



Chemlok® 6411 Adhesive Technical Data SheetChemlok® 6411 adhesive is a covercoat adhesive that bonds rubber compounds to metal. It is composed of a mixtureof polymers and heat-reactive components dissolved or dispersed in an organic solvent system.For general use, Chemlok 6411 adhesive should be used as a covercoat adhesive over Chemlok 205 or 207 primer. In some applications, it may be used as a one-coat adhesive. Features and Benefits:Versatile – can be used as a one-coat adhesive; bonds a wide variety of elastomer compounds to rigid substrates when used in combination with Chemlok 205 or 207 primer. Use of Chemlok 205 or 207 primer helps to ensure environmental resistance of the bonded assembly and adhesion to the substrate.Easy to Apply – applies easily by spray, dip, brush or roll coat methods.Environmentally Resistant – provides good resistance to heat, oil and corrosive-type conditions. Elastomers:• Natural Rubber (NR) • Polybutadiene (BR)• Polyisoprene (IR) • Polychloroprene (CR)• Styrene-butadiene (SBR) • Nitrile (NBR)• EPDM Polymers• Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE)• Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene (CSM)Application:Surface Preparation – Thoroughly clean metal surfaces prior to primer application. Remove protective oils, cutting oils and greases by solvent degreasing or alkaline cleaning. Remove rust, scale or oxide coatings by suitable chemical or mechanical cleaning methods.Allow primer to thoroughly dry before applying Chemlok 6411 adhesive.For further detailed information on surface preparation of specific substrates, refer to Chemlok Adhesives application guide.Mixing – Thoroughly stir adhesive before use, and agitate sufficiently during use to keep dispersed solids uniformly suspended. If dilution is needed, use xylene or toluene. Note proper dilution for the various application methods is best achieved by experience. Give careful attention to agitation since dilution will accelerate settling.Applying – Apply adhesive by brush, roll coat, dip, spray or any other method that gives a uniform coating and avoids excessive runs and tears.Regardless of application method, the dry film thickness of Chemlok 6411 adhesive should be 12.7-25.4 micron (0.5-1.0 mil).Drying/Curing – Allow the applied adhesive to dry until visual examination of the film has shown that all solvent has evaporated. This will take approximately 30 minutes at room temperature. Drying time can be shortened by using hot airdrying ovens or tunnels up to 90°C (194°F).Parker LORDEngineered Materials Group 111 LORD DriveCary, NC 27511-7923USAphone +1 877 ASK LORD (275 5673)Values stated in this document represent typical values as not all tests are run on each lot of material produced. For formalized product specifications for specific product end uses, contact the Customer Support Center.Information provided herein is based upon tests believed to be reliable. In as much as Parker LORD has no control over the manner in which others may use this information, it does not guarantee the results to be obtained. In addition, Parker LORD does not guarantee the performance of the product or the results obtained from the use of the product or this information where the product has been repackaged by any third party, including but not limited to any product end-user. Nor does the company make any express or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose concerning the effects or results of such use.WARNING — USER RESPONSIBILITY . FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.©2020 Parker Hannifin - All Rights ReservedInformation and specifications subject to change without notice and without liability therefor. Trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.Chemlok 6224 Adhesive — Technical Data SheetOD DS4008 11/20 Rev.7Shelf Life/Storage:Shelf life is one year from date of shipment when stored by the recipient below 25°C (77°F) in original, unopened container.Cautionary Information:Before using this or any Parker LORD product, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and label for safe use and handling instructions.For industrial/commercial use only. Must be applied by trained personnel only. Not to be used in household applications. Not for consumer use.。

LORD 5106 55GB 结构型粘合剂应用说明说明书

LORD 5106   55GB 结构型粘合剂应用说明说明书

LORD® 5106 / 55GB Structural Adhesive Handling/Application NotesHandling RecommendationsLORD® 5106 / 55GB adhesive should be used withinits 6-month shelf life and stored at or below 25°C in its unopened container to ensure optimum cured properties. First in, First Out (FIFO) is recommended to ensure consistent turn-over of inventory, leaving no materialto expire. No pre-treatment or degas is required or recommended for this product.Application Recommendations Packaging – LORD 5106 / 55GB adhesive is offered in 50 mL and 490 mL cartridges, 5 gallon pails, and 55 gallon drums. Consult with your LORD Applications Engineer to identify the correct packaging configuration to suit your needs.Equipment Selection – Regardless of equipment type or manufacturer, certain variables remain the same when working with LORD 5106 / 55GB adhesive. Ensure all hoses are lined with PTFE, and metal components are 300 series stainless steel. In addition, O-rings and seals should also be PTFE-based. Progressive cavity stator elastomer should be a grade of flouroelastomer thatwill not react with an arylic adhesive. Rod meter, Piston meter, and Progressive cavity are the three most common types of MMD equipment used with LORD 5106 / 55GB adhesive. Consult with your LORD Applications Engineer and equipment supplier to ensure equipment is compatible with LORD 5106 / 55GB adhesive.Surface Preparation – Avoid applying LORD5106 / 55GB adhesive to surfaces that are not cleaned. Ensure all loose debris and processing fluids are removed prior to the bonding process. In special cases, plasma treatment can be used to aid in adhesion to hard-to-bond materials such as nickel plated steel and powder coat.Mixing – Mix LORD 5106 adhesive with LORD Accelerator 55GB at a 4:1 mix ratio by volume, or2.9:1 by weight. LORD recommends a 5% tolerancebe held on ratio. Handheld cartridges or meter/mix/ dispense (MMD) equipment should be used to avoid any air entrapment in material. Static mixers should contain at least 18 elements to ensure both components are adequately mixed for optimum performance. A minimum diameter of 10 mm is recommended for high volume applications. Small volume or point-dispense applications can tolerate a smaller diameter mixer, consult with your LORD Applications Engineer for any non-standard applications.LORD 5106 / 55GB adhesive was designed to be used as-is and should not be manually agitated prior to placing the container under the transfer pump head. Manual mixing could lead to air entrapment and will cause issues with mix ratio and cure completion.Dispensing – LORD 5106 adhesive is a thixotropic mate-rial and will form a bead when dispensed. Working time is 6-9 minutes from time of mixing, purge time shouldbe targeted for no more than 5 minutes. After 9 minutes, part should be discarded to avoid inadequate wetting of mating surfaces and decreased bond strength.Curing – Fixture time (time to handling strength) for LORD 5106 / 55GB adhesive is 25 minutes at 25°C. Adhesive will cure to full strength in 2-3 hours, expect final polymerized properties in 24 hours.Note: Acrylic adhesives are inhibited by oxygen, any squeeze out of LORD 5106 / 55GB adhesive will have a tacky surface when cured, this is expected and normal.LORD provides valuable expertise in adhesives and coatings, vibration and motion control, and magnetically responsive technologies. Our people work in collaboration with our customers to help them increase the value of their products. Innovative and responsive in an ever-changing marketplace, we are focused on providing solutions for our customers worldwide ... Ask Us How.LORD CorporationWorld Headquarters111 Lord DriveCary, NC 27511-7923USACustomer Support Center (in United States & Canada)+1 877 ASK LORD (275 5673)For a listing of our worldwide locations, visit .LORD and “Ask Us How” are trademarks of LORD Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.©2018 LORD Corporation OD TT3078 (Rev.0 5/18)Quality Control RecommendationsMix Ratio Checks – Ratio checks should be performedat least once per day, or at the start of each shift. Eachdispense outlet (i.e., every place that a static mixerattaches) should be checked. Simultaneously dispensethe resin and hardener into separate cups, then recordthe weight of each. If ratio varies more than ± 5%,notify appropriate maintenance personnel. Handheldcartridges utilize a fixed ratio by the size of cartridge.There is no need to do a ratio check when dispensingfrom cartridges, however, plungers should be leveledby dispensing material without a static mixer installeduntil adhesive is visibly dispensed from both sides of thecartridge.Purging – When transitioning between products of thesame base chemistry, it is important to fully purge thefirst product from the MMD equipment before beginningproduction with the second product. LORD recommendspurging 3 times the volume of the MMD lines through thesystem to ensure that all of the first product has clearedthe system. LORD does not recommend purging whenswitching to a different base chemistry, a complete teardown of the wetted parts of the system including, but notlimited to replacing seals and fluid lines is the only way toensure that the chemistries will not react.Note: Always consult with your LORD ApplicationsEngineer to ensure products are compatible beforepurging.Cautionary Information Before using this or any LORD product, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and label for safe use and handling instructions.For industrial/commercial use only. Must be applied by trained personnel only. Not to be used in household applications. Not for consumer use.。








