Interactive Headlight Simulation
在建立立方体模 型的过程 中,我们 首先使用力反馈 游戏 杆进行操 作 ,使中间的立方体模型改变姿态,处于平躺的姿态,如图2 所示:
图2平躺姿态立方体模型 我们还通过力反馈 游戏杆 ,与 中间的立方体进行接 触 ,产生力反 馈 ,并使三维鼠标在立方体的平躺姿态的上表面 , 图3 如 所示 :
2 6
信 息科 学
科 1 2 8霞 0 霸L 1 噼第期
力反馈游戏 杆在虚拟现实 中的应用
曹 海 波
( 阳化工大学信息工程学院 ,辽宁沈 阳 10 4 ) 沈 12 1
摘 要 把 游戏杆放到虚 拟现实 中进行 力反馈 ,通 过对虚拟物体 的建模 、力 的建 模及游戏杆 的编程 ,使游 戏杆在虚拟 环境 中能够产 生力反
计算力的公式为 : =K * ;其 中- s F - sx K 为负 的弹性系数 ,x 为弹簧的形变
1 虚 拟物体 建模
首先设定所包含的头文件 ,并进行变量声明 ;然后进行初始化 ,对 GI U 主函数窗 口进行初始化 , 包括 窗口的大小 、显示方式 ( 全屏显示或
用 Widw窗 口显 示 )。 no s 声明的变量包括创建一个世界包含所有对象的虚拟环境 ,创建一个
c n r 3 oP itr( ol Ge ei dfone w r c d);w r 一 a d hl (o1 ol > d C i to );连 接 3 工 具 d d D
摄像机 、 光源和视角等 ; 并从G I U连接到窗 口句柄。 创建物体 , 定义材质属性并添加到虚拟世界中。在本3 图形创建 中 D 共创建了5 D 实体 , 个实体都为立方体 ;并创建 了 个O E 5 六个0 E D 平面。 声 明功能 ,包括 Widw 窗 口的重绘 ,按键 的选择 ,菜单项 的选 nos 择, 关闭应用 ,图形更新 ,触觉更新和创建立体 图形。 创建世界,先是主函数调用 ,然后进行3 场景的创建 ,首先创建一 D 个新环境 ,并设定环境的背景颜色 ,创建一个摄像机并把它加入到环境 中 ,软后设置摄像机的位置和 目 ;创建一个光源 ,并与摄像机进行连 标 接 ,同时设置光源位置 、方 向和光源属性。 触觉初始化 ,创建触觉工具并添加 到虚拟世界中 , 设置工具的工作 空间,设立坐标系 ,计算广义坐标启动工具 ,设置力 , 设置触觉时间响 应 函数。 虚拟环境组成 , 创建O E D 世界 ,加入到虚拟世界 中,设置万有引力 为9 1 . ,创建5 D 对象并加入 到O E 8 个O E D 世界 中,创建网格描绘动力学物 体 ,设置每个立方体的属性包括反射,漫反射 ,刚性 ,动态摩擦力 ,静 态摩擦力等 , 创建立方体 ,并设置立方体位置和质量属性 。 以下为所创建的3 图形如图1 : D 所示
当应用“蒙地卡罗”描述法时,“机会”是(这是统计)趋近法中的必要元素。这期 望中的精确是光束数目的函数。在实务上,我们可以加倍光线追迹的数目,来看答案 在预定的精度内是否达到稳定。若不稳定,则再增加光线追迹的数目。LightTools提供 一个参数来帮助你评估这个精确度,这就是Error Estimate at Peak值,这个值越低,表示你的 结果有可能越精确,适当的提高光线数目会减小这个值.当然,这一切只是有可能.具体的 情况要看你的系统的具体状况.
2 2020/11/1
辐射度学是关与任一波长的电磁辐 射定量及量测.
亮度学是完全相同的事,但是限制 在人类眼睛有反应的波长范围.
3 2020/11/1
LightTools 基本上是一种具有弹性及效率之光学系统 模型化的工具,它可以利用蒙地卡罗光线追迹的技术 做光-机结构间的仿真,它可以不必假设系统之对称性, 做单轴、全局、三维坐目标模拟。
当光束穿越整个光学系统,光束可以自动地分裂 为反射,折射,偏振光及散射的分量,当这束光穿越 整个系统,光束可以包含物体任意的次序,独立的根 据物理可实施之路径行进。这类的光线追迹一般称为 “无限制的”或“非序列的”。LightTools所做的就是 一个根据真实光线在真实世界里的路径的仿真仿真。
9 2020/11/1
邀请科技展览Dear Friends,I am thrilled to invite you to an upcoming event that promises to be both exciting and enlightening–the inaugural Tech Expo,a gathering of the latest scientific advancements and technological wonders.In today's rapidly advancing world,the role of technology in our lives is becoming increasingly significant.The Tech Expo aims to bring together the brightest minds and innovative technologies to showcase the latest advancements in science, engineering,and mathematics.It serves as a platform to educate, inspire,and connect people with the wonders of technology.Prepare to be amazed as you navigate through a maze of interactive displays and experiences.From cutting-edge robots performing complex tasks to virtual reality simulations that take you to distant galaxies,the Expo offers something for everyone. Innovative devices the latest in technology,while scientific experiments demonstrate the principles of physics,chemistry, and biology.Interactive games allow visitors to have fun while learning about complex scientific concepts.To maximize your experience at the Expo,we recommend that you arrive early to avoid the crowds.Bring a notebook and pen to jot down interesting facts and ideas that strike you.Don't be afraid to ask questions;the exhibitors are eager to share their knowledge.Take your time to explore each exhibit;don't rush through the event.Enjoy the atmosphere and make the most of this unique opportunity to engage with science and technology.By attending the Tech Expo,you not only have the chance to witness the latest technological advancements but also to understand how these advancements are shaping our world. Such events are crucial in raising public awareness about the importance of science,technology,engineering,and mathematics (STEM)fields.They foster a culture of curiosity and exploration, encouraging the next generation of innovators.We expect theExpo to spark countless ideas,inspire countless minds,and lay the foundation for future technological breakthroughs.In conclusion,the Tech Expo is an unmissable event that promises to be both exciting and educational.Join us as we celebrate the wonders of technology and explore the limitless possibilities of the future.We look forward to seeing you at the Expo and to sharing this incredible journey of discovery with you.Warm regards,[Your Name]。
BackgroundThe attached white paper was done by an 11th grade high school student as part of a science fair project. Here are the results:We earned first place in the Oklahoma City Science Fair and our project proceeds directly to the Intel Iinternational Science and Engineering Fair in Phoneix(/)(/isef/press/intelisef2004.wmv) and will representOklahoma City. We will also attend another international computer projectcompetition held in Romania ( LIGHT SIMULATIONByHarun TosunDove Science AcademyOklahoma City, OK, February 2005.ABSTRACTTRAFFIC LIGHT SIMULATIONCurrently, there is too much traffic at the intersection of N. Penn Ave. and W. Memorial Rd. in Oklahoma City at peak hours which creates traffic jams. According to City of Oklahoma City, the biggest reason for traffic jams is the feeder roads near the intersection. Oklahoma City’s solution was adding new lines to the roads. In this study, I built a computer simulation model of the traffic light system at the intersection using Arena Simulation Software. Then I simulated the traffic light scheduling system currently used by the City and an alternative scheduling system I created. The average waiting time for cars to pass the intersection in my simulation is about 30% less than the waiting time in the current scheduling system. Results of simulations showed that it would be possible to reduce traffic jams if a different schedule is used for traffic lights.1.IntroductionCurrently, there are traffic jams during rush hours at the intersection of N. Penn Ave. and W. Memorial Rd. in Oklahoma City. The feeder roads connected to Penn and Memorial near the intersection have been considered as the main problem of traffic jams. New lines have been added to the intersection to reduce traffic jam. [3]I believed that it would be possible to have another scheduling system for traffic lights of intersection which would reduce traffic jam at peak hours. Using Arena Simulation Program, I built a model for the real traffic light system and simulated the current scheduling system and an alternative system I created. By comparing average waiting time of cars to pass the intersection, I showed that traffic jams could be reduced if the alternative system I created is used.2.Modeling the system in ArenaArena Simulation SoftwareArena is easy-to-use, powerful simulation software that allows you to create and run experiments on models of systems. By testing out ideas in this computer "laboratory," you can predict the future with confidence without disrupting your current environment. Any real working environment can benefit from simulation [4]. With Arena you can: Create a basic model: Arena provides an intuitive, flowchart-style environment for building an "as-is" model of your process.Refine the model:Add real-world data to your model by double-clicking on modules and adding information to Arena's data forms.Simulate the model. Run the simulation to verify that the model properly reflects the actual system. Identify bottlenecks and communicate with others through the dynamics of Arena's graphical animation.Analyze simulation results.Arena provides automatic reports on common decision criteria, such as resource utilization and waiting times.Select the best alternative. Make changes to the model to capture the possible scenarios you want to investigate, and then compare the results to find the best "to-be" solution. [4]Modeling Traffic Light System In ArenaWe have to consider the following elements in building our system.Car Creation: It is important to know how many cars came from each bound per unit time. Arena has “CREATE” module for entity creation. You have to input time between arrivals of entities. For example, according to data I received from The City of Oklahoma City, 1,442 cars arrive at the intersection in one peak hour (between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm). So, average time between entity arrivals is 3,600/1,442, which is 2.50 seconds. M/M/1 queuing systems assume a Poisson arrival process. This assumption is a very good approximation for arrival process in real systems that meet the following rules:1.Total number of cars driving on the highway is very large.2. A single car uses a very small percentage of the highway resources.3.Decision to enter the highway is independently made by each car driver. [6]The above observations mean that assuming a Poisson arrival process will be a good approximation of the car arrivals. The time between arrivals is exponentially distributed, if arrival of cars is Poisson process. So, I choose expo(2.50) as time between arrivals which means that arrivals are randomly generated and the average will be 2.50 seconds at the end (Figure 1).Figure 1 Create ModuleTurn:We use “DECIDE” module in Arena to simulate tu rns. Using data from The City of Oklahoma City, I determined the percentages of car turns. For example, 1003 cars arrive to SE bound, and 245 of them turn right which is 30% of total (Figure 2).Figure 2 Decide ModuleTravel Time: “STATION” and “ROUTE” modules are to be used to simulate moving of cars from one corner to another. In order to do this, I defined each corner as a station and set routing time between corners using route module. For example, it takes 8 seconds to go from NW bound to SW bound (Figure 3).Figure 3 Station and Route ModuleTraffic Lights: In order to simulate traffic lights, “RESOURCE”, “PROCESS” and “SCHEDULE” modules are use d. Cars in our simulation are defined as entities. We define the lines in the intersection as resources and using process module we have the cars (entities) to seize, use for some time and then release these resources to move. Using schedule module, we assign a schedule to each resource which determines when the resource is available. For example, when red light is turned on, resource becomes unavailable and cars are waiting for processing. After green light is turned on, cars are moving using an available resource.Figure 4 Process and Schedule Modules3.Current System & Alternative SystemSystem ModelThe model of the intersection in arena is shown below (Figure 5). The red circles are the stations and the blue boxes are the resources. In order to go from one station to another, a car has to seize, use and release a resource. The white lines show examples.Figure 5 System ModelDataNumber of cars passing through and number of turns are shown below:Figure 6 Number of ArrivalsSchedulesIn current system, each bound is allowed to go into intersection one by one. There is a minimum and maximum limit for green light for each bound. If there is no car coming, light is turned into red without waiting maximum time.In my system, east and west bounds are allowed to go into intersection together. The cars turning north or south are waiting on the inter-road. When the inter-road is full or no car is coming from east and west bound, north or south bound is allowed to pass. Durations of red and green lights are shown below for both systems.Figure 7 SchedulesFull System LogicFigure 8 System LogicThere are four “create” modules, one for each bound, in the simulation model.After creation, cars are decided where to turn using “decide” modules and theyarrive at a station. They are seizing resources in process module and routed to their destination station using route module. Full model is shown below (Figure 8).4.ResultsI made five replications for each system and compared waiting times of cars foreach bound. The system I found gives better results than the current system.Figure 9 ResultsWaiting time is decreased by:∙33% for the cars coming from NE bound∙32% for the cars coming from NW bound∙31% for the cars coming from SE bound∙36% for the cars coming from SW bound.5.ConclusionIn this project, using Arena simulation software, I built a model to simulate traffic light system at the intersection of N. Penn Av.e and W. Memorial Rd. I simulated both the current scheduling system of traffic lights and an alternative system I created. The system I found is better than the current system.Waiting times for the cars are decreased about 33%.As a future study, N Penn Ave and W Memorial Rd can be analyzed deeply to have more accurate data. By having more detailed data, better traffic light systems can be found using Arena simulation software.6.AcknowledgementI would like to specially thank my project supervisor, Mr. Hasan Suzuk,for his endless motivation, patient guidance and understanding.Many thanks to my dad, Ali Tosun, my teachers, Mr. Ozmeral and Mr.Beytur, and to the others for their motivation, kindness and help during this study.Special thanks to The City of Oklahoma City for the valuable information they provided.Special thanks to Rockwell Software Company for providing me with Arena Simulation Software.7.References[1] [2] Simulation with Arena, W. David Kelton, McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003.[3] Oklahoma City Department[4] Arena Online Help[5] /mpids/deep-eng/IE/Simulation/[6] /RealtimeMantra/CongestionControl/m_m_1_q ueue.htm。
