La fête des bateaux-dragons




anjanath": "蛮鄂龙", "azureRathalos": "苍火龙", "barroth": "土砂龙", "bazelgeuse": "爆鳞龙", "blackDiablos": "黑角龙", "deviljho": "恐暴龙", "diablos": "角龙", "dodogama": "岩贼龙", "greatGirros": "大凶鄂龙", "greatJagras": "大凶豺龙", "jyuratodus": "泥鱼龙", "kirin": "麒麟", "kuluYaKu": "搔鸟", "kushala": "钢龙", "lavasioth": "熔岩龙", "legiana": "风漂龙", "nergigante": "灭尽龙", "odogaron": "惨爪龙", "paolumu": "浮空龙", "pinkRathian": "樱火龙", "pukeiPukei": "毒妖鸟", "radobaan": "骨锤龙", "rathalos": "火龙", "rathian": "雌火龙", "teostra": "炎王龙", "tobiKadachi": "飞雷龙", "tzitziYaKu": "眩鸟", "uragaan": "爆锤龙", "vaalHazak": "尸套龙", "xenoJiiva": "冥灯龙", "zorahMagdaros": "熔山龙" nargacuga: 迅龙namielle: 溟波龙shara ishvalda: 天地煌啼龙banbaro: 猛牛龙tigrex: 轰龙brute tigrex: 黑轰龙zinogre: 雷狼龙paolumu nightshade: 浮眠龙ebony odogaron: 凶爪龙anjanath fulgur: 雷颚龙pukei pukei coral: 水妖鸟brachydios: 碎龙velkhana: 冰咒龙beotodus: 冰鱼龙glavenus: 斩龙acidic glavenus: 硫斩龙blackveil vaal hazak: 雾瘴尸套龙barioth: 冰牙龙savage deviljho: 惶怒恐暴龙ruiner nergigante: 歼世灭尽龙viper tobi kadachi: 痹毒龙shrieking legiana: 霜翼风飘龙seething bazelgeuse: 红莲爆鳞龙yian garuga: 黑狼鸟scarred yian garuga: 战痕黑狼鸟gold rathian: 金火龙silver rathalos: 银火龙rajang: 金狮子anjanath: 蛮颚龙azure rathalos: 苍火龙barroth: 土砂龙bazelgeuse: 爆鳞龙behemoth: 贝希摩斯black diablos: 黑角龙deviljho: 恐暴龙diablos: 角龙dodogama: 岩贼龙great girros: 大凶颚龙great jagras: 大凶豺龙jyuratodus: 泥鱼龙kirin: 麒麟kulu ya ku: 骚鸟kulve taroth: 绚辉龙kushala daora: 钢龙lavasioth: 熔岩龙legiana: 风飘龙lunastra: 炎妃龙nergigante: 灭尽龙odogaron: 惨爪龙paolumu: 浮空龙pink rathian: 樱火龙pukei pukei: 毒妖鸟radobaan: 骨锤龙rathalos: 火龙rathian: 雌火龙teostra: 炎王龙tobi kadachi: 飞雷龙tzitzi ya ku: 眩鸟uragaan: 爆锤龙vaal hazak: 尸套龙xeno jiiva: 冥灯龙zorah magdaros: 熔山龙世界- 大凶豺龙Great Jagras- 骚鸟Kulu-Ya-Ku- 毒妖鸟Pukei-Pukei- 土砂龙Barroth- 泥鱼龙Jyuratodus- 飞雷龙Tobi-Kadachi- 蛮颚龙Anjanath- 雌火龙Rathian- 眩鸟TZitz-Ya-Ku- 浮空龙Paolumu- 大凶颚龙Great Girros- 骨锤龙Radobaan- 风飘龙Legiana- 惨爪龙Odogaron- 火龙Rathalos- 角龙Diablos- 麒麟Kirin- 熔山龙Zorah Magdaros- 岩贼龙Dodogama- 樱火龙Pink Rathian- 鳞爆龙Bazelgeuse- 恐暴龙Deviljho- 熔岩龙Lavasioth- 爆锤龙Uragaan- 苍火龙Azure Rathalos- 黑角龙Black Diablos- 灭尽龙Nergigante- 炎王龙Teostra- 炎妃龙Lunastra- 钢龙Kushala Daora- 尸套龙Vaal Hazak- 绚辉龙Kulve Taroth- 冥灯龙Xenojiiva冰原- 冰鱼龙Beotodus- 猛牛龙Banbaro- 痹毒龙Viper Tobi-Kadachi - 浮眠龙Nightshade Paolumu- 水妖鸟Coral Pukei-Pukei- 冰牙龙Barioth- 迅龙Nargacuga- 斩龙Glavenus- 轰龙Tigrex- 黑轰龙Black Tigrex- 碎龙Brachydios- 霜翼风飘龙Shieking Legiana- 雷颚龙Fulgur Anjanath- 硫斩龙Acidic Glavenus- 凶爪龙Ebony Odogaron- 冰咒龙Velkhana- 红莲鳞爆龙Seething Bazelgeuse - 雾瘴尸套龙Blackveil Vaal Hazak - 溟波龙Namielle- 惶怒恐暴龙Savage Deviljho- 歼世灭尽龙Ruiner Nergigante - 天地煌啼龙Shara lshvalda- 雷狼龙Zinogre- 黑狼鸟Yian Garuga- 战痕黑狼鸟- 金火龙Gold Rathian- 银火龙Silver Rathalos- 金狮子Rajang- 狱狼龙Stygian Zinogre- 冥赤龙Safijiiva- 激昂金狮子Furious Rajang- 猛爆碎龙Raging Brachydios- 煌黑龙Alatreon- 贝希摩斯Behemoth- 鹿首精Leshen- 古代鹿首精Ancient Leshen回复23楼2020-08-05 20:48梦虚人生初次洗禮1牙龙种- 贼龙Jagras- 猫蜥龙Shamos- 痹贼龙Girros- 冰豺狼wulg鱼龙种- 咬鱼Gajau草食种- 草食龙Aptonoth- 香菇猪Mosswine- 甲壳草食龙Apceros - 冠突龙Kestodon- 精灵鹿Kelbei- 波波Popo- 雪鹿Anteka- 突击龙Gastodon兽人种- 奇面族Gajalaka- 兽缠族Boaboa甲虫种- 巨蜂Vespoid- 巨甲虫Hornetaur翼龙种- 行翼龙Mernos- 响翼龙Noios- 芳翼龙Raphinos- 酸翼龙Barnos- 冬翼龙Cortos。



端午节的传说100字左右英文回答:Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday that commemorates the lifeand death of the poet Qu Yuan. According to legend, Qu Yuan was a loyal minister to the King of Chu during the Warring States period. However, he was falsely accused of treason and was exiled from the kingdom. In despair, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.After Qu Yuan's death, the people of Chu held dragon boat races to search for his body. They also threw rice dumplings into the river to feed his spirit. Over time, these traditions became the modern-day Dragon Boat Festival.Aujourd'hui, la fête des bateaux-dragons estcélébrée par les communautés chinoises du monde entier. Les ge ns participent à des courses de bateaux-dragons,mangent des boulettes de riz gluant et regardent des spectacles de danse du lion.中文回答:端午节,又称端午节,是一个中国传统节日,旨在纪念屈原的生与死。



flobberworm 弗洛伯毛虫 the Whomping Willow 打人柳
mandrake 曼德拉草 veela 媚娃
ghoul 食尸鬼
Irish Leprechaun 爱尔兰小矮妖
gnome 地精
Accio ……飞来 飞去
Aguamenti 清水如泉
Alohomora 阿拉霍洞开
Aparecium 急急现形
部门店铺 the King's Cross Station国王十字车站 the Ministry of Magic魔法部 St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injurises圣芒戈魔法伤病医院 Improver Use of Magic Office禁止滥用魔法司 the Leaky Cauldron破釜酒吧 Auror Headquarters傲罗指挥部 Department of Mysteries 神秘事务司 Eeglops Owl Emporium咿啦猫头鹰商店 Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office禁止滥用麻瓜物品司 Flourish and Blotts丽痕书店 Gringotts' Wizarding Bank古灵阁巫师银行 Knockturn Alley翻倒巷 Diagon Alley对角巷 Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions摩金夫人长袍专卖店 Azkaban阿兹卡班(巫师监狱) Beauxbatons Academy of Magic布斯巴顿魔法
Impedimenta 障碍重重
Imperio 魂魄出窍
Impervius 水火不侵
Incarcerous 速速禁锢



地质勘察法语词汇Vocabulaire de reconnaissance géologiqueLa géologie est une science qui étudie la n。

la structure etl'histoire de la Terre。

La reconnaissance géologique est une étape importante dans la n de projets de n。

car elle permet d'identifier les caractéristiques géologiques d'une zone et de déterminer les risques associés.Voici quelques XXX de base en français pour la reconnaissance géologique :Terrainsuperficie : la surface de la XXX.Strata。

stratum : les couches géologiques.XXX : la frontière XXX.Secteur。

n : une zone spécifique.XXX。

XXX : XXX XXX.Massif : XXX de XXX.XXX。

XXX : XXX géographique spécifique.Géographie。

n : la n d'une zone sur la XXX.Géographe physique : un spécialiste de la géographie physique.Géothermale : lié à la chaleur de la XXX.Géomorphologie : l'étude de la forme de la XXX.Relief。



Pólvora y armas de fuegoEn la antigüedad china había personas expulsivamente dedicadas a practicar la alquimia.Algunos-juntaban azufre, salitre y carbón de leña para la preparación, lo que originaba incendios y explosiones. La gente llamaba la mezcla de estos tres materiales "pólvora". A mediados de la dinastía Tang, había libros que registraban métodos de la producción de pólvora. A finales de la misma dinastía la pólvora fue utilizada en la guerra.Durante la dinastía Song, la pólvora era ampliamente utilizada. No sólo se aplicaba en la vida, para la caza, para la cantera, para obtener piedra y para producción de petardos y fuegos artificiales, sinomás en lo militar. La técnica de producción de armas de fuego también fue elevada a una nueva altura. Las armas de fuego producidas durante la dinastía Song del Norte eran, principalmente, incendiarias y explosivas, como cohetes, bolos ígneos pilo v jili (espinosos).Durante la subsiguiente Song del Sur, se inventaron armas en forma tubular, en el cual la pólvora era colocada dentro de un tubo de bambú, luego zike, similar en naturaleza a cartucho, hecho con piedrecitas y pedacitos de hierro. Se trata del primer tipo fusil primitivo en el mundo. Su aparición marcóprogresos mundiales en la fabricación de armas de fuego.pólvora 火药armas de fuego 火器antigüedad 古代subsiguiente 紧接着fusil 步枪aparición 出现Fabricación del papelDurante la dinastía Han del Oeste ya habían aparecido los primeros papeles de fibras vegetales, pero algo rudos y no fáciles para escribir. En la dinastía Han del Este, el eunuco Cai Lun mejorómétodos productores de papel, aprovechó cortezas de árboles, retazos de lino, trapos y redes de pesca usadas para producir papel, bonitos y barato, fácil para escribir. Ese papel que tiene lino como principal materia prima fue difundido y desempeñó un importante rol promovedor para la escritura. El arte productora se desarrolló y en los siglos III y IV el papel reemplazó las tiras de bambú y sedas para ser principal material con que se escribía en China.Fabricación del papel 造纸术fibra 纤维dinastía 朝代método 方法eunoco 太监lino 亚麻promovedor 推广bambú竹简seda 丝绸BrújulaEn el Período de los Reinos Combatientes, la gente hizo Sinan con piedra magnética natural procesada, por lo que se conoce como la brújula más antigua del mundo. Ello ha transcurrido hasta hoy por más de dos mil años. El magnetismo de Sinan era bastante débil y los efectos eran malos.Para la dinastía Song fue inventado el hierro magnético artificial, que mostraba un magnetismo más estable que el hierro magnético natural. El equipo de la brújula había registrado grandes mejoras.La gente inventó peces-brújula, tortuga-brújula, brújula flotante y otros instrumentos indicadores del Sur.Durante la dinastía Song, el comercio exterior había alcanzado gran desarrollo. Pa ra vencer las dificultades encontradas en la navegación marítima, a finales de la dinastía Song del Norte ya seutilizaba la brújula. Durante la dinastía Song del Sur había aparecido el compás-aguja, instalado en una pieza redonda con grados y ubicación grabados, lo que posibilitaba a los navegantes marítimos orientarse en días sin sol y noches sin luna.Brújula 指南针magnética 磁性的hierro 铁estable 持久peces-brújula 指南鱼tortuga-brújula 指南龟brújula flotante 水浮指南针compás 圆规navegante 航行者。



钢琴曲谱:莫扎特作品集莫扎特作品之交响曲:第1交响曲,降E大调,K.16(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第2交响乐,(疑作)(Naxos,沃德指挥北方室内管弦乐团)第4交响曲,D大调,K.19(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第5交响曲,降B大调,K.22(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第25交响曲,g小调,K.(伯恩斯坦指挥维也纳爱乐)第35交响曲(哈夫纳),D大调,K385第二乐章(哈农库特指挥皇家音乐厅管弦乐团)第36交响曲(林茨),C大调,K425第一乐章(哈农库特指挥皇家音乐厅管弦乐团)全曲(克莱伯版)第38交响曲“布拉格”,D大调,K504全曲(克伦贝勒指挥柏林战时广播交响乐团)第39交响曲,降E大调,K543第三乐章(演奏者不详)第三乐章(朱里尼/柏林爱乐)全曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第40交响曲,g小调,K550第一乐章(旺德指挥北德广播交响乐团)第一乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第二乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第三乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第四乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)全曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)四合一版(富特文革勒+瓦尔特+卡拉扬+老克莱伯)(维也纳爱乐+哥伦比亚交响+柏林爱乐+伦敦爱乐)第41号交响曲(朱庇特),C大调,K551第一乐章(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第一乐章(伯恩斯坦指挥维也纳爱乐)全曲(伯恩斯坦指挥纽约爱乐乐团)全曲(史科瓦泽夫斯基指挥日本读卖交响乐团)莫扎特作品之其他管弦乐作品:遣兴曲 K63,第五乐章(NAXOS,内拉特指挥萨尔茨堡室内乐团)遣兴曲 K99 第7乐章(NAXOS,内拉特指挥萨尔茨堡室内乐团演奏)第2号嬉游曲之2,D大调,K136(山度·威格指挥萨尔兹堡莫扎特管弦乐团演奏)第2号嬉游曲之3,降B大调,K137(山度·威格指挥萨尔兹堡莫扎特管弦乐团演奏)第2号嬉游曲之4,F大调,K138 第3乐章(库普曼指挥阿姆斯特丹巴洛克乐团)第11号嬉游曲 K251,第三乐章,稍快的快板(圣马丁室内合奏团)第12号嬉游曲 K252,第三乐章,波兰舞曲(霍利格尔管乐合奏团)第14号嬉游曲 K270,第二乐章,小行板(霍利格尔管乐合奏团)第15号嬉游曲 K287,第四乐章(圣马丁室内合奏团)第16号嬉游曲 K289,第一乐章(荷兰管乐合奏团)第17嬉游曲K334,第三乐章,小步舞曲(圣马丁室内合奏团)第17嬉游曲K334,第三乐章,小步舞曲(演奏者不详)第1号小夜曲,D大调,K100,第六乐章(博斯科夫斯基指挥维也纳莫扎特合奏团演奏)第3号小夜曲,D大调,K185,第二乐章(NAXOS,内拉特指挥萨尔茨堡室内乐团)第4号小夜曲,D大调,K203,第八乐章(NAXOS,内拉特指挥萨尔茨堡室内乐团)D大调进行曲K215和第5号小夜曲,D大调,K204第一乐章(马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团)第6号小夜曲,D大调,K239,(月下小夜曲)"Serenata Notturna"第一乐章:进行曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)全曲(SandorVegh指挥萨尔茨堡莫扎特音乐学院乐团)第7号小夜曲,D大调,K250,(哈夫纳小夜曲)第四乐章:回旋曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐乐团演奏)第9号小夜曲,D大调,K320全曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐乐团演奏)第六乐章,小步舞曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐乐团演奏)第10号小夜曲,降B大调,K361第三乐章(NAXOS,德国管乐家重奏团)第七乐章(NAXOS,德国管乐家重奏团)全曲(伯姆指挥柏林爱乐管乐团)全曲(富特文革勒指挥维也纳演奏家乐团)第11小夜曲,降E大调,K375(芝加哥交响乐团/ 莫斯科爱乐)第12小夜曲,C小调,K388(迈耶尔管乐合奏团)第13号小夜曲,《G大调弦乐小夜曲》,K525第一乐章(瓦尔特指挥哥伦比亚交响乐团,CBS报纸版)第一乐章(Traunfellner指挥维也纳室内爱乐乐队)第四乐章:(伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)全曲(马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团EMI-LD版)全曲(马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团PhlipsCD版)《音乐玩笑》,F大调,K522(菲拉德指挥菲拉德室内管弦乐团)《音乐玩笑》,F大调,K522(奥菲斯室内乐团)德国舞曲,K605,第3首“雪橇”(博斯科夫斯基指挥维也纳莫扎特合奏团)德国舞曲 K586 No.5(Johannes Wildner指挥Capella Istropolitana)NAXOS8.550412 《英雄科堡之胜利》K587(奥菲斯室内乐团)Promenade en Traineau (里德/慕尼黑艺术家管弦乐团)(马里纳指挥圣马丁室内乐团)莫扎特作品之芭蕾音乐:《小玩意》(Les petits riens)K.299B(马里纳指挥圣马丁室内乐团)协奏曲:小提琴协奏曲:第1小提琴协奏曲,降B大调,K207(小提琴:大卫·奥依斯特拉赫)第1小提琴协奏曲,降B大调,K207(小提琴:Simon Standage)第2小提琴协奏曲,D大调,K211全曲(小提琴:格鲁米欧)第2小提琴协奏曲,D大调,K211全曲(小提琴:林昭亮)第3小提琴协奏曲,G大调,K.216第一乐章:快板(小提琴:马泽尔)第一乐章:快板(小提琴:阿卡多)第一乐章:快板(小提琴:慕洛娃)第一乐章:快板(小提琴:大卫·奥依斯特拉赫)第三乐章:(小提琴:穆特)全曲(格鲁米欧)第4小提琴协奏曲,D大调,K218第一乐章:(小提琴:格罗米欧)第二乐章:(小提琴:格罗米欧)第三乐章:(小提琴:格罗米欧)全曲(小提琴:阿卡多)第5小提琴协奏曲,A大调,K219第一、二乐章(小提琴:蒂博)第三乐章(小提琴:海菲兹)第三乐章(小提琴:穆特;指挥:卡拉扬)全曲(小提琴:施奈德汉)全曲(小提琴:格鲁米欧)D大调小提琴协奏曲(K271i)(小提琴:格鲁米欧)(单声)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章E大调柔板,K261(小提琴:格鲁米欧)C大调回旋曲,K373(Maria-Elisabeth Lott,12岁)C大调回旋曲, K373(格鲁米欧小提琴)降B大调回旋曲, K269(谢霖小提琴吉卜森指挥新爱乐乐团协奏)双小提琴协奏曲,C大调,K190(小提琴:帕尔曼、祖克曼)小提琴中提琴交响协奏曲,降E大调,K364第一乐章(小提琴:海菲兹;中提琴:普利姆罗斯)第一乐章(Thomas Brandis; Giusto Cappone;伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第一乐章Naxos历史录音(小提琴:Albert Sammons;中提琴:Lionel Tertis)第二乐章(小提琴:美岛莉;中提琴:今井信子)第三乐章(小提琴:海菲兹;中提琴:普利姆罗斯)第三乐章(小提琴:海菲兹;中提琴:普利姆罗斯)第三乐章(小提琴:布朗;中提琴:伊迈)第三乐章(小提琴:Dumay;中提琴:Causse)第三乐章(小提琴:伊戈尔·奥伊斯特拉赫,中提琴:大卫·奥伊斯特拉赫)第一、二乐章(小提琴:伊戈尔·奥伊斯特拉赫,中提琴:大卫·奥伊斯特拉赫)全曲:(小提琴:格鲁米欧,中提琴:佩雷西亚)***全曲:(小提琴:(帕尔曼),中提琴:祖克曼)交响协奏曲,k297b(Thomas Brandis;Giusto Cappone;伯姆指挥柏林爱乐)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章D大调小提琴与钢琴协奏曲(小提琴:美岛莉;钢琴:艾申巴赫)莫扎特作品钢琴协奏曲:第7号为三架钢琴而作的协奏曲,F大调,K242(古钢琴:Malcolm Bilson,Robert Levin,谭梅文)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第8号钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K246,(全曲)(肯普夫/莱特纳/柏林爱乐)第9钢琴协奏曲,降E大调,K271第一乐章(钢琴:杨多)第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章:(钢琴:杨多)全曲(钢琴:布伦德尔,马克拉斯指挥苏格兰室内管弦乐团/)全曲(钢琴:拉罗查,戴维斯指挥英国室内乐团)第10号为双钢琴而作的协奏曲,E大调,K.365第一乐章(古钢琴:Malcolm Bilson;谭梅文)第二乐章(古钢琴:Malcolm Bilson;谭梅文)第三乐章(古钢琴:Malcolm Bilson;谭梅文)第三乐章(钢琴:吉列尔斯; Rakov Zak)全曲(德拉罗查与普列文合作)全曲(吉列尔斯父女三星带花的名版)第12号钢琴协奏曲,A大调,K414,(钢琴:基辛;斯皮瓦科夫指挥莫斯科名家合奏团)第13号钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K415 (钢琴:米凯兰杰里)第13钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K415,第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第13钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K415,第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)第15号钢琴协奏曲,降B大调,K450第15钢琴协奏曲(维也纳爱乐乐团/伯恩斯坦乐团指挥并演奏钢琴)第一乐章; 第二乐章;第三乐章全曲(钢琴:布伦德尔)全曲(钢琴:米凯兰杰利)第16号钢琴协奏曲,D大调,K451,(全曲,钢琴:佩拉西亚)第16号钢琴协奏曲,K451,(全曲,钢琴:塞尔金)第17号钢琴协奏曲,K453,G大调(暂缺)第18号钢琴协奏曲,K456,(钢琴:赛尔金Serkin)第19钢琴协奏曲,F大调,K459第一乐章(钢琴:哈斯姬儿)第二、三乐章(钢琴:哈斯姬儿)第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)第20钢琴协奏曲 D小调, K466, (钢琴:杨多)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第20钢琴协奏曲 D小调 K466, 第二乐章:(钢琴:顾尔达)第20钢琴协奏曲 D小调 K466, 全曲(钢琴:米凯兰杰里,现场录音)第20钢琴协奏曲 D小调 K466, 全曲(钢琴:勒费布,富特文革勒/柏林爱乐)第21钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K467第一乐章:(钢琴:杨多)第一乐章(钢琴:Daniele Dechenne )第二乐章(钢琴:伊士东文)第二乐章(钢琴:安达Geza Anda)第二乐章(钢琴:施纳贝尔)第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:Daniele Dechenne )全曲(钢琴:布伦德尔)全曲(钢琴:伊斯托敏)全曲(钢琴:内田光子)第22号钢琴协奏曲,降E大调,K482第一乐章(佩拉西亚/英国室内乐团)第二乐章(演奏者不详)第三乐章(佩拉西亚/英国室内乐团)全曲(钢琴: 海布勒,戴维斯指挥伦敦交响)第23钢琴协奏曲,A大调,K488第一乐章(钢琴:杨多)第二乐章(演奏者不详)第二乐章(霍洛维茨/朱利尼)第二乐章(施纳贝尔)第三乐章(霍洛维茨/朱利尼)第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:肯普夫1960)全曲(钢琴:布伦德尔)第24钢琴协奏曲,C小调,K491第一乐章(钢琴:杨多)第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:杨多)全曲(钢琴:哈斯姬儿)第25钢琴协奏曲,K503,C大调(Malcolm Bilson 古钢琴;Gardiner指挥英国巴洛克独奏家乐团)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第26钢琴协奏曲(加冕),D大调,K.537,(钢琴:海布勒,洛维茨基指挥伦敦交响)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第27钢琴协奏曲,降B大调,K595第一乐章(布伦德尔/马连拿指挥圣·马田乐团)第一乐章(钢琴:杨多)第二乐章(钢琴:杨多)第三乐章(钢琴:卡仲CLIFFORD CURZON)全曲(钢琴:顾尔达)全曲(钢琴:巴克豪斯)全曲(钢琴:吉列尔斯)第27钢琴协奏曲(3合1版)(演奏:吉列尔斯+佩拉希亚+顾尔达)莫扎特作品为其他乐器所作的协奏曲:大管协奏曲,降B大调,K191全曲(大管:Zeman;伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)全曲(翁纽大管,Cuschlbauer指挥班贝格交响乐团)长笛与竖琴协奏曲,K299第三乐章(朗帕尔长笛;拉斯金竖琴;菲拉德指挥菲拉德室内管弦乐团)全曲(舒尔茨长笛,萨巴雷塔竖琴,伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐乐团协奏)第1长笛协奏曲,K313全曲(格拉费娜尤长笛;马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团协奏)第一乐章(Susan Palma长笛,Orpheus Chamber Orchestra)第2号长笛协奏曲,D大调 K.314(长笛:尼科莱;皇家音乐厅管弦乐团/津曼)C大调行板,K315(朗帕尔长笛;Cuschlbauer指挥维也纳交响乐团)C大调行板,K315(朗帕尔长笛)双簧管协奏曲,K314(霍利格尔双簧管;马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团协奏)双簧管协奏曲,K314, 第三乐章(皮埃罗双簧管,朗帕尔指挥英国室内乐团)单簧管协奏曲,K622第一乐章(巴塞特单簧管版本,W.梅耶单簧管;哈农库特指挥维也纳音乐社)第一乐章(兰斯洛特单簧管,菲拉德指挥菲拉德室内管弦乐团)第二乐章(布瑞默单簧管;马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团)第二乐章(莱斯特单簧管,马里纳指挥圣马丁乐团)第二乐章(普林茨单簧管,伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐)第三乐章(普林茨单簧管,伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐)第三乐章(Naxos: 奥腾萨默单簧管;约翰内斯·维尔德纳指挥维也纳莫扎特学会)全曲(奥腾萨默单簧管,科林·戴维斯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)全曲(普林茨单簧管,慕兴格尔指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)全曲(查尔斯·尼德赫单簧管独奏,奥菲斯室内乐团协奏)第1圆号协奏曲,D大调,K412(演奏者不详)第1圆号协奏曲,D大调,K412, 第一乐章(圆号:丹尼斯·布莱恩)第1圆号协奏曲,D大调,K412,第一乐章(圆号:图克维尔/英国室内乐团)第2圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K417(鲍曼圆号;祖克曼指挥圣·保罗室内乐团)第2圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K417, 第一乐章(圆号:丹尼斯·布莱恩)第3圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K447(圆号:丹尼斯·布莱恩)第4圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K495(圆号:丹尼斯·布莱恩)第4圆号协奏曲,降E大调,K495(圆号:图克威尔,马格指挥伦敦交响乐团协奏)莫扎特作品奏鸣曲:小提琴奏鸣曲:小提琴奏鸣曲第10号,K15(大键琴:维莱特;小提琴:波莱特)小提琴奏鸣曲第16号,K31(大键琴:维莱特;小提琴:波莱特)小提琴奏鸣曲第17号,C大调,K296 (小提琴:谢霖,钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲第18号,K301 (小提琴:格鲁米欧,钢琴:克林)小提琴奏鸣曲第21号,K304 (小提琴:格鲁米欧,钢琴:克林)小提琴奏鸣曲第24号,F大调,K376(小提琴:格吕米奥;钢琴:哈斯姬儿)小提琴奏鸣曲第26号,降B大调,K378(小提琴:格吕米奥;钢琴:哈斯姬儿)小提琴奏鸣曲第26号,降B大调,K378(小提琴:谢霖;钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲第27号,G大调,K379(小提琴:谢霖;钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲第32号,降B大调, K454(小提琴:格吕米奥;钢琴:哈斯姬儿)小提琴奏鸣曲第33号,K481 (小提琴:格鲁米欧,钢琴:克林)小提琴奏鸣曲第35号,A大调,K526(小提琴:谢霖;钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲第35号,A大调,K526 (小提琴:格鲁米欧,钢琴:克林)小提琴奏鸣曲第36号,F大调,K547 (暂缺)变奏曲,K359(小提琴:谢霖;钢琴:海布勒)小提琴奏鸣曲》K481(小提琴:施纳德汉;钢琴:希曼)小步舞曲(小提琴:海菲兹)钢琴奏鸣曲及独奏作品:钢琴奏鸣曲,第1号,C大调,K279(钢琴:季雪金)钢琴奏鸣曲,第2号,F大调,K280(钢琴:海布勒)钢琴奏鸣曲,第2号,F大调,K280(钢琴:哈斯姬尔)钢琴奏鸣曲,第3号,降B大调,K281(钢琴:霍洛维兹):第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章钢琴奏鸣曲,第3号,降B大调,K281(钢琴:吉列尔斯)钢琴奏鸣曲,第4号,降E大调,K282,(钢琴:吉塞金Gieseking)钢琴奏鸣曲,第5号,G大调,K283(钢琴:吉塞金Gieseking)钢琴奏鸣曲,第6号,D大调,K284(钢琴:海布勒)钢琴奏鸣曲,第7号,C大调,K309(钢琴:海布勒)钢琴奏鸣曲,第7号,C大调,K309(钢琴:拉罗查)钢琴奏鸣曲,第8号,A小调,K310(钢琴:拉罗查)钢琴奏鸣曲,第8号,A小调,K310(钢琴:李帕蒂)钢琴奏鸣曲,第8号,A小调,K310(钢琴:施纳贝尔)钢琴奏鸣曲,第9号,D大调,K311(钢琴:吉泽金)钢琴奏鸣曲,第10号,A大调,K330(钢琴:哈斯姬尔)钢琴奏鸣曲,第10号,A大调,K330(钢琴:霍洛维茨)钢琴奏鸣曲,第11号,A大调,K331(其中第三乐章为著名的土耳其进行曲)K331(钢琴:海布勒)K331(钢琴:吉塞金Gieseking)土耳其进行曲(波格莱里奇)钢琴奏鸣曲,第12号,F大调,K332(钢琴:舒拉.