国内医学仪器工程的现状和存在的问题 毕业论文外文翻译
[关键词]医疗仪器;管理;技术1 引言随着我国医疗卫生事业的不断发展,医疗仪器行业也有了长足的进步。
2 医疗仪器及分类事实上,医疗仪器是现代医学发展的必然产物,也是现代医学能够顺利运用的物质基础,是疾病预防、诊断、治疗等必不可少的医疗工具,也是从事现代医学研究必不可少的工具。
3 我国医疗仪器管理存在问题31 医疗仪器使用寿命较短医疗仪器作为价值较高的技术性设备,对于其的正确使用直接关系到该医疗仪器的使用寿命。
标签:医疗卫生科研机构;设备管理部门;问题及对策[Abstract] Support function of medical and health research Institute to the health industry is self-evident,and its equipment management departments can get attention and give full play to the role of the entire organization is crucial. This paper briefly introduces the problems in the work of the medical and health research institutions,and discusses the countermeasures,and provides some references for the further improvement of the equipment management.[Key words] Medical and health research institution;Equipment management department;Problems and Countermeasures仪器设备管理是一项涉及面很广、技术性很强的工作,是全员参加的对设备全生命周期进行管理的系统工程,必须遵循“统一领导、对口管理、分级负责、责任到人”的管理原则。
中英文对照翻译Present status and problems of domestic medical instrument engineering. Biomedical EngineehngIn recent years considerable progress has been achieved in domestic medical instrument engineering. Many plants and scientific-research organizations of machine-making and the defense industry have changed their profile toward production of medical equipment.However, medical equipment often meets a reluctant market because of funding cuts in health services. Medical organizations often cannot satisfy even their basic requirements for diagnostic and therapeutic devices. Also, health service organizations tend to buy foreign rather than domestic medical equipment because the former are easily available on the domestic market and prices for both are comparable because of inflation.The transition to a market economy in Russia has had substantial impact on the relations between domestic manufactur- ers and consumers of medical devices. The spectrum and quality of available items has been significantly extended in recent years. It should be also noted that available models of medical devices are continuously updated, which makes them sufficiently competitive.Representative information on the updating dynamics of domestic medical equipment is summarized in Table 1. The data were provided by the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company, which compiles a data bank of such information.Generally, new items account for 37% of total production of medical devices. Routinely produced devices (duration of production, 2-5 years) account for 28%. Medical devices of long-term production (5-10 years) account for 17% and obsolete nomenclature (devices produced for more than 10 years) accounts for 18%.It is seen from Table 1 that in recent years there has been considerable progress in the updating of production of medical equipment. For example, according to the VNIIMP-VITAJoint-Stock Company, the share of the items that have been produced for no longer than 5 years in 1988 did not exceed 35%, while now it is 65%. For the items that have been produced for more than 10 years such shares are 40 and 18%, respectively.Updating of produced medical devices was encouraged by the increase in the number of designers and manufacturers, particularly those of former defense industry facilities. In collaboration with foreign partners they set up joint ventures for producing medical equipment.Analysis of the updating of the various groups of medical equipment is of substantial interest.It is seen from Table 1 that detoxication devices contribute dominantly to the group of items that have been updated within the standard period of up to 5 years (100% of production, including modern devices for hemodialysis and hemosorption).Comparatively high updating indices are observed for devices for functional diagnosis: 72% of these devices have been produced for no longer than 5 years, and obsolete devices account for only 9% of total production. However, it should be noted that although production of some obsolete devices has been terminated, equipment of similar functional capacity is still urgently needed.Relatively low updating indices are observed among the devices for intensive care and resuscitation: 16% of new items and comparatively many obsolete devices (26%). Among new models apparatuses for artificial lung ventilation are worth mention. However, some apparatuses, which have been developed long ago are still on the market because they have good performance, are quite reliable, and still are in demand. This reduces the updating index of the group as a whole.All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering, Rusaian Academy of Medical Sciences (VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company), Moscow. Translated from Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 4-9, January-February, 1996. Original article submitted August 23, 1995.0006-3398/96/3001-0001515.00 y Plenum Publishing CorporationTABLE 1. Updating of Basic Groups of Medical Devices and Apparatuses (% of total nomenclature)The lowest updating indices are observed for devices for examining a patient's body structures.These are: ophthalmological, otolaryngological, and anthropometric devices, endoscopes, etc. Theshare of obsolete devices is high (44%), while the devices which have been produced for no more than 5 years account for only 20% of total production.It should be noted that these results on medical equipment updating are important generalestimates, although they do not take into consideration specific achievements and shortcomings in the production of individual items. Therefore, some corresponding amendments are required.Our survey of available information, including the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company data bank, materials presented at various exhibitions, and recent literature, shows that domestic medical industry has developed a number of original medical devices and apparatuses which were designed to replace similar obsolete models. However, many types of important and necessary medical devices still do not meet contemporary requirements, and some types of devices are not produced at all.For example, in recent years production of some sophisticated medical devices (apparatuses for intensive care, resuscitation, and anesthesiology; devices for artificial lung ventilation, respiratory narcosis devices, extracorporeal circulation) significantly rose, particularly at the former defense industry facilities, and their quality has been significantly improved. The functional performance of the devices is generally on par with foreign analogs.Perfusion units have also been improved and their production has expanded. This allowed the demand of the health service organizations for such equipment to be satisfied completely. Modern domestic hemodialysis devices (Renart-10, Renan- 10RT, etc.) have been developed and brought into wide clinical practice.The development and production of diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging systems (Obraz-3, TOROS) are considerable breakthroughs in domestic medical industry. This substantially extends diagnostic capacities of many health service organizations and provides them with topical diagnosis previously unavailable domestically, although it is quite common in developed foreign countries.Domestic medical industry has begun production of pulse oximeters; these are of particular use in surgery and resuscita-tion. This bridged a substantial gap in the spectrum of available domestic medical devices.The Bilitest bilirubin meter, which has been recently developed and produced in Russia, fully meets the requirements of maternity and children's hospitals in devices for diagnosing jaundice.A high-standard radioimmunochemical laboratory was opened at the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company to supply customers with necessary radioimmunochemical assay kits.A number of high-quality medical devices and instruments have been developed at the electronic industry plants and institutes. The following devices are particularly worthy of mention artificial cardiac valves of the Emitron Plant, which are on par with the best foreign analogs;pH meters (Istok State Scientific-Manufacturing Association);Ikar long-term (up to 24 h) cardiomonitors with electronic memory (Kometa Central Scientific-Manufacturing Association);radiothermographs and racliothermoscopes for detecting deeply located thermal fields in the human body (Oktyabr' Manufacturing Association and Design Bureau for Ecological and Medical Equipment);original thermal imaging system (Institute of Radioelectronics and Automatics, Russian Academy of Sciences; OPTROS, Ltd.);original computer-assisted system Cardiac Rhythms for monitoring oatient condition and pulsimetry (Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Ekos, Ltd.);video system for endoscopic imaging (Zenit Scientific-Manufacturing A~sociation; Elektron Scientific-Research and Manufacturing Association);streamlined technology for producing disposable and reusable syringes, injection needles, and surgical threads.A number of other problems of domestic medical instrument-making industry have been successfully solved in recent years.For example, the number and quality of therapeutic devices, particularly for laser therapy, is quite sufficient. Research studies are carried out by many organizations including former defense industry facilities. Technologies which have been developed for other purposes give fruitful results in medical industry.According to our data, more than 150 models of such medical devices have been developed over the last 5 years. Some 100 of them are commercially available. Although domestic medical devices are often superior ot foreign analogs in terms of working performance and they are definitely less expensive, many of them are not in short demand and are virtually not used.However, this activity in many other areas of medical instrument engineering cannot be considered as sufficiently successful and rational.It should be noted that many newly developed models of domestic medical devices compare unfavorably with foreign analogs. This is particularly the case for X-ray and ultrasonic devices, electrocardiographic monitors, laboratory equipment, etc. Nevertheless, according to the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company databank, certain positive trends have been observed in recent years even in these areas. However, most problems still remain unsettled and the conditions required to solve them have not yet been established.It is important to note that the serially produced X-ray apparatus RUM-20 (Mosrentgen Joint-Stock Company) has been significantly updated. The updated model RUM-20M-SG312 is commercially available in combination with the Sapfir domestic image intensifier or an image intensifier of a French manufacturer. The Kruiz fiat image intensifier has been developed at the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering in collaboration with MELZ Manufacturing Association and Mosrentgen Joint-Stock Company. This device is designed to replace existing fluorescent screens in the X-ray diagnostic apparatuses RUM-10, RUM-20, RUM-20M, and others. The use of the Kruiz image intensifier significantly increases image information content and allows threefold decrease in the radiation load on patients and medical personnel.The G 202-5 system for lit-par-lit raster imaging of patients in lying position has been developed at the Mosrentgen Joint-Stock Company. This device is commercially available with the PURS power source. It allows both manual and automatic X-ray photography and organ-oriented X-ray examination.The RTS-61 mobile X-ray video diagnostic apparatus has been developed at the Elektron Scientific-Research and Manufacturing Association. This device is designed to be used in surgery, orthopedics, and traumatology. Among the defense industry facilities which have reoriented their production to medical market the Scientific-Research Institute for Electromechanics (Istra) is worth mention. In collaboration with Phillips (Germany) and borrowing their technology and circuitry, the Institute for Electromechanics developed the Mammodiagnost mammographic scanner, which meets international standards of operating performance.The Rentgen-48 X-ray tomographic diagnostic systems with a rotary support table and the Rentgen-60 X-ray diagnostic systems with a remote control support table have been developed at the Sevkavrentgen Plant and received positive recognition by practicing physicians.The models of X-ray diagnostic devices listed above are examples of achievements of domestic medical industry.However, many important and significant problems of the development of domestic medical X-ray equipment remain unsettled, and it is unreasonable to expect that they will be solved in the foreseeable future unless special measures are taken.For example, the most common RUM-20 X-ray apparatuses with the Sapfir image intensifier are equipped with the obsolete X-ray image converter REP-1. To replace the REP-1 image converter, the Moscow Plant for Electronic Tubes has developed the Buer image converter of improved design. This device offers better image contrast, reduced clark background noise, and has an output fiberoptic window of improved design. However, the Buer image converter is not yet commercially available.Digital X-ray diagnostic devices are not yet commercially available from domestic manufacturers either.The Design Bureau for Medical Engineering in collaboration with Medtekh, Ltd. (Novosibirsk) have developed the Diaskan X-ray digital scanner. Serial production of this device is in progress at the Design Bureau for Medical Engineering.However, devices of sufficient quality are not yet commercially available.Domestic medical industry does not produce X-ray tomographs. Their production in Chelyabinsk has been suspended.Electrocardiographic monitors are very important devices for functional diagnosis. However, domestic medical industry fails substantially behind leading foreign manufacturers and there is a disproportion in the development and production of necessary devices and apparatuses. Many automatic systems for ECG processing, including syndromal diagnosis, have been developed, but they trove not been tested and are of little demand. However, simple three-channel electrocardiographs of mass- scale application are not produced by domestic manufacturers.Foreign manufacturers offer various ultrasonic scanners and sophisticated imaging systems. Domestic manufacturers produce only simple devices with manual sector-by-sector scanning and a few simplified models with linear electronic scanning.Some positive results have been achieved in the development of endoscopic devices. These achievements are mainly due to the collaboration between LOMO and some companies from Japan. However, even these devices require further improvement of quality and reliability.Although the level