Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging of Low Galactic Latitude Fields Technical Summary and Data



















剑桥商务英语听说 星系

剑桥商务英语听说 星系

剑桥商务英语听说星系The Milky Way GalaxyThe Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System, with the Earth and Sun. This galaxy is a vast, spinning collection of stars, planets, dust and gas, held together by gravity. It is just one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable universe.The Milky Way galaxy is estimated to contain 100-400 billion stars and have a diameter between 100,000 and 180,000 light-years. It is the second-largest galaxy in the Local Group, with the Andromeda Galaxy being larger. As with other spiral galaxies, the Milky Way has a central bulge surrounded by a rotating disk of gas, dust and stars. This disk is approximately 13 billion years old and contains population I and population II stars.The solar system is located about 25,000 to 28,000 light-years from the galactic center, on the inner edge of one of the spiral-shaped concentrations of gas and dust called the Orion Arm. The stars in the Milky Way appear to form several distinct components including the bulge, the disk, and the halo. These components are made of different types of stars, and differ in their ages and their chemicalabundances.The Milky Way galaxy is part of the Local Group, a group of more than 50 galaxies, including the Andromeda Galaxy and several dwarf galaxies. The Local Group in turn is part of the Virgo Supercluster, a giant structure of thousands of galaxies. The Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy are moving towards each other and are expected to collide in about 4.5 billion years, although the likelihood of any actual collisions between the stars themselves is negligible.The Milky Way has several major arms that spiral from the galactic bulge, as well as minor spurs. The best known are the Perseus Arm and the Sagittarius Arm. The Sun and its solar system are located between two of these spiral arms, known as the Local Bubble. There are believed to be four major spiral arms, as well as several smaller segments of spiral arms.The nature of the Milky Way's bar and spiral structure is still a matter of active research, with the latest research contradicting the previous theories. The Milky Way may have a prominent central bar structure, and its shape may be best described as a barred spiral galaxy. The disk of the Milky Way has a diameter of about 100,000 light-years. The galactic halo is a spherical component of the galaxy that extends outward from the galactic disk, as far as 200,000 light-years from the galactic center.The disk of the Milky Way Galaxy is marked by the presence of a supermassive black hole known as Sagittarius A*, which is located at the very center of the Galaxy. This black hole has a mass four million times greater than the mass of the Sun. The Milky Way's bar is thought to be about 27,000 light-years long and may be made up of older red stars.The Milky Way is moving with respect to the cosmic microwave background radiation in the direction of the constellation Hydra with a speed of 552 ± 6 km/s. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy that has undergone major mergers with several smaller galaxies in its distant past. This is evidenced by studies of the stellar halo, which contains globular clusters and streams of stars that were torn from those smaller galaxies.The Milky Way is estimated to contain 100–400 billion stars. Most stars are within the disk and bulge, while the galactic halo is sparsely populated with stars and globular clusters. A 2016 study by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey suggested that the number is likely to be close to the lower end of that estimate, at 100–140 billion stars.The Milky Way has several components: a disk, in which the Sun and its planetary system are located; a central bulge; and a halo of stars, globular clusters, and diffuse gas. The disk is the brightest part of theMilky Way, as seen from Earth. It has a spiral structure with dusty arms. The disk is about 100,000 light-years in diameter and about 13 billion years old. It contains the young and relatively bright population I stars, as well as intermediate-age and old stars of population II.The galactic bulge is a tightly packed group of mostly old stars in the center of the Milky Way. It is estimated to contain tens of billions of stars and has a diameter of about 10,000 light-years. The Milky Way's central bulge is shaped like a box or peanut. The galactic center, which lies within this bulge, is an extremely active region, with intense radio source known as Sagittarius A*, which is likely to be a supermassive black hole.The Milky Way's halo is a spherical component of the galaxy that extends outward from the galactic disk, as far as 200,000 light-years from the galactic center. It is relatively sparse, with only about one star per cubic parsec on average. The halo contains old population II stars, as well as extremely old globular clusters.The Milky Way's spiral structure is uncertain, and there is currently no consensus on the nature of the Milky Way's spiral arms. Different studies have led to different results, and it is unclear whether the Milky Way has two, four, or more spiral arms. The Milky Way's spiral structure is thought to be a major feature of its disk, and it may berelated to the generation of interstellar matter and star formation.The Milky Way's spiral arms are regions of the disk in which the density of stars, interstellar gas, and dust is slightly higher than average. The arms are thought to be density waves that spiral around the galactic center. As material enters an arm, the increased density causes the material to accumulate, thus causing star formation. As the material leaves the arm, star formation decreases.The Milky Way's spiral arms were first identified in the 1950s, when radio astronomers mapped the distribution of gas in the Milky Way and found that it was concentrated in spiral patterns. Since then, astronomers have used a variety of techniques to study the Milky Way's spiral structure, including observations of the distribution of young stars, star-forming regions, and interstellar gas and dust.One of the key challenges in studying the Milky Way's spiral structure is that we are located within the disk of the galaxy, which makes it difficult to get a clear view of the overall structure. Astronomers have had to rely on indirect methods, such as measuring the distances and motions of stars and gas clouds, to infer the shape and structure of the galaxy.Despite these challenges, our understanding of the Milky Way's spiral structure has advanced significantly in recent years, thanks tonew observations and more sophisticated modeling techniques. Ongoing research is continuing to shed light on the nature and evolution of the Milky Way's spiral arms, and the role they play in the overall structure and dynamics of the galaxy.。

