1市场营销概论 双语
推荐-市场营销学双语课件2 6市场营销管理1 精品
Measure Results
Evaluate Results
Take Corrective
Executive Summary Current Marketing Situation Threats and Opportunities Objectives and Issues Marketing Strategy Action Programs Budgets Controls
Achieve Marketing Objectives
Develop Marketing Plans & Budget
Marketing Implementation
Turn Marketing Plans into
Action Plans to Achieve Marketing Objectives
Developing Growth Strategg Markets
Existing Products
1. 市场 渗透
New 2. 市场 Markets 开发
New Products 3. 产品 开发
4. 多元化发展
产品/ 市场 拓展矩阵
• 市场渗透: increase sales to present customers with current products. How? Cut prices, increase advertising, get products into more stores.
• 基于竞争优势的营销战略
– Market-Leader – Market Challenger – Market-Follower – Market-Nicher
Company Demand
Market Demand
Estimating Current Demand
Total Market Potential Area Market Potential Industry Sales Market Share
Associations Business Information
Good Marketing Research:
Is scientific Is creative Uses multiple methods Realizes the interdependence of
models & data Acknowledges the cost & value of
Define value & satisfaction - understand how to deliver them
The nature of high-performance businesses
How to attract & retain customers Improving customer profitability Total quality management
Are loyal longer Buy more (new products & upgrades) Spread favorable word-of-mouth Are more brand loyal (less price
sensitive) Offer feedback Reduce transaction costs
Marketing Promotion
内容简介 Learning Objectives
1. The changing face of U.S. business 2. The scope of the international marketing task
3. The increasing importance of global awareness
风险大, 难度大 Higher Risk and More Difficulties
1.2 国际市场营销与国际贸易
International Marketing & International Trade
国际贸易: 国家之间有形产品与无形服务的交换活动
Exchange of the visible products and invisible services among the nations 国与国之间分工的结果
Outcome of the International Labor Division
What are in common for the both?
Business Purpose: Earning profit 交换对象:商品和劳务
Marketing and International Marketing
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and wue with others.
fits him and sells itself.
Coping with (从事) exchange processes—part of this definition—calls for (要求) a considerable amount of work and skill. We see marketing management as the art and science of applying core marketing concepts to choose target markets and get, keep, and grow customer through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.
loyal? 如何减少顾客需求的本钱并使顾客保持长 期的忠诚?
l How can we tell which customers are more important? 如何识别哪些顾客是更 重要的?
1.2 Marketing concepts and tools营销观念与工具
Marketing boasts a rich array of concepts and tools to help marketers address the decisions they must make. We will start by defining marketing and then describing its major concepts and tools.
• Customer Satisfaction – 取决于其实际感受 到的绩效与期望的差异,是顾客的一种主 观感觉状态,是顾客对企业产品和服务满 足需要程度的体验和综合评估.
Societal Marketing Concept
社会 (人类 福利)
Societal Marketing Concept
顾客 (需求)
公司 (盈利)
营 销 管 理
为创造达到个人和机构目标的交换 ,而规划和 实施理念、产品和服务的构思、定价、分销和促销的过程。
发现 和 创造需求, 或者 改变 或 降低需求
盈利性 客户关系
吸引新的客户并 保留现有的客户
Marketing Management Philosophies
Production Concept Product Concept Selling Concept
Who Purchases Products and Services?
现实 购买者
Market –是指
某种产品的现实 购买者与潜在购 买者需求的总和.
潜在 购买者
Modern Marketing System
供应商 公司 (市场营销者)
营销 中介
Marketing Management
市场营销学双语课 件
商务策划学院同你一起 营销人生 策划成功
What is Marketing?
• 营销是个人和集体通过创造产品和服务,以销售方 式与别人交换产品和服务,提供对个人和社会具有 特定效用的内在价值的一种社会竞争和管理过程。
What do I believe about each available brand?
Total Product Satisfaction
Based on what I’m looking for, how satisfied would I be with each product?
•Advertising, salespeople •Receives most information
from these sources
•Mass Media •Consumer-rating groups
•Handling the product •Examining the product •Using the product
Few differences
between brands
High Involvement
Complex Buying Behavior
DissonanceReducing Buying
Low Involvement
VarietySeeking Behavior
Habitual Buying Behavior
影响消费者行为的因素: 心理
Beliefs and Attitudes
Psychological Factors
Self Actualization
Esteem Needs (self-esteem, status)
• Values
How do Consumers Obtain Products and Services?
• Exchanges -通过提供某种东西作为回报,从别人 那里取得所需物的行为 .
• Transactions -买卖双方价值的交换,它是以货币 为媒介的,而交换不一定以货币为媒介,它可以 是物物交换.
• Relationships -与其顾客、分销商、经销商、供应 商等建立起长期的互信互利关系.
Who Purchases Products and Services?
Market –是指 某种产品的现实 购买者与潜在购 买者需求的总和.
营销人生 策划成功
What品和服务,以销售方 式与别人交换产品和服务,提供对个人和社会具有 特定效用的内在价值的一种社会竞争和管理过程。
• More simply: Marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit.
Core Marketing Concepts
需要、欲望 与需求
产品 和 服务
Core Marketing Concepts
价值, 满意度, 和质量
交换, 交易, 和关系
What Motivates a Consumer to Take Action?
• Needs -通常是指对人类基本生存条件的满足期望 . i.e.比如人们需要食物、衣着、蔽护所、安全等。
9、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自 强不息 。上午 6时24 分59秒 上午6时 24分06 :24:592 0.8.17
1.Marketi n g 市场营销:通过计划和执行关于产品、服务和电子的定价、促销和分销,从而创造交换,以实现个人和组织的目标的过程)The process of plannin g and executi ng (执行、实行)the concepti on, pricing, promoti on, and distrib u tion of goods, service s and ideas to create exchang es that satisfy individ ual and organiz a tiona l objecti ves.——the definit i on emphasi zes the diverse activities markete rs perform.(强调市场商人不同的行为活动)Decidin g what product s to offerSetting pricesDevelopi ng sales promoti ons and adverti sing campaig n sMaking product s readily available to custome r s2. The marketi ng Concept s(市场营销观念:企业分析消费者需求,制定比竞争对后更好的决策来满足这些需求的哲学)The Product i on Concept生产观念The Selling Concept推销观念The Marketi ng Concept市场营销观念The Product i on Concept生产观念The idea that a firm shouldfocus on those product s that it could produce most efficie ntly and that the low-cost product s would createthe demandfor those product s.The Selling Concept / sales concept推销观念(利用广告这种重要方式来与其顾客沟通从而获取他们的订单) The Marketi ng Concept市场营销观念Differe n ce between Selling and Marketin g销售与营销的区别3.The Marketi ng Mix / The 4P’s of Marketing市场营销组合1)Product(产品:有形和无形,包括包装、色彩、品牌、服务,甚至销售商的声誉)Consume r product s消费品:produce d for and purchas ed by househo l ds for their use.Industr ial product s 工业产品:are sold primari ly for use in produci ng other product s.2)Price(价格:消费者为获得产品所必须支付的金额)Refersto the value or worth of a product that attract s the buyer to exchang e money or somethi ng of value for the product.Loss LeaderPricing (亏本出售商品)selling thingsi n its lower price than its cost price in order to attract custome rs to purchas e the product s.Penetra tion Pricing (渗透定价法---心理定价策略)设定最初低价,以便迅速和深入地进入市场,从而快速吸引来大量的购买者,赢得较大的市场份赖。
Introduction to Marketing (市场营销概论 英文版)2.2 Marketing mix
• 2.6.1 Advantages of use of intermediaries(中间商)
1 number of transactions is reduced交易的数 量减少 2 relieve some of the financial burden减轻一 些财政负担
3 The manufacturer’s costs of transport, storage and stock levels are reduce运输,储存 4 channel members possess skills and knowledge of their local markets.渠道成员了 解他们当地市场
1 New markets
2 Existing markets
1 New products
2 Existing products
• 1 product planning产品规划 To whom, to where and in what quantity对谁, 哪 里和数量多少
2 product management产品管理 Numbers and types of product on offer提供产品的 数量和类型
3 The physical product物质产品 Design decisions设计决策 Quality/image decisions特性和形象决策 Packaging decisions.包装决策
Price is a potent element of the marketing mix because of its direct impact on customers, the company and the economy.价格是市场营销组 合强有力的一部分,因为它能直接 影响顾客,公司和经济
市场营销 (双语教材)Chapter Two Marketing Philosophy
2.1 Production Concept
2.1.1 Background of Production Concept
The production concept stemmed from the late 19th century to 1920s. In this stage, the capitalist production was still at a relatively low level because of the shortage of materials after experiencing the World War II, and their products could not fully meet the market demand. In the seller’s market conditions, the market demand can only passively submit to the production. What the consumers care about is whether they can buy goods, the price is cheap or not and the main features of products without paying attention to some small differences of products. Therefore enterprises will be able to profit from a large number of production and sales by delivering a single line of products in the market.
What is Marketing?
