Sichuan Project HSE Culture Brief-Version 2014









改造后,装置整体检定效率提高57%,同时,经过改造,还达到年节电约10×104kWh 的效果,年节省电费15万元以上。

关键词:气体流量标准装置;变频器;自检漏系统DOI :10.3969/j.issn.2095-1493.2023.03.010Transformation and optimization of gas flow standard device for critical flow venturi nozzleXIANG Liping,CHEN Miao,HUANG Yixin,CHEN DipingFlow Research Institute of National Institute of Measurement and Testing TechnologyAbstract:Due to the low overall calibration efficiency of gas flow standard device for critical flow venturi nozzle at the oil and gas water metrology calibration station of Daqing oilfield,the overall tech-nical level of the device,through the research and analysis,is proposed to be limited by technical con-ditions and annual restrictions with the six types of problems that affect calibration.In view of the cor-responding problems,the gas flow standard device of critical flow venturi nozzle was transformed and optimized by adopting nine methods that are composed of using a gas ring pump in conjunction with a water ring pump,changing the way to use frequency converter,filling in self-testing leak system,adding the instrument purging equipment to be tested,retrofitting the automatic connection devices,adding the HD camera,improving the upstream experimental pipe section and adding the water circu-lation system.After the modification,the overall calibration efficiency of the device has increased by 57%.At the same time,through the transformation,the annual electricity saving is about 10×104kWh and the annual electricity cost is saved over 150000yuan .Keywords:gas flow standard device;frequency converter;self-testing leak system第一作者简介:向丽萍,高级工程师,2007年硕士毕业于西南交通大学(电气工程学院),从事流量计量技术研究,136****7260,***************,四川省成都市成华区玉双路10号,610021。












(4)充分利用L ED宣传栏。

配合园区的安全文化建设氛围,在园区广播、“美国区”L ED彩屏播放相关安全生活小常识,安全建设从点滴做起。








图一 三星堆遗址位置示意图[底图由四川省测绘地理信息局制,审图号:图川审(2016)027号]图二 T5388位置示意图0435.18、5.13米整体近方形的探方。

探方四壁剖面记录有两份,一份是中途绘制的4米×4米标准探方剖面图拼接解剖方四壁剖面图,另一份是最后通过3D拍摄获得的探方四壁图,由于探方内堆积复杂,剖面位置有所差异,两份剖面记录有所区别,为了和平面记录对应,此处使用第一份剖图三 T5388东壁、南壁剖面图第 层下为生土。










平面呈不规则圆形或长方形,是由图四 T5388地层、遗迹关系图地势凹陷,加之后期人类抛弃、填充废物形成。

第三类为H11,其最为特殊,遗迹形状规整,壁与底部光滑,明显加工过,遗迹内出土陶片丰富,包括大量以小平底 2.建筑遗迹T5388为解剖方,建筑相关遗迹揭露较多,因为可能涉及到周边未发掘区的建筑,此处做全面介绍。

图五 H1平、剖面图图六 H5平、剖面图图七 H11平、剖面图图八 H11①层(西→东)H5 位于探方南部,局部分布于T5388内。






关键词:公示语,交际翻译理论,交际效果1 引言随着中国经济的发展,公示语及其翻译也逐渐成了热门议题,但是我国很多景区公示语的翻译现状不容乐观。

彼得·纽马克(Peter Newmark)的交际翻译理论可以为我们准确地道地翻译公示语提供理论支持,以达到最佳的交际目的。


2 公示语翻译错误分析及改进建议下面是笔者在达州凤凰山风景区收集到的公示语翻译,通过整理可以将公示语翻译错误翻译分析如下:公示语用语具有清晰性、简明性的特点。



例1:原文:台阶较多,请注意安全!原译:Many steps ahead, danger!登山时,在长而陡的登山石梯周围可见“台阶较多,请注意安全”的标牌,该公示语是提示游客石梯陡峭,登山时注意安全,对于中国读者来说,我们很容易理解到这条公示语目的在于提示游客此处难行登山时应注意安全。