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Status and Prospects

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Status and Prospects

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /9605028v 1 7 M a y 1996THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SUR VEY:STATUS ANDPROSPECTSJon Loveday Fermilab,Batavia,USA.(On behalf of the SDSS collaboration.)Abstract The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)is a project to definitively map πsteradians of the local Universe.An array of CCD detectors used in drift-scan mode will digitally image the sky in five passbands to a limiting magnitude of r ′∼23.Selected from the imaging survey,106galaxies and 105quasars will be observed spectroscopically.I describe the current status of the survey,which is due to begin observations early in 1997,and itsprospects for constraining models for dark matter in the Universe.1IntroductionSystematic surveys of the local Universe (z ∼<0.2)can provide some of the most important constraints on dark matter,particularly through the measurement of the clustering of galaxies and clusters of galaxies on large scales.Most existing galaxy and cluster catalogues are based on photographic plates [7,3],and there is growing concern that such surveys might suffer from severe surface-brightness selection effects,so that they are missing a substantial fraction of the galaxy population.In addition,the limited volume of existing redshift surveys means that even low-order clustering statistics,such as the galaxy two-point correlation function,cannot reliably be measured on scales beyond 100h −1Mpc,an order of magnitude below the scale on which COBE has measured fluctuations in the microwave background radiation.A collaboration has therefore been formed with the aim of constructing a definitive map ofthe local universe,incorporating digital CCD imaging over a large area in several passbands and redshifts for around one million galaxies.In order to complete such an ambitious project over a reasonable timescale,it was decided to build a dedicated 2.5-metre telescope equippedwith a large CCD array imaging camera and multi-fibre spectrographs.The collaboration com-prises around100astronomers and engineers from University of Chicago,Fermilab,Princeton University,Institute for Advanced Study,Johns Hopkins University,US Naval Observatory,University of Washington and the JPG—a group of astronomers in Japan.The total cost ofthe survey is around$30million,and funding sources include the Alfred P.Sloan Foundation,the National Science Foundation and the participating institutions.2Survey OverviewThe survey site is Apache Point Observatory,New Mexico,at2800metres elevation.Whilebetter sites probably exist in Chile and atop Mauna Kea,for a survey with such state-of-the-art instrumentation and significant on-site manpower requirements(eg.fibre plugging andchanging spectroscopic plates),it was decided to use a site within mainland USA and withgood communications and existing infrastructure.Figure1:SDSS system responsecurves,with(lower)and without(upper)atmospheric extinction.The survey hardware comprises the main2.5-metre telescope,equipped with CCD imagingcamera and multi-fibre spectrographs,a0.6-metre monitor telescope and a10µall-sky camera.On the best nights(new moon,photometric,sub-arcsecond seeing)the2.5-metre telescopewill operate in imaging mode,drift scanning the sky at sidereal rate,and obtaining nearly simultaneously images in thefive survey bands u′,g′,r′,i′and z′.The system response curvesthrough thefivefilters are shown in Figure1.On sub-optimal nights,which will comprise thebulk of observing time,the imaging camera will be replaced with a spectroscopicfibre plug-plate.It is planned that imaging data will be reduced and calibrated,spectroscopic targetsselected,and plates drilled within the one-month lunar cycle,so that we will be obtainingspectra of objects that were imaged the previous month.We will spend most of the timeobserving within a contiguousπsteradian area in the north Galactic cap(NGC).For thosetimes when the NGC is unavailable,about one third of the time,we will repeatedly observethree southern stripes,nominally centred at RAα=5◦,and with central declinations ofδ=+15◦,0◦and−10◦.The nominal location of survey scans is shown in Figure2.In the remainder of this section I discuss the various components of the survey in moredetail.Figure2:Whole sky plot show-ing the location of SDSS scans.The light lines show galactic lat-itudes of b=0,±30and±60◦,with the north and south Galac-tic poles being the upper andlower crosses respectively.TheGalactic plane runs horizontallythrough the middle of the plotand the grey scale map showsStark HI contours in units of1020cm−2.The dark lines show thesurvey scan-lines,all of which fol-low great circles.We observe acontiguous area ofπsr in thenorth,and three separated stripesin the south.Note that the north-ern survey is tilted with respect tothe b=+30◦contour to avoid re-gions of high HI column density.2.5-metre telescope.The main2.5-metre telescope is of modified Richey-Chretien design with a3◦field of view,and is optimised for both a wide-area imaging survey and a multi-fibre spectroscopic survey of galaxies to r′∼18.One of the most unusual aspects of the telescope is it’s enclosure.Rather than sitting inside a dome,as is the case with conventional optical telescopes,the enclosure is a rectangular frame structure mounted on wheels,which is rolled away from the telescope in order to take observations.By completely removing the enclosure from the telescope,we can avoid the substantial degradation to image quality due to dome seeing.The telescope is situated on a pier overlooking a steep dropoffso that the prevailing wind willflow smoothly over the telescope in a laminarflow,which will also help to ensure good image quality.A wind baffle closely surrounds the telescope,and is independently mounted and driven.This baffle serves to protect the telscope from stray light as well as from wind buffeting.Imaging Camera.In order to image a large area of sky in a short time,we are building an imaging camera(Fig.3)that contains30×20482CCDs,arranged in six columns.Each column occupies its own dewar and contains one chip in each of thefivefilters.Pixel size is 0.4′′.The camera operates in drift-scan mode:a star or galaxy image drifts down the column through thefivefilters,spending about55seconds in each.This mode of observing has two significant advantages over conventional tracking mode.1)It makes extremely efficient use of observing time,since there is no overhead between exposures:on a good night we can open the shutter,drift-scan for eight hours and then close the shutter.2)Since each image traverses a whole column of pixels on each CCD,flat-fielding becomes a one-dimensional problem,and so can be done to lower surface-brightness limits than with tracking mode images.This,along with the high quantum efficiency of modern CCDs,will enable us to detect galaxies of much lower surface brightness than can wide-field photographic surveys.There is a gap between each column of CCDs,but this gap is slightly smaller than the width of the light-sensitive area of theFigure3:Focal plane layout ofthe SDSS CCD imaging camera,showing the30photometric and24astrometric/focus CCDs.CCDs,and so having observed six narrow strips of sky one night,we can observe an interleaving set of strips a later night,and thus build up a large contiguous area of sky.The northern survey comprises45pairs of interleaving great circle scans,and so imaging observations for the north will require the equivalent of90full photometric nights.The camera also includes24smaller CCDs arranged above and below the photometric columns.These extra CCDs,equipped with neutral densityfilters,are used for astrometric calibration,as most astrometric standards will saturate on the photometric CCDs.Thus the photometric data can be tied to the fundamental astrometric reference frames defined by bright stars.Spectrographs.The2.5-metre telescope will also be equipped with a pair offibre-fed, dual-beam spectrographs,each with two cameras,two gratings and two20482CCD detectors. The blue channel will cover the wavelength range3900–6100˚A and the red channel5900–9100˚A and both will have a spectral resolving powerλ/∆λ≈1800.Thefibres are3′′in diameter and the two spectrographs each hold320fibres.Rather than employing roboticfibre positioners to place thefibres in the focal plane,we will instead drill aluminium plates for each spectroscopic field and plug thefibres by hand.We plan on spectroscopic exposure times of45minutes and allow15minutes overhead perfibre plate.On a clear winter’s night we can thus obtain8plates ×640fibres=5120spectra.In order to allow such rapid turnaround time between exposures we plan to purchase8sets offibre harnesses,so that each plate can be plugged withfibres during the day.It will not be necessary to plug eachfibre in any particular hole,as afibre mapping system has been built which will automatically mapfibre number onto position in the focal plane after the plate has been plugged.This should considerably ease the job of thefibre pluggers,and we expect that it will take well under one hour to plug each plate.Monitor telescope.In order to check that observing conditions are photometric,and totie imaging observations to a set of primary photometric standards,we are also employing a monitor telescope.While the2.5-metre telescope is drift-scanning the sky,the0.6-metre mon-itor telescope,situated close by,will interleave observations of standard stars with calibration patches in the area of sky being scanned.Operation of this telescope will be completely au-tomated,and each hour will observe three calibration patches plus standard stars in allfive colours.10µall-sky camera.As an additional check on observing conditions,a10µinfrared camera will survey the entire sky every10minutes or so.Light cirrus,which is very hard to see on a dark night,is bright at10µ,and so this camera will provide rapid warning of increasing cloud cover,thus enabling us to switch to spectroscopic observing rather than taking non-photometric imaging data.10/7/93Figure4:Top-level data processing diagram.Data-reduction pipelines.The last,but by no means least,component of the survey is a suite of automated data-reduction pipelines(Fig.4),which will read DLT tapes mailed to Fermilab from the mountain and yield reduced and calibrated data with the minimum of human intervention.Such software is very necessary when one considers that the imaging camera will produce data at the rate of around31Gbytes per hour!A“production system”has been specced and purchased that can keep up with such a data rate(bearing in mind that imaging will take place only under the best conditions,on average around two full nights per month), and consists of two Digital Alphaserver82005/300s,each with1GByte of memory.Pipelines exist to reduce each source of data from the mountain(photometric frames and “postage stamps”,astrometric frames,monitor telescope frames and2-D spectra)as well as to perform tasks such as spectroscopic target selection and“adaptive tiling”to work out the optimal placing of spectroscopicfield centres to maximize the number of spectra obtained.Thepipelines are integrated into a purpose-written environment known as SHIVA(Survey Human Interface and VisualizAtion environment,also the Hindu god of destruction)and the reduced data will be written into an object-oriented database.3Data ProductsThe raw imaging data infive colours for theπsteradians of the northern sky will occupy about 14Tbytes,but it is expected that very few projects will need to access the raw data,which will probably be stored only on magnetic tape.Since most of the sky is blank to r′∼23,all detected images can be stored,using suitable compression,in around200Gbytes,and it is expected that these“atlas images”can be kept on spinning disc.The photometric reduction pipeline will meaure a set of parameters for each image,and it is estimated that the parameter lists for all objects will occupy∼100Gbyte.The parameter lists for the spectroscopic sample will proabblyfit into1–2Gb,and the spectra themselves will occupy∼20Gb.Work is progressing well on an astronomer-friendly interface to the database,which will answer such queries as“Return all galaxies with(g′−r′)<0.5and within30arcminutes of this quasar”, etc.3.1Spectroscopic SamplesThe spectroscopic sample is divided into several classes.In a survey of this magnitude,it is important that the selection criteria for each class remainfixed throughout the duration of the survey.Therefore,we will spend a considerable time(maybe one year),obtaining test data with the survey instruments and refining the spectroscopic selection criteria in light of our test data.Then,once the survey proper has commenced,these criteria will be“frozen in”for the duration of the survey.The numbers discussed below are therefore only preliminary,and we expect them to change slightly during the test year.The main galaxy sample will consist of∼900,000galaxies selected by Petrosian mag-nitude in the r′band,r′∼<18.Simulations have shown that the Petrosian magnitude,which is based on an aperture defined by the ratio of light within an annulus to total light inside that radius,provides probably the least biased and most stable estimate of total magnitude. There will also be a surface-brightness limit,so that we do not wastefibres on galaxies of too low surface brightness to give a reasonable spectrum.This galaxy sample will have a median redshift z ≈0.1.We plan to observe an additional∼100,000luminous red galaxies to r′∼<19.5.Given photometry in thefive survey bands,redshifts can be estimated for the reddest galaxies to ∆z≈0.02or better[4],and so one can also predict their luminosity quite accurately.Selecting luminous red galaxies,many of which will be cD galaxies in cluster cores,provides a valuable supplement to the main galaxy sample since1)they will have distinctive spectral features, allowing a redshift to be measured up to1.5mag fainter than the main sample,and2)they will form an approximately volume-limited sample with a median redshift z ≈0.5.They will thus provide an extremely powerful sample for studying clustering on the largest scales and the evolution of galaxies.Quasar candidates will be selected by making cuts in multi-colour space and from the FIRST radio catalogue[1],with the aim of observing∼100,000quasars.This sample will be orders of magnitude larger than any existing quasar catalogues,and will be invaluable for quasar luminosity function,evolution and clustering studies as well as providing sources for followup absorption-line observations.In addition to the above three classes of spectroscopic sources,which are designed to providestatistically complete samples,we will also obtain spectra for many thousands of stars andfor various serendipitous objects.The latter class will include objects of unusual colour ormorphology which do notfit into the earlier classes,plus unusual objects found by other surveysand in other wavebands.4Current StatusIn this section I discuss the status(as of April1996)of the various systems within the survey.The monitor telescope has been operational now for several months,and is routinelyoperated remotely from Chicago.It is equipped with a set of SDSSfilters,and is being used toobserve candidate primary photometric standard stars,as well as known quasars to see wherethey lie in the SDSS colour system[8].Figure5:Photograph of the2.5-metre telescope structure,takenshortly after installation,on10October1995.Part of the tele-scope enclosure,in its rolled backposition,appears in the bottom-left of this picture.Note that nei-ther the mirrors nor the wind baf-fle are installed yet.The2.5-metre telescope structure was installed on the mountaintop in October1995(seeFig.5).Work is currently underway on the control systems for the telescope.Telescope opticsare all due to be ready by June1996.These include the primary and secondary mirrors andvarious corrector elements.We posess all of the CCDs for the imaging camera,which is under construction at Prince-ton.Delivery to the mountain is expected by September1996.Construction of the spectro-graphs is well underway,with the optics installed for one of the spectrograph cameras.Each of the data reduction-pipelines is now basically working,with ongoing work on minorbug-fixes,speed-ups and integration of the entire data processing system.The photometricreduction pipeline is being tested using both simulated data and with data taken using theFermilab drift scan camera on the ARC3.5-metre telescope at the same site.Similar tests arebeing carried out on the spectroscopic reduction pipeline,and our ability to efficiently placefibres on a clustered distribution of galaxies is being tested using the APM galaxy catalogue[7].The currently-projected survey schedule is as follows:September1996Optics to be installed on2.5-metre telescope.Autumn1996Imager and spectrograph commissioning.Winter1996Astronomicalfirst light.Early1997Test period begins.1998–2003Survey proper carried out.2002First two years of survey data become public.2005Complete survey data become public.The intent of this project is to make the survey data available to the astronomical community in a timely fashion.We currently plan to distribute the data from thefirst two years of the survey no later than two years after it is taken,and the full survey no later than two years after it isfinished.Thefirst partial release may or may not be in itsfinal form,depending on our ability to calibrate it fully at the time of the release.The same remarks apply to the release of the full data set,but we expect the calibration effort to befinished before that release.5Prospects for constraining dark matterSince one of the topics of this meeting is dark matter,I will highlight two of the areas in which the SDSS will provide valuable data for constraining dark matter.5.1Measurement of the Fluctuation SpectrumThe huge volume of the SDSS redshift survey will enable estimates of the galaxy power spectrum to∼1000h−1Mpc scales.Figure6shows the power spectrum P(k)we would expect to measure from a volume-limited(to M∗)sample of galaxies from the SDSS northern redshift survey, assuming Gaussianfluctuations and aΩh=0.3CDM model.The error bars include cosmic variance and shot noise,but not systematic errors,due,for example,to galactic obscuration. Provided such errors can be corrected for,(and star colours in the Sloan survey will provide our best a posteriori estimate of galactic obscuration),then thefigure shows that we can easily distinguish betweenΩh=0.2andΩh=0.3models,just using the northern main galaxy sample.Adding the southern stripe data,and the luminous red galaxy sample,will further decrease measurement errors on the largest scales,and so we also expect to be able to easily distinguish between low-density CDM and MDM models,and models with differing indices n for the shape of the primordialfluctuation spectrum.5.2Cosmological Density ParameterBy measuring the distortions introduced by streaming motions into redshift-space measures of galaxy clustering,one can constrain the parameterβ=Ω0.6/b,whereΩis the cosmological density paramter and b is the bias factor relatingfluctuations in galaxy number density to fluctuations in the underlying mass distribution.While existing redshift surveys,eg.IRAS[2] and Stromlo-APM[6],are hinting thatβ<1(ie.that galaxies are significantly biased tracers of mass or thatΩ<1),their volumes are too small to measure galaxy clustering in the fully linear regime reliably enough to measureβto much better than50%or so.With the SDSS redshift survey,we expect to be able to constrainβto10%or better.There are several ways we might hope to determine the galaxy bias factor b.By measuring galaxy clustering on∼1000h−1Mpc scales as shown in Figure6,we can compare with the COBE microwave backgroundfluctuations directly,and so constrain large-scale galaxy bias inFigure6:Expected1σuncer-tainty in the galaxy power spec-trum measured from a volume-limited sample from the SDSSnorthern survey,along with pre-dictions of P(k)from four vari-ants of the low-density CDMmodel.Note that the modelshave been arbitrarily normalisedto agree on small scales(k=0.4);in practice the COBE observa-tions of CMBfluctuationsfix theamplitude of P(k)on very largescales.a model-independent way.Analysis of higher-order clustering statistics[5],and of non-linear dynamical effects[2]will also set constraints on galaxy bias.Knowingβand b.we will be in a good position to reliably measure the cosmological density parameterΩindependent of models for the shape of thefluctuation spectrum.6ConclusionsIt is probably no exaggeration to claim that the Sloan Digital Sky Survey will revolutionize the field of large scale structure.Certainly we can expect to rule out large numbers of presently viable cosmological models,as illustrated in Figure6.As well as measuring redshifts for a carefully controlled sample of106galaxies and105quasars,the survey will also provide high quality imaging data for about100times as many extragalactic objects,from which one can obtain colour and morphological information.In addition to measuring the basic cosmological parametersΩand h discussed in the preceding section,the SDSS will also allow us to measure the properties of galaxies as a function of their colour,morphology and environment,providing valuable clues to the process of galaxy formation.Finally,I cannot resist the temptation to give a visual impression of what we might expect to see with the SDSS redshift survey.Figure7shows the distribution of62,295galaxies in a6◦slice from a simulation carried out by Changbom Park,assuming a low-density CDM model. This slice represents just one sixteenth of the million galaxy redshifts we will be measuring with the Sloan survey.I leave it to the readers imagination to dream up all the projects they would love to carry out given such a data-set.The work described here has been carried out by many people throughout the SDSS collab-oration,and I thank all my colleagues warmly.I am particularly grateful to Chris Stoughton and Michael Vogeley for providing Figures2and Figure6respectively,and to Philippe Canal for translating the Abstract into French.My attendance at the meeting was supported by a generous grant from the EEC.Figure7:Redshift-space distribu-tion of galaxies in a6◦slice from alarge,low-density CDM N-bodysimulation generated by Chang-bom Park.References[1]Becker,R.H.,White,R.L.and Helfand,D.J.,1995,ApJ,450,559[2]Cole,S.,Fisher,K.B.and Weinberg,D.H.,1995,MNRAS,275,515[3]Collins,C.A.,Heydon-Dumbleton,N.H.and MacGillivray,H.T.,1989,MNRAS,236,7P[4]Connolly,A.J.,et al.,1995,AJ,110,2655[5]Gazta˜n aga,E.and Frieman,J.A.,1994,ApJ,437,L13[6]Loveday,J.,Efstathiou,G.,Maddox,S.J.and Peterson,B.A.,1996,ApJ,in press[7]Maddox,S.J.,Sutherland,W.J.Efstathiou,G.and Loveday,J.,1990,MNRAS,243,692[8]Richards,G.T.,et al.,PASP,submittedLE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY:L’´ETAT ET CES PERSPECTIVES Le Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS)`a pour but de cartographi´eπsteradians de l’univers local.Une matrice de dispositif`a transfert de charges(CCD)scannant en mode balayage produira une image digitalis´e e du ciel avec cinq diff´e rentsfiltres et avec une pr´e cision allant jusqu’a`a peu pr`e s magnitude23.Une´e tude spectroscopique sera faite sur une s´e lection de106 galaxies et105quasars.Dans cet article,apr`e s avoir d´e cris l’´e tat d’advancement du projet qui doit commencer`a faire des observations des le d´e but de l’ann´e e1997,je pr´e sente ces perspectives pour l’´e tablissement de mod`e les de la mati`e re noire dans l’univers.。















永远不要放弃拼搏,因为奇迹只发生在相信奇迹存在的人身上!!!2018学年奉贤区调研测试高三英语试卷(2019.04)Ⅱ. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.How to Make the Most of Y our Lunch HourShould you grab a bite at your desk or eat with your colleagues? That depends on what’s on your agenda for the rest of the day.Lunch hours ___21___(get)shorter and shorter and even disappearing in some parts of today’s working world. With fewer employees ___22___(ask)to accomplish more in a day, many Americans treat lunch not as a break but as just another task to squeeze into an already over-booked day.But do quick meals at the desk actually improve productivity over more leisurely meals?The researchers only studied 32 employees, so the findings are datable. But when they assigned one group to eat at their desks and another to dine with a colleague at a restaurant, they found those who ate lunch together showed a decline ___23___ their performance on tests that measured concentration, memory and the ability to catch errors and read emotions in facial expressions following lunch than before lunch. Both groups ate the same meals, but those who ate alone were only given 20 minutes to consume their food, ___24___ the paired participants were allowed one hour in the restaurant. Those who ate alone did not have as large a drop in their cognitive processing as those who ate in the restaurant.What was responsible for the change? There were too many variables at play to determine which had the strongest influence on cognitive control—was it the companionship, or was it the restaurant environment ___25___ other diners were present, music was played and the meal was served by wait staff, or was it the longer time to enjoy the meal?___26___ factor was responsible, the group that took a restaurant lunch break came back more relaxed, say the authors, and that likely affected their cognitive sharpness. Sharing a meal outside the office with a friend appears to have a ___27___(calm)effect, and while it reduces intellectual skills, it may develop social harmony and teamwork, which ___28___ be an important feature of some work tasks.But don’t feel sorry for the lone lunchers. It turns out ___29___ since they were able to maintain their cognitive skills following the meal, they might be in a better position ___30___(think)creatively for projects that require more innovative solutions or approaches.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. NoteThe contributions genes make to intelligence increase as children grow older. This goes against the idea most people hold that as we age, environmental influences gradually overpower the genetic legacy(遗产)we are born with and may have ___31___ for education.“People assume the genetic influence goes down with age because the environmental differences between people pile up in life,”says Robert Plomin.“What we found was quite ___32___ and goes in the other direction.”Previous studies have shown variations in intelligence are ___33___ due to genetics. To find out whether this genetic contribution varies with age, Plomin’s team gathered data from six separate studies carried out in 4 countries, ___34___ a total of 11000 pairs of twins. The researchers tested twins on reasoning, arithmetic etc, to measure a quantity called “G”. Each study also included both identical twins, with the same genes, and Lateral twins(异卵双生), sharing about half their genes, making it possible to ___35___ the contributions of genes and environment to their G scores.Plomin’s team calculated that in childhood, genes account for about 41 percent of the variation in intelligence. In adolescence, this rose to 55 percent; by young adolescence, it was 66 percent.No one ___36___ knows why the influence from genes should increase with age, but Plomin suggests that as children get older, they become better at handing their environment to suit their genetic needs, and says “Kids with high G will use their environment to develop their cognitive ability and choose friends who are like-minded. ” Children with ___37___ to low G may choose less challenging pastimes and activities, further emphasizing their genetic legacy.Is there any way to interfere with the pattern? Perhaps. “The evidence of strong heritability(遗传可能性)doesn’t mean at all that there is nothing you can do about it,”says Susanne Jaeggi, “from our own work, the ones that started off with lower IQ scores had higher ___38___ after training.”Plomin suggests that genetic differences may be more emphasized if all children share an identical curriculum instead of it being ___39___ to children’s natural abilities. “My tendency would be to give everyone a good education, but put more effort into the lower end,” he says.Intelligence researchers Paul Thompson agrees: “It shows that educators need to ___40___ kids towards things drawing out their natural talents.”Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension.Section ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Open data-sharers are still in the minority in many fields. Although many researchers broadly agree that public access to raw data would promote science, most are ___41___ to post the results of their own labours online.Some communities have agreed to share online-geneticists, for example, post DNA sequences at the GenBank repository(库), and astronomers are accustomed to ___42___ images of galaxies and stars from, say, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a telescope that has observed some 500 million objects -- but these remain the ___43___, not the rule Historically, scientists have ___44___ sharing for many reasons: it is a lot of work; until recently, good databases did not exist; grant funders were not pushing for sharing; it has been difficult to agree on standards for formatting data; and there is no agreed way to assign credit for data.But the ___45___ are disappearing in part because journals and funding agencies worldwide are encouraging scientists to make their data ___46___. Last year, the Royal Society in London said in its report that scientists need to“___47___ a research culture where data is viewed as private preserve”. Funding agencies note that data paid for with public money should be public information, and the scientific community is recognizing that data can now be shared online in ways that were not possible before. To match the growing demand, services are springing up to make it easier to publish research products ___48___ and enable other researchers to discover and cite(引用)them.Although calls to share data often concentrate on the ___49___ advantages of sharing, the practice is not purely beneficial to others. Researchers who share get plenty of personal benefits, including more connections with colleagues, improved ___50___ and increased citations. The most successful sharers -- those whose data are downloaded and cited the most often -- get noticed, and their work gets used. ___51___, one of the most popular data sets on multidisciplinary repository Dryad is about wood density around the world; it has been ___52___ 5,700 times. Co-author Amy Zanne thinks that users probably range from climate-change researchers wanting to estimate how much carbon is stored in biomass, to foresters looking for information on different grades of trees.“I’d much prefer to have my data used by the ___53___ number of people to ask their own questions,”she says.“It’s important to allow readers and reviewers to see exactly how you arrive at your results. Publishing data and code allows your science to be ___54___.”Even people whose data are less popular can benefit. By making the effort to organize and label files so otherscan understand them, scientists can become more organized and better disciplined themselves, thus avoiding ___55___ later on.41. A. restricted B. reluctant C. desperate D. generous42. A. accessing B. processing C. analyzing D. identifying43. A. assumption B. mystery C. exception D. phenomenon44. A. longed for B. appealed to C. focused on D. objected to45. A. symptoms B. barriers C. advantages D. consequences46. A. controllable B. unique C. reliable D. public47. A. shift away from B. end up with C. give rise to D. build up48. A. secretly B. digitally C. ethically D. fairly49. A. material B. individual C. moral D. economic50. A. visibility B. awareness C. condition D. confidence51. A. On the contrary B. As a result C. For example D. After all52. A. downloaded B. updated C. optimized D. addressed53. A. moderate B. maximum C. average D. estimated54. A. reversible B. profitable C. reproducible D. recognizable55. A. crisis B. confusion C. risk D. conflictSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AIt was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks in school were miserable and, the thing was, I didn’t know enough to really care. My older bother and I lived with Mom in a humble house in Detroit. We watched TV every night.But one day Mom changed our world forever. She turned off the TV. Our mother had only been able to get through third grade. But, she was much brighter and smarter than we boys know at the time. She had noticed something in the suburban houses she cleaned--books. So she came home one day, snapped off the TV, sat us down and explained that her sons were going to make something of themselves. “You boys are going to read two books every week,” she said. “And you’re going to write a report on what you read.”We complained about how unfair it was. Besides, we didn’t have any books in the house other than Mom’s Bible. But she explained that we would go where the books were: “I’ll drive you to the library.”So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her car on their way to Detroit Public Library, depressed and restless. I wandered reluctantly among the children’s books. I loved animals, so when I saw some books that seemed to be about animals, I started leafing through them.The first book I read clear through was Chip the Dam Builder. It was about beavers. For the first time in my life I was lost in another world. No television program had ever taken me so far away from my surroundings as did this virtue visit to a cold stream in a forest and these animals building a home.It didn’t dawn on me at the time, but the experience was quite different from watching TV. There were images forming in my mind instead of before my eyes. And I could return to them again and again with the flip of a page. Soon I began to look forward to visiting this quiet refuge from my other world.Now my older brother is an engineer and I am a doctor. Sometimes I still can’t believe my life’s journey, from a failing and indifferent student in a Detroit public school to this position, which takes me all over the world to teachand perform critical surgery.But I know when the journey began the day Mom switched off the TV set and put us in her Oldsmobile for that drive to the library.56. We can learn from the beginning of the passage that ____.A. the author and his brother had done well in schoolB. the author had been very concerned about his school workC. the author had spent much time watching TV after schoolD. the author had realized how important schooling was57. According to the passage, which of the following words can best describe the author’s mother?A. Tolerant and decisive.B. Aggressive and open-minded.C. Determined and farsighted.D. Persistent and literate.58. The underlined word“peevish”in the passage can be replaced by ____.A. naughtyB. bad-temperedC. patientD. obedient59. The author began to love books for the following reasons EXCEPT that ___.A. he could constantly review the plots in the booksB. he could visualize what he read in his mindC. he could get many rewards from his motherD. he realized that books offered him new experienceBNANCY DREW AND THE HIDDEN STAIRCASE(PG)Age 10+Sparkling book adaptation has great characters, some scares.“Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase”is based on a classic 1930 Nancy Drew mystery book and is aimed at teens and young teens. Although the story involves a politically motivated kidnapping and a supposedly haunted house, the scariest moment is during what turns out to be a dream sequence. Positive messages include courage and teamwork, and strong role models(mostly female)are at the center of the action.(89 minutes)WONDER PARK(PG)Age 8+Imaginative but intense adventure deals with worry and fear.“Wonder park”is an animated adventure about an imaginative girl named June(voiced by Brianna Denski),who’s spent years dreaming up a magical amusement park named Wonderland with her mom(Jennifer Garner). You can expect plenty of action(including explosions and peril),as well as the looming presence of worry and sadness, since June is dealing with the fact that her mom has a serious illness. The film celebrates imagination, curiosity and perseverance, and it underlines the importance of not letting fear stop you from being yourself and doing what you love.(93 minutes)CAPTIVE STATE(PG-13)Age 14+Dark, disconnected but smart alien invasion movie.“Captive State”is an alien-invasion movie set in a future Chicago. Some humans try to cooperate with the conquering aliens, while others try to rebel; there’s a very complex plan at the heart of the story. Violence is the biggest issue: Humans are killed, both vaporized by aliens and shot by guns. There are explosions, blood splatters, gory surgeries, gross alien effects, cyanide pills and lots of chaos and stress. The movie is more about its own bigideas than characters or emotions, but it’s smart enough that it should please most teen and adult sci-fi fans. John Goodman and Vera Farmiga co-star.(109 minutes)FIVE FEET APART(PG-13)Age 13+Strong acting saves predictable, sentimental love story.“Five Feet Apart”is based on the best-selling YA novel about Will(Cole Sprouse)and Stella(Haley Lu Richardson),two hospitalized 17-year-olds with cystic fibrosis(囊胞性纤维症)who fall in love. The story promotes treasuring those closest to you and has themes of perseverance and empathy.(115 minutes)60. If you are hooked on science fictions, which movie will you prefer according to the passage?A. WONDER PARKB. NANCY DREW AND THE HIDDEN STAIRCASEC. FIVE FEET APARTD. CAPTIVE STATE61. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. It’s appropriate to watch the film“Captive State”with a younger sister aged 5.B. The movie“Wonder Park”can teach you to be brave enough to face fear.C. It’s advisable of you to watch“Five Feet Apart”if you are free for one and half hours.D.“Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase”is adapted from a best-selling novel.62. After reading the passage, we can _____.A. know about the background of the film productionB. learn about the popularity of these filmsC. gain a thorough understanding of the filmsD. have the best option for the film we wantCThe company that revolutionized the delivery of information now aims to do the same with electricity. Technology powerhouse Google today announced it would spend "tens of millions" of dollars next year in research and development and investments in an effort to drive down the cost of large-scale renewable energy to make it cheaper than coal. Not only will Google be hiring engineers and energy experts for its new initiative,known as RE<C (renewable energy at less cost than coal), but it also will make investments in new companies—starting with those that focus on solar-thermal technology, enhanced geothermal, and high-altitude wind power."Cheap renewable energy is not only critical for the environment but also vital for economic development in many places where there is limited affordable energy of any kind," said Sergey Brin, Google co-founder and president of technology, in a prepared statement.Coal supplies 40 percent of the world's electricity and more than half of U.S. power, and if current trends continue, it is expected to grab an ever increasing share because it is a plentiful and cheap fuel for big consumers like the United States and Russia. But coal is also the worst fuel in its production of the global warming gas carbon dioxide. Google co-founder Larry Page said the company's goal is to produce one gigawatt(十亿瓦特)of renewable energy capacity that is cheaper than coal within "years, not decades." Google says that's enough electricity to power a city the size of San Francisco (about 330,000 households).Google, located in Mountain View, Calif., said it was initially working with two other California companies. They are eSolar, of Pasadena, which is specializing in solar-thermal power, using large fields of mirrors to concentrate sunlight and generate steam to run utility-scale electric turbines(涡轮), and Makani of Alameda, which is developing wind energy technology that takes advantage of the much stronger and more reliable currents available at high altitudes.Google did not specify how much money it was putting into its projects with these companies but said they both had "promising scalable energy technologies." This portion of the initiative will be funded through the company'sphilanthropic arm, Google. org, which is not a traditional charity but can make equity(股票)investments in companies. Brin and Page have pledged(抵押)1 percent of Google's equity and profits toward efforts including climate change and global poverty.The RE<C program is the latest of a series of steps Google has taken on climate change. The company says it is on track in its goal to be carbon neutral in the near future.63. Which of the following statements is TRUE of the coal?A. It is a kind of controversial fuel given its large quantity and its harm to the environment.B. It is a plentiful and cheap fuel that will surely earn more market share.C. It will be totally replaced by the renewable energy in years because it produces the worst gas-carbon dioxide.D. It is supported by some enthusiastic countries like U.S. and Russia which rely heavily on the coal64. It can be inferred from the passage that ____.A. Google. org has made some crucial decisions in expanding the companyB. Google. org has focused on exploiting alternatives to traditional energyC. Google. org is a charity organization committed to funding the projects benefiting mankindD. Google. org is an environmental organization that specializes in promoting green fuel65. What can Not be learned about the Re<C Programme?A. It will come true in a few years with the efforts made.B. It is a programme of environmental protection.C. It is one of the measures taken to neutralize carbon.D. It will be realized through investment in solar and wind energy companies.\66. The best title of this passage is ___.A. Google’s RE<C ProgrammeB. Google, the Energy RevolutionaryC. Google, the Environmental ProtectorD. Google’s Renewable Energy ProjectSection CDirections:Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentenceThe annual Venice Carnival is in full swing, with thousands of revelers(狂欢者)gathering the city’s canals and squares in elaborate costumes and extraordinary masks. ___67___The Carnevale di Venezia is thought to date back to the 11th century, making it one of the world’s oldest. Carnivals are held in many Catholic countries; such as Spain and Brazil, where they serve s a last chance to eat, drink and be merry before the deprivation of Lent, the 40 days of fasting(斋戒)that precede Easter.It is thought that the masks allowed Venetians to hide their identities, allowing the poor to mix with the wealthy, breaking strict social order, even if only for a brief and controlled period.___68___ The theme of Carnival 2019 is“Tutta colpa della Luna,”or“Blame the moon,”marking a half-centurysince man first walked on the satellite.To prevent overcrowding, authorities have installed turnstiles at the entrances to the historic St. Marks’ Square, closing it off to new visitors once 23,000 revelers have entered. Costumed revelers are also searched as they enter the square.Venice is situated across a group of 118 small islands that are separated by canals and linked by over 400 bridges. The islands are located in the shallow Venetian Lagoon, an enclosed bay that lies between the mouths of the Po and the Piave Rivers. ___69___ The lagoon and a part of the city are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Although most visitors stick to the traditional Carnival costumes of baroque gowns and bejeweled masks for women and black capes and threatening masks for men, more and more people are opting for their own unique interpretations.Some visitors use Carnival as an opportunity to show off a fantastic creation they’ve always dreamed of wearing. It doesn’t have to be Venetian. ___70___ At Carnival, everybody is free to be who—or what—they want to be. Perhaps a different gender—or even species. That’s the joy of the mask—nobody knows who or what the person wearing it was before Carnival.Ⅱ. Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.71. Gardening can have many positive effects on your physical and mental health. Whether you’re growing fruit and veggies, flowers or succulents, getting your green thumb on can have a surprising number of health benefits for you and your family.Depending on the size of your garden, maintaining it can be a great way to be physically active. This could be as tough as mowing the lawn, or as gentle as getting a good stretch and practice stabilizing yourself while kneeling, sitting or reaching. In fact, gardening is a recommended activity as it can encourage the use of many motor skills, improve endurance and strength and keep you moving.These days, we can buy pretty much any fruit and vegetable we want from the supermarket, at any time of year. But gardening enables us to eat seasonally, which has important benefits for our bodies. For example, asparagus and apricots grow in spring and summer, while Brussels sprouts get going in winter. Eating seasonally can keep healthy eating exciting by encouraging you to try new recipes using in-season produce. You will also get a wider variety of different coloured produce, providing nutritious vitamins and minerals in your diet throught the year as the produce you eat changes with the seasons.Gardening is also a great way to relax, providing opportunities to still the mind and get away from the busyness of everyday life. There is even evidence to suggest that gardening can help case symptoms of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. Whether you’re gardening by yourself, or getting the whole family involved, it’s a great way to spend some time outdoors, away from screens and to-do lists, and engage with nature. From repetitive tasks like weeding that provide opportunity for meditation, to practicing patience while waiting for plants to grow, gardening is a great exercise for your mind as well as your body.Ⅱ. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 这项新颁布的规定仅适用于一些突发情况。



