center used a net to catch space junk in an experiment. It was the first 8. ______ (success) demonstration of space cleanup technology.Another solution is to use robotic arms. ClearSpace 1, the European Space Agency’s mission 9. ______ (remove) space junk from orbit, is expected to launch in 2025, which will adopt robotic arms to catch the debris. The mission plans to locate, capture and throw debris into the atmosphere, 10. ______ it will burn up in the intense pressure and friction of reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere.【参考答案】1. management2. have launched3.an4. but5. faster6. taking7. are conducted8. successful9. to remove 10. wherePassage 2主题语境——人与自然——保护生物多样性,中国“Z世代”在行动In their spare time, most young people like to enjoy 1. ______ (they) and play on their smartphones. But Li Ruxue is different. He often walks around a forest and isolates himself from the outside world. “Though the lifestyle is a little bit tiring, it’s 2. ______ (meaning),” he often said.In college, Li actively took part in field research. After 3. ______ (graduate), he joined a gibbon protection organization, 4. ______ one of his major responsibilities was picking up gibbon waste. The gibbon is a top-level state-protected animal whose population is smaller than that of wild giant pandas.So over the past four and a half years, Li 5. ______ (follow) gibbons and collected their waste for researchers. Li said the job relies heavily on luck and perseverance. But he has never regretted his choice or felt alone, as he has found more young people 6. ______ (engage) in nature conservation.Like Li, Chu Wenwen, 27, has also worked to protect animals. As her father is engaged in wildlife research, Chu has long been surrounded by wild animals. She fol lowed in her father’s footsteps.Listed 7. ______ a first-class State-protected animal in China, the Mengxin beaver is found only along the Ulungur River in Xinjiang’s Altay prefecture. To protect them, Chu initiated the “beaver canteen” program, which 8. ______ (eventual) attracted over 1 million internet users to donate snack money.According to Fan Pengfei, ecological protection as an industry can provide only a few jobs, most of 9. ______ are in research institutes and nongovernmental organizations. He has seen more and more young people take part-time jobs as journalists, photographers and so on 10. ______ (raise) awareness of wildlife protection. “Young people are the future of the world and the future of global biodiversity conservation,”said Fan.【参考答案】1. themselves2. Meaningful3. graduation4. Where5. has followed6. engaged7. as8. eventually9. which 10. to raisePassage 3主题语境——人与自然——中国的“诺亚方舟”“If the world 1. ______ (end) one day, these collections will bring hope of a new beginning to life on Earth,” said Li Pei, a staff member at the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, or GBOWS, in Yunnan province.2. ______ (found)in 2007, GBOWS is a research and preservation facility for rare and endangered plants and animals. It is3. ______ (large) in Asia in terms of species.4. ______ number of seed accessions is close to that of the world’s biggest seed bank –the Millennium Seed Bank in the United Kingdom.With two in five plant species at risk of extinction, she said it is a race 5. ______ time to protect the nation’s incredible plant life.So how does the bank work? Scientists collect endangered and useful wild species and send them to the seed bank. For future study, 6. ______ (collect) have to record details of the plant, including 7. ______ it was found, its size and the number of individual plants in the habitat.Once the seeds arrive at GBOWS, they’re dried, preserved in a room and cleaned. After that, X-rays confirm 8. ______ the seeds are undamaged and no insects are hidden inside. The seeds are then frozen, stored in glass bottles and placed in huge freezers at -20 C for long-term storage. Each container has a barcode that can be scanned to enable scientists 9. ______ (view) information about the seeds inside.The bank in Yunnan works with international partners on collecting backup specimens, exchanges and research. It holds 2,176 sets of seeds from 45 countries and regions, with each set 10. ______ (contain) thousands of individual seeds.【参考答案】1. ends2. Founded3. the largest4. The5. against6. collectors7. where8. that9. to view 10. containingPassage 4主题语境——人与自然——太空种菜“Best space tacos yet,” American astronaut Megan wrote on social media Twitter, with a photo of her smiling from ear to ear. The taco feast celebrated the first time peppers were 1. ______ (successful) grown on the International Space Station.Life as an astronaut is 2. ______ (excite), but that doesn’t include food. Astronau ts have endured packaged food for decades. “If you store packaged food for long, the quality, flavor and nutritional quality decrease, the vitamins lessen,” experts said.“3. ______ (grow) colorful vegetables in space can have long-term benefits for physical and psychological health,” said Matt, project scientist at NASA, in 4. ______ statement. The benefits of growing vegetables in space are obvious, but how are they grown?Though astronauts have been growing plants in space for decades, planting edible food without the benefits of gravity and 5. ______ (nature) light has been difficult. A plant growth system called Veggie has been used to grow plants on the space station since 2014. The Veggie garden is about the size of a piece of luggage and typically 6. ______ (hold) six plants. Each plant grows in a “pillow” 7. ______ (fill) with clay and fertilizer. The “pillows” are important for distributing water, nutrients and air in a healthy balance around the roots.8. ______ the absence of gravity, plants use other environmental factors, such as light, to guide growth. LEDs above the plants produce a light suited for the plants’ growth. Veggie typically glows pink, 9. ______ enables plants to use both blue and red wavelengths more efficiently. Other spectrums of light, like greens, yellows or oranges, are less useful for plants.So far, US astronauts 10. ______ (grow) 10 different crops, including lettuce and radish.【参考答案】1. successfully2. exciting3. Growing4. a5. natural6. holds7. filled8. In9. which 10. have grownPassage 5主题语境——人与自然——印度青年用塑料制作运动鞋Fashion designers are always looking for new materials to work with. Lately, it’s all about sustainable materials –1. ______ (recycle) tires, mushrooms, even pineapple fibers! What if you want a sustainable pair of shoes? Thaely is here to help.This sneaker brand out of Dubai wants to fight the growing problem of plastic pollution. 2. ______ (lead) by 23-year-old Indian businessman Ashay Bhave, they may have found a winning strategy: making shoes out of plastic grocery bags. “Thaely” means “plastic bag” in the Hindi language.“I was looking to create footwear that is cost-effective and safe for the environment,” Bhave said in an intervie w. “I needed to come up with something 3. ______ uses recycled plastic without 4. ______ (create) any more plastic waste.”Plastic bags were the perfect solution. Bhave’s home country, India, 5. ______ (ban) single-use plastics. However, in an interview wi th Elle magazine, Bhave said it’s poorly enforced. He said five trillion plastic bags are used around the world each year. “I was motivated to find a solution6. ______ this problem,” Bhave said.That solution was the fabric called ThaelyTex. Made 7. ______ (entire) from plastic bags, the material looks and feels like leather, Bhave claimed. That sounds promising. Better yet, the production process requires no 8. ______ (addition) chemicals and releases no poisonous by-products. The end result is a smart-looking pair of white low-top sneakers.Where do they get so much material? Finally, they got help from TrioTap Technologies, a waste management plant. Bhave said they offered 9. ______ (collect) the bags and also to process them into ThaelyTex.So far, it seems like things are falling into place. There are already hundreds of pre-orders in place. It 10. ______ (sound) s like they have some plans for the future.【参考答案】1. recycled2. Led3. that4. creating5. banned6. to7. entirely8. additional9. to collect 10. soundPassage 6主题语境——人与自然——新版《牛津英语词典》关注气候变化Climate change really does change everything, including language. In October, Oxford English Dictionary (OED) released 1. ____ update on its language on climate change and environmental sustainability.Some new words 2. ______ (include) in the dictionary. T he OED doesn’t include chemical formulas, but it has made an 3. ______( importance) exception for CO2because it has become, in its words, “so ingrained” in our everyday l anguage.“Global heating” is also a new entry. Although people got used to using global warming, OED said that global heating is being used 4. ______ (often). That’s because while global warming suggests a kind of comfort, global heating 5. ______ (convey) “the seriousness of climate change caused by human activity and the urgent need to address it”.Apart from 6. ______( add) these new words, some old words about climate have been given new meanings. The phrase “climate refugee” is an example. In the 19th century, when people spoke of climate refugees, they would be describing those 7. ______ had moved to a place where the climate is healthier.But now, as climate changes and weather events appear 8. ______ (frequent), the phrase refers to the people who are forced to move in response to extreme weather or rising sea levels.Trish Stewart, OED science 9. ______ (edit), said the update reflects the very real sense of urgency of climate change now.10 ______ happens next depends on so many factors but, one thing we can be sure of is that our language will continue to evolve and to tell the story.