March 2009High Quality DXT Compression using OpenCL for CUDAIgnacio Castaño*******************Document Change HistoryVersion Date Responsible Reason for Change0.1 02/01/2007 Ignacio Castaño First draft0.2 19/03/2009 Timo Stich OpenCL versionAbstractDXT is a fixed ratio compression format designed for real-time hardware decompression of textures. While it’s also possible to encode DXT textures in real-time, the quality of the resulting images is far from the optimal. In this white paper we will overview a more expensivecompression algorithm that produces high quality results and we will see how to implement it using CUDA to obtain much higher performance than the equivalent CPU implementation.MotivationWith the increasing number of assets and texture size in recent games, the time required to process those assets is growing dramatically. DXT texture compression takes a large portion of this time. High quality DXT compression algorithms are very expensive and while there are faster alternatives [1][9], the resulting quality of those simplified methods is not very high. The brute force nature of these compression algorithms makes them suitable to be parallelized and adapted to the GPU. Cheaper compression algorithms have already been implemented [2] on the GPU using traditional GPGPU approaches. However, with the traditional GPGPU programming model it’s not possible to implement more complex algorithms where threads need to share data and synchronize.How Does It Work?In this paper we will see how to use CUDA to implement a high quality DXT1 texturecompression algorithm in parallel. The algorithm that we have chosen is the cluster fit algorithm as described by Simon Brown [3]. We will first provide a brief overview of the algorithm and then we will describe how did we parallelize and implement it in CUDA.DXT1 FormatDXT1 is a fixed ratio compression scheme that partitions the image into 4x4 blocks. Each block is encoded with two 16 bit colors in RGB 5-6-5 format and a 4x4 bitmap with 2 bits per pixel. Figure 1 shows the layout of the block.Figure 1. DXT1 block layoutThe block colors are reconstructed by interpolating one or two additional colors between the given ones and indexing these and the original colors with the bitmap bits. The number of interpolated colors is chosen depending on whether the value of ‘Color 0’ is lower or greater than ‘Color 1’.BitmapColorsThe total size of the block is 64 bits. That means that this scheme achieves a 6:1 compression ratio. For more details on the DXT1 format see the specification of the OpenGL S3TCextension [4].Cluster FitIn general, finding the best two points that minimize the error of a DXT encoded block is a highly discontinuous optimization problem. However, if we assume that the indices of the block are known the problem becomes a linear optimization problem instead: minimize the distance from each color of the block to the corresponding color of the palette.Unfortunately, the indices are not known in advance. We would have to test them all to find the best solution. Simon Brown [3] suggested pruning the search space by considering only the indices that preserve the order of the points along the least squares line.Doing that allows us to reduce the number of indices for which we have to optimize theendpoints. Simon Brown provided a library [5] that implements this algorithm. We use thislibrary as a reference to compare the correctness and performance of our CUDAimplementation.The next section goes over the implementation details.OpenCL ImplementationPartitioning the ProblemWe have chosen to use a single work group to compress each 4x4 color block. Work items that process a single block need to cooperate with each other, but DXT blocks are independent and do not need synchronization or communication. For this reason the number of workgroups is equal to the number of blocks in the image.We also parameterize the problem so that we can change the number of work items per block to determine what configuration provides better performance. For now, we will just say that the number of work items is N and later we will discuss what the best configuration is.During the first part of the algorithm, only 16 work items out of N are active. These work items start reading the input colors and loading them to local memory.Finding the best fit lineTo find a line that best approximates a set of points is a well known regression problem. The colors of the block form a cloud of points in 3D space. This can be solved by computing the largest eigenvector of the covariance matrix. This vector gives us the direction of the line.Each element of the covariance matrix is just the sum of the products of different colorcomponents. We implement these sums using parallel reductions.Once we have the covariance matrix we just need to compute its first eigenvector. We haven’t found an efficient way of doing this step in parallel. Instead, we use a very cheap sequential method that doesn’t add much to the overall execution time of the group.Since we only need the dominant eigenvector, we can compute it directly using the Power Method [6]. This method is an iterative method that returns the largest eigenvector and only requires a single matrix vector product per iteration. Our tests indicate that in most cases 8iterations are more than enough to obtain an accurate result.Once we have the direction of the best fit line we project the colors onto it and sort them along the line using brute force parallel sort. This is achieved by comparing all the elements against each other as follows:cmp[tid] = (values[0] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[1] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[2] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[3] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[4] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[5] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[6] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[7] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[8] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[9] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[10] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[11] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[12] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[13] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[14] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[15] < values[tid]);The result of this search is an index array that references the sorted values. However, this algorithm has a flaw, if two colors are equal or are projected to the same location of the line, the indices of these two colors will end up with the same value. We solve this problem comparing all the indices against each other and incrementing one of them if they are equal:if (tid > 0 && cmp[tid] == cmp[0]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 1 && cmp[tid] == cmp[1]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 2 && cmp[tid] == cmp[2]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 3 && cmp[tid] == cmp[3]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 4 && cmp[tid] == cmp[4]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 5 && cmp[tid] == cmp[5]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 6 && cmp[tid] == cmp[6]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 7 && cmp[tid] == cmp[7]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 8 && cmp[tid] == cmp[8]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 9 && cmp[tid] == cmp[9]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 10 && cmp[tid] == cmp[10]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 11 && cmp[tid] == cmp[11]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 12 && cmp[tid] == cmp[12]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 13 && cmp[tid] == cmp[13]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 14 && cmp[tid] == cmp[14]) ++cmp[tid];During all these steps only 16 work items are being used. For this reason, it’s not necessary to synchronize them. All computations are done in parallel and at the same time step, because 16 is less than the warp size on NVIDIA GPUs.Index evaluationAll the possible ways in which colors can be clustered while preserving the order on the line are known in advance and for each clustering there’s a corresponding index. For 4 clusters there are 975 indices that need to be tested, while for 3 clusters there are only 151. We pre-compute these indices and store them in global memory.We have to test all these indices and determine which one produces the lowest error. In general there are indices than work items. So, we partition the total number of indices by the number of work items and each work item loops over the set of indices assigned to it. It’s tempting to store the indices in constant memory, but since indices are used only once for each work group, and since each work item accesses a different element, coalesced global memory loads perform better than constant loads.Solving the Least Squares ProblemFor each index we have to solve an optimization problem. We have to find the two end points that produce the lowest error. For each input color we know what index it’s assigned to it, so we have 16 equations like this:i i i x b a =+βαWhere {}i i βα, are {}0,1, {}32,31, {}21,21, {}31,32 or {}1,0 depending on the index and the interpolation mode. We look for the colors a and b that minimize the least square error of these equations. The solution of that least squares problem is the following:∑∑⋅∑∑∑∑= −i i i i i ii i i i x x b a βαββαβαα122 Note: The matrix inverse is constant for each index set, but it’s cheaper to compute it everytime on the kernel than to load it from global memory. That’s not the case of the CPU implementation.Computing the ErrorOnce we have a potential solution we have to compute its error. However, colors aren’t stored with full precision in the DXT block, so we have to quantize them to 5-6-5 to estimate the error accurately. In addition to that, we also have to take in mind that the hardware expands thequantized color components to 8 bits replicating the highest bits on the lower part of the byte as follows:R = (R << 3) | (R >> 2); G = (G << 2) | (G >> 4); B = (B << 3) | (B >> 2);Converting the floating point colors to integers, clamping, bit expanding and converting them back to float can be time consuming. Instead of that, we clamp the color components, round the floats to integers and approximate the bit expansion using a multiplication. We found the factors that produce the lowest error using an offline optimization that minimized the average error.r = round(clamp(r,0.0f,1.0f) * 31.0f); g = round(clamp(g,0.0f,1.0f) * 63.0f); b = round(clamp(b,0.0f,1.0f) * 31.0f); r *= 0.03227752766457f; g *= 0.01583151765563f; b *= 0.03227752766457f;Our experiment show that in most cases the approximation produces the same solution as the accurate solution.Selecting the Best SolutionFinally, each work item has evaluated the error of a few indices and has a candidate solution.To determine which work item has the solution that produces the lowest error, we store the errors in local memory and use a parallel reduction to find the minimum. The winning work item writes the endpoints and indices of the DXT block back to global memory.Implementation DetailsThe source code is divided into the following files:• This file contains OpenCL implementation of the algorithm described here.•permutations.h: This file contains the code used to precompute the This file contains the DDS file header definition. PerformanceWe have measured the performance of the algorithm on different GPUs and CPUscompressing the standard Lena. The design of the algorithm makes it insensitive to the actual content of the image. So, the performance depends only on the size of the image.Figure 2. Standard picture used for our tests.As shown in Table 1, the GPU compressor is at least 10x faster than our best CPUimplementation. The version of the compressor that runs on the CPU uses a SSE2 optimized implementation of the cluster fit algorithm. This implementation pre-computes the factors that are necessary to solve the least squares problem, while the GPU implementation computes them on the fly. Without this CPU optimization the difference between the CPU and GPU version is even larger.Table 1. Performance ResultsImage TeslaC1060 Geforce8800 GTXIntel Core 2X6800AMD Athlon64 DualCore 4400Lena512x51283.35 ms 208.69 ms 563.0 ms 1,251.0 msWe also experimented with different number of work-items, and as indicated in Table 2 we found out that it performed better with the minimum number.Table 2. Number of Work Items64 128 25654.66 ms 86.39 ms 96.13 msThe reason why the algorithm runs faster with a low number of work items is because during the first and last sections of the code only a small subset of work items is active.A future improvement would be to reorganize the code to eliminate or minimize these stagesof the algorithm. This could be achieved by loading multiple color blocks and processing them in parallel inside of the same work group.ConclusionWe have shown how it is possible to use OpenCL to implement an existing CPU algorithm in parallel to run on the GPU, and obtain an order of magnitude performance improvement. We hope this will encourage developers to attempt to accelerate other computationally-intensive offline processing using the GPU.High Quality DXT Compression using CUDAMarch 2009 9References[1] “Real-Time DXT Compression”, J.M.P. van Waveren. /cd/ids/developer/asmo-na/eng/324337.htm[2] “Compressing Dynamically Generated Textures on the GPU”, Oskar Alexandersson, Christoffer Gurell, Tomas Akenine-Möller.[3] “DXT Compression Techniques”, Simon Brown. /?article=dxt[4] “OpenGL S3TC extension spec”, Pat Brown. /registry/specs/EXT/texture_compression_s3tc.txt[5] “Squish – DXT Compression Library”, Simon Brown. /?code=squish[6] “Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors”, Dr. E. Garcia. /information-retrieval-tutorial/matrix-tutorial-3-eigenvalues-eigenvectors.html[7] “An Experimental Analysis of Parallel Sorting Algorithms”, Guy E. Blelloch, C. Greg Plaxton, Charles E. Leiserson, Stephen J. Smith /blelloch98experimental.html[8] “NVIDIA CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture Programming Guide”.[9] NVIDIA OpenGL SDK 10 “Compress DXT” sample /SDK/10/opengl/samples.html#compress_DXTNVIDIA Corporation2701 San Tomas ExpresswaySanta Clara, CA 95050 NoticeALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES, DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER AND SEPARATELY, “MATERIALS”) ARE BEING PROVIDED “AS IS.” NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT,MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information or for any infringement of patents or otherrights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of NVIDIA Corporation.TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, GeForce, and NVIDIA Quadro are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Copyright© 2009 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.。
Autodesk Nastran 2023 参考手册说明书
FILESPEC ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
DISPFILE ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
File Management Directives – Output File Specifications: .............................................................................. 5
BULKDATAFILE .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Gates UW Titan Tube 设置、使用和维护指南说明书
Introduction Page 1UW Titan TubeSetup, Use, and Care GuideIntroduction Page 2Copyright 2022, Gates Underwater Products, Inc.Last document revision: 10 May 2022This manual and current revision is available in 8.5 x 11 size and full color atGates Underwater ProductsGates Underwater Products, Inc.13685 Stowe Drive Ste APoway, California 92064 USAPhone: +1.858.391.0052Web: Introduction Page 3Table of ContentsSetup, Use, and Care Guide (1)1:Introduction (4)Warranty Disclaimer (4)ASTERA Items Required (4)Unpacking UW Titan Tube (4)A word about cosmetics.. (4)2:Preparing the ASTERA Titan Tube (5)3:Titan Tube Install to UT2 (6)UT2 Buoyancy: Use of BASE Weight (12)4:Functional Check (13)5:Accessories (14)Surface Power / Command Cable (14)UT2 Rack (15)6:Maintenance (17)O-Rings (17)Fresh Water Rinse (17)7:Customer Support (18)Introduction Page 41: IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of Gates UW Titan Tube (UT2) lighting product,designed specifically for the ASTERA Titan Tube LED light. UT2 is designed for years of reliable service, and functional user-friendly features.Warranty DisclaimerIt is your responsibility to learn the proper setup, use and care of UT2. Gates Warranty for parts is provided with UT2 for a period of 2 years, and electronics / cables /connectors for one 1 year. If you have any questions about this accessory kit, contact Gates directly. Details are in the last section of this manual.ASTERA Items RequiredThe following user supplied items are required to operate UT2.✓ASTERA Titan Tube ✓ASTERA charging stationUnpacking UW Titan TubeThe items listed below are included with UT2.Kit Components✓UT2 Light Tube✓UT2 Alignment Plate ✓4mm HEX tool ✓3/16 HEX tool✓UT2 BASE Weight ✓UT2 Spare KitA word about cosmetics..UTS tubes are made of clear polycarbonate, a tough material resistant to impact and fracture. To make a tube, the polycarbonate is extruded, a process that leaves inherent length-wise lines and possibly other marks that are visible to the naked eye. These are cosmetic only, and do not affect the function or performance of UT2.Preparing the ASTERA Titan Tube Page 52: Preparing the ASTERA Titan Tube✓Remove any accessories from ASTERA Titan Tube such as handles, connectors, etc.✓Charge ASTERA Titan Tube. If you are planning to use Titan Tube without a surface tether connection, fully charge the light before proceeding.✓Turn Wi-Fi OFF. If you are not planning to connect with ASTERA Titan Tube via Wifi while operating above water, turn Wi-Fi OFF.Remove any accessoriesfrom ASTERA Titan Tube.Titan Tube Install to UT2 Page 63: Titan Tube Install to UT2After stripping down the ASTERA Titan Tube:✓Secure the UT2 ‘blank side’ Alignment Plate to Titan Tube as shown below.This Alignment Plate is secured at the ‘far’ end, away from the ASTERA Titan Tubecontrol panel.NOTE the notch is aligned with the Titan Tube control panel. Assure the Align Plateis fully seated to Titan Tube.Tighten the screw with provided 4mm HEX tool.Install Alignment Plateto end opposite controlpanel. NOTE the notch ison the same side as theTitan Tube control panel.21Titan Tube Install to UT2 Page 7 ✓Secure the UT2 ‘CTRL SIDE’ Alignment Plate to Titan Tube as shown below.This Alignment Plate is secured at the ‘near’ end, next to the ASTERA Titan Tubecontrol panel.NOTE the notch is aligned with the Titan Tube control panel. Assure the Align Plate is fully seated to Titan Tube.Tighten the screw with provided 4mm HEX tool.2 Install CTRL SIDE Plate to end with control panel. NOTE the notch is on the same side as the control panel.Titan Tube Install to UT2 Page 8 ✓Remove Pressure Cap from UT2. Unthread the large ring and separate from themain tube. See image below.✓Pull out pushbuttons on UT2 Controller Block. This step provides extra clearance to ASTERA Titan Tube during insertion. 7 total pushbuttons.Remove the UT2 Pressure Cap. NOTE: Pressure Cap shown with optional GMC Surface Control Bulkhead connector.12X7Pull outpushbuttons (x7)Titan Tube Install to UT2 Page 9 ✓Mate Pressure Cap with ASTERA Titan Tube. Align the cap with control panel as shown below.NOTE the Pressure Cap does not secure with a fastener to the Titan Tube. Itremains ‘floating’ to allow for variations in Titan Tube and UT2 fitment.