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关于星座的英语演讲Good morning ever bod. Toda I ant to introdue something to all of ou. Look at the blakboard please. Mabe ou ill find out that none of the ords knos ou, exept

this one “aner”. Everone in our laknos hat aner means. But

a fe kno another meaning of it. That is hat I ant to tell ou toda.

First, let us look at this ord “Aries”. Aries is used

to desribe people ho are born from Marh 21st to April 20th. You ma sa that I’m an Aries. You an also sa that “he or she and I are the same as Ar ies.” And if someone ask ou, look at this “do ou kno the personal harateristis of Aries?” ou

ould anser them that the are energeti and ative, but sometimes impatient. Aries also like to be the leader. And sometimes the ma be selfish.

The seond ord is “Taurus”. You ma get it. Yeah, it is

the people ho born from April 21st to Ma 21st. And the do not like hange, the are patient and do not give up easil, and the ma be a hard-ork person. You an also all them orkaholi.

The third ord is “Gemini”. The born from Ma 22nd to

June 21st. The are ver urious and lever. And the are outgoing and love to talk ver muh.

And finall e get the ord “Caner”. It is no longer use as a noun to desribe a disease in m presentation. It is use to desribe people ho born from June 22nd to Jul 22nd. The aner is kind and loves their famil. The like to ook and save mone.

Next is “Leo”. It is from Jul 23rd to August 23rd. The Leo is strong and onfident. And the are also generous to their friends.

“Virgo”. Virgo is from August 24th to September 23rd. The Virgo is sh and orr too muh at times. And the pa attention to the details.

“Libra”. Libra is a polite and fair person. The love peae and beautiful things. The born 9 24 10 23

Sorpio Otober月24日~11月22日

the are poerful person and have lots of energ. the like to keep serets. And the do not like to forgive others for their faults.

Sagittarius 11月23日~12月21日

ou enjo life and have a good sense of humor .the are ver luk.

ou love traveling to different plaes.

Capriorn 12.22 1.20

The love busineand often suessful. ou are good at ma-ki-ng or planning things .ou are patient enough to ait ithout getting angr.


the are kind and ise. The have man friends. hoever, some people think that the are strange beause the hate to be like anone else and the tr everthing just beause the ant to be different.

Pises 2.20 3.20

the are generous ,kind,gentle and eas-going. the are also reative and imaginative. And the like to dream about everthing.









