

【高中英语 外刊拓展】专题 30 Puppy love 养狗不只是一种短暂的爱 (学生版)

【高中英语 外刊拓展】专题 30 Puppy love 养狗不只是一种短暂的爱 (学生版)

专题30 Puppy Love 养狗不只是一种短暂的爱备战2021年高考英语外刊精读与练习(学生版)语篇导读:新冠肺炎疫情期间,很多人在家工作,随之,决定开始养狗的人越来越多。



Step 1 Vocabulary词汇表animal welfare 动物福利companion 伴侣man’s best friend 狗canine 犬puppy 小狗,幼犬coat(动物的)皮毛pooch 狗breed 品种Cockapoo 可卡颇犬Cocker Spaniels 可卡犬puppy farming 幼犬养殖smuggling 走私,贩卖breeder 饲养动物的人irresponsible 不负责任的legally 合法地,依法rescue centre 救援中心registered 已注册的pet 宠物animal behaviourist 动物行为学专家fear-aggression 害怕受攻击lives have been turned upside down 生活变得一团糟separation anxiety 分离焦虑症Step 2 Reading and understandingFor some people, there’s no better companion than man’s best friend--a dog. This four-legged canine can bring comfort and joy and provide much-needed exercise for you when it needs walkies! This probably explains why dog ownership increased last year because people spent more time at home during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown.It was demand for puppies in particular that saw the biggest increase. Who couldn’t resist their playful personalities, adorable eyes, and super-soft coats?However, as demand for a new pooch increased, so did the price tag. Popular breeds, such as Cockapoos and Cocker Spaniels, saw even sharper price increases, and puppies have been selling for £3,000 or more.Animal welfare charities fear that high prices could encourage puppy farming, smuggling or dog theft. And a BBC investigation found some breeders have been selling puppies and kittens on social media sites –something charities have called “extremely irresponsible”.But despite some new owners purchasing a dog legally, maybe from a rescue centre or registered breeder, they’ve proved to be ill-prepared for life with a new pet, and the pet itself has found it hard to come to terms with life in a new home. Animal behaviourists in the UK have reported a surge in requests to help dogs suffering from fear-aggression after their lives have been turned upside down.Looking to the future, there are concerns about the welfare of these much-loved pets. Ian Atkin, manager of the Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary in the UK, told the BBC: “At the moment, the dogs are having a great time, but separation anxiety could still surface when people go back to work.” And Claire Calder from the UK’s Dogs Trust rescue charity says “the economic situation also means that some people may find they can’t afford to look after a dog.” Th e message is not to buy a puppy in haste and to pick one that fits into your lifestyle.Step 3 测验与练习Task 1 选词填空完成句子smuggle register companion behaviourists irresponsible breeding legally anxiety breeder puppy1. He was a good friend, a dependable____________.2. My father bought me a ____________ as a birthday gift.3. He lived alone, ___________ horses and dogs.4. He tried to ____________ diamonds into Japan.5. My brother is a cattle ____________.6. I felt that it was _________________ to advocate the legalization of drugs.7. Seeing that she's ____________ old enough to get married, I don't see how you can stop her.8. No _____________ of his death was found.9. Animal _______________in the UK have reported a surge in requests to help dogs suffering from fear-aggression after their lives have been turned upside down.10. ______________can be caused by lack of sleep.Task 2 阅读课文并回答问题。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:四年级下册英语作文我的动物朋友620字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Animal FriendsHi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader. Today I want to tell you all about my amazing animal friends. I just love animals so much! They always make me happy and put a bigsmile on my face. I feel so lucky to have several special animal buddies in my life.First up is my dog Rufus. He's a golden retriever and the cutest, fluffiest pup you'll ever see! Rufus has been my best friend since I was a tiny baby. My parents got him as a puppy just a few months before I was born. As I grew up, Rufus grew up right alongside me. We did everything together - playing fetch in the backyard, going for walks around the neighborhood, and just hanging out and cuddling on the couch.Rufus is the silliest, most energetic dog. He gets so excited anytime I come home from school, running around in circles and wagging his tail like crazy. I swear Rufus thinks he's a kangaroo sometimes with his crazy jumps and bounds! He's always down for adventures and tag games. But Rufus can also be a great listener. If I'm ever feeling sad or stressed, I know I can count on him to lend me his warm, furry ear. Dogs really are a human's best friend.Then there's my fishy pals - a whole aquarium full of tropical freshwater fish! My dad set up the big tank in our living room a couple years ago. We have angelfish, guppies, platys, neon tetras, and more swimming around. I could watch them all day, seeing their bright colors dart back and forth. It's just so relaxing andmesmerizing. Sometimes I'll even read my books sitting in front of the aquarium.I've named most of the fish too. There's Sparky thetough-looking angelfish, Zippy the hyperactive zebra danio, and Mr. Bubbles the bulbous-bellied fancy goldfish. Setting up the tank from scratch and doing lots of research taught me a ton about being a responsible pet owner and basic aquarium know-how. I take my fish caretaking duties very seriously, doing regular tank maintenance and water changes to keep my scaley friends healthy and happy!My favorite animal friends though are probably my two guinea pigs, Oreo and Cookie. How could you not love those cute, wheeking furballs?! We got them about a year ago and they've been so much fun. Guinea pigs are just hilarious little creatures. They have the funniest personalities - sometimes they'll be total lovebugs wanting pets and cuddles, but other times they get these crazy zoomie bursts of energy, sprinting and leaping around their cage like maniacs!Taking care of Oreo and Cookie has taught me a lot about responsibility too. I have to remember to feed them their veggie mix and hay every day, spot clean their cage, and make sure they get plenty of floor time to get exercise and play. It's a big job butI love my piggies so much and want to give them the best life ever! Cuddling them makes any stressful day instantly better.So those are my wonderful animal buddies - Rufus the dog, my aquarium fish like Sparky and Zippy, and my guinea pig duo Oreo and Cookie. They each make me smile in their own special way. Having pets has taught me so many invaluable lessons about compassion, empathy, responsibility, and just how truly amazing the animal kingdom is. My life wouldn't be complete without my furry, feathery, and scaley friends. Thanks for reading and let me know if you have any fun animal companions too! Catch you later!篇2My Animal FriendsHi, my name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you all about my amazing animal friends! I just love animals so much. They are the cutest, funniest, most loyal buddies you could ever ask for. Let me introduce you to each of my special animal pals.First up is my dog Rufus. He's a big goofy golden retriever who is my absolute best friend in the whole world. Rufus and I do everything together. In the mornings, he wakes me up by jumping on my bed and licking my face. Then we go for a nicewalk around the neighborhood. Rufus gets so excited to go on walks - his tail won't stop wagging! In the evenings, I throw him his favorite green ball in the backyard and he runs as fast as he can to catch it. Rufus is tons of fun but he's also very loving. At night, he snuggles up next to me on the couch while we watch TV. I'm so lucky to have such a playful, sweet dog like Rufus.My next animal bestie is Princess Sparkles, my kitty cat. She's this tiny little calico but she has a huge personality! Princess Sparkles loves to play games like chasing pieces of string around the house. Sometimes I dangle a cat toy over her and she leaps up super high trying to catch it. It cracks me up when she does that! She also enjoys attacking my shoelaces whenever I'm tying my shoes. Princess Sparkles can be a little rascal but she's also a major cuddlebug. She purrs so loudly whenever I hold her close. I love her cute little meows and how soft her fur is.Last but definitely not least is my fish Bubbles. Bubbles is a really cool fish - he's bright blue with yellow stripes. I like watching him swim around his tank, opening and closing his mouth. It's so peaceful and calming. Bubbles is funny when it's time for me to feed him. As soon as I get near the tank, he swims to the top, going wild because he knows the food is coming! It makes me laugh every time. I really enjoy taking care of Bubblesand cleaning out his tank each week. Having a pet fish is great practice for when I can get a puppy of my own someday.Those are my three main animal companions, but I also have a class pet at school - Mr. Munchncrunch the class hamster! He's this funny little brown and white fur ball. Mr. Munchncrunch loves running on his wheel and stuffing his chubby cheeks full of food. It's hilarious watching him try to run around with his totally packed cheeks! I get picked to care for the class pet over the weekends sometimes which I absolutely love.Well, that's the scoop on my amazing animal crew! We have so much fun together. Animals make me smile every single day with their cute antics and unconditional love. They really are the best friends you could ask for. I feel super lucky to have such awesome furry, feathery, and scaly pals in my life. Thanks for reading all about my animal besties!篇3My Animal FriendsHi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader. I really love animals and today I want to tell you all about my amazing animal friends.First up is my dog Buddy. He's a golden retriever and the happiest, most energetic pup you'll ever meet. We got Buddy from an animal shelter when I was just 5 years old. I remember picking him out and watching him zoom around the play area, his little tail wagging a million miles per hour. He was just a puppy then, but he picked me right away by climbing all over me and licking my face like crazy!From that day on, Buddy has been my very best friend. He loves to play fetch and go for long walks and runs in the park. He gets so excited whenever I get home from school, jumping up and down and bringing me his favorite squeaky toys to play. Sometimes I'll read out loud to Buddy and it's like he understands every word!Buddy is also really smart. My parents taught him lots of fun tricks like roll over, shake, speak, and play dead. That one always cracks me up - he flops over on his side and sticks his tongue out like he's making fun of me! I've been training Buddy to catch treats and he's a pro. I can toss them up really high and he snatches them right out of the air. My friends think it's the coolest thing.The only downside to having such an energetic dog is that Buddy sheds like crazy, especially in the spring and summer. Ihave to brush him every day or else fur gets absolutely everywhere - on the furniture, my clothes, in my food. Yuck! But I don't mind too much because I love my furry buddy.In addition to Buddy, I'm also really close with my friend Katie's rabbit, Snowball. Snowball is the cutest little ball of fluff with big floppy ears. Katie got her for Christmas a couple of years ago and I've been obsessed ever since! Whenever I go to Katie's house, the first thing I do is pick up Snowball and cuddle her. She's so soft and snuggly. Katie lets me feed her rabbit treats and Snowball will lick them right out of my hand.Snowball has so much personality too. She'll jump up and down in her cage when she's excited and comes running whenever Katie calls her name. My favorite thing is when she binky dances! It's the silliest little hop rabbits do when they're really happy. Snowball will jump straight up and twist in the air like a little furry tornado. It makes me laugh every single time.Katie's mom says I'm a "rabbit whisperer" because Snowball is usually shy around new people. But for some reason she's totally comfortable around me. Maybe it's because I'm just as calm and quiet as she is. We just get each other, you know? I like to sit and watch her for hours as she munches away on hay or explores her pen.Of course, I can't forget about my class pets - our two guinea pigs Oreo and Snickers! They live in a huge cage right in our classroom. Each week, two students get to be the "guinea pig monitors" which means we get to feed them, clean their cage, and make sure they have fresh water. It's one of the best jobs because you get to spend lots of time with these cute little piggies.Oreo is white with black spots, like his namesake cookie. He's a little shy but really curious. Whenever you go near the cage, he'll sniff you out to see if you brought any yummy vegetables for a snack. If you do, he'll scramble right over and munch away.Snickers on the other hand is super bold and sassy. He's got this funny hairdo that sticks straight up and makes him look permanently grumpy. But don't let that fool you - Snickers loves attention and will 100% climb right into your hand or up your arm if you let him! He cracks me up because he's just so fearless.Guinea pigs are really fun pets in general. They make the funniest wheeking sounds, kind of like a squeaky toy. And they love to pop straight up and scamper around their cage, almost like they're hopping on an invisible pogo stick! My friend Julia had a guinea pig once that learned how to spin around in a circleevery time she wanted a treat. I'm still working on teaching Oreo and Snickers that trick.I just love having all my different animal friends in my life. They each have their own unique personalities that make me smile every day. Buddy is my energetic, cuddly best friend. Snowball is my calm, snuggly soulmate. And Oreo and Snickers are just a couple of crazy, hilarious pals. I feel so lucky to have such amazing furry companions.Animals are just the best, aren't they? Maybe you have some special animal friends too that you'd like to tell me about. I'll be happy to listen because as you can probably tell, I never get tired of talking about my four-legged pals! Writing this made me miss them already. I can't wait to get home and smother Buddy with kisses, then call Katie to see if I can come over and visit Snowball. What can I say - an animal lover's work is never done!。



