



可编辑修改精选全文完整版高数A (1)复习资料一、极限计算:常用方法包括等价无穷小替换,洛必达法则,两个重要极限。



如果出现变上限函数类型,注意变上限函数的导数如何计算,特别是上限为x 的函数,也就是积分上限函数为复合函数时求导要利用链式法则;如果积分上限函数被积函数不是积分变量的一元函数,则将其他变量提出到积分号外面,或者利用换元法化到积分限上。

常用等价无穷小:2~cos 1~arctan ,~arcsin ,~tan ,~sin 2x x x x x x x x x x -,,x x x e x x x αα~1)1(,~1,~)1ln(-+-+(0→x )练习题:1. 设822lim =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-+∞→xx a x a x ,则___________=a ; 2. ____________________arctan lim 21=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∞→x x x x ;3.=+→xx x sin 2)31(lim .4. 0tan sin lim sin x x x x x→-- 5. 0ln sin 5lim ln sin 2x x x →+ 6. 2013sin coslim(1cos )ln(1)x x x x x x →+++ 7. 2220(1)limxtx x t e dtx-→+∞+⎰2220(1)1[lim]2xt xx t e dt xe →+∞+==⎰二、无穷小比较:高阶,同阶,等价的定义处理思路:转化为求极限问题,特别是同阶无穷小;注意如果分式极限存在,分母为无穷小量,则分子也一定为无穷小量。





正文:1. 微分学复习:a. 重要概念回顾:导数和微分的定义、基本导数公式;b. 导数的应用:求函数的极值与最值、函数图像的描绘;c. 高阶导数与泰勒展开式:求函数的高阶导数、利用泰勒公式研究函数的性质。

2. 积分学复习:a. 定积分与不定积分:定义及性质、基本积分公式;b. 积分方法与技巧:换元法、分部积分法、三类换元法;c. 积分应用:求函数的面积、曲线长度、曲线包围的面积。

3. 微分方程复习:a. 常微分方程与解法:一阶线性微分方程、可分离变量的微分方程;b. 高阶线性微分方程:二阶齐次线性微分方程、二阶非齐次线性微分方程;c. 变量分离和常系数齐次线性微分方程。

4. 空间解析几何复习:a. 点、线、面的方程与性质;b. 点到直线和点到平面的距离计算;c. 平面与直线的位置关系、两平面的位置关系。

5. 矩阵与行列式复习:a. 矩阵的基本概念:矩阵的定义、矩阵的运算;b. 行列式的定义与性质:二阶、三阶行列式的计算;c. 逆矩阵与矩阵的秩:逆矩阵的判定、矩阵秩的计算。







一、函数与极限1. 函数的概念、性质和表示法2. 函数的基本类型:多项式函数、指数函数、对数函数、三角函数等3. 函数的运算:和、差、积、商、复合函数4. 函数的单调性、奇偶性、周期性以及对称性5. 极限的定义、性质和相关定理6. 数列极限与函数极限的关系二、导数与微分1. 导数的概念、定义和几何意义2. 导数的计算法则:常数求导、幂函数求导、指数函数求导、对数函数求导、三角函数求导等3. 高阶导数的概念与计算4. 函数的微分与微分近似值的应用5. 函数的单调性与极值问题6. 函数的图像与导数的关系三、积分与不定积分1. 积分的概念、性质和计算方法2. 定积分的概念、性质和计算方法3. 牛顿-莱布尼茨公式与不定积分的概念4. 不定积分的基本性质和计算方法5. 不定积分的换元法与分部积分法6. 定积分的几何应用:面积、曲线长度、平均值等四、微分方程1. 微分方程的概念和基本形式2. 一阶微分方程的可分离变量、齐次方程和线性方程解法3. 一阶线性微分方程的常数变易法和伯努利方程解法4. 二阶齐次线性微分方程的特征方程解法5. 二阶非齐次线性微分方程的特解叠加法与待定系数法6. 微分方程的应用:变种种群模型、生命问题、机械振动等五、级数与幂级数1. 数列与级数的概念和性质2. 收敛与发散的判定:比较判别法、比值判别法、根值判别法等3. 常数项级数的和与收敛域4. 幂级数的收敛半径与收敛域5. 幂级数的运算:求导、求积等6. 幂级数的应用:函数展开、函数逼近等上述要点是大一上学期高等数学课程的重点内容,同学们在复习的过程中应该重点关注,并通过课堂笔记、教材、习题集等进行系统复习和巩固。




大一期末高数(同济第六版)复习提纲(精选5篇)第一篇:大一期末高数(同济第六版)复习提纲高数一期末考试复习大纲题型:解答题(共12小题)类型:求极限、求导数及微分(包括导数的应用)、求不定积分、求定积分(包括定积分的应用)、求解微分方程具体知识点第一章数列的极限、函数的极限(以上只需掌握求极限方法、极限定义了解即可)无穷小与无穷大、极限运算法则、极限存在准则,两个重要极限无穷小的比较、函数的连续性、连续函数的运算和初等函数的连续性第二章导数定义及几何意义、函数的求导法则、高阶导数、隐函数导数、参数方程所确定的函数的导数(会求二阶导数)、函数的微分公式第三章洛必达法则、函数的单调性与曲线的凹凸性、函数的极值与最值第四章求不定积分(换元法、分部积分法)、有理函数的积分第五章微积分基本公式、定积分的换元法和分部积分法第六章定积分在几何学上的应用第七章可分离变量微分方程、齐次方程、一阶线性微分方程第二篇:高数复习提纲第一章1、极限(夹逼准则)2、连续(学会用定义证明一个函数连续,判断间断点类型)第二章1、导数(学会用定义证明一个函数是否可导)注:连续不一定可导,可导一定连续2、求导法则(背)3、求导公式也可以是微分公式第三章1、微分中值定理(一定要熟悉并灵活运用--第一节)2、洛必达法则3、泰勒公式拉格朗日中值定理4、曲线凹凸性、极值(高中学过,不需要过多复习)5、曲率公式曲率半径第四章、五章不定积分:1、两类换元法2、分部积分法(注意加C)定积分:1、定义2、反常积分第六章:定积分的应用主要有几类:极坐标、求做功、求面积、求体积、求弧长第三篇:高数(上)(复习提纲)《高等数学I》复习提纲一、基本概念、公式、法则:“极限,连续,导数,微分,积分”的定义、性质--------基础1、导数(微分)部分:无穷小之间的比较(高阶、同阶、等价、k 阶),常见的等价无穷小(x→0),两个重要极限,初等函数的连续性,闭区间上连续函数的介值定理,基本初等函数的求导公式,复合函数求导的链式法则,求极限的洛必达法则,微分中值定理(Rolle、Lagrange、Cauchy),泰勒公式(特别地,麦克劳林公式),函数的单调性与凹凸性,极值存在的必要条件与充分条件,曲线的水平(竖直)渐近线,平面曲线(直角坐标系、极坐标系、参数方程)的曲率公式、弧微分公式;求极限夹逼准则,可导与连续的关系,可导与可微的关系。







1.1 向量的定义与运算向量可以表示为 n 维的行向量或列向量,其中 n 表示向量的维数。


1.2 矩阵的定义与运算矩阵是由 m 行 n 列的数值按一定顺序排列而成的数学结构。




2.1 线性方程组的基本概念线性方程组由多个线性方程组成,方程中的未知数通常用 x1, x2, ..., xn 表示。


2.2 线性方程组的解法常见的线性方程组解法有高斯消元法、矩阵法和克拉默法则等。




3.1 行列式的定义与性质行列式的定义是一个递归的过程,它可以用于计算方阵的数值。


3.2 行列式的计算方法计算行列式的方法有很多,常见的有拉普拉斯展开法、三角形法则和性质法则等。




设f(x)在x0 处具有二阶, 导 且 数 f(x0)0, f(x0)0, 则 (a)当 f(x0)0, f(x)在x0 处取得极大, 值 (b)当 f(x0)0,f(x)在x0 处取得极小. 值
a.求 导f数 (x); b .求(驻 方f点 程 (x )0的 )及根 f(x)不存在 的 点. c.检查f(x)在b中所有点左右的, 正负号 或f(x)在该点的符 , 判号断极值点 . d. 求极值.
限 (8) 利用夹逼定理;
的 求
(9) 利用两类重要极限;
法 (10) 利用等价无穷小代换;
(11) 利用连续函数的性质(代入法);
(12) 利用洛必达法则.

1taxn 1six n
x 0
et axnes ixn
ta x n sixn lim
x 0,
1 e x0
1 x
所以 x0是函数的第二类间断点, 且是无穷型.
x 1,
lim f ( x )
x 1x
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
lim f
x 1x
所以 x 1是函数的第一类间断点, 且是跳跃型. 7
例求 f(x) (1x)sinx 的间断点,并判别其类型. x(x1)(x1)
























大一数学知识点英文Mathematical Concepts in Freshman YearMathematics is an essential subject that plays a significant role in various fields. It provides a logical and systematic approach to problem-solving. In this article, we will explore some important mathematical concepts that are typically covered in a freshman year curriculum.1. Number SystemsNumber systems form the foundation of mathematics. In freshman year, students learn about different types of numbers, such as natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and real numbers. Understanding the properties and relationships between these numbers is crucial for further mathematical study.2. Algebraic ExpressionsAlgebraic expressions involve variables, constants, and operations. Students in their freshman year learn how to simplify and evaluate expressions, solve equations, and manipulate algebraic expressions using various techniques like factoring, expanding, and solving linear and quadratic equations.3. Functions and GraphsFunctions describe relationships between inputs and outputs. Freshman students are introduced to different types of functions, such as linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. They learn to graph functions on a coordinate plane and analyze their properties, including domain, range, intercepts, and transformations.4. TrigonometryTrigonometry deals with the relationships between angles and sides of triangles. Freshman students learn about trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine, and tangent) and their applications in solving right-angled triangles. They explore concepts like trigonometric identities, equations, and the unit circle.5. DifferentiationFreshman year introduces the concept of differentiation, which is a fundamental tool in calculus. Students learn how to find derivatives of functions using differentiation rules, including power rule, product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule. They apply these principles to analyze rates of change and solve optimization problems.6. IntegrationIntegration is the reverse process of differentiation and is also a key concept in calculus. Students learn various integration techniques, such as substitution, integration by parts, and partial fractions. They apply integration to find areas, volumes, and evaluate definite integrals.7. Probability and StatisticsProbability and statistics play a crucial role in many real-life applications. Freshman students learn the basics of probability, including calculating probabilities of events, understanding permutations and combinations, and exploring concepts like expected value and standard deviation. They also study data analysis, including data representation, measures of central tendency, and dispersion.8. Matrices and Systems of EquationsMatrices are rectangular arrays of numbers, and they have applications in various fields, including engineering and computer science. Freshman students learn about matrix operations, determinants, and inverse matrices. They also study systems of linear equations and solve them using matrix methods, such as Gaussian elimination.These are just a few examples of the mathematical concepts typically covered in a freshman year. Building a strong foundation in these concepts is essential for further advancements in mathematics and related disciplines. By understanding and applying these concepts, students develop critical thinking skills and enhance their problem-solving abilities.。





