NASATM-2002-211931 A Procedure for Structural Weight Estimation of Single Stage to Orbit La




The challengeThe RAF is a complex and diverse organisation. It's people and equipment carry out complicated, high-risk tasks both in the UK and on operations overseas which need to be completed against demanding time constraints, in a way that minimises the risk of failure and maximises efficient use of resources. The achievement of these tasks relies upon timely and well-informed decisions based upon a shared understanding of trends, the current position and the future outlook.However, prior to the selection of SAPPHIRE, the RAF did not have a consolidated view of its performance and risk position. For a commander to see one version of the truth, hundreds of emails and documents would have to be collated which could take weeks and there was no way for staff at all levels to have universal access to performance and risk data.There was a long-standing requirement for themeasurement of capability , the associated risks and issues such as threats, equipment problems, resource shortfalls and possible future adverse events.The solutionAfter conducting a requirements capture and analysis exercise at the RAF Headquarters at the former Strike Command, Fujitsu developed and delivered a new , bespoke Performance and Risk Management System, named ‘SAPPHIRE’, with balanced scorecard capabilities. The acronym ‘SAPPHIRE’ stands for Strike Applications Project Promoting High level Information Reporting and Evaluation. Whilst Strike Command has since transformed to become AIR Command, SAPPHIRE is in use across the whole of the RAF , providing a single performance and riskmanagement tool.SAPPHIRE is based on Oracle database technology , sitting on the MoD’s existing communicationsinfrastructure with (Trusted) access available to users not yet on DII. SAPPHIRE can take information from any other ODBC-compliant database and provide outputs in a variety of formats as defined (and thus easily understood) by the user as appropriate to their own organisation or unit’s needs.‘SAPPHIRE has become embedded in the management culture of the RAF , where it is finding an increasingly important role in both the conduct of day-to-day business at the producer level through to the conduct of senior management boards all the way up to the Defence Management Board.’Mark Williams - Group CaptainSUMMARY OF KEY FACTSOrganisation RAF Air Command Contract signing date February 2002Service/s deliveredSAPPHIRE Application Design, Application Integration, Application Development, Support, Managed Service and training on Application Management.Benefits For MOD• One database providing a consolidated view of performance & risks• Subjective assessment of performance displayed alongside the calculated value• Enter data once, use many times in different ways • See the big picture or focus in on detail • Capture all expertise, make better decisions • Shared aims, more effective working • Reduced reporting burden upon users • Emphasises forecasting• Compatible with legacy and future IT systems • Promotes corporate awarenessEmphasises forecasting SAPPHIRE providesimmediate access to history and trend information but focus is now on forecasting and managing the future. The application allows managers to enter performance and risk forecasts to any future time period based upon proposed management and mitigation strategies detailed in report narratives.Compatible with legacy and future systems, adding value to existing data Data from other sources can be imported without the need for manual transcription, saving time and improving consistency which adds value to that data.Promotes corporate awareness Training for users of the application and its subsequent use in everyday management has helped to remove silo thinking.Future DevelopmentsThe system will continue to be developed to reflect the unique business needs of new users and toenhance core functionality to existing users, including investigation of alternate user interfaces and automated data feeds from extant applications.An increasing user community as DII(F) rolls out across Defence, enabling business areas the opportunity to adopt SAPPHIRE as their preferred performance, risk and business management tool.Our ApproachSAPPHIRE was delivered in phases by Fujitsu, allowing early benefits as well as quick response to requirements for changes and enhancements. The SAPPHIRE training has contributed to the cultural and mind-set changes which were critical to achieving optimum ROI.The ExpertiseFujitsu were chosen because of their proven expertise in project management, application development, implementation, support and managed services.Wing Commander Nicky Mellings, the SAPPHIRE User Champion, stated: ‘SAPPHIRE continues to provide key benefits to (not just) AIR Command (but the RAF as a whole), enabling senior management at all levels to view, understand and manage their outputs effectively and efficiently. The ability to view the present position, married against risks, allows senior managers to make (better) informed decisions to mitigate future risks and improve future performance.’Fujitsu implements changes and additions to SAPPHIRE functionality as user needs evolve, and provides on-line support to users and system administrators as well as managed support services and training for instructors and those performing application management roles.Although it was the RAF’s requirements that drove SAPPHIRE’s development, it has been successfully adopted by other MoD departments as theperformance and risk management tool of choice. The system design is generic and because the user defines the business rules, it can be applied to any organisation.SAPPHIRE operates at SECRET and RESTRICTED data classifications, with user definable rules that allow access to pre-determined individuals whilst still promoting information sharing on a ‘need-to-know’ or ‘duty-to-share’ basis.Benefits for our CustomerOne version of the truth One database providing a consolidated view of operational performance, risks and issues giving a single version of the truth available in one place, transforming decision-making and operational management.Subjective assessment of performance displayed alongside the calculated value Subjective military assessment of performance can be added without overriding calculated, objective assessments so that the extent of the judgement applied is always apparent.Enter once, use many times in different ways Data is entered only once but can be used again and again, categorised in a variety of ways (for example, Defence Lines of Development, user-defined structures and keywords) and viewed or manipulated to suit user output needs through the generation of reports.See the big picture or focus on detail Huge amounts of information are consolidated into simple summaries by users, who can drill down to the supporting data if required.Capture all expertise, make better decisions Accurate information entered by experts in their area gives senior management a clearer understanding of the factors and impacts which lead to better, faster decisions.Shared aims, more effective working Senior officers are equally aware of a consistent big picture, which helps them work together more effectively .Reduced reporting burden upon users Previous reporting systems were labour intensive. WithSAPPHIRE, comprehensive reports are viewed easily on-screen and information can be selected then presented in various formats.。

Cessna 172 Aircraft检查清单说明书

Cessna 172 Aircraft检查清单说明书

Wing/Region Tail#Make Cur TTAF Inspection Date S/N Model Cur Tach Time Insp Name Insp CAP ID Insp Phone #Cur Hobbs Time Date Last Annual Tach Time TTAF ADs Validated Current?Date Last 100Hr Tach Time TTAF Date ADs Validated Date Last Oil Chg Tach Time TTAF Date C/W:Date Due ELT Batt Exp Date Date C/W Date Due Date C/W Date Due Y / N / NA Y / N / NA EP:Revision in Acft Y / N / NA Y / N / NA CAPF 71, APR 22 Previous Edition Will Not Be Used OPR/ROUTING: LGM H.Is a legible fireproof ID plate secured to the aircraft fuselage exterior? (CAPR 130-2)P.Aircraft Shoulder Harnesses Installed? (CAPR 130-2)3.Aircraft Exterior Remarks C.Navigation / Position D.Flashing Beacon E.Cabin / Panel F.Instruments E."Not for Hire” Placard Displayed (CAPR 130-2)O.Survival Kit (CAPR 130-2)CAP Aircraft Inspection Checklist Aircraft/Inspector Information 4.Exterior And Interior Lighting For Proper Operation (CFR 91.209)Remarks1.Aircraft Logbooks / Records, POH, AIF & AMRAD J.Serviceable Fire Extinguisher / with gauge Installed (CAPR 130-2)K.Carbon Monoxide Detector – Serviceability, Dated? (CAPR 130-2)L.Cessna Secondary Seat Stop Installed (All Cessnas Prior to 1997)M.Cargo Tie-Down or Net Installed (CFR 91.525, CAPR 130-2)N.Does Aircraft Have All Assigned Software? (CAPR 130-2)A.Is Aircraft Properly Chocked, Tied Down and are Tie downs in good condition? (CAPR 130-2)B.Is aircraft clean? Note obvious Defects, Leaks, Corrosion, ? (Acft Serv Manual, CAPR 130-2)C.Condition of Prop – Nicks, Dents, Leaks, Corrosion, Prop Strike (Acft Service Manual)3)Operating Handbook (Airplane Flight Manual / POH) (Ref: CFR 91.9)4)Current Weight & Balance Data (Ref: Acft Flight Manual / POH)5)Avionics Guide - If applicable to avionics (Cockpit Reference Guide)H.Operating Limits / Placards Displayed (CFR 91.9)I.Avionics or Control Lock Installed (CAPR 130-2)D.Appropriate CAP decals on wings, doors and vertical stabilizer (CAPP 130-2)E.Brakes - No Leaks, Wear, Cracked Pads or Obvious Defects (Acft Service Manual)F.Tires for Proper Air Pressure and Serviceability (Acft Service Manual/STC, CAPR 130-2)nding / Taxi / Pulse lite B.Anti-Collision Strobe A.Mid Cycle/100-Hour/Annual (CFR 91.417, CAPR 130-2)Remarks G .Do AMRAD open discrepancies accurately reflect current status of the aircraft?I . Does aircraft have a complete set of logbooks since new?J . AIF -Current version -Correct -Accurate 1)Current Version of Contents (CAPR 70-1, 9.1.3 & CAPS 72-4)2)All of the sections of the AIF are current (CAPS 72-4)3)Red "Aircraft Grounded" Placard is in the AIF (CAPS 72-4)4)VOR & Fire Extinguisher forms (CAPR 130-2 & CAPS 72-4)5)AIF cover sheet matches most current insp data in logs and AMRAD E.Was a SOAP sample taken at the last 100-hour/annual oil and filter change? (CAPR 130-2)F.Is the engine oil press ure switch within the manufacturer's time change? (CAPR130-2)C.Corrosion Control (CAPR 130-2)D.Alt/Pitot-Static/Transponder (CFR 91.411 & 413)B.ELT Check (CFR 91-207)C.POH Required Revision D.Is interior clean? Note O bvious Defects, Leaks, Corrosion, and Condition of Interior?Remarks A.Required Documents in Aircraft 1)Airworthiness Certificate (Ref: CFR 91.203)G.Engine Cowling for Proper Fit / Fasteners Serviceable and Secure (Acft Service Manual)F."SEAT SLIP WARNING" Placard Displayed (CAPR 130-2)G."Remove Towbar Before Engine Start" Placard Displayed (CAPR 130-2)B.CAP- checklist date NP:K .Weight and Balance - Current weight & balance data in POH (original), copy in AIF and both match maintenance records (POH, AIF & Logbooks)2.Aircraft Interior H .Do AMRAD Aircraft Mx Data entries match logbooks?2)Registration (Ref: CFR 91.203)Equip TypeMake Model S/N VIRB Camera Mount Installed?Audio Panel 1Tow Hook Installed?Audio Panel 2FLIR Installed?Auto-PilotAERONET Installed?COM/GPS 1Vacuum System Installed?COM/GPS 2Airborne Repeater Capable?DFELTID EngineType FM RadioLT MagnetoID RT MagnetoType MFD 1MFD 2PropellerProp GovernorSat PhoneSat Phone DialerCAPF 71, APR 22 Previous Edition Will Not Be Used OPR/ROUTING: LGM5. Installed Aircraft EquipmentGarmin System ID & Type (if equipped)6.Misc Aircraft Information Garmin System ID & Type (if equipped)Instructions for the CAP Aircraft Inspection Checklist1.Aircraft Logbooks / Records, POH, AIF & AMRADItem A. Annotate Date C/W, TACH and TTAF for the last mid cycle, 100hr and annual inspections as recorded in aircraft logbooks. Annotate if ADs were certified current in the logbook at last annual and the date of this validation. Item B.ELT Inspection in logbook: annotate Date C/W, Date Due and Date ELT Battery Expires.Item C. Annotate last corrosion control entry from aircraft logbook and when next corrosion control is due.Item D. Annotate the Altimeter/Pitot-Static/Transponder inspection dates from the logbook.Items E-H. Use AMRAD, aircraft condition and aircraft logbooks to answer these questions.Item I. Ensure aircraft has a complete set of logbooks since aircraft was new. Item J. See AIF and CAPS 72-4Item K. Ensure the weight and balance data in POH (original copy), AIF/ Foreflight match the logbooks.2.Aircraft Interior.Items A.1&2) Airworthiness Certificate and Registration are normally kept in a pouch attached to the sidewall of the aircraft, they must be legible and registration must be current. Ensure they are for the aircraft being inspected.Items A.3&4) Ensure a handbook (POH or AFM) matching the aircraft’s make, model and year is in the aircraft and that it contains the current original copy of the aircraft weight and balance data.Item A.5) Ensure an avionics guide for G1000 or other applicable installed avionics is in aircraft.Item B. CAP-approved checklists are located online in eServices and must match POH revision. NP- Normal Procedures EP - Emergency ProceduresItem C. Enter current required revision of POH and revision of POH in aircraft. The required revision can be found athttps:///TechnicalPublications, create a free account, login, go to Publications>Tech Manual Search and enter the S/N of the aircraft in question and select “AFM/POH/POM” from the manual type dropdown. This will give you a list showing the current POH Revision that is required.Item D. Check for obvious defects, leaks, corrosion, cleanliness, and condition of interior.Items E, F, G, & H Placards: Not for Hire/ Seat Slippage Warning/Remove Towbar/Operating Limits.Item I. Avionics and Control Locks Installed if equipped.Item J. Ensure fire extinguisher is serviceable and properly serviced.Item K. Inspect detectors for serviceability (change of indicator color) and valid expiration date (12 months).Item L. Secondary Seat Stop Installed on the right side of the pilot's seat (All Cessna Aircraft, Prior to 1997 Models).Item M. Cargo Tie-down/Cargo Net: CFR 91.525 requires cargo to be properly secured by a safety belt or other tie-down method.Item N. Does aircraft have all assigned software available for use?Item O. Ensure a survival kit is present and accessible.Item P. Are aircraft shoulder harnesses installed (required on both front seats)?3.Aircraft Exterior.Item A. Ensure tiedowns (if required) meet the requirements in CAPR 130-2 and aircraft is secured per manufacturer’s recommendations.Item B. Check for obvious defects, leaks, corrosion, cleanliness, and condition of paint. Look closely for corrosion and missing or chipped paint.Item C. Inspect propeller for damage and leaks, paying particular attention to nicks and evidence of propeller strike. Also check for excessive rubbing marks between spinner and cowling.Item D. Ensure appropriate decals are installed on wings, doors and vertical stabilizer. See CAPP 130-2.Item E. Check brakes/lines/pads for leaks, wear, cracks, defects.Item F. Tire pressures meet POH/AFM/STC limits and must be within the tolerances established by the manufacturer. Tires must be serviceable IAW manufacturer’s wear limits. Item G. Check the cowling for proper fit and contour. Check the condition of the fasteners holding it in place.Item H. CFR 45-11 requires a fireproof plate that is etched, stamped, or engraved with the builder's name, model designation, and serial number. It must be secured to the exterior of the aircraft near the tail surfaces or adjacent or just aft of the rear-most entrance door. If the aircraft was manufactured before March 7, 1988, the plate can be attached to an accessible interior or exterior location near an entrance; however, the model designation and serial number must also be displayed on the aircraft fuselage exterior.4.Exterior and Interior Lighting for Proper Operation.Items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Check all lights for operation.5.Installed Aircraft Equipment. Record the make, model and S/N for each requested item from the logbook. If the item has not been replaced since the aircraft was new then it will not be in the logbook. DO NOT REMOVE THE ITEM TO CHECK THE SERIAL NUMBER. Check the make, model and S/N of each recorded item that is installed against the ORMS installed equipment list for this aircraft. Contact CAP/LGM to have discrepancies updated.6.Misc Aircraft Information. Inspect aircraft to see if each requested item is installed and indicate the aircraft’s condition in the space provided. Record the Garmin system ID (if applicable), if more than one type MFD is installed then both system IDs should be recorded I.E. G500 and a GTN650 in the same aircraft.Most of the items on the checklist are self-explanatory. The dates and times for the aircraft annual, 100-hour inspections, and oil changes should be in the aircraft logbooks. Tach times should be used to determine when maintenance actions are required and time change items are due replacement.POC for this checklist is CAP/LGM, Maxwell AFB AL, 334-953-9096.。

FDA cGMPs 211.165,211.194

FDA cGMPs 211.165,211.194

§211.165 Testing and release for distribution.(a) For each batch of drug product, there shall be appropriate laboratory determination of satisfactory conformance to final specifications for the drug product, including the identity and strength of each active ingredient, prior to release. Where sterility and/or pyrogen testing are conducted on specific batches of shortlived radiopharmaceuticals, such batches may be released prior to completion of sterility and/or pyrogen testing, provided such testing is completed as soon as possible.(b) There shall be appropriate laboratory testing, as necessary, of each batch of drug product required to be free of objectionable microorganisms.(c) Any sampling and testing plans shall be described in written procedures that shall include the method of sampling and the number of units per batch to be tested; such written procedure shall be followed.(d) Acceptance criteria for the sampling and testing conducted by the quality control unit shall be adequate to assure that batches of drug products meet each appropriate specification and appropriate statistical quality control criteria as a condition for their approval and release. The statistical quality control criteria shall include appropriate acceptance levels and/or appropriate rejection levels.(e) The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of test methods employed by the firm shall be established and documented. Such validation and documentation may be accomplished in accordance with §211.194(a)(2).(f) Drug products failing to meet established standards or specifications and any other relevant quality control criteria shall be rejected. Reprocessing may be performed. Prior to acceptance and use, reprocessed material must meet appropriate standards, specifications, and any other relevant criteria.§211.194 Laboratory records.(a) Laboratory records shall include complete data derived from all tests necessary to assure compliance with established specifications and standards, including examinations and assays, as follows:(1) A description of the sample received for testing with identification of source (that is, location from where sample was obtained), quantity, lot number or other distinctive code, date sample was taken, and date sample was received for testing.(2) A statement of each method used in the testing of the sample. The statement shall indicate the location of data that establish that the methods used in the testing of the samplemeet proper standards of accuracy and reliability as applied to the product tested. (If the method employed is in the current revision of the United States Pharmacopeia, National Formulary, AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Book of Methods,1 or in other recognized standard references, or is detailed in an approved new drug application and the referenced method is not modified, a statement indicating the method and reference will suffice). The suitability of all testing methods used shall be verified under actual conditions of use.1Copies may be obtained from: AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 481 North Frederick Ave., suite 500, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.(3) A statement of the weight or measure of sample used for each test, where appropriate.(4) A complete record of all data secured in the course of each test, including all graphs, charts, and spectra from laboratory instrumentation, properly identified to show the specific component, drug product container, closure, in-process material, or drug product, and lot tested.(5) A record of all calculations performed in connection with the test, including units of measure, conversion factors, and equivalency factors.(6) A statement of the results of tests and how the results compare with established standards of identity, strength, quality, and purity for the component, drug product container, closure, in-process material, or drug product tested.(7) The initials or signature of the person who performs each test and the date(s) the tests were performed.(8) The initials or signature of a second person showing that the original records have been reviewed for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with established standards.(b) Complete records shall be maintained of any modification of an established method employed in testing. Such records shall include the reason for the modification and data to verify that the modification produced results that are at least as accurate and reliable for the material being tested as the established method.(c) Complete records shall be maintained of any testing and standardization of laboratory reference standards, reagents, and standard solutions.(d) Complete records shall be maintained of the periodic calibration of laboratory instruments, apparatus, gauges, and recording devices required by §211.160(b)(4).(e) Complete records shall be maintained of all stability testing performed in accordance with §211.166.[43 FR 45077, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 55 FR 11577, Mar. 29, 1990; 65 FR 18889, Apr. 10, 2000;70 FR 40880, July 15, 2005; 70 FR 67651, Nov. 8, 2005]。

A-T CONTROLS INC Fitting Series FFTM3 FFTM3C 商品说明书

A-T CONTROLS INC Fitting Series FFTM3 FFTM3C 商品说明书

9410 - 20 Ave N.W.Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6N 0A4Tel: (780) 437-9100 / Fax: (780) 437-7787June 10, 2021SERIES FFTM3/FFTM3C VALVESTORONTO, ON M9W 6N9345 CARLINGVIEW DRIVE CRN :Drawing No. :Accepted on:0C23177.52Reg Type:NEW DESIGNApril 13, 2031June 10, 2021Design registered in the name of : A-T CONTROLS INCExpiry Date:SCOPE OF REGISTRATION Fitting type:Attention:The design submission, tracking number 2021-02872, originally received on May 26, 2021 was surveyed and accepted for registration as follows:Sincerely,DICK, ASHLING, P. Eng.TECHNICAL STANDARDS & SAFETY AUTHORITY Tanya FrancisIf you have any question don't hesitate to contact me by phone at (780) 433-0281 ext 3337 or fax (780)****************************.The registration is conditional on your compliance with the following notes:** This registration covers only those valves that are in strict compliance with ASME B16.34, with respect to dimensions, pressure and temperature ratings, materials, markings etc ** See attached Scope of Registration, and a List of Plant SitesAs indicated on AB-41 Statutory Declaration form and submitted documentation, the code of construction is B16.34.- It is our understanding that the fitting(s), included as the scope of this submission, that is(are) subject to the Safety Codes Act shall comply with the requirements of the indicated Standard or Code of Construction on the AB-41 Statutory Declaration as supported by the attached data which identifies the dimensions, materials of construction, press./temp. ratings and the basis for such ratings, and the identification marking of the fittings.- This registration is valid only for fittings fabricated at the location(s) covered by the QC certificate attached to the accepted AB-41 Statutory Declaration form.- This registration is valid only until the indicated expiry date and only if the Manufacturer maintains a valid quality management system approved by an acceptable third-party agency until that date.- Should the approval of the quality management system lapse before the expiry date indicated above, this registration shall become void.DOP Cert. No. D0*******An invoice covering survey and registration fees will be forwarded from our Revenue Accounts.Page 1 of 12021-02872**** Ball Valves Series FFTM3/FFTM3C Class 150, 300 & 600** See attached Scope of Registration and List of Plant SitesABSASAFETY CODES ACT - PROVINCE OF ALBERTASee acceptance letter for conditions of registration.ASHLING DICK, P . Eng.2021-06-10Date:By:This stamp and signature have been affixed electronically to this registered design as required by Section 20(1) of the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation, in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act.2021-02872ACCEPTED:0C23177.520C23177.5Technical Standards and Safety Authority Boilers and Pressure Vessels SafetyProgramTHIS IS PART OF CRNABSASAFETY CODES ACT - PROVINCE OF ALBERTASee acceptance letter for conditions of registration.ASHLING DICK, P . Eng.2021-06-10Date:By:This stamp and signature have been affixed electronically to this registered design as required by Section 20(1) of the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation, in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act.2021-02872ACCEPTED:0C23177.520C23177.5Technical Standards and Safety Authority Boilers and Pressure Vessels SafetyProgramTHIS IS PART OF CRNBody Materials: ASTM A216 WCB & A351 CF8MABSASAFETY CODES ACT - PROVINCE OF ALBERTASee acceptance letter for conditions of registration.ASHLING DICK, P . Eng.2021-06-10Date:By:This stamp and signature have been affixed electronically to this registered design as required by Section 20(1) of the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation, in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act.2021-02872ACCEPTED:0C23177.520C23177.5Technical Standards and Safety Authority Boilers and Pressure Vessels SafetyProgramTHIS IS PART OF CRNABSASAFETY CODES ACT - PROVINCE OF ALBERTASee acceptance letter for conditions of registration.ASHLING DICK, P . Eng.2021-06-10Date:By:This stamp and signature have been affixed electronically to this registered design as required by Section 20(1) of the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation, in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act.2021-02872ACCEPTED:0C23177.52April 13, 2021A-T CONTROLS INC9955 INTERNATIONAL BLVDCINCINNATI OH 45246USWorkorder Type: Registration - Fitting(Conventional)Workorder No: 8005180Your Reference No.:Registered to: A-T CONTROLS INCDear PETE VEZEY,Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is pleased to inform you that your submission has been reviewed and registered as follows:CRN : 0C23177.5Main Design No.: Ball Valves Series FFTM3/FFTM3C Class 150, 300 & 600 - See Scope of Registration & List of Plant SitesExpiry Date: Apr 13, 2031Please be advised that a valid quality control system must be maintained for the fitting registration to remain valid until the expiry date.The stamped copy of the approved registration and the invoice are mailed separately (There will be no hard copies for electronic submissions). Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact a CustomerServiceAdvisorat1.877.682.TSSA(8772)*********************************.Wewillbehappyto assist you. When contacting TSSA regarding this file, please refer to the Service Request number provided above.Yours truly,Wendy DuEngineer, BPVTel. : +1 416-734-3566Email:************Date:C.R.N.:April 13, 2021.0C23177.5Technical Standards and Safety AuthorityBoilers andPressure Vessels Safety ProgramREGISTEREDSigned:- See stamped Scope of Registration & List of Plant SitesApril 13, 20310C23177.5Technical Standards and Safety Authority Boilers and Pressure Vessels SafetyProgramTHIS IS PART OF CRNBody Materials: ASTM A216 WCB & A351 CF8MTHIS IS PART OF CRN 0C23177.5Technical Standards and Safety Authority Boilers and Pressure Vessels SafetyProgramDate:Account #:Journal #:35231June 18, 202178138TECHNICAL STANDARDS & SAFETY AUTHORITY 345 CARLINGVIEW DRIVE TORONTO ON M9W 6N9TSSAApplication for Design RegistrationThe design, as detailed in your, 0C23177.5 - A-T CONTROLS INC, for a Fitting is accepted for registration as follows:A-T CONTROLS, INC.CRN:0C23177.51Registered To:Drawing #:Scope of Registration Drawing Revision:N/ARe:Attn:Reviewer's Notes:Scope of Registration: Ball Valves Series FFTM3/FFTM3C Class 150, 300 & 600 - See Scope of Registration &List of Plant SitesAs required by CSA B51 4.2.1, this registration expires on 13-Apr-2031. This CRN is valid until the expiry date as long as the Manufacturer maintains a valid quality control program verified by an acceptable third-party agency until that date. Should the certification of the quality control program lapse before the expiry date, this registration shall become void. Any additional conditions of registration stated in TSSA CRN# 0C23177.5 registration shall apply to BC registration.This design was registered based on a technical review performed by the province of initial registration in accordance with the Association of Chief Inspectors policy on reciprocal recognition of design review.Contact me if you have any questions. The invoice for registration will be forwarded under separate :Emilia Tam*******************************Design AdministrationInspection and Technical ServicesMunicipal Relations508-401York AveWinnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3C 0P8T 204-945-3373 F June 2021TSSA345 Carlingview DriveToronto, ON M9W 6N9Dear Tanya FrancisRe: Reciprocal CRN Registration in ManitobaYour application indicates that a CRN has been received in another Canadian Jurisdiction, and therefore your CRN has been registered in Manitoba as follows:File Number: 74-R1571CRN: 0C23177.54Scope: SOR: Ball Valve Series FFTM3 / FFTM3C Class 150, 300 & 600 and List of Plant Sites Manufacturer: A-T Controls IncExpiry Date: 13 April 2031Please find attached invoice for registration.As indicated by the Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table and the Reconciliation Agreement for the Canadian Registration Number (CRN) for Pressure Equipment, a CRN issued in any Canadian Jurisdiction will be accepted for use in Manitoba.In accordance with Steam and Pressure Plants Regulation and CSA B51, it is the manufacturer’s responsibility to file a Manufacturers Data Report, including partial data reports, with our office, prior to shipping pressure equipment to Manitoba.Please contact ****************.ca for any questions or concerns.Inspection and Technical ServicesMunicipal Relations508 - 401 York Avenue, Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0P8T (204) 945-3373 | F (204) 948-2089。

IBM SPSS Statistics Version 28 授权用户许可管理员指南说明书

IBM SPSS Statistics Version 28 授权用户许可管理员指南说明书
Installing the product on the local desktop computers..............................................................................1 Pushing an installation to Windows computers.....................................................................................2 Running a silent installation on macOS computers ..............................................................................6 Using licenseactivator............................................................................................................................ 6 License File............................................................................................................................................. 7
To push to the local desktops running Windows
Because IBM SPSS Statistics installations are compatible with Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI), you can push an installation to the end-user desktop computers.

EN 1999-45-EC

EN 1999-45-EC

Avis juridique important31999L0045Directive 1999/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 1999 concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions ofthe Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparationsOfficial Journal L 200 , 30/07/1999 P. 0001 - 0068DIRECTIVE 1999/45/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof 31 May 1999concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of theMember States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerouspreparationsTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article95 thereof,Having regard to the proposal of the Commission(1),Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee(2),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty(3),(1) Whereas Council Directive 88/379/EEC of 7 June 1988 on the approximation of the laws,regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification,packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations(4) has been amended on severaloccasions; whereas on the occasion of further amendments, the said Directive should, forreasons of clarity, be recast;(2) Whereas, in spite of Community provisions, the rules applying to certain dangerouspreparations in the Member States exhibit considerable differences as regards classification,packaging and labelling; whereas these differences constitute a barrier to trade, createunequal competition conditions and directly affect the functioning of the internal market;whereas it is therefore necessary to remove this barrier to trade by approximating therelevant legislation existing in the Member States;(3) Whereas measures for the approximation of the provisions of the Member States affectingthe establishment and functioning of the internal market must, in so far as they concernhealth, safety and protection of man and the environment, adopt a high level of protection asa basis; whereas this Directive must, at the same time, ensure protection for the generalpublic, and, in particular, persons who come into contact with dangerous preparations in thecourse of their work or in the pursuit of a hobby, protection for consumers and for theenvironment;(4) Whereas containers containing certain categories of dangerous preparations offered orsold to the general public must be fitted with child-resistant fastenings and/or carry a tactilewarning of danger; whereas certain preparations not falling within these categories of dangermay nevertheless, owing to their composition, present a danger for children; whereas thepackaging of such preparations should therefore be equipped with child-resistant fastenings;(5) Whereas it is necessary to provide concentration limits expressed as a volume/volumepercentage in the case of preparations marketed in gaseous form;(6) Whereas this Directive contains special labelling provisions applicable to certainpreparations; whereas, to ensure an adequate level of protection for man and theenvironment, special labelling provisions must also be introduced for certain preparationswhich, although not dangerous within the meaning of this Directive, may neverthelesspresent a danger to the user;(7) Whereas on 30 April 1992 the Council adopted Directive 92/32/EEC amending for the seventh time Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances(5); whereas on 27 April 1993 the Commission adopted Directive 93/21/EEC(6) adapting to technical progress for the 18th time Council Directive 67/548/EEC; whereas new criteria developed for classifying and labelling substances dangerous for the environment were introduced by those Directives, together with the appropriate symbols, indications of danger, risk phrases and safety advice required to appear on labelling; whereas provisions should be adopted at Community level on the classification and labelling of preparations to take account of their effects on the environment and whereas it is therefore necessary to introduce a method for assessing the hazards of a given preparation for the environment either by a calculation method, or by determining the ecotoxicological properties by test methods under certain conditions;(8) Whereas the number of animals used for experiments should be reduced to a minimum, in accordance with the provisions of Council Directive 86/609/EEC of 24 November 1986 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes(7); whereas Article 7(2) of that Directive stipulates that an experiment shall not be performed if another scientifically satisfactory method of obtaining the results sought, not entailing the use of an animal, is reasonably and practically available; whereas, therefore, this Directive makes use of the results of assessments of toxicological and ecotoxicological properties only when these are already known and entails no obligation to conduct further experiments on animals;(9) Whereas it is necessary to define what human experience might be considered for the evaluation of the health hazards of a preparation; whereas, if clinical studies may be accepted, it is taken as given that such studies comply with the Helsinki Declaration and OECD Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice;(10) Whereas the characteristics of alloys are such that it may not be possible accurately to determine their properties using currently available conventional methods; whereas it is therefore necessary to develop a specific method of classification which takes into account their particular chemical properties; whereas the Commission, in consultation with Member States, will examine this need and submit a proposal, if appropriate, before the implementation date of this Directive;(11) Whereas classification, packaging and labelling of plant protection products covered by Council Directive 78/631/EEC of 26 June 1978 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations (pesticides)(8) need to be revised taking into account technical and scientific developments as well as regulatory developments following implementation of Council Directive 91/414/EEC of 15 July 1991 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market(9);(12) Whereas Directive 91/414/EEC and Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 1998 concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market (10), in contrast to the provisions applicable to chemical preparations covered by this Directive, provide for an authorisation procedure for each product on the basis of a dossier presented by the applicant and an assessment carried out by the competent authority in each Member State; whereas furthermore that authorisation procedure includes a control relating specifically to the classification, packaging and labelling of each product before it is placed on the market; whereas it is appropriate, as part of a clear and transparent information process, to classify and label plant protection products according to the provisions of this Directive, and also to provide instructions for use in accordance with the results of the evaluation carried out in the framework of Directive 91/414/EEC and to ensure that the labelling satisfies the high level of protection sought by both this Directive and Directive 91/414/EEC; whereas, in addition, a safety data sheet has to be established for plant protectioon products in accordance with this Directive;(13) Whereas it is appropriate to provide, in relation to environmental labelling, that specific exemptions or specific provisions may be decided upon in specific cases where it can be demonstrated that the overall environmental impact of the product types in question is lower than that of corresponding product types;(14) Whereas, although munitions are not covered by this Directive, explosives marketed to produce an explosive or pyrotechnic effect may, through their chemical composition, present dangers to health; whereas it is therefore necessary as part of a transparent informationprocess to classify them and assign to them a safety data sheet in accordance with the provisions of this Directive and also to label them in accordance with the international rules used for the transport of dangerous goods;(15) Whereas, in order to take account of certain preparations which, although they are not considered dangerous under this Directive, may nevertheless present a danger for users, it is necessary to extend certain provisions of this Directive to cover such preparations;(16) Whereas the label constitutes a basic tool for users of the dangerous preparations in so far as it provides them with the initial essential concise information; whereas it nevertheless needs to be supplemented by a two-fold system of more detailed information, consisting firstly of the safety data sheet, intended for professional users as defined by Commission Directive 91/155/EEC of 5 March 1991 defining and laying down the detailed arrangements for the system of specific information relating to dangerous preparations in implementation of Article 10 of Directive 88/379/EEC(11) and secondly of the bodies appointed by the Member States which are responsible for the provision of information solely for medical purposes, both preventive and curative;(17) Whereas, on the basis of information to be supplied by the Member States and the various parties concerned, the Commission will submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council within two years of the entry into force of this Directive on experience with the present overall approach to labelling of dangerous preparations and in particular on its understanding and application by users, experience with publicity campaigns and educational and training programmes; whereas, on the basis of this report, the Commission will, if appropriate, submit the necessary proposals;(18) Whereas it is necessary to require safety data sheets providing proportionate information on the dangers to man and the environment arising from preparations not classified as dangerous within the meaning of this Directive but containing substances classified as dangerous or having a Community exposure limit; whereas the Commission, on the basis of information submitted by Member States, will review Directive 91/155/EEC and submit proposals, if appropriate, before the expiry of the date for implementation of this Directive; (19) Whereas, in the case of preparations classified as dangerous within the meaning of this Directive, it is appropriate to permit Member States to allow certain derogations with respect to labelling where the packaging is too small, or otherwise unsuitable for labelling, or where such small packaging or such small quantities are involved that there is no reason to fear any danger to man or the environment; whereas in such cases appropriate consideration should also be given to the approximation of the relevant provisions at Community level; whereas the Commission will therefore examine the needs for harmonisation and, if appropriate, submit proposals;(20) Whereas the confidentiality of certain substances contained in the preparations should be guaranteed and whereas it is therefore necessary to institute a system which allows the person responsible for placing the preparation on the market to request confidentiality for such substances;(21) Whereas the provisions of this Directive will have regard to the commitment entered into by the Community and its Member States, in accordance with the goals for sustainable development set under Agenda 21, Chapter 19, at the UNCED conference held in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, to strive for the future harmonisation of systems for the classification of dangerous substances and preparations;(22) Whereas the Commission should be given the powers necessary to adapt all the Annexes to this Directive to technical progress;(23) Whereas the adoption of this Directive should not affect the obligations of the Member States concerning the deadlines for transposition into national law and for application of the Directives indicated in Annex VIII;(24) Whereas the Directives indicated in Annex VIII should be repealed, subject to certain conditions; whereas the conditions for repealing the Directives indicated in Annex VIII should be specified for Austria, Finland and Sweden in order to take account of the present level of their legislation, in particular as regards the protection of health and the protection of the environment,HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article 1Objectives and scope1. This Directive aims at the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to:- the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations, and to- the approximation of specific provisions for certain preparations which may present hazards, whether or not they are classified as dangerous within the meaning of this Directive,when such preparations are placed on the market of the Member States.2. This Directive shall apply to preparations which:- contain at least one dangerous substance within the meaning of Article 2,and- are considered dangerous within the meaning of Article 5, 6 or 7.3. The specific provisions set out:- in Article 9 and defined in Annex IV,- in Article 10 and defined in Annex V, and- in Article 14shall also apply to preparations which are not considered dangerous within the meaning of Articles 5, 6 or 7 but may nevertheless present a specific hazard.4. Without prejudice to Directive 91/414/EEC, the articles on classification, packaging, labelling and safety data sheets of this Directive shall apply to plant protection products.5. This Directive shall not apply to the following preparations in the finished state, intended for the final user:(a) medicinal products for human or veterinary use, as defined in Directive 65/65/EEC(12);(b) cosmetic products as defined in Directive 76/768/EEC(13);(c) mixtures of substances which, in the form of waste, are covered by Directives 75/442/EEC(14) and 78/319/EEC(15);(d) foodstuffs;(e) animal feedingstuffs;(f) preparations containing radioactive substances as defined by Directive 80/836/Euratom(16);(g) medical devices which are invasive or used in direct physical contact with the human body in so far as Community measures lay down provisions for the classification and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations which ensure the same level of information provision and protection as this Directive.6. This Directive shall not apply to:- the carriage of dangerous preparations by rail, road, inland waterway, sea or air,- preparations in transit which are under customs supervision, provided they do not undergo any treatment or processing.Article 2Definitions1. For the purposes of this Directive:(a) "substances" means chemical elements and their compounds in the natural state or obtained by any production process, including any additive necessary to preserve the stability of the products and any impurity deriving from the process used, but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of the substance or changing its composition;(b) "preparations" means mixtures or solutions composed of two or more substances;(c) "polymer" means a substance consisting of molecules characterised by the sequence of one or more types of monomer units and comprising a simple weight majority of molecules containing at least three monomer units which are covalently bound to at least one other monomer unit or other reactant and consists of less than a simple weight majority of molecules of the same molecular weight. Such molecules must be distributed over a range of molecular weights wherein differences in the molecular weight are primarily attributable to differences in the number of monomer units. In the context of this definition a "monomerunit" means the reacted form of a monomer in a polymer;(d) (...);(e) "placing on the market" means making available to third parties. Importation into the Community customs territory shall be deemed to be placing on the market for the purposes of this Directive;(f) "scientific research and development" means scientific experimentation, analysis or chemical research carried out under controlled conditions; it includes the determination of intrinsic properties, performance and efficacy as well as scientific investigation related to product development;(g) "process-orientated research and development" means the further development of a substance in the course of which pilot plant or production trials are used to test the fields of application of the substance;(h) "Einecs" means the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances. This inventory contains the definitive list of all chemical substances deemed to be on the Community market on 18 September 1981.2. The following are "dangerous" within the meaning of this Directive:(a) explosive substances and preparations: solid, liquid, pasty or gelatinous substances and preparations which may also react exothermically without atmospheric oxygen thereby quickly evolving gases, and which, under defined test conditions, detonate, quickly deflagrate or upon heating explode when partially confined;(b) oxidising substances and preparations: substances and preparations which give rise to a highly exothermic reaction in contact with other substances, particularly flammable substances;(c) extremely flammable substances and preparations: liquid substances and preparations having an extremely low flash-point and a low boiling-point and gaseous substances and preparations which are flammable in contact with air at ambient temperature and pressure; (d) highly flammable substances and preparations:- substances and preparations which may become hot and finally catch fire in contact with air at ambient temperature without any application of energy, or- solid substances and preparations which may readily catch fire after brief contact with a source of ignition and which continue to burn or to be consumed after removal of the source of ignition, or- liquid substances and preparations having a very low flash-point, or- substances and preparations which, in contact with water or damp air, evolve extremely flammable gases in dangerous quantities;(e) flammable substances and preparations: liquid substances and preparations having a low flash-point;(f) very toxic substances and preparations: substances and preparations which in very low quantities cause death or acute or chronic damage to health when inhaled, swallowed or absorbed via the skin;(g) toxic substances and preparations: substances and preparations which in low quantities cause death or acute or chronic damage to health when inhaled, swallowed or absorbed via the skin;(h) harmful substances and preparations: substances and preparations which may cause death or acute or chronic damage to health when inhaled, swallowed or absorbed via the skin;(i) corrosive substances and preparations: substances and preparations which may, on contact with living tissues, destroy them;(j) irritant substances and preparations: non-corrosive substances and preparations which, through immediate, prolonged or repeated contact with the skin or mucous membrane, may cause inflammation;(k) sensitising substances and preparations: substances and preparations which, if they are inhaled or if they penetrate the skin, are capable of eliciting a reaction of hypersensitisation such that on further exposure to the substance of preparation, characteristic adverse effects are produced;(l) carcinogenic substances and preparations: substances or preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may induce cancer or increase its incidence; (m) mutagenic substances and preparations: substances and preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may induce heritable genetic defects or increase their incidence;(n) substances and preparations which are toxic for reproduction: substances and preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may produce, or increase the incidence of, non-heritable adverse effects in the progeny and/or an impairment of male or female reproductive functions or capacity;(o) substances and preparations which are dangerous for the environment: substances and preparations which, were they to enter the environment, would or could present an immediate or delayed danger for one or more components of the environment.Article 3Determination of dangerous properties of preparations1. The evaluation of the hazards of a preparation shall be based on the determination of:- physico-chemical properties,- properties affecting health,- environmental properties.These different properties shall be determined in accordance with the provisions laid down in Articles 5, 6 and 7.Where laboratory tests are conducted, they shall be carried out on the preparation as placed on the market.2. Where the determination of dangerous properties is carried out in accordance with Articles 5, 6 and 7, all dangerous substances within the meaning of Article 2 and in particular those which:- are listed in Annex I to Directive 67/548/EEC,- are listed in Elincs in accordance with Article 21 of Directive 67/548/EEC,- are classified and labelled provisionally by the person responsible for the placing on the market in accordance with Article 6 of Directive 67/548/EEC,- are classified and labelled in accordance with Article 7 of Directive 67/548/EEC and are not yet included in Elincs,- are covered by Article 8 of Directive 67/548/EEC,- are classified and labelled in accordance with Article 13 of Directive 67/548/EEC,shall be taken into consideration in accordance with the provisions laid down in the method used.3. For preparations covered by this Directive, dangerous substances as referred to in paragraph 2 which are classified as dangerous on the basis of their health and/or environmental effects, whether they are present as impurities or additives, shall be taken into consideration when their concentrations are equal to, or greater than, those defined in the following table unless lower values are given in Annex I to Directive 67/548/EEC, or in Part B of Annex II to this Directive or in Part B of Annex III thereto, unless otherwise specified in Annex V to this Directive.>TABLE>Article 4General principles of classification and labelling1. The classification of dangerous preparations according to the degree and specific nature of the hazards involved shall be based on the definitions of categories of danger laid down in Article2.2. The general principles of the classification and labelling of preparations shall be applied in accordance with the criteria laid down in Annex VI to Directive 67/548/EEC, save where alternative criteria referred to in Article 5, 6, 7 or 10 and the relevant Annexes of this Directive are applied.Article 5Evaluation of the hazards deriving from physico-chemical properties1. The hazards of a preparation deriving from its physico-chemical properties shall be assessed by determining, by means of the methods specified in Part A of Annex V to Directive 67/548/EEC, the physico-chemical properties of the preparation necessary for appropriate classification and labelling in accordance with the criteria laid down in Annex VI to that Directive.2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1:the determination of the explosive, oxidising, extremely flammable, highly flammable, or flammable properties is not necessary provided that:- none of the constituents possesses such properties and that, on the basis of the information available to the manufacturer, the preparation is unlikely to present hazards of this kind,- in the event of a change in the composition of a preparation of known composition, scientific evidence indicates that a reassessment of the hazards will not lead to a change in classification,- preparations placed on the market in the form of aerosols satisfy the provisions of Article 9a of Directive 75/324/EEC(17).3. For certain cases for which the methods laid down in Part A of Annex V to Directive67/548/EEC are not appropriate, alternative calculation methods are laid down in Part B of Annex I to this Directive.4. Certain exemptions from the application of the methods laid down in Part A of Annex V to Directive 67/548/EEC are referred to in Part A of Annex I to this Directive.5. The hazards deriving from the physico-chemical properties of a preparation covered by Directive 91/414/EEC shall be assessed by determining the physico-chemical properties of the preparation necessary for appropriate classification in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex VI to Directive 67/548/EEC. These properties shall be determined by means of the methods laid down in Part A of Annex V to Directive 67/548/EEC unless other internationally recognised methods are acceptable in accordance with the provisions of Annexes II and III to Directive 91/414/EEC.Article 6Evaluation of health hazards1. The health hazards of a preparation shall be assessed by one or more of the following procedures:(a) by a conventional method described in Annex II;(b) by determining the toxicological properties of the preparation necessary for appropriate classification in accordance with the criteria in Annex VI to Directive 67/548/EEC. These properties shall be determined by means of the methods laid down in Part B of Annex V to Directive 67/548/EEC, unless, in the case of plant protection products, other internationally recognised methods are acceptable in accordance with the provisions of Annexes II and III to Directive 91/414/EEC.2. Without prejudice to the requirements of Directive 91/414/EEC, only where it can be scientifically demonstrated by the person responsible for placing the preparation on the market that the toxicological properties of the preparation cannot correctly be determined by the method outlined in paragraph 1(a), or on the basis of existing test results on animals, the methods outlined in paragraph 1(b) may be used, provided they are justified or specifically authorised under Article 12 of Directive 86/609/EEC.When a toxicological property is established by the methods outlined in paragraph 1(b) to obtain new data, the test shall be conducted in compliance with the principles of good laboratory practice provided for in Council Directive 87/18/EEC of 18 December 1986 on the harmonisation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of the principles of good laboratory practice and the verification of their applications for tests on chemical substances(18) and the provisions of Directive 86/609/EEC, in particular Articles 7 and 12 thereof.Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3, where a toxicological property has been established on the basis of both the methods outlined in paragraphs 1(a) and (b), the results from the methods outlined in paragraph 1(b) shall be used for classifying the preparation, except in the case of carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic effects for reproduction for which only the method。

Guideline for Structural Health Monitoring F08b

Guideline for Structural Health Monitoring F08b

SAMCO Final Report 2006 F08b Guideline for Structural Health Monitoring
1 2 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 4 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 Introduction........................................................................................ 5 Objectives and outline of the guideline............................................ 6 Analysis of actions ............................................................................ 7 Classification of actions ........................................................................7 Type of actions .........................................................................................7 Static loads.........................................................................................7 Dynamic loads....................................................................................7 Character of actions .................................................................................8 Dead loads .........................................................................................8 Live loads ...........................................................................................8 Loads and load effects .............................................................................8 Objectives and approach to action analysis ........................................8 Determination of actions based on dimension, duration and local effect .......................................................................................................9 Measurands for characterisation of actions ..............................................9 Determination of actions.........................................................................10 Monitoring pattern ............................................................................10 Wind loads .......................................................................................11 Wave loads and swell loads .............................................................11 Traffic loads......................................................................................11 Loading by displacements ................................................................12 Weight loads ....................................................................................12 Impact and collision loads; vibrations ...............................................12 Temperature loads ...........................................................................13 Effects caused by physical - chemical processes .............................13 Load combinations .................................................................................13 Use and analysis of measurement data..................................................14 Load models...........................................................................................14 Calibration of load models ................................................................15 Diagnostic of structures.................................................................. 16 Preamble ...............................................................................................16 Structural Condition Analysis .............................................................16 Description of design and construction of the structure...........................16 Determination of threshold values for position stability, serviceability and load bearing capacity.......................................................................17 Structural identification ...........................................................................18 Application of NDT techniques ...............................................................19 Steel structures ................................................................................19 Reinforced and prestressed structures .............................................19 Masonry structures...........................................................................20 Field tests...............................................................................................20



April 11, 2018IDx, LLC℅ Janice HoganRegulatory CounselHogan Lovells US LLP1735 Market Street, Suite 2300Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103Re: DEN180001Trade/Device Name: IDx-DRRegulation Number: 21 CFR 886.1100Regulation Name: Retinal diagnostic software deviceRegulatory Class: Class IIProduct Code: PIBDated: January 12, 2018Received: January 12, 2018Dear Janice Hogan:The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has completed its review of your De Novo request for classification of the IDx-DR, a prescription device under 21 CFR Part 801.109 with the following indications for use:IDx-DR is indicated for use by health care providers to automatically detect more than mild diabetic retinopathy (mtmDR) in adults diagnosed with diabetes who have not been previously diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy. IDx-DR is indicated for use with the Topcon NW400.FDA concludes that this device should be classified into Class II. This order, therefore, classifies the IDx-DR, and substantially equivalent devices of this generic type, into Class II under the generic name retinal diagnostic software device.FDA identifies this generic type of device as:Retinal diagnostic software device. A retinal diagnostic software device is a prescription software device that incorporates an adaptive algorithm to evaluate ophthalmic images for diagnosticscreening to identify retinal diseases or conditions.Section 513(f)(2) of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) was amended by section 607 of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) on July 9, 2012. This new law provides two options for De Novo classification. First, any person who receives a "not substantially equivalent" (NSE) determination in response to a 510(k) for a device that has not been previously classified under the Act may request FDA to make a risk-based classification of the device under section 513(a)(1) of U.S. Food & Drug Administration10903 New Hampshire AvenueSilver Spring, MD 20993the Act. On December 13, 2016, the 21st Century Cures Act removed a requirement that a De Novo request be submitted within 30 days of receiving an NSE determination. Alternatively, any person who determines that there is no legally marketed device upon which to base a determination of substantial equivalence may request FDA to make a risk-based classification of the device under section 513(a)(1) of the Act without first submitting a 510(k). FDA shall, within 120 days of receiving such a request, classify the device. This classification shall be the initial classification of the device. Within 30 days after the issuance of an order classifying the device, FDA must publish a notice in the Federal Register classifying the device type.On January 12, 2018, FDA received your De Novo requesting classification of the IDx-DR. The request was submitted under section 513(f)(2) of the FD&C Act. In order to classify the IDx-DR into class I or II, it is necessary that the proposed class have sufficient regulatory controls to provide reasonable assurance of the safety and effectiveness of the device for its intended use. After review of the information submitted in the De Novo request, FDA has determined that, for the previously stated indications for use, the IDx-DR can be classified in class II with the establishment of special controls for class II. FDA believes that class II (special) controls provide reasonable assurance of the safety and effectiveness of the device type. The identified risks and mitigation measures associated with the device type are summarized in the following table:In combination with the general controls of the FD&C Act, the retinal diagnostic software device is subject to the following special controls:1.Software verification and validation documentation, based on a comprehensive hazard analysis, mustfulfill the following:a.Software documentation must provide a full characterization of technical parameters of thesoftware, including algorithm(s).b.Software documentation must describe the expected impact of applicable image acquisitionhardware characteristics on performance and associated minimum specifications.c.Software documentation must include a cybersecurity vulnerability and management process toassure software functionality.d.Software documentation must include mitigation measures to manage failure of any subsystemcomponents with respect to incorrect patient reports and operator failures.2.Clinical performance data supporting the indications for use must be provided, including thefollowing:a.Clinical performance testing must evaluate sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, andnegative predictive value for each endpoint reported for the indicated disease or condition across the range of available device outcomes.b.Clinical performance testing must evaluate performance under anticipated conditions of use.c.Statistical methods must include the following:i.Where multiple samples from the same patient are used, statistical analysis must notassume statistical independence without adequate justification.ii.Statistical analysis must provide confidence intervals for each performance metric.d.Clinical data must evaluate the variability in output performance due to both the user and theimage acquisition device used.3. A training program with instructions on how to acquire and process quality images must be provided.4.Human factors validation testing that evaluates the effect of the training program on userperformance must be provided.5. A protocol must be developed that describes the level of change in device technical specificationsthat could significantly affect the safety or effectiveness of the device.beling must include:a.Instructions for use, including a description of how to obtain quality images and how deviceperformance is affected by user interaction and user training.b.The type of imaging data used, what the device outputs to the user, and whether the output isqualitative or quantitative.c.Warnings regarding image acquisition factors that affect image quality.d.Warnings regarding interpretation of the provided outcomes, including:i. A warning that the device is not to be used to screen for the presence of diseases orconditions beyond its indicated uses.ii. A warning that the device provides a screening diagnosis only and that it is critical that the patient be advised to receive follow-up care.iii. A warning that the device does not treat the screened disease.e. A summary of the clinical performance of the device for each output, with confidence intervals.f. A summary of the clinical performance testing conducted with the device, including a descriptionof the patient population and clinical environment under which it was evaluated.In addition, this is a prescription device and must comply with 21 CFR 801.109.Section 510(m) of the FD&C Act provides that FDA may exempt a class II device from the premarket notification requirements under section 510(k) of the FD&C Act, if FDA determines that premarket notification is not necessary to provide reasonable assurance of the safety and effectiveness of the device type. FDA has determined premarket notification is necessary to provide reasonable assurance of the safety and effectiveness of the device type and, therefore, the device is not exempt from the premarket notification requirements of the FD&C Act. Thus, persons who intend to market this device type must submit a premarket notification containing information on the retinal diagnostic software device they intend to market prior to marketing the device.Please be advised that FDA's decision to grant this De Novo request does not mean that FDA has made a determination that your device complies with other requirements of the FD&C Act or any Federal statutes and regulations administered by other Federal agencies. You must comply with all the FD&C Act's requirements, including, but not limited to: registration and listing (21 CFR Part 807); labeling (21 CFR Part 801); medical device reporting (reporting of medical device-related adverse events) (21 CFR 803); good manufacturing practice requirements as set forth in the quality systems (QS) regulation (21 CFR Part 820); and if applicable, the electronic product radiation control provisions (Sections 531-542 of the FD&C Act);21 CFR 1000-1050.A notice announcing this classification order will be published in the Federal Register. A copy of this order and supporting documentation are on file in the Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061, Rockville, MD 20852 and are available for inspection between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.As a result of this order, you may immediately market your device as described in the De Novo request, subject to the general control provisions of the FD&C Act and the special controls identified in this order. For comprehensive regulatory information about medical devices and radiation-emitting products, please see Device Advice (https:///MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/) and CDRH Learn (/Training/CDRHLearn). Additionally, you may contact the Division of Industry and Consumer Education (DICE) to ask a question about a specific regulatory topic. See the DICE website (/DICE) for more information or contact DICE by email (DICE@) or phone (1-800-638-2041 or 301-796-7100).If you have any questions concerning the contents of the letter, please contact Ronald Schuchard at 240-402-6129.Sincerely,Angela C. KruegerDeputy Director, Engineering and Science Review (Acting)Office of Device EvaluationCenter for Devices and Radiological Health Angela C. Krueger -S。

