British Olympics 英国奥林匹克
"When people mention the Beijing Olympics, associated with the" bird's nest "; and mentioned the London games, you will think of" The answer is the dazzling red steel spiral tower of view-arcelor mittal rail tower. Scheme is come from 3 britons indians-designer Ann furnish • kapoor, Mr YaNa (Arup)engineering consultant company's construction engineers Cecil • barr have DE, and investors-the world's largest steel companies, arcelor mittal boss lakshmi mittal,.The tower is a continuous steel tube composition of the track. The British seemed more like the monster nicknamed the "iron blame", "shredded tobacco for water pipes", people's aesthetic view may different, but no matter how you evaluation, it is the model of steel construction engineering innovation.Although the Eiffel Tower track Tower is half high of Rail tower, but it is a challenging structure. Its unique design means that is impossible to adjust after construction starts .Singular appearance, because the Eiffel Tower has four legs, Tower itself from bottom to top are all generalshape, but Rail tower has three rail tower "leg", therefore can do from any Angle is not the shape of the unity at all. It is a sculpture, it is a kind of structure, and it is also a building.The shape of the Rail tower is complex, which is about 9 km steel pipe, and the size to be different from each other——through the 1800 co nnections dish together formed various kinds of dazzling geometric shapes.The project of another amazing at, the whole construction site only three workers operate.Rail tower will hang a weighed 40 tons, and reducing the pendulum similar place, in order to offset the wind and cause of the mast vibration, eliminate movement to visitors and bring insecurity.Rail tower during the games are open to the public, it has two direct elevator, but the design company more encourage people to climb the 455 steps, feel unique experience, the entire tower in the 70 m and 80 m has two observatory.Arcelor mittal company expect, the Olympic Games opening after 3 months, each hour can accommodate 500to 700 people up to the tower. After the Olympic Games, it will be permanent, ascend the tower by ticket system, expected a profit of 10 million pounds a year.Beijing Olympic Games "bird's nest" invited a famous designer Switzerland Jacques herzog design, "water cube" also has invited Australian designer participation and cooperation. And in 2019, the London Olympic Games are main venue by British home construction firm finish design, including the Atkins company which is responsible for c leaning up the ground and recycling, they were asked to circular utilization to achieve 90%; Populous company responsible for "London bowl" design, firm, hadid, building firm responsible for swimming pool design.As the regional soil is already a highly pollution type of soil, Atkins companies and even set up a "soil hospital", more than 80% of the contaminated soil get clean again, they also at the site through the soil bioremediation technology (through some microorganisms to clean upthe soil), let the soil was again use.The sports field"London bowl" is known as the London games "beating heart". The appearance of the bowl for London all white, appearance on wide below narrow, like a large soup bowl. "London bowl" a total of five ring structures, London bowl is lowering shape design, can let the audience closer watching the action of the athletes.In the external, with special material to fill the whole stadium "package" up, the porous, translucent, printing fabric, can make whole venues are "natural breath" in London, the walls of the bowl printed many Olympic Games on the history of outstanding athletes. Door curtain will surround the London temporary buildings of the bowl of part, as to the audience, protection and covered. After the game, fabrics for protecting wall will be made to people the bag."London bowl" design project of the Lord, comparing the vick "bird's nest" and "London bowl" the similarities and differences, but he said: "the UK design philosophy is very different.China is square and round" "The Olympic Games ended," London bowl will narrow two-thirds, "we have no depression, but very excited. We have too many landmark design construction, such as wembley stadium,O2 stadium and 'London bowl is we design' first a temporary stadium."。
1· 战绩回顾:2012年伦敦奥运会将产生47枚金牌,不过,中国军团能够有 亮眼表现的项目为数 不多。同2008年一样,飞人刘翔依然最被看 好。 去年年初刘翔。 改变技术,由原来的八步上栏改为七步 上栏,并在上海赛、 尤金站以及神户亚锦赛上成功试用。大 邱田径世锦赛上, 罗伯斯的犯规让刘翔屈居的师 父孙海平也认为, 刘翔已经走出了低谷,2012 年将是刘翔状态最好的 一年。 2· 伦敦畅想 2012年8月8日, 是伦敦奥运会的110 栏决赛之日,也是 北京奥运会开幕纪念日。在大邱世锦赛上 罗伯斯的“手拉手” 行为导致刘翔无缘冠军, 但是改变上栏技术后的翔飞人已然 展现了自己的竞争 实力,他的后半程依旧是全世界最棒的。 亚军,这个亚军令全 国人民都十分遗憾,却也让人更加期待2012伦 敦奥运会上“飞 人”能否再次站在110米栏的最高领奖台。刘翔面 对奥利弗和罗 伯斯,只要刘翔能跑出自己的节奏,刘翔飞人 再夺金绝不是痴人说梦
2012年8月7日,伦敦奥运会田径男子110 米栏预赛第一轮第6小组展开争夺,中国选 手刘翔意外摔倒受伤退赛。 • 刘翔尽管奥运赛前刻意低调、回避关 注,一心只为伦敦夺金,但刘翔身上关系 着数十亿商机和中国人民的感情。 • 此次伦敦奥运会刘翔再次意外摔倒受 伤退赛,北京奥运会的悲剧再度上演,刘 翔无缘2012伦敦奥运奖牌。
• 看了上面这些事件,同学们有何 感想? • 要成绩更要诚信!