1. 虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR):通过戴上虚拟现实设备,用户可以在一个模拟的环境中进行互动体验。
2. 增强现实(Augmented Reality,AR):将虚拟物体与现实世界进行叠加,使用户可以在真实环境中看到虚拟物体的技术。
4. 模拟器(Simulator):模拟现实世界中特定场景或设备的软件或硬件工具。
5. 头戴式显示器(Head-Mounted Display,HMD):一种佩戴在头部的装置,用于显示虚拟现实内容,例如Oculus Rift、HTC Vive等。
6. 交互体验(Interactive Experience):用户与沉浸式场景进行互动的过程,包括触摸、感知、控制等方面。
7. 空间定位跟踪(Spatial Localization Tracking):通过使用传感器技术对用户和物体在空间中的位置和方向进行准确跟踪。
8. 触觉反馈(Haptic Feedback):通过触觉反馈装置,使用户能够感受到虚拟现实场景中的触觉刺激,例如震动感或触感。
9. 3D建模与渲染(3D Modeling and Rendering):使用计算机技术创建虚拟场景和物体,并将其进行绘制,呈现出逼真的视觉效果。
10. 沉浸式音效(Immersive Sound Effects):利用立体声技术和音频处理,使用户能够感受到来自不同方向的真实和逼真的声音效果。
eda拔河游戏机课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 让学生理解并掌握EDA(电子设计自动化)拔河游戏机的基本原理和设计流程。
2. 让学生掌握相关电子元件的功能、连接方式及在电路中的应用。
3. 让学生了解并掌握基础的编程知识,能对拔河游戏机的程序进行简单修改。
技能目标:1. 培养学生动手操作能力,能独立完成拔河游戏机的搭建和调试。
2. 培养学生团队协作能力,通过小组合作完成拔河游戏机的整体设计。
3. 培养学生问题解决能力,能针对游戏中出现的问题进行排查和修复。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 激发学生对电子制作的兴趣,培养创新意识和实践精神。
2. 培养学生良好的团队合作精神,学会倾听、沟通和协调。
3. 增强学生对科技与生活的联系的认识,提高环保意识和责任感。
二、教学内容根据课程目标,本章节教学内容主要包括以下几部分:1. 电子元件基础知识:讲解常用电子元件(如电阻、电容、二极管、三极管等)的原理、功能及在电路中的应用。
2. EDA设计工具使用:介绍EDA软件(如Proteus、Multisim等)的基本操作,包括原理图绘制、电路仿真、PCB布线等。
3. 拔河游戏机设计原理:分析拔河游戏机的工作原理,讲解电路设计、程序编写及硬件搭建。
4. 编程知识:结合拔河游戏机程序,教授基础编程语言(如C语言、汇编语言等)的使用。
5. 实践操作:指导学生进行拔河游戏机的搭建、调试及优化。
2. 按图中所示,放入 3 节“7 号”碱性电池。 3. 盖上电池盖,并拧紧螺丝。 当耳机上的电源指示灯闪烁,提示耳机电池 已 在 低 位 运 行 。 控 制 台 会 发 出 “ Player One/Two, replace batteries in headset” (玩家 1/2,请更换耳机电池)的语音提示。
将组装好的球篮安装在控制台上,且上方开 口对着控制台的玩家 1 一侧。
为达到最佳效果,将球架以 90°角放置,以 便球架的一边可以与控制台平行。想要更高 的挑战,可以任何角度摆放球架。
通过该障碍物的方法是:小球移至球篮上 方,将小球降低至上面的 U 形环,小球将会 沿着管子滚下去,滚到球篮底部的 U 形环。 向前移动喷嘴,从另一侧捡回小球。
处理泡沫球时要小心。 不要按,挤压或紧握泡沫球,否则可能会破
坏它们的浮动能力。 将它们放置于控制台底部的存藏室内,以确
本资料中包含重要的信息,请妥善保管,以 备将来参考。 需要 4 枚“2 号”碱性电池和 6 枚“7 号” 碱性电池。 准备好用您从未使用过的意念的力量来控 制行动! 只要戴上耳机,您自己的脑电波会将球在气 垫上向上或向下移动,或推动它在主控台移 动。集中精力,球会上升或向前走;放松, 它会下降或向后移动-形式上精神高于物 质!
小技巧:将小球升至高于白色横杆的位置, 注意不要使小球离风轮太近,否则风轮上的 轮翼会将球打飞。当预想的圆环接近小球, 即将小球下降到白色横杆的高度。这将使风 轮转速变慢,以便您将喷嘴向前移动。将小 球移动到白色横杆下方,然后通过圆环。
2. 同时使用发射塔和球篮时,再次强调当 发射塔和球篮之间超过 5 个空格,两个发 射筒均需使用。如果发射塔和球篮之间少 于 5 个空格,您可以只使用一个发射筒。
(・ cd m 1A a e yo fAr oe o c E g n eig, e ig 1 0 7 , h n . . tt Ke a fV r a e l y m rd F re n i rn B i n 0 0 2 C ia 2 S ae yL b e j o i u l ai t R t
练 的新 方 法 , 索 了将 高 科 技 技 术 应 用 到武 器 装 备 中 的 新道 路 。 探
关 键 词 : 觉 交 互 , 拟 器 , 器 装 备 , 拟 现 实 力 模 武 虚
中 图分 类 号 : J 8 T 3 文献标识码 : A
Ap i a i n o a i nt r c i n t r n a ni g pic to ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ H ptc I e a to o Fi i g Tr i n S m u a o f Ta i l t r o nk
Vo . 3 No 1 1 6, .
J n, 0 1 a 2 1
火 力 s 指 挥 控 糕
FieCo to & Co ma d Co to r n r | m n nrl
第 3卷 6
第 1期
21 0 1年 1月
文章 编 号 :0 2 0 4 ( 0 1 o . 0 6 0 1 0—6 0 2 1 )10 5—4
标 的位 置并 判断 是否命 中 ; 生成命 中 目标 的爆炸 ⑤
特效 ; ⑥模 拟真实 视场效果 和声效 ; ⑦过程 回放 和成 绩评定 系统 。
现 有的坦 克射击 训练模拟 系统注 重训练环 境的 逼真 营造 , 但是 并没 有将 训 练 内容 的核 心放 在 如何 帮助 学 员 更 快、 好 地 掌 握 高 速率 精 准 调 炮 技 能 , 更
┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊第一章前言 (1)1.1课题研究的背景及意义 (1)第二章设计任务与要求 (2)2.1设计思路 (2)2.2任务与要求 (2)第三章EWB512仿真软件的使用说明 (3)3.1软件的介绍 (3)3.2电路的绘制及仿真 (3)第四章总体设计方案 (5)4.1设计思路 (5)4.2电路设计原理 (5)4.2.1初定方案 (7)4.3设计方案论证 (8)4.4实验目的 (8)4.5实验器件 (8)第五章单元电路设计与参数计算 (9)5.1整形电路 (9)5.2计数电路 (10)5.3译码电路: (11)5.4胜负显示电路 (12)第六章总原理图及元器件清单 (14)6.1总原理图及其使用方法 (14)6.2元器件清单及各芯片引脚图 (17)6.2.1 74LS121的引脚图 (17)6.2.2 74LS191的引脚图 (18)6.2.3 4线-16线译码器CC4515的引脚图 (19)6.2.4 74LS160的引脚图 (20)第7章总结与展望 (21)┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊第一章前言本课题的主要任务是让拔河游戏机的电瓶指示灯由中点向我方延伸,而阻止其向对方延伸。
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义进入二十一世纪的中国进入经济高速发展的时期,能力成为支撑社会发展的必备条件,社会和企业对高素质技能人才的旺盛需求,强有力地拉动了职业教育。
AS5045-ASST;AS5045-ASSU;AS5045 PB;AS5045 DB V2;AS5045 AB;中文规格书,Datasheet资料
1 General DescriptionThe AS5045 is a contactless magnetic rotary encoder for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°. It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall elements, analog front end and digital signal processing in a single device.To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet, rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The magnet may be placed above or below the IC.The absolute angle measurement provides instant indication of the magnet’s angular position with a resolution of 0.0879° = 4096 positions per revolution. This digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a PWM signal.An internal voltage regulator allows the AS5045 to operate at either 3.3 V or 5 V supplies.2 BenefitsComplete system-on-chipFlexible system solution provides absolute andPWM outputs simultaneously Ideal for applications in harsh environments due tocontactless position sensing No calibration required3 Key FeaturesContactless high resolution rotational positionencoding over a full turn of 360 degrees Two digital 12bit absolute outputs:- Serial interface and- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output User programmable zero positionFailure detection mode for magnet placementmonitoring and loss of power supply “red-yellow-green” indicators display placement ofmagnet in Z-axis Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5045devices using Daisy Chain mode Tolerant to magnet misalignment and airgapvariations Wide temperature range: - 40°C to + 125°CSmall Pb-free package: SSOP 16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)4 ApplicationsIndustrial applications:- Contactless rotary position sensing - Robotics Automotive applications:- Steering wheel position sensing - Transmission gearbox encoder - Headlight position control - Torque sensing- Valve position sensing Replacement of high end potentiometersFigure 1. Typical Arrangement of AS5045 and MagnetAS504512 Bit Programmable Magnetic Rotary Encoder Data SheetTable of Contents1General Description (1)2Benefits (1)3Key Features (1)4Applications (1)5Pinout (4)5.1Pin Configuration (4)5.2Pin Description (4)6Electrical Characteristics (5)6.1AS5045 Differences to AS5040 (5)6.2Absolute Maximum Ratings (non operating) (6)6.3Operating Conditions (6)6.4DC Characteristics for Digital Inputs and Outputs (7)6.4.1CMOS Schmitt-Trigger Inputs: CLK, CSn. (CSn = internal Pull-up) (7)6.4.2CMOS / Program Input: Prog (7)6.4.3CMOS Output Open Drain: MagINCn, MagDECn (7)6.4.4CMOS Output: PWM (7)6.4.5Tristate CMOS Output: DO (8)6.5Magnetic Input Specification (8)6.6Electrical System Specifications (9)6.7Timing Characteristics (10)6.7.1Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) (10)6.7.2Pulse Width Modulation Output (11)6.8Programming Conditions (11)7Functional Description (12)8Mode Input Pin (13)8.1Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) (13)8.1.1Data Content (14)8.1.2Z-axis Range Indication (Push Button Feature, Red/Yellow/Green Indicator) (14)8.2Daisy Chain Mode (15)9Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Output (16)9.1Changing the PWM Frequency (17)10Analog Output (17)11Programming the AS5045 (18)11.1Zero Position Programming (18)11.2Repeated OTP Programming (18)11.3Non-permanent Programming (19)11.4Analog Readback Mode (20)12Alignment Mode (21)13 3.3V / 5V Operation (22)14Choosing the Proper Magnet (23)14.1Physical Placement of the Magnet (24)15Simulation Modeling (25)16Failure Diagnostics (26)16.1Magnetic Field Strength Diagnosis (26)16.2Power Supply Failure Detection (26)17Angular Output Tolerances (26)17.1Accuracy (26)17.2Transition Noise (28)17.3High Speed Operation (28)17.3.1Sampling Rate (28)17.4Propagation Delays (29)17.4.1Angular Error Caused by Propagation Delay (29)17.5Internal Timing Tolerance (29)17.6Temperature (30)17.6.1Magnetic Temperature Coefficient (30)17.7Accuracy over Temperature (30)17.7.1Timing Tolerance over Temperature (30)18Package Drawings and Markings (31)19Ordering Information (31)20Recommended PCB Footprint (32)5 Pinout5.1 Pin ConfigurationFigure 2. Pin Configuration SSOP165.2 Pin DescriptionTable 1 shows the description of each pin of the standard SSOP16 package (Shrink Small Outline Package, 16 leads, body size: 5.3mm x 6.2mmm; see Figure 2).Pins 7, 15 and 16 supply pins, pins 3, 4, 5, 6, 13 and 14 are for internal use and must not be connected.Pins 1 and 2 MagINCn and MagDECn are the magnetic field change indicators (magnetic field strength increase or decrease through variation of the distance between the magnet and the device). These outputs can be used to detect the valid magnetic field range. Furthermore those indicators can also be used for contact-less push-button functionality.Pin 6 Mode allows switching between filtered (slow) and unfiltered (fast mode). This pin must be tied to VSS or VDD5V, and must not be switched after power up. See chapter 8 Mode Input Pin.Pin 8 Prog is used to program the zero-position into the OTP (see chapter 11.1 Zero Position Programming).This pin is also used as digital input to shift serial data through the device in Daisy Chain configuration, (see chapter 8.2 Daisy Chain Mode).Pin 11 Chip Select (CSn; active low) selects a device within a network of AS5045 encoders and initiates serial data transfer. A logic high at CSn puts the data output pin (DO) to tri-state and terminates serial data transfer. This pin is also used for alignment mode (Figure 14) and programming mode (Figure 10).Pin 12 PWM allows a single wire output of the 10-bit absolute position value. The value is encoded into a pulse width modulated signal with 1µs pulse width per step (1µs to 4096µs over a full turn). By using an external low pass filter, the digital PWM signal is converted into an analog voltage, making a direct replacement of potentiometers possible.Table 1. Pin DescriptionPin Symbol Type Description1MagINCn DO_OD Magnet Field Mag nitude INC rease; active low, indicates a distance reduction between the magnet and the device surface. See Table 52MagDECn DO_OD Magnet Field Mag nitude DEC rease; active low, indicates a distance increase between the device and the magnet. See Table 53 NC - Must be left unconnected4 NC - Must be left unconnectedPin Symbol Type Description 5 NC - Must be left unconnected6Mode - Select between slow (low, VSS) and fast (high, VDD5V) mode. Internal pull-down resistor.7 VSS S Negative Supply Voltage (GND)8Prog_DI DI_PD OTP Prog ramming Input and Data Input for Daisy Chain mode. Internal pull-down resistor (~74kΩ). Connect to VSS if not used9 DO DO_TD ata O utput of Synchronous Serial Interface10 CLK DI,ST Cl oc k Input of Synchronous Serial Interface; Schmitt-Trigger input11 CSn DI_PU,STC hip S elect, active low; Schmitt-Trigger input, internal pull-up resistor (~50kΩ)12 PWM DO P ulse W idth M odulation of approx. 244Hz; 1µs/step (opt. 122Hz; 2µs/step)13 NC - Must be left unconnected14 NC - Must be left unconnected15VDD3V3 S 3V-Regulator Output, internally regulated from VDD5V. Connect to VDD5V for 3V supply voltage. Do not load externally.16 VDD5V S Positive Supply Voltage, 3.0 to 5.5 VDO_OD digital output open drain S supply pinDO digital output DI digital inputDI_PD digital input pull-down DO_T digital output /tri-stateDI_PU digital input pull-up ST Schmitt-Trigger input6 Electrical Characteristics6.1 AS5045 Differences to AS5040All parameters are according to AS5040 datasheet except for the parameters shown below: Building Block AS5045 AS5040Resolution 12bits, 0.088°/step. 10bit, 0.35°/stepData length Read: 18bits(12bits data + 6 bits status)OTP write: 18 bits(12bits zero position + 6 bits mode selection) Read: 16bits(10bits data + 6 bits status)OTP write: 16 bits(10bits zero position + 6 bits mode selection)Incremental encoder Not usedPin 3: not usedPin 4:not usedQuadrature, step/direction and BLDC motorcommutation modesPin 3:incremental output A_LSB_UPin 4:incremental output B_DIR_VPins 1 and 2 MagINCn, MagDECn: same feature asAS5040, additional OTP option for red-yellow-green magnetic range MagINCn, MagDECn indicate in-range or out-of-range magnetic field plus movement of magnet in z-axisPin 6 MODE pin, switch between fast and slowmodePin 6:Index outputPin 12 PWM output: frequency selectable by OTP:1µs / step, 4096 steps per revolution,f=244Hz 2µs/ step, 4096 steps perrevolution, f=122Hz PWM output:1µs / step, 1024 steps per revolution, 976Hz PWM frequencySampling frequency Selectable by MODE input pin:2.5kHz, 10kHzFixed at 10kHz @10bit resolutionBuilding Block AS5045AS5040 Propagation delay 384µs (slow mode) 96µs (fast mode)48µs Transition noise (rms; 1sigma) 0.03 degrees max. (slow mode) 0.06 degrees max. (fast mode)0.12 degreesOTP programming options Zero position, rotational direction, PWMdisable, 2 Magnetic Field indicator modes, 2 PWM frequenciesZero position, rotational direction, incremental modes, index bit width6.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings (non operating)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings“ may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “Operating Conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ParameterSymbol Min Max Unit Note DC supply voltage at pin VDD5V VDD5V -0.3 7 V DC supply voltage at pin VDD3V3 VDD3V35VInput pin voltageV in -0.3VDD5V+0.3 V Except VDD3V3 Input current (latchup immunity) I scr -100 100 mA Norm: JEDEC 78Electrostatic discharge ESD ± 2 kV Norm: MIL 883 E method 3015 Storage temperature T strg-55125°CMin – 67°F ; Max +257°FBody temperature (Lead-free package)T Body 260°C t=20 to 40s,Norm: IPC/JEDEC J-Std-020 Lead finish 100% Sn “matte tin” Humidity non-condensing H585%6.3 Operating ConditionsParameterSymbol Min Typ Max UnitNoteAmbient temperature T amb -40125 °C -40°F…+257°FSupply currentI supp 1621 mA Supply voltage at pin VDD5V Voltage regulator output voltage at pin VDD3V3VDD5V VDD3V3 4.53.0 5.03.3 5.5 3.6 V 5V operationSupply voltage at pin VDD5V Supply voltage at pin VDD3V3 VDD5V VDD3V33. 3.6V3.3V operation(pin VDD5V and VDD3V3 connected)6.4 DC Characteristics for Digital Inputs and Outputs6.4.1 CMOS Schmitt-Trigger Inputs: CLK, CSn. (CSn = internal Pull-up)(operating conditions: T amb = -40 to +125°C, VDD5V = 3.0-3.6V (3V operation) VDD5V = 4.5-5.5V (5V operation) unless otherwise noted) ParameterSymbol Min Max Unit NoteHigh level input voltage V IH 0.7 * VDD5VV Normal operation Low level input voltage V IL0.3 * VDD5VVSchmitt Trigger hysteresis V Ion- V Ioff 1V-1 1 CLK only Input leakage current Pull-up low level input current I LEAK I iL-30 -100µA µA CSn only, VDD5V: 5.0V6.4.2 CMOS / Program Input: Prog(operating conditions: T amb = -40 to +125°C, VDD5V = 3.0-3.6V (3V operation) VDD5V = 4.5-5.5V (5V operation)unless otherwise noted) ParameterSymbol Min Max Unit Note High level input voltage VIH 0.7 * VDD5VVDD5VVHigh level input voltage VPROG See Programming ConditionsV During programming Low level input voltage VIL 0.3 * VDD5VVHigh level input current IiL30100µAVDD5V: 5.5V6.4.3 CMOS Output Open Drain: MagINCn, MagDECn(operating conditions: T amb = -40 to +125°C, VDD5V = 3.0-3.6V (3V operation) VDD5V = 4.5-5.5V (5V operation)unless otherwise noted) ParameterSymbolMinMax UnitNote Low level output voltage V OL VSS+0.4 V Output currentI O4 2mAVDD5V: 4.5V VDD5V: 3VOpen drain leakage current I OZ 1 µA6.4.4 CMOS Output: PWM(operating conditions: T amb = -40 to +125°C, VDD5V = 3.0-3.6V (3V operation) VDD5V = 4.5-5.5V (5V operation)unless otherwise noted) ParameterSymbolMinMax UnitNoteHigh level output voltage V OH VDD5V-0.5 V Low level output voltage V OL VSS+0.4 V Output current I O4 2mA mAVDD5V: 4.5V VDD5V: 3V6.4.5 Tristate CMOS Output: DO(operating conditions: T amb = -40 to +125°C, VDD5V = 3.0-3.6V (3V operation) VDD5V = 4.5-5.5V (5V operation) unless otherwise noted) ParameterSymbolMinMax UnitNoteHigh level output voltage V OH VDD5V –0.5VLow level output voltage V OL VSS+0.4 VOutput currentI O4 2mAmAVDD5V: 4.5V VDD5V: 3VTri-state leakage current I OZ 1 µA6.5 Magnetic Input Specification(operating conditions: T amb = -40 to +125°C, VDD5V = 3.0-3.6V (3V operation) VDD5V = 4.5-5.5V (5V operation)unless otherwise noted)Two-pole cylindrical diametrically magnetised source: ParameterSymbolMinTypMaxUnitNoteDiameter d mag 4 6 mm Thickness t mag 2.5 mm Recommended magnet: Ø 6mm x 2.5mm forcylindrical magnets Magnetic input fieldamplitude B pk 4575 mTRequired vertical component of the magnetic field strength on the die’s surface, measured along a concentric circle with a radius of 1.1mm Magnetic offset B off ± 10mT Constant magnetic stray field Field non-linearity5 %Including offset gradient2.44146 rpm @ 4096 positions/rev.; fast modeInput frequency (rotational speed of magnet)f mag_abs0.61Hz36.6rpm @ 4096 positions/rev.; slow mode Displacement radiusDisp0.25mmMax. offset between defined device center and magnet axis (see Figure 18) Eccentricity Ecc 100µm Eccentricity of magnet center to rotational axis-0.12NdFeB (Neodymium Iron Boron) Recommended magnetmaterial andtemperature drift -0.035%/KSmCo (Samarium Cobalt)6.6 Electrical System Specifications(operating conditions: T amb = -40 to +125°C, VDD5V = 3.0~3.6V (3V operation) VDD5V = 4.5~5.5V (5V operation) unless otherwise noted) ParameterSymbolMinTypMaxUnitNoteResolution RES 12 bit 0.088 deg Integral non-linearity (optimum)INL opt± 0.5 deg Maximum error with respect to the best line fit. Centered magnet without calibration, T amb =25 °C. Integral non-linearity (optimum)INL temp± 0.9 degMaximum error with respect to the best line fit. Centered magnetwithout calibration, T amb = -40 to +125°CIntegral non-linearity INL ± 1.4 degBest line fit =(Err max – Err min ) / 2Over displacement tolerance with 6mm diameter magnet, without calibration,T amb = -40 to +125°C Differential non-linearity DNL ±0.044 deg 12bit, no missing codes 0.06 1 sigma, fast mode (MODE = 1)Transition noiseTN0.03deg RMS1 sigma, slow mode (MODE=0 or open)Power-on reset thresholds On voltage; 300mV typ. hysteresisOff voltage; 300mV typ. hysteresisV on V off 1.37 1.08 2.2 1.9 2.9 2.6VDC supply voltage 3.3V (VDD3V3)DC supply voltage 3.3V (VDD3V3)20Fast mode (Mode = 1); until status bit OCF = 1Power-up timet PwrUp80msSlow mode (Mode = 0 or open); until OCF = 196Fast mode (MODE=1)System propagation delay absolute output : delay of ADC, DSP and absolute interfacet delay384µsSlow mode (MODE=0 or open) 2.48 2.61 2.74T amb = 25°C, slow mode (MODE=0 or open)Internal sampling rate for absolute output:f S2.35 2.61 2.87 kHzT amb = -40 to +125°C, slow mode (MODE=0 or open) 9.90 10.42 10.94T amb = 25°C, fast mode (MODE = 1)Internal sampling rate forabsolute outputf S9.38 10.42 11.46kHz T amb = -40 to +125°C, : fast mode (MODE = 1)Read-out frequency CLK1MHz Max. clock frequency to read out serial dataFigure 3. Integral and Differential Non-linearity (example)Integral Non-Linearity (INL) is the maximum deviation between actual position and indicated position. Differential Non-Linearity (DNL) is the maximum deviation of the step length from one position to the next. Transition Noise (TN) is the repeatability of an indicated position6.7 Timing Characteristics6.7.1Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI)(operating conditions: T amb = -40 to +125°C, VDD5V = 3.0~3.6V (3V operation) VDD5V = 4.5~5.5V (5V operation) unless otherwise noted) ParameterSymbol MinTypMaxUnitNoteData output activated (logic high)t DO active 100 nsTime between falling edge of CSn and dataoutput activated First data shifted to output registert CLK FE500 nsTime between falling edge of CSn and firstfalling edge of CLKStart of data output T CLK / 2 500nsRising edge of CLK shifts out one bit at a timeData output valid t DO valid357 375 394 nsTime between rising edge of CLK and dataoutput validData output tristate t DO tristate100 nsAfter the last bit DO changes back to“tristate”Pulse width of CSn t CSn 500ns CSn = high; To initiate read-out of next angular position Read-out frequencyf CLK>01MHzClock frequency to read out serial data分销商库存信息:AMSAS5045-ASST AS5045-ASSU AS5045 PB AS5045 DB V2AS5045 AB。
NeHe OpenGL第二十一课:线的游戏NeHe OpenGL第二十一课:线的游戏线,反走样,计时,正投影和简单的声音:这是我第一个大的教程,它将包括线,反走样,计时,正投影和简单的声音。
#include <windows.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdarg.h>#include <gl\gl.h>#include <gl\glu.h>#include <gl\glaux.h>HDC hDC=NULL;HGLRC hRC=NULL;HWND hWnd=NULL;HINSTANCE hInstance;bool类型的变量,vline保存了组成我们游戏网格垂直方向上的121条线,上下水平各11条。
anti指出抗锯齿功能是否打开,当设置为TRUE 时,该功能是打开着的。
active 和fullscreen 指出窗口是否被最小化以及游戏窗口是窗口模式还是全屏模式。
汽车车灯开发流程Automotive Headlight Development ProcessMarket Research and Requirement Analysis:Conduct market research to understand consumer preferences, regulatory requirements, and technological trends related to automotive headlights.Analyze customer feedback, safety standards, and industry benchmarks to define the requirements for the development of headlights.Conceptual Design:Generate conceptual designs for automotive headlights based on the identified requirements and market trends.Explore various design options considering factors such as styling, functionality, aerodynamics, and integration with vehicle aesthetics.Engineering Design:Translate the chosen conceptual design into detailed engineering specifications and drawings.Collaborate with mechanical, electrical, and optical engineers to optimize the design for performance, durability, and manufacturability.Prototyping:Produce prototype headlights using rapid prototyping techniques such as 3D printing or CNC machining.Conduct testing and validation of prototypes to evaluate performance, functionality, and compliance with regulatory standards.Optical Simulation and Testing:Utilize optical simulation software to analyze light distribution, beam patterns, and glare control of the headlight design.Perform optical testing in specialized laboratories to validate simulation results and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.Materials and Manufacturing Process Selection:Identify suitable materials and manufacturing processes for producing headlights that meet performance, cost, and quality targets.Evaluate factors such as thermal resistance, impact resistance, and light transmission properties when selecting materials.Tooling Design and Fabrication:Develop tooling designs for injection molding or other manufacturing processes required for mass production of headlights.Fabricate molds and tooling components with precision to ensure accurate replication of the design in mass production.Validation Testing:Conduct comprehensive validation testing on pre-production headlights to verify performance, durability, and reliability under various operating conditions.Perform environmental testing, including thermal cycling, humidity testing, and vibration testing, to simulate real-world conditions.Regulatory Compliance:Ensure that the headlights comply with relevant safety and performance standards set by regulatory authorities such as DOT (Department of Transportation) or ECE (Economic Commission for Europe).Obtain necessary certifications and approvals before the headlights can be marketed and sold.Production Ramp-Up and Quality Control:Initiate mass production of headlights following successful validation and regulatory compliance.Implement rigorous quality control measures throughout the production process to maintain consistency and reliability of the headlights.Integration with Vehicle Assembly:Coordinate with automotive manufacturers to integrate the headlights seamlessly into the vehicle assembly process.Provide technical support and training to assembly line workers for proper installation and alignment of headlights.Post-Launch Support and Continuous Improvement:Monitor field performance and customer feedback to identify areas for improvement.Implement design updates, product enhancements, and quality improvements through iterative development cycles to ensure customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the market.By following this structured development process, automotive manufacturers can design, engineer, and produce high-quality headlights that meet the safety, performance, and aesthetic requirements of modern vehicles.。
几个ESP训练的游戏几个ESP训练的游戏2009-08-25 15:08:16| 分类:幼儿教育 | 标签: |字号大中小订阅引用Samantha《0岁潜能开发――开发无限能力的ESP教育法》笔记1.ESP定义:是指心电感应、透视、预知、触知等综合感觉外知觉(RXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION)的头字母,组成的字。
随着绘制的不断深入,有时会出现一些偏差,需要进行调整。调整画面 ,首先检查黑白关系是否和谐统一。
编 最高
号 分值
Q1 20.输0 入能区标分题明暗五大色调
Q2 25.更0 改文能字绘的制颜符色合或光者源大位小置属的性明。暗建效议果一般行间距为1.5倍, 还可以设置合适的文字格式。
运用课上所学的技巧,根据所提供的角色线 稿,完成少年角色顶部光源的明暗效果绘制。
画面的大小为A4,尺寸为297 mmX210 mm,分辨率为 300 dpi。 光源符合真实情况及光源位置。 角色明暗效果图中至少含有五种色阶变化。
“大动竞”工作室,正在开发一部 动画片《风行者》,要求根据之前设计 的角色线稿,完成角色顶部光源的明暗 效果绘制。
1 知识目标
2 技能目标
3 素养目标
通过循序渐进的教学过程,让学生增强对专业的认知和热爱,了解 英雄事迹,学习先烈精神,坚定理想信念,做红色基因的传承者
Q3 25.0 角色明暗效果图中至少含有五种色阶变化
编 最高 权重
号 分值 分值
J1 30.0
Lighttools光学仿真软件-含核心模块(Core Module)、照明模...
Lighttools光学仿真软件-含核心模块(Core Module)、照明模块(Illumination Module)、优化模块(Optimization Module)、高级物理模块(Advanced Physics Module)和数据交换模块(Data Exchange Module)各模块性能:(1)核心模块:为所有模块的工作基础。
可实现功能(1)交互式(point-and-shoot)光线追迹可以快速检验系统模型;(2)优化功能,可自动提高系统性能;(3)系统模型构建,包括偏振、散射、表面反射、折射与衍射、镀膜和彩色滤光片等特性;(4)支持各类表面光学属性,包括彩色和半透明光学塑料和玻璃、毛面和亚光表面涂料、光学镀膜和滤光片;(5)复杂光学表面和元件建模;(6)全系列光源模型;(7)接收面滤片功能;(8)支持基于测量的光线数据库光源,包括Radiant Source TM光源模型;(9)使用测试(BSDF)散射数据模拟散射效果;(10)自带建模库、光源库、表面涂饰库、镀膜库、滤色片库和面向应用的工具库;(11)交互式智能化的用户界面;(12)支持Visual Basic宏定制解决方案;(13)与CAD软件协同工作。
然而,Multisim不知道是出于什么样的考虑,如果信号频率调高的话,它会自动延长软件环境中的时间,于是,现实中的1s在软件中居然才是ms级的时间!要在Multisim中模拟1s的波形的话,要等上20min 的时间才可以!而且输入波形的频率越高,仿真1s所需的时间还会更长,这显然太慢了。
1.精灵动画精灵动画(Sprite Animation)是一种电子版的序列帧动画,它的诞生起源于最早期的卡通动画,既快速的连续的播放不同的画面,来产生角色的动态效果,就像电影胶片一般,通过快速切换来产生动画效果。
2.刚性阶层动画随着三维技术的出现,精灵动画已经不能满足高仿真角色动画的实现需求了,无论从开发的效率上,还是所呈现的效果的角度,需要一种新的技术来解决这些问题,这种新技术就叫做刚性阶层动画(Rigid hierarchical animation)。
Eon 学习笔记
Eon 学习笔记By 小猪周瑜(EON入门与高级应用)—EON快速入门—(一)安装与注册1、安装比较简单2、注册时,单击【LMTOOLS】→→【Config Services】,所需的三个文件的路径输入正确,则单击【确定】,注册完成。
(二)操作界面1、视窗:①创建视窗(模拟树视窗、逻辑关系设定视窗);②原件库视窗;③帮助视窗(蝶状视窗、查找视窗、日志视窗);④展示视窗2、布局设置:【view】→→【Default layout】恢复默认布局;右击视窗标题栏可设定其它。
模拟树中的节点介绍:Simulation 是根节点Scene 编辑物体的位置、方向、大小、背景、云雾效果,是父节点Camera 控制整个模拟程式的摄像机Headlight 灯光节点,用来在模拟程式中照亮物体Walk 用户可以在3D环境下移动Viewports 文件夹内可以放置一个或多个功能节点、或节点的快捷连接、或视点Viewport 模拟程式视窗可以被分为多个窗格或视窗口,并定义大小、范围等Camera 存储模拟程式摄像机的快捷连接(存储单一资料)Camera 摄像机节点的快捷连接GUIAwareMotionModels 用来存储来自运动模式群组的节点的快捷连接当用户在模拟树视窗中右键单击任意一个节点图标,会弹出以下菜单:Properties 显示所选节点的属性视窗(右键节点/ 双击节点)Show Fields 显示所选节点的域New 在模拟树中添加一个新节点Cut / Copy / Past / Delete 剪贴/ 复制/ 黏贴/ 删除Copy as Link以快捷键或关联方式复制Show in Routs 在逻辑关系设定视窗中高亮表示被选节点Show in Butterfly 在蝶状视窗中以被选节点为中心显示连线情况Find in Branch 在节点的子树中搜索节点Create Prototype 点击一个框架节点时会出现该项,将所选框架节点极其子节点和所包含的逻辑转换为元件Prototype Properties 只有在元件子树中的弹出菜单中会有此项,用于打开元件定义属性对话框(2)节点元件视窗(节点库、元件库)四类节点:基本节点、代理节点、运动模型节点、传感器节点。
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Interactive Headlight SimulationP. Lecocq, J-M. Kelada, A. KemenyRenault Direction de la Recherche - Research DepartmentTechnocentre Renault TCR AVA 2 121, av du Golf 78288 Guyancourt Cedex – FrancePhone : +33 1 34 95 19 85 Fax : +33 1 34 95 27 30E-mail : Andras.Kemeny@renault.frAbstractHeadlight simulation has been recently studied for the conception of a new car projector by automotive car makers and suppliers. It allows the study of a supplier's numerical solution without making a physical prototype. Unfortunately, simulations are difficult to implement in real-time, computed by ray-tracing algorithms [1,2] or radiosity techniques [3], and are often visualized on a small screen. Consequently, the operator can seldom test his simulated projector in driving conditions. In order to have an interactive simulation, computer generated images need to be rendered in real-time. The real-time constraint implies the use of graphics hardware engine and optimized lighting models. However the choice of the lighting model is critical because of the necessity of high-level image quality in rendering the light distribution of the projector.Renault, Direction de la Recherche, has recently developed such interactive headlight simulation software. Several parameters can be set in real-time, such as the position and the orientation of the headlamp. It is also possible to provide photometric simulated measurement data on the road during the simulation. The light distribution of the projector is taken into account according to its photometric description. More precisely, a projector is assimilated to a positional light source that delivers correct attenuation. The photometric description (in Lux) of the headlamp is encoded in a texture [6] which modulates the effect of the light source on a polygonal surface. Thus, the precision of the simulation directly depends on the level of precision of the photometric description and the level of detail of the scene in term of polygons. The headlight simulation software was integrated in Renault’s driving simulators in 1998 and validated by Renault’s photometric laboratory.RésuméLa simulation d’éclairage est utilisée depuis peu par les compagnies automobiles et équipementiers pour étudier et concevoir de nouveaux phares. Elle permet d’étudier des propositions de phares sans la fabrication de prototypes physiques. Malheureusement, la plupart des simulations, utilisent des techniques de lancé de rayon [1,2] ou de radiosité [3] difficiles à implémenter en temps réel. D’autre part, les simulations étant souvent visualisées sur de simples moniteurs, l’opérateur ne se trouve pas immergé dans le poste de conduite rendant plus délicate l’évaluation du projecteur. La contrainte temps réel impose l’utilisation de matériel dédié àl’affichage graphique et l’utilisation de modèles d’éclairage appropriés. Cependant, le choix du modèle d’éclairage est critique en raison du degré de précision nécessaire pour rendre la distribution photométrique d’un phare.Renault, Direction de la Recherche, a récemment développé un logiciel de simulation de phare interactif. Plusieurs paramètres peuvent être modifiés tels que la position et l’orientation des projecteurs. Il est également possible de prendre des mesures photométriques sur la route durant la simulation. La distribution lumineuse du projecteur est prise en compte à partir de sa description photométrique. Plus précisément, un phare est assimilé àune source de lumière ponctuelle délivrant l’atténuation sur la route. La description photométrique du projecteur est ensuite codée dans une texture [6] modulant l’effet de la source ponctuelle sur les surfaces. Ainsi, la précision de la simulation dépend directement du niveau de précision de la description photométrique du phare et du niveau de détail de la scène en terme de polygones. Le logiciel de simulation de phares a été intégré dans les simulateurs de conduite de Renault en 1998 et validé par les experts en éclairage chez Renault.INTRODUCTIONThe design of a new car headlamp implies the conception of several prototypes and night tests according to the evolution of car styling. These prototypes and night tests are required for testing the performance validation of the lamp in driving conditions. Several criteria are studied during these tests: the light distribution on the road, lighting homogeneity, far visibility. These tests are carried out a high number of times with the contribution of professional testers. Renault’s Research Division has developed a real-time lighting simulation tool integrated in a driving simulator. This tool aims at reducing design cost and delay of new headlamps with lesser number of prototypes and night tests.In this paper, the headlight simulation software is presented. First an overview of computer graphics techniques for lighting simulation is given, followed by the description of Renault’s interactive lighting simulation software. Techniques employed to simulate in real-time headlamp’s lighting distribution on a road are detailed and the validation process is described.OVERVIEW OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS TECHNIQUESComputer graphics techniques for lighting simulation have evolved together with computer technology. The progress has allowed to provide lighting illumination models more and more complex and physically correct. Now the light transport and interaction physic laws are well known and are applied in rendering methods like ray-tracing[1,2], radiosity[3] or Monte-Carlo[2] techniques. Unfortunately the implementation of these algorithms into real-time simulation applications is difficult.In parallel, the evolution of dedicated graphics hardware workstations allows the real-time rendering with a high number of polygons, hardware implemented lighting models and texture mapping. Therefore multi-pass algorithms has been developed to take advantage of these capabilities in order to provide real-time complex lighting rendering. The headlight simulation software uses these algorithms.THE INTERACTIVE HEADLIGHT SIMULATION SOFTWAREThe Renault’s interactive headlight simulation software a part of the driving simulation visualization software.Overview of the driving simulator configurationRenault’s driving simulator [4,5], for lighting simulation is composed of a real vehicle cockpit. Different modules communicate together to compute and render driver’s actions in the cockpit as illustrated in figure 1:Figure 1: Driving simulator configurationThe visualization generates images at 30 to 60 Hz for a forward field of view of 150° and rear view mirrors. Experimentation using lighting simulation today is limited to a mono-channel configuration due to rendering complexity and the limits of the used one pipeline SGI InfiniteReality hardware. During the simulation session, the driver has the possibility to switch from low beam to high beam from the cockpit in the same way he or she would do in a real car. In addition, unlike in a real car, the driver has also the possibility to switch from one light beam design to another.The illumination modelFor real-time simulation the following constraints have been introduced in illumination model:-Headlamp is assimilated to a white point light source with non-homogenous luminous intensity distribution.-Light reemission of surfaces is not taken into account.-Surfaces are diffuse.Road surfaceFigure 2: Non-homogenous point light sourceThus the illuminance coming from the headlamp reaching a surface can be written according to the Lambert’s law as follows:2cos ).(rI E l θϖr =(1)with:E : illuminance (Lux),)(l I ω: Intensity of the light source in direction l ϖ (Candela),θ: the angle between the surface normale and l ϖ, direction of incident light.r : distance between source and surface point (m).Therefore, the observed luminance is:πρEL .=(2)with:L : luminance (Candela/m²),ρ: surface reflectance (constant for diffuse surfaces),E : illuminance (Lux).The main task is the modeling of the light source luminous distribution. Due to the complexity of a headlamp, it is difficult to provide a mathematical model of the luminous distribution.Photometric headlamp descriptionA car lamp is generally composed of several mirrors and striated glasses producing a given light distribution. For the sake of convenience, lighting simulation characteristics of the lamp are taken from measurements of the exit illuminance of the lamp. There are two manners to obtain measures of the exit headlamp illuminance.A physical headlamp is placed onto a goniometer, and a photometric cell placed at a given distance measures the illuminance coming from different directions given by the goniometer.Limitations:Measurement of the outgoing illuminance is not sufficient to address the entire characteristics of a lamp. Due to the structure of the headlamp, multiple reflexions can occur inside the lamp.The lamp therefore acts as multiple small light sources that produce light emission with different directions as illustrated in Figure 3. However, the luminous distribution is considered to be totally formed at the considered observation distance.Figure 3: light path inside the lampMultipass rendering algorithmFor a satisfactory real-time lighting providing the required light distribution on the road,accurate light and surface characterisation has to be done.Using hardware implementation of a multi-pass rendering technique of projected textures, the light distribution is defined by)(.)(max l l F I I ωϖr r =with 1)(0≤≤l F ϖ(3)where )(l F ϖ is the normalized luminous intensity distribution. The normalized luminous intensity distribution is directly encoded in a texture.Therefore, the lighting on the road can be seen as the result of the lighting of the homogenous point light source, in a first rendering pass, modulated by the projected texture in a second rendering pass (figure 4).Figure 4: Multi-pass rendering with projected textureConstraints on the visual database descriptionThe lighting pass must be performed using a conveniently defined road sampling level-of-detail. In fact, as lighting calculations are done at each vertex in the database, the results depend on the database sampling. On the other hand, the use of a too high level-of-detail in database description implies a large collection of polygons result in slowing down image frequency.A compromise solution relies on the definition of level of details on the road. Levels of detail provide more or less precise polygon description of the road as illustrated in Figure 5.Figure 5: Definition of level of detail for road description PERFORMANCESThe headlight simulation software runs on an Onyx InfiniteReality with one pipe and two R10000 processors (250 Mhz). Two projected textures are employed during the simulation (one for each headlamp). The software runs between 20 Hz and 30 Hz frame-rate according to the vehicle position in the database.THE TOOLSDifferent user interfaces and peripheral devices are integrated in Renault’s driving simulator to take advantage of the simulation.- The first set of tool controls the headlamp positioning through a Graphical User Interface. The following parameters can be changed in real-time:•Left-right and front-back head lamp positioning•Altitude of lamps•Pitch of lamps•Space between lampsConsequently it allows an easy positioning the lamps anywhere on the car to simulate for example fog lamps.- The second set of tools allows the use of different points of view through user defined camera positioning. New cameras can be added and manipulated during the simulation providing for example aerial point of view for the observation of the light distribution on the road.- The third set of tools provides simulated measurements. First a graduated grid in front of the vehicle is applied on the road. It allows estimating light distribution and range. Moreover the user has the possibility to take photometric measures (in Lux) anywhere on the road with a mouse connected to the workstation.VALIDATIONThe validation of the headlight simulation software was done through comparison with real car headlamp illumination.Several headlamps have been used to validate the simulator. Physical measurement and computed measurements for the photometric description have been compared. Renault’s driving headlight simulator has been validated in 1998 by Renault’s photometric laboratory. CONCLUSION & FURTHER WORKSThe headlight simulation tool provides the necessary information to compare several headlamp performances. It allows the reduction of the number of prototype and night tests. Further works on the lighting simulation software will consist in the improvement and complet the lighting models according the following objectives:-To provide precise characterization of reflectance of surfaces-To take into account light source colors-To simulate different weather conditions simulation (fog, rain, snow, …)-To generate blooming effect simulationMoreover, the use of PC based solutions for rendering the lighting simulation is investigated.REFERENCES[1]Kemeny, A., Synthèse d’images fixes et animées, Techniques de l’ingénieur, Paris,1987, 5530, pp. 1-21[2] A. Glassner. Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, Vol 1 and 2, Morgan KaufmanPublishers, Inc, 1995.[3]Michael F. Cohen and John R. Wallace. Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis.Academic Press Professional, Inc., first edition, 1993.[4]Kemeny, A. A cooperative driving simulator Proceedings of the ITEC ConferenceLondon, 1993, pp. 67-71.[5]Kemeny, A., Automotive driving simulators: technology, applications, products,Proceedings of the RTS’94 Driving Simulation Conference, Paris, January 1994, pp.61-67.[6]M. Segal, C. Korobkin, R. van Widenfelt, J. Foran, P. Haeberli. Fast Shadows andLighting Effects Using Texture Mapping. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 92, pages 249-252, 1992。