二、内齿圈/ 外齿圈用从0到8的线性数字来衡量和定义钻头表面各部位切削齿的磨损状态。
| F-----密封失效
1范围 (5)2规范引用文档 (5)3定义及缩略语 (6)3.1 IAD的定义 (6)3.2 缩略语 (7)4IAD在软交换分层结构中的位置 (7)5SIP硬终端 (8)5.1 接口要求 (8)5.2 外观要求 (8)5.3 技术要求 (8)6IAD的接口要求 (9)6.1 用户侧接口 (9)6.1.1 Z接口 (9)6.1.2 用户环路中继接口(可选) (9)6.1.3 下行以太网接口(可选) (9)6.1.4 语音数据合线端口(可选) (9)6.2 网络侧接口 (9)6.2.1 以太网上行接口 (9)6.2.2 xDSL上行(可选) (10)6.2.3 逃生口(可选) (10)6.3 维护管理接口 (10)6.3.1 串口维护接口 (10)6.3.2 网口维护接口 (10)7IAD的功能要求 (10)7.1 呼叫处理的要求 (10)7.1.1 对DTMF码的要求 (10)7.1.2 对DigitalMap的要求 (11)7.1.3 在软交换的控制下完成呼叫业务 (11)7.2 媒体控制功能 (11)7.3 媒体处理要求 (12)7.4 对业务的支持 (12)7.4.1 语音业务 (12)7.4.2 数据业务 (12)7.4.3 传真业务 (13)7.4.4 环路中继(FXO)的应用业务(可选) (13)7.5 IAD软件升级 (13)8对运营的支持 (13)8.1 IAD在线保障 (13)8.2 运营商认证、授权和计费 (14)8.3 IAD的管理、排障和维护 (14)8.3.1 维护管理的方式 (14)8.3.2 维护人员管理 (14)8.3.4 维护管理的内容 (15)2、生成故障日志并对日志进行维护和统计 (16)9IAD协议要求 (16)9.1 媒体网管控制协议 (16)9.2 媒体流协议 (17)9.3 网管协议 (17)9.4 其他协议 (17)10IAD硬件要求 (17)10.1 模拟用户接口的硬件要求 (17)10.2 ADSL/VDSL接口的硬件要求 (17)10.3 信号音和铃流标准 (18)10.4 DTMF的音频标准 (18)11业务保证能力 (18)11.1对运营商的依赖性保证规定 (19)11.2 业务质量保证能力(QoS) (19)11.2.1 承载网上QoS的保证 (19)11.2.2 媒体语音质量的保证 (19)11.2.3 本地业务质量保证 (20)11.2.4 协助网络业务保证 (20)11.3 业务实现保证能力 (21)11.3.1 IP地址的获取 (21)11.3.2 防火墙的穿越 (21)11.3.3 NAT的穿越 (21)11.3.4 上行数据接口的认证 (22)12IAD安全性的要求 (22)12.1 承载网提供安全保障机制 (22)12.2 话音完善性和防盗听能力 (22)12.3 信令传递的安全性 (22)12.3.1 采用IPSec方式 (22)12.3.2 AH方式 (23)12.3.3 基于网络的保证 (23)12.4 IAD防攻击能力 (23)12.5 用户接入的安全性 (23)13IAD开户运营手段 (23)13.1 识别码身份认证 (24)13.1.1 识别码的写入 (24)13.1.2 识别码的读取和修改 (24)13.1.3 用户开户必须配置 (25)13.1.4 对开户提供的支持 (25)13.2 对SIM卡方式的建议 (25)13.2.1 SIM卡直接集成在终端的方式 (25)13.2.2 SIM卡读卡器与IAD终端通过USB相连中 (25)14IAD性能要求 (26)14.2 语音的客观评定 (26)14.3 语音的主观评定 (26)14.4 编码率 (26)14.5 IP语音QoS管理 (26)14.6 其它语音特性指标 (27)14.7 数据特性指标(可选) (27)14.8 可靠性和可用性要求 (27)15软硬件要求 (27)15.1 基本要求 (27)15.2 功能要求 (27)16电源及接地要求 (28)16.1 供电方式 (28)17例行试验 (28)17.1 低温实验 (28)17.2 高温实验 (28)17.3 恒定温热实验 (28)17.4 运输实验 (28)17.5 储存要求 (28)17.6 标志包装运输储存 (29)17.6.1 产品标志 (29)17.6.2 包装标志 (29)17.6.3 包装 (29)17.6.4 运输 (29)18环境要求 (29)18.1 环境温、湿度要求 (29)18.2 抗电磁干扰能力 (29)18.3 IAD本身产生的电磁干扰要求 (29)18.4 运输及仓储要求 (30)1 范围NGN通信终端设备,由三大部分构成:IAD(综合接入设备)、软终端和硬终端。
1.1 应用 ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 功能 ................................................................................................................................ 1
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2.3 管理功能参数.................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.1 时钟性能参数....................................................................................................... 9
ICS中华人民共和国通信行业标准YD/T XXXX-200X基于软交换的综合接入设备测试方法Test Specification for IAD Based on Softswitch(征求意见稿)200X-XX-XX发布 20XX-XX-XX实施中华人民共和国信息产业部发布YD/T XXXX-200X目次1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 缩略语 (1)4 基本功能测试 (2)5 协议测试 (12)6 接口测试 (25)7 话音业务测试 (30)8 数据业务测试 (45)9 性能测试 (46)10 OAM测试 (62)11 硬件测试项目 (72)12 环境测试 (74)YD/T XXXX-200X前言本标准是行标YD/TXXX-200X《基于软交换的综合接入设备技术要求》的配套测试标准。
本标准起草单位:本标准主要起草人:基于软交换的综合接入设备测试方法1 范围本标准规定了基于软交换的综合接入设备IAD的基本功能测试、协议测试、接口测试、语音业务测试、数据业务测试、性能测试、OAM测试、硬件项目测试和环境测试等方面的内容。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
YDN 069-1997 电话主叫识别信息传送及显示功能的技术要求和测试方法YDN 065-1997 邮电部电话交换设备总技术规范书YDC 003-2001 软交换设备总体技术要求YD/TXXX-200X 基于软交换的综合接入设备技术要求ITU-T H.248(2000) 媒体网关控制协议RFC1889(1996) RTP-实时应用的传送协议RFC2805(2000)媒体网关控制协议结构和要求RFC3435(2002) MGCP协议3 缩略语DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)动态主机配置协议DTMF(Dual Tone Multi-Frequency)双音多频FTP(File Transfer Protocol)文件传输协议IAD(Integrated Access Device)综合接入设备IP(Internet Protocol)因特网协议LAN(Local Area Network)局域网MGC(Media Gateway Controller)媒体网关控制器OAM(Operation, Administration and Maintenance) 操作、管理与维护PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network)公共电话交换网QoS(Quality Of Service)服务质量RTCP(RTP Control Protocol)实时传输控制协议RTP(Real-time Transport Protocol)实时传输协议SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)简单网络管理协议TFTP(Triorial File Transfer Protocol)远程文件传输协议4 基本功能测试4.1 概述IAD基本功能测试包括语音处理功能、呼叫处理与控制功能、资源控制功能等。
Interconnect),智能功 可满足各种内存密集 1个扩展RAID卡的
I8支 1高 36持 卡n800.t4P.持 频eM0核G0Cl®4率等TL/I4/e3/8X28s处缓路S.e的06理o0S存76Qn系DG核器®;P列H存、EI类总z支7处储,8型-线核持理加最,支及4器速大最端,通缆务持最服R量D过,器大务64I4TM华可;容器条BM;为扩量支R4内D路自展持2存IT服M研至1B,2M务;Q88最内路条P器8大I存服路线支容,提热I板活者/O供插载配2扩端拔以置9展口个太:P;(1C网40I可端Ge规槽E口选格位G1可1用E个灵或于)支B支量B持持1U6R8电T到AB池I1D保6个0护、2模.15、英块1寸0、SA5S、/S6A等T,A/1SGSBD硬Ca盘ch,e,最可大选存配储容
HCDP-IERN Huawei Certified Datacom Professional-Implement Enterprise Routing Network 华为认证数据通信资深工程师 - 部署企业级路由网络
HCDP-IESN Huawei Certified Datacom Professional-Implement Enterprise Routing Network 华为认证数据通信资深工程师 - 部署企业级交换网络
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江钻钻头介绍及 应 用 参 数
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------江钻钻头介绍及应用参数一、牙轮钻头 1、结构 1)钻头的结构特点三牙轮钻头是由牙掌、牙轮、轴承、锁紧元件、储油密封系统、切削齿和流道喷嘴水力结构等二十多种零部件组成。
2、工作原理 1) 钻头的公转钻头的公转速度就是转盘或井下动力钻具的旋转速度。
2) 钻头的自转钻头旋转时,牙轮绕牙掌轴线作反时针旋转的运动叫自转。
3) 钻头的纵振(轴向振动)冲击压碎作用轮心位置的变化使钻头沿轴向作上下往复运动,就是钻头的纵向振动,它与牙齿的齿高、齿距等钻头结构参数及岩性有关。
4) 钻头的滑动剪切破碎作用破碎不同类型的岩石,要求钻头有不同的滑动量,滑动量由钻头结构参数决定。
1/ 93、江钻牙轮钻头表示方法江钻三牙轮钻头型号由四部分组成:钻头直径代号钻头系列代号钻头分类号钻头附加结构特征代号示例:8 1/2MD517X 8 1/2:钻头直径 8.5 英寸(215.9mm) MD:高速马达钻头系列代号 517:适合低抗压强度和高可钻性地层的镶齿钻头 X:主切削齿为凸顶楔形齿 1) 钻头直径代号:用数字(整数或分数)表示,单位一般为英寸。
2) 钻头系列代号:对于三牙轮钻头,按其适用功能、轴承及密封结构主要特征等方面,分为 13 个标准系列。
钻头应用表钻头应用 MD HF SWT Q YC HJ/GJ HA/GA SKF SKH/SKGSKW 高转速● ● 高温● ● 高研磨性● ● 防泥包● ●小井眼● ● 硬地层-低转速● ●硬地层-螺杆● 软地层-螺杆● ●● 低研磨性● ● ● ● ● ● 空气泡沫钻井● 高钻压● ● ● 配套系统轴承和性能钻头应用 MD HF SWT Q YC HJ GJ SKF 滑动轴承● ● ●● ● 滚动轴承● ● 浮动轴承●---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ ● 镶套轴承● ● 滚滑轴承金属密封● ● ● 橡胶密封● ● ● ● 加强水力设计方案● ● 3) 三牙轮钻头分类号、江钻牙轮钻头与 IADC 编码对应表和钻头类型与地层级别对应关系表:分类号采用 SPE/IADC 23937 的规定,由三位数字组成,首位数为切削结构类别及地层系列号,第二位为地层分级号,末位数为钻头结构特征代号。
1范围 (5)2规范引⽤⽂档 (5)3定义及缩略语 (6)3.1 IAD的定义 (6)3.2 缩略语 (7)4IAD在软交换分层结构中的位置 (7)5SIP硬终端 (8)5.1 接⼝要求 (8)5.2 外观要求 (8)5.3 技术要求 (8)6IAD的接⼝要求 (9)6.1 ⽤户侧接⼝ (9)6.1.1 Z接⼝ (9)6.1.2 ⽤户环路中继接⼝(可选) (9)6.1.3 下⾏以太⽹接⼝(可选) (9)6.1.4 语⾳数据合线端⼝(可选) (9)6.2 ⽹络侧接⼝ (9)6.2.1 以太⽹上⾏接⼝ (9)6.2.2 xDSL上⾏(可选) (10)6.2.3 逃⽣⼝(可选) (10)6.3 维护管理接⼝ (10)6.3.1 串⼝维护接⼝ (10)6.3.2 ⽹⼝维护接⼝ (10)7IAD的功能要求 (10)7.1 呼叫处理的要求 (10)7.1.1 对DTMF码的要求 (10)7.1.2 对DigitalMap的要求 (11)7.1.3 在软交换的控制下完成呼叫业务 (11)7.2 媒体控制功能 (11)7.3 媒体处理要求 (12)7.4 对业务的⽀持 (12)7.4.1 语⾳业务 (12)7.4.2 数据业务 (12)7.4.3 传真业务 (13)7.4.4 环路中继(FXO)的应⽤业务(可选) (13) 7.5 IAD软件升级 (13)8对运营的⽀持 (13)8.1 IAD在线保障 (13)8.2 运营商认证、授权和计费 (14)8.3 IAD的管理、排障和维护 (14)8.3.1 维护管理的⽅式 (14)8.3.2 维护⼈员管理 (14)8.3.4 维护管理的内容 (15)2、⽣成故障⽇志并对⽇志进⾏维护和统计 (16) 9IAD协议要求 (16)9.1 媒体⽹管控制协议 (16)9.2 媒体流协议 (17)9.3 ⽹管协议 (17)9.4 其他协议 (17)10IAD硬件要求 (17)10.1 模拟⽤户接⼝的硬件要求 (17)10.2 ADSL/VDSL接⼝的硬件要求 (17)10.3 信号⾳和铃流标准 (18)10.4 DTMF的⾳频标准 (18)11业务保证能⼒ (18)11.1对运营商的依赖性保证规定 (19)11.2 业务质量保证能⼒(QoS) (19)11.2.1 承载⽹上QoS的保证 (19)11.2.2 媒体语⾳质量的保证 (19)11.2.3 本地业务质量保证 (20)11.2.4 协助⽹络业务保证 (20)11.3 业务实现保证能⼒ (21)11.3.1 IP地址的获取 (21)11.3.2 防⽕墙的穿越 (21)11.3.3 NAT的穿越 (21)11.3.4 上⾏数据接⼝的认证 (22)12IAD安全性的要求 (22)12.1 承载⽹提供安全保障机制 (22)12.2 话⾳完善性和防盗听能⼒ (22)12.3 信令传递的安全性 (22)12.3.1 采⽤IPSec⽅式 (22)12.3.2 AH⽅式 (23)12.3.3 基于⽹络的保证 (23)12.4 IAD防攻击能⼒ (23)12.5 ⽤户接⼊的安全性 (23)13IAD开户运营⼿段 (23)13.1 识别码⾝份认证 (24)13.1.1 识别码的写⼊ (24)13.1.2 识别码的读取和修改 (24)13.1.3 ⽤户开户必须配置 (25)13.1.4 对开户提供的⽀持 (25)13.2 对SIM卡⽅式的建议 (25)13.2.1 SIM卡直接集成在终端的⽅式 (25)13.2.2 SIM卡读卡器与IAD终端通过USB相连中 (25) 14IAD性能要求 (26)14.2 语⾳的客观评定 (26)14.3 语⾳的主观评定 (26)14.4 编码率 (26)14.5 IP语⾳QoS管理 (26)14.6 其它语⾳特性指标 (27)14.7 数据特性指标(可选) (27)14.8 可靠性和可⽤性要求 (27)15软硬件要求 (27)15.1 基本要求 (27)15.2 功能要求 (27)16电源及接地要求 (28)16.1 供电⽅式 (28)17例⾏试验 (28)17.1 低温实验 (28)17.2 ⾼温实验 (28)17.3 恒定温热实验 (28)17.4 运输实验 (28)17.5 储存要求 (28)17.6 标志包装运输储存 (29)17.6.1 产品标志 (29)17.6.2 包装标志 (29)17.6.3 包装 (29)17.6.4 运输 (29)18环境要求 (29)18.1 环境温、湿度要求 (29)18.2 抗电磁⼲扰能⼒ (29)18.3 IAD本⾝产⽣的电磁⼲扰要求 (29)18.4 运输及仓储要求 (30)1 范围NGN通信终端设备,由三⼤部分构成:IAD(综合接⼊设备)、软终端和硬终端。
Abstract提要With the rapid development of GWDC Drilling Branch's overseas market and business, more and more new employees are getting to be engaged with international drilling activities who know little about HSE or even never get in touch with HSE basic knowledge before they enter into GWDC。
As the consistent recognition and acknowledgement of all of us, GWDC,being an IADC important member,always pay extreme emphasis to its HSE performance and HSE training to its Chinese and overseas staff。
随着长城公司钻井分公司海外市场和业务的迅速发展,越来越多的新员工在加入长城公司时,对从事国际钻井作业相关的HSE 知识了解甚少,甚至从未接触.随着长城公司的声誉不断扩大,并且作为国际钻井承包商协会的重要成员,长城公司对公司旗下中国员工和海外员工HSE 实践和HSE 培训格外重视。
On the basis of being brief, easily-understandable,effective and capable of self—teaching,this manual aims at these new employees with the purpose of helping them to grasp HSE fundamental idea and being equipped with HSE common practices in order to meet HSE requirement from GWDC clients. It is a supplement to GWDC HSE Procedure Manual and Operation Manual。
INFORMA TION SYSTEM AND APPLICATION │信息系统及应用2018年第1期 111基于IA 平台的核电厂DCS 机柜的电气设计梁 柱 谢 挺 蔡晓涛中核控制系统工程有限公司,北京 100176摘要:旨在阐述基于IA 平台的核电厂DCS 机柜电气设计的一般原则,分别从电磁兼容、电气设备、电缆设计三个方面介绍了设计方法和注意事项,同时对重要的问题提供了解决方案。
关键词:IA 平台;DCS ;电气设计中图分类号:TP271 文献标识码:AElectrical Design of DCS Cabinet of Nuclear Power Plant Based onIA PlatformLiang Zhu Xie Ting Cai XiaotaoChina Nuclear Control System Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 100176Abstract: The purpose of thes paper is to describe the general principles of the electrical design of a DCS cabinet of Nuclear Power Plant based on IA platform. The design methods and precautions are respectively introduced from the aspects of electromagnetic compatibility, electrical equipment and cable design. At the same time, solutions to important problems are provided.Keywords: IA platform;DCS;electrical design作者简介:梁柱(1984—),男,河北张家口人,工程师,主要从事反应堆保护系统的数字化仪控设计。
铁人精神“为国分忧、为民族争气”的爱国主义精神;“宁可少活20年,拼命也要拿下大油田”的忘我拼搏精神;“有条件要上,没有条件创造条件也要上”的艰苦奋斗精神;2.1 钻头刮刀钻头DragbitPDC 钻头金刚石钻头Diamondbit 扩眼钻头Enlarging bit牙轮钻头Roller bit 取心钻头Annular bit2.1.1 刮刀钻头刮刀钻头刮刀钻头特点结构简单,制造方便。
二刮刀三刮刀四刮刀§2-1-1 刮刀钻头 (Drag bit) 一、结构§2-1-1 刮刀钻头 (Drag bit) 一、结构 二、结构参数 1.刀翼结构角 刃尖角 β刀翼尖端前后刃之间的 夹角,它表示刀翼的尖 锐程度。
φβ ϕ α保证刀翼结构有足够强度的情况 下,尽可能减小刃尖角 β 软岩石 β 平均10度 较硬岩石 β 平均12-15度 夹层多井又较深时还要适当增大(2)切削角 α刀翼前刃和水平面之间的夹角。
α 越大吃入深度越大松软地层 软地层 中硬地层α = 70oφbα = 70o ~ 80o α = 80o ~ 85oβ ψα(3)刃前角 φ 和刃后角 ψ 刃前角φ与切削角互为余角φ = 90o − αψ =α − βφβ ψαθ2.刀翼几何形状 背部形状 抛物线型 底部形状 底刃b 材质: 高强度材质,刀翼侧面、正面镶 装或平铺硬质合金及孕镶金刚石 块,提高耐磨性φb刀翼的厚度随距刀刃的距离增加应 逐渐增厚,呈抛物线形。
β ψα三、刮刀钻头破岩基本原理根据摩尔强度 理论,如果忽 略摩擦力,当 F力等于或大 于剪切面积与 岩石抗剪极限 强度乘积时, 岩石沿剪切面 破碎。
三、刮刀钻头破岩基本原理 1.塑性岩石WTθ刮刀钻头以切削方 式破碎岩石。
刮刀钻头 在软的塑性地层工作 时,其切削过程类似于 刀具切削软金属。
2.内部电弧级开关设备和控制设备(IAC) internal arc classified switchgear and controlgear(IAC):经试验验证能满足在内部电弧情况下保护人员规定要求的金属封闭开关设备和控制设备。
==钻井技术概述==经过石油工作者的勘探会发现储油区块, 利用专用设备和技术,在预先选定的地表位置处,向下或一侧钻出一定直径的圆柱孔眼,并钻达地下油气层的工作,称为钻井。
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Table of Contents - Chapter F Drawworks BrakesIntroduction........................................................................................................................................F-3I. Maintenance Procedures.................................................................................................................F-4II. Brake Linings (Blocks)...................................................................................................................F-5 III. Brake Bands.................................................................................................................................F-5 IV. Brake Rims (Flanges)....................................................................................................................F-6 V. Brake Linkage..............................................................................................................................F-20 VI. Company Policy.........................................................................................................................F-20Chapter FDrawworks BrakesThe IADC Drilling Manual is a series of reference guides for use in field operations covering a variety of subjects related to drilling operations.The contents of this (these) volume (s) are assembled by a wide range of members of the drilling industry inter-ested in providing information to field personnel to encourage proper operations, maintenance and repair of equip-ment and training and safety of personnel.It is not intended that the contents of this manual replace or take precedence over manufacturer's, operators or individual drilling company recommendations, policies and/or procedures. In those areas where local, state and federal law is in conflict with the contents then it is deemed appropriate to adhere to suer laws. IADC has endeav-ored to insure the accuracy and reliability of this data, however, we make no warranties or guarantees in connec-tion with these recommendations.As technology continues to develop this manual will be updated. It is important that the user continue to update their knowledge through research and study.The following industry representatives have contributed to the development and updating of this chapter:MEMBERS OF THE TASK GROUP:Bill Brannon Grey Wolf Drilling CompanyG. Otis Danielson ConsultantNorman Dyer LTV Energy ProductsJames Jones S & J Rig PartsPaul Price National OilwellJack Reeve IRI International Corp.IntroductionThe information contained in this section of the Drilling Manual is for use by field personnel as a guide in the maintenance of a drawworks brake system to insure proper function, safety and economy of operation. Drawworks brakes are highly engineered mechanical systems. Manufacturers of drawworks generally furnish complete maintenance instructions. Owners and operators of rigs should look first to the equipment manufacturer for the complete and specific details of maintenance and safety considerations. Field personnel need to be in-formed of the basic maintenance and safety concepts necessary to make proper judgements in carrying out maintenance