◎技术指标:1.外观:乳白色(略带蓝光)液体2.组成:丙烯酸、聚酯聚合物3.含固量:42±1%4.PH值:7.0-8.05.气味:略带树脂与杏仁微苦味◎印花浆料配比:水:自来水或者去离子水粘合剂: 1 5-25%增稠剂: 1.2-1.5%(丙烯酸钠盐煤油增稠剂用量3-4%)总计: 100%(若浆料偏稀,可以适当添加增稠剂搅拌均匀即可)然后直接加入色浆搅拌均匀即可;印花后表面干燥后焙烘2-3分钟促进粘合剂交联提高色牢度;若自交联工艺充分晾干,然后未封闭(打卷)放置72小时以上。

[应用]1) 可用于长毛绒、毛毯、地毯,合成纤维低度防水面料2) 适用于毛巾、浴巾、羊毛衫等毛圈织物及合成纤维和混纺织物。

3) 适用于滚筒、圆网、平网、手工印花和喷花。










胶粘剂新技术与应用手册概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述胶粘剂是一种常见的化学制品,具有粘结和粘附功能,在工业生产和日常生活中广泛应用。



1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分:引言、胶粘剂新技术与应用手册、新技术在胶粘剂中的应用实践案例分析、胶粘剂新技术对产业发展的影响与前景展望以及结论。


1.3 目的本文的目的在于全面介绍胶粘剂领域中的新技术和应用手册,并通过实践案例分析探索这些新技术在实际应用中的优势和问题。


以上是“1. 引言”部分的内容。

接下来是“2. 胶粘剂新技术与应用手册”部分的撰写,请选择是否继续撰写。

2. 胶粘剂新技术与应用手册2.1 技术介绍胶粘剂是一种常见的工业材料,广泛应用于各种领域。




传统的胶粘剂中含有挥发性有机物(Volatile Organic Compounds,简称VOCs),可能对环境和人体健康造成负面影响。






2.2 应用领域胶粘剂作为一种多功能材料,在各个行业得到了广泛的应用。



Duramix 通用粘合剂 4125 应用指南说明书

Duramix 通用粘合剂 4125 应用指南说明书

Duramix™Universal Adhesive 4125Easy Steps To Successful Bonding:1.Clean all surfaces to be bonded. When bonding SMC and Fiberglass, clean bylightly scuffing the surface with a grade 80 abrasive. Do not use liquid cleaners on SMC and Fiberglass.2.Scuff the bonding surfaces with a grade 80 abrasive. Remove all corrosion anddebris from metal surfaces. When abrading SMC and Fiberglass, be careful not to break through the gel coat. Dry fit all parts prior to applying adhesive.3.Mask the surfaces adjoining the bonding area in the event of adhesive squeeze-out. Have all clamps on hand and ready to use.4.When bonding to steel, spread the bead of adhesive #4125 and cover all baremetal to prevent corrosion. When bonding to aluminum, etch the aluminum with Duramix™Metal Etching Prep #4925.5.Apply adhesive #4125 in a continuous bead to the parts to be bonded.6.Starting at one end, align the parts and press into place. Apply clamps to holdthe parts in place. The working time is approximately 10 minutes, after which a substantial bond is achieved.7.Clamps can be removed after approximately 30 minutes.If body filler is going to be used for contouring or blending, remove all exposed adhesive before applying body filler. Do not put body filler on top ofDuramix™adhesives.NOTE:Full cure is achieved in 4 hours. A heat gun or radiant heating can be used to accelerate the cure.Uses:•Bonds light add-on and ground effects parts such as spoilers, flares, skirts,nameplates, side moldings, emblems and impact strips where a flexible adhesiveis needed•Bonds to fiberglass and SMC, urethane, plastics and metals•Bonds fasciasDuramix™Universal Adhesive 4125The Duramix™SystemHOW TO USE THE DURAMIX™MIXER1.Slide pushrods to full back positiona.)Hold handle (A)b.)Push release lever (B)c.)Pull knob (C)2.Place Duramix™cartridge into holdera.)Insert with notched side of flange (D) downb.)Place cartridge nose through opening in mount (E)3.Slide pushrods forwarda.)While depressing lever (B)b.)Push the knob on back of gun forward (C) PREPARING THE CARTRIDGE1.Remove cartridge tipa.)Cut seal at bayonet notch (H) with razor blade orknife2.Equalize the componentsa.)Load cartridge into gun as described aboveb.)Squeeze trigger to discharge small amount of eachcomponentc.)If cartridge is clogged, clear with pind.)Discharge components again—both should flowevenlye.)DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE FORCE – THISCOULD CAUSE CARTRIDGE TO BURST3. Attach the static mixer tipa.)Push mixer tip flange (G) onto cut bayonet (H)b.)Twist the mixer tip 1/2 turn to lock it under thecartridge ears (F)DISPENSING THE PRODUCT1.Dispense Duramix™adhesivea.)Squeeze the trigger to push the two componentsthrough the static mixer tip2.Keep Duramix™adhesive flowinga.)Do not allow Duramix™adhesive to exceed itsmaximum dwell time in the static mixer tip STORING DURAMIX™PRODUCTS PROPERLY1.One (1) year shelf life can be realized by storingunopened package at temperatures of 65°F-85°F(18°C-29°C) in a dry place.2.After opening, keep mix tip on to serve as a cap. Storecartridge in rack #4934 or #4935 with the mix tip facingdown. Consult your supplier for these items.PRODUCT INFORMATION AND PROPERTIESDuramix™Adhesive #4125Working PropertiesDwell Time: 1 Min.Work Time: 10 Min.Bond Time: 30 Min.Cure Time: 4 Hrs.MATERIALS NEEDED:• Duramix™Universal Adhesive• Duramix™Acid-Etch Prep• Duramix™Metal Etch Prep• Duramix™Mixer Tips• Duramix™Mixer Dispenser- 2 -Duramix ™Universal Adhesive4125This product will be free from defects in material and workmanship at the time of shipment. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANYIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A P ARTICULAR PURPOSE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user’s application. If this product is defective, your exclusive remedy and 3M’s and seller’s sole obligation shall be, at 3M’s option, to replace the product or refund the purchase price.Warranty and Limited RemedyT o request additional product information or to arrange for sales assistance, call toll free 1-888-663-1394.Address correspondence to: 3M Automotive Aftermarket Division, 3M Center, Building 223-6N-01,St. Paul, MN 55144-1000. Our fax number is 651-733-9175.For Additional Information3M and seller will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from this 3M product, whether direct,indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including warranty,contract, negligence or strict liability.Limitation of LiabilityThis Automotive Aftermarket Division product was manufactured under a 3M quality system registered to ISO9002 standards.3Automotive Aftermarket Division 3M Center, Building 223-6N-01St. Paul, MN 55144-1000Duramix is a trademark of 3M.Printed in U.S.A.©3M 200234-7054-0130-4(10/02)Recycled Paper 40% pre-consumer 10% post-consumer- 3 -Refer to the Product Label and the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for health and safety information before using the product. For environmental information, refer to the MSDS. Always wear gloves, eye protection, appropriate respiratory protection, and work in a well-ventilated area.Precautionary Information。


