Sentence Extraction System Assembling Multiple Evidence
基于Web的双语平行句对自动获取∗叶莎妮,吕雅娟,黄赟,刘群(中国科学院计算技术研究所,北京 100080)摘要:双语平行句对是机器翻译的重要资源,但是由于获取途径的限制,句子级平行语料库不仅数量有限并且经常集中在特定领域,很难适应真实应用的需求。
关键词:双语句对;平行网页;网页挖掘中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:AAutomatic Parallel Sentences Extracting From WebShani Ye, Yajuan Lv, Yun Huang, Qun Liu(Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China) Abstract: Parallel sentences are valuable resources for machine translation but not readily available in the necessary quantities and always domain specific. This paper constructs a system to automatically obtain parallel sentences of high quality. This system takes advantages of previous systems and puts forward a method to find the similarity of URLs in bilingual websites, and also improves parallel sentence extraction technology. Experimental results show that this system gains a recall rate of 93% and a precision rate of 96% when collecting parallel sentences from test set. In addition, this paper makes preliminary research in collecting parallel sentences from bilingual contrast web pages.Key words: Bilingual Sentences; Parallel Corpora; Web Mining1 引言近年来,语料库资源对于自然语言处理研究的巨大价值已经得到越来越多的认可。
基于HMM 的短语翻译对抽取方法∗左云存 宗成庆中国科学院自动化研究所模式识别国家重点实验室 北京 100080E-mail: {yczuo, cqzong}@摘 要:在基于语料库的统计翻译方法中,基于短语的统计翻译与基于单个词的统计翻译相比可以更好地处理句中词语之间的关系,从而有效地提高机器翻译系统的性能。
本文在基于HMM 词对齐方法的基础上,提出了一种从双语语料中自动抽取短语翻译对的方法,这种方法根据词语对齐时出现的不同情况作不同的处理,提高了短语翻译对抽取的效果。
关键词:HMM ;词对齐;短语翻译对;机器翻译Phrase Translation Extraction Based on HMMZuo Yuncun, Zong ChengqingNational Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080E-mail: {yczuo, cqzong}@Abstract: In corpus-based statistical machine translation methods, phrase-based models are effective in improving translation quality as they can deal with the relationship between words in sentences better than word-based models. One approach of phrase-based translation incorporates phrase translations as knowledge sources into systems, and the systems’ performance greatly depends on the quality of phrase knowledge. In this paper, we describe a new approach of phrase translation extraction based on HMM-based word alignment method. The experiment result proved that this approach is effective in phrase translation extraction from bilingual corpus.Keywords: HMM, word alignment, phrase translation extraction, machine translation1 前言机器翻译的任务是把源语言句子(1...I s s s = )翻译成目标语言句子()。
Extraction Patterns for Information Extraction Tasks A Survey
Extraction Patterns for Information Extraction Tasks:A SurveyIon MusleaInformation Sciences Institute and Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Southern California4676Admiralty WayMarina del Rey,CA90230,USAmuslea,minton,knoblock@AbstractInformation Extraction systems rely on a set of extractionpatterns that they use in order to retrieve from each docu-ment the relevant information.In this paper we survey thevarious types of extraction patterns that are generated by ma-chine learning algorithms.We identify three main categoriesof patterns,which cover a variety of application domains,andwe compare and contrast the patterns from each category.IntroductionInformation Extraction(IE)is concerned with extracting therelevant data from a collection of documents.For instance,a typical IE task might be tofind management changes re-ported in the Wall Street Journal or to identify the targets ofterrorist attacks reported in the newspapers.A key compo-nent of any IE system is its set of extraction patterns(or ex-traction rules)that is used to extract from each document theinformation relevant to a particular extraction task.As writ-ing useful extraction patterns is a difficult,time-consumingtask,several research efforts have focused on learning theextraction rules from training examples provided by the user.In this paper,we review several types of extraction patternsthat are generated by machine learning algorithms.We be-gin by analyzing the extraction rules used for free text docu-ments,and we continue with the rules that can be applied tomore structured types of online documents.IE From Free TextIn this section we review extraction patterns that are usedonly to process documents that contain grammatical,plaintext.Such extraction rules are