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外研版英语七年级下Module 11单元测试题



()1. Mike is from _____ , and he speaks _____.

A. French, French

B. France, France.

C. French,France.

D. France,French.

( ) 2. Can you ______ your sister to my party this evening ? I like her very much.


B. bring



( ) 3. My sister wants to go _______ this summer .

A.somewhere cool

B. cool somewhere

C. anywhere cool

D. cool anywhere

( ) 4. Please ________ the door . It is too cold outside .

A.don't open

B. doesn't open

C. open

D. don't close.

( ) 5. All my classmates like the new film, but I don't like it _______ .

A. after all.

B. at least

C. either

D. at all.

( ) 6. _______ this kind of peach and you will like it.

A. To try.

B. Trying

C. Try

D. Tries .

( ) 7. The Smiths together with Mr. Wang ________ in that factory .



C. working

D.is working .

( ) 8. I thought Betty was in the garden ,but __________she was in her room.

A. in fact.

B. in need

C. in danger

D. in time.

( ) 9. Jack , can you help me ______ the chair to the other side ?

A. nod



D. wave.

( ) 10. — Don't be late again , Mike .

---- ________.

A. No , I don't.

B. Don 't worry.

C. Sorry , I won't.

D. I don't know.

( ) 11. ________Alan have a party last week?

A. Was

B. Were

C. Do

D. Did

( ) 12. - When did you go there?

- Three days_________ .

A. last

B. ago

C. now


( ) 13. — What do you think of the book ? — _________ .

A. It is about China.

B. Very much.

C. It is very interesting.

D. It is 5 yuan .

( ) 14. ---Did you ________ school on time ? ---No , we didn't.

A. reach


C. get

D.get in

( ) 15. I am very tired now,, let 's sit down and have a .


B. dream

C. journey

D. question.

( ) 16. The railway road goes______ the mountains.


B. under

C. through


( ) 17. There is a bridge _______ the wide river .

A. over.



D. through.

( ) 18. My house is ________ the train station . It is only ten minutes on foot.

A.close to

B. far from

C. near at.

D.close with.

( ) 19. There is _____space for a big bed in the room . The room is too small .

A. little

B. many

C. much

D. few.

( ) 20. — Thank you for your present . — ________ .

A.It doesn't matter.

B. Not at all.

C. That's OK.

D. The same to you.

( ) 21. The girl started school the age of 6 .


B. to

C. on

D. at

( ) 22. I know a boy ________ Li Lei.

A. calling

B. to call

C. called

D. calls

( ) 23. China is famous ________the Great Wall.


B. in.

C. at.

D. of.

( ) 24. Mr. Smith came to China _________ his wife last year.



C. with

D. for

( ) 25. Yang Liwei rested in the spacecraft two hours.

A. for

B. in

C. at

D. on.