procedures at the well site.Fortunately, the signals indicating the need for most maintenance functions are cumulative and easily recognized. Since adjustments and replacement of linings are very routine with rig crews, the precautions and planning involved are largely just normal care and common-sense.As a practical matter, the overriding concern in brake system maintenance is the proper monitoring of the various parts to assure that wear or deterioration does not progress beyond safe limits.Operating Cautions: WARNINGBrake handle kick can be dangerous and can result in bodily injury. Causes of brake handle kicks which involve rapid brake handle movement and potentially large forces may include:1) sudden hoisting speed with brakes engaged with little or no hook load,2) band rollers/springs missing or out of adjustment,3) brake blocks stuck to the brake rims,4) bent or damaged brake bands, and5) worn or loose dead-end linkage.WARNINGSudden application of the brakes while the block is going up in the mast or derrick can cause the wire line on the drum spool to backlash and the wireline clamp to unseat or loosen. Such practice is hazardous to both equipment and personnel. Any time such wireline backlash does occur, rig personnel should inspect the wireline clamp to insure it is still properly installed.Only mechanical band brake systems are discussed in this section; however, caliper brake systems are presently being developed. Therefore, refer to the equipment manufacturer's literature for information on maintenance and safety considerations.I. Maintenance ProceduresThe following maintenance procedures are recommended:1) scheduled lubrication and visual inspection,2) adjustment of brake handle position,3) adjustment of band rollers and springs,4) inspection of lining (blocks) and brake rims for wear,5) inspection of cooling system,6) inspection of bands, especially when blocks are replaced, and7) inspection of linkage (live and dead end) for wear.The timing of these activities should be influenced by the experience of the operation, rig conditions and usage, and recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. Special or more frequent inspections may be dictated by any unusual braking action or performance of the equipment, as well as anticipated requirements for the braking system. Most of these items are a part of daily rig operation, and problems discovered in the inspection will be solved by the experienced rig crew. All inspection and repairs should be reported. Problems of an unusual or serious nature may require special attention.Item 4 inspection may dictate replacement of linings and calls for an evaluation of the equipment by the inspections in items 4 through 7 and other related parts of the brake system, as needed. A lengthy idle period and possibility of deterioration will call for an evaluation of the braking system before restarting rig use. In all cases, good mainte-nance records must be kept, and will help to provide a safe brake system.II. Brake Linings (Blocks)As with other equipment expendables, drawworks brake lining wear and replacement should be monitored and recorded. If, when inspected, the worn blocks are giving good service and have adequate wear remaining, the evaluation is likely to be "Don't change it." If service life has been shortened by non-uniform wear, etc., lining should be replaced and the cause(s) should be determined and corrected.Brake linings for all manufacturers' drawworks are readily available from a number of suppliers in a variety of materials. Due to health concerns, some equipment manufacturers are discontinuing the use of asbestos lining on new drawworks. As to the selection of replacement linings, there are many choices available. Considerations include friction factors, fade, wear, service compatibility, equipment manufacturer's recommendations, as well as health and safety of the rig crew.With the proper supervision, inspection, tools and care, the rig crew can install a new set of brake blocks at the rig site. The brake bands must meet minimum acceptance criteria as outlined below in order to be re-lined.Replacement linings delivered to the rig installed on a set of used brake bands on an exchange basis could be dangerous. Use them only if the exchange bands have been properly inspected prior to re-lining.Brake linings and blocks should be stored in a clean dry place and protected from high heat or strong sunlight to minimize aging and deterioration.III. Brake BandsBrake band failure can be catastrophic. Proper maintenance and periodic inspection are critical to safe and reliable rig operations.WARNINGField personnel should be constantly alert to the severe consequences of brake band failure and should follow manufacturer's recommendations for brake band maintenance.Probably the largest contributor to wear on brake rims and linings, other than normal usage, is bent, flattened, or twisted brake bands. Special care must always be taken when handling, storing, or transporting brake bands, especially if brake blocks are installed on bands. When a band is distorted from its proper shape it not only pro-motes rapid wear, but causes the brake lever to "kick" when released. Operation of damaged brake bands can also cause brake band failure and/or damage to or failure of other brake linkage components.When removing a brake band for any reason, proper care should be taken to prevent damage of the brake band.Similar care should be taken during installing a new or relined brake band. Jerking the brake band assembly with the cat line or the hoisting line can cause kinking and distortion.Brake bands, as reinstalled on the drawworks, should conform to the following:1) Blocks properly bolted and secured in place on a surface that is clean and free from rust and paint.2) Bands inspected for roundness and proper curvature. Bands free of bends, flattening, twists, kinks or other distortions.3) Bands with the same material strength and other mechanical properties as the original equipment bands.4) Bands free from cracks around holes, rivets, welds, and at any other areas of stress concentration. All bands should have been examined prior to relining by technically qualified personnel using generally accepted inspection methods, such as magnetic particle inspection, dye penetrant examination, or other method for the detection of fatigue cracks and other defects. Bands with fatigue cracks should be removed from service and destroyed.5) Bands free from nicks, gouges, dents or other surface irregularities which act as stress risers. These should have been removed by filing and smoothing prior to relining.6) Bands free from any weld repair. Make no attempt to repair a brake band by welding or any other means. If bands are not in reasonably "as good as new" condition, they should not be put into service.As a word of caution, it is an accepted fact that end connector welds that run straight across the band width act as stress risers and can cause fatigue cracks.New or replacement brake bands should be stored flat and on a level surface to minimize distortion while in storage.IV. Brake Rims (Flanges)IntroductionBrake rims are designed to have a prescribed amount of wear (reduction in thickness) before they should be replaced. Wear generally accelerates rapidly once the hardened layer or surface has been worn away, and further usage will result in more rapid wear and an unsafe condition.Each time brake linings are replaced, brake rim wear should be measured. By keeping accurate records of the cumulative amount of rim wear, field personnel can predict when to replace the brake rims in order to get the maximum safe allowable service from each set. Timely measurement of brake rims must be made to assure that safe wear limits are not exceeded.A. Measuring for WearWear measurements can be made in several ways. The examples shown in Figure F-1 (as well as ultrasonic measurements) are used because they can be made with the brake bands in place and with only a short interrup-tion in rig operations.Figure 1-1 Brake Rims MeasurementsThe procedure used in Figure F-1 obtains the measured distance "M" (using a depth gage) which is used to calculate the greatest amount of brake rim wear "W". Compare this amount of wear to the permissible amount of wear, Wi or W2, in each manufacturer's table, included herein, to determine the appropriate action.Ultrasonic thickness instruments may also be used to accurately measure remaining brake rim thickness, which, as shown in Figure F-1, is used to figure the amount of wear "W". All drill pipe inspection companies routinely use this method.Dimension "L" should be measured and recorded before each brake rim is put into service.Information in the Table F-xx is not meant to be a substitute for information that is available from the drawworks manufacturer or other suppliers.Tables Related to Brake Rim Wear: T ables F-xxIt should be noted here that hardness tests of the worn brake rim surface will indicate if the wear has progressed into the underlying "soft" metal below the hard surface overlay. The brake rim manufacturer should be consulted in this. Many machine shops have portable hardness testing equipment. A variation of 10 to 15 points or more on the Rockwell C scale indicates wear into the softer base metal.B. Inspection of RimsEach time that bands are removed, wear should be measured and recorded and rims rotated to make a full 360 degree inspection for visible defects and wear, such as:1) Grooving and/or uneven wear. Measurement for greatest wear should be made at the point where grooving or uneven wear is greatest.2) Transverse or other cracks which propagate across the rim.3) "Cross checking" heat cracks are normal for hard metal overlay rims; however, if the cracks join or intersect adjoining crack patterns, it is possible for such cracks to propagate or enlarge to the point that the brake rim becomes unsafe.4) If operating conditions or the condition of the brake rim so indicate, further inspection by non-destructive means, such as magnafluxing, should be made.Remachining of brake rims for the purpose of correcting warpage or uneven wear can be performed by any machine shop with the appropriate machining capability. The finished diameter of the rim should fall within the wear guidelines recommended by the manufacturer.C. Replacement Brake RimsThe use of rebuilt or resurfaced brake rims is economically viable in certain circumstances, as long as the integrity of the product meets original equipment standards. Generally, large diameter rims or rims with complex geometries such as those with counterbored bolt flanges are good candidates. Rims with excessive wear or rims made of highly hardened material are not safe candidates for resurfacing.Hard surfaced brake rims are common, and are increasing in popularity both as new, original equipment rims, and as replacement equipment. New or rebuilt hard surfaced brake rims are generally harder than through hardened brake rims, and have a thicker hardened surface than flame hardened or induction hardened brake rims. The weld overlayed surface generally differs in appearance from other rims, being characterized by a cross-checking of shallow cracks. These characteristic cracks are not detrimental, and in fact indicate proper weld overlay applica-tion and relieving of residual stresses. These cracks should never extend into the base metal nor should they ever propagate into adjacent areas of the base metal.New or replacement rims should be stored flat and on a lever surface to minimize distortion while in storage.D. Water Jacket ScaleThe formation of scale in water jackets can cause brake overheating. Brake rims should be descaled when inspection reveals a significant scale build-up. Water used as a brake coolant should always be checked for hardness and treated as needed. Never use salt water to cool brake rims.V. Brake LinkageGiven enough time and usage, the contact surfaces in the brake system linkage will wear, resulting in noticeable slack. This affects adjustment of the linkage, operation of the brakes, response time, braking force, etc. This wear can be accelerated by several factors, including infrequent lubrication, selection of improper greases, accumulated grit and extremes in operating temperatures.Inspection and replacement or repair of the affected parts should be scheduled. Parts should be regularly inspected for fatigue cracks as well as for wear. The drawworks manufacturer should be consulted to determine if safe wear limits have been exceeded.VI. Company PolicyLong term economy of operation, within the bounds of sound safety practice, is probably the bottom line of most company policy. For the average drilling contractor, this is best accomplished by supervisors and operating person-nel educating themselves to the task and by calling on the expertise of knowledgeable and reliable manufacturers and suppliers. Our most important skill is knowing how to ask the right questions. Company policy must spell out the safe limits and must schedule the necessary monitorings and inspections.The use of remanufactured brake system components will always be an option and the test of this should be the assurance of quality as represented by the vendor and, or course, performance. The product must perform with the same degree of safety as incorporated in the original design of the drawworks.This Page Left Intentionally BlankChapter G: Chains and Sprockets Chapter GChains and SprocketsInternational Association of Drilling ContractorsG-1。