DBExportDoc V1.0 For Oracle 使用手册
Oracle 数据库常用操作手册
ORACLE 数据库常用操作手册第一章SHELL篇1. RAC维护命令1.1. RAC启动与停止启动单一节点数据库srvctl start nodeapps -n <node_name>srvctl start asm -n <node_name>srvctl start instance -d <database_name> -i <instance_name>emctl start dbconsole停止单一节点数据库emctl stop dbconsolesrvctl stop instance -d <database_name> -i <instance_name>srvctl stop asm -n <node_name>srvctl stop nodeapps -n <node_name>开启关闭监听lsnrctl stoplsnrctl start或srvctl stop listener -n <node_name>srvctl start listener -n <node_name>停止启动服务srvctl stop service -d gzedusrvctl start service -d gzedu停止启动全局数据库srvctl stop database -d basesrvctl start database -d base关闭整个群集数据库root权限crs_stop -all或crsctl stop crs启动整个群集数据库root权限crs_start –all或crsctl start crs停止群集守护进程/etc/init.d/init.crs stop在Oracle环境中,当RAC不同节点间的时间差超过30秒时,会导致oracle数据库反复重启或者状态异常.重新启动整个数据库群集Usage: crs_stop resource_name [...] [-f] [-q] ["attrib=value ..."]crs_stop -c cluster_member [...] [-q] ["attrib=value ..."]crs_stop -all [-q]crs_stop -allcrs_start -allcrs_stop ora.oradb3.gsd1.2. RAC配置修改修改VIP地址oifcfg getif -globaloifcfg setif -global eth0/ iflist/etc/init.d/init.crs stopsrvctl modify nodeapps -n rac1 -A RAC数据库检查查看群集数据库状态srvctl status database -d <database_name>crs_stat -t检查单一节点状态srvctl status nodeapps -n <node_name>所有实例和服务的状态srvctl status database -d racdb单个实例的状态srvctl status instance -d racdb -i racdb2在数据库全局命名服务的状态srvctl status service -d racdb -s racdb_taf特定节点上节点应用程序的状态srvctl status nodeapps -n linux1ASM 实例的状态srvctl status asm -n linux1列出配置的所有数据库srvctl config database显示RAC 数据库的配置srvctl config database -d racdb显示指定集群数据库的所有服务srvctl config service -d racdb显示节点应用程序的配置—(VIP、GSD、ONS、监听器)srvctl config nodeapps -n linux1 -a -g -s -l显示ASM 实例的配置srvctl config asm -n linux1查询vote的路径磁盘信息crsctl query css votedisk查看节点状态srvctl status nodeapps -n oradb3srvctl status instance -d gzedu -i gzedu1检查crs健康情况crsctl check crscrsctl start resourcesgsdctl stopgsdctl status2. 数据库维护命令2.1. 数据库的启动与停止正常启动单机数据库su - oraclelsnrctl startsqlplus /nologconnect /as sysdbastartupsqlplus /nologconnect /as sysdbastartup nomountalter database mount启动管理控制台$emctl start dbconsole启动iSQLPLUS$isqlplusctl start停止单机数据库sqlplus /nologconnect /as sysdba3. 数据的导入与导出3.1. 数据导入imp fromuser=tutor1 touser=tutor1 file=gzdec-tutor1-060221.dmp;imp open_teacher/teacher987 file=db4_TJXJY_070723.dmp fromuser=tjxjy touser=open_teacher tables=(bbs,rbbs)imp open_netcsou/netcsou987 file=db4_netcsou_070713.dmp fromuser=netcsou touser=open_netcsou grants=n3.2. 数据泵导入impdp directory=backup_dir dumpfile=base-base_msgz-091111.dmp schemas=base_msgz include=TABLE:"in('RAC_USER_ROLE')" logfile=base_msgz_export.logimpdp tt_gd_lms/888888 directory=expdp_dir dumpfile=gzedu-gd_lms-090810.dmp schemas=gd_lms remap_schema=gd_lms:tt_gd_lms remap_tablespace=gd_lms:tt_gd_lmsimpdp directory=backup_dir dumpfile=base-base_msgz-091111.dmp schemas=base_msgz parallel=4 table_exists_action=replace tables=RAC_USER_ROLEimpdp directory=backup_dir dumpfile=base-base_msgz-091111.dmp schemas=base_msgz include=TABLE:"in('RAC_USER_ROLE')" logfile=base_msgz_export.logimpdp fvdb/fvdb directory=admin_dir dumpfile=FVDB.DMP schemas=fvdb remap_tablespace=fvdb:ts_fvdb logfile=fvdb_export.log3.3. 数据导出备份整个数据库exp system/manager inctype=complete file=gzdec-tutorl-070428.dmp增量型”增量导出exp system/manager inctype=incremental file=gzdec-tutorl-070428.dmp累计型”增量导出exp system/manager inctype=cumulative file=gzdec-tutorl-070428.dmp导出一个完整数据库exp system/manager file=bible_db log=dible_db full=y导出数据库定义而不导出数据exp system/manager file=bible_db log=dible_db full=y rows=n导出一个或一组指定用户所属的全部表、索引和其他对象exp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark owner=seaparkexp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark owner=(seapark,amy,amyc,harold)exp system/fitness1388 file=gzedu_open-bayi_new.dmp owner=open_bayi3.4. 数据泵导出在命令行中使用要注意使用转意字符因为' " ( )会被认为特殊字符expdp directory=test dumpfile=sfca09.dump logfile= sfca09.log schemas=sfcdata include=table:\"like \'SFCA%\'\"expdp directory=erp schemas=wfl content=data_only exclude=table:\"IN\(\'WFS_TB_FCSMAIL\',\'WFS_TB_WFMAS\',\'WFS_TB_WFDTL\'\)\" dumpfile=wfl16.dump logfile=wfl16.loginclude/exclude 例子:include=table:”in(’DB’,'TS’)”或者include=table:”like ‘%E%’”或者include=function,package,procedure,table:”=’EMP’”或者exclude=SEQUENCE,TABLE:”IN (’EMP’,'DEPT’)”expdp schemas=base_digischool directory=backup_dir dumpfile=base-base_digischool-20091118.dmp parallel=4 logfile=base_digischool_export.log4. Linux下常命令查杀所有oracle进程ps -ef|grep "ora_"|grep -v grep|awk '{ print $2 }'|xargs kill -9显示Oracle 的Unix 进程ps -ef|grep "ora_"|grep -v grep查看消耗CPU 时间最长的进程:ps -ef|grep oracle|sort +6|tail按照此列排序来获得当前高CPU 占用的用户。
Oracle Application使用手册目录Page一、如何进入Oracle系统___________________ 2二、展开或收回的标志功能介绍______________ 4三、更改密码_______________________________ 4四、TOOL BAR 介绍_______________________ 5五、GUI下拉式功能选单介绍________________ 6六、查询操作_______________________________ 12七、Reports 打印操作________________________ 13八、如何离开Oracle系统___________________ 14版本: ORACLE APPLICATION USER’S GUIDE Release 10G制作单位: 系统设计处制作日期:Oracle Application User’s guide简介一. 如何进入Oracle系统:1、Double Click Window95桌面上之Application 图标,即出现LOGIN 画面。
UESR NAME : M+工号(EX: M42590) (大小写皆会转换成大写) 按ENTER键,PASSWORD : M+工号(EX:M42590)按下Connect按钮即可进入系统。
2、若使用者第一次登入此系统,则系统会要求你重新设定密码:. 输入旧密码按TAB键,. 输入新密码按TAB键,(至少要5个字符). 确认新密码按下OK 钮后完成密码变更。
** 请务必牢记自己设定之新密码,此密码将做为今后进入ORACLE任何系统使用!!3、正确登入系统后,则会出现您可使用的系统选择画面:请选择要进入的系统,并按下OK 钮,系统将进入功能选单。
4、功能选择: 请各自参考各系统的操作手册.二、展开或收回的标志功能介绍图标符号说明1 向下展开一层菜单, 亦可选择Bar menu中Special的Expand功能。
在Windows NT中找到图中兰色选中的项目”Data manager”图3-1打开Data Manager管理窗口,在窗口中输入信息,如下图图3-2在Username中输入:ya119在password中输入:**** (此部分为密码,需咨询系统管理员)在Database中输入:yaao_db(如果在数据库服务器上备份则在Database中让他空着,如果本来就有东西,则删除)输入完后,按<ok>按钮,则进入下一个窗口见图3-3图3-3请在a项目中输入要保存的文件名(.dmp后缀),备份的表将输出到指定的文件中,或用<Browse…>按钮来选择文件保存,之后选中b项,即导出Tables,最后选择c项<Specify…>按钮,出现新的一个窗口,如图3-4在图三中的Remaining Tables:窗口中选择需要备份的数据表,(图中显示备份railway.Fei_lv和railway.Fei_lv_copy两张表,使为兰色先用鼠标选中railway.Fei_lv,之后按住键盘上的<Ctrl>键,同时用鼠标选择railway.Fei_lv_copy,则两个都显示成兰色,表示都选中,选中之后,按<Export>>按钮,则railway.fei_lv和railway.fei_lv_copy表都移到了右边的白色框中,即Selected Tables:中) 然后按<ok>按钮,则会返回到类似图二的一个窗口,见图3-5图3-5图3-5与图3-3的区别,在与图3-5中的a、b两项内容的变化,在出现此图时,按<Export>按钮,即图a所示按钮,则程序就进入运行当中,运行窗口如图3-6运行过程当中,<Close>按钮是虚的,当出现图五中红色椭圆提示的信息:Export terminated successfully without warnings时,表示成功,<close>按钮变为有效了,然后按<close>关闭窗口,又回到图四窗口中,再按<Close>按钮退出Oracle的Data manager。
例如:oracle_base=/home/db/oracleoracle_sid=suptdbld_library_path=/home/db/oracle/product/10.2.0/liboracle_home=/home/db/oracle/ product/10.2.0path=$path:$oracle_home/binexportoracle_baseld_library_pathoracle_sidoracle_homepath2.数据库的启动数据库的启动以及监听的启动,这里会涉及到监听器的概念,这里向大家介绍一下监听器,监听器是oracle基于服务器端的一种网络服务,主要用于监听客户端向数据库服务器端提出的连接请求。
su-oraclesqlplus/nologconn/assysdbastartup然后启动监听:步入/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/bin/lsnrctlstart3.创建用户建立用户,test1为用户名,test2为密码sql>connect/assysdbasql>createusertest1identifiedbytest2;要赋给此用户一些权限用于操作oracle给用户一些基本权限用作数据库的操作方式grantconnect,resourceto用户名(这里只赋给用户链接权限)二、相连接数据库首先要在使用数据库的用户设置环境变量如:#用户设置oracle_username=test1oracle_passwd=test2#oracle目录oracle_base=/home/db/oracle#oracle库ld_library_path=$ld_library_path:/home/db/oracle/product/10.2.0/liboracle_home=/home/db/oracle/product/10.2.0#oracle数据库名称oracle_sid=suptdbpath=$path:$oracle_home/binexportoracle_baseld_library_pathoracle_homeoracle_sidpathexportoracle_username oracle_passwd#oracle数据库字符集设置client_locale=zh_cn.gbdb_locale=zh_cn.gbserver_locale=zh_cn.gbexportclient_localedb_localeserver_localeexportnls_lang=american_america.zhs16 gbk三、ec程序的编写1.相连接数据库时需加之用户名和密码以及数据库名称如:execsqlconnect:szdbname;其中(szdbname为test1/test2@suptdb)对数据库的操作方式无非就是更动搜寻操作方式。
Package‘ora’October14,2022Version2.0-1Date2014-04-10Title Convenient Tools for Working with Oracle DatabasesAuthor Arni MagnussonMaintainer Arni Magnusson<***************>Depends DBI,ROracleSystemRequirements Oracle clientDescription Easy-to-use functions to explore Oracle databases and import datainto er interface for the ROracle package.License GPL(>=2)NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2014-04-1015:27:20R topics documented:ora-package (1)desc (2)sql (4)tables (5)views (7)Index10 ora-package Convenient Tools for Working with Oracle DatabasesDescriptionEasy-to-use functions to explore Oracle databases and import data into er interface for the ROracle package.12descDetailsExplore database:tables list tablesviews list viewsExamine table:desc describe table or viewImport data:sql import dataAuthor(s)Arni Magnusson.ReferencesThe official Oracle manuals are available at /technetwork/indexes/ documentation/.See AlsoThe functions that do the actual work are described in the DBI and ROracle packages.desc Describe Oracle TableDescriptionShow the column names of an Oracle table(or view)and various column properties,not unlike the Oracle SQL*Plus DESC command.Also show the number of rows when the table was last analyzed. Usagedesc(table,tolower=TRUE,dots=FALSE,...)Argumentstable Oracle table name,often in the‘owner.table’format.tolower whether output table strings should be lowercased.dots whether underscores in column names should be replaced with dots,converting ‘col_name’to‘’....passed to dbConnect.desc3DetailsThe...argument can be used to set username,password,and/or dbname(see dbConnect).Abbre-vations like user and‘pass’are allowed.The default database name is determined by the environ-ment variable ORACLE_SID,which can be redefined within an R session using Sys.setenv(ORACLE_SID="foo").ValueA data frame with named rows and the following columns:name Oracle column name.Sclass storage mode in R.type Oracle type.len Oracle length.precision Oracle precision.scale Oracle scale.isVarLength whether the variable has varying length in Oracle.nullOK whether the variable can be null.Furthermore,the data frame contains two attributes:rows(the number of rows when the table waslast analyzed)and analyzed(when the table was last analyzed).These attributes are not availablefor all Oracle tables,but are more likely to be available when the main argument table has the fullowner.table format.NoteSee the Oracle manuals for details about type,length,precision,scale,and nulls.See Alsodesc is to Oracle tables as ll(in package gdata)is to R data frames.ora gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:desc("dual",tolower=FALSE)desc("all_users")##End(Not run)4sql sql Import Data from OracleDescriptionRun SQL query returning an R data frame.Usagesql(query,tolower=TRUE,dots=TRUE,encoding="unknown",useBytes=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,warn=-1,debug=FALSE,...)Argumentsquery string containing SQL query or the name of afile containing a query.tolower whether column names should be lowercased.dots whether underscores in column names should be replaced with dots,converting‘col_name’to‘’.encoding passed to readLines.useBytes passed to gsub.stringsAsFactorswhether to convert string columns to factors.warn sets the handling of warning messages,e.g.when Oracle columns are of type‘LONG’.debug whether to return thefinalized SQL query string,instead of submitting it toOracle....passed to dbConnect.DetailsThe query is not required to end with a semicolon.In fact,semicolons are removed internallybefore submitting the query to Oracle.The arguments encoding and useBytes enable the user to solve character encoding problemswithin the SQL query.If the query contains non-ASCII characters,readLines and gsub(calledby sql)may convert the query to a different encoding than the Oracle database expects.The arguments stringsAsFactors and warn correspond to options with the same names,but thesession options are not used as default values.Therefore,it is necessary to pass stringsAsFactors=TRUEdirectly to sql in order to import string columns as factor.This option-overriding is designed tomake results more predictable and facilitate collaboration between database users.debug=TRUE is helpful for solving problems,and also to save complex queries(possibly to afile)for later use.The...argument can be used to set username,password,and/or dbname(see dbConnect).Abbre-vations like user and‘pass’are allowed.The default database name is determined by the environ-ment variable ORACLE_SID,which can be redefined within an R session using Sys.setenv(ORACLE_SID="foo").ValueData frame containing the imported data,or a simple string if debug=TRUE.See Alsosql is to Oracle tables as read.table is to textfiles.ora gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:##1Basic queries#Pass query as a simple stringsql("SELECT username,created FROM all_users WHERE rownum<=10")#Pass query as a multiline stringsql("SELECT extract(year from created)AS year,count(username)AS usersFROM all_usersGROUP BY extract(year from created)")#Pass query as a filewrite(c("SELECT username,created","FROM all_users","WHERE rownum<=10;"),"query.sql")sql("query.sql")##2Review query string,before sending it to Oraclesql(paste0("SELECT username,created FROM all_users WHERE rownum<=",5+5), debug=TRUE)##End(Not run)tables List Oracle TablesDescriptionList all tables in the database belonging to a specific owner or table space. Usagetables(owner="%",table="%",space="%",tolower=TRUE,...)Argumentsowner owner name.table table name.space table space name.tolower whether owner,table,and space output entries should be lowercased....passed to dbConnect.DetailsThe arguments owner,table,and space are passed as patterns that are matched by‘LIKE’,where%means any number of characters and_means exactly one character.Literal%and_are escapedusing two backslashes:"\\%"and"\\_".In other words,the default value"%"matches all strings.The...argument can be used to set username,password,and/or dbname(see dbConnect).Abbre-vations like user and‘pass’are allowed.The default database name is determined by the environ-ment variable ORACLE_SID,which can be redefined within an R session using Sys.setenv(ORACLE_SID="foo"). ValueData frame containingfive columns:owner owner name.table table name.space table space name.rows number of rows when the table was last analyzed.analyzed when the table was last analyzed.NoteThe output is a subset of‘ALL_TABLES’in Oracle,with simplified column names:‘OWNER’‘->owner’‘TABLE_NAME’‘->table’‘TABLESPACE_NAME’‘->space’‘NUM_ROWS’‘->rows’‘LAST_ANALYZED’‘->analyzed’See Alsotables is to Oracle as ll(in package gdata)is to R environments.ora gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Tables belonging to owner"sys":tables("sys")#Tables whose name contains"map",preceded by at least one character:tables(,"%_map%")#Tables whose name ends with"_map":tables(,"%\\_map")##End(Not run)views List Oracle ViewsDescriptionList all views in the database belonging to a specific owner.Usageviews(owner="%",view="%",tolower=TRUE,...)Argumentsowner owner name.view view name.tolower whether owner and view output entries should be lowercased....passed to dbConnect.DetailsThe arguments owner and view,are passed as patterns that are matched by‘LIKE’,where%meansany number of characters and_means exactly one character.Literal%and_are escaped using twobackslashes:"\\%"and"\\_".In other words,the default value"%"matches all strings.The...argument can be used to set username,password,and/or dbname(see dbConnect).Abbre-vations like user and‘pass’are allowed.The default database name is determined by the environ-ment variable ORACLE_SID,which can be redefined within an R session using Sys.setenv(ORACLE_SID="foo").ValueData frame containing two columns:owner owner name.view view name.NoteThe output is a subset of‘ALL_VIEWS’in Oracle,with simplified column names:‘OWNER’‘->owner’‘VIEW_NAME’‘->view’See Alsoviews is to Oracle as ll(in package gdata)is to R environments.ora gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Views belonging to owner"sys":views("sys")#Views whose name contains"all",followed by at least one character: views(,"%all_%")#Views whose name begins with"all_":views(,"all\\_%")##End(Not run)Index∗classesdesc,2∗databasedesc,2ora-package,1sql,4tables,5views,7∗utilitiesdesc,2ora-package,1sql,4tables,5views,7dbConnect,3,4,6,7desc,2,2gsub,4options,4ora,3,5,6,9ora(ora-package),1ora-package,1read.table,5readLines,4sql,2,4tables,2,5views,2,710。
Oracle 数据表数据库操作指南说明书