• • •
只因多看了一眼,花也谢了,心也碎了 诚信考试“神州”行,本分做人“全球”通。 光明磊落做人,抱诚守真考试
国家 美国 中国 英国
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金牌 46 38 28 21 13
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29 27 16 25 8 29 23 19 33 7 1 2 3 4 5
• ———高2014级6 班主题班会
公平、公正、公开 拼搏、坚持、永丌放弃
• 2012年伦敦奥运会,即2012年夏季奥林匹 克运动会,正式名称为第三十届夏季奥林 匹克运动会。2005年7月6日,国际奥委会 在新加坡举行的第117次国际奥委会会议 上宣布,由英国伦敦主办此次奥运会,这 是伦敦第3次主办夏季奥运会。在伦敦当 地时间2011年7月27日晚上7点,伦敦奥运 会开始倒计时一周年活动。2012年4月18 日,在伦敦奥运会开幕倒计时100天时, 伦敦奥组委公布口号为“Inspire a generation”,翻译中文为“激励一代人 。”伦敦奥运会在斯特拉特福德奥林匹克 体育场于北京时间7月28日4时整开幕。8 月13日凌晨,第30届伦敦奥运会圆满闭幕 。
• 有很多人都说:平平淡淡就是福,没 有努力去拼博,又如何将你的人生保 持平淡?又何来幸福?
2019年伦敦奥运会,即2019年夏季 奥林匹克运动会,正式名称为第三十届 夏季奥林匹克运动会,将于2019年7月27 日20时12分开幕。
Olympic emblem of London
• 会徽以数字“2019”为 主体,包含了奥林匹 克五环及英文单词伦 敦(London)。这一 设计清晰地传达出伦 敦的声音——“伦敦 2019年奥运会将是所 有人的奥运会、所有 人的2019。
• 这两个独眼吉祥物据称是为儿童设计的, 儿童作家迈克尔·莫尔普戈给它们的来历写了 一个小故事:工人们在工厂为奥运会场馆炼 钢,在钢水出炉的刹那,两小滩钢水落在地 面,后来,一个退休工人将两个冷却凝固的 钢块捡回家,并且雕琢成了两个长着一只大 眼睛的精灵,伦敦奥运会吉祥物就此诞生。
• 吉祥物叫做文洛克,图解为儿童设计的吉 祥物!吉祥物是具有金属现代感的独眼卡 通吉祥物。它们的大眼睛其实是一个摄像 头,头上的黄灯代表了具有标志性意义的 伦敦出租车,而手上则戴着代表友谊的奥 林匹克手链。
• 本次奥运会的金、银、铜奖牌 是由英国艺术家大卫-沃特金斯 设计的,由于受到奥运会规则
着的是本届奥运会主办城市伦 敦,主办年份2019,以及代表 奥林匹克的五环标志。
Main Stadium
• 2019 London Olympic Stadium London Bowl
The British Olympic Team 英国奥运代表团
The British Olympic Team 英国奥运代表团在线收听短文You might have heard a lot about theChinese Olympic team competing inthe Beijing Olympics, but how much doyou know about the British squad ?Team GB (Great Britain), as they arealso known, have been training inMacau. The team are using the sportsfacilities that were used for the EastAsian Games in Macau in 2005. Specialgym equipment has been shipped in for them and the sportsmen and women are spending a week or so there before they head up to Beijing. The idea behind the camp is to give the British team time to overcome the time difference between China and the UK. The team also need to adjust to the hot temperatures and the humidity . A tropical storm this week has however affected training.UK Sport is an organisation responsible for managing the development in sport in the UK and they have set targets for the British team'sachievements in Beijing. They want the team to achieve a minimum of 35 medals in total. Sports experts are predicting the British team will exceed this target but only time will tell .The British team has plenty of strong contenders for medals. Ben Ainslie is a sailor and he is aiming for his third gold medal in Beijing. He has been described as Britain's top hope for a medal.Katherine Grainger is a female rower and she will lead the women's rowing team. The team have scored other medals including an Olympic silver but they are aiming for a first British women's rowing team Olympic gold. Everyone is talking about diver Tom Daley. He is only 14 years old and it's a great achievement to make it into the Olympic team at such a young age.Paula Radcliffe is very well known in the UK for completing marathons in record time . In spite of her achievements, she has not won any Olympic medals, and at 34 years old Beijing may be her last chance. Herparticipation in the Olympics has however been in some doubt because of a thigh injury.We wish both the Chinese and the British teams great Olympic success over14-year-old diver Tom Daleythe next couple of weeks.GLOSSARY 词汇表(收听发音, 请单击英语单词)competing竞争,竞赛sports facilities体育设施head up出发humidity湿度set targets制定目标only time will tell只有时间能证明sailor水手scored得到(奖牌)to make it into the Olympic team 能进入(英国)奥运代表队in some doubt不确定的squad(英国)队shipped in海运time difference 时差tropical storm 热带风暴exceed超出,超越contenders竞争者rower划船运动员diver跳水运动员in record time 打破(多项)纪录thigh大腿。
国际奥林匹克日目录[隐藏]【英文名称】【纪念日的来历】【奥林匹克精神】【相关资料】【英文名称】【纪念日的来历】【奥林匹克精神】【相关资料】[编辑本段]【英文名称】International Olympic Day[编辑本段]【纪念日的来历】1894年6月23日,国际奥委会在巴黎正式成立,为了纪念这一具有历史意义的经过国际奥林匹克委员会的赞同,把这一日称为“奥林匹克日”或运动日。
此后, 在每年的6月17日至24日之间, 各个国家或地区奥委会都要组织各种庆祝活动。
现在世界上参加此项活动的国家、地区已由首届的9个增至100多个,参加者十分踊跃,表达了人们对奥林匹克精神的崇尚! 经过国际奥林匹克委员会的赞同,把这一日称为“奥林匹克日”或“运动日”。
[编辑本段]【奥林匹克精神】《奥林匹克宪章》指出,奥林匹克精神(Olympic spirit)就是相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争的精神。
来自各国的运动员、教练员、体育官员以及观众生有不同的肤色, 穿着不同的服装,操着不同的语言,有着不同的生活方式,进行不同的宗教仪式,用不同的行为方式表达自己的喜怒哀乐。
基本上来说,只有马术,因为马术队一般都由男女运动员共 同组成,而马术的各个项目比赛中,都是单人出赛。
2012年伦敦奥运会,即2012年夏季奥林匹克运动会,正式名称为第三十届 夏季奥林匹克运动会。2005年7月6日,国际奥委会在新加坡举行的第117 次国际奥委会会议上宣布,由英国伦敦主办此次奥运会,这是伦敦第3次主 办夏季奥运会。在伦敦当地时间2011年7月27日晚上7点,伦敦奥运会开始 倒计时一周年活动。2012年4月18日,在伦敦奥运会开幕倒计时100天时, 伦敦奥组委公布口号为“Inspire a generation”,翻译中文为“激励一代 人。”伦敦奥运会在斯特拉特福德奥林匹克体育场于北京时间7月28日4时 整开幕。8月13日凌晨,第30届伦敦奥运会圆满闭幕。
• 游戏规则:首先,每大组先回答两道必答题。然后进行五 道抢答题,各大组自由抢答。答对一题得一分,答错不得 分。 • 惩罚制度:得分最低的组派出一名组员进行才艺展示。
• 伦敦奥运会上,中国军团的第一枚金牌产生于哪个项目?