【参考答案】1. an2. have been included3. important4. more often5. conveys6. adding7. who8. frequently9. editor 10. WhatPassage 7主题语境——人与社会——冬奥黑科技:穿戴技术全面应用From smartwatches that can show and send messages to smart glasses that can 1. _______ (wear)while swimming, wearable devices are playing an important part in making daily life 2. _______ (easy). This technology made its way to the Beijing Winter Games. Let's take a look at some examples.●Wearable thermometric patchesIn light of the recent pandemic, a 3. _______ (health) body is one of the priorities for everyone. 4. _______ (manage) the health status of athletes and audience members for the Beijing Winter Games, a wearable thermometer will be used. The thermometer is 5. _______ the shape of a bandage. It's about 6 centimeters long and 4cm wide. The device features a sensor to detect and record people's temperature. When people wear this “bandage” on their upper arms, their temperatures can be monitored 6. _______ (constant). People can see the data using an app on their phones.●Uniforms and equipmentFor most people, we wear clothes to keep warm or look good. But that's not enough for athletes. Their uniforms and equipment must be functional and not hinder the athlete's high-level performance. To meet these 7. _______ (require), cutting-edge technology has been used.For example, the uniforms use grapheme, a new type of material, which can help absorb athletes' body heat and keep 8. _______ warm for longer. Also, the material is quick-drying, 9. _______ (help) athletes get rid of sweat. The collar of the uniform also features a vent and adjustable buckles to make the clothes breathable.Their shoes use the BOA lacing system, 10. _______ features a button on their shoes. Press it and the shoes fit tighter. This is especially helpful for gloved hands in outdoor settings.【参考答案】1. be worn2. easier3. healthy4. To manage5. in6. constantly7. requirements8. them9. helping 10. which。
剑10 阅读解析整理

剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage1体裁说明文主题牛科动物结构第一段:牛科概述第二段:分布和体型第三段:共同特征第四段:五种亚科牛亚科第五段:羚羊亚科第六段:羊亚科第七段:鹿羚亚科第八段:叉角羚剑桥雅思10阅读解析试题解析剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage1 Question 1-3题型:multiple choice题型解析:本题属单选题,注意题目说明:在ABCD中选择正确的。
剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage1 Question 4-8题型:matching剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage1 Question 9-13题型:选词填空题型解析:根据题干关键词进行定位,用原文中不超过三个词来回答问题。
剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage2难度分析:中等文章标题:European Transport Systems 1990-2010 欧洲的交通系统文章话题:交通运输类词汇准备:第一段词性解释conceive v.设想vigorous a.精力充沛的;强健的facilitate v.促进,使便利substantial a.大量的fleet n.车队第二段internal a.内部的frontier n.边界abolish v.废除emphasis v.强调assembly n.集会;会议第三段candidate n.候选人haulage n.货运费inherit v.继承第四段imperative n.重要紧急的事integrate v.合并ambitious a.有雄心的propose v.提议nonetheless adv.尽管如此第五段emission n.排放estimate v.评估reverse v.颠倒,转变culprit n.肇事者;罪犯第六段shift v.转移;转型deteriorate v.退化;恶化emerge v.出现第七段solely adv.单独complementary a.互补的curb v.控制;限定revitalize v.使强壮;使恢复生机第八段infrastructure n.基础设施guarantee v.保证saturate v.使饱和artery n.干线;动脉题型分析:文章题型由两个题型组成:小标题配对+判断题,一个主旨题型一个细节题型。

(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)1. A. I'm OK. B. Nice to meet you! C. What about you?2. A. You're right. B. It's very nice. C. Thanks.3. A. It doesn't matter. B. Sorry, I won't. C. I don't know.4. A. Sure, you can. B. Good luck. C. I'm sorry to hear that.5. A. Good job. B. My pleasure. C. I agree.二、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。
(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)A B C D Ε6. ___________7. ___________8. ___________9. ___________ 10. ___________三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。
(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)11. A. History. B. Music. C. Art.12. A. In the bag. B. On the sofa. C. On the table.13. A. At 8:15. B. At 8:45. C. At 9:15.14. A. See a movie. B. See a doctor. C. Have lunch.15. A. Waiter and customer. B. Host and guest. C. Father and daughter.16. A. It's fun. B. It's difficult. C. It's cool.17. A. On the street. B. In the subway station. C. At the police station.18. A. Excited. B. Shocked. C. Worried.19. A. Leaders. B. Flowers. C. Heroes.20. A. Be an English expert. B. Keep on learning. C. Push himself harder.四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。

environment的英文作文Title: The Importance of Environmental Conservation。
In today's world, the environment plays a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. The term "environment" encompasses everything around us, including the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we inhabit, and the diverse range of plant and animal species that coexist with us. Therefore, it is imperative that we prioritize environmental conservation efforts to ensure the well-being of current and future generations.One of the primary reasons why environmental conservation is essential is to preserve biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms present on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. Each species plays a unique role in maintaining ecological balance and contributing to ecosystem services such as pollination, nutrient cycling, and climate regulation. However, human activities such as deforestation, habitatdestruction, pollution, and overexploitation have led to a significant loss of biodiversity worldwide. By conserving natural habitats and protecting endangered species, we can help safeguard the intricate web of life that sustains us.Furthermore, environmental conservation is crucial for ensuring the availability of essential resources such as clean air and water. Air pollution, primarily caused by emissions from vehicles, industries, and agricultural practices, poses a significant threat to human health and the environment. By reducing our carbon footprint and transitioning to renewable energy sources, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change and improve air quality. Similarly, water pollution, resulting from industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal, contaminates freshwater sources and endangers aquatic ecosystems. Through sustainable water management practices and pollution prevention measures, we can protect water resources for future generations.In addition to safeguarding biodiversity and essential resources, environmental conservation also plays a vitalrole in mitigating climate change. The burning of fossil fuels for energy production is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere and cause global warming. The resulting climate disruptions, including rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise, pose significant challenges to human societies and natural ecosystems. By promoting renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, and implementing climate adaptation strategies, we can reduce our carbon footprint and build resilience to climate impacts.Moreover, environmental conservation is closely linked to human health and well-being. Exposure to environmental pollutants, such as air and water contaminants, pesticides, and toxic chemicals, can have adverse effects on human health, leading to respiratory diseases, cancer, reproductive disorders, and neurological impairments. By minimizing exposure to harmful pollutants and promoting clean and healthy environments, we can protect public health and enhance quality of life.In conclusion, environmental conservation is a multifaceted endeavor that encompasses the preservation of biodiversity, the protection of essential resources, the mitigation of climate change, and the promotion of human health and well-being. As stewards of the planet, it is our responsibility to adopt sustainable practices, reduce our ecological footprint, and advocate for policies that prioritize environmental protection. By working together to conserve and restore the environment, we can create a sustainable future for all living beings on Earth.。

五年级英语动物进化历程单选题50题1. The earliest animals lived in the _____.ndB.seaC.airD.mountain答案:B。
A 选项land 是陆地;B 选项sea 是海洋,最早的动物生活在海洋中;C 选项air 是空气;D 选项mountain 是山。
2. Which animal is one of the earliest?A.tigerB.lionC.sharkD.elephant答案:C。
A 选项tiger 是老虎;B 选项lion 是狮子;C 选项shark 是鲨鱼,鲨鱼是比较早期的动物;D 选项elephant 是大象。
3. Early animals were mostly _____.A.bigB.smallC.colorfulD.ugly答案:B。
A 选项big 是大的;B 选项small 是小的,早期动物大多体型较小;C 选项colorful 是彩色的;D 选项ugly 是丑的。
4. The first animals had no _____.A.legsB.eyesC.tailsD.mouths答案:A。
A 选项legs 是腿,最早的动物没有腿;B 选项eyes 是眼睛;C 选项tails 是尾巴;D 选项mouths 是嘴。
5. Early animals were simple and had few _____.A.partsB.colorsC.friendsD.enemies答案:A。
A 选项parts 是部分,早期动物很简单,部分很少;B 选项colors 是颜色;C 选项friends 是朋友;D 选项enemies 是敌人。
6.The first animals to appear on Earth were _____.A.insectsB.fishC.spongesD.amphibians答案:C。

英语阅读鱼的进化From the earliest days of life on Earth, the ocean has been a vast and mysterious realm, teeming with diverse forms of marine life. Among these, the fish stand as one of the oldest and most successful lineages, having undergone remarkable transformations over millions of years. Their journey through evolutionary history is a fascinating tale that sheds light on the adaptability and resilience of life on our planet.The earliest known fish, known as primitive fish or proto-fish, lived about 500 million years ago during the Cambrian Period. These ancient creatures were small, typically less than a few centimeters in length, and possessed a primitive body structure with fins and a notochord, a flexible rod that provided support. These proto-fish were mostly aquatic, living in shallow coastal waters and rivers.As millions of years passed, fish began to diverge and specialize, evolving into a wide range of shapes and sizes. One of the most significant evolutionary innovations was the development of jaws, which allowed fish to capture preymore efficiently. This innovation led to the emergence of carnivorous fish, such as sharks and bony fish, which diversified rapidly, filling various ecological niches.Another key evolutionary milestone was the transition from water to land. While fish remained primarily aquatic, some lineages evolved adaptations that allowed them to survive in environments beyond the water's edge. These adaptations included the evolution of lungs, which enabled fish to breathe air, and the development of limbs, which allowed them to move on land. These land-dwelling fish, known as amphibians, were the precursors of all terrestrial vertebrates, including reptiles, birds, and mammals.The diversity of fish continued to grow as they adapted to different environments and ecological pressures. For instance, deep-sea fish evolved to withstand the extreme pressure and darkness of the deep ocean, while reef fish developed bright colors and complex social behaviors to thrive in coral reefs. Similarly, fish that inhabited colder waters evolved antifreeze proteins to survive in icy environments.Today, there are over 30,000 known species of fish, ranging from the smallest micro-organisms to the largest whales. This incredible diversity is a testament to the adaptability and resilience of fish as a lineage. From their humble beginnings as primitive proto-fish to their current status as one of the most diverse and successful groups of animals on Earth, the evolution of fish is a remarkable story of survival and transformation.**鱼的进化:穿越时光之旅**自地球上生命诞生的初期开始,海洋便是一个广阔而神秘的领域,充满了各种各样的海洋生物。

环境科学英文作文1. Environmental problems are becoming more serious than ever before. Pollution, climate change, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity are just a few examples of the challenges we face. It is important that we take action to address these issues before they become irreversible. We need to be proactive in our approach to environmental protection and work together to find solutions.2. One of the biggest challenges we face is climate change. The Earth's temperature is rising due to the increase in greenhouse gases, which are primarily caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This has led to more frequent and severe weather events, including heatwaves, droughts, and floods. We need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources to mitigate the impacts of climate change.3. Another major environmental issue is pollution. Airpollution, water pollution, and soil pollution all have negative impacts on human health and the environment. We need to reduce our use of single-use plastics, improve waste management systems, and enforce stricter regulations on industrial emissions to reduce pollution levels.4. Deforestation is also a significant problem, as it leads to the loss of biodiversity and contributes to climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so when forests are destroyed, more greenhouse gases are released into the air. We need to protect our forests and promote reforestation efforts to mitigate the impacts of deforestation.5. Loss of biodiversity is another challenge we face. As species become extinct, the delicate balance of ecosystems is disrupted, leading to a cascade of negative impacts. We need to protect endangered species and their habitats, and promote sustainable land use practices to preserve biodiversity.6. In conclusion, environmental problems are complexand require a multifaceted approach to address. We need to take action at the individual, community, and government levels to protect our planet and ensure a sustainable future. It is our responsibility to act now before it's too late.。

Environmental protection and green living are essential for a sustainable future. Here are some key points to consider when writing an essay on this topic:1.Introduction to Environmental Issues:Begin by introducing the concept of environmental protection and its importance.Mention the various environmental issues such as climate change,deforestation,pollution,and loss of biodiversity.2.Importance of Green Living:Explain how adopting a green lifestyle can contribute to mitigating these issues.Discuss the benefits of reducing waste,conserving energy,and using ecofriendly products.3.Individual Actions:Highlight the small steps individuals can take to make a difference, such as recycling,composting,planting trees,and reducing water usage.4.Technological Advancements:Discuss the role of technology in promoting environmental sustainability.Mention renewable energy sources like solar and wind power,electric vehicles,and energyefficient appliances.ernment and Corporate Initiatives:Address the role of governments and corporations in implementing policies and practices that protect the environment.Include examples of legislation,carbon pricing,and corporate social responsibility.cation and Awareness:Stress the importance of educating the public about environmental issues and the need for sustainable living.Discuss the role of schools, media,and community programs in raising awareness.7.Challenges and Solutions:Acknowledge the challenges faced in promoting green living,such as economic constraints