✓Plug in the power / DMX connector.Plug in Power /Comm connector.Titan Tube Install to UT2 Page 10✓ Insert ASTERA Titan Tube into UT2. Gently slide ASTERA Titan Tube into UT2housing. Keep Titan Tube control panel aligned with UT2 Controller Block. ✓ When nearly fully inserted, watch for alignment of ‘blank side’ Alignment Plate tomate with the UT2 end cap, which has holes to receive 2 pins on the Alignment Plate.While keeping respective control panels aligned, slide Titan Tube into UT2housing.12Titan Tube Install to UT2 Page 11 ✓Once fully inserted and seated, rotate the Pressure Cap until it stops to fully secure Titan Tube into UT2 Housing. Check that Titan Tube buttons are alignedwith UT2 pushbuttons.3Titan Tube Install to UT2 Page 12 UT2 Buoyancy: Use of BASE Weight✓UT2 is nearly neutrally buoyant in the basic configuration. If weight is needed to make UT2 negatively buoyant, install the included BASE Weight using theprovided 3/16 HEX tool.Functional Check Page 134: Functional Check✓Functional check is a straightforward verification of UT2 pushbuttons, that they properly align and access the Titan Tube control panel buttons.✓If functional check fails, double check that the Titan Tube is fully seated in UT2, with alignment pins seating properly at the end opposite the control panel, as notedin the previous section. Repeat those steps if necessary to align Titan Tube buttons with UT2 pushbuttons.Functionally check UT2operation at the ControlPanel.Accessories Page 145: AccessoriesSurface Power / Command CablePower / Command Cables are available for full light control from the surface. 100 ft / 37m length, the surface end will connect directly to various ASTERA products designed for this purpose, such as Power Box, Data Link, and Charging Case. Details can be found here: ASTERA Titan Tube .✓ When using the surface cable, first remove the GMC cap at the end of UT2, asshown.✓ Similarly, plug in the Power / Command Cable and assure it is fully seated /tightened for proper seal and operation.NOTE the GMC is a ‘dry connect’ type. Do not connect or disconnect underwater.Accessories Page 15UT2 RackThe UT2 Rack mounts four UT2 Housings together to form a ‘bank’ of lights. On the Center is a cheeseplate for mounting, and the UT2 Rack includes a ‘junior pin’ receiver for use with any conventional light stand.Accessories Page 16 ✓UT2 will mount to the rack with two thumbscrews. Rest UT2 into the rack cradle (refer to image below) and secure with thumbscrews.Maintenance Page 176: MaintenanceO-RingsUT2 has only one serviceable o-ring, found on the Pressure Cap. If general usage includes installation and removal of the ASTERA Titan Tube, then lubrication of this o-ring on a regular basis is recommended.NOTE the o-ring is located in one of three locations on the Pressure Cap. One has the black o-ring, the other two are occupied by a red color ‘blank’. Return the lubricated o -ring to its original location.Fresh Water RinseAfter use, rinse UT2 in fresh water. Rinse thoroughly, particularly after use in salt water.Clean and dry with a soft cloth, and store in a cool, dry place.Customer Support Page 187: Customer SupportShould you have any questions about the Underwater Titan Tube, please contact Gates: Email: *******************************Web: Phone: +1-858.391.0052。
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2 操作 ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 打开服务器电源 .................................................................................................................................. 19 关闭服务器电源 .................................................................................................................................. 19 将服务器从机架中取出 ....................................................................................................................... 19 将服务器从机架中拉出 ....................................................................................................................... 20 卸下检修面板 ...................................................................................................................................... 21 安装检修面板 ...................................................................................................................................... 22 卸下 SPI 板 ......................................................................................................................................... 22 安装 SPI 板 ......................................................................................................................................... 23
产品目录列表FTALK-CA001B-EN-P – 2008年8月代替FTALK-CA001A-EN-P – 2007年11月目录品牌–R o c k w e l l S o f t w a r e和FactoryTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i v折扣计划表. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i vF a c t o r y T a l k?服务平台应用表. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v设计和组态. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Arena? ......................................................... (1)R S L i n x?C l a s s i c/R S L i n x?Enterprise .................................................... (2)R S L o g i x?Architect ..................................................... (2)R S L o g i x? Micro ......................................................... . (2)R S L o g i x?5 ............................................................. . (3)R S L o g i x? 500............................................................ .. (3)R S L o g i x? 5000........................................................... . (4)R S L o g i x?捆绑包............................................................. . (5)RSNetWorx? .................................................... .. (6)通讯捆绑包............................................................. . (6)R S T u n e?和R S L o o p Optimizer? .................................................... (7)R S F i e l d b u s?组态软件............................................................. (7)生产管理. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9F a c t o r y T a l k?Batch ......................................................... (9)F a c t o r y T a l k B a t c h服务器......................................................... (9)F a c t o r y T a l k?H i s t o r i a n C l a s s i c f o rBatch (10)iF a c t o r y T a l k? ProductionCentre ................................................. .. (10)F a c t o r y T a l k?ProductionCentre ............................................. (10)F a c t o r y T a l k?P r o d u c t i o n C e n t r e应用............................................................ (10)F a c t o r y T a l k?P r o d u c t i o n C e n t r e数据管理..............................................................10F a c t o r y T a l k?P r o d u c t i o n C e n t r e报表和分析 (11)F a c t o r y T a l k?P r o d u c t i o n C e n t r e系统支持..............................................................1 1 F a c t o r y T a l k? Scheduler ........................................................ .. (11)F a c t o r y T a l k?S c h e d u l e r专业版..............................................................................1 1F a c t o r y T a l k?S c h e d u l e rViewer..............................................................................1 1F a c t o r y T a l k?S c h e d u l e r标准版..............................................................................1 1 数据管理. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13F a c t o r y T a l k?Gateway .......................................................... (13)F a c t o r y T a l k?H i s t o r i a n S i t eEdition..................................................................................1 3F a c t o r y T a l k?H i s t o r i a n S i t e E d i t i o n服务器 (1)4F a c t o r y T a l k?H i s t o r i a n客户端工具.....................................................................1 4第三方H i s t o r i a n接口............................................................ (14)F a c t o r y T a l k?H i s t o r i a n Classic .......................................................... ...............................1 5F a c t o r y T a l k?H i s t o r i a n C l a s s i c服务器..................................................................1 5F a c t o r y T a l k?H i s t o r i a n C l a s s i c A u t h o r i n g客户端 (16)FactoryTalk? Metrics/FactoryTalk? Historian Classic Runtime客户端许可.......1 6 F a c t o r y T a l k? Integrator ....................................................... .. (17)F a c t o r y T a l k?T r a n s a c t i o n Manager .......................................................... (17)F a c t o r y T a l k?T r a n s a c t i o n M a n a g e r专业版............................................................18F a c t o r y T a l k?T r a n s a c t i o n M a n a g e r标准版............................................................18F a c t o r y T a l k?T r a n s a c t i o n M a n a g e r连接器............................................................18 质量和规范化遵守. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19纠正措施/预防措施(CAPA) ........................................................... (19)R S B i z W a r e?eProcedure? ....................................................... (19)资产管理. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............2 1F a c t o r y T a l k?AssetCentre....................................................... (21)R S M A C C?服务器和客户端................................................................ ............................2 2iiR S M A C C?企业级在线状态监视................................................................ ....................2 2 Emonitor? ......................................................... .. (2)2E m o n i t o r?–资产健康状态模块............................................................................2 3E m o n i t o r?W e b客户端............................................................ (23)F i e l d c a r e Hart ............................................................. . (23)RSEnergyMetrix?.................................................... . (24)R S P o w e r?32................................................................ . (24)R S P o w e r? Plus ............................................................. (25)绩效和可视化. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27F a c t o r y T a l k?Metrics .......................................................... (27)F a c t o r y T a l k?M e t r i c s服务器............................................................ (27)F a c t o r y T a l k?M e t r i c s A u t h o r i n g客户端............................................................ (28)FactoryTalk? Metrics/FactoryTalk? Historian Classic Runtime客户端 (29)F a c t o r y T a l k?Portal............................................................ (29)F a c t o r y T a l k?M a c h i n eEdition(ME) ...................................................... (30)F a c t o r y T a l k?V i e w M a c h i n e E d i t i o n S t a t i o nRuntime (30)F a c t o r y T a l k?V i e wStudio........................................................ (30)F a c t o r y T a l k?V i e w S i t e Edition(SE)....................................................... .. (30)F a c t o r y T a l k?V i e w S i t e E d i t i o n服务器............................................................ (30)F a c t o r y T a l k?V i e w S i t e E d i t i o n客户端...................................................................3 1F a c t o r y T a l k?V i e w S i t e E d i t i o n工作站...................................................................3 1 K E P S e r v e r Enterprise........................................................ . (31)RSView?32 ......................................................... .. (32)R S V i e w?32M e s s e n g e rPro .......................................................... .........................3 3 R S V i e w?32A c t i v e D i s p l a y System........................................................ ..............3 3 R S V i e w?3 2 WebServer .................................................... . (33)iiiRSAdvantage? FactoryTalk?ProductionCentre生产管理Propack Data? PMX RS PMX? MES 生产管理Propack Data? PMX CTM RS PMX? CTM 质量和规范化遵守FactoryTalk? Automation Platform FactoryTalk? ServicesPlatformFactoryTalk?服务平台FactoryTalk? Live Data FactoryTalk?服务平台RSAssetSecurity? FactoryTalk? Security FactoryTalk?服务平台FactoryTalk? Audit FactoryTalk?服务平台RSAssetSecurity? FactoryTalk? Security FactoryTalk?服务平台FactoryTalk? Audit FactoryTalk?服务平台FactoryTalk? Directory FactoryTalk?服务平台FactoryTalk? Diagnostics FactoryTalk?服务平台FactoryTalk? Alarms andEventsFactoryTalk?服务平台FactoryTalk? HighAvailabilityFactoryTalk?服务平台iv集成化生产和绩效套件FactoryTalk?服务平台应用表v vi集成化生产和绩效套件设计和组态设计和组态Arena?Arena仿真软件不由罗克韦尔自动化销售渠道直接销售。
序幕大卫.梅森(代号:Section)与哈铂(Harper)二人来到了退役军人伍兹的房子,寻找恐怖组织"Cordi die"首领"劳尔梅内德斯"的下落,伍兹拿出了一个护身符交给大卫,告诉大卫“劳尔梅内德斯”只留下了一条“妹妹”的信息。
Pyrrhic Victory幼年的大卫与父亲二人正在阿拉斯加进行野外生存训练,大卫一不小心从树上摔伤了自己。
在Jonas Savimbi的带领下,对敌军发起了攻击。
得到Savimbi 的命令,将隐藏在草丛中与岩石后的迫击炮手消灭。
直升机降落,在Savimbi等人在庆祝胜利的时候,飞行员Hudson与Savimbi耳语,Savimbi 告诉梅森,伍兹被尼加拉瓜的军火商给抓了,此刻应该被关押奥卡万戈河上的一艘游船上。
单人时,当自己倒地后马上原地复活(但只有最开始的手 枪和500点 数)只能使用3次 多人时,对倒地的队友使用可以比平常复活的更快 Speed Cola
3000点数 使玩家换弹速度只有之前的一半 %{page-break|换弹|page-break}% Stamin-Up
2000点数 可使玩家一又气跑的更远 To m b s t o n e 图暂缺 当玩家死亡后将会在死亡的地点产生一个墓 碑 如果在下一轮中触碰到这个墓 碑,玩家将会重新得到死亡之前的装备 神秘箱子 一个通常的木质箱子上有一个问号 玩家可以消耗950点数从箱子中随机购买武器 一些特定的武器只能从箱子中购买出来
从箱子中购买了一定次数之后,神秘箱子将会消失并在另一个地点重 新生成 每回合的箱子地点也不一样 如果从箱子中购买出一定数量的武器之后,再次购买将不会出现任何 武器,取而代之的是一只泰迪熊 返还玩家950点数,并在另一个地方重新生成箱子 可以看天空,通过蓝光来确定神秘箱子的位置 每个神秘箱子都有相同的武器和一些只有在特定地图才会出现的武器 更多生物:僵尸
Tranzit模式(征战模式) 在车厂中,玩家可以选择3个部分(2个部分在刚开始就可以选择;当选 择前两个部分之后,第三个部分解锁) 通过在门上收集圆轮,在收费电话上收集飞机尾巴。。(airplaine tail。。好像是这么叫的。。)再取得模具 全部得到后可以通过图纸制作成便携式电扇。 通过这个你可以强化购买强化物品的机器(在你打开电源之前)并且通 过需要取得能源的门 登上公车,到达餐厅 在餐厅的后面有一个手工卡车模型 将他保存在图纸中就可以制作防护盾来地狱僵尸的攻击 下一站是农场 在这里你可以取得一个除草剂,一个小的冲锋枪和一个类似于电池的 东西 取得地点是随机的 玩家可以通过这些物品合成便携式机枪塔 当然,你需要涡轮来驱动他 再下一站有电源开关 打开小窝棚的门并进入小窝棚(上面有一盏小灯)玩家就会掉落到地下 能源站 在走廊出又的附近有两个开关。其中一个在走廊外,另一个在走廊里 面 第三个开关可以使你返回地面,在那里,玩家可以得到一个新的图纸 和不少材料 梯子,舱门和烤架可以用来强化公车(取得地点随机) 烤架可以用来撞开车前的僵尸,舱门和梯子可以用来到达公车的顶部 也可以用在餐厅的地方来取得6000块钱的拳套 辅助功能,道具,魔法等 强化能力 每当击杀一个僵尸之后,会随机掉落强化能力 这些强化能力多数会发出金色或者绿色的光
DirectX 9.0什么是DirectX 9.0?DirectX 9.0 是微软公司开发的一套多媒体编程接口,用于在Windows操作系统上开发图形和音频应用程序。
DirectX 9.0的功能DirectX 9.0 提供了一些重要的功能,使开发者能够创建出更加令人印象深刻和逼真的图形和音频效果。
以下是一些主要功能:1. 图形渲染DirectX 9.0 提供了先进的图形渲染功能,包括基于像素和顶点的着色、高级光照和阴影效果、纹理映射、多重采样和体积纹理等。
2. 2D和3D图形加速DirectX 9.0 支持硬件加速,通过利用计算机的图形处理器(GPU),可以提供更快的图形渲染速度和更高的图形质量。
3. 音频处理除了图形处理之外,DirectX 9.0 还提供了强大的音频功能,包括3D定位音效、环绕声、回声和混音等。
4. 输入设备支持DirectX 9.0 提供了对各种输入设备的支持,包括鼠标、键盘、手柄、摇杆等。
5. 网络支持DirectX 9.0 还包含网络功能,使开发者能够通过网络连接多个玩家,实现在线多人游戏或其他联网应用程序。
如何开始使用DirectX 9.0?要开始使用DirectX 9.0,你需要完成以下步骤:1. 下载和安装DirectX 9.0 SDK首先,你需要从微软官方网站上下载并安装DirectX 9.0 SDK。
2. 配置开发环境一旦SDK安装完成,你需要配置你的开发环境以便使用DirectX 9.0。
亚马逊Echo Show 8 Gen2用户指南说明书
amazon Echo Show 8 Gen2 User GuideHome » Amazon » amazon Echo Show 8 Gen2 User GuideContents[ hideGetting to know your Echo Show 8Alexa is designed to protect yourAlexa is designed to protect your privacyWake word and indicatorsmesa doesn’t teg-J, ..rental your Echo device detects the wake word ! for 6,6 _le. ‘Alexa’). A blue light lets you know when audio is being sent to amazon’s secure cloud.Microphone and camera controlYou can election ally disconnect the mks and camera with the rums of a button. Slide the built-in cover to dose the camera.Voice historyWant to know exactly what Alexa heard? You can view and delete your voice recordings In the Alyea app at any time.These are just a few of the ways that you have transparency and control over your Alexa experience. Explore more at /alexaprivacy.1. Plugin your Echo Show 8Plug your Echo Show into an electrical socket using the included power adaptor. In about a minute, the display will turn on and Alexa will greet you.Amazon services Log vi with an existing Amazon account username and password, or create a new account.Installing the app on your phone or tablet helps you get more out of your Echo Show 8. It’s where you set up calling and messaging, manage music, lists, settings, and news.Swipe down from the top of the screen. or say ‘Alexa. show Settings’To access amazon User GuideEcho Show, Gen2, amazonRelated Manuals1. amazon Echo Show 8 User Manual2. Pair Bluetooth Speaker with Amazon Echo Show3. Amazon Echo User Guide4. Amazon Echo Buds User Guide5. i-box Portable Speaker Dock for Amazon Echo Dot User Guide Quick Start Guide Portable Speaker Dock for AmazonEcho Dot®...6. amazon Login with Amazon Getting Started Guide for Websites amazon Login with Amazon Getting Started Loginwith Amazon: Getting...。
使用者手冊产品影片信息目 錄1. 产品故事 (04)2. 规格 (05)3. 包装内容 (07)4. 机体结构 (08)5. 安装步骤 (10)6. 内建游戏操作说明 (15)7. 游戏手把使用说明 (16)8. 灯光及风扇控制按钮说明 (17)9. GLOW X软件使用说明 (18)产品故事GAME TIME!如果你认为InWin 309的144颗LED面板设计是个疯狂的想法,那么309 Gaming Edition将再次突破你对机箱的想象!内建三款经典小游戏及专属的手把,让机箱瞬间化身游戏屏幕,随时随地、想玩就玩!搭配全新升级的GLOW X软件,除了增加多种有趣的互动灯效,还提供高达40张可自定义的图面,以及多样的创作工具和色彩校正功能,为每一个创作灵感找到出口,即使要制作面板动画也不是问题!机种309 Gaming Edition 产品型号IW-CS-309GE-BLK 颜色Black 机箱型式Mid Tower材质SECC 镀锌钢板, 钢化玻璃, ABS 主板兼容12" x 11" ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX 显卡扩充槽7 x PCI-E高兼容性支持高规格显卡长度:350 mm 支持CPU 散热器高度:160 mm 输出/入埠1 x USB 3.1 Gen2 Type-C 2 x USB 3.0 HD AudioLED & 风扇模式切换按钮LED & 风扇控制按钮隐藏式硬盘位2 x 3.5" / 2.5"2 x 2.5"(2 x 2.5"标配,至多支援3个)散热系统兼容风扇支持上:3 x 120 mm 后:1 x 120 mm 下:3 x 120 mm(标配4颗InWin Saturn ASN120风扇)水冷排支持上:1 x 360 mm 后:1 x 120 mm下:1 x 360 mm (薄排)* 本产品风扇预装数量视各销售区域略有不同电源兼容PSII: ATX12V- 可安装长度达200 mm 产品尺寸 (长 x 宽 x 高)553 x 238 x 500 mm 包装尺寸 (长 x 宽 x 高)706 x 618 x 335 mm 净重13.7 kg 毛重16.6 kg* 本产品符合欧盟有害物质使用限制指引 (RoHS)309 Gaming Edition 机箱产品名称Saturn ASN120尺寸120 x 120 x 25 mm材质PC, PBT额定电压DC 12V额定功率 4.32W额定电流0.36AARGB 额定电压DC 5VARGB 额定功率 1.5WARGB额定电流0.30A风扇转速PWM 500 - 1800 +/- 10% RPM风量77.17 CFM风压 3.12 mm / H2OLED ARGB风扇串接接头6-Pin模组化接头主板接头4-Pin (12V, PWM), 3-Pin (5V, ARGB)噪音值35 dB(A) (Max.)轴承形式长效油封轴承InWin Saturn ASN120 风扇* 本产品符合欧盟有害物质使用限制指引 (RoHS)* 产品规格视各销售区域略有不同包装内容309 Gaming Edition 机箱专属游戏手把e. 2.5" 硬盘螺丝f. 3.5" 硬盘螺丝g. 水冷排垫片h. 显卡支撑架及垫片a. 主板固定铜柱b. 主板铜柱套筒c. 六角头螺丝d. 束线带电源开关LED & 风扇模式切换按钮USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C 插槽LED & 风扇控制按钮音源插孔(耳机和麦克风)重开机键USB 3.0插槽电源指示灯123456789电源供应器安装区10 3.5" / 2.5"硬盘槽11 2.5"硬盘槽12上置风扇/水冷排安装区(已预装3颗InWin Saturn ASN120风扇)13后方风扇/水冷排安装区(已预装1颗InWin Saturn ASN120风扇)14下置风扇/水冷排安装区15主板安装区16PCI-E(显卡)扩展槽17显卡支撑架安装孔18防震脚垫19风扇滤网101214131516111891917安装步骤* 请依据以下步骤进行安装。
富士施乐DocuCentre 2060 3060 3065 复印机维修手册:dc3060g_sc_ver1_chap05
第五章零件表2011/075-1DocuCentre-IV 3060G零件表Version 1.05 零件表5.1 序文5.1.1 零件表的使用方法.....................................................35.1.2 使用零件表的注意事项.................................................35.1.3 Plate 的构成.........................................................45.1.4 术语·符号的说明.....................................................45.1.5 零件向导的使用方法...................................................55.2 Parts List 1. IIT/UIPL 1.1 Platen/IIT Cover....................................................7PL 1.2 CCD Lens Assenbly/Platen Glass......................................8PL 1.3 Full/Half Rate Carriage/Carriage Cable..............................9PL 1.4 Full Rate Carriage..................................................10PL 1.5 Half Rate Carriage..................................................11PL 1.6 Motor/Transport PWB.................................................12PL 1.7 W70 Control Panel...................................................13PL 1.8 Option..............................................................142. ROSPL 2.1 ROS.................................................................153. DRIVEPL 3.1 Main Drive (1 of 2).................................................16PL 3.2 Main Drive (2 of 2).................................................174. NOHADPL 4.1 NOHAD...............................................................186. TRANSFERPL 6.1 Transfer............................................................197. FUSING UNITPL 7.1 Fusing Unit.........................................................208. XERO/DEVEPL 8.1 Drum Unit, Toner Cartridge..........................................21PL 8.2 Toner System........................................................229. FEEDER/TRAY 1/2PL 9.1 Tray 1/2 Assembly...................................................23PL 9.2 Tray 1/2 (1 of 2)...................................................24PL 9.3 Tray 1/2 (2 of 2)...................................................25PL 9.4 Tray Feeder 1/2 Assembly............................................26PL 9.5 Feeder 1/2 Assembly (1 of 2)........................................27PL 9.6 Feeder 1/2 Assembly (2 of 2)........................................28PL 9.7 Tray 1/2 Feed Roll, Nudger Roll, Retard Roll........................2910. TRAY MODULE (2TM)PL 10.1 Tray Module (2TM)..................................................30PL 10.2 Tray 3/4 (1 of 2)..................................................31PL 10.3 Tray 3/4 (2 of 2)..................................................32PL 10.4 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly, T/A Roll 3/4.............................33PL 10.5 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (1 of 2)..................................34PL 10.6 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (2 of 2)..................................35PL 10.7 Tray 3/4 Feed Roll, Nudger Roll, Retard Roll.......................36PL 10.8 Tray 3/4 Paper Size Sensor.........................................37PL 10.9 Electrical.........................................................38PL 10.10 Cover.............................................................39PL 10.11 L/H Cover Assembly................................................4011. TRAY MODULE (TTM)PL 11.1 Tray Module (TTM) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........................41PL 11.2 Tray 3/4 Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........................42PL 11.3 Tray 3 Assembly (1 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...................43PL 11.4 Tray 3 Assembly (2 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...................44PL 11.5 Tray 4 Assembly (1 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...................45PL 11.6 Tray 4 Assembly (2 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...................46PL 11.7 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly, T/A Roll Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)47PL 11.8 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (1 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........48PL 11.9 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (2 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........49PL 11.10 Tray 3/4 Feed/Nudger/Retard Roll (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........50PL 11.11 Transport Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)........................51PL 11.12 Tray 3/4 Switch Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..................52PL 11.13 Wire Harness (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..............................53PL 11.14 TM Drive (1 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only).........................54PL 11.15 TM Drive (2 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only).........................55PL 11.16 Cover (Option) (APO/GCO Only).....................................56PL 11.17 L/H Cover Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)........................5712. MOBILE STANDPL 12.1 Mobile Stand (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...............................5813. MSIPL 13.1 MSI Assembly.......................................................59PL 13.2 Lower Frame Assembly...............................................60PL 13.3 MSI Tray Assembly..................................................6114. L/H COVERPL 14.1 L/H Cover Assembly, Duplex Unit....................................62PL 14.2 L/H Chute Assembly.................................................63PL 14.3 L/H Frame Assembly.................................................64PL 14.4 Duplex Assembly....................................................652011/075-2Version 1.0DocuCentre-IV 3060G零件表15. REGISTRATIONPL 15.1 Registration (1 of 2).............................................66PL 15.2 Registration (2 of 2).............................................6717. EXITPL 17.1 Exit 1............................................................68PL 17.2 Exit 2, Face Up Tray ..............................................69PL 17.3 Exit 2 Chute Assembly .............................................70PL 17.4 Exit 2 Transport Assembly (1 of 2)................................71PL 17.5 Exit 2 Transport Assembly (2 of 2)................................72PL 17.6 Exit 2 Guide Assembly .............................................73PL 17.7 Face Up Tray Assembly .............................................7418. ELECTRICALPL 18.1 Electrical (1 of 2)...............................................75PL 18.2 Electrical (2 of 2)...............................................76PL 18.3 AC Chassis Assembly ...............................................77PL 18.4 IOT Wire Harness ..................................................78PL 18.5 FAX Unit ..........................................................7919. COVERPL 19.1 Cover-Front, Left .................................................80PL 19.2 Cover-Rear, Right .................................................8135. ESSPL 35.1 ESS (1 of 3)......................................................82PL 35.2 ESS (2 of 3)......................................................83PL 35.3 ESS (3 of 3)......................................................8451. DADFPL 51.1 DADF Accessory ....................................................85PL 51.2 DADF Cover,PWB ....................................................86PL 51.3 DADF Base Frame ...................................................87PL 51.4 Document Tray,Top Cover ...........................................88PL 51.5 DADF Motor,Wire Harness ...........................................89PL 51.6 DADF Rear Belt,Solenoid ...........................................90PL 51.7 DADF Front Belt ...................................................91PL 51.8 Regi./Retard/Invert/Out Chute .....................................92PL 51.9 Roll,Sensor Bracket ...............................................93PL 51.10 Document Tray ....................................................94PL 51.11 Top Cover ........................................................95PL 51.12 Upper Feeder .....................................................96PL 51.13 Regi. Chute ......................................................97PL 51.14 Retard Chute .....................................................98PL 51.15 Invert Chute .....................................................99PL 51.16 Out Chute ........................................................100PL 51.17 Sensor Bracket ...................................................10198. Screws98.1 Screws ...............................................................10299. Adjustment/Consumables Area Code List99.1 Paper ................................................................10399.2 Environment ..........................................................10399.3 Consumables ..........................................................10499.4 Electrical Adjustment ................................................10499.5 Mechanical Adjustment ................................................10599.6 Originals ............................................................10699.7 Accessories Related ..................................................10699.8 Fax ..................................................................10799.9 DMP/Network Functions Related ........................................1075.3 Parts NavigationNavi 1.1 Processor + Option ...............................................109Navi 2.1 Processor (1 of 2)...............................................109Navi 2.2 Processor (2 of 2)...............................................110Navi 2.3 IIT/UI ...........................................................1102011/075-3DocuCentre-IV 3060G零件表5.1 序文Version 零件表的使用方法第5章零件表包含关于备用零件的信息。
Application Notes ZHCA806 – June 20181C2000串口烧录程序 应用手册Howard Zou摘要JTAG 是最常见的MCU 代码下载接口,但是很多时候MCU 无法通过JTAG 下载代码,为此,C2000在ROM 中集成了多种方式的代码下载引导程序,可以通过SCI, SPI, CAN 等接口把代码下载到RAM 中。
很多用户要求把程序下载到片上flash 中,为此,TI 开发了一套SCI flash kernel 程序。
我们可以通过引导程序将SCI flash kernel 下载到RAM 中,然后通过SCI flash kernel 再将需要的应用程序下载到片上flash 。
本文主要介绍了如何通过SCI flash kernel 将应用代码下载到片上flash ,并详细介绍了在芯片被密码保护的时候如何下载程序,对于双核芯片又该如何下载程序,最后介绍了通过批处理实现烧录的方式,适合于工厂在不知道芯片密码的情况下大批量烧录。
目录1 引言 (2)2 通过SCI 导入应用程序流程 ............................................................................................................3 3 待导入文件生成 ................................................................................... E rror! Bookmark not defined.3.1 kernel.txt 文件生成 (4)3.2 应用程序App.txt 待导入文件生成 ............................................................................................ 5 4 通过serial_flash_programmer.exe 下载程序 .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.4.1 flash kernel A 芯片程序下载,以F28027为例 (6)4.2 flash kernel B 芯片程序下载,以F28379D 为例 (7)4.3 芯片加密时的应用程序升级 (11)4.4 通过批处理命令烧录程序 ...................................................................................................... 12 5 其他 . (14)参考文献 (14)图图 1.通过SCI 导入应用程序流程 .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 图2.引导程序流程 .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 图 3.CCS 添加编译步骤 .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 图 4.通过hex2000工具转换出hex 文件 ................................................................................... 5 图 5.命令窗的调用方法 .............................................................................................................. 6 图 6.F28027下载应用程序界面 ................................................................................................. 7 图 7.F28379D 下载flash kernel cpu1界面 .............................................................................. 8 图 8.F28379D 下载应用程序界面 ............................................................................................... 9 图9.F28379D 下载应用程序到CPU1成功后界面 ................................................................... 10 图10. F28379D 下载应用程序到CPU2成功后界面 . (11)图11.F28379D解密成功界面 (12)图12.新建批处理文件 (12)图13.批处理文件内容 (13)图14.等待输入串口号 (13)1 引言随着应用程序的功能不断增强,终端客户经常需要对嵌入式软件进行程序升级,这些通过引导程序就可以实现。
佳能MF4370dn-MF4350d-MF4330d-MF4322d-MF4320d service manual-CHN)维修手册
MF4300 系列 iC MF4370dn/MF4350d/MF4330d/MF4322d/4320d
佳能 ( 中国 ) 有限公司技术部 BIS_TS 科发行
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如在 “DRMD*”中星号表示当电平为” 0 ”时有 DRMD 信号通过 .