工藝控制:要確保最終達到良好的效果,需要對不 熟悉的工藝控制進行設定。粘接不良往往是無法糾 正的。
現代膠粘劑是按使用方法或化學品類型分類的。強 度最高的膠粘劑通過化學反應形成固化。強度較低 的則以某種物理變化進行固化。當今工業領域所應 用的主要類型如下。

耐熱性能:膠粘劑是用我們所熟知的“聚合 物”、“塑料”或“合成樹脂”制成的。
這種膠粘劑能夠在數秒內固化,適用於小型塑料零 件和橡膠。氰基丙烯酸酯膠粘劑具有較小的縫隙 填充能力,但能夠以液體和觸變(非流動)的形式出 現。
因此具有此類材料的局限。這些材料的強度不如金 屬。(這種差距是通過增大粘接面積來彌補)。隨著 溫度升高,粘接強度會降低,而且膠粘劑的應變屬 性由彈性應變轉變為塑性應變。這種轉變通常發生 在70 – 220°C 的溫度範圍:轉變溫度視具體膠粘 劑而異。
為取得粘接面的最佳性能,針對粘接工藝進行部件設計是非常重要的,而不是直接照搬用於機械裝配的設 計。 在設計階段一定要考慮膠粘劑的塗覆方法和零部件的裝配,同時還要考慮實際固化條件,這些條件將影響 到選用何種膠粘劑。 當在設計和生產過程的所有階段都考慮到粘接質量時,便能得到上佳的粘接效果。
我們尋求采用膠粘劑時要做哪些事情呢?這已經不是什么新問題了。人類自有史以來就已經使用膠粘劑或 膠水了。古埃及人用膠水把飾物粘貼到家俱上。這些早期的膠水都是天然物質。現代我們采用的是合成樹 脂和聚合物。 我們把零部件粘接在一起時,先將膠粘劑充分塗覆在表面並充滿之間的縫隙。然後待其固化。固化結束 時,接頭能夠承受應力。強度最高的膠粘劑通過化學反應形成固化,對粘接面具有顯著的附著力。與機械 連接技術相比,粘接技術有時又稱為化學連接。

黏合剂 化学品安全技术说明书 MSDS

黏合剂 化学品安全技术说明书 MSDS

黏合剂化学品安全技术说明书第1部分:产品和供应商的确认产品:黏合剂级别:危险性依据澳大利亚工作安全标准使用:土木工程用黏合剂供应商:XXXXX地址:XXXXX电话:XXXXX传真:XXXXX邮箱:XXXXX第2部分:危害鉴定危害级别:Xi 刺激性危险警告语:R36/R38对皮肤和眼睛有刺激作用R43通过皮肤接触引起致敏性D.G.级别:不归类为危险品次要危险性:零危害级别:S5该产品的产品类别为S5,存放,维护和使用必须符合相关的规定第3部分:成分组成和信息成分:名称Cas编号比例双酚A型环氧树脂90%脂肪族缩水甘油醚10%V.High >60, High 30 - 60, Med 10 - 29, Low 1 - 9, V.Low <1该产品的所有组分列入澳大利亚化学物质清单(AICS)和国家注册机构(NRA)批准的活性成分中。


(致电澳大利亚131 126)摄取:如果吞入没有引起呕吐。





















一、胶粘剂的储存与保管1. 将胶粘剂放置于干燥、通风的环境中,避免阳光直射和潮湿,以免影响其粘合性能。

2. 避免胶粘剂与其他化学品接触,以免发生反应或污染。

3. 使用后应将瓶盖密封,防止胶粘剂在储存过程中干燥。

4. 尽量避免长时间不使用胶粘剂,以免影响其使用寿命。

二、胶粘剂的使用1. 在使用胶粘剂前,应将要粘合的物体表面清洁干净,以确保粘合效果。


2. 摇动胶粘剂瓶体,确保胶水充分混合。

3. 使用胶粘剂时,应适量挤出,避免过多浪费。

4. 使用胶粘剂时,可以使用刷子、棉签或指尖等工具进行涂抹,确保涂覆均匀。

5. 若需要加快胶粘时间,可使用加速剂,但应谨慎使用并按照说明进行调配,避免影响粘合效果。

6. 对于不易粘合的材料,如低表面能材料(如PP、PE)、高温材料或光滑表面材料,可以先试验胶粘剂在小面积上的粘合性能,以确保粘合效果满足需求。

7. 在粘合之前,应按照粘合材料的大小和形状,在需要粘合的位置上涂抹胶粘剂。

8. 胶粘剂应涂抹薄而均匀,避免涂抹过厚,以免影响粘合效果。

9. 将两个需要粘合的物体对齐,并用适当的压力将它们粘合在一起,以确保胶水充分粘合。

10. 粘合完成后,应立即将多余的胶粘剂擦拭干净,以免影响外观。

三、胶粘剂的注意事项1. 胶粘剂应远离儿童和宠物,避免误食或接触。

2. 使用胶粘剂时,应避免直接接触皮肤和眼睛,如不慎接触,请用清水冲洗并寻求医疗帮助。

3. 若不慎误吸入胶粘剂气味,请迅速将患者移到新鲜空气中,并立即就医。

4. 胶粘剂如进入口腔或误食,请立即就医。

5. 使用胶粘剂时,应避免吸烟和接近明火,以免引起火灾。

6. 胶粘剂应远离高温和火源,避免产生可燃气体。



目录1、OCHEM公司简介2、复合工艺及粘合剂3、产品讲明书3.1、醇溶性粘合剂3.1.1、AG1050A/B低残留------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.1.2、AG1070A/B高透明-------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.1.3、AT6070A/B高强度--------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.1.4、AV8070A/B镀铝型--------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.2、酯溶性粘合剂3.2.1、EF2072A/B铝箔专用------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.2、EB2050A/B抗介质型------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.3、EB4050A/B塑塑蒸煮------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.4、EB4066A/B塑塑高固含蒸煮---------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.5、HT3121A/B高温蒸煮--------------------------------------------------------- 酯溶性粘合剂3.2.6、HT3135A/B高温蒸煮--------------------------------------------------------- 酯溶性粘合剂3.2.7、EG7175A/B高固含低粘度-----------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.8、EG7275A/B 一般型--------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.3、水性粘合剂3.3.1、GW5042镀铝型-----------------------------------------------------------------丙烯酸类水性胶3.3.2、GP5142双组份---------------------------------------------------------------------聚氨酯水性胶3.3.3、GW5342通用型-----------------------------------------------------------------丙烯酸类水性胶4、产品应用指南4.1复合软包装对粘合剂的选择4.2复合上胶网辊选择4.3醇溶性粘合剂的使用4.3.1醇溶胶的特点4.3.2醇溶胶的使用注意事项4.3.3醇溶胶的运用4.3.4醇溶胶的参考生产工艺4.4水性粘合剂的使用4.4.1水性胶的特点4.4.2水性胶的使用注意事项4.4.3水性胶的运用4.4.4水性胶的参考生产工艺4.5酯溶型粘合剂的使用4.5.1酯溶型胶的特点4.5.2酯溶型胶的使用注意事项4.5.3酯溶型胶的运用4.5.4酯溶型胶的参考生产工艺5、常见问题解答5.1复合薄膜外观不良5.2复合强度不够5.3复合膜后加工的脱层5.4复合膜出现异味5.5镀铝膜复合出现白点、氧化、脱层。

Chemlok 粘合剂安全操作指南技术数据表说明书

Chemlok 粘合剂安全操作指南技术数据表说明书

Chemlok® Adhesives Safe Handling Guide Technical Data SheetChemlok® adhesives have been used in the rubber industry for over 60 years. By adhering to established safe handling techniques, these products have been utilized without posing a hazard to people or property. This document serves as a guide to make customers aware of potential hazards, and suggests procedures to eliminate them in the workplace. Refer to the product Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and label before using any Chemlok product.Types of Products:There are three basic types of Chemlok adhesives:• S olvent-based Adhesives• W ater-based Adhesives• 100% Solids AdhesivesPotential hazards and suggested safe handling procedures for each type of Chemlok adhesive are addressed in this document.Solvent-based AdhesivesMany of these products are flammable due the typeof solvents that they contain. Solvents used in these products include aromatics, acetates, alcohols, ketones, chlorinated solvents, or a combination of these types. Use safety procedures appropriate for flammable liquids when handling products containing any of these solvents. Typically, chlorinated solvents are not flammable; however, chlorinated solvents, when used in conjunction with flammable solvents, can result in a flammable mixture. Water-based AdhesivesWater-based adhesive systems are formulated primarily in water. However, some may contain small amounts of water miscible organic solvents such as glycol ethers based on ethylene or propylene glycol. Although most water-based Chemlok adhesives are not flammable in the wet state, some specialty elastomer adhesives contain alcohol, which may cause the adhesive system to be flammable. Refer to the product SDS to identify the flash point and flammability of individual water-based adhesives.100% Solids AdhesivesMost 100% solids adhesives are either epoxy or polyurethane based resins. Fire or explosion hazardsare minimal with these products; however, they are combustible and will burn.Safe Handling Procedures: Flammability• U se Chemlok products in well-ventilated areas.• S pray adhesives only in an OSHA-approved spray booth.• F or flammable adhesives, use of explosion-proofelectrical outlets, wiring, motors and exhaust fans is required by OSHA, the National Electric Code (NEC), and insurance underwriters.• F lammable solvent-based adhesives should be stored in metal containers. Metal containers are more conductive and reduce the possibility of static and heat buildup.• G round and bond metal containers when transferring flammable liquid solvents and adhesives.• I solate containers from heat, electrical equipment, sparks, friction, open flame and other sources of ignition.• K eep containers tightly closed when not in use.• C lean up spills immediately according to instructions in Section 6 (Accidental Release) of the product SDS.• I n the event of a fire with a Chemlok product, use fire-fighting measures outlined in Section 5 (Fire Fighting Measures) of the product SDS.• E nsure that a qualified engineer or technician supervises the design, construction, and operation of any carbon adsorption systems that are used in venting Chemlok products. Some types of Chemlok products contain chemicals, such as ketones, that may react withthe carbon surface causing severe exotherms or temperature excursions.Spill Cleanup• K eep non-essential personnel a safe distance away from the spill area.• F or flammable Chemlok products, remove all sourcesof ignition (flame, heat, electrical, static or frictional sparks).• A void breathing vapors – use appropriate respiratory protection, if necessary.• A void contact – use appropriate personal protective equipment.•C ontain and remove the spilled product with inert absorbent material (and non-sparking tools for flammable Chemlok products).• N otify appropriate authorities, in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, as necessary.• B efore attempting cleanup, refer to Section 6 (Accidental Release) of the product SDS.Personal Health and SafetyBecause of the variation of hazardous ingredients in Chemlok products and the resulting differing potential effects of personal exposure to workers, it is essentialto refer to the SDS and label for the specific product to ensure that it is stored, handled and used safely and that appropriate controls and personal protective equipment are utilized.• U se in well ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapors and spray mist.• A void skin and eye contact.• W ear approved respirators when occupational limits are exceeded.• U se safety eyewear including safety glasses with side shields and chemical goggles where splashing may occur.• W ear appropriate gloves.• U se disposable or impervious clothing. Remove and wash when contaminated.• W ash thoroughly before eating, smoking, or using toilet facility.• I f first aid measures are needed for ingestion, inhalation, eye contact or skin contact, refer to Section 4 (First Aid Measures) of the product SDS.Application/Spray Equipment• E nsure extinguishers are near application equipment and readily accessible.• F ixtures with excessive film buildup or film buildup that falls off a part or gets into the oven can increase the risk of smoldering/fires.• A utomated application equipment (chain-on-edge) and associated ovens should have safety interlocks that shut down the oven or stop the line in the event of a fire.• E lectric, steam coil or natural gas enclosed box-type ovens are preferred. IR ovens have an increased potential for causing Chemlok products to smolder or ignite.• U se flame retardant, heavyweight paper to line all floor areas in immediate application area to prevent buildup on floor. Dispose of dirty paper under proper regulatory guidelines.• U se disposable/peelable spray booth coating to protect all spray booth walls, etc. Sprinkler heads in the spray application areas should be covered according to local fire code to protect from excess spray debris building up on them. This covering will prevent excessive buildup, allowing proper functioning during a fire.• W arning: Due to the combustible nature of the dried film of Chemlok products and the potential for smolderingor fire, the accumulation and buildup of the dried filmon spray booth walls and floors, spindles, fixtures and other surfaces should be avoided, and any buildup should be removed. Refer to Cleaning section for more information. In the event of smoldering or a fire involving the dried product, Cold Fire® fire suppressing agent* is preferred as the extinguishing medium. If Cold Fire is not available, use water spray as the extinguishing medium. Take efforts to ensure that these agents reach the base of the smoldering or fire. LORD Corporation will notbe responsible for personal injuries, property damage or any other damages arising from the accumulation (buildup), cleaning/removal, or any related smoldering or fire resulting from the use of Chemlok products. Waste Disposal ProceduresGuidelines established here are for waste streams generated from the use of Chemlok products. Disposal should be done in accordance with national and local environmental waste control regulations. The waste stream should be evaluated for hazardous characteristics. If waste is determined to be hazardous, properly dispose per local requirements.• W aste containing residual solvent should be treated as a flammable hazard.• W aste streams comprised of dried Chemlok adhesive residue should be treated as ignitable solids per the Globally Harmonized System of classification.• L iquid or solid waste known to contain toxic contaminants such as persistent, bioaccumulative toxins should be treated a hazardous.*Note: Parker LORD has determined Cold Fire fire suppressing agentto be effective in extinguishing fires involving dried Chemlok adhesives. Parker LORD does not recommend any particular equipment or system for use in delivering or applying Cold Fire products. Customer is responsible for determining that Cold Fire products and any delivery equipment or system is appropriate and effective for customer’s specific needs.Parker LORDEngineered Materials Group 111 LORD DriveCary, NC 27511-7923USAphone +1 877 ASK LORD (275 5673)Values stated in this document represent typical values as not all tests are run on each lot of material produced. For formalized product specifications for specific product end uses, contact the Customer Support Center.Information provided herein is based upon tests believed to be reliable. In as much as Parker LORD has no control over the manner in which others may use this information, it does not guarantee the results to be obtained. In addition, Parker LORD does not guarantee the performance of the product or the results obtained from the use of the product or this information where the product has been repackaged by any third party, including but not limited to any product end-user. Nor does the company make any express or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose concerning the effects or results of such use.WARNING — USER RESPONSIBILITY . FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of theapplication are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.©2022 Parker Hannifin - All Rights ReservedInformation and specifications subject to change without notice and without liability therefor. Trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.OD DS3100 03/22 Rev.8Housekeeping• P revention of dry film buildup is key for safe handling. Daily or weekly inspection of application equipment, including oven tunnels and associated equipment, is recommended. Dry Chemlok adhesive residue becomes more flammable as the thickness of the film increases. • R emove dried adhesive around any mixing shafts where heat could build up and cause smoldering/fire.• A void excessive buildup of dried Chemlok products on floors and other surfaces. CleaningIt is always recommended to avoid the buildup of dried Chemlok adhesive films. However, if a film buildup has to be cleaned, the following precautions should be followed. • N on-sparking brass brush or plastic scrapers can be used for cleaning. Caution should be exercised as brush/scraper can also generate sufficient heat from friction to initiate smoldering/fire.• T here are a variety of debris removal methods. Consult with your Parker LORD representative to determine suitable methods for debris removal from application equipment.• M ake sure that some sort of water reservoir is available to continually wet down the surfaces being cleaned.This keeps temperatures down and reduces the effect of frictional heat buildup during cleaning.• F or larger debris clean-ups, explosion-proof vacuums are suggested.Remember – There are no short cuts to Safety!Cautionary Information:Before using this or any Parker LORD product, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and label for safe use and handling instructions.For industrial/commercial use only. Must be applied by trained personnel only. Not to be used in household applications. Not for consumer use.。



目录1、XXX公司简介2、复合工艺及粘合剂3、产品说明书3.1、醇溶性粘合剂3.1.1、AG1050A/B低残留------------------------------- -----------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.1.2、AG1070A/B高透明-------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.1.3、AT6070A/B高强度--------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.1.4、A V8070A/B镀铝型--------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.2、酯溶性粘合剂3.2.1、EF2072A/B铝箔专用------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.2、EB2050A/B抗介质型------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.3、EB4050A/B塑塑蒸煮------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.4、EB4066A/B塑塑高固含蒸煮---------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.5、HT3121A/B高温蒸煮--------------------------------------------------------- 酯溶性粘合剂3.2.6、HT3135A/B高温蒸煮--------------------------------------------------------- 酯溶性粘合剂3.2.7、EG7175A/B高固含低粘度----------------------------------------------------- 酯溶性粘合剂3.2.8、EG7275A/B 普通型---------------------- ----------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.3、水性粘合剂3.3.1、GW5042镀铝型-----------------------------------------------------------------丙烯酸类水性胶3.3.2、GP5142双组份---------------------------------------------------------------------聚氨酯水性胶3.3.3、GW5342通用型-----------------------------------------------------------------丙烯酸类水性胶4、产品应用指南4.1复合软包装对粘合剂的选择4.2复合上胶网辊选择4.3醇溶性粘合剂的使用4.3.1醇溶胶的特点4.3.2醇溶胶的使用注意事项4.3.3醇溶胶的运用4.3.4醇溶胶的参考生产工艺4.4水性粘合剂的使用4.4.1水性胶的特点4.4.2水性胶的使用注意事项4.4.3水性胶的运用4.4.4水性胶的参考生产工艺4.5酯溶型粘合剂的使用4.5.1酯溶型胶的特点4.5.2酯溶型胶的使用注意事项4.5.3酯溶型胶的运用4.5.4酯溶型胶的参考生产工艺5、常见问题解答5.1复合薄膜外观不良5.2复合强度不够5.3复合膜后加工的脱层5.4复合膜出现异味5.5镀铝膜复合出现白点、氧化、脱层。

Chemlok CB100 A B 冷融合黏合剂应用指南说明书

Chemlok CB100 A B 冷融合黏合剂应用指南说明书

Chemlok® CB100 A/B Cold-Bond Adhesive Application GuideIn order to ensure safe use of Chemlok® CB100 A/B adhesive, read this application guide and the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) in their entirety before rubber lining.For safety and comfort, proper ventilation is critical when applying any solvent-based product. Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesiveis a two-component, cold-bond adhesive system intended for rubber-lining vulcanized rubber at ambient temperatures.Parker LORD recommends reading through this application guide before rubber lining. Additionally, it is helpful to collect the necessary materials used in applying Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive before doing so. Materials to collect before starting:•C hemlok 205 Primer•C hemlok CB102CS Adhesion Enhancer/Surface Modifier•C hemlok CB100 A Adhesive•C hemlok CB100 B Curative•D ry xylene (for dilution, if preferred)•N ap paint rollers/brushes•C lean rags•N eoprene or other impermeable gloves•S teel/rubber rollers for stitching and/or spadesSurface Preparation –Metals:Thoroughly clean metal surfaces prior to application. Remove rust, scale or oxide coatings prior to primer application. Grit blasting is the most widely usedmethod of mechanical cleaning.However machining, grinding or wirebrushing can also be used.•U se steel grit to blast clean steel,cast iron and other ferrous metals.•U se aluminum oxide, sand orother nonferrous grit to blast cleanstainless steel, aluminum, brass,zinc and other nonferrous metals.For optimal bonding, the blast profileshould be prepared to SSPC-SP5 orNACE No.1 or ISO SA3 “White Metal”(see Figure 1).After grit blasting, be sure to wipe offresidual dust and blast-compoundwith a clean rag and clean solvent.Apply Primer to MetalMix – Thoroughly stir primer beforeuse and agitate sufficiently during useto keep dispersed solids uniformlysuspended. When cold-bonding,Chemlok 205 primer is used at full-strength, undiluted.Figure 1. Optimal Blast ProfileApply – Apply primer by brush, rollcoat, or any method that gives auniform coating and avoids excessiveruns or tears. Normally the dry filmthickness of Chemlok 205 primershould be 5.1-10.2 micron (0.2-0.4 mil).For greater throughput on largeassets, Chemlok 205 primer maybe spray applied. For more onspray application, refer to ChemlokAdhesives application guide.Dry – Thoroughly dry parts coatedwith Chemlok 205 primer beforeapplying Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive. When using Chemlok 205primer for cold-bonding, it will takeapproximately 60 minutes at roomtemperature [25°C (77°F)].Dried films of Chemlok 205 primer arenon-tacky. Primed metal componentsmay be remain unlined for up 24hours provided they are protectedfrom dust and the elements.Surface Preparation –Vulcanized Rubber:Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive isdesigned for use on vulcanizednatural rubber, chloroprene,neoprene, and similar compounds.Many vulcanized rubber sheets utilizea polar bonding layer to improvebonding to the substrate (see Figure2). This is common with halogenated/bromated compounds that aredifficult to bond.Figure 2. Surface Preparation of Vulcanized Rubber with Bonding LayerIf you are unsure what substrate you are bonding, ask your rubber supplier if a ‘bonding layer’ or ‘CN-layer’ is included on your rubber. The bonding layer is often a noticeably different color.For Rubber With a Bonding Layer •W ipe the bonding layer clean with a dry solvent. For best results, apply Chemlok CB102CS adhesion enhancer/surface modifier to clean and activate the surface as it contains functional chemistry that will further enhance the polarity of the bonding layer.•S eams, and mating skives, where the bonding layer is not present should always be treated with Chemlok CB102CS adhesion enhancer/surface modifier with a rag wipe (see Figure 2). DO NOT SPRAY.For Rubber Without a Bonding Layer•A moderate buff is recommended. Buffing will remove surface contaminates, such as antioxidants and waxes, that may have bloomed to the bond surface and willinhibit the bond. Buffing will also mechanically abrade the bond interface; improving its topography and making it more available to the bonding agent.•U tilize Chemlok CB102CS adhesion enhancer/surface modifier to clean the buffed area and treat seams. When used properly, Chemlok CB102CS adhesion enhancer/surface modifier will dry in approximately 5 minutes at 25°C (77°F).All rubber compounds are different, and Parker LORD recommends testing Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive to determine fitness for use in your application. If you do not havethe facilities to test your substrate combination, contact Parker LORDat 877-ASK-LORD to discuss having our labs assist in determining whether Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive is an appropriate fit for your application. Mixing Adhesive:If using Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesivein bulk, the mix ratio by weight is:•12 parts Chemlok CB100 A adhesive•1.0 parts Chemlok CB100 B curativeChemlok CB100 A and B componentsused in quart and gallon form aredesigned as ‘dump-and-mix,’meaning the chemistry has beenpre-measured by Parker LORD foryour convenience such that ChemlokCB100 B curative can be poureddirectly into the container for ChemlokCB100 A adhesive and mixed withoutmeasuring.Mix Chemlok CB100 A and Bcomponent by hand for 3-5 minutes.You will notice a physical change inviscosity when mixed appropriately. Ifusing a pneumatic drill or pneumaticmixer, low RPMs are encouraged astoo high a RPM could incorporate airinto the system.DilutionChemlok CB100 A/B adhesive has agreater solids content than most cold-bonding adhesives. This is intentionalas it:•R educes the number of coatsrequired to achieve recommendedfilm thicknesses,•B etter coats porous substrates likeconcrete and aggressive steel gritblasts, and• A llows user to dilute the mixedchemistry to their preferred workingviscosity for their application.Generally, the larger the asset, theeasier it is to roll Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive in its neat form. The smallerthe asset, and you may find it easierto brush and roll in a diluted form.To dilute Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive, add up to 4 oz (120 mL) ofdry xylene for each mixed quart, andup to 16 oz (480 mL) per gallon kit.For best results when diluting,add Chemlok CB100 B curative toChemlok CB100 A adhesive and mixfor 2-3 minutes. Then add the desiredamount of diluent and mix for anadditional 2-3 minutes.Applying Adhesive –Rubber-to-Metal:Coats required to sufficiently bondassets will vary by geometry anddilution of Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive.Generally, in its undiluted form:•E xterior-diameter parts and flatplates benefit from the followingcombination: one coat of adhesiveon primed metal and one coat ofadhesive on the prepared rubber.If the adhesive is diluted, a secondcoat on the rubber only is generallyrecommended.•I nterior-diameter parts generallybenefit from the followingcombination: one coat of adhesiveon the metal and two coats ofadhesive applied to the rubber.When used in practice, the firstcoat to the metal and rubber areapplied simultaneously. The secondcoat applied to the rubber is usedas a ‘wet-swaging’ lubricant. Theadhesive allows the lining to bepushed into place more easily and,as solvent evaporates, adheres therubber lining to the inner diameter ofthe radii.Differences in geometry, rubberdurometer, and manufacturingpreferences will dictate the bestcombination of dilution and coatswhich are suitable. Parker LORDrecommends testing Chemlok CB100A/B adhesive before implementing itin manufacturing.ApplyUsing a nap roller or brush, applyapproximately 22-26 wet mils (640microns) of Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive to prepared rubber. Applyan equal amount of adhesive tothe primed metal. (If desired, whenusing a second coat on the rubber,apply an additional 22-26 wet mils15-30 minutes after the first coat wasapplied.)If applied correctly, the adhesive will appear uniform and you will not be able to see the underlying primer on the metal or color of the rubber. If you are having difficulty applying Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive or find that you are ‘pushing’ instead of rolling it, try diluting adhesive per instructions. TackAllow 45-60 minutes for tack to develop. Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive will transition from a glossy appearance to matte appearance. Depending on airflow, tack time will vary.Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive will feel slightly dry to the touch with minor tack. This is by design to allow for easier rubber handling. When Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive is mated to another surface coated with Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive, it will stick tenaciously.FresheningDepending on humidity and temperature, adhesive can be freshened by wiping with a xylene soaked rag. Be sure to allow adequate time for the xylene toflash (dry off) before mating. Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive may be freshened up to 2 hours after application.MateMate rubber to metal, and stitch with rubber roller or apply spade pressure to eliminate air-gaps and ensure good entanglement of metal and rubber coats.CureDepending on the asset size and geometric complexity, most assets can be moved immediately after rubber-lining as long as the bondline is not stressed. Although cure will occur in a 24-72 hour period, full strengths are reached in seven days. Applying Adhesive –Rubber-to-Rubber(Seams):First CoatUsing a nap roller or brush, apply auniform coat of Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive, approximately 22-26 wetmils (640 microns), to each face ofthe prepared rubber.DryAllow 15-30 minutes to dry at 77°F(25°C).Second CoatApply a second coat to both rubberinterfaces.TackAllow 45-60 minutes for tack todevelop. Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive will feel slightly dry to thetouch with minor tack. This is bydesign to allow for easier rubberhandling. When Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive is mated to another surfacecoated with Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive, it will stick tenaciously.FresheningDepending on humidity andtemperature, adhesive can befreshened by wiping with a xylenesoaked rag. By sure to allow adequatetime for the xylene to flash (dry off)before mating. Chemlok CB100 A/Badhesive may be freshened up to2 hours after application.MateMate seams by first testing tack, stickthe tip of one end of the seam to thebase of the second end. If this holdswith no stretching, close the seam therest of the way.CureDepending on the asset size andgeometric complexity, most assetscan be moved immediately afterrubber-lining as long as the bondlineis not stressed. Although cure willoccur in a 24-72 hour period, fullstrengths are reached in seven days.Common Problems &Troubleshooting:Stringing of adhesive fromsubstrate around a radius or ata seam – This is often a function ofeither too much adhesive applied orinadequate drying before mating. Toresolve, try applying less adhesiveusing a roller or diluting the adhesive.Diluting will speed the evaporationand allow the product to be appliedthinner.Adhesive layers won’t stickto themselves – The adhesivehas become too dry and must befreshened. Soak a rag with dry xyleneand wipe onto the surface of theadhesive, allowing tack to develop.If outside of the freshening window,apply another thin layer of ChemlokCB100 A/B adhesive.Adhesive is too thick to roll – Trydiluting the adhesive up to 4 oz(120 mL) of dry xylene per quartChemlok CB100 A/B adhesive.Maintaining SurfaceConditions DuringApplication:Maintaining optimum surfacecleanliness is essential to goodbonding.•A void exposure to dust, moisture,chemical fumes, mold releaseagents and other possiblecontaminants.•W hen handling substrates, wearchemical resistant gloves, such asnitrile; avoid latex gloves.•K eep solvents and cleaningsolutions free from contaminationand replace when necessary.•E nsure grits and abrasives remainclean and free of contaminants.•C heck the purity of rinse water and“drying” air frequently, ensuringminimal contamination.Parker LORDEngineered Materials Group 111 LORD DriveCary, NC 27511-7923USAphone +1 877 ASK LORD (275 5673)Values stated in this document represent typical values as not all tests are run on each lot of material produced. For formalized product specifications for specific product end uses, contact the Customer Support Center.Information provided herein is based upon tests believed to be reliable. In as much as Parker LORD has no control over the manner in which others may use this information, it does not guarantee the results to be obtained. In addition, Parker LORD does not guarantee the performance of the product or the results obtained from the use of the product or this information where the product has been repackaged by any third party, including but not limited to any product end-user. Nor does the company make any express or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose concerning the effects or results of such use.WARNING — USER RESPONSIBILITY . FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of theapplication are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.©2021 Parker Hannifin - All Rights ReservedInformation and specifications subject to change without notice and without liability therefor. Trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.OD AG1031 10/21 Rev.1The water break test can be used to check for oil and grease removal. If a surface can support an unbroken film of deionized water for 60 seconds or more, it is considered essentially free from grease or oil.Safe Handling:Proper handling of Chemlok CB100 A/B adhesive is essential for safe and effective application. We recommend these procedures be followed:Routes of ExposureSolvents and isocyanates enter the body primarily through inhalation or skin exposure however consider oral and eye contact.Health Effects• I nhalation of isocyanates and solvents can cause respiratory irritation/sensitization in people or lead to occupational asthma. • I ndividuals with a history of asthma should not work in areas with the potential for isocyanate exposure.• S olvents and their vapors/mists have various effects on human health. Many of them have a narcotic effect, causing fatigue, dizziness and intoxication. Highdoses may lead to unconsciousness and death. Exposure to large doses of solvents may slow down reaction- time and affect rational judgement.• R epeat or prolonged solvent content may cause burns or dermatitis or skin defatting.• S kin sensitization can occur due to the irritant nature of isocyanates in contact with the skin surface, which may result in dermatitis.Recommendations• T o ensure the air exchange and ventilation system of the work area is appropriate for the process, air monitoring may be considered, ensuring the levels are below the occupational exposure limits reported in Section 8 of the product SDS.• I f this is not possible, work with isocyanates should be isolated away from other areas of the workplace using engineeringcontrols, for example, local exhaust ventilation (LEV), spray booths with appropriate PPE (e.g. airline respirators, suitable gloves, overalls and goggles).• G ood personal hygiene should be practiced and a separate storage area utilized for work clothing to prevent the contamination of regular clothing.• H ands should always be washed before eating, drinking, smoking and before leaving work. • B iological monitoring forisocyanates in workers urine can be performed as an additional precautionary measure.Key Points• C onsult relevant SDS and product labels to assist in determining appropriate control measures. • D o not spray apply.• L iquid and vapors are flammable. Avoid all heat, sparks, and flame sources.• A lways assume that exposure islikely to occur and protect according to the level of risk identified from risk assessment.• E nsure appropriate PPE is correctly selected, used and maintained.• A void skin contact through the use of impervious gloves and protective clothing.• U se tools for product manipulation, if necessary.• W ear safety glasses, goggles, or face shield.• D o not use within an enclosed space.• A void inhalation by ensuring ventilation is adequate and functioning properly.• P erform chemical air monitoring, as necessary.• A lways wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking, and leaving work. • C lean processing equipment regularly.• D ispose of waste according to federal, state, and local regulations.。





一、产品质量指标外观:白色腊状固体加热减量(800C)% 1.0密度(200C)g/cm3 1.160~1.260二、应用说明橡胶粘合剂AB-30在胶料混炼后期加入,通过硫化就能获得良好的粘合效果。














工业粘合剂使用说明及注意事项: Loctite 638 RC BO50ML 粘合剂眼睛刺激或腐蚀特异性靶器官系统毒性 一次性接触 皮肤腐蚀/刺激 皮肤敏化作用第2A 类 第3类 皮肤接触 皮肤接触警告H315 造成皮肤刺激。

H317 可能导致皮肤过敏反应 H319 造成严重眼刺激。

H335 可能引起呼吸道刺激。

肺眼睛接触第2类 第1类P261 避免吸入粉尘/雾/喷雾。

P271 只能在室外或通风良好之处使用。

P272 受沾染的工作服不得带出工作场地。

P280 戴防护手套/穿防护服/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。

P302+P352 如皮肤沾染:用大量肥皂和水清洗。

P304+P340 如误吸入:将受害人转移到空气新鲜处,保持呼吸舒适的休息姿势。




P312 如感觉不适,呼叫解毒中心或医生。

P332+P313 如发生皮肤刺激:求医/就诊。

P333+P313 如发生皮肤刺激或皮疹:求医/就诊。

P337+P313 如仍觉眼刺激:求医/就诊。

P362 脱掉所有沾染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用。

P363 沾染的衣服清洗后方可重新使用。

P403+P233 存放在通风良好的地方。


P501 根据产品安全技术说明书第13部分处置。

:粘合剂甲基丙烯酸酯单体专有组分10- 30 % 特异性靶器官系统毒性一次性接触3H335皮肤刺激2H315严重眼刺激2H319甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯868-77-910- 30 % 皮肤刺激2H315皮肤敏化作用1H317严重眼刺激2H319丙烯酸79-10-71-5%易燃液体3H226急性毒性4; 口服H302急性毒性4; 皮肤H312皮肤腐蚀1AH314急性毒性4; 吸入H332特异性靶器官系统毒性一次性接触3H335急性危害水生环境 1H400对水生环境有慢性危害 1H410甲基丙烯酸- β-羟丙酯27813-02-11-5%皮肤敏化作用1; 皮肤H317严重眼刺激2H319用流动清水和肥皂清洗。

黏合剂 化学品安全技术说明书 MSDS

黏合剂 化学品安全技术说明书 MSDS

黏合剂化学品安全技术说明书第1部分:产品和供应商的确认产品:黏合剂级别:危险性依据澳大利亚工作安全标准使用:土木工程用黏合剂供应商:XXXXX地址:XXXXX电话:XXXXX传真:XXXXX邮箱:XXXXX第2部分:危害鉴定危害级别:Xi 刺激性危险警告语:R36/R38对皮肤和眼睛有刺激作用R43通过皮肤接触引起致敏性D.G.级别:不归类为危险品次要危险性:零危害级别:S5该产品的产品类别为S5,存放,维护和使用必须符合相关的规定第3部分:成分组成和信息成分:名称Cas编号比例双酚A型环氧树脂90%脂肪族缩水甘油醚10%V.High >60, High 30 - 60, Med 10 - 29, Low 1 - 9, V.Low <1该产品的所有组分列入澳大利亚化学物质清单(AICS)和国家注册机构(NRA)批准的活性成分中。


(致电澳大利亚131 126)摄取:如果吞入没有引起呕吐。



















DR-U361-1 基本性質
理論官能基 黏度 (cps at 130°C) 顏色 (Gardner) Tg (°C, DMA) 抗拉強度 (kg/cm2) 斷裂伸長率 (%) 楊氏模量 (kg/cm2) 邵氏硬度
2 30,000~35,000
<1 -45.3 0.4 187 0.22 23 C2
• 具有優異耐水煮性
2, 低表面能基材粘結
特性: • 適用於 A和/或B 難附著基
材粘結 • 具有優異的耐高溫高濕性
• FPC披覆補強膠 • 金屬/ITO-玻璃
DR-U282 DR-U096
DR-U315 DR-U325
• PI (polyimide)
55.4 耐黃變、耐高溫高濕佳。
45.4 異質基材粘結膠黏劑
EB 8413相當品
ETERCURE 膠黏劑樹脂規格
官能 基
UV 透明
膠黏劑(adhesive):通過界面的黏附和內聚等作用,能使兩種或兩種 以上的材料連接在一起的一類物質,統稱為膠黏劑,又叫黏合劑,習 慣上簡稱為膠。 膠接(粘合、粘接、膠結):是指同質或異質物體表面用膠黏劑連接在一 起的技術。(JIS K6800-2006)













































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目录1、OCHEM公司简介2、复合工艺及粘合剂3、产品说明书3.1、醇溶性粘合剂3.1.1、AG1050A/B低残留------------------------------- -----------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.1.2、AG1070A/B高透明-------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.1.3、AT6070A/B高强度--------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.1.4、AV8070A/B镀铝型--------------------------------------------------------------醇溶性粘合剂3.2、酯溶性粘合剂3.2.1、EF2072A/B铝箔专用------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.2、EB2050A/B抗介质型------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.3、EB4050A/B塑塑蒸煮------------------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.4、EB4066A/B塑塑高固含蒸煮---------------------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.2.5、HT3121A/B高温蒸煮--------------------------------------------------------- 酯溶性粘合剂3.2.6、HT3135A/B高温蒸煮--------------------------------------------------------- 酯溶性粘合剂3.2.7、EG7175A/B高固含低粘度----------------------------------------------------- 酯溶性粘合剂3.2.8、EG7275A/B 普通型---------------------- ----------------------------------------酯溶性粘合剂3.3、水性粘合剂3.3.1、GW5042镀铝型-----------------------------------------------------------------丙烯酸类水性胶3.3.2、GP5142双组份---------------------------------------------------------------------聚氨酯水性胶3.3.3、GW5342通用型-----------------------------------------------------------------丙烯酸类水性胶4、产品应用指南4.1复合软包装对粘合剂的选择4.2复合上胶网辊选择4.3醇溶性粘合剂的使用4.3.1醇溶胶的特点4.3.2醇溶胶的使用注意事项4.3.3醇溶胶的运用4.3.4醇溶胶的参考生产工艺4.4水性粘合剂的使用4.4.1水性胶的特点4.4.2水性胶的使用注意事项4.4.3水性胶的运用4.4.4水性胶的参考生产工艺4.5酯溶型粘合剂的使用4.5.1酯溶型胶的特点4.5.2酯溶型胶的使用注意事项4.5.3酯溶型胶的运用4.5.4酯溶型胶的参考生产工艺5、常见问题解答5.1复合薄膜外观不良5.2复合强度不够5.3复合膜后加工的脱层5.4复合膜出现异味5.5镀铝膜复合出现白点、氧化、脱层。

1OCHEM简介OCHEM(欧美化学)是Nancy﹠Yang Holdings Ins在中国的全资子公司之一。












































温度一般控制在 5 0—80℃。





附录:材料(OPP30ink//CPP30)印刷面积60%,富士复合机,复合速度120米/分钟,熟3.1.2 AG1070A/AG1070B高透明醇溶型聚氨酯粘合剂性能特点:该粘合剂针对透明度要求较高的复合产品而设计,适合对复合包装透明有展示效果要求较高产品生产。