2018学年奉贤区调研测试高三英语试卷(201904)I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A. you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the endof each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, readthe four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A. At an airport.B. In an office,C. At a police station.D, At a travel agency.2. A. Down jackets are now on sale,B. She can't wait for the winter to arrive.C. It's hard to know how severe the winter will beD. She needs a warm jacket.3. A. Learning to drive.B. Buying the insurance.C. Buying a carD. Taking a plane,4. A. Erie won't eat vegetable without meatB. Eric likes both vegetable and meatC. Some meat will solve Eric's problemD. Eric is short of vegetable.5. A. He is invasiveB. He is heroicC. He is life-threateningD He is awkward6. A. Reviews of the comedy are negative.B. The reaction to the comedy is varied.C. The review of the newspaper is one sided.D. Media are prejudiced against the comedy.7. A. Deliver the package in person.B. Pick up the package at the post officeC.Ask to have the package delivered to his homeD. Find out the opening hours of the post office8. A. It hasn’t been graded.B. It received a low grade.C. The committee is discussing itD. The woman hasn't handed it in.9. A. He has been to Seattle many tines.B. He has chaired a lot of conferences.C. He holds a high position in his company.D. He lived in Seattle for many years.10. A. It is too late for the man to go to the theatre.B. People have already been standing in line for two hours.C. The man must wait for two hours to buy the ticket.D. The man can buy a special ticket before the drama starts.Section BDirections: In Scion B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, andyou will be asked questions on each of them. The passages and conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have beard.Questions I1 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. They are gardeners.B. They sell vegetables.C. They run a guesthouse:D. They are scientists.12. A. Five hours.B. Eight hours.C. Twelve hours.D. Fourteen hours.13. A. They have deeper roots.B They don't need sunshineC. They have wider leaves.D.'They have bigger flowers.Questions 14 through l6 are based on the following news.14. A. It is produced in small quantities.B. It is sold at a lower priceC. It is served mainly in McDonald's.D. It is grown from cows alone,15. A. The land and the water system have been polluted seriously.B. Not enough meat has been produced to meet people's needsC. Much land has been used up for animals and their food.D. It has consumed fewer and fewer natural resources16. A. Steaks and hamburgersB. Animal rights.C. The food crisis in the future.D. Lab-grown meat.Questions 17 through 20 are based o0 the following conversation17. A. He is an Englishman living in Sweden.B. He prefers hot weather to cold weatherC. He visits London nearly every winter.D. He likes Sweden better than England.18. A. The long nightB. The bad weather.C. The gloomy winterD. The cold houses19. A. Delightful. B. Refreshing. C. Painful D. Frustrating20. A. They work hard and play hard,B. They often stay up late reading.C. They like to go comping in summerD. They try to earn more and spend more,II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form ofthe given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.How to Make the Most of Y our Lunch HourShould you grab a bite at your desk or eat with your coll That depends on what's on your agenda for the rest of the day.Lunch hours (21)________(get) shorter and shorter and even disappearing in some parts of today's working world. With fewer employees (22)________ (ask) to accomplish more in a day,many Americans treat lunch not as a break but as just another task to squeeze into an already over-booked day.But do quick meals at the desk actually improve productivity over more leisurely meals?The researchers only studied 32 employees, so the findings are debatable. But when they assigned one group to eat at their desks and another to dine with a colleague at a restaurant, they found those who ate lunch together showed a decline (23)________ their performance on tests hat measured concentration, memory and the ability to catch errors and read emotions in facial expressions following lunch than before lunch. Both groups ate the same meals, but those who ate their food alone were only given 20 minutes to consume their food, (24)________ the paired participants were allowed one hour in the restaurant. Those who ate alone did not have as large a drop in their cognitive processing as those who ate in the restaurant.What was responsible for the change? There were too many variables at play to determine which had the strongest influence on cognitive control--was it the companionship or the restaurant environment (25)________ other dinners were present, music was played and the meal was served by wait staff, or was it the longer time to enjoy the meal?(26)________ factor was responsible, the group that took a restaurant lunch break came back more relaxed, say the authors, and that likely affected their cognitive sharpness. Sharing a meal outside the office with a fiend appears to have a (27)________ (calm) effect, and while it reduces intellectual skills, it may develop social harmony and teamwork, which (28) ________ bean important feature of some work tasks."But don't feel sorry for the lone hunger. It turns out (29)________ since they were ableto maintain their cognitive skills following the meal, they might be in a better position (30)________ (think) creatively for projects that require more innovative solutions or approaches. Section BDirection: Fill in each blank with, a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be usedonly once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. involvingB. distinguishC. adapted F. gainsG. partially H. amazing D. tailored E. mediumI. definitely J. steer K. implicationsGenes That Make You SmarterThe contributions genes make to intelligence increase as children grow older. This goes against the idea most people hold that as we age, environmental influences gradually overpowerthe genetic legacy (财产) we are born with and may have (31)________ for education"“People assume the genetic influence goes down with age because the environmental differences between people pile up in life," says Robert Plomin. “What w e found was quite (32)________and goes in the other dire ction.”Previous studies have shown variations in intelligence are (33)________ due to genetics. To find out whether this genetic contribution varies with age, Plomin's team gathered data from six separate studies carried out in 4 countries, (34)________ a total of 1100 pairs of twins. 'The researchers tested twins on reasoning, arithmetics etc. to measure a quantity called "G". Each study also included both identical twins, with the same genes, and fraternal twins(异卵双生), sharing about half their genes, making it possible to (35)________ the contributions of genes and environment to their G scores.Plomin's team calculated in childhood, genes account for about 41 percent of the variations in intelligence. In adolescence, this rose to 55 percent;, by young adolescence, it was 66 percentNO one (36)________ knows why the influence from genes should increase with age,but Plomin suggests that as children get older, they become better at handling their environment to suit their genetic needs, and says “kids with with high G will use their environment to develop cognitive ability and choose friends who are like-minded. Children with (37)________ to low Gmay choose less challenging pastimes and activities, further emphasizing their genetic legacy.Is there any way to interfere with the pattern? Perhaps. The evidence of strong heritability (遗传可能性) doesn’t mean that there is nothi n g you can do about it." says Susanner om our own work, the ones that started off with lower IQ scores had higher Jaeggi, “f(38)________ training. Plomin suggests genetic differences may be more emphasized if all children share an identical curriculum instead of it being (39)________ to children's natural abilities. My tendency would be to give everyone a good education, but put more effort into thelower end." he says. Intelligence researchers Paul Thompson agrees: It shows. that educators need to (40)________ ads towards things drawing out their natural talents.Ш. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirection: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Open data-sharers are still in the minority in many fields. Although many re searchers broadly agree thatpub1icaccess to raw data would promote science, most are (41)________ to post the results of their own labours online.Some communities have agreed to share online-geneticists, for ex ample, post DNA sequences at the GenBank repository (库). and astronomers are accustomed to (42)________ images of galaxies and stars from, say, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a telescope that has observed some 500 million objects-but these remain the (43)________ not the rule. Historically, scientists have (44)________ sharing for many reasons: it is a lot of work, until recently, good databases did not exist: grant funders were not pushing for sharing; it has been difficult to agree on standards for formatting data, and there is no agreed way to assign credit for data.But the (45)________ are disappearing in part because journals and funding agencies worldwide are encouraging scientists to make their data (46)________.Last year, the Royal Society in London said in its report that scientists need to. (47)________ a research culture where data is viewed as private preserve". Funding agencies note that data paid for with public money should be public information. and the scientific community is recognizing that data can now be shared online in ways that were not possible before. To match the growing demand, services are springing up to make it easier to publish research products (48)________ and enable other researchers to discover and cite (引用) them.Although calls to share data often concentrate on the (49)________ advantages of sharing, the practice is not purely beneficial to others. Researchers who share get plenty of personal benefits including more connections with colleagues. improved (50)________ and increased citations. The most successful sharers- those whose data are downloaded and cited the most often-getnoticed, and their work gets used. (51)________ one of the most popular data setson multidisciplinary repository Dryad is about wood density around the world: it has been (52)________ 5700 times. Co-author Amy Zanne thinks that users probably range from climate -change researchers wanting to estimate how much carbon is stored in biomass, to foresters looking for in formation on different grades of trees. I’d much prefer to have my date used by the (53)________ number of people to as their own questions," she says.It's important to allow readers and reviewers to see exactly how you arrive at your results. Publishing data and code allows your science to be (54)________.Even people whose data are less popular can benefit. By making the effort to organize and 1abel files so others can understand them, scientists can become more organized and better disciplined themselves, thus avoiding (55)________later on.41. A. restricted B. reluctant C. desperate D. generous42. A. accessing B. processing C. analyzing D. identifying43. A. assumption B. mystery C. exception D. phenomenon44. A. longed for B. appealed to C. focused on D. objected to45. A. symptoms B. barriers C. advantages D. consequences46. A. controllable B. unique C. reliable D. public47. A. shift away from B. end up with C. give rise to D. build up48. A. secret B. digitally C. ethically D. fairly49. A. materia1 B. individual C. moral D. economic50. A. visibility B. awareness C. condition D. confidence51. A. On the contrary B.As a result C. For example D. After all52. A. downloaded B. updated C. optimized D. addressed53. A. moderate B maximum C. average D. estimated54. A. reversible B. profitable C. reproducible D. recognizable55. A. crisís B. confusion C. risk D. conflictSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose theone that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AIt was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks ín school were miserable and, thething was, 1 didn't know enough to really care. My older brother and I lived with Mom in ahumble house in Detroit. We watched TV every night.But one day Mom changed our world forever. She turned off the TV. Our mother hadonly been able to get through third grade. But, she was much brighter and smarter than we boysknow at the time. She had noticed something in the suburban houses she cleaned--books. So shecame home one day, snapped of the TV, sat us down and explained that her sons were going tomake something of themselves, . You boys are going to read two books every week, " she said. "And you're going to write a report on what you read."We complained about how unfair it was. Besides, we didn't have any books in the houseother than Mom s Bible. But she explained that we would go where the books were: " I'll driveyou to the library.'So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobileon their way to Detroit Public Library. I wandered reluctantly among the children’s books. animals, so when I saw some books that seemed to be about animals, I started leafing throughthem.The first book I read clear through was Chip the Dam Builder. It was about beavers. Forthe first time in my life I was lost in another world. No television program had ever taken me sofar away from my surroundings as did this virtue visit to a cold stream in a forest and theseanimals building a home.It didn’t dawn on me at the time, but the experience was quite different from watchingTV. There were images forming in my mind instead of before my eyes. And I could return to themagain and again with the flip of a page. Soon I began to look forward to visiting this quietsanctuary form my other world.Now my older brother is an engineer and I am a doctor. Sometimes I still can’t believemy life’s journey, from a failing and indifferent student in a Detr oit public school to this position,which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery.But I know when the journey began the day Mom switched off the TV set and put us inher Oldsmobile for that drive to the library.56. We can learn from the beginning of the passages that ________.A the author and his brother had done well in schoolB. the author had been very concerned about bis school workC. the author had spent much time watching TV after schoolD. the author had realized how important school was57.According to the passage which of the following words can best describe the author's mother?A. Tolerant and decisive.B. aggressive and open-minded.C. Determined and farsighted.D. Persistent and literate.58. The underlined word "peevish" in the passage can be replaced by________.A. naughtyB. bad-temperedC. patientD. obedient59. The author began to love books for the following reasons EXCEPT that ________.A. he could constantly review the plots in the booksB. he could visualize what he read in bis mindC. he could get many rewards from his motherD. he realized that books offered him new experienceBNANCY DREW AND THE HIDDEN STAIRCASE (PG)Age 10+Sparkling book adaptation has great characters, some scares.Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase" is based on a classic 1930 Naney Drew mystery book and is aimed at tens and young ten. Although the story involves politically motivated kidnapping and a supposedly haunted house, the scariest moment is during what turns out to be a model dream sequence. Positive messages include courage and teamwork, and strong role (mostly female) are at the center of the action (89 minutes)WONDER PARK (PG)Age 8+Imaginative but intense adventure deals with worry and fear"Wonder Park" is in animated adventure about an imaginative girl named June (voicedby Brianna Denski), who’s spent years dreaming up a magical amusement park named Wonderland with her mom (Jennifer Granner). You can expect plenty of actions (including explosions and perils), as well as the looming presence of worry and sadness, since June is dealing with the fact that her mom has a serious illness. The film celebrates imagination, curiosity and perseverance, and it underlines the importance not letting fear stop you from being yourself and doing what you love. (93 minutes)CAPTIVE STATE (PG- 13)Age 14+Dark, disconnected but smart alien invasion movie"Captive State" is an alien-invasion movie set in a future Chicago. Some humans try to cooperate with the conquering aliens, while others try to rebel; there's a very complex plan at the heat of the story. Violence is the biggest issue: Humans are killed both vaporized by aliens andshot by guns. There are explosions, blood splatters gory surgeries, gross alien effects, cyanide pills and lots of chaos and stress, The movie is more about its own big ideas than about characters or emotions, but it's smart enough that it should please most teen and adult sci-f?fans. John Goodman and Vera Farmiga co-star. (109 minutes)FIVE FEET APART (PG-13)Age 13+Strong acting saves predictable, sentimental love storyFive Feet Apart" is based on the best selling YA novel, about Will (Cole Sprouse) and Stella (Haley Lu Richardson), two hospitalized 17-year-olds with cystic fibrosis (囊胞性纤维症) fall in love, The story promotes treasuring those closest to you and has themes of perseveranceand empathy. (115 minutes)60. If you are hooked on science fictions, which movie will you prefer according to the passage?A. WONDER PARKB. NANCY DREW AND THE HIDDEN STAIRCASE.C. FIVE FEET APART.D. CAPTIVE STA TE.61 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. It’s appropriate to watch the fil m “Captive State” w i th a younger sister aged 5.B. The movie "Wonder Park" can teach you to be brave enough to face fearC. It's advisable of you to watch "Five Feet Apart" if you are free for one and half hoursis adapted from a best-selling novel.D. “Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase” 62 After reading the passage, we can________.A. know about the background of the film productionB. learn about the popularity of these filmsC. gain a thorough understanding of the filmsD. have the best option for the film we wantCThe company that revolutionized the delivery of information now aims to do the samewith electricity. Technology powerhouse Google today announced it would spend "tens of millions" of dollars next year in research and development and investments in an effort to drivedown the cost of large-scale renewable energy to make it cheaper than coal. Not only will Googlebe hiring engineers and energy experts for its new initiative, known as RE<C (renewable energy at less cost than coal), but it also will make investments in fledgling companies—starting with those that focus on solar-thermal technology, enhanced geothermal, and high-altitude wind power. "Cheap renewable energy is not only critical for the environment but also vital for economic development in many places where there is limited affordable energy of any kind," said Sergey Brin, Google co-founder and president of technology, in a prepared statement.Coal supplies 40 percent of the world's electricity and more than half of U.S. power, andif current trends continue, it is expected to grab an ever increasing share because it is a plentifuland cheap fuel for big consumers like the United States and Russia. But coal is also the worst fuelin its production of the global warming gas carbon dioxide. Google co-founder Larry Page said the company's goal is to produce one gigawatt(十亿瓦特) of renewable energy capacity that is cheaper than coal within "years, not decades." Google says that's enough electricity to power a city the size of San Francisco (about 330,000 households) .Google, located in Mountain View, Calif., said it was initially working with two other California companies. They are eSolar, of Pasadena, which is specializing in solar-thermal power, using large fields of mirrors to concentrate sunlight and generate steam to run utility-scale electric turbines (涡轮), and Makani of Alameda, which is developing wind energy technology that takes advantage of the much stronger and more reliable currents available at high altitudes.Google did not specify how much money it was putting into its projects with these companies but said they bot h had “promising s calable energy technology”. This portion of the initiative will be funded through the company's' philanthropic arm, , which is not a traditional chanty but can make equity (股票) investments in companies Brin and Page have pledged (抵押) 1 percent of Google's equity and profits toward efforts including climate changeand global poverty.The RE<C program is the least of a series of steps Google has taken on climate change. The company say it is on track in its goal to be carbon neural in the near future.63. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the coal?A. It is a kind of controversial fuel given its large quantity and its harm to the environmentB. It is plentiful and cheap fuel hat will surely earn more market share.C. It will be totally replaced by the renewable energy in years because it produces the worstgas-carbon dioxide,D. It is supported by some enthusiastic countries like US and Russia which rely heavily on thecoal64. It can be inferred from the passage that _________.A. has made some crucial decisions in expanding the companyB. has focused on exploiting alternatives to traditional energyC. Google. org is a charity organization committed to funding the projects benefiting mankindD. is an environmental organization that specializes in promoting green fuel65. What can Not be learned about the RE<C Programme?A It will come true in a few years with the efforts made.B. It is a programme of environmental protectionC. It is one of the measures taken to neutralize carbonD. It will be realized through investments in solar and, wind energy companies.66. The best title of this passage is ________.A. Google's RE<C ProgrammeB. Google, the Energy RevolutionaryC. Google, the Environmental ProtectorD. Google's Renewable Energy ProjectSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. This year's Carnival festivals kicked off' on February 16 and go on until March 5.B. During the 18 days of Carnival, the city fills with thousands of tourists from across Italy andaround the world.C. Parts of Venice are well known for the beauty of their settings, their architecture and artwork.D. The Italian government decided to bring back the history and culture of Venice by seeking touse the traditional Carnival.E. It doesn't have to be traditional.F. Carnival virtually disappeared when Napoleon's troops brought an end to the V enetian Republicin 1797.Venice CarnivalThe annual Venice Carnival is in full swing, with thousands of revelers (狂欢者)gathering the city's canals and squares in elaborate costumes and extraordinary masks.(67)____________The Carnevale di Venezia is thought to date back to the 11th century, making it one ofthe world’s oldest. Carnivals are held in many Catholic countries, such as Spain and Brazil, wherethey serve as a last chance to eat, drink and be merry before the deprivations of Lent, the 40 daysof fasting(斋戒)that precede Easter.It is thought that the masks allowed Venetians to hide their identities, allowing the poorto mix with the wealthy, breaking strict social order, even if only for a brief and controlled period.(68) ___________ The theme of Carnival 2019 is “Tutta colpa della Luna,”or “Blame the moon, marking a half-century since man first walked on the satellite.To prevent overcrowding, authorities have installed turnstiles at the entrances to theSquare, closing it off to new visitors once 23,000 revelers have entered.historic St. Marks’ Costumed revelers are also searched as they enter the square.Venice is situated across a group of 118 small islands that are separated by canals andlinked by over 400 bridges. The islands are located in the shallow Venetian Lagoon, an enclosedbay that lies between the mouths of the Po and the Piave Rivers. (69)___________ The lagoonand a part of the city are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Although most visitors stick to the traditional Carnival costumes of baroque gowns andbejeweled masks for women and black capes and threatening masks for men, more and morepeople are opting for their own unique interpretations.Some visitors use Carnival as an opportunity to show off a fantastic creation they'vealways dreamed of wearing. It doesn't have to be Venetian. (70) ____________ At Carnival,everybody is free to be who--or what--they want to be. Perhaps a different gender-- or evenspecies. That's the joy of the mask--nobody knows who or what the person wearing it was beforeCarnival.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following pas Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passagein no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible71. Gardening can have many positive effects on your physical and mental health. Whetheryou’re growing fruit and veggies, flowers or succulents, getting your green thumb on can have asurprising number of health benefits for you and your family.Depending on the size of your garden, maintaining it can be a great way to be physicallyactive. This could be as tough as mowing the lawn, or as gentle as getting a good stretch andpractice stabilizing yourself while kneeling, sitting or reaching. In fact, gardening is arecommended activity as it can encourage the use of many motor skills, improve endurance andstrength and keep you moving.These days, we can buy pretty much any fruit and vegetable we want from thesupermarket, at any time of year. But gardening enables us to eat seasonally, which has importantbenefits for our bodies. For example, asparagus and apricots grow in spring and summer, whileBrussels sprouts get going in winter. Eating seasonally can keep healthy eating exciting byencouraging you to try new recipes using in-season produce. You will also get a wider variety ofdifferent coloured produce, providing nutritious vitamins and minerals in your diet throughout the。







(图片提供:Sloan Digital Sky Survey)不提其他,乍看两张图真的很类似。








C u r i o s i t y 算 法

C u r i o s i t y 算 法

机器学习为NASA贡献了什么?机器学习为NASA贡献了什么?策划 | 李冬梅NASA 不仅是软件工程的鼻祖,在软件架构方面的造诣也是极为先进的。

我们曾经编译过《太空不惧宕机,软件工程鼻祖 NASA 是怎么做到的?》。

毫不意外的是,在机器学习领域中,NASA 也丝毫不逊于那些世界级科技大厂,让我们来看看,NASA 都使用了哪些机器学习技术?机器学习在太空探索中必不可少从研究地球外层大气到寻找其他星球上的生命迹象,都有 NASA 参与的痕迹。


NASA 的各种航天器和卫星所生成的数据量惊人(举个例子,仅斯隆数字化巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey )一个项目,未来将生成 5000 多万张星系的图像),因此,为了识别这些数据中的模式,机器学习是必不可少的。



这里,我们就先来了解下 NASA 都使用了哪些机器学习应用来进行太空探索。

NASA 用到的机器学习应用火星上的漫游车:勇气号和机遇号如果你认为 Tesla、Google、Uber 等是第一批大举投资自动驾驶汽车的公司可能就错了,实际上,早在十年前,NASA 就已经为发明了可以用在火星上的无人驾驶探测车——火星漫游车(Self-Driving Rovers on Mars)。

2004 年,火星漫游车“勇气号”(Spirit)和“机遇号”(Opportunity)就搭载了一套基于机器学习的导航和驾驶系统,称为AutoNav。

2011 年发射的另一辆火星漫游车“好奇号”(Curiosity),也搭载了 AutoNav,直至现在,这辆火星漫游车仍然在火星上进行探索,它的任务是寻找水以及其他能够使火星适合人类去探索的物质。



练习题答案1.(B )较正确地反映了太阳系的实际,为以后开普勒总结出行星运动定律,伽利略、牛顿建立经典力学体系铺平了道路,从根本上动摇了“人类中心论”的神话。

A.托勒玫的地心说B.哥白尼的日心说C.银河的系发现D.广阔恒星世界的发现2.科学家根据拍照发现,几乎所有宇宙星系的某种元素的光谱线,相对于地球实验室内同种元素的广谱线,都具有明显而普遍的(C )现象,于是根据物理学的多普勒效应,科学家进一步得出了“目前宇宙正在膨胀”的结论。

A. 减弱;B. 增强;C. 红移;D. 蓝移3.1718年,(A )将自己的观测数据同1000多年前托勒玫(Claudius Ptolemaeus,约90-168)时代的天文观测结果相比较,发现有几颗恒星的位置已有了明显变化,首次指出所谓恒星不动的观念是错误的。

A.哈雷B.哈勃C.斯特鲁维D.勒维特4.18-19世纪中期,(C )兄妹及父子,通过数遍天上星星等大量观测事实提出“银河是一个星系”的观点,第一次为人类确定了银河系的盘状旋臂结构,把人类的视野从太阳系伸展到10万光年之遥,树立了继哥白尼以后开拓宇宙视野的第二个里程碑。

A.伽利略B.哈雷C.威廉·赫歇尔D.哈勃5.爱因斯坦是现代宇宙学的奠基人,他根据理论推算得出,宇宙是一个“有限、无界、静态的体系”,这个结论打破了以往“宇宙无限”的错误观点,但是其中关于“宇宙是静态”的说法却被现代天文学观测到的(D )的事实所否定。

A.宇宙无限大B.宇宙不可测量C.宇宙在收缩D.宇宙在膨胀6.哈勃在上世纪中叶发现的星系光谱线的红移速度v与星系离我们的距离r之间存在着的关系是(D )。

A.r=H/vB.r=HvC.r=1/HvD.r=v/H7.类星体、恒星、行星及生命出现的年代大约距大爆炸的起点时刻(B )。

A.1亿年B.10亿年C.100亿年D.120亿年8.目前所知的“宇宙大爆炸”理论的最强有力的证据是(C )。

A.轻元素的丰度B.古老恒星的年龄C.宇宙微波背景辐射D.星系光谱的普遍红移9.综合先进的观测技术和仪器所获得的的数据发现,约50亿年前宇宙开始加速膨胀,其动因是神秘的(D )。



Using gravitational "lenses" in space, University of Utah astronomers discovered that the centers of the biggest galaxies are growing denser -- evidence of repeated collisions and mergers by massive galaxies with 100 billion stars. "We found that during the last 6 billion years, the matter that makes up massive elliptical galaxies is getting more concentrated toward the centers of those galaxies. This is evidence that big galaxies are crashing into other big galaxies to make even bigger galaxies," says astronomer Adam Bolton, principal author of the new study."Most recent studies have indicated that these massive galaxies primarily grow by eating lots of smaller galaxies," he adds. "We're suggesting that major collisions between massive galaxies are just as important as those many small snacks."The new study -- published recently in The Astrophysical Journal -- was conducted by Bolton's team from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-III using the survey's 2.5-meter optical telescope at Apache Point, N.M., and the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope.The telescopes were used to observe and analyze 79 "gravitational lenses," which are galaxies between Earth and more distant galaxies. A lens galaxy's gravity bends light from a more distant galaxy, creating a ring or partial ring of light around the lens galaxy.The size of the ring was used to determine the mass of each lens galaxy, and the speed of stars was used to calculate the concentration of mass in each lens galaxy.Bolton conducted the study with three other University of Utah astronomers -- postdoctoral researcher Joel Brownstein, graduate student Yiping Shu and undergraduate Ryan Arneson -- and with these members of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Christopher Kochanek, Ohio State University; David Schlegel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Daniel Eisenstein, Harvard-Smithsonian Center forAstrophysics; David Wake, Yale University; Natalia Connolly, Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y.; Claudia Maraston, University of Portsmouth, U.K.; and Benjamin Weaver, New York University.利用引力透镜”的空间,犹他大学的天文学家发现的最大的星系的中心,越来越密集的恒星的星系——100000000000多次的碰撞和合并的证据。



2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第二套完整版)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major in science or humanities at college, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.【参考范文】Whether to Major in Science or Humanities at College?Nowadays, as the whole society place increasingly considerable value on education, the question of whether to major in science or humanities at college is not only a concern for students, but also a focal point for parents. Some believe that to dig into science is a better choice because it promises us a brighter future; others may hold the opposite view that humanity knowledge is the foundation of humanity quality.As for me, both arguments are justified. However, I believe that the important thing is not about which subject is better, what matters most is people who will have to make the decision. In other words, we should not lay one-sided emphasis on the advantages of either subject; on the contrary, the students themselves, their interests and preferences, pros and cons are supposed to be taken into consideration. For example, if a student is more adept at humanity and that’s where his real interests lie, then he should dedicate to the study on humanity.Whether to major in science or humanities is a critical choice for every student because its result has a profound influence on personal career development and life style. Thus we should figure out what we really care about so as not to put the cart before the horse.Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you mil hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) Doing enjoyable work. B) Having friendly colleagues.44. Greenhouse gas emissions, if not properly dealt with, will pose endless risks for mankind.45. It is urgent for governments to increase the cost of using fossil fuels to an appropriate level to lessen the catastrophic effects of climate change.36.【解析】[D]。








爱因斯坦的“宇宙常数”对暗能量理论上的猜测可追溯到爱因斯坦年代,1915年爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879-1955)提出了广义相对论,这是自牛顿时代以来第一次出现的重力理论。





因此,爱因斯坦又向广义相对论引力方程中引入了一项“宇宙常数”(Cosmological Constant λ)。


20世纪20年代,美国著名天文学家哈勃(Edwin Powell Hubble,1889-1953)经过观测发现,宇宙确实是在不断膨胀,他根据星系的距离和运行速度证实,离我们越远的星系向外运动的速度越快,这是宇宙正在膨胀的表现。




















目前,天文学界有多个数据集合项目在数据处理方面大量使用了数字技术,如:SDSS(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)、HEASARC(High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center)等。





SDSS(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)对这些黑洞进行了大规模观测和研究。




例如,SDSS观测到的超大质量黑洞M87中心的射电天体Sgr A*,它的视直径约为100微弧秒。




但是,黑洞的事件视界(Event Horizon)是由于光无法逃离黑洞引力而形成的区域,可以作为黑洞的边界来研究。












st4导星 标准

st4导星 标准

ST4导星标准是Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) 星等系统中的

ST4导星标准是由美国天文学家Kevin R. Hall 设计的,他使用了SDSS数据和u、g、r、i、z波段的天体亮度数据来计算该









2021国外和国内大规模天文光谱巡天的成果范文 1、国际上的光谱巡天项目 天文学是一门观测的科学,发展大型的天文望远镜是天文学发展的必由之路, 也成为学科发展的重要战略组成部分. 巡天观测是对天体进行普查, 通常是使用大视场望远镜对天空进行覆盖式观测, 这对于天文学研究来说是基础性的工作. 根据终端仪器的区别, 巡天观测分为多色成像巡天和光谱巡天. 多色成像是在望远镜的焦面上放置滤光片和探测器进行观测,可同时获得多个天体的位置和不同波段上的亮度信息. 而光谱观测则是在望远镜焦面上放置光谱仪, 以获得天体的光谱信息. 利用天体的光谱,不但能够确定天体的化学组成, 而且可以确定天体的温度、压力、密度、磁场和运动速度等物理条件. 在 21 世纪, 天文学进入“多波段、大样本、高信息量”时代, 大规模的光谱巡天成为天文观测的突破口, 其目的是获取数以十万、百万甚至千万计天体的光谱, 可以得到成像巡天所不能提供的更加丰富的天体信息. 十多年来国际上开展了一系列的天体光谱巡天项目, 如下所述. (1)2dF 项目 英澳天文台的2dF 项目是使用在澳大利亚的英澳天文台的 3.9 m 英澳望远镜, 视场为 2°, 400 根光纤.于 1997 年开始试观测, 2002 年完成观测任务, 共获得了220000 条星系的光谱和 23000 条类星体的光谱. (2)6dF 项目 使用在澳大利亚的英澳天文台的1.2 m UK 施密特望远镜, 视场为6°, 150根光纤. 在2001-2006年完成了 12 万个星系的光谱观测. (3)SDSS 项目 SDSS项目使用美国 APO 天文台的口径为 2.5 m的光学望远镜. 它所配备的仪器一是用于成像巡天的大型拼接 CCD 相机, 观测时可以同时得到 5 个波段上的天空图像, 另外是两台光纤光谱仪, 可以同时测量640个天体的光谱. 该项目于 1999 年开始试观测, 于 2005 年完成第一期观测, 2008 年完成第二期观测, 目前正在进行第三期观测. (4)RAVE 使用英澳天文台的1.2 m UK 施密特望远镜, 视场为6°, 150根光纤. RAVE光谱巡天的设计目标是获得南天百万恒星的视向速度以研究银河系的结构和动力学演化. RAVE 在 2003–2005 年进行试观测, 之后进行正式的南天恒星光谱巡天, 在 2013 年发布了57 万颗恒星的窄波段光谱. (5)Gaia Gaia是欧洲空间局的一颗天体测量卫星, 于2013 年 12 月发射. Gaia 将对全天进行多历元的测光和低分辨光谱观测. 它将获得 10 亿颗恒星的三角视差和自行, 还将得到 1.5 亿颗恒星的视向速度和几百万颗恒星的大气参数.本文将以国外的 SDSS 项目和我国自主研制的新型大视场兼大口径光学天文望远镜(LAMOST)为主来介绍大规模天文光谱巡天的结果. 2、SDSS 巡天项目 SDSS是斯隆数字化巡天 (Sloan Digital SkySurvey)项目的简称, 是美国、日本和德国等国的大学和研究所的合作项目. 该项目计划进行成像巡天和光谱巡天的观测,所获得的观测资料将被用以研究宇宙的大尺度结构、星系的形成与演化等天体物理学的重大前沿课题. SDSS使用了一架口径为 2.5 m 的光学望远镜,这样的望远镜在世界上算是中小型的, 但它配备的仪器则是世界领先的. 一是用于成像巡天的大型拼接 CCD 相机, 在相机中有 30 个 CCD 组成了成像部分, 观测时可以同时得到 5 个波段上的天空图像; 在相机中还有 20 个 CCD 用于天体的精确位置测量. 另外是两台光纤光谱仪, 可以同时测量 640 个天体的光谱. 除了 2.5 m 望远镜外, SDSS 还配备了其他辅助的设备, 一个是用于对巡天图像进行光度定标的口径为 0.5 m 的测光望远镜, 另外还有用于对天文观测条件进行监测的“视宁度监视仪”和“红外云量照相机”等仪器. 2.1SDSS 成像巡天 在SDSS 的成像巡天计划中, 对整个天空的三分之一天区进行了 5 个波段上的成像观测, 这些天区是银河系星际物质对光线的吸收效应最小的天区(图 1).【图1-8略】 SDSS成像巡天的深度和观测到的天体数目达到前所未有的水平, 它将观测到所有亮于 23 星等的天体,主要包括约五千万个星系、一百万颗类星体和八千万颗恒星. SDSS 在获得成像巡天的观测数据后, 通过自动处理软件来对巡天图像中的天体进行检测, 并确定它们的位置、形态和在 5 个波段上的亮度(五色星等). 利用SDSS 成像巡天所得到的上亿个天体的参数, 可以将星系和类星体从中挑选出来. 例如, 利用天体形态的延展性来挑选出星系, 而利用天体的五色星等可以将类星体从绝大多数恒星中区分出来(图2). SDSS 将依此选择出一百万个星系和十万个类星体来进行光谱巡天的观测. 2.2SDSS 光谱巡天 SDSS光谱巡天的主要任务是确定宇宙的大尺度结构, 其方法是对一百万个星系进行光谱观测(图3(a)-(f)), 有了星系光谱就能得到星系的红移, 根据红移就有可以确定星系的距离, 由此可以得到星系在宇宙中的三维分布(图 4), 从而可以研究宇宙的结构和星系的演化等问题. 由于 SDSS 观测星系光谱的数目比以前多了十倍, 因此可以更加精确地揭示出宇宙中的结构是什么样的. 同时, 通过 SDSS 的光谱巡天, 不但可以了解星系和类星体在空间上的分布,而且可以了解它们在时间上的演化. SDSS 观测到的星系和类星体可以远达数十亿光年甚至上百亿光年,也就是看到它们在数十亿年到上百亿年前的样子. 因此,比较不同距离上的星系和类星体的物理特性,就可以研究它们随时间的演化过程. 另外, SDSS 所获得的上百万个类星体的光谱可以用来探测宇宙中遥远的星系间的物质分布. 这是因为类星体距离我们十分遥远, 在其光线传播过程中会被星系间的物质吸收掉特定波长上的光, 从而可以用来研究宇宙的演化历史. SDSS在 2013 年 7 月发布的 DR10 数据集, 其中包括近 500 亿天体的测光数据, 以及 180 万星系光谱、31 万类星体光谱、74 万恒星光谱等. 当前, 世界上已有了近十架口径为 8–10 m 的光学望远镜, 而SDSS 使用的望远镜只能算是中小型的 . 但由于SDSS 项目选择了大视场巡天的目标, 并使之达到了前所未有的深度、广度和精度, 因此 SDSS 将会极大地推动人类对宇宙的认识. 近些年来, SDSS 一直是被学术论文引用最高的天文设备, 甚至超过了耗资巨大的地面和空间大型天文设备. 3、LAMOST 光谱巡天 3.1LAMOST 的特点 LAMOST的全称是“大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜”(The Large Sky Area Multi-object FiberSpectroscopic Telescope). LAMOST的光学系统是视场 5° 、通光孔径3.6–4.9 m 的主动反射施密特系统(王-苏反射施密特系统), 它由施密特改正镜 Ma、球面主镜 Mb 和焦面组成(图 5). 其反射施密特改正镜 Ma(5.72 m×4.40m)是由 24 块对角线长 1.1 m、厚度为 25 mm 的六角形子镜拼接而成. 球面主镜 Mb(6.67 m×6.05 m)是由37 块对角线长 1.1 m、厚度为 75 mm 的六角形球面子镜拼接而成. LAMOST 球面主镜固定在地基上, 反射施密特改正镜放置在主镜北端, 两者之间通过 40多米的高精度镜筒连接, 望远镜的焦平面位于镜筒内. 观测天体时,通过 Ma 跟踪就可将赤纬-10°到+90°的天体尽收眼底. 天体的光经Ma 反射到 Mb,再经 Mb 反射后成像在焦面上. 焦面上放置的光纤将天体的光传输到光谱仪的狭缝, 最终通过光谱仪分光后由 CCD 照相机记录下天体的光谱. LAMOST开创了一种新的望远镜类型(大视场兼大口径望远镜), 打破了大视场望远镜不能兼有大口径的瓶颈, 被国际上誉为“建造地面高效率的大口径望远镜最好的方案”. LAMOST 首次在世界上在一块大镜面上同时应用薄镜面(可变形镜面)主动光学技术和拼接镜面主动光学技术; 首次在世界上实现六角形的主动可变形镜面; 首次在世界上在一个光学系统中同时采用两块大口径的拼接镜面; 首次在世界上应用 4000 根光纤的定位技术. LAMOST 成为我国最大的光学望远镜(主镜口径为 6 m), 将成为国际上最大的大视场望远镜, 将使人类观测天体光谱的数目提高一个数量级, 使我国在大视场多目标光纤光谱观测方面处于国际领先地位. LAMOST将对人类认识宇宙的起源、星系的形成与演化、银河系的结构、恒星的演化等诸多的研究领域做出重大的贡献. 在建设 LAMOST 过程中发展起来的新技术大大的推动了我国在光学仪器的制造、精密机械、电子技术、海量数据处理等技术科学领域的发展, 并为我国正在预研的下一代 30–100 m极大光学/红外望远镜、为我国的科研、生产和国防建设的发展提供可靠的技术储备. 3.2LAMOST 巡天观测 LAMOST项目作为重大科学工程于 1997 年 8 月由国家立项, 2001 年 8 月开工, 2009 年 6 月通过国家验收. 经过两年紧张有序的调试和科学试观测后, 启动了LAMOST 的巡天观测(图 6). LAMOST先导巡天自 2011 年 10 月 24 日开始,到 2012 年 6 月 24 日结束, 共观测 401 个天区, 获得54 万条信噪比大于 10 的恒星光谱和 37 万颗恒星参数星表. 2012 年 9 月 28 日, LAMOST 正式巡天启动,2013 年 6 月 15 日圆满结束第一年巡天观测, 共观测689 个天区(图 7), 获得 117 万条信噪比大于 10 的恒星光谱和 71 万颗恒星参数星表. 包括先导巡天和第一年正式巡天的光谱数据——DR1 数据集于2013 年8 月 26 日正式释放, 供国内用户和国外合作者使用. DR1释放光谱数共计 220 万, 其中信噪比大于 10 的恒星光谱 172 万条, 已然超过目前世界上所有已知恒星巡天项目的光谱总数. 在 DR1 发布的数据中, 还包括一个108 万条恒星光谱参数星表, 也是目前世界上最大的恒星光谱参数星表. 截止到2013年底, 利用 LAMOST巡天光谱数据已经取得了一系列较高质量研究成果. (1) 在M31/M33 及其邻近的 135 平方度区域内新发现 500多颗类星体, 这是目前我国天文学家利用自主设备在该天区发现的世界上数目最多的类星体样本等. 这些类星体可用来探测M31/M33 及其周围子结构中星际介质的化学组成、分布和运动学信息. (2) 发现了近 3000 颗白矮星, 其中 206 颗是新发现的 DA 型白矮星. 白矮星是恒星演化晚期的代表性产物, 它可用来独立确定星团年龄. 白矮星的光度函数可确定恒星形成率和银河系的演化历史. (3) 捕获 28 颗白矮-主序双星, 其中发现2 颗是共包层后双星候选体, 共包层后双星是激变变星和 Ia 型超新星的前身,对研究共包层演化具有重要意义. (4) 从 157 颗天琴 RR 变星中探测到了 3 颗天琴 RR 变星存在超高声速激波现象. 天琴 RR 变星对恒星结构与演化,银河系的形成和宇宙学的研究有重要意义. (5) 新发现了 17 颗贫金属恒星候选体, 为研究银河系形成和化学演化及早期宇宙中的恒星形成提供了观测限制. (6)在 LAMOST 先导巡天的数据中共发现了 10 个激变变星, 其中 2 个是最新发现. 激变变星对研究恒星和密近双星的结构演化、检验和发展吸积盘理论具有重要的作用和意义. (7) 美国合作团队对 LAMOST先导巡天期间获取的 400000 颗恒星的大样本光谱进行分析研究, 发现银河系盘星的运动模式并非简单的圆周运动. (8) 新发现一颗距地球最近的超高速. 2013年 9 月 10 日, LAMOST 第二年正式巡天顺利启动. 从先导巡天开始到 2014 年 3 月, LAMOST光谱巡天已经获得超过 300 万的天体光谱, 其中有270 万恒星光谱. 利用 LAMOST 所获得的恒星光谱巡天数据, 可以得到海量的恒星光谱参数即有效温度、表面重力、化学组成和视向速度等(图 8). 结合国内外其他的天文观测数据, 天文学家们不仅可以探知银河系的物质(特别是暗物质)分布, 还将揭示银河系中各组分的化学和动力学特征. 恒星的化学组成就如同化石一样, 可以用来追踪银河系漫长的演化历史, 探究星系起源和演化的规律. 这些研究将使人们对银河系的了解提高到前所未有的高度, 也将启发人们对宇宙的形成和演化产生更加深刻的认识. LAMOST恒星光谱巡天有望在 5 年时间里获得超过 500 万条高质量的恒星光谱, 海量的恒星光谱数据将成为“数字银河系”的重要基石, 对于研究银河系的结构、运动、形成和演化具有重要的科学研究价值. 基于 LAMOST 光谱数据开展的研究, 将取得一系列标志性科研成果, 培养一批实测和理论天体物理学家, 为我国在相关领域跻身世界先进行列做出重大贡献. 4、结论 自伽利略发明第一台折射望远镜以来的400 年间, 光学天文学一直在天文学中占据主导地位, 光谱分析也是目前天文学研究中最为成熟的工具之一. 大规模光学光谱巡天不仅可以提供河外、河内的天体的红移或速度信息来研究宇宙的大尺度结构、银河系结构,可以对观测到的海量星系、类星体、恒星进行分类并进行其性质的统计研究, 还可以搜寻各种特殊天体. 这些巡天还建立各种天体的数据库, 为多波段甚至全波段研究各类天体提供全面的光学信息. 目前正在进行的天文大规模光谱巡天项目有SDSS、LAMOST和 Gaia. 作为光谱获取率最高的天文望远镜, LAMOST 对光学天文学的意义是不言而喻的, 正如 LAMOST 国际评估报告(2005 年 6 月)所指出的那样: “LAMOST 将会是一个适合于研究广泛领域中重大天体物理问题的世界级巡天设备.” “LAMOST将会有非常好的科学产出. 望远镜一定能够在河外天文学与银河系天文学方面产生世界级的研究成果.”。






