A maj-inv bijection for C_2 wr A_n

A maj-inv bijection for C_2 wr A_n

a rX iv:mat h /59239v2[mat h.CO]16O ct25A maj -inv BIJECTION FOR C 2≀A nDAN BERNSTEIN Abstract.We give a bijective proof of the MacMahon-type equidistribution over the group of signed even permutations C 2≀A n that was stated in [bin.11(2004)83].This is done by generalizing the bijection that was introduced in the bijective proof of the equidistribution over the alternating group A n in [Bernstein and Regev.S´e bin.53(2005)B53b]. 1.Introduction In [Mac13]MacMahon proved that two permutation statistics ,namely the length (or inversion number )and the major index ,are equidistributed over the symmetric group S n for every n >0(see also [Mac16]).The question of finding a bijective proof of this remarkable fact arose naturally.That open problem was finally solved by Foata [Foa68],who gave a canonical bijection on S n ,for each n ,that maps one statistic to the other.In [FS78],Foata and Sch¨u tzenberger proved a refinement by inverse descent classes of MacMahon’s theorem.The theorem has received many additional refinements and generalizations,including [Car54,Car75,GG79,Rei93,Kra95,AR01,RR04b,RR05,Sta05].In [ABR01],Adin,Brenti and Roichman gave an analogue of MacMahon’s theo-rem for the group of signed permutations B n =C 2≀S n .A refinement of that result by inverse descent classes appeared in [ABR05],and a bijective proof was given in [FH05].These results are the “signed”analogues of MacMahon’s theorem,its refinement by Foata and Sch¨u tzenberger and Foata’s bijection,respectively.The MacMahon equidistribution does not hold when the S n statistics are re-stricted to the alternating subgroups A n ⊂S n .However,in [RR04a],Regev and Roichman defined the ℓA (A -length ),rmaj A n (alternating reverse major index )and del A (A -delent number )statistics on A n ,and proved the following refined analogue of MacMahon’s theorem:Theorem 1.1(see [RR04a,Theorem 6.1(2)]).For every n >0,w ∈A n +1q ℓA (w )t del A (w )= w ∈A n +1q rmaj A n +1(w )t del A (w )=(1+2qt )(1+q +2q 2t )···(1+q +···+q n −2+2q n −1t ).A bijective proof was later given in [BR05]in the form of a mapping Ψ:A n +1→A n +1with the following properties.Theorem 1.2(see [BR05,Theorem 5.8]).(1)The mapping Ψis a bijectionof A n +1onto itself.(2)For every v ∈A n +1,rmaj A n +1(v )=ℓA (Ψ(v )).2DAN BERNSTEIN(3)For every v∈A n+1,del A(v)=del A(Ψ(v)).A“signed”analogue of the equidistribution over A n was given in[Ber04]bydefining theℓL(L-length)and nrmaj Ln (negative alternating reverse major index)statistics on the group of signed even permutations L n=C2≀A n⊂B n and proving the following.Proposition1.3(see[Ber04,Proposition4.1]).For every B⊆[n+1]{π∈L n+1|Neg(π−1)⊆B}q nrmaj L n+1(π)={π∈L n+1|Neg(π−1)⊆B}qℓL(π)= i∈B(1+q i)n−1 i=1(1+q+···+q i−1+2q i),where Neg(π−1)={−π(i)|1≤i≤n+1,π(i)<0}.The main result in this note is a bijective proof of Proposition1.3.It is accom-plished by defining a mappingΘ:L n+1→L n+1for every n>0and proving the following theorem.Theorem1.4(see Theorem4.2).The mappingΘis a bijection of L n+1onto itself, and for everyπ∈L n+1,nrmaj Ln+1(π)=ℓL(Θ(π))and Neg(π−1)=Neg(Θ(π)−1).The rest of this note is organized as follows:in Section2we introduce some definitions and notations and give necessary background.In Section3we review the definition of the bijectionΨand the Main Lemma of[Ber04],which gives a unique decomposition of elements of L n.In Section4we define the bijectionΘand prove the main result.2.Background and notation2.1.Notation.For an integer a≥0,let[a]={1,2,...,a}(where[0]=∅).LetC k be the cyclic group of order k,let S n be the symmetric group acting on1,...,n, and let A n⊂S n denote the alternating group.2.2.The symmetric group.Recall that S n is a Coxeter group of type A,itsCoxeter generators being the adjacent transpositions{s i}n−1i=1where s i:=(i,i+1).The defining relations are the Moore-Coxeter relations:s2i=1(1≤i≤n−1),(s i s i+1)3=1(1≤i<n−1),(s i s j)2=1(|i−j|>1).For every j>0,letR S j={1,s j,s j s j−1,...,s j s j−1···s1}⊆S j+1.Recall the following fact.Theorem 2.1(see[Gol93,pp.61–62]).Let w∈S n.Then there exist unique elements w j∈R S j,1≤j≤n−1,such that w=w1···w n−1.Thus,the presentation w=w1···w n−1is unique.Call that presentation the S-canonical presentation of w.A maj-inv BIJECTION FOR C2≀A n32.3.The hyperoctahedral group.The hyperoctahedral group B n:=C2≀S n is the group of all bijectionsσof{±1,±2,...,±n}to itself satisfyingσ(−i)=−σ(i), with function composition as the group operation.It is also known as the group of signed permutations.Forσ∈B n,we shall use window notation,writingσ=[σ1,...,σn]to mean that σ(i)=σi for i∈[n],and let Neg(σ):={i∈[n]|σ(i)<0}.B n is a Coxeter group of type B,generated by s1,...,s n−1together with an exceptional generator s0:=[−1,2,3,...,n](see[BB05,Section8.1]).In addition to the above relations between s1,...,s n−1,we have:s20=1,(s0s1)4=1,and s0s i=s i s0for all1<i<n.2.4.The alternating group.Let a i:=s1s i+1,1≤i≤n−1.Then the setA={a i}n−1i=1generates the alternating group A n+1.This generating set comesfrom[Mit01],where it is shown that the generators satisfy the relationsa31=1,a2i=1(1<i≤n−1),(a i a i+1)3=1(1≤i<n−1),(a i a j)2=1(|i−j|>1)(see[Mit01,Proposition2.5]).For every j>0,letR A j={1,a j,a j a j−1,...,a j···a2,a j···a2a1,a j···a2a−11}⊆A j+2(for example,R A3={1,a3,a3a2,a3a2a1,a3a2a−11}).One has the followingTheorem2.2(see[RR04a,Theorem3.4]).Let v∈A n+1.Then there exist unique elements v j∈R A j,1≤j≤n−1,such that v=v1···v n−1,and this presentation is unique.Call that presentation the A-canonical presentation of v.2.5.The group of signed even permutations.Our main result concerns the group L n:=C2≀A n.It is the subgroup of B n of index2containing the signed even permutations.For a more detailed discussion of L n,see[Ber04,Section3]2.6.B n,A n+1and L n+1statistics.Let r=x1x2...x m be an m-letter word ona linearly-ordered alphabet X.The inversion number of r is defined asinv(r):=#{1≤i<j≤m|x i>x j},its descent set is defined asDes(r):={1≤i<m|x i>x i+1},and its descent number asdes(r):=|Des(r)|.For example,with X=Z with the usual order on the integers,if r=3,−4,2,1,5,−6, then inv(r)=8,Des(r)={1,3,5}and des(r)=3.It is well known that if w∈S n then inv(w)=ℓS(w),whereℓS(w)is the length of w with respect to the Coxeter generators of S n,and that Des(w)=Des S(w):= {1≤i<n|ℓS(ws i)<ℓS(w)},which is the descent set of w in the Coxeter sense.Define the B-length ofσ∈B n in the usual way,i.e.,ℓB(σ)is the length ofσwith respect to the Coxeter generators of B n.4DAN BERNSTEINThe B -length can be computed in a combinatorial way as ℓB (σ)=inv(σ)+ i ∈Neg(σ−1)i (see,for example,[BB05,Section 8.1]).Given σ∈B n ,the B -delent number of σ,del B (σ),is defined as the number of left-to-right minima in σ,namelydel B (σ):=#{2≤j ≤n |σ(i )>σ(j )for all 1≤i <j }.For example,the left-to-right minima of σ=[5,−1,2,−3,4]are {2,4},so del B (σ)=2.The A -length statistic on A n +1was defined in [RR04a]as the length of the A -canonical presentation.Given v ∈A n +1,ℓA (v )can be computed directly as(1)ℓA (v )=ℓS (v )−del S (v )=inv(v )−del B (v )(see [RR04a,Proposition 4.4]).Definition 2.3(see [Ber04,Definition 3.15]).Let σ∈B n .Define the L -length of σby ℓL (σ)=ℓB (σ)−del B (σ)=inv(σ)−del B (σ)+ i ∈Neg(σ−1)i.Given π∈L n +1,letDes A (π):={1≤i ≤n −1|ℓL (πa i )≤ℓL (π)},rmaj L n +1(π):=i ∈Des A (π)(n −i ),andnrmaj L n +1(π):=rmaj L n +1(π)+i ∈Neg(π−1)i.For example,if π=[5,−1,2,−3,4]then Des A (π)={1,2},rmaj L 5(π)=5,and nrmaj L 5(π)=5+1+3=9.Remark 2.4.Restricted to A n +1,the rmaj L n +1statistic coincides with the rmaj A n +1statistic as defined in [RR04a]and used in Theorem 1.2.3.The bijection Ψand the decomposition lemma3.1.The Foata bijection.The second fundamental transformation on words Φwas introduced in [Foa68](for a full description,see [Lot83,Section 10.6]).It is defined on any finite word r =x 1x 2...x m whose letters x 1,...,x m belong to a totally ordered alphabet.Instead of the original recursive definition,we give the algorithmic description of Φfrom [FS78].Algorithm 3.1(Φ).Let r =x 1x 2...x m ;1.Let i :=1,r ′i :=x 1;2.If i =m ,let Φ(r ):=r ′i and stop;else continue;3.If the last letter of r ′i is less than or equal to (respectively greater than)x i +1,cut r ′i after every letter less than or equal to (respectively greater than)x i +1;4.In each compartment of r ′i determined by the previous cuts,move the last letter in the compartment to the beginning of it;let t ′i be the word obtained after all those moves;put r ′i +1:=t ′i x i +1;replace i by i +1and go to step 2.A maj-inv BIJECTION FOR C 2≀A n 53.2.The covering map f and its local inverses g u .Recall the S -and A -canonical presentations from Theorems 2.1and 2.2.The following covering map f ,which plays an important role in the construction of the bijection Ψ,relates between S n and A n +1by canonical presentations.Definition 3.2(see [RR04a,Definition 5.1]).Define f :R A j →R S j by(1)f (a j a j −1···a ℓ)=s j s j −1···s ℓif ℓ≥2,and (2)f (a j ···a 1)=f (a j ···a −11)=s j ···s 1.Now extend f :A n +1→S n as follows:let v ∈A n +1,v =v 1···v n −1its A -canonical presentation,thenf (v ):=f (v 1)···f (v n −1),which is clearly the S -canonical presentation of f (v ).In other words,given v ∈A n +1in canonical presentation v =a ǫ1i 1a ǫ2i 2···a ǫr i r ,we obtain f (v )simply by replacing each a by an s (and deleting the exponents):f (v )=s i 1s i 2···s i r .The following maps serve as “local inverses”of f .Definition 3.3.For u ∈A n +1with A -canonical presentation u =u 1u 2···u n −1,define g u :R S j →R A j byg u (s j s j −1···s ℓ)=a j a j −1···a ℓif ℓ≥2,and g u (s j s j −1···s 1)=u j .Now extend g u :S n →A n +1as follows:let w ∈S n ,w =w 1···w n −1its S -canonical presentation,theng u (w ):=g u (w 1)···g u (w n −1),which is clearly the A -canonical presentation of g u (w ).3.3.The bijection Ψ.Let w =x 1x 2...x m be an m -letter word on some alphabet X .Denote the reverse of w by r (w ):=x m x m −1...x 1,and let ←−Φ:=r Φr ,the right-to-left Foata transformation .Definition 3.4.Define Ψ:A n +1→A n +1by Ψ(v )=g v (←−Φ(f (v ))).That is,the image of v under Ψis obtained by applying ←−Φto f (v )in S n ,thenusing g v as an “inverse”of f in order to “lift”the result back to A n +1.Some of the key properties of Ψare given in Theorem decomposition lemma.Definition 3.5.Let r =x 1...x m be an m -letter word on a linearly-ordered al-phabet X .Define sort (r )to be the non-decreasing word with the letters of r .For example,with X =Z with the usual order on the integers,sort (−4,2,3,−5,1,2)=−5,−4,1,2,2,3.Definition 3.6.For π∈L n +1,define s (π)∈L n +1by s (π)= sort (π),if i ∈Neg(π−1)i is even;sort (π)s 1,otherwise .The following lemma gives a unique decomposition of every element in L n into a descent-free factor and a signless even factor.6DAN BERNSTEINLemma 3.7.For every π∈L n +1,the only σ∈L n +1such that σ−1π∈A n +1and des A (σ)=0is σ=s (π).Moreover,σ=s (π)and u =σ−1πsatisfy Des A (u )=Des A (π),inv(u )−del B (u )=inv(π)−del B (π),and Neg(π−1)=Neg(σ−1).See [Ber04,Lemma 4.6]for the proof.Corollary 3.8.If σ∈L n +1and des A (σ)=0,then for every u ∈A n +1,s (σu )=σ.4.The main resultDefinition 4.1.Define Θ:L n +1→L n +1for each n >0byΘ(π)=s (π)Ψ(s (π)−1π).Theorem 4.2.The mapping Θis a bijection of L n +1onto itself,and for every π∈L n +1,nrmaj L n +1(π)=ℓL (Θ(π))and Neg(π−1)=Neg(Θ(π)−1).Example 4.3.As an example,let π=[3,−6,−4,5,2,−1]∈L 6.We have Des A (π)={1,3,4}and therefore nrmaj L 6(π)=4+2+1+6+4+1=18.Since i ∈Neg(π−1)i =11is odd,we have σ:=s (π)=sort (π)s 1=[−4,−6,−1,2,3,5]and u :=σ−1π=[5,2,1,6,4,3].One can verify that the A -canonical presentation of u is u =(1)(a 2)(a 3a 2a −11)(a 4a 3),so f (u )=(1)(s 2)(s 3s 2s 1)(s 4s 3)=[4,1,5,3,2].Next we compute ←−Φ(f (u ))as follows:r :=r (f (u ))=[2,3,5,1,4].Applying Al-gorithm 3.1to r we getr ′1=2|r ′2=2|3|r ′3=2|3|5|r ′4=2|3|51|Φ(r )=r ′5=23154,so v :=←−Φ(f (u ))=[4,5,1,3,2],whose S -canonical presentation is v =(1)(s 2)(s 3s 2s 1)(s 4s 3s 2).Therefore Ψ(u )=g u (v )=(1)(a 2)(a 3a 2a −11)(a 4a 3a 2)=[2,5,6,1,4,3].Finally,Θ(π)=σΨ(u )=[−6,3,5,−4,2,−1],and indeed ℓL (Θ(π))=7−0+11=18=nrmaj L 6(π).Proof of Theorem 4.2.The bijectivity of Θfollows from the bijectivity of Ψto-gether with Corollary 3.8.Let π∈L n +1,σ=s (π)and u =σ−1π.By Definition 2.3,ℓL (Θ(π))=ℓL (σΨ(u ))=inv(σΨ(u ))−del B (σΨ(u ))+ i ∈Neg((σΨ(u ))−1)i.By Corollary 3.8and Lemma 3.7,inv(σΨ(u ))−del B (σΨ(u ))=inv(Ψ(u ))−del B (Ψ(u ))andNeg((σΨ(u ))−1)=Neg(σ−1)=Neg(π−1),soℓL (Θ(π))=inv(Ψ(u ))−del B (Ψ(u ))+ i ∈Neg(π−1)i.A maj-inv BIJECTION FOR C2≀A n7 By identity(1)and Theorem1.2,(u)= i∈Des A(u)i.inv(Ψ(u))−del B(Ψ(u))=ℓA(Ψ(u))=rmaj An+1(u)= Again by Lemma3.7,Des A(u)=Des A(π),whence by Remark2.4,rmaj An+1 rmaj L(π).Thusn+1(π)+ i∈Neg(π−1)i=nrmaj L n+1(π).ℓL(Θ(π))=rmaj Ln+1References[ABR01]Ron M.Adin,Francesco Brenti,and Yuval Roichman.Descent numbers and major indices for the hyperoctahedral Appl.Math.,27(2-3):210–224,2001. 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3GPP TS 36.521-1 V14.4.0 (2017-09)Technical Specification3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);User Equipment (UE) conformance specification;Radio transmission and reception;Part 1: Conformance Testing(Release 14)The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.KeywordsUMTS LTE3GPPPostal address3GPP support office address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16InternetCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© 2017, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC).All rights reserved.UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members a nd of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM AssociationContentsForeword (92)Introduction (92)1Scope (93)2References (94)3Definitions, symbols and abbreviations (96)3.1Definitions (96)3.2Symbols (98)3.3Abbreviations (100)4General (103)4.1Categorization of test requirements in CA, UL-MIMO, ProSe, Dual Connectivity, UE category 0, UEcategory M1, UE category 1bis, UE category NB1 and V2X Communication (104)4.2RF requirements in later releases (105)5Frequency bands and channel arrangement (106)5.1General (106)5.2Operating bands (106)5.2A Operating bands for CA (108)5.2B Operating bands for UL-MIMO (116)5.2C Operating bands for Dual Connectivity (116)5.2D Operating bands for ProSe (117)5.2E Operating bands for UE category 0 and UE category M1 (118)5.2F Operating bands for UE category NB1 (118)5.2G Operating bands for V2X Communication (118)5.3TX–RX frequency separation (119)5.3A TX–RX frequency separation for CA (120)5.4Channel arrangement (120)5.4.1Channel spacing (120)5.4.1A Channel spacing for CA (121)5.4.1F Channel spacing for UE category NB1 (121)5.4.2Channel bandwidth (121) bandwidths per operating band (122)5.4.2A Channel bandwidth for CA (124)5.4.2A.1Channel bandwidths per operating band for CA (126)5.4.2B Channel bandwidth for UL-MIMO (171)5.4.2B.1Channel bandwidths per operating band for UL- MIMO (171)5.4.2C Channel bandwidth for Dual Connectivity (171)5.4.2D Channel bandwidth for ProSe (171)5.4.2D.1Channel bandwidths per operating band for ProSe (171)5.4.2F Channel bandwidth for category NB1 (172)5.4.2G Channel bandwidth for V2X Communication (173)5.4.2G.1Channel bandwidths per operating band for V2X Communication (173)5.4.3Channel raster (174)5.4.3A Channel raster for CA (175)5.4.3F Channel raster for UE category NB1 (175)5.4.4Carrier frequency and EARFCN (175)5.4.4F Carrier frequency and EARFCN for category NB1 (177)6Transmitter Characteristics (179)6.1General (179)6.2Transmit power (180)6.2.1Void (180)6.2.2UE Maximum Output Power (180) purpose (180) description (182) condition (182) procedure (183) contents (183) requirements (183)6.2.2_1Maximum Output Power for HPUE (185)6.2.2_1.1Test purpose (185)6.2.2_1.2Test applicability (185)6.2.2_1.3Minimum conformance requirements (185)6.2.2_1.4Test description (185)6.2.2_1.5Test requirements (186)6.2.2A UE Maximum Output Power for CA (187)6.2.2A.0Minimum conformance requirements (187)6.2.2A.1UE Maximum Output Power for CA (intra-band contiguous DL CA and UL CA) (189)6.2.2A.1.1Test purpose (189)6.2.2A.1.2Test applicability (189)6.2.2A.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (189)6.2.2A.1.4Test description (189)6.2.2A.1.5Test Requirements (191)6.2.2A.2UE Maximum Output Power for CA (inter-band DL CA and UL CA) (192)6.2.2A.2.1Test purpose (192)6.2.2A.2.2Test applicability (192)6.2.2A.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (192)6.2.2A.2.4Test description (192)6.2.2A.2.5Test Requirements (194)6.2.2A.3UE Maximum Output Power for CA (intra-band non-contiguous DL CA and UL CA) (196)6.2.2A.4.1UE Maximum Output Power for CA (intra-band contiguous 3DL CA and 3UL CA) (196)6.2.2A.4.1.1Test purpose (196)6.2.2A.4.1.2Test applicability (196)6.2.2A.4.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (196)6.2.2A.4.1.4Test description (196)6.2.2A.4.1.5Test Requirements (198)6.2.2A.4.2UE Maximum Output Power for CA (inter-band 3DL CA and 3UL CA) (198)6.2.2A.4.2.1Test purpose (199)6.2.2A.4.2.2Test applicability (199)6.2.2A.4.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (199)6.2.2A.4.2.4Test description (199)6.2.2A.4.2.5Test Requirements (201)6.2.2B UE Maximum Output Power for UL-MIMO (201)6.2.2B.1Test purpose (201)6.2.2B.2Test applicability (202)6.2.2B.3Minimum conformance requirements (202)6.2.2B.4Test description (204)6.2.2B.4.1Initial condition (204)6.2.2B.4.2Test procedure (205)6.2.2B.4.3Message contents (205)6.2.2B.5Test requirements (205)6.2.2B_1HPUE Maximum Output Power for UL-MIMO (207)6.2.2B_1.1Test purpose (207)6.2.2B_1.2Test applicability (207)6.2.2B_1.3Minimum conformance requirements (207)6.2.2B_1.4Test description (207)6.2.2B_1.5Test requirements (208)6.2.2C 2096.2.2D UE Maximum Output Power for ProSe (209)6.2.2D.0Minimum conformance requirements (209)6.2.2D.1UE Maximum Output Power for ProSe Discovery (209)6.2.2D.1.1Test purpose (209)6.2.2D.1.2Test applicability (209)6.2.2D.1.3Minimum Conformance requirements (209)6.2.2D.2UE Maximum Output Power for ProSe Direct Communication (211)6.2.2D.2.1Test purpose (211)6.2.2D.2.2Test applicability (211)6.2.2D.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (211)6.2.2D.2.4Test description (211)6.2.2E UE Maximum Output Power for UE category 0 (212)6.2.2E.1Test purpose (212)6.2.2E.2Test applicability (212)6.2.2E.3Minimum conformance requirements (212)6.2.2E.4Test description (212)6.2.2E.4.3Message contents (213)6.2.2E.5Test requirements (213)6.2.2EA UE Maximum Output Power for UE category M1 (215)6.2.2EA.1Test purpose (215)6.2.2EA.2Test applicability (215)6.2.2EA.3Minimum conformance requirements (215)6.2.2EA.4Test description (216)6.2.2EA.4.3Message contents (217)6.2.2EA.5Test requirements (217)6.2.2F UE Maximum Output Power for category NB1 (218)6.2.2F.1Test purpose (218)6.2.2F.2Test applicability (218)6.2.2F.3Minimum conformance requirements (218)6.2.2F.4Test description (219)6.2.2F.4.1Initial condition (219)6.2.2F.4.2Test procedure (220)6.2.2F.4.3Message contents (220)6.2.2F.5Test requirements (220)6.2.2G UE Maximum Output Power for V2X Communication (221)6.2.2G.1UE Maximum Output Power for V2X Communication / Non-concurrent with E-UTRA uplinktransmission (221)6.2.2G.1.1Test purpose (221)6.2.2G.1.2Test applicability (221)6.2.2G.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (221)6.2.2G.1.4Test description (222)6.2.2G.1.4.1Initial conditions (222)6.2.2G.1.4.2Test procedure (222)6.2.2G.1.4.3Message contents (222)6.2.2G.1.5Test requirements (223)6.2.2G.2UE Maximum Output Power for V2X Communication / Simultaneous E-UTRA V2X sidelinkand E-UTRA uplink transmission (223)6.2.2G.2.1Test purpose (223)6.2.2G.2.2Test applicability (223)6.2.2G.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (223)6.2.2G.2.4Test description (224)6.2.2G.2.4.1Initial conditions (224)6.2.2G.2.4.2Test procedure (225)6.2.2G.2.4.3Message contents (226)6.2.2G.2.5Test requirements (226)6.2.3Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) (226) purpose (226) applicability (226) conformance requirements (227) description (227) condition (227) procedure (228) contents (228) requirements (229)6.2.3_1Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for HPUE (231)6.2.3_1.1Test purpose (231)6.2.3_1.4Test description (232)6.2.3_1.5Test requirements (232)6.2.3_2Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for Multi-Cluster PUSCH (232)6.2.3_2.1Test purpose (232)6.2.3_2.2Test applicability (232)6.2.3_2.3Minimum conformance requirements (233)6.2.3_2.4Test description (233)6.2.3_2.4.1Initial condition (233)6.2.3_2.4.2Test procedure (234)6.2.3_2.4.3Message contents (234)6.2.3_2.5Test requirements (234)6.2.3_3Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for UL 64QAM (235)6.2.3_3.1Test purpose (236)6.2.3_3.2Test applicability (236)6.2.3_3.3Minimum conformance requirements (236)6.2.3_3.4Test description (236)6.2.3_3.4.1Initial condition (236)6.2.3_3.4.2Test procedure (237)6.2.3_3.4.3Message contents (237)6.2.3_3.5Test requirements (238)6.2.3_4Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for Multi-Cluster PUSCH with UL 64QAM (240)6.2.3_4.1Test purpose (240)6.2.3_4.2Test applicability (240)6.2.3_4.3Minimum conformance requirements (240)6.2.3_4.4Test description (241)6.2.3_4.4.1Initial condition (241)6.2.3_4.4.2Test procedure (242)6.2.3_4.4.3Message contents (242)6.2.3_4.5Test requirements (242)6.2.3A Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for CA (243)6.2.3A.1Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for CA (intra-band contiguous DL CA and UL CA) (243)6.2.3A.1.1Test purpose (243)6.2.3A.1.2Test applicability (243)6.2.3A.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (244)6.2.3A.1.4Test description (245)6.2.3A.1.5Test Requirements (248)6.2.3A.1_1Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for CA (intra-band contiguous DL CA and UL CA) for UL64QAM (250)6.2.3A.1_1.1Test purpose (251)6.2.3A.1_1.2Test applicability (251)6.2.3A.1_1.3Minimum conformance requirements (251)6.2.3A.1_1.4Test description (252)6.2.3A.1_1.5Test requirement (254)6.2.3A.2Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for CA (inter-band DL CA and UL CA) (255)6.2.3A.2.1Test purpose (255)6.2.3A.2.2Test applicability (255)6.2.3A.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (255)6.2.3A.2.4Test description (256)6.2.3A.2.5Test Requirements (260)6.2.3A.2_1Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for CA (inter-band DL CA and UL CA) for UL 64QAM (263)6.2.3A.2_1.1Test purpose (263)6.2.3A.2_1.2Test applicability (263)6.2.3A.2_1.3Minimum conformance requirements (263)6.2.3A.2_1.4Test description (264)6.2.3A.2_1.5Test Requirements (266)6.2.3A.3Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for CA (intra-band non-contiguous DL CA and UL CA) (267)6.2.3A.3.1Test purpose (267)6.2.3A.3.2Test applicability (267)6.2.3A.3.3Minimum conformance requirements (268)6.2.3A.3.4Test description (268)6.2.3A.3_1Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for CA (intra-band non-contiguous DL CA and UL CA) forUL 64QAM (270)6.2.3A.3_1.1Test purpose (270)6.2.3A.3_1.2Test applicability (270)6.2.3A.3_1.3Minimum conformance requirements (270)6.2.3A.3_1.4Test description (271)6.2.3A.3_1.5Test Requirements (272)6.2.3B Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for UL-MIMO (272)6.2.3B.1Test purpose (272)6.2.3B.2Test applicability (272)6.2.3B.3Minimum conformance requirements (273)6.2.3B.4Test description (273)6.2.3B.4.1Initial condition (273)6.2.3B.4.2Test procedure (274)6.2.3B.4.3Message contents (275)6.2.3B.5Test requirements (275)6.2.3D UE Maximum Output Power for ProSe (277)6.2.3D.0Minimum conformance requirements (277)6.2.3D.1Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for ProSe Discovery (278)6.2.3D.1.1Test purpose (278)6.2.3D.1.2Test applicability (278)6.2.3D.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (278)6.2.3D.1.4Test description (278)6.2.3D.1.4.1Initial condition (278)6.2.3D.1.4.2Test procedure (279)6.2.3D.1.4.3Message contents (279)6.2.3D.1.5Test requirements (280)6.2.3D.2Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) ProSe Direct Communication (281)6.2.3D.2.1Test purpose (282)6.2.3D.2.2Test applicability (282)6.2.3D.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (282)6.2.3D.2.4Test description (282)6.2.3D.2.4.1Initial conditions (282)6.2.3D.2.4.2Test procedure (282)6.2.3D.2.4.3Message contents (282)6.2.3D.2.5Test requirements (282)6.2.3E Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for UE category 0 (282)6.2.3E.1Test purpose (282)6.2.3E.2Test applicability (282)6.2.3E.3Minimum conformance requirements (282)6.2.3E.4Test description (282)6.2.3E.4.1Initial condition (282)6.2.3E.4.2Test procedure (283)6.2.3E.4.3Message contents (283)6.2.3E.5Test requirements (283)6.2.3EA Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for UE category M1 (284)6.2.3EA.1Test purpose (284)6.2.3EA.2Test applicability (284)6.2.3EA.3Minimum conformance requirements (284)6.2.3EA.4Test description (285)6.2.3EA.4.1Initial condition (285)6.2.3EA.4.2Test procedure (287)6.2.3EA.4.3Message contents (287)6.2.3EA.5Test requirements (287)6.2.3F Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for category NB1 (290)6.2.3F.1Test purpose (290)6.2.3F.2Test applicability (290)6.2.3F.3Minimum conformance requirements (290)6.2.3F.4Test description (291)6.2.3F.4.1Initial condition (291)6.2.3F.5Test requirements (292)6.2.3G Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for V2X communication (292)6.2.3G.1Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for V2X Communication / Power class 3 (293)6.2.3G.1.1Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for V2X Communication / Power class 3 / Contiguousallocation of PSCCH and PSSCH (293)6.2.3G.1.1.1Test purpose (293)6.2.3G.1.1.2Test applicability (293)6.2.3G.1.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (293)6.2.3G.1.1.4Test description (293)6.2.3G. condition (293)6.2.3G. procedure (294)6.2.3G. contents (294)6.2.3G.1.1.5Test Requirements (294)6.2.3G.1.2 2956.2.3G.1.3Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for V2X Communication / Power class 3 / SimultaneousE-UTRA V2X sidelink and E-UTRA uplink transmission (295)6.2.3G.1.3.1Test purpose (295)6.2.3G.1.3.2Test applicability (295)6.2.3G.1.3.3Minimum conformance requirements (295)6.2.3G.1.3.4Test description (295)6.2.3G. conditions (295)6.2.3G. procedure (296)6.2.3G. contents (297)6.2.3G.1.3.5Test requirements (297)6.2.4Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) (297) purpose (297) applicability (297) conformance requirements (298) description (310) condition (310) procedure (339) contents (339) requirements (344)6.2.4_1Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for HPUE (373)6.2.4_1.2Test applicability (374)6.2.4_1.3Minimum conformance requirements (374)6.2.4_1.4Test description (375)6.2.4_1.5Test requirements (376)6.2.4_2Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for UL 64QAM (378)6.2.4_2.1Test purpose (378)6.2.4_2.2Test applicability (378)6.2.4_2.3Minimum conformance requirements (378)6.2.4_2.4Test description (378)6.2.4_2.4.1Initial condition (378)6.2.4_2.4.2Test procedure (392)6.2.4_2.4.3Message contents (392)6.2.4_2.5Test requirements (392)6.2.4_3Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) with PUSCH frequency hopping (404)6.2.4_3.1Test purpose (404)6.2.4_3.2Test applicability (404)6.2.4_3.3Minimum conformance requirements (405)6.2.4_3.4Test description (405)6.2.4_3.5Test requirements (406)6.2.4A Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for CA (407)6.2.4A.1Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for CA (intra-band contiguous DL CA and ULCA) (407)6.2.4A.1.1Test purpose (407)6.2.4A.1.2Test applicability (407)6.2.4A.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (407)6.2.4A.1.3.5A-MPR for CA_NS_05 for CA_38C (411)6.2.4A.1.4Test description (413)6.2.4A.1.5Test requirements (419)6.2.4A.1_1Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for CA (intra-band contiguous DL CA and ULCA) for UL 64QAM (425)6.2.4A.1_1.1Test purpose (425)6.2.4A.1_1.2Test applicability (425)6.2.4A.1_1.3Minimum conformance requirements (426)6.2.4A.1_1.3.5A-MPR for CA_NS_05 for CA_38C (429)6.2.4A.1_1.3.6A-MPR for CA_NS_06 for CA_7C (430)6.2.4A.1_1.3.7A-MPR for CA_NS_07 for CA_39C (431)6.2.4A.1_1.3.8A-MPR for CA_NS_08 for CA_42C (432)6.2.4A.1_1.4Test description (432)6.2.4A.1_1.5Test requirements (437)6.2.4A.2Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for CA (inter-band DL CA and UL CA) (443)6.2.4A.2.1Test purpose (443)6.2.4A.2.2Test applicability (444)6.2.4A.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (444)6.2.4A.2.4Test description (444)6.2.4A.2.4.1Initial conditions (444)6.2.4A.2.4.2Test procedure (457)6.2.4A.2.4.3Message contents (458)6.2.4A.2.5Test requirements (461)6.2.4A.3Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for CA (intra-band non-contiguous DL CAand UL CA) (466)6.2.4A.3.1Minimum conformance requirements (466)6.2.4A.2_1Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for CA (inter-band DL CA and UL CA) forUL 64QAM (466)6.2.4A.2_1.1Test purpose (466)6.2.4A.2_1.2Test applicability (466)6.2.4A.2_1.3Minimum conformance requirements (467)6.2.4A.2_1.4Test description (467)6.2.4A.2_1.4.1Initial conditions (467)6.2.4A.2_1.4.2Test procedure (479)6.2.4A.2_1.4.3Message contents (480)6.2.4A.2_1.5Test requirements (480)6.2.4B Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for UL-MIMO (484)6.2.4B.1Test purpose (484)6.2.4B.2Test applicability (485)6.2.4B.3Minimum conformance requirements (485)6.2.4B.4Test description (485)6.2.4B.4.1Initial condition (485)6.2.4B.4.2Test procedure (508)6.2.4B.4.3Message contents (508)6.2.4B.5Test requirements (508)6.2.4E Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for UE category 0 (530)6.2.4E.1Test purpose (530)6.2.4E.2Test applicability (531)6.2.4E.3Minimum conformance requirements (531)6.2.4E.4Test description (531)6.2.4E.4.1Initial condition (531)6.2.4E.4.2Test procedure (535)6.2.4E.4.3Message contents (535)6.2.4E.5Test requirements (536)6.2.4EA Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for UE category M1 (542)6.2.4EA.1Test purpose (542)6.2.4EA.2Test applicability (542)6.2.4EA.3Minimum conformance requirements (543)6.2.4EA.4Test description (544)6.2.4EA.4.1Initial condition (544)6.2.4EA.4.2Test procedure (552)6.2.4G Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for V2X Communication (562)6.2.4G.1Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) for V2X Communication / Non-concurrentwith E-UTRA uplink transmissions (562)6.2.4G.1.1Test purpose (562)6.2.4G.1.2Test applicability (562)6.2.4G.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (563)6.2.4G.1.4Test description (563)6.2.4G.1.4.1Initial condition (563)6.2.4G.1.4.2Test procedure (564)6.2.4G.1.4.3Message contents (564)6.2.4G.1.5Test Requirements (564)6.2.5Configured UE transmitted Output Power (564) purpose (564) applicability (564) conformance requirements (564) description (594) conditions (594) procedure (595) contents (595) requirement (596)6.2.5_1Configured UE transmitted Output Power for HPUE (596)6.2.5_1.1Test purpose (596)6.2.5_1.2Test applicability (597)6.2.5_1.3Minimum conformance requirements (597)6.2.5_1.4Test description (597)6.2.5_1.4.1Initial conditions (597)6.2.5_1.4.2Test procedure (597)6.2.5_1.4.3Message contents (597)6.2.5_1.5Test requirement (598)6.2.5A Configured transmitted power for CA (599)6.2.5A.1Configured UE transmitted Output Power for CA (intra-band contiguous DL CA and UL CA) (599)6.2.5A.1.1Test purpose (599)6.2.5A.1.2Test applicability (599)6.2.5A.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (599)6.2.5A.1.4Test description (601)6.2.5A.1.5Test requirement (602)6.2.5A.2Void (603)6.2.5A.3Configured UE transmitted Output Power for CA (inter-band DL CA and UL CA) (603)6.2.5A.3.1Test purpose (603)6.2.5A.3.2Test applicability (603)6.2.5A.3.3Minimum conformance requirements (603)6.2.5A.3.4Test description (605)6.2.5A.3.5Test requirement (606)6.2.5A.4Configured UE transmitted Output Power for CA (intra-band non-contiguous DL CA and ULCA) (607)6.2.5A.4.1Test purpose (607)6.2.5A.4.2Test applicability (607)6.2.5A.4.3Minimum conformance requirements (607)6.2.5A.4.4Test description (608)6.2.5A.4.5Test requirement (610)6.2.5B Configured UE transmitted Output Power for UL-MIMO (611)6.2.5B.1Test purpose (611)6.2.5B.2Test applicability (611)6.2.5B.3Minimum conformance requirements (611)6.2.5B.4Test description (612)6.2.5B.4.1Initial conditions (612)6.2.5B.4.2Test procedure (612)6.2.5B.4.3Message contents (613)6.2.5B.5Test requirement (613)6.2.5E Configured UE transmitted Output Power for UE category 0 (614)6.2.5E.4.1Initial conditions (614)6.2.5E.4.2Test procedure (614)6.2.5E.4.3Message contents (614)6.2.5E.5Test requirement (615)6.2.5EA Configured UE transmitted Power for UE category M1 (615)6.2.5EA.1Test purpose (615)6.2.5EA.2Test applicability (615)6.2.5EA.3Minimum conformance requirements (615)6.2.5EA.4Test description (616)6.2.5EA.4.1Initial condition (616)6.2.5EA.4.2Test procedure (617)6.2.5EA.4.3Message contents (617)6.2.5EA.5Test requirements (617)6.2.5F Configured UE transmitted Output Power for UE category NB1 (618)6.2.5F.1Test purpose (618)6.2.5F.2Test applicability (618)6.2.5F.3Minimum conformance requirements (618)6.2.5F.4Test description (619)6.2.5F.4.1Initial conditions (619)6.2.5F.4.2Test procedure (620)6.2.5F.4.3Message contents (620)6.2.5F.5Test requirement (620)6.2.5G Configured UE transmitted Output Power for V2X Communication (620)6.2.5G.1Configured UE transmitted Output Power for V2X Communication / Non-concurrent with E-UTRA uplink transmission (621)6.2.5G.1.1Test purpose (621)6.2.5G.1.2Test applicability (621)6.2.5G.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (621)6.2.5G.1.4Test description (622)6.2.5G.1.4.1Initial conditions (622)6.2.5G.1.4.2Test procedure (622)6.2.5G.1.4.3Message contents (622)6.2.5G.1.5Test requirements (622)6.2.5G.2Configured UE transmitted Output Power for V2X Communication / Simultaneous E-UTRAV2X sidelink and E-UTRA uplink transmission (622)6.2.5G.2.1Test purpose (623)6.2.5G.2.2Test applicability (623)6.2.5G.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (623)6.2.5G.2.4Test description (625)6.2.5G.2.4.1Initial conditions (625)6.2.5G.2.4.2Test procedure (626)6.2.5G.2.4.3Message contents (626)6.2.5G.2.5Test requirements (626)6.3Output Power Dynamics (627)6.3.1Void (627)6.3.2Minimum Output Power (627) purpose (627) applicability (627) conformance requirements (627) description (627) conditions (627) procedure (628) contents (628) requirement (628)6.3.2A Minimum Output Power for CA (629)6.3.2A.0Minimum conformance requirements (629)6.3.2A.1Minimum Output Power for CA (intra-band contiguous DL CA and UL CA) (629)6.3.2A.1.1Test purpose (629)6.3.2A.1.4.2Test procedure (631)6.3.2A.1.4.3Message contents (631)6.3.2A.1.5Test requirements (631)6.3.2A.2Minimum Output Power for CA (inter-band DL CA and UL CA) (631)6.3.2A.2.1Test purpose (631)6.3.2A.2.2Test applicability (632)6.3.2A.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (632)6.3.2A.2.4Test description (632)6.3.2A.2.4.1Initial conditions (632)6.3.2A.2.4.2Test procedure (633)6.3.2A.2.4.3Message contents (633)6.3.2A.2.5Test requirements (633)6.3.2A.3Minimum Output Power for CA (intra-band non-contiguous DL CA and UL CA) (634)6.3.2A.3.1Test purpose (634)6.3.2A.3.2Test applicability (634)6.3.2A.3.3Minimum conformance requirements (634)6.3.2A.3.4Test description (634)6.3.2A.3.4.1Initial conditions (634)6.3.2A.3.4.2Test procedure (635)6.3.2A.3.4.3Message contents (635)6.3.2A.3.5Test requirements (635)6.3.2B Minimum Output Power for UL-MIMO (636)6.3.2B.1Test purpose (636)6.3.2B.2Test applicability (636)6.3.2B.3Minimum conformance requirements (636)6.3.2B.4Test description (636)6.3.2B.4.1Initial conditions (636)6.3.2B.4.2Test procedure (637)6.3.2B.4.3Message contents (637)6.3.2B.5Test requirement (637)6.3.2E Minimum Output Power for UE category 0 (638)6.3.2E.1Test purpose (638)6.3.2E.2Test applicability (638)6.3.2E.3Minimum conformance requirements (638)6.3.2E.4Test description (638)6.3.2E.4.1Initial conditions (638)6.3.2E.4.2Test procedure (639)6.3.2E.4.3Message contents (639)6.3.2E.5Test requirement (639)6.3.2EA Minimum Output Power for UE category M1 (639)6.3.2EA.1Test purpose (639)6.3.2EA.2Test applicability (640)6.3.2EA.3Minimum conformance requirements (640)6.3.2EA.4Test description (640)6.3.2EA.4.1Initial condition (640)6.3.2EA.4.2Test procedure (641)6.3.2EA.4.3Message contents (641)6.3.2EA.5Test requirements (641)6.3.2F Minimum Output Power for category NB1 (641)6.3.2F.1Test purpose (641)6.3.2F.2Test applicability (641)6.3.2F.3Minimum conformance requirements (642)6.3.2F.4Test description (642)6.3.2F.4.1Initial conditions (642)6.3.2F.4.2Test procedure (643)6.3.2F.4.3Message contents (643)6.3.2F.5Test requirements (643)6.3.3Transmit OFF power (643) requirement (644)6.3.3A UE Transmit OFF power for CA (644)6.3.3A.0Minimum conformance requirements (644)6.3.3A.1UE Transmit OFF power for CA (intra-band contiguous DL CA and UL CA) (645)6.3.3A.1.1Test purpose (645)6.3.3A.1.2Test applicability (645)6.3.3A.1.3Minimum conformance requirements (645)6.3.3A.1.4Test description (645)6.3.3A.1.5Test Requirements (645)6.3.3A.2UE Transmit OFF power for CA (inter-band DL CA and UL CA) (646)6.3.3A.2.1Test purpose (646)6.3.3A.2.2Test applicability (646)6.3.3A.2.3Minimum conformance requirements (646)6.3.3A.2.4Test description (646)6.3.3A.2.5Test Requirements (646)6.3.3A.3UE Transmit OFF power for CA (intra-band non-contiguous DL CA and UL CA) (646)6.3.3A.3.1Test purpose (646)6.3.3A.3.2Test applicability (646)6.3.3A.3.3Minimum conformance requirements (647)6.3.3A.3.4Test description (647)6.3.3A.3.5Test Requirements (647)6.3.3B UE Transmit OFF power for UL-MIMO (647)6.3.3B.1Test purpose (647)6.3.3B.2Test applicability (647)6.3.3B.3Minimum conformance requirement (647)6.3.3B.4Test description (647)6.3.3B.5Test requirement (648)6.3.3C 6486.3.3D UE Transmit OFF power for ProSe (648)6.3.3D.0Minimum conformance requirements (648)6.3.3D.1UE Transmit OFF power for ProSe Direct Discovery (648)6.3.3D.1.1Test purpose (649)6.3.3D.1.2Test applicability (649)6.3.3D.1.3Minimum Conformance requirements (649)6.3.3D.1.4Test description (649)6.3.3D.1.5Test requirements (650)6.3.3E UE Transmit OFF power for UE category 0 (650)6.3.3E.1Test purpose (650)6.3.3E.2Test applicability (650)6.3.3E.3Minimum conformance requirement (650)6.3.3E.4Test description (651)6.3.3E.5Test requirement (651)6.3.3EA UE Transmit OFF power for UE category M1 (651)6.3.3EA.1Test purpose (651)6.3.3EA.2Test applicability (651)6.3.3EA.3Minimum conformance requirements (651)6.3.3EA.4Test description (651)6.3.3EA.5Test requirements (652)6.3.3F Transmit OFF power for category NB1 (652)6.3.3F.1Test purpose (652)6.3.3F.2Test applicability (652)6.3.3F.3Minimum conformance requirement (652)6.3.3F.4Test description (652)6.3.3F.5Test requirement (652)6.3.4ON/OFF time mask (652) ON/OFF time mask (652) purpose (652) applicability (653)。



Sichuan Building MaterialsVol.41,No.2April ,2015第41卷第2期2015年4月国际工程因所在国法律改变引起的索赔案例分析以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi 公路为例刘长有,刘㊀平(中国海外工程有限责任公司,北京㊀100048)作者简介:刘长有(1982-),男,河北承德人,硕士,工程师,研究方向:公路施工与管理;刘平(1981-),女,河北沧州人,硕士,工程师,研究方向:公路施工技术㊂㊀㊀摘㊀要:本文以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi 公路为研究对象,运用FIDIC 对变更与调整条款,探讨解决因法律改变引起的索赔的方法,以期维护承包商的合法权益,进而对国际工程施工企业有所帮助㊂㊀㊀关键词:FIDIC ;法律改变;国际工程㊀㊀中图分类号:F284/TU723.3文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-4011(2015)02-0273-02DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1672-4011.2015.02.132Case Analysis of Overseas Engineering ClaimCaused by the State Legal Alterations Mendi Highway Project in Southern Highlands Province ,Papua New GuineaLIU Changyou ,LIU Ping(China Overseas Engineering Group Co.,Ltd ,Beijing 100048,China )Abstract :this article takes Mendi Highway Project in Southern Highlands Province,Papua New Guinea as the study object,researches on the ways of solving claims caused by legal alterations through Variations and Adjustments clause of FIDIC,to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of contrac-tors,and benefit the construction enterprises of overseas engi-neering.Key words :fidic;legal alterations;overseas engineering0㊀前㊀言国际工程承包实施过程中,由于项目工程周期一般较长,极易存在由于项目所在国法律变化给项目成本和工期带来的风险㊂这些新的㊁修正的法律㊁法令和新出台的政策,承包商在合同签订前是无法预见到[1]㊂那么如何应对由于法律㊁法令变化所带来的风险,也是专家㊁学者和施工企业关注的焦点㊂1㊀项目背景Mendi 公路项目是某海外公司在巴布亚新几内亚承揽的最大公路项目,项目合同工期30个月,全长49.6km,沿线道路曲折,线路两侧植被茂密㊂项目位于巴新南高地省,雨季和旱季已不明显,全年多雨且雨量较大,历史最大日降雨量在300mm 左右㊂全线软基点多,业主又不想有过多变更,在现有的预算内施工,由于线路较长,施工难度较大,因此全线施工过程中,项目组科学制定了施工组织程序,增加了工作面,增加了人员投入,人员成本压力较大㊂2014年,巴新国家政府对现行工资法律进行调整,加剧了项目组的成本压力,项目组经过分析,采用FIDIC 中变更与调整条款同监理和业主进行了协商,得到了监理和业主的初步认可㊂2㊀因法律改变的调整承包商编制投标报价的依据之一就是工程所在国的各项法律[2],如果这些法律发生变动,其工程费用当然会受到影响㊂FIDIC 中13.7款中明确写到 于基准日期后工程所在国法律有所改变或对此类法律的司法或政府解释有改变,影响承包商履行合同义务的,合同价格应考虑上述改变导致的任何费用增减进行调整 [3-4]㊂施工合同签定于2011年9月,但值得注意的是,FIDIC 这个条款并没有给出具体的计算方式,给合同索赔过程中监理和承包商之间留下了争议隐患㊂本文仅以法律变化中国家最低工资标准为例,来探讨对承包商的影响,并提出索赔的模式㊂3㊀巴新法律对当地最低工资进行了调整2014年,巴新政府通过决议,将全国最低工资标准从原来的2.29基纳调整到3.2基纳,增幅达39.7%㊂这个决定,对全体国民无疑是福音,但却给企业带来了成本压力,特别是施工企业㊂以该项目为例,目前该项目每个月人员工资总共200万人民币,由于标准调整,调整后每个月额外增加支付工人的工资㊂4㊀最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔模式由于所在国法律变化给承包商费用造成影响,根据这些影响程度对价格甚至工期做出调整是公平合理的,FIDIC 中虽然明确指出由于所在国法律变更,导致承包商费用增加,业主方要承担责任,但是,并没有给出具体的计算方法㊂本文依据FIDIC13.7条款,结合巴新国家和项目组,探讨出一个较为公平合理的计算方法和计算模式,具体如下:N:假定合同总额为NM:平均每个月合同额㊀N /30=MA:调整前一个双周所有工人工资总和=A B:调整后一个双周所有工人工资总和=B C:调整前后月份工资平均值(A +B)/2=C D:平均增加工资额度C -A =DE:平均每个月工资增加比率E =D /M也就是说,由于最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔额为:每个月计量总额ˑE,即为索赔金额㊂表1最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔模式案例分析1合同总额N2平均每个月合同额M 3调整前一个双周所有工人工资总A 4调整后一个双周所有工人工资总和B 5调整前后月份工资平均值C 6平均增加工资额度D7平均每个月工资增加比率E 8最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔每个月计量总额ˑE㊃372㊃Sichuan Building MaterialsVol.41,No.2April ,2015第41卷第2期2015年4月通过计算该项目平均每个月工资增加比率=1.14%,以当月产值1200万人民币计算,当月索赔金额1200ˑ1.14%=16.8万人民币㊂承包商充分搜集工资发放证据,并积极同业主监理沟通,得到了他们的初步理解,有望尽快解决㊂5㊀结㊀论本文以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi 公路为研究对象,运用FIDIC 对变更与调整条款,探讨解决因法律改变引起的索赔的方法,以期维护承包商的合法权益,进而在巴布亚新几内亚的中资施工企业有所帮助,主要有以下几个方面的结论:1)承包商,特别是国际工程承包商必需深入了解所在国国情,对国家法律㊁合同条款要深入了解;2)充分搜集证据,用数据说话,严格按照合同索赔程序做事;3)充分同业主㊁监理沟通,建立良好的互信关系,争取对方的理解和支持㊂[ID:001778]参考文献:[1]㊀夏志宏.国际工程承包风险与规避[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2004.[2]㊀张水波.FIDIC 新版合同条件导读与解析[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2003.[3]㊀Conditons of contract for Consturction[Z].FIDIC,1999.[4]㊀中国工程咨询协会.FIDIC 施工合同条件[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2002.ʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏ(上接第268页)为了避免目前这种状况,根据江苏省城乡规划设计研究院刘一雷对结构设计中常用图表的补充意见,结合笔者在株洲市炎帝广场商业文化街等工程建设中的体会,现就如何合理使用ϕ6.5规格的Ⅰ级钢筋,作以下三点建议:1)钢筋混凝土结构的一些梁㊁板㊁柱配筋图例中的各类附加钢筋,凡标注ϕ6@200或ȡϕ6@200(不小于ϕ6@200)的钢筋,均可用ϕ6.5@225或ȡϕ6.5@225(不小于ϕ6.5@225)代换㊂2)GB50011-2010‘工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范“条文中 沿墙高每50cm 配置2ϕ6钢筋连接 ,可进行如下代换: 沿墙高每60cm 配置2ϕ6.5钢筋连接㊂3)每米板宽各种间距下的钢筋截面积(cm 2)参考表如下(可供钢筋代用时选择)㊂表1每米板宽各种间距下的钢筋截面积(cm 2)参考表mm 直径d 钢筋间距707580859010012012514015016018020022022525028030032064.043.773.543.333.142.832.362.262.021.891.771.571.411.㊀推广新技术,大力采用中强度冷轧带肋钢筋5.1㊀对钢筋冷加工处理提高屈服强度,节约钢材将钢材在常温下进行冷拉㊁冷拔或冷轧,使之产生塑性变形,从而提高屈服强度,这个过程称为 冷加工强化处理 [5]㊂工地或预制构件厂常利用这一原理对钢筋或低碳钢盘条按一定规范进行冷拉或冷拔加工,以提高屈服强度㊁节约钢材㊂5.2㊀合理采用中强度冷轧带肋钢筋冷轧带肋钢筋属冶金部 八五 期间发展的120个钢材品种之一,已通过国家标准审查,它具有与混凝土粘结锚固能力强㊁施工工序简单㊁节省钢材等优点[4]㊂据四川省建筑科学研究院的研究结果表明:①若预应力C25混凝土构件采用冷轧带肋钢筋,其钢筋强度比冷拔丝高15%~23%,同时可节约钢材15%左右,节约水泥40~50kg /m 3;②在非预应力构件㊁现浇楼面㊁路面㊁机场跑道等施工中,冷轧带肋钢筋代替Ⅰ级钢筋使用可节约钢材30%~40%㊂5.3㊀中强度冷轧带肋钢筋在工程中的实际应用在非预应力构件㊁现浇楼面㊁路面等钢筋混凝土结构中,冷轧带肋钢筋的代换原则为:将直径规格为5㊁6㊁8㊁10mm 的冷轧带肋钢筋以等同延长米方式,分别代替规格为ϕ6.5㊁ϕ8㊁ϕ10㊁ϕ12的Ⅰ级钢筋(钢筋间距两者保持不变),且省略两端弯钩的制作㊂株洲市汽贸大厦工程共9层,底下2层为框架结构,上面7层为砖混结构㊂经建设单位㊁监理单位㊁施工单位和设计单位有关专家共同进行技术核定,将原设计中楼面板的Ⅰ级钢筋用冷轧带肋钢筋代换;另外,新疆生产建设兵团农四师七十六团农用飞机场的跑道施工也是通过技术核定单的形式,按上述方法代换使用;总建筑面积25万多m 2的新疆叶城县金果小区商住楼工程的楼面板钢筋也是按此方法设计施工的㊂通过若干以上类似工程实践证明:合理采用中强度冷轧带肋钢筋,不仅结构安全可靠,而且经济效益和社会效益十分可观㊂笔者曾先后参与了上述工程的施工管理工作,并随同施工代表就代换后的工程质量和使用功能进行多次回访调查,据业主方反映,多年无任何质量问题,满足正常使用功能㊂6㊀结㊀语总之,钢材是建筑工程的三大主材之一,在工程中一定要强化管理,合理利用钢材,注意点滴节约,积少成多,为施工企业创造良好的施工效益,从而更好地支援其他工程建设㊂[ID:001844]参考文献:[1]㊀上官子昌.钢筋工程施工技术与禁忌[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2013.[2]㊀肖玉峰.钢筋下料计算与施工[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2013.[3]㊀吴成材.钢筋连接技术手册[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014.[4]㊀俞宾辉.建筑钢筋工程施工手册(新规范)[M].济南:山东科学技术出版社,2004.[5]㊀吴志红.建筑施工技术[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2010.㊃472㊃国际工程因所在国法律改变引起的索赔案例分析--以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi公路为例作者:刘长有, 刘平, LIU Changyou, LIU Ping作者单位:中国海外工程有限责任公司,北京,100048刊名:四川建材英文刊名:Sichuan Building Materials年,卷(期):2015(2)引用本文格式:刘长有.刘平.LIU Changyou.LIU Ping国际工程因所在国法律改变引起的索赔案例分析--以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi公路为例[期刊论文]-四川建材 2015(2)。

rfc4210.Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Management Protocol (CMP)

rfc4210.Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Management Protocol (CMP)

Network Working Group C. Adams Request for Comments: 4210 University of Ottawa Obsoletes: 2510 S. Farrell Category: Standards Track Trinity College Dublin T. Kause SSH T. Mononen SafeNet September 2005 Internet X.509 Public Key InfrastructureCertificate Management Protocol (CMP)Status of This MemoThis document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions forimprovements. Please refer to the current edition of the "InternetOfficial Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization stateand status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Copyright NoticeCopyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).AbstractThis document describes the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate Management Protocol (CMP). Protocol messages aredefined for X.509v3 certificate creation and management. CMPprovides on-line interactions between PKI components, including anexchange between a Certification Authority (CA) and a client system. Table of Contents1. Introduction (5)2. Requirements (5)3. PKI Management Overview (5)3.1. PKI Management Model (6)3.1.1. Definitions of PKI Entities (6) Subjects and End Entities (6) Certification Authority (7) Registration Authority (7)3.1.2. PKI Management Requirements (8)3.1.3. PKI Management Operations (10)4. Assumptions and Restrictions (14)4.1. End Entity Initialization (14)Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 1]4.2. Initial Registration/Certification (14)4.2.1. Criteria Used (15) Initiation of Registration/Certification ..15 End Entity Message Origin Authentication ..15 Location of Key Generation (15) Confirmation of Successful Certification ..16 4.2.2. Mandatory Schemes (16) Centralized Scheme (16) Basic Authenticated Scheme (17)4.3. Proof-of-Possession (POP) of Private Key (17)4.3.1. Signature Keys (18)4.3.2. Encryption Keys (18)4.3.3. Key Agreement Keys (19)4.4. Root CA Key Update (19)4.4.1. CA Operator Actions (20)4.4.2. Verifying Certificates (21) Verification in Cases 1, 4, 5, and 8 (22) Verification in Case 2 (22) Verification in Case 3 (23) Failure of Verification in Case 6 (23) Failure of Verification in Case 7 (23)4.4.3. Revocation - Change of CA Key (23)5. Data Structures (24)5.1. Overall PKI Message (24)5.1.1. PKI Message Header (24) ImplicitConfirm (27) ConfirmWaitTime (27)5.1.2. PKI Message Body (27)5.1.3. PKI Message Protection (28) Shared Secret Information (29) DH Key Pairs (30) Signature (30) Multiple Protection (30)5.2. Common Data Structures (31)5.2.1. Requested Certificate Contents (31)5.2.2. Encrypted Values (31)5.2.3. Status codes and Failure Information forPKI Messages (32)5.2.4. Certificate Identification (33)5.2.5. Out-of-band root CA Public Key (33)5.2.6. Archive Options (34)5.2.7. Publication Information (34)5.2.8. Proof-of-Possession Structures (34) Inclusion of the Private Key (35) Indirect Method (35) Challenge-Response Protocol (35) Summary of PoP Options (37)Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 2]5.3. Operation-Specific Data Structures (38)5.3.1. Initialization Request (38)5.3.2. Initialization Response (39)5.3.3. Certification Request (39)5.3.4. Certification Response (39)5.3.5. Key Update Request Content (40)5.3.6. Key Update Response Content (41)5.3.7. Key Recovery Request Content (41)5.3.8. Key Recovery Response Content (41)5.3.9. Revocation Request Content (41)5.3.10. Revocation Response Content (42)5.3.11. Cross Certification Request Content (42)5.3.12. Cross Certification Response Content (42)5.3.13. CA Key Update Announcement Content (42)5.3.14. Certificate Announcement (43)5.3.15. Revocation Announcement (43)5.3.16. CRL Announcement (43)5.3.17. PKI Confirmation Content (43)5.3.18. Certificate Confirmation Content (44)5.3.19. PKI General Message Content (44) CA Protocol Encryption Certificate (44) Signing Key Pair Types (45) Encryption/Key Agreement Key Pair Types ..45 Preferred Symmetric Algorithm (45) Updated CA Key Pair (45) CRL (46) Unsupported Object Identifiers (46) Key Pair Parameters (46) Revocation Passphrase (46) ImplicitConfirm (46) ConfirmWaitTime (47) Original PKIMessage (47) Supported Language Tags (47)5.3.20. PKI General Response Content (47)5.3.21. Error Message Content (47)5.3.22. Polling Request and Response (48)6. Mandatory PKI Management Functions (51)6.1. Root CA Initialization (51)6.2. Root CA Key Update (51)6.3. Subordinate CA Initialization (51)6.4. CRL production (52)6.5. PKI Information Request (52)6.6. Cross Certification (52)6.6.1. One-Way Request-Response Scheme: (52)6.7. End Entity Initialization (54)6.7.1. Acquisition of PKI Information (54)6.7.2. Out-of-Band Verification of Root-CA Key (55)6.8. Certificate Request (55)Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 3]6.9. Key Update (55)7. Version Negotiation (56)7.1. Supporting RFC 2510 Implementations (56)7.1.1. Clients Talking to RFC 2510 Servers (56)7.1.2. Servers Receiving Version cmp1999 PKIMessages (57)8. Security Considerations (57)8.1. Proof-Of-Possession with a Decryption Key (57)8.2. Proof-Of-Possession by Exposing the Private Key (57)8.3. Attack Against Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (57)9. IANA Considerations (58)Normative References (58)Informative References (59)A. Reasons for the Presence of RAs (61)B. The Use of Revocation Passphrase (61)C. Request Message Behavioral Clarifications (63)D. PKI Management Message Profiles (REQUIRED) (65)D.1. General Rules for Interpretation of These Profiles (65)D.2. Algorithm Use Profile (66)D.3. Proof-of-Possession Profile (68)D.4. Initial Registration/Certification (BasicAuthenticated Scheme) (68)D.5. Certificate Request (74)D.6. Key Update Request (75)E. PKI Management Message Profiles (OPTIONAL) (75)E.1. General Rules for Interpretation of These Profiles (76)E.2. Algorithm Use Profile (76)E.3. Self-Signed Certificates (76)E.4. Root CA Key Update (77)E.5. PKI Information Request/Response (77)E.6. Cross Certification Request/Response (1-way) (79)E.7. In-Band Initialization Using External IdentityCertificate (82)F. Compilable ASN.1 Definitions (83)G. Acknowledgements (93)Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 4]1. IntroductionThis document describes the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate Management Protocol (CMP). Protocol messages aredefined for certificate creation and management. The term"certificate" in this document refers to an X.509v3 Certificate asdefined in [X509].This specification obsoletes RFC 2510. This specification differsfrom RFC 2510 in the following areas:The PKI management message profile section is split to twoappendices: the required profile and the optional profile. Someof the formerly mandatory functionality is moved to the optionalprofile.The message confirmation mechanism has changed substantially.A new polling mechanism is introduced, deprecating the old polling method at the CMP transport level.The CMP transport protocol issues are handled in a separatedocument [CMPtrans], thus the Transports section is removed.A new implicit confirmation method is introduced to reduce thenumber of protocol messages exchanged in a transaction.The new specification contains some less prominent protocolenhancements and improved explanatory text on several issues.2. RequirementsThe key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document (in uppercase, as shown) are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].3. PKI Management OverviewThe PKI must be structured to be consistent with the types ofindividuals who must administer it. Providing such administratorswith unbounded choices not only complicates the software required,but also increases the chances that a subtle mistake by anadministrator or software developer will result in broadercompromise. Similarly, restricting administrators with cumbersomemechanisms will cause them not to use the PKI.Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 5]Management protocols are REQUIRED to support on-line interactionsbetween Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) components. For example, amanagement protocol might be used between a Certification Authority(CA) and a client system with which a key pair is associated, orbetween two CAs that issue cross-certificates for each other.3.1. PKI Management ModelBefore specifying particular message formats and procedures, we first define the entities involved in PKI management and their interactions (in terms of the PKI management functions required). We then groupthese functions in order to accommodate different identifiable types of end entities.3.1.1. Definitions of PKI EntitiesThe entities involved in PKI management include the end entity (i.e., the entity to whom the certificate is issued) and the certificationauthority (i.e., the entity that issues the certificate). Aregistration authority MAY also be involved in PKI management. Subjects and End EntitiesThe term "subject" is used here to refer to the entity to whom thecertificate is issued, typically named in the subject orsubjectAltName field of a certificate. When we wish to distinguishthe tools and/or software used by the subject (e.g., a localcertificate management module), we will use the term "subjectequipment". In general, the term "end entity" (EE), rather than"subject", is preferred in order to avoid confusion with the fieldname. It is important to note that the end entities here willinclude not only human users of applications, but also applicationsthemselves (e.g., for IP security). This factor influences theprotocols that the PKI management operations use; for example,application software is far more likely to know exactly whichcertificate extensions are required than are human users. PKImanagement entities are also end entities in the sense that they are sometimes named in the subject or subjectAltName field of acertificate or cross-certificate. Where appropriate, the term "end- entity" will be used to refer to end entities who are not PKImanagement entities.All end entities require secure local access to some information --at a minimum, their own name and private key, the name of a CA thatis directly trusted by this entity, and that CA’s public key (or afingerprint of the public key where a self-certified version isavailable elsewhere). Implementations MAY use secure local storagefor more than this minimum (e.g., the end entity’s own certificate or Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 6]application-specific information). The form of storage will alsovary -- from files to tamper-resistant cryptographic tokens. Theinformation stored in such local, trusted storage is referred to here as the end entity’s Personal Security Environment (PSE).Though PSE formats are beyond the scope of this document (they arevery dependent on equipment, et cetera), a generic interchange format for PSEs is defined here: a certification response message MAY beused. Certification AuthorityThe certification authority (CA) may or may not actually be a real"third party" from the end entity’s point of view. Quite often, the CA will actually belong to the same organization as the end entities it supports.Again, we use the term "CA" to refer to the entity named in theissuer field of a certificate. When it is necessary to distinguishthe software or hardware tools used by the CA, we use the term "CAequipment".The CA equipment will often include both an "off-line" component and an "on-line" component, with the CA private key only available to the "off-line" component. This is, however, a matter for implementers(though it is also relevant as a policy issue).We use the term "root CA" to indicate a CA that is directly trustedby an end entity; that is, securely acquiring the value of a root CA public key requires some out-of-band step(s). This term is not meant to imply that a root CA is necessarily at the top of any hierarchy,simply that the CA in question is trusted directly.A "subordinate CA" is one that is not a root CA for the end entity in question. Often, a subordinate CA will not be a root CA for anyentity, but this is not mandatory. Registration AuthorityIn addition to end-entities and CAs, many environments call for theexistence of a Registration Authority (RA) separate from theCertification Authority. The functions that the registrationauthority may carry out will vary from case to case but MAY includepersonal authentication, token distribution, revocation reporting,name assignment, key generation, archival of key pairs, et cetera. Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 7]This document views the RA as an OPTIONAL component: when it is notpresent, the CA is assumed to be able to carry out the RA’s functions so that the PKI management protocols are the same from the end-entity’s point of view.Again, we distinguish, where necessary, between the RA and the tools used (the "RA equipment").Note that an RA is itself an end entity. We further assume that all RAs are in fact certified end entities and that RAs have private keys that are usable for signing. How a particular CA equipmentidentifies some end entities as RAs is an implementation issue (i.e., this document specifies no special RA certification operation). Wedo not mandate that the RA is certified by the CA with which it isinteracting at the moment (so one RA may work with more than one CAwhilst only being certified once).In some circumstances, end entities will communicate directly with a CA even where an RA is present. For example, for initialregistration and/or certification, the subject may use its RA, butcommunicate directly with the CA in order to refresh its certificate.3.1.2. PKI Management RequirementsThe protocols given here meet the following requirements on PKImanagement1. PKI management must conform to the ISO/IEC 9594-8/ITU-T X.509standards.2. It must be possible to regularly update any key pair withoutaffecting any other key pair.3. The use of confidentiality in PKI management protocols must bekept to a minimum in order to ease acceptance in environmentswhere strong confidentiality might cause regulatory problems.4. PKI management protocols must allow the use of differentindustry-standard cryptographic algorithms (specificallyincluding RSA, DSA, MD5, and SHA-1). This means that any given CA, RA, or end entity may, in principle, use whicheveralgorithms suit it for its own key pair(s).5. PKI management protocols must not preclude the generation of key pairs by the end-entity concerned, by an RA, or by a CA. Keygeneration may also occur elsewhere, but for the purposes of PKI management we can regard key generation as occurring whereverthe key is first present at an end entity, RA, or CA.Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 8]6. PKI management protocols must support the publication ofcertificates by the end-entity concerned, by an RA, or by a CA. Different implementations and different environments may choose any of the above approaches.7. PKI management protocols must support the production ofCertificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) by allowing certified endentities to make requests for the revocation of certificates.This must be done in such a way that the denial-of-serviceattacks, which are possible, are not made simpler.8. PKI management protocols must be usable over a variety of"transport" mechanisms, specifically including mail, http,TCP/IP and ftp.9. Final authority for certification creation rests with the CA.No RA or end-entity equipment can assume that any certificateissued by a CA will contain what was requested; a CA may altercertificate field values or may add, delete, or alter extensions according to its operating policy. In other words, all PKIentities (end-entities, RAs, and CAs) must be capable ofhandling responses to requests for certificates in which theactual certificate issued is different from that requested (for example, a CA may shorten the validity period requested). Note that policy may dictate that the CA must not publish orotherwise distribute the certificate until the requesting entity has reviewed and accepted the newly-created certificate(typically through use of the certConf message).10. A graceful, scheduled change-over from one non-compromised CAkey pair to the next (CA key update) must be supported (notethat if the CA key is compromised, re-initialization must beperformed for all entities in the domain of that CA). An endentity whose PSE contains the new CA public key (following a CA key update) must also be able to verify certificates verifiable using the old public key. End entities who directly trust theold CA key pair must also be able to verify certificates signed using the new CA private key (required for situations where the old CA public key is "hardwired" into the end entity’scryptographic equipment).11. The functions of an RA may, in some implementations orenvironments, be carried out by the CA itself. The protocolsmust be designed so that end entities will use the same protocol regardless of whether the communication is with an RA or CA.Naturally, the end entity must use the correct RA of CA publickey to protect the communication.Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 9]12. Where an end entity requests a certificate containing a givenpublic key value, the end entity must be ready to demonstratepossession of the corresponding private key value. This may be accomplished in various ways, depending on the type ofcertification request. See Section 4.3 for details of the in-band methods defined for the PKIX-CMP (i.e., CertificateManagement Protocol) messages.3.1.3. PKI Management OperationsThe following diagram shows the relationship between the entitiesdefined above in terms of the PKI management operations. The letters in the diagram indicate "protocols" in the sense that a defined setof PKI management messages can be sent along each of the letteredlines.Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 10]+---+ cert. publish +------------+ j| | <--------------------- | End Entity | <-------| C | g +------------+ "out-of-band"| e | | ^ loading| r | | | initial| t | a | | b registration/| | | | certification| / | | | key pair recovery| | | | key pair update| C | | | certificate update| R | PKI "USERS" V | revocation request| L | -------------------+-+-----+-+------+-+-------------------| | PKI MANAGEMENT | ^ | ^| | ENTITIES a | | b a | | b| R | V | | || e | g +------+ d | || p | <------------ | RA | <-----+ | || o | cert. | | ----+ | | || s | publish +------+ c | | | || i | | | | || t | V | V || o | g +------------+ i| r | <------------------------| CA |------->| y | h +------------+ "out-of-band"| | cert. publish | ^ publication| | CRL publish | |+---+ | | cross-certificatione | |f cross-certificate| | update| |V |+------+| CA-2 |+------+Figure 1 - PKI EntitiesAt a high level, the set of operations for which managementmessages are defined can be grouped as follows.1. CA establishment: When establishing a new CA, certain steps arerequired (e.g., production of initial CRLs, export of CA publickey).2. End entity initialization: this includes importing a root CApublic key and requesting information about the options supported by a PKI management entity.Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 11]3. Certification: various operations result in the creation of newcertificates:1. initial registration/certification: This is the processwhereby an end entity first makes itself known to a CA or RA, prior to the CA issuing a certificate or certificates forthat end entity. The end result of this process (when it is successful) is that a CA issues a certificate for an endentity’s public key, and returns that certificate to the end entity and/or posts that certificate in a public repository. This process may, and typically will, involve multiple"steps", possibly including an initialization of the endentity’s equipment. For example, the end entity’s equipment must be securely initialized with the public key of a CA, to be used in validating certificate paths. Furthermore, an end entity typically needs to be initialized with its own keypair(s).2. key pair update: Every key pair needs to be updated regularly(i.e., replaced with a new key pair), and a new certificateneeds to be issued.3. certificate update: As certificates expire, they may be"refreshed" if nothing relevant in the environment haschanged.4. CA key pair update: As with end entities, CA key pairs needto be updated regularly; however, different mechanisms arerequired.5. cross-certification request: One CA requests issuance of across-certificate from another CA. For the purposes of this standard, the following terms are defined. A "cross-certificate" is a certificate in which the subject CA and the issuer CA are distinct and SubjectPublicKeyInfo contains averification key (i.e., the certificate has been issued forthe subject CA’s signing key pair). When it is necessary to distinguish more finely, the following terms may be used: across-certificate is called an "inter-domain cross-certificate" if the subject and issuer CAs belong todifferent administrative domains; it is called an "intra-domain cross-certificate" otherwise.1. Note 1. The above definition of "cross-certificate"aligns with the defined term "CA-certificate" in X.509.Note that this term is not to be confused with the X.500 "cACertificate" attribute type, which is unrelated. Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 12]2. Note 2. In many environments, the term "cross-certificate", unless further qualified, will beunderstood to be synonymous with "inter-domain cross-certificate" as defined above.3. Note 3. Issuance of cross-certificates may be, but isnot necessarily, mutual; that is, two CAs may issuecross-certificates for each other.6. cross-certificate update: Similar to a normal certificateupdate, but involving a cross-certificate.4. Certificate/CRL discovery operations: some PKI managementoperations result in the publication of certificates or CRLs:1. certificate publication: Having gone to the trouble ofproducing a certificate, some means for publishing it isneeded. The "means" defined in PKIX MAY involve the messages specified in Sections 5.3.13 to 5.3.16, or MAY involve other methods (LDAP, for example) as described in [RFC2559],[RFC2585] (the "Operational Protocols" documents of the PKIX series of specifications).2. CRL publication: As for certificate publication.5. Recovery operations: some PKI management operations are used when an end entity has "lost" its PSE:1. key pair recovery: As an option, user client key materials(e.g., a user’s private key used for decryption purposes) MAY be backed up by a CA, an RA, or a key backup systemassociated with a CA or RA. If an entity needs to recoverthese backed up key materials (e.g., as a result of aforgotten password or a lost key chain file), a protocolexchange may be needed to support such recovery.6. Revocation operations: some PKI operations result in the creation of new CRL entries and/or new CRLs:1. revocation request: An authorized person advises a CA of anabnormal situation requiring certificate revocation.7. PSE operations: whilst the definition of PSE operations (e.g.,moving a PSE, changing a PIN, etc.) are beyond the scope of this specification, we do define a PKIMessage (CertRepMessage) thatcan form the basis of such operations.Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 13]Note that on-line protocols are not the only way of implementing the above operations. For all operations, there are off-line methods of achieving the same result, and this specification does not mandateuse of on-line protocols. For example, when hardware tokens areused, many of the operations MAY be achieved as part of the physical token delivery.Later sections define a set of standard messages supporting the above operations. Transport protocols for conveying these exchanges indifferent environments (file-based, on-line, E-mail, and WWW) arebeyond the scope of this document and are specified separately.4. Assumptions and Restrictions4.1. End Entity InitializationThe first step for an end entity in dealing with PKI managemententities is to request information about the PKI functions supported and to securely acquire a copy of the relevant root CA public key(s).4.2. Initial Registration/CertificationThere are many schemes that can be used to achieve initialregistration and certification of end entities. No one method issuitable for all situations due to the range of policies that a CAmay implement and the variation in the types of end entity which can occur.However, we can classify the initial registration/certificationschemes that are supported by this specification. Note that the word "initial", above, is crucial: we are dealing with the situation where the end entity in question has had no previous contact with the PKI. Where the end entity already possesses certified keys, then somesimplifications/alternatives are possible.Having classified the schemes that are supported by thisspecification we can then specify some as mandatory and some asoptional. The goal is that the mandatory schemes cover a sufficient number of the cases that will arise in real use, whilst the optional schemes are available for special cases that arise less frequently.In this way, we achieve a balance between flexibility and ease ofimplementation.We will now describe the classification of initialregistration/certification schemes.Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 14]4.2.1. Criteria Used4.2.1.1. Initiation of Registration/CertificationIn terms of the PKI messages that are produced, we can regard theinitiation of the initial registration/certification exchanges asoccurring wherever the first PKI message relating to the end entityis produced. Note that the real-world initiation of theregistration/certification procedure may occur elsewhere (e.g., apersonnel department may telephone an RA operator).The possible locations are at the end entity, an RA, or a CA. End Entity Message Origin AuthenticationThe on-line messages produced by the end entity that requires acertificate may be authenticated or not. The requirement here is to authenticate the origin of any messages from the end entity to thePKI (CA/RA).In this specification, such authentication is achieved by the PKI(CA/RA) issuing the end entity with a secret value (initialauthentication key) and reference value (used to identify the secret value) via some out-of-band means. The initial authentication keycan then be used to protect relevant PKI messages.Thus, we can classify the initial registration/certification schemeaccording to whether or not the on-line end entity -> PKI messagesare authenticated or not.Note 1: We do not discuss the authentication of the PKI -> end entity messages here, as this is always REQUIRED. In any case, it can beachieved simply once the root-CA public key has been installed at the end entity’s equipment or it can be based on the initialauthentication key.Note 2: An initial registration/certification procedure can be secure where the messages from the end entity are authenticated via someout-of-band means (e.g., a subsequent visit). Location of Key GenerationIn this specification, "key generation" is regarded as occurringwherever either the public or private component of a key pair firstoccurs in a PKIMessage. Note that this does not preclude acentralized key generation service; the actual key pair MAY have been Adams, et al. Standards Track [Page 15]。

NOM-121-SCT1-2009 (Mexico) - User Manual Requireme

NOM-121-SCT1-2009 (Mexico) - User Manual Requireme

Product Compliance Specialists Ltd Tel: +44 1844 273 277 The Malthouse, Malthouse Square, Fax: +44 1844 273 278 Princes Risborough Bucks, HP27 9AZ ************************************* United KingdomRegistered Office: 73 Southern Road, Thame, Oxon, OX9 2EDCompany Registration Number: 5101011 Registered in England and Wales Doc ref: RU1204005Regulatory UpdateMexicoFollowing publication of NOM-121-SCT1-2009 in Mexico (the Standard which introduced mandatory local testing for any 902 - 928MHz, 2.4GHz or 5725 – 5850MHz RF products) recent advice from PCS’s local contacts advises that COFETEL are now more strictly enforcing the User Manual requirements found in Section 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 of NOM-121-SCT1-2009.Accordingly, we advise that the following requirements should be adhered to with immediate effect:∙ The User Manual must be provided in Spanish language.∙ The User Manual must feature the following mandatory statement :“La operación de este equipo está sujeta a lassiguientes dos condiciones: (1) es posible que esteequipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicialy (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquierinterferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar suoperación no deseada.”The statement can be interpreted, as follows:The operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this equipment or device must not cause harmful interference and(2) this equipment or device must accept any interference, includinginterference which could otherwise cause its undesired operation.Despite similarity to the FCC Regulatory statement (already included in most User Manuals for RF products, often in Spanish), COFETEL advisePage 2 of 2 Doc ref: RU1204005 re-using the FCC statement wording is not acceptable: the exact wording above (Spanish text) should be used.For additional information on the above article please contact:Jamie HarperProduct Compliance SpecialistsEmail: **************************************。

AS 2971-2002澳洲压力容器标准

AS 2971-2002澳洲压力容器标准

This is a licensed electronic copy of a document where copyright is owned or managed by Standards Australia International.AS 2971—2002 AS 2971Australian Standard™Serially produced pressure vesselsThis Australian Standard was prepared by Committee ME-001, Pressure Equipment. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 15 February 2002 and published on 11 March 2002.The following interests are represented on Committee ME-001:A.C.T. WorkCoverAustralasian Institute of Engineer SurveyorsAustralian Aluminium CouncilAustralian Building Codes BoardAustralian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryAustralian Industry GroupAustralian Institute of EnergyAustralian Institute of PetroleumAustralian Liquefied Petroleum Gas AssociationBoiler and Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association of AustraliaBureau of Steel Manufacturers of AustraliaDepartment for Administrative and Information Services, S.A.Department of Industrial Relations, QldDepartment of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources, Tas.Department of Labour, New ZealandElectricity Engineers Association, New ZealandElectricity Supply Association of AustraliaInstitute of Materials Engineering Australasia LimitedInstitution of Engineers AustraliaInstitution of Professional Engineers New ZealandNational Association of Testing Authorities AustraliaNew Zealand Engineering FederationNew Zealand Heavy Engineering Research AssociationNew Zealand Institute of WeldingNew Zealand Petrochemical Users GroupVictorian WorkCover AuthorityWelding Technology Institute of AustraliaWorkCover New South WalesDepartment of Consumer and Employment Protection, WorkSafe Division (W.A.)Keeping Standards up-to-dateStandards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased.Detailed information about Standards can be found by visiting the Standards Australia web site at .au and looking up the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue.Alternatively, the printed Catalogue provides information current at 1 January each year, and the monthly magazine, The Australian Standard, has a full listing of revisions and amendments published each month.We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our Standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at, or write to the Chief Executive, Standards Australia International Ltd, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001.This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 01040.AS 2971—2002Australian Standard™Serially produced pressure vesselsOriginated as AS 2971—1987.Second edition 2002.COPYRIGHT© Standards Australia InternationalAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher.Published by Standards Australia International LtdGPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001, AustraliaISBN 0 7337 4365 XAS 2971—20022PREFACEThis Standard was prepared by the Australian members of the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee ME-001, Pressure Equipment to supersede AS 2971—1987, Serially produced pressure vessels. After consultation with stakeholders in both countries, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand decided to develop this Standard as an Australian Standard rather than an Australian/New Zealand Standard.This Standard covers a wide range of small, usually low-hazard, pressure vessels whose design and construction are based on satisfactory burst and other performance tests of a significant number of representative samples. The main types of vessels falling into this group are small, serially produced refrigeration type vessels, air brake reservoirs, drink dispensers, and consumer items such as pressurized fire extinguisher bodies not covered by other Australian Standards, and beer kegs.Almost invariably these types of vessels do not comply with AS 1210, Pressure vessels, which has been prepared primarily for one-off vessels where the design is based on proven formulas, and construction is based on proven materials, fabrication procedures, personnel, and tests which are predominantly non-destructive. AS 1210 does permit burst testing as a basis for acceptance of design of parts or vessels, but only when they cannot be calculated.Thus, there is a need to cover this alternative method of producing safe vessels where it is frequently equally sound and more economic to use burst and other performance tests to validate design, materials, and fabrication, all simultaneously.The main changes in this revision include the following:(a)An increase in limits on contained energy.(b)The introduction of a two-tiered concept for vessels which distinguishes betweenvessels with a simple shape and design and those with a more complicated shape,higher design strength and incapable of simple analysis.(c) A new appendix introducing the concept of an Integrated Pressure Equipment TestStation (IPETS).(d)Alignment with Standardization Guide No. 17.1, Drafting o f Standards that may bereferenced under occupational health and safety legislation.From 1995, there has been, and will continue to be, a phasing out of State and Territory regulatory authorities approving pressure vessel design and testing and a phasing in of competent bodies or persons to undertake this task. This Standard introduces a new concept of a pressure equipment test station, integral to the manufacturing process which will carry out these tasks.The economy and proven safety record of this alternative approach, which essentially results in the specification of ‘performance’ type requirements was recognized during the revision of this Standard as was the need for consistency with the principles of AS 1210.This Standard has been prepared to—(i)avoid possible confusion between the various classes of AS 1210 vessels and the fourclasses of serially produced vessels; and(ii)permit coverage of non-metallic vessels or pressure parts, e.g. plastic covers on cream dispensers or rubber protectors for thin bases of some vessels.The adoption of various classes approximates to the principle established in AS 1210; the classification being based primarily on the minimum safety factor as in AS 1210. In this way, a variety of vessels can be covered in a systematic manner in one document. The basis of these classes is discussed in the Commentary (which follows the appendices to this Standard).AS 2971—20023While the Standard primarily considers mass-produced or serially produced vessels, provision has been made for the production of vessels in very small numbers to meet the special needs of the refrigeration industry and the limited production runs in Australia.Limits have been placed on volume, pressure and contained energy for these vessels to ensure reasonable harmonization with AS 1210 and to cover virtually all vessels currently produced to satisfactory standards by this approach.It is envisaged that experience gained in the use of the Standard will highlight areas that need to be strengthened. The Standard will be regularly reviewed and revised as necessaryto ensure it remains a useful document to all parties concerned and provides safe, reliable pressure plant.Statements expressed in mandatory terms in notes to tables are deemed to be requirementsof this Standard.The terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in this Standard to define the application of the appendix to which they apply. A ‘normative’ appendix is an integral partof a Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and guidance.AS 2971—20024CONTENTSPage SECTION 1SCOPE AND GENERAL1.1SCOPE (6)1.2OBJECTIVE (6)1.3APPLICATION (6)1.4REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (7)1.5DEFINITIONS (8)1.6CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELS (9)1.7DESIGNATION (10)1.8APPLICATION OF CLASSES AND TIERS OF VESSELS (10)SECTION 2MATERIALS, DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE2.1MATERIALS (11)2.2DESIGN (11)2.3MANUFACTURE (12)2.4PROTECTIVE DEVICES AND FITTINGS (13)2.5CORROSION PROTECTION (13)SECTION 3PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS3.1GENERAL (14)3.2RESISTANCE TO INTERNAL PRESSURE (14)3.3RESISTANCE TO BURSTING AND FRAGMENTATION (14)3.4RESISTANCE TO FATIGUE (14)3.5RESISTANCE TO DROPPING (14)3.6RESISTANCE TO PENETRATION (14)3.7RESISTANCE TO IMPACT (14)3.8RESISTANCE TO TORQUE (15)3.9CLOSURE (15)3.10RESISTANCE TO CORROSION (15)3.11PRESSURE RELIEF (16)3.12MARKING PLATE ADHESION (16)3.13SURFACE QUALITY AND CONFORMANCE (16)3.14OTHER PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (16)SECTION 4MARKING AND INSTRUCTIONS4.1MARKING (17)4.2INSTRUCTIONS (17)SECTION 5ASSESSMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS STANDARD5.1GENERAL (18)5.2WITNESSING OF TYPE TESTS (18)5.3REPORT OF TYPE TESTING (18)5.4MANUFACTURER’S DATA REPORT (18)5.5AUDITING OF MANUFACTURER’S FACILITIES (19)5.6RETESTS (19)AS 2971—20025APPENDICESA INTEGRATED PRESSURE EQUIPMENT TEST STATIONS (22)B INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CUSTOMER AND THEMANUFACTURER (24)C PROOF PRESSURE TESTS (26)D BURST AND FRAGMENTATION TEST (27)E FATIGUE TEST (29)F DROP TEST (30)G PENETRATION TEST (32)H IMPACT TEST (34)I CORROSION TESTS (36)J PRESSURE-RELIEF DEVICE TESTS (38)K MARKING PLATE ADHESION TEST (40)COMMENTARY (41)AS 2971—2002© Standards Australia .au6STANDARDS AUSTRALIAAustralian Standard Serially produced pressure vesselsS E C T I O N 1 S C O P E A N D G E N E R A L1.1 SCOPEThis Standard specifies requirements for the materials, design, manufacture, inspection and testing of serially produced metallic or non-metallic or combination unfired pressure vessels comprising:(a)A maximum volume of 500 L.(b)A design pressure exceeding 0.05 MPa.(c) A product of the design pressure (in megapascals) and the total vapour space (inlitres) that is greater than 1 but less than 3000. Where the vessel contents are classified as harmful or very harmful to AS 4343, the upper limit is 1500 MPa.L. This Standard excludes contents classified as lethal.NOTE: The vapour space is the maximum volume which will contain compressed gas or vapour or liquefied gas or liquid above its atmospheric boiling point.(d) A temperature range of–20°C to 150°C. Vessels designated outside the range of 0°Cto 50°C require special tests. Refer to Appendices D, F and G where applicable.Such vessels may be refillable or non-refillable.NOTE: Users of this S tandard are reminded that it has no legal authority in its own right, but may acquire legal standing if adopted by government or any other authority having jurisdiction,or if specified as part of a commercial contract.1.2 OBJECTIVEThis Standard is intended to—(a)establish minimum requirements for the materials, design, manufacture, inspection and testing for pressure vessels within the range of Clause 1.1; and (b) provide a method of design based on destructive type testing and monitoring ofmanufacture by performance testing of representative samples from production. This method is an alternative to that given in AS 1210 to vessels within the range of Clause APPLICATIONThis Standard is not intended to apply to—(a)pressure vessels covered by other Australian Standards, e.g. portable fire extinguishers, LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use and sterilizers;(b)compressed gas cylinders covered by AS 2030 (series) and Supplement No. 1 to AS 2030;(c)glass and plastics bottles; or (d) vacuum vessels (i.e. vessels that operate only below atmospheric pressure).AS 2971— © Standards Australia 71.4 REFERENCED DOCUMENTSThe following Standards are referred to in this Standard:AS1056Storage water heaters (series)1210Pressure vessels 1271Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges, and other fittings for boilers and unfired pressure vessels 1358Bursting discs and bursting disc devices—Guide to application, selection,and installation 1826Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres—Special protection—Type of protections 2030The verification, filling, inspection, testing and maintenance of cylinders for the storage and transport of compressed gases (series)Supp 1Foreign gas cylinder specifications 2038Methods for detecting the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steel to intergranular corrosion 2278Non-refillable metal aerosol dispensers of capacity 50 mL to 1000 mL inclusive 2331Methods of test for metallic and related coatings 2331.3.1Method 3.1:Corrosion and related property tests—Neutral salt spray (NSS) test 2380Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres—Explosion-protection techniques 2380.1Part 1:General requirements 2470Steel cylinders for compressed gases—Welded three-piece construction with longitudinal joint — 11 kg to 150 kg 2582Complete, filled transport packages — Methods of test 2582.4Method 4:Vertical impact test by dropping 2613Safety devices for gas cylinders 2971Serially produced pressure vessels 4343Pressure equipment — Hazard levels 4942Pressure equipment––Glossary of terms AS/NZS1677Refrigerating systems (series)1841Portable fire extinguishers (series)3509LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use 3992Pressure equipment — Welding and brazing qualification AS/NZS ISO9001Quality management systems — Requirements ASTMB154Test method for mercurous nitrate test for copper and copper alloys.BS1746Specification for domestic pressure cookersSAEJ10Automotive and off-high highway air brake reservoir performance and identification requirementsANSI/UL207Refrigerant-containing components and accessories, non-electricalDOT39Non-reusable non-refillable cylinders1.5 DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS 4942 and those below apply.1.5.1 BatchA group of serially produced vessels made with the same set-up in the same plant over a period not exceeding 3 months with a maximum interval of 5 days and subject to the same quality control measures.NOTE: The ‘same set-up’ refers to the same diameter, nominal thickness, heat treatment process and welding control settings.1.5.2 Certification bodyA nationally recognized body that provides certification.1.5.3 CustomerOrganization or person that receives a product or service.NOTES:1 A customer may be internal or external to the organization.2 A customer can be the ‘purchaser’.1.5.4 Design minimum temperatureThe lowest temperature at which the vessel part under consideration is intended to be operated. It is used to select material with suitable low temperature properties and as the basis for type and production tests.1.5.5 Design pressureThe maximum gauge pressure, at a designated temperature, which is allowed at the top of the pressure vessel in its operating position.1.5.6 Design temperatureThe maximum temperature at the design pressure, used to determine the dimensions of the vessel part under consideration, and used as the basis for type and production tests.1.5.7 Design verifierA person who verifies the design of pressure equipment.NOTE: In this S tandard, the design verifier may also witness tests or interpret test results or a combination of these.1.5.8 Integrated pressure equipment test station (IPETS)A test station integral with the manufacturing process and operating as specified in Appendix A. It is responsible for the quality of all pressure equipment sold from the manufacturing plant from which it operates.1.5.9 Serially produced vesselsVessels of the same diameter, configuration, nominal thickness, materials, openings, attachments and manufacture which are produced in series in such manner and numbers as will permit the use of statistical methods to control quality.NOTE: Such vessels are sometimes referred to as ‘multiple duplicate’ vessels.1.5.10 ShallIndicates that a statement is mandatory.1.5.11 ShouldIndicates a recommendation.1.5.12 Type testingA performance evaluation procedure (for the purpose of design verification) on a representative sample of production which ascertains that the product will fulfil the performance requirements of the design specification and the application Standard.1.5.13 Unfired pressure vesselA vessel subject to internal pressure or external pressure including inter-connecting parts and components up to the first point of connection to connected piping and fittings by bolting, screwing, welding, or by other means, but not including those vessels wherein steam or other vapour is or is intended to be generated, or water or other liquid is or is intended to be heated, by the application of fire or the products of combustion or by electrical means.1.5.14 VerificationConfirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled (by the IPETS or an independent third party design verifier and independent third party inspector).1.5.15 Verifying organizationAn organization accredited by a recognized body to grant certificates to the integrated pressure equipment test stations.1.6 CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELSVessels shall be classified according to their design, material, manufacture, and pressure performance as shown in Tables 1.1 and 1.2.TABLE 1.1CLASSES OF VESSELSClassMinimum burstpressure (times designpressure)Minimum proofpressure (times designpressure)Performancefatigue testOtherperformance test1H 2.35 1.25Required ifN > 101 3.5 1.5Required ifN > 200see Section 52 4.4 1.5 (Note 3)Not required392Not requiredNOTES:1N = the expected number of significant pressurizing cycles (i.e. cycles having a range of pressure greater than 20 percent of the design pressure) over the design life.2The manufacturer shall state in the data report the design life in cycles for Class 1H and Class 1 vessels or vessel parts.3Vessels less than 155 mm inside diameter and with harmful and non-harmful contents may be tested at design pressure.TABLE 1.2TYPICAL APPLICATIONS OF CLASSES OF VESSELSClass MaterialService(see Note)Example of application1H Ductile Static Sparklet cylinders1Ductile Static Fire extinguishers2Ductile Static or dynamic Air brake reservoir, refrigeration vessels, orcomponents, including ductile plastics vesselsor components3Non-ductile Static or dynamic Cast iron, glass, or plastics vessels orcomponentsNOTE: Static service is service where the vessel will not normally be subject to extra stresses due to external shock loads or due to pressure shocks, e.g. air brake reservoirs.1.7 DESIGNATIONVessels shall be designated by the number of this Standard and the class of vessel(e.g. AS 2971.1).1.8 APPLICATION OF CLASSES AND TIERS OF VESSELSThe class and tier applicable to each vessel shall be nominated by the manufacturer and be in accordance with Table 1.1, Table 1.2 and Table 1.3 as appropriate. The class and tier nominated shall be reviewed by the person or body witnessing the type tests in accordance with Clause 5.2, applicable to the pressure envelope which is usually governed by the cylindrical shell.Where non-ductile components are attached to ductile vessels, the non-ductile components shall be tested in accordance with Class 3 requirements. This may require different testing for the non-ductile components.TABLE 1.3TIERS OF VESSELSProperty Tier 1 vessels Tier 2 vesselsShape Simple (see Note 1)All shapesClass of vessel1, 2 or 31, 2, 3, or 1HMaterials Suitably ductile (see Note 2)All acceptable materialsService conditions Fatigue tests not requiredexcept where required byTable 1.1 for Class 1All conditionsContents Harmful and non-harmful(see Note 3)All contents classifications except lethal (see Note 3)NOTES:1Simply shaped: Those that are cylindrical or spherical in shape and have ends of conventional shape.2Suitably ductile: Those materials having a yield or 0.2% proof strength of less than 300 MPa and an elongation of more than 20%. Where the yield or 0.2% proof strength is >320 MPa but ≤360 MPa, the elongation may be reduced by 1% for each 10 MPa over 320 MPa but in no case be <16%.3Refer to AS 4343 for the classification of contents and hazard levels of pressure equipment.S E C T I O N2M A T E R I A L S,D E S I G N A N DM A N U F A C T U R E2.1 MATERIALSThe material used in pressure parts of a vessel shall not be deleteriously affected by, nor have a deleterious effect on, the intended contents of the vessel, and shall be such that each vessel would be able to pass the relevant type tests specified in this Standard.For the purpose of establishing the classification applicable to each vessel in accordance with Clause 1.8, ductile materials may be considered to be those materials which when tested by approved methods after manufacture of the vessel have not less than 8 percent elongation at rupture on a gauge length of 5.65/S o, where S o is the original cross-section within the gauge length, or equivalent elongation when measured on other gauge lengths or in a bend test or burst test, and which do not fragment during burst tests (see Clause 3.3). The ductility shall be measured in the area or areas of the vessel, and at conditions, such as temperature, that represent the lowest ductility in the material of the vessel as manufactured. Where the manufacturing process does not significantly alter the properties of the material, test certificates for, or tests on, the original material may be accepted by the manufacturer.2.2 DESIGN2.2.1 GeneralThe design shall be such that each vessel will consistently be able to pass the type tests specified in this Standard.2.2.2 Design pressureThe design pressure shall not be less than one or more of the following:(a)The maximum operating pressure specified in the appropriate application Standard,e.g. AS/NZS 1677 (series).(b)The maximum pressure likely to be experienced in normal operation.(c)The maximum developed pressure at 65°C where the vessel is likely to be exposed tothe sun without insulation unless satisfactory evidence can be provided demonstrating that a lower temperature can be assumed.(d)The start to discharge pressure of any pressure-relief device(s) in the system withwhich the vessel is to be used (see Note).NOTE: To avoid premature operation of pressure-relief device(s), it is necessary for the design pressure to be higher than the normal operating pressure.2.2.3 CrevicesReverse curvature ends, joggled joints, joints with retained backing strips, and incomplete penetration welds are not permitted where serious crevice or local corrosion could occur. 2.2.4 Cleaning accessSuitable provision shall be made for cleaning purposes where cleaning is required in service. Access openings may be required for this purpose.2.2.5 Inspection openingsEach vessel subject to corrosion and exceeding 155 mm inside diameter shall have at least two openings of at least 11 mm clear bore, or one opening of at least 20 mm clear bore, to permit inspection of representative areas of the vessel’s inside surface. For a vessel 155 mm or less inside diameter, the size, number, and location of openings shall be appropriate for the principal dimensions of the vessel. Such openings may be provided by openings for piping, fittings, or drainage.2.2.6 ClosuresClosures shall comply with following requirements as appropriate:(a)Screwed cap or plugA screw-threaded cap or plug closure shall have provision to leak while there are stillsufficient threads engaged to withstand the design pressure. Adequate allowance shall be provided for reduction of effective threads due to expected wear in operating the closure, and due to corrosion. It shall not be possible to release the closure at any dangerous pressure without a clear indication of leakage.(b)Studded connectionThe length of studs on a studded connection shall be such that the closure can leak while there are sufficient threads engaged to withstand the design pressure.(c)Bayonet closureFor a quick-acting bayonet closure, it shall not be possible to dangerously pressurize the vessel unless the closure is fully or safely engaged (see Note 2).(d)Internally fitted bridge closureThe forces on a bridge type internally fitted closure at any dangerous pressure shall be such that the closure cannot be opened by unassisted handpower (see Note 2). (e)Externally fitted bridge closureFor a bridge type external closure, it shall not be possible to dangerously pressurize the vessel unless the bridge is fully or safely engaged (see Notes 1 and 2).NOTES:1In Item (e), the operation of a screw on a bridge-type externally fitted closure should lift the lid slowly and cause obvious leakage before the bridge can be moved to an open position.2In Items (c), (d), and (e), dangerous pressure is any pressure sufficient to eject the vessel contents or any part of the closure in a manner that could result in injury to personnel.2.2.7 DrainsWhere waste liquid or deposits can accumulate in the vessel, drainage of the vessel in the operating position shall be possible. Openings provided for other purposes may be utilized for drainage.2.3 MANUFACTUREThe manufacturing procedures shall be such that each vessel will be able to pass the relevant type tests specified in this Standard.NOTE: See Appendix B for information to be supplied by the customer and manufacturer.2.4 PROTECTIVE DEVICES AND FITTINGS2.4.1 FittingsProvision shall be made for each vessel to be equipped with valves or other pressure-retaining fittings including safety fittings necessary to ensure that, in service, the vessel will—(a)be able to be used as intended;(b)be protected against overpressure; and(c)comply with the requirements of the appropriate application Standard.2.4.2 Pressure-relief devicesEach vessel shall be fitted with a suitable pressure-relief device where either of the following conditions prevail:(a)Where it is possible for the vessel to be pressurized in normal service from a sourcehaving a pressure greater than the design pressure of the vessel.NOTE: Excessive pressure may be prevented by a suitable pressure-relief device in the filling system. A pressure-reducing valve or regulator is not adequate alone.(b)Where the pressurized vessel may be subject to fire while not attached to a systemhaving a suitable pressure-relief device, except that a pressure-relief device is not required where the gas or vapour space is not greater than 2 L and the contents are non-harmful.Pressure-relief devices shall comply with the performance requirements of Clause CORROSION PROTECTIONEach vessel shall be suitably protected against corrosion, and where specified in Table 5.1 shall be capable of passing the appropriate corrosion test in Clause 3.10.Air brake reservoirs shall be protectively treated against corrosion as follows:(a)After satisfactory completion of hydrostatic testing, all reservoirs shall be suitablytreated to remove scale and rust, dried internally, and protectively treated internally against corrosion, particular attention being paid to the open joint in the inserted end.(b)The material used for protective treatment shall be resistant to oil, grease, water, andcrankcase gases, and to temperatures up to 150°C, and when tested with an equivalent coating thickness as provided in the air reservoir, shall comply with Clause 3.10(b). (c)An exterior paint finish providing the same salt spray protection as for the interiorshall be applied to all reservoirs on completion.。

EN 1991-1-1_2002 AC_2009

EN 1991-1-1_2002 AC_2009

Eurocode 1: Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke Teil 1-1: Wichten, Eigengewicht und Nutzlasten im Hochbau
This corrigendum becomes effective on 18 March 2009 for incorporation in the three official language versions of the EN.
3 Modification to Subclause 6.2.2
Page 19, delete Paragraph ‘(1)’ and replace with the following: " (1) For the design of columns and walls, the imposed load should be placed at all unfavourable locations.
9 Modification to Table A.7, ‘Stored materials - building and construction’
Page 23, delete Paragraph ‘(10)’:
(10) In accordance with 6.2.1(4) a reduction factor αA may be applied to the qk values for imposed loads in Tables 6.2, and 6.10 for floors, and accessible roofs, Category I (See Table 6.9).
and replace with the following:



Strait Phdrmaceutical Jonmai VcU33NoU2221报情况及漏报原因调查分析〔〕中国药房021708(39):5259s 50596〔3〕国家食品药品监督管理总局•药品不良反应报告和监测管理办法〔EB/OL〕3(221105-04)〔225-S4-10〕.http:// sama .8u/WS21/LL0253/92901.html〔4〕王杰松,刘刚,吴久鸿.药物临床试验的风险与管理〔〕中国药房,2008,59(35):2409〔5〕Ekhae C,van HunseU F,Scholl J.Sex DiCereuces in ReuorteU AUveue Drup Reactious oi Selective Serotouic Reuptake InUibitors.〔J〕.Drug SrU,225,21(7):977-683.[9]SolUic OP,Mattisou DR.Sex UiCereuces in pharmacoUiueticr anUmacoUynamics〔J〕.Clin PharmacWiuey2029,48(3):143-157.〔7〕李韵梅•药物不良反应545例分析〔〕当代医学,2213,50(9):54-55.〔8〕Elisa Chilet-Roseli,Ma Teresa Ruiz-Cantere.GexUes Analysis oi Moxi-Uoxacin ClinicaI TriaIs〔J〕.Womeus Healta(Larchmi-,2214,09(5):7705046〔9〕Li XX,Zhuo L,Zhane Y.The Incineuce anU Risi Factore for AUverse Drug Reactious Relateu i Tanreqina Injectiou:A Larae Populatiou-Baseu Stuby in China〔J〕.Frou-PharmacW,2222,9(12):509.〔12〕彭媛,周癑,赵曜,等•我院药品不良反应上报情况分析与评价〔〕6中国当代医药,2059,5(23):59705986〔5〕Pattou K,B ofs O o W DC.AUverse Urup reactious〔J〕•Anaesthesia, 225,73(1):97R4.〔〔2〕Ferner RE,Arousou JK.Prevextanilith oi Ump-relateX harms-pari S:a systematic review〔J〕.Drug Sae,2210,(33):985-94.[13]Dreischulte T,Dounan P,Gran-A,e-ai.Safes prescribina-3eiai oieuucatiou,informatics:anU financial inceutives〔J〕.N Engl J Meu, 2059374(55):5053050946〔〔4〕Guthrio B,Kavanagh K,RoUertsou C,et al.Data feeubach anU beuav-iourai chan/e interveutiou to improve primary care prescribin/safety (EFIPPS):1111006x0-,three arm,cluster ranUomiseu coutrolleu iiai 〔J〕BMJ,2219,354(5):i4279.-经营与管理•我院慢性疾病患者原研药品使用影响因素分析——治疗慢性病仿制药品一致性评价方向探索乌日汗,斯日古楞*(内蒙古自治区人民医院,内蒙古呼和浩特010010)摘要:目的分析不同因素对我院慢性疾病患者是否使用原研药品的影响,促进临床合理使用原研药品,提高我国仿制药品临床疗效,加强我国仿制药品产业发展。

SAG-AFTRA 文件:生产者保护制度指南说明书

SAG-AFTRA 文件:生产者保护制度指南说明书

Work that involves nudity or simulated sex places performers in uniquely vulnerable situations. This work is, and always should be, something a performer is proud of and something they engage in willingly. To protect a performer’s immediate and ongoing comfort and safety, key factors include ensuring that performers have:Appropriate notice of nudity and simulated sex required from a role and audition process;An opportunity to provide meaningful, written consent free of pressure or coercion;Written riders that outline the parameters of nudity or simulated sex; andSafe and secure working conditions that are not detrimental to their health, safety, morals and career.Contractual & Legal RequirementsThis guide outlines safety requirements for signatory film and television productions in accordance with SAG-AFTRA contracts, protections that are enforceable by the union. Producers must also comply with relevant local, state and federal laws.Harassment ProtectionsProducers are legally and contractually obligated to provide a workplace free from sexual harassment at all times, including providing training and mechanisms for reporting inappropriate conduct. This extends to the pre-employment and audition process.Prohibition on Actual SexSAG-AFTRA contracts explicitly prohibit actual sex acts, meaning that at no time should a performer auditioning or working under a SAG-AFTRA contract engage in, or be asked to engage in, actual sex acts. Actual sex includes genital contact without a physical barrier, regardless of whether the performer is clothed or unclothed.NotificationA producer must notify a performer of nudity or simulated sex acts expected in the roleprior to an audition, if known.A producer must also notify the performer of any modesty garment audition prior to theaudition, once known. This information must be provided in the casting notice for the role, if known at the time.If the role has already been cast and a producer then learns of expected nudity or simulated sex acts, they are required to notify the performer as soon as practicable.Provision of RidersA rider must be provided to a performer at least 48 hours prior to call time on the day a sceneis to be shot.If the role was cast less than 48 hours prior to call time, or if the producer has engaged someone to replace another performer less than 48 hours prior to call time, this timeframe can be waived. In both cases, the producer must provide the proposed written rider at the earliest practicable time before production, ensuring the performer is not pressured into agreement. A producer must provide the name and contact details of a designated representative to allowa performer to ask questions about how their consent will be interpreted and applied duringshooting of the scenes.Continuing ConsentA producer must advise the director and line producer or UPM of the parameters of consentto ensure production of the scene reflects the rider.No performer should be pressured to do something they have not previously agreed to in their rider.The final depiction must reflect what a performer has agreed to in their rider.A performer may withdraw their written consent at any time prior to capturing footage.A performer may withdraw their consent verbally. If consent is withdrawn, the producer candouble the performer (including by use of digital technology) per the terms of the original rider.On-Set ProtocalsTo protect performers as they rehearse and perform these scenes, a producer has the responsibility to ensure the following requirements are followed:The set must be closed to all persons who are not essential to the filming or rehearsal ofa scene, meaning that only those necessary to be physically present in the moment areallowed on set.People who should not be on set during the production of these scenes include other performers not involved in the specific scenes, unnecessary crew members, financiers and studio executives, location owners and visitors.Monitors should only be viewed by essential members of production. Best practice is to place monitors in a secure, private location.It is strictly prohibited for any person on set to make recordings using a personal device, including cellphones, mobile devices and personal cameras. Best practice is to prohibit these devices from being on set.A cover-up must be provided to any performer in the nude or wearing a modesty garmentwhen they are on set but not rehearsing or shooting a scene, or when there is a pause in rehearsing or shooting the scene.Body Doubling & Digital DoublingA producer may not double a performer (including using digital technology) to depict them in the nude or engaging in a sex act unless previous consent is given and the depiction follows the rules of the codified basic agreement, including the exception under Continuing Consent above. Publicity MaterialsNo footage or still photography of a performer in the nude may be used for promotional material unless they have provided prior written consent. Consent must be included in the performer’s rider as an independent, explicit clause.Contacting SAG-AFTRAAnyone concerned about a situation that does not adhere to the guidelines set outhere should contact the relevant SAG-AFTRA department using the numbers or email addresses below:Entertainment Contracts: 844 SAFER SET(844) 723-3773*****************************Equity & Inclusion:(323) 549-6644**********************On-set / After-hoursEmergency:844 SAFER SET(844) 723-3773Sexual Harassment:855 SAG-AFTRA(855) 724-2387 and press 1。

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NASA/TM-2002-211931A Procedure for Structural Weight Estimation of Single Stage to Orbit Launch Vehicles(Interim User’s Manual)Zoran N.Martinovic and Jeffrey A.CerroLangley Research Center,Hampton,VirginiaSeptember2002The NASA STI Program ProfileSince its founding,NASA has been dedicated to the advancement of aeronautics and space science.The NASA Scientific and Technical Information(STI)Program Office plays a key part in helping NASA maintain this important role.The NASA STI Program Office is operated by Langley Research Center,the lead center for NASA’s scientific and technical information. The NASA STI Program Office provides access to the NASA STI Database,the largest collection of aeronautical and space science STI in the world.The Program Office is also NASA’s institutional mechanism for disseminating the results of its research and development activities.These results are published by NASA in the NASA STI Report Series,which includes the following report types:• TECHNICAL PUBLICATION.Reports of completed research or a majorsignificant phase of research thatpresent the results of NASA programsand include extensive data or theoreticalanalysis.Includes compilations ofsignificant scientific and technical dataand information deemed to be ofcontinuing reference value.NASAcounterpart of peer-reviewed formalprofessional papers,but having lessstringent limitations on manuscriptlength and extent of graphicpresentations.• TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM.Scientific and technical findings that arepreliminary or of specialized interest,e.g.,quick release reports,workingpapers,and bibliographies that containminimal annotation.Does not containextensive analysis.• CONTRACTOR REPORT.Scientific and technical findings by NASA-sponsoredcontractors and grantees.•CONFERENCE PUBLICATION.Collected papers from scientific andtechnical conferences,symposia,seminars,or other meetings sponsoredor co-sponsored by NASA.• SPECIAL PUBLICATION.Scientific, technical,or historical information fromNASA programs,projects,and missions,often concerned with subjects havingsubstantial public interest.• TECHNICAL TRANSLATION.English-language translations of foreignscientific and technical materialpertinent to NASA’s mission. Specialized services that complement the STI Program Office’s diverse offerings include creating custom thesauri,building customized databases,organizing and publishing research results...even providing videos.For more information about the NASA STI Program Office,see the following:• Access the NASA STI Program Home Page at • E-mail your question via the Internet to help@• Fax your question to the NASA STI Help Desk at(301)621-0134• Phone the NASA STI Help Desk at(301) 621-0390• Write to:NASA STI Help DeskNASA Center for AeroSpace Information 7121Standard DriveHanover,MD21076-1320NASA/TM-2002-211931A Procedure for Structural Weight Estimation of Single Stage to Orbit Launch Vehicles(Interim User’s Manual)Zoran N.Martinovic and Jeffrey A.CerroLangley Research Center,Hampton,VirginiaNational Aeronautics andSpace AdministrationLangley Research CenterHampton,Virginia23681-2199September2002Available from:NASA Center for AeroSpace Information(CASI)National Technical Information Service(NTIS) 7121Standard Drive5285Port Royal RoadHanover,MD21076-1320Springfield,VA22161-2171(301)621-0390(703)605-6000AbstractThis is an interim user’s manual for current procedures used in the Vehicle Analysis Branch at NASA Langley Research Center,Hampton,Virginia,for launch vehicle structural subsystem weight estimation based on finite element modeling and structural analysis.The process is intended to complement traditional methods of conceptual and early preliminary structural design such as the application of empirical weight estimation relationships or application of classical engineering design equations and criteria on one dimensional“line”models.Functions of two commercially available software codes are coupled together.Vehicle modeling and analysis are done using SDRC/I-DEAS,and structural sizing is preformed with the Collier Research Corp. HyperSizer program.Table of Contents1.Introduction12.General Overview of the Weight Estimation Procedure13.Detailed Overview of the Weight Estimation Procedure43.1.Geometry and Finite Element Modeling43.1.1.Vehicle Geometry and Mass-less Finite ElementModeling Task53.1.2.Vehicle Lump Mass Modeling Task103.1.3.Preliminary Vehicle Stiffness Definition Task113.2.External Load Modeling and Load Balancing123.2.1.Unit Load Set Task133.2.2Combination of Unit Load Sets into Flight Loads andLoad Balancing163.2.3.Further Processing of Force and Pressure Loads193.2.4.Final Assembly of Loads into Load Conditions193.3.The First Static Analysis and Structural Sizing203.3.1.The First Structural Analysis203.3.2.The First Structural Sizing213.4.Iteration between Static Analysis and Structural Sizing234.Integration With Other Vehicle Analysis Tools235.Conclusion236.References25List of FiguresFigure1.General outline of the procedure for structural weight estimation2 Figure2.Graphical outline of the weight estimation procedure3 Figure3.Geometries of sub-assemblies generated by I-DEAS Program files6 Figure4.Droop nose geometry8 Figure5.Rigid link or mass-less beam connection between wing and the fuselage9 Figure6.Finite element model of a launch vehicle10 Figure7.Unit Load for wing lift14 Figure8.Tank head pressure14 Figure9.Typical load balancing spreadsheet17 Figure10.Nose gear restraint21List of TablesTable1.Software used to estimate vehicle weights4 Table2.Abbreviated version of the CONSIZE_MOD Text file10 Table3.Design conditions13 Table4.Input lines from a tank pressure modeling I-DEAS Program file15 Table5.Unit Load run results in an I-DEAS Listing file16 Table6.An input file into JAVA“combine_loads”program19List of AppendicesAppendix A.Detail Outline of the Procedure for Structural Weight Estimation27 Appendix B.Output from CONSIZE for WB004C Vehicle31 Appendix C.I-DEAS,Version6,Program File for Generation of Geometry andFinite Element Meshing of Fuel Tanks37 Appendix D.Listing of I-DEAS Finite Element Property Assignment Program44 Appendix E.Listing of the CONSIZE_MOD.txt File46 Appendix F.Listing of Commands to Run JAVA Programs47 Appendix G.Typical Tank Head Pressure I-DEAS V6Program File48 Appendix H.Calculation of Dynamic Thrust Factor for Liftoff Condition501.IntroductionThis document serves as an interim user’s manual for current procedures used in the Vehicle Analysis Branch at NASA Langley Research Center for launch vehicle structural subsystem weight estimation based on finite element modeling and structural analysis.A general overview of the weight estimation procedure is presented first.It is followed by a detailed description of the procedure with recommendations on how to deal with the design process.2.General Overview of the Weight Estimation ProcedureThe process described in this report is based on application of finite element(FE)models to estimate weight of typical cylindrically shaped launch vehicles.The process is intended to complement traditional methods of structural design such as application of empirical weight estimation[1]or application of classical engineering design equations and criteria on one dimensional“line”models.Because of the requirement of fast turn-around at the early stage of vehicle design this method utilizes relatively simple three dimensional finite element models for structural weight estimation of the new and untested launch vehicle concepts.The ultimate objective of this effort is to generate a procedure to automate structural weight estimation for new vehicle designs and to reduce the interaction required from analysts/designers to a“reasonable level”during the initial design stage.This procedure could further be integrated with other design disciplines,such as propulsion,trajectory analysis,aero and thermo analysis, into a unified code/procedure that would produce an initial launch vehicle candidate design with the low effort and in a short time.The general outline of the procedure is shown in Figures1and2.Vehicle geometry and preliminary structural weights and system weights are defined first from other sources such as The CONfiguration SIZing Program[1].The vehicle geometry and finite element model meshing is done in I-DEAS[2].Preliminary vehicle mass from CONSIZ is discretized and lumped to the FE model through a process which uses EXCEL spreadsheets and a JAVA program.External loads are modeled next.These are loads used to represent basic lift,thrust,control and tank pressure forces which are later combined and scaled to create vehicle design conditions.Inputs from different sources are compiled(such as from a trajectory program)and then the actual design load cases are created using a procedure based on integration of I-DEAS,EXCEL spreadsheets,text files and a JAVA program.The net result of this process is a lumpedmass/mass-less shell element FE model with proper boundary conditions and static loading ready for a linear static solution.The structural sizing part of the procedure consists of an initial sizing run which produces first estimates of vehicle stiffness and structural weight.After this,the user needs to iterate theanalysis and sizing runs until desired convergence of vehicle weight is achieved.Convergence satisfies the iterative nature of calculating new strucutural elment sizes and letting this new element definition influence the vehicle mass and stiffness matrices.Static analysis is performed inside I-DEAS and results are exported to the sizing program.HyperSizer[3]sizes the vehicle shell panels to support internal running loads imported from I-DEAS.The outcome of this is a consistent mass shell vehicle ready to be imported back to I-DEAS for a new set of static analyses.Once the iteration between I-DEAS and HyperSizer produces sufficiently converged vehicle structural weight,the process ends.Updated stiffened skin theoretical structural weights can then be modified from the theoretical state to the“as-built”weight and exported to other disciplines in the vehicle design process(such as back to CONSIZE).Figure1.General outline of the procedure for structural weight estimationVehicle Geometry and Weights from CONSIZEGeometry Model in I-DEASFE Model in I-DEASFlight Profile with Accelerations from POST Loaded FE Model in I-DEAS3 .5 A lt it u d e , f t. * 1 0 - 3 3 2 .5 2.G O rb ite r e n tr y O r b ite r a s c e n t1 .5 1 .0 0 .5 AH F E D BC B o o s te r s ta g in g510152025M a ch N u m be r A B C D E F G H – L o a d in g c o n d i t io n s 1 t h r u 6 , a n d 1 4 t h r u 1 6 a r e o n th e g r o u n d – max Q – m a x a s c e n t w in g n o r m a l fo rc e – pre stagin g – p o s t s ta g in g – m a x a sc e n t a xia l a c c el – h y p e r s o n ic e n t r y – su b s on ic m a n eu ve rComponent sizing in HYPERSIZER HYPERSIZER ModelFigure 2. Graphical outline of the weight estimation procedure33. Detailed Overview of the Weight Estimation ProcedureThe whole procedure consists of the following major sub-procedures: • Geometry and Finite Element Modeling, • External Loads Modeling and Load Balancing, • First Static Analysis and Structural Sizing, • Iterative Static Analysis and Structural Sizing. The flow chart of the detailed procedure is illustrated in Appendix A. Table 1 summarizes the software and programs used in this procedure. Table 1. Software used to estimate vehicle weights Software I-DEAS HYPERSIZER Application Geometry and finite element modeling; static analysis. - Preliminary vehicle stiffness definition; - element sizing. I-DEAS programs Geometry and finite element meshing; physical property assignment to finite elements; lump mass distribution to finite elements. General CAD/CAE tasks. Associates finite element grids to lump masses; combines force and pressure loads. General manipulation of the ASCII file representation of the FEA entities. Summarizes system weights and associates them with finite element grids; combines “unit loads” into flight loads. Flight load balancing. Lump mass processing; force and pressure processing.JAVA programsEXCEL spread sheetsEXCEL spread sheet-solver Text files3.1. Geometry and Finite Element ModelingThe initial estimates of vehicle weights and geometry have to be acquired from other sources such as the CONSIZE program. Appendix B is a listing of output from CONSIZE that contains a breakdown of system weights into multi-level sub-system weights. This output also contains4general design data and vehicle parameters with geometry information that serve as the starting point for the structural analysis. Vehicle modeling is further divided into the following three interdependent tasks: • Vehicle Geometry and Mass-less Finite Element Modeling Task, • Vehicle Lump Mass Modeling Task, • Vehicle Preliminary Stiffness Definition Task. The final product of these three tasks is a vehicle finite element model built of mass-less shell elements and nodal lumped masses whose total weight equals the vehicle weight less the weight of main propellant. The user will notice the absence of other types of finite elements, such as beam elements, which one would expect to be present in the model beside stressed skin. The inclucsion of beam elements is a complication to the procedure as it currently stands and is being worked as a future enhancement. 3.1.1. Vehicle Geometry and Mass-less Finite Element Modeling Task In this task vehicle geometry is generated at the structural component sub-assembly level such as: fuel tank, vehicle nose, inter-tank assembly, payload bay, thrust structure, wing, tail and winglets. Those CAD surfaces are then meshed into finite element models of the sub-assemblies. The whole modeling process can be done either in a single I-DEAS Model file or in separate Model files. At this stage of the modeling process, finite elements do not have mass and the stiffness is defined as for a 0.001 inch thick steel element with the following material properties: modulus of elasticity of 3 × 107 lb/in2, Poisson’s ratio of 0.29 and mass density is 0.0 lb sec2/in4. Selection of steel and thickness was quite arbitrary. The finite elements are then organized into groups of panels. Each shell finite element in the panel has the same physical property name assigned to it in I-DEAS. These panels are the smallest structural entities that may be later on analyzed and sized in HyperSizer. Panels represent distinct regions of a single set of manufacturing sizes. For example, a stiffened skin panel may be made up of many elements but each element will have the same stiffener arrangement and gage sizes as any other in the panel. In HyperSizer these panels are called "components". It is important that this process of associating the physical property names to the elements produces physically meaningful panels. Naming the physical properties and associating them with proper elements is therefore a very important step in the vehicle design process. The user has three options to do vehicle geometry and mass-less finite element modeling tasks at the sub-assembly level in I-DEAS. 1. Create geometry and do meshing with the help of ready-made I-DEAS Program files. 2. Create geometry and mesh data using the I-DEAS Graphical User Interface (GUI). 3. Use available sub-assembly geometry models in so called I-DEAS "parametric form" and mesh them manually.5The first method is the simplest but least accurate one. The fuselage sub-structures are built of the simplest geometric entities such as cylinders, ellipsoids and frustum of cones. Figure 3 illustrates these sub-assemblies. Appendix C contains a typical I-DEAS Program file for a fuel tank that is used to generate geometry and finite elements for a liquid oxygen tank. The advantage of this method is that it is simple to apply. The disadvantage is that it does not cover more complicated shapes such as a droop nose. This method can use an I-DEAS program for automated property assignment. This program is listed in Appendix D. The program runs interactively inside I-DEAS and requires the following information be provided by the user: • Starting element number, • Ending element number, • Number of elements per property card, • Property prefixes string. The program assigns a physical property to the consecutive elements in the model. It allows further division of the sub-assembly with properties grouped around physically meaningful structural entities such as fuel tank bulkheads and barrels. It is well suited for simpler shapes such as fuel tanks, inter-tank adapters, simple nose sections and thrust structure. It should not be used for wing-like sub-assemblies and for complex shapes such as a droop nose.NoseFuel TankNOTE: xoffset & zoffset are defined w.r.t. I-DEAS global coordinate system CS1_{Global} xoffset xoffsetr2 r1r2barrel_len position 1 position 2Figure 3a. Geometry of sub-assemblies generated by I-DEAS Program files6Inter Tank AdapterThrust Structurexoffsetxoffsetr1r2r1r2lengthposition 1position 2Figure 3b. Geometry of sub-assemblies generated by I-DEAS Program filesPayload PodWingAirfoil NACA 2408Front SparMidRearLEGEND: 2 r2 xoffset 2 r3 position 1 position 2 zoffset Indicates Location and Dimension which may be controlled2 r1Figure 3c. Geometry of sub-assemblies generated by I-DEAS Program files7The second option allows the user full capability of the IDEAS GUI environment. Geometry, meshing and property assignment data for individual parts must be completed. The rest of the process is general enough such that user defined components can be anlayzed. A disadvantage to this method is that automation of man-in-loop process flow is not desireable. The third method is sort of a mixture of the prior two. Prior part models of shapes more complex than have been used via the first method are stored in an IDEAS Library. These parts are retrieved with appropriate dimension values applied. A typical complex shape – droop nose section is shown in Figure 4 with variable geometric parameters shown in the figure. The library of so called I-DEAS “parametric models” could be generated ahead of time. One disadvantage of this method is that the Part Coordinate System may not be aligned with the I-DEAS Global Coordinate System and this may cause some problems in the ensuing steps if not taken care of (see Note in Figure 3a). After all sub-assemblies have been created, they have to be assembled together into a vehicle assembly finite element model. Firstly, every sub-assembly model has to be exported from the I-DEAS Model File in Universal file format. The Universal files are then read into a new Model file one by one. Sub-assemblies generated from the parametric models should be imported last because of a problem with their coordinate system. This process will create new parts inside the Model file associated with each sub-assembly. Each part has also a finite element model associated with it. The FE models are separated and need to be assembled and appended into a vehicle assembly model. This process generates a few identical nodes at the interfaces between the parts. These nodes must be “equivalenced” (i.e. merged together) to provide structural continuity between the parts. Note that this assembly process was created in IDEAS V6. New code features, such as assembly FEA modeling in I-DEAS, may be taken advantage of as long as the intent of the process presented here is preserved. Transition section length Nose lengthDroop angleNose radiusFigure 4. Droop nose geometry8Connection between the wing and fuselage is modeled with Rigid Links or mass-less FE Beams with realistic stiffness properties. These elements will not be sized in HyperSizer and are in the model only to transfer load from the wing or tail surfaces into the fuselage. The detail of such a connection is shown in Figure 5. Care should be taken such that the rigid links tend to simulate phyisical connections that the joined parts would see in an actual assembly.Rigid Link/Beam Connection (typ.)Figure 5. Rigid link or mass-less beam connection between wing and the fuselage Finally, the model has to be prepared for preliminary vehicle weight definition and distribution. Densities of all materials in the model must be zeroed. Finite element nodes can be grouped into spatial groups which should correspond to the different vehicle systems listed in the CONSIZE output of Appendix B. The spatial grouping should be done so that the center of gravity of the group is as close as possible to the location of the center of gravity of particular system defined in CONSIZE output. The group names should be different from element property names. The final product of this task is a vehicle finite element model with no mass and with arbitrary stiffness. Appearance of such a model is shown in Figure 6. This model has to be exported in I-DEAS Universal file format and will be used as an input file during the process of preliminary vehicle mass definition.9Figure 6. Finite element model of a launch vehicle 3.1.2. Vehicle Lump Mass Modeling Task System weights from CONSIZE output (see Appendix B) have to be mapped to appropriate finite element grid points. This can be done in two steps. Firstly, weights are parsed either to the groups of grid points or to the region of grid points in the EXCEL spreadsheet. Text file format of such a spreadsheet is shown in Appendix E and the abbreviated form of that file is shown in Table 2. This file will be used as input into a JAVA program that maps the weights from CONSIZ to IDEAS nodal masses. Table 2. Abbreviated form of a CONSIZE_MOD Text file CONSIZ Component begin_components vert_fin payload_bay end_components vertical_tail fuselage_side 4041 6086 component fofx 0 1574 0 1974 FEA Group Weight (lbs) Mapping X Begin (inch) X END (inch)10This spreadsheet/text file must begin with the statement “begin_components” in the first column and it must end with the statement “end_components” in the same column. Between these two statements, the user may establish the relationships between weights copied from the CONSIZE output and the finite element nodes. The first column also contains vehicle system CONSIZE names for a reference purpose only. Finite element model groups must be entered in the second column precisely the same way they were named in the model. There is one naming rule for the CONSIZE Component and the FEA Group: • the CONSIZE Component should not be named the same as any finite element Physical Property Set data. The “Weight” column contains the weights in pounds from CONSIZE. The user has two options to map the CONSIZE weight onto model nodes. The “component” entry in the “Mapping” column will allow the JAVA program to map, for example, 4041 lbs of vertical fin weight to all nodes contained in the FE group “vertical_tail”. Thus, the weight will be spread in form of lumped masses to all nodes of the particular group. The “fofx” entry will instruct the program to spread the weight only on the sub-set group of nodes which starts at location X-Begin inches in the I-DEAS Global Coordinates and ends at X-End. For example, the payload bay weight of 6086 lbs will be mapped between Station 1574 and Station 1974 on all nodes belonging to a group named the “fuselage_side”. Note that the nodal mapping is currently slightly inaccurate as mass will tend to concentrate where nodal density concentrates. Future versions of the process intend to use an areal spreading of the component masses and calculate nodal masses based on such a distribution. Next, the user has to run the JAVA program “consiz2unv” to distribute vehicle weights according to the mapping plan set in the spreadsheet. This program requires two files as input: a a text version of the EXCEL mass mapping data file, and a Universal file created from the current I-DEAS Model file. The output from this program is an I-DEAS Program file with vehicle masses lumped at model nodes. The last step in this task is to run the Program file inside I-DEAS to add the lumped masses to the model. Appendix F lists the JAVA code command to run the program. Parameter $1 of this input command is the name of the universal file, $2 is the mass mapping data file, and $3 is the name of a mass assignment program file that will be created. The final product of this task is vehicle finite element model with all dry vehicle mass lumped at the nodes. The weight of the main fuel will be modeled as a time dependent pressure loading condition. A good check that all mass has been assigned to the I-DEAS finite element model is to check the model inertia properties in the I-DEAS Model file.3.1.3. Preliminary Vehicle Stiffness Definition Task At the end of this task all shell finite elements will have default stiffness properties assigned to them. The tasks consists of the following three steps. Static analysis of the vehicle model exposed to an arbitrary load and restraint condition has to be done first in I-DEAS. This analysis may be “arbitrary” because HyperSizer will first be run in an11analysis (not sizing) mode to setup initial element stiffnesses. The goal of this analysis is only to create an I-DEAS model in Universal file format which is readable by HyperSizer. Application of loads and boundary conditions is irrelevant in the sense that the loading condition is unimportant to HyperSizer at this point but it is necessary to keep the Universal file in a format HyperSizer can deal with. The finite element model and results of this analysis should be in “Inch (pound f)” units. Before running the static solution analysis “Element Force” and “Shell Stress Resultant” should be selected as output results in I-DEAS. A Universal file with the model and the results is exported after the analysis. Stiffness definition takes place in HyperSizer. The user is encouraged to read the HyperSizer Manual for detailed instructions on how to run the program in conjunction with I-DEAS finite element analysis. The procedure flow chart in Appendix A may be used as a guide for this particular process. The Universal file from the previous step has to be imported into the HyperSizer database. A vehicle material and a sandwich panel as a structural family need to be selected next. Note that HyperSizer offers a large selection of structural panel design concepts (i.e. families). For simplicity the current procedure uses only sandwich panels. This is an obvious limit of the procedure and can be overridden as the user gains expertise with HyperSizer and IDEAS. All HyperSizer Components (where a Component is a group of shell finite elements with same physical properties in I-DEAS) need to be grouped into a single HyperSizer Group. The sandwich panel thickness of the Group needs to be defined. A default thickness of one inch is recommended (0.1 inch for the face sheets and 0.8 inch for the core). The Group variable (i.e. thickness) range should be set to a single value and permutation set to one. This is because there will not be a sizing run at this stage in the procedure. After setup of the HyperSizer model is complete and the program analysis option has been executed the properties and materials (i.e. stiffness and weights) of Components are exported by HyperSizer in I-DEAS Universal file format. Note that the I-DEAS Universal file output is generated only when the entire Project is analyzed. Before reading the Universal file into a new I-DEAS Model file the consistent mass matrix of the shell elements has to be edited out. The updated vehicle FE model has preliminary stiffness defined for all mass-less shell elements, and all preliminary structural weights and system weights (with the exception of the main fuel weight) are modeled as lumped masses.3.2. External Load Modeling and Load BalancingThe user must define a set of design load conditions that the vehicle model will be subject to. These load conditions may be such as: vehicle on the pad, liftoff, maximum dynamic pressure in flight, maximum thrust, main engine cut-off, re-entry and so on. Table 3 lists a set of load cases typically used for weight estimation. Information about these loads may be available to the user from different sources and programs.12。