伦敦奥运会射击比赛结束了女子十米气步枪决赛的争 夺,中国名将易思玲11万以502.9环的成绩获得金牌, 这也是本届奥运会的首枚金牌
• 奥林匹克运动会(简称奥运会)(Olympic Games à lípǐ o n kè n dò huì yù ng ) 是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的包含多种 体育运动项目的国际性运动会,每四年举行一次。奥林匹 克运动会最早起源于古希腊,因举办地在奥林匹亚而得名。 奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征。它是 一种融体育、教育、文化为一体的综合性、持续性、世界 性的活动,也是一种文化的传播体现,这样的传播在奥运 会中能得到充分的展示。
从奥林匹克中学会了什么英语作文What I Learned From the OlympicsThe Olympics are the most exciting sporting event in the whole wide world! Every four years, thousands of incredible athletes from almost every country gather together to compete in all different kinds of sports. From gymnastics to swimming to track and field events, the Olympics showcase the best of the best. While it's awesome to watch all the games and cheer on your favorite athletes, the Olympics also teach us many valuable life lessons that are way more important than any gold medal.One of the biggest things I've learned from the Olympics is the importance of determination and perseverance. It takes years and years of hard work, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment for athletes to earn the chance to compete at the Olympic level. Behind every Olympic medal is a story of early morning practices, endless training sessions, overcoming injuries, and never giving up on one's dream despite all the obstacles along the way.Just think about an amazing Olympic athlete like Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time with 28 medals. Did you know that when he was a kid, he struggled to even put his face in the water because he felt like he was going to bepulled to the bottom of the pool and drown? Through courage and persistence, he slowly overcame his fears and weaknesses until he became a swimming phenom! If he had quit when the going got tough, the world would have missed out on witnessing one of the greatest athletes ever.The inspiring stories of Olympic athletes teach us that no matter what challenges or setbacks we face, we should never stop chasing our biggest ambitions and wildest dreams. As the famous Olympic slogan goes, "Citius, Altius, Fortius" meaning "Faster, Higher, Stronger" - we should always strive to be the best versions of ourselves through hard work and dedication, just like Olympians.Another crucial lesson from the Olympic Games is the value of good sportsmanship and playing by the rules. At the highest level of competition, there will inevitably be wins and losses. Not everyone can finish in first place and receive a gold medal. However, the true spirit of the Olympic Games is about much more than just winning. It's about having respect for yourself, your opponents, and the integrity of sport itself.There have been so many heartwarming examples throughout Olympic history of athletes congratulating the victor after a tough loss, or extending a hand of sportsmanship invictory. Who could forget the iconic moment when Luz Long, the German long jumper, advised Jesse Owens, the African American track star, to take off a little bit before the foul line to avoid being disqualified? Thanks to Long's advice, Owens was able to jump a lengthy 8.06 meters and take home the gold medal at the 1936 Berlin Games. Their friendship highlighted how sports can unite peoples and cultures.In addition to determination and good sportsmanship, the Olympic Games have also taught me the importance of teamwork, cultural understanding, and celebrating our diversity as a global community. Sure, countries compete against each other on the fields of play, all hoping to bring home the most medals. But the Games are about much more than just nationalism and rivalry between nations.Instead, the Olympic Games present a beautiful opportunity for people of all races, creeds, and backgrounds to come together in peace and friendship through the shared language of sport. Talk about international cooperation and team spirit - every two years during the Olympics, over 200 countries and territories temporarily put aside their political and cultural differences to participate in something bigger than themselves!From the carefully choreographed Parade of Nations during the opening ceremony to the powerful moments of athletes from different countries embracing on the podium, the Olympic spirit reminds us that we are all part of the same human family. Our diversity is our greatest strength and something to be celebrated, not feared or shunned. The Olympics show us that amazing things can happen when we embrace our differences while recognizing our common hopes and dreams for a more just and peaceful world.I will never forget waving the American flag with pride when our team marched into the stadium during the 2024 opening ceremony in Paris. But cheering just as excitedly for athletes from China,Kenya, Argentina, and other nations gave me an immense feeling of global unity and belonging to something greater than any single country. If only we could take that Olympic spirit of togetherness, friendship, and healthy competition and apply it to solving the world's toughest challenges like war, hunger, and climate change! Now that would be a true victory for all humankind.So while it's tons of fun to cheer on your national heroes like U.S. swimming sensation Katie Ledecky or British track phenom Dina Asher-Smith, the Olympic Games ultimately are about waymore than just sports. They are a celebration and powerful embodiment of our shared hopes, dreams, and common humanity. Every four years, the Olympics fill me with inspiration to always pursue excellence through dedication and integrity, respect others, cooperate as a team, and champion diversity as a beautiful strength.That's why I hope every kid around the world gets the chance to experience the magic of the Olympic Games, whether by watching the awe-inspiring feats of athleticism and national pride on television or even one day being lucky enough to march with their country in the Parade of Nations. Because once you witness thatOlympic spirit firsthand, you'll be motivated to go and spread that positivity throughout your daily life and local communities. Who knows, you might even feel fired up enough to start training to become an Olympian yourself and represent your nation! Just imagine how incredible that would feel.The Olympics may only come around every few years, but the valuable lessons they teach about perseverance, playing by the rules, teamwork, and celebrating our diversity are ones we all should strive to embrace each and every day. The more we live out those Olympic ideals in everything we do, the brighter ourworld will shine. So let's keep that inspirational Olympic torch burning bright within each of us!。
大卫·迪克森奖(David Dixon)此奖设立于2002年,颁发给当届运动会表现最突出的运动员。
英女王缺席举行10月的新德里英联运 据外电报道英国白金汉宫2010年9月30日证实英女王伊丽莎白二世不出席10月在印度新德里举行的英联运, 这是几十年来伊丽莎白二世首次缺席这项赛事。 伊丽莎白二世的长子、王储查尔斯代表84岁的英联邦国家元首英国女王,出席于10月3日—14日举行的英联 邦运动会。 白金汉宫发言人说:“女王不会参加今年的英联邦运动会,这没有疑问!” “女王陛下的日程已经排满,而且还承担着很多其它海外义务,因此女王无法出席(英联邦运动会)。” 英联运联合会本月初曾再次警告印度,对英联运的筹备工作进展太慢称“很多工作都还没做!”
第15届英联邦运动会于1994年8月18日在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚市举行,67个英联运联合会的成 员协会派运动员参加游泳、田径、羽毛球、拳击、体操(含艺术体操)、兜网球、草地滚木球、自行车、射击、 举重、摔跤等11个项目的比赛。
届数举办年份举办城市东道国 第一届 1930年哈密尔顿加拿大 第二届 1934年伦敦英格兰 第三届 1938年悉尼澳大利亚 第四届 1950年奥克兰新西兰 第五届 1954年温哥华加拿大 第六届 1958年卡迪夫威尔士 第七届 1962年珀斯澳大利亚 第八届 1966年金斯敦牙买加 第九届 1970年爱丁堡苏格兰 第十届 1974年基督城新西兰
尼日利亚在1978年埃德蒙顿英联邦运动会前,就因涉及新西兰和南非白人至上主义和种族隔离制度以及南非 的运动关系而抵制当年的英联运。
奥林匹克单词“Olympic”单词释义:- 作形容词时,意为与奥林匹克运动会有关的;奥林匹克运动会的。
例如,“Olympic Games”(奥林匹克运动会),“Olympic athletes”(奥林匹克运动员)。
- 作名词时,常大写,指奥林匹克运动会。
单词用法:- 作为形容词,它常用来修饰与奥运会相关的事物,如“Olympic stadium”(奥林匹克体育场),“Olympic spirit”(奥林匹克精神)。
在句子中可作定语,例如:The Olympic torch is a symbol of unity.(奥林匹克火炬是团结的象征。
)- 作为名词,当我们说“the Olympics”时,就是指奥林匹克运动会这一大型体育赛事。
例如:The Olympics are held every four years.(奥林匹克运动会每四年举办一次。
)近义词:- Games - 这个词比较宽泛,可以指代各种游戏、比赛,但当大写“Games”且在特定语境下,可表示奥运会类似的大型体育赛事。
例如,“The Asian Games are also very important sports events, but not as well - known as the Olympics.”(亚运会也是非常重要的体育赛事,但不像奥运会那么出名。
)短语搭配:- Olympic Games:奥林匹克运动会。
例如:Many countries send their best athletes to participate in the Olympic Games.(许多国家派遣他们最优秀的运动员参加奥林匹克运动会。
)- Olympic Committee:奥林匹克委员会。
The Olympic Committee is responsible for organizing the Games.(奥林匹克委员会负责组织奥运会。
伦敦奥运会是历史悠久的国际体育盛事,届时将有来自世界各地的运动员争夺金牌。 国际奥委会是负责组织奥运会的国际机构。
奥运会吉祥物代表着奥运会的精神和主题。 伦敦奥运会的吉祥物将会是一位非常特别的角色。
奥运会起源于古希腊,经过漫长的发展,如今已成为世界上最受欢迎的体育 盛会。 英国在奥运会历史上有着丰富的表现和辉煌的成绩。
奥运会的组织机构包括国际奥委会和各个国家的奥林匹克委员会。 开幕式和闭幕式是奥运会的重要组成部分。 奥运会有丰富多样的竞赛项目和严格的规则。
伦敦奥运会的主要场馆分布在整个城市,为运动员和观众提供了世界一流的 设施。 这些场馆的规模和建设成本都令人瞩目。
伦敦奥运会将对经济产生巨大的带动作用,吸引了大量的游客和投资。 同时,奥运会还将对运会是一次非常成功的体育盛事,为世界带来了许多精彩的瞬间。 对于未来的奥运会,我们充满期待和希望。
The Olympic Games,a grand stage for athletes from around the world, is a testament to the spirit of competition,perseverance,and the relentless pursuit of excellence.It is a festival of sports where every four years,the world comes together to witness the pinnacle of human physical achievement and the embodiment of the Olympic motto,Citius,Altius, Fortius Faster,Higher,Stronger.In the realm of the Olympics,there are countless stories of athletes who have defied the odds,pushing through pain and fatigue to achieve their dreams.One such story that stands out is that of Derek Redmond,a British sprinter who competed in the1992Barcelona Olympics.Redmond was a favorite to win a medal in the400meters race.However,fate had other plans.As he rounded the final curve of his semifinal race,he tore his hamstring,causing him to collapse in agony on the track.But this was not the end for Redmond.With the crowd cheering him on, he made the decision to finish the race,not for the glory of a medal,but for the honor of his own determination and the spirit of the Olympics.As he hobbled towards the finish line,his father,who had been watching from the stands,rushed onto the track to support his son.Together,they crossed the finish line,a moment that has since become an iconic symbol of the Olympic spirit.Another inspiring tale is that of Jesse Owens,an American athlete who competed in the1936Berlin Olympics.Held in the shadow of Adolf Hitlers Nazi regime,the Games were a platform for Hitler to showcase the supposed superiority of the Aryan race.Owens,however,shattered thismyth by winning four gold medals in track and field events,a feat that sent a powerful message of equality and shattered racial barriers.The story of Owens is not just about his athletic prowess,but also about the courage to stand up against prejudice and the strength to overcome adversity.His victories were a testament to the power of the human spirit and the universal values of the Olympic Games.The Olympics also serve as a platform for unity and peace.The tradition of the Olympic Truce,which dates back to ancient Greece,is a reminder that sports can bring people together,regardless of their political,cultural,or religious differences.The sight of athletes from rival nations embracing each other in victory or defeat is a powerful symbol of the unifying power of sports.Moreover,the Olympics inspire the next generation of athletes.Young boys and girls watch these events with awe and admiration,dreaming of one day representing their countries on the world stage.The dedication, hard work,and sacrifice of Olympic athletes serve as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring sportsmen and women.The Olympic Games are not just about winning medals they are about the journey,the struggle,and the triumph over adversity.They are about the human spirit that refuses to be defeated,the spirit that pushes the boundaries of what is possible.The Olympics are a celebration of the best of humanity,a reminder that no matter how difficult the odds,with determination and hard work,anything is possible.In conclusion,the Olympics are a unique event that transcends sports. They are a celebration of the human spirit,a symbol of unity,and a beacon of inspiration.The stories of athletes who have overcome adversity,the moments of unity,and the inspiration they provide to future generations are what make the Olympic Games truly special.As we watch these events unfold,we are reminded of the power of the human spirit and the potential for greatness that lies within each of us.。