切尔卡斯基Shura Cherkassky)钢琴奏鸣曲,第13号,降B大调,K333(钢琴:拉罗查)钢琴奏鸣曲,第13号,降B大调,K333(钢琴:舒拉.切尔卡斯基)钢琴奏鸣曲,第13号,降B大调,K333(钢琴:霍洛维兹)钢琴奏鸣曲,第14号,c小调,K457(钢琴:阿劳)钢琴奏鸣曲,第15号,C大调,K545(钢琴:海布勒)钢琴奏鸣曲,第15号,C大调,K.545(钢琴:内田光子)钢琴奏鸣曲,第15号,C大调,K.545(钢琴:李赫特,布拉格现场)钢琴奏鸣曲,第16号,降B大调,K570(钢琴:弗雷德里齐·古尔达)钢琴奏鸣曲,第16号,降B大调,K570(钢琴:季雪金)钢琴奏鸣曲,第17号,D大调,K576, 第二乐章(钢琴:弗雷德里齐·古尔达)钢琴奏鸣曲,第17号,D大调,K576, 全曲(钢琴:Solomon)c小调钢琴《幻想曲》,K396(钢琴:查哈里亚斯Christian Zacharias)d小调钢琴《幻想曲》,K397(钢琴:吉列尔斯,现场录音)D大调钢琴《回旋曲》,K485(钢琴:查哈里亚斯Christian Zacharias)F大调钢琴《回旋曲》,K494(李赫特,布拉格现场)两架钢琴奏鸣曲,D大调,K448全曲(钢琴:罗夫·帕尔吉,沃尔夫冈·曼斯)全曲(钢琴:海布勒、霍夫曼)第二乐章(钢琴:鲁普、佩拉西亚)全曲(钢琴: Anna & Ines walachowski)钢琴变奏曲,K354(钢琴:海布勒)(根据博马舍《塞维利亚理发师》中的《我是多林》而作的12首变奏曲)迪波尔小步舞曲主题变奏曲9首,K573(钢琴:哈斯姬尔)迪波尔小步舞曲主题变奏曲,K573(钢琴:布伦德尔)根据“阿,妈妈,我要对你说”而作的12首变奏曲,K265(钢琴:海布勒)为两架钢琴而作的G大调慢板和变奏曲,K501(阿格丽姬,毕晓普-科瓦塞维奇)A小调回旋曲,K511(布伦德尔)6首德国舞曲,KV509(吉泽金)格伦·古尔德弹奏的(感觉异样的)莫扎特钢琴奏鸣曲:钢琴奏鸣曲 K279(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲 K283(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲 K330(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲K309(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲K310,第一乐章(格伦·古尔德)钢琴奏鸣曲K331,第三乐章, 土耳其进行曲(格伦·古尔德)室内乐:二重奏作品:G大调小中提琴二重奏,K423(Grumiaux&Pelliccia)降B大调小中提琴二重奏,K424(Grumiaux&Pelliccia)三重奏作品:第1号钢琴三重奏,降B大调,K254,(皮雷斯、杜梅、王建)第2号钢琴三重奏,G大调,K496(皮雷斯、杜梅、王建)第3号钢琴三重奏,降B大调,K502(美艺三重奏)第4号钢琴三重奏,E大调,K542(美艺三重奏)第5号钢琴三重奏,C大调,K548(暂无)第6号钢琴三重奏,G大调,K.564(美艺三重奏)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章单簧管三重奏,降E大调,K498(莱文钢琴,莱斯特单簧管,科瑞斯特中提琴)为弦乐三重奏而作的《降E大调嬉游曲》,K563(格鲁米欧三重奏团)降B大调《嬉游曲》K254,第三乐章(皮尔斯/杜梅/王键) ——————————————————————————————————四重奏作品:第1号弦乐四重奏,G大调,K80/73f(意大利四重奏团)第2号弦乐四重奏,D大调,《米兰四重奏》之一,K155/134a(意大利四重奏团)第3号弦乐四重奏,G大调,《米兰四重奏》之二,KV156/134b(意大利四重奏团)第13号弦乐四重奏,D小调,《维也纳四重奏》第六首,K173 (阿玛迪乌斯四重奏团)第17号弦乐四重奏(狩猎),降B大调,K458(意大利四重奏组)第21号弦乐四重奏,D大调,K575(意大利四重奏组)第23号弦乐四重奏,K590,D大调《普鲁士四重奏》第三号(阿玛迪乌斯四重奏团)第1号钢琴四重奏,G小调,K478,全曲,(马友友,斯特恩,艾克斯,拉雷多)第2号钢琴四重奏,降E大调,K493,全曲,(马友友,斯特恩,艾克斯,拉雷多)第2号钢琴四重奏,降E大调,K493,全曲(PHILIPS:Haeble钢琴,Schwalbe小提琴,Cappone中提琴,Borwitzky大提琴)第1号长笛四重奏,D大调,K285, (贝奈特长笛;格鲁米欧三重奏团)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章全曲第一乐章(高威与东京弦乐四重奏团)第2号长笛四重奏(全曲)(长笛:贝内特/格鲁米欧三重奏团)第3号长笛四重奏(全曲)(长笛:贝内特/格鲁米欧三重奏团)第4号长笛四重奏(全曲)(长笛:贝内特/格鲁米欧三重奏团)双簧管四重奏,K370(Kiss双簧管,科达伊四重奏团成员,NAXOS版)——————————————————————————————————五重奏作品:第3号弦乐五重奏,C大调,K515 (小提琴:Arthur Grumiaux,Arpad Gerecz;中提琴:Georges Janze r,Max Lesueur;大提琴:Eva Czako)第4号弦乐五重奏,G小调,K516, 第一乐章(演奏者同上)第5号弦乐五重奏,D大调,K593,(全曲,演奏者同上)第6弦乐五重奏 K614,降E大调,(格鲁米欧三重奏团/格莱茨/莱舒尔)单簧管五重奏,A大调,K581第一乐章(单簧管:Jozsef Balogh;Danubius 四重奏团)全曲(Schmidl巴塞特单簧管,维也纳八重奏团成员演奏)玻璃琴五重奏《C小调柔板与回旋曲》,K617(玻璃琴:Bruno Hoffmann;长笛:Aurele Nicolet;双簧管:Heinz Holliger;中提琴:Karl Schouten;大提琴:Jean Decroos)圆号五重奏,K407(Kevehazi圆号,科达伊四重奏团,NAXOS版)钢琴与管乐五重奏,降E大调,K452(布伦德尔钢琴,霍利格尔双簧管,布鲁纳单簧管,鲍曼圆号,图纳曼大管)钢琴与管乐五重奏,降E大调,K452(丹尼斯·布赖恩管乐合奏团)根据G大调弦乐小夜曲(K525)而改编的弦乐五重奏(埃克斯、瓜奈里四重奏团等)第一乐章第二乐章第三乐章第四乐章歌剧作品:《费加罗的婚礼》,K492序曲(梅塔指挥SONY 53286)序曲(莱茵斯多夫指挥维也纳爱乐)序曲(瓦尔特指挥哥伦比亚交响乐团)咏叹调:《蝴蝶不能再飞》(梅塔指挥SONY 53286)咏叹调:“Voi che sapete”(Danco演唱;克莱伯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳歌剧院合唱团演出)二重唱:“Che soave zefiretto”(Casa & Gueden演唱,克莱伯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳歌剧院合唱团)二重唱“Cinque...dieci...venti...trenta”(Siepi & Gueden演唱,E.克莱伯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳歌剧院合唱团)“Porgi amor,qualche ristoro”(Casa演唱 E.克莱伯指挥维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳歌剧院合唱团) “Porgi amor,qualche ristoro”(Kanawa演唱伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)“Dove sono”(演唱:施瓦兹科普夫;卡拉扬指挥维也纳爱乐)《魔笛》,K620序曲(伯姆指挥)序曲(瓦尔特指挥哥伦比亚交响)第二幕(索尔蒂指挥维也纳爱乐乐团,演唱:迪斯考等)二重唱“那些坠入爱河的男人”(索尔蒂指挥维也纳爱乐,演唱:普雷,罗莲嘉)“在神圣的殿堂里”(演唱:特尔维拉)“帕帕姬娜你在哪里”(伯姆指挥)二重唱:懂得爱情的男人,都有一颗仁慈的心(Ziesak&Kraus演唱;索尔蒂指挥维也纳爱乐)咏叹调:“如果有个女人爱我,多么幸福”(索尔蒂指挥维也纳爱乐乐团)“夜后”(演唱:格鲁布洛娃Edita Gruberova)二重唱:《pa pa pa》(演唱:夸斯托夫/卡巴列)二重唱:《pa pa pa》(演唱:普雷/霍尔姆, 索尔蒂/维也纳爱乐)美丽的画像(演唱:冯德里希)夜后"复仇的火焰"(演唱者:朵依特肯)《女人心》,K588序曲(伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐、维也纳歌剧院合唱乐团)第二幕(伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐、维也纳歌剧院合唱乐团)第2幕第4场(EMI伯姆指挥爱乐乐团与合唱团演出, Schwarzkopf、Ludwig、Kraus、Taddei等演唱) “Fra gli amplessi in pochi istanti”(EMI伯姆指挥爱乐乐团与合唱团演出, Schwarzkopf & Kraus演唱)《唐璜》,K527序曲(朱利尼指挥爱乐乐团)第一幕:(朱利尼指挥爱乐乐团,演唱:萨瑟兰、施瓦兹科普夫等)第二幕(索尔蒂指挥伦敦爱乐乐团、伦敦歌剧院合唱团)二重唱“让我们手拉手吧”(演唱:Sciutti & Wachter;朱利尼指挥爱乐乐团、合唱团)小夜曲“Deh vieni alla finestra”(Wachter演唱朱利尼指挥爱乐乐团、合唱团)《后宫诱逃》 K384咏叹调“Martern aller Arten”(Koth演唱,约胡姆指挥巴伐利亚歌剧院乐团与合唱团)咏叹调“Hier soll ich dich denn sehen”(Wunderlich演唱,约胡姆指挥巴伐利亚歌剧院乐团与合唱团)序曲(约胡姆指挥巴伐利亚歌剧院乐团与合唱团)序曲(NAXOS)《狄托的仁慈》,K621二重唱“Ah perdona al primo affetto”(von Stade & Popp演唱,科林·戴维斯指挥科文特花园皇家歌剧院乐团与合唱团)咏叹调“Ah,se fosse intorno al trono” (Burrows演唱科林·戴维斯指挥科文特花园皇家歌剧院乐团与合唱团)《阿斯卡尼奥在阿尔巴》K111,序曲(萨尔茨堡莫扎特管弦乐团/利奥波德·哈格)《巴斯蒂恩与巴斯蒂恩娜》K50,序曲《巴斯蒂安与巴斯蒂安娜》K50,全剧(Gruberova、Cole、Polgar演唱,Leppard指挥李斯特室内乐团)《装痴作傻》(一)施雷尔(P.Schreier)指挥C.P.E巴赫乐团《装痴作傻》(二)施雷尔(P.Schreier)指挥C.P.E巴赫乐团---------------------------------------------------------------------------------声乐作品:女高音咏叹调:“喜悦的心情”,K579(演唱:格鲁贝洛娃)咏叹调:“Vorrei Siegarvi,oh Dio”,K418《哈利路亚》(平诺克指挥英国协奏团, 演唱: Bonnry)《黄昏的感触》(Elly Ameling Dalton Baldwin with Netherlands Wind Ensemble)教堂音乐:忏悔者的庄严晚祷,K399C大调《加冕》弥撒曲,K317(哈农库特指挥)C小调大弥撒 K427 (柏林广播交响乐团/Fricsay)《圣礼赞》(排箫:赞非尔/管风琴:毕什)《C大调第十号弥撒曲》麻雀(库贝利克指挥巴戈里亚广播合唱团、乐团)安魂曲,D小调,K626伯姆指挥维也纳爱乐1971年版卡拉扬/柏林爱乐1976年版卡拉扬指挥维也纳歌唱家合唱团、伯林爱乐乐团巴伦博依姆1972年的版本克尔特兹(Kertesz)指挥维也纳爱乐乐团版库普曼指挥阿姆斯特丹巴洛克乐团等伯恩斯坦悼念亡妻版朱利尼/爱乐乐团和合唱团改编曲:第13号小夜曲《G大调弦乐小夜曲》,K525,第四乐章(长笛版)吉他: 《魔笛》主题及变奏(索尔改编,演奏:帕克宁)吉他: 《魔笛》主题及变奏(索尔改编,演奏:塞戈维亚)吉他: 《魔笛》主题及变奏(Pepe Romero 吉他独奏)《魔笛》中的幻想曲(萨拉萨蒂改编, 沙汉姆演奏)《费加罗婚礼》(管乐合奏)(LINOS-ENSEMBLE)《后宫诱逃》长笛与双簧管二重奏(Schulz长笛/Schellenberger双簧管)摇篮曲(改编曲)贝多芬《根据莫扎特歌剧〈唐璜〉中“La ci darem la mano”主题而作的变奏曲》但济《单簧管与乐队“La ci darem la mano”主题幻想曲》圆号协奏曲哼唱的《土尔其进行曲》木管五重奏《土尔其进行曲》Mozart 莫扎特作品目录编号K.时间地点作品名音高1 1761/2 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord (See K. 1e) G Major or 17641 1761/2? Salzburg Andante for Harpsichord C Major1b 1761/2? Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord C Major1c 1761 Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord F Major1d 1761 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord F Major1e 1761/2 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord (See K. 1) G Major or 17641f 1761/2 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord C Major or 17642 1762 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord F Major3 1762 Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord B Flat Major4 1762 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord F Major5 1762 Salzburg Minuet for Harpsichord F Major5a 1763 Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord (See K. 9a) C Major6 1764 Paris Sonata for Harpsichord & Violin C Major7 1764 Paris Sonata for Harpsichord & Violin D Major8 1764 Paris Sonata for Harpsichord & Violin B Flat Major9 1764 Paris Sonata for Harpsichord & Violin G Major9a 1763 Salzburg Allegro for Harpsichord (See K. 5a) C Major10 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord,Violin (or B Flat Major Flute) & Cello11 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord,Violin (or G Major Flute) & Cello12 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord,Violin (or A Major Flute) & Cello13 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord, Violin (or Flute) & Cello14 1764 London Sonata for Harpsichord, Violin (or Flute) & Cello。



呼神护卫(守护神咒):Expecto Patronum——唤出守护神,可以驱逐摄魂怪、传递信息。

守护神牡鹿守护神牡鹿除您武器(缴械咒):Expelliarmus--使对手解除武装.幻影显形:Apparate-—让自己在瞬间移动到别得地方.漂浮升空(漂浮咒):Wingardium Leviosa——使东西漂浮起来并能做受控制得运动。

统统石化:Petrificus Totalus—-使人浑身不能动弹,只能转眼珠、粉身碎骨(粉碎咒):Reducto—-使对手或物体粉身碎骨、障碍重重:(障碍咒)Impedimenta——阻止某人或某物。






阿拉霍洞开:Alohomora——打开被锁住得门、蝙蝠精魔咒:Bat—Bogey Hexes——倒地,面部被蝙蝠覆盖.塔兰泰拉舞曲:Tarantallegra——使对手疯狂地跳起踢踏舞、眼疾咒:Conjunctivtus Curse--损害视力、消隐无踪:Deletrius/Evanesco——使东西消失,使某物体立刻不见踪影。



荧光闪烁:Lumos-—使魔杖发出亮光,用于照明、一忘皆空: Obliviate——使人失去记忆,既可以就是某一特定记忆,也可以就是全部记忆.盔甲护身:Protegos——产生类似于一堵墙,防止别人得伤害。

法语歌曲歌词-法国国歌 La Marseillaise (马赛曲)

法语歌曲歌词-法国国歌  La Marseillaise (马赛曲)

Baidu: 马赛曲法语歌词Youtube: La Marseillaisehttps:///watch?v=4K1q9Ntcr5gLa Marseillaise, French National Anthem (Fr/En)https:///watch?v=PIQSEq6tEVsFrench National Anthem - "La Marseillaise" (FR/EN)/link?url=WEJKLbG-GkjJjWsdnHK71C4ARcrM0Aeb2rckaCJ_UKMIE6-Ukr gqV8bg74tg5u-OxFcMIKB6ulxnqNCcVO0xnxjVVffKF7RaTP-54W8---C法语马赛曲歌词Allons enfants de la Patrie Le jour de gloire est arrivé Contre nous de la tyrannieL'étendard sanglant est levé {2x} Entendez vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras, Egorger vos fils, vos compagnes {Refrain:}Aux armes citoyens ! Formez vos bataillons !Marchons, marchons,Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons Que veut cette horde d'esclaves De traîtres, de Rois conjurés ? Pour qui ces ignobles entraves, Ces fers dès longtemps préparés ? {2x} Français ! pour nous, a h ! quel outrage !Quels transports il doit exciter ! C'est nous qu'on ose méditer De rendre à l'antique esclavage ! {a u Refrain}Quoi ! des cohortes étrangères Feraient la loi dans nos foyers ? Quoi ! ces phalanges mercenaires Terrasseraient nos fiers guerriers {2x} Grand Dieu ! par des mains enchaînéesNos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient, De vils despotes deviendraient Les maîtres de nos destinées ? {au Refrain}Tremblez, tyrans ! et vous, perfides, L'opprobe de tous les partis, Tremblez ! vos projets parricides V ont enfin recevoir leur prix {2x}. Tout est soldat pour vous combattre, S'ils tombent, nos jeunes héros, La terre en produit de nouveaux Contre vous tous prêts à se battre {au Refrain} Français ! en guerriers magnanimes Portez ou retenez vos coups. Epargnez ces tristes victimes A regret s'armant contre nous {2x}. Mais le despote sanguinaire, Mais les complices de Bouillé, Tous ces tigres qui sans pitié Déchirent le sein de leur mère {au Refrain}Amour sacré de la PatrieConduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs ! Liberté, Liberté chérie !Combats avec tes défenseurs {2x}. Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire Accoure à tes mâles accents, Que tes ennemis expirantV oient ton triomphe et notre gloire ! {au Refrain}Nous entrerons dans la carrière, Quand nos aînés n'y seront plus Nous y trouverons leur poussière Et les traces de leurs vertus. {2x} Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre Que de partager leur cercuei l, Nous aurons le sublime orgueil De les venger ou de les suivre ! {au Refrain}/z/q157094792.htmAllons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé! Contre nous de la tyrannie, L'étendard sanglant est levé, (bis) Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras Egorger vos fils et vos compagnes! (Refrain)Aux armes, citoyens, Formez vos batallions, Marchons, marchons! Qu'un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons!祖国的孩子醒来吧,光明的日子到来了!与我们为敌的暴君,升起了血醒旗帜!你可曾听见战场上,战士们奋战的嘶喊声?他们要闯到我们中间,刺穿我们妻儿的喉咙?(副歌)武装起来吧,人民!组成属于你们的军队!前进!前进!让敌人的血浸满战场上每一道洪沟。