我伤心的一天英语作文—关于小狗A Sad Day and My PuppyToday was one of the saddest days of my whole life. It started out as a totally normal day. I woke up, had breakfast with my mom and dad, and got ready for school. But little did I know that by the end of the day, I would be in tears.At school, everything seemed fine at first too. I had math class, which is not my favorite, but I got through it okay. Then we had reading time, which I love. After that was lunchtime, and I ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich while joking around with my friends Billy and Sarah.When the lunch bell rang, we all lined up to go outside for recess. Finally, the best part of the day! I raced out to the playground and headed straight for the swings. I loved the feeling of swooping back and forth up into the sky. As I was swinging, I noticed a cute little puppy had wandered into the playground area. It looked sort of scruffy and alone."Hey, whose puppy is that?" I shouted to my friends. Nobody seemed to know where it had come from. The puppy began wandering around, sniffing at the grass and flowers scattered around the playground."Be careful, it might bite!" Billy warned me. He's scared of dogs because he got nipped by one when he was little.But I wasn't scared at all. In fact, I thought the puppy looked adorable and friendly. "Hey little guy, come here!" I called out, holding out my hand. To my delight, the puppy trotted right over and started licking my fingers."Aw, he likes me!" I giggled. The puppy's tail was wagging a million miles an hour. I gently patted his scruffy brown and white fur. He had the most soulful eyes and a cute black nose. I decided right then and there that he was the most precious puppy in the whole world.I sat down on the ground and the puppy immediately crawled into my lap, looking up at me adoringly. We were best friends already. "Who's a good boy? You're a good boy!" I baby-talked to him, scratching behind his floppy ears. Some of the other kids came over to pet him too. He gobbled up all the attention.Suddenly, the warning bell rang, which meant we had to line up to go back inside. "Oh no, I don't want to leave you out here all alone!" I told the puppy sadly. I knew I couldn't just take him into school with me though. The teachers would never allow it.So reluctantly, I gave him one last pat and had to head back inside with the rest of the class.All afternoon, I couldn't stop thinking about the sweet little puppy. Would he be okay out there without me? What if he got scared or lonely? During our creative writing period, instead of working on my story like I was supposed to, I just doodled picture after picture of the puppy in my notebook. I couldn't wait for the end of the day so I could race back outside and hopefully find him waiting for me.Finally, the last bell rang and I shot out of my desk like a rocket. I burst through the front doors of the school and scanned the playground area frantically. But there was no sign of the puppy anywhere. I felt a lump form in my throat as my eyes welled up with tears. Where could he have gone?Trying not to cry, I walked out towards the swing set area where I had first encountered the puppy. I searched under the slide, around all the corners of the building, and through the field beside the playground, but still no puppy. By then I could barely see through my tear-filled eyes. My heart hurt thinking that something terrible might have happened to him.When my mom's car pulled up to pick me up, she took one look at my red face and asked, "Honey, what's wrong? Why areyou so upset?" But I could barely get the words out through my sobs. All I managed to say was, "The...the puppy...he's gone!" My mom hugged me, but she didn't really understand why I was this upset over a stray dog I had just met.In the car on the way home, I kept watchfully looking out the windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of the little furry face. But there was no such luck. When we got home, I rushed inside and grabbed a box of dog treats we had leftover, thinking maybe I could lure him back if I shook it and he could hear it. I called and called his name (well, the name I had given him, which was Buddy), shaking the box of treats, but no Buddy came running.I spent the whole rest of the evening wandering around the neighborhood, checking under bushes and behind trees with no luck. When it started getting dark, Mom made me come back inside, even though I was still determined to keep looking. I couldn't eat any dinner, I was so upset thinking about Buddy out there all alone and scared. What if he had been picked up by the dog catcher? Or gotten hurt? Or worse?Finally, long after I was supposed to have gone to bed, I cried myself to sleep, Buddy's cute furry face still etched in my mind. I dreamed that I was at the playground, but this time whenI called him, Buddy came bounding over to me, safe and sound, and we played together forever.The next morning, I felt a little bit better after a good night's sleep. But I was still devastated over losing my new friend so soon after finding him. I moped around the house all morning until it was time to walk to school again. With my shoulders slumped and my head hanging down, I shuffled out the door and started down the sidewalk.Then, all of a sudden, I heard a faint little yelping sound up ahead. I froze in my tracks and listened carefully. There it was again! That distinctive little puppy yelp that I would recognize anywhere. Could it be...?"Buddy?" I called out, looking wildly around. Then I spotted him - a scruffy little furball trotting right toward me, his tiny tail wagging furiously! I dropped my backpack and broke into a sprint."Buddy! You're okay!" I scooped the elated puppy up into my arms, squeezing him tightly as he showered my face with licks. Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks as I snuggled my precious long-lost friend. He must have spent the night outside somewhere, but he was finally back!I have no idea where Buddy came from or if he actuallybad an owner. But from that day on, he became my puppy. I smuggled him into my house, gave him a nice warm bath, and set up a cozy little bed for him in my room. My parents eventually gave in and let me keep him after they saw what good friends we were. Buddy was my loyal companion for many wonderful years after that.Losing him for that one short day was absolutely heartbreaking for me. I loved that puppy more than anything in the world. So whenever I think back to the saddest day of my life, I'm reminded of how that sadness turned into the purest joy when my Buddy came bounding back to me. He filled my childhood with so much happiness, slobbery kisses, and unconditional love. We really were best friends forever, and I'll never stop being grateful for the day that scruffy little stray wandered into my life.。

六年级上册英语unit1 分课时练习

六年级上册英语unit1 分课时练习

Unit 1 单元练习第一课时一、根据句意提示填空,并补全字谜。

1.Long long ________ ,there was a little mermaid(美人鱼)in the sea.2.Go straight _________ that door under the“Exit”sign (标识).3.Lily is very _________ . She always has many new ideas.4.The hat is ___________. When you wear it,nobody can see you.二、根据所给首字母或音标提示填空。

1.As the man himself said,“Stay hungry.Stay f______(求知若饥,虚心若愚).2. All the children_watched Tom and Jerry and l _____loudly.3.There w_______ any milk tea in the fridge yesterday (昨天).4. Look at Emma's new white sweater.It f ______ her very well.5.“Look at the puppy!”we all _________ /'ʃạutid/ and pointed at it.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.—How many (people)can you see in the street? —Only two.2.Look! It is snowing outside.You should (wear)some warm cloth e s,my dear.3. WangBing and LiuTao (look) every tired just now(刚才).4. Miss Augustine was in Shanghai.She (vistit) som old friends.5.One day,the king (try)on his new clothes.四、单项选择。



如果你有一只宠物你会对他的英文作文If I Had a PetIf I had a pet, I would be the happiest kid in the whole wide world! Having a furry friend would be like having a real life teddy bear that I could play with and cuddle all day long.I think the best pet for me would be a puppy. Puppies are so cute and cuddly with their big eyes, floppy ears, and wagging tails. They always seem so happy and excited to see you. Whenever I'm feeling sad, I could just snuggle up with my puppy and all my worries would melt away. We could play fetch in the backyard and I could teach my puppy all kinds of cool tricks like rolling over, playing dead, and giving me high fives with his little paw.At night when it's time for bed, my puppy could sleep right next to me on a cozy dog bed. I would feel so safe and protected having my furry little guardian keeping watch while I dream about chasing squirrels and eating infinite puppy treats. In the morning, my puppy could wake me up by licking my face which would be like having a built-in alarm clock that runs purely on puppy kisses!I would take such good care of my puppy and make sure it had everything it needs. I would feed it the yummiest puppy food and make sure it always had a big bowl of fresh, cool water. We would go on walks together every single day so my puppy could get exercise and explore the great outdoors. I would buy a really strong leash and make sure to pick up any messy puppy presents left behind.Having a pet is a huge responsibility, but I know I would be up for the challenge. I'm a very responsible kid who always remembers to make my bed, brush my teeth, and clean up my room without being asked. If I had a puppy, I would never forget to feed it, give it baths, and take it out to use the bathroom on a regular schedule.My parents say puppies are a lot of work though. They need to be house-trained, which means teaching them where it's okay to go potty. I would be super patient and give my puppy treats whenever it goes potty outside to reinforce that good behavior. Puppies also like to chew on things, so I would have to make sure to pick up my toys, stuffed animals, and anything else it could destroy with its tiny puppy teeth.If my puppy was well-behaved, I would take it everywhere with me. It could come along on road trips and we could rolldown the windows and stick our heads out to feel the wind blowing through our fur. My puppy could be the maskot for my soccer team and cheerleader on the sidelines at my games. We would be totally inseparable, best friends forever!Sometimes puppies get sick though, just like humans. If my puppy ever got hurt or wasn't feeling well, I would make sure to take it straight to the veterinarian, which is like a doctor but just for animals. The vet would be able to give my puppy medicine or any treatment it needed to start feeling better right away. I would stick by my puppy's side the whole time to offer belly rubs, treats, and emotional support during its recovery.As my puppy grew up into a full dog, maybe we could enter it into competitions like obedience trials or dog shows. We could work as a team to perfect our communication and all the coolest tricks. I bet my puppy and I would make such a great duo, I could see us taking home trophies and ribbons by the handful!Having a pet means making a lifelong commitment to love and care for another living, feeling creature. I would spend every day playing with my puppy, teaching it new things, and making sure it is healthy, happy and safe. Puppies grow up way too fast though, so I would try to live fully in each blissful puppy moment as it happens. Even when my puppy gets older and slower, I willnever stop snuggling it, because to me, it will always be my precious baby.When the time comes, many years from now after a long, joy-filled life, and my dog is ready to cross over the rainbow bridge, I will be heartbroken to say goodbye. But I will know that I gave my pet the absolute best life a dog could ever hope for, full of unlimited cuddles, treats, playtime, and most importantly - unconditional love. I would hold my dog's paw, stroking its soft fur, and thank my oldest friend for all the happiness it brought me since the very first day it became my pet.That's why I really hope I can have a puppy of my very own someday. To me, pets aren't just animals, they are family members and best friends. Having a furry companion would make my childhood even better than I can possibly imagine! We would go on so many adventures together and make wonderful memories to last a lifetime. A pet is not just for Christmas, it's for life. And I am ready for that responsibility, no matter how much work it will be, because to me it will be worth it a million times over for the chance to have that unconditional puppy love!。