based on syntactic and se-mantic constraints that help identify the relevant informationwithin a document.Consequently,in order to apply the ex-traction patterns below,one has to pre-process the originaltext with a syntactic analyzer and a semantic tagger.AutoSlogAutoSlog(Riloff1993)builds a dictionary of extraction pat-terns that are called concepts or concept nodes.Each Au-toSlog concept has a conceptual anchor that activates it andCONCEPT NODE:Name:target-subject-passive-verb-bombed Trigger:bombedVariable Slots:(target(*S*1))Constraints:(class phys-target*S*)Constant Slots:(type bombing)Enabling Conditions:((passive))Figure2:A LIEP extraction pattern.the subject of a sentence that also contains a verb group followed by a prepositional phrase)and the semantic con-straints(e.g.,TRGT is a“physical-target”,the verb“bomb”is used in its passive form,and the prepositional phrase starts with“by”).PALKAThe PALKA system(Kim&Moldovan1995)learns extrac-tion patterns that are expressed as frame-phrasal pattern structures(for short,FP-structures).As shown in Figure3, an FP-structure consists of a meaning frame and a phrasal pattern.Each slot in the meaning frame defines an item-to-be-extracted together with the semantic constraints associ-ated to it(e.g.,the target of the bombing event must be a physical object).The phrasal pattern represents an ordered sequence of lexical entries and/or semantic categories taken from a predefined concept hierarchy.The FP-structure combines the meaning frame and the phrasal pattern by linking the slots of the former to the ele-ments of the latter.Applying an FP-structure to a sentence represents a straightforward process:if the phrasal pattern matches the sentence,the FP-structure is activated,and then the corresponding meaning frame is used to actually extract the data.As opposed to AutoSlog,FP-structures can be activated both by exact match and via the isFigure3:Example of FP-structure. Concept type:BUILDING BOMBINGSUBJECT:Classes include:PhysicalTargetTerms include:BUILDINGExtract:targetVERB:Root:BOMBMode:passive PREPOS-PHRASE:Preposition:BYClasses include:PersonNameExtract:perpetrator nameSEGMENTED DOCUMENT:segmfield1:HEAD LA Forecast/HEAD/segm segmfield1:.MONDAY...field2:CLOUDY/segm segmfield1:.TUESDAY...field2:SUNNY/segm Concept type:FORECASTConstraints:FIELD:Classes include:DayTerms include:“.”,“...”Extract:dayFIELD:Classes include:Weather ConditionExtract:conditionsFigure6:Example of Egraph used by HASTEN.for CRYSTAL,all other systems allow semantic class con-straints only on the slots to be extracted(for the other sen-tence elements they allow exact word and verb root con-straints).Third,PALKA,CRYSTAL,and HASTEN can gener-ate both single-and multi-slot rules,while AutoSlog learns only single-slot rules,and LIEP can not induce single-slot st but not least,AutoSlog,PALKA,and CRYSTAL were designed to always use the syntactic context;that is,if a relevant item can appear either in the subject or in a prepo-sitional phrase,they must create two distinct extraction pat-terns.LIEP and HASTEN do not suffer this limitation,and, consequently,they can create a single rule that covers both cases.IE from online documentsWith the expansion of the Web,users can access collections of documents that consist of a mixture of grammatical,tele-graphic,and/or ungrammatical text.Performing IE tasks on corpora of job postings,bus schedules,or apartment rentals has immediate practical applications,but the IE techniques for free text are notfit for online documents.In order to han-dle such documents,the three types of extraction rules pre-sented in this section combine syntactic/semantic constraints with delimiters that“bound”the text to be extracted. WHISKWHISK(Soderland1998)is a learning system that gener-ates extraction rules for a wide variety of documents ranging from rigidly formatted to free text.The WHISK extraction patterns are a special type of regular expressions that have two components:one that describes the context that makes a phrase relevant,and one that specifies the exact delimiters of the phrase to be extracted.Depending of the structure of the text,WHISK generates patterns that rely on either of the components(i.e.,context-based patterns