二战后物理学最重要的实验有哪些? - 知乎

二战后物理学最重要的实验有哪些? - 知乎


但我平生最讨厌「十大」,因为怎么那么巧是十个……修改添加评论 分享 • 邀请回答举报4 个回答按票数排序著微,細推物理須行樂曾恒福、宋诗薇、邓雄杰 等人赞同「重要」的标准见仁见智。





————————————————————核磁共振(1946)Edward Purcell 和Felix Bloch 分别用共振吸收和核磁感应法测量核磁矩,实现了核磁共振。

二人因此获得1952年Nobel 物理学奖。

Lamb 位移(1947)由Willis Lamb 和Robert Retherford 发现。

Lamb 位移是量子电动力学的第一个实验证据。


Lamb 因此获得1955年Nobel 物理学奖。


前者由Polykarp Kusch 精确测量,并因此获1955年Nobel 物理学奖。

反常磁矩同Lamb 位移一起,是量子电动力学的最重要的实验支柱。

π介子(1947)由Cecil Powell 等人在宇宙线中发现。

Powell 因此获得1950年Nobel 物理学奖。

而在1949年,汤川秀树则因为理论预测π介子存在获得Nobel 奖。


晶体管(1947)由Bell实验室的John Bardeen、Walter Brattain和William Shockley发明。










希腊晚期亚历⼭⼤城的数学家、天⽂学家托勒密(Claudius Ptolemy ,约90-168)所完成的西⽅的地⼼说体系,⼏乎与中国东汉的张衡同⼀时期。


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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0409700v 2 29 S e p 2004Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging of Low Galactic LatitudeFields:Technical Summary and Data ReleaseDouglas P.Finkbeiner 1,2,Nikhil Padmanabhan 3,David J.Schlegel 2,Michael A.Carr 2,James E.Gunn 2,Constance M.Rockosi 1,4,Maki Sekiguchi 5,Robert H.Lupton 2,G.R.Knapp 2,ˇZeljko Ivezi´c 2,Michael R.Blanton 6,David W.Hogg 6,Jennifer K.Adelman-McCarthy 7,James Annis 7,Jeffrey Hayes 8,Ellynne Kinney 9,Daniel C.Long 9,Uroˇs Seljak 3,Michael A.Strauss 2,Brian Yanny 7,Marcel A.Ag¨u eros 4,Sahar S.Allam 10,Scott F.Anderson 4,Neta A.Bahcall 2,Ivan K.Baldry 11,Mariangela Bernardi 12,William N.Boroski 7,John W.Briggs 13,J.Brinkmann 9,Robert J.Brunner 14,Tam´a s Budav´a ri 11,Francisco J.Castander 15,Kevin R.Covey 4,Istv´a n Csabai 16,11,Mamoru Doi 17,Feng Dong 2,Daniel J.Eisenstein 18,Xiaohui Fan 18,Scott D.Friedman 19,Masataka Fukugita 20,BruceGillespie 9,Eva K.Grebel 21,Vijay K.Gurbani 7,22,Ernst de Haas 2,Frederick H.Harris 29,John S.Hendry 7,Gregory S.Hennessy 23,Sebastian Jester 7,David E.Johnston 2,Anders M.Jorgensen 24,Mario Juri´c 2,Stephen M.Kent 7,Alexei Yu.Kniazev 21,Jurek Krzesinski 9,25,R.French Leger 7,Huan Lin 7,Jon Loveday 26,Ed Mannery 4,David Mart´ınez-Delgado 21,Peregrine M.McGehee 10,27,Avery Meiksin 28,Jeffrey A.Munn 29,Eric H.Neilsen,Jr.7,Peter R.Newman 9,Atsuko Nitta 9,George Pauls 2,Thomas R.Quinn 4,R.R.Rafikov 30,Gordon T.Richards 2,Michael W.Richmond 31,Donald P.Schneider 33,Joshua Schroeder 2,Kazu Shimasaku 34,Walter A.Siegmund 32,J.Allyn Smith 35,24,Stephanie A.Snedden 9,Albert Stebbins 7,Alexander S.Szalay 11,Gyula P.Szokoly 36,Max Tegmark 37,Douglas L.Tucker 7,Alan Uomoto 11,38,Daniel E.Vanden Berk 39,David H.Weinberg 40,Andrew A.West 4,Naoki Yasuda 20,D.R.Yocum 7,Donald G.York 41,42,Idit Zehavi 18ABSTRACTThe Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS)mosaic camera and telescope have ob-tainedfive-band optical-wavelength imaging near the Galactic plane outside of the nominal survey boundaries.These additional data were obtained during commissioning and subsequent testing of the SDSS observing system,and they provide unique wide-area imaging data in regions of high obscuration and star formation,including numerous young stellar objects,Herbig-Haro objects and young star clusters.Because these data are outside the Survey regions in the Galactic caps,they are not part of the standard SDSS data releases.This paper presents imaging data for832square degrees of sky(including repeats),in the star-forming regions of Orion,Taurus,and Cygnus.About470square degrees are now released to the public,with the remainder to follow at the time of SDSSData Release4.The public data in Orion include the star-forming region NGC2068/NGC2071/HH24and a large part of Barnard’s loop.Subject headings:atlases—catalogs—surveys1.INTRODUCTIONThe Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS)is a5-band photometric survey of8500squaredegrees of the Northern sky and a concurrent redshift survey of nearly a million galaxies and100,000quasars selected from the imaging survey(York et al.2000).The primary purposeof the project is to investigate the large scale structure of the Universe and pursue otherextragalactic science.The official survey region therefore largely lies above Galactic latitude|b|>30◦and was carefully chosen to minimize the effect of the troublesome dust near the Galactic plane.This naturally excludes some of the most beautiful parts of the sky,andthose areas of most interest for Galactic science.However,a significant amount of imaging data has been obtained at low Galactic lat-itude by SDSS,both during telescope commissioning and for calibration at sidereal timeswhen the main survey region was unavailable.During commissioning,the SDSS camera(Gunn et al.1998)was operational before the telescope control system was stable.Thecamera data acquisition is carried out in drift-scan or“Time Delay&Integrate”(TDI)mode,with the camera crossing the sky at the sidereal rate;the largefield of view(3◦)mandates that this be done along great circles.Accordingly,much of the commissioningwork was done by parking the telescope at the Celestial Equator and drift-scanning thesky.During commissioning observations in Fall1998(when the South Galactic Polar Capis available for observation),the drift scanning continued outside the SDSS survey area andpassed through NGC2068and NGC2071in Orion.Many of the commissioning runs pro-duced data of high scientific quality,some of which are part of the SDSS Early Data Release(Stoughton et al.2002,hereafter EDR),where a detailed description of the imaging datacan be found.SDSS Runs259and273generated targets for spectroscopic commissioning,resulting in thefirst extremely metal-poor galaxy found by SDSS(Kniazev et al.2003),buthave never been made public.Since1999,additional imaging data at low Galactic latitudeshave been obtained for a variety of testing and calibration purposes.However,none of theselow-latitude data,external to the SDSS survey area,are included in the SDSS data releases(to date the EDR;the First Data Release,DR1,Abazajian et al.2003;and DR2,Abazajianet al.2004).We have reduced and calibrated these data as part of a re-reduction and re-calibration of all the imaging data(“ubercalibration”,Schlegel et al.2004),and we describethese data in the present paper.The areas of sky observed are described in Section2.The data products describedherein are very similar to those produced by the SDSS,but differ in photometric calibrationand data format.These differences are described in Section3,and some examples of scienceapplications are briefly discussed in Section4.The data from1998-1999are publicly releasedwith this paper and may be accessed via the WWW.1Future data releases will also beaccessible at this site.2.THE DATA2.1.Sky CoverageThe sky coverage of the imaging runs made to date outside the SDSS area is given inTable1and Figure1.Thefigure shows the footprint of the survey(including these runs)in equatorial coordinates and indicates the approximate locations of images in Figures2,3,and4.Table1provides information about the location and image quality of each run.Animaging run consists of six long images in eachfilter,each the width of one CCD(13.52′on the sky)and separated by slightly less than one CCD width(11.65′),produced by thesix columns of CCDs in the mosaic camera.A run may last the entire night and be over100◦long,or can be shorter.A strip is the area covered by the six camera columns fromone survey pole to the other;a stripe is a pair of interleaving strips and completely coversa2.5×180◦stripe on the sky.The imaging data are divided into8.98′×13.52′frames for further processing;the aligned frames in thefive bands are called afield.Since the sky passesthrough the u,g,r,i,z SDSSfilters in succession(in order r,i,u,z,g)there is a ramp-up timecorresponding to10frames at the start of each imaging run.Focus and tracking adjustmentsare made at the beginning of each run,adding variable amounts of overhead to the ramp-uptime.The range offields for each run given in Table1define the range of useful data.Adetailed description of the observing procedures is given by Gunn et al.(1998)and York etal.(2000).The imaging runs comprising the“Orion”data set,released in the present paper,weremade in fall1998and fall1999.As Table1and Figure1show,there have been quite afew low-latitude observations since then,usually for system checking and calibration.Non-photometric data are included,because proper motion studies can make use of the astrometryeven in unphotometric runs.The data listed in Table1are those which,after reduction andprocessing,prove to be of science quality,and the photometric reliability is indicated.2.2.ProcessingThe SDSS photometric pipeline consists of four sequential steps:ssc and psp(point-spread function estimation),astrom(Pier et al.2003,astrometry),and frames(object iden-tification,deblending,and photometry;Lupton et al.2001;Stoughton et al.2002;Lupton et al.2003, and in preparation).These pipelines run with little human intervention.The photometricpipeline corrects the imaging data by interpolating over defects such as bad columns andcosmic rays;providesflat-field,photometric and astrometric calibration;and identifies,de-blends,measures and classifies objects.The resulting outputs consist of corrected frames,atlas image cutouts for every object,and a catalog of object positions,magnitudes and imageclassifications in thefive SDSS bands.The catalog outputs also includeflags which describethe image processing,including whether the object contains any saturated pixels,whetherbad data were interpolated over,and whether the object was deblended.Careful attention tothese processingflags is critical for proper scientific use of the data.A complete descriptionof the data outputs can be obtained at the above website1,at the SDSS DR2web site2,andin papers(Stoughton et al.2002;Abazajian et al.2003;Abazajian et al.2004).The frames pipeline produces a catalog of objects(fpObjcfiles)described by instru-mental quantities:(x,y)positions on a frame,CCD counts,and radii.Astrometric cali-brations are applied by the astrometric pipeline(astrom)and are accurate to better than0.1′′RMS in each coordinate(Pier et al.2003).Because early commissioning data some-times had poor telescope pointing information(pointing errors of up to0.5◦),astrometricpre-processing using the discrete cross-correlation method described by Hogg et al.(2001)has been performed to allow such data to be processed in an automated fashion.Theflat-fielding and photometric calibration were derived from a global recalibration using all of the available repeat imaging(Schlegel et al.2004).The zero-points of the photometric solutionsare forced to agree on average with the calibrations derived from the Photometric Telescope (Fukugita et al.1996;York et al.2000;Smith et al.2002)used in SDSS DR2.2.2.1.Automation with photoopThe importance of a completely automated data processing pipeline cannot be overem-phasized;it ensures that all the reductions are carried out in a homogeneous fashion andprotects against human biases.Furthermore,it ensures that all reductions are perfectly re-producible,allowing comparisons between different reduction attempts.This is a necessaryprerequisite for a survey like the SDSS that targets subsamples of galaxies for follow up observations because it enables one to measure the completeness of these subsamples even as the underlying software evolves.While the standard SDSS pipelines perform well within the standard survey region,the radically different characteristics of the data near the Galactic plane require adjustments of various pipeline parameters to process these data.In order to implement these in an automated manner,we have developed a meta-pipeline,photoop,to manage all aspects of processing.In production mode,the only human intervention required is to specify the runs to be processed;after that,photoop sets up the photometric pipeline and generates the re-quired input data for each run,includingflat-fields,astrometric catalogs,and configuration files.Perl scripts then manage the actual processing across several UNIX servers with a shared NFSfile system.Other photoop scripts automate daily maintenance tasks:monitor-ing the processing status of each run,posting results to an internal web page,and testing data integrity.Notices of pipeline failures and data integrity warnings are automatically sent by email to responsible parties.Furthermore,photoop has been designed to be portable so that anyone with sufficient computing power and access to the raw data can replicate the entire processing system.2.2.2.Processing Software Versions and RerunsAs the SDSS software pipelines have evolved over time,it has been necessary to keep track of the various processing attempts with rerun numbers.Data processing done via photoop is strictly versioned,with rerun numbers>100to avoid confusion with the main Survey rerun numbers(0−99).There is a one-to-one correspondence between rerun number and software versions.The current rerun as of this writing is137,corresponding to ssc v54,astrom v340.For historical reasons,the psp and frames steps of the pipeline are both part of the photo software product.The instructions below for accessing and using the data refer to rerun137.Future refinements of the software will have higher rerun numbers and will be announced on the website1.2.2.3.CalibrationSurvey data releases are indirectly calibrated to a set of primary photometric standard stars measured the US Naval Observatory(USNO)1m telescope in the SDSSfilters.Thisphotometric system is denoted by u’,g’,r’,i’,z’and is defined by Smith et al.