of production of domestic laboratory equipment has noticeably risen in recent years, it is still too little to meet the demand. The number of organizations involved in the development of such equipment has risen. However, the available devices are simple and have limited functional capacity. Many important devices (e.g., automatic analyzers and simple routine devices) are not produced at all.Devices for blood transfusion and preparing blood substitute solutions are still in short supply (40 million items have been produced, while the demand is 200 million). The demand in dialyzers and polymer infusion systems reaches 100 and 150 million items, respectively, although such systems are not produced at all.The correspondence between production and demand, quality and technical performance, and adequate testing of medical production are put in the forefront under conditions of a market economy. The problem of competition with foreign manufacturers is also quite important because of increasing import of medical equipment and reduced sale of the production of domesticmanufacturers. In this connection, the following circumstances should be taken into consideration.There is a considerable disproportion between production and demand of some groups of medical devices. For example, there is :~ huge surplus of laser therapeutic devices and their excessive development. Systems for syndromal electrocardiographic diagnosis, magnetotherapy, and electrostimulation are also in excessive supply. However, simple electrocardiographs, routine laboratory equipment, and some other ordinary but necessary devices of mass-scale application are not produced by domestic manufacturers. These disadvantages cause significant economic losses and present difficulties in the development of health service. Domestic and foreign experience show that these problems can be solved by adequate marketing, but this is in its infancy in the domestic medical industry.It should be noted that foreign companies place special emphasis on marketing and market research. They evaluate actual and pending demand as well as consumer requirements. The feedback between consumer and manufacturer gives valuable information on the improvement of the product quality and working performance. The marketing service in most leading companies is of paramount importance. The development of a new product often starts from marketing survey rather than from engineering or design research. Many domestic organizations of medical instrument engineering require cardinal measures for increasing the level of marketing.Testing of medical devices also requires substantial improvement. Considerable experience of foreign manufacturers of medical equipment should be taken into account. It should be noted, however, that this experience is often neglected by domestic manufacturers. Technical testing of medical equipment in foreign companies is usually carried out by independent laboratories which assess performance and quality. The specialists of the laboratories may also give recommendations for further improvement of the tested equipment. The basic goal of the testing is to check if the performance of the device matches its specifications and to conclude if the device can be used in medical organizations. However, the specialists of the laboratories usually go beyond this goal and issue comparative reviews of products of different companies. Such reviews contain the following information: description of tested device, its specifications, and price; results of technical testing, correspondence between specifications and actual performance, advantages and disadvan- tages, recommendations for improvement (if necessary);comparative analysis of similar devices and apparatuses produced by different manufacturers. Such analysis is usually concluded by a most preferable model, which is recommended to medical organizations on the basis of functional capacity, reliability, and economic reasons.In the USA, activity of testing laboratories is controlled by governmental, nongovernmental, and independent nonprofit organizations.In Russia, the problem of balance between the demand in medical devices, their production by domestic manufacturers, and import is of considerable importance.The opinion of the Head of the Department of Medical Industry, Russian Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Yu. F. Doshchitsin, which was published in the weekly "Meditsinskii Biznes" (No. 9, 1995), is that the requirements of Russian medical market must be met by domestic devices, including products of high technology. Russian medicine should not rely on imported devices alone. We certainly agree with this opinion.The total volume of medical equipment purchased from abroad is presently several times greater than purchases from domestic manufacturers. This situation is definitely unacceptable. Cardinal measures are required to boost and stimulate economically domestic manufacturers ofmedical equipment. This is particularly important for manufacturers of life support systems and devices for military medicine.However, positive aspects of contacts with foreign manufacturers of medical equipment should not be disregarded. International cooperation is very common in foreign practice, but it is clearly insufficient in Russia.International cooperation in medical industry is particularly vital in such areas as computer technology, microprocessors, and electronic engineering. Lack of sufficiently high-quality domestic computers and microprocessors presents considerable problems in the development of sophisticated medical devices and apparatuses.In recent years a number of domestic organizations established joint ventures with leading foreign manufacturers of medical devices. These joint ventures produce high-technology devices on the basis of imported circuitry, modules, and individual finished units. For example, VNIIMP-VITA produces ultrasonic doppler scanners, Kursk Manufacturing Association Pribor in collaboration with Frezenius (Germany) produces mobile apparatuses for hemodialysis and hemosorption, LOMO and some companies from Japan established a joint venture for manufacturing flexible endoscopes of improved design, Moscow Manufac- turing Association EMA produces ultrasonic diagnostic devices, etc.It seems reasonable to continue and extend mutually profitable contacts between domestic and foreign manufacturers of medical equipment.Active participation and patronage of the Russian Ministry of Health and Medical Industry as well as the Russian Government and local authorities are needed to solve the problems of medical industry listed above and to implement programs of development and production of high-quality domestic medical devices.References[1] V. A. Viktorov,V. P. gundarov,A. P. yurkevich. Present status and problems of domestic medical instrument engineering. Biomedical Engineehng~ V oL 30, No. 1, 1996.[2]All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering, Rusaian Academy of Medical Sciences (VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company), Moscow. Translated from Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 4-9, January-February, 1996. Original article submitted August 23, 1995.国内医学仪器工程的现状和存在的问题近年来,国内在工程医疗器械实现取得了很大进展。
创新管理科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald152医疗设备在医学领域的作用越来越大,具备着不可替代的作用。
1 我国医疗设备维修工作存在问题的成因分析1.1 认识不够达标,维修成本过高由于现代医学进行临床治疗与患者养护时,离不开医疗设备的参与,但是,由于长期使用的过程当中观念淡忘,导致医务人员对于医疗设备的重视度逐渐下降。
1.2 专业人才流失,技术水平不足医疗设备的维修保养,除了医务人员自身在进行设备使用时需要注意外,很大程度上需要靠专业的维修保养人员进行维护,因此,在医院中也需要成立相应的设备维修部门。
全球医疗器械市场销售总额已从2001年1,870 亿美元迅速上升至2009 年的3,533 亿美元,复合增长率(2001-2009)高达8.35%。
即使是在全球经济衰退的2008 年和2009 年,全球医疗器械市场依然逆流而上,分别实现6.99%和7.02%的增长率,高于同期药品市场增长率。
74 ZHONGGUO YIXUEZHUANGBEIProblems and Countermeasures of Quality Control Management of the Medical Equipment /CUI Li, LI XIANG-dong, YUN Qing-hui// China Medical Equipment,2013,10(1):74-75.[Abstract] Through analyze the problems of the quality control of medical equipment incurrent hospital, we can find out the reasonable solution to control the quality work ofmedical equipment management. Through establish the system of quality control of medical equipment, we can improve quality awareness of hospital and department management, we can take care of the quality assessment supervision ways to promote the development ofquality control management. Through the standardization management not only improvequality control management quality, but also improves the utilization rate of medical equipment, and safeguards the safe use of medical equipment. The quality control management of medical equipment is an important part of hospital management. T o establish the medical equipment quality system can ensure the quality and safety of medical equipment, give full play to the efficiency of equipment, better service to clinical.[Key words] Medical equipment; Quality control; Safe use; Countermeasures[First-author’s address] Equipment department of Xijing Hospital, the Fourth Medical University of PLA, Xi’an 710032,China.方法做好医疗设备质量控制管理工作。
养生保健仪器行业市场现状分析及未来三到五年发展趋势报告As the demand for health and wellness products continues to rise, the market for health care devices and instruments is experiencing significant growth. The increasing awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the rising prevalence of chronic diseases have fueled the demand for health care devices. This article aims to analyze the current state of the health care devices industry and provide insights into the future development trends for the next three to five years.Current State of the Health Care Devices IndustryThe health care devices industry encompasses a wide range of products, including monitoring devices, therapeutic equipment, and personal wellness gadgets. With advances in technology, the industry has witnessed the introduction of innovative and more sophisticated devices that are capable of providing accurate health insights and personalized health care solutions.Market AnalysisIn recent years, the global market for health care devices has experienced steady growth. The adoption of digital health care devices and wearable health technology has been a significant driver of market expansion. Additionally, the increasing focus on preventive health care and the growing aging population have contributed to the rising demand for health care devices.The Asia-Pacific region, particularly China, Japan, and India, is expected to witness substantial growth in the health care devices market due to increasing investments in healthcare infrastructure, rising disposable incomes, and the growing prevalence of chronic diseases. Furthermore, the trend of remote patient monitoring and telemedicine is expected to drive the demand for health care devices in the coming years.Future Development TrendsOver the next three to five years, several key trends are expected to shape the development of the health care devices industry:1. Technological Advancements: The industry will continue to witness advancements in digital health care technologies, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, enabling the development of more innovative and efficient health care devices.2. Personalized Health Care Solutions: There will be a growing focus on personalized health care solutions, with the integration of data analytics and wearable health devices to provide individualized health insights and recommendations.3. Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring: The adoption of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring solutions is expected to increase, leading to the development of more connected health care devices that enable virtual consultations and remote health monitoring.4. Home Health Care Devices: With the growing preference for home-based health care, the demand for home health care devices will rise, including monitoring devices, therapeutic equipment, and personal wellness gadgets tailored for home use.5. Regulatory Landscape: The regulatory landscape will playa significant role in shaping the industry's development, with a focus on ensuring the safety, efficacy, and data privacy of health care devices.市场现状分析健康护理仪器行业涵盖了监测设备、治疗设备和个人健康小工具等广泛的产品。
管理创新科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald 184随着我国医疗化进程的发展和人们对医疗设备的要求越来越高,医疗设备管理当仁不让的成为医学界共同讨论的话题。
1 设备管理的现状及存在问题1.1 盲目和随意地购买设备根据国家医疗部门的统计,92.1%的二级医院存在盲目购买医疗设备,81.3%的三级医院存在随意性、重复性购买医疗器械[2]。
1.2 缺乏科学合理化的管理科学合理化的管理是医疗设备在应用过程中的一个重要环节,不仅包括技术人员对设备的管理,还包括对现有设备的合理化管理,从而提高其使用年限。
[Abstract]Modern instrumental analysis is an important professional technology core course learned by graduate student.In our college,many students are involved in biology,clinical medicine,preventive medicine and so on.The course covers a wide range of knowledge,covers more students,and teaching content should be advanced.This paper analyzes the current situation of the teaching of Modern instrumental analysis in our college,and introduces the current situation and teaching experience of teaching materials,practical problems,objective conditions,and students′ differences,and looks forward to the improved method.[Key words]Biomedical science;Modern instrumental analysis;Current situation;Experience現代生命科学的蓬勃兴起有力地促进了仪器分析新技术、新方法的不断涌现;仪器分析的日益广泛应用,又极大地促进了生命科学基础和应用研究的发展[1-3]。
浅析医院医疗设备管理中存在的问题及对策龚仁松【摘要】Objective:To explore the problems and Countermeasures of the management of medical equipment in the hospital. Methods: The department of medical equipment as the research object, the problems existing in equipment management are analyzed, and the development of relevant countermeasures.Results:The hospital medical equipment management problems: ①the blind purchase;②the equipment maintenance and management system is not perfect;③the disposal system is not perfect. Conclusion: Medical equipment Management is the key link of hospital management. If we want to improve its managementlevel,every manager and equipment users in hospital must finish together.Only when a correct and perfect management system is applied,can medical equipment exert its real value.%目的:探讨医院医疗设备管理中存在的问题及对策.方法:选取我院各科室医疗设备作为本次研究对象,对设备管理中存在的问题进行分析,并制定相关对策.结果:医院医疗设备管理中存在的问题:①盲目购置;②设备检修与管理制度不完善;③报废处理制度不完善.结论:医疗设备管理为院内管理的关键环节,要想提高其管理水平,需要院内每位管理者与设备使用者共同完成,只有在正确、完善的管理制度下,医疗设备才可发挥出其实际价值.【期刊名称】《影像技术》【年(卷),期】2018(030)003【总页数】3页(P81-82,64)【关键词】医院;医疗设备;管理;问题;对策【作者】龚仁松【作者单位】松滋市人民医院设备科,湖北434200【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R197.39对医院来说,医疗设备为其开展工作的重要基础,所以对医疗设备进行合理使用与管理会直接影响到医院医疗技术、服务质量及医院收益等[1]。