My New PetHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my new pet. I'm so excited! I've always wanted a pet, and finally, my wish came true. Let me introduce you to my adorable little buddy – a cute hamster named Sparky!I got Sparky just last week from the pet store. As soon as I saw him, I knew he was the perfect pet for me. He has soft and fluffy fur, tiny paws, and the most adorable little nose. His eyes sparkle with mischief, and his whiskers twitch as he explores his new home.Taking care of Sparky is a lot of fun. I have set up a cozy cage for him in my room. It has a wheel for him to run on, a little house for him to sleep in, and lots of toys to keep him entertained. I also make sure to provide fresh water and food forhim every day. Hamsters love to eat seeds, fruits, and vegetables, so I give Sparky a variety of healthy snacks. I even made a schedule to remind myself when to clean his cage and give him a bath.In the future, I will teach Sparky some tricks. I have already started teaching him to come to me when I call his name. It's amazing to see him respond to my voice. He's such a smart little hamster! I'm planning to teach him how to run through tunnels and even jump over small obstacles. I think he will be the star of our family talent show!Having Sparky as my pet has made me more responsible. I have to make sure he has everything he needs and keep him safe and healthy. It's a big responsibility, but I love taking care of him. I've learned that having a pet is not just about playing with them; it's about being a loving and caring friend.Every day, when I come back from school, the first thing I do is check on Sparky. Seeing him run on his wheel or nibble on a treat brings a big smile to my face. He's always there to brighten up my day, and I can't imagine my life without him.I'm really grateful to have Sparky as my new pet. He has brought so much joy and happiness into my life. I love cuddlingwith him and watching him explore his surroundings. He's not just a pet; he's a part of our family now.In conclusion, having Sparky as my new pet has been an amazing experience. I love taking care of him, teaching him tricks, and spending time with him. He has become my best friend, and I can't wait to create more wonderful memories together. Ifyou're thinking about getting a pet, I highly recommend a hamster like Sparky. They are small, adorable, and bring so much love into your life!That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my new pet. Thank you for listening!篇2My New PetHi everyone! I'm so excited to tell you about my new pet. Guess what? I have a new puppy! His name is Buddy, and he is the cutest little Labrador Retriever you have ever seen. I can't wait to share all the fun and adventures I have with Buddy.I got Buddy as a surprise gift for my birthday. My parents knew how much I wanted a pet, so they decided to get me a puppy. I was so happy when I saw him for the first time. He waswagging his tail and giving me lots of puppy kisses. I knew right away that we were going to be best friends forever.Buddy is only a few months old, so he is still a tiny ball of fur. His soft, golden coat is so fluffy, and his eyes are big and brown. He has the most adorable floppy ears that bounce up and down when he runs. I love cuddling with him and feeling his warmth. He makes me feel so loved and happy.Taking care of Buddy is a big responsibility, but I'm ready for it. I make sure to feed him every day and give him fresh water. He loves his dog food and always finishes his bowl in no time. I also take him for walks in the park. He enjoys running around and exploring new smells. We play fetch together, and he loves chasing after the ball. Sometimes, we meet other dogs in the park, and Buddy gets so excited to make new friends.Buddy is a smart puppy. He is already learning tricks like sit, stay, and shake hands. I use treats to reward him when he follows my commands. It's so much fun to teach him new things, and he catches on quickly. I can't wait to teach him more tricks in the future.Having Buddy as my pet has made me more responsible. I have to make sure he gets regular check-ups at the vet, and I brush his teeth to keep them clean and healthy. I also give himbaths to keep his fur shiny and fresh. It's important to take good care of our pets to keep them happy and healthy.Buddy brings so much joy and laughter to our home. He loves playing with everyone in my family, especially my little sister. They run around the house together and have so much fun. Buddy is like a little ball of energy, always ready to play and make us smile.In the future, I want to take Buddy to the beach and watch him splash in the waves. I also want to take him on hikes and explore nature together. I know we will have so many amazing adventures. Buddy is not just a pet; he's a member of our family.I am so grateful to have Buddy as my new pet. He fills my life with love, laughter, and companionship. I can't imagine my days without him by my side. I will cherish every moment we spend together and create wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.Having a pet is a big responsibility, but it is also a rewarding experience. If you have the chance, I encourage you to get a pet too. They bring so much happiness into our lives. I'm really lucky to have Buddy as my new best friend!That's all about my new pet, Buddy. I hope you enjoyed reading about him. I'm off to play with him now. Bye!篇3My New PetOne day, I will finally get the pet I have been dreaming of for so long! I am going to have a puppy. My parents have promised that when I turn 11 years old this summer, they will let me get a dog. I can hardly wait!First, my family and I will go to the animal shelter to find the perfect puppy. I hope we will find an adorable little furball that will wag its tail and lick my face when I pet it. I don't care what breed the puppy is, as long as it is friendly and loves to play. We will look at all the puppies until we find the one that feels just right for our family.When we bring the puppy home, I will be so excited! I have already picked out a name – Buddy. I think Buddy will be the perfect name for my new best friend. The first thing I'll do is give Buddy a big hug and a kiss on the top of his fuzzy little head. Then, I will show him all around our house so he gets familiar with his new home.I can't wait to start training Buddy. I will teach him to sit, stay, roll over, and shake paws. I bet he will learn the tricks really fast because he will be such a smart pup. We will practice every dayafter school in the backyard. Whenever Buddy does something good, I will give him lots of treats and praise. I'm sure we will become obedience champions in no time!Buddy and I are going to have so much fun playing together.I will buy him all kinds of fun toys like balls, frisbees, tug ropes, and squeaky things. We will run and chase each other all over the yard. Maybe Buddy will even learn to catch the frisbee in midair! When we get tired, we can lie in the grass and I can rub his belly.I bet Buddy will kick his leg like crazy when I find that perfect spot.At night, Buddy will sleep in a cozy little bed right next to mine. I will tuck him in with his favorite blanket and stuffed animal. I can't wait to wake up in the morning to those big puppy eyes and wet kisses all over my face. Won't that be the best way to start every day?Buddy will be my constant companion. I will take him on walks around the neighborhood and to the park to play fetch and explore. We can even go on hikes in the woods together. I know Buddy will keep me active and exercising every day instead of just sitting around watching TV or playing video games. He will make sure I stay healthy and fit.I will be responsible for feeding Buddy, giving him fresh water, brushing his fur, and cleaning up after him. Taking care of Buddy will teach me important lessons about responsibility that will help me when I am older. My parents say that caring for a pet is great practice for learning how to care for a child someday. I think I will make an awesome pet owner!Sometimes, Buddy will get in trouble and have accidents in the house. When that happens, I won't get mad at him. Puppies make mistakes sometimes as they are learning. I will just clean it up without complaining and remind myself to take him outside more often. I want Buddy to always feel safe, loved, and at home with our family.Having a puppy will be a lot of work, but I can't wait for all the fun, love, and companionship Buddy will bring. A dog really will be my most loyal friend and faithful companion. Buddy will show me unconditional love every single day. I just know that getting a puppy will be the most wonderful, amazing, fantastic thing ever! I can hardly wait until my 11th birthday this summer when Buddy finally comes home with us. It will be the bestbirthday present ever!篇4My New PetAs soon as I'm done with my homework tonight, I'm going to ask Mom and Dad if I can get a new pet! I've been wanting one for so long and I think I'm finally ready for the responsibility. I've done a lot of research on different types of pets and I know just the one I want.First off, I'm not going to get a dog or a cat. Those are such common pets and I want something a bit more unique. Plus, dogs and cats require a lot of attention and exercise. With school and all my activities, I don't think I'd have enough time to properly care for them.Instead, I'm going to get a guinea pig! They're the perfect sized pet - not too big and not too small. Guinea pigs are really cute and fluffy. I've watched so many videos of them and they always look so happy and cheerful. Their little squeaks are adorable too. I'm going to get one that's orange and white, those colors are my favorite.When I have my guinea pig, I'll make sure to get it from a rescue shelter instead of a pet store. That way I'll be giving a good home to a guinea pig that really needs one. The people at the shelter will help me pick one with a nice, calm personality that will be a good fit as a pet.I've already started planning out where I'm going to set up my guinea pig's habitat in my room. I'm going to get a really big cage with a solid bottom and wire sides so it can look around. The cage will have plenty of space for it to run around and explore. I'll put soft bedding in the bottom and a hidey house for it to sleep in. Of course, I'll also get a water bottle and food dish.To make the cage fun, I'm going to add all sorts of accessories like tunnels, ramps, chew toys, and things for it to crawl through and play with. That way my guinea pig won't get bored. Every few days, I'll rearrange everything so it will be like a brand new environment! Maybe I'll even get a second guinea pig later as a friend since they like to live in pairs or groups.My guinea pig will get free roam time outside of the cage too. I'll make sure to guinea pig-proof an area in my room by covering any wires and clearing the floor of anything it could choke on. Then I'll let it run around and get exercise while I supervise closely. I've learned that you have to be really careful about guinea pigs running under furniture where you can't reach them.Caring for my new guinea pig is going to be lots of work but I'm prepared for it. Every morning before school, I'll refresh its food and veggies. When I get home in the afternoon, I'll cleanout its cage and refill the bedding if needed. I'll make sure to spot clean every few days and do a full deep clean of the entire cage once a week.Guinea pigs can't manufacture their own vitamin C, so I'll have to provide that for them through a special diet. They'll need plenty of fresh hay, which I'll buy in bulk. I'll also feed it nutritious veggie varieties like green pepper, tomato, carrot, and leafy greens. An occasional treat of fruit will be okay too. I'll have to be really careful about their diet and not give them any foods that are unsafe for guinea pigs.On weekends is when I'll really get to spend quality time with my new furry friend. I'm going to make sure it gets at least a couple hours of supervised playtime and cuddling each day. I'll set up playpen areas and scatter piles of hay around for it to munch on. Guinea pigs are pretty smart for little guys, so maybe I'll even be able to train mine to do some tricks! Of course I'll be sure to gently handle it and not squeeze too tight.Can't you just picture me sitting on the floor laughing while my guinea pig scampers around, popcorning with excitement? We're going to have so much fun together! I'll get it fun little accessories like a harness and leash so I can take it outdoorssometimes too. We'll be able to hang out in the backyard while I do homework. Just me and my new furry buddy side by side.I know owning a pet is a huge responsibility, but I'm ready for it. I've thought it all through and made a plan. I'm going to be the best guinea pig owner ever! My guinea pig will be safe, healthy, and篇5My New PetHi everyone! I'm so excited to tell you about my new pet. Guess what? I'm going to have a new pet dog! I can't wait to bring it home and play with it. Let me tell you all about it.In a few weeks, my family and I will be going to the pet store to choose a furry friend. We have decided to adopt a cute little puppy. I have always wanted a dog, and my parents finally agreed! We will visit different breeds and see which one is the perfect fit for our family.Once we find the perfect puppy, we will bring it home. I have already prepared a cozy bed for my new pet. It will have a soft blanket and a squeaky toy. I want my new pet to feel loved and comfortable in its new home.When my new pet arrives, I will name it Max. Max will be a playful and energetic puppy. I will take care of Max by feeding it every day and making sure it has plenty of water. I will also take it for walks in the park, where it can run and play with other dogs.I will teach Max some tricks too. I will start with basic commands like "sit" and "stay." With patience and practice, I believe Max will be a smart and well-behaved dog. Maybe one day, Max will even be able to do some cool tricks like rolling over or giving me a high-five!I'm really looking forward to spending time with my new pet. We will have so much fun together. I will take Max to the beach and play fetch with it. We will go on adventures and explore new places. Max will be my best friend, and we will create wonderful memories together.Having a pet comes with responsibilities too. I will make sure to clean up after Max and keep its living area tidy. I will also take Max to the vet regularly for check-ups and vaccinations. Keeping my new pet healthy and happy will be one of my top priorities.I can't wait to introduce Max to my friends at school. They will be so amazed by how adorable and well-behaved my new pet is. I will share stories about our adventures and show thempictures of Max doing tricks. I'm sure they will all want to come over and play with Max too!In conclusion, I'm beyond excited to have a new pet dog named Max. We will have so much fun together and create lasting memories. I will take good care of Max and make sure it feels loved and appreciated. Having a pet is a big responsibility, but the joy and companionship they bring are priceless.I hope you enjoyed reading about my new pet. I can't wait to start this amazing journey with Max. Wish me luck!篇6My New PetNext summer, I am going to get a new pet! I've wanted one for such a long time and my parents have finally agreed. I'm so excited to have a furry friend to play with and take care of. There are so many things to think about and plan for when getting a new pet.First, I need to decide what kind of pet I want. I've been researching all the different options like dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, and more. Dogs seem like a lot of work with having to take them for walks every day and picking up after them. Cats arepretty independent but they shed a lot. Rabbits and hamsters are cute but they don't live very long. After careful consideration, I think I want to get a guinea pig.Guinea pigs will be the perfect pet for me. They are soft and cuddly with Their adorable squeaks and wheeking sounds. Guinea pigs are social creatures so I will need to get two of them to keep each other company. I will have to get a large cage or pen for them to have plenty of space to run around, as well as timothy hay, guinea pig pellets, and fresh vegetables to eat. I'll make sure their home has hidey houses and tunnels for them to run through and explore.Once I have two guinea pig friends, I will spend lots of time with them every day. In the mornings, I will feed them and make sure they have fresh water. After school, I'll take them out and let them roam around a guinea pig-proofed area while I do my homework nearby. I'll give them treats of leafy greens like romaine lettuce for being such good piggies. On the weekends, I will thoroughly clean out their cage and add new bedding. Guinea pigs are pretty easy to care for as long as you give them daily attention and playtime.I'm really looking forward to bonding with my new guinea pig buddies. We will snuggle up and watch movies together, andI'll talk to them about my day at school. I can't wait to taught them tricks like coming when called and jumping through a hoop for treats. Maybe I'll even dress them up in fun little outfits for the holidays! Holidays will be extra special with guinea pig presents under the tree. We'll make so many great memories.My guinea pigs and I are going to be the best of friends. I'll give them all the cuddles, treats, and toys they could ever want. In return, they will provide me with unconditional love and constant companionship. I can't wait to come home from school every day to their joyful wheeks and wiggly noses. We'll play together until I have to do homework, and then I'll have them keeping me company. At night, I'll snuggle up with them as I fall asleep, feeling their soft warmth beside me. Weekends will be filled with adventures, whether we're just lounging around the house or going to the pet store for supplies. My new guinea pig pets will change my life in the best way. I will learn so much responsibility from caring for another living creature. Most importantly, I won't be lonely anymore because I'll always have my little furry guys by my side. I can hardly wait for next summer when they finally come home with me! It's going to be amazing.。

cute animals英语作文四年级

cute animals英语作文四年级

cute animals英语作文四年级全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Cute AnimalsI love animals! They are so cute, fluffy, and fun to watch. Some of my favorite cute animals are puppies, kittens, bunnies, and baby ducks. I'll tell you all about why I think they are just the most adorable creatures ever.Puppies are definitely at the top of my cute animal list. Their tiny wagging tails, floppy ears, and sweet puppy dog eyes just melt my heart. Puppies are so playful and full of energy. They love to run around, jumping and playing chase. But then they get all tuckered out and need a nap, curling up in the cutest little ball.I just want to snuggle them!Their soft fur is so nice to pet. Puppies are very curious too, always wanting to explore everything with their cold little noises. They chomp on everything which is funny but also a little naughty. Puppies haven't learned not to chew on shoes or furniture yet. But you can't stay mad at them because they're justtoo darn cute. Whenever I see a puppy, I get a huge smile on my face. They really do make the perfect pet.Kittens are another one of the cutest animals around. They are small, soft, and so delicate. Kittens love to play but they can also be very gentle. It's fun to dangle a piece of string and watch them pounce and bat at it. Their big eyes are absolutely precious and their little meows are the sweetest sounds. Kittens are really curious too, finding spaces to squeeze into that seem way too small for them.They have the most adorable personalities - sometimes they are crazy wild and other times very calm and snuggly. Watching kittens chase each other around a room and then collapse in a heap to take a nap is just too cute. Their fur is like velvet and comes in so many pretty colors and patterns. I especially love kittens with bright blue eyes or funky bent ears. Even when they get into mischief by climbing the curtains, you can't be mad because they're just too precious.Bunnies are very cute too, with their long floppy ears, cotton tails, and tiny little noses that wiggle. They are quiet, calm, and very gentle animals. Bunnies have sleek, soft fur that's nice to stroke. I love how they hop around so lightly and fast. One second they're munching on some greens and the next they'rezooming in a zigzag across the room. Their big eyes always look so sweet and innocent. Bunnies make me smile with how cute they are.Baby ducks are another extremely cute animal, especially when they are first hatched. They are so tiny and fuzzy, looking like little yellow puffballs. Ducklings make the most adorable quiet peeping sounds. It's fun to watch them bob along, waddling in a line behind their mother. Swimming in a pond, ducklings paddle along looking like little wind-up toys in the water.Their fuzzy feathers look so soft and cuddly. As ducklings get a little bigger, some pretty feather patterns start to show on their wings which is beautiful. Ducklings seem very curious, sticking their bills into everything to investigate. They love snacking on bread crumbs or pieces of lettuce which is very cute to watch them munching away. Overall, ducklings are just about as cute as cute can be!Those are some of the cutest animals in my opinion, but there are so many others too. Baby cows, lambs, pigs, chicks, and even some types of bugs can be pretty cute. Maybe I'm just an animal lover, but I find most of them completely adorable,especially when they are first born. Animals have such funny personalities and make me laugh with their silly antics.I've had some cute pets of my own too. We had a puppy named Daisy who was just a bundle of energy - she loved playing fetch and chasing after tennis balls in the backyard. My aunt has a bunny named Thumper who is very gentle and calm. She loves getting pet and happily munchs away on carrots and leafy greens. One of my friends has the most adorable kitten named Oreo who is crazy hyper one minute and a cuddly lapcat the next. I've never had a duck, but I've watched them waddling around at parks which is very sweet.Someday I hope to have my own little zoo of cute animal friends. A puppy, a kitten, and a bunny would be my dream team of pets! Can you imagine how fun and hilarious that would be, watching them all playing together? A tiny kitten getting batted around by a puppy, then they both hop after the quick bunny? I'm smiling just thinking about it!Cute animals just make me so happy. They are fun to watch, fun to play with, and their sweetness篇2可爱的动物嗨,大家好!我是小明,今天我想和大家分享一些关于可爱动物的故事。

高中英语续写作文 描写小狗的句子

高中英语续写作文 描写小狗的句子

高中英语续写作文描写小狗的句子全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My New PuppyI was so excited when my parents told me we were getting a puppy! I had wanted a dog for as long as I could remember. Every time I saw one at the park or walking down the street with its owner, I would beg my mom and dad to get me one too. Finally, they agreed that I was old enough to help take care of a pet.We went to the animal shelter to pick out our new furry family member. There were so many adorable dogs there, all different breeds, sizes and colors. I wanted to take them all home! But then I saw the cutest little golden retriever puppy. He was so tiny and fluffy, with the most gentle brown eyes. As soon as I held him, he started licking my face like he already loved me. That's how I knew he was the one.We brought him home that very same day. In the car, he curled up on my lap and fell asleep. I could feel his little tummy moving up and down with each breath. When we got home, I setup his little bed with a soft blanket in the corner of my room. I put his food and water bowls nearby too. My parents let me pick out his name. After much thought, I decided to call him Buddy.Those first few days with Buddy were amazing. He was like a living, breathing stuffed animal, only a million times better because he could run and play. I loved watching him explore our house, sniffing every corner. He would get the cutest confused look on his face whenever he discovered something new. His tail wagged a million miles a minute anytime I or my parents entered the room.Buddy loved to play, but he also loved to cuddle and nap. His favorite spot was on my bed beside me. Sometimes I would read out loud to him from my books. Other times we would just lay there together, my hand resting on his warm little body as it rose and fell with his breathing. He always seemed to know when I was feeling sad or upset, and he would lick my face or snuggle up closer as if to say "Don't worry, I'm here."I quickly learned that having a puppy was a lot of work too. He needed to go outside to use the bathroom constantIy. If I didn't take him out in time, there would be little puddles or piles around the house. I had to clean those up right away before my parents saw! Buddy also loved chewing on things, which meant Ihad to be really careful about leaving my toys, books, or anything important on the floor. Once he ate my favorite action figure's arm! I was so mad at first, but then I looked at his sweet little face and just couldn't stay angry.As Buddy grew bigger, his puppy energy just multiplied. He would run laps around the living room, sliding on the hardwood floors. My parents had to buy tons of chew toys to keep him busy and out of trouble. We started taking him to the dog park to get some of that energy out too. It was so fun to watch Buddy play with the other dogs, running and wrestling around with them. When he was all tuckered out from playing, I would have to carry his sleepy self home.One of my favorite times with Buddy was teaching him tricks. We started with the easy ones like sit, stay, and come. But then we moved on to more complicated ones like shake, roll over, and play dead. I was amazed by how quickly Buddy seemed to understand what I wanted him to do. Whenever he got the trick right, I would give him a treat and shower him with praise. That always made his little tail go into overdrive!Buddy grew up so fast. Before I knew it, he was a big dog, nearly as tall as me when standing on his hind legs. But he never lost that puppy spirit and enthusiasm for life. He still greeted mewith that same wagging tail and slobbery kisses every day after school. We would go for long walks or runs together in the evening. Sometimes I would take him hiking on the trails in the woods near our house. Buddy loved being out in nature, racing through the trees and splashing in creeks.Even though he's all grown up now, Buddy will always be my puppy. He has brought me so much joy, laughter, and unconditional love. Having a dog is a huge responsibility, but it's one of the most rewarding things I've ever experienced. I can't imagine my life without Buddy's gentle eyes, goofy personality, and boundless affection. He really is my best friend.I'm so grateful my parents let me get a puppy and that we found Buddy at the shelter that day. He's been an amazing addition to our family. I've learned so much about patience, responsibility and caring for another living creature by helping raise Buddy from a puppy to a dog. Most importantly though, he's taught me the wonderful gift of companionship that a furry friend can bring. I hope Buddy and I have many篇2My Adorable Little PuppyEver since I was a tiny little kid, I always dreamed of having my own puppy. I would see other kids at the park playing fetch with their furry best friends and wish I could have one too. My parents kept saying we had to wait until I was older and more responsible. Well, I worked really hard, did all my chores without being asked, and got great grades. Finally, on my 8th birthday, my dream came true! My parents surprised me with the most precious puppy – a tiny little fluffball of golden fur.As soon as I saw him, I just wanted to snuggle him and never let go. His soft golden fur was like pure sunshine. His wet little nose was the cutest thing ever. And those eyes! His big brown eyes were so sweet and innocent, instantly melting my heart into a puddle. I couldn't believe this perfect little angel was all mine.I named him Sunny, because he is the cutest little ray of sunshine that brightens every single day. From the moment I held him, Sunny started licking my face with his teeny tiny tongue. His tail wagged a million miles per minute, so happy and excited. I could tell we were going to be very best buddies forever.Sunny is so much fun and keeps me laughing all the time. He gets thezilliest ideas and does the funniest things. Like when he tries to chase his own tail in circles until he gets so dizzy he tipsover. Or how he loves to pounce on any little movement, thinking it's a toy for him. He gets the craziest case of the zoomies and runs laps around the house, sliding on the wood floors. No matter how energetic Sunny gets though, at the end of the day he always comes snuggling into my lap for nap time, completely tuckered out from playing.Taking care of Sunny has taught me so much responsibility too. I have to make sure he gets food and fresh water every day. I take him out for walks and to go potty several times a day. We play lots of games together to give him exercise and keep him out of trouble when he has too much energy. At night, I brush his soft, silky coat to keep him looking his best. It's a lot of work, but I don't mind one bit because I love my little Sunny so much!My favorite time is in the evening when I'm doing homework. Sunny will jump up on the couch next to me and lay his head on my leg while I read or do math problems. Having his warm little body cuddled up next to me is the most comforting, calming thing ever. No matter how stressful my day was, Sunny can always make me feel better with just a few doggy kisses and snuggles.I taught Sunny lots of fun tricks too. He can sit, stay, shake with both paws, roll over, play dead, and even jump through ahoop! We're working on more advanced stuff like navigating obstacle courses. Sunny is crazy smart and loves learning new things, especially if treats are involved. I have to admit though, I probably give him wayyyy too many treats because I can't resist that adorable pleading face.Even though Sunny requires a lot of time, energy, and responsibility, I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He is my very best friend. We do everything together and he means more to me than anything. I never knew it was possible to love a pet as much as I love Sunny. He has brought so much joy, laughter, and unconditional love into my life. I feel like the luckiest kid in the whole world to have such an amazing, special puppy. I can't wait to see Sunny grow up by my side and all the adventures we'll have together!篇3A Puppy's TaleOne sunny Saturday morning, I woke up extra early. I could hardly contain my excitement because today was the day - my parents were finally letting me get a puppy! We had been talking about it for months and I had been begging and pleading, doing lots of extra chores to prove I was responsible enough for a pet.At long last, they had agreed that if I kept my grades up and did my homework without being asked, I could get the puppy I had been dreaming of.We arrived at the animal shelter right when it opened. I peered through the gate at all the kennels full of dogs, my eyes wide with anticipation. There were big dogs, small dogs, young and old. I wondered which lucky pup would get to come home with me today.The worker opened the door and welcomed us in. "Are you looking for anything in particular?" she asked my parents. My dad explained that we were a family of first-time dog owners hoping to adopt a puppy. The worker nodded knowingly and began leading us down the rows of kennels.That's when I saw him - a tiny ball of golden fur, no bigger than a cantaloupe, nestled in the corner of one of the pens. His floppy ears perked up when he noticed us approaching. Cautiously, he toddled over, tail wagging furiously. I knelt down and held my hand out, allowing him to sniff me. After determining I was friend, not foe, he licked my fingers enthusiastically. My heart melted."This one's a 10-week-old golden retriever mix," the worker explained. "He was found abandoned in a cardboard box on theside of the road a few weeks ago. Luckily a kind passerby rescued him and brought him here to us."I looked at my parents pleadingly. How could anyone have possibly abandoned such an adorable creature? One look at that fuzzy little face and I knew he had to come home with us."We'll take him!" My parents agreed, chuckling at my inability to contain my glee. The worker went to fetch the paperwork as we spent a few more minutes getting acquainted with our new furry family member through the mesh of the kennel door.Soon, we had everything finalized and the pup was ours. We loaded him into a travel crate with a soft blanket and some toys for the ride home. In the car, he was quiet and calm at first, seemingly unfazed by the big life changes happening so fast. But once we arrived at our house and set up his crate, food bowls, and play pen in the kitchen, he started getting rowdier.We let him out to explore his new surroundings. At first, he was nervous, shrinking back at every new sight and sound. But after getting plenty of treats, pets, and reassurance, his true rambunctious puppy personality started shining through.He raced in circles around the living room, sliding on the wood floors. He pounced on his toys, shaking them wildly from side to side. When he discovered his reflection in the TV screen, he barked ferociously at the "other puppy" before realizing it mimicked his every move. We all laughed as he cocked his little head in confusion.My parents had gotten him a dog bed and plastic crate for sleeping, but I snuggled with him on the couch, petting his unbelievably soft fur. Up close, I could see his eyes were the deepest shade of chocolate brown with tiny golden flecks around the pupils. His wet little nose was the color of black licorice. When he finally zonked out for a nap with his head on my lap, I could feel his warm puppy breath and hear the faintest hint of a snore.Over the next few days and weeks, we steadily integrated the newest member of our household into our daily routines. I took on the responsibility of feeding, walking, and playing with him regularly. We learned he loved rawhide chews, chasing after tennis balls, and belly rubs. He was a fast learner when it came to basic commands like sit, stay, and come. Sometimes he had accidents on the floor, but he was just a baby after all. We werepatient and consistent with crate training and praising him for doing his business outside.Our little furball grew bigger and bigger wit篇4A Furry Little FriendHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my new puppy, Rufus. He's the most adorable, funniest, craziest little guy you'll ever meet!I first saw Rufus at the animal shelter a few weeks ago. Mom and Dad said I could finally get a pet since I got straight As on my report card. We went to the shelter and I saw all these dogs jumping up and down, barking like crazy. But then there was Rufus, just a tiny little ball of golden fur, curled up and sleeping in the corner of his cage. He looked so peaceful and sweet. I had to have him!When we got Rufus home, he was shaking like a little leaf. I think he was really scared and confused after being at the shelter. But I made sure to give him lots of gentle pets and treats. After a little while, his tail started wagging and he seemed to realize this was his forever home.Now that he's settled in, Rufus' true personality has really come out. He is just a bundle of energy! As soon as I wake up in the morning, Rufus is bouncing around on my bed, licking my face to wake me up. He gets so excited for breakfast that he does this hilarious little dance, spinning in circles and yipping. It always makes me laugh.Rufus loves to play fetch out in the backyard. I'll throw his favorite tennis ball and he'll go tearing after it, running at full speed with his ears flopping up and down. Sometimes he gets overly excited and misses catching the ball. Then he'll skid across the grass in the funniest way before popping back up with the ball in his mouth, proudly prancing back to me.My favorite game though is tug-of-war. Rufus may be little, but he's got a serious case of tiny dog syndrome. He pulls on the rope toy with everything he's got, his whole body leaning back. I have to put in some serious effort to win against his mini mighty strength! Inevitably he gets feisty and starts playfully growling and pretend-biting the rope. That's when he's at his most adorable.At night, Rufus likes to cuddle up at the foot of my bed. I'll read comic books with him curled up by my feet. Eventually he'll let out the biggest puppy yawn and flop over, fast asleep andtwitching away. That's when I'll gently rub his soft furry belly until I drift off to sleep too.You know, having a puppy is a ton of work. I have to wake up early to take Rufus out for his morning potty break. Then there's feeding him, giving him plenty of playtime and walks, cleaning up his messes. But I wouldn't trade it for the world! Rufus brings me so much joy and laughter every single day. He's not just a pet, he's a true friend. A furry, four-legged friend who showers me with unconditional love and makes even my worst days better.I know Rufus is going to keep growing and won't stay a tiny puppy forever. But no matter how big he gets, to me he'll always be that sweet little ball of energy and affection that wriggled his way into my heart. I can't wait for all the adventures and memories we'll make together over the years. Thanks for letting me gush about my best furry buddy!篇5My Furry Little FriendI still remember the day my parents brought home the cutest, fluffiest ball of energy I had ever seen. It was a sunny Saturday morning, and I was watching cartoons in the living room when they walked in with a tiny puppy cradled in my dad's arms. Myheart instantly melted as I caught sight of those big, innocent eyes and that wagging tail. "Can we keep him? Please, please, please?" I begged, already knowing the answer from the massive grins on their faces.From that day on, Buddy became my constant companion and best friend. He was a rambunctious little fellow, always up for adventures and hijinks. Whether I was playing in the backyard or running around the house, that furry tornado was never far behind, yapping excitedly and chasing after me. Sometimes he got a little too excited and accidentally knocked things over with his powerful puppy zoomies, but I could never stay mad at that adorable face for long.Buddy loved to play fetch, and I swear he could have kept going all day if I didn't get worn out first. He would sprint after the ball or toy with reckless abandon, then proudly trot back with it in his mouth, tail wagging furiously as if to say, "Throw it again! Throw it again!" I lost count of how many times I had to chase him around the house or yard when he decided the game wasn't over yet and refused to give the toy back.One of my favorite things about Buddy was how cuddly he was. After a long day of playtime, he would curl up next to me on the couch or my bed, and we would snuggle for hours. I lovedburying my face in his soft, warm fur and feeling the gentle rise and fall of his breathing. It was the coziest, most comforting feeling in the world. Sometimes, I would even read him my favorite stories, and I swear he understood every word.Buddy was also a master of puppy dog eyes. Whenever he wanted a treat or some extra playtime, he would look up at me with those big, soulful eyes, and I would melt into a puddle of goo. It was like he knew exactly how to work me over. I often found myself sneaking him extra treats or extending our playtime, powerless against his furry charms.As Buddy grew older, he became more mellow and relaxed, but he never lost that playful spirit that made him so special. He was always ready for a game of fetch or a brisk walk around the neighborhood, and he greeted me with the same enthusiastic wiggles and kisses every time I came home from school.One of the things I loved most about Buddy was how loyal and protective he was. Whenever I was sad or upset, he would immediately sense it and come to comfort me, nuzzling his head against me and licking my face until I couldn't help but smile. He was always there for me, no matter what, and I knew I could count on him to cheer me up when I was feeling down.Buddy was more than just a pet to me; he was a member of our family. He brought so much joy, laughter, and unconditional love into our home, and I couldn't imagine life without him. Even now, years later, I still cherish the memories of our adventures together and the special bond we shared.So, if you ever get the chance to have a furry friend of your own, don't hesitate. They may be a lot of work, but the love, companionship, and happiness they bring are worth it a thousand times over. Just be prepared for lots of slobbery kisses, impromptu zoomies, and endless games of fetch!篇6Certainly! Here's a 2000-word essay on describing a puppy, written in the tone of an elementary school student. The language used is English.My Furry Little FriendOne sunny morning, I woke up to the most adorable sight –a tiny ball of fluff curled up at the foot of my bed! It was a puppy, the cutest little thing I had ever seen. With its big, round eyes and a wet, black nose, it looked like a stuffed toy come to life!As soon as it saw me, the puppy perked up its ears and wagged its little tail excitedly. I couldn't help but giggle at its cuteness. Its fur was so soft and fluffy, like a cloud that had landed on my bed. It was a light brown color, with patches of white here and there, making it look like a miniature teddy bear.When I reached out to pet it, the puppy licked my hand with its tiny, pink tongue. It was so warm and friendly, not at all scared of me. I scooped it up in my arms, and it snuggled against my chest, making the most adorable little noises.Mommy said the puppy was a special gift from Uncle Jack, who had found it abandoned in a box by the side of the road. Poor little thing! I couldn't imagine anyone being cruel enough to leave such a sweet, innocent creature all alone like that.Over the next few days, the puppy became my constant companion. I named it Buddy, because it was already the best friend I could ever ask for. Buddy followed me everywhere, his little paws pattering behind me as I went about my day.At first, Buddy was a bit clumsy, tripping over his own feet and bumping into things. But he was learning quickly, and soon he could run and play without falling over. He loved chasing after balls and toys, his stubby tail wagging furiously as he raced around the house.Buddy was also incredibly curious, sniffing at every corner and exploring every nook and cranny. Sometimes, he would get himself into trouble, like the time he knocked over a potted plant or tried to chew on Daddy's slippers. But it was impossible to stay mad at him for long, not with those big, innocent eyes and that irresistible puppy-dog face.One of my favorite things about Buddy was how affectionate he was. He loved cuddling up beside me on the couch or sitting on my lap while I read a book. Whenever I was feeling sad or upset, Buddy would lick my face and nuzzle against me, as if he knew exactly how to cheer me up.At night, Buddy would sleep at the foot of my bed, curled up into a little ball of fur. Sometimes, he would have the funniest dreams, chasing imaginary squirrels or barking in his sleep. I would wake up in the morning to find him snuggled up against me, his warm breath tickling my face.As Buddy grew bigger, he became even more energetic and playful. He loved going for walks in the park, sniffing at every tree and chasing after squirrels. Whenever we played fetch, he would bound after the ball with such enthusiasm, his legs a blur of motion.Buddy was also incredibly loyal and protective. Whenever a stranger came to the house, he would bark and growl, letting them know that he was the guardian of our family. But with us, he was always gentle and loving, never forgetting to shower us with affection.One of the funniest things about Buddy was how much he loved to play in the water. Whenever we went to the beach or the pool, he would splash around and chase after the waves, barking with pure joy. Sometimes, he would even try to catch fish in the water, much to our amusement.As the days and weeks went by, Buddy became an integral part of our family. We couldn't imagine our lives without him. He brought so much joy and laughter into our home, and we loved him more than words could express.Even as Buddy grew older, he never lost his puppy-like energy and enthusiasm. He was always ready for adventure, always eager to explore and play. And no matter how big he got, he would always be my furry little friend, the one who had captured my heart from the very first moment I laid eyes on him.In the end, Buddy taught me so much about love, loyalty, and the simple joys of life. He showed me that even the smallest creatures can have the biggest hearts, and that true happinesscan be found in the most unexpected places. Buddy may have been just a puppy, but to me, he was the most wonderful companion anyone could ever ask for.。



beindanger造句简单1. I'm always afraid that my little puppy will be in danger when it runs around the busy street. For example, just yesterday, I let my puppy out for a little while. It saw a cat and chased it right towards the road where cars were zooming by. I was like, "Oh no! My puppy is gonna be in danger!" I quickly ran and grabbed it. It's so scary to think that something bad could happen to it so easily.2. You could be in danger if you go walking alone in that dark alley at night. It's like walking into a lion's den. I remember my friend Tom. He thought he was all brave and decided to take a shortcut through that alley one night. Man, was he wrong! He told me later that he heard some really strange noises and felt like he was being watched. He was in danger, no doubt about it. He ran out of there as fast as his legs could carry him.3. My grandma's house is in danger of being flooded every time there's a heavy rain. It's like the rain is a bully, trying to push its way into her cozy little home. One time, during a huge storm, the water was rising so fast. We were all worried sick. I said to my mom, "Mom, grandma's house is in danger! We gotta dosomething." And we all rushed over there to help move things to higher ground.4. That old tree in our backyard seems to be in danger. It's leaning more and more every day. It's as if it's an old man on the verge of falling. My dad was looking at it the other day and said, "This tree is in danger. It could fall and smash the shed." So we're thinking about having it cut down before it causes any real damage. But it's kind of sad, you know? It's been there for so long.5. If you don't wear your seatbelt in the car, you're putting yourself in danger. It's like playing Russian roulette. I was in the car with my cousin once. He's one of those reckless types. I told him, "Hey, put your seatbelt on! You're in danger without it." But he just laughed it off. Well, let me tell you, when the car had to stop suddenly, he went flying forward. Lucky for him, he didn't get seriously hurt, but it was a real wake - up call.6. The little birds in their nest on that low - hanging branch are in danger. It's like they're living in a house with a broken roof. Any big cat or naughty kid could reach them easily. I saw a couple of kids looking at the nest the other day. I ran over and said, "Hey,those little birds are in danger. Leave them alone." They looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn't care. I was protecting those helpless birds.7. When you're hiking in the mountains and you don't follow the marked trails, you're likely to be in danger. It's like wandering into a maze where there are hidden traps everywhere. My brother loves to explore off - trail. One time, he got lost. He called me and said, "I think I'm in danger. I don't know where I am." I was so worried. We had to call the rangers to go find him. It was a nerve - wracking experience.8. Those fishermen out at sea during a storm are in danger. It's like they're dancing with the devil. I saw a documentary about fishermen. One of them said, "When the storm hits, you know you're in danger. The waves are like huge monsters trying to swallow you whole." They have to hold on tight and hope for the best. It makes me respect them so much for the risks they take.9. My sister's job is in danger because the company she works for is not doing well. It's like her ship is sinking. She came home one day looking really sad. I asked her what was wrong and shesaid, "My job is in danger. There might be layoffs soon." I felt so bad for her. I told her, "Well, maybe it's time to start looking for other options, just in case."10. The historic building in our town is in danger of being demolished. It's like they're trying to erase a part of our history. The people in our town are really angry about it. I heard one old man say, "This building is in danger, and it's a travesty! It's been here for generations." We're all trying to find a way to save it, like starting petitions and writing to the local council.Conclusion: Danger can be around us in many different forms, whether it's for people, animals, things we love, or even parts of our community. It's important to be aware of these potential dangers and take steps to prevent bad things from happening.。



用英语讲自己和自己的宠物狗的故事作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Best Friend BuddyHi there! My name is Alex and I'm 8 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School and I'm in 3rd grade. Today I want to tell you all about my very best friend in the whole wide world - Buddy, my dog!Buddy is a golden retriever and he just turned 4 years old last month. We had a little party for him with dog treats and a new squeaky toy. Buddy loved it! He's a pretty big dog, about 75 pounds, with long golden fur that is so soft and fluffy. Whenever I get home from school, Buddy comes running up wagging his tail like crazy. He's always so happy to see me! Then he licks my face over and over until I start giggling.I got Buddy as a puppy when I was 5 years old. He was this tiny little fur ball that could fit in my arms. On the drive home from the animal shelter, he slept the whole way cuddled up on my lap. I loved him right away! When we got him home, the first thing Buddy did was have an accident on the floor. My momwasn't too happy about that! But I didn't care one bit. I was just so excited to finally have my very own dog.In those early days, Buddy chewed on everything - my shoelaces, the furniture, even mom's favorite slippers! We had to keep a close eye on him at all times. We took him to puppy training classes so he could learn basic commands like sit, stay, come, and no. It took awhile but eventually Buddy got the hang of it. Although sometimes when my dad calls him, Buddy just looks at him like "Yeah, I heard you but I don't really feel like coming over there."Now that Buddy is grown up, he's really well-behaved (most of the time!). We go on two walks every day - one in the morning before school and one in the evening after dinner. Buddy gets so excited for walks, jumping up and down when I grab his leash. My favorite part is when we go to the big park near our house and I throw a tennis ball for him. Buddy goes sprinting after it and brings it right back, panting with his tongue hanging out. We must play fetch for almost an hour every time! He never seems to get tired of it.On the weekends, I like to take Buddy on hikes with my dad in the woods behind our neighborhood. Buddy loves being out in nature, sniffing all the smells and exploring. One time, heactually caught a little rabbit! Don't worry, Dad made him let it go after. But Buddy was so proud of himself. We always make sure to bring water and doggie bags to pick up after him.At night, Buddy sleeps at the foot of my bed. Well, actually he takes up most of the bed and I only get a tiny corner! I don't mind though. I love cuddling up next to his warm fur. Buddy is an amazing guard dog and keeps me safe from monsters. Whenever I have a bad dream, I just reac篇2My Best Friend RufusHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 9 years old. I live with my mom, dad, and my best friend in the whole wide world - Rufus! Rufus is my dog, and he's the most amazing, fun, and cuddliest golden retriever you'll ever meet.I first met Rufus when I was 6 years old. Mom and Dad took me to the animal shelter one sunny Saturday morning. I had been begging them for a puppy for what felt like forever. When we walked in, there were dogs of all shapes, sizes, and colors in the kennels, barking and wagging their tails. I was so excited!Then I saw Rufus. He was just a tiny ball of golden fluff, sitting quietly in the corner of his kennel. When I went over to him, he looked up at me with his big brown eyes and my heart melted. I knew right then and there that he was the one. Mom and Dad agreed, and we got to take him home that very day!From that moment on, Rufus became my very best friend. We did absolutely everything together. He would follow me around the house, playing endless games of fetch andtug-of-war. I taught him all kinds of tricks like rolling over, shaking hands, and even how to bark on command! Rufus was so smart, he picked them all up really quickly.My favorite times were when we would go on walks or run around at the park together. Rufus had boundless energy and loved chasing after squirrels, butterflies, or anything that moved really. I would get so out of breath trying to keep up with him! When we got back home afterwards, we'd both flop down on the couch, completely exhausted. Rufus would snuggle up next to me and we'd take a nice long nap.As Rufus got older, he started to calm down a little bit. But that didn't stop us from having loads of fun together! We would have crazy gentle wrestling matches on the living room floor until Mom yelled at us to stop because we were making toomuch noise. Rufus and I just couldn't help ourselves - we loved play fighting and chasing each other around. Sometimes he would let me ride on his back like a horse and we would gallop through the house. You can imagine how much Mom and Dad loved that!Rufus has always been there for me, no matter what. When I'm feeling sad or have had a bad day at school, he is the best listener. I'll bury my face in his soft fur and he'll just let me hug him for as long as I need. Rufus never judges me and is always happy to see me. He makes me laugh with his endless parade of goofy faces and silly antics. I don't know what I'd do without him.Even though Rufus is getting up there in age now, he's still just as energetic and playful as ever. Well, most of the time at least. After running around for a while, he'll need to take breaks to catch his breath and have a little nap. I don't mind though - it just means more snuggle time for me! I like to use Rufus as my personal big golden pillow. He doesn't seem to mind one bit.Rufus has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We've gone on so many adventures and made countless amazing memories together. I'm so grateful my parents let me get a dog, because I truly can't imagine my life without Rufus in it. He's more than just a pet to me - he's family. Rufus is loving,loyal, goofy, and more fun than you can imagine. I'm the luckiest kid in the world to have such an awesome puppy companion!I just know that no matter what the future holds, Rufus and I will stick together through it all. We're an unstoppable team - two playful, silly best friends taking on the world side-by-side. I can't wait for all the adventures we'll have together in the years to come. Thanks for being such a good boy, Rufus. You're the best dog a kid could ever ask for!篇3My Best Friend BuddyHi there! My name is Michael and I'm 8 years old. I want to tell you all about my very best friend in the whole wide world - Buddy! Buddy is my dog and he's the most amazing, funniest, cutest, and silliest pup you'll ever meet.I first met Buddy when I was 6 years old. It was a few days before my birthday and my parents told me they had a very special surprise for me. I was so excited, wondering what it could be! Maybe篇4My Best Friend BuddyHi, my name is Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School and I'm in the third grade. Today I want to tell you all about my very best friend in the whole wide world - my dog Buddy!I've had Buddy ever since I was just a little kid. My parents got him for me when I was 4 years old for my birthday. I remember the day they brought him home like it was yesterday. They had a big red bow on top of a box and when I opened it up, there was this tiny little yellow labrador puppy inside! As soon as I saw him I fell in love. He was just so cute and cuddly. I named him Buddy because I knew he was going to be my new best buddy.When Buddy was a puppy he was pretty crazy! He loved to run around the house chasing his tail and bouncing all over the furniture. He also loved to chew on everything - my mom's shoes, the legs of our kitchen table, even my favorite stuffed animal Mr. Snuggles! My parents had to buy him a million different chew toys to keep him busy.Puppies also go to the bathroom a lot and poor Buddy had a really hard time figuring out that he was supposed to go potty outside. There were quite a few accidents on our living room rug until he finally got the idea. But we didn't get too mad becausehe was just a baby after all. I'll never forget the time he peed right in the middle of the kitchen floor while my whole family was eating dinner!As Buddy got a little older, he started going to obedience school. That's where dogs go to learn how to behave and listen to commands. It took Buddy a little while to get the hang of it, but eventually he was the star pupil! He learned to sit, stay, roll over, shake hands, and even grab a drink from the fridge for us (just kidding about that last one). I was so proud of him.Now that Buddy is 6 years old, he's a very well-behaved and loyal dog. He loves to go for walks and runs with me in the park. He's definitely not as energetic as he used to be, but he still gets excited every time I come home from school and greets me by jumping up and licking my face. I don't even mind because he's just so happy to see me!One of my favorite things about Buddy is how cuddly and loving he is. At night when I'm reading in bed, he always jumps up and snuggles right next to me. Sometimes he even falls asleep on top of my legs! In the morning when I'm getting ready for school, he patiently sits and watches me until I've finished getting dressed. Then I give him a big hug before heading out the door.Buddy is really smart too. We've taught him to recognize the names of all his favorite toys like his rubber chicken, his rope toy, and his squeaky hamburger. Whenever we tell him to go get one of those, he scampers off and brings it right back to us wagging his tail. It's like he understands everything we say!Of course, Buddy does have a mischievous side too. There was this one time last summer when my family went on vacation for a week. Since Buddy is part of the family, we brought him along with us on our road trip to the beach. Well, the hotel we stayed at didn't allow dogs, so we had to sneak Buddy inside in my mom's big tote bag! It was pretty funny watching him poke his head out looking all confused. We felt a little bad about breaking the rules, but we just couldn't leave our buddy behind.Some of my other favorite memories with Buddy are from the times he kept me company when I was home sick from school. He would cuddle up right next to me on the couch and let me bury my face in his soft fur whenever I was feeling yucky. Whenever I had a bad dream, I would go sleep in my parents' room with Buddy right by my side to make me feel safe. Whenever I felt sad for any reason, Buddy was always there to cheer me up. That's what a really great friend does.Buddy is more than just a pet to me, he's like another member of my family. I love him so much and I honestly don't know what I would do without him. We've been through so much together already and I know we have many more adventures ahead of us. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing, loving, and loyal friend in my life.Yes, Buddy gets on my parents' nerves sometimes by begging for food at the dinner table or tracking mud in from outside. And sure, he has some pretty stinky farts that can clear out any room in a hurry. But those are just little things. At the end of the day, the joy and love that Buddy brings to our family is worth everything. He's not just a dog, he's man's (and in this case, kid's) best friend!Well, that's my story about me and my Buddy. Now I want to hear about your dog or pet too! What's his or her name? What kind of pet do you have? What are some of your favorite stories about them? Write back and let me know. I'll be sure Buddy and I both read it!篇5My Best Friend BuddyMy name is Alex and I am 9 years old. I live with my mom, dad, and little sister Emily who is 6. We have a really fun dog named Buddy who is my very best friend. Buddy is a golden retriever and just turned 5 years old last month. We celebrated his birthday with a special doggy cake made of meat and vegetables that my mom baked for him. It was so funny watching Buddy dive right into that cake and lick up every crumb!I've had Buddy since I was just a little kid. My parents brought him home as a tiny puppy when I was 4 years old. I remember the first time I saw that cute furry ball of energy - I fell in love instantly! From that day on, Buddy and I were inseparable. We did everything together. He slept in my room and we would go on walks, play fetch at the park, and just have the best adventures any kid could ask for.Buddy is more than just a pet to me though, he's been there for me through it all. When I was sad, he would cuddle up next to me and lick my face until I felt better. When I was happy and wanted to run around like a wild kid, Buddy was always ready to join in on the fun. We've gone on so many great adventures together over the years.One of my favorite Buddy memories is when we went camping in the mountains for a week a couple summers ago. Wewent hiking every day and Buddy loved running through the woods, chasing squirrels and chipmunks. At night, he cuddled up in the tent with me and kept me warm and safe. We stared up at the amazing starry sky together and I felt so lucky to be out in nature with my best pal. I'll never forget that magical week in the mountains bonding with Buddy.Another great Buddy tale is when we went to the beach for the first time last year. Buddy had never seen the ocean before and he went absolutely crazy when he first saw the waves crashing on the shore! He ran right into the water, ears flapping in the breeze, and started splashing around like a total goofball. I was laughing so hard watching him play in the surf. Buddy loved chasing the waves as they rolled in and trying to catch them with his mouth. By the end of that beach day, we were both exhausted but grinning from ear to ear.Of course, life with Buddy isn't ALL fun and games. He can be a handful sometimes, especially when he was a puppy. I remember how he used to chew on everything - my mom's shoes, the furniture, even my favorite teddy bear once! We had to go through serious obedience training to get Buddy to stop destroying things around the house. But even when he wasdriving us crazy, you could never stay mad at that sweet doggy face for too long.Now that Buddy is getting older, he's started to slow down a little bit. He still has a ton of energy for our daily walks and play sessions, but he definitely loves just cuddling on the couch more than he used to. I've noticed a few gray hairs starting to appear on his golden fur. It makes me sad to think about Buddy getting old because he's truly my best friend in the whole world. I don't know what I'd do without him by my side.I try not to think about that day too much though. Instead, I cherish every single moment I get to spend with Buddy. Whether we're going for a run at the park, taking a road trip together, or just lounging around the house, I'm just grateful to have such an amazing dog in my life. Buddy brings me more joy, laughter, and unconditional love than anything else. He's been by my side since I was a baby, and I know he'll always be there for me no matter what. Buddy is the best friend anyone could ever ask for.篇6My Best Friend BuddyHi, my name is Alex and I'm 9 years old. I want to tell you all about my best friend in the whole world - my dog Buddy! Buddyis the most amazing, funny, and loving dog you'll ever meet. He's been a part of my family for as long as I can remember.It was a sunny Saturday morning when my parents surprised me by bringing home a tiny golden retriever puppy. I had been begging them for a dog for years, so I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw that furry little ball of energy. "We're going to call him Buddy," my dad said as the puppy squirmed in his arms, licking his face. From that moment on, Buddy and I were inseparable best buds.As Buddy grew bigger, we spent pretty much every waking hour together. We would run and play fetch in the backyard until we were both worn out. Buddy loved chasing after tennis balls and frisbees, but his favorite game was tug-of-war with one of his ropes or old socks. His tail would wag like crazy as we pulled on opposite ends. Sometimes I let him win on purpose!I taught Buddy all kinds of tricks over the years too. He's a very smart dog and learned to sit, stay, roll over, shake, and even give high fives and kisses on command. Well, most of the time anyway! Buddy has a silly, goofy side and doesn't always listen if there are too many distractions around. That's okay though, he's just being himself. We crack up laughing at his antics.One of my favorite things is going on walks and hikes with Buddy. He gets so excited when I grab his leash, he can barely contain himself as we head out the door. Buddy loves being outdoors, sniffing all the smells and exploring new trails. He's a great hiking buddy because he has lots of energy and can go for miles. After a long walk, we both pass out as soon as we get home!Buddy is always there for me, no matter what. When I'm feeling sad or upset about something, he comes and puts his head on my lap to comfort me. It's like he can sense my emotions. Dogs really are a human's best friend! Buddy also has a knack for making me laugh with his silly faces and playful tricks when I'm down. He's definitely a goofy clown at heart.I remember this one time when I was having a bad day at school, Buddy seemed to know as soon as I walked through the door. I flopped down on the couch feeling frustrated and bummed out. Next thing I knew, Buddy was up on the couch beside me, snuggling against my side. He started licking my face over and over until I was giggling and smiling again. Buddy always knows how to cheer me up.Sometimes I like to dress Buddy up in silly outfits and costumes, like a little doggy superhero cape or a cozy holidaysweater. He's such a good sport and lets me do it, even though I'm sure he feels goofy. Last Halloween, we dressed up as Batman and Robin together! Mom helped make our costumes and we won first prize in the neighborhood costume contest. What a dynamic duo we made!Of course, no dog is perfect, and Buddy definitely has his bad habits too. When he was a puppy, he went through a phase of chewing everything in sight - my shoes, the furniture, you name it. We had to give him lots of appropriate chew toys to keep him busy. Buddy also has a big barking problem when people come to the door or walk by our house. We're still working on training that one!The funniest Buddy story has to be the time he got a little too excited and knocked over the Christmas tree. It was right after we had just finished decorating it too. Mom and Dad weren't too happy about having to clean up that mess! Buddy gave us his most innocent, apologetic puppy dog eyes as ornaments rolled across the floor. How could we stay mad at that furry face for long?Now that Buddy is getting older, he's slowing down a bit. He still has plenty of playful energy when we're out on walks or playing in the backyard. But he also loves just lounging aroundthe house and cuddling up for naps in his favorite sunny spot. Sometimes I join him for a nice snuggle session. There's nothing better than using Buddy's warm, soft fur as a pillow!I'm so grateful to have such an amazing friend in Buddy. We've made so many wonderful memories together over the years. He's been by my side through all the ups and downs, happy times and sad times in my childhood so far. No matter what, I know I can always count on Buddy's unconditional love and doggy kisses to make everything better.Buddy has taught me so much about friendship, loyalty, playing, living in the moment, and appreciating the simple joys in life. He doesn't care about video games, toys, or material things - Buddy just wants to spend quality time together having fun. His happy, energetic spirit is truly infectious. I hope every kid can experience the joy of bonding with a sweet pet like my pal Buddy.I'm already dreading the day when Buddy isn't around anymore as he continues getting older. We still have lots of adventures and memories to make though! For now, I'm just cherishing every single moment and making sure to shower Buddy with all the love, treats, and playtime he deserves. After all,he's not just a pet - Buddy is family, and the best friend a kid could ever ask for.。