(2002).These primary standards are bright enough to saturate the2.5m survey telescope,so the photomet-ric system is transfered to a set of secondary standard star“patches”observed by a20-inch “Photometric Telescope”(PT)situated adjacent to the survey telescope.These secondary standards are used to calibrate the2.5m nativefilter system(denoted u,g,r,i,z)to the USNO system for typical star colors.Note that the u’,g’,r’,i’,z’and u,g,r,i,z systems are signifi-cantly different(see e.g.Stoughton et al.2002).PT patches are sparse or nonexistent for much of the Orion region,so we have instead used the ubercalibration algorithm(Schlegel et al.2004)to tie the eight Orion runs together photometrically.This algorithm lets the calibration zero-points in each CCD(a-terms)and atmospheric extinction(k-terms)float night by night,constrained by multiple observations of stars in run overlaps.Run308does not overlap any of the other Orion runs,and is therefore calibrated using the same a-and k-terms as run307from the same night.Ubercalibration minimizes the RMS magnitude residuals in repeat observations of∼106stars by adjusting these a-and k-terms.Because the north and south strips of the equatorial stripe overlap only at the camera column edges, and theflatfields are less certain there,it is necessary to use a perpendicular scan(run2766) to tie the12independent camera columns together.This run is connected to the Orion runs via four other equatorial runs(94,125,1755,2677).For equatorial drift scans the airmass is constant,making the a-and k-terms degenerate,so k-terms arefixed to canonical values.Most stars are observed multiple times by this set of runs,and for each star the resid-ual between each run and the mean of all observations of that star is shown in Figure5. Only stars with7.43′′radius aperture magnitudes brighter than(19.0,19.0,19.0,18.5,17.0) in(u,g,r,i,z)were used for the calibration,and the resulting difference histograms have a 5σclipped RMS of(40,26,28,26,48)millimag(Figure6).This calibration method will be described in detail elsewhere(Schlegel et al.2004)and astrophysical tests of its accuracy will be provided by Finkbeiner et al.(2004).2.3.Public Data AccessTable2lists all software and ancillary data products(in addition to the standard survey software described by Stoughton et al.2002)that are used in the data processing,access and analysis steps.These products are organized with the Concurrent Versions System(CVS3). IDL4routines for displaying and calibrating images,extracting photometric parameters forsources,and matching sources to other public catalogs are included.Recipes using some of the most powerful routines are given in examples below.We refer the reader to the website1 for details on downloading and installing these packages;here we limit ourselves to brief descriptions of the data products that make up this data release.This data release contains three datasets:calibrated images for everyfield,object cat-alogs for everyfield,and trimmed catalogs of“stars”(all point sources,including quasars) and“galaxies”(extended sources)for every run.The images have had cosmic rays removed, CCD defects corrected,and have beenflatfielded and photometrically calibrated.In addi-tion,these images have accurate astrometry stored in a FITS-compliant header and therefore do not depend on any auxiliary information.The object catalogs(calibObj)include all data fields in the uncalibrated fpObjc catalogs produced by the SDSS frames pipeline,as well as calibrated quantities.Objectfluxes are calibrated and the CCD positions of objects are translated to equatorial coordinates using the bestfit astrometric solution from the SDSS astrom pipeline.An overview of the differences between these calibObj catalogs and the standard SDSS tsObjfiles(available at the Data Archive Server5)is given in§3,and the calibObj format is described in detail in Appendix A.The calibObj catalogs for the8public runs require50GB.For users who prefer data in a more compact format,we also provide trimmed stellar and galaxy catalogs for each camera column in each of the8runs,which total1.5GB for the stars and2.5GB for the galaxies.The trimmed catalogs contain all stars with any of(u,g,r,i,z)brighter than (22.5,22.5,22.5,22.0,21.5)mag respectively,and galaxies brighter than(21.0,22.0,22.0,20.5, 20.1).These cuts were made after applying the Schlegel,Finkbeiner,&Davis(1998,hereafter SFD98)extinction correction for the purpose of object selection–the extinction correction is not applied to theflux values in the catalogs.These trimmed star and galaxy catalogs are a strict subset of the quantities described in Appendix A,and contain no additional information.The list offields contained is given on the website.1Instructions for downloading any of these data are at the website.We advise users to organize downloaded data using the directory structure described there,as this ensures compatibility with our released software.2.4.Release ScheduleRuns211through308,comprising470square degrees,are now available to the public at the website1.Further data will be released on a schedule which approximately parallels that of the SDSS data releases.We plan to release runs through4119at the time of the SDSS Data Release4,expected in2005.Note that these data,unlike the SDSS data releases, contain no spectra.3.Data FormatsThe Galactic plane data processing and data formats differ somewhat from those of SDSS DR2,partly from changes necessary to process these data,and partly to rationalize some naming conventions.The catalogs,produced by the current data processing,are in calibObjfiles,whose format we now describe.•All datafields output by the frames step of the photometric pipeline in fpObjcfiles are retained,and not overwritten as they are in tsObjfiles.•Objectfluxes are given in linear units,instead of the asinh magnitudes(or“Lup-titudes,”Lupton et al.1999)used in the other data releases.This facilitates e.g.coadding of repeat imaging at the catalog level.•Calibrated quantities are presented in nano-Maggies(abbreviated nMgy,aflux den-sity),where1Mgy is the ABflux density of a0th magnitudeflat-spectrum object (Oke&Gunn1983).An AB magnitude of22.5corresponds to1nMgy in anyfil-ter.The approximate conversion to physical units is1Mgy=3631Jy where1Jy =10−26W m−2Hz−1=10−23erg s−1cm−2Hz−1.This conversion is only accurate to about5%(Oke&Gunn1983),although relative zero-point offsets among the SDSS filters are determined to1−2%(Abazajian et al2004).Note that the conversion of a measured calibrated magnitude of a source in a broad-bandfilter system to a physical flux density depends on the spectral shape of the source,so precise conversion factors do not exist.•Names are rationalized.In fpObjcfiles,for historical reasons,model counts are known as COUNTS•Flux uncertainties are nearly Gaussian in the low signal to noise limit(unlike errors in magnitudes).We express these errors as an inverse variance(ivar).This is con-venient for inverse variance weighting when combining quantities,and handles zero signal/noise(ivar=0)gracefully,as demonstrated in Appendix s are e.g.PETROFLUXISO DEV EXPFWHM(arcsec)is given for every object in each band.Due to the telescope optics and seeing,the PSF varies across a frame.The PSF is modeled by a set of eigenfunc-tions measured by bright stars in the frame,and the interpolated PSF calculated at the position of every object detected by photo.Note that this same information is available via the adaptive moments of the reconstructed PSF.•Wherever possible,objects are matched to the FIRST Radio Catalog(Becker et al.1995), the2MASS Point Source Catalog(Cutri et al.2003)and the USNO-B astrometric survey(Monet et al.2003).4.ScienceThe science enabled by the wide area imaging reported here generally lies in the areasof Galactic structure,star formation and interstellar matter.Several examples are noted here;for the simplest of these,we also provide fragments of IDL code that illustrate the functionality of our publicly available software(Table2).4.1.Displaying an imageUsing the photoop tools,one can calibrate the raw image data(idRfiles)at read time, and eliminate the need to store a second,calibrated copy of the image data(Figure7). Following is a sequence of IDL commands tofind the(run,camcol,field)for a position on the sky,read in a calibrated image with astrometric information,match objects in thefield tothe2MASS catalog,and display the image with matches overplotted in the IDL display toolatv(Barth2001).;To see which runs cover RA=60.56,dec=0.1IDL>imlist=sdss_findimage(60.56,0.1,rerun=137,/print)RA DEC RUN RERUN CAMCOL FIELD XPOS YPOS--------------------------------------------------------------------60.560000.10000002111374131978.10177.2460.560000.10000002731374338917.331047.2;read the first imagefile=sdss_name(’idR’,imlist[0].run,imlist[0].camcol,imlist[0].field,filter=’r’) sdss_readimage,file,image,ivar,/reject_cr,rerun=137,hdr=hdr;get astrometry and add to headergsa_approx=sdss_astrom(imlist[0].run,imlist[0].camcol,imlist[0].field,filter=’r’) gsssputast,hdr,gsa_approx;display the image in the atv widget which allows panning,zooming,;color stretches,etc.and displays WCS coordinates from a FITS;header.atv,image,header=hdr;Now match2MASS starsfobj=tmass_read(60.56,0.1,0.2)astrom_adxy,gsa_approx,fobj.tmass_ra,fobj.tmass_dec,xpix=xpos,ypix=ypos;and overplot as yellow trianglesatvplot,xpos,ypos,psym=5,symsize=1.5,color=’yellow’The above commands demonstrate the power of some of the tools available.The atv wrapper atvsdss does all of the above with the simple commandatvsdss,ra=60.56,dec=0.1,/catalog,rerun=137where the rerun number is required for use of the survey astrom astrometric solutions,and /catalog matches and overplots Tycho stars(magenta),2MASS stars(yellow triangles), and a red cross at the requested coordinates(Figure7).4.2.The Stellar g−r−i color diagramThe following is a simple example that plots the stellar locus in the g−r−i color plane, and provides an introduction to using the catalog data.We start by reading in all the objects from a segment of a run,and then select only the stars with reliable photometry using the objectflags.We then demonstrate the conversion of calibratedfluxes into magnitudes,and use these to construct a magnitude-limited sample of stars.Finally,we compute and plot the g−r and r−i colors of these stars.The output of this code is shown in Figure8.;Open a plotdfpsplot,’’,/square,/color;Read in run273,camcol3,fields50-250;This reads in the data from the‘‘datasweep’’trimmed catalogsobjs=sweep_readobj(273,3,rerun=137,fieldrange=[50,250]);Select the stars--sdss_selectobj()removes stars with these bits set:;(BLENDED AND NOT NODEBLEND)OR BRIGHT;see /dr2/products/catalogs/flags.html;for a thorough discussionindx=sdss_selectobj(objs,objtype=’star’)stars=objs[indx];Eliminate all saturated stars using flags;OBJC_FLAGS1,Bit18---Saturated;OBJC_FLAGS2,Bit12---Interpolated center;OBJC_FLAGS2,Bit15---PSF Flux Interpolated;sdss_flagval()returns2^(flag bit set)flag1_template=(sdss_flagval(’OBJECT1’,’SATUR’))flag2_template=(sdss_flagval(’OBJECT2’,’INTERP_CENTER’))$+(sdss_flagval(’OBJECT2’,’PSF_FLUX_INTERP’));Find all objects with none of these flags setnotset=where(((stars.OBJC_FLAGS AND flag1_template)EQ0)$AND((stars.OBJC_FLAGS2AND flag2_template)EQ0))stars=stars[notset];Compute the magnitudes,with a flux floor of1.E-10nMgygmag=22.5-2.5*alog10(stars.psfflux[1]>1.e-10)rmag=22.5-2.5*alog10(stars.psfflux[2]>1.e-10)imag=22.5-2.5*alog10(stars.psfflux[3]>1.e-10);Pick stars with r<19w=where(rmag LT19.0);Compute g-r and r-i colorsgrcolor=gmag[w]-rmag[w]ricolor=rmag[w]-imag[w];Plot the colorsdjs_plot,grcolor,ricolor,ps=3,xr=[0,1.8],yr=[0,1.7],$charsize=2,xtitle=’g-r’,ytitle=’r-i’,xst=1,yst=1;Close plotdfpsclose4.3.The Proper Motion of a Brown DwarfOne of the features of these data are the multiple observations of parts of the sky, enabling time domain studies.A particularly simple example is proper motions;Figure9 shows the position of nearby L6.5brown dwarf(Schneider et al.2002;Geballe et al.2002) SDSS J023617.93+004855.0versus time.This object is in the SDSS Southern Survey equa-torial region and has been observed multiple times,both during commissioning observations and during regular survey operations.The RA and DEC offsets with respect to itsfidu-cial position are shown versus time(MJD).The22observations span just overfive years. The position is taken directly from the pipeline-processed data(for a discussion of SDSS astrometry,see Pier et al.2003)and clearly show the proper motion of this faint object(140 mas/year in RA,-155mas/year in DEC).The position errors determined from thisfit are 60mas in each coordinate.Several SDSS brown dwarfs were identified in the commissioning and calibration data(Fan et al.2000)and a project to measure the proper motions of nearbystars and substellar objects is underway.The following code fragment creates Figure9;in particular,it demonstrates the use of sdss;Plot the change in DEC with timedjs_oplot,dmjd,ddec,thick=3,ps=7,line=2;Plot error of60maserrplot,dmjd,ddec-60.0,ddec+60.0,thick=3;Overplot linear fitsoplot,dmjd,poly(dmjd,linfit(dmjd,dra)),thick=3oplot,dmjd,poly(dmjd,linfit(dmjd,ddec)),thick=3,line=2;Output a labeldjs_xyouts,1100,900,’SDSSJ023617.93+004855.0’,charsize=2.5;Close the plotdfpsclose4.4.Star Formation and Young Stellar ObjectsFigure2shows a color composite from the three most sensitive SDSS bands(g,r and i)ofa region from runs259/273centered on the star forming region NGC2068/NGC2071/HH24-26.Note the line of Herbig-Haro(HH)objects in the outflow jet.As their emission is dominated by emission lines,HH objects have characteristic colors and can be automatically identified and counted in these regions of high obscuration.Wefind that there is a very different density distribution of these objects in the Taurus and Orion star-forming regions (Knapp et al.,2004,in preparation).The spectral energy distributions of the stars in NGC2068and NGC2071can be constructed from thefive SDSS and three2MASS bands,giving the luminosity function,the frequency of low mass objects and the incidence of circumstellar dust.UV-excess objects,i.e. young T Tauri stars,can be discovered and mapped across the Orion and Taurus star-forming regions(McGehee et al.2004).4.5.Structure of the Galactic Halo and Vertical Structure of the DiskBecause of the depth and color discrimination of SDSS photometry,the SDSS data have enabled major contributions to studies of the structure of the Galactic halo(Yanny et al.2000; Ivezi´c et al.2000;Odenkirchen et al.2001;Newberg et al.2003a).These and other stud-。
