外资企业员工手册1.1 本公司为健全管理制度和组织功能,特依据外商投资企业劳动人事法规和本公司人事政策制定本手册.1.2 凡本公司所属员工,除法律法规另有规定者外,必须遵守本手册规定.1.3 凡本手册所称员工,系指正式被聘于本公司并签订劳动合同或聘用合同者.2.1 聘用关系2.1.1 ITP员工为18岁以上的成人,公司规定退休年令为60周岁。
无性别,地域,户口等区别.2.1.2新员工聘用设有三个月的试用期,如果试用期的工作表现不能令上司满意,被证明不符合录用条件的, 公司可以在试用期内终止聘用,或将试用期延长,以作进一步观察,但延长期最多不超过三个月。
2.1.3 有下列情形之一者,不得聘用为本公司员工;(1)曾经被本公司开除或未经核准而擅自离职者:(2)被剥夺公民权利者;(3)通缉在案未撤消者;(4)受有期徒刑之宣告,尚未结案者;(5)经指定医院体检不合格者;(6)患有精神病或传染病或吸用毒品者;(7)未满18周岁者;(8)政府法律规定的其他情形者。
2.1.4 应聘人员面试及体检合格后,按照公司录取通知的日期、地点、亲自办理报到手续、并应缴验下列证件:(1)本人最近一寸证件照片三张;(2)学历,职称证件、身份证;(正本核对后发还,复印件留存)(3)退工单,劳动手册等前服务单位离职证明。
2.1.5 有下列情形之一者,本公司可以不经预先通知而终止聘用关系,并不给予当事人补偿。
Term over three year: probation period is six months.
3-4.1HR & Adm Department will release aEvaluation for QualifiedEmployees During Probation Period15 Days before the probation period is expired to the employee’s direct supervisor.
3-4.3Both parties should decide wether to renew the contract at lease one month before this contract expires.
3-3Probation period试用期
3-6Personnel records个人档案
3-6.1Personnel records record all the information related to the employees.
员工手册Employee Handbook(中英双语版50页)
员工手册Employee Handbook致员工书 Letter to All Employees亲爱的同仁们:Dear Colleagues,欢迎您加入XXX这个大家庭。
Welcome to joining XXX., the big family! We are thrilled to have you to share your positive energy. I hope you are proud of your decision today, and we are convinced that XXX can be the very stage to showcase your talent and achieve your dreams. You will be working closely with over 600 colleagues to create high-end, world-class Automotive in China. We expect each and every one of you to play an important role in implementing the vision & mission of XXX as well as of your own department.此员工手册为您在您的工作中履职提供了基本框架,提供了公司相关的人力资源各项政策和指导原则:员工福利待遇、员工的权利和义务以及必须遵守的公司规定规程,将为您的日常工作带来帮助。
The Employee handbook offers you the framework to well manage your job. This handbook provides the following information: various policies and guidelines of HR work of the company; employees' welfares and rights, obligations and company rules that must be abided by employees, which will be helpful for your daily work.部分条款与条件可能因不同公司的要求或新法规而加以变更。
员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage 第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定.Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company's personnel management.第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理.Article2 Staff recruitment, attendance,Leave &Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations.第三条本公司各级员工,均应遵守本规则各项规定。
索引Index章节目录Topic页码Page Section第一部分简介Introduction4Section11.1适用范围Application Range5第二部分员工聘用及新员工入职流程6Section2Recruitment&On boarding procedure for new staff2.1招聘流程Process for filling vacancies62.2员工推荐制度Employee Referral policy72.3任命类别Appointment types72.4合同类别Contracts72.5新员工入职流程On board procedure for new Employees82.6试用期Probationary period9第三部分员工尊重10Section3Dignity and Respect3.1机会均等Equal Opportunities103.2禁止事项Discrimination103.3骚扰Harassment113.4暴力Bullying113.5投诉Complaints Procedure123.6举报Whistle blowing12第四部分薪酬福利Compensation&Benefits15Section44.1工资Payroll15第五部分绩效管理Performance Management16Section55.1绩效评估Performance Evaluation165.2绩效管理流程Performance Management Process165.3评估标准Measuring Performance175.4绩效改进计划Performance Improvement Planning17第六部分培训19Section6Training6.1培训类别Types of Training196.2新员工入职培训New Employee Orientation Training196.3销售培训Sales Training1916.4非销售人员培训Training For Non Sales Functions206.5负责培训的相关部门Department Responsible ForTraining20 Design and Execution第七部分工作时间,休假和考勤21 Section7Working Hours,Leave,Attendance&Timekeeping7.1工作时间Working hours217.2请假流程Notification procedure for nonattendance227.3加班Overtime227.4病假Sick Leave237.5事假Personal leave237.6婚假Marital Leave247.7丧假Bereavement Leave247.8生育假期Maternity leave257.9年假Annual Leave267.10额外假期Additional Leave Entitlements277.11公共假期Public Holidays27第八部分出差和报销29 Section8Travel&Expense8.1出差审批流程Travel Approval Process298.2住宿和补贴Accommodation&Allowances298.3餐补Meal Allowances308.4客户活动Client Entertainment308.5客户礼物Client Gifts318.6现金预借Cash Advancements318.7乘坐飞机出差Air Travel328.8手机费报销政策Mobile Phone Expense32第九部分健康与安全33 Section9Health&Safety9.1安全声明Safety Statement339.2员工合作Co-operation of Employees339.3消防安全Fire Safety349.4事故与危险/风险Accidents,Hazards&Risks349.5事故与急救Accidents&First Aid35第十部分保密制度Confidentiality36 Section1010.1保密信息Confidential Information36第十一部规章制度38分Disciplinary Procedure Section1111.1行政处分程序概述Overview of the DisciplinaryProcess3811.2行政处分四个阶段The Four Stages of theDisciplinary38 Process11.3违纪Misconduct4011.4严重违纪Gross Misconduct4011.5上诉程序The Appeal Process43第十二部劳动合同终止45分Termination of EmploymentSection1212.1辞职45Resignation第十三部附件[1]Appendix[1]46分公司其他法律实体Section13Other Legal EntitiesStaff handbook Version1.0第一部分:简介Section1:Introduction欢迎加入XX网,非常高兴您能加入我们的团队,希望您能在公司有一个长期成功的职业发展。