一、集合与二元关系1. 集合及其运算:包括集合的定义、集合之间的相等关系、子集与真子集、交集、并集、补集和差集等。

2. 二元关系:掌握关系的定义、域、逆关系、复合关系、等价关系和序关系的概念。

二、数系与复数1. 自然数、整数、有理数、实数和复数的定义及其性质。

2. 复数的运算:复数的加减乘除、乘方和开方。

三、代数式与多项式1. 代数式的概念:包括代数式、项、系数和次数等。

2. 多项式的运算:多项式的加减乘除以及整式化简。

3. 多项式的因式分解:二次、三次多项式的因式分解方法。

四、方程与不等式1. 一元一次方程和不等式:一元一次方程和不等式的解集、方程组与不等式组的解集。

2. 一元二次方程与不等式:二次方程和不等式的解集、因式分解法和配方法解方程和不等式。

3. 绝对值方程与不等式:绝对值方程和不等式的解集。

五、函数与图像1. 函数的概念:函数的定义、定义域、值域、图像和性质。

2. 基本初等函数:包括幂函数、指数函数、对数函数、三角函数和反三角函数等。

3. 函数的运算:函数的加减乘除、复合函数以及函数的逆。

六、行列式与矩阵1. 行列式的概念与性质:行列式的定义、性质、性质的运算规律。

2. 矩阵的概念与性质:矩阵的定义、矩阵的加法和数乘、矩阵的乘法、矩阵的转置和矩阵的逆运算。

3. 线性方程组:线性方程组的定义、增广矩阵、齐次方程组与非齐次方程组。

七、向量与线性空间1. 向量的概念与运算:向量的定义、向量的加法、数乘和数量积。

2. 线性空间的概念与性质:线性空间的定义、线性空间的性质、线性相关与线性无关、线性空间的基与维数。

3. 子空间与线性变换:子空间的定义、子空间的性质、线性变换的定义、线性变换的性质。

八、特征值与特征向量1. 特征值与特征向量的概念:矩阵的特征值与特征向量的定义。



高中数学知识点英文版Title: High School Mathematics KnowledgeIntroduction:High school mathematics is a crucial subject that students study to develop their critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and analytical reasoning. It provides a foundation for advanced studies in fields such as engineering, computer science, physics, and economics. In this document, we will discuss various important mathematical concepts that high school students need to master.Algebra:Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols. It helps students understand how numbers behave and enables them to solve equations and inequalities. Key algebraic concepts include linear equations, quadratic equations, polynomials, and functions.Geometry:Geometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with shapes, sizes, relative positions of figures, and the properties of space. Students learn about geometric shapes such as lines,circles, triangles, and polygons. They also study concepts like angles, congruence, similarity, and the Pythagorean theorem.Trigonometry:Trigonometry is the study of the relationships between the sides and angles of triangles. It is essential for solving problems involving angles and distances. Key trigonometric functions include sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and cotangent. Students also learn about trigonometric identities and equations.Calculus:Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and accumulation. It comprises two main components: differential calculus and integral calculus. Students study concepts like limits, derivatives, integrals, and applications of calculus in various fields.Statistics:Statistics is the branch of mathematics that deals with collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. Students learn about measures of central tendency, dispersion, correlation, regression, probability distributions, and hypothesis testing. Statistics is essential for making informed decisions based on data.Probability:Probability is the branch of mathematics that deals with the likelihood of events occurring. Students learn about the basics of probability theory, including sample spaces, events, random variables, probability distributions, and independence. Probability is essential for analyzing uncertain outcomes.Conclusion:High school mathematics covers a wide range of topics, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, and probability. Mastering these concepts is crucial for students to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors. By developing a strong foundation in mathematics, students can enhance their problem-solving skills and logical reasoning abilities. It is important for educators to emphasize the relevance of mathematical knowledge and its applications in real-world scenarios. With a solid understanding of high school mathematics, students can pursue further studies in STEM fields and contribute to society's advancement.。




























ex 1 ~ x s inx ~ x tanx ~ x ln1(x) ~ x 1coxs~ x 2
ax 1 ~ xlna arcsinx ~ x arctaxn~ x (1x) 1 ~ x taxn sixn~ x 3
(1) 消去零因子法; (2) 同除最高次幂; (3) 通分;
(4) 同乘共轭因式; (5) 利用无穷小运算性质
函 (6) 复合函数求极限法则
数 极
(7) 利用左、右极限求分段函数极限;
限 (8) 利用夹逼定理;
的 求
(9) 利用两类重要极限;
法 (10) 利用等价无穷小代换;
(11) 利用连续函数的性质(代入法);
(12) 利用洛必达法则.
~ 当x0, etan xsixn1 taxnsinx,
故 原 式 1 2lx i0m estixn(aetxn a xn ss ix inx n1)
1 taxnsinx 1
2lxi m 0esixn(taxn sinx) 2
(a1) limax 0, lim a x ,
limarct1an, limarcta1n.
x 2 x0
x2 1
x2 1
x x
x x
左x l i连x0m f续(x 、) 右f间断 (可去型, 跳跃型) 第二类间断 (无穷型, 振荡型)
第二章 导数与微分





























一、复习方法1. 制定复习计划复习高等数学需要有一个明确的计划。



2. 多做习题高等数学是一门需要多做题来巩固理论知识的学科。



3. 结合实际应用高等数学中的很多概念和方法都是为了解决实际问题而提出的。


二、复习重点1. 极限与连续极限与连续是高等数学的重要概念。



2. 导数与微分导数与微分是高等数学中的重要内容。




3. 积分与定积分积分与定积分是高等数学中的重要内容。




4. 一元函数的级数级数是高等数学中的重要内容。



三、常见问题解答1. 为什么要复习高等数学?复习高等数学可以巩固和加深对数学知识的理解和掌握,为后续学习更高级数学课程打下坚实的基础。



高数级数考纲Sequences and SeriesIn this chapter we’ll be taking a look at sequences and (infinite) series. Actually, this chapter will deal almost exclusively with series. However, we also need to understand some of the basics of sequences in order to properly deal with series. We will therefore, spend a little time on sequences as well.Series is one of those topics that many students don’t find all that useful. To be honest, many students will never see series outside of their calculus class. However, series do play an important role in the field of ordinary differential equations and without series large portions of the field of partial differential equations would not be possible.In other words, series is an important topic even if you won’t ever see any of theapplications. Most of the applications are beyond the scope of most Calculus courses and tend to occur in classes that many students don’t take. So, as you go through this material keep in mind that these do have applications even if we won’t really be covering many of them in this class.Here is a list of topics in this chapter.Sequences We will start the chapter off with a brief discussion ofsequences. This section will focus on the basic terminology and convergence of sequencesMore on Sequences Here we will take a quick look about monotonic and bounded sequences.Series The Basics In this section we will discuss some of the basics of infinite series.Series Convergence/Divergence Most of this chapter will be about theconvergence/divergence of a series so we will give the basic ideas and definitions in this section.Series Special Series We will look at the Geometric Series, Telescoping Series, and Harmonic Series in this section.Integral Test Using the Integral Test to determine if a series converges or diverges.Comparison Test/Limit Comparison Test Using the Comparison Test and Limit Comparison Tests to determine if a series converges or diverges.Alternating Series Test Using the Alternating Series Test to determine if a series converges or diverges.Absolute Convergence A brief discussion on absolute convergence and how it differs from convergence.Ratio Test Using the Ratio Test to determine if a series converges ordiverges.Root Test Using the Root Test to determine if a series converges or diverges.Strategy for Series A set of general guidelines to use when deciding which test to use.Estimating the Value of a Series Here we will look at estimating the value of an infinite series.Power Series An introduction to power series and some of the basic concepts.Power Series and Functions In this section we will start looking at how to find a power series representation of a function.Taylor Series Here we will discuss how to find the Taylor/Maclaurin Series for a function.Applications of Series In this section we will take a quick look at a couple of applications of series.Binomial Series A brief look at binomial series.。



高等数学(本科少学时类型)第一章函数与极限第一节函数O函数基础(高中函数部分相关知识)(★★★)O邻域(去心邻域)(★)第二节数列的极限O数列极限的证明(★)【题型示例】已知数列X n,证明limXX n a【证明示例】N语言1•由X n a化简得n g ,N g2.即对0,N g 。

当彳n N时,始终有不等式X n a 成立,••• lim x aX第三节函数的极限O X X0时函数极限的证明(★)【题型示例】已知函数 f x,证明lim fX X0x A【证明示例】语言1•由f x A化简得0XXg ,g2.即对0,g当0XX。

时, 始终有不等式 f x A成立,• lim f x Ax XO X时函数极限的证明(★)【题型示例】已知函数f x,证明lim f X AX【证明示例】X语言1•由 f X A 化简得x gX g2.即对0,X g当X X时,始终有不等式 f x A 成立,• lim f x AX第四节无穷小与无穷大O无穷小与无穷大的本质(★)函数f x无穷小lim f x 0函数f x无穷大lim f xO无穷小与无穷大的相关定理与推论(★★)(定理三)假设f x为有界函数,g x为无穷小,则lim f x g x 0(定理四)在自变量的某个变化过程中,若 f x 为无穷大,则f 1 X为无穷小;反之,若f X为无穷小,且f x 0,则f 1x为无穷大【题型示例】计算:lim f x g x (或x )X X01 .••• f x < M •函数f x在x x0的任一去心邻域U x0,内是有界的;(••• f x < M,•函数f x在x D上有界;)2. lim g x0即函数g X是x X0时的无穷小;X X0(lim g x0即函数g X是X 时的无穷小;)3 .由定理可知lim f x g x 0X X0(lim f x g X0)X第五节极限运算法则O极限的四则运算法则(★★)(定理一)加减法则(定理二)乘除法则关于多项式p x、q x商式的极限运算m m 1p X 设:a°x a1x a mq x b°x n n1b nn m则有lim卫X a0n mX q X t b0n mf X0(特别地,当彳lim(不定型)时,通常分子X X0g x0分母约去公因式即约去可去间断点便可求解出极限值,也可以用罗比达法则求解)【题型示例】求值lim-x 3x 3x29【求解示例】解:1因为x 3,从而可得x 3,所以原式x 3X3 1 1 lim 2lim -limx 3x 9x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3 6x 3其中x 3为函数f X —的可去间断点x29倘若运用罗比达法则求解(详见第三章第二节):x3 °解:lim 2limx 3 X29 L X 3x 3x2 9limx3 2xO 连续函数穿越定理(复合函数的极限求解)(★★) (定理五)若函数 f x 是定义域上的连续函数, 那么,lim x x o f lim x x X 。

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大一高数复习资料(A high number of review materials)A large number of review information. Txt7 is a Durian warmth of spring; warm is written on the face of the shadow; warming is bound to respond with warmth is strict in demands・The 8 respect is a spring, a spring, a give a person warm Shuxin pill, a dose of inspiring arm of Higher Mathematics (undergraduate class type)The first chapter of function and limitThe first section functionThe basic function, (high function knowledge) (* * *)In the neighborhood (go to the heart of the neighborhood) (*)The second section of the sequence limitProof, limit (*)[example] known sequence types, proof[example] that language1. by simplifying it,LThat is, for 2. , at that time, there is always inequality,The third day limit functionProof of function limit, when (b)[questions] example prove the known function.[example] that language1.by simplifying it,LThat is, for 2. , at that time, there is always inequality, LProof of function limit, when (b)[questions] example prove the known function.[example] that language1. by simplifying it,LThat is, for 2., at that time, there is always inequality, The fourth section infinity and infinitesimalInfinity and infinitesimal, the essence of (*)The function is infinitely smallInfinite functionIn the infinitesimal and infinite theorems and inferences (・) (theorem three) is assumed to be bounded, as is infinitesimal,(theorem four) in a change of variables in the process, if it is infinite, is infinitely small; conversely, if it is infinitesimal, and is infinite[example]: (or questions)Any of the 1. dreams than to heart function in the formula in the neighborhood is bounded;(二dreams, bounded on the R function;)The 2. function is the infinite small:(that is the infinitesimal function;)By theorem 3.The fifth day limit algorithmFour arithmetic operations, the limit (* *)(theorem a) and law(theorem two) and lawLimit operation of polynomial, business typeSet:Is there(in particular, when (not stereotypes), usually the numerator and denominator divisor is about to go to solve the discontinuous points can limit, can also be used for Robida rule)[example] evaluation questionsFor example: [] because, so we can get the solution, so the original typeThe function to break pointIf the use of Robida law solution (see Chapter third section second): Solution:Through continuous function, theorem (Solving Limit Function) (* *)(theorem five) if the function is a continuous function defined on the domain, so,[example] evaluation questions:[for example]The sixth day limit existence criteria and two important limitsIn the clamping criterion (P53) (* * *)The first important limit:Dreams, R(in particular,)In the bounded monotone convergence criteria (P57) (* * *)Second important limits:(typically, one)[example] evaluation questions:[for example]The seventh section of infinitesimal order (comparison ofinfinitesimal) 2003 (equivalent infinitesima1.)OneTwo(for multiplication and division, and no)[example] evaluation questions:[for example]The eighth section of continuous functionThe definition, the continuity of the function (・)In the discontinuous point classification (P67) (*)(in particular, to break point in the corresponding fraction in to commonfactor)[questions] a sample function, how to choose the number, make continuous function on?[for example]1.dreams2.by definition of continuous functionThe Ninth Section Properties of continuous functions on closed intervalThe zero point theorem, (*)[example]: proof type equation has at least one root between and among[example] proof1.(an auxiliary function) continuous function in closed interval;2.dreams (ISO, endpoint)3.star by the zero point theorem, in the open interval at least one point, which is (,)4.this equation shows that the equation has at least one root in the open intervalThe second chapter of derivative and differentialThe first section of the derivative conceptThe definition and derivative, in Higher Mathematics (P83) (* *) [questions] examples of known function, in place to guide, for, [for example]1.dreams,2.by function can be defined byL[]for example questions in tangent and normal equation at(or: tangent and normal equation of image point)[for example]1,2.tangent equation:Normal equation:The second section and function (difference), and taking the product differentiation ruleFunction, and (difference), product derivation rule and quotient (* * *)1.linear combination (Ding Liyi):In particular, when there are2. product derivation rule function (theorem two):Taking the 3. function derivative rule (Ding Lisan):The third section derivation rule of compound function and inverse functionIn the derivation rule of inverse function (*)[example] for function derivative questions[example] by solving problem for direct function in the domain can be monotonous, is scheduled to guide, and dry;Derivation rule of compound function, (* * *)[example] questions, for[for example]The fourth section high order derivative,(or) (*)[example] derivative type for function[for exampleThe fifth section derivative of implicit function and parameter equation functionIn the derivation of implicit function (equation of derivative) (* * *)[example] : find the questions given by the equation of the curve in tangent equation and equation of normal point[example] from both sides of the derivative solutionThat Jane wasLL tangent equation:Normal equation:In the parameter equation type function derivation[questions] set parameter equation for example・[for example] 1. 