HuddleCamHD Serial Joystick ControllerModel Number: HC-JOY-G2Joystick Keyboard Installation & Operation ManualEasy pan, tilt & zoom controls for any RS-232, RS485, RS422 VISCA, Pelco-P or Pelco-D protocol camera!Controls pan & tilt with variable speed.Uses 3 dimensional joystick with “twist” control for variable zoom.Key Product Features•All Metal housing.•VISCA, PELCO-D and PELCO-P protocol support.•Large LCD Menu display.•Key-press “BEEP” confirmation (optional – set on or off).•Pan, tilt, zoom, iris and focus control.•Variable speed control of pan, tilt and zoom.•Auto/Manual Focus and Iris.•Backlight Compensation control.•Cameras #1-4 ‘Quick Key’ Select buttons.•Preset Save, Call and Clear.•Real time display of the current status.•Short circuit and overcurrent protection.•Automatic recovery program for the communication port(s).•Control Interfaces:RS232 full-duplex, RS485 semi duplex, RS422 full-duplex.•Variable Baud Rate 1200 to 19200 bps.•Maximum communication distance: RS485: 3,937ft [1200m] using 24 gauge twisted pair cabling•Can control a maximum 255 cameras.•Voltage: 12VDC.•Power Consumption: 6W Max.•Display: LCD.•Working Temperature: 14°F ~ 122°F [-10° ~ +50° C].•Working Humidity: 10 ~ 90% (non-condensation).•Weight 3.4 lbs. [1.6 kg]•Dimensions:12.6”(W) x 7.1”(D) x 4.3”(H) [320mm x 181mm x 110mm].In the Box•Keyboard with three-axis control joystick.•5p screw terminal plug (RS422/RS485).•12VDC Power Supply.•This Manual.•Power Supply Interface (5.5mm x 12mm center pin JEITA style jack): 12VDC / 2000mA power supply.•RS485/422 interface (5p screw terminal):1:485+/422TxA, 2:485-/422TxB, 3:422RxA, 4:422RxB, 5:485/422Gnd.•RS232 interface (DB9M port): 2:Rx, 3:Tx, 5:Gnd.•Keys: momentary push buttons (keys).•Joystick: 3-axis joystick.•Digital display: LCD display.•VISCA, PELCO-P and PELCO-D protocol support.•Control interfaces:o5p Screw Terminal (RS485/RS422).o DB9 (RS232).•Baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200.•Parameters: 8 bits, 1 stop bit, N o parity.Keyboard/Joystick OperationBasic Control•Pan & Tilt Controlo Joystick movement provides variable speed pan and tilt of thecamera head.•Zoom Controlo Rotation of the joystick controls variable speed zoom of the lens.▪Clockwise rotation of the joystick = zoom in.▪Counter-clockwise rotation of the joystick = zoom out.o Incremental Zoom control can also be achieved using thefollowing keys: “Zoom+”, “Zoom-”.Manual Control Options•Focus Control – (VISCA Only, Pelco-P &-D do not provide for “Man Foc”) o Incremental Focus control can also be achieved using thefollowing keys: “Focus+”, “Focus-” (“Man Foc” must first beenabled).o Auto Focus may be enabled by pressing the “Aut Foc” key.o Manual Focus may be enabled by pressing the “Man Foc” key.o Pressing the “Esc” key (while not in a configuration menu) willcycle through 8 levels of manual focus speed: 0-7. The currentManual Focus speed setting may be seen in the top right corner ofthe LCD display as ‘FS:0’ though ‘FS:7’•Iris Control – (VISCA Only, Pelco-P &-D do not provide for “Man Exp”) o Incremental Iris control can also be achieved using the following keys: “Iris+”, “Iris-” (“Man Exp” must first be enabled).o Auto Iris may be enabled by pressing the “Aut Exp” key.o Manual Iris may be enabled by pressing the “Man Exp” key. Note: Some cameras do not have an “Iris” (or manual Iris) mode. Forthis reason, Manual Exposure is used. Therefore, for best results,use the camera’s IR remote to first select a desired shutter speedbefore using “Man Exp”, “Iris+ ”and “Iris-“•Backlight Compensation Control – (VISCA Only, Pelco-P &-D do not provide for BLC)o Backlight Compensation may be enabled by pressing the “BLC On”key. Use this setting for shooting backlit subjects.o Backlight Compensation may be disabled by pressing the “BLCOff” key. Use this setting for shooting subjects with balanced, 3point, overhead or front lighting.Selecting a Camera•Input Number Keyso For entering numbers use the “0” t hrough “9” keys.o Press “Enter” key to complete commands.o Press the “Clear” key to clear entries before confirming with“Enter” key.•Set the Camera ID to be controlled by joysticko Press “Addr” key, desired “Number” k ey and then “Enter” key.o Alternatively you can use the “Cam 1” through “Cam 4” quick-select buttons to quickly access cameras 1-4.PTZ Presets•Set a PTZ Preseto Use joystick and keyboard to set up the desired preset shot. Press the “Set” key, press a “Number” key and then the “Enter” key. Toleave “Set” mode, press the “Esc” key.•Call a PTZ Preseto Press the “Call” key, press a “Number” key and then the “Enter”key.o You may leave the unit in “Call” mode and continue to enter sequential preset calls. To leave “Call” mode, press the “Esc” key.•Clear a PTZ Preseto Press “Esc” key to return to main menu. Press the “Clear” key, press a “Number” key and then the “Enter” key. To leave “Clear”mode, press the “Esc” key.•Send camera to its “Home” PTZ Positiono Press the “Home” key. Note: When in Pelco-P or –D, this button will call preset 0, instead of Home. Pelco-P and –D do not providefor a “Home” position. You must first set preset 0 to use thisfeature with Pelco)Notes on using presets with VISCA:For your convenience, the HC-JOY-G2 uses the same preset numbers wheth er ‘set’, ‘called’ or ‘cleared’ via hand-held IR remote, VISCA, Pelco-P or Pelco-D. This is in contract to Sony’s traditional offset of -1 between IR remote commands and VISCA commands. If you are used to Sony’s traditional method, you no longer need to make this adjustment.•Go to Main Menu or Backup up one Menu Levelo Press “Esc” key to return to main menu. Note: Repeated presses may be required depending on how deep you are in a menu.Note: Pressing the “Esc” key while not in a menu will change themanual focus speed.•Obtain Product Informationo Press the “Info” key.o Use Joystick “Up” and “Down” to scroll through info (Model, Serial Number, Keyboard ID, Key Sound setting).•Configure Keyboard/Joysticko Press and Hold the “Setup” key for 3 seconds.o Enter the password. “8888” is the default password.o Press the “Enter” key.•Keyboard Menuo“Set >>” Menuo Move joystick “left” and “right” to select between 1(CAM) or2(SYS)o Press “Enter” key to confirm the choice.o“SET >>CAM” : Menu▪Move Joystick “left” and “right” or simply type camera ID to select camera to configure.▪Press “Enter” key to confirm the choice.▪Move Joystick “up” and “down” to choose between setting either the control protocol or baud rate settings.▪Move Joystick “left” and “right” to select the desired control protocol or baud rate (to match that of camera).▪Repeat for all camera IDs required.▪Press “Esc” to return to previous menu level.o“SET >>SYS” : Menu▪Move Joystick “left” and “right” to select system parameter to configure.▪Press “Enter” key to confirm the choice.▪1(EDIT PW)•OLD PW: Using “Number” keys, enter the currentpassword (default = “8888”). Press “Enter” key toconfirm.•NEW PW: Using “Number” keys, enter the desiredpassword (4 numeric keys) Press “Enter” key toconfirm.•AGAIN PW: Using “Number” keys, re-enter the desired password (4 numeric keys) Press “Enter” key toconfirm.▪2(FACTORY)•SURE?: Press “Enter” key to confirm.▪3(LOAD ISP)•Press “Enter” key to confirm.•SURE?: Press “Enter” key to confirm.▪4(SOUND)•Move Joystick “left” and “right” to turn key beep ON or OFF.•Press “Enter” key to confirm.▪5(KB ID)•KB ID: Using “Number” keys, enter the desired ID.Press “Enter” key to confirm.▪6(LOCK SET)•Move Joystick “left” and “right” to turn KB lock ON orOFF. Press “Enter” key to confirm.•LOCK PW: Using “Number” keys, enter the desiredpassword (4 numeric keys). Press “Enter” key toconfirm.•To unlock Keyboard/Joysticko Press “Esc” key until LCD shows “LOCKED”o LOCK PW: Using “Number” keys, enter thedesired password (4 numeric keys). Press“Enter” key to confirm.o LCD screen will go Black. Press “Enter” keyagain.o OPEN LOCK: Using “Number” keys, enter thedesired password (4 numeric keys). Press“Enter” key to confirm.Indicators:•“PW” illuminates Red when unit is powered•“TXD” flashes green when unit is transmitting commands•“RXD” flashes green when unit is receiving responsesPower:•Keyboard/Joystick requires external 12VDC. Use only the 12VDC power supply shipped with the unit.The Keyboard/Joystick may be connected to cameras via RS232, RS485 or RS422.•For RS232, connect the DB9 port of the KB to the miniDin8 (VISCA) port of the camera with pin-out as follows:o KB Tx –Pin 3 ---------- Camera Rx - Pin 5o KB Rx –Pin 2 ---------- Camera Tx - Pin 3o KB Gnd –Pin 5 ---------- Camera Gnd - Pin 4•For RS485, connect the 5p screw terminal port of the KB to the RS485 port of the camera with pin-out as follows:o KB Ta –Pin 1 ---------- Camera (+)o KB Tb –Pin 2 ---------- Camera (-)o KB Gnd –Pin 5 ---------- Camera (G) (if present – some cameras will not require a G)•For RS422, connect the 5p screw terminal port of the KB to the RS422 port of the camera with pin-out as follows:o KB Ta –Pin 1 ---------- Camera (Rx-)o KB Tb –Pin 2 ---------- Camera (Rx+)o KB Ra –Pin 3 ---------- Camera (Tx-)o KB Rb –Pin 4 ---------- Camera (Tx+)o KB Gnd –Pin 5 ---------- Camera (G) (if present – some cameras will not require a G)•Cannot Control Camera at allo Check that LCD is in the Main Menu. Press “Esc” key to return to main menu, if needed. Note: Repeated presses may be required depending onhow deep you are in a menu, e.g. this can often happen after settingpresets and then attempting to Call presets without exiting the Setmenu.o Check that PW Indicator is solid Red. If not, check power supply connection to KB and AC Mains. If still unlit, power supply or KB may bedamaged.o Check both KB settings and Camera settings to ensure that the following ALL match:▪Camera ID (e.g. 01, 02, etc…)▪Camera Protocol (e.g. VISCA, PELCO-P, PELCO-D)▪Baud Rate (e.g. 9600)o Check all KB-Camera connections and cabling per “Connection Wiring and Indicators” section above.o Check TXD Indicator for Green flickering when cam is moved using the joystick. If not flickering, KB or its joystick may be damaged. •Controlling more than 1 camera at a time.o Check all cameras to ensure that each has a unique ID.o Check all camera settings in KB menu to make sure that the protocol setting for that camera ID matches that of the actual camera.o Note, you cannot typically mix VISCA, Pelco-P or Pelco-D cameras in the same daisy chain.o Check control wiring.▪For RS232, cabling must flow from KB into the VISCA-in port of the first camera and then from VISCA-out port of first camera toVISCA-in port of next camera, etc... With daisy chained RS232, noterminator is required on the last camera. A VISCA cross-overcable must be used for all camera to camera connections. Theseare available from HuddleCamHD in various lengths as well asfrom other sources.▪For RS485 and RS422, all connections are in parallel (e.g. allcams’ 485+ are connected to KB’s 485+ and all cams’ 485- areconnected to KB’s 485-) and termination may be requireddepending upon overall cabling distances involved.。