中小型外资企业《员工手册》开头简介(双语模板)Section 1: Introduction欢迎加入XX网,非常高兴您能加入我们的团队,希望您能在公司有一个长期成功的职业发展。
我非常期待与你们每一位一起工作,并在这里祝愿大家在XX网工作愉快,事业有成!XXXXX网首席执行官Welcome to China HR, we are genuinely delighted you have joined our organization and we hope that your experience with us will result in a longand successful career.The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with an overview of our business and a useful guide for all our employees. We will also provide you with online access to our HR policies, procedures and processes so you have a full understanding of our expectations as a China HR employee.Should you have any questions please contact your direct Supervisor, Manager or the HR Department for further clarification.From time to time, it may be necessary to revise and alter the contentsof this handbook in line with legal requirements or company practices.These changes will be notified to you.I wish you well during your employment with us and look forward to working with you. Best Regards,XXXXXXX, XXXX CEO。
1. General总则1-1 Purposes 目的1-1.1 In order that employees have something to follow in the factory during working and living to keep our company’s production and living order and make sure our company’ssmooth operation, we hereby worked out this employee handbook.为了使员工在工厂的工作和生活有所遵循,维持公司的生产生活秩序并确保公司正常运转,特制定本员工手册。
1-1.2 ‘Without dividers, no circle’. Any healthily developing company couldn’t live without sound and scientific regulations and good staffs. This employee handbook specifies theworking disciplines that employees should obey, basic limit of working conditions.“没有规矩,不成方圆” 。
1-2 Application Scope适用范围This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period.本手册适用于全体员工,包括试用期内的员工。
1-3 The company empowers the right on explaining and modifying this employee handbook and other regulations. Any update is subject to the newest publication in Bulletin Board Systems.公司拥有《员工手册》及其它厂规的解释权并保留修改权。
外企全套员工手册、工作规范、规章制度、福利明细(全部按照国家规定劳动法制定、中英文对照Staff Handbook
我非常期待与你们每一位一起工作,并在这里祝愿大家在中华英才网工作愉快,事业有成!李凯润中华英才网首席执行官Welcome to China HR, we are genuinely delighted you have joined our organization and we hope that your experience with us will result in a long and successful career.The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with an overview of our business and a useful guide for all our employees. We will also provide you with online access to our HR policies, procedures and processes so you have a full understanding of our expectations as a China HR employee.Should you have any questions please contact your direct Supervisor, Manager or the HR Department for further clarification.From time to time, it may be necessary to revise and alter the contents of this handbook in line with legal requirements or company practices. These changes will be notified to you.I wish you well during your employment with us and look forward to working with you.Best Regards,Ciaran LallyCiaran Lally, China HR CEO1.1适用范围1.1 Application Range适用范围/人员 Scope/Persons Affected中华英才网内部全部公司:All Offices and Branches of ChinaHR•北京益佳信企业管理顾问有限公司Beijing E-Channel Enterprise Management Consultancy Co. Ltd.•英才网络技术(苏州)有限公司ECareer (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.•英才网络技术(上海)有限公司E-Career Co., Ltd.•上海华英网络技术有限公司Shanghai Huaying Co., Ltd.•英才华网网络技术(北京)有限公司及其分公司ECareer (Beijing) Ltd. and its branches•科兰德管理咨询(北京)有限公司Keyland Management Consulting (Beijing) Limited•网才天下科技(北京)有限公司及其分公司Wangcai Tainxia Technology (Beijing) Limited and its branches •尊智科技(北京)有限公司Zhunzhi Technology (Beijing) Limited•其它已经设立完成或正在设立中的公司(具体见附件[1]列表清单)。
员工手册EmployeeHandbook(中英双语版50页)员工手册Employee Handbook致员工书?Letter to All Employees亲爱的同仁们:Dear Colleagues,欢迎您加入XXX这个大家庭。
Welcome to joining XXX., the big family! We are thrilled to have you to share your positive energy. I hope you are proud of your decision today, and we are convinced that XXX can be the very stage to showcase your talent and achieve your dreams. You will be working closely with over 600 colleagues to create high-end, world-class Automotive in China. We expect each and every one of you to play an important role in implementing the vision & mission of XXX as well as of your own department.此员工手册为您在您的工作中履职提供了基本框架,提供了公司相关的人力资源各项政策和指导原则:员工福利待遇、员工的权利和义务以及必须遵守的公司规定规程,将为您的日常工作带来帮助。
1Staff handbook Version 1.0第一部分:简介Section 1: Introduction欢迎加入XX网,非常高兴您能加入我们的团队,希望您能在公司有一个长期成功的职业发展。
我非常期待与你们每一位一起工作,并在这里祝愿大家在XX网工作愉快,事业有成!XXXXX网首席执行官Welcome to China HR, we are genuinely delighted you have joined our organization andwe hope that your experience with us will result in a long and successful career.The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with an overview of our business and a useful guide for all our employees. We will also provide you with online access to our HR policies, procedures and processes so you have a full understanding of our expectations as a China HR employee.Should you have any questions please contact your direct Supervisor, Manager or the HR Department for further clarification.From time to time, it may be necessary to revise and alter the contents of thishandbook in line with legal requirements or company practices. These changes will benotified to you.I wish you well during your employment with us and look forward to working with you.Best Regards,XXXXXXX, XXXX CEOStaff handbook Version 1.01.1适用范围1.1A pplication Range适用范围/人员 Scope/Persons Affected•其它已经设立完成或正在设立中的公司(具体见附件[1]列表清单)。
员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定。
Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company’s personnel management.第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理。
Article2 Staff recruitment,attendance,Leave &Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations。
pany Introduction公司简介
***Products (Shenzhen) Limited, founded in 2005, is a foreign proprietorship company specialized in bags and other sewn products, mainly producing world famous brand kitbags, school bags for customers over Europe, America, and Asia. Located in**i Industrial District,**,**Town,**, Shenzhen, the company has workshops, dormitories, and canteen and other establishment.
3-4.2The qualified employees will be hired as official employees and a confirmation letter will be issued to the employee.
3-1.3Inveracious certificates or misrepresentation for being employed is cause for dismissal
外企员工手册 (2)
1.G e n e r a l总则1-1Purposes 目的1-1.1In order that employees have something to follow in the factory during working and living to keep our company’s production and living order and make sureour company’s smooth operation, we hereby worked out this employeehandbook.为了使员工在工厂的工作和生活有所遵循,维持公司的生产生活秩序并确保公司正常运转,特制定本员工手册。
1-1.2‘Without dividers, no circle’. Any healthily developing company couldn’t live without sound and scientific regulations and good staffs. This employeehandbook specifies the working disciplines that employees should obey, basiclimit of working conditions.“没有规矩,不成方圆” 。
1-2Application Scope适用范围This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period.本手册适用于全体员工,包括试用期内的员工。
1-3 The company empowers the right on explaining and modifying this employee handbook and other regulations. Any update is subject to the newest publication in Bulletin Board Systems.公司拥有《员工手册》及其它厂规的解释权并保留修改权。
员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage 第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定。
Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company’s personnel management.第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理。
Article2 Staff recruitment,attendance,Leave &Holiday,code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations.第三条本公司各级员工,均应遵守本规则各项规定。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1. General总则1-1 Purposes 目的1-1.1 In order that employees have something to follow in the factory during working and living to keep our company’s production and living order and make sure our company’ssmooth operation, we hereby worked out this employee handbook.为了使员工在工厂的工作和生活有所遵循,维持公司的生产生活秩序并确保公司正常运转,特制定本员工手册。
1-1.2 ‘Without dividers, no circle’. Any healthily developing company couldn’t live without sound and scientific regulations and good staffs. This employee handbook specifies theworking disciplines that employees should obey, basic limit of working conditions.“没有规矩,不成方圆” 。
1-2 Application Scope适用范围This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period.本手册适用于全体员工,包括试用期内的员工。
1-3 The company empowers the right on explaining and modifying this employee handbook and other regulations. Any update is subject to the newest publication in Bulletin Board Systems.公司拥有《员工手册》及其它厂规的解释权并保留修改权。
2. Company Introduction 公司简介***Products (Shenzhen) Limited, founded in 2005, is a foreign proprietorship company specialized in bags and other sewn products, mainly producing world famous brand kitbags, school bags for customers over Europe, America, and Asia. Located in**i Industrial District, **, ** Town, **, Shenzhen, the company has workshops, dormitories, and canteen and other establishment.***成立于1988年,是一家专门生产和经营背包等缝纫制品的外商独资企业,主要生产世界名牌背包、书包等;客户遍及欧美及亚洲等国家和地区。
Our idea is quality first, service uppermost. 我们的理念是:品质第一,服务至上。
3. Personnel Management Regulations人事管理制度3-1 Basic requirement for employees 雇用基本条件3-1.1 The employees must be over18 years old, hold Health Certificate, valid ID card, education certificate and Birth Controlling Certificate for Floating People provided by local government 年龄18岁以上,持有效《健康证》,持有效身份证件和学历证明,及户口所在地出具的《流动人口计划生育证》。
3-1.2 If employees are found infected with serious infectious disease or not suitable for work, the company has the right to change their work post or request them to leave the company.如发现有任何严重传染病患者或身体不适的工作者,公司有权调整其工作岗位或要求其自动退厂。
3-1.3 Inveracious certificates or misrepresentation for being employed is cause for dismissal 持有虚假证明进厂者一经发现以无薪解雇处理.3-1.4 Applicant should faithfully declare his/her relatives and friends in Starry when filling Application Form. If the applicant is recommended, his/her relationship with the employee who recommend should be faithfully declared too.求职人在填写入职申请时必须如实申报厂内相熟的亲戚或朋友, 如有推荐人还需如实申报与推荐人的关系3-1.5 The employee who has been re-hired must report to the HR Department before he start working again.重新入职员工必须先向人事部报告才可开始正式工作.3-2 Regulations for employees who are recommended and who recommend被荐及推荐人守则Current employees may recommend intelligent persons to the company, but should not receive any benefit or recommendation fee from them who are recommended. If it is found that there is such thing happened, both parties, whatever they are under probation period or not, will be fired immediately without any economic compensation. If it is reported by the employee who is recommended, the reporting employee may stay in the factory, only the employee who recommended and received benefit will be fired without any economic compensation.在职员工可推荐有才能的人员进入本公司,但推荐人不得收取被荐人的任何好处或介绍费。
3-3 Probation period 试用期3.3.1 Employees must pass the company’s examination before they are hired, and thensign Newly Hiring Confirmation.受聘用员工须经公司考核,合格后与公司签订《新进人员雇用确认单》3.3.2 The Labour Contract will be signed before the employee starts work..受聘用员工须与公司签订《劳动合同》才可开始上班.3.3.3 The probation period will be according to the term of Labour Contract:试用期期限将按照《劳动合同》期限决定:•Term from three months to one year: probation period is one month.《劳动合同》期限由三个月至壹年员工, 其试用期为壹个月.•Term from one year to two years: probation period is two months.《劳动合同》期限由壹年至两年员工, 其试用期为两个月.•Term from two years to three years: probation period is three months.《劳动合同》期限由两年至叁年员工, 其试用期为叁个月.•Term over three year: probation period is six months.《劳动合同》期限超过叁年员工, 其试用期为陆个月.3-4 Formal hiring正式聘用3-4.1 HR & Adm Department will release a Evaluation for Qualified Employees During Probation Period15 Days before the probation period is expired to the employee’sdirect supervisor.员工试用即将期满时,行政人事部将会发《试用期满合格人员评鉴表》,由试用期员工所属部门及相关人员评鉴。
3-4.2 The qualified employees will be hired as official employees and a confirmation letter will be issued to the employee.评鉴合格的将会被邀请成为正式员工3-4.3 Both parties should decide wether to renew the contract at lease one month before this contract expires.员工与公司须在《劳动合同》期满前一个月决定是否续签合同.3-5 Temporary Residence Permit暂住证The company will apply for the Temporary Residence Permit for those employees who successfully passed the probation period and whose residence is not in this city.公司按政府规定为试用期满的非本市户口员工申报及办理《暂住证》.3-6 Personnel records 个人档案3-6.1 Personnel records record all the information related to the employees.个人档案记录员工的所有信息3-6.2 The employees should provide correct personal information. Changes must be reported to HR & Admin Department within five working days.员工必须提供正确的个人资料。