and lack of infrastructure.Propose solutions like financial incentives,publicprivate partnerships,and international cooperation.8.The Role of Communities:Emphasize the power of communities in driving change. Discuss communityled initiatives,such as community gardens,local cleanup events,and sustainable development projects.9.Future Outlook:Provide an optimistic view of the future,where sustainable practices are the norm.Discuss the potential for a greener,cleaner,and healthier planet if we all take responsibility for our environmental impact.10.Conclusion:Conclude by reiterating the importance of environmental protection and green living.Encourage readers to take action and make a positive contribution to theenvironment.Remember to use persuasive language and provide evidence to support your arguments. Include relevant examples and statistics to make your essay more compelling.。
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CodeFinder 2 - [Henninger, 1999]
Repositories are faced with 2 problems: acquiring the knowledge and modifying the repository Retrieval method that utilizes minimal repository structure
[Grundy et al, 2000] identify the advantages and disadvantages of each for building tools
Supporting Wasserman’s taxonomy of types integration (data, control, presentation and process) [Wasserman, 1990]
Impossible to anticipate all future needs Traditional SD (spiral, waterfall) involve careful req. analysis and design prior to implementation
[Harrison et al, 2000]
Support only the SE activity and its artifact
implementation and code
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A brief history (2)
All SE activities are interconnected {its artifacts too!} Tools that promote the development of artifact other than code -> not integrated with other tools!!! The need for integrated support for SE activities is the genesis of Software Engineering Environments Supporting SE across the software lifecycle
[Harrison et al, 2000]
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Key challenges
A vast collection of tools have been prototyped or marketed
In the context of integrated environments
Message-passing approaches
Wrapped and integrated very effectively! Data and process integration is generally not as well supported
Database approaches
Very facilities: user interface, software development, but.. Difficult to extend and integrate with third-party tools
A brief history
Key chalenges
Software Reuse Tools and Environments
Search Engines Repository Systems Reuse Evironments
Discussion Main requirements Current efforts
Guide the user to formulate queries More important than the retrieval algorithms [Frakes and Pole, 1994]
1800 Emacs Lisp components and 2900 terms
Scott Henninger
Data in simple standardized format
Programming Support Environments (PSEs)
Collection of tools that support coding activities
One or more compilers, language-sensitive editors and debuggers
CBSE is a continuously growing field
The environments not offer comprehensive, integrated support for the activities [Lüer, 2001] Domain engineering and application composition
Reuse -> $$$ Environments, process, certification !!!
Just a Repository ?
RiSE Group: http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~rise
Search Engines
Component search
Component retrieval model [Lucrédio et a., 2004b]
RiSE Group: http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~rise
Software Engineering Environments
File-based approaches
Unix-based software tools However such tools generally provide limited Data, Control and Presentation integration mechanisms
PEEL: a tool that semi-automatically identify reusable components CodeFinder: retrieval system
CodeFinder allows component representations to be modified while users search for information
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Related works
According to Meyers’ taxonomy [Meyers, 1991]:
file-based, message-passing (both local and distributed), database and canonical representation approaches
RiSE Group: http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~rise
CodeFinder 2 - [Henninger, 1999]
RiSE Group: http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~rise
[Mili et al., 1997b]
Survey of existing methods of storage and retrieval in software libraries [Mili et al., 1997a] Storing and Retrieving Software Components: A Refinement Based System Effectiveness of the library's retrieval algorithm
State-of-the-practice has not advanced Each tool or environment is still highly specific to some context.
Particular language, database, OS, compiler, environment or integration platform [Harrison et al, 2000]
Component-based SEEs
Facilitate reuse and deployment [Szyperski, 1997]
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Software Reuse Tools and Environments
It is impossible to predict how business practices, business processes, people and technology will coevolve over time Anticipate and pre-plan for change: design!!!