for free text,and delimiter-based patterns for structured text)or on both of them(i.e.,for documents that lay in between structured and free text).In Figure7we show a sample WHISK extraction task from online texts.The sample document is taken from an apartment rental domain that consists of ungrammati-cal constructs,which,without being rigidly formatted,obey some structuring rules that make them human understand-able.The sample pattern in Figure7has the following mean-ing:ignore all the characters in the text until youfind a digit followed by the“br”string;extract that digit andfill thefirst extraction slot with it(i.e.,“Bedrooms”).Then ignore again all the remaining characters until you rich a dollar sign im-mediately followed by a number.Extract the number andfill the“Price”slot with it.DOCUMENT:EXTRACTED DATA:Capitol Hill-1br twnhme.Bedrooms:1D/W W/D.Pkg incl$675.Price:6753BR upperflr no gar.$995.Bedrooms:3(206)999-9999br Price:995Extraction rule:*(Digit)’BR’*’$’(Nmb)Output:Rental Bedrooms@1Price@2A RAPIER extraction purchase4.5mln Trilogy shares at...DOCUMENT-2:...acquire another2.4mln Roach shares...Acquisition:-length(2),some(?A[]capitalized true),some(?A[next-token]all-lower-case true),some(?A[right-AN]wn-word‘stock’).D1: 1.Joe’s:(313)323-55452.Li’s:(406)545-2020D2: 1.KFC:818-224-40002.Rome:(656)987-1212WIEN rule:*’.’(*)’:’*’(’(*)’)’SoftMeaky rule:*’.’(*)EITHER’:’()’-’OR’:’*’(’()’)’Output:Restaurant Name@1AreaCode@2A STALKER extraction domain.gfully applied to document D1,but it fails on D2because ofthe different phone number formatting.The WIEN rule above is an instance of LR class,which thesimplest type of WIEN rules.The classes HLRT,OCLR,andHOCLRT are extensions of LR that use document head andtail delimiters,tuple delimiters,and both of them,respec-tively.WIEN defines two other classes,N-LR and N-HLRT,but their induction turned out to be impractical.SoftMealy(Hsu&Dung1998)is a wrapper inductionalgorithm that generates extraction rules expressed asfinite-state transducers.It allows both the use of semantic classesand disjunctions,which are especially useful when the doc-uments contain several formatting conventions or variousorderings of the items of interest.Figure10also shows aSoftMealy extraction rule1that can deal with the differentformatting of the area code.The SoftMealy rule reads asfollows:ignore all tokens until youfind a’.’;then extractthe restaurant name,which is the string that ends before thefirst’:’.If’:’is immediately followed by a number,extractit as the area code;otherwise ignore all characters until youfind a’(’immediately followed by a number,which rep-resents the area code.SoftMealy’s extraction patterns areobviously more expressive than the WIEN ones;their mainlimitation consists of their inability to use delimiters that donot immediately precede and follow the relevant items.STALKER(Muslea,Minton,&Knoblock1999)is a wrap-per induction system that performs hierarchical informationextraction.In Figure11,we have a sample document thatrefers to a restaurant-chain that has restaurants located inseveral cities.In each city,the restaurant may have severaladdresses,and at each address it may have several phonenumbers.It is easy to see that the multi-slot output schemais not appropriate for extraction tasks that are performed onsuch documents with multiple levels of embedded data.Inorder to cope with this problem,STALKER introduces theEmbedded Catalog Tree(ECT)formalism to describe the hi-erarchical organization of the documents.The ECT specifies the output schema for the extraction task,and it is also used to guide the hierarchical information extraction process. For a given ECT,STALKER generates one extraction rule for each node in the tree,together with an additional iter-ation rule for each LIST node.The extraction process is performed in a hierarchical manner.For instance,in order to extract all CityName s in a document,STALKER begins by applying to the whole document the extraction rule for the LIST(City),which skips to the second br in the page and extracts everything until it encounters a hr; then in order to extract each individual City,it applies the LIST(City)iteration rule to the content of the list.Finally, STALKER applies