ORACLE PROVISIONING ANDPATCH AUTOMATION PACK FEATURES • Automated patching for Oracle products and the operating system • Integration with My Oracle Support • Patch Recommendations • Patch Validation and Single Click Merge Patch request process • Software Image Library • Flexible, extensible Deployment Procedure based patching and provisioning • Application Lifecycle Management • Fusion Middleware, WebLogic Server and Application Server provisioning • Database, RAC, Grid Infrastructure, Clusterware and Automated Storage Management provisioning across versions and platforms • Single click cluster scale out and scale back • Single instance-to-RAC conversion • Bare metal OS provisioning • CLI driven runtime • Support for secure authentication like SUDO and PAM • Provisioning and Patch deployment reports BENEFITS • Standardized software deployment processes reduce operational risks • Out-of-box best practices lower cost of deployment • Mass scale operations increase operational efficiency • Increased Availability through Integrated Systems and Support Management • Single console to manage your IT environment and support The Oracle Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack automates the deployment of software, applications, and patches. It provides the ability to provision the entire software stack including the operating system, middleware, database along with comprehensive reporting tools making the Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack a key component in the overall System Management space. These capabilities are critical to making data center operations easy, efficient and scalable resulting in lower operational risk and cost of ownership. Following is a brief description of the key features. End-to-End Patching of Oracle Products Oracle Enterprise Manager includes an end-to-end patching solution that works seamlessly across a wide range of product patches and customer environments. The patching application automates the deployment of Oracle patches for the Database (including Clusterware, Grid Infrastructure, Real Application Cluster and Automatic Storage Management), Oracle Application Server, and the underlying Operating System. The application takes care of pre and post patching steps such as shutdown and startup of services, and dictionary changes, if required. The patching application leverages the flexible Deployment Procedure framework, that lets users add custom steps for specific actions within the patching process. Users can patch hundreds of databases concurrently in one single downtime window and are automatically notified upon completion of process. Patching of Operating Systems Enterprise Manager provides a comprehensive patching solution for popular operating systems like Linux, Windows and Solaris. Enterprise Manager integrates with Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) to provide periodic automatic updates for Linux hosts. Users can visualize compliance information and ensure that any critical Linux patches released by Oracle are automatically applied. Several Linux hosts can be grouped together and patched at once making the process completely lights out. Users can also define custom channels and configuration file channels to update custom rpms and configuration files on hosts. Errata or advisory information for Packages is also available. Server and Software Provisioning The philosophy of grid computing centers on the ability to deploy and reassign hardware and software resources quickly and efficiently and make them operational.Enterprise Manager includes the functionality of bare metal provisioning of Linux operating system through a standardized PXE (Preboot Execution Environment) booting process. It also facilitates delivery of additional software on top of the operating system. As a part of this process, administrators can associate images with specific hardware and storage templates to cover the variety of hardware population. The provisioning process also registers the server as a target in Enterprise Manager, so that it can be managed henceforth.Enterprise Manager comes with out-of-box Deployment Procedures to install the Oracle Database (both Single Instance and RAC), Oracle Grid Infrastructure, Oracle Clusterware, Oracle Automatic Storage Management and Oracle Application Server from gold images following the best practices for maximum availability. The “gold images” are tested and approved software images and can be patched to any level before deployment. The provisioning procedures automate the installation of the products and configure storage, networking and load balancers in the process. These operations could otherwise be time-consuming and error prone.In addition to provisioning software from gold images stored in the software library, administrators can also use Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control to clone software from reference installations. For example, administrators can use predefined, customizable deployment procedures to clone existing installations of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, Oracle WebLogic Server, and/or Oracle Application Server 10g software. This simplifies and speeds up the process of building environments to support the life cycle of a new application.Figure 1: Clone Oracle Fusion Middleware and WebLogic Server softwareEnterprise Manager also facilitates the setting up of Disaster Recovery (DR) systems. Using a simple wizard driven approach one can setup Physical or Logical Standby environments.Complete Lifecycle ManagementThe provisioning features of Oracle Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack can be used to achieve complete automation of Software Lifecycle such as promotion from test to production environments. This can be utilized to establish test environmentsto be used for Real Application Testing.Cluster Scale Out and Scale BackTo address the growing business demands, modern data centers require the ability to augment and relocate resources quickly and efficiently and make them operational. The core foundation of Oracle’s Grid architecture lies in scaling out the cluster in a quick and easy manner. Through Enterprise Manager one can add or drop a node of RAC with a single click. All the complexities of provisioning and configuring the agent, Clusterware, Grid Infrastructure, storage, network and the database software are automated and hidden from the end user.Oracle Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack also has the ability to convert a single instance non-RAC database to a multi-node RAC database. Using a wizard driven interface the administrator is guided through the process. An easy workflow makes this job easy and convenient for administrators.Through Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control, administrators can rapidly scale out an Oracle WebLogic Server domain or Oracle Application Server Cluster with additional managed servers to accommodate an increase in application load. For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, Enterprise Manager allows administrators to add a new managed server or clone a managed server to increase capacity of an Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster.My Oracle Support and Enterprise Manager IntegrationMy Oracle Support is now integrated with Enterprise Manager; this integration provides system administrators with a single console that personalizes their support experience along with seamless management of their IT environments.Through this integration users receive, comprehensive patch recommendations, ability to create patching plans for organizing rollouts, validations for conflicts, ability to download an existing merged patch or request a new merged patch and directly automate the deployment of patches.Figure 2: My Oracle Support Integration with Enterprise ManagerThrough the My Oracle Support Integration with Enterprise Manager, users have access to Community forums making visible customer inputs on patches along with the number of times a specific patch has been downloaded.Patch plans enable accumulation of multiple patches and affected targets, check for conflicts and integrate with Deployment Procedures to automate the deployments.Figure 3: Patch Conflict Validation and Single Click Merge Request ProcessUsers via automated patch conflict validation can download existing merged patches or request for a new merge patch all through single integrated console.ConclusionThe essence of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack lies in reducing manual labor, especially tedious and error prone tasks, while creating standard software environments that can be managed in a scalable manner. With its rich set of automation capabilities, the Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack has become an integral part of today's data centerAn independent research study found that customers using the Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack can help organizations achieve a positive 124% return on investment (ROI) with a payback period of 15 months. For more details access, The Total Economic Impact™ Of Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Management Pack And Provisioning And Patch Automation Pack by Forrester research on Contact UsFor more information about Oracle Enterprise Manager Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack, please visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an Oracle representative.Copyright © 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. 0110。
Oracle Application使用手册目录Page一、如何进入Oracle系统___________________ 2二、展开或收回的标志功能介绍______________ 4三、更改密码_______________________________ 4四、TOOL BAR 介绍_______________________ 5五、GUI下拉式功能选单介绍________________ 6六、查询操作_______________________________ 12七、Reports 打印操作________________________ 13八、如何离开Oracle系统___________________ 14版本: ORACLE APPLICATION USER’S GUIDE Release 10G制作单位: 系统设计处制作日期:Oracle Application User’s guide简介一. 如何进入Oracle系统:1、Double Click Window95桌面上之Application 图标,即出现LOGIN 画面。
UESR NAME : M+工号(EX: M42590) (大小写皆会转换成大写) 按ENTER键,PASSWORD : M+工号(EX:M42590)按下Connect按钮即可进入系统。
2、若使用者第一次登入此系统,则系统会要求你重新设定密码:. 输入旧密码按TAB键,. 输入新密码按TAB键,(至少要5个字符). 确认新密码按下OK 钮后完成密码变更。
** 请务必牢记自己设定之新密码,此密码将做为今后进入ORACLE任何系统使用!!3、正确登入系统后,则会出现您可使用的系统选择画面:请选择要进入的系统,并按下OK 钮,系统将进入功能选单。
4、功能选择: 请各自参考各系统的操作手册.二、展开或收回的标志功能介绍图标符号说明1 向下展开一层菜单, 亦可选择Bar menu中Special的Expand功能。
1. 数据库基础知识,Oracle数据库是一种关系型数据库管理
2. SQL语言,SQL是结构化查询语言,是Oracle数据库的核心操作语言。
3. 数据库管理,Oracle数据库的使用手册还包括了数据库的
4. 高级特性,除了基础知识和常规操作外,使用手册还会介绍
操作手册目录一.表空间 (7)1.创建表空间 (7)2.增加表空间 (8)3.删除表空间 (9)4.查询表空间状态 (9)5.查询数据文件路径 (10)6.移动表空间中数据文件的路径 (10)7.移动表和索引到其他表空间 (12)8.查看表空间的使用率 (14)二.用户和权限 (18)1.创建用户 (18)2.修改用户的密码 (19)3.给用户授权 (19)4. 查询数据库系统上有多少用户,文件名和创建时间 (20)三.归档和非归档模式 (20)页脚内容11.查看数据库的归档模式 (20)2.修改数据库的归档模式 (20)四.日志文件 (21)1.查询日志文件信息 (21)2.增加日志文件配置信息 (24)3.增加日志成员 (24)4.删除一组日志 (25)五.密码文件 (25)1.创建密码文件 (25)六.参数文件(SPFILE PFILE) (25)1.查看数据库使用参数文件(SPFILE 还是PFILE) (25)2.创建SPFILE (26)3.通过PFILE 启动数据库 (26)七.STATSPACK (26)1.安装STATSPACK (26)2.数据采集 (27)3.设置自动快照 (27)页脚内容24.设置数据采集的时间 (28)八.ORACLE信息查询 (29)1.查询ORACLE数据库的名字,创建日期 (29)2. 查询ORACLE所在操作系统的主机名,实例名,版本 (29)3.查询ORACLE数据库系统版本详细信息 (29)九.控制文件 (30)1.查询控制文件 (30)2.备份控制文件 (30)十.索引 (30)1.创建普通索引 (30)2.创建位图索引 (31)3.查询索引所在的表,表空间,索引类型 (31)4.查询索引所在的列 (32)十一.主键 (33)1.定义主键 (33)2.查询主键索引 (33)3.查询约束信息 (34)页脚内容34.禁止约束 (35)5.开启主键 (35)十二.手工建库脚本 (35)十三..PROFILE文件内容 (37)十四.做定时JOB (39)1.创建存储过程,为此存储过程作定时JOB (39)2.定时JOB 的参数说明 (41)十五.查询出SQL语句 (42)1.通过SID 找出HASH VALUE 值 (42)2.通过HASH VALUE 值查询出SQL 语句 (43)3.根据HASH VALUE 值查询出对应的SESSLIN SID (43)4.根据HASH VALUE 找出对应的机器名称 (43)5.通过HASH VALUE 查询出该语句的执行计划 (43)6.查询存储过程 (44)7.查询对象属于哪个用户 (44)8.查询表的分析时间 (44)9.查询对象(表)的类型 (45)页脚内容4十六.查询脚本 (45)1.查询等待事件 (45)2.查询大表已经索引超过2G 的对象 (46)3.查看锁 (47)十七.基本的SQL语句 (48)1.对表的操作 (48)2.常用的函数 (49)十八.安装手册 (51)十九.错误总结 (52)1. ORA-00257: 归档程序错误 (52)二十.故障处理 (55)1.日志挖掘 (55)2.行链接行迁移 (57)3.逻辑备份(exp/imp) (69)4.关闭和启动数据库的步骤 (71)5.逻辑读,物理读 (73)二十一.METALINK操作 (73)页脚内容51.开二级别SR (73)2.OPATCH 下载地址 (74)3.数据库升级补丁下载 (75)二十二.ORACLE下载 (77)1.ORACLE10G 下载方法 (77)P1.IMP/EXP参数详细说明 (81)页脚内容6一.表空间1.创建表空间页脚内容71.1 创建临时表空间1.2 创建UNDO 表空间2.增加表空间页脚内容83.删除表空间4.查询表空间状态页脚内容95.查询数据文件路径6.移动表空间中数据文件的路径页脚内容10页脚内容117.移动表和索引到其他表空间页脚内容12owner='ZHANG'3.查询索引或者表存放在哪个表空间select index_name,table_name,tablespace_name,status from dba_indexes where owner='ZHANG'4.移动表到另一个表空间alter table zhang.zzq_1 move tablespace zhang_zzq6.查询该表是否移动到该表空间select segment_name,tablespace_name,extents,blocks from dba_segments where owner='ZHANG'7.检查表是否有效select object_id,object_name,object_type,status,created from dba_objects where owner='ZHANG'状态为VALID 是有效8.重建索引并且将索引移动到另一个表空间alter index zhang.zzq_index rebuild tablespace zhang_zzq页脚内容138.查看表空间的使用率有两个脚本都可以使用1.页脚内容142.页脚内容15页脚内容16页脚内容17二.用户和权限1.创建用户页脚内容182.修改用户的密码3.给用户授权页脚内容194. 查询数据库系统上有多少用户,文件名和创建时间三.归档和非归档模式1.查看数据库的归档模式2.修改数据库的归档模式页脚内容20四.日志文件1.查询日志文件信息页脚内容211.1查询日志文件大小1.2 日志切换1.3 重做日志文件详细页脚内容22页脚内容232.增加日志文件配置信息3.增加日志成员页脚内容244.删除一组日志五.密码文件1.创建密码文件六.参数文件(spfile pfile)1.查看数据库使用参数文件(SPFILE 还是PFILE)页脚内容252.创建SPFILE3.通过PFILE 启动数据库七.statspack1.安装STATSPACK页脚内容262.数据采集3.设置自动快照页脚内容274.设置数据采集的时间页脚内容28八.ORACLE信息查询1.查询ORACLE数据库的名字,创建日期2. 查询ORACLE所在操作系统的主机名,实例名,版本3.查询ORACLE数据库系统版本详细信息页脚内容29九.控制文件1.查询控制文件2.备份控制文件十.索引1.创建普通索引页脚内容302.创建位图索引3.查询索引所在的表,表空间,索引类型页脚内容314.查询索引所在的列页脚内容32十一.主键1.定义主键2.查询主键索引页脚内容333.查询约束信息页脚内容344.禁止约束5.页脚内容35页脚内容36十三. .profile文件内容页脚内容37页脚内容38十四.做定时JOB创建存储过程,为此存储过程作定时JOB1.页脚内容39页脚内容402.定时JOB 的参数说明页脚内容41十五.查询出SQL语句1.通过SID 找出HASH VALUE 值页脚内容422.通过HASH VALUE 值查询出SQL 语句3.根据HASH VALUE 值查询出对应的SESSLIN SID找出对应的机器名称4.根据HASH VALUE通过HASH VALUE 查询出该语句的执行计划页脚内容436.查询存储过程根据存储过程的名称,查询出存储过程的内容存储过程的名称要大写7.查询对象属于哪个用户8.查询表的分析时间页脚内容44页脚内容459.查询对象(表)的类型查询该对象是表还是索引等十六.查询脚本1.查询等待事件2.查询大表已经索引超过2G 的对象页脚内容463.查看锁页脚内容47十七.基本的SQL语句1.对表的操作页脚内容482.常用的函数页脚内容49minsumcount3.系统函数user查询当前用户的登陆账号select user from dual;decode函数select sum(decode(sex,'男',1,0) 男人数,sum(decode(sex,'女',1,0) from e;查询e表中男人数和女人数各有多少,使用DECODE函数来做一个判断,if语句的判断,如果SEX为男,做计数,如果不是男则不做计数。
dbexport实用程序的语法:-c 指示如果没有致命错误,则输出全部信息。
-d 仅输出blob描述符,不输出blob数据。
-q 在标准输出设备上不显示错误信息,警告和所生成的SQL数据定义语句。
-ss 为指定数据库中所有的表产生特定于数据库服务器的信息,对7.1动态服务器而言,-ss选项使dbexport输出初始extent和附加extent的大小,分段存储信息(如果表已分割),上锁的方式,表所在的dbspace,任意blob数据的blobspace信息等。
-X 标识符符字段中的HEX二进制数据。
目标选项-o 命令存储ASCII文件和模式文件的磁盘目录。
-t 指定存储ASCII文件和模式文件的磁带设备名。
-b 指定磁带设备块大小,block以KB为单位,该值必须能为所使用的设备接受。
-s 指定磁带的最大数据存储量。
-f 如果将数据文件存储到磁带上,-f选项用于指定存储在磁盘上的模式文件名。
/infocenter/idshelp/v10/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.mig.doc/mig138.htm Syntax of the dbexport Command>>-dbexport----------------------------------------------------->.----------------------------------.V |>--+---+------------------------------+-+--database-+---------->< | +- -c--------------------------+ || +- -d--------------------------+ || +- -q--------------------------+ || | (1) | || +-| Destination Options |------+ || +- -ss-------------------------+ || '- -X--------------------------' |'- -V--------------------------------------------'Notes:1.See page Destination OptionsElement Purpose Key Considerations-c Makes dbexport completeexporting unless a fatal erroroccursReferences: For details on this option, seeErrors.-d Makes dbexport exportsimple-large-object descriptorsonly, not simple-large-objectdataReferences: For information aboutsimple-large-object descriptors, see theIBM Informix: Optical Subsystem Guide.Restrictions: Not supported by SE.-q Suppresses the display of error messages, warnings, andgenerated SQL data-definition statementsNone.-ss Generates databaseserver-specific information forall tables in the specifieddatabaseReferences: For details on this option, seeServer-Specific Information.-X Recognizes HEX binary data in character fieldsNone.Element Purpose Key Considerations-V Displays product versioninformationNone.database Specifies the name of thedatabase that you want toexportAdditional Information: If your locale is set touse multibyte characters, you can use multibytecharacters for the database name.References: If you want to use more than thesimple name of the database, refer to theDatabase Name section of the IBM Informix:Guide to SQL Syntax.You must have DBA privileges or log in as user informix to export a database.Global Language SupportWhen the environment variables are set correctly, as described in the IBM Informix: GLSUser's Guide, dbexport can handle foreign characters in data and export the data from GLS databases. For more information, refer to Database Renaming.End of Global Language SupportYou can use delimited identifiers with the dbexport utility. The utility detects databaseobjects that are keywords, mixed case, or have special characters and places double quotes around them.In addition to the data files and the schema file, dbexport creates a file of messages named dbexport.out in the current directory. This file contains error messages, warnings, and adisplay of the SQL data definition statements that it generates. The same material is alsowritten to the standard output unless you specify the -q option.During the export, the database is locked in exclusive mode. If dbexport cannot obtain an exclusive lock, it displays a diagnostic message and exits.Tip:The dbexport utility can create files larger than 2 GB. To support such large files, make sure your operating system file-size limits are set sufficiently high. For example, on UNIX, setulimit to unlimited.dbimport实用程序以dbexport实用程序生成的ASCII文件作为输入,建立数据库并装入数据。
DBExportDoc V1.0 For MySQL 配置说明昨天下班同事问我用没用过DBExportDoc V1.0 For MySQL生成数据库文档。
下面说下如何使用DBExportDoc V1.0 For MySQL生成数据库文档。
2、配置ODBC数据源打开控制面板——》管理工具——》数据源(ODBC),点击添加按钮,安装完驱动后,会有一个MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver的选项,双击后,弹出如下窗口:输入相关内容选择ok。
值得一提的是,如果在此不选择database的话,在用DBExportDoc V1.0 For MySQL创建连接的时候会有错误,因为找不到具体指向的数据库。
3、连接数据库打开DBExportDoc V1.0 For MySQL启用宏命令,点击连接数据库之后在弹出的新页面点击建立新的连接。
弹出对话框选择鼠标选中的那个ODBC Driver,然后点击下一步在第一项中选择刚刚配置的MySQL的数据源,测试连接,弹出成功提示后,点击确定后。
. TIMESON-SM-2002-11-0001ANormal( 公开 )本地电信业务计费帐务系统ORACLE操作手册Version长沙天辰科技有限公司2000,2001,2002All Rights Reserved前言 ..............................................错误! 未定义书签。
1.数据库的创建 ...................................错误! 未定义书签。
.以下为 ORACLE启动初始文件 . ..................错误 !未定义书签。
.以下是建库脚本 . .............................错误 !未定义书签。
2.数据库基本操作 .................................错误! 未定义书签。
.数据库的正常启动 . ...........................错误 !未定义书签。
.安装启动与非安装启动 . .......................错误 !未定义书签。
.独占和共享启动 . .............................错误 !未定义书签。
.约束启动 . ...................................错误 !未定义书签。
.强制启动 . ...................................错误 !未定义书签。
.数据库关闭 . .................................错误 !未定义书签。
.PL/SQL基本程序的编写 .......................错误 !未定义书签。
SQL语言简介 ............................错误 ! 未定义书签。
PL/SQL简介 .............................错误 ! 未定义书签。
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Oracle Application使用手册目录Page一、如何进入Oracle系统___________________ 2二、展开或收回的标志功能介绍______________ 4三、更改密码_______________________________ 4四、TOOL BAR 介绍_______________________ 5五、GUI下拉式功能选单介绍________________ 6六、查询操作_______________________________ 12七、Reports 打印操作________________________ 13八、如何离开Oracle系统___________________ 14版本: ORACLE APPLICATION USER’S GUIDE Release 10G制作单位: 系统设计处制作日期:Oracle Application User’s guide简介一. 如何进入Oracle系统:1、Double Click Window95桌面上之Application 图标,即出现LOGIN 画面。
UESR NAME : M+工号(EX: M42590) (大小写皆会转换成大写) 按ENTER键,PASSWORD : M+工号(EX:M42590)按下Connect按钮即可进入系统。
2、若使用者第一次登入此系统,则系统会要求你重新设定密码:. 输入旧密码按TAB键,. 输入新密码按TAB键,(至少要5个字符). 确认新密码按下OK 钮后完成密码变更。
** 请务必牢记自己设定之新密码,此密码将做为今后进入ORACLE任何系统使用!!3、正确登入系统后,则会出现您可使用的系统选择画面:请选择要进入的系统,并按下OK 钮,系统将进入功能选单。
4、功能选择: 请各自参考各系统的操作手册.二、展开或收回的标志功能介绍图标符号说明1 向下展开一层菜单, 亦可选择Bar menu中Special的Expand功能。
- - -. DOC.NO. TIMESON-SM-2002-11-0001ANormal(公开)本地电信业务计费帐务系统ORACLE操作手册Version 1.0.02002.11.05TIMESONXX天辰科技XX 2000,2001,2002All Rights Reserved前言41.数据库的创立41.1.以下为ORACLE启动初始文件INITORA.ORA41.2.以下是建库脚本62.数据库根本操作112.1.数据库的正常启动112.2.安装启动与非安装启动122.3.独占和共享启动132.4.约束启动132.5.强制启动142.6.数据库关闭142.7.PL/SQL根本程序的编写152.7.1.SQL语言简介152.7.2.PL/SQL简介223.解决RDBMS问题313.1.性能优化323.1.1.优化内存323.1.2.优化输入/输出363.1.3.优化排序393.1.4.优化索引建立393.2.备份和恢复403.2.1.备份提示403.3.O RACLE 8S ERVER诊断特性433.3.1.Oracle跟踪文件443.3.2.设置跟踪事件473.3.3.V$监视视图523.3.4.锁实用程序543.4.O RACLE错误分析和解决方案563.4.1.常见Oracle错误563.4.2.ORACLE内部错误713.4.3.优先权1/优先权2问题分类和诊断操作73 3.5.常见问题77前言为了加强计费系统数据库的操作平安及更有效的管理计费系统数据库,编写该操作手册。
1.数据库的创立以下仅为数据库创立的样例脚本,在实际系统中应根据数据库设计要与系统实际配置而改变参数:1.1.以下为ORACLE启动初始文件initora.ora#this sampale init file writen by wzy 2002/11/15db_name = "jf"instance_name = ora8#service_names = ora#db_files = 1024control_files = ("/home/oracle/OraCtl/control01.ctl","/home/oracle/OraCtl/control02.ctl", "/home/oracle/OraCtl/control03.ctl")open_cursors = 100max_enabled_roles = 50db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8db_block_buffers = 4096shared_pool_size = 52428800large_pool_size = 78643200java_pool_size = 20971520log_checkpoint_interval = 10000log_checkpoint_timeout = 1800 processes = 115parallel_max_servers = 5log_buffer = 32768max_dump_file_size = 10240global_names = true#oracle_trace_collection_name = ""db_block_size = 16384#remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive #os_authent_prefix = ""job_queue_processes = 4job_queue_interval = 60open_links = 10#large_pool_size = 614400java_pool_size = 20971520 distributed_transactions = 10mts_dispatchers ="(PROTOCOL=TCP)(PRE=oracle.aurora.server.SGiopServer)"mts_dispatchers = "(protocol=TCP)"#patible = 8.1.0sort_area_size = 65536sort_area_retained_size = 65536# log_archive_start = true1.2.以下是建库脚本#!/bin/shORACLE_SID=ora8export ORACLE_SIDsvrmgrlconnect internalstartup nomount pfile = $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initora.oraCREATE DATABASE "app1"controlfile reusemaxdatafiles 500maxinstances 8maxlogfiles 32character set ZHS16GBKnational character set ZHS16GBKDATAFILE '/oradata/app1/system01.dbf' SIZE 200Mlogfile group 1 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/app1/app1_redo01.log','/oradata/app1/app1_redo01.log') SIZE 20M,group 2 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/app1/app1_redo02.log','/oradata/app1/app1_redo02.log') SIZE 20M,group 3 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/app1/app1_redo03.log','/oradata/app1/app1_redo03.log') SIZE 20M;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql;CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r0 TABLESPACE SYSTEMSTORAGE (INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS 20); ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r0 ONLINE;REM ************ TABLESPACE FOR OEM_REPOSITORY ***************CREATE TABLESPACE OEM_REPOSITORY DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/oemrep01.dbf' SIZE 5M REUSEAUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 25M MAXSIZE 80MMINIMUM EXTENT 128kDEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0);REM ************** TABLESPACE FOR ROLLBACK *****************CREATE TABLESPACE RBS DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/rbs01.dbf' SIZE 200M REUSE DEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0);REM ************** TABLESPACE FOR TEMPORARY *****************CREATE TABLESPACE TEMP DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/temp01.dbf' SIZE 200M REUSEDEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0) TEMPORARY;REM ************** TABLESPACE FOR USER *********************CREATE TABLESPACE USERS DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/users01.dbf' SIZE 50M REUSEDEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0);REM ************** TABLESPACE FOR INDEX *********************CREATE TABLESPACE INDX DATAFILE '/oradata/app1/indx01.dbf' SIZE 50M REUSE DEFAULT STORAGE ( INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0);REM **** Creating four rollback segments **************add rollback segment to 20*** CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r01 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r02 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r03 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r04 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r05 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r06 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r07 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r08 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r09 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r10 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r11 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r12 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r13 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r14 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r15 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r16 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r17 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r18 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r19 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r20 TABLESPACE RBSSTORAGE(INITIAL 128k NEXT 128k MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED optimal 4096K);ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r01 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r02 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r03 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r04 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r05 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r06 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r07 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r08 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r09 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r10 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r11 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r12 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r13 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r14 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r15 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r16 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r17 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r18 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r19 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r20 ONLINE;ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r0 OFFLINE;REM **** SYS and SYSTEM users ****************alter user sys temporary tablespace TEMP;alter user system temporary tablespace TEMP;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/caths.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/otrcsvr.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catexp.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catdbsyn.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catdefer.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catrep.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/dbmspool.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catparr.sql;/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/catblock.sql;connect system/manager/opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql;--create the product_profile and user_profile--CATALOG.SQL, ---加载数据库本身的数据字典视图--CATPROC.SQL, ---加载PL/SQL使用的PACKAGE--CATEXP.SQL ---加载EXPORT/IMPORT工具使用的数据字典disconnectspool offexit在数据库建立完后,可用以下语句〔也可以在建库脚本中直接增加〕对对tablespace增加数据文件:ALTERTABLESPACE"tablespace_name" ADD DATAFILE 'data_file_path/data_file_name' SIZE <the data file size you designed> <REUSE ><AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT{size you designed to exednd};>2.数据库根本操作2.1.数据库的正常启动正常启动数据库的选项是normal,这也是数据启动的缺省选项。
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