Unite II第一讲La grammaire:★★★Les buts et les demandes?LES BUTS?目的1)Faire savoir la formation du futur simple2)Faire savoir la fonction du futur simple3)Faire savoir l'emplodu futur simpleLES DEMANDES?要求 les connaissancesgenerales ci-dessus et ses employs1.直陈式简单将来时的特点:简单将来时是一种简单时态,因此用来表达一个陈述的动作,不表示完成。




在将来时间里的动作, 一般带有一个明1.2 . La formation du futur simple:对于第一组和第二组的动词来说,这些动词的简单将来时是由整个动词不定式加上简单将来时的词尾构成的。

1) La terminaisondu futurJe……aiTu ..... asIl/elle……aNous……-onsVous……--ezIls/elles……-ont 2)Les bases du futur a) formation regulierFChanter・・・・・・・・・・・・je chanterai Finir・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・je finiraiMettre…………je mettrai Entendre............. .j’entendraiBoire………••…je boirai ecrire............. .j’ecriraiAttention! Verbes en -oyer,uyer,-ayer・Essuyer….j'essuierai Nettoyer je nettoierai b)formation irreguliereAller ......... j'%Jaurai •je saurai je serai je ferai ••jeverrai …j'enverrai …je pourrai••je mourrai •••je courrai …jedevrai ….je recevrai ….je pleuvra ••je viendrai •je tiendrai •je voudrai …je vaudrai •••il faudra Si un jour vous gagnez une tres grosse somme d'argent,que ferez -vous? □ 我就把它存在瑞士的一个银行里。



diamondblack钻石黑石扣862309187 BOHEM(CIGAR MASTER play(蓝)纤细女士型 - 俄版¥70cima白龙(8mg)女士型 - 韩国版¥48Kiss绿吻(fresh apple苹果味) - 俄罗斯免税版¥67 diamondblack钻石(黑石) - 澳门忠告版¥56Vosue红天堂鸟(arome芳香味) - 俄罗斯版¥55 craven"A"黑猫 - 英国版¥40CABIN卡宾 - 免税版¥50lady绿叶超重绿茶味女士60/条lady绿叶超重玫瑰味女士60/条VIBES-动感(酒吧街)55/条ZEST星空(ORIGINAL原味)-哈萨克斯坦免税版:55/条ZEST 绿星空抽拉式(Menthe薄荷味)哈萨克斯坦免税版:65/条GEORGE KARELIAS AND SONS黄金龙(方宽版) - 希腊版¥75 LONDON伦敦(KING SIZE) - 英国版¥45黑魔鬼BLACK DEVIL粉魔鬼(玫瑰味) - 日版¥65BLACK DEVIL黑绿魔鬼(巧克力味) - 日版¥65BLACK DEVIL黑绿魔鬼(After Dinner) - 荷兰版¥65 BLACK DEVIL黑魔鬼(巧克力味)绿拉条 - 荷兰版¥55 BLACK DEVIL银魔鬼(奶油味) - EU欧盟版¥60BLACK DEVIL黑魔鬼(巧克力味)红拉条 - EU欧盟版¥58希尔顿希尔顿(金特醇免税)55希尔顿(蓝免税)40希尔顿(红免税)40船长船长(特级)条/66船长(巧克力味)条/56船长(苹果薄荷味)条/52船长(奶油味)条/40船长(茶味)条/40ARK ROYAL短红老船长(雪茄型) - 乌拉圭版¥66ARK ROYAL短黑老船长(雪茄型) - 乌拉圭版¥67ARK ROYAL黄老船长( SWEET巧克力甜味) - 日本版¥50星空ZEST蓝星空(特醇)滑盖式 - 韩国版¥60ZEST星空(Menthe薄荷味)滑盖式 - 哈萨克斯坦免税版¥68 ZEST星空(ORIGINAL原味)滑盖式 - 哈萨克斯坦免税版¥68 韩国猫RAISON黑猫(BLACK CAT) - 韩国版¥35RAISON绿猫(GREEN CAT薄荷味) - 韩国版¥35RAISON红猫(RED CAT) - 韩国版¥35韩国时间time时间(Acetate Filter)酸纤滤绿 - 韩国版¥52time时间(Charcoal Filter)炭滤兰 - 韩国版¥52time时间(Lights)特醇白 - 韩国版¥52TIME时间(硬蓝) - 韩国忠告版¥56time时间(timeless)白色 - 韩国版¥58LM硬红L&M(FILTER) - 韩国忠告版¥63硬蓝L&M(BLUE LABEL) - 阿拉伯忠告版¥63硬红L&M(RED LABEL) - 欧洲忠告版¥63硬红L&M(FILTER) - 日本忠告版¥68硬红L&M(FILTER) - 南亚版¥63硬红L&M(FILTER) - 美国版¥65硬蓝L&M(LIGHTS特醇) - 美国版¥65Lambert&Butler64L&M(硬蓝)条/乌拉圭免税版40L&M(硬蓝)条/美国免税版44L&M(西班牙免税硬蓝)条/60L&M(土耳其之夜)条/科罗拉多州加税版72L&M(土耳其免税蓝版)条/60L&M(土耳其免税红版)条/60L&M(特醇韩版免税)条/26L&M(葡产六角欧盟红)条/60L&M(欧盟免税蓝版)条/60L&M(南非免税蓝版)条/32L&M(南非免税红版)条/32L&M(美国免税硬红)条/44L&M(马来西亚含税版)条/26L&M(蓝)条/亚太免税版60L&M(柬埔寨加税硬红14支)条/64L&M(红)条/亚太免税版26L&M(红)条/拉美和加拿大免税版32L&M(红)条/澳大利亚免税版60L&M(韩国免税红版)条/26L&M(俄罗斯蓝版)条/26L&M(埃及免税硬红)条/60L&M(阿拉伯免税版)条/24L&M(阿根廷红版)条/60女神TAMAR女神(menthol薄荷味) - 美肯尼亚版¥77 TAMAR女神(Rose玫瑰味) - 美肯尼亚版¥75 TAMAR女神(Vanilla香草味) - 美肯尼亚版¥75 雪茄龙Cigaronne黑雪茄龙(Slims) - 纤细版¥58Cigaronne白雪茄龙(Slims) - 纤细版¥58Cigaronne金雪茄龙 - 粗长版¥95Cigaronne银雪茄龙 - 粗长版¥88Cigaronne黑雪茄龙 - 粗长版¥73Cigaronne白雪茄龙 - 粗长版¥72总督VICEROY硬蓝总督(BLUE蓝) - 俄罗斯免税版¥65VICEROY硬红总督(RED红) - 俄罗斯免税版¥65VICEROY软总督 - 香港忠告版¥112VICEROY硬总督 - 智利版¥48VICEROY硬总督(FILTERS) - 土耳其版¥38博亨Bohem CIGAR 博亨NO.1(journey for the real taste品味之旅) - 韩国版¥45 Bohem CIGAR 博亨NO.3(journey for the real taste品味之旅) - 韩国版¥46 Bohem CIGAR mojito博亨(薄荷味) - 韩国版¥46Bohem Cigar博亨NO.6(雪茄型) - 韩国版¥55520LaRose蓝白520(VANILLA香草味) - 台湾出口专用版¥52LaRose粉红520(Menthol玫瑰味) - 台湾出口专用版¥52绿520(MENTHOL薄荷味) - 台湾出口专用版¥40灰520(SLIM特醇) - 台湾出口专用版¥40长寿GENTLE硬绿长寿尊爵(Menthol薄荷味) - 台湾出口专用版¥58GENTLE硬黄长寿尊爵3 - 台湾出口专用版¥57GENTLE硬白长寿尊爵1 - 台湾出口专用版¥57GENTLE硬白尊爵(G1) - 免税版¥86GENTLE硬蓝尊爵(白金10) - 台湾忠告版¥58Long Life黄长寿(7毫克) - 台湾出口专用版¥49GENTLE硬蓝尊爵(白金10) - 专供出口版¥62Long Life红长寿 - 台湾出口专用版¥60Long Life新黄长寿 - 台湾出口专用版¥55 LONGLIFE硬白长寿 - 台湾出口专用版¥59 LONGLIFE蓝长寿(尊爵10号) - 台湾出口专用版¥52 LONGLIFE蓝长寿(尊爵7号) - 台湾出口专用版¥52 LONGLIFE黄长寿(经典台湾味) - 台湾出口专用版¥55 LONGLIFE软白长寿(9毫克) - 台湾出口专用版¥53尊爵(纤细GS)条/68尊爵(白金晶钻国际)条/52尊爵(白金极品国际)条/56尊爵(G7)条/68尊爵(G6)条/50尊爵(G3)条/84尊爵(G1)条/64南洋双喜罐装香港南洋红双喜 - 免税简体版¥40罐装香港南洋红双喜 - 香港忠告版¥49软香港南洋红双喜 - 香港忠告版¥36罐装香港南洋红双喜 - 民国美女珍藏版¥90罐装香港南洋红双喜 - 澳门纪念版¥89罐装香港南洋红双喜 - 香港纪念版¥88罐装香港南洋红双喜(吉祥龙凤) - 香港免税版¥123 硬香港南洋红双喜(百年龙凤) - 纯烟草无香精版¥83 硬香港南洋红双喜(特醇12毫克) - 香港免税版¥34 硬香港南洋红双喜(6毫克) - 香港免税版¥60硬香港南洋红双喜(超醇9毫克) - 香港免税版¥39罐装香港南洋红双喜 - 香港繁体版¥50软香港南洋红双喜 - 香港免税版¥30硬香港南洋红双喜 - 香港免税版¥34GUIA金吉利(LIGHT特醇) - 澳门忠告版¥43 香港硬白喜万年¥88金台湾+大中华¥265BANKER银行家 - 香港免税版¥78吉利GUIA红吉利(King Size) - 澳门忠告版¥35 GUIA蓝吉利(Extra Mild) - 澳门忠告版¥37 GUIA金吉利(LIGHT特醇) - 澳门忠告版¥33 越南香烟Vidana咖啡 - 越南免税版¥45AROMA巧克力双马 - 越南免税版¥38 HANOI烤烟河内 - 越南免税版¥37狮牌狮牌微型黄¥45狮牌原味¥45狮牌草莓¥35狮牌微型黑¥45狮牌特香¥30狮牌5支小号¥37狮牌迷你3号¥135狮牌银¥45狮牌微型出口¥45锦绣江山朝鲜锦绣江山(黄盒)55/条朝鲜锦绣江山(蓝盒)56/条朝鲜黎明 55条朝鲜故乡 60条朝鲜降仙 48条朝鲜平壤 48条朝鲜大同江40条朝鲜千里马 40条朝鲜蓝天白云40条朝鲜鸭绿江60条朝鲜未来45条朝鲜和平45条朝鲜明心55条朝鲜龙峰85条美国精神(美产免税软黄)85美国精神(无嘴硬黄)肯塔基州加税版215 美国精神(硬黑)日本免税版105美国精神(软绿)日本含税版165美国精神(硬橙)日本含税版175 TPONKA60THIS(韩免税)条/60THIS(wild)条/60THIS(real)条/60THIS(plus)条/60THIS(6.5mg)条/60THE ONE(薄荷)条/52THE ONE(white)条/48THE ONE(org)条/48THE ONE(IMPACT)条/48THE ONE(etipac)条/48THE ONE(blue)条/48TEXAS5(薄荷)条/48Sunday's Fantasy(假日)条/48 Rothmans(乐富门)条/48Rooftop(Gold)条/32RICH32RGD(Lights)条/32RGD(Full Flavor)条/32REGAL(KING SIZE)条/32RAISON(red)条/32RAISON(POP)条/13+732RAISON(green)条/korea32RAISON(green)条/32RAISON(fever)条/korea32RAISON(blue)条/korea 3mg32RAISON(blue)条/40RAISON(black)条/korea 1mg32RAISON(black)条/32RAISON(Aero)条/5mg32RAISON(Aero)条/1mg32PALL MALL(硬红)条/香港免税版32pall mall chilled(澳门含税版)条/32 Nyala PREMIUM32NEXT(绿港版)条/112nameMEMPHIS(孟菲斯)条/32MARCOPOLO(king size)条/32MAIN(原味)条/40MAIN(薄荷)条/28M·M(原味)条/24M·M(大亨6号纤细薄荷)条/32LEVEL48Karelia(Superior Virginia)条/泰国版60 JPS(Blue)条/48JOHN PLAYER GOLD LEAF20HOPE(蓝10支装)条/日本免税出口版60 HOPE(红)条/10支装60Hanhello(Tequila)条/52Hanhello(Natural)条/52Hanhello(Limón)条/52Hanhello(Lights)条/52Hanhello(Full Flavor)条/52FIRE DANCE(Lights)条/48FIRE DANCE(Full Flavor)条/48FIRE DANCE(Cafe)条/48FALLING RAIN(90)条/免税专供48DJ Mix(苹果味日版)条/40DJ Mix(蓝波)条/36DJ Mix(Strawberry Red)条/60DJ Mix(Apple Green)条/menthol60 Dannemann Sweet Filter64CHONJI20BOHEM(薄荷)条/64BOHEM(mojito Double)条/72BOHEM(MASTER)条/64BOHEM(CIGAR MASTER)条/宽盒装72 BOHEM(6mg)条/72BOHEM(5mg)条/64BOHEM(1mg)条/64BANKER24ASSOS56Arirang(8)条/48Arirang(6)条/48Arirang(3)条/48 Arirang(10)条/48 ARA(黄)条/32。




今天,让我们来聊一聊襄阳独特的民间书法艺术“龙凤书”吧!Quiconque étudie le chinois connaît l’art de tracer les caractères : la calligraphie. Aujourd’hui, nousabordons un style de calligraphie populaire unique àXiangyang dénommé le « Longfeng Shu » ou l’écrituredu dragon et du phénix !襄阳龙凤书—————作者:李立欣 Li Lixin翻译:白洁 Catherine Charmant中国书法是一个比较宽泛的概念,可依照不同的标准进行分类:第一种,按字体划分,可以分为篆书、隶书、楷书、行书、草书等;第二种,按显示汉字的材料划分,可以分为甲骨文、金文(青铜铭文)、简牍书、石刻文、纸本书等;第三种,按书法风格划分,可以分为王(羲之)体、欧(阳询)体、颜(真卿)体、柳(公权)体等。

(见下“龙”字写法)La calligraphie chinoise est un concept large qui peut être classé selon différents critères. Premièrement, en fonction de la police de caractères, elle peut être divisée en écriture sigillaire, écriture des scribes, écriture régulière, écriture courante, écriture cursive, etc. Deuxièmement, en fonction des matériaux de supports, elle peut être divisée en inscriptions sur os d’o racle, inscriptions sur bronze, sur lamelle de bambou, sur pierre, sur papier, etc. Troisièmement, en fonction du style employé, elle peut être divisée en style Wang (Wang Xizhi), style Ou (Ouyang Xun), style Yan (Yan Zhenqing), style Liu (Liu Gongquan), etc. Pour exemple, le style d’écriture du caractère « dragon » ci-dessous :龙凤书定名Ce que l’on entend par « Longfeng Shu »Calligraphie du style dragon et phénix de Xiangyang篆书隶书楷书行书草书Écriture des scribesÉcriture sigillaireÉcriture régulièreÉcriture couranteÉcriture cursive近期,襄阳入选“中国书法名城”,襄阳的龙凤书,名闻天下。



以说明文方式写飞向蓝天的恐龙英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Flying Dinosaurs Soaring into the Blue SkyHave you ever wondered what it would be like to see a real living dinosaur? While dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of years ago, for most of us they seem like creatures out of fantasy and fiction. However, scientists now have evidence that some dinosaurs could actually fly! Let me take you on an exciting journey to explore these amazing flying dinosaurs that soared through the prehistoric skies.First, let's begin by understanding what defines a dinosaur. The name "dinosaur" comes from the Greek words "deinos" meaning terrible or fearfully great, and "sauros" meaning lizard or reptile. So dinosaurs were a kind of terrible lizard or reptile that dominated the land for over 160 million years, from the Triassic period around 230 million years ago through the Cretaceous period about 66 million years ago. Most dinosaurs were quadrupeds (four-legged) or bipeds (two-legged), were cold-blooded, and laid eggs. The largest dinosaurs were massiveplanteaters like the Brachiosaurus. The most fearsome were the theropod meat-eaters like T-Rex with its massive jaws and teeth.Now here's where it gets really fascinating - not all dinosaurs lived exclusively on land. Paleontologists have discovered evidence of several species of dinosaurs that had feathers and could fly or glide through the air! These flying and gliding dinosaurs are now classified as a special subgroup called "aviremigians."One of the earliest known aviremigians was the Archaeopteryx, which lived around 150 million years ago in what is now Germany. With its blend of avian (bird-like) and reptilian features, Archaeopteryx is considered one of the first feathered dinosaurs and a crucial link between dinosaurs and modern birds. It had teeth like a dinosaur but also had feathers forming wings and a feather tail like a bird. Most impressively, its wings appear to have allowed powered flight rather than just gliding.Fast forward tens of millions of years, and there is evidence of many other types of feathered dinosaurs during the Cretaceous period around 100 million years ago, particularly in China. One famous example is the Microraptor, a small aviremigian around 3 feet long that had feathers on both its arms and legs! This "four-winged" dinosaur could likely fly andmaneuver quite adeptly. Another intriguing Cretaceous find is the Zhenyuanopterus, a bizarre dinosaur with membranous wings formed by a striking elongation of its arms and fingers, almost like a bat!Just imagine these incredible feathered dinosaurs soaring and swooping through the prehistoric skies. The Microraptor may have used its four wings to hover and pluck small prey from trees, while the Archaeopteryx could have achieved powerful wing-assisted leaps into the air to hunt insects or small animals. The Zhenyuanopterus with its huge wings may have been a skilled glider and scavenger. What an amazing sight these feathery, winged dinosaurs must have been!Of course, not all aviremigians achieved full powered flight like modern birds. Many were likely just gliders or had limited flying abilities. Some like Microraptor may have been somewhere in between - using feathered arms and legs to assist with gliding, flapping, and aerodynamic maneuvers. But the fact that dinosaurs evolved feathers and wings at all is a remarkable phenomenon.So how and why did these dinosaurs develop the ability for aerial abilities? Most scientists believe feathers first evolved in dinosaurs not for flight, but for other purposes like heatregulation, mating displays, or protection. Over millions of years of evolution, these feathery filaments became more elaborate, enlarged, and optimized for aerodynamics - eventually leading to winged dinosaurs capable of gliding or even powered flight. This trajectory paved the evolutionary path towards modern birds, which are the only surviving descendants of the dinosaur lineage.In addition to the physical fossils, we can find other clues about flying dinosaurs from trackways and behavior. For example, some fossilized footprints and trackways show evidence of crouching and launching behaviours consistent with flight takeoff. Other dinosaur fossils preserve contents from their last meal, including birds or other dinosaurs, indicating predatory behaviours perhaps involving active pursuit from the air.Flying dinosaurs open up remarkable possibilities for how dinosaurs lived, hunted, migrated, and interacted with their environments. Could some species have been nocturnal aerial hunters, swirling through the night skies to pluck small mammals from trees using remarkable low-light vision and hawk-like auditory tracking skills? Others may have been passive gliders or soarers, catching rides on prehistoric air currents to travel longdistances and taking advantage of a bird's-eye view to spot prey or protect territory. We can only imagine the incredible diversity of lifestyles enabled by the power of flight and gliding.As you can tell, I find the topic of flying dinosaurs to be simply awe-inspiring. Just envision a Microraptor gliding amongst the gigantic trunks and foliage of the ancient forests, dodging hungry predators below. Picture the majestic silhouette of a Zhenyuanopterus riding prehistoric wind currents with its swan-like wings outstretched. Or a flock of feathery Archaeopteryx taking to the skies in a flurry of beating feathers as they scramble for an insect swarm. What marvelous scenes from the age of dinosaurs!While dinosaurs went fully extinct around 66 million years ago after that cataclysmic asteroid impact, their role in ultimately giving rise to modern birds means dinosaurs still live among us in an airborne form. Every time I see a bird soaring overhead, I imagine I'm witnessing a small part of the majesty and atmospheric grandeur of those flying dinosaurs from prehistoric times. The skies of today are a poor imitation of what they once were when real feathered dinosaurs ruled the aerialrealms.In closing, the more we study the deep fossil record, the more evidence arises that dinosaurs were not just ancient,plodding, terrestrial creatures. The discovery of aviremigians shows that many dinosaur species took the first critical evolutionary steps that gave rise to aerodynamic capabilities and the power of winged flight. To me, the thought of feathered dinosaurs gliding, soaring, and flapping their wings to take to the prehistoric skies is simply astonishing. It brings the entire dinosaur phenomenon to staggering new heights and reminds us that these "terrible lizards" were far more spectacular, diverse, and ingenious than we ever imagined.篇2Flying Dinosaurs Soaring into the Blue SkyHave you ever gazed up at the clouds on a sunny day and imagined dinosaurs taking to the skies? It might sound like a fantastical scenario from a science fiction movie, but the truth is, some dinosaurs could actually fly – or at least glide through the air. These incredible creatures, known as pterosaurs, were the first vertebrates to evolve the ability of powered flight. Let me take you on a journey back in time to explore the wonders of these "flying dragons" and how they managed to defy gravity.To begin with, pterosaurs were not dinosaurs in the strict sense. They belonged to a separate group of reptiles that existedduring the same time period as dinosaurs, roughly 228 to 66 million years ago. Unlike their land-dwelling cousins, pterosaurs had evolved a unique set of adaptations that allowed them to conquer the skies.One of the most striking features of pterosaurs was their wings. Unlike the feathered wings of modern birds, pterosaur wings were formed by a stretchy membrane of skin and muscle that extended between their elongated fourth finger and their body. This wing structure, known as a "pteroid," was incredibly lightweight yet sturdy enough to support their bodies in flight.But how did these ancient reptiles achieve lift? The answer lies in their skeletal structure. Pterosaurs had exceptionally large breastbones, which provided ample space for the attachment of powerful flight muscles. Additionally, their lightweight, hollow bones and air sacs within their bodies further reduced their overall weight, making it easier for them to take off and stay airborne.Now, let's imagine ourselves transported back to the Late Cretaceous period, around 70 million years ago. The lush, tropical landscape stretches out before us, dotted with towering coniferous trees and ferns. Suddenly, a shadow passes overhead,and we gaze up in awe as a magnificent pterosaur glides gracefully across the azure sky.This particular specimen is a Quetzalcoatlus, one of the largest flying animals of all time. With a wingspan that could reach an incredible 10 meters (33 feet), it casts an imposing silhouette against the clouds. Its elongated, toothless beak and slender neck give it an almost otherworldly appearance.As the Quetzalcoatlus circles overhead, we can observe its remarkable flying abilities. Unlike modern birds that flap their wings continuously, these ancient flyers were primarily soarers and gliders. They would launch themselves into the air by pushing off with their powerful hind limbs, then use thermal currents and wind patterns to remain aloft for extended periods, conserving energy.But pterosaurs weren't just passive gliders; they were also capable of powered flight. By flapping their wings, they could generate enough thrust to take off from the ground and maneuver through the air with agility. This ability likely came in handy when hunting for prey or evading predators.Speaking of prey, pterosaurs had a diverse range of diets depending on their size and habitat. Smaller species, like the Rhamphorhynchus, probably fed on insects, fish, and small landvertebrates. Larger ones, such as the fearsome Quetzalcoatlus, may have been apex predators, hunting everything from infant dinosaurs to early mammals.As we continue to observe the Quetzalcoatlus soaring overhead, we can't help but marvel at the sheer grandeur of these prehistoric aviators. Imagine the sense of freedom they must have experienced, riding the winds and surveying the world from a bird's-eye view.But pterosaurs weren't just impressive flyers; they were also remarkably successful survivors. They ruled the skies for over 150 million years, outlasting even the mighty dinosaurs. However, their reign eventually came to an end during theCretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, approximately 66 million years ago, which wiped out around 75% of all plant and animal species on Earth.While pterosaurs may be extinct, their legacy lives on in the countless bird species that now grace our skies. Many paleontologists believe that the evolution of feathered flight in birds was heavily influenced by the earlier success of pterosaurs. In a way, these "flying dragons" paved the way for the diverse array of avian life we enjoy today.As our imaginary journey through time comes to an end, we can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the incredible adaptations and evolutionary achievements of these ancient flyers. Pterosaurs remind us that nature is full of surprises and that the limits of what is possible are constantly being pushed and redefined.So, the next time you gaze up at the clouds, let your imagination take flight. Picture those majestic pterosaurs soaring through the skies, their leathery wings outstretched against the vast blue expanse. Remember, they once ruled the heavens, and their spirit of exploration and conquest lives on in the birds that now grace our world with their presence.篇3Flying Dinosaurs Soaring into the Blue SkyHave you ever gazed up at the clouds and imagined what it would be like to sprout wings and take flight? To feel the rush of the wind beneath your wings as you soar effortlessly through the endless blue expanse of the sky? Well, believe it or not, there was once a time when dinosaurs could do just that! That's right, flying dinosaurs were a real thing that existed millions of years ago during the Mesozoic Era.Now, I know what you might be thinking - "Dinosaurs could fly? But they were huge scaly lizard-like creatures!" And you'd be absolutely right, most of the dinosaurs we know and love like the mighty T-Rex and Triceratops were indeed land-bound behemoths. However, there was an incredible evolutionary branch of the dinosaur family tree that took to the skies and became the first feathered flying vertebrates.These ancient winged wonders are known as Pterosaurs, and they were a separate group from dinosaurs, despite having lived during the same era. While not technically dinosaurs themselves, Pterosaurs were closely related reptilian cousins that developed the ability of powered flight. And let me tell you, some of these flying dinosaur-like creatures were absolutely mind-blowing!Take Quetzalcoatlus for example, one of the largest flying animals of all time with a massive wingspan that stretched over 30 feet! That's wider than the wingspan of a small airplane. Just imagine a creature that size taking to the skies, its leathery wings casting vast shadows as it soared overhead. It's bothawe-inspiring and terrifying to envision.Then you had the pteranodons, which were more along the lines of what you might typically picture when you think of a "pterodactyl" (which is actually not a single species, but a generalterm used to describe any pterosaur). With their iconic crest adorning their elongated skulls and wings spanning up to 20 feet wide, these flying giants patrolled the skies searching for fish in ancient oceans and inland seas.But pterosaurs weren't the only dinos catching air in prehistoric times. There were also smaller feathered dinosaurs that are believed to be the ancestors of modern birds. Creatures like Archaeopteryx, often called the first bird, had traits of both dinosaurs and birds with its feathered wings, sharp teeth, and bony tail. It was a remarkable evolutionary link that helped bridge the gap between terrestrial and aerial vertebrates.Can you picture the scene millions of years ago, as these early feathered flyers took their maiden voyages into the blue sky? Massive pterosaurs gliding alongside their smaller feathered dino-cousins, blazing a trail for the evolution of bird flight as we know it today. It must have been an incredible sight to behold.Of course, we can't discuss flying dinosaurs without mentioning everyone's favorite, the mighty and magnificent winged reptiles we call dragons! Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking - "Dragons weren't real!" But hear me out, because theresemblance between dragons of myth and the flying pterosaurs of prehistory is uncanny.From their massive size and leathery wings to the fiery tales of these beasts breathing jets of flame, could the myths of dragons across countless cultures have been inspired by actual encounters with fossils of flying dinosaurs? Puddles of prehistoric "dragon drool" (the thick flaming-looking substance that seeped from cracks and crevices) or tales passed down over generations of these incredible winged titans of the skies? It's a fascinating theory to ponder.Just imagine - the legendary dragons we've read about in stories could have been based on real flying reptilian monsters from millions of years ago! Those ancient nights lit by the pale moon, a terrifying screech pierces the silence as a massive winged silhouette soars overhead. I don't know about you, but I would NOT want to encounter a real life fire-breathing pterodactyl the size of a small plane!Alas, while the reign of flying reptiles ultimately came to an end around 66 million years ago, the dream of winged flight continues in the birds that are the feathered descendants of those early pioneers. As I gaze out over a brilliant blue sky,watching a hawk effortlessly glide on the currents of wind, I'm reminded of its prehistoric pterosaur ancestors.Those ancient flying dinosaurs and feathered proto-birds faced incredible odds, taking that first leap from the surfaces they had always known and breaking the bonds of gravity. They fundamentally changed the rules of what vertebrates were capable of and expanded the frontiers of the sky in ways never imagined. And for that daring and tenacity in the face of unfathomable challenges, we owe them a debt of gratitude and awe.So the next time you find yourself outdoors staring skyward, let your imagination soar as you picture those ghostly silhouettes of leathery wings from long ago, filling the open blue canvas above with their amazing aerobatic displays of flight. For in their memory and the birds that carry on their legacy today, the spirits of flying dinosaurs still live on, reminding us that with perseverance and evolutionary adaptability, even the most seemingly impossible of dreams can become reality. Now, let your mind take wing alongside them.。

YEPP MP3播放器用户手册说明书

YEPP MP3播放器用户手册说明书

Table des matièresAvertissements de Sécuritépas l’appareil dans un endroit humide.benzène ou des diluants.N’exposez pas l’appareil à lalumière directe du soleil ou à dessources de chaleur.ÉcouteursInformations relatives à l’environnement Conditions ambiantes d’utilisationConception miniatureConception d’un appareil petit, léger et pratique.Périphérique de stockage amovibleVous pouvez facilement copier et coller des fichiers pour le lecteur yepp en utilisant Windows Explorer.Possibilité de mise à jourVous pouvez mettre à jour les programmes intégrés le cas échéant.ex) Ajouter fonctions, CODEC etc.Reportez-vous à la page d’accueil yepp () lorsque vous avez besoin de mettre votre yepp à jour.Lecteur MP3 et WMAMP3?C’est un format audio MPEG1 Layer3.WMA?C’est un fichier de format audio et média Microsoft Windows. Autonomie de lectureCet appareil utilise une pile alcaline AAA/LR03, qui permetjusqu’à 15 heures d’utilisation.L’autonomie réelle peut varier en fonction du type et de la capacité de la pile. Son 3DLa fonctionnalité 3D ajoute de l'amplitude au son.est une marque de SRS Labs, Inc.WOW technologie est incorporé sous licence de SRS Labs, Inc.SRSComposants Fonction d’enregistrement vocalVous avez la possibilité d'effectuer un enregistrement vocal hautequalité et de l'utiliser pour une conférence.RétroéclairageRétroéclairage bleu très tendanceSonVous pouvez régler l’égaliseur manuellement.Emplacement des commandes (yepp)AffichageInsertion de pile➡Microphone➡Connexion à un PCInstallation du logicielConnexion du yepp à un PC via un câble USB 3Installation manuelle du pilote USBSélectionnez un pilote compatible et cliquez sur[Next]pour mettre finDans Windows 98Utilisation du stockage amovibleTéléchargement/Télétransmission de fichiers Débranchement du câble USBAprès avoir terminé la transmission de fichier, vous devez dInstallation du CD Ripper FormatageUtilisez-le en vous rRéglage des fonctions Volume/Verrou Ecouter de la musique avec un yeppLecture de musique(Marche)Arrêt de la musique(Arrêt)Lorsque vous appuyez sur le boutonRéglage du volumeFonction VERROUChoix des modes de lectureDictaphoneEnregistrement vocal vement sur le bouton lecteurlectionnez le mode souhait aide du bouton puisappuyez sur le bouton .Recherche de fichiers musicaux/vocauxRéglage du SRS (Sound Retrieval System)Répétition en boucleFonction Bouclemusicaux, appuyez bri bouton au d que vous souhaitez d vement sur le bouton pour annuler la lecture en boucle.Appuyez de nouveau bri sur le bouton lorsque à la fin de la boucle., utilisez le bouton pour atteindre le mode de votre choix, puis appuyez sur le bouton pour effectuer une s Répétition des plagesRéglage du menuPour basculer en mode Menu appuyez longuement sur le bouton en vement sur le bouton pour s Pour quitter le mode appuyez longuement sur le bouton .Fonction R ép étition des plages1Réglage EQGestion de fichiersFonction EQSuppression1, utilisez le bouton pour vous déglagede votre choix (parmi les 4 disponibles), puis appuyez sur le boutonglage du volume pour spuis appuyez sur le bouton .CANCEL pour annuler l'opFormatage 1Options de personnalisation (Affichage) Fonction de réglageutilisez le bouton pour vous d placer vers la fonctionélectionnez-la en utilisant le bouton .Utilisez le bouton pour paramUtilisez le bouton pour rde fonctionnement du réUtilisez le bouton pour rUtilisez le bouton pour r Utilisez le bouton pour r Utilisez le bouton pour rgler le niveau des fonctions SRS et TRUBASS.l'aide du bouton .Description des Boutons (lecteur yepp)VolumeMenuTableau MENUDépannageSpécificationsMEMOMEMO。