2.The sixth section changes and related problems of rate of change rate (not required)The seventh section differential functionThe basic elementary function, differential equation and differential algorithm (* * *)The third chapter is the application of mean value theorem and derivativeThe first section theoremLemma (lemma, Fermat) (*)Rolle, (* * *) theorem[example] it is assumed that the function in question is continuous in the guide, try to prove:,The establishment of[example] proof1.(an auxiliary function) OrderObviously, continuous function in closed interval, in the open interval can guide;2.dreamsThat is3.star by Rolle theorem of knowledgeThat makes upThe Lagrange theorem (*),[example]: the proof of inequality questions,[example] proof1.(an auxiliary function) to function on, apparently continuous function in closed interval, in the open interval can be guided, and;2.by Lagrange mean value theorem, the equation was established,And dreams, r,Jane, that proved: at that time,[example]: the proof of inequality questions,[example] proof1.(am aux订iary function) to the function, continuous function in closed interval, in the open interval can be guided, and;2.by Lagrange mean value theorem, the equation was established, Jane, and dreams,So, 1,The permit was,The second section Robida ruleThe basic steps, using the rules of Robida limit operation (* *)1.or Equivalent Infinitesimal Replacement (to simplify operation)2.judgment limit amorphous type and whether or not to meet the three conditions using Robida lawA.belongs to the two basic stereotypes () and meet the conditions of operation:(then 1, 2 steps repeatedly until the results)B.You do not belong to the two basic stereotypes (into basic stereotypes)The type (except for the ride, construction of fractional)[example] evaluation questions: [for example](typically, one)The type (through the construction of fractional denominator, observation)[example] evaluation questions:[for example]The type (log limit method)[example] evaluation questions:[for example]The type (log limit method)[example] evaluation questions:[for example]The type (log limit method)[example] evaluation questions:[for example]The basic ideas, using the rules of Robida limit operation (* *) The way to get fractional (usually accompanied by Equivalent Infinitesimal Replacement)The reciprocal fraction obtained (the product form into a fractional form)The logarithmic gain product (by logarithmic index in advance)The third section Taylor theorem (not required)Monotonicity and convexity curve of section fourth functions・Continuous function, monotonicity (monotone interval) (* * *)[questions] sample trial to determine the monotone interval function[for example]1.dreams function in its definition domain is continuous and differentiableL2.order solution:3.(three line)maximum valueMinimum value4.star function monotonically increasing interval;Monotone interval[questions] example demonstrated that the,[example] proof1.(construction of auxiliary function),() (2.).L3.card: at that time,[questions] example demonstrated that the,[example] proof1. (construction of auxiliary function),() (2.).L3.card: at that time,Continuous, convex function (* * *) [example] questions try to discuss the monotonicity, concavity dnd inflection point, extreme value [example] proofOne2.order solution:3.(four line)4. a monotone increasing function interval, monotonic interval,; The minimum value in the function to take, for,The maximum value when take, for;The function in the interval, concave, convex in the interval:The function of the inflection point coordinatesThe fifth section extreme value function and the maximum and minimum valuesThe extreme value of function, and the value of (* * *)The design function of the domain, if a neighborhood, so on, are suitable for inequality,We say that the function has a maximum value at the point;orderIs the maximum function in closed interval values:■9The design function of the domain, if a neighborhood, so on, are suitable for inequality,We say that the function has a minimum value at the point; orderIs the minimum function in closed interval to meet:■9[]for example the value type function in the[for example]1.dreams function in its definition domain is continuous and differentiableL2.order,Solution:3.(three line)Minimum value maximum value4.dreamsLThe sixth section describes the function diagram (not required) The seventh section curvature (not required)The eighth section of the approximate solution of equation (not required)The fourth chapter of indefinite integralThe first section conceptions and properties of indefinite integralsThe concept, function and indefinite integral (* *)The concept of the original function:Assume that in any given interval, derivative differentiable function, i. e. when the independent variable, or set up, a primary function is called theThe original function theorem: (* *)If the function is continuous on interval, in there must be a differentiable function which, also is to say: there must be a continuous function of original function (derivative must be continuous)The concept of indefinite integral (* *)In the interval of definition, function with arbitrary constant primary function is called indefinite integral in the definition of interval,That is:(called the integral numbet, called the integrand, called integral representation, called integral variables)In the basic table (* * *)In the indefinite linear integral property (partial integral formula) (* * *)The second section element integral methodFirst, change element method (Minato differential) (in * * *) (the reverse application)[questions] for example [for example][questions] for example[for example]Second, change element method (to (positive application)For a radical (1):So, then,The original type ofFor the root and the square (form) Order: (a),Thus, the original type of;The square root of the difference A.: (to),Thus, the original type of;B.: (to),Thus, the original type of: []for example questions (a type)[for example][]for example types (triangle element) [for example]Section third subsection integral methodIn subsection integral method (* *)The design function, with continuousderivative, the integral formula can beexpressed as:The subsection integral function, thesort order: "anti, power, three"The basic steps, using the subsectionintegral calculation of indefinite integral:To comply with subsection integral function of the integrand sort sort order;The nearest together: (differential)The use of integral formula:The expansion of a judgment, form) (* *)in form ():A. if the indefinite integral is easy to solve, is to directly calculate the answer (to use basic table for element method with integral of rational function can easily solve the result);If the B. is still quite complex, indefinite integral cannot be solved by a method, then repeat the branch, until the emergence of indefinite integral can be solved easily; if the cycle repeated process, then the simultaneous equations, but the final note added constant[questions] for example[for example][questions] for example[for example]LThe indefinite integral of rational functions in section fourth(b), rational functionSet:For rational functions, the number of times when less than when the rational function is true when the number is greater than the numbet fraction; when the fractional rational function is falseIn the rational function (fraction) of indefinite integral solution of (*)It will be the denominator of rational function split into product of two have no common factor of Polynomials: one can be expressed as a polynomial factorization; another polynomial can be expressed as two times the quality factor (,);That is:In general, the parameter:The parameterIt is a rational function of the spin off and type:amongThe parameter by the method of undetermined coefficient (comparison method) to calculateIt was split after the breakdown of integral can be solved[](for example test method)[for example]The use of integral section fifth (not required)The fifth chapter integral and its applicationThe first concept of definite integralsThe definition of definile integral, (b)(called the integrand, called the integrand expressions, called integral variables, called the lower limit of the integral, called integral upper limit, called integral interval)Nature, integral (* * *)123The (linear properties)(the additivity of integral interval)If such functions satisfy in the integral interval, then;(d a)If the function, function satisfies in the integral interval is;(corollary two)In the mean value theorem of integral (not required)The second section calculus basic formulaIn Newton Leibniz formula (* * *) (theorem three) if the function is a function of the original continuous function in the interval, thenVariable limit integral, derivative formula (* * *) (on the guide - under the guide)[questions] for example[for example]The third section for definite element method and integral integral methodIn the fixed element method for integral (* * *)1(first element method)[questions] for example[for example]2(second method)Set the function, function satisfies:A., the;B. in the interval or continuous.Then: [questions] for example[for example]The (integral method)Even, odd times (* *)We have the following conclusion:If it is.If it is.The application of the fourth section integral in geometry of (temporarily not required)The application of section fifth of the definite integral in the physical world (not required)The sixth section (not required) abnormal integralSuch as: proof of indefinite integral formula・Many students in class can not prove, then at the end of the semester, I give such a proof method to explain the problem:So, indefinite integral formula is easily proved, hope that we carefully try to figure out, understand.Finally, the limited to the level limit, data errors and omissions can hardly be avoided, I hope the students to actively learn from each other so that improved.99• •99• •99• •99• •Review of advanced mathematics data of first pages (9 pages)。
