Slow-release 5-amino-salicylic acid (Pentasa) for the treatment of active Crohn's disease



它是治疗溃疡性结肠炎常用药物柳氮磺吡啶 (SASP) 的活性成分, 其疗 效与 SASP 相同, 但因去除了 SP,能避免 SASP 由磺胺部分引起的溶血、贫血、 皮炎、头痛、血样便等严重副作用, 因而毒副作用减少,特别适于对 SASP 不 耐受的患者作维持治疗用【1】,该药由瑞典 pharmaciaAB 开发,英国 Tillots Labs 于 1985 年首先于英国上市,剂型主要为片剂和栓剂。但在国内未见生产 上市。近年来,已有越来越多的国家采用美沙拉嗪代替 SASP 治疗溃疡性结肠 炎,并取得了满意的结果。
本法以雷尼镍为催化剂,苯偶氮水杨酸溶液直接加氢还原,在强碱性的 苯偶氮水杨酸溶液中,雷尼镍催化剂的加氢活性和选择性均高,而且催化剂 可以多次使用。本法参照德国 Beyer 公司的合成路线【4】,改进了部分工艺, 以苯胺为起始原料经重氮化,偶合,还原得美沙拉嗪,并通过正交设计优化 了合成工艺。
优点:方法简便,生产成本低,产品纯度高(大于 99%),用常压还原法, 利于实现工业化。
1. 得到淡黄色硝化产物 5-硝基-2-羟基苯甲酸 3.4g 理论产量 6.6g 收率=3.4g/6.6 g ×100%=51.5% 2. 得到灰黄色还原产物美沙拉嗪 0.1g 理论产量 2.8g 收率=0.1g/2.8g ×100%=3.6%
收率偏低,可能的原因: 1.用 40%NaOH 调 PH=10,抽滤以后,滤饼水洗,加的水过多,导致滤液被 稀释,加入保险粉还原以后,再次将滤液用 40%硫酸调 PH=2-3 时,很难析出 产物。 补救方法:将滤液加热浓缩,可能会析出部分产品 2.加入铁粉,搅拌子搅拌受阻,不能充分将铁粉和 5-硝基-2-羟基苯甲酸 混合,导致还原反应不完全,产量低。 3.调 PH=10 这一步,没有待产物完全溶解就开始抽滤,导致部分产物残 留在滤饼中,造成损失。 4.调 PH=2-3 这一步,固体还没有完全析出就开始抽滤,部分产物还残留 在溶液中,导致结果偏低。 5.趁热过滤之前,抽滤瓶和布氏漏斗在水浴中放的时间不够长,没有完 全预热,过滤的速度也不够快,有晶体在布氏漏斗和抽滤瓶里边析出,导致 产品的损失。 6.由于仪器设备的缺陷,控温不稳定,温度变化的幅度大,导致反应不 是在最佳反应温度下进行也会造成收率偏低


刺激皮肤增生胶原蛋白表面活性剂【使水、油混合,达到乳化效果。除 了化妆水,其他护肤品都用】 去脂力极强,是油性或男性洗面乳常用的清洁成分缺点是对皮肤具有潜 在的刺激性,使得皮肤自身的防御能力降低引起皮肤炎、皮肤老化等现 象。 *以SLS或SLES为主要清洁成分的洗面乳,需调配成偏碱性配方若搭配 果酸,果酸的效果会大打折扣 洗净力强,刺激性低,亲肤性佳,建议油性肌肤者 中度去脂力,常与其它洗净成分搭配,调节泡沫 温和中度去脂力。调整在碱性的环境,亲肤性不错 去脂力中、低刺激、起泡佳、温和,少单独作为清洁成分 天然植物,无刺激,清洁性适中 刺激性低,起泡性好,去脂力中等。干性或婴儿 较温和 杀菌剂、预防,无负面影响,味苦
桂皮酸盐类(Cinnamates) 邻氨基苯甲酸盐类(Anthranilates)
去角质、收毛孔 1.果酸
4.金缕梅(Witchhazel) 5.荨麻(Nettle) 6.麝香草(Thyme) 7.马栗树(Horsechestnut) 8.鼠尾草(Sage) 9.绣线菊(Meadowsweet) 抗老 1.果酸 2.柔肤酸 3.水杨酸 4.酶 5.维生素A酸、A醇、A醛 6.胎盘素 7.透明质酸 8.胶原蛋白 9.维生素D 10.维生素B6 11.维生素E 12.超氧化歧化酶(SOD)
对化脓性的面疱,具有干燥及脱皮的功效。 杀菌及溶解角质。青春痘的治疗剂 又名视黄酸,抗老化,渗透力强,溶解角化的细胞,刺激细胞再生,对 干燥及角化异常的皮肤治疗效果佳。刺激,油溶性物质,对早期黑头粉 刺,效果佳,忌阳光 细菌、霉菌、酵母菌的灭菌力极强,安全性佳。 治疗剂,剥离角质、杀菌,常与硫磺剂搭配使用。 抗菌,抑制皮脂漏功能,除粉刺效果;且为低敏感性成分。 抑制害菌、帮助表皮易菌生长,平衡表皮自然菌种生长的环境 化学名为壬二酸(Azelaicacid),属于油溶性的成分。应用于皮肤科 中,作为抑制青春痘发炎的药膏



美沙拉嗪的合成一、美沙拉嗪的简介:美沙拉嗪由瑞典pharmacia AB开发,英国Tillots Labs 于1985年六月首先在英国上市(剂型主要为片剂和栓剂),随后引起各国研究人员的普遍关注,尤其是其在溃疡性结肠炎治疗方面的效果。





【化学名】5-氨基-2-羟基-苯甲酸【别名】马沙拉嗪美沙拉嗪艾迪莎5-氨基水杨酸5-氨基水杨醇颇得斯安【英文名】Mesa amine ,5-Amino Salicylic Acid【CAS号】89-57-6【化学结构】【物理性质】灰白色结晶或结晶状粉末,无臭或有轻微臭味,在空气中颜色变深。



【用法用量】溃疡性结肠炎急性期:1 g qid ;缓解期:0.5 g tid - qid。

克罗恩病缓解期:2 g/天,分3-4次口服。







282. Reactions between Hexamethylenetetramine and Phenolic Compounds. Part I I . Formation of Phenolic Aldehydes. Distinctive
Behaviour of p-Nitrophenol.
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Hexamethylefietetramine and Phenolic Compounds. Part I I .
Published on 01 January 1934. Downloaded by ZHENG ZHOU UNIVERSITY on 24/10/2013 03:28:36.
By J. C. DUFFand E. J. BILLS.
PART I (J., 1932, 1987) described the preparation of 3- and 5-aldehydosalicylic acids from an aqueous solution of salicylic acid and hexamethylenetetramine. The reactions of aand p-naphthols with the latter compound have now been studied. In aqueous-alcoholic solutions the products were the same as those obtained when using formaldehyde in place of hexamethylenetetramine ; p-naphthol yielded 1 : 1’-methylene-2 : 2’-dinaphthol, whilst a-naphthol yielded a complex amorphous compound apparently identical with that obtained by Breslauer and Pictet (Ber., 1907, 40, 3786) using formaldehyde. It was found, however, that if the reaction was effected by heating in acetic acid sohtion, P-naphthol yielded a yellow crystalline Schiff’s base, 2 : 2’-dihydroxy-l-naphthyZide.nel’-rlzaplithyEmethyZami~ze (I), readily hydrolysed by acids into the aldehyde and amine, thereby affording a new and more convenient method for preparing these two compounds. (1.) OH~CloH6~CH:N*CH2*CloH6*OH (C1,H,*O*CH2),hTH (11.1 The formation of (I)may be represented by the equation N,(CH,), 4C,,H,*OH --+ 2(1) 2CH,*NH,.



泌尿外科常用术语英文缩写AASH adrenocortical androgen stimulating hormone 促肾上腺皮质雄激素ABP androgen-binding protein 雄激素结合蛋白AC adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质ACH adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素ACP acid phosphatase 酸性磷酸酶ACPP adrenocorticopolypeptide 肾上腺皮质多肽ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激素ACTH-RF adrenocorticotropic hormone-releasing factor 促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子AD autosomal dominant inheritance 常染色体显性遗传ADH antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素ADI allowable daily intake 每日允许摄入量AER aldosterone excretion rate 醛固酮排泄率Ag antigen 抗原AGBM antiglomerular basement membrane antibody 抗肾小球基底膜抗体AGN acute glomerulonephritis 急性肾小球肾炎AGS adrenogenital syndrome 肾上腺生殖器综合征AHC acute hemorrhagic cystitis 急性出血性膀胱炎AI androgen index 雄激素指数AI artificial insemination 人工受精AID autoimmune disease 自身免疫性疾病AID artificial insemination with donor′s semen 供精者精液人工受精AIDS acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome 爱滋病.获得性免疫缺乏综合征AIH artificial insemination with husband's semen 丈夫精液人工受精AIS androgen insensitivith syndrome 雄激素不敏感综合征AKP alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶ALD adrenoleukodystrophy 肾上腺白质营养不良ALP alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶AMH adrenal medullary hormone 肾上腺素AMP acid mucopolysaccharide 酸性粘多糖AMPS acid mucopolysaccharides 酸性粘多糖类ANS arteriolonephrosclerosis 肾小动脉硬化Anti-GBM antiglomerular basement membrane 抗肾小球基底膜AP acid phosphatse 酸性磷酸酶AP acute pyelonephritis 急性肾盂肾炎APC antigen presenting cell 抗原呈递细胞APORF acute postoperative renal failure 急性术后肾功能衰竭AR androgen receptor 雄激素受体ARS androgen resistance syndrome 抗雄激素综合征AVF arteriovenous fistula 动静脉瘘BBC bladder carcinogen 膀胱致癌物BCC basal cell carcinoma 基底细胞癌BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guerin 卡介苗BCR bulbocavernous reflex 球海绵体肌反射BD Behcet′s disease 白塞氏病(生殖器溃疡,口疮及眼色素层炎)BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia 良性前列腺增生BTB blood-testis-barrier 血睾屏障BUA blood uric acid 血尿酸BUN blood urea nitrogen 血液尿素氮CC calculus 结石Ca calcium 钙Ca carcinoma; cancer 癌,癌瘤CaBP calcium bingding protein 钙结合蛋白CAH carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶CAH congenital adrenal hyperplasia 先天性肾上腺增生CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis 连续非卧床腹膜透析CaTT calcium tolerance test 钙耐量试验CAV congenital adrenal virillism 先天性肾上腺男性化CCB calcium channel blocker 钙通道阻滞剂CCPD continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis 持续循环腹膜透析Ccr creatinine clearance rate 肌酐清除率cDNA plementary deoxyribonucleic acid 互补脱氧核糖核酸CE conjugated estrogen 结合雌激素CEA carcinoembryonic antigen; carcinoma embrynoic antigen 癌胚抗原CG chorionic gonadotropin 绒毛膜促性腺激素CH charcoal column hemoperfusion 碳柱吸附式人工肾ChS chondroitin sulphate 硫酸软骨素CI calculus index 结石指数CIDS cellular immunity deficiency syndrome 细胞免疫缺陷综合征Cin inulin clearance 菊粉清除率CIS carcinoma in situ 原位癌Cm maximum clearance 最大清除率CMC cell-mediated cytotoxicity 细胞介导的细胞毒(性)反应CMN congenital mesoblastic nephroma 先天性中胚层肾癌Conc cellular oncogen 细胞癌基因CP chronic pyelonephritis 慢性肾盂肾炎CP cyclophosphamide 环磷酰胺CPN chronic pyelonephritis 慢性肾盂肾炎CR calculus removed 取石,结石移除Cr creatinine 肌酐CRD chronic renal disease 慢性肾脏疾病CRF chronic renal failure 慢性肾功衰(尿毒症)CS chondroitin sulfate 硫酸软骨素CSF colony stimulating factor 克隆刺激因子CT calcitonin 降钙素CTX cyclophosphamide 环磷酰胺Cu urea clearance 尿素清除CYS cystoscopy 膀胱镜检Cy cysteine 半胱氨酸(待续)泌尿外科常用术语英文缩写(之二)DDAB double antibody 双抗体DCT dihydrochlorothiazide 双氢克尿塞DDS dialysis disequilibrium syndrome 透析平衡失调综合征DE dialyzed encephalopathy 透析性脑病DH diuretic hormone 利尿激素DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation 弥漫性血管内凝血DIP drip intravenous pyelography 静脉滴注肾盂造影术DIU drip infusion urography (大剂量静脉)滴注尿路造影术DK diseased kidney 病肾DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸DNase deoxyribonuclease 脱氧核糖核酸酶DSA digital subtraction angiography 数字减影血管造影术DSFI derogatic sexual functioning inventory 性功能减退调查表DST dexamethasone suppression test 地塞米松抑制试验DTZ diatrizoate 泛影葡胺DVIUT direct vision internal urethrotomy 经尿道直视内切开术EE estrogen 雌激素E1 estrone 雌酮E2 estradiol 雌二醇E3 estriol 雌三醇EA ethacrynic acid 利尿酸EAA essential amino acid(s) 必需氨基酸EB ethambutol 乙胺丁醇EBG estradiol-binding globulin 雌激素结合球蛋白EBP estradiol binding protein 雌二醇结合蛋白质ECGF endothelial cell growth factor 内皮细胞生长因子EEM emission electron microscope 发射式电子显微镜EG ethylene glycol 乙二醇EGF epidermal growth factor 表皮生长因子EHL electrohydraulic lithotripsy 放电碎石术EHP edema-hypertension-proteinuria syndrome 水肿-高血压-蛋白尿综合征EIA enzyme immunoassay 酶免疫测定EIFA enzyme-linked fluorescent assay 酶联荧光测定Ej ejaculation 射精ELISA enzyme-linked immunospecific assay 酶联免疫吸附测定EM electron microscope 电子显微镜EMMA electron microscopy and microanalysis 电子显微镜检查及微量分析EPT egg penetration test 卵穿透试验EPT endoscopic papillotomy 内窥镜下乳头切开术ERBF effective renal blood flow 有效肾血流量ERT estrogen replacement therapy 雌激素替代疗法ESWL extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy 体外震波碎石术ET endothelin 内皮素FFA fatty acid 脂肪酸FAC cyclophosphamide 环磷酰胺FC flow cytometry 流式细胞计数法FCM flow cytometry 流式细胞计数法FJN familial juvenile nephrophthisis 家族性少年型肾结核FSH follicle-stimulating hormone 促卵泡激素,促卵泡成熟激素FSH-RF follicle stimulating hormone releasing factor 促卵泡激素释放因子FSH-RH follicle-stimulating hormone-releasing hormone 卵泡刺激素释放激素5-FU 5-fluorouracil 5-氟尿嘧啶GGBM glomerular basement membrane 肾小球基底膜GC gonorrhea 淋病GC gas chromatography 气相色谱法GF glomerular filtration 肾小球过滤GFR glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率GI glomerular index 肾小球指数GLC gas-liquid chromatography 气液色谱(法)Cly glycine 甘氨酸Gnd-RH gonadotrophin releasing hormone 促性腺激素释放激素GRA gonadotropin-releasing agent 促性腺激素释放剂GRH gonadotropin releasing 促性腺激素释放GSH glomerular-stimulating hormone 促肾小球激素GSH gonad-stimulating hormone 促性腺激素GU gonococcal urethritis 淋球菌性尿道炎HHA hyaluronic acid 透明质酸HAC hydroxyapatite ceramic 羟基磷灰石HAFP human alpha-feto protein 人体甲胎球蛋白HCT human calcitonin 人降钙素HCU homocystinuria 高胱氨酸尿HD hemodialysis 血液透析HDU hemodialysis unit 血液透析装置HEK human embryonic kidney cell culture 人胚肾细胞培养HFAK hollow fiber artificial kidney 空心纤维人工肾HGPRT hypoxanthine-guaninephosphoribosyl transferase 次黄嘌呤鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖基转移酶HLA histopatibility locusantigen 组织相容性抗原HLA human leucocyte antigen 人白细胞抗原HMT 4-hydroxy-17(α)-methyltestosterone 4-羟基-17-甲基睾丸酮HMTA methenamine 乌洛脱品HP hypertension and proteinuria 高血压和蛋白尿HPGC high performance gel chromatography 高效凝胶色谱法HPLC high performance liquid chromatography 高效液相色谱(法) HPRT hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 次黄嘌呤磷酸核糖基转移酶HPT hyper-parathyroidism 甲状旁腺机能亢进HRS hepato renal syndrome 肝肾综合征(待续)rvh[=renal vascular hypertension]肾血管性高血压[=artificial insemination-husband]配偶人工授精间质性膀胱炎(IC)AID autoimmune disease 自身免疫性疾病=artificial insemination with donor's semen]供者精液的人工授精[=artificial insemination-donor]人工受精供者[=autoimmune deficiency]自身免疫缺乏[=autoimmune disease]自身免疫性疾病[=donor insemination,heterologous insemination]供者人工授精,异配(人工)授精•进修苑•泌尿外科常用术语英文缩写(之四)(续第15 卷第10 期第482 页)PP pho spho rus 磷P pho sphate 磷酸盐PA p lasma aldo sterone 血浆醛固酮PA GE po lyacrylam ide gel elect ropho resis 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳PA P p ro state acid pho sphatase 前列腺酸性磷酸酶PA S p ituitary adrenal system 垂体2肾上腺系统PA SA para2am ino salicylic acid 对氨基水杨酸PBS pho sphate buffered so lut ion 磷酸盐缓冲溶液PCa p ro stat ic cancer 前列腺癌PCD po lycyst ic disease 多囊性疾病P percutaneous neph ro scope set 经皮肾镜装置P percutaneous neph ro litho tomy 经皮肾镜取石术PA p ro liferat ing cell nuclear ant igen 增殖细胞核抗原PCR Po lymerase Chain React ion 聚合酶链反应PCT p roximal convo luted tubule 近曲小管PD peritoneal dialysis 腹膜透析PE p remature ejaculat ion 早泄PG p ro staglandin 前列腺素PGA p ro staglandin A 前列腺素APGB p ro staglandin B 前列腺素BPGE2 p ro staglandin E2 前列腺素E2PGF p ro staglandin F 前列腺素FPGI p ro stacyclin 前列环素PGU po stgonococcal ureth rit is 淋球菌感染后尿道炎PH p ro stat ic hypert rophy 前列腺肥大PHP p rimary hyperparathyro idism 原发性甲状旁腺机能亢进PN pyeloneph rit is 肾盂肾炎PN S percutaneous neph ro stomy 经皮穿刺肾造瘘术PP pyropho sphate 焦磷酸盐PRPP pho spho ribo syl pyropho sphate 磷酸核糖焦磷酸盐PRPP2A T pho spho ribo syl pyropho sphateam ino t ransferase 磷酸核糖焦磷酸转氨酶PSA p ro state specific ant igen 前列腺特异抗原PU pass urine 排尿PZA pyrazinam ide 吡嗪酰胺RR righ t 右侧的RA renal artery 肾动脉RAA S renin2angio tensin2aldo sterone system 肾素2血管紧X素醛固酮系统RA S renal artery steno sis 肾动脉狭窄RA S renin2angio tensin system 肾素2血管紧X素系统RCC renal cell carcinoma 肾细胞癌Ren T ran renal t ransp lantat ion 肾脏移植RF radiofrequency 射频RF rheumato id facto r 类风湿因子RF I renal failure index 肾功能衰竭指数RFP rifamp icin 利福平RH renal hypertension 肾性高血压R IA radio immunoassay 放射免疫测定RK righ t k idney 右肾RNA ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸ROD renal o steodyst rophy 肾病性骨营养不良RP ret rograde pyelography 逆行性肾盂造影术RPF renal p lasma flow 肾血浆流量RPG ret rogtade pyelogram 逆行肾盂造影照片RPLND ret roperitoneal lymph node dissect ion 腹膜后淋巴结清扫术RPN renal pap illary necro sis 肾乳头坏死RS IV P rap id sequence int ravenous pyelogram 快速连续静脉肾盂造影照片RU righy ureter 右输尿管RVH renal vascular hypertension 肾血管性高血压RV P renal venous p ressure 肾静脉压RVR relat ive vo iding resistance 相对排尿阻力RV T renal vein th rombo sis 肾静脉血栓形成SSA sex appeal 性感SA G select ive angiography 选择性血管造影SA P serum acid pho sphatase 血清酸性磷酸酶SA P serum alkaline pho sphatase 血清碱性磷酸酶SCC squamous cell carcinoma 鳞状细胞癌S2CEA serum carcinoembryonic ant igen 血清癌胚抗原SCJ squamoco lumnar junct ion 鳞状柱状上皮接合处SCr serum creat inine 血清肌酸酐SCT sex ch romat in test 性染色质试验SCT sperm cell toxin 精子细胞毒素SD single do se 单次剂量SD standard deviat ion 标准差SD sulfadiazine 磺胺嘧啶SDS2PA GE sodium dodecyl sulfate2po lyacrylam ide gel elect ropho resis 十二烷基硫酸钠2聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳SEF sodium excret ing facto r 钠排泄因子Sem ves sem inal vesicle 精囊Ser serine 丝氨酸SeXO serum xanth ine oxidase 血清次黄嘌呤氧化酶SHBG sex ho rmone2binding globulin 性激素结合球蛋白SHH syndrome of hypo reninem ic hypoaldo steronism 低肾素性低醛固酮综合征SMC sperm2mo ther2cell; spermatocyte 精母细胞SOL space2occupying lesion 占位性病变SPP sup rapubic p ro statectomy 耻骨上前列腺切除术SR sexual response 性反应SR sexually revised 性改变SRF sp lit renal funct ion 分侧肾功能SRFS sp lit renal funct ion study 分侧肾功能检查SRS sex reassignment surgery 性再造手术STS sero logical test fo r syph ilis 梅毒血清学试验STS standard test fo r syph ilis 梅毒标准试验SU I st ress urinary incont inence 压力性尿失禁SUN serum urea nit rogen 血清尿素氮SU S stained urinary sediment 着色尿沉渣Sxr sex2reversed 性转换, 性反转, 性回复(待续)(叶章群、王少刚整理)•334• Journal of Clinical U ro logy, July 2001,Vo l 16,No 7•进修苑•泌尿外科常用术语英文缩写(之五)(续第16 卷第7 期第334 页)TT testo sterone 睾酮T vo iding t ime 排尿时间TA t riam terene 氨苯喋啶TA t ransfer agent 转移因子TAA tumo r2associated ant igen 肿瘤相关抗原TA F tumo r2angiogenesis facto r 肿瘤血管生成因子TA SA tumo r2associated specific ant igen 肿瘤相关特异性抗原TB tuberculin 结核菌素TBA testo sterone2binding affinity 睾酮结合亲和力TBG testo sterone 2binding go lbulin 睾酮结合球蛋白TBM tubular basement membrane 肾小管的基底膜TCa term inal cancer 终末期癌晚期癌症TCA thyrocalcitonin 甲状腺降钙素TFS test icular fem inizat ion syndrome 睾丸女性化综合征TGF t ransfo rm ing grow th facto r 转移生长因子TH helper T cell 辅助(性) T 细胞THAM t rishydroxymethyl am inomethane 三羟甲细胞氨基甲烷THP Tamm2Ho rsfall p ro tein TH 蛋白T IL tumo r2infilt rat ion lymphocyte 浸润肿瘤淋巴细胞T IS tumo r in situ 原位癌TN F tumo r necro sis facto r 肿瘤坏死因子TNM 2classificalt ion tumo r, nodes, metastasis2classifica2 t ion TNM 分类〔恶性肿瘤国际临床病期分类〕〔根据T (肿瘤) ,N (结节, 淋巴结) 及M (转移情况) 〕TO K tuberculo sis of k idney 肾结核TP testo sterone p rop ionate 丙酸睾丸酮TPA T reponema pallidum agglut inat ion 梅毒螺旋体凝集试验TPC T reponema pallidum p lement fixat ion test 梅毒螺旋体补体结合试验TRA tumo r reject ion ant igen 肿瘤排斥抗原TRP tubular reabso rp t ion of pho sphate 肾小管磷酸盐重吸收TSPA P to tal serum p ro stat ic acid pho sphatase 血清前列腺酸性磷酸酶总量TU IP t ransureth ral incision of the p ro statc 经尿道前列腺切开术TU R t ransureth ral resect ion 经尿道切除TU RBT t ransureth ral resect ion of the bladder tumo r 经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除TU RP t ransureth ral resect ion of the p ro state; t ransure2 th ral p ro statectomy 经尿道前列腺切除术TUV P (TV P) 经尿道前列腺电气化术TVU to tal vo lume of urine 24 小时总尿量UU urine 尿U U ro logy 泌尿外科学UA uric acid 尿酸UA urinalysis 尿分析UAN uric acid nit rogen 尿酸氮U C urea clearance 尿素清除(率)U C ureth ral catheterizat ion 尿道插管术U 2CEA urine carcinoembryonic ant igen 尿癌胚抗原U cr urine creat inine 尿肌酐U cre urine creat ine 尿肌酸U G urogenital 泌尿生殖的U K urok inase 尿激酶UN urea nit rogen 尿素氮UN urate neph ropathy 尿酸性肾病U P ureteropelvic 输尿管肾盂的U PJ ureteropelvic junct ion 输尿管肾盂的接合处U ran urine analysis 尿液分析U rogen urogenital 泌尿生殖道的U ro l uro logy 泌尿外科学U S ult rasound 超声(波)U T urinary t ract 泌尿道UUA urine uric acid 尿中尿酸UUN urine urea nit rogen 尿(中) 尿素氮UVJ ureterovesical junct ion 输尿管膀胱连接点VVD venereal disease 性病VDG venereal disease, gono rrhea 性病, 淋病VDS venereal disease2syph ilis 性病2梅毒V it vitam in 维生素Vo l vo lume 体积VU R vesicoureteral reflux 膀胱输尿管返流V öV vo lume in vo lume 体积比率WWA K w earable art ificial k idney 可佩带式人工肾WHO Wo rld Health O rganizat ion 世界卫生组织W öV w eigh t in vo lume 重量ö体积百分比XX afemale ch romo some 女性染色体XC excreto ry cystogram 排泄性膀胱造影照片XD X2linked dom inant inheritance X 连锁显性遗传XU excreto ry urogram 排泄性尿路造影照片XX sex2linked ch romo some p resent in females 女性伴性染色体XY sex2linked ch romo some p resent in males 男性伴性染色体YYC Y2ch romo some Y 染色体Y2linked Y 染色体连锁的ZZn zinc 锌。



最新[牛血清蛋白标准曲线]考马斯亮蓝法标准曲线牛血清蛋白表1.Folin酚法定制牛血清蛋白及测定人体血清蛋白加样操作表01234567样1样2试管编号200ug/mL牛血清蛋白标准液(mL)0.000.300.400.500.600.700.800.90 1.001.00 1mol/1000mL人血清蛋白(mL)PH7.4磷酸缓冲液(mL)1.000.700.600.500.400.300. Folin酚甲(mL)以上各管均加入1.00mL,振荡均匀后,反应15min Folin酚乙(mL)以上各管均加入4.00mL,振荡均匀后,55℃水浴反应25minA650nm实测OD值0.0000.2380.3020.3650.4210.4850.5210.5730.4730.378 表2.Folin酚法定制牛血清蛋白标准曲线,微机数据处理表0123456试管编号标准牛血清蛋白呈色浓度(ug/mL)0.00A650nm实测OD值回归方程对应OD值线性回归方程斜率a 线性回归方程截距b线性回归方程实验相关性(r)710.0013.3316.6720.0023.3326.6730.000.0000.2380.3020.3 650.4210.4850.5210.5730.0330.2220.2840.3470.4100.4730. 5360.5990.018870.03298y=0.01887x+0.032980.9934 凝血酶原时间标准曲线半定量测定纤维蛋白原含量的方法的临床应用凝血酶原时间标准曲线半定量测定纤维蛋白原含量的方法的临床应用孙彦平1 杨光2(11黑龙江省鸡西市矿业集团总医院,黑龙江鸡西158100;21黑龙江省林业总医院,黑龙江150040)〔文章编号〕1002-2376(2004)02-0017-02 〔中图分类号〕TH773 〔文献标识码〕B 〔摘要〕目的:利用Controlplasma建立一种简便、易于临床实验室开展的半定量纤维蛋白原(FiB)检测方法,并对其初步评价。



题目:美沙拉嗪的制备和工艺条件的考察学生:李忠莉学号:201004040205院(系):生命科学与工程学院专业:制药指导教师:常相娜20013 年 3 月 11 日题目:美沙拉嗪的制备和工艺条件的考察一、美沙拉嗪的背景资料1、1美沙拉嗪的简单介绍别名:马拉沙嗪化学名:5-氨基水杨酸化学结构外文名(含商品名及制剂名);Mesalamine ,5-Amino Salicylic Acid 药理作用及用途:对肠壁的炎症有显著的抑制作用;美沙拉嗪可以抑制引起炎症的前列腺素的合成和炎性介质白三烯的形成,从而对肠粘膜的炎症起显著抑制作用。


用于溃疡性结肠炎、溃疡性直肠炎和克隆氏病(Crohn's Disease)。








1、2行业行情:溃疡性结肠炎是(Ulcerative colities,UC)是一种病因尚不十分清楚的直肠和结肠慢性非特异性的炎症性肠病。


1977年Azad Khan等发现5-氨基水杨酸是治疗溃肠性结肠炎的活性部分。




美沙拉嗪的合成赵娟201040184 李舒咏201040164 封培兰201040167黄婉苏201040166 梁夏芳201040183一、药物概述1、英文名: Mesa amine ,5-Amino Salicylic Acid. 别名:美沙拉嗪,马沙拉嗪。






用于溃疡性结肠炎、溃疡性直肠炎和克罗恩病(Crohn's Disease)。








二、实验目的1、掌握硝化、还原反应原理2、熟悉硝化、还原反应的基本操作技能三、实验原理四、实验主要仪器和试剂及其物理常数1、仪器2、试剂主要实验试剂及规格:原料名称规格用量摩尔数摩尔比水杨酸CP 14g 0.1 2浓硝酸CP 12ml 0.29 5.8冰醋酸CP 3ml 0.05 1保险粉CP 1.5g 0.009 0.77盐酸CP 3.4ml 0.088 1.76锌粉CP 7.5g 0.115 2.3试剂物理性质名称分子式分子量熔点℃相对密度沸点℃水杨酸C7H6O3138 160 14.4 211 冰醋酸C2H4O260.5. 16.6 1.0492 117 5-硝基水杨酸C7H5O5N 183.12 233-235 1.653-硝基水杨酸C7H5O5N 183.123.5-硝基水杨酸C7H4N207228.12浓硝酸HNO363 1.4 -83 连二亚硫酸钠Na2S2O4182 300五、本次实验方法和步骤1、流程图2、实验方法和步骤(1)、 5-硝基-2-羟基苯甲酸的合成在装有冷凝器(附有空气导管和气体吸收装置)、温度计和恒压滴液漏斗的100ml三口瓶中分别加入水杨酸14g(0.1mol)、水30ml及冰醋酸3ml,电磁搅拌下升温至50℃时滴加1-2滴浓硝酸,继续升温至70℃时,缓慢滴加剩余的浓硝酸(总的浓硝酸用量12ml),保持反应温度在70~80℃,滴毕,在70~80℃条件下搅拌反应1h。



∙中文名:∙氨水杨酸∙中文别名:∙5-氨基-2-羟基苯甲酸; 美沙拉秦; 5-氨基水杨酸; 美沙拉嗪∙英文名称:∙5-Aminosalicylic acid∙英文别名:∙5-Amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid; Mesalamine; 5-ASA; 5-Amino salicylic acidl;Mesalazine; Mesalmine; mesalazine; 5-Amino salicylic Acid∙CAS No.:∙89-57-6∙EINECS号:∙201-919-1∙分子式:∙C7H7NO3∙分子量:∙153.14∙熔点:∙280℃∙沸点:∙403.9oC at 760 mmHg∙闪光点:∙403.9oC at 760 mmHg∙Inchi:∙InChI=1/C7H7NO3/c8-4-1-2-6(9)5(3-4)7(10)11/h1-3,9H,8H2,(H,10,11)∙密度:∙ 1.491 g/cm3∙安全说明:∙S24/25,∙海关编码:∙29225000∙储存温度:∙2-8°C∙急性毒性:∙腹腔-小鼠LD50: 5000 毫克/公斤;口服-小鼠LDL0: 313 毫克/公斤∙灭火剂:∙干粉、泡沫、砂土、二氧化碳, 雾状水∙火警危险:∙Flash point data for 5-Aminosalicylic acid are not available; however, 5-Aminosalicylic acid is probably combustible.∙毒性分级:∙中毒∙储运特性:∙库房通风低温干燥∙可燃性危险特性:∙可燃;燃烧产生有毒氮氧化物烟雾∙分子结构:∙氨水杨酸物化性质美沙拉秦(89-57-6)的化学性质:白色至粉红色结晶,熔点约280℃(分解)。





第 44卷第6期2023 年11月Vol.44 No.6November 2023中山大学学报(医学科学版)JOURNAL OF SUN YAT‐SEN UNIVERSITY(MEDICAL SCIENCES)基于泛基因组学和消减蛋白质组学挖掘新型抗诺卡氏菌药物靶点黎尔彤,苏雅琳,刘文彬,金小宝(广东药科大学基础医学院/广东省生物活性药物研究重点实验室,广东广州 510006)摘要:【目的】 诺卡氏菌是一种病原体,可引起人体的机会性感染,呈全球性分布。


【方法】 取GenBank数据库中31株诺卡氏菌的全基因组序列,利用BPGA进行泛基因组学分析,利用消减蛋白组学筛选药物靶点。


【结果】 31株诺卡氏菌的泛基因组中有1 421个核心蛋白,消减蛋白组学分析获得15个候选药物靶点蛋白。


运用DrugBank数据库筛选出Adenosine-5'-Rp-Alpha-Thio-Triphos‐phate、 alpha,beta-Methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate、 Phosphoaminophosphonic Acid-Adenylate Ester 、Radicicol、2-Hydroxyestradiol、p-Coumaric acid、Ethylmercurithiosalicylic acid等7个化合物可能会针对该靶点蛋白发挥抗诺卡氏菌作用,分子对接结果显示靶点与化合物结合力良好。


美沙拉嗪合成 制备 制药工艺学开题报告---

美沙拉嗪合成 制备 制药工艺学开题报告---

美沙拉嗪的制备及工艺条件考察一、背景资料1.1 基本信息:中文名称:美沙拉嗪化学名:5-氨基水杨酸(5-ASA)别名:马沙拉嗪,美沙拉秦(莎尔福)外文名:Mesalamine ,5-Amino Salicylic Acid1.2 用途与机理:美沙拉嗪用于溃疡性结肠炎、溃疡性直肠炎和克罗恩病(Crohn's Disease)。



1.3 不良反应:可能出现轻度的胃部不适1.4 注意事项:1).对水杨酸类药物以及本品的赋形剂过敏者忌用。






1.5 物理性质:美沙拉嗪为类白色、灰白色至微红色的结晶性粉末,无色、无味,遇光色渐变深,在水中极微溶解,在乙醇、丙酮或氯仿中不溶,在稀碱或稀酸溶液中溶解, m.p.280℃。

二、行业行情:它是治疗溃疡性结肠炎常用药物柳氮磺吡啶(SASP) 的活性成分, 其疗效与SASP相同, 但因去除了SP,能避免SASP由磺胺部分引起的溶血、贫血、皮炎、头痛、血样便等严重副作用, 因而毒副作用减少,特别适于对SASP不耐受的患者作维持治疗用,该药由瑞典pharmaciaAB开发,英国Tillots Labs于1985年首先于英国上市,剂型主要为片剂和栓剂。