to the content of each extracted City the CityName extraction rule.There are two main differences between the rules gener-ated by STALKER and WHISK.First,even though STALKER uses semantic constraints,it does not enforce any linguis-tic constraints.Second,the STALKER rules are single-slot. However,unlike RAPIER and SRV,the single-slot nature of the STALKER rules does not represent a limitation because STALKER uses the ECT to group together the individual items that were extracted from the same multi-slot template (i.e.,from the same ECT parent).Using single-slot rules in conjunction with the ECT has two major advantages.First, to our knowledge,STALKER is the only IE inductive system that can extract data from documents that contain arbitrarily complex combinations of embedded lists and items.2Sec-ond,as each item is extracted independently of its siblings in the ECT,the various orderings of the items does not re-quire one rule for each existing permutation of the items to be extracted.ConclusionsWith the growth of the amount of online information,the availability of robust,flexible IE systems will become a stringent necessity.Depending on the characteristics of their application domains,today’s IE systems use extraction pat-terns based on one of the following approaches:syntac-tic/semantic constraints,delimiter-based,or a combination of both.WHISK is the only system that is currently capa-ble of generating multi-slot rules for the whole spectrum of document types.On the other hand,by using RAPIER-or SRV-like rules in conjunction with the Embedded Catalog Tree,one could obtain rules that are more expressive than the ones of WHISK.ReferencesBrill,E.1994.Some advances in rule-based part of speech tagging.Proceedings of the12th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI-94)722–727.Califf,M.,and Mooney,R.1997.Relational learning of pattern-match rules for information extraction.Work-。
The following points should receivespecial attention to ensure the safeuse of spraying equipment:
Protective breathing masks
Although the spraying procedure producesvery little mist, it is not completelymist free. The operator must
be provided with a protective breathing mask. (see respiratory equipmentinstruction sheet BGI 572 and BGVD25 from the professional trade association)
This manual contains information andinstructions for the operation, repairand maintenance of the control unit.
This equipment can be dangerous if itis not operated in accordance withthis manuall.
绪论引言分子印迹技术(Molecular Imprinting Technique, MIT)是20世纪80年代迅速发展起来的一种化学分析分离技术,即制备在空间结构及结合位点上与目标分子完全匹配的聚合物的实验技术。
固相萃取(solid phase extraction, SPE)是一种基于色谱分离的样品前处理方法,是指液体样品在正压、负压或重力作用下通过装有固体吸附剂的固相萃取装置,从而将特定的化合物吸附并保留在SPE柱上的实验方法。
1.2分子印迹技术1.2.1分子印迹技术原理及方法分子印迹聚合物(Molecular Imprinted Polymers, MIPs) 是模板分子(Template)以共价键或非共价键形式与功能单体(Monomers) 结合,并在引发剂作用下与交联剂(Crosslinker) 发生聚合,洗去模板分子之后,形成在空间结构及结合位点上与目标分子完全匹配的几何空间空穴,该空穴在形貌和作用力方面对模板分子都有着记忆和识别特性。
印迹过程图示见图1。 分子印迹法-预组装法预组装法(Pre-organized approach )也叫共价印迹法,是由德国的 Wulff 教授研究小组[2]于20世纪70年代初期创立。
转载 NLP术语中英对照表M Z
转载NLP术语中英对照表M Z原文地址:NLP术语中英对照表M-Z作者:笨蛋二号匪machine dictionary机器词典machine language机器语言machine learning机器学习machine translation机器翻译machine-readable dictionary(MRD)机读辞典Macrolinguistics宏观语言学Markov chart马可夫图Mathematical Linguistics数理语言学maximum entropy最大熵M-D(modifier-head)construction偏正结构mean length of utterance(MLU)语句平均长度measure of information讯习测度[信息测度]memory based根据记忆的mental lexicon心理词汇库mental model心理模型mental process心理过程[智力过程;智力处理]metalanguage超语言metaphor隐喻metaphorical extension隐喻扩展metarule律上律[元规则]metathesis语音易位Microlinguistics微观语言学middle structure中间式结构minimal pair最小对Minimalist Program微言主义MLU(mean length of utterance)语句平均长度modal情态词modal auxiliary情态助动词modal logic情态逻辑modifier修饰语Modular Logic Grammar模组化逻辑语法modular parsing system模组化句法剖析系统modularity模组性(理论)module模组monophthong单元音monotonic单调monotonicity单调性Montague Grammar蒙泰究语法[蒙塔格语法]mood语气morpheme词素morphological affix构词词缀morphological decomposition语素分解morphological pattern词型morphological processing词素处理morphological rule构词律[词法规则] morphological segmentation语素切分Morphology构词学Morphophonemics词音学[形态音位学;语素音位学] morphophonological rule形态音位规则Morphosyntax词句法Motor Theory肌动理论movement移位MRD(machine-readable dictionary)机读辞典MT(machine translation)机器翻译multilