05 UNIT_3 Analog Circuit
电子信息类专业英语Unit3 Electrical Technique
Operational Amplifiers ❖ Single-ended ❖Differential(差分) amplifiers ❖Inverting(反相) input ❖ the non-inverting input.
Unit 3上E一le页ctrica下l T一ec页hniqu返e 回
Unit 3 Electrical Technique
Passage A Analog Circuit Passage B Binary System and Logic Systems Passage C Magnitude Locked Loop
Unit 3 Electrical Technique
Load resistor In series with Short circuit
Unit 3 Electrical Technique
❖ “固态”的意思是当晶体管切换状态时,它的物理形式不 发生变化。晶体管中不存在可以移动的部分 。
Unit 3 Electrical Technique
Transistor vs. vacuum tube
❖ Compared to the vacuum tube , transistors were much smaller, faster, and cheaper to manufacture. They were also far more reliable and used much less power.
EE 338L CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit DesignLecture 5, Single-Stage Amplifiers (2)Calculations of Small Signal Input and Output ImpedancesHow to calculate input and output impedances (or admittances) of an amplifier? In the following sections, we assume that the amplifier is a voltage amplifier, whose input and output are both voltages. But we can easily extend the principles to any other types of amplifiers, such as current amplifiers (input and output are both currents), transimpedance amplifiers (input: current, output: voltage), and transconductance amplifiers (input: voltage, output: current).1. Input impedanceMethod A:i) Apply tst v at the input (* seenote below), draw the smallsignal diagram.ii) Calculate )(tst tst v f i =.iii) The input impedance isgiven by tsttst in i vz =, and the inputadmittance is tsttst in v iy =.Method B:i) Apply tst i at the input, draw thesmall signal diagram. ii) Calculate )(tst tst i f v =.iii) The input impedance isgiven by tsttst in i vz =, and the inputadmittance is tsttst in v iy =.* Note: If the amplifier requires an output termination, we should terminate the output accordingly. The load condition may affect the input impedance.iv tst2. Output impedanceMethod A:i) Set 0=in v , or if the input is a signal current, set 0=in i (** see note below).ii) Apply tst v at the output, draw the small signal diagram. iii) Calculate )(tst tst v f i =.iv) The output impedance is given by tsttst out i vz =, and the output admittanceis tsttst out v iy =.Method B:i) Set 0=in v , or if the input is a current, set 0=in i (** see note below).ii) Apply tst i at the output, draw the small signal diagram.iii) Calculate )(tst tst i f v =.iv) The output impedance is given by tsttst out i vz =, and the output admittanceis tsttst out v iy =** Note: If the amplifier requires some input termination, we should terminate the input accordingly. The input termination may affect the output impedance.Example : Calculate the output impedance of the following circuit, assuming both M1 and M2 work in saturation region. The small signal parameters of M1 and M2 are shown in the following table.Transconductance Bulk transconductance Drain-sourceconductanceM1 g m1 g mb1 g ds1 M2 g m2 g mb2 g ds2Note: As g mb is not 0, we take bulk (or body) effect into consideration. As g ds is not 0, we also consider channel length modulation effect.v tsttstSolution:(1) Set v in =0, and draw the small signal digram.(2) Apply i tst at the output. The small signal diagram is shown in Fig. 1.v intstFig. 1.Note that v gs1=0, and v bs1=0, thus the two voltage controlled current sources inFig. 1 are actually 0 (see Fig. 1). We redraw Fig. 1 as Fig. 2.tstFig. 2(3) For Fig. 2, according to KCL,tst i i i i i =++=2322211Thusv V1112ds tst ds s g i g i v ==Note that, v g2=v b2=0, thus22222222221)()(s m s m s g m gs m v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−== (3)22222222223)()(s mb s mb s b mb bs mb v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−== (4)and)()(222222222s tst ds s d ds ds ds v v g v v g v g i −=−== (5)Eq. (3)+Eq. (4)+Eq. (5), and combine with Eq. (1), we arrive at,tsts mb ds m tst ds s mb s tst ds s m i v g g g v g v g v v g v g i i i =++−=−−+−=++22222222222232221)()( (6)From Eq. (6) we can write,222221ds tsts ds mb m tst g i v g g g v +⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛++=Substitute Eq. (2) into Eq. (7),tst ds ds ds ds mb m ds tst ds tst ds mb m tst i g g g g g g g i g i g g g v ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+++=+⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛++=21212221222111 (8) Thus,21212211ds ds ds ds mb m tst tst out g g g g g g i v r +++==(9a)Note that 111ds ds g r =, 221ds ds g r =, and m mb g g η=, Eq. (9a) can be re-written as, 21222122221212212122]1)1([]1)[()1()(ds ds ds m ds ds ds mb m ds ds ds ds m ds ds ds ds mb m tst tstout r r r g r r r g g r r r r g r r r r g g i v r +++=+++=+++=+++==ηη (9b)v V 122122212122)()(ds ds ds mb m ds ds ds ds mb m out r A r r g g r r r r g g r =+≈+++=where2222)(ds mb m r g g A +=Example : 1) Assuming 0=λ, and 0=γ, what is the input impedance of the amplifier? 2) if 0≠λ, and 0≠γ, please repeat 1). Note that V B is a DC bias voltage.Solution:1) As 0=λ, and 0=γ, we have 0=ds g and 0=mb g . Draw the small signal diagram, and apply v tst at the input.g =0iFig. 1From Fig. 1, we have,tst m tst m s g m gs m d tst v g v g v v g v g i i =−−=−−=−=−=)0()(Thus,V DD v inm tst tst in g i v r 1==2) As 0≠λ, and 0≠γ, we have 0≠ds g and 0≠mb g .Draw the small signal diagram as Fig. 2, and apply v tst at the input. According to KCL,)(232221i i i i tst ++−=(1)gs =-g m v tsti 23=g mb v bs =-g i 22=g ds v dsFig. 2From Fig. 2, we can write tst m tst m s g m gs m v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)0()(21 (2))()(22tst out ds s d ds ds ds v v g v v g v g i −=−== (3) tst mb tst mb s b mb bs mb v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)0()(23 (4)D tst out R i v =(5)Substitute Eqs. (2)-(5) into Eq. (1), we havetst D ds tst ds mb m out ds tst ds mb m tst i R g v g g g v g v g g g i −++=−++=)()( (6a) Simplify Eq. (6) as tst ds mb m tst D ds v g g g i R g )()1(++=+(6b)Thusdsmb m D ds tst tstin g g g R g i v r +++==1Source Followers (Common Drain Amplifiers)(b)Input terminal: gate; output terminal: source.Note that, not all process technologies allow the source and the bulk of NMOS transistors to be connected together. The above schematics only show the concept.Large signal behavior Input/Output Voltage(V)Vout(d)VinVout(b)Input Voltage(V)(V DD=3.3V, W/L=8(6/0.9), R S=5K, I B=120u)When V in<V T, M1 is off, and Vout is 0.When V in>V T, M1 turns on in saturation. As V in increases further, V out follows Vin with a difference of V GS.When V in increases to a certain voltage (exceeding V DD), M1 enters triode region, the output voltage flattens out and clips at V DD.Small signal analysisWe only perform small signal analysis for the schematic above. The small signal diagram is shown in the right side.Note that, 2322211i i i i ++=(1)and SoutR v i =1 (2) )()(21out in m s g m gs m v v g v v g v g i −=−== (3) out ds out ds ds ds v g v g v g i −=−==)0(22(4)out mb out mb s b mb bs mb v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)0()(23 (5) Substitute Eqs. (2)-(5) into Eq. (1), and after some simplification, we obtain, out ds mb m in m Soutv g g g v g R v )(++−= (6)ThusSds mb m minout v R g g g g v v A 1+++==(7)Example . For the amplifier shown below (left side), assuming, 0≠λ, and 0≠γ.1) What is the small signal voltage gain inout v v vA =?2) What is the small signal output resistance out r ?outsSmall signal diagramFig. 1, Original schematic and small signal diagram for calculating small signalvoltage gain1) What is the small signal voltage gain inoutv v v A =? Solution:The small signal diagram is drawn in the right side in Fig. 1 above. According to KCL, we have 0232221=++i i i (1a) where )()(21out in m s g m gs m v v g v v g v g i −=−== (1b) out ds out ds s d ds ds ds v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)0()(22 (1c)out mb out mb s b mb bs mb v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)0()(23 (1d)Combine Eqs. (1a)-(1d), we have dsmb m min out g g g g v v ++= (2)2) What is the small signal output resistance out r ? Solution:Following the steps to calculate output resistance. (i) Set v in = 0.(ii) Apply v tst at the output, and draw the small signal diagram as shown below.Fig. 2, Small signal diagram for calculating output resistance(iii) According to KCL, we have0232221=+++tst i i i i (3) where tst m tst m s g m gs m v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)0()(21 (4a) tst ds out ds s d ds ds ds v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)0()(22 (4b)tst mb out mb s b mb bs mb v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)0()(23 (4c)Substitute Eqs. (4a)-(4c) into Eq. (3)tst ds mb m tst v g g g i i i i )()(232221++=++−= (5)(iii) Thus dsmb m tst tst out g g g i v r ++==1Example . For the amplifier shown below, assuming, 0≠λ, and 0≠γ.1) What is the small signal voltage gain inout v v vA =,2) What is the small signal output resistance out r ?V outFig. 1, Original schematic and small signal diagram for calculating small signalvoltage gain1) What is the small signal voltage gain inoutv v v A =? Solution:The small signal diagram is drawn in the right side in Fig. 1 above. Since there is no body effect , according to KCL, we have 02221=+i i (1a)where )()(21out in m s g m gs m v v g v v g v g i −=−== (1b)out ds out ds s d ds ds ds v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)0()(22 (1c)Combine Eqs. (1a)-(1c), we have dsm min out g g g v v += (2)2) What is the small signal output resistance out r ? Solution:Following the steps to calculate output resistance. (i) Set v in = 0.(ii) Apply v tst at the output, and draw the small signal diagram as shown below.i 21=g m v i 22=g v =-g v Fig. 2, Small signal diagram for calculating output resistance(iii) According to KCL, we have02221=++tst i i i (3) where tst m tst m s g m gs m v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)()(021 (4a)tst ds out ds s d ds ds ds v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)()(022(4b) Substitute Eqs. (4a)-(4b) into Eq. (3)tst ds m tst v g g i i i )()(+=+−=2221 (5)(iii) Thus dsm tst tst out g g i v r +==1Common Gate AmplifiersV DDv inFig. 1, Common-gate stage with direct coupling at inputIn a common-gate amplifier, the input signal is applied to the source terminal, as is shown in Fig.1. It senses the input at the source and generate the output at the drain. The gate is connected to a dc voltage to establish proper operating conditions. Note that the bias current of M1 flows through the input signal source.Large signal behaviorFig. 2 Large signal behaviorWhen V in >V B -V T , M1 is off, and Vout is V DD .As V in decreases, so does Vout, M1 is in saturation until()T B D T in B ox n DD V V R V V V LW C V −=−−−2121)(µ (1)After that, M1 is driven into the triode region.Small signal analysisDraw the small-signal diagram below when the transistor works in saturation, assuming 0=λ and 0≠γ,i 22=g mb v bs =-g i 21=g m v gs =-g m v inFig. 3 Small signal diagram to calculate the voltage gainWe can have,in D mb m D in mb in m out v R g g R v g v g v ⋅⋅+=⋅−−−=)()( (1)Thus,)()(η+⋅⋅=⋅+==1D m D mb m inout v R g R g g v vA (2)Example : What is the input impedance of the common gate amplifier discussed above (assuming 0=λ, and 0≠γ)?Solution : To obtain the impedance seen at the source, we use the following equivalent circuit:i 21=g m v gs =-g m v tsti 22=g mb v bs =-gFig. 4 Small signal diagram to calculate the input impedanceAccording to KCL, we have,)(2221i i i tst +−=(1)From Fig. 1, we have tst m tst m s g m gs m v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)()(021 (2)tst mb tst mb s b mb bs mb v g v g v v g v g i −=−=−==)()(022 (3)Substitute Eqs. (2)-(3) into Eq. (1), we havetst mb m tst mb m tst v g g v g g i )()(+=+= (4a) Simplify Eq. (4a), we have tst mb m tst v g g i )(+=(4b)Thus mbm tst tst in g g i v r +==1Example: What is the voltage gain of the following amplifier (assuming 0=λ, and 0=γ)?VFig. 1, Original schematic and small signal diagram for calculating small signalvoltage gainSolution:According to KCL, we have, 1121i i =(1)From Fig. 1, we haves m gs m v g v g i 22221−== (2))(in s m sg m v v g v g i −==11122 (3)Substitute Eqs. (2)-(3) into Eq. (1), we have in m m m s v g g g v 211+=(4)ThusD m m m m in D s m in out v R g g gg v R v g v v A 21212+===(5)。
Analog Circuit Design 模拟电路设计课程
Simple Source (Cont.) How to make R OUT better (ie. larger) ? Degeneration?
High Swing Cascode is the solution
I REF I OUT M3 ROUT = ( 1 + χ2 ) ⋅( 1 + χ3 ) ⋅gm 2 ⋅g m 3 ⋅r o1 ⋅r o2 ⋅r o3 M2 M1 2 ⋅( V T + VDSAT ) I OUT 2 ⋅VDSAT
-22 ⋅I REF = VDD – VT – ------------- W ⋅ ---- k ′ L
Iterative Solution !
Analysis :
DD – V GS 1 = V ---------------------R REF
Design :
Simple Source (Cont.)
-22 ⋅I REF VDD – V T – ------------- W ⋅---- k ′ L V DD – V GS 1 = ---------------------- = ----------------------------------------------I REF I REF
access:读写;接入active:有源的;有效的adaptor:适配器address:地址addressing:寻址aerial:天线*algorithm:算法Ampere: 安培amplify:放大*amplifier: 放大器amplitude:幅度analog:模拟的*antenna:array:阵列assembly:backup:*band:barcode:base:baseband:*battery:baud:波特beam:波/*binary:bipolar:bitmap:Bluetooth:Boolean:boot:breakdown:buffer:*bus:总线buzzer:bypass:*cable:电缆*capacitor:电容器capacitance:电容(值)case:封装;大小写case-sensitive:区分大小写的casing:封装*carrier:载波cell:电池;单元*cellphone:手机cellularphone:蜂窝电话cache:高速缓存*channel:信道;频道;通道character:字符characteristic:特征的*charge:电荷;充电*chip:芯片*circuit:电路*code:码;代码;编码*sourcecodes:源代码codec:编码解码器coding:编码collector:集电极*clock:时钟*communication:通信;交通compatible:兼容的) decupling:去耦default:缺席;默认值definition:清晰度;分辨力*demodulation:解调*design:设计detection:检波;解调;探测device:设备;元件die:晶片;晶粒;小片dielectric:电介质的;绝缘的*digital:数字的;数码的*diode:二极管direct-coupled:直接耦合的discrete:分离的;分立的discrimination:分辨率;识别力discriminator:鉴别器;鉴频器*disk:磁盘distortion:失真distributed:分布式的document:文件domesticappliances:家用电器drift:漂移drive:驱动*driver:驱动器;驱动程序dual-in-line:双列直插duplex:双工edge:边沿edit:编辑electric:electron:emitter:entropy:熵envelop:equation:Ethernet:fade:衰落facsimile:feedback:*filter:firewall:软件)flashmemory:闪存frame:帧*frequency频率*fuse:保险丝*gain: 增益gateway:网关generator:发电机;发生器*glassfiber:玻璃纤维hacker:黑客*image:图像*impedance:阻抗impulse:冲激*inductor:电感器inductance:电感(量)*information:信息infrastructure:基础设施*input:输入installation:安装*instruction:指令*instrument:仪器integer:整型数*integratedcircuit:集成电路(芯片);IC interactive:交互式的*interface:接口*interrupt:中断*motor:电动机;马达;汽车;汽艇*multimedia:多媒体multiplex:多路复用mutualconductance:互导*network:网络networkedcomputing:网络计算*noise:噪音nominal:标称的;名义上的offset:补偿;偏离opencircuit:开路*opticalfiber:光学纤维opto-:光-oscillation:振荡*oscillator:振荡器*oscilloscope:示波器*output:输出overflow:溢出overhead:开销overload:1.过载;2.重载package:包panel:面板*passive:无源的peripheral:(计算机)外围设备*phase:相位pin:管脚pliers:plotter:*plug:插头*power:*printer:probe:(process:projector:*pulse:quartz:radar:雷达*radio:1.realtime:receive:*receiver:*record:rectifier:*relay:refresh:register:resin:松香resistance:电阻(量)*resistor:电阻(器) resolution:分辨率;解析率resonate:谐振response:响应route:(PCB)布线router:路由器sample:样本;样品;采样*satellite:卫星saturation:饱和scan:扫描*scanner:扫描仪;天线*screen:1.屏幕;2.屏蔽screw:螺丝钉screwdriver:螺丝刀*semiconductor:半导体serialno:序列号series:级数;串联settopbox:机顶盒sharing:共享shielding:屏蔽shortcircuit:短路*signal:信号*silicon:硅*video:视频Volt:伏特*voltage:电压wafer:晶片;硅片;晶圆Watt瓦特wave:波waveformgenerator:波形发生器waveguide:波导wavelength:波长wire:线;导线*wireless:无线的adder?加法器?and?gate?与门audio?amplifier?音频放大器comparator?比较器?DC-coupled?直流耦合的discrete?离散的emitter?coupled?logic?发射极耦合电路?fidelity?保真度?flip-flop?触发器mixer?混合器,混频器?modulator?故障,失灵opertional?amplifier?运算放大器radio?frequency?amplifier?射频放大器?anode?阳极bais?偏压cathode?dope?掺杂electrode?field-grid?photocell?sensor?triode?acronym?assembler?bit?bug?byte?decoder?译码器graghical?user?interface?图形用户界面?icon?图标,像标?instruction?register?指令寄存器?machine?code?机器码?menory?location?存储单元program?counter?程序计数器?专业英语词汇静态电阻(n.)staticresistance2.动态电阻(n.)dynamicresistance3.感抗(n.)inductivereactance4.容抗(n.)capacitivereactance5.阻抗(n.)impedance6.导纳(n.)admittance7.电子电路(n.)electroniccircuitry8.二端元件(n.)two-terminalelement9.电压降(n.)voltagedrop10.毫安(n.)milliampere11.微伏(n.)microvolt12.纳米(n.)nanometer13皮法(n.)picofarad14千克(n.)kilogram15兆欧(n.)megohm16电介质(n.)dielectric17线圈(n.)coil18磁场(n.)magnetfield19电场(n.)electricfield20电荷守恒(n.)electricchargeconservation/conservation?of?electriccharge21节点(n.)node22回路(n.)loop23正极(n.)positivepolarity/anode24负极(n.)negativepolarity/cathode25三角函数(n.)trigonometricfunction26正弦(n.)sine27余弦(n.)cosine28阶跃函数(n.)stepfunction29脉冲函数(n.)impulsefunction30静态响应(n.)staticresponse31稳态过程(n.)steadyprocess32瞬态分析(n.)transientanalysis33时变的(adj.)time-variant34是不变的(adj.)time-invariant35频域(n.)frequencydomain36时域(n.)timedomain37超前网络(n.)leadnetwork38滞后网络(n.)lagnetwork39频带宽度(n.)bandwidth40半导体(n.)semiconductor41微波(n.)microwave42声纳(n.)SONAR(soundnavigationandranging)43雷达(n.)RADAR(radiodetectingandranging)44只读存储器(n.)ROM(readonlymemory)45随机(存取)存储器(n.)randomaccessmemory46交流电(n.)AC(alternatingcurrent)47直流电负电子混频器转换增益民用波段音频]增益负反馈变换损耗积分电路。
电气工程词汇voltage 电压current 电流resistance 电阻reactance 电抗impedance 阻抗conductance 电导inductance 电感inductor 电感器capacitance 电容capacitive 电容性的,电容的shunt capacitor 并联电容器shunt 并联series 串联series circuit 串联电路parallel circuit 并联电路conductor 导线voltmeter 电压表ammeter 电流表arc 电弧charge n 电荷v充电,带电,起电discharge v 放电bridge 电桥valve 电子管deenergize 断路dielectric 不导电的/绝缘的generator 发电机motor 电动机audion 三极管diode 二极管potentiometer 电位器step-up transformer 升压变压器power system 电力系统,电网transmission line 输电线breaker 断路器relay 继电器demodulator 解调器radiator 散热器ventilation 通风,换气,通风装置alternating relay 交流继电器integrated circuit amplifier 集成电路放大器transistor amplifier 晶体管放大器terminal 端子amplifier/magnifier 放大器cable n 电缆v架设电缆fuse 保险丝熔断器interface 接口amplitude 振幅幅度波幅digital signal 数字信号coupling 耦合intermittent 周期的dislocation 错位malfunction 故障medium 介质screen 屏蔽dampen 阻尼socket 插孔ground plane 接地层three-phasen 三相potential difference 电位差active element 有源元件ideal independent source 理想独立电源watt hour meter 感应线圈frequency changer 变频器control switch 控制开关selector switch 选择开关current transformer 电流互感器power transformer 电力变压器phase voltage 相电压constant voltage source 恒定电压源alternating current 交流电流inverting 反相out of phase 异相self-inductor 自感mutual-inductor 互感ampere 安培coulomb 库仑joule 焦耳resistor 电阻器charger 充电器semiconductor 半导体absolute value 绝对值operating supply voltage 电源工作电压专业词汇Isolator 刀闸(隔离开关) Susceptance 电纳regulator 稳压器admittance 导纳rectifier 整流器busbar 母线analog signal 模拟信号asynchronism 异步synchronization 同步armature 电枢attenuate 衰减steam-turbine-driven generator 气轮发电机turbine generator 涡轮发电机magnetic flux 磁通量oscilloscope 示波器oscillator 震荡器multimeter 万用表overlay 叠加效果rated power 额定功率power amplifier 功率放大器active voltage 有效电压voltage to current converter 电压电流变换器transformer substation变电站regulation 调节degree of compensation补偿度high voltage shunt reactor高抗reactive power compensation无功补偿three-column transformer三绕组变压器double-column transformer双绕组变压器power-factor 功率因数voltage grade 电压等级no-load current 空载电流impedance 阻抗positive sequence impedance正序阻抗negative sequence impedance 负序阻抗zero sequence impedance零序阻抗susceptance 电纳stator 定子high voltage 高压fixed series capacitor compensation固定串联电容补偿voltage stability 电压稳定angle stability 功角稳定installed capacity 装机容量transformer substation 变电站degree of compensation 补偿度line drop compensation(LDC)线路补偿器circuit theorems 电路定理superposition theorem 叠加定理substitution theorem 替代定理thevenin-Norton Theorem 戴维宁定理electromagnetism 电磁; 电磁学low-frequency amplifier 低频放大器low-frequency bypass 低频旁路voltage distortion 交流电压校准器Single Chip Microprocessor(SCM)单片机alternating current(AC) 交流/交流电adjustable pressure conveyor 调压输送机allowable load impedance 允许的负载阻抗closed loop control 闭环控制closed loop voltage gain 闭环电压增益closed-loop gain 死循环增益clutch 离合器/联轴器commutator/rectifier 整流器cut off voltage 临界电压cut-in voltage 闭合电压dielectric adj. 不导电的/绝缘的dielectric puncture 击穿electrical durability 电寿命(万次)electromagnetic resonance 电磁感应electromotive force 电动力/电动势positive charge 正电荷negative charge 负电荷Automatic Generation Control(AGC) 自动发电控制Power System Stabilizator(PSS) 电力系统稳定器polyphase 多相(的) iron-loss 铁损armature circuit 电枢电路dynamic response 动态响应time invariant adj.时不变的self-inductor 自感mutual-inductor 互感polarity 极性ventilation 通风,换气,通风装置interface 接口demodulator 解调器balance indicator 交流平衡指示器current calibrator 交流电流校准器resistance box 交流电阻箱voltage distortion 交流电压校准器standard resistor 交流标准电阻器low-frequency bypass 低频旁路power pool 联合电力系统;联合电网electromagnetism 电磁; 电磁学core/shell forme 铁心式/壳式potential difference 电位差dual in-line packages 双列直插式组件automatic control system 自动控制系统torque motor 力矩电动机amplifier using discrete 分离元件放大器potentiometer 电位器voltage-current characteristic 伏安特性topology 拓扑termocouple 热电偶exitation 激发;激励;干扰air-gap 气隙polyphase n.多相adj. 多相的breakdown torque 失步转矩locked-rotor torque 止转转矩nominal frequency 额定频率subtransmission 二次输电hydro-generation 水力发电feeder 馈线;馈电电路thermal unit 热力机组active power balance 有功功率平衡load-frequency control(LFC)负荷频率控制sychronous condenser 同步调相机tap-changing transformer 可调分接头变压器tap coil 跳闸线圈magnetic air circuit breaker 磁吹断路器automatic generation control (AGC)自动发电控制circuit board 电路板direct current(DC)直流电eddy current 涡流corridor 通路induced current 感生电流laminated core 叠片铁芯left-hand rule 左手定则volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性simulation analysis 仿真分析one machine - infinity bus system 单机无穷大系统Electrical Machinery电机学Automatic Control Theory自动控制理论Electrotechnics Principle of Circuits 电工学Electrical Drive and Control电力传动与控制brownout 节约用电cathode 阴板、负极cation exchanger 阳离子交换器circuit breaker 电路断路器circuit diagram 电路图coaxial cable 同轴电缆cooling tower 冷却塔intermediate relay 中间继电器jumper 跳线、跨接lightning arrestor 避雷器installed capacity 装机容量instrument panel 仪表盘instantaneous power 瞬时功率loss of excitation 励磁损失manual reject 手动切换overhead line 架空线plant load factor 电厂负荷因数potential transformer电压互感器overspeed trip 超速跳闸pyod 热电偶safe potential 安全电压shield 屏蔽层single blade switch单刀开关star connected system星形连接制"Y" static storage 静态存储器station capacity 发电厂容量step-down transformer降压变压器substation 变电站、子站subtransmission 二次输电thermal power plant 热力发电厂thumb rule 安培右手定则trip 跳闸、断开star connected system星形连接制"Y"A/C adaptor 电源适配器analog to digital 模拟/数字转换ac induced polarization instrument 交流激电仪adjustable pressure conveyor 调压输送机allowable load impedance 允许的负载阻抗allowable pressure differential 允许压差analog circuit 等效电路/模拟电路anti-voltage degree 耐压程度(KV)aperiodic current 非周期电流apparent current 视在电流applied voltage 施加电压arc distribution 电弧分布automatic voltage regulator (AVR) 自动电压调整器charge neutrality 电中性区Charge Termination Voltage 允电端电压/允电端接电压circuit diagram 电路板circuit switching 电路交换closed-loop voltage gain 死循环电压增益connectors 插接器constant voltage modulation 稳压调节current attenuation 电流减衰装置Current by Phase (AMP) 每相电流current limitative range 电流限制范围cut off voltage 临界电压cut-in voltage 闭合电压Discharge Termination Voltage 放电端电压dropout voltage 跌落电压eddy current 涡电流electormagnetic braking sytem 电磁制动系统electric dipole 电偶极子electric shielding 电屏蔽Frequency Hopping 跳频input-output control system (IOCS) 输入输出控制系统offset voltage 失调电压。
A Novel Conditioning and Recording System of Low-noise Underwater AcousticSignalNi Xiuhui, Zheng Yi*, Meng Qingming Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Ocean Environment Monitoring Technology Shandong Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanographic InstrumentationQingdao, ChinaLi Weidong People's Hospital of Zhao YuanYantai, ChinaAbstract—A novel conditioning and recording system of Low-noise underwater acoustic signal is proposed in order to coordinate the applied vector hydrophones. The low-noise analog circuit design is taken into account seriously according to the requirements of high precision and low distortion of underwater acoustic data. Compared with other similar systems, it features on miniaturization, high dynamic range, low distortion and low power consumption.Keywords-Underwater acoustic experiment, Low noise, Data recording, MSP430I.I NTRODUCTIONMost of underwater acoustic signals picked up by sensors like hydrophones are very weak, which requires a data acquisition system with high SNR performance.In order to obtain high-quality experimental data, An underwater acoustic data recording system is accomplished based on low-noise analog circuit design techniques, this system also features on high dynamic range, low distortion signal acquisition while achieving high sample rate and real time storage. This paper describes the Date Recording system of Underwater Acoustic Data in detail, including both the hardware and software implementation, as well as the key design challenges and the techniques employed to meet the specifications.The system is applied in the marine-self noise field measurement experiment which using the combined acoustic vector sensors. Therefore, four channel signals are collected and stored by this system. one channel is sound pressure signal, and other channels are particle velocity signals.The workflow and the structure of proposed system are shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2.Figure 1.The workflow of the recording systemFigure 2. The structure of the recording systemThis proposed system includes the following functions:•Variable gain amplification of acoustic signals;•High order band-pass filter;•Data acquisition and storage.According to the require of high dynamic range signal acquisition, the power supply of analog board comes from positive and negative 12 volt lithium battery. The acoustic signals after conditioning can swing up to ±10v with little distortion. Thus, it is suitable to choose a ±10v input range ADC like the 16-bit LT1859 for the digitization of analog signals. and the 5v、3.3v voltage is generated by low quiescent current LDO for the overall digital system power supply.II.T HE D ESIGN OF H ARDWAREThe design of analog circuit includes multi-level signal amplification、high-pass filter、low-pass filter and phase adjust section. The purpose of analog circuit mainly is to extract the useful signal from the noises, filter out unwanted interference and increase signal amplitude.Low-noise preamplifier should be used because low noise is one of the important characteristic for the conditioning of underwater acoustic signal. The ADI instrument amplifier AD8221 is taken for amplifier of the velocity signals channel whose the noise density of input voltage is 8 /nV Hz. Due to the high source impedance of piezoceramic pressure sensors, the JFET input, monolithicinstrumentation amplifier AD8220 is selected instead. Using JFET transistors, the AD8220 offers extremely high input impedance, extremely low bias currents, therefore, minimize the current noise which is the main problem of high source impedance sensors.The useful signal needs to be extracted form a variety of background noises by appropriate filters. Low-frequency signal is eliminated by the high-pass filter in order to avoid the output saturation cause by the low frequency marine hydrodynamic noise, and then the high frequency noise is almost completely removed by the 8th-order order low-pass Butterworth filter which has the least attenuation for all frequencies in the pass band. The Sallen–Key topology is used to implement both the 6-order high-pass and 8-order low-pass Butterworth filters that are particularly valued for its simplicity. Just one single amplifier, two resistors and two capacitors are needed by the 2-order filter of SK topology structure at the unit gain as are shown in Fig.3. The RC value can be calculated through the assisted tools of filter design, and pay attention to that the metal film resistors of smallerresistance value help to reduce system noise [1].Figure 3. A unity-gain low-pass filter implemented with a Sallen–Keytopology.Where the undamped natural frequency fo and Q factor (i.e., damping ratio ζ) are given by(1) And, (2)So,(3) The intensity of underwater acoustic signal is in the range of 104 orders of magnitude [2], The PGA section amplification circuit of this system carry out the adjustment of the overall gain from 20dB-80dB by different feedback resistors which are selected by analog switch DG211, so that the signal sampling of a large dynamic range is achieved. Besides, this system also includes amplifier circuits used in the impedance isolation and RC phase adjustment circuit. It is better that it is independent for four-channel analog board or a PCB board is made for the minimum interference among four channels, and the even channels of ADC are grounded to achieve the previous purpose. In the noise test of the electronic system, the analog signal input is grounded, the electronic system is configured to 4000 times amplification, and we found the output noise is about 10mv. Therefore, the valid noise of input terminal is 10mv/4000=2.5uv. The analog circuits are fully tested for low noise (less than 10uV noise).By the way, the high order filters also contribute to the low noise performance because it filtered out most of the high frequency noise. The low-pass and high-pass filters are cascade by SK topology using the low-noise amplifier OP2177. The magnitude-frequency characteristic is shown in Fig4. (The pass band is 10-500Hz in this case, and it canbe adjusted as needed to design)Figure 4. Amplitude frequency response of analog circuitsThe design of digital circuit includes MCU and interfacewith various peripherals.The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultra low power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring lower power consumption, and 25MIPS CPU speed [3]. The5xx series MSP430 chip -Msp430F5438A have beenselected for governing digital system. This kind of devicesare complete system on-a-chip and in clued many integrated peripherals like Direct Memory Access (DMA) modules,UARTs, etc. All these characteristics make them a very attractive choice for this design.The media chosen to store the experimental data acquiredduring an inspection is a Secure Digital cards. Which is removable Flash-based storage devices that are gaining in popularity in small consumer devices such as digital cameras. Their small size, relative simplicity, low power consumption, and low cost make them an ideal solution for many applications. This interface combined with the MSP430, can form the foundation for a low-cost, long-life data logger. So, the SD card is a good choice for the underwater acoustic signal recording system when the data collection system takes a long time to collect and record huge amounts of data. It has two optional protocols: the SD mode and the SPI mode. All of data exchange can be completed by the four lines in the SPI mode, which greatly simplify the design of hardware circuit. The interface between SD and the MCU is use the SPI protocol which is shown in Fig.5.Figure 5. SD Card Schematic-SPI ModeThis system takes the 16bit softspan ADC chip LTC1859 in order to meet the 10V sampling of positive and negative analog signal. 16-bit resolution analog to digital conversion provides a responsive instrument capable of registering changes as small as one part in 65536 (0.000015% of the full scale measurement range). Besides, the voltage reference of chip internal is 10ppm, the SNR is 87dB, these features are all very important for a high-quality data acquisition system. It is connected to MCU through SPI interface, as is shown in Fig.6.Figure 6. ADC chip interface with the MCUThe electronic compass, with a pointing accuracy of 1º rms, uses the low-power three-dimensional digital compass of the PNI Company, and it is linked to MCU through RS232 interface.All the interfaces like SPI and 232 are industrial standard and therefore very convenient for firmware development and debug.III. T HE D ESIGN OF F IRMWAREThe mount of data to be collected can be estimated as shown in Equation 4. Fs is the sampling frequency, Word_Size is the number of bytes needed to store one single sensor read (2bytes for a16-bit resolution), N ch the number of sensor. T is the recording time in seconds. As at 10k sampling rate from four channels for an hour , the amount of data to be collected is:Data_Size = fs*Word_Size* N ch *T(4) =10240*2*4*3600=294912000bytes=280Mbytes The 32G SD card can fulfill 4 days deployment storage.The data from this recording system is writing directly in the sector rather than through the creation of file system storage, which results in higher writing speed.The writing sector of SD card consists of three procedures: sent the writing sector command to the SD card; transmit data to the SD card; the SD card internal programming. Here I must say The SD card programming internal needn’t the CPU intervention, however, the time-consuming of one sector can reach up to hundreds of mill-seconds [5]. So in order to achieve the high-speed writing of SD card, big RAM caches are essential. And The DMA capabilities available in the MSP430 MCU, that permit fast data transfers without CPU intervention, are of a great advantage in applications where high sampling rates are required. The strategy of high-speed recording proposed below also relies on the exploitation of the DMA capabilities The classic double-buffer strategy is adopted, Two array of memory buffers of 512*12 bytes each is used to temporarily store the acquired data while is being transferred to the SD card. Let us focus on the data acquisition strategy implemented in the MCU: 1. 0.1ms timer interrupts is established for the sampling rate of 10k. The four channels is sampled once the interrupts is carried out, all of eight bytes from 2 bytes per channel is continuously written in the established AdcBuffer; 2. After 768 interrupts, the AdcBuffer of 6K is full, and the DMA is opened so that the data in the AdcBuffer is transmitted to the MMCBuffer of the same capacity; 3. Meanwhile, the new sampled data is over write in AdcBuffer. 4. The 6K bytes data will be transmitted to the SD card once the DMA transmission is completed;The flow chart of this strategy is shown in Fig.7. With the 16K RAM and DMA modules of Msp430F5438A combined with 25Mips processing speed, the real-time data recording up to 20ksps four channels is achieved. The high-speed SD card is used in this Stand-alone data logger with configurable sample rate from as low as 0.001 Hz up to as high as 10,000 samples per second.Figure 7. The system sampling and real-time handlingIV.C ONCLUSIONSeveral tests have been performed in order to ensure the low-noise performance on the analog circuits and check the effectiveness of the strategies adopted to optimize the SD real-time writing performance of the recording system.The system provides a reliable data acquisition platform for the underwater acoustic experiment, satisfying the requirements derived from the targeted application, in terms of sampling rate, resolution, data storage capabilities and power consumption. Besides, the dynamic range of signal is greater than 70dB, and the equivalent input noise is less than 10μv, the pass-band ripple is less than 0.1dB, the phase difference among channels is small. Also, the operating current of the whole system is about 80mA, the entire system is lightweight and portable if the high-energy lithium-ion battery is adopted, and it is convenient to be placed in equipment and deploy. In a word, this system is very feasible in the marine environment noise field measurement experiment for the use on underwater acoustic signal logging.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe first author wishes to thank Zheng yi and Yang guang for their valuable comments that improved the qualityof this paper. And this paper was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 40806044, and supported by the QingDao Science and Technology Planning Project Fund of China under Grant 10-3-4-9-2-jch, and supported by Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of the Shandong Academy of Sciences under Grant Y09-2.R EFERENCES[1]Henry, Wang pei-qing, etc. The noise suppression and attenuationtechnology of electronic systems[M]. Electronic industry press, 2003(In Chinese).[2]Liu bo-sheng, Lei jia-yu etc. Underwater acoustic principle [M].Harbin engineering university press, 2010 (In Chinese).[3]Texas Instruments Incorporated. MSP430 Family User's Guideslau208g. /.[4]Linear Technology Corporation. LTC1859 Datasheet./.[5]SanDisk. Secure Digital Card Product Manual - Revision 1.7,September 2003.。
Flow rates up to:120 m 3/h Head up to:43 m Max. discharge pressure:13 bar up to +140°C 16 bar up to +120°CTemperature range:–20°to +140°C Max. ambient temperature:+ 40°C Flanges ND:40 to 80N.T. N o 124-8/ENG. - Ed.3/05-05H 431200 /h mQm 38029SINGLE HEAD PUMPSIN-LINE ELECTRONIC CONTROLHeating - Air conditioningS.H.W. 50 HzPumps designed to circulate cold or hot water free from abrasive residues in heating,hot domestic supply water, cold and iced water systems and irrigation systems. If additives are used, such as glycol or oil,check that the seals are suitable and whether or not the flow rate needs to be adjusted (for a glycol volume of upwards of 10%).•Approved fluids:- Heating water to VDI 2035●- Service water - chilled/condenser water ●- Water/glycol-mixtures 1)●- Heat transfer fluids ❍Other media on request ❍PerformanceSpeed range: 1100 -2900 rpm.Infinitely-variable speed control.●Standard design❍Special design at extra cost1)Applies to 20 - 40 % vol. glycol content and up to 40°C fluid temperature.APPLICATIONS•Mains power supply3~400 V, 50 Hz ●3~380 V, 60 Hz ●•MotorThree-phase squirred cage electric motor Performance and frames to IEC 38 Integrated thermistor sensors ●(thermistor)Protection index IP 54 ●Insulating category F ●ElectronicsEmission EN 61800-3 EN 50081-1 Immunity EN 61800-3 EN 50082-2 Protection differential (FI)Selective “all current” FI differential circuit breakers are permitted.(> 300 mA trip rating).Ident mark: FI •Hydraulic partIn-line single-stage low pressure centrifuge pump with suction and discharge flanges of the same nominal diameter, with anair-cooled standard IEC motor. NP 16 holed flanges compliant with EN 1092-2. G 1/8 pressure gauge couplings used for the built-in differential pressure sensor.The pump body has serial bosses designed for a maximum operating pressure of16 bars. The motor shaft coupling is rigid. The body and the closed impeller are made from grey cast iron. The mechanical seal does not require maintenance and is independent of the rotation direction.It is suitable for pure water of a temperature up to 140°C and water/glycol mixturesof a volume up to 40% and a maximum temperature of 40°C. Special seals and sealing materials are available for other uses.•Motor protectionIntegrated full overload protection by PTC thermal sensor in all stator windings.IP 54 - Class F.•ENERGY SAVINGSPumps duty point optimization.Up to 50% energy savings compare to standard pumps.•NOISE CONTROLWhistling and noise elimination at thermostatic valves.Automatic speed adaptation for comfort needs.•RELIABILITYThe fully automatic running requires neither sensor maintenance nor drain. Electronic set equipped with non volatile memory for data storage, settings protection in case of electricity shortage.Protection Index IP 54 for motor/set package in case of dust and humid surroundings. For twin pumps (DIE equiped with 2 IF modules), automatic* permutation without external control.•SIMPLICITYOnly one button controls function choice and settings adjustment. Adjustments always viewable on LCD screen.NBNPSH curves shown are based on tested data. A safety margin of not less than0.5 m should be added.Mains parts Material Pump EN-GJL 2503)●Impeller EN-GJL 2004)●G-CuSn 5❍Lantern EN-GJL-2503)●Shaft 1.4122/X39CrMo17-1●Mechanical seal Graphite/Si carbide/EP●❍Other mechanical seals on request.Series SIE pumps are designed for directhorizontal or vertical inline pipe mounting.The motor or module must not be mountednear the bottom. Leave a space to removethe motor, the lantern ring and the impeller.With motor powers upwards of 4kW themotor needs to be supported (mounting invertical a duct) or a pedestal is required tosupport the pump body (mounting in ahorizontal duct).•PackagingThe pump, the packaging and the assemblyand instruction manual are included asstandard.•Accessories- Support bracket mounting- IF module LON*- Pipe supported ●- Bracket or base mounted ❍Pipe connectionsFlanges PN 16/EN 1092-2 ●- Pump intergrated P-c mode for constanthead control- Pump intergrated P-v mode for variablehead control- Remote control facility (0 - 10V) for wiringto an external control unit BMS- Pump integrated setpoint adjustment- Graphic Display- Fault reset button- Off-line centralised operating signal(closed-circuit contact)- Centralised fault signal (open-circuitcontact)- External On/Off- “Analogue 0…10V*” input- Space for IF module (interface for doublepumps)●Standard design❍Special design at extra cost* See functions charge1) Applies to 20 - 40 % vol. glycol content and upto 40°C fluid temperature.2) Applicable for water/glycol mixtures differingfrom those referred in 1).3) Previously Ft 25.4) Previously Ft 20.1. Complete exchange batch 1.1Hydraulic kit with 1.11 Nut 1.12 Washer 1.13 Impeller 1.14 O-ring1.2Kit mechanical seal with1.21 Complete mechanical seal 1.3Lantern kit parts with 1.31 Bleed screw1.32 Coupling protector 1.33 Lantern 1.4Kit shaft with 1.41 Shaft1.42 Spring stop cellar 1.5Complete coupling2. Motor3. Complete pump casing kit with 3.1 Pump3.2 Stopper for pressure ports4. Mounting screw for lantern/pump5. Mounting screw for motor/lantern6. Nut for motor/lantern mounting7. Washer for motor/lantern mounting8. Differential pressure sensor with pipe.IDENTIFICATIONSIE: single pump 2 pole motorNominal dia. of ports in cm Nominal dia. of impeller in cm Rated power in kWSIE 2 05 - 17/7.521FUNCTIONS CHART DIE FunctionSingle head pumps SIEMains power 3~400V, 50 Hz ●3~380V, 60 Hz ●Manual function Pump On/Off●Mode selection ( p-c, p-v, remote control)●Adjusting of the differential pressure setpoint ●Speed selection (manual remote control)●Automatic functionInfinitely variable speed control p-c ●Infinitely variable speed control p-v ●Full motor protection with trip function ●Remotely controlled function Remote On/OffCommand input “0...10 V” or “4-20 mA” (remote speed adjustment)●Signal and display functionCollective Run signal (volt-free contacts)●Collective Fault signal (volt-free contacts)●Fault light ●Fault code●LCD-screen with pump data display ●Data exchangeSerial digital interface (LON) for link-up to home system ●2)Double pump management (2 x single pumps)Normal/back up mode (automatic switching in the case of a fault/changing of pump according to time)●3)Cascade mode (switching on/off at peak loads for optimised energy consumption)●3)2) with 1 of IF-Module (Accessories)3) with 2 of IF-Modules (Accessories)SSMSBMLON (only on IF module LON)DPOption : IF module (DP) (LON)L1L2L3PE Ext.OffIn In 4…20mA0 (10V)231+24VRefit plug-in module for series SIE electronically controlled pumps for the following additional functions:•Serial digital interface (only on IF module LON) for the connection to Building Management (GTC).•DP interface for twin pump management with the functions:- Main/standby operation with automatic 24 h pump duty cycling,- Cascade mode with switching on/off of a 2nd pump at peak loads for optimised energy consumption.Three-phase 3~400V, 50Hz/380V, 60 HzSwitch rating of volt-free contacts for collective Run and Fault signals:- min. 12 V DC/ 10 mA - max. 250 V AC/1 AL1,L2,L3,PE :Power supply 3~400V - 50 Hz – 3~380V - 60 Hz SSM :Volt-free common Fault signal SBM :Volt-free common Run signal 3:Analog input 24 V DC for external sensor 2:Ground (⊥) sensor 1:Analog input (0 - 10 V) for integrated or external sensor (GTC)4…20 mA :Analog input (4-20 mA) for remote control impulse (GTC)Ext. Off :Remote On/Off DP :Twin pump management (2 pumps)LON:Serial digital BMS interface (LONWORKS),HmQI/min QI/s30050010002000300055030201510710201553035252030406010020050708090Qm /h2468HmkW 02468HmkW2134567kW Hm24201612845002501000125015007501014182226260QI/min QI/s 500250100012501500750101418222626QI/min QI/s213456897kW Hm2420161284021345689705002501000125015001750200022502500750102025303540155QI/min QI/s kW HmSuction-dischargeflangesPN16 - EN 1092-2NDD c g holes mm mm mm n x Ø4015011084 4 x 195016512599 4 x 1965185145118 4 x 19802001601328 x 19ORDERM O T O RP U M PREFERENCEPowerP2Speed input Nominal ND Ph b 1b 2b 3Y e f Øg H P 1O p P 2X mass P1 max.current ports kWrpm kW in A mmmm mm mm mm mm mm mm mmmmmmmmmm mm mm kg SIE 204-17/5.5 5.51100-29007.211.5403408211312918013014958266583170M10203039589SIE 205-17/7.57.51100-29009.314.55034010312013818016414348266590170M1020303100101SIE 206-15/5.5 5.51100-29007.211.56543011012614618018019560266596215M122030312097SIE 208-14/7.57.51100-29009.314.58040010512315118018017357266610200M122030312010653 bd de la République - Espace Lumière - Bât. 6 - 78403 Chatou Cedex FRANCETel: +33 (0)1 30 09 82 39 - Fax: +33 (0)1 30 09 82 34 - 。
Analog Devices IC (ADE) 产品系列简介说明书
Energy Measurement ProductsADE Product Family OverviewThe Analog Devices IC (ADE) family combines industry-leading data conversion technology with a fixed function digital signal processor (DSP) to perform the calculations essential to an electronic energy meter. The portfolio includes single-phase products and polyphase products for stepper motor and LCD display meter designs, with five critical measurements available: watt, V rms, I rms, VA, and VAR.With 175 million units deployed in the field, ADI has added to the portfolio the ADE71xx and ADE75xx product families that simplify energy meter design by providing all the features needed for an accurate, reliable, and fully functional energymeter with LCD display in a single IC.ADE Product Family • High accuracy exceeds IEC and ANSI standards • Proprietary 16-bit ADCs and DSP provide high accuracy over large variations in current, environmental conditions, and time • Reliability proven with over 175 million units deployed in the field• On-chip reference with low temperature drift (20 ppm to 30 ppm typ)• On-chip power supply monitoring• On-chip creep protection (no-load threshold)• Single 5 V supply • Low power consumption • Instantaneous active power output for calibration or interface to an MCU • Miswiring or reverse power indication• Tamper detection optionsADE Pulsed Output Products or Stepper Motor Display Meters • Exceeds IEC 61036/62053-21, IEC 60687/62053-22, ANSI C12.16, and ANSI C12.20• Active energy measurement with less than 0.1% error over a dynamic range of 500 to 1 at 25°C• Power consumption as low as 15 mW (typ) for single-phase products and 30 mW (typ) for polyphase products• Built-in current channelamplifier allows the use of low resistance, low cost shunts • Active energy, low frequency outputs directly driveelectromechanical counters • Single 5 V supplyADE Serial Interface Products for LCD Meters• Exceeds IEC 61036/62053-21, IEC 60687/62053-23 (for multifunction products), ANSI C12.16, and ANSI C12.20• Active energy measurement with less than 0.1% error over a dynamic range of 1000 to 1 at 25°C• Active energy and sampled waveform data• Multifunction products provide VAR, VA, V rms, and I rms • User-programmable power quality monitoring features • Digital calibration for power, phase, and offset• Serial peripheral interface (SPI) with interrupt request pin (IRQ)• Single 5 V supplyIntegrated Products for LCD Meters• Exceeds IEC 61036/62053-21, IEC 60687/62053-23 (for multifunction products), ANSI C12.16, and ANSI C12.20• Single chip solution integrates ADE measurement core for watts, VAR, VA, V rms, and I rms• 8052 MCU core with flash memory• 104-segment LCD driver with contrast control for low/high temperature visibility • Low power RTC (1.5 μA typ) with digital compensation for temperature performance • Power fail and batterymanagement with no external components• Reference with low temperature drift (5 ppm/°C typ)• Noninvasive in-circuitemulation/energymeterValue of ADE Products1. Proven TechnologyAnalog Devices is the market leader in sales of energy metering ICs with over 175 million meters deployed worldwide with ADE products.• Quality: Strict quality and test standards applied to ADE products throughout design and manufacturing stages ensure low meter production failure rate and uniform part-to-part characteristics.• Reliability: Accelerated life expectancy tests on ADE products, representing more than 60 years of field usage, reduce probability of meter failure due to IC failure.• Performance: Proprietary Σ-∆ ADCs provide excellent performance with an error of less than 0.1% over an extended current dynamic range.2. Ease of DesignAnalog Devices ADE solutions aim to simplify energy meter design, reduce system cost, and reduce time to market with:• Integration of ADCs and fixed function DSP on a single chip leading to a single IC energy meter• Integration of ADCs and fixed function DSP on a single chip reduces processing requirements, enabling the use of a lower cost MCU • Embedded essential energy calculations to ensure harmonic content is included (up to 233rd harmonics for watt-hour measurement)• Direct and flexible sensor interface without external gain amplifiers• Unparalleled design support including detailed data sheets, reference designs, application notes, evaluation tools, and technical support • Integrated MCU core, and all necessary peripherals, with field proven metering front end • Greater system control with minimized current consumption in battery mode3. Innovation and ChoiceAnalog Devices is committed to continuing its investment in the ADE product family and to enabling very competitive system costs while maintaining a high level of innovation.• 16 patents granted or pending on innovative energy measurement technology• Many energy measurement products currently available for single-phase and polyphase energy meters with more to come4. Quality• Samples from production lots constantly drawn for rigorous qualifications• ADI’s product analysis group continually addresses customer concerns and feedback on the quality of our products • Constant monitoring of electrical ppm failure rate of finished products• Electrical ppm failure rate is largely comprised of marginal parametric rejects that are fully functional but are most likely to experience failure in the field•ADI products have a consistently low ppm failure rate that reflects the stability and high quality of the manufacturing process• TIME DEPENDENT DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN • ELECTROMIGRATION• HOT CARRIER INJECTION• THERMAL SHOCK SEQUENCE• TEMPERATURE CYCLING SEQUENCE• ELECTRICAL ENDURANCE—HTOL AND LTOL • EARLY LIFE FAILURE CHARACTERIZATION • HIGH TEMPERATURE STORAGE • MOISTURE ENDURANCE TEST • DIE SHEAR TEST• FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY QUALIFICATION • ELECTRICAL STATIC DISCHARGE (ESD)• LATCH UPPRODUCTION QUALITY CONTROL SUPPLEMENTAL QUALIFICATIONS APPLICATION SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONEND PRODUCT QUALIFICATIONFABRICATION QUALIFICATIONASSEMBLY QUALIFICATIONANALOG DEVICESSTANDARD QUALIFICATIONS LIST OF QUALIFICATIONSPASSEDPASSEDCUSTOMER FEEDBACK• BOND STRENGTH • BURN-IN SEQUENCE• CONSTANT ACCELERATION • HERMETICITY• HIGH TEMPERATURE STORAGE • INTERNAL WATER VAPOR TEST • LEAD FATIGUE • LID TORQUE• MARKING PERMANENCY • MECHANICAL SHOCK• MOISTURE SENSITIVITY CHARACTERIZATION• MOISTURE ENDURANCE SEQUENCE AND AUTOCLAVE • RESISTANCE TO SOLDERING HEAT • SOLDERABILITY• THERMAL IMPEDANCE• VIBRATION, VARIABLE FREQUENCY • X-RAY INSPECTIONReliabilityAnalog Devices conducted a high temperature operating lifetest (HTOL) to simulate aging of ADE products in the field.Method—ICs subjected to 150°C for 3000 hours:• With acceleration factor of 179×, the life expectancy correlates to 60 years at operating temperature of 60°C.• Four main parameters monitored: reference voltage, gain error, current, and voltage channel offset.Results—parameter distribution over time shows:• Negligible parameter distribution shifts.• Parameters maintain data sheet specifications.• Zero failures.Conclusions from HTOL test:• If other components in electronic meter have the same life expectancy, meter replacement is only needed every 60 years.• Proven stability and accuracy of digital energy measurement.Meter manufacturers must carefully select components to ensure that the overall reliability of electronic energy meter is maximized.10,000125OPERATING TEMPERATURE (°C)A C C E L E R A T I O N F A C T O R10001001010,0001L I F E T I M E (Y e a r s )100010010303540455055606570758085PerformanceThe unsurpassed accuracy of power calculation over a very wide dynamic range, harmonics, and stability over time are the primary reasons why ADE ICs are preferred by many meter manufacturers around the world. The plot to the right highlights the typical performance of ADE ICs over a dynamic range of 1000:1 and temperature range of –40°C to +85°C. Even at a low power factor (PF = 0.5), the ICs maintain their high accuracy.0.4–0.4AMPSE R R O R (%)–0.1–0.2–0.3Reliability Lifetime PredictionsTypical Performance for ADE ICs"%$"%$"%$&/&3(:.&"463&.&/5%41*/5&3/"- 7 QQN $4*/(-&$:$-& .$66"3541* *$8%53".108&3 4611-:$0/530-108&3 4611-:.0/*503*/(-%0103"%$*/5&3/"-3&4&5"%$5&.1&3"563&4&/403*/5&3/"- 147 ."9$)"3(& 16.1%"$-$% %3*7&3 4&(.&/541--*/5&3/"-$-0$,35$'-"4).&.03:"%& YY "%& YYSelection GuideADE71xx/ADE75xx: Energy Measurement Computing EngineThe ADE71xx/ADE75xx family builds on Analog Devices’ 10 years of experience in energy measurement to provide the best analog-to-digital converters combined with the advanced digital signal processing required to build an accurate, robust, and fully featured energy meter with LCD display.Energy Measurement Key Features:• Exceeds IEC 61036/62053-21,IEC 60687/62053-22, IEC 61268/62053-23, ANSI C12.16, and ANSI C12.20• 4-quadrant power and energy measurement for:• Active, reactive, and apparent• Tampering protection• 2 current inputs for line and neutral • Tampering algorithms integrated • Special energy accumulation modes• Shunt, current transformer, and di/dt current sensor connectivity enabled• 2 high precision pulse outputs for calibration • Power line quality: SAG, period/frequency, peak, zero-crossing• Large phase calibration (5° @ 50 Hz)• Wide measurement frequency bandwidth (14 kHz) for harmonic measurementADE71xx/ADE75xx: LCD DriverThe ADE71xx/ADE75xx family has a unique LCD driver capable of maintainingmaximum contrast on the LCD independently of the power supply level using charge-pump circuitry. This technology combined with the on-chip temperature measurement enables the lowest power operation and maximum readability of the energy meter LCD display.LCD Driver Key Features:• 104-segment LCD driver• Adjustable LCD voltage (5 V max) independent of the power supply (2.7 V min)• LCD freeze and hardware blink functions for low power operation in battery mode • Low offset to minimize LCD fluid biasingRTC Key Features:•1.5 μA current consumption•Low voltage operation: 2.4 V•2 ppm/LSB digital frequency adjustment for calibration and temperature compensation •Alarm and midnight interruptsADE71xx/ADE75xx: Real-Time ClockThe ADE71xx/ADE75xx family provides a low power RTC with nominal and temperature dependent crystal frequency compensation capabilities enabling low drift and high accuracy timekeeping. The RTC functionality is also maintained at low power supply (2.4 V) and over all power supply connections, extending the operating life of the energy meter in battery mode.ADE71xx/ADE75xx: Battery ManagementThe ADE71xx/ADE75xx family has unique battery management features enabling low power consumption in battery mode and optimal power supply management when line voltage is lost.Battery Management Key Features:•No external circuitry for battery switching•Power supply switching based on absolute level•Early warning of power supply collapse with SAG and preregulated power supply monitoring•Internal power supply always valid by hardware controlled switchover to batteryKey Features Maintained in Battery Mode:•Real-time clock for timekeeping•LCD display•Temperature measurement•Meter wake-up events such as RTC alarms, I/O, UART activitiesADE Development ToolsThe ADE71xx and ADE75xx family of products share a common set of tools designedto minimize design time while improving the part understanding. These tools arecomprised of:• Energy meter reference design• 1-pin emulator with isolated USB interface• Isolated USB to UART debugger interface• Downloader software• Evaluation software• Integrated development environment from well-known vendor• Firmware libraries for common and part specific functionsThe energy meter reference design integrates the main functions of an LCD meter withIR port and RS-485 communication, battery backup, two current sensors, antitamperinterface, and EEPROM interface while using the features of the ADE71xx and ADE75xxseries such as battery management, antitamper detection, temperature compensatedreal-time clock, and LCD driver contrast.The reference design is accompanied by code libraries and an example of systemintegration code allowing easy evaluation and further development of solution.Isolated USB communication boards for debugging and emulation provide a safesolution for code development when the meter is connected to the line.The ADE71xx and ADE75xx series can be used with integrated developmentenvironments (IDE) from open market vendors to simulate, compile, debug, anddownload assembly or C code. A free of charge IDE with unlimited assembly codecapability and 4 kB limited C code capability is included in the evaluation kit. Inaddition, the part can be evaluated with a UART interface and a PC by using theversatile evaluation tools and downloader.Single-Phase Energy Metering ICs with Integrated OscillatorThe AD71056, ADE7768, and ADE7769 are single-phase ICs that provide watt-hour information using pulse outputs that directly drive a stepper motor counter.The AD71056, ADE7768, and ADE7769 are pin-reduced versions of the ADE7755, with the enhancement of an on-chip, precisionoscillator circuit that serves as the clock source for the IC. The direct interface to low resistance, low cost shunt resistors also helps to lower the cost of a meter built with AD71056, ADE7768, or ADE7769.These products are pin compatible. The AD71056 and ADE7769 accumulate bidirectional power information, and the ADE7768accumulates power only in the positive direction providing flexibility for various billing schemes. The ADE7769 indicates when the power is below the no-load threshold by holding the calibration frequencypin high. This is useful to indicate a tampering or miswired condition.Single-Phase Energy Metering ICs with Antitamper FeaturesThe ADE7761B detects two common tampering conditions: “fault” condition (when loads are grounded to earth instead of connected to neutral wire or when the meter is bypassed with external wires) and “missing neutral” condition (when the voltage input and return current are missing). The ADE7761B incorporates a novel tampering detection scheme which indicates the fault or missing neutral conditions and allows the meter to continue accurate billing by continuous monitoring of the phase and neutral (return) currents. A fault is indicated when these currents differ by more than 6.25%, and billing continues using the larger of the two currents. The missing neutral condition is detected when no voltage input is present, and billing is continued based on the active current signal. The ADE7761B also includes a power-supply monitoring circuit which ensures that the voltage and current channels are matched,eliminating creep effects in the meter.Polyphase Energy Metering ICs with Pulse OutputThe ADE7752A, ADE7752B, and ADE7762 are polyphase ICs that provide watt-hour information using pulse outputs that can directly drive a stepper motor counter. Compatible with a wide range of 3-phase grid configurations, including 3-wire and 4-wire delta and wye distributions, each of these products can be used for 3-phase commercial and industrial revenue meters or submeters, 3-phase motors or generators, industrial control, and utility automation. The ADE7762 and ADE7752B are optimized for 3-phase, 3-wire applica-tions with no-load threshold and REVP indication based on the sum of the phases.To ensure that energy is billed properly under miswiring or tamper-ing conditions, any of the ICs can be set to accumulate based on the sum of the absolute value in each phase. The active power accumu-lation is signed by default.The ADE7762 has four additional logic output pins. These four pins drive six LEDs for prioritized indication of phase dropout and phasesequence error as well as reverse polarity per phase.ADE7752A and ADE7752B are pin compatible with the legacy ADE7752 and have up to a 50% power consumption reduction from ADE7752. The four additional pins of ADE7762 are located at the top of the package so that the same PCB may be used with an ADE7752A-, ADE7752B-, or ADE7762-based meter.10Single-Phase Energy Metering ICs with Serial InterfaceADI has a range of product offerings for single-phase energy measurement solutions requiring serial interface. The ADE7756 measures active energy and allows digital calibration of phase, offset, and gain through a serial port interface. The ADE7759 has a built-in digital integrator for direct interface with a di/dt sensor such as a Rogowski coil and includes the capability to interface with low resistance shunts and traditional current transformers. The ADE7753 provides active, apparent, and reactive energy measurements, and incorporates a built-in digital integrator to allow direct interface with a Rogowski coil sensor in addition to a low resistance shunt or CT. The ADE7763 provides the same functionality as the ADE7753 but without reactive energy measurement. All four of these ADE single-phase energy metering ICs with SPI are pin compatible for ease of design migration.11Polyphase Energy Metering ICs with Serial InterfaceADI has a selection of product offerings for3-phase energy measurement solutions requiring serial interface. The ADE7758 features second-order sigma-delta ADCs, and is designed formidrange 3-phase energy meters. For each phase, the chip measures active, reactive, and apparent energy, as well as rms voltage and rms current. These measurements are accessed via an SPI that allows a fully automated digital calibration. The ADE7758 interfaces with a variety of sensors, including current transformers and di/dt current sensors, such as Rogowski coils. Additionally, the ADE7758 provides a programmable frequency pulse output for both active and apparent orreactive power.Analog Devices, Inc.Worldwide Headquarters Analog Devices, Inc. One Technology Way P .O. Box 9106Norwood, MA 02062-9106 U.S.A.Tel: 781.329.4700 (800.262.5643, U.S.A. only)Fax: 781.461.3113Analog Devices, Inc. Europe Headquarters Analog Devices, Inc.Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Str. 6 80807 Munich GermanyTel: 49.89.76903.0 Fax: 49.89.76903.157Analog Devices, Inc. Japan Headquarters Analog Devices, KK New Pier Takeshiba South Tower Building 1-16-1 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-6891 JapanTel: 813.5402.8200 Fax: 813.5402.1064Analog Devices, Inc. Southeast Asia Headquarters Analog Devices22/F One Corporate Avenue 222 Hu Bin Road Shanghai, 200021 ChinaTel: 86.21.5150.3000 Fax: 86.21.5150.3222©2007 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Printed in the U.S.A. BR04915-5-8/07(A)/energymeter。
在二进制系统表示中基数是2,只需用两个数字0和1来表示一个数。数 0和1在十进制系统中具有相同的意义,只是有不同的解释假如放置在一个数 字所占据的位置中。在二元体系中,每个数字表示2的幂的系数,而不是如
10011,因为10011 = 1×24 + 0×23 + 0×22 + 1×21 + 1×20 = 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 19。在十进制和二进制符号中等效数字列在表3.2中。
代表数字的二进制系统现在将参照熟悉的十进制系统来解释说明。在后 者中基础(数)是10(十),用十个数字如0,1,2,3, …… 9,来表 达任意数。对于写数大于 9,我们对数字阵列中每个数字的位置赋予一个意 义。例如,数字 1264 (一千二百六十四)有这意义: 1264 = 1×103 + 2×102 + 6×101 + 4×100,因此在一个数中的各个阿拉伯数字表示在这个数 展开式中以10的幂的系数。最右边的数字是零次幂的系数;其次是一次幂的
path from the base to the negative supply line, and
this would affect the circuit bias conditions.
如果信号源是直接连接而不是电容耦合, 从基极到负电源线将有一个低电阻通路, 这将影响电路的偏置状态。
Passage A Analog Circuit (P20-24) 2. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese (P25)
Passage B Binary System and Logic Systems (P27) The binary system of representing numbers will now be explained by making reference to the familiar decimal system. In the latter the base is 10 (ten), and ten numerals, 0, 1, 2, 3, …, 9, are required to express an arbitrary number. To write numbers larger than 9, we assign a meaning to the position of a numeral in an array of numerals. For example, the number 1264 (one thousand two hundred sixty four) has the meaning 1264=1×103+2×102+6×101+4×100 Thus the individual digits in a number represent the coefficients in an expansion of the number in powers(幂)of 10. The digit which is farthest to the right is the coefficient of the zeroth power; the next is the coefficient of the first power, and so on.
Analogue electronic circuit(模拟电子电路)
Analogue electronic circuitCourse Content and Knowledge Part Arrangement1. Knowledge Unit One: Semiconductor diode and the analysis of its circuit (6 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: semiconductors(2) Knowledge point 2: Semiconductor diode and its characteristics(3) Knowledge point 3: Basic applied diode circuit(4) Knowledge: special diode2.Knowledge Unit Two: Semiconductor transistor and the analysis of its circuit (10 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: Bipolar semiconductor transistor(2) Knowledge point 2: Basic applied transistor circuit and its analysis methods(3) Knowledge point 3: Unipolar transistor and the analysis of its circuit3.Knowledge Unit Three: Amplifier circuit basis (18 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: basic knowledge of the amplifier circuit(2) Knowledge point 2: three basic configuration amplifying circuit(3) Knowledge point 3: differential amplifier circuit(4) knowledge point 4: complementary symmetry power amplifier circuit(5) knowledge point 5: multi-stage amplifier circuit4.Knowledge Unit Four: Feedback amplifier circuit (7 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: Component and basic types of Negative feedback amplifier circuit(2) Knowledge point 2: Performance of Negative feedback amplification circuit(3) Knowledge point 3: Several questions in the application of Negative feedback amplifying circuit5. Knowledge Unit Five: Frequency response of amplifying circuit (4 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: frequency response of a simple RC low-pass and high-pass circuit(2) knowledge point 2: frequency response of a transistor amplification circuit(3) Knowledge point 3: frequency compensation of self-excited negative feedback amplifier circuit6.Knowledge Unit Six: Analog Integrated Amplifier Application Circuit (9 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: basic arithmetic circuit(2) Knowledge point 2: active filter(3) Knowledge point 3: voltage comparator(4) Knowledge point 4: non-sine wave generator7.Knowledge Unit Seven: Integrated analog multiplier and its basic application (2 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: integrated analog multiplier(2) Knowledge point 2: variable transconductance analog multiplier(3) Knowledge point 3: analog multiplier applications8.Knowledge Unit 8: DC circuit (6 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: single-phase rectifier and filter circuit(2) Knowledge point 2: Linear integrated voltage regulator(3) Knowledge point 3: switch integrated stabilized voltage supplyTotal class hours 64, include lecture class 52 hours, exercise and discuss class 12 hours, experiments to be arranged separately.Class Hours Associate Sheet。
2.1 Grammar Features
3) The device includes an instrument transformation and a relay system which has two circuits in it.
The device includes an instrument transformation and a relay system with two circuits in it.
2.1 Grammar Features
③ 不定式
用不定式短语来替代表示目的和功能的从句或语句 (1) The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger so that the increasing demand of electric power is satisfied. The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the increasing demand of electric power.
专业英语(English for Special Science and Technology)
隶属于科技英语 是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念、理论与事实为主要 目的。遵守科技英语的语法体系和翻译方法;特别注重客观事实和真理,表达准 确、精练和正式。
是结合各自专业的科技英语 有很强的专业性,涉及的面更加狭窄,与专业内 容配合更为密切。
(3) 省略句使用频繁 (精炼) 省略成分:状语从句中的主语、全部或部分谓语;定语从句中的关系代词 which和that、从句中的助词等;还常用介词短语替代从句。
Analog Circuit Designe资料
PNP Silicon Transistor (S8550)
Features: (TO-92) High Frequency Power dissipation: Pcm=1W Collector current: Icm=-1. 5A Collector-Base Voltage: V(br)cbo=-40V
Inductance Knowledge Instruction
●电感: L(变压器)
* 阻交流通直流的特性 * 标称容值和允许偏差:H、mH
* 电感量:取决于线圈的匝数、绕制方式、铁芯等 * 允许偏差:振荡和滤波中要求比较高 * 品质因数:Q * 额定电流:与变压器中绕线的直径有关
Features: (SOT-23) High Frequency Power dissipation: Pcm=0.3W Collector current: Icm=1.5A Collector-Base Voltage: V(br)cbo=40V Application: HF AMP & Switch
NPN Silicon Transistor (S8050)
Features: (TO-92) High Frequency Power dissipation: Pcm=1W Collector current: Icm=1. 5A Collector-Base Voltage: V(br)cbo=40V
NPN Silicon Transistor (9014)
Features: (TO-92) Low Noise Power dissipation: Pcm=0.4W Collector current: Icm=0.1A Collector-Base Voltage: V(br)cbo=50V
接合座 自适应总线-digital data highway to which(almost) any number of inputs 地址-electronic code identifying each part of computer memory,each address bit or information unit being routed to different address adhesion 粘接 adhesive tape 粘胶带 adjacent to 邻近的 可调水平安定面-horizontal stabilizer of an airplane which may be adjustable stabilizer adjusted in flight to trim the airplane for hands-off mode in flight admittance 导纳-in AC circui,reciprocal of impedance advance drawing 图纸先行更改通知 change notice(ADCN) advanced 先进的-new sophisticated and typifying latest technology advanced switch 步进电门 adverse effect 不利影响;严重后果 advisory circular(AC) 咨询通报 advisory Message 咨询信息 aerodynamic 空气动力的 aerodynamic smoother 空气动力平滑胶 aeroelastic torsion 气动弹性扭曲 aeronautical 航空的 aerosol 烟雾,浮质-colloid of finely divided solid or liquid disperesed in aft looking forward 从后向前看 afterbody drag 后体阻力 afterburner 加力燃烧室 尾喷管喷火-sometimes called torching,a condition resulting from afterfiring unburrnt fuel being ignited in the exhaust nozzle age-hardening 时效,硬化 ageing=aging 时效处理 aging 老龄的 agent 试剂 aileron 付翼 aileron authority 付翼效能 付翼传动力限制器-electro-mechanical device for limiting the control aileron force limiter wheel movement by the autopilot during autopilot operation aileron programmer 付翼程序器-convert central lateral control actuator motion to control air bleed valve 放气活门 减速板;阻力板-a plate or series of plates that may be projected into air brake airport's slipstream to provide turbulence and drag to slow the air carrier 航空营运者-any company which provides commercial air transportation air conditioning 空调 空气循环机;涡轮冷却器-a compressor & turbine on a common shaft for air cycle machine cooling air in an air conditioning system 大气数据计算机-one which produces air data air data computer information(altitude,airspeed ect) based on pressure and temperature 中断飞行-a change from original flight plan due to a known or air interruption suspected malfunction&/ defect during flight air lock 气锁,气塞-a trapped pocket of air that blocks the flow of fluid 空气封严件;气密封圈;气封严-usually thin rotating or staionary rims air seal designed to act as air DAMS to reduce airflow leakage air ground 起落架位置传感器;空地传感器-an electrical device operated by the sensor landing gear for transmitting airport position for systems operation air tapping 抽气管座 空中返航-return of airplane to airplane of origin as a result of air turnback malfunction or suspected defect of any item on airplane airborne 空中飞行的;机载的
1 科技英语的特点 Features
1.1 长句 Long sentences A与B成(正/反)比例 与 成 正 反 比例
e.g. For direct current and low-frequency (directly) alternating current (up to a few thousand A be (reversely) proportional to B cycles per second) the resistance is reversely proportional to the cross-sectional (inversely ) area of the path the current must travel; that (direct) is , given two conductors of the same A be in (reverse) proportion/ratio to B material and having same length , but (inverse) differing in crossing-sectional area , the one resistance is reversely proportional (reciprocal) with larger area will have the lower to area, that is, resistance. ratio of 3 to 7. 它们之间比率为3比7。 They are in a
1 科技英语的特点 Features
1.1 长句 Long sentences the ratio of A to B :A与B的比率 有两种方法简化长句,以正确把握长句句意—— 有两种方法简化长句,以正确把握长句句意 Insulation 绝缘,insulated ,insulating 依据谓语动词把复合句分解成一组简单句。 依据谓语动词把复合句分解成一组简单句。 dielectric constant 介电常数 依据关键词简化词组。 依据关键词简化词组。 e.g. The ratio of the capacitance with some material other than air between the plates, to the capacitance of the same capacitor with air insulation, is called the dielectric constant of that particular material. ratio is called constant
Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib
ST Analog Timer Circuit.IntLib
Tபைடு நூலகம் Analog Timer Circuit.IntLib
NSC Audio Power Amplifier.IntLib
NSC Audio Power Amplifier.IntLib
Teccor Discrete TRIAC.IntLib
KEMET Chip Capacitor.IntLib
C-MAC Crystal Oscillator.IntLib
DallasMicrocontroller 8-Bit.IntLib
Motorola Power Mgt Voltage Regulator.IntLib
ST Operational Amplifier.IntLib
TI Operational Amplifier.IntLib
Simulation Sources.IntLib
TI Converter Analog to Digital.IntLib
Motorola Discrete BJT.IntLib
ST Discrete BJT.IntLib
1Analog Electroinic Technology is one of important basic course to Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering specialties . The course mainly talks about the characters and parameters of semiconductors , and the basic principle , analysis method , calculation method of analog electronic circuits . By the course ,we can master the analysis and design abilities of practical analog circuits , and have the basis lnowledge for the coming specialty course.Analog circuit is an engineering propertiesa and practical technology . Amplifying circuit is the core of the analog circuit .With "devices" as the foundation, "integration" as the main line, "zoom in" as the core, transmission "analog signals" for the purpose, the analog circuit principle, characteristics and performance . First , It introduces the working principle of semiconductor devices(Diode, transistor and integrated op-amp ), Basic unit circuit (The structure of the amplifier circuit principle and the Internet)and method of Electronic circuit analysis. second, A/D, D/A mathematical model of the interface . Third, Digital circuit is the foundation of the pulse waveform .With the development of digital technology, analog circuits will continue to higher performance and stronger function.In the real world must be through the analog signal collection, amplification, comparison, or transform after processing, can the digital processing. The analog circuit is the bridge betwee the real world and digital products。
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• • • • • • • • switch(ing) transistor 开关晶体管 intrinsic transistor 本征晶体管 matching transistor 匹配晶体管 steady-state transistor 稳态晶体管
• • • • • • light sensitive diode 光敏二极管 charging diode 充电二极管 voltage regulator diode 稳压二极管
• n. 偏见, 偏爱, 偏袒, 斜线 vt. 使有偏见 • They are accusing the teacher of political bias in his marking. • 他们在指控那名教师打分有政治偏见。 • Many parents are biased against popular music. • 许多父母对流行音乐有偏见。 • cut the cloth on the bias. • 沿斜纹裁衣
zero volts.
• 差动放大器的输出通过一个偏置补偿网络馈入电 路输出级,为的是使运放的输出以0伏为中心。
3. Terminology
• transistor; diode • capacitor; inductor • impedance; resistance • emitter; collector; base • filter; oscillator; comparator • gain
2. Key Language Point
Sentence 1
• 1. A collector supply voltage is provided with a polarity that reverse biases the collector-base junction. • 集电极电源电压的极性使集-基结反向 偏置。
• • • • • • • • resistance type transducer 电阻式传感器 resistance measurement 电阻测量 air resistance 空气阻力 flow resistance 流动阻力
emitter, collector, base
• • • • • • • v. 馈给(信号); 馈入;馈送 feed-in 馈入 feed-voltage 馈电电压 feed back 反馈
• • • • • • • • • v. 喂养,饲养(to) 供给(with); 使满足;提示; feed wheat to cattle 用小麦喂牛 feed plants with fertilizer 给植物施肥 feed appetite for the sweetmeat. 满足甜食的嗜好 feed lines to an actor. 给演员提示台词
第 5讲
UNIT 3 Electrical Technique
• Passage A • Analog Circuit • Passage B • Binary System and Logic System • Passage C • Magnitude Locked Loop
Passage A Analog Circuit 1. Text Analysis 2. Key Language Point 3. Terminology
• • • • • • • • • • bipolar transistor 双极性晶体管 Field Effect Transistor 场效应晶体管 common-emitter transistor 共发射极晶体管 complementary transistor 互补晶体管 discrete transistor 分立式晶体管
• 自学UNIT3 Passage B&C,掌握文中的专 业术语; • 翻译UNIT3 Passage C 中的 introduction 部分,下周一上交。
• 预习教材UNIT 4。
第5讲 终
• • • • • • • • • • n.相反, 反面, 违背 vt. 颠倒, 倒转 on the reverse of 在...的反面 do the reverse of what is expected to do 做违背期望的事 reverse an order 颠倒次序 你能扭转自己的命运。 You can reverse your fate.
• • • • • • • • • • • n. 偏压,偏置,偏磁 AC/DC bias 交流/直流偏置 bias current 偏置电流,偏压电流 positive bias 正偏置, 正偏压 negative bias 负偏置, 负偏压 circuit bias condition 电路偏置状态
• light-emitting diode • 发光二极管
• commutation diode • 整流二极管
• • • • • • • • limiter diode 限幅二极管 series diode 串联二极管 trigger diode 触发二极管 variable capacitance diode 变容二极管
• • • • • • • • branching filter 分路滤波器 broad band filter 宽带滤波器 narrow band filter 窄带滤波器 sideband filter 边带滤波器
• • • • • • • • integrating filter 积分滤波器 nonlinear filter 非线性滤波器 orthogonal filter 正交滤波器 adaptive filter 自适应滤波器
• • • • • • • n.偏移(量);偏置(量);补偿 offset-compensation network 偏置补偿网络 zero offset 零点偏移 offset current 补偿电流,失调电流,偏移电流,偏置电流
• • • • • • • • harmonic oscillator 谐波振荡器, 谐波发生器, 正弦波发生器 intermediate-frequency oscillator 中频振荡器 ultra-low frequency oscillator 超低频振荡器 differential oscillator 差动振荡器
1. Text Analysis
• principles of common emitter circuit • basic operational amplifiers
Question 1
• What circuit is called
Common Emitter Circuit?
Question 2
• What are the features of the op-amps?
Question 3
• What are the applications of the op-amps?
Question 4
• How can an op-amp be used as
a non-inverting amplifier?
• 2. The output of the differential amplifier is fed to the circuit’s output stage via an offset-compensation network, which causes the op-amp’s output to center at
• • • • • • • • • • porcelain capacitor 陶瓷电容器 electrolytic capacitor 电解电容 sliding capacitor 滑动电容器 coupling capacitor 耦合电容器 equalizing capacitor 均衡电容器
• • • • • • • • • • • • overall/full gain 总增益, 总放大系数 closed-loop gain 闭环增益 open-loop gain 开环增益 effective transmission gain 有效传输增益 dynamic gain 动态增益 static gain 静态增益
• • • • • • • • • • amplitude comparator 幅度比较器 frequency comparator 频率比较器 phase comparator 相位比较器 error comparator 误差比较器 pulse comparator 脉冲比较器
• • • • • • • • all-wave oscillator 全波振荡器 audio interpolation oscillator 音频内插振荡器 heterodyne oscillator 外差振荡器 crystal oscillator 晶体振荡器