译者将其译为“Many steps ahead, danger!”对于外国游客来说,译文中的“many steps”和“danger”没有必然的逻辑关系,没有做到努力使译文对目的语读者产生的效果与原文对原读者所产生的效果相同,没有达到应有的交际目的。


整 的H S E 管理 体系 。在集 团公司 层次 ,H S E 管理 文件 的编 写 主要 集 中在 管理 体系 标准 和管 理制 度上 ,以起 到对 下属 公
作者 简介 :胡光 利 ( 1 9 7 5 一 ),工程师 ,中石 油西南油气 田安 全环保和技术监督研究院 。
司 的 引 导 作用 。 作 为集 团 公 司 的下 属 企 业 应 按 照 集 团 公
司的标准和制度,因地制宜制订适合本企业 的H S E 管理文

31 —
_ 现代企业 I
现代物业 ・ 现代 经济 2 0 1 3 年第1 2 卷第5 期
件,建立相应 的管理体系。在企业的基层,H S E 管理文件 做法,综合 了国内外的相关 因素形成 了具有中国特色的石 主要是以基层作业的风险管理为主,比较典型的运行模式 油 企业H S E 管理体 系 。 是H S E“ 两 书 一表 ” ( H S E 作 业指 导 书 、H S E 作业 计划 书和 传统 的安全 管理 模式 ,吸 收 了 目标 管理 的优 秀做 法 ,
援 。1 9 9 7 年 ,中 国石 油制 订 了规 范 S Y / T 6 2 7 6 ~ 1 9 9 7 , 以此
自“ 十 一五 ”以来 ,我 国石 油工 业发 展迅 速 ,取 得 了 国石 油 工业 基础 依然 薄 弱 ,经济 和技 术 基础 与 国外 相 比还 比较 落 后 。新 中 国石 油 工业 的兴起 是 以大庆 油 田的发现 、 开发 为标 志 的 。历数 石 油企 业 的管 理历 程尤 其安 全 管理 , 基本 上是 :经 验 一制度 一体 系 - - - H S E 文化。 1 、会 战和计 划经 济 时期 在这 一 时期 ,石 油 企业 的 安全 管 理是 从 当初 的经 验 管



24中国会展CHINA CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION川酒是四川传统支柱产业之一,国内市场优势明显,但国际市场开拓却较缓慢。



川酒文化国际传播新路径——借助特色活动推动酒业文化传播的几点思考New path for international communication of Sichuan alcohol cultureSome thoughts on promoting alcohol culture dissemination with the help of featured events文/成都理工大学传播科学与艺术学院教授 陈卓 责任编辑/常予莹****************调查◎SURVEY基金项目:四川省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地川酒文化国际传播研究中心项目“川酒文化国际传播的进入模式研究”(CJCB2016-16)2024年4月15日/第07期/总第559期25酒业是四川的传统支柱产业之一,产业规模全国领先。






Abstract: Regarding the challenges in the aspects of ecological environment safety issue during the conduction of “Strategy for Large-scale Development of Western China” in Sichuan Province, the regional cultural inheritance, the constrcution of the talent team,etc., and based on the practice and exploration of many experts and scholars in the field of human settlements in urban and rural planning, architecture, landscape design and other design disciplines over the past two decades, this paper briefly reviews the humanistic philosophy at home and abroad and the experience of traditional Chinese city construction, and discusses at the cognitive level about the humanistic nature, contradiction and time and space. It puts forward that “safety as the foundation, ecology as the first, and culture as the soul” should be taken as the core concept, “building a safety support system, constructing an ecological environment pattern, and establishing a cultural inheritance system” as the content of design in the humanistic space planning theory. The paper takes Sichuan’s two post-earthquake reconstructions, Tianfu New Area planning and personnel training as cases, and confirms the practical effect of the theory from the perspective of design, scientific research and teaching.关键词:人本空间规划设计;人居环境;震后重建;天府新区;四川Keywords: humanistic space planning design; human settlement; post-earthquake reconstruction; Tianfu New Area; SichuanProvince引言21世纪以来在西部大开发建设过程中,四川为人居环境学科拓展提供了广阔的应用场景,丰富完善了人居环境学科的理论与实践内涵。



HSSE管理体系的执行可以使用不同方式进行评估:包括审计、自我评 估调查表。然而,努力工作与系统的方法将使HSSE管理体系得到充分 的执行,这对于他们自已来说这是不足够的 。他们形成必要的基础, 但必须有很好的公司文化来帮助繁荣HSE的文化。
HSE文化分成五个发展阶段,在这个图里展示了从“病态”到“健 康”型,在每一个水平中组织特性的描述,同时给出了18个典型的 描述,可以用作识别本组织内的文化水平。 考虑关于个人行为,对于每一个文化阶段,可以帮助你识别你们所 处阶段需要进行哪些HSE绩效的改善。 以下是一个文化阶梯解释的网址: http//:/heartstantand minds /docs/cul.exe 以下是一个关于生产力的文化解释的网址: http//://heartstantand minds /docs/gen.exe
当我忙的时候我就忽视了我 所看到的不安全的行为 我讨厌被审计,认为审核人 员是专门惩罚我们的一种方 式 我总是没有时间去做那些我 认为应该做的HSSE的事情 我觉得我必须主动的执行我 的老板交待给我的工作 我知道我应该报告所有的严 重的事件与不安全的状态 我喜欢及时并安全的完成我 的工作 事故发生后我说:“我告诉他 们不要这样,但是他们不听 “ 当有管理人员进行现场检查 时我清理工作现场 我觉得我们应该放在现场更 多的警告提示牌
A 管 理 层 主 管 层 ● B C ● D ● E F G H ● I J K L ● M N O P Q ● R
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四川红色文化英语作文Sichuan red culture is a vibrant and dynamic part of Chinese heritage. It encompasses a wide range oftraditional art forms, including Sichuan opera, folk music, and traditional crafts. These art forms are deeply rootedin the history and traditions of the region, and they continue to be celebrated and practiced by people in Sichuan and beyond.Sichuan opera, with its distinctive face-changing and fire-spitting performances, is a highlight of the region's cultural scene. It is a highly expressive and dramatic art form that has been passed down through generations. The elaborate costumes, exaggerated movements, and mesmerizing music create a truly immersive experience for the audience.In addition to opera, Sichuan is also known for itsrich tradition of folk music. The region's folk songs and dances are characterized by their lively rhythms and expressive storytelling. These performances often featuretraditional instruments such as the bamboo flute, erhu, and suona, adding a unique and authentic flavor to the music.Sichuan's red culture is not limited to performing arts. The region is also famous for its traditional crafts, such as Sichuan embroidery, bamboo weaving, and Shu brocade. These crafts are highly intricate and require a great dealof skill and patience to master. They have been passed down through generations and continue to be valued for their beauty and cultural significance.One of the most iconic symbols of Sichuan red cultureis the giant panda. This beloved animal is native to the region and has become a global symbol of wildlife conservation. The giant panda is not only a source of pride for the people of Sichuan, but it also serves as a reminder of the region's rich natural heritage.Overall, Sichuan red culture is a vibrant and diverse tapestry of traditional art forms, customs, and symbols. It reflects the region's rich history and traditions, and itcontinues to be a source of pride and inspiration for the people of Sichuan.。


















成都建川博物馆:文化的瑰宝与历史的见证Nestled in the heart of Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, lies the Jianchuan Museum, a testament to the rich cultural and historical heritage of the region. This museum, founded by the renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist樊建川, is not just a repository of artifacts and memorabilia; it is a living, breathing history book, chronicling the stories of the Chinese people through various exhibitions and displays.The Jianchuan Museum is unique in its approach to presenting history. Instead of the traditionalchronological order, the museum organizes its exhibits thematically, allowing visitors to delve deeper intospecific aspects of Chinese history and culture. From the exhibits dedicated to the War of Resistance Against Japanto those showcasing the lives and contributions of ordinary Chinese citizens, the museum provides a comprehensive yet intimate portrayal of the Chinese experience.One of the most remarkable aspects of the Jianchuan Museum is its dedication to preserving and documenting thememories of the ordinary people. This is evident in the numerous exhibits that feature personal items, photographs, and stories from individuals who have lived and worked in Chengdu and the surrounding areas. These artifacts, while seemingly small and insignificant, are testaments to the resilience and spirit of the Chinese people, who have survived and thrived despite the challenges and hardships they have faced.The museum also boasts a state-of-the-art facility that utilizes cutting-edge technology to enhance the visitor's experience. Interactive displays, virtual reality exhibitions, and audio-visual presentations bring the past to life, allowing visitors to engage with the exhibits in a more immersive and engaging way. This blend of traditional and modern elements not only makes the museum more accessible but also helps to preserve and transmit China's rich cultural heritage to future generations.In addition to its physical exhibitions, the Jianchuan Museum is also actively involved in community engagement and educational programs. It regularly organizes workshops, lectures, and cultural events that aim to promote awarenessand appreciation of Chinese history and culture among the younger generation. These programs not only enrich thelives of the community members but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of China's cultural identity.The Jianchuan Museum is not just a tourist attraction; it is a cultural icon that represents the spirit and soul of Chengdu and the Chinese people. It is a place where history and modernity intersect, where the past and the future coalesce, and where the stories of the Chinese people are told and retold in a way that is both respectful and engaging. Visiting the Jianchuan Museum is an unforgettable experience that leaves a lasting impression on the visitor, inspiring them to appreciate and cherish the rich cultural heritage of China.**成都建川博物馆:文化的瑰宝与历史的见证**在中国四川省的成都市中心,坐落着一座名为建川博物馆的博物馆,它见证了该地区丰富的文化和历史遗产。



2017四川英语作文Dear Friends,Today, I would like to share with you my thoughts on thetopic of "Cultural Exchange" which was the focus of our English composition exam in Sichuan in 2017.In an increasingly globalized world, cultural exchange has become a vital part of our lives. It is through these exchanges that we learn about the diversity of human experiences and gain a broader understanding of the world.Firstly, cultural exchange fosters mutual understanding and respect among different nations. By learning about eachother's customs, traditions, and values, we can dispel stereotypes and misconceptions that might otherwise lead to conflict and misunderstanding.Secondly, it enriches our lives. Exposure to different cultures can be an enriching experience that adds color and depth to our lives. It allows us to appreciate the beauty of diversity and to see the world from different perspectives.Thirdly, cultural exchange promotes economic cooperation. As we learn more about each other's cultures, we also become more aware of the economic opportunities that exist. This can lead to increased trade, investment, and collaboration between countries.Lastly, it is a means of preserving cultural heritage. By sharing our cultural heritage with others, we ensure that it is not only preserved but also appreciated and respected by people around the world.In conclusion, cultural exchange is a powerful tool for building bridges between people of different backgrounds. It is essential for promoting peace, understanding, and cooperation in our global community.Let us embrace cultural exchange with open minds and hearts, and let it be a catalyst for positive change in our world.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]This composition reflects the importance of cultural exchange and its impact on society, which was a relevant topic for the 2017 English exam in Sichuan.。





一、川文华奖的评选对象:1. 对象范围:川文华奖的评选对象为在文化事业领域内有突出贡献并享有较高声誉的个人和集体,包括文学、艺术、文化遗产保护、出版、新闻出版、电影电视等领域。