脂質之測定法有很多種,磷酸香草素反應法,是最簡便、快速且正確地作比色測定,其原理為 檢樣中之脂質於濃硫酸中加熱,經磷酸香草素之作用,產生粉紅色的發色染料。
膽固醇的測定,以冰醋酸及醋酸酐為溶媒及脫水劑,濃硫酸為脫水劑及氧化劑,金屬離子(Fe2+, Al3+,Co2+) 為催化劑,或加熱至80-95C來催化反應。
Lowry Method
Bradford Method
OD640 nm
OD595 nm
•計算Rf值 •求各蛋白質分子量
電泳 染色、褪染
本實驗將測定胰蛋白酶的反應速率及反應速率常數,同時將分析酵素濃 度、基質濃度、pH值、溫度及添加抑制劑對酵素活性之影響。
1. Ninhydrin反應 2. Lead Acetate (醋酸鉛)反應 3. Ehrlich重氮反應 4. Millon反應 5. TLC分離
本週實驗在利用簡單的化學反應區分醣類之結構特性,首先採用Molish試驗將醣類與其他生 物大分子區別。而Seliwanoff反應(酫酮醣)、Barfoed反應(單雙多醣)、Schiff (Aniline Acetate)反應 (5C、6C)則可針對各種結構特性於呈色型態、時間快慢等物理或化學性質加以 鑑定。最後再以薄層層析法有機親和力大小差異應用在醣類分子之分離。此外本週提供未知 溶液與同學自行利用上述方法組合設計出醣類分有效鑑定之流程,以達成 生化分子結構之認知學習。
脂質之測定法有很多種,磷酸香草素反 應法,是最簡便、快速且正確地作比色 測定,其原理為檢樣中之脂質於濃硫酸 中加熱,經磷酸香草素之作用,產生粉 紅色的發色染料。


在空气中可逐渐变为淡黄,红棕甚至深 棕色。水溶液变化更快。
O [O]
O 黄色
或 OH
水溶液加热放冷后,与三氯化铁溶液反 应,呈紫堇色
在室温下空气中稳定,但对光敏感 水溶液在pH2~8时较稳定。可被强酸或强
碱水解 ,水解产物被氧化成有色物质 氢氧化钠溶液与重铬酸钾溶液和硫酸反
应,呈紫色 与亚硝酸钠和盐酸反应,呈绿色,放置
氯芬那酸 Chlof enamic acid
吲哚美辛 Indometacin
O5 4
3 1 N2
2-甲基- 1-(4-氯苯甲酰基)-5-甲氧基-
1-(4- Chlorobenzoyl)-5-methoxy-2-
methyl-1H-indol-3-acetic acid
R NH + H
R NH + H



2015-01-22 01:13:54
NH 2
H 2N O
Rx-ID: 32281149 View in Reaxys Yield Conditions & References
80 %
Example Name 11 Sodium tungstate (0.726 g) was dissolved in water (100 ml) and hydrogen peroxide 30percent (250 ml) was added to the mixture. In another flask 2-methoxy-4-amino 5 ethyl thio benzoic acid (100 g) was dissolved in hot methanol (400 ml) at 40-45°C. The solution was cooled to room temperature and slowly added to the above oxidizing mixture below 25-30°C. The reaction mass was stirred for about 5 hours. The reaction mass was poured in pre cooled sodium thiosulphate solution at 5-15°C. The mixture was cooled, stirred, solid was filtered and dried.Yield: 80percent With dihydrogen peroxide, sodium tungstate in methanol, water, Time= 5h, T= 20 - 30 °C, Product distribution / selectivity Patent; LUPIN LIMITED; PAGHDAR, Dinesh, Jayntibhai; KOLEKAR, Mahesh, Ramkumar; DESHPANDE, Tushar, Nandkumar; PATIL, Suryaprakash, Pandurang; CHAVAN, Yuvraj, Atmaram; RAY, Purna, Chandra; SINGH, Girij, Pal; WO2011/158084; (2011); (A1) English View in Reaxys

索莱宝土壤纤维素酶活性检测试剂盒说明书 BC0150

索莱宝土壤纤维素酶活性检测试剂盒说明书 BC0150

BC0150 -- 第 1 页,共 3 页土壤纤维素酶(S-CL )活性检测试剂盒说明书可见分光光度法货号:BC0150规格:50T/24S产品组成:使用前请认真核对试剂体积与瓶内体积是否一致,有疑问请及时联系索莱宝工作人员。

试剂名称规格保存条件试剂一液体10 mL×1瓶(自备)2-8℃保存试剂二液体15 mL×1瓶2-8℃保存试剂三液体50 mL×1瓶2-8℃保存试剂四液体15 mL×1瓶2-8℃保存标准品粉剂×1支2-8℃保存溶液的配制:1、试剂一:自备甲苯;2、标准品:含10 mg 无水葡萄糖(干燥失重<0.2%)。

临用前加入1 mL 蒸馏水溶解,配制成10 mg/mL 葡萄糖溶液备用,2-8℃可保存两周,或者用饱和苯甲酸溶液溶解,可保存更长时间。

产品说明:S-CL 主要来源于土壤微生物,S-CL 催化农作物秸秆产生的葡萄糖是主要的碳源营养物质。

本产品采用3,5-二硝基水杨酸法测定S-CL 催化纤维素降解产生的还原糖的含量。

3-Amino-5-Nitrosalicylic Acid (540nm)注意:实验之前建议选择2-3个预期差异大的样本做预实验。


需自备的仪器和用品:可见分光光度计、水浴锅、可调式移液器、1mL 玻璃比色皿、30~50目筛、研钵、甲苯(不允许快递)和蒸馏水。


二、测定步骤1、分光光度计预热30min 以上,调节波长至540nm ,蒸馏水调零。

2、标准品准备:将标准品用蒸馏水稀释至1、0.8、0.6、0.4、0.2、0.1mg/mL 。

3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid3、标准品稀释表:序号稀释前浓度(mg/mL)标准液体积(µL)蒸馏水体积(µL)稀释后浓度(mg/mL)110100900121160400.831120800.641801200.451401600.261201800.1试验中每个标准管需50µL标准溶液。



羟丙基甲基纤维素的体外自由基降解研究李睿智;张秀明;尹永磊;简军;张政朴【摘要】Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC),a kind of cosmetic-filling material,was degraded in vitro by Fenton-AH-H2O2 system imitating the reactive oxygen species(ROS) in vivo.By detecting the variation of molecular weight and dynamic viscosity of HPMC,it was demonstrated that,in the degradation process,the decrease of molecular weight of E3-HPMC and E50-HPMC was 90%,and the decrease of dynamic viscosity of E4M-HPMC and E10M-HPMC was 75% and 40%,respectively.It was illustrated that HPMC was degradedobviously by ROS.%通过Fenton-AH-H2O2体系模拟体内的活性氧簇自由基(ROS)条件对美容填充辅料羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)进行降解,研究了降解过程中HPMC分子量与动力粘度的变化.结果发现,在降解过程中,E3-HPMC与E50-HPMC的分子量均下降了90%,E4M-HPMC的动力粘度下降了75%,E10M-HPMC的动力粘度下降了40%.表明ROS对HPMC 具有显著的降解作用.【期刊名称】《化学与生物工程》【年(卷),期】2013(030)006【总页数】3页(P72-74)【关键词】羟丙基甲基纤维素;活性氧簇;自由基降解【作者】李睿智;张秀明;尹永磊;简军;张政朴【作者单位】生物可降解新材料北京市工程实验室,北京100022;南开大学高分子化学研究所,天津300071;生物可降解新材料北京市工程实验室,北京100022;生物可降解新材料北京市工程实验室,北京100022;生物可降解新材料北京市工程实验室,北京100022;生物可降解新材料北京市工程实验室,北京100022;南开大学高分子化学研究所,天津300071【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R944.9羟丙基甲基纤维素(Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose,HPMC)是天然纤维素分子上部分羟基甲基化和羟丙基化后生成的纤维素醚[1,2],是常用的药用辅料,一般作为分散剂、增稠剂、眼科植入剂、美容填充辅料等使用[3,4]。

草甘膦 代谢组 转录组

草甘膦 代谢组 转录组

草甘膦代谢组转录组(实用版)目录1.草甘膦简介2.草甘膦的作用机制3.草甘膦对植物代谢组和转录组的影响4.草甘膦在农业生产中的应用5.草甘膦的环境影响和安全性问题正文一、草甘膦简介草甘膦(Glyphosate)是一种有机磷酸酯类除草剂,由美国孟山都公司于 1970 年代研发成功,是目前全球应用最广泛的除草剂之一。


二、草甘膦的作用机制草甘膦的作用机制主要是通过抑制植物体内的 EPSPS 酶(5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase),从而影响植物的生长和发育。

EPSPS 酶在植物体内参与多种生物合成途径,包括苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸和色氨酸的合成。

草甘膦抑制 EPSPS 酶后,导致植物体内这些生物合成途径受阻,最终使植物死亡。

三、草甘膦对植物代谢组和转录组的影响草甘膦对植物代谢组和转录组的影响主要表现在以下几个方面:1.影响植物次生代谢途径:草甘膦抑制 EPSPS 酶后,植物体内的次生代谢途径受到影响,导致植物产生一系列生理变化,如生长减缓、叶片黄化等。








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Digestion 1990;45:88-92© 1990 S. Kargcr AG, Basel 0012-2823/90/0452-0088S2.75/0Slow-Release 5-Amino-Salicylic Acid (Pentasa®) for the Treatment of Active Crohn’s DiseaseY.R. Mahida. D.P. JewellGastroenterology Unit, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, UKKey Words. 5-Amino-salicylic acid •Pentasa® •Mesalazine •Crohn’s diseaseAbstract. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a slow-release preparation of 5-ami­no-salicylic acid (Pentasa®) has been performed in 40 patients with active Crohn’s disease. Over a 6-week period. Pentasa (1.5 g daily) was no different to the dummy tablet in terms of clinical activity (Harvey-Bradshaw Index) or laboratory indicators of inflammation. No seri­ous adverse reactions occurred.Sulphasalazine is of proven benefit in the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis [1,2] and it is now clear that the 5-amino- salicylic acid (5-ASA) moiety of the drug is the active component [3, 4], Whether sul­phasalazine is effective in the treatment of patients with Crohn’s disease is much less clear-cut. Van Hees et al. [5] reported that sulphasalazine in a dose of 4-6 g was signifi­cantly better than placebo for active Crohn’s disease, regardless of the anatomical loca­tion of the disease. On the other hand, the National Co-Operative Crohn’s Disease Study [6] found that sulphasalazine was only effective in patients with colonic disease. The same study did not find that it was effec­tive in the long-term, and four studies have failed to show that sulphasalazine reduces the relapse rate following surgical resection[6-9].In one small trial, the beneficial effect of sulphasalazine in active Crohn’s colitis ap­peared to be attributable to the 5-ASA moi­ety [10], Recently a group of patients with Crohn’s disease were treated with a slow- release preparation of 5-ASA for a period of6 weeks [11]. 72% of patients improved clin­ically and with respect to an activity index.Slow-release tablets of 5-ASA, as opposedto delayed-release 5-ASA, consist of granulesof 5-ASA coated with ethyl cellulose. The thickness of the coating is controlled to en­sure constant release characteristics. Phar­macokinetic studies in man have shown thatthis preparation delivers high concentrationsof 5-ASA to the ileum and colon [12], Hence,01A M5-Amino-Salicylic Acid for Crohn’s Disease89it might be more efficient at treating ileal Crohn’s disease than sulphasalazine. This pi­lot trial was, therefore, set up to assess the efficacy of slow-release 5-ASA in patients with active Crohn’s disease.Patients and MethodsPatients40 patients were admitted to a randomised dou­ble-blind trial of Pentasa®. Patients were admitted if they had evidence of active disease as indicated by symptoms, physical examination and inflammatory indicators - erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C- reactive protein (CRP), orosomucoids-, but who were not judged sufficiently ill to warrant corticosteroids. If the distribution of disease had not been docu­mented within the last year, barium radiology and/or colonoscopy were performed. Patients already receiv­ing corticosteroids or azathioprine were excluded but not if they were on sulphasalazine. The latter drug was stopped on entry into the trial.Patients under the age of 18 were not admitted, neither were those with fistulae, severe perianal dis­ease or ileostomy. Pregnancy, coexisting liver or renal disease, and hypersensitivity to salicylates were other exclusion criteria. Women of child-bearing age were advised not to conceive during the study.Trial DesignA double-blind design was employed. Patients were randomised to receive Pentasa or dummy tab­lets according to a pre-arranged schedule which was held by the hospital pharmacist. Randomization was performed in blocks of 6 patients to ensure an equal balance. The dose schedule was 2 tablets Pentasa (500 mg) 3 times a day and the trial period was 6 weeks.AssessmentPatients were assessed on entry and at 6 weeks. Details of their general well-being, stool frequency and consistency, abdominal pain and the presence of extra-intestinal manifestations, abdominal mass or fistulae were obtained. This allowed the index of dis­ease activity of Harvey and Bradshaw [13] to be cal­culated. Improvement was defined as a reduction in score by 2 or more points. In addition, a full bloodTable 1. Demographic detailsPentasa DummySexMale119Female911AgeMean32.735Range18-5019-74Disease distributionIleal913Ileo-colic51Colonic66Length of history,Mean ± SD, years7.9±8.6 6.8 ± 8.2count, a biochemical screen, ESR. CRP and orosomu-coid was obtained; urinalysis was also performed. Compliance was assessed by tablet counting.EthicsThe study had the approval of the central Oxford Research and Ethics Committee.StatisticsAnalysis was performed using Fisher's exact testand a paired Student’s t test.ResultsTable 1provides the demographic details.The 20 patients who received Pentasa were closely matched with respect to age, sex, dis­tribution of disease and length of history tothe 20 who received dummy tablets. Theywere also well matched for activity indexand for laboratory indicators of inflamma­tion (table 2).On an intention-to-treat basis, 8 patients (40%) treated with Pentasa improved as judged by a fall in their activity score of 2 points or more compared with 7 patients (35%) receiving dummy tablets (p >0.1).01A M90Mahida/Jewell Table 2. Laboratory indicators of inflammation before and after the trial period (means ± SD)Pentasa Dummybefore after before afterHarvey-Bradshaw score 5.2+1.8 4.6± 3.5 5.0± 1.3 4.4 ±2.5 ESR19.2 ± 12.319.8 ±13.030.3 ±21.929.4±23.8 CRP 1.5 ±1.4 2.7 ±3.5 2.1 ±2.8 2.5 ± 2.9 Orosomucoids89.8 ±22.4101.6 ± 44.492.1 ±26.498.2 ± 35.5 Hb12.8± 1.312.6 ± 1.313.3 ± 2.113.4 ± 2.4 WBC8.4+ 1.99.3±2.98.8±2.58.5 ± 3.2 Albumin39.5±4.339.2± 3.639.6 ±3.439.5 ±4.4 For all, before vs. after: p >0.01.Table 3. Number of patients improving by disease distributionPentasa Dummytotal improved total improved Ileal93135Ileo-colic5210 Colonic6462 Although the numbers are too small for meaningful analysis, there was a trend for colonic disease to respond to Pentasa better than to the dummy tablet (table 3).Table 2 also gives data of ESR, CRP and orosomucoid before and after the trial peri­od. No significant differences were observed and, when analysed for site of disease, no trend was shown in favour of Pentasa.11patients failed to complete the 6-week trial period. In the Pentasa group, 4 (all with ileal disease) were withdrawn for deteriorat­ing symptoms and 3 for intolerance. The rea­sons for intolerance were abdominal disten­sion and pain (1), and malaise (2). Symp­toms improved on withdrawal. In those re­ceiving dummy tablets, 3 (2 ileal, 1colonic) withdrew because of clinical deteriorationand 1for intolerance (nausea).No abnormalities in urea, creatinine, bili­rubin, aspartate, transaminase, alkaline phosphatase or urinalysis were noted duringthe study.DiscussionThe role of sulphasalazine for the treat­ment of active Crohn’s disease is not proven.The National Co-Operative Crohn’s DiseaseStudy [6] found that sulphasalazine in adaily dose of 2 g appeared to be beneficialonly for patients with colonic disease. How­ever, using larger doses (4-6 g daily), VanHees et al. [5] claimed significant improve­ment compared with placebo in patients, re­gardless of the site of disease.Since 5-ASA is released from sulphasala­zine by bacterial action [14], it is likely thatthe concentration of 5-ASA in the ileum may01AM5-Amino-Salicylic Acid for Crohn’s Disease91not be sufficient to influence ileal disease even though bacterial counts may rise in the presence of inflammation. Hence, the de­layed release forms of 5-ASA may be more appropriate for small intestinal disease. Pen- tasa, in particular, has been shown to deliver high concentrations of 5-ASA to the ileal mucosa [12].Two of the major difficulties of assessing therapy in patients with Crohn’s disease are the criteria by which disease activity is judged [ 15] and the diversity of the disease. The latter dictates that large numbers of pa­tients are required to allow adequate statisti­cal analysis. The present trial was set up as a pilot study in order to determine whether a large-scale trial was justified. The results showed no overall improvement over a 6- week period, either assessed by the Harvey- Bradshaw clinical activity score or by labora­tory indicators of inflammation. There ap­peared to be a trend in favour of 5-ASA for patients with colonic disease as shown by the activity index. It was also noteworthy that 4 patients with ileal disease treated with Pen- tasa had to be withdrawn for worsening dis­ease whereas all 6 with colonic disease com­pleted the trial. This trend supports a pre­vious study which showed that Pentasa re­duced the faecal excretion of 11'In-labelled granulocytes in patients with mildly active Crohn’s colitis [16].Recently, the results of another double­blind trial of Pentasa in 67 patients with active Crohn’s disease have been published [ 17], The dose was similar to that used in the present study (1.5 g) but the trial period ex­tended over 16 weeks. No statistical differ­ences were observed in the outcome of either the Pentasa-treated or placebo groups, as shown by a reduction in the Crohn’s disease activity index.In conclusion, the data so far do not sup­port a major therapeutic role for Pentasa forthe treatment of active Crohn’s disease.There may be some effect in patients with colonic disease but large trials will be re­quired to demonstrate this with certainty. A recently published abstract suggests that a delayed-release form of mesalazine (Claver-sal) may be beneficial for maintaining remis­sion of Crohn’s disease, especially when it affects the ileum [18]. This observation willalso require confirmation by other studies.References1Misiewicz JJ, Lennard-Jones JE, Connell AM, ctal: Controlled trial of sulphasalazinc in mainte­nance therapy for ulcerative colitis. Lancet 1965:i:185-188.2 Dissanayake AS, Truelove SC: A controlled thera-peutictrial of long-term maintenance treatment ofulcerative colitis and sulphasalazine (Salazopy-rine). Gut 1973;14:923-926.3 Azad Khan AK. Piris J, Truelove SC: An experi­ment to determine the active therapeutic moietyof sulphasalazine. Lancet 1977;ii:892—895.4 Van Hees PAM. Bakker JH. Van Tongcren JHM:Effect of sulphapyridine, 5-amino-salicylic acid,and placebo in patients with idiopathic proctitis:A study to determine the active therapeutic moi­ety of sulphasalazinc. Gut 1980:21:632-635.5 Van Hees PAm, Van Lier HJJ, Van Elteren PH. etal: Effect of sulphasalazine in patients with activeCrohn’s disease: A controlled double-blind study.Gut 1981;22:404-409.6 Summers RW, Switz DM, Sessions JT, et al: Na­tional Co-Operative Crohn’s Disease Study: Re­sults of drug treatment. Gastroenterology 1979;77:847-869.7 Bergman L, Krause U: Postoperative treatmentwith corticosteroids and salazosulphapyridine(Salazopyrin®) after radical resection for Crohn’sdisease. Scand J Gastroenterol 1976; 11:651-656.8 Lennard-Jones JE: Sulphasalazine in asymptom­atic Crohn’s disease. Gut 1977;18:69-72.9 Wenckert A, Kristensen M, Eklund AE, et al: Thelong-term prophylactic effect of salazosulphapy-01AM92Mahida/Jewellridine (Salazopyrin®) in primarily resected pa­tients with Crohn's disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 1978;13:161-167.10 KJotz U, Maier K, Fischer C, et al: Therapeuticefficacy of sulphasalazine and its metabolites in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s dis­ease. N Engl J Med 1980;303:1499-1502.11Rasmussen SN, Binder V, Maier K, et al: Treat­ment of Crohn’s disease with peroral 5-aminosali- cylic acid. Gastroenterology 1983:85:1350-1353.12 Rasmussen SN, Bondesen S, Hvidberg EF, et al:5-Amino-salicylic acid in a slow-release prepara­tion: Bioavailability, plasma level and excretion in humans. Gastroenterology 1982:83:1062—1070.13 Harvey RF, Bradshaw JM: A simple index ofCrohn's disease activity. Lancet 1980;i:514—515.14 Schroder H, Campbell D: Absorption, metabo­lism, and excretion of salicylazosulfapyridine in man. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1972;13:539-551.15 De Dombal FT, Softley A: 10IBD report No. 1:Observer variation in calculating indices of sever­ity and activity in Crohn’s disease. Gut 1987;28: 474-481.16 Saverymuttu SH, Gupta S, Keshavarzian A. et al:Effect of a slow-release 5'-aminosalicylic acidpreparation on disease activity in Crohn’s disease.Digestion 1986;33:89-91.17 Rasmussen SN. Lauritsen K. Tage-Jensen U. et al:5-amino-salicylic acid in the treatment of Crohn'sdisease. Scand J Gastroenterol 1987;22:877-883.18 Thomson ABR: 'MesalVClaversal' (5-ASA) pre­vents relapse and maintains remission of inactiveCrohn’s disease. Gastroenterol Int 1988:1 (suppl1): 165.Received: April 14, 1989Received in revised form: October 17, 1989D.P. JewellGastroenterology UnitRadcliffe InfirmaryWoodstock RoadOxford OX2 6HE (UK)1AM。
