1市场营销概论 双语

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目标3: 确定客户导向战略的要素.
Marketing Orientations 营销观念 Marketing Management
Production concept 生产观念 Product concept 产品观念 Selling concept 推销观念 Marketing concept 营销观念
Concepts of Marketing 市场营销内涵
•目标——满足需求和欲望; •核心——交换; •交换取决于营销者的产品满足顾客 需求的程度和对交换过程管理的水平。
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商品(Goods) 服务(Service) 经历(Experiences) 事件(Events) 个人(Persons)
目标 1:市场营销定义及市场营销的步骤
Understanding the Marketplace 了解市场营销
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
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What is Marketing?
Marketing Defined:
―Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value with others‖ “营销是通过创造和交换产品及价值,从而使 个人或群体满足欲望和需要的社会和管理过 程。”
Chapter 1
Learning Goals
1. Define marketing and the marketing process. 2. Explain the importance of understanding customers and identify the five core marketplace concepts 3. Discuss the marketing management orientations. 4. Discuss customer relationship management and creating value for and capturing value from customers 5. Describe the major trends and forces changing the marketing landscape
Goal 1: Define marketing and the marketing process.
The Marketing Process A Five-Step Process 市场营销5步工作法
1. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants 2. Design a customer-driven marketing strategy 3. Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value 4. Build profitable relationships and create customer delight 5. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality
目标2: 确定市场的5个核心概念.
Understanding the Marketplace
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
Need 需要
State of felt deprivation Example: Need food
Wants 欲望
The form of needs as shaped by culture and the individual Example: Want a Big Mac
Demands 需求
地点(Places) 财产权(Properties) 组织(Organizations) 信息(Information) 观念(Ideas)
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Events Marketing 事件营销
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Places and Services Marketing 地点营销 和服务营销
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Experiences and Information Marketing 经历营销 和信息营销
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Marketing exists everywhere. 营销无处不在
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Marketing Management
Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them. 营销管理是选择目标市场并与其建立营利 性客户关系的一门艺术和科学。
Selecting Customers and Creating Value
Customer Management
What customers will we serve? Marketers select customers that can be served profitably
Reading List: Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing 11th ,清华大学出版社 (翻译本)
吴健安,市场营销学(第二版),高等教 育出版社,2004 吕一林,现代市场营销学,清华大学出版 社,2004
Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships
• Societal marketing concept
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Goal 3: Identify elements of a customer-driven strategy.
*生产观念 Production concept
生产力低下, 科技缓慢发展 供<求, 卖方市场, 竞争在买方间进行 重心:产品 口号与态度:“以生产为中心”、 “我生产什么,就卖什么” 规划顺序:产品到市场 手段:提高劳动生产率,增加产量 目的:增加产量,获取利润
This definition must include answers to two questions:
What customers will we serve? How can we serve these customers best?
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Goal 3: Identify elements of a customer-driven strategy.
Market 市场
Set of actual and potential buyers of a product Marketers seek buyers that are profitable
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Goal 2: Identify the five core marketplace concepts.
Wants which are backed by buying power
Goal 2: Identify the five core marketplace concepts.
Understanding the Marketplace
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
Goal 2: Identify the five core marketplace concepts.
Understanding the Marketplace
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
Marketing offer 营销供给
Combination of products, services, information or experiences that satisfy a need or want Offer may include services, activities, people, places, information or ideas
Exchange, transactions and relationships 交换、交易和关系
The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return One exchange is not the goal, relationships with several exchanges are the goal Relationships are built through delivering value and satisfaction
Value Proposition
How can we serve these customers best? Includes the set of benefits or values a company promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their needs
Value 价值
Customers form expectations regarding value Marketers must deliver value to consumers
Satisfaction 满意
A satisfied customer will buy again and tell others about their good experience
Goal 2: Identify the five core marketplace concepts.
Understanding the Marketplace
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets