Collab Subversion Edge SSL Configuration


collabnet subversion 使用手册

collabnet subversion 使用手册

CollabNet Subversion使用手册一、简介1.1 CollabNet Subversion的概述CollabNet Subversion是一个开源的版本控制系统,它可以有效地管理和控制软件开发过程中的源代码、文档以及其他相关文件。

CollabNet Subversion可以帮助团队成员更好地协作工作,提高工作效率,减少因为版本控制而引起的问题。

1.2 CollabNet Subversion的特点CollabNet Subversion具有以下几个主要特点:- 支持并发的版本控制:CollabNet Subversion可以让多个开发者在同一个代码库上并行工作,而且会确保不会发生冲突。

- 灵活的权限管理:CollabNet Subversion支持灵活的权限管理,可以根据用户、组织、项目等多个维度进行权限设定,保障信息安全。

- 高度定制化:CollabNet Subversion允许用户通过自定义插件以及脚本来扩展其功能,满足不同团队的需求。

- 丰富的工具集成:CollabNet Subversion可以与各种集成开发环境(IDE)、项目管理工具以及持续集成工具集成功地集成,提供更强大的功能。

1.3 适用对象CollabNet Subversion适用于各类软件开发团队,包括但不限于:- 软件开发公司与部门- 开源项目组织- IT部门- 个人开发者二、安装与配置2.1 安装CollabNet Subversion2.1.1 Windows系统在Windows系统上安装CollabNet Subversion通常分为两个步骤:- 下载CollabNet Subversion安装包- 根据安装向导进行安装2.1.2 Linux系统在Linux系统上安装CollabNet Subversion也分为两个步骤:- 通过包管理工具安装CollabNet Subversion- 配置CollabNet Subversion2.2 配置CollabNet Subversion2.2.1 创建代码库在安装好CollabNet Subversion之后,需要创建一个代码库来存放项目的代码。

how to install CSVN

how to install CSVN

How to install CSVN server in LinuxFirst download CSVN server from Untar the file you downloaded from CollabNet and you will see as below:At last following README file.Highlight README file :CollabNet Subversion Edge - Linux 32/64-bitVersion 1.3.0Release Date: October 27, 2010Contents1. Overview2. Platform and configuration3. Requirements4. Installation notes5. Updates6. Documentation7. Known issues8. Support for CollabNet Subversion Edge9. About Subversion and CollabNet1. OverviewCollabNet Subversion Edge includes everything you need to install, manage and operate a Subversion server. It includes all of the Subversion andApache binaries needed to run a Subversion server. It also integrates the popular ViewVC repository browsing tool so that users can view repository history from a web browser.CollabNet Subversion Edge also includes a powerful web-based managementconsole that makes it easy to configure and manage your Apache server andSubversion repositories. You can easily setup the server to use SSLconnections and even connect the server to a corporate LDAP repository,including Microsoft Active Directory.CollabNet Subversion Edge only supports serving Subversion repositories via Apache httpd and it only supports the Subversion fsfs repository format.2. Platform and configurationProduct: CollabNet Subversion EdgeLicense: GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (AGPLv3)Certified platforms: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.xCentOS 5.xSuSE Linux Enterprise 11.xNOTE: These are the platforms we formally certify when testing. CollabNet Subversion Edge is known to work on virtually all Linux distributions and is informally tested on others such as Ubuntu and Fedora.There are separate downloads for 32-bit and 64-bit Linux. Download theappropriate version for your distribution and kernel.3. Requirements* Java 1.6 JRE/JDK must be installed. We recommend the JRE provided bySun/Oracle. When testing on 64-bit Linux we have used the 64-bit JVM.* Python 2.4 to 2.6 must be installed.If you skip this step, the command line will stop you.4. Installation NotesIMPORTANT: Do not untar CollabNet Subversion Edge using root or sudo. This will cause the UID/GID on the files to carry the values from our buildsystem instead of being reset.1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, and point it to your Java 6 JRE home. For example:export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/defaultTest the variable:$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -versionjava version "1.6.0_20"Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode, sharing)2. Switch to the folder where you want to install CollabNet SubversionEdge. You must have write permissions to this folder.$ cd /opt3. Untar the file you downloaded from CollabNet.$ tar zxf CollabNetSubversionEdge-x.y.z_linux-x86.tar.gzThis will create a folder named "csvn" in the current directory. You canrename this folder if desired.I download CSVN in windows OS and untar it in windaows OS, then copy it to Linux. You can put it in any folder you like. However, you must have write permissions to this folder.You can skip following two optional steps.4. Optional. Install the application so that it will start automaticallywhen the server restarts. This command generally requires root/sudo toexecute.$ cd csvn$ sudo -E bin/csvn installIn addition to configuring your system so that the server is startedwith the system, it will also write the current JAVA_HOME and thecurrent username in to the file data/conf/csvn.conf. You can edit thisfile if needed as it controls the startup settings for the application.By setting the JAVA_HOME and RUN_AS_USER variables in this file, itensures they are set correctly when the application is run.5. Optional. Configure proxy settings. CollabNet Subversion Edge needaccess to the internet to check for and install updates. If you need togo through a proxy to access the internet, then you can configure theproxy by editing the data/conf/csvn.conf file which was created by theprevious step. Uncomment and edit the HTTP_PROXY variable to configureyour proxy server.Very Import !!!6. Start the server. Be sure that you are logged in as your own userid and not running as root.$ bin/csvn startThis will take a few minutes and the script will loop until it sees that the server is running. If the server does not start, then try starting the server with this command:$ bin/csvn consoleThis will start the server but output the initial startup messages tothe console.You must login to the CollabNet Subversion Edge browser-based managementconsole and configure the Apache server before it can be run for the first time. The UI of the management console writes the needed Apacheconfiguration files based on the information you provide.The default administrator login is:Address: http://localhost:3343/csvnUsername: adminPassword: adminThen you can open FireFox and input above URL to login the UI console.You should configure your server and then start it as following. Especially focus on Port. Do not set it with 80.Now with the server you can create repositories, users and do some access rights management. Also can monitor your server's utility rate and changes from repository.Subversion Edge also starts an SSL-protected version using a self-signed SSLcertificate. You can access the SSL version on this URL:Address: https://localhost:4434/csvnYou can force users to use SSL from the Server configuration. This will cause attempts to access the site via plain HTTP on port 3343 to be redirected to the secure port on 4434.5. UpdatesCollabNet Subversion Edge includes a built-in mechanism for discovering and installing updates. You must use this facility to install updates. Do not download and run a new version of the application installer.The update mechanism will require you to restart the servers at the end ofthe process, but it will do it for you.6. DocumentationDocumentation for CollabNet Subversion Edge is available here:/Context-sensitive help is also linked to this location from within theapplication.7. Known issues- For the latest FAQ, visit the project home page here:https:///sf/projects/svnedge- If you try to access an existing BDB (Berkeley DB) based repositorythrough CollabNet Subversion Edge, then you will receive an alert "Failed to load module for FS type 'bdb'." This is because CollabNet SubversionEdge does not support BDB. CollabNet recommends FSFS over BDB for easeof maintenance and supportability.- You can access the application from localhost, but not other computerson your LAN. This usually means that you need to configure Firewall rules for you server to open the firewall for port 3343:edit /etc/sysconfig/iptablesedit /etc/sysconfig/ip6tablesAdd the following line to the above files, it line be will the line before the last 2 lines.-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3343 -j ACCEPT/etc/init.d/iptables restart/etc/init.d/ip6tables restart8. Support for CollabNet Subversion EdgeAsk questions and get assistance with using CollabNet Subversion Edge via the community forums on openCollabNet. The forum for CollabNet Subversion Edge questions is available here:/ds/ out about CollabNet Technical Support at/support/Information about CollabNet Training, Consulting, and Migrationservices is at /training/Join openCollabNet for community support: 9. About Subversion and CollabNetCollabNet launched the Subversion project in 2000 in response to the demand for an open standard for Web-based software configuration management that could support distributed development. CollabNet continues to be strongly involved with the Subversion project and offers CollabNet SubversionSupport, Training, and Consulting services.CollabNet also provides the most widely used collaborative developmentenvironment in the world. More than 1,400,000 developers and IT projectsmanagers collaborate online through CollabNet. The company is transforming the way software is developed by enabling organizations to leverage global development talents to deliver better products and innovate faster.Visit CollabNet at for more information.Subversion is a registered trademark of the Apache Software Foundation./。