Eventide H910 Harmonizer 商品说明书
User GuideCopyright2022,Eventide Inc.P/N:141259,Rev9Eventide is a registered trademark of Eventide Inc.AAX and Pro Tools are trademarks of Avid s and logos are used with permission. Audio Units and macOS are trademarks of Apple,Inc.VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.Eventide Inc.One Alsan WayLittle Ferry,NJ07643201-641-1200Contents1Welcome21.1About This Product (3)2History of the H910Harmonizer®4 3H910Harmonizer®Controls7 Line (7)Input Level (7)Pitch Control Select (8)Pitch Ratio (8)Delay (9)Output2Delay Time (9)Feedback (9)Power (9)Mix (10)Main Level (10)Out2Level (10)Envelope Follower Attack (10)Envelope Follower Release (10)Envelope Follower Sensitivity (10)HK941Keyboard (11)HK941Keyboard Glide (11)HK941Keyboard Hold (11)3.1H910Dual Harmonizer®Controls (12)Stereo Feedback (12)Stereo Link (12)Stereo Width (12)Mix (13)Output (13)4Working with the Harmonizer®144.1Signal flow of the H910Single (14)4.2Playing the Harmonizers with a MIDI Keyboard (15)4.3Preset Bar (17)Load/Save (17)Compare (17)Mix Lock (17)Info (17)Settings (17)5Conclusion18part1 WelcomeH910Single Harmonizer®H910Dual Harmonizer®1.1About This ProductThank you for your purchase of the Eventide H910Harmonizer®plug-in.The prod-uct recreated in this plug-in was among the first introduced by Eventide-and among the world’s first commercially available professional recording products.For over40 years,innovative products like these have made Eventide an industry leader,and we are extremely proud that they continue to be in demand today.This package includes a stunning recreation of the H910Harmonizer®,as well as a Dual H910version,which recreates the popular technique of running two H910units in parallel to create lush doubling and other interesting effects.We’ll get into more depth on the product soon but,before you forget,please take a few minutes to register online.This helps us keep you informed of any important software updates,and any special offers that may only be available to registered users.part2 History of the H910Harmonizer®IntroductionProduced between1975and1984,the H910Harmonizer®was the world’s first harmo-nizer–and one of the first commercially-available digital audio products.The ability to manipulate time,pitch and feedback with just a few knobs and switches made it easy to alter audio in ways that otherwise required at least a couple of tape machines and,of-ten,rearranging furniture.Suddenly anyone could be Les Paul(recording engineer not guitar player).The H910’s electronics were primitive and the processing almost entirely analog.The digital bits of the design did“as little as necessary.”Only delay was digital. Everything else-filtering,feedback,mixing,pitch modulation,etc.-was analog.And it sounded it.The H910was also just a tiny bit unstable.And it showed.In a time long before CDs, MIDI,or any standards for sample rate or bits,Light Emitting Diodes(LEDs)had just become“the latest,greatest thing”and the H910’s iconic,flickering display was the first‘digital readout’to appear in many studios.And that flickering readout belied a secret–the H910was inherently‘jittery’.The H910’s master clock wasn’t crystal-based but,instead,it was a tuned LC(inductor/capacitor)oscillator.The result is that the sys-tem was not locked to a specific frequency and the entire system’s clocking would drift slightly,slowly and unpredictably.In fact,all of the oscillators in the H910are of the ‘free-running’sort and this randomness adds to the sound(and the fun).The H910was groundbreaking when introduced and now the circuitry,the functionality and the‘sonic behavior’of the original has been modeled in software and is available in your DAW. Note that while presets are a good starting point,you’ll get the most out of the H910if you push buttons and turn knobs-just as you would when searching for a sound using the hardware.That was always,and is now,once again,the fun of it.Genesis of the H910Prior to1970there were no digital audio products of any kind,in any studio,anywhere. The first digital audio product to appear was a one-trick-pony,the DDL(Digital Delay Line).First introduced in1971,DDLs from Eventide and Lexicon were as simple as sim-ple can be-audio goes in now and comes out a bit later.Eventide’s1745,was a big, costly box full of shift registers with a front panel dominated by big‘wafer’switches. Designed in1972,during the very early days of ICs(Integrated Circuits),the only chips with enough memory(storage)to be dangerous/useful were1K bit shift registers.RAMs were expensive and teeny.Each1kbit shift register could delay audio by2mS,so that, by filling a box with‘only’100of these chips an amazing200mS of delay became pos-sible!Studios bought Eventide’s1745to use as a pre-delay for a plate reverb or for ADT(au-tomatic double tracking).Eventide’s audio design sounded‘good enough’to satisfy even the most critical ears(some early digital audio products sounded awful)thanks,in large part,to Eventide’s custom designed ADC(analog to digital converter).And so,fu-eled by the sales of a handful of1745s,Eventide took the next step and developed the successor to the1745,the1745M.The1745M was also a simple DDL but it was mod-ular DDL and used RAM instead of shift registers making fine control of delay possible for the first time.And it had7segment numerical LED readouts!The introduction of a “pitch change”module for the1745M set the stage for the development of the H910. By1974,most of the pieces needed to design a“Harmonizer”were in place.The Rack Mount H910The H910was conceived as a box that a vocalist might use to create real-time harmonies and reverb.In fact,the prototype sported a keyboard for selecting musical pitch inter-vals.(An optional keyboard controller was offered in production.)Much of the H910’s analog circuitry is borrowed from the DDLs.RAM storage was used for delay.By giving the user real time,interactive control of pitch,delay and feedback,the H910ushered in the digital effects era and became a key instrument allowing engineers and producers to shape sounds in new ways.In a pre-software world,the H910achieved its ground-breaking effects through the judicious application of analog circuitry,custom convert-ers,and digital logic gates.The H910Plug-inThis plug-in models the hardware to the best of our ability.It even emulates the random-ness of the hardware(not that you can copy‘random’with any degree of exactitude). The controls have the same range and characteristics as the front panel controls of the hardware.The pitch change splicing method is the same as the hardware’s–the glitch is back!The aforementioned HK940keyboard option is also included,and even aug-mented with modern MIDI control that allows you to”play”the desired pitch using MIDI notes or bend it via pitch wheel.The plug-in also includes Mixer and Envelope Follower sections which let you use the second delay output and control voltage input options from the original H910.We’ve done exhaustive listening tests and compared it to the best relics that we could find.This plug-in models the quirkiness of one vintage H910.In fact,we’ve tweaked the plug-in to sound as close to the‘golden’relic as possible.(If this plugin sounds different from your H910,you may want to get your hardware adjusted.)part3 H910Harmonizer®ControlsMain H910PanelLine When the Line control is IN the LED is on and the unit is activelyprocessing audio;when it is OUT the LED is off and the unit isbypassed and passes audio directly from input to output. Input Level The input LED will light at-0.5dBFS.(Note that the Limit Indi-cator is”after”the Input Level and Feedback controls,so it willilluminate when internal clipping is about to occur due to ex-cessive input level or feedback.)Adjust the Input Level so thatthe Limit Indicator flashes only on input peaks.Pitch Control Select The four switches in this group allow you to select whether the pitch change is set by the manual knob(MAN),the anti-feedback oscillator(A-F),the HK941keyboard and MIDI (KYBD),or the Envelope Follower(ENV).•MAN–This switch activates the MANUAL control knob.When fully counterclockwise,the output pitch is de-creased by1octave(ratio=.5).When centered,the ra-tio is unity.When fully clockwise,the output pitch is increased by1octave(ratio=2).Intermediate settings produce fractional octave ratios with the changes”band-spread”around unity.•A-F–This switch activates the ANTI-FEEDBACK knob,al-lowing you to add small amounts of an up-and-down fre-quency shift to the output signal.This serves to decrease the effect of room resonance peaks on the signal which ultimately return to the microphone.Note that higher set-tings will make the effect more audible,so care should be taken to find a setting which provides adequate feedback reduction with minimal audience/performer disturbance.•KYBD–When selected,pitch ratio is determined by the HK941keyboard below,or by receipt of MIDI Note On and Pitch Bend messages(see“Working with the Harmo-nizer®”for more detail).•ENV–When selected,pitch ratio is determined by the EN-VELOPE FOLLOWER.The pitch ratio is nominally1.0,but when input signal is applied it will modulate toward the setting of the MANUAL knob as determined by the AT-TACK,RELEASE,and SENSITIVITY knobs.Pitch Ratio The display shows the numerical pitch ratio.(See also’Pitch Ra-tio Readouts for Various Musical Relationships’.)Note that,justas in the original unit,when the knob is set between two values,the display will”jitter”between the two.This is visual jitter only,and does not affect the audio.Delay Allow you to insert additional delays before the output.Whenin DELAY ONLY mode,select delay times in7.5ms increments toa maximum of112.5ms.(7.5+15+30+60).When in pitch modeonly the right two buttons are active for30ms each,allowingfor up to60ms of additional delay(30+30).Output2Delay Time The OUTPUT2delay buttons control the amount of delay timefor the second output.This second delay tap is fed from thesame input as the first,and it also allows you to mix anotherdelay into the wet output using the mixer section in the secondpanel.Feedback Used to determine the decay time of the output delay.Clock-wise rotation increases decay time until feedback reaches unity,at which point the system will begin to oscillate.Power When the Power button is IN the unit is powered up and op-erational,and when it is OUT the unit is powered off and theplug-in bypasses.Secondary(HK941)Panel ControlsMix This control sets the overall balance of wet(effected)signal todry(original)signal.Main Level This control sets the level from the H910’s main output,whichcan be set to either shift pitch or output delay only.The mainoutput is also the source for the Feedback buss.Out2Level This control sets the level from the H910’s OUTPUT2,which isdelay only.This output is also fed from the feedback from themain output,but it does not feed back into the Feedback bussitself.Envelope Follower Attack When the Pitch Control Select is set to ENV this sets the attack time of the Envelope Follower.Envelope Follower Release When the Pitch Control Select is set to ENV this sets the re-lease time of the Envelope Follower.Envelope Follower Sensitivity When the Pitch Control Select is set to ENV this sets the Sen-sitivity of the Envelope Follower.HK941Keyboard When the Pitch Control Select is set to KYBD the HK941Key-board is an automatable keyboard which can be operated byyour mouse and which automatically sets the H910to musicalintervals.This two octave keyboard is set up in such a way thatthe center C key represents a pitch ratio of1.0,with each keyto the right shifting the pitch ratio one further half-step up andeach key to the left shifting the pitch ratio one further half-stepdown.This allows you to use the keyboard to easily transposethe incoming signal up or down by a musical interval related tothe center C.In KYBD mode the H910plug-in also responds to MIDI NoteNumber input in the same way,using the MIDI notes centeredaround middle C.To use this mode you most route MIDI fromyour MIDI source to the H910plug-in in your DAW.HK941Keyboard Glide The Glide control sets the rate at which the H910shifts from one ratio to the next when the Pitch Control Select is set to KYBD.HK941Keyboard Hold By default the H910responds to notes momentarily,which means that the pitch ratio returns to unison(1.0)when no key is pressed.By turning the HOLD mode on,the H910’s pitch ra-tio will stay at the value set by the last pressed key until it gets another update.3.1H910Dual Harmonizer®ControlsThe H910Harmonizer®plug-in comes bundled with the H910Dual Harmonizer®plug-in,which recreates two H910units running in parallel,an application that was frequently used in the hardware version to create doubling effects.Of course,you can also use the H910Dual to create a wide variety of other interesting sounds.The H910Dual plug-in includes two Main Panels(as described above),and an Expansion Panel with several additional controls.Expansion Panel ControlsStereo Feedback The three buttons in this group allow you to control the feed-back routing between the two H910units.In MONO mode,the output from a single unit only feeds back into that unit.InSTEREO mode,the output from the top unit feeds back into thebottom unit,and vice versa.In BOTH mode,the output of eachunit feeds back into both itself and the other unit.An interest-ing application of these modes is when using feedback com-bined with pitch shifting,which based on the Pitch Ratios of thebottom and top units,can cause the incoming signal to shiftup/down continuously,shift up and then down continuously,orshift away from a Pitch Ratio of1in both directions.Stereo Link The three buttons in this group allow you to more easily con-trol the plug-in,by linking corresponding controls in the bot-tom and top units.In MONO mode,all controls can be set in-dependently.In LINK mode,changing a control on one unitwill cause the corresponding control on the other unit to followthat change.Reverse Link mode behaves much like cvalueLinkmode,but changing the Pitch Ratio on one unit will cause theother unit’s Pitch Ratio to move in the opposite direction.Thisis especially useful for creating stereo detuned and doublingeffects.Stereo Width Allows you to control how”wide”the output of the plug-in is,from mono to full stereo.Mix Controls the total Wet/Dry mix of the H910Dual plug-in. Output Controls the output level H910Dual plug-in.part4 Working with the Harmonizer®4.1Signal flow of the H910SingleThe original H910Harmonizer®had additional inputs and outputs which would have traditionally been attached to external studio gear to work.In order to make this plug-in work well in a DAW environment,we’ve built some of this external gear,like an envelope follower and a mixer,into the H910Single plug-in itself.Because of this,the signal flow in the H910Single can be difficult to understand.Please refer to the following figure if you have any difficulties.4.2Playing the Harmonizers with a MIDI KeyboardA MIDI keyboard set to send MIDI on the H910’s MIDI Channel can be used to control the pitch ratio in discrete musical steps.Middle C on the keyboard will set Unison on the Harmonizers;1.00on the display.Playing the E above Middle C will produce a harmony of a Major3rd.Playing the E-Flat above Middle C will produce a Minor3rd and so on. Refer to the graphic below and the chart on the following page.The Harmonizers respond to MIDI Note On and Pitch Bend messages.The bend range covers two octaves,from0.5to2.0.The MIDI response for all plug-ins is OMNI,i.e. messages received on*any*of the16channels will be accepted.Figure4.1:Pitch Ratio Readouts for Various Musical Relationships4.3Preset BarLocated at the top of the H910Harmonizer®Plug-In,the Preset Bar lets you load and save presets,along with several other features.When H910Harmonizer®is installed,a library of settings is placed into the<user>/Mu-sic/Eventide/H910Harmonizer/Presets folder(Mac)or the<user>/Documents/Even-tide/H910Harmonizer/Presets folder(Windows).These presets have a.tide extension and can be saved or loaded from the H910Harmonizer®preset bar in any supported DAW.In many DAWs there is an additional generic preset bar that saves DAW-specific presets to a separate location.We recommend saving your presets using the Eventide preset bar to ensure that your presets will be accessible from any DAW.You can also create sub-folders inside the preset folders,if you wish.Load/Save Use these buttons to load and save your presets in.tide format.Compare Click to toggle between two different settings for the plug-in.This is useful for making A/B comparisons.Mix Lock Pressing this will enable a global mix value that will be the sameon every preset that is loaded.This is especially useful on aneffect return track where the mix should always be set to100. Info Click this button to open this manual.Settings Opens a drop-down menu with various user interface settings.•Scaling–Sets the overall size of the plugin.•Always Show Values–Sets knob values to be displayedat all times.This setting will apply to all instances of theplugin.part5 ConclusionWe hope you enjoy the H910Harmonizer®plug-in and put it to good use in all of your mixes.Please be sure to check out Eventide’s other native plug-in offerings for more unique and interesting effects.18。
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2、运行游戏弹出一对话框说:TombRaider.exe - 无法找到入口,无法定位程序输入点CreateDXGIFactory2 于动态链接库C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll 上。
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Volume of trading: the number of trades in one day
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014 10
A margin is cash or marketable securities deposited by an investor with his or her broker The balance in the margin account is adjusted to reflect daily settlement Margins minimize the possibility of a loss through a default on a contract
Chapter 2 Mechanics of Futures Markets
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014
Futures Contracts
Available on a wide range of assets Exchange traded Specifications need to be defined:
1,450.00 1,441.00 1,438.30 −1,800 −540
Cumul. Gain ($)
− 1,800 −2,340
Margin Balance ($)
12,000 10,200 9,660
Margin Call ($)
6 7 8 ….. 16 1,426.90
1,436.20 1,429.90 1,430.80 …..
94.93 95.24
95.66 95.92
94.50 94.81
Prior Settle
95.17 95.43
Last Trade
94.72 95.01
−0.45 −0.42
162,901 37,830
Dec 2013 Dec 2014 Dec 2015
93.77 89.98 86.99
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014
Crude Oil Trading on May 14, 2013 (Table 2.2, page 36)
Open Jun 2013 Aug 2013
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014 5
Example of a Futures Trade (page
An investor takes a long position in 2 December gold futures contracts on June 5
Margin Cash Flows When Futures Price Increases
Clearing House
Clearing House Member
Clearing House Member
Long Trader
Short Trader
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014
Key Points About Futures
They are settled daily Closing out a futures position involves entering into an offsetting trade Most contracts are closed out before maturity
94.37 90.09 87.33
93.39 89.40 86.94
93.89 89.71 86.99
93.60 89.62 86.94
−0.29 −0.09 −0.05
27,179 9,606 2,181
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014 14
Clearing Houses and OTC Markets
Traditionally most transactions have been cleared bilaterally in OTC markets Following the 2007-2009 crisis, the has been a requirement for most standardized OTC derivatives transactions between dealers to be cleared through central counterparties (CCPs) CCPs require initial margin, variation margin, and default fund contributions from members similarly to exchange clearing houses
Convergence of Futures to Spot (Figure
2.1, page 29)
Futures Price
Spot Price Futures Price
Spot Price
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014
Margin Cash Flows
A trader has to bring the balance in the margin account up to the initial margin when it falls below the maintenance margin level A member of the exchange clearing house only has an initial margin and is required to bring the balance in its account up to that level every day. These daily margin cash flows are referred to as variation margin A member is also required to contribute to a default fund
Some Terminology
Open interest: the total number of contracts outstanding
equal to number of long positions or number of short positions
Settlement price: the price just before the final bell each day
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014 6
A Possible Outcome (Table 2.1, page 30)
1 1 2
Trade Settle Daily Price ($) Price ($) Gain ($)
−780 −1,260 180 ….. 780
−2,760 −4,020 −3,840 ….. −4,620
9,240 7,980 12,180 …… 15,180 4,020
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 9th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2014
contract size is 100 oz. futures price is US$1,450 initial margin requirement is US$6,000/contract (US$12,000 in total) maintenance margin is US$4,500/contract (US$9,000 in total)
Margin Cash Flows When Futures Price Decreases
Clearing House
Clearing House Member
Clearing House Member