Marketing Defined:
“Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value with others” “营销是通过创造和交换产品及价值,从而使 个人或群体满足欲望和需要的社会和管理过 程。”
Goal 1: Define marketing and the ma Marketing Process A Five-Step Process 市场营销5步工作法
1. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants 2. Design a customer-driven marketing strategy 3. Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value 4. Build profitable relationships and create customer delight 5. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality
Chapter 1
Learning Goals
1. Define marketing and the marketing process. 2. Explain the importance of understanding customers and identify the five core marketplace concepts 3. Discuss the marketing management orientations. 4. Discuss customer relationship management and creating value for and capturing value from customers 5. Describe the major trends and forces changing the marketing landscape
一、填空题1、企业跨国营销发展五个阶段?the five stages of International MarketingDevelopment?国内营销(domestic marketing)、出口营销(exporting marketing)、国际营销(international marketing)、多国营销(multinational markrting)、全球营销(global marketing)2、企业哪几种形式进入外国市场?What kinds of forms to enter foreignmarkets?出口进入模式、投资进入模式、契约进入模式、互联网进入模式3、经营哲学演变五个阶段?the five stages of the evolution of managementphilosophy?以生产为导向的传统营销观念(traditional marketing concept)以国外顾客为导向的营销新观念(new marketing concept)以外部环境为导向的营销战略观念(stategic marketing concept)以全球市场为导向的全球营销观念(global marketing concept)4、中间商按是否拥有所有权可分为哪两种?whether by ownership ofintermediaries which can be divided into two?经销中间商、代理中间商5、产品整体观念五个层次?the five levels of product?核心产品(core product)、一般产品(actual product)、期望产品(expected product)、附加产品(augmented product)、潜在产品(potential product)6、战略联盟分为哪三种类型?which is divided into three types of strategicalliances?水平战略联盟、垂直战略联盟、混合战略联盟7、波特提出哪三种竞争战略?Porter proposed three types of competitivestrategies ?总成本领先战略(overall cost leadership)差异化战略(differentiation)重点集中战略(the narrow focus advantage)8、出口方式进入国际市场,典型的间接分销渠道?371制造商—出口中间商—进口中间商—经销商—最终消费者9、定价的方法?pricing methods/techniques成本导向定价法(cost-based pricing)需求导向定价法(demand-based pricing)竞争导向定价法(competition-based pricing)10、重点竞争战略的概念?the concept of key competitive strategy ?重点集中战略是指企业或事业部将经营重点集中在市场或产品的某一部分。
Introduction to Marketing(市场营销概论 英文版)1.5 production orientation
• Figure1.1 1 identify needs and wants of specifically defined target markets确认目标 市场的需要和想要 2 decide which needs and wants to meet i.e. concentrate on certain segments of the target market决定满足哪些需要和想要 i.e.专注特定目 标市场的细分 3 design products and services of value which meet prospective customer’s needs设计满足潜在顾客需要的产品和服务 4 Test products and services and modify if necessary检测产品和服务,如 果有必要的话做出相应的修改 5 achieve organisational goals through customer satisfaction通过顾客的满 意实现组织的目标 6 continuous feedback连续的反馈
sales orientation销售导向:company sells what it makes,it does not make what it can sell公司卖它生产出的产品,而不生产它能卖 的产品.