CollabNet SubversionSubversion安装配置

CollabNet SubversionSubversion安装配置

Linux(CentOS)下安装CollabNetSubversion1.服务器版本和安装软件1.1服务器版本:RedHatCentOS 5.5 32 bit1.2安装软件:CollabNetSubversion-client-1.6.12-1.i386.rpmCollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.12-1.i386.rpmCollabNetSubversion-extras-1.6.12-1.i386.rpm2.安装执行rpm –qa | grep subversion 搜索出自带的SVN“subversion-1.4.2-4.el5_3.1”执行rpm –e subversion-1.4.2-4.el5_3.1 将其卸载进入安装程序所在目录执行:rpm –ivh CollabNetSubversion-client-1.6.12-1.i386.rpmrpm –ivh CollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.12-1.i386.rpmrpm –ivh CollabNetSubversion-extras-1.6.12-1.i386.rpm 注意:安装时一定要按照上述的顺序来安装。

3.配置SVN安装完成后会在系统的三个位置有相应组件./var/opt/CollabNet_Subversion //存放SVN的日志文件./opt/CollabNet_Subversion //存放SVN的可执行程序./etc/opt/CollabNet_Subversion //存放SVN的配置文件# cd /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin# ./Configure-CollabNet-Subversion // 进入SVN配置向导CollabNet Subversion Server is a free download of open-source Subversion,compiled and tested by CollabNet. For more information about CollabNetSubversion, visit the CollabNet community at .Would you like to configure the CollabNet Subversion Server now? [yes] (按回车开始配置,回车表示接受默认的选项)Welcome to CollabNet Subversion Server setup.You will now be asked some questions to configure CollabNet Subversion.Defaults are given in square brackets. If a default is okay for youJust hit [Enter] to continue.This setup can configure either Apache or svnserve as Subversionserver, for you. Would you like to configure Apache as yourSubversion server now? [yes] (是否配置apache server for SVN)Continuing with apache Subversion server configuration ...Specify the base directory for Subversion repositories: [/var/svn/repositories]Non-existing base path, Let me create and continue [yes] (配置仓库基路径)Base path created.Would you like to create a new Subversion repository? [yes] (配置第一个svn仓库)What should be your new Subversion repository name? repository1(输入第一个仓库名称,这里为repository1 )New repository created.Would you like to initialize the repository with trunk/branches/tags folders? [no] yes (是否初始化trunk/branches/tags 目录)Done.Would you like to create another Subversion repository? [yes] (配置另一个svn仓库)What should be your new Subversion repository name? repository2 (输入第二个仓库名称,这里为repository2 )New repository created.Would you like to initialize the repository with trunk/branches/tags folders? [yes] (是否初始化trunk/branches/tags 目录)Done.Would you like to create another Subversion repository? [yes] no (上面已经创建了2个仓库,不再创建新的仓库了)Would you like to give the name and port that the server uses to identify itself? [yes] (配置apache 服务域名端口等)Registered DNS name or IP address: (配置IP地址或域名)Server port number: 8080 (配置apache端口,默认端口为80,如果被占用,请使用其他端口)Allow anonymous read access? [no] (是否匿名访问,这里设置不允许匿名访问)0 users currently have access to this repository:Would you like to create a new Subversion account? [yes](是否设置svn用户)Account username(To re-create or delete a Subversion account, enter an existing username): blueart (svn 用户名称)Account password: (输入密码)Retype account password: (再次输入密码)Adding password for user blueartAccount createdWould you like to create another user account? [yes] no (是否创建另一个账户)Would you like to configure ViewVC? [yes] (是否配置viewVC)Stopping CollabNet Subversion: httpd (no pid file) not running[确定]Starting CollabNet Subversion: [确定]Congratulations! You have successfully configured the CollabNetSubversion server.You can access your repositories at the following URL: 至此,SVN安装配置完成。