Unit 1 第一课时针对训练一、完成对话A: When are you leaving?B: This afternoon. My flight leaves at 4:30. 1A: 2 So I can see you off this afternoonB: It's so kind of you. 3A: I'm going to get a job and make some money. How about you?B: I'm going to visit my sister for a month. She has a house in New York.A: What are you going to do there?B: Take a break! The weather is going to be warm and my sister has a pool.A: 4 And then what?B: 5 Maybe I'll visit some friends in Toronto.二、词义配对( )1. vocational A.名字( )2. manager B.介绍( )3. energetic C.社区( )4. given name D.高中( )5. introduce E.经理( )6. community F.职业的( )7. high school G.消防员( )8. firefighter H.快递员( )9. delivery man I.空中乘务员( )10. flight attendant J.精力充沛的三、单项选择( )1. —Who is_______, Mary or Lily?—Mary.A.youngB. youngerC. the youngestD.the younger ( )2. Could you tell me _______about yourself?A.nothingB.someC.anythingD.something ( )3. I'd like to introduce my best friend Tony _______you.A. WithB.atC.forD. to( )4. Children like eating snacks in the sofa while they _______ funny cartoon movies. A.are enjoying B. enjoys C.are going to enjoy D. were enjoying ( )5. —Who _______ the piano?—My sister, when she _______ time.A.plays; hasB. is playing, hasC. plays; is havingD. is playing, has had一、单项选择( )1. The old man often feels _______ because his children live far away.A.crazyB. lonelyC. aloneD. sleepy( )2. I love singing and dancing.I want to be _______ actor in the future.A.aB. anC. theD. /( )3. Lucy's father works in No.1 Hospital. He is a _______ .A.managerB. delivery manC. doctorD. policeman( )4. —Be careful when you are driving,______in a rainstorm like this.—Thank you.A.especiallyB. properlyC. probablyD. quickly( )5. Do you know the man ______ in the middle of the first row?A.sitB. sitsC. to sitD. sitting二、同义句改写1. The boy who is talking to the teacher is my friend.The boy ______ to the teacher is my friend.2.Emma and I are planning to throw a party.Emma and I are planning to ______ a party.3.I live with my mom, my dad, my twin sister Emma and Buddy—my puppy.I live with______ ______, twin sister Emma and Buddy-my puppy.三、完形填空May has an aunt who works in London. She loves May so much that she 1 May to London every summer. Last year May was 2 to go to London and see some famous places in London, including the British Museum, National Gallery and 3 amazing buildings. 4 beautiful! She fell in love with them, but one thing made her very unhappy. When she passed square 5 , a thief stole her wallet in her pocket. She had to walk to her aunt's home angrily. This year May's aunt invited her to 6 again. One day, when she passed the same square with her aunt, she was 7 not to be stolen. After a while, she saw a man go close to her and 8 his hand in her pocket with a smile, then put out the hand quickly and left. She became very angry and shouted, "Stop it, 9 I will call the police!" To her surprise, she found her aunt and all the other people there laughing with the word "Congratulations!" In fact, the man was not a thief. Instead, he put ten pounds in her the pocket. It was an 10 game. Organizers wanted to correct the bad impression (印象) of the square, so they hired some "thieves" to do that game.( )1. A.invites B. helps C.asks D. tells( )2. A.sad B.angry C. strange D. happy( )3. A.others B. another C.other D.the other( )4. A.How B. What C. What a D. What an( )5. A.lonely B.alone C.quiet D.quite( )6. A.Beijing B.Tokyo C.Paris D.London( )7. A.more careful B.careful C.carefully D. more carefully( )8. A.take B.put C.get D. want( )9. A.so B.but C.and D.or( )10. A.exciting B.interesting C.new D.surprising一、单项选择( )1.—How's everything going?—__________________A.How do you do?B.Nice to meet you.C. Long time no see.D.Quite well, thank you.( )2.—Grandpa's birthday is on next Saturday, and I'm planning a surprise party for him.—__________________. I'll bring some wine.A.Sounds like funB.It dependsC.Just a minuteD. You are welcome( )3.I_________studied at all last term. I'm going to study_________this term, for the exams are getting close.A.hard; hardlyB. hard; hardC.hardly; hardlyD. hardly; hard( )4.I only want you to come, _________others, I don't care.A.thoughB.howeverC.as forD.as long as( )5.In China, many parents _________their children _________some beautiful and interesting things.; for; after; in; as二、选词填空his great sense of humor, 1 his six-year-old daughter, Jane. Recently, one of Brown's closest friends 2 him to make a speech at a wedding. He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jane. He told a large number of funny 3 in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he had finished, Jane told him she wanted to go home. Brown was a little 4 but he did as his daughter asked. On the way home, he asked Jane if she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn't. Brown asked her 5 this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!三、阅读理解I was only nine years old, a third-grade student from the city of Shenyang, China, when I knew my life was going to change. I held my mother's hand, waiting at the railway station for the train to take us to Beijing, my new home. My father would be waiting for me.I had never been to Beijing, but I knew my life would soon be very different, harder, more challenging. I was already a gifted young pianist, but my father insisted I move to Beijing to improve my piano skills.Part of me would like to go; another part of was very sad. I would miss my friends, grandparents and teachers in Shenyang. Most of all, I would miss my mother. Still holding my hand, my mother looked down at me with her big brown eyes and a beautiful smile. I was trying to appear brave, but she had always been able to read my mind. "Do not feel lonely or afraid," she told me. "You are a very special boy. Your music will always be with you."In Shenyang, I had been playing the piano since I was two, and many people in my city considered me a prodigy. I had entered my first piano competition at age five. Newspapers hadwritten stories about me and published my photos. My father had long believed I would be great.Could I really succeed in Beijing? What if I disappointed my father? My mother helped to wipe away my tears. "Your father will meet us at the station. I don't want be separated from you, either. But I need to stay at my job in Shenyang. I am our family's only bread winner for now. Your father is trying his best to get you into the Central Conservatory of Music. He must find you a new teacher in Beijing. There is much work to be done before the entrance exam."( )1.Where would the writer begin his new life?A.In Shenyang.B.In Beijing.C.In his hometown.D.In the Central Conservatory of Music.( )2.The writer felt _____about leaving for a new place.A.excitedB.frightenedC. happy and sadD.disappointed and worried ( )3.Which of the statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.The writer was only nine years old when he left Shenyang.B.The writer started playing the piano when he was five.C. The writer's mother will not go with him to Beijing.D.The writer would go to the Central Conservatory of Music.( )4.What do we learn about the writer’s father?A.He worked in Shenyang.B.He is the teacher of the writer.C. He had full confidence in the writer.D.He was the only breadwinner in his family. ( )5.The writer's mother can be best described as _________.A.soft and caringB.kind but strictC. strict and braveD.nice but impatient第四课时针对训练一、单项选择( )1.—Where_______ your mother from?—She_______ from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.A. does; comesB.is; comeC.does; isD.is; comes( )2.Hello! My name is Xu Ming, a firefighter. My _______ name Ming means brightness.A.familyB.givenC. fullst( )3.We will go hiking if it ______tomorrow.A.rainsB.isn't rainyC.don't rainD.not rain( )4.Our English teacher is very_______ us in class, especially about our homework.A.strict withB.worried withC.interested inD.full of( )5.A(n) _______ person means the person has a lot of energy and enthusiasms.A.especialB.hardworkingC.handsomeD. energetic( )6.Long long ago, people found that the sun_______from the east.A.roseB.risesC.raisesD.raised( )7.My math teacher usually _______ a black jacket.A. WearsB.put onC.wearD.puts on( )8.What _______ your father and mother_______?A.does; doB.do; doC.are; doD.do; does( )9.Anna's parents _______ jogging every evening.A.goB.goesC.goingD. went( )10.—Who is the girl _______ under the tree?—She is my sister.A.readB.readsC. readingD.has read二、书面表达(一)假如你是李明,你从报纸上得知ABC公司需要招聘一个英文秘书,请你用英文给公司经理史密斯(Smith)先生写一封60词左右的求职信。



