zh zhɑzhe zhi zhɑi zhɑo zhou zhɑn zhen zhɑng zheng
ch chɑche chi chɑi chou chɑn chen chɑng cheng
sh shɑshe shi shɑi shɑo shou shɑn shen shɑng sheng
ye yue yuɑn yin yun ying
AɑBb Cc Dd Ee Ff GɡHh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
m mɑmo me mɑi mɑo mou mɑn men mɑng meng mi mie miɑo miu miɑn minming
f fɑfo fei fou fɑn fen fɑng feng
d dɑde dɑi dei dɑo dou dɑn dɑng deng di die diɑo diu diɑn ding
g gɑge gɑi gei gɑo gou gɑn gen gɑng geng
下面是小编为大家整理了汉语拼音的技巧口诀,希望能帮到大家!汉语拼音的技巧口诀1一、单韵母6个单韵母,很重要,发音口形要摆好,嘴巴张大 a a a ,嘴巴圆圆o o o ,嘴巴扁扁e e e ,牙齿对齐 i i i ,嘴巴突出u u u ,嘴吹口哨ü ü ü 。
u像树上小鸟窝,住只乌鸦uuu ü像一条大鲤鱼,嘴里吐泡ü ü ü。
像个6字 b b b ,脸盆泼水p p p ,两个门洞m m m ,一根拐棍f f f ,左下半圆 d d d ,雨伞把子t t t,一个门洞n n n ,一根小棍 l l l ,9字加钩 g g g ,机枪向上k k k,一把椅子h h h , i下加钩j j j,像个9字q q q ,一个叉字 x x x,像个2字 z z z ,半个圆圈 c c c ,半个8字 s s s , z加椅子 zh zh zh,c加椅子 ch ch ch, s加椅子sh sh sh,禾苗向日r r r 。
更多26个拼音字母表相关内容请关注实用资料栏目!26个拼音字母表汉语拼音字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz汉语拼音声母:b [玻] p [坡] m [摸] f [佛] d [得] t [特] n [讷] l [勒] g [哥] k [科] h [喝] j [基] q [欺] x [希] z [资] c[;雌] s [思] r [日] zh[知] ch [嗤] sh [诗] y [医] w [巫]汉语拼音韵母:单韵母 a[阿] o[喔] e[鹅] i[衣] u[乌] ü[迂]复韵母 ai[哀] ei[唉] ui[威] ao[奥] ou[欧] iu[由] ie[耶] üe[椰] er[儿] 前鼻韵母 an[安] en[恩] in[因] un[温]后鼻韵母 ang[昂] eng[摁] ing[英] ong[雍]整体认读音节:zi ci si zhi chi shi ri yi wu yu yin ying yun ye yue yuan声调符号:阴平:- 阳平:/ 上声:∨ 去声:﹨汉语拼音采用拉丁字母和一些附加符号表示汉语的发音。
1、声母表(23个)b 播 p 泼 m 摸 f 佛d 得 t 特 n 讷 l 勒g 哥 k 科 h 喝 j 鸡q 气 x 西 zh 知 ch 吃sh 狮 r 日 z 字 c 刺s 丝 y 医 W 屋2、韵母表(24个)单韵母(6个):a 啊 o 喔 e 鹅 i 衣u 乌ü 迂复韵母(8个):ai 爱 ei 欸 ui 威 ao 熬ou 欧 iu 优 ie 耶üe 约特殊元音韵母(1个):er 儿前鼻韵母(5个):an 安 en 恩 in 因un 温ün 晕后鼻韵母(4个):ang 昂 eng 亨ing 英 ong 轰3、整体认读音节(16个)zhi(织) chi(吃) shi(狮)ri(日) zi(字) ci(刺) si(丝)yi(衣) wu(乌) yu(鱼) ye(爷)yue(月) yuan(圆) yin(因) yun(云) ying(鹰)其中汉语拼音的声调标注规律:a o e i u ü 标调按顺序,‘i、u并排标后头’,小ü 碰到j q x y 就脱帽(去掉点)。
如lao,标在a上)没有a母找 o e ,(没有a,但有o 或e的,标在 o 或e 上。
如lou标在o上,lei标在e上)i u并列标在后,(i和 u并列时,标在后面。
比如liu,标在u上,gui,标在i 上)拓展阅读:小学语文拼音知识小学语文拼音知识1、基础知识回顾:23个声母、24个韵母、16个整体认读音节。
声母23个:b p m f d t n l ɡ k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w韵母24个分为单韵母、复韵母、特殊韵母、前鼻韵母和后鼻韵母五类:单韵母(6个):ɑ o e i u ü复韵母(8个):ɑi ei uiɑo ou iu ie üe特殊韵母(1个):er前鼻韵母(5个):ɑn en in un ün后鼻韵母(4个):ɑnɡ enɡ inɡ onɡ整体认读音节(16个):zhi chi shi ri zi ci si yi wuyu ye yue yuɑn yin yun ying以上字母必须能按顺序默写2、声调:分为四声。
S W O T 分析模型及实证 精华
◆ SWOT分析法因人而异。
基础SWOT法分析法所产生的问题可以由更高级的POWER SWOT分 析法得到解决 。
S优势 内部环境
1、品牌影响力。贝因美 的公益活动比较多,美誉 度相对较高,有利于宣传 2、贝因美产品品种多, 消费者的选择多样 3、销售网络优势
1、相对来说价格比较高 2、部分宝宝喝完贝因美奶粉比较上 火 3、宣传主要集中在大城市,品牌宣 传不足
WT对策 大 小 WO对策
最小与最小对策,即考虑 弱点因素和威胁因素,目 的是努力使这些因素都趋 于最小。
最小与最大对策,即着重 苦乐 考虑弱点因素和机会因素, 参半 目的是努力使弱点趋于最 小,使机会趋于最大 最小与最大对策,即着重 考虑优势因素和威胁因素, 苦乐 目的是努力使优势因素趋 参半 于最大,是威胁因素趋于 最小。 最大与最大对策,即着重 考虑优势因素和机会因素, 理想 目的在于努力使这两种因 素都趋于最大。
不断改进配方,引进国外高科技。扬 长避短,宣传时突出最让家长最关心 的东西。
1、利用贝因美的强大品 牌优势造势。 2、突出宣传竞争对手没 有的而消费者需要的差异 点
争取更多的贝因美消费者,提高产品 的质量,转变消费者观念。
T 威 胁
1、国内生活水平日益提高,高品质的婴儿奶粉需求在急速扩大,增长 率在中低档婴儿奶粉的三倍以上。 2、母亲是婴儿奶粉的重度购买群体,她们本身不专业,但容易相信专 家。奶粉多数停留在品质安全的产品特点层面,心理层面的宣传并不 多见。 3、在中国广袤的二三线城市和乡镇,按部就班的外资品牌由于多方面 原因,近年来尚无力顾及。 4、在日化、保健品产业盛起的“终端导购”营销策略尚没有在婴儿奶粉 行业广泛推广。 5、国内尚没有一个专业只做婴儿奶粉的公司和品牌。 6、奶粉制造属于高度成熟型行业,高科技成分不多,产品制造的门槛 低。
S W O T分析法
S W O T分析法S W O T分析法考察客户业务的四个方面:优势、劣势、机会、挑战。
2.为了帮助你的客户完成S W O T分析,我们设计了一个调查表,表中不仅有切中要害的问题,还有具体的量化工具,用以分析客户目前的战略定位。
客户所处的行业不同,表格中的每个问题就具有不同的含义,但进行S W O T分析必须回答全部问题。
4.对组织进行SWOT分析Ⅰ. 优势用对勾(Ö)标出你对下面每一项陈述的看法-----------不同意中立同意1.我们的实力很强第一部分了解客户需求的评估问卷用对勾(Ö)标出你对下面每一项陈述的看法-----------不同意中立同意2. 我们有高超的竞争技巧3. 我们的经验超群4. 我们有足够的资金来源5. 我们在客户中信誉良好6. 我们是公认的市场领先者7. 我们有精心设计的运营战略8. 我们有规模经济的优势9. 从某种程度上说,我们没有竞争压力10. 我们的技术有专利权11. 我们有比竞争对手更好的广告战略12. 我们善于研制新产品13. 我们有管理优势14. 我们的技术一流15. 我们有成本/定价优势√总数Ⅱ. 劣势用对勾(Ö)标出你对下面每一项陈述的看法----------不同意中立同意1. 我们没有清晰的战略方向2. 我们的设备过时3. 我们缺乏管理深度和管理才能4. 我们缺乏一些关键技术和能力5. 我们在贯彻战略时没能进行有效跟踪6. 我们被内部运营问题搞得焦头烂额7. 我们在研发方面落后于人8. 我们的产品单一9. 我们的市场形象糟糕10. 我们的营销技巧很弱11. 我们缺乏资金来改变战略12. 我们的总成本比主要的竞争对手高13. 我们的盈利水平低于标准√总数Ⅲ. 机会用对勾(Ö)标出你对下面每一项陈述的态度---------没有也许有有1. 我们可以为更多的客户团体提供服务2. 有新的市场机会3. 我们已经根据客户需要扩展了产品/服务范围4. 我们可以开发相关新产品5. 我们能够控制资源和供给活动(垂直管理)6. 贸易壁垒正在减少,国外市场在向我们招手7. 竞争对手满足于现状8. 市场的发展速度比过去快9. 法规的减少使我们做起生意来更容易√总数第一部分了解客户需求的评估问卷Ⅳ. 挑战用对勾(Ö)标出你对下面每一项陈述的看法----没有也许有有1. 成本低廉的国外竞争者正在进入市场2. 更新换代产品的销售节节上升3. 市场的增长速度比我们预期的慢4. 汇率和/或贸易政策对我们不利5. 各项法规让我们不胜重负6. 我们因业务周期或衰退而处于劣势7. 我们的客户/供应商越来越喜欢讨价还价8. 客户的需求和品位与我们目前所擅长的相去甚远9. 地域因素对我们不利10. 本行业门槛太低11. 本行业技术的转变总是悄然来临(事先很少或没有预兆)√总数评分说明1. 优势和劣势a) 选“不同意”得1分b) 选“中立”得2分c) 选“同意”得3分2. 挑战和机会a) 选“没有”得1分b) 选“可能有”得2分c) 选“有”得3分优势(S)总分_ 挑战(T)总分_ +机会(O)总分_ +劣势(W)总分_ (S + O)_ 减去(T + W)_ 总得分(制定战略的基础)_ 在下一次的计划会上,利用这个“制定战略的基础”来衡量你所在的组织经历了多少变革,在增强优势和避免劣势方面取得了哪些改进,以及外部环境是如何影响你的工作进程的。
visco-elastic-plastic model of deep underground rock affected by temperature and humidity
A vai l a b l e on l i n e a t w w w.s ci encedi rect.com一,,’:,Sci enceD i r ectM i ni ng Sci ence and T ec hnol o gy20(2010)0183-0187●■■■日目■!!!!!!!目■■■■■■■●●M I N I N GSC l E N C E A N DT E C H N O L O G Yi i i;;;i;i i i ii i i■■i■■■i■●●w w w.el sevier.com/l ocat e/jcum tV i s co-el as t i c--pl ast i c m odel of deep under gr ound r ockaf f ec t ed by t em per at ur e and hum i di t yG A O Y ananl’2’3,+,G A O F e ngl P,Z H A N G Z hi z he nl,一,ZH A N GT a01,27Sch ool of Sci e nces,C hi na U ni ver si t y of M i ni ng&Technol ogy,X uzhou221008.C hi na 2St at e K ey L a bor a t or y of G eom echani cs and D eep U nde r gr o睫nd E ngi nee ri ng,C hi na U ni ve r si t y ofM i ni ng&T e c hnot ogy'X uzh ou221008,C hi na’C ol l ege of E ngi nee ri ng,C a l i f or ni a St at e P ol yt e chni c U ni ve r s i t y,Pom oa C A91768,U SAA bst r ac t:A s t he dept h of expl oi t at i on i ncr eas es,s t udi eso n cons t i t ut i ve m o de l s of r o ck af f ect ed by t e m per at ur e and hum i di t y be.com e ve r y i m por t an t.Base do n t he N i shi h ar a m o del,a vis c o el a st i c—p l a s ti c r oc k m od e l w as est a bl i shed by us i ng I he coef f i ci ent s oft he r m al a nd hum i di t y exp ansi on,t her m alvi s cos i t y at t enua t i on,hum i d vi s cos i t y at t e nuat i on a nd accel e r at i on r h eol og y co m pone nt s.W e use d t he def i ni t i on ofa cont r o l l ed heat c ir c le t o exp l ai n t he m ode l.The r es ul t s s howt h at t he be hav i o r of r ock.af f ect ed by t em.per at ur e a nd hum i di t y,i s s t ab l e as a f unc t i on of t i m e w hen t he s t r e s s i s l ow er t ha n t he fi r st yi eld s t re ss as l:t he cr eep r at e w il l i n.cr eas e due t o山e ef f ect of t e m pe r at ur e a nd hu m i di t y w hen t he s t r e ss i s gr eat e r t ha n or eq ual t o as l:the cr eep r at e w il l accel e r at e a t an i ncr ea si ng r a te w hen t he s t r e ss i s gr eat e r t han or eq ual t o t he se c ond yi el d s t r e ss O r s2.w hi ch r es ul t si n a f ai l ur e of t he r oadw ay.ne m o de l de r i ved i n t hi sst udy c an co m pl et el y descr i be vi sco-el as t ic—p l as ti c char act er i s t i cs a nd r ef l ects m e t hr e e s t ages of r o ck cr e ep.K e yw or ds:t em p er at ur e;hu m i di t y;cr ee p;c ont r ol l e d heat c ir c le1I nt r oduct i onD ur i ng t he pr oces s of deep under g r ound m i ni ng,def or m at i on of r ock i s si gni f i cant l y af f ect e d by hi g ht em per at u r e and hum i di t y,cau s ed by cool i ng w at er.I n deep under g r ound en gi neer i n g,t h e behavi or of r oc ks under t he ef f ec t of t em per at u r e and hum i di t y has been t he f ocus of r es ea r ch bv bot h dom es t i c andf or ei gn s ci ent i s t s,w ho ca rr i e d out a num ber of s t ud—i es on t he s ubj ect.A n exp er i m ent al s t udy on t he m e—c ha ni c al prope rt i e s of gr ani t e concer ni ng t em per at u r e a nd t i m e w as ca rr i e d out bv Li u et a1..who f or l nu.1at ed a m echa ni cal m ode l of t he uni a xi a l st r ess.st r ai nr e l a t i ons hi p of gr ani t e and der i ved a n e m pi ri c al for.m u l aof…c ohe si on chan gi ng overt i m e and w i t h t em—pe r at ur e”1.A st abl e cr eep cons t i t ut i ve eq uat i o n of bedded r ock sal t w as der i ved bv X i et a1.bv f i t t i ng exper i m ent al da t a弘1.W e i et a1.use d a com ponent t h at c an des cr i be t he a cc el er a t i on cr eep t o i nve st i gat e t…he vi sc o—el as t i c behav i or of r ock under pore pr essur eI j J.B as ed on a s eepage f i e l d and coupl ed st r ess f i e l d c as e i n eng i neer i ng r ock m as s,a s t udy by Z hang et a1.1edR ece i ved20Ju l y2009;accepted17O ct o ber2009+C orr es pond i ng au t h or.T e l:863775972665E-m a i l a d dre s s:ga o yana n—.23@126.corndo i:10.1016/S1674—5264(09)60181-2t o t he f or m at i on of a si m i l a rl y coupl ed sol i d—l i q ui d m at er i al t o m od el w at er s eepa ge i n a f ra ct ur ed r ock m as s and ob t ai ned r ul e s of r o ck f a i l ur e under s eep—a ge l….The i r r e sul t s w e r e c onsi s t e nt w i t h t ho s e ob.r ai ned f r o m i n—s i tu t es t s.C oup l ed Ther m o—H ydr o.M echani cal(T H M l i ssue s r e l at i ng t o t he desi gn and per f or m ance of nucl ear w as t er epos…i t or yw e r e r e-vi ew e d and di scus sed by H udson et al■Zhang m ade a2D num eri cal ana l ys i s of un s at u r at ed m e di a under a T H M coupl ed pr oc es s旧。
航运术语缩写大全航运术语缩写大全(一)英文缩略语英文原文中文译文a·a·always afloat 永远漂浮abt about 大约,关于a/c account 计算a/c account current 账户acct account 账目,账户a·&c·p·anchors&chains 锚和锚链试验台acpt acceptance 接受adcom address commission 订舱佣金,租船佣金m address commission 订舱佣金,租船佣金adft aft draft 艉吃水adv. advise 通知adv advance 提前a·f·advanced freight 预付运费a·f·b·air freight bill 空运运单afmt after fixing main terms 主要(租船)条款确认以后agrd agreed 同意agrt agreement 协议agt agent 代理agw all going well 取决于)一切顺利a·h·after hatch 后舱am morning 上午a·m·above mentioned 上述的amt amount 金额、数额a·n ·arrival notice 到达通知a/p additional primium 额外保险费老船加保费appr approximate 大约approx approximate 大约a/r all rlsks against all 一切险、承保一切风险a/s after sight/alongside 见票后/船边asap as soon as possible 尽,决、尽速asf as follows 如下asst assistant 助理,援助atl actual total loss 实际全损attn attention 由··收阅auto automatic 自动的a.v ad valorem 从价费率avg average 平均,海损ba bale capacity 包装容积baf bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费bal balance 平衡、余额、差额butc baltime uniform time charter 统一定期租船合同,“波尔的摩”期祖合同bb below bridges 桥楼以下(容积)bd banking days 银行工作日b/d bar draught 河口)沙洲吃水bdi both dates inclusive 包括首尾两日bdl bundle 捆b/e bill of exchange/bill of entry 汇票/进口报告书beam breadth of the vessel 船宽bends both ends 装卸港bfi baltic freight index 波罗的海运价指数b/g bonded goods 保税货物bg bags 袋b/h bill of health 健康证明书bimco baltic international maritime conference波罗的海国际航运公会biz business 业务b/l bill of lading 提单bl blading bill of lading 提单blft bale feet 包装尺码(容积)blk bulk 散装blkr bulker 散装船blt built (船舶)建造(年月)bm beam 横梁(船舶型宽)b. o. buyer’s option 买方选择boc bank of china 中国银行b/p bills payable 应付票据b/r bills receivable 应收票据b. rgds best regards 致敬,致意(电传尾常用结束语)b/s bill of sale/bill of store 抵押证券/船上用品免税单bs/l bills of lading 提单(复)b/st bill of sight 临时起岸报关单,见票即付汇票b. t. berth terms/liner terms 班轮条款c. a. l currency adjustment factor 货币附加费cancl cancelling 解约,解除合同capt captain 船长cc carbon copy 抄送c.c civil commotions 内乱c. c. continuation clause 连续条款ccib china commodlties inspection bureau 中国商检总局ccic china commoditeis inspection corporation 中国商检总公司ccpit china council for promotion of international trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会c&d collected and delivered 运费收讫和货物交毕c/e chief efgineer 轮机长cert certificate 证书c. f. cubic feet 立方英尺c&f cost and freight 货价加运费cfm confirm 确认、证实cfmd confirmed 已确认、已证实cfr cost and freight 货价加运费(运费付至目的港)cfs container freight station 集装箱货运站c.g.a cargo’s proportion of general average 共同海损货物分摊额chges charges 费用,责任c.i.consular invoice 领事签证c/i certificate of insurance 保险证明书c&i cost and insurance 货价加保险c.i.c china insurance clause 中国保险条款cif cost of insurance and freight 货价加保险和运费cif&c cost,insurance,freight and commission 货价加保险费运费及佣金cip carriage and insurance paid to 货价加付至指定目的地的运、保费cl. clause 条款、条文cl. b/l clean bill of lading 清洁提单clp container load plan 集装箱装箱单c/n consignment note/cover note credit note 发货通知书/认保单贷方通知单co.company 公司c/o (in)care of 转交c/o certificate of origin 原产地证明书coa contract of affreightment 包运合同c.o.d. cash on delivery 现金交货com commission 佣金comm. commlssion 佣金conbill conference bill of lading 公会提单congen conference genbill eral cargo bill of lading 公会杂货提单consec consecutive 连续的cont continent of europe 欧洲大陆co-op co-operation 合作corp. corporation 公司cosco china ocean shipping company 中国远洋公司costaco china ocean shipping tally company 中国外轮理货公司c/p charter party 租船合同c. p.d. charterers pay dues 租船人负担税捐cpt carriage paid to 货价加付至指定目的地的运费cqd customary quick despatch 按港口惯常速度快速装卸,不计滞/速费c. r. current rate 现行费率cst centistoke 厘拖,表云燃油浓度c. t. l. constructive total loss 推定全损c. t. l. o.constructive total loss only 仅承保推定全损ctr contract 合同cub cubic 立方cud could 能、可(过去式)cuft cubic feet 立方英尺cum cubic meter 立方米cy container yard 集装箱码堆场d diesel oil 柴油d206 diesel oil 206 tong 柴油206吨d/a direct additional 直航附加费d/a documents against acceptance 承兑交单daf delivered at frontier 边境指定地点交货价d.b. deals and battens(timber)垫板和板条d/c deviation clause 绕航和条款dd dated 日期d/d delivered at docks 码头交货d/d demand draft 汇票、银行汇票d/d days after date 到期后······日d. d. o dlspatch dicharging only 仅在卸货时计算速遣费ddp delivered duty paid 目的地约定地点交货(完税后)价ddu delivered duty unpaid 目的地约定地点交货(未完税)价del delivery 交船(期),交货dem demurrage 滞期费dep departure (船舶)离港dept departure (船舶)离港dept department 处、部(门)deq delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货价des delivered ex ship 目的港船上交货价desp despatch money 速遣费dest destination 目的地(港)df dead freight 空船费航运术语缩写大全(二)dfl draft full load 满载吃水dft draft 吃水、汇票、草稿dhd demurrage and half despatch 滞期费,速遣费为滞期费的一半dhdwts despatch&nbs p;money half demurrage and for working time saved 速遣费为滞期费的一半,并按节省的工作时间计算dhdwts despatch money bends half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends 装卸港口的速遣费均按滞期费的一半,并按节省的工作时间计算dia. diameter 直径disch d1scharge 卸货dist distance 距离d.l.o dlspatch loading delivery only 仅在装货时计算速遣费dlvy delivery 交货do ditto 同上,同前d/o delivery order 提货单d.o. diesel oil 柴油docs documents 单证doz dozen (一)打d/p documents against payment 付款后交付单据dp direct port 直达港d/s deviation surcharge 绕航附加费d.s. direct surcharge 直航附加费d.s. sea damage 海上损害d.t.a. definite time of arrival 船舶确切抵港时间dtls details 详情d.w. dock warrant 码头收货单d.w. deadweight 载重吨dwc deadweight capacity 受载量dwct deadweight cargo tonnage 载重吨,受载吨dwt dead weight tonnage 载重吨dwtc dead weight tonnage of cargo 货物载重吨eff efficiency 效率e.g. example gratia,for example 例如eiu even if used 即使用也不计算e/m export manifest 出口载货清单,出口舱单encl enclosure or enclosed 附件或所附的eng engineer 工程师,轮机员eng engine 发动机,(主)机e.&o.e. errors and ommisions excepted 有错当查/错误和遗漏不在此限eq equal 等于e.r. en route (船舶)在途中est estimated 估计的,预计的eta estimated time of arrival (船舶)预计抵港时间etad expected time of arrival and departure (船舶)预计到达和离开时间etb expected time of berthing (船舶)预计靠泊时间etc expected time of commencement 预计开始时间etc. et cetera 等等etcd estimated time of commencing discharging (船舶)预计开始卸货时间etd estimated time of departure (船舶)预计离港时间ete estimated time enroute 预计(在海上)航行时间etl estimated time of loading (船舶)预计开装时间ets estimated time of sailing (船舶)预计开航时间ex excluding 除外,扣除exp export 出口exps expenses (费用)支出ext extenslon 电话分机,延长exw ex work 产地交货价f fuel oil 燃油faa free of all average 一切海损均不赔偿faq fair average quality 中等货fas free alongside ship 船边交货价fc floating crane 浮吊f/c forecast 预报fca free carrier 货交承运人fcl full container load 整箱货f. d. free discharge (船方)不负担卸货费用fdft fore draft 吃水、艏吃水f.&d. freight and demurrage 运费和延滞费fefc far east freight conference 远东水脚公会feu fourty equivalent ufit 40英尺标准箱f. i. free in (船方)不负担装货费f. i.b. free into bunkers (燃料)交到船上燃料舱价格f. i.b. free into barge (燃料)交到油驳价格filo free in and liner out (船方)不负担装货费,但负担卸货费filsd free in lashed,secured and dunnaged 船方不负担装货、捆扎、加固、隔垫(料)等费用fio free in and out 船方不负担装卸费fios free in,out and stowed 船方不负担装卸费和理舱费fiost free in,and out,stowed and trimmed 船方不负担装卸、理舱、平舱费fiw free in wagon 船方不负担装人货车费flt full liner terms 全班轮条款flws follows 跟随,下面fm from 从……,来自f/m export freight manifest 出口载货运费清单,运费舱单f/n fixture note 订舱确认书fo free out 船方不负担卸货费fo fuel oil 燃油fo for orders 等待指示fo firm offer 实盘fob free on board 船上交货离岸价格fod free of damage 损害不赔f.o.w first open water 解冻后首次派船f. p. floating (oropen)policy 船名未定保险卑fpa free of particular average 平安险fr from 自从f. r. &c. c. free of rlots and civil commotions 暴动和内乱不保条款f. r. o.f fire rlsk on freight 货物火灾险frt freioht 运费ft foot or feet 英尺f/t freight ton 运费吨f. t. full terms 全部条款fw fresh water 淡水fwd forward 前部f.w.d fresh water damage 淡水损害fwdet fresh water draft 淡水吃水fyg for your guidance 供你参考,供你掌握情况fyi for your information 供你参考,供你掌握情况fyr for your reference 供你参考ga general average 共同海损gencon uniform general charter 统一杂货(程)租船标准合同,“金康程租合同”gmt greenwich mean time 格林威治标准时间gr grain capacity gross (船舶)散装容积毛(重)grd geared 带吊杆的grt gross register tonnage 总登记吨gsp generallzed system of preferences 普惠制gw gross weight 毛重ha hatch 舱口hadim hatch dimension 舱口尺寸hatutc half time used to count (as laytime)实际所使用时间的一半应计算(为作业时间)hd heavy diesel 重柴油ho/ha hold/hatch 货舱、舱口hp horse power 马力hrs hours 小时h.w. high water 高潮hwl high water level 高潮水位iac including address commisslon 包括租船人佣金i.c.c institute cargo clauses,london international 伦敦协会货物条款(保险)国际商会ifo intermediate fuel oil 中燃油immedly immediately 立即imo international maritime organization 国际海事组织imp import 进口in inch 英寸inc. including 包括ind index 指数insp inspection inspector 检验,检验员inst instant 本月的,立即int intentio 发票iop irrespective of percentage 不管百分比itwf international transport workers federation 国际运输劳工协会iu if used 如果使用j.&w.o. jettison and washing overboard 投弃货物和甲板,货物被冲katt kind attention 请转,请交kg kilogram 公斤kilo(s)kilograms 公斤km kilometer 公里kt knot 节,海里(约合1.852公里)k/t kilo-tons 公吨laden the draft when draftr vessel is laden (船舶)满载吃水lat latitude 纬度lbp length between perpendiculars (船舶)垂线间高l/c letter of credit 信用证lcl less than container load (集装箱)拼箱货ld light diesel 轻柴油l.d. loaded draft 满载吃水ldt light deadweight 轻载重吨l/g letter of guarantee 保证书,保证信lh lower hold 底舱ldg&bkg leakage andbreakage 漏损和破损l/l loading list 装货清单l.m.c. lloyd’s machinery certificate 劳合氏船机证书lmps lump sum 包干费总额lo liner out 由船方负担卸货费loa length over all 船舶全长long longitude 经度lt liner terms 班轮条款lt letter telegram 书信电报l/t long ton 长吨(约合1.016公吨)l. t. local time 当地时间ltd limited (有限) 公司ltd lower tween deck 下二层柜lw light weight 轻载重量l. w. lower water 低潮m. measurement 运价标记,按货物体积计算运价m. minute,metre 分(钟),米max maximum 最大(多)mdm madame 夫人,女士mdo marine diesel oil 大潮平均高潮面min minimum 最小(少)m.i.p. marine insurance policy 海险保险单misc. miscellaneous 杂项m.l.w.s. mean low water springs 大潮平均低潮面mme madame 夫人,女士moloo more or less at owner’s option 溢短装由船东选择molso more or less at seller’s option 溢短装由卖方选择mph miles per hour 海里/小时mpp multi-purpose (vessel)多用途(船)mr. mister 先生m/r,m. r. mate’s receipt 大副收据mrs mistress 夫人ms miss,mistress 小姐,夫人,女士m.s motor ship 内燃机船m/t,mt,metric ton 公吨(易与尺码吨相混,故尽量用k/t表示) m/t motor tanker 内燃机油轮mtd metric ton delivery on b0aro 每吨船上交货价mton measurement ton 尺码吨mv motor vessel 内燃机船n and 和n.a.a. not always afloat 不经常漂浮naut·m nautical mile 海里n.c.v no commercial value 无商业价值ndw net deadweight 净载重量n·h·p·nominal horsepower 定额马力nm nautical mile 海里n/m no mark 无唛头,无标记n·o·e not otherwise enumerated 未列名nor notice of readtness 装卸准备就绪通知书n. o. s. not otherwlse specified 未列名n/r notice of readiness 装卸准备就绪通知书nr number 数字,号码nrt net register tonnage 净登计吨nt.wt. net weight 净重nvocc non-vessel operations common carrier 无船公共承运人oap overage additlonal premium 老船加保obo oil bulk and ore(carrier or ship)石油,散货,矿砂(船)o.c. open charter,open cover 货港未定租船合同,预定保险ocp overland common points 内陆共同点off office 办公室,办事处o/p overage premium 老船加保费os ordinary sailor 普通水手otlx our telex 我方电传owlse otherwise 否则owrs owners 船东pa particular average 单独海损pce piece 一件pcs pieces 件(复数)pct percent 百分比p. d. port dues 港务费p.&i. protection and indemnity 保赔协会pdpr per day or prorata 按天计算,不足一天者按比例计算penavico china ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理总公司picc people’s insurance company of china 中国人民保险公司p&i club protection and indemnity club 船东保赔协会pkg package 包装p/l partial loss 部分损失p&l profit and loss 盈亏,损益pls please 请pm premium afternoon 保险费下午p/n promissory note 期票p.o.d. paid on delivery 交货时付讫p.p. picked ports 选定港ppt prompt loading 即期装船ppo rata in proportion 按比例(计算)p/s public sale 公开出售pewwd per weather working day 每晴天工作日q.c. quantity at captain’option 数量由船长确定r·a·refer to acceptor 交付接受人(汇票)rcvd received 收到rd running days 连续日r·d·c·running down clause 两船碰撞条款re-del re-delivery 还船(期)ref referring to 提及、参阅revert- we(i)shall telling you about it again(or later)详情后告rf reference 参考rf. n0. reference number (函电)参考号码rgds regards 致敬,致意(电传尾常用结束语)roc with reference to our cable 参阅我方电报rot with rerefence to our telex 参阅我方电传ryc with reference to your cable 参阅贵方电报ryl with reference to your letter 参阅贵方来信ryt with reference to your telex 参阅贵方电传sb safe berth 安全泊位s·c·salvage charges 救助费用s.d. short delivery 短卸sec second 秒sf safe factor 安全系数s/f stowage factor 积载因素shex sundays,holldays excepted 星期日和节假日除外shinc sundays,holidays included 星期日和节假日包括在内shpr shipper 托运人,发货人sinochart china national chartering corporation 中国租船公司sino-trans china national foreign trade transportation corporati on 中国对外贸易运输总公司s.l. salvage loss 救助损失s/l.c. sue and labour clause 损害防止条款s/n shipping note 装船通知单snp sales and purchase 销售买卖部s/o shipping order 装货单,关单,下货纸s.o.senior officer 高级船员soonest as soon as posslble 尽决,尽速s.o.l shipowner’s liability 船舶所有人的责任义务sos save our ship,a message for help (船舶遇难)呼救信号,救命sp spring tide 大潮sp safe port 安全港s/p stowage plan,cargo plan 货物积载图,船图s.r.d. steamer pays dues 船方负担税金spec. specifications 规格,说明书spsb safe port and safe berth 安全港口,安全泊位sr sign and release 签发和放行srcc strike , riots and civil commotion 罢工,暴乱,内哄(险)ss steam ship 蒸汽机船s.s.suez surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费s/t short ton 短吨(约等于0.907公吨)subs substitute 代替surch surcharge 附加费s/w shipper’s weights 发货人提供的重量swad salt water arrival draft 抵港海水吃水swdft salt water draft 海(咸)水吃水t/a transhipment additional 转船附加费tb to be 将要tbn to be nominated 待派船,待指定tc type cranes 单杆吊(船舶呆杆类型)t/c time charter 期租t.c.t. time charter on trip basis 航次期租船td type derricks 双杆吊(船吊类型)td time of departure 开航时间t. d. tweendeck 二层柜tdy today 今天temp temporary 临时的teu twenty equivalent unit 20英尺标准集装箱tks thanks 感谢t.l. total loss 全损t.l.o. total loss only 仅保全损tlx telex 电传t.p.cm. tons per cen(tpc) timeter 每厘米吃水吨数t.p.i tons per inch 每一英寸吃水吨数tpnd theft,pilferage and nondelivery 偷盗和提货不着(险) t/s transhipment surcharge 转船附加费t/s tanker ship 油轮t/t turbine tankfr 蜗轮机油轮tv tanker vessel 油轮u you 你,你们ud upper deck 上甲板ulcc ultra-large crude carrier 特大型油轮ult ultimo,last month,ultimate 上月的,最后的utd upper tweendeck 三层的uu unless used 除非使用v voyage 航程,航次v/c voyage charter 程租船vlbc very large bulk carrier 大型散装船vlcc very large crude oil carrier 巨型油轮v.o.p. value as in original policy 价值如原保险单所载voy voyage 航程、航次vsl vessel 船舶w gross weight 运价标记,按货物毛重计算运价wa with particular average 水渍险w.b.s. without benefit of salvage 无救助利益wccon whether customs clearance or not 不管通关与否w.g. weight guarantee 保证重量whf wharf 码头wibon whether in berth or not (船舶)不管靠泊与否wiccon whether in cus toms clearance or not (船舶)不管通关与否wifpon whether in free pratique or not (船舶)不管检疫与否wipon whether in port or not (船舶)不管抵港与否wkg working 正在做wl water line 水线w/m gross wight or measurement 运价标记,按货物的毛重与体积分别计算, 按高者收费wog without guarantee 没有保证w.p. weather permits 如果气候条件许可wpa with particular average 水渍险wrting we (i )shall write to you about it alter 详情函告w.r.o. war risks only 仅保战争险wton weight ton 重量吨wts working time saved 节省的工作时间wtsbends working time saved at both ends 装卸港均以节省的工作时间计算(速遣费)ww warehouse to warehouse (clause)仓至仓条款(保险)wwd weather working day 晴天工作日wwdshex weather working day sundays,holidays excepted 晴天工作日,星期日和节假日除外wwdsh weather workinc ing day sundays,holidays included 晴天工作日,星期日和节假日包括在内yar york-antwerp rules 约克-安特卫普规则(1974)(共同海损理算规则)yc your cable 你的电报ylet your letter 你的信yr. your 你的yr year 年ytlx your telex 你的电传航运术语缩写大全(三) aa always afloat 经常漂浮aa always accessible 经常进入aa average adjusters 海损理算师aar against all risks 承保一切险ab able bodied seamen 一级水手ab average bond 海损分担证书a/b aktiebolaget (瑞典)股份公司a/b abean 正横abs american bureau of shipping 美国船级协会abt about 大约abb abbreviation 缩略语a/c,acct account 帐目ac alter couse 改变航向ac account current 活期存款,来往帐户ac alernating current 交流电acc accepted; acceptance 接受,同意acc.l accommodation ladder 舷梯a.&c.p. anchor & chains proved 锚及锚链试验合格acv air cushion vehicle 气垫船acdgly accordingly 遵照ad anno domini 公元后ad after draft 后吃水add address 地址addcom address commission 租船佣金adf automatic direction finder 自动测向仪ad val ad valorm 从价(运费)adv advise;advice; advance 告知;忠告;预支a/e auxiliary engine 辅机af advanced freight 预付运费afac as fast as can 尽可能快地af agency fee 代理费afp agence france press 法新社afs as follows 如下aft after 在。
文华东方酒店服务管理的S W O T分析
文华东方酒店服务管理的S W O T分析S(strength)优势(1)优越的地理位置文华东方酒店坐落于xx市核心地带,毗邻风景如画的湘江,步行15分钟便可到达市区主要商务、购物及娱乐休闲中心。
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V 只用来拼写外来语、少数民族语言和方言。
声母表b p m f d t n l g k h j q xzh ch sh r z c s知、蚩、诗、日、资、雌、思韵母表a o e ai ei ao ou an en ang阿喔鹅哀诶凹欧安恩昂eng ong亨的韵母轰的韵母【字母表】【字母】A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z【读音(拼音)】a bêcêdêe êf gêha yi jie kêêl êm nêo pêqiu ar ês têwu vêwa xi ya zê【发音】啊玻雌得鹅佛哥喝衣基科勒摸讷喔坡欺日思特(乌V)巫希衣资【注】:字母的读音和字母的发音不可混淆。
i ia ie iao iou ian in iang iongu ua uai uan uen uang ueng 乌蛙歪弯温汪翁üüe üan ün迂约冤晕汉语拼音字母表声母表Shengmu listb p m f dt n l g kh j q x zhch sh r z cs y w韵母表Yunmu lista o e i uüai ei ui aoou iu ie üe eran en in unangeng ing ong汉语拼音音节表p pa po pai pao pou pan pen pang peng pi pie piao pian pin pingm ma mo me mai mao mou man men mang meng mi mie miao miu mian min mi ngf fa fo fei fou fan fen fang fengd da de dai dei dao dou dan dang deng di die diao diu dian dingt ta te tai tao tou tan tang teng ti tie tiao tian tingn na nai nei nao no nen nang neng ni nie niao niu nian nin niang ningl la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng li lia lie liao liu lian lin liang lingg ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang gengk ka ke kai kou kan ken kang kengh ha he hai hei hao hou hen hang hengj ji jia jie jiao jiu jian jin jiang jingq qi qia qie qiao qiu qian qin qiang qingx xi xia xie xiao xiu xian xin xiang xingzh zha zhe zhi zhai zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zhengch cha che chi chai chou chan chen chang chengsh sha she shi shai shao shou shan shen shang shengr re ri rao rou ran ren rang rengz za ze zi zai zao zou zang zengc ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang cengs sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang sengy ya yao you yan yang yu ye yue yuan yi yin yun yingw wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng wu汉语拼音音节表b—bo ba bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi bie biao bian bin bing 波爸白北包班本帮崩笔别标边斌兵p—po pa pai pao pou pan pen pang peng pi pie piao pian pin ping摸妈么麦猫某满门忙猛米灭苗谬面民明f- fo fa fei fou fan fang fen feng佛发飞否翻方分风d--de da dai dei dao dou dan dang deng di die diao diu dian ding 的大呆得(作动词)刀豆单当灯低爹叼丢点丁t-- te ta tai tao tou tan tang teng ti tie tiao tian ting特他台涛头谈汤疼梯贴挑天听n--ne na nai nei nao nuo nen nang neng ni nie niao niu nian niang nin ning 呢那耐内脑诺嫩囊能你捏鸟牛年娘您宁l-- le la lai lei lao lou lan lang leng li lie liao liu lian liang lin ling 了拉来类老楼兰浪冷里列料流连两林令g—ge ga gai gei gao gou gan gang gen geng哥嘎该给高沟干刚根更k—ke ka kai kou kan kang ken keng科卡开口看康肯坑h--he ha hai hei hao hou hang hen heng喝哈海黑好后航很横j-- ji jia jie jiao jiu jian jiang ju jue jin jing机家接交就尖江居决今京q--qi qia qie qiao qiu qian qin qiang qu que quan qin qing期掐切桥秋千亲枪区缺全亲青x--xi xia xie xiao xiu xian xiang xu xuan xin xing西下些小休先香需宣新星zh-zhi zha zhe zhai zhao zhou zhan zhang zhen zheng只扎这摘招周站张真争ch-chi cha che chai chou chan chang chen cheng吃叉车拆抽产昌尘成sh- shi sha she shai shao shou shan shang shen sheng诗沙舌晒烧收山伤身生r-- ri re rao rou ran rang ren reng日热绕肉然让人扔z-- zi za ze zai zao zou zang zen zeng子杂则在早走脏怎增c-- ci ca ce cai cao cou can cang cen ceng次擦册才草凑蚕仓岑层s-- si sa se sai sao sou san sang sen seng思洒色赛扫搜伞桑森僧y--yi ya yao you yan yang yu ye yue yun yuan yong yin ying衣压腰优烟央鱼爷约云元拥因英w--wo wu wa wai wei wan wen wang weng窝污挖歪威弯温汪翁注释:(1) "知、蚩、诗、日、资、雌、思”等字的韵母用i,它们的发音与声母z c s r zh ch sh 一样.(2) i 行的韵母,前面没有声母的时候,写成yi(衣),yɑ(呀),ye(耶),yao(歪),wei(威),wan(弯),wen(温),wɑnɡ(汪),wenɡ(翁)ü行的韵母跟声母j,q,x拼的时候,写成ju(居),qu(区),xu(虚),ü上两点也省略;但是跟声母l,n拼的时候,仍然写成lü(吕),nü(女)。
The Polite and Impolite of Taboo Words in English
T he Po lite and I m po lite U se ofT aboo W o rd s in Eng lishL inyi N o r m al U n iversity Shandong P rovince Shao ZhufengH arb in In stitu te of T echno logy at W eihai Shandong P rovince W ang Junp ing[Abstract]D ue to the sensitive nature of taboo w o rds,generally the use of them is strictly restricted.In th is paper the autho r discusses m any different uses of taboo w o rds in English,and argues that taboo w o rds can be used no t only i m po litely as is generally assum ed,but also neutrally and po litely.T he criteri on of judging the po liteness i m po liteness of these linguistic item s is the mo tivati on w e believed to be beh ind them.[Key W ords]taboo po liteness i m po liteness 1.I n troductionA s W ardhaugh states“taboo is one w ay in w h ich a society exp resses its disapp roval of certain k inds of behavi our believed to be har m ful to its m em bers,either fo r supernatural reasons o r because such behavi our is held to vi o late a mo ral code”(W ardhaugh,1998:234),the use of taboo w o rds is strictly restricted as generally it w ill give offence to the listeners. W hereas they are often used among clo se friends o r relatives w ithout i m po lite m eaning and nobody engaged in the comm unicati on is offended by the taboo w o rds.It is our po int in th is paper that taboo w o rds can be used no t only i m po litely as is generally assum ed,but also neutrally and po litely.2.Polite use of t abooR ather than assum ing that there is som eth ing intrinsically i m po lite about certain utterances o r exchanges,Sara M ills argues that i m po liteness is attributed to a speaker on the basis of assess m ent of their intenti ons and mo tivati ons(M ills,2003: 122).So w e have reason to say that taboo w o rds are no t intrinsically i m po lite either,they m ay be used po litely w ithout offending o thers in certain situati ons.2.1A s sym bo l of group identity Speakers are m em bers of social group s,and it is one of the functi ons of language to act as a sym bo l of group identity.W ardhaugh argues that“certain linguistic cho ices a speaker m akes indicate the social relati onsh i p that speaker perceives to exist betw een h i m o r her and listener o r listeners”(W ardhaugh,1988:251).Si m ilarly, in w riting about the social structure of the Kach ins of h igh land M yanm ar,E.R.L each(1954)observes that“fo r a m an to speak one language rather than ano ther is a ritual act,it is a statem ent about one’s personal status;to speak the sam e language as one’s neighbours exp resses so lidarity w ith tho se neighbours,to speak a different language from one’s neighbours exp resses social distance o r even ho stility”(L each, 1954:49,cited in Salz m ann,2004:198).A nd“so lidarity”is a ter m hard to define,as H udson exp lains,“it concerns the social distance betw een peop le—how m uch experience they have shared,how m any social characteristics they share(religi on, sex,age,regi on of o rigin,race,occupati on,interests,etc.), how far they are p repared to share inti m acies,and o ther facto rs”(H udson,2000:122).Keinpo intner also draw s attenti on to the w ay that i m po liteness m ay be used as a w ay of m aintaining the distincti ons betw een out-group s and in-group s(Keinpo intner,1997).L akoff po ints out that“m ale po liteness is different from fem ale and m ixed po liteness,in that m ale po liteness m akes use of R ule3to encourage bonding relati onsh i p s,and the o thers do no t”(L akoff,1975:100).A cco rding to L akoff,thepurpo se of R ule3is to m ake the addressee feel that the speaker likes h i m and w ants to be friendly w ith h i m,is interested in h i m,and so on.Co lloquial language,back-slapp ing,and telling dirty j okes are generally R ule3linked,as is the use of four-letter w o rds,rather than either the technical ter m s of R ule1o r the euphem is m s of R ule2.T hen, the use of taboo w o rds m ay be regarded as a strong so lidarity m arker fo r a particular group such as age,occupati on,sex, etc.in the comm unicati on.2.2To show affecti on In som e contexts the use of taboo and obscene w o rds m ay serve to show affecti on.V erbal encounters among clo se friends m ay be full of taboo and obscene w o rds as ter m s of endear m ent(Cam eron,1969:101). Sara M ills po ints out that even the mo st offensive insults can be used by clo se friends to signal cam araderie(M ills,2003:123). T hey are frequently used in daily greetings,in address fo r m s and m any o ther situati ons among clo se friends o r relatives as a m arker of being clo se,friendly and affecti onate.H ere,taboo w o rds are no longer taboo because clo se friendsh i p is often m arked in info r m al contexts by unseri ous bandying of insulting exp ressi ons.T he functi on of using taboo w o rds in greeting among clo se friends is to indicate a clo se friendsh i p betw een the speakers.2.3To p romo te inti m acy L eech po ints out that the mo re inti m ate a relati onsh i p,the less necessary and i m po rtant po liteness is.In o ther w o rds,lack of po liteness is associated w ith inti m acy,and so being superficially i m po lite can p romo te inti m acy(L eech,1983).Po liteness can be judged by som e group s,especially m en,to be trivial and a w aste of ti m e.T h is is often found among clo se friends,as Ho l m es argues“m ales and fem ales have different percep ti ons of po liteness,w here—244—w om en consider po liteness to be of great i m po rtance,w h ilst in general,m en appear to feel po liteness is dispensable betw een inti m ates in p rivate.In som e public spheres...m en seem to regard po liteness as unnecessary”(Ho l m es,1995:194).Sw earing is one focus in the discussi on of i m po liteness.“W ith in certain environm ents,s w earing is to lerated to a greater degree than in o thers and indeed can be though t of as a w ay of indicating one’s affiliati on to o thers”(M ills,2003: 140).Sw earing among friends appears very frequently.O f course it is no t targeted at their friends and the speaker does no t ai m to attack anyone.T h is k ind of rudeness is only i m po lite on the surface,as Culpeper po ints out,mock i m po liteness only functi ons to fo ster social inti m acy w hen it is clear to all parties that the i m po liteness is untrue(Culpeper,1996).O ne consistent finding of linguists w ho have studied inti m acy is that it is often ach ieved,at least in part,th rough the transgressi on of taboo s.L angfo rd’s(1997,in Don Kulick, 2003:135)exam inati on of V alentine’s D ay personal m essages in the B ritish Guardian new spaper show s that a num ber of taboo s are transgressed in these m essages.A no ther examp le of the relati onsh i p betw een inti m acy and p roh ibiti on is Channell’s (1997,in Don Kulick,2003:135)use of Conversati on A nalysis to track how inti m acy is accomp lished in the infamous “T ampax”telephone conversati on that allegedly took p lace betw een the P rince of W ales and h is compani on Cam illa.A central argum ent in Channell’s analysis is that inti m acy is accomp lished th rough the transgressi on of taboo s that operate in public and non-inti m ate discourse.2.4To m ake fun In som e contexts the use of taboo o r obscene w o rds m ay serve to m ake fun.F requently peop le have reso rted to taboo in j okes.In all-m en group s m en can tell dirty j okes as show of cam araderie(L akoff,1975).Jay(1992) observed in a study that non-dirty j okes w ere often regarded as“co rny”and the teller w as laughed rather than h is j oke.A t ti m es obscenities w ere added to j okes and sto ries to m ake them appear as funny as po ssible because taboo w o rds tend to signify frankness,soph isticati on,liberalis m,compani onability,and even s m artness,w h ich just m eet the requirem ents of m ak ing successful j okes among clo se friends.T aboo w o rds are also used in puns,riddles,etc. Som eti m es,puns are used to h int the taboo w o rds and taboo ideas,T he offering of a cho ice betw een tw o m eanings,one innocent and the o ther taboo,is essential to the obscene pun. By punning on the obscene ideas,the riddle m ay also serve as the m ark of their so lidarity.3.Neutral use of t abooT here are cases w hen taboo s are used no t to show cam araderie to friends,and w ith no intenti on to be i m po lite to anyone,th is k ind w e classify as the neutral use of taboo s.W hen taboo w o rds are used neutrally,the speaker o r w riter uses them w ith no intenti onal disrespect to the listener,reader,o r audience.It is a k ind of use that fits the purpo se and context of the comm unicati on and conveys feelings that are neutral, direct,frank o r even i m personal.3.1U nmo tivated i m po liteness L ike in m any cultures,death is also considered as som eth ing unlucky and unfo rtunate in English,therefo re peop le often feel reluctant to m enti on it directly.But just as T ian Guisen(1997)concludes in h is dissertati on:“linguistic taboo is,at least in part in comm unicati on,a personal o r an individual m atter.Chances are that no tw o persons have exactly the sam e standards fo r deter m ining w hat is and w hat is no t a taboo——that no tw o persons w ill agree100per cent on w hat w o rds are per m issible in certain social situati ons.O ne person w ill unhesitatingly use a w o rd w here ano ther person w ould try to avo id it”(T ian,1997: 54),som eti m es the w o rd dead is used w ithout negative conno tati ons by som eone w ho does no t consider it a taboo. Keinpo intner(1997)distinguishes betw een mo tivated and unmo tivated rudeness;in mo tivated i m po liteness,the speaker is assum ed to have intended to be rude,w hereas unmo tivated i m po liteness is the result of insufficient know ledge of som e k ind.T hus,hypo thesizing of intenti on is essential to assessing an act as i m po lite.3.2H abitual use of taboo In h is article,“L ike a V eryD rab”(H aller,1976:29),H aller divides s w earers into four group s.Group O ne consists of tho se w ho s w ear and speak obscenely out of habit,w ithout m alice,w ithout m eaning,and often w ithout relevance.H abitual s w earers,confir m ed in the custom by years of p ractice,hardly realize that they are s w earers and upon questi on w ill catego rically deny the fact. T herefo re,w e should no t say the habitual s w earers are being i m po lite to anyone.T he second group includes tho se mo tivated by the feeling that s w earing is an instrum ent of democratizati on.T aboo language thus becom es a k ind of identificati on tag,indicating that all w ho use it are m em bers of the sam e club.It establishes a bond of sympathy among the partici pants and creates a general feeling of security.T he th ird group comp rises tho se mo tivated by the desire to shock and to attract attenti on.T he fourth group and the mo st interesting class,patho logically considered,are tho se driven by the compulsi on to belittle and bes m irch.[92]3.3A s a referring instrum ent O ne basic functi on of language is its referential use.W e constantly use language to refer to th ings around.L anguage is used as a sym bo l o r a referent of th ings w e intend to refer to.Fo r th is purpo se,there are different k inds of po ssibilities of nam ing these th ings:to m enti on it w ith a favo rable attitude;to tell it w ith resentful feelings;to say it as it is no r m ally called.T hese cho ices of the speaker are partly deter m ined o r confined by the facto r of the context w here the language is used.Som eti m es w hen it is taken to extrem es in observing linguistic taboo s,the comm unicati on w ill be seri ously affected.If a speaker choo ses to use the no r m ally tabooed w o rd,the listener is clear that no one w ill be responsible fo r the taboo vi o lati on,because the euphem is m canno t fulfill the requirem ent of comm unicati on and using taboo w o rd is just an indispensable m eans if he o r she w ants to m ake the comm unicati on efficient.H ere,to break the taboo is som eth ing necessary;o ther w ise the speaker has no cho ice but to break the—344—comm unicati on.4I m polite use of t abooT here are different w ays of being i m po lite and aggressive. U sing taboo w o rds is perhap s the mo st common technique. U nlike the neutral use of taboo s,w h ich tend to exp ress attitudes of disrespect fo r societal no r m s o r the subject being comm unicated,taboo w o rds used i m po litely generally indicate the user’s contemp t,dislike,o r p rejudice fo r a particular person,group,o r th ing.Generally speak ing,they ai m to s w ear,p ro test,insult and attack som eone w ith language.T he m aj o r difference betw een the tw o catego ries is that neutral use of taboo s does no t have the negative i m pact and disrespect tow ards the listener o r audience in the comm unicati on w h ile the o ther is clearly loaded w ith such aggressive intenti ons.4.1To insult W e often use language,especially taboo w o rds,as a m eans to exp ress our anger,disappo intm ent,fear, envy o r hatred because taboo w o rds are abusive,chauvinistic, irreverent,p rofane and cathartic.Beebe clai m s that rather than seeing i m po liteness as a failure to be po lite,rudeness should be seen as“a reflecti on of p ragm atic competence”,that is,it should be seen as ach ieving certain ai m s in a conversati on, firstly,to get pow er;and secondly,to give vent to negative feelings(Beebe,1995:154).In her analysis of examp les such as the fo llow ing,the interactants had clearly no t m iscalculated the level of app rop riate po liteness due in the circum stances,but had cho sen to be rude.In N ew Yo rk,a w ell-built m an w as trying to park h is car next to a pedestrian cro ssing,and a th in w om an w as trying to cro ss the road w ith her ch ildren.T hey argued about w ho had righ t of w ay;the w om an finally yelled: W om an:O h,shut up,you fat p ig!M an:Go fuck yourself.W om an:Go on a diet!M an:Go fuck yourself!T h is type of i m po liteness,Beebe asserts,often results from a“vo lcanic”lo ss of temper,of lo ss of contro l over one’s emo ti ons.4.2To release pent-up feelings A nd there are cases w hen there is no clear target fo r the contemp t and the speaker is m ainly releasing h is pent-up feelings.A n instance of th is is the taboo s used as a w ay of catharsis in mono logue s w earing.T h is happens frequently w hen one encounters som eth ing unp leasant, frustrating and irritating.It is considered no r m al fo r peop le to utter a strong oath,ep ithet o r a taboo w o rd at such mom ents.T he common feature of th is use of taboo w o rds as a w ay of catharsis is that these w o rds are targeted at inani m ate objects and rarely at hum an listeners.O r it m igh t be the case that there is som eth ing no t clearly p inned dow n fo r the speaker to s w ear at,fo r he o r she does no t know w hom they should s w ear at.5.ConclusionIn th is paper w e exam ined the use of taboo s in English. T hey m ay be used po litely,neutrally and i m po litely in different situati ons.T he criteri on of judging the po liteness i m po liteness of these linguistic item s is the mo tivati on w e believed to be beh ind them.If the speakers tend to be po lite to the readers and listeners,w eclassify their use of taboo w o rds as po lite;if they tend to be rude o r insult the readers and listeners,w e classify their use as i m po lite;and if the users of taboo w o rds show no signs of po liteness o r i m po liteness and seem to be i m passive, w e classify th is k ind of use as neutral.References[1]Beebe,L.Po lite ficti ons:instrum ental rudeness as p ragm atic competence.Geo rgetow n U niversity Roundtable on L anguage and L inguistics.1995.154-168.[2]Cam eron,P.F requency and k inds of w o rds in vari ous social settings,o r w hat the hell’s go ing on.Pacific Soci o logical R eview.1969,12 2.101-04.[3]Culpeper,J.Tow ards an anatom y of i m po liteness,in Journal of P ragm atics.1996,25.349-67.[4]H aller,John M.L ike a V ery D rab.Am erican Speech. 1976,V o l.51.25-34.[5]H udson,R.A.Soci o linguistics.Second Editi on.Beijing: Fo reign L anguage T each ing and R esearch P ress,2000.122.[6]Ho l m es,J.W om en,M en and Po liteness.L ondon: L ongm an,1995.[7]Jay,T i m o thy.B.Cursing in Am erica:A P sycho linguistic Study of D irty L anguage in the Courts,in the M ovies,in the Schoo l-yards and on the Streets.Ph iladelph ia: John Benjam ins Publish ing Company,1992.[8]Keinpo intner,M.V arieties of rudeness:type and functi ons of i m po lite utterances.Functi ons of L anguage.1997, 4 2.251-287.[9]Don Kulick.L anguage and D esire,in Ho l m es,Janet and M eyerhoff,M iriam.(eds.)T he H andbook of L anguage and Gender.O xfo rd:B lackw ell Publish ing L td,2003.121-35.[10]L akoff,Robin.L anguage and W om an’s P lace,in Bucho ltz,M ary.(ed.)L anguage and W om an’s P lace:T ext and Comm entaries.R evised and Expanded Editi on.N ew Yo rk: O xfo rd U niversity P ress Inc.,2004.[11]L eech,Geoffrey.P rinci p les of P ragm atics.L ondon: L ongm an,1983.[12]M enken,H.L.T he Am erican L anguage.N ew Yo rk:B lackw ell Publishers,1936.[13]M ills,Sara.Gender and Po liteness.Cam bridge: Cam bridge U niversity P ress,2003.[14]Salz m ann,Zdenek.L anguage,Culture and Society: an introducti on to linguistic anth ropo logy.3rd Editi on.O xfo rd: W estview P ress,2004.198-201.[15]T ian,Guisen.A Functi onal A pp roach To L inguistic T aboo V i o lati on.Pek ing U niversity,1997.[16]W ardhaugh,Ronald.A n Introducti on to Soci o linguistics.4th Editi on.O xfo rd and M assachusetts: B lackw ell Publishers,2002.—444—。
重庆市冷链物流发展S W O T分析
[关键词]冷链物流;SWOT分析法;重庆市一、冷链物流的概念和内涵冷链物流(Cold Chain)是指在生产、贮藏、运输、销售直到最终消费前的各个环节中,将易腐、生鲜食品始终保持在规定的低温环境下,以最佳物流手段保证食品质量,减少食品损耗的一种物流体系。
S W O T分析模型最初是运用于企业制定战略规划中,但随着对此模型的进一步研究和推广,越来越多的专家学者尝试着将它运用到各个领域。
在此,我认为把冷链物流作为一个研究对象,用S W O T分析模型来解析相关的问题也是可行有效的。
三、冷链物流的S W O T定量分析对冷链物流采用定性分析方法时,本身加入了主观因素,势必影响冷链物流发展的决策质量。
因此,运用定量的方法,最大限度地剔除主观因素,会得到更加合理、有效、客观的S W O T分析结论。
对冷链物流进行SWOT的定量分析,基础性的工作就是建立与S W O T分析中四个方面相对应的影响因素评价体系,为定量分析获得相应的数据。
英文圆体26个字母写法英文圆体字母写法A - aB - bC - cD - dE - eF - fG - gH - hI - iJ - jK - kL - lM - mN - nO - oP - pQ - qR - rS - sT - tU - uV - vW - wX - xY - yZ - z这是英文圆体字母的写法。
希望这份简短的文档对你有所帮助,祝你在学习和使用英文字母时取得好成果!Certainly! Here are the remaining letters in the English roundhand font:I - iJ - jK - kL - lM - mN - nO - oP - pQ - qR - rS - sT - tU - uV - vW - wX - xY - yZ - zIt is important to remember that each letter has its uppercase and lowercase form. These letters are fundamental elements used to compose English words and sentences. The roundhand style is characterized by smooth curves and simplicity, making the letters easily recognizable and aesthetically pleasing.Whether in handwritten or printed English text, these letters appear with clear shapes. They are widely used in various contexts such as writing, logo design, advertising, and more. Additionally, mastering the proper writing of these letters is essential for learning English spelling and reading.The formation of these letters is not overly complex, but it is important to pay attention to the shape and stroke order of each letter. By practicing and familiarizing yourself with these letters, you can improve your handwriting skills and the visual appeal of the letterforms.English roundhand letters are indispensable tools for writing, communication, and academic research. Mastering their proper formation will help you express yourself better, understand others, and communicate with people from around the world.While learning these letters, you may encounter challenges, but do not give up. Persistence and consistent practice willhelp you gradually master the proper formation of these letters and enable you to write English text fluently.Although this is just the writing style of the 26 letters, they hold great significance for English learners. By learning the correct formation of these letters, you can establish a strong foundation for your English learning journey, leading to greater confidence and fluency in English communication and language usage.I hope this continuation of the document proves helpful to you. Wishing you success in your endeavor to learn and effectively utilize the English alphabet!Certainly! Here are the remaining letters in the English roundhand font:I - iJ - jK - kL - lM - mN - nO - oP - pQ - qR - rS - sT - tU - uV - vW - wX - xY - yZ - zIn roundhand writing, each letter has its own distinct shape and stroke order. Let's take a closer look at each letter:I - i:The uppercase "I" is written as a vertical line, while the lowercase "i" is a smaller vertical line with a dot above it.J - j:The uppercase "J" starts with a vertical line, then curves out to the left and finishes with a dot above. The lowercase "j" is written similarly but without the dot.K - k:The uppercase "K" is formed with two diagonal lines, one coming down from the top left and the other starting at the middle and moving diagonally upward to meet the first line. The lowercase "k" is similar but without the diagonal top line.L - l:Both the uppercase "L" and lowercase "l" are simply written as a vertical line.M - m:The uppercase "M" consists of two diagonal lines slanting away from each other and then coming together in the middle. The lowercase "m" has a similar shape but is smaller in size.N - n:The formation of the uppercase "N" is similar to the letter "M," with two diagonal lines slanting away from each other butnot touching. The lowercase "n" is written as a single diagonal line without the second slant.O - o:Both the uppercase "O" and lowercase "o" are circular in shape. The only difference is the size, with the uppercase version being larger.P - p:The uppercase "P" starts with a vertical line, then curves to the right and extends below the starting point. The lowercase "p" is similar but without the curved part.Q - q:The uppercase "Q" is written as an oval shape with a line extending to the right from the bottom. The lowercase "q" is similar but without the line extending beyond the oval shape.R - r:The uppercase "R" begins with a diagonal line from the top left, then curves to the right and finishes with a vertical line.The lowercase "r" is a simpler version of the uppercase, consisting of just the curved part.S - s:Both the uppercase "S" and lowercase "s" have curved shapes. The uppercase version is larger and more elongated, while the lowercase version is smaller and compact.T - t:Both the uppercase "T" and lowercase "t" are formed with a vertical line topped with a horizontal line.U - u:The uppercase "U" starts with a curved line from the top left, then moves downward, forms a U-shape, and continues upward on the right side. The lowercase "u" is similar but without the top curved line.V - v:Both the uppercase "V" and lowercase "v" are formed with two diagonal lines slanting away from each other and meeting at the bottom.让知识带有温度。
长城欧拉S W O T分析结论
长城欧拉S W O T分析结论
SolidWorks技巧快捷键超级大整合(一)01这些键代表什么意义?1. A:中心线2. B:镜向3. C:画圆4. D:智能标柱尺寸5. E:删除6. F:草图倒圆角7. G:画直线8. H:从装配制作工程9. I:等距实体10. J:从装配制作装配11. K:多边形12. L:延伸13. M:草图线性阵列14. N:草图圆性阵列15. 0:装饰螺纹线16. P:倒角17. Q:测量18. R:矩形19. S:工程图注释20. T:剪栽21. U:注解22. V:添加约束23. W:转换实体24. X:左右二等角轴测25. Y:草图26. Z:缩小02快捷键大全27. Ctrl+A: 实体放样(从零件制作装配体)28. Ctrl+B: 基准轴(重建模型)29. Ctrl+C: 复制(或按住Ctrl移动草图实体)30. Ctrl+D: 实体拉伸(从零件制作工程图)31. Ctrl+E: 退出软件32. Ctrl+F: 实体倒圆角(查找替换)33. Ctrl+G: 实体扫描34. Ctrl+I: 现有零件\装配体35. Ctrl+J: 新装配体36. Ctrl+K: 选项37. Ctrl+L: 解除压缩配置38. Ctrl+M: 压缩配置39. Ctrl+N: 新建文件40. Ctrl+O:打开文件41. Ctrl+P: 打印文件42. Ctrl+Q:强使重建模型及重建其所有特征43. Ctrl+R:实体旋转(重新绘制)44. Ctrl+S:保存文件45. Ctrl+T:实体加厚46. Ctrl+V:粘贴47. Ctrl+W:关闭文件/从Web文件夹中打开48. Ctrl+X:剪切49. Ctrl+Y:恢复(反撤销)50. Ctrl+Z:撤消51. Ctrl+F1:任务窗格52. Ctrl+F4:关闭窗口53. Ctrl+F6:下一窗口54. Ctrl+Tab:实体与工程转换(在打开的SolidWorks文件之间循环)55. Shitf+A: 切除放样56. Shitf+B: 实体镜向57. Shitf+C: 圆性阵列58. Shitf+D: 切除拉伸59. Shitf+E: 剖面视图60. Shitf+F: 实体倒角61. Shitf+G: 切除扫描62. Shitf+H: 渲染63. Shitf+I: 插入块64. Shitf+J: 自定义65. Shitf+K: 干涉检查66. Shitf+L: 质量特性67. Shitf+M: 剖面视图68. Shitf+N: 外观69. Shitf+O: 制作块70. Shitf+P: 编辑块71. Shitf+Q: 线性阵列72. Shitf+R: 切除旋转73. Shitf+S: 另存为74. Shitf+T: 切除加厚75. Shitf+U: 保存所有76. Shitf+V: 添加几何关系77. Shitf+W: 重建模型78. Shitf+X:折叠所有项目79. Shitf+Y:整屏显示全图80. Shift+Z:放大81. Alt+A:边线法兰82. Alt+B:材质83. Alt+C:圆性阵列84. Alt+E:删除几何85. Alt+F:基本法兰86. Alt+G:草图几何关系87. Alt+H:基体法兰88. Alt+I:装配旋转89. Alt+J:钣金转折90. Alt+L:现有零件\装配体91. Alt+M:新建钣金92. Alt+N:新建零件93. Alt+P:打印预览94. Alt+Q:线性阵列95. Alt+S:斜接法兰96. Alt+T:旋转97. Alt+U:装配移动98. Alt+V:爆炸草图99. Alt+X:隐藏所有显示状态100. Alt+Y:临时轴101. Alt+Z:显示所有隐藏状态03视图定向102. 视图定向菜单:空格键103. 上一视图:Ctrl+Shift+Z 104. 前视:Ctrl+1105. 后视:Ctrl+2106. 左视:Ctrl+3107. 右视:Ctrl+4108. 上视:Ctrl+5109. 下视:Ctrl+6110. 等轴测:Ctrl+7111. 正视于:Ctrl+804使用技巧112. 你可以指定工程图中隐藏切边、视图箭头等的字体- 选择工具/选项/文件属性/线型。
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Ofo 本身最大的优势是成本价格优势。
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分析案例:⾦元宝游戏SWOT分析 swot分析案例优势(Strengths): 优势 团队优势:资深职业经理⼈、资深互联⽹研发⼈⼠以及对互联⽹充满激情与梦想的年轻⼈组成新泰阳团队,其中⼤专本科学历占65%,研究⽣学历占25%以上。
b [玻] p [坡] m [摸] f [佛]d [得] t [特] n [讷] l [勒] g [哥] k [科] h [喝]j [基] q [欺] x [希]z [资] c[;雌] s [思] r [日] zh[知] ch [嗤] sh [诗]y [医] w [巫]汉语拼音字母表-韵母表汉语普通話拼音中一共有37个韵母。
分别是:a[阿] an[安] ao[奥] ai[哀] ang[昂]o[喔] ong[翁] ou[欧]e[鹅] en[恩] er[儿] ei[唉] eng[摁]i[衣] ia[呀] iu[由] ie[耶] in[因] ing[英]u[乌] un[温] ua[蛙] uo[窝] ue[月] ui[威]ü[迂]iao[腰] ian[烟] iang[央] iong[用]uai[外] uan[弯] uang[往]汉语拼音字母表-整体认读音节zhi chi shi ri zi ci siyi wu yuye yueyin yun yuan ying发音口型a:发音时,嘴唇自然张大,舌放平,舌头中间微隆,声带颤动。
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– 所购零部件占产品成本的大部分,对生产流程至 – – – – –
– 目标 – 战略 – 行动方案
仅定性地描述环境因素 没有方法比较各种因素的重要程度 不能使用大量的数据进行分析
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是公司所缺乏的,做得不够好的或者任 何使处于劣势的情况。
•目前财务状况不好(负债累累等) •新手较多(需要更多培训) •落后的设备/生产线 •公司的知名度较低 •公司需要租地等 •交通不便利 •库存问题(太多或者紧缺) •浪费太多
– 行业壁垒较低 – 行业内的竞争激烈 – 替代品竞争激烈 – 供应商和买方的议价
– 行业壁垒相对较高 – 行业内的竞争较缓和 – 没有太有竞争能力的
替代品 – 供应商和买方的议价 能力较弱
加入定量分析 讨论其他可以用在SWOT分析的方法 不要做SWOT
结合工作实际,运用SWOT分析长安福 特的某一方面的情况。
1.渠道 2.渠道 3.渠道 选择 管
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企业外部威胁:环境中一种不利的发展趋势所形成的挑 战,如果不采取果断战略行动将导致公司的竞争地位受 到削弱。
–激烈的行业竞争 –整体工资的提高 –由于目前的地理位置不好造成可能的重置费用 –当地政府不允许厂房扩建 –利率增加 –有利季节结束(如果你的业务依赖一定的季节) –现有产品过时或被淘汰
案例:P&G公司的产品组合 洗涤剂 牙膏 肥皂 尿布 咖啡 伏尔高 速溶伏尔高 高速速溶伏尔高 无咖啡因伏尔高
象牙雪 欢乐 高露洁 汰渍 奥克雪多 登奎尔 洁拂 德希 克雷丝 小瀑布 杜斯 象牙水 获利 黎明 时代 勇敢者3号 独立
象牙 帮宝适 佳美 鲁维斯 拉瓦 柯克斯 风趣 维护 海岸
产品生命周期与新产品开发战略 —— 产品生命周期战略 销售量 利润
– 企业通过派出销售人员,与一个或一个以上可能成为购买者的人交 谈,作口头陈述,以推销商品,促进和扩大销售。
广告欣赏:KITECAT 猫食品
– 建立这种优势需要多长时间 – 能够获得的优势有多大 – 竞争对手做出反映需要多长时间
SWOT分析是帮助企业进行战略规划的一种工 具。
– 帮助企业了解目前所处的状况 – 给进一步的战略规划提供总体信息 – 得出强势、进入市场、促进市场增长的一些结论
S优势就是公司擅长或者超越其竞争对 手的能力 W是公司所缺乏的,做得不够好的或者 任何使处于劣势的情况。
O外部机会:对公司行为富有吸引力的领域, 在这个领域公司能够将拥有竞争优势 T企业外部威胁:环境中一种不利的发展趋势 所形成的挑战,如果不采取果断战略行动将 导致公司的竞争地位受到削弱。
优势就是公司擅长或者超越其竞争对手的能 力
–目前良好的财务状况(负债较少等) –拥有较高专业水平的员工(不需要更多培训) –先进的设备/生产线 –公司的知名度 –公司拥有地产(不需要额外的租赁费) –交通便利
产品的概念 产品——用于满足人们某种欲望和需要的任何事物, 包括实物、服务、场所、组织、思想、创意等。
安装 包装 售后 服务 品牌 核心利 益 或服务 款式 送货 上门 担保 核心产品 维修 质量 有形产品 附加产品
产品组合—— 产品线宽度和深度
产 产品线1 产品线2 产品线 产品线 1 1 1 1 产品 品 线 2 品 线 宽 度 2 2 2 深 度 产
– PEST政治、经济、社会(包括文化与人 口)、科技 – 波特的“五力分析”
– 环境保护法,税法,对外贸易规定,劳动法,政
– GNP趋势,经济周期,利率,通货膨胀,失业率,
– 社会稳定,生活方式的变化,教育水平,
– 政府对研究的投入,政府和行业对技术的重视,
新技术的发明和进展,技术传播的速度,折旧和 报废的速度
行业 新进入者
– 使竞争更为激烈 – 占据一定的市场份额
– 当新兴企业只有较小的销售量时,在价格 和成本上明显会处于劣势。
定价目标 维持生存 当期利润最大化 市场占有率最大化 产品质量最优化 产品成本 市场需求 竞争者的产品和价格 场营销 论认为,产 高价格 决 产 场 求,产 价格 决 该产 费 。 高价格 价格 度内,企业能 产 价格 多 高,则 决 竞争 同种产 价格 。
新产品定价战略 – 撇脂定价:在产品生命周期的最初阶段把产 品价格定得很高,以攫取最大利润。 – 渗透定价:企业把产品价格定得较低,以提 高市场占有率。
竞争优势可以指消费者眼中的一个企业 或他的产品有别与其他竞争对手的任何 优越的东西
–产品线的宽度、产品的大小以及产品创新 –质量、服务以及态度和保证 –可靠性 –适用性 –风格和形象 –价格 –广告以及促销 –经销商网络
产品 定价 分销 促销
产品组合 品牌与商标 产品生命周期与新产品开发
外部机会:对公司行为富有吸引力的领域,在这个 领域公司能够将拥有竞争优势
–良好的财务状况可以争取更多银行贷款 –较高层次的员工意味着很容易将他们安排到其他业务领域 –竞争对手即将破产(兼并机会) –公司所在区域广泛使用宽带 –当地/区域购买能力增强 –出现新的商机 –可提供一些新技术与服务 –政治经济的变化带来一些有利机会
– Strengths :优势 – Weaknesses :弱势 – Opportunities :机遇 – Threats:威胁/挑战
外 部
内部 因 素
SWOT分析实际上是将对企业内外部条件各方面内容 进行综合和概括,进而分析组织的优劣势、面临的机 会和威胁的一种方法。 优劣势(SW)分析主要是着眼于企业自身的实力及其与 竞争对手的比较-企业技术层面和经营层面分析 机会和威胁(OT)分析将注意力放在外部环境的变化及 对企业的可能影响上-产业环境和社会环境层面分析
Strengths:强势 : Weaknesses:弱势 : Opportunities:机遇 : Threats:威胁 :
– 什么是SWOT。 – SWOT分析从哪几个方面着手。 – 结合工作实际,演示SWOT分析的过程。
销售量 利润额 时间
产品开 发期
衰退期 销量迅速下降、 销量迅速下降、利 润很低、 润很低、大量竞争 者退出市场; 者退出市场;消费 者改变 继续战略 集中战略 收缩战略 放弃战略
产品销量少, 产品销量少,促 销量激增, 销量激增,利润迅 销费用高, 销量下降, 销费用高,制造 销量下降,竞争非 速增长,成本降低, 速增长,成本降低, 成本高, 常激烈 成本高,利润低 竞争加剧 或为负 快速撇脂战略 缓慢撇脂战略 快速渗透战略 缓慢渗透战略 改善产品品质 调整市场 寻找新的子市场 调整产品 改变广告宣传重点、 改变广告宣传重点、 调整市场营销组合 适当降价
售 前 销售结束 售后支持
广告 营业推广(针对消费者和经销商)
– 企业运用各种短期诱因,鼓励购买或销售企业产品或服务的促销活 动
– 公共关系是指这样一些活动:争取对企业有利的宣传报道,帮助企 业与有关各界公众建立和保持良好关系,树立和保持良好的企业形 象,以及消除和处理对企业不利的谣言、传说和事件