医学界存在的问题英文作文1. Lack of access to healthcare: One major problem in the medical field is the lack of access to healthcare for many individuals. This means that a significant portion of the population does not have the means or resources to receive proper medical treatment or preventive care. This can lead to a wide range of health issues going undiagnosed or untreated, resulting in poorer overall health outcomes.2. High cost of medical care: Another issue that plagues the medical field is the high cost of medical care. Medical treatments, procedures, and medications can be extremely expensive, making it difficult for individuals without adequate insurance coverage or financial means to afford necessary healthcare. This creates a barrier to receiving timely and appropriate medical attention, which can have serious consequences for individuals' health and well-being.3. Medical errors and patient safety: Medical errorsand patient safety concerns are also prevalent in the medical field. Mistakes can occur during diagnoses, surgeries, medication administration, and other medical procedures. These errors can result in serious harm or even death for patients. Improving patient safety measures and reducing medical errors is crucial in order to ensure the well-being and trust of patients in the healthcare system.4. Physician burnout: Physician burnout is a growing problem in the medical field. The demanding nature of the profession, long working hours, and high levels of stress can take a toll on healthcare providers. This can lead to decreased job satisfaction, increased medical errors, and even mental health issues among physicians. Addressing physician burnout is important to maintain a healthy and sustainable healthcare workforce.5. Inadequate mental healthcare: Mental healthcare is often overlooked and underfunded in many healthcare systems. This leads to a lack of accessible and affordable mental health services for those in need. Mental health conditions, if left untreated, can have a significant impact onindividuals' overall well-being and can also contribute to physical health problems. It is important to prioritize and invest in mental healthcare in order to provide comprehensive and holistic care for patients.6. Health disparities: Health disparities refer to the differences in health outcomes between different populations or groups. These disparities can be based on factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or geographic location. Certain groups may experience higher rates of chronic diseases, lower life expectancies, and limited access to healthcare services. Addressing health disparities is crucial in order to achieve health equity and ensure that all individuals have equal opportunitiesfor good health.7. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics: The overuse and misuse of antibiotics is a significant problem in the medical field. This can lead to the development ofantibiotic-resistant bacteria, making it more difficult to treat infections and increasing the risk of complications. It is important to promote appropriate and responsible useof antibiotics to preserve their effectiveness for future generations.8. Limited focus on preventive care: The medical field often places a greater emphasis on treating illnesses and diseases rather than preventing them in the first place. Preventive care, such as regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations, is crucial in identifying potential health issues early on and preventing the development of more serious conditions. Shifting towards a greater focus on preventive care can lead to improved health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs in the long run.9. Insufficient healthcare infrastructure: In some regions or countries, there is an insufficient healthcare infrastructure to meet the needs of the population. This can result in overcrowded hospitals, long wait times for medical appointments, and limited access to specialized care. Investing in healthcare infrastructure, including hospitals, clinics, and healthcare professionals, is essential to ensure that individuals can receive timely and quality care.10. Limited integration of technology: While technology has the potential to greatly improve healthcare delivery, its integration into the medical field has been slow and limited in some areas. Electronic health records, telemedicine, and other technological advancements can enhance communication, efficiency, and patient care. Embracing and implementing technology in healthcare can lead to more effective and accessible medical services.。
我国科学仪器设备产业发展现状和策略杨文海【摘要】The scientific instruments and equipment research and development is a major project of nation-al strategic objectives oriented, and is a complicated system engineering.Building an innovative country and accelerate to develop strategic emerging industries, is an urgent need to further strengthen major sci-entific instruments and equipment research and development innovation. Scientific instrument and equipment in our country are faced with both a rare development opportunity and enormous challenges due to the weak foundation. Therefore, we must make developing strategy from the national strategic layer, clear-ing the train of thought, increasing investment, and creating a good environment.%重大科学仪器设备研发项目以国家战略目标为导向,是一项复杂的系统工程。
大型医院医疗器械维修现状及改进措施分析蒋晓伟【摘要】The use of medical equipment can not only help medical personnel to fully grasp patients, but also have good therapeutic effect on patients. Nowadays, many large hospitals most of the money will be used on the purchase of medical equipment, but due to the hospital to ignore the importance of management, there is no perfect all kinds of maintenance management system, improper operation, lead to failureafter the procurement of medical equipment, waste of capital investment, the hospital treatment in patients with serious even can delay. This article mainly from the present conditions of hospital medical equipment maintenance, improvement measures of hospital medical equipment maintenance.%医疗器械的使用不仅能够帮助医护人员全面了解掌握患者病情,还可对患者病情起到良好的治疗效果。
我国仪器设备行业可靠性现状综述我国仪器设备行业可靠性现状综述Abstract:The instrument industry is a typical strategic industry with intensive technology,extremely high technology content,precise structure and complex composition. As a basic product that is applied from basic research to production lines,the instrument industry is very valuable for the new value of a country"s innovation. The reliability"s level is one of the key factors that affect the development of China"s equipment industry. This paper analyzes the development of reliability work and the standard system in our country"s instrument and equipment industry,and points out the reliability problems in the domestic instrument and equipment industry.Keywords:instrument; reliability; stability; index standard1 概述儀器是用以检出、测量、观察、计算各物理量、物质成分、物性参数等的器具或设备。
该授权实验室的软、硬件均达到了FLUKE全球校准服务中心的同等水平,并可使用Fluke Biomedical和FLUKE 标识,其校准报告和证书为美国FLUKE全球校准实验室所认可。
该授权实验室的软、硬件均达到了FLUKE全球校准服务中心的同等水平,并可使用"Fluke Biomedical"和FLUKE标识,其校准报告和证书为美国FLUKE全球校准实验室所认可。
医学现状英文作文英文:The current medical situation is a complex and constantly evolving landscape. On one hand, we have made tremendous advancements in medical technology, treatment options, and disease prevention. On the other hand, there are still many challenges and disparities in healthcare access and quality.One of the most significant developments in modern medicine is the use of precision medicine. This approach takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person. By doing so, doctors can tailor treatment and prevention strategies to the unique characteristics of each patient. For example, a friend of mine was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, and through precision medicine, her doctors were able to develop a targeted therapy that significantly improved her quality of life.Another area of progress is the use of telemedicine, which has become increasingly popular, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This technology allows patients to consult with healthcare providers remotely, which is particularly beneficial for those living in rural or underserved areas. I have personally used telemedicine for a minor ailment, and it was convenient and efficient.However, despite these advancements, there are still significant issues within the healthcare system. For example, there are disparities in healthcare access and quality based on factors such as income, race, and geography. This means that not everyone has equal opportunities to receive the best medical care. Additionally, the rising cost of healthcare is a major concern for many people, and it can be a barrier to accessing necessary treatment.中文:医学现状是一个复杂而不断发展的领域。
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Present status and problems of domestic medical instrument engineering. Biomedical EngineehngV. A. Viktorov, V. P. Gundarov, and A. P. Yurkevich UDC 615.47:681.2(470):008 In recent years considerable progress has been achieved in domestic medical instrument engineering. Many plants and scientific-research organizations of machine-making and the defense industry have changed their profile toward production of medical equipment.However, medical equipment often meets a reluctant market because of funding cuts in health services. Medical organizations often cannot satisfy even their basic requirements for diagnostic and therapeutic devices. Also, health service organizations tend to buy foreign rather than domestic medical equipment because the former are easily available on the domestic market and prices for both are comparable because of inflation.The transition to a market economy in Russia has had substantial impact on the relations between domestic manufactur- ers and consumers of medical devices. The spectrum and quality of available items has been significantly extended in recent years. It should be also noted that available models of medical devices are continuously updated, which makes them sufficiently competitive.Representative information on the updating dynamics of domestic medical equipment is summarized in Table 1. The data were provided by the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company, which compiles a data bank of such information.Generally, new items account for 37% of total production of medical devices. Routinely produced devices (duration of production, 2-5 years) account for 28%. Medical devices of long-term production (5-10 years) account for 17% and obsolete nomenclature (devices produced for more than 10 years) accounts for 18%.It is seen from Table 1 that in recent years there has been considerable progress in the updating of production of medical equipment. For example, according to the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company, the share of the items that have been produced for no longer than 5 years in 1988 did not exceed 35%, while now it is 65%. For the items that have been produced for more than 10 years such shares are 40 and 18%, respectively.Updating of produced medical devices was encouraged by the increase in the number of designers and manufacturers, particularly those of former defense industry facilities. In collaboration with foreign partners they set up joint ventures for producing medical equipment.Analysis of the updating of the various groups of medical equipment is of substantial interest.It is seen from Table 1 that detoxication devices contribute dominantly to the group of items that have been updated within the standard period of up to 5 years (100% of production, including modern devices for hemodialysis and hemosorption).Comparatively high updating indices are observed for devices for functional diagnosis: 72% of these devices have been produced for no longer than 5 years, and obsolete devices account for only 9% of total production. However, it should be noted that although production of some obsolete devices has been terminated, equipment of similar functional capacity is still urgently needed.Relatively low updating indices are observed among the devices for intensive care and resuscitation: 16% of new items and comparatively many obsolete devices (26%). Among newmodels apparatuses for artificial lung ventilation are worth mention. However, some apparatuses, which have been developed long ago are still on the market because they have good performance, are quite reliable, and still are in demand. This reduces the updating index of the group as a whole.All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering, Rusaian Academy of Medical Sciences (VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company), Moscow. Translated from Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 4-9, January-February, 1996. Original article submitted August 23, 1995.0006-3398/96/3001-0001515.00 y Plenum Publishing CorporationTABLE 1. Updating of Basic Groups of Medical Devices and Apparatuses (% of total nomenclature)The lowest updating indices are observed for devices for examining a patient's body structures.These are: ophthalmological, otolaryngological, and anthropometric devices, endoscopes, etc. Theshare of obsolete devices is high (44%), while the devices which have been produced for no more than 5 years account for only 20% of total production.It should be noted that these results on medical equipment updating are important general estimates, although they do not take into consideration specific achievements and shortcomings in the production of individual items. Therefore, some corresponding amendments are required.Our survey of available information, including the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company data bank, materials presented at various exhibitions, and recent literature, shows that domestic medical industry has developed a number of original medical devices and apparatuses which were designed to replace similar obsolete models. However, many types of important and necessary medical devices still do not meet contemporary requirements, and some types of devices are not produced at all.For example, in recent years production of some sophisticated medical devices (apparatuses for intensive care, resuscitation, and anesthesiology; devices for artificial lung ventilation, respiratory narcosis devices, extracorporeal circulation) significantly rose, particularly at the former defense industry facilities, and their quality has been significantly improved. The functional performance of the devices is generally on par with foreign analogs.Perfusion units have also been improved and their production has expanded. This allowed the demand of the health service organizations for such equipment to be satisfied completely. Modern domestic hemodialysis devices (Renart-10, Renan- 10RT, etc.) have been developed and brought into wide clinical practice.The development and production of diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging systems (Obraz-3, TOROS) are considerable breakthroughs in domestic medical industry. This substantially extends diagnostic capacities of many health service organizations and provides them with topical diagnosis previously unavailable domestically, although it is quite common in developed foreign countries.Domestic medical industry has begun production of pulse oximeters; these are of particular use in surgery and resuscita-tion. This bridged a substantial gap in the spectrum of available domestic medical devices.The Bilitest bilirubin meter, which has been recently developed and produced in Russia, fully meets the requirements of maternity and children's hospitals in devices for diagnosing jaundice.A high-standard radioimmunochemical laboratory was opened at the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company to supply customers with necessary radioimmunochemical assay kits.A number of high-quality medical devices and instruments have been developed at the electronic industry plants and institutes. The following devices are particularly worthy of mention artificial cardiac valves of the Emitron Plant, which are on par with the best foreign analogs;pH meters (Istok State Scientific-Manufacturing Association);Ikar long-term (up to 24 h) cardiomonitors with electronic memory (Kometa Central Scientific-Manufacturing Association);radiothermographs and racliothermoscopes for detecting deeply located thermal fields in the human body (Oktyabr' Manufacturing Association and Design Bureau for Ecological and Medical Equipment);original thermal imaging system (Institute of Radioelectronics and Automatics, Russian Academy of Sciences; OPTROS, Ltd.);original computer-assisted system Cardiac Rhythms for monitoring oatient condition and pulsimetry (Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Ekos, Ltd.);video system for endoscopic imaging (Zenit Scientific-Manufacturing A~sociation; Elektron Scientific-Research and Manufacturing Association);streamlined technology for producing disposable and reusable syringes, injection needles, and surgical threads.A number of other problems of domestic medical instrument-making industry have been successfully solved in recent years.For example, the number and quality of therapeutic devices, particularly for laser therapy, is quite sufficient. Research studies are carried out by many organizations including former defense industry facilities. Technologies which have been developed for other purposes give fruitful results in medical industry.According to our data, more than 150 models of such medical devices have been developed over the last 5 years. Some 100 of them are commercially available. Although domestic medical devices are often superior ot foreign analogs in terms of working performance and they are definitely less expensive, many of them are not in short demand and are virtually not used.However, this activity in many other areas of medical instrument engineering cannot be considered as sufficiently successful and rational.It should be noted that many newly developed models of domestic medical devices compare unfavorably with foreign analogs. This is particularly the case for X-ray and ultrasonic devices, electrocardiographic monitors, laboratory equipment, etc. Nevertheless, according to theVNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company databank, certain positive trends have been observed in recent years even in these areas. However, most problems still remain unsettled and the conditions required to solve them have not yet been established.It is important to note that the serially produced X-ray apparatus RUM-20 (Mosrentgen Joint-Stock Company) has been significantly updated. The updated model RUM-20M-SG312 is commercially available in combination with the Sapfir domestic image intensifier or an image intensifier of a French manufacturer. The Kruiz fiat image intensifier has been developed at the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering in collaboration with MELZ Manufacturing Association and Mosrentgen Joint-Stock Company. This device is designed to replace existing fluorescent screens in the X-ray diagnostic apparatuses RUM-10, RUM-20, RUM-20M, and others. The use of the Kruiz image intensifier significantly increases image information content and allows threefold decrease in the radiation load on patients and medical personnel.The G 202-5 system for lit-par-lit raster imaging of patients in lying position has been developed at the Mosrentgen Joint-Stock Company. This device is commercially available with the PURS power source. It allows both manual and automatic X-ray photography and organ-oriented X-ray examination.The RTS-61 mobile X-ray video diagnostic apparatus has been developed at the Elektron Scientific-Research and Manufacturing Association. This device is designed to be used in surgery, orthopedics, and traumatology. Among the defense industry facilities which have reoriented their production to medical market the Scientific-Research Institute for Electromechanics (Istra) is worth mention. In collaboration with Phillips (Germany) and borrowing their technology and circuitry, the Institute for Electromechanics developed the Mammodiagnost mammographic scanner, which meets international standards of operating performance.The Rentgen-48 X-ray tomographic diagnostic systems with a rotary support table and the Rentgen-60 X-ray diagnostic systems with a remote control support table have been developed at the Sevkavrentgen Plant and received positive recognition by practicing physicians.The models of X-ray diagnostic devices listed above are examples of achievements of domestic medical industry.However, many important and significant problems of the development of domestic medical X-ray equipment remain unsettled, and it is unreasonable to expect that they will be solved in the foreseeable future unless special measures are taken.For example, the most common RUM-20 X-ray apparatuses with the Sapfir image intensifier are equipped with the obsolete X-ray image converter REP-1. To replace the REP-1 image converter, the Moscow Plant for Electronic Tubes has developed the Buer image converter of improved design. This device offers better image contrast, reduced clark background noise, and has an output fiberoptic window of improved design. However, the Buer image converter is not yet commercially available.Digital X-ray diagnostic devices are not yet commercially available from domestic manufacturers either.The Design Bureau for Medical Engineering in collaboration with Medtekh, Ltd. (Novosibirsk) have developed the Diaskan X-ray digital scanner. Serial production of this device is in progress at the Design Bureau for Medical Engineering.However, devices of sufficient quality are not yet commercially available.Domestic medical industry does not produce X-ray tomographs. Their production in Chelyabinsk has been suspended.Electrocardiographic monitors are very important devices for functional diagnosis. However, domestic medical industry fails substantially behind leading foreign manufacturers and there is a disproportion in the development and production of necessary devices and apparatuses. Many automatic systems for ECG processing, including syndromal diagnosis, have been developed, but they trove not been tested and are of little demand. However, simple three-channel electrocardiographs of mass- scale application are not produced by domestic manufacturers.Foreign manufacturers offer various ultrasonic scanners and sophisticated imaging systems. Domestic manufacturers produce only simple devices with manual sector-by-sector scanning and a few simplified models with linear electronic scanning.Some positive results have been achieved in the development of endoscopic devices. These achievements are mainly due to the collaboration between LOMO and some companies