2. 获奖资格:符合川文华奖章程的评选条件,不受国家法律政策、人身财产等因素影响,不受年龄和性别等限制。

二、川文华奖的评选范畴:1. 文化创作类:包括文学、艺术等创作领域,特别是以表现四川文化为主题的作品,例如小说、诗歌、戏曲等。

2. 文化传承类:包括文化遗产保护、非物质文化遗产传承等领域,特别是对于四川文化的传承和发扬做出杰出贡献的个人和团体。

3. 文化产业类:包括出版、新闻出版、电影电视等文化产业领域,特别是对于四川文化产业的推动和发展作出卓越成绩的个人和团体。

三、川文华奖的评选原则:1. 公正、公平、公开:评选必须公正、公平、公开,评选结果必须严格按照评选程序和评选标准确定。

2. 围绕文化:评选必须围绕文化发展以及文化领域的突出贡献,而非其他不相关的因素。

3. 精益求精:评选必须重视质量,强调精益求精,不断提高评选水平和标准。

四、川文华奖的评选程序:1. 提名:提名由各级文化部门、专业协会、媒体、有关团体和个人直接向川文华奖办公室提出。

2. 推荐:奖项推荐由川文华奖办公室进行。


3. 审定:评审委员会根据推荐名单,进行评审评定,确定得奖人选。

4. 颁奖:评选结果经批准后,颁发证书、奖金和奖章,同时举办颁奖仪式,宣传奖励事迹。





























How We Develop Our PeopleGuidance right from the startAt PricewaterhouseCoopers, we believe in developing our people and shaping their career by offering them the best training, opportunities for specialisation, overseas assignments and above all, leveraging the knowledge and experience of our people around the world.Learning for you begins with a structured and comprehensive induction course, which allows you to settle in and meet your new colleagues. It is also the first part of a development framework that will help you build technical, business, personal and management skills throughout your career.Exams assistance schemeY ou will soon need to start thinking about your professional qualifications. We will provide you with all the support we can - providing extensive examination assistance. However, ultimately it is of course up to you to pass the examinations and to put aside sufficient amount of time and effort to do that. In terms of our examination assistance, we will help you with conversion programme for non-Accounting graduates, mock up examinations, advisory service, revision seminars and tutorial sessions to monitor your progress. We also offer study leave and examination leave.On-the-job learningAt PricewaterhouseCoopers, you will never stop learning. In today's dynamic business environment, on-the-job training forms a vital part of your learning process. Y ou will find yourself developing skills and acquiring knowledge, whether it is from the project you are working on or the people you are working with. In addition, we continue to support and develop your expertise through various self-learning programmes and other educational courses. There will always be something new to learn.Global opportunitiesWe also offer a Global Deployment Programme. We have one of the largest Global Mobility programme in our profession and we send our high performers to gain overseas experience early in their careers. Each year, we send a number of staff on assignments, which last from three months to two years, to our offices overseas, including Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, the UK, and the US.Providing you with feedbackRegular performance reviews will help you identify your strengths as well as areas to improve. With a counsellor, you will be able to discuss your career goals and in return, we will inform youon our expectations of you. Y ou will agree your personal objectives before each assignment begins so that results can be discussed afterwards.Our HeritagePricewaterhouseCoopers was created in 1998 by the merger of two firms - Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand - each with historical roots going back some 150 years. In 2002 we were joined by the former Andersen practice in mainland China and Hong Kong to create the pre-eminent professional services firm.Our Size and Market ShareWe are the world's largest accounting firm with more than 130,000 people in 148 countries. In China, we have more than 7,000 staff with over 280 partners in 12 cities: Beijing, Chongqing, Dalian, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Tianjin and Xi'an.We provide services to 83% of the Fortune Global 500 companies.Our MissionWe play a critical role in modern society, seeking to build trust and enhance value for our clients and their stakeholders.We hold ourselves to the highest standards of professional excellence, quality and integrity.How We Look After Our PeopleWe not only look after your career development. At PricewaterhouseCoopers, we believe in "work and life" balance, and we offer our staff various ways to develop themselves personally as well as professionally. We even have a dedicated programme for this, called "We Care".Over the past year, we have undertaken a number of initiatives for our staff to show our appreciation, including:Free movie tickets;Discount tickets to concerts and musicals;Y oga and Tai Chi classes in various mainland China and Hong Kong offices;Numerous sports and fun days such as our popular "PwC China Cup";PwC Family Day in mainland China;Stress management seminar;Health talks (low back pain, proper sitting posture);Free influenza vaccination programme; andFocus group meetings to identify areas for improvement.Team building outside working hoursWe also believe in building relationships with your colleagues outside the office. There are many opportunities for you to join our corporate sports teams and compete on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers.Basketball team - won the HKICPA Basketball Competition for the last three consecutive years; Tennis team - reached the quarterfinals of the 2005 Corporate Patron Tennis League in Hong Kong;Soccer and basketball teams in the mainland China which play matches against clients and other organisations;Dragon Boat Championship - a great team building opportunity, and a lot of fun; andTable tennis team - represents the firm in the mainland China.Helping Our CommunityIf you would like to help your community, you will have numerous opportunities to do so with us. Some of our recent community projects include:Working with Red Cross on blood donation;Charity clothes and toys donation;Visits to local orphanages to provide gifts to the residents;BOC Walkalong for Light;The Community Chest Green Day;World Vision Child Sponsorship Project.How We Reward ExcellenceWe reward excellence. Whatever special