Vois sur ton chemin看看你经过的路上Vois sur ton chemin 看看你经过的路上Gamins oubliés égarés 孩子们迷了路Donne leur la main 向他们伸出手Pour les mener 拉他们一把Vers d'autres lendemains 步向往后的日子Sens au coeur de la nuit 黑暗中的方向L'onde d'espoir 希望之光Ardeur de la vie 生命中的热忱Sentier de gloire 荣耀之巷Bonheurs enfantins 童年的欢乐Trop vite oubliés effacés 转瞬消逝被遗忘Une lumière dorée brille sans fin 一道绚烂金光Tout au bout du chemin 在小道尽头闪亮Sens au coeur de la nuit 黑暗中的方向L'onde d'espoir 希望之光Ardeur de la vie 生命中的热忱sentier de la gloire 荣耀之巷Caresse sur l'océan 海上的清风(chorus)Caresse sur l'océan 海面上的清风Porte l'oiseau si léger 托起轻盈的飞鹭Revenant des terres enneigées 从白雪皑皑的大地飞来Air éphémère de l'hiver 冬日转瞬即逝的气息Au loin ton écho s'éloigne远方你的回声飘离了Chateaux en Espagne 西班牙的城堡Vire au vent tournoie déploie tes ailes 在回旋的风中转向展开你的翅膀Dans l'aube grise du levant 在灰色晨曦中Trouve un chemin vers l'arc-en-ciel 寻找通往彩虹的路Se découvrira le printemps 揭开春之序幕(solo)Caresse sur l'océa n 海面上的清风Pose l'oiseau si léger 托起轻盈的飞鹭Sur la pierre d'une (i^)le immergée 停落孤岛的礁岩处Air éphémère de l'hiver 冬日转瞬即逝的气息Enfin ton souffle s'éloigne 你的喘息终于远去了Loin dans les montagnes 融入群山深处(chorus)Vire au vent tournoie déploie tes a iles 在回旋的风中转向展开你的翅膀Dans l'aube grise du levant 在灰色的晨曦中Trouve un chemin vers l'arc-en-ciel 寻找通往彩虹的路Se découvrira le printemps 揭开春之序幕(solo)Calme sur l'océan 平静于海面上La nuit 黑夜O^ nuit viens apporter à la terre 哦黑夜刚刚降临大地Les calmes enchantements de ton mystère 你那神奇隐秘的宁静的魔力L'ombre qui t'escorte est si douce 簇拥着的影子多么温柔甜蜜Si doux est le concert de tes doigts chantant l'espérance 多么温柔是你歌颂希望的音乐寄语Si grand est ton pouvoir transformant tout en rêve heureux 多么伟大是你把一切化作欢梦的神力(solo)O^ nuit, O^ laisses encore à la terre 哦,黑夜仍然笼罩大地Les calmes enchantements de ton mystère 你那神奇隐秘的宁静的魔力L'ombre qui t'escorte est si douce 簇拥着的影子多么温柔甜蜜Est-il une beauté aussi belle que le rêve 难道它不比梦想更加美丽Est-il de vérité plus douce que l'espérance 难道它不比期望更值得希冀Cerf-volant 风筝(又名:Les Avions En Papier )Cerf-volantVolant au vent 空中飞舞的风筝Ne t'arrête pas 请你别停下Vers la mer 飞往大海Haut dans les airs 飘向高空Un enfant te voit 一个孩子在望着你呐Voyage insolent 率性的旅行Troubles enivrants 醉人的回旋Amours innocentes 纯真的爱啊Suivent ta voie 循着你的轨迹En volant 飞翔Cerf-volantVolant au vent 空中飞舞的风筝Ne t'arrête pas 请你别停下Vers la mer 飞过大海Haut dans les airs 飘向高空Un enfant te voit 一个孩子在望着你呐Et dans la tourmente 在暴风雨中Tes ailes triomphantes 你高扬着翅膀N'oublie pas de revenir 别忘了回来Vers moi 回到我身边Lueur d'été 夏日的微曦Lueur d'été 夏日的微曦Rêve animé 驿动的梦Mon coeur s'enflamme 我的心燃起Et soudain s'envole 蓦地腾飞si loin du sol 远离大地Et les larmes s'effacent 泪水已抹去Loin des murs 了无痕迹Je m'abandonne 我沉醉其中Et tout rayonne 一切在闪耀Voiles au vent 风中的船帆Rivages au loin 远方的海岸C'est le temps de l'été 这是夏天的时刻Et souvent de liberté 歌颂自由的歌曲Les nuages effacés 乌云被抹去Premiers émois 夏天的初月Frissons de joie 欢乐的震颤Tout s'anime 一切在跳跃Tout devient si léger 一切变得明亮Vivre apaiséJ'oublie la honte et les pleursLoin des tourments 荣辱恐惧抛诸脑后Terreurs d'enfants 孩子们的恐惧Les tristes murmures 悲伤的呓语Si loin des murs 了无踪影Lueur d'été 夏日的微曦Mon coeur s'enflamme 我的心燃起了Et soudain s'envole 蓦地腾飞Si loin du sol 远离大地Et les larmes s'effacent 泪水已抹去Loin des murs 了无痕迹Je m'abandonne 我沉醉其中Et tout rayonne 一切在闪耀插曲:1. L'incendie2. Seuls3. Morhange4. Pepinot5. In Memoriam6. L'arrivée Ecole7. Les Partitions8. In Memoriam A Capella。






端午节的法语词汇端午节Fête Duanwu; Fête des Bateaux-Dragons/Barques-Dragons; Fête du 5e Jour du 5e Mois (du calendrier) lunaire); Fête du Double 5; Festival du Bateau-Dragon〔联合国教科文组织用语,见资料:《申请把中国端午节列为世界非物质文化遗产资料》〕申请把(中国)端午节列为世界非物质文化遗产demander à l'UNESCO d'inscrire la Fête (chinoise) du Double 5 sur la Liste du Patrimoine (culturel) immatériel〔申报“世遗”,2009年9月30日,联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第四次会议在阿布扎比审议并批准把端午节等 22个中国项目列入相关名录〕《人类非物质文化代表性遗产名录》Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel del'humanité〔'入之名录,同时被列入的还有其它21个中国申报的`项目:中国蚕桑丝织技艺、福建南音、南京云锦、安徽宣纸、贵州侗族大歌、广东粤剧、《格萨尔》史诗、浙江龙泉青瓷、青海热贡艺术、藏戏、新疆《玛纳斯》、蒙古族呼麦、甘肃花儿、西安鼓乐、朝鲜族农乐舞、书法、篆刻、剪纸、雕版印刷、传统木结构营造技艺、妈祖信俗〕/相传屈原死于农历五月初五,诗人出生地民众为纪念他,就把这一天设为“端午节”Selon la légende, Qu Yuan est mort/s'est donné la mort le 5ej our du 5e mois d'une année lunaire. Et la population de son pays natal a retenu cette date pour en faire un jour commémoratif, qui est devenu par la suite la «Fête du Double申遗成功后的第一个端午节la première Fête des Barques-Dragons/le premier Festival du Bateau-Dragon depuis l'inscription officielle par l'UNESCO de cette fête chinoise sur la Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'humanité战国时代Époque des Royaumes combattants楚国 Royaume des Chu伟大的爱国者 Grand patriote中国古代第一位诗人屈原Qu Yuan (340-278 av. J-C), premier grand poète dans l'antiquité chinoise今年是爱国诗人屈原诞辰2350周年L'année 2010/Cette année marque le 2 350e anniversaire du grand patriote chinois Qu Yuan (340-278 av. J-C).在伟大诗人屈原家乡,人们届时将举办比往年更多、更丰富多彩的纪念活动Dans le pays natal de Qu Yuan, on multipliera et diversifiera à cette occasion les manifestations commémorant l'anniversaire du grandpoète.大夫Grand maître (titre correspondant à un rang inférieur à celui de ministre mais supérieur à celui de conseiller dans la Cour ro yale)《离骚》«Tristesse de la Séparation»; «Plaintes de l'Exilé»; «Li Sao»楚辞代表作《离骚》«Li Sao», le plus célèbre poème dans l'anthologie des «Chants des Chu»《九歌》«Les Neuf Chants»受器重Être bien considéré par qn招致同僚嫉妒 Attirer des jalousies de la part de ses pairs被逐出宫廷Être chassé de la Cour royale被流放Être exilé/condamné à l'exil自沉于洞庭湖畔的汨罗江Mettre fin à sa vie en se jetant dans la rivière Miluo, près du lac Dongting, avec un bloc de pierre attaché au corps, le 5e jour de la 5e lune纷纷出动乘船打捞死者遗体Se mobiliser et monter à bord de barques pour tenter de repêcher le corps du défunt船只来回搜寻,未有结果Les barques remontaient et descendaient le fleuve, sans succès.渔夫为使诗人遗体免遭鱼虾吞噬,往江中抛扔鸡蛋、米饭和其它食品。

龙的组成 英文故事

龙的组成 英文故事

龙的组成英文故事The Composition of Dragons: An English TaleDragons have long captivated the imagination of people across the world, inspiring countless stories, myths, and legends. These majestic creatures, with their powerful wings, sharp claws, and fiery breath, have become a symbol of strength, wisdom, and mystery. But what exactly are dragons made of? In this enchanting tale, we delve into the intricate composition of these mythical beasts.At the very core of a dragon lies a heart of pure energy, a beating force that pulses with the primal essence of the universe. This heart is the source of the dragon's immense power, a wellspring of raw, untamed power that can be harnessed and channeled in ways that defy the boundaries of the natural world. It is this heart that gives dragons their ability to conjure and control the elements, to breathe fire, and to soar through the skies with unparalleled grace and speed.Surrounding this powerful heart is a skeletal structure of the most resilient and durable materials known to the realm of dragons. Forged from a combination of ancient minerals and the very scales that cover the dragon's body, this skeleton is a marvel of naturalengineering, capable of supporting the massive bulk and weight of the creature while still allowing for the fluid, serpentine movements that are the hallmark of the dragon's form.The scales that adorn the dragon's body are not merely decorative, but rather, they are a protective armor that shields the creature from harm. These scales are composed of a unique blend of metals and crystals, each one imbued with its own enchantments and properties. Some scales may be as hard as diamonds, capable of deflecting the mightiest of blows, while others may be as flexible as the finest silk, allowing the dragon to twist and turn with ease.Beneath the scales, the dragon's flesh is a tapestry of sinews, muscles, and nerves, all working in perfect harmony to grant the creature its incredible strength and agility. The muscles of a dragon are unlike any found in the natural world, capable of contracting and expanding with a speed and power that defies the laws of physics. These muscles are fueled by a network of veins and arteries that carry the lifeblood of the dragon, a fluid that is as much magical as it is physical.The dragon's senses are equally remarkable, with eyes that can see for miles, ears that can detect the faintest of sounds, and a sense of smell that can track the scent of its prey across vast distances. These senses are enhanced by the presence of specialized organs, each oneattuned to a particular aspect of the dragon's environment. The dragon's eyes, for example, are equipped with a unique lens that allows them to see in the dark, while their nostrils are lined with sensitive receptors that can detect the slightest changes in the air.But perhaps the most awe-inspiring aspect of the dragon's composition is its ability to harness and control the elements. Within the dragon's body, there exists a network of channels and conduits that allow it to draw upon the raw power of the natural world, channeling it through its body and unleashing it in the form of devastating attacks. Whether it is the scorching flames that pour from its mouth or the bolts of lightning that crackle from its claws, the dragon's mastery of the elements is a testament to the incredible complexity and power of its very being.In the end, the composition of a dragon is a marvel of natural engineering, a perfect blend of physical, magical, and elemental forces that come together to create a creature of unparalleled strength and majesty. From its beating heart to its razor-sharp talons, every aspect of the dragon's being is a testament to the wonders of the natural world and the boundless creativity of the human imagination. And as we continue to explore and unravel the mysteries of these mythical beasts, we can only imagine what other secrets they may hold, waiting to be discovered.。



姓名称号以及别名描述阿姆特萨巴Ammutseba星辰吞噬者-亚弗姆·扎Aphoom-Zhah 冷焰极圈之主外貌与克图格亚相近,却灰且寒冷。

阿尔瓦撒Arwassa 群山中的寂静呼喊者近似人形的躯干,然而触手取代了四肢。


阿特拉克·纳克亚Atlach-Nacha 蜘蛛之神黑暗织造者生有与人类相似面孔的巨型蜘蛛。

鲍特·泽革-穆格Baoht Z'uqqa-Mogg瘟疫使者有着蚂蚁头颅的飞行巨蝎。

巴撒旦Basatan 蟹之主大致为一只巨型的螃蟹。

波库鲁格Bokrug 伟大水蜥,萨玛斯的劫难以巨型水蜥的形象出现。

卜格-萨什Bugg-Shash 纯黑者,空间装填者暗中莅临者被无数眼与嘴覆盖的黑色粘稠聚合物。

拜亚提斯Byatis 伯克利蟾蜍,蛇须拜亚提斯以独眼象鼻的彩色巨蟾的形象出现,有着类似螃蟹的手爪,在口之下则是数只触须夏乌戈纳尔·法格恩Chaugnar Faugn 群山中的恐惧,饲食者Caug-Narfagn类似大象,却只有两足,长鼻的尽头是一张嘴克图格亚Cthugha 存活之炎爆燃者以有生命的毁灭之业火的形象显现。

克苏鲁Cthulhu 长眠之神,拉莱耶之主,至高祭司,Kthulhut,Tulu, ZTHOOD'aLU有着蝙蝠翅膀与章鱼头的巨型类人生物。

克西拉Cthylla 克苏鲁的隐秘之女庞大有翼并且长有六只眼睛的章鱼型生物。

Cxaxukluth —这旋转的畸形之物有着难以置信的巨大体型。


塞埃格Cyäegha 毁灭之眼,觊觎之暗大量触手形成的巨型黑色团聚物,中心有一只绿色的眼睛。

Cynothoglys 殡仪之神,尸体防腐者* 有着手臂一样附肢的不定形堆状物。



艾霍特Eihort 苍白之兽,迷宫之神苍白的凝胶状巨卵,生有数以万计的下肢与复眼。

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