1.5.2 The sales concept states that effective demand must be created through persuasion using sales techniques.销售概念表明通过销售技巧的说 服能创造出有效的需求
Chapter 1Marketing: managing profitable customer relationships营销:管理有价值的顾客关系What is marketing?⏹ A social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creatingand exchanging products and value with others.⏹广义上,营销是通过创造和交换产品及价值,从而使个人或群体满足欲望和需要的社会和管理过程。
营销过程的五个步骤1.Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants了解市场及顾客需求和欲望2.Design a customer-driven marketing strategy设计顾客驱动的营销战略3.Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value构建传递卓越价值的营销方案4.Build profitable relationships and create customer delight建立有利可图的关系,并使顾客满意5.Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality从顾客身上收获价值,从而创造利润和顾客资产顾客驱动下的营销战略●Selecting customers to serve 选择服务对象✧What customers will we serve?✧Marketers select customers that can be served profitably✧通过把市场划分为不同的顾客和选择它将要针对的那部分顾客来实现。
4. Culture
5. PoliticalLegal
3. Economy 3. Economy
International Marketing (双语教学)
山西财经大学 国际贸易学院 药朝诚
第一部分 国际市场营销导论
Guiding Theories of International Marketing
Marketing Essentials
国际贸易、国际金融、跨国公司、现代技术 革命
Coca-cola - from international to global
Before the mid-1990s
In charge of U.S. operations
In charge of international operations
贸易保护主义 Trade Protectionism
贸易区域集团化 Regional Economic Bloc
The Economic Globalization
经济全球化是指世界各国经济在生产、交换、 分配及消费四大环节的全球一体化,是资源 与生产要素在全球范围进行配置,使各国经 济彼此之间的联系及相互依赖日益加强,任 何一个国家或地区都不能与世界经济脱节而 单独生存和发展
Characteristics of the International Marketing
市场容量大,竞争激烈 Bigger market and Stronger Competition
市场营销双语 科特勒 亚洲版 期末总结_超详细版
Chapter 1Marketing: managing profitable customer relationships营销:管理有价值的顾客关系What is marketing?⏹ A social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creatingand exchanging products and value with others.⏹广义上,营销是通过创造和交换产品及价值,从而使个人或群体满足欲望和需要的社会和管理过程。
营销过程的五个步骤1.Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants了解市场及顾客需求和欲望2.Design a customer-driven marketing strategy设计顾客驱动的营销战略3.Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value构建传递卓越价值的营销方案4.Build profitable relationships and create customer delight建立有利可图的关系,并使顾客满意5.Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality从顾客身上收获价值,从而创造利润和顾客资产顾客驱动下的营销战略●Selecting customers to serve 选择服务对象✧What customers will we serve?✧Marketers select customers that can be served profitably✧通过把市场划分为不同的顾客和选择它将要针对的那部分顾客来实现。
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目标 1:市场营销定义及市场营销的步骤
Understanding the Marketplace 了解市场营销
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
Marketing offer 营销供给
Combination of products, services, information or experiences that satisfy a need or want Offer may include services, activities, people, places, information or ideas
This definition must include answers to two questions:
What customers will we serve? How can we serve these customers best?
1 - 18
Goal 3: Identify elements of a customer-driven strategy.
1 - 15
Experiences and Information Marketing 经历营销 和信息营销
1 - 16
Marketing exists everywhere. 营销无处不在
1 - 17
Marketing Management
Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them. 营销管理是选择目标市场并与其建立营利 性客户关系的一门艺术和科学。
Goal 2: Identify the five core marketplace concepts.
Understanding the Marketplace
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
Reading List: Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing 11th ,清华大学出版社 (翻译本)
吴健安,市场营销学(第二版),高等教 育出版社,2004 吕一林,现代市场营销学,清华大学出版 社,2004
Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships
目标2: 确定市场的5个核心概念.
Understanding the Marketplace
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
Exchange, transactions and relationships 交换、交易和关系
The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return One exchange is not the goal, relationships with several exchanges are the goal Relationships are built through delivering value and satisfaction
What is Marketing?
Marketing Defined:
―Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value with others‖ “营销是通过创造和交换产品及价值,从而使 个人或群体满足欲望和需要的社会和管理过 程。”
Chapter 1
Learning Goals
1. Define marketing and the marketing process. 2. Explain the importance of understanding customers and identify the five core marketplace concepts 3. Discuss the marketing management orientations. 4. Discuss customer relationship management and creating value for and capturing value from customers 5. Describe the major trends and forces changing the marketing landscape
Market 市场
Set of actual and potential buyers of a product Marketers seek buyers that are profitable
1 - 10
Goal 2: Identify the five core marketplace concepts.
Value Proposition
How can we serve these customers best? Includes the set of benefits or values a company promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their needs
Goal 1: Define marketing and the marketing process.
The Marketing Process A Five-Step Process 市场营销5步工作法
1. Understand the marketplace and customer eds and wants 2. Design a customer-driven marketing strategy 3. Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value 4. Build profitable relationships and create customer delight 5. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality
Value 价值
Customers form expectations regarding value Marketers must deliver value to consumers
Satisfaction 满意
A satisfied customer will buy again and tell others about their good experience
Selecting Customers and Creating Value
Customer Management
What customers will we serve? Marketers select customers that can be served profitably
• Societal marketing concept
1 - 20
Goal 3: Identify elements of a customer-driven strategy.
*生产观念 Production concept
生产力低下, 科技缓慢发展 供<求, 卖方市场, 竞争在买方间进行 重心:产品 口号与态度:“以生产为中心”、 “我生产什么,就卖什么” 规划顺序:产品到市场 手段:提高劳动生产率,增加产量 目的:增加产量,获取利润
Wants which are backed by buying power
Goal 2: Identify the five core marketplace concepts.
Understanding the Marketplace
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
Goal 2: Identify the five core marketplace concepts.