使用CollabNetSubversionEdge、SVNWebClient部署实用SVN Server

使用CollabNetSubversionEdge、SVNWebClient部署实用SVN Server

部门文档服务器安装部署说明李敏捷2012/11/4 1综述:部门维护文档存在版本更新速度快(甚至跟不上各系统的更新),没有集中存储问题。


CollabNet Subversion(即CollabNetSubversionEdge)是一种企业就绪的Subversion 分发版,它包含经过认证的二进制文件、特定于平台的安装程序、针对其他工具的经过认证的插件以及企业就绪的加载项。




2安装准备操作系统:CentOS 5.5,JAVA 1.6+,Python 2.4+安装软环:CollabNetSubversionEdge-3.0.1_linux-x86.tar.gzTomcat 7部署软件包 (已修正此软件版本中上传文件中文文件名问题)svn-web-admin-1.0.war3环境准备12、安装Python 2.4操作系统自带,过程略。


2、把svn群组下的用户加入到sudo组,打开/etc/sudoers文件,找到root ALL=(ALL) ALL,在下一行加入svnuser ALL=(ALL) ALL,强制保存退出。






subversion安装配置说明目录subversion安装配置说明 (1)目录 (1)1SubVerison和TortoiseSVN (2)1.1下载 (2)1.2安装 (2)1.3配置 (3)1.3.1TortoiseSVN的汉化 (3)1.3.2创建版本库 (4)1.3.3配置SubVersion自动运行服务 (5)1.3.4配置基于Apache服务的SubVersion (6)1.3.5配置SubVersion登陆用户名和密码 (8)1.3.6导入工程文件到版本库 (9)1.3.7配置版本库目录访问权限 (11)1.4获取版本库工程文件 (13)1.5添加目录和文件到版本库 (14)1.6下载目录和文件到本地(SVN Upate) (17)1.7锁定文件(Get lock) (18)1.8取消锁定文件(Release lock) (19)1.9提交修改后的文件到版本库(SVN Commit) (20)1.10复原本地文件(Revert) (21)1.11FAQ (23)2SubVersion和Eclipse (26)2.1下载并安装subclipse插件 (26)2.1.1下载subclipse插件 (26)2.1.2安装subclipse插件 (26)2.2从SubVersion版本库中下载工程到本地 (28)2.3从版本库得到最新文件 (33)2.4上传新的文件到版本库 (34)2.5锁定文件 (36)2.6取消锁定文件 (37)参考资料 (39)1 SubVerison和TortoiseSVN1.1 下载下载的程序包括如下:●Apache Web服务器下载地址:/download.cgi;下载的版本文件:apache_2.0.59-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi注意:1)2.0.54版本的Apache将不能与Subversion 1.3.xx配合工作。

而且,小于2.0.54的Apache也因为在windows上的编译存在一个bug而导致不能与subversion1.2配合使用;2)目前的subversion1.3.2只能跟Apache2.0.x配合,不能用于Apache2.2.x●SubVersion安装包下载地址:/;下载的版本:svn-1.3.2-setup.exe●SubVersion服务自动运行程序下载地址:/bbs/下载的文件:SVNService.exe●TortoiseSVN安装包下载地址:/;下载的版本:TortoiseSVN-●TortoiseSVN汉化包下载地址:/;下载的文件:LanguagePack- 安装●第一步:安装Apache Web服务器,安装前需要检查操作系统的80端口是否被占用,然后执行apache_2.0.59-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi,在Server Information配置界面中输入如下内容:然后一步步安装直至完成,打开IE浏览器,执行http://localhost,如果看到apache 的提示页面,则证明安装成功;如果要修改默认端口80为其它端口,可以通过修改Apache安装目录下conf目录下的httpd.conf文件中的端口配置来实现;●第二步:安装SubV ersion服务端软件,执行svn-1.3.2-setup.exe安装程序,全部默认安装直至完成。



Subversion 使用手册(开发人员)准备工作1、获得个人帐户 告诉管理员你希望得到的用户名以及密码,管理给你添加帐户。

2、服务器 I P 地址:、获得客户端工具:从公司文件服务器的Tools 目录获得客户端工具TortoiseSVN 。

文件服务器的使用可以参照文档《文件服务器使用手册》简单介绍TortoiseSVN是Subversion版本控制系统的一个免费开源客户端,可以超越时间的管 理文件和目录。

文件保存在中央的Repository,除了能记住文件和目录的每次修改以外, 版本库非常像普通的文件服务器。

你可以将文件恢复到过去的版本,并且可以通过检查历史 知道数据做了哪些修改,谁做的修改。

这就是为什么许多人将Subversion和版本控制系统 看作一种“时间机器”。

日常使用指南1. 开始1.1. 图标重载图 1.1. 显示重载图标的资源管理器TortoiseSVN 最直观的功能之一就是图标重载,重载的图标显示在你的工作复本文件上。

你 一眼就可以知道文件被修改过了。


1.1.2. 右键菜单图 1.2.版本控制下一个目录的右键菜单所有的 TortoiseSVN 命令都是通过 Windows 资源管理器的右键菜单执行。

右键点击一个文件 或者文件夹,大多数菜单项都能够直接显示。

一个命令是否显示取决于这个文件或文件夹或者它们的父文件夹是否受版本控制,你也可以将 TortoiseSVN的菜单作为资源管理器菜单的 一部分。

图 1.3. 在一个版本控制的文件夹下资源管理器文件菜单中的快捷方式。

本示例是在一个受控文件夹下的某个未受控的快捷方式, 在资源管理器的文件菜单下有三 个 TortoiseSVN条目。

一个是受控文件夹本身的,一个是快捷方式本身的,第三个是快捷方 式所指向的对象。

为了帮助你区分它们,菜单条目的图标的右下角有标志,表明是文件、快 捷方式、文件夹或是选中了多项。

gatlab 使用说明

gatlab 使用说明

gatlab 使用说明GitLab 是一个基于Git 的代码托管和协作平台,它提供了一套完整的工具和功能,帮助开发人员更好地管理代码、进行版本控制、团队协作和持续集成。

下面是 GitLab 的使用说明:1. 注册账号:首先,你需要在GitLab 上注册一个账号。


2. 创建项目:登录后,你可以点击页面上方的 "New Project" 按钮来创建一个新的项目。


3. 克隆项目:在项目的主页上,你可以找到项目的Git URL,使用Git 命令或者 Git 客户端将项目克隆到本地。

4. 添加代码:将你的代码文件复制到克隆的项目目录中,然后使用Git 命令将代码提交到本地仓库。

5. 分支管理:在GitLab 中,你可以创建新的分支来开发新功能或者修复 bug。

使用 Git 命令或者 Git 客户端切换到新的分支,并在该分支上进行代码的修改和提交。

6. 提交代码:在你完成了一部分代码修改后,你可以使用 Git 命令将代码提交到远程仓库。

在GitLab 中,你可以看到你提交的代码,并进行比较、评论和合并。

7. 团队协作:在GitLab 中,你可以邀请其他开发人员加入你的项目,并给予不同的权限。


8. 问题追踪:GitLab 提供了一套问题追踪系统,你可以在项目中创建、分配和跟踪问题。


9. 持续集成:GitLab 提供了集成的持续集成(CI)功能,可以帮助你自动化代码构建、测试和部署。

你可以在项目设置中配置CI 流水线,定义各个阶段的任务和操作。

10. 文档和 Wiki:GitLab 还提供了文档和 Wiki 功能,你可以在项目中编写和发布文档,与团队成员共享知识和经验。

以上是 GitLab 的基本使用说明,希望对你有帮助!。

CollabNet Subversion1.5安装配置

CollabNet Subversion1.5安装配置

目录CollabNet Subversion server 1.5.0安装配置 (3)一、引言 (3)1.WebDAV (3)2.浏览版本库 (3)3.用户验证 (3)4.安全 (3)二、安装CollabNet Subversion server 1.5.0 (4)三、配置Subversion访问权限 (6)1.配置认证用户文件passwords.auth (6)2.配置认证权限文件access.auth (7)四、使浏览器浏览仓库时更“漂亮” (9)五、为Apache启用SSL (10)六、svnmanager-1.03安装配置 (11)1.安装php (12)2.安装mysql (12)3.安装VersionControl_SVN-0.3.1.tgz (13)4.安装svnmanager (13)七、ApachePasswd为用户提供密码修改服务 (14)八、windows下强制写log的hooks脚本 (15)九、参考资料 (16)十、关于作者 (16)CollabNet Subversion server 1.5.0安装配置本文主要讲述的是CollabNet Subversion server 1.5.0在win32系统下的安装配置。

主要目的是完成Subversion1.5.0和Apache2.2.8的整合、Apache SSL的扩展以及web 界面的Subversion管理和用户自行修改密码。

涉及到的内容包括:CollabNet Subversion server 1.5.0、TortoiseSVN1.5.2、php-5.2.4-Win32、Mysql5、Svnmanager-1.03、VersionControl_SVN-0.3.1、XML_Parser-1.2.8、Apache2xPasswd等。