My Beloved Puppy DiaryEvery day, my life is filled with joy and happiness, thanks to my loyal and loving companion - my puppy, Max. Max is not just a pet; he is a member of my family, a bundle of furry love that brightens up my world.Mornings with Max are always a delight. As the sun peeks through the curtains, he bounds into my room, tail wagging furiously, eager to start the day. His wet nose nuzzles against my cheek, a warm and fuzzy wake-up callthat never fails to put a smile on my face. Together, we head out for our daily walk, taking in the fresh air and the sights of the neighborhood. Max's eager prancing and the occasional barks at passing squirrels make the walk a lively and enjoyable experience.Afternoons are reserved for playtime. Whether it's fetching a frisbee in the park or playing hide-and-seek in the house, Max is always ready for a good game. His boundless energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and I often find myself laughing and playing harder than I would have imagined. These moments are precious, as they allow me toforget about the stresses of the day and simply enjoy the pure joy of being with my best friend.Evenings are a time for cuddling and relaxation. As the sun sets, Max curls up next to me on the couch, his warm body a comforting presence. We watch TV together, and he occasionally licks my hand or gives me a loving look that melts my heart. These quiet moments are as special as the lively ones, as they allow me to appreciate the deep bond that we share.Throughout the day, Max is always there for me, whether it's to offer a sympathetic ear when I'm feeling down or to celebrate my joys with unbridled enthusiasm. His unconditional love and loyalty are a constant reminder of the importance of companionship and the joy that a pet can bring to our lives.As I look ahead to the future, I am filled with gratitude for the love and companionship that Max has brought to my life. I know that our adventures together are just beginning, and I can't wait to see what new memories and experiences we will share in the coming years. My life with Max is a beautiful tapestry of love, laughter, andcompanionship, and I am forever grateful for the role he plays in making it so rich and fulfilling.**我心爱的小狗日记**每一天,我的生活都充满了欢乐和幸福,这都归功于我忠诚而充满爱的伙伴——我的小狗麦克斯。



描写小狗作文英文1. My little puppy is the cutest thing you will ever see. He has big, round eyes that are always shining with excitement and a fluffy tail that wags non-stop. When he sees me, he jumps up and down with joy, as if he hasn't seen me in years. I can't help but smile every time I see him.2. One of the things I love most about my puppy is how playful he is. He loves to chase after his toys and run around the house, making a mess wherever he goes. Sometimes he even tries to play with my shoes or socks, which can be a little annoying, but I can't stay mad at him for long.3. Despite his playful nature, my puppy can also be very affectionate. Whenever I'm feeling down, he comes over and snuggles up next to me, as if he knows exactly what I need. It's amazing how much love he can show, even though he's just a little dog.4. Of course, having a puppy also comes with its challenges. He can be very stubborn at times, especially when it comes to training. Sometimes I feel like he's doing everything in his power to disobey me, but I know he's just trying to have fun.5. All in all, my little puppy brings so much joy and happiness into my life. I can't imagine what it would be like without him. He may be small, but he has a big personality and an even bigger heart. I'm so grateful to have him as my faithful companion.。



描写小狗的英语作文35个单词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Furry Little FriendI have the most adorable puppy in the whole wide world! His name is Buddy and he's a golden retriever. Buddy has the softest, fluffiest fur that feels like a warm blanket when you snuggle him. His fur is the most beautiful shade of golden yellow, like sunshine.Buddy has the biggest brown eyes that always look so happy and friendly. When I come home from school, he gets so excited, wagging his tail a million miles per hour and licking my face over and over with his warm, wet tongue. It makes me giggle every time!My favorite thing about Buddy is how tiny he is. He's just a baby puppy, only a few months old. He's so little that he can fit right in my lap. I love holding him close and feeling his warm body and steady breathing. Sometimes he falls asleep in my arms and I never want to put him down.Buddy has the cutest little paws with teeny tiny toenails. His paws are so small, they look like little cotton balls! When he runs around, his paws go pit-pat-pit-pat on the floor. It's the most adorable sound. Sometimes he slips and slides on the wood floors because his paws are still too big for his body. He'll go skidding across the room and then look around with a confused puppy face like "What just happened??"Buddy hasn't learned very many tricks yet since he's still just a baby. But he's really good at sitting and giving high fives with his paw. Sometimes when my parents give him a treat, he gets so excited that he spins around in circles chasing his tail. We all laugh at his silliness. I'm teaching him to shake hands too, but he gets distracted a lot and just wants to lick my hand instead.At night, Buddy sleeps right next to my bed in his cozy little puppy bed. Sometimes in the middle of the night I'll feel him snuggle up against me for warmth and comfort. In the morning, the first thing I see are his sweet puppy eyes looking up at me, ready to start another fun day together. Having Buddy as my puppy friend is the best!I hope Buddy stays this little forever because I don't want him to ever grow up. Puppies are just the most precious, loving, happy creatures. I'm so lucky to have Buddy in my life. He makesme smile every single day with his goofy puppy antics. I love my furry little friend more than anything!篇2My Cute Little PuppyI have the most adorable puppy in the whole world! His name is Buddy and he's a Golden Retriever. Mommy and Daddy got him for me on my 8th birthday last month. I've wanted a puppy for so long and I was super excited when I saw the tiny furball on my birthday morning!Buddy is just a little ball of fluff and energy. He has the softest golden fur that feels like silk when you pet him. His eyes are big and brown and look at you with so much love and happiness. When he's excited, his whole body wags, not just his tail! He gets so worked up when I come home from school, jumping up and down and licking my face. It makes me laugh every time.He may be little now, but I know Buddy is going to grow up to be a big, strong dog. The vet said Golden Retrievers can get up to 75 pounds! I can't imagine my little Buddy being that huge. Right now, he's only about 10 pounds and I can pick him up and carry him around. His favorite game is tug-of-war with his ropetoy. He tugs so hard that sometimes I get pulled across the room!Buddy is really smart too. We've been training him and he already knows how to sit, stay, shake, and roll over. He picks things up so fast! The hardest part has been house training. We have to take him outside a lot and he's had a few accidents in the house. But he's getting better every day at letting us know when he needs to go out. I clean up after him without complaining because I love my little Buddy so much.At night, Buddy sleeps in his little bed next to mine. Sometimes in the middle of the night, I'll feel him cuddled up against me under the covers. I don't mind because he's so warm and cuddly. In the morning, he always wakes me up by licking my face over and over until I get up to take him out and feed him breakfast. Then we play tug-of-war and fetch for a while before I have to get ready for school.I'm so grateful to have Buddy in my life. He makes me laugh and smile every single day. I hope he'll be my best friend forever. Having a puppy is a huge responsibility, but I've been taking very good care of him. I feed him, play with him, brush him, and make sure he gets plenty of exercise and cuddles. I try my best to be the best puppy parent I can be. I can't wait to watch Buddy growup by my side into a big, loving dog. He is the cutest, sweetest, most special puppy in the whole wide world!篇3My Furry FriendI have the most adorable puppy in the whole wide world! His name is Buddy and he's a golden retriever. Buddy has the fluffiest golden fur that feels like soft clouds when you pet him. His big brown eyes always look so happy and full of love. Whenever I come home from school, Buddy comes running up to greet me, wagging his tail a million miles an hour! He gets so excited and starts jumping up and down, trying to lick my face. It makes me giggle every time.Buddy loves to play fetch and will chase after any toy or ball you throw for him. He runs super fast and can jump really high to catch things in the air. Sometimes he gets so excited that he forgets to drop the toy so you can throw it again! Then he just stands there looking confused with the toy in his mouth. It's the funniest thing. My favorite game is when I pretend to throw the ball but really hide it behind my back. Buddy goes crazy trying to find it! He sniffs all around and his little tail won't stop wagging.In the evenings, Buddy likes to cuddle up on the couch with me while I watch TV or read. He'll put his head on my lap and I can scratch behind his ears which he loves. Sometimes he falls asleep and starts making these hilarious snoring sounds! His little paws twitch like he's dreaming about running through a field. I bet he's dreaming about chasing squirrels or rabbits.Buddy is still just a puppy so he has a lot of energy. He gets into everything and is always getting into mischief! Just yesterday, I caught him chewing on one of my mom's slippers. When she scolded him, he looked so guilty with his ears drooping down. My dad says he was probably just teething since puppies love to chew on things. We have to be really careful not to leave anything lying around or Buddy will definitely put it in his mouth!We take Buddy to the dog park a few times a week so he can run around and play with other puppies. It's so funny watching all the little fur balls wrestling and tumbling over each other. Buddy always comes home completely tuckered out and covered in dirt and leaves. We have to give him a bath as soon as we get home which he doesn't really like. He shakes and sprays water everywhere when we try to rinse him off!I love my puppy Buddy so much. He makes me laugh every single day with his silly antics. Even when he's being naughty, it's hard to stay mad at that fuzzy little face. Someday he'll be a big dog, but I'll always remember him as my goofy, energetic little puppy. Buddy is my best friend in the whole world and I don't know what I'd do without him!篇4My Furry Little FriendI have the cutest, funniest, most adorable puppy in the whole wide world! His name is Biscuit and he's a golden retriever. Biscuit has soft, fluffy fur that's the color of honey. His eyes are big and brown, and always look so happy and playful. When I come home from school, Biscuit starts wagging his tail so fast, it's like a blur! He jumps up and down, so excited to see me.Biscuit has a million favorite toys, but his absolute favorite is this ratty old rope toy. He loves carrying it around everywhere he goes, dragging it behind him. Sometimes the rope gets caught under furniture and Biscuit gets stuck, which is really funny to watch! He tilts his head to the side with this confused puppy look on his face. Once he finally gets unstuck, Biscuit keeps happily playing like nothing happened.In the mornings, Biscuit comes into my room and licks my face to wake me up for school. He gets so impatient if I don't get out of bed right away - he starts pawing at me and whimpering. Biscuit is stubborn and won't leave until I'm fully awake! I don't mind though, because he's just being a good puppy, making sure I'm not late.My favorite time with Biscuit is when we play fetch outside in the backyard. I throw his tennis ball as far as I can, and Biscuit sprints after it at full speed. He reminds me of a little furry rocket shooting across the grass! Biscuit always brings the ball right back to me, panting with his little pink tongue sticking out. Then he drops the ball at my feet, ready for me to throw it again. We can play fetch for hours and hours.Sometimes Biscuit gets the "zoomies" where he just starts running in crazy circles for no reason. He tears around the living room, sliding on the wood floor. It's hilarious and makes me laugh so hard! After his zoomie burst of energy, Biscuit finally plops down and takes a nap, all tuckered out from his wild dashing about.Every night at bedtime, Biscuit hops up on my bed and curls up right next to me. I'll be reading or watching a movie, and Biscuit snuggles in close. I can feel the warmth of his furry bodyand hear his deep, rumbly puppy breaths as he falls asleep. Having my sweet Biscuit cuddled up with me makes me feel so safe, happy and loved.Biscuit is my very best friend in the whole world. He's goofy, playful, cuddly and so much fun. I love throwing him treats and watching Biscuit catch them in his mouth. I love rubbing his soft ears and belly when he rolls over for tummy rubs. Most of all, I love how Biscuit always finds a way to make me smile and laugh every single day, no matter what. Biscuit brings me endless joy and happiness. I'm the luckiest kid ever to have such an amazing puppy!篇5My Cute Little PuppyI have the most adorable puppy in the whole wide world! His name is Buddy and he is a golden retriever. Buddy has soft, fluffy fur that is the color of sunshine. His fur is so soft that it feels like petting a cloud when you stroke him. Buddy has the biggest brown eyes that sparkle when he looks at you. His eyes are so sweet and innocent, they just melt your heart.Buddy has the cutest little nose that is always wiggling and sniffing around for treats or toys to play with. His wet little blacknose is so cold and bumpy when he boops it against your hand or face to say hello. Buddy also has the floppiest ears that hang down on the sides of his head. His ears are so velvety soft and warm. I love to gently rub his ears when he curls up next to me for belly rubs.Buddy's tail never stops wagging! It swishes back and forth rapidly whenever he gets excited, which is pretty much all the time. His whole body wiggles along with his tail because he can barely contain his happiness and energy. Buddy bounds around the house and backyard with a joyful spring in his step. He runs in circles, chasing his own tail and entertaining himself for hours on end.Buddy has the most playful personality of any puppy I've ever met. He loves to play tug-of-war with his squeaky rope toy, and he tugs with all his might even though I'm much bigger and stronger. He pounces on stuffed animals and chew toys, wrestling them into submission. After wearing himself out, Buddy will flop down for a nap with his favorite teddy bear tucked under his chin. He looks so peaceful and content when he's napping in a sunbeam.The only thing Buddy loves more than playing is being cuddled and snuggled. As soon as you sit down, he'll hop rightinto your lap and snuggle his warm little body against you. Buddy loves giving sloppy puppy kisses all over your face until you're covered in doggy drool. He will lick your hands, arms, and anywhere else he can reach to show his affection. Cuddling Buddy is like getting a big furry hug - he just wraps himself around you and refuses to let go!I am so lucky to have a puppy as cute, funny, energetic, and loving as Buddy. He brings me so much joy and happiness every single day. I can't even imagine life without my goofy, cuddly little furball. Buddy is truly the most perfect puppy in the whole universe!篇6My Little PuppyI love my new little puppy so much! His name is Buddy and he is the cutest, funniest dog ever. Buddy is a golden retriever and he has soft, fluffy yellow fur. His eyes are big and brown and always look so happy. Buddy has a pink tongue that is always hanging out of his mouth panting when he's excited or hot. His tail wags a million miles an hour whenever I come home from school or give him a treat.Buddy is just a little puppy but he's growing bigger every day. Right now he's only about a foot tall when he's sitting up. His legs are really short and stumpy but he runs around like a little furry rocket! When he gets excited he hops straight up in the air like a bunny. It's so funny to watch him hop and zoom all over the backyard. Sometimes he runs so fast around the yard that he slips and slides in the grass. Then he just rolls over on his back, looking all silly with his tongue out and his little legs kicking in the air.My favorite thing about Buddy is how he always wants to play. As soon as I get home from school, he comes racing over with a toy in his mouth, jumping up and down. If I throw a ball or stick, he chases after it at full speed, then brings it right back and drops it at my feet. I can tell he's just waiting for me to throw it again so we can keep playing fetch. Sometimes I hide a treat under a cup or box just to watch him sniff around and try to find it. He gets so excited when he figures it out!Buddy is really smart and has already learned lots of tricks. He can sit, stay, shake a paw, roll over, and play dead. I'm teaching him more every day. Whenever I ask if he wants a treat, his ears perk up and he starts doing all his tricks one after another hoping to get one. It makes me laugh how he runsthrough every trick he knows just in case that's the one I want. The best part is when I say "Ok, good boy!" and he gets his little treat. His tail wags like crazy and he looks so proud of himself.At night, Buddy sleeps in a cozy little doggy bed right next to mine. He curls up into a tiny fluffy ball and snores so loud for such a little pup! It's hard not to laugh listening to his little snores and sighs. Sometimes in the night, he wakes up and hops right into my bed under the covers with me. I don't mind - he's so warm and cuddly. In the morning, I wake up to him licking my face, ready to start another fun day of playing.Buddy has only been with us for a few months, but already I can't imagine life without my goofy, loving puppy. He makes me laugh every single day with his silly antics. Having a puppy is a ton of work, but it's so worth it to have a best furry friend like Buddy. I just love him so much! He's more than just a pet, he's part of our family now. I'm going to have the best childhood memories growing up and playing with my little pal. I can't wait to see how big he'll get and all the adventures we'll have together as he grows up. No matter what, I know Buddy will always be my special puppy!。



朗文英语我的宠物My PetI have always been an animal lover, so it was no surprise when I decided to get a pet. After careful consideration, I settled on a sweet, little Labrador Retriever puppy. I named him Max, and since the day he came into my life, he has brought me endless joy and happiness.Max is not just a pet; he is a part of my family. I went through a lot of research and preparation before bringing him home. I read books, watched videos, and even attended training classes to ensure that I would be the best pet parent I could be. It was important to me that Max would live a happy andfulfilling life in our home.One of Max's favorite activities is going for long walks. Labrador Retrievers are known for their love of exercise, andMax is no exception. We go on daily walks in the park, where he can run around and explore his surroundings. Max's enthusiasmfor the outdoors is contagious, and he always manages tobrighten my day with his unbridled joy and energy.In conclusion, my pet has not only brought immense joy and happiness into my life, but has also taught me important life lessons. Max is not just a pet; he is a best friend, a confidant, and a source of endless love. I am grateful for the opportunityto be his owner, and I cherish every moment spent with him. Max will forever hold a special place in my heart and will be treasured as a beloved member of our family.。



人教版小学5年级上册英语试题(答案及题解)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.What do you call a baby cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CubD. Lamb2.They _______ (read) books in the library now.3.Which of these is a form of transportation?A. AirplaneB. ShoeC. PillowD. Jacket4.We _______ (be) friends for many years.5.What do you use to write?A. PencilB. PlateC. ChairD. Spoon6.He _______ (sing) a song now.7.She _______ (help / helps / helped) me with my homework yesterday.8.Which of these animals is a reptile?A. FishB. LizardC. ElephantD. Bird9.I _______ (finish) my homework just now.10.Lily is at home. She is cleaning her __________ and putting her toys in the__________. She organizes her __________ on the shelf and makes sure everything is in the right place. Afterward, she feels __________ because her room looks neat.11.We _______ (play/plays) basketball every afternoon.12.We ______ (go) to the park yesterday afternoon. The weather ______ (be) perfect for a picnic. We ______ (bring) sandwiches, fruits, and juice. My friends ______ (play) frisbee while I ______ (read) a book. Later, we ______ (watch) a beautiful sunset together. It ______ (be) a wonderful day.13.They _______ (not be) at school now.14.She _______ to music now.15.Which of the following is a vegetable?A. BananaB. CarrotC. FishD. Egg16.I ______ (go) to the park every weekend. Last Saturday, I ______ (go) with my friends. We ______ (play) soccer and ______ (have) a picnic. The weather ______ (be) very nice, and we ______ (enjoy) the day. After that, we ______ (take) some photos and ______ (leave) the park at 5:00 p.m.17.I ______ (not/like) spinach when I was a kid, but now I ______ (eat) it all the time. Yesterday, I ______ (eat) a salad with spinach, and it ______ (taste) great.18.She _______ (watch / watches / watched) TV every evening.19.What do we use to eat pizza?A. ForkB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Plate20.I _______ (not/have) a pet.21.I _______ (go/goes) to school by bus.22.We _______ (have / has / had) an English test next week.23.I _______ (read) a book right now.24.My father is a ___ .A. engineerB. engineer’sC. engineersD. engineering25.They _______ (watch) a movie last night.26.They _______ (play) in the park right now.27.What is the opposite of "day"?A. NightB. LightC. WeekD. Month28.I _______ (not, like) to wake up early.29.What is the opposite of "happy"?A. TallB. SlowC. SadD. Light30.Every Sunday, my family ______ (go) to the park. We ______ (bring) a picnic lunch and ______ (enjoy) the sunshine. Last Sunday, we ______ (have) a great time. Mylittle brother ______ (play) with his toys while I ______ (read) a book under a tree. It ______ (be) a peaceful day.31.My dog _______ (have/has) a long tail.32.Which of these is a type of weather?A. RainB. CarC. TableD. Spoon33.They _______ (play) tennis after school.34.Which of these is a body part?A. ChairB. HandC. TableD. Lamp35.What do you use to make a phone call?A. TelevisionB. PhoneC. SpoonD. Plate36.I _______ (play) the violin every day.37.She _______ (write) a letter to her friend.38.I _______ (be) tired today.39.Which animal has a long neck?A. LionB. GiraffeC. ElephantD. Tiger40.We _______ (eat) dinner at 6:30 p.m. every day.41.We _______ (go) on a picnic next Sunday.42.Which one is a shape?A. TriangleB. PlateC. SpoonD. Chair43.I _______ (like) to listen to music.44.What is the main food of pandas?A. FishB. BambooC. MeatD. Fruit45.Which word means "快的" in English?A. SlowB. FastC. TallD. Happy46.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. TallC. FastD. Small47.Which of the following is a vegetable?A. OrangeB. CucumberC. PineappleD. Strawberry48.In the evening, I like to relax and watch TV with my family. My favorite shows are ______ because they are full of action and adventure. My sister likes to watch ______ because they are very cute and fun. After watching TV, we usually play ______ or______ together.49.They _______ (eat) dinner at 7:00.50.Emma is walking in the park with her dog. The dog is very __________ (1) and runs ahead, chasing a __________ (2). Emma calls the dog, and it quickly comes back to her. They sit on a __________ (3) and enjoy the nice weather.(答案及解释)。



Title: My Animal Friend - My Lovely Puppy, MaxIn the vast world of animals, I have found a special companion who brings joy and laughter into my life every day. His name is Max, and he is my adorable puppy. Max is not just a pet; he's my best friend and a constant source of unconditional love.Max is a golden retriever with a coat that shines like the sun on a clear day. His fur is soft and fluffy, inviting me to give him a hug whenever I see him. His eyes are bright and expressive, as if they can speak volumes without saying a word. Whenever I look into them, I feel a deep connection that only a true friend can offer.One of the things I love most about Max is his endless energy. He's always ready for an adventure, whether it's a walk in the park, a game of fetch, or simply exploring the backyard. His enthusiasm is contagious, and it's hard not to smile when I see him bounding around with joy.But Max is also a loyal and protective friend. Whenever I'm feeling down or need someone to talk to, he's always there by my side, offering a comforting nudge or a gentle lick on the hand. He seems to understand my emotions and offers me comfort in his own unique way.Another aspect of Max's personality that I admire is his intelligence. He's quick to learn new tricks and commands, and he loves showing off his skills to anyone who's willing to watch. From "sit," "stay," and "come" to more advanced tricks like "roll over" and "play dead," Max always impresses me with his quick wit and obedience. Despite his playful nature, Max also knows when it's time to be calm and relaxed. At the end of a long day, he loves to curl up next to me on the couch, where we can watch TV or read a book together in peace. His presence is soothing, and it helps me unwind after a busy day.In conclusion, Max is more than just an animal to me; he's a cherished member of my family. His love, loyalty, and companionship have enriched my life in ways I never thought possible. I'm grateful for every moment I spend with him, and I know that our bond will continue to grow stronger as the years go by. Max is truly my animal friend, and I can't imagine my life without him.。



小学上册英语第三单元测验试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My favorite toy is not just fun; it also helps me to be more ________ (形容词) and think critically.2.The bird builds a _____ nest.3.Which animal is known for its intelligence and ability to use tools?A. DolphinB. CatC. DogD. Rabbit4.Bees help ______ plants by pollinating.5. A ____ is a small mammal that loves to dig in the ground.6.I like to _____ (跳) rope.7.What is the capital of Portugal?A. LisbonB. MadridC. RomeD. ParisA8.The puppy is _________ and fluffy. (可爱)9.I have a ________ that can jump very high.10.She has a nice ________.11.What is the name of the famous American singer known as the "Queen of Pop"?A. MadonnaB. Britney SpearsC. Lady GagaD. Janet JacksonA12.The hummingbird can hover in _______ (空中).13.The chemical formula for potassium sulfate is ______.14.The chemical symbol for iridium is ______.15.What is the name of the person who invented the telephone?A. Thomas EdisonB. Alexander Graham BellC. Nikola TeslaD. Albert Einstein16.The flowers bloom in the _____ (spring).17.My ________ (玩具名称) is a fantastic way to learn about nature.18.The __________ are beautiful in the spring garden. (花儿)19.My favorite sport is ______ (swimming).20. A ____ is known for its stripes and runs fast.21.The _____ (海豹) often basks in the sun on the rocks.22.What do you call a person who plays a musical instrument?A. PainterB. SingerC. MusicianD. DancerC23.How many legs do spiders have?A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 12B24.Certain plants can ______ (影响) local wildlife.25.The process of ______ can create new rock formations.26.My sister loves to write __________ (日记).27.The _____ (tulip) is blooming.28.What is the name of the famous novel written by Mark Twain?A. Moby DickB. The Adventures of Tom SawyerC. The Great GatsbyD. To Kill a MockingbirdB The Adventures of Tom Sawyer29.__________ are used in the production of pharmaceuticals.30.The _______ (Taj Mahal) is a famous mausoleum located in India.31.The ancient Greeks had _______ to explain the natural world. (神话)32.My favorite season is ______ (春天).33. A ____ is a playful creature that loves to chase butterflies.34.The ________ loves to jump and explore.35.What do we call a person who investigates crimes?A. DetectiveB. OfficerC. AgentD. Inspector36.What is the name of the telescope designed to observe infrared light?A. HubbleB. SpitzerC. KeplerD. Chandra37.What is the capital of Finland?A. HelsinkiB. OsloC. TallinnD. RigaA38.The ________ can change colors.39.Which of these is a common pet?A. TigerB. DogC. EagleD. Owl答案:B40.What is the capital city of Indonesia?A. JakartaB. BaliC. YogyakartaD. Surabaya41.The horse gallops across the _________. (草原)42.Which animal can hop?A. ElephantB. FrogC. SnakeD. Horse43.Which shape has no corners?A. SquareB. TriangleC. CircleD. Rectangle44.What is the capital of Samoa?A. ApiaB. SalelologaC. LefagaD. FalealupoA45.I love _______ (写信) to my pen pal.46.I see a _____ frog by the pond. (small)47.The chemical process of breaking down substances is called _______.48.My favorite dish is ______ (面条).49.The teacher is always __________ (耐心的) with us.50.What is the capital of Kenya?A. NairobiB. KampalaC. Addis AbabaD. Dar es SalaamA Nairobi51.The capital of Italy is __________.52.I have a _____ (手套) that keeps my hands warm in winter. 我有一双冬天保暖的手套。



2021届高考语法专题读后续写专项训练一(含答案)(1)南通市2021届高三第三次调研测试读后续写(满分25 分)阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

续写的词数应为150 左右。

After watching my son Todd run in an annual race, I made my usual comment, “Todd, I could walk faster than those women run." Todd laughed as he knew I wasn't a runner."Listen, Mom, I want you to show by your actions. How about you running with me next year at this race?” Without thinking, I quickly agreed to this challenge.But when it was almost time for this race to occur, Todd wasn't going to berunning. He was sent to Africa as a soldier for three years. A few of his friends knew this “challenge" I had agreed to with Todd. They started to encourage me to run the race. I hadn't trained or anything. Quite frankly, I had almost forgotten I said I would do it.I decided I should keep my promise to Todd and run the race. The first thing Idid was go out and buy some running clothes. I might as well look good, was mythought, even though I hadn't trained at all.The day of the race came. I was not well prepared, but I started off. It wasn't longbefore some guy on the roadside started to run next to me. I wasn't in the talkingmood. However, this guy was very talkative. He kept making remarks on how tired hewas, and I must be tired too. The race was over, and this guy's wife won! I was justhappy to finish and keep my promise to Todd.I came home, and my neighbor asked about the race. I told him what hadhappened and how this guy would not shut up his negative talk. My neighbor laughedand set me straight,' "Kay, don't you know what this guy was doing? He thought youwere the competition (竞争对手) by the way you were dressed. He wanted his wife towin.” Oh really!?注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

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