奥运精神拼搏英文作文高中英文:As a high school student, I am often inspired by the Olympic spirit of perseverance and determination. The Olympic Games are a celebration of athleticism, sportsmanship, and the human spirit. Athletes from all over the world come together to compete at the highest level, pushing their bodies and minds to the limit in pursuit of excellence.One of the most important aspects of the Olympic spirit is the idea of never giving up, no matter how difficult the challenge may seem. This spirit of perseverance can be seen in the stories of many Olympic athletes. For example, the story of Derek Redmond, a British sprinter who tore his hamstring during the 400-meter semifinal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, but he continued to hobble along the track with the help of his father, determined to finish the race. This display of determination and perseveranceembodies the Olympic spirit of never giving up.Another important aspect of the Olympic spirit is the idea of fair play and sportsmanship. In the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Australian sprinter Peter Norman showed great sportsmanship when he stood in solidarity with American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos during their iconic Black Power salute on the podium. This act of solidarity demonstrated the Olympic spirit of unity and respect for others, regardless of nationality or race.中文:作为一名高中生,我经常被奥运精神所感染,那种坚韧不拔和决心的精神深深地吸引着我。
奥运精神就是拼搏英语作文英文:The Olympic spirit is all about perseverance, determination, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Athletes from all over the world come together to compete, pushing themselves to the limit and inspiring others with their dedication and passion.One example of the Olympic spirit in action is the story of Derek Redmond, a British sprinter who competed in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. During the 400-meter semi-final race, Redmond tore his hamstring and fell to the ground in agony. Despite the intense pain, he got back up and hobbled towards the finish line, determined to complete the race. As he struggled on, his father rushed from the stands to help him finish the race, showing the world the true meaning of never giving up.Another inspiring example is the 2016 Rio Olympics,where the refugee team made its debut. These athletes had overcome unimaginable hardships and obstacles to reach the world's biggest stage, embodying the Olympic spirit of resilience and courage.The Olympic spirit is not only about winning medals,but also about the journey, the struggles, and the unwavering determination to never give up. It is about pushing through the pain, the setbacks, and the doubts, and emerging stronger and more resilient.中文:奥运精神就是坚韧不拔,决心和不懈追求卓越。
奥林匹克运动会,简称“奥运会”,是 一个由国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界性综 合运动会,包括夏季奥林匹克运动会、冬季 奥林匹克运动会、残疾人奥林匹克运动会、 青少年奥林匹克运动会和特殊奥林匹克运动 会。奥林匹克运动会每四年举办一次(曾在 两次世界大战中中断三次,分别为公元1916 年、1940年和1944年),每届会期不超过16 天。
黑色 红色
古代不朽之神, 美丽、伟大而正直的圣洁之父。 祈求降临尘世以彰显自己, 让受人瞩目的英雄在这大地苍穹之中, 作为你荣耀的见证。 请照亮跑步、角力与投掷项目, 这些全力以赴的崇高竞赛。 把用橄榄枝编成的花冠颁赠给优胜者, 塑造出钢铁般的躯干。 溪谷、山岳、海洋与你相映生辉 啊!永远不朽的古代之神。
传 说
希腊神话中的主神, 第三任神王,是奥林 匹斯山的统治者。 是希腊神话中最伟大 的英雄,在现代语中 赫拉克勒斯一词已经 成为了大力士的同义 词。
1889年7月,在法 国巴黎召开的国际田径 代表大会上,法国教育 家皮埃尔· 德· 顾拜旦 (Pierre de Coubertin)首次公开 了他恢复奥运会的设想。
伦敦奥运会的口号篇一:伦敦奥运会口号2伦敦奥运会口号“Inspire a generation”,激励着一代人努力进取,克服困难,勇往直前。
篇二:雅思阅读材料之伦敦奥运会口号发布:激励一代人智课网IELTS备考资料雅思阅读材料之伦敦奥运会口号发布:激励一代人出国英语考试有哪些雅思 6.5是什么水平雅思阅读评分标准托福阅读评分标准雅思和托福的区别Inspire a Generation has been revealed as the official motto for the London Olympics.伦敦奥运会发布官方口号:激励一代人。
With the Games just 100 days away, the slogan was officially unveiled at a ceremony at Kew Gardens by London organising committee (LOCOG) chairman Lord Coe and chief executive Paul Deighton.昨天是伦敦奥运会倒计时100天,在昨天于英国皇家植物园举办的倒计时仪式上,伦敦奥组委主席科欧和行政长官保罗·戴顿正式宣布了官方口号。
Coe said: ‘I am delighted to announce the motto Inspire a Generation. It is everything we have been saying since we have started this extraordinary journey, not just since we got across the finish line in Singapore.科欧主席:“我非常高兴地宣布2021伦敦奥运会的口号为激励一代人。
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1British Olympics 英国奥林匹克2British Olympics 英国奥林匹克A Look at the 1908 and 1948 Olympics 回顾1908 和1948 年奥林匹克运动会In May building work began on the massive Olympic Park in east London, the site of the 2012 Games. As well as being the venue for many events during the games, the park will feature shops, restaurants and accommodation for over 17,000 athletes and officials. The budget of the 2012 games is currently £9.35bn (127.2bn RMB), but this could still rise.London’s previous Olympic organisers had to make do with less time and fewer resources .Rome was scheduled to host the 1908 Olympics, but the eruption of Vesuvius in 1906 forced the Italian government to divert its resources towards the stricken city of Naples.London rose to the challenge of putting on the games at short notice . The White City Stadium was built in ten months at a cost of £60,000 (820,000 RMB). The infield of the stadium featured a swimming pool and stages for wrestling and gymnastics.London was next scheduled to host the 1944 Games but war postponed this event until 1948. Shortages of food, resources and capital meant this was always going to be a spartan Olympics. A temporary running track was laid at Wembley Stadium for the athletics. Britain was unable to build an Olympic village, but put the visiting athletes up in schools and army barracks , while some British athletes simply lived at home.These games have gone down in history as the ‘Ration Book Olympics’. It was the era of food rationing in Britain, and some athletes brought food from their countries to share with their competitors . The Argentineans brought 100 tons of meat and Iceland offered frozen mutton. The US flew enriched white flour daily from Los Angeles.At a time when the public were being urged to be careful in their consumption of food, this magnanimity was not welcomed by everyone. Dr Magnus Pyke at the Ministry of Food described America as having a "disregard for geography and expense".Food security is once again a matter of public concern but it is very unlikely that competitors will be asked for their ration books in the 2012 Olympic Park!3Glossary 词汇表make do with- 将就,凑合resources – 资源eruption of Vesuvius -维苏威火山爆发divert – 转移 stricken – 受灾的 rose to the challenge – 接受挑战(应付某种复杂局面)putting on – 举办 at short notice – 临时(即刻) infield – (体育场)内场spartan – 简朴的 put the visiting athletes up - 招待参赛运动员barracks – 兵营gone down in history – 史上留名 Ration Book -(定量)配给票证簿 competitors – 竞争对手 enriched white flour – 强化面粉 consumption – 消费 magnanimity – 大方disregard – 忽视Food security – (确保)粮食供给1. Reading Quiz 阅读测验Are these sentences true or false? Circle the correct answer.以下句子哪句是真?哪句是假?请圈出正确答案。
1. The 2012 Olympics might cost more than the current budget. True / False2. Naples was originally scheduled to host the 1908 Olympics. True / False3. In 1908, The swimming and gymnastics events took place in the middle ofthe athletics circuit. True / False4. London built the 1948 Olympic Village in ten months. True / False5. Some people thought that the USA spent too much money flying flour to the athletes in 1948. True / False42. Olympic Vocabulary 奥林匹克词汇Look at this picture from the 1948 Olympics and match the words to the correct letters.请看以下1948年奥林匹克运动会图片并将正确的表达填入横线中。
A: _______ B: _______ C: _______ D: _______ E: _______the infield the crowd the track Olympic officials athletes53. Vocabulary Exercise 词汇练习Complete the sentences with the following words. You will need to use each word once.请用以下词汇或短语完成每个句子。
officials crowd competitors disregard at short noticego down in history rose to the challenge track make do with 1. The length of the _______ in most stadiums is 400 metres.2. Steve Redgrave will _______ as one of Britain’s greatest Olympic athletes.3. In the 2004 Olympics, Liu Xiang was much faster than his _______.4. If Liu Xiang wins in Beijing, the _______ will go absolutely wild!5. Olympic _______ have the final say over who wins events.6. In 1908, London _______ of staging the Olympics _______.7. In 1948, some athletes had to _______ homemade clothes.8. When building a stadium, it is important not to _______ how it will be used after the Olympics have finished.64. Wordsearch 单词搜索Try to find the words associated with Olympic sports in the puzzle below.There are seven words or phrases to find. Words can be written horizontally (g ), vertically (i ) or diagonally (m ).请在下面的字谜游戏中,找出与奥林匹克运动有关的英语单词或短语来。