• Subversion operational logging• Integrated repository browsing• Server health monitoringSecurity and User GovernanceCollabNet Subversion Edge provides intuitive Web-based, role-based access control to manage all of the software’s administration features, as well as manage internal and external user access tothe Subversion repositories, dramatically improving the ability of project teams to govern theirSubversion access. The management console includes support for LDAP and SSL, addressingcommon requests we see on the active CollabNet Subversion forums.• Role-based access control• Support for LDAP• Self-service password changes• Subversion access rulesBENEFITS AND FEATURE REVIEWAs the founders of the Subversion open source project and with our resulting 10 years of successful interaction with the developer community, CollabNet knows what is important to users. You’vegiven us feedback, and we’ve listened. We consider the user community above all else as we’veguided the Subversion roadmap. We think you’ll agree that CollabNet Subversion Edge providesresults in the following areas of development.Simple Installationbeen asking for an easier way to installthe software. Given the possiblecombinations of OS and add-onpackages, installing the baseSubversion server platform can posechallenges – especially for new users.Keeping all the versions of relatedcomponents compatible and up to dateis also a daunting task.Solution: Subversion Edge offerssimple installation via a Windowsinstaller, or unpacking a tar.gz file forLinux. The product can be installed toany directory and does not require root access on Linux. Just copy/unpack the bytes to disk, startthe web app, and do everything else from your web browser. It takes only a few minutes.Benefit: In a single installer, CollabNet Subversion Edge installs Apache, Subversion, and ViewVC for repository browsing, along with a powerful web management console. Installation is fast, and all of the components are configured to work together right out of the box.Web-based ConfigurationChallenge: Without Subversion Edge, configuring Apache, Subversion, and ViewVC to worktogether, along with SSL and LDAP integrations, Apache AuthZ for authentication, and pythonbindings for hook scripts, etc. can be time-consuming.Solution: Use the Subversion Edge web UI to finalize configuration and environment-specificsettings, such as server address and LDAP settings.checkbox.Embedded Access to openCollabNetChallenge: Users are rarely aware of the different Subversion clients that are available and facedifficulties in locating and keeping current with the latest versions.Solution: Subversion Edge provides direct access to the openCollabNet community.Benefit:Users quickly and easily access the latest Subversion clients. They also benefit fromaccess to community forums and the ability to ask questions of CollabNet developers and otherSubversion users around the world.Browser-based Management of Apache and Subversion ServersChallenge: In addition to installing Subversion, you must also install, configure, and manage theApache web server. Many installations never get to the point of setting up tools such as ViewVC for repository browsing, and other tools that make Subversion easier to use.Solution: Subversion Edge includes a web UI that can perform all tasks related to configuring,managing, and monitoring an Apache Subversion server. After the initial installation process,everything can be done via a web browser without a direct login to the host server operatingsystem.Benefit: There are many inquiries on the CollabNet and the Tigris/Apache Subversion forumsabout how to set up their Subversion server correctly. Subversion Edge makes it simple for bothnew and experienced users to install, configure, and manage a Subversion server using Apache—for both new users and power users of Apache.Powerful Web-based Updatesinstallation up to date, you need toperiodically check numerous web sites andproducts for updates. Then you have to doresearch to make sure the new version isstill compatible with other components youare using. You might need to track downnew versions of these other applications tobe sure you have everything you need. Youalso need physical access to the server theapplication is running on, and you need toknow how to properly update the applications, including taking care of any new configurationoptionsSolution:Subversion Edge allows you to stay updated with the latest fixes and enhancements,including those to the underlying native components such as Apache, Subversion, and ViewVC. There is no need to physically login to the server to apply the updates -- it can all be done remotely via a web browser. The application knows how to properly update itself while running, and takes care of restarting itself to replace in-use files.Benefit: After installing Subversion Edge, you receive automatic notification of updates right in the browser UI. Updates can be installed from the browser, and the application is automatically restarted to put the updates in place.Server Discovery via Bonjour Protocoleasily discoverable. Users today rely on brute-forcesystem and port scanning.Solution: The CollabNet Subversion Edge serverregisters itself as a service with your LAN DNSserver using the Bonjour protocol. This does notrequire any work on the user's part.Benefit:Servers can now be discovered quickly andeasily on your LAN using a CollabNet-provided Javaapplet. Managers can now see the proliferations ofSubversion servers in their organization. Also,companies using the CollabNet TeamForge platformand can manage all of their CollabNet Subversionservers from a single web console.Ability to Create Repositories from the Web ConsoleChallenge: Users typically have to ask a server admin to create new repositories. There is no ability to delegate this and maintain system security. Permission problems are frequently encountered by Subversion users who unwittingly perform repository actions as “Root” and make the repository inaccessible to other usersSolution: Subversion Edge allows you to easily create, import, and initialize repositories via theweb UI. You can also manage them.Benefit: Responsibility for creating repositories can be delegated to team leads that do not need access to the physical server to create a repository. Repositories are created with the proper file system permissions, which is a big problem for inexperienced Linux administrators. A common problem is that someone logs in as root and creates a repository. This makes the repository owned by root, which makes it inaccessible to the Apache Subversion server. Subversion Edge creates repositories with the proper permission, and when you manually discover a pre-existing repository, we verify that the permissions are correct. If they are not, we show you the command you need torun to fix them.Log Rotation and CleanupChallenge: Setting up log rotation and cleanup requires writing, maintaining, and debugging scriptsand cron jobs in order to do the work. Most new Subversion users do not do this. Some mightmanually delete logs when they happen to notice they have grown large. Some users have no ideauntil their disk is full.Solution: Subversion Edge rotates all logs daily. The user can define a specific number of days tokeep logs on disk.Benefit: Managing and rotating logs will prevent them from being overwritten, and also keep serverapplications running efficiently. Also, proper management of logs keeps disk space available forrepository data and applications.Subversion Operational LoggingChallenge: Most users do not use operational logging; some do not know it exists.Solution: Subversion can log high-level operations to a separate log file.make it easier to analyze Subversion usage within an organization.Integrated Repository BrowsingChallenge: Configuring repository browsers can be complicated. They all require adding somethingnew to your stack--such as Python or Java—that you have to keep track of and manage. Mostusers want the features they provide, but struggle with the additional work. Other browsers, likeFisheye, maintain their own cache of the repository info. They constantly poll your repository forchanges, and go through a costly and time intensive phase where the existing data is imported andanalyzed.Solution: ViewVC is included and automatically configured as part of Subversion Edge. It alsouses the same access rules as core Subversion, so valuable corporate assets are properlyprotected.Benefit: The ability to view repository information and history via a web UI is a very valuablefeature. ViewVC is arguably the best Subversion repository browser available, striking a nicebalance of features and performance. It is a real-time repository browser that does not need tomaintain a separate costly cache of repository data. ViewVC is automatically configured, and, moreimportantly, it is properly configured so that the same access rules are applied when using it aswhen using a Subversion client.Server Health MonitoringChallenge: Without CollabNet Subversion Edge, users would need some third-party monitoringtools or custom scripts to get similar server health monitoring capabilities.Solution:CollabNet Subversion Edge does basic monitoring of your server disk space and networkutilization, and tracks these values over time.Benefit:Monitoring server allocation allows you to determine how much the server is being used,and spot potential problems that might necessitate hardware upgrades. Subversion Edge providestrend-based charts that can assist with projecting future needs.SECURITY AND USER GOVERNANCERole Based Access Control (RBAC)Challenge: Responsibility falls to individuals with permission to login to the physical server. If ateam needs a new repository created, they have to ask someone else to login to the server andcreate it for them. Providing access to the server decreases security and increases likelihood ofsomeone making a mistake that affects all of the server’s users.Solution: Subversion Edge includes pre-defined roles to allow delegation of administrative tasks tokey personnel.Benefit: Responsibilities can be delegated to multiple individuals. For example, team leads can beempowered to manage repositories, while operations staff can be empowered to manage the serveritself. This helps to ensure that administrative tasks are effectively allocated, and that oneadministrator does not become a bottleneck.Support for LDAPChallenge:Without Subversion Edge, LDAP can be used, but it is more difficult to set up and configure the Apache server with all the directives you need to specify.Solution: Subversion Edge allows the Apache server to be configured to support LDAP authentication.Benefit:Users for Subversion come from a corporate LDAP directory, eliminating the need to manage user accounts. Credentials can be reused so that users do not have to manage different accounts and passwords. Subversion Edge simplifies LDAP configuration. LDAP information can beentered into a simple web form, as opposed to Apache configuration directives.Self-Service Password ChangesChallenge: Using htpasswd in a Subversion environment is common, but there is no easymechanism for using it. An administrator has to use the tool manually on the server, which meansthey have to assign passwords to users, and users do not have the ability to change their own passwords unless a custom app is developed and deployed. While the mechanism for storing the passwords is secured, the fact that an administrator has to enter the password means users do not feel comfortable about their password.Solution: Subversion Edge provides a mechanism for defining users and passwords, which are stored using the Apache htpasswd tool.Benefits: Subversion Edge allows you to quickly and easily setup a server and decide who can access it. Most importantly, you can delegate responsibility for creating users, and once a user is added, the user can login to the server to change their own password and information. Both Subversion Edge and Apache htpasswd store the passwords using a one-way hash algorithm, sopasswords on the server cannot be reversed.Subversion Access RulesChallenge: Since rules are stored in a text file on the server, only someone with access to theserver file system can edit them. This means you cannot let team leads easily manage thepermissions within the repository—you have to ask someone else to do it.Solution: Subversion Edge’s native authorization rules are configured and accessible via the webUI.Benefits: Path-based permissions are enabled automatically, and they can be edited directly fromthe web UI.© Copyright 2010 CollabNet, Inc. All rights reserved.11HOW DID WE DO?CollabNet Subversion Edge is now available. You can download it and let us know what you think! ABOUT COLLABNETCollabNet leads the industry in Agile application lifecycle management (Agile ALM) in the Cloud. The CollabNet TeamForge ALM platform, CollabNet Subversion software configuration management (SCM ) solution, and ScrumWorks project management software enable teams using any environment, methodology, and technology to improve productivity up to 50% and to reduce the cost of software development by up to 80%. Millions of users at more than 2,500 organizations, including Applied Biosystems, Capgemini, Deutsche Bank, Oracle, Thomson Reuters, and the U.S. Department of Defense, have transformed the way they develop software with CollabNet. For more information, visit .。

使用CollabNetSubversionEdge、SVNWebClient部署实用SVN Server

使用CollabNetSubversionEdge、SVNWebClient部署实用SVN Server

部门文档服务器安装部署说明李敏捷2012/11/4 1综述:部门维护文档存在版本更新速度快(甚至跟不上各系统的更新),没有集中存储问题。


CollabNet Subversion(即CollabNetSubversionEdge)是一种企业就绪的Subversion 分发版,它包含经过认证的二进制文件、特定于平台的安装程序、针对其他工具的经过认证的插件以及企业就绪的加载项。




2安装准备操作系统:CentOS 5.5,JAVA 1.6+,Python 2.4+安装软环:CollabNetSubversionEdge-3.0.1_linux-x86.tar.gzTomcat 7部署软件包 (已修正此软件版本中上传文件中文文件名问题)svn-web-admin-1.0.war3环境准备12、安装Python 2.4操作系统自带,过程略。


2、把svn群组下的用户加入到sudo组,打开/etc/sudoers文件,找到root ALL=(ALL) ALL,在下一行加入svnuser ALL=(ALL) ALL,强制保存退出。






Subversion快速入门教程如何快速建立Subversion服务器,并且在项目中使用起来,这是大家最关心的问题,与CVS 相比,Subversion有更多的选择,也更加的容易,几个命令就可以建立一套服务器环境,可以使用起来,这里配套有动画教程。




到官方网站的下载二进制安装文件,来到二进制包下载部分,找到 Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003部分,然后选择" this directory ",这样我们可以看到许多下载的内容,目前可以下载svn-1.4.0-setup.exe。


TortoiseSVN是扩展Windows Shell的一套工具,可以看作Windows资源管理器的插件,安装之后Windows就可以识别Subversion的工作目录。

官方网站是TortoiseSVN ,下载方式和前面的svn服务器类似,在Download页面的我们可以选择下载的版本,目前的最高稳定版本的安装文件为TortoiseSVN-。


安装TortoiseSVN,同样直接运行TortoiseSVN-按照提示安装即可,不过最后完成后会提示是否重启,其实重启只是使svn工作拷贝在windows 中的特殊样式生效,与所有的实际功能无关,这里为了立刻看到好的效果,还是重新启动机器。

在windows下安装collabnet subversion server 1.6.5

在windows下安装collabnet subversion server 1.6.5

在windows下安装collabnet subversion server 1.6.5在网上搜索了下,参考了前辈们的文章,我自己试着在Windows下装了Subversion 1.6.5,记录如下:1.Subversion1.6.5版本的安装包自带了Apache2.2.13,所以无需额外安装Apache服务器2.一路默认安装,如果需要修改仓库根目录或者Apache2.2.13端口可以自行修改为自己想要的,Apache默认端口为80,Subversion默认仓库存储路径为C:\svn_repository。

安装的过程中会自动将Subversion和Apache注册成服务,安装完成后重启一下电脑,运行services.msc查看服务,可以看到“CollabNet Subversion Apache”和“CollabNet Subversion svnserve”两个服务已经自动启动,如果不想让他们自动启动,可以修改为手动启动。

注:安装结束时没有提示重启电脑,但重启之前Apache服务无法启动,提示“The requested operation has failed!”。

3.重启电脑后运行C:\Program Files\CollabNet\Subversion Server\httpd\bin的“ApacheMonitor.exe”打开Apache控制台,可以看到控制台的状态栏有如下内容:Apache/2.2.13 (Win32) DA V/2 SVN/1.6.54.运行命令提示符cmdcd C:\Program Files\CollabNet\Subversion Serversvnadmin create c:\rep//用svnadmin命令创建名为rep的仓库(这条命令成功后,在rep下会出现很多文件夹和文件) cd C:\Program Files\CollabNet\Subversion Server\httpd\binhtpasswd -cm c:\rep\user.txt admin//用htpasswd命令创建用户(admin),同时生成密码认证文件,c参数为create,m参数为MD5加密方式New password: ******Re-type new password: ******Adding password for user admin //加入用户成功htpasswd -m c:\rep\user.txt test//用htpasswd命令创建用户(test),注意如果在这时加入c参数会覆盖掉之前创建的用户及文件。

Collabnet Subversion安装与设置

Collabnet Subversion安装与设置

svn服务安装与设置Collabnet Subversion EdgeCollabNet Subversion 是一种企业的Subversion 分发版,它包含经过认证的二进制文件、特定于平台的安装程序、针对其他工具的经过认证的插件以及企业就绪的加载项。


进入到下Subversion Edge下载页面,这里可以选择你的安装平台,它支持Windows,Linux,Solaris操作系统。

由于我们的服务器操作系统是Windows Server2008 x86,这里选择Windows平台。

它提供了多种选择:Subversion Edge(32/64):包含了最新版本的Subversion,Apache和ViewVC。


Subversion (32/64):包含了所有的Subversion命令行的二进制文件和自动更新组件。

Subversion+Apache Server:包含了所有命令行的二进制文件,Apache http的mod_dav_svn 的自动更新组件。

建议安装Subversion Edge,方便快捷。


安装安装CollabNet Subversion之前还需要安装jdk。



svnserve设置,Port是svn服务的端口号,Repository Path是svn的版本库目录。

Install svnserve to run as Windows service默认打勾即可,Next。

Apache的端口号默认为80,由于Subversion的默认端口号也是80,可以在更改Apache 的端口号(也可以在安装完成后更改Subversion的端口号)。



使用OLE DB连接管理器连接到数据库,选择需要提取的数据表和列。
使用OLE DB连接管理器将数据加载到目标数据库表中,可以设置批处理大小和错误处理方式。
OLE DB 连接管理器
用于连接到支持 OLE DB 的数据源,如 SQL Server、Oracle、MySQL 等。配置时需指定数据源类型、服务器名称、认证方式(Windows 身份验证或 SQL Server 身份验证)等。
通过 ODBC 驱动程序连接到数据源。配置时需选择相应的 ODBC 数据源名称(DSN)或指定驱动程序及连接参数。ຫໍສະໝຸດ 030405
用于从数据源中提取数据,例如SQL Server、Excel、Flat File等。
用于将处理后的数据加载到目标数据源中,例如SQL Server表、Excel工作簿等。







通常,只需要选择包含Subversion命令行客户端和Apache HTTP服务器模块的组件。

选择安装路径,建议选择默认路径(C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\)。

3. 配置Subversion服务端找到安装目录下的conf文件夹,打开svnserve.conf文件,找到以下两行:# anon-access = read# auth-access = write将这两行的注释符#去掉,并将分别将read和write修改为none,即:anon-access = noneauth-access = none保存并关闭文件。

4. 启动Subversion服务打开命令行窗口,进入Subversion服务安装目录的bin文件夹。

使用命令:svnserve -d -r C:\svn其中,C:\svn为创建好的SVN资源库的路径。





3. 配置TortoiseSVN客户端安装完成后,可以在资源管理器中点击右键,选择TortoiseSVN > Settings打开TortoiseSVN配置窗口。

flexgraphics 用法

flexgraphics 用法

Flexgraphics 是一种用于创建灵活且响应速度极快的网络应用的工具。

由于 Flexgraphics 的设计初衷是为了解决当今互联网应用中的一些常见挑战,因此它在易用性和功能性上都有着非常出色的表现。

本文将介绍 Flexgraphics 的用法,并针对其不同的应用场景进行详细讨论。

一、Flexgraphics 的安装和配置1. 下载和安装 Flexgraphics安装 Flexgraphics 非常简单,只需从官方全球信息湾上下载最新版本的安装包,然后按照安装向导的提示进行操作即可。

2. 配置 Flexgraphics安装完成后,需要进行一些基本的配置工作,如设置默认语言和字符集,配置数据库连接等。

这些配置项都可以在 Flexgraphics 的管理界面中轻松完成。

二、创建和管理项目1. 创建新项目在 Flexgraphics 中,可以通过简单的操作来创建一个新的项目,只需输入项目名称和一些基本信息,就可以立即开始开发。

2. 管理项目Flexgraphics 提供了一个集成的项目管理界面,可以方便地查看和管理所有的项目。


三、开发和调试应用1. 编写代码使用 Flexgraphics 开发应用非常简单,它提供了丰富的代码模板和组件库,可以快速地构建出一个功能完善的应用。


2. 调试应用Flexgraphics 集成了强大的调试工具,可以帮助开发者快速定位和解决问题。


四、发布和部署应用1. 发布应用在开发完成后,可以通过 Flexgraphics 将应用打包成可执行文件,方便地发布到各大应用商店或自己的服务器上。

2. 部署应用Flexgraphics 提供了一键部署功能,可以将应用快速部署到各种评台上。




CollabNetSubversionEdge的使用目录1.配置CollabNetSubversionEdge (2)2.CollabNetSubversionEdge的使用 (4)2.1 版本库的管理 (5)2.1.1新建版本库: (5)2.1.2备份版本库: (10)2.1.3删除版本库: (13)2.1.4还原删除的版本库 (14)2.1.5访问规则设置 (15)2.2用户管理 (17)2.2.1用户新建 (17)2.2.2用户管理 (19)2.2.3角色权限功能介绍 (22)1.配置CollabNetSubversionEdge安装好CollabNetSubversionEdge后,运行CollabNetSubversionEdge:下面是登录界面:默认管理员用户密码都是admin(配置完成后应自行修改)。

登录后选择管理→Server Settings进入服务器设置:管理员可以设置主机、Apache加密、端口、版本库父文件夹、Backup Directory、管理员、管理员邮件地址、替代管理员联系方式、控制台加密等等。

2.CollabNetSubversionEdge的使用2.1 版本库的管理2.1.1新建版本库:创建:完成:用户可以到版本库列表查看:还可以点击版本库进入版本库查看,不过刚开始使用CollabNetSubversionEdge 时默认的Subversion状态是关闭,所以会出现访问失败:这时只要进入管理界面中把Subversion状态启动设为运行即可访问:此时还没有新建用户,所以使用管理员默认帐户访问:2.1.2备份版本库:比方说我们要备份版本库“123”,只需点击“版本库”到“版本库列表”,勾选你所要备份的版本库“123”,然后点击“Dump”即可:径点选:即可查看版本库备份历史,还支持备份在线下载:2.1.3删除版本库:比方说我们要删除版本库“123”,只需点击“版本库”到“版本库列表”,勾选你所要备份的版本库“123”,然后点击“删除”即可:删除时,必须输入I_AM_SURE再按下 OK 才会真的删除:(注:删除版本库不会删除之前备份过的资料,所以日后想从备份档还原是很容易的。



CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise 5.0 User Guide2008CollabNet Inc.CollabNet, Inc. Copyright InformationCollabNet, Inc. (“CollabNet”)用来保护知识产权,我们要求我们的网站用户也能这么做。


如果你认为你的工作,在我们的站点上,被人非法复制,请向CollabNet’s Copyright Agent 提供以下信息:●一份被授权为版权拥有人的人的电子或物理的签名●关于你声称的遭到侵权的版权的描述●我们网站上,你声称被侵权信息的位置●您的地址,电话号码和e-mail地址,以便我们联系你●声明你有充分的理由说明,那个有争议的使用是,未经版权所有者及其代理人授权。




你可以发送e-mail到copyright@来联系,专门处理侵权通知的CollabNet’s Copyright Agent,也可以邮寄如下:CollabNet Inc.LegalAttn:Copyright Agent8000 Marina Blvd., Suite600BrisbaneCalifornia94005-1865CollabNet, Inc. Trademark and Logos在美国和其他国家,由CollabNet, Inc.或其授权人注册的商标如下:●CollabNet®●OpenCollabNet®●SourceForge® Enterprise Edition●CUBiTTM●Powered by CollabNet TM●collabXchange TM这份列表会被不断地更新,以反映注册商标的变化。

MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software Framework 使用指南说明

MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software Framework 使用指南说明
RTOS Demonstration Applications Help
This distribution package contains a variety of RTOS-based firmware projects that demonstrate the capabilities of the MPLAB Harmony services and stacks integrated with RTOS running on PIC32 devices. This section describes the hardware requirement and procedures to run these firmware projects on Microchip demonstration and development boards. To learn more about MPLAB Harmony stacks and libraries refer to the related documentation in Volume V: MPLAB Harmony Framework Reference.
Source Code Disclaimers
OPENRTOS The OPENRTOS demonstrations provided in MPLAB Harmony use the OPENRTOS evaluation license, which is meant for demonstration purposes only. Customers desiring development and production on OPENRTOS must procure a suitable license. Please refer to one of the following documents, which are located in the third-party folder of the MPLAB Harmony installation, for information on obtaining an evaluation license for your device: • OpenRTOS Click Thru Eval License PIC32MXxx.pdf • OpenRTOS Click Thru Eval License PIC32MZxx.pdf Micriµm All µC/OS-III demonstrations have added the crt0.S "C" run-time library start-up file to the project. The demonstration sets the linker option "do not link startup code". This is necessary for µC/OS-III to work correctly with PIC32 devices as the general exception vector is located in crt0.S. µC/OS-III overrides this interrupt source (general exception handler) to perform OS-specific functionality. If the user wants to implement their own application using µC/OS-III and a PIC32 device, they must add the crt0.S file to their project and override the general exception interrupt vector. See the current RTOS examples for this implementation. A crt0.S template file can be found in the MPLAB XC32 C/C++ Compiler installation directory: ..\Microchip\xc32\<version>\pic32-libs\libpic32.
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Collab Subversion Edge SSL Configuration
在Subversion Edge中有三个地方可以配置SSL。

这三个地方分别是Apache Subversion Server、Subversion Edge console和 LDAP连接认证。

我们首先描述在Apache Subversion Server的配置,因为这是用户使用Subversion的主要接口。

其次,我们将描述Subversion Edge Console的SSL配置,在Subversion Edge Console中我们再次使用了Apache Subversion Server所使用的SSL证书。

LDAP的SSL配置描述将被放在最后,届时需要LDAP 服务器证书。

Apache Subversion Server
你可以简单地勾选管理页面上的“Apache Encryption”选项来配置Apache Subversion Server使用SSL。

当完成勾选后,我们安装一个由Subversion Edge提供的初始的自签名证书。




你的SSL供应商网站上可能会有必要的Apache mod_ssl指令的操作说明。


Remove Passphrase from Private Key //从私钥中删除密码
用密码保护私钥非常普遍,然而为了能够从任何一个非终端窗口启动Apache server,你必须从私钥文件中删除密码。


Subversion Edge Console - Jetty Application Server
作为1.2版本的Subversion Edge console预置了SSL端口4434。





Subversion Edge使用软件中提供的自签名证书配置服务器。




Apply the Certificate

通过使用OpenSSL和Java 6和Java keytool命令,这是比较容易实现的。

为了保证Subversion Edge Console 与Apache之间的一致性,我们建议在两边使用相同的证书。




第二步是创建Java keystore去存储证书。


第一个密码,用于创建PKCS#12文件,第二密码用来为Java keystore设置密码。





当你改变默认的密码或密钥存储库的位置,你只需要编辑位于INSTALL_DIR/appserver/etc 文件夹下名为svnedge-ssl.xml的文件,将它指向你的密钥存储库和证书。

只需要用你的keystore的路径和你的保护keystore的密码替换Keystore和truststore 的值即可。


Generate Obfuscated Password //生成混淆的密码
如果你编辑Jetty SSL配置,你可能发现自己需要提供一个Keystore和certificate的密




导航到appserver文件夹,对于CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.3及更高版本可运行以下命令:


Location of the Subversion Console SSL configuration
Subversion控制台配置不存储在data目录,Apache Subversion Server的SSL配置亦是如此。

当手动升级CollabNet Subversion Edge到新版本时,一定要记住这些。

Subversion Edge允许你使用SSL去配置LDAP身份认证。