skills you might have, they will be recognised.Our financial rewards and performance-based remuneration are designed to be competitive and geared to attract, retain and motivate high performing individuals. We strive to reward and recognise excellent contributions as we take your career seriously.Our benefits structure emphasises individual flexibility and choice, targeted at a broad spectrum of needs. Y our list of benefits ranges from medical and insurance to provident fund, vacation and compensation leave because, we believe that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial.Are you ready to take the leap with us?UlyssesHumphrey Choi, Partner, Assurance, Hong KongFew years ago, PwC started a project called "Ulysses", designed to allow a number of partners and senior managers to use their expertise to assist with projects in developing countries. I have been involved in this terrific programme and worked in Ecuador, assisting with "Small and Medium Enterprise Development". We visited many local small companies, communities and civilians to better understand their problems and then prepared a proposal to help them ease the challenges that small and medium Ecuadorian enterprises face. For me, not only was I able to help a developing country, but I got to see first hand how people in developing countries live. A peep into their world gave me a chance to put my life in perspective and deepened my appreciation for the finer things in life.TrainingLynn Luo, Senior Associate, Assurance, GuangzhouSince I joined PwC, I have been growing because of the firm's extensive learning facilities. From the very first day, training will play an essential role in your career. There are annual classes, on-job training, as well as E-courses which are completed over the Internet. And because of this training, I have learnt to analyse business not only from financial aspect but also from a managerial angle. I really appreciate it!TeamworkMichael Footman, Senior Associate, Assurance, Hong KongAs you enter the challenging career of an accountant, you might feel overwhelmed at times. But the great thing at PwC is that your team members are always supportive. In fact, the team-based approach is one of the most enjoyable aspects of my work. We not only spend time together during assignments - we meet after work socially, occasionally organise weekend trips, and generally build relationships that go far beyond the regular office hours.GenesisLucy Wang, Senior Manager, Tax, BeijingGenesis Park is a unique and innovative five-month development programme, preparing some of PwC's most promising staff members to embrace the qualities PwC needs most: leadership, teamwork and intellectual curiosity. I myself was the first China tax representative involved in this training, and spent a memorable period of time with a group of brilliant people. We benefited a lot from the various training sessions, and we also worked hard on several PwC projects. The Genesis Park programme, which takes place in Washington D.C., was an excellent opportunity not only to learn, but to also share my views and ideas, especially when many people want to learn more about China these days.SecondmentCharlie Fu, Partner, Assurance, ShanghaiThe two-year secondment in Sydney is really an unforgettable experience for me, for the technical expertise I acquired, the people I worked with and the life I enjoyed. I found it a very effective and pleasant learning experience. The secondment was also a great opportunity for me to learn how to quickly adapt myself to a different culture. Interpersonal skills are crucial in our profession. My secondment was definitely not just about work, but lots of fun as well. My experience is that every place has its own advantages; it is the matter of how well you are prepared to make most of it - for both career and life.Work and Life BalanceRain Wong, Associate, Advisory, BeijingI have always been a very active person involved in many sporting, cultural and community activities. It has therefore been a very pleasant surprise that even after joining PwC last year, I have been able to maintain my hobbies. I try to work efficiently and stay highly organised, asthis helps me prioritise work and manage my deadlines better. I have many interests - hiking, travelling, photography, going to the movies and dining at gourmet eateries. I also like giving back to society, and volunteer at Junior Achievement - a global organisation that educates and inspires young people to value free enterprise, business, and economics - to improve their quality of life. I also contribute to a non-government organisation "Nature", and about twice a month we hike up hills around Beijing and clear them of any left garbage. I feel lucky that I have chosen to join a firm which allows me to work hard as well as live a qualityClient BaseAndre LiAssociateTax, ShanghaiI work with various clients from different and exciting industries, such as IT, automotive, retail, banking and engineering. Most of the companies I deal with are multinational corporations with interests in China. I like that I can work closely with the clients, and I feel that this close interaction has not only widened my specialised knowledge but also enhanced my understanding of business operations in general. Furthermore, constructive coordination and negotiations with clients and authorities on a timely basis help me become a better professional with more refined communication skills.SportsAnson Pan, Manager, Assurance, ShenzhenI have always enjoyed sports and was very pleased that after I joined PwC, I have been able to join various sports teams, representing this great firm. As I am a big fan of soccer, I have been in a PwC soccer team, and have also joined a table tennis team in a number of competitions. By competing on behalf of the firm, you earn a great pride for PwC, and get to know many of your colleagues on a social as well as professional level.。



始祖入川三百周年活动方案【中英文实用版】The upcoming anniversary of the Ancestor"s Entry into Sichuan marks a significant milestone of 300 years.To commemorate this historic event, we propose a series of activities that will both educate and entertain participants.即将来临的始祖入川三百周年纪念,是一个具有重大意义的历史里程碑。


Firstly, a grand opening ceremony will be organized, featuring traditional dances and music performances, setting the tone for the festive atmosphere that will permeate throughout the event.首先,我们将举办一个盛大的开幕式,包括传统舞蹈和音乐表演,为整个活动营造出欢庆的氛围。

Following this, we plan to establish a temporary exhibit showcasing the journey and achievements of the ancestors, highlighting the cultural heritage they brought to Sichuan.接下来,我们计划设立一个临时展览,展示始祖们的旅程和成就,突出他们为四川带来的文化遗产。

Moreover, a series of lectures and forums will be held, inviting renowned historians and cultural experts to share their insights on the significance of this historical event and its impact on modern society.此外,将举办一系列讲座和论坛,邀请著名历史学家和文化专家分享他们对这一历史事件的见解及其对现代社会的影响。



蜀道地区文化概况与发展方略思考许鹏;刘一帆【期刊名称】《湖北函授大学学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)021【摘要】This article is trying to focus on conducting basic reasoning of the cultural development advantages and specific strat-egies through the analysis of the geographical scope,cultural background and current protection status of the ancient Sichuan Road.Among the statements,thoughts about carrying out Culture Stepping -out for the Sichuan Road region with the help of OBAOR(One Belt And OneRoad )strategy and application for the world heritage are not lack of highlights.%本文通过对蜀道地区地理范围、文化背景、保护现状等问题的分析,尝试对本区域文化发展的优势和具体方略做了简单的思考。


【总页数】2页(P182-183)【作者】许鹏;刘一帆【作者单位】西南石油大学外国语学院,四川成都 610500;西南石油大学外国语学院,四川成都 610500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G03【相关文献】1.转型期广西民族地区文化建设发展方略--文化转型与广西少数民族地区文化建设研究报告之四 [J], 于瑮2.阿拉尔地区节水农业发展方略的思考 [J], 郭新华;马杰;应辉3.古蜀道及其对汉江上游地区文化的传播渗透 [J], 柯西钢;朱立挺4.关于确立县域文化产业发展方略的思考 [J], 王风民5.经济模式与因地制宜——民族地区经济发展方略思考 [J], 胡令明因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。




机关管理人员行为规范3 .专业技术人员行为规范45 .基层管理人员行为规范。







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如果确实需要在井场内 拍照,需要申请作业许可 并得到甲方钻井监督的许 可后方可拍照。 特殊情况下,拍照的同 时需要气体探测。
2. 基本安全规则Basic Safety Rules On The Site-扶梯子
Use Handrails
2. 基本安全规则 Basic Safety Rules On The Site-工具使用
呼吸器 绝缘鞋等
1.个人防护用品 Personal Protective Equipment
Head Protection : Helmet

Falling objects such as tools or materials

Bumping head against objects, such as
2. 基本安全规则Basic Safety Rules On The Site-手机
进入井场前确保您的手 机处于关闭状态
2. 基本安全规则Basic Safety Rules On The Site-拍照
钻井现场严格禁止使用 相机或者手机拍照
使用正确的工具,停止使用旧/破损的工具。只有 指定人员才能操作电动工具,机械工具要维修使 其状况良好。报告有缺陷的设备/机器/工具。手 持工具必须有防坠落措施。 Use of Tools & Machinery/ Equip
Use correct tools and worn out/damage tools must be discarded. Only authorized person to operate power tools and machines tools must be maintained serviceable. Report faulty equipment/machines/tools. Hand tools must be secured while handling.
In the event where chemicals are splashed onto your body, quickly proceed to the nearest water shower and rinse yourself until help arrives. 化学品沾上身体,应立即跑到最近的水源处进行冲洗

Falling heavy objects, such as bricks

Piercing by, such as nails 尖锐物品
1.个人防护用品 Personal Protective Equipment
When welding, grinding, or any other operations, always wear the required and
Part 4:工作场地HSE工具 Worksite HSE Tools Part 5: HSE活动 HSE Theme Part 6: 其他HSE文化 Other HSE Activities
基本安全规定Basic Safety Rules On The Site

2.1 集合卡 T-Card 2.2 吸烟 Smoking
化学品使用应提供材料安全数据表(MSDS) Conduct hazard communication program to workers using the chemical. 将危害信息传达给使用化学品的工人 Provide and maintain adequate and required personal protective equipment to workers.
在进入井场前您必须填写T卡 写上您的名字和工作单位以及职务,放在集合卡板的正面 在紧急情况发生时,迅速撤离至集合卡位置,取下T卡,在集合点集 合,等待现场监督和安全员查点人数。 如需撤离至第二集合点时,不要管T卡,直接迅速撤离至第二集合点 在离开井场时,从正面取下放在背面,请勿带走
2. 基本安全规则Basic Safety Rules On The Site-危险品
When dealing with chemicals ensure that you are fully protected. Do not touch chemicals with your bare hands. 化学品操作过程中不允许直接接触化学品
ACT: (―I‖ actions & communication/WE) 行动

Discouraging bad news reporting 打击负面消息报告
Why Bother About HSSE ? 为什么要关注HSSE?
经 济 人
OSHA???????? 1994 Act 514
Striving for ―Goal Zero‖ GOAL “ZERO” keeping “零事故everyone ”目标 alive and healthy
GOAL ZERO 零事故目标 Is about ….
• Safety as deeply held VALUE 安全作为一种价值观
2. 基本安全规则Basic Safety Rules On The Site-危险品
Inform safety department prior bringing in of any chemical. 化学品带入现场时应提前通知 安全部
Provide Material Safety Data Sheet for chemicals use.
HSE Culture Brief
GWDC Sichuan Project Version 2014
70080队 拓炜
GOAL ZERO-An Incident Free Workplace
I believe all accidents are Preventable. GOAL ZERO is
2. 基本安全规则Basic Safety Rules On The Site-危险品
Store all containers containing chemicals in a proper storage area. Remember to label them. Provide fire extinguisher in the chemical storeroom. 化学品的存放点应正确,应有正确的标记和相应的灭火器材
The Cost Of Accidents 事故的代价
赔偿 医疗和处理
安全管理及事故调查成本 受伤误工成本 工作替代人员成本 生产受限业务受影响
Part 6: 其他HSE文化 Other HSE Activities
1.个人防护用品 Personal Protective Equipment

头部防护 Head Protection 耳部防护Ear Protection
眼睛防护Eye Protection
手部防护Hand Protection 脚部防护Foot Protection
12LSR-Live Saving Rules
对外合作项目部“双五” 警示卡
Part 1:个人防护用品Personal Protective Equipment
Part 2:基本安全规定Basic Safety Rules On The Site Part 3:应急反应 Emergency Response Part 4:工作场地HSE工具 Worksite HSE Tools Part 5: HSE活动 HSE Theme
Always keep your flammable chemical drums in an upright position with drip tray. 化学品储存应按要求进行放置,不允许倾倒放置
Part 1:个人防护用品Personal Protective Equipment Part 2:基本安全规定Basic Safety Rules On The Site Part 3:应急反应 gency Response
2. 基本安全规则Basic Safety Rules On The Site-吸烟
Smoking Policy
Smoking Is STRICTLY PROHIBITED anywhere on the rig except for designated areas – ―the smoking area‖