from Japan. However, even these devices require further improvement of quality and reliability.Although the level of production of domestic laboratory equipment has noticeably risen in recent years, it is still too little to meet the demand. The number of organizations involved in the development of such equipment has risen. However, the available devices are simple and have limited functional capacity. Many important devices (e.g., automatic analyzers and simple routine devices) are not produced at all.Devices for blood transfusion and preparing blood substitute solutions are still in short supply (40 million items have been produced, while the demand is 200 million). The demand in dialyzers and polymer infusion systems reaches 100 and 150 million items, respectively, although such systems are not produced at all.The correspondence between production and demand, quality and technical performance, and adequate testing of medical production are put in the forefront under conditions of a market economy. The problem of competition with foreign manufacturers is also quite important because of increasing import of medical equipment and reduced sale of the production of domestic manufacturers. In this connection, the following circumstances should be taken into consideration.There is a considerable disproportion between production and demand of some groups of medical devices. For example, there is :~ huge surplus of laser therapeutic devices and their excessive development. Systems for syndromal electrocardiographic diagnosis, magnetotherapy, and electrostimulation are also in excessive supply. However, simple electrocardiographs, routine laboratory equipment, and some other ordinary but necessary devices of mass-scale application are not produced by domestic manufacturers. These disadvantages cause significant economic losses and present difficulties in the development of health service. Domestic and foreign experience show that these problems can be solved by adequate marketing, but this is in its infancy in the domestic medical industry.It should be noted that foreign companies place special emphasis on marketing and market research. They evaluate actual and pending demand as well as consumer requirements. The feedback between consumer and manufacturer gives valuable information on the improvement of the product quality and working performance. The marketing service in most leading companies is of paramount importance. The development of a new product often starts from marketing survey rather than from engineering or design research. Many domestic organizations of medical instrument engineering require cardinal measures for increasing the level of marketing.Testing of medical devices also requires substantial improvement. Considerable experience of foreign manufacturers of medical equipment should be taken into account. It should be noted, however, that this experience is often neglected by domestic manufacturers. Technical testing of medical equipment in foreign companies is usually carried out by independent laboratories which assess performance and quality. The specialists of the laboratories may also give recommendations for further improvement of the tested equipment. The basic goal of the testing is to check if the performance of the device matches its specifications and to conclude if the device can be used in medical organizations. However, the specialists of the laboratories usually go beyond this goal and issue comparative reviews of products of different companies. Such reviews contain the following information: description of tested device, its specifications, and price; results of technical testing, correspondence between specifications and actual performance, advantages and disadvan- tages, recommendations for improvement (if necessary);comparative analysis of similar devices and apparatuses produced by different manufacturers. Such analysis is usually concluded by a most preferable model, which is recommended to medical organizations on the basis of functional capacity, reliability, and economic reasons.In the USA, activity of testing laboratories is controlled by governmental, nongovernmental, and independent nonprofit organizations.In Russia, the problem of balance between the demand in medical devices, their production by domestic manufacturers, and import is of considerable importance.The opinion of the Head of the Department of Medical Industry, Russian Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Yu. F. Doshchitsin, which was published in the weekly "Meditsinskii Biznes" (No. 9, 1995), is that the requirements of Russian medical market must be met by domestic devices, including products of high technology. Russian medicine should not rely on imported devices alone. We certainly agree with this opinion.The total volume of medical equipment purchased from abroad is presently several times greater than purchases from domestic manufacturers. This situation is definitely unacceptable. Cardinal measures are required to boost and stimulate economically domestic manufacturers of medical equipment. This is particularly important for manufacturers of life support systems and devices for military medicine.However, positive aspects of contacts with foreign manufacturers of medical equipment should not be disregarded. International cooperation is very common in foreign practice, but it is clearly insufficient in Russia.International cooperation in medical industry is particularly vital in such areas as computer technology, microprocessors, and electronic engineering. Lack of sufficiently high-quality domestic computers and microprocessors presents considerable problems in the development of sophisticated medical devices and apparatuses.In recent years a number of domestic organizations established joint ventures with leading foreign manufacturers of medical devices. These joint ventures produce high-technology devices on the basis of imported circuitry, modules, and individual finished units. For example, VNIIMP-VITA produces ultrasonic doppler scanners, Kursk Manufacturing Association Pribor in collaboration with Frezenius (Germany) produces mobile apparatuses for hemodialysis and hemosorption, LOMO and some companies from Japan established a joint venture for manufacturing flexible endoscopes of improved design, Moscow Manufac- turing Association EMA produces ultrasonic diagnostic devices, etc.It seems reasonable to continue and extend mutually profitable contacts between domestic and foreign manufacturers of medical equipment.Active participation and patronage of the Russian Ministry of Health and Medical Industry as well as the Russian Government and local authorities are needed to solve the problems of medical industry listed above and to implement programs of development and production of high-quality domestic medical devices.References[1] V. A. Viktorov,V. P. gundarov,A. P. yurkevich. Present status and problems of domestic medical instrument engineering. Biomedical Engineehng~ V oL 30, No. 1, 1996.[2]All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering, Rusaian Academy of Medical Sciences (VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company), Moscow. Translated from Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 4-9, January-February, 1996. Original article submitted August 23, 1995.国内医学仪器工程的现状和存在的问题V. A. Viktorov, V. P. Gundarov, and A. P. Yurkevich UDC 615.47:681.2(470):008 近年来,国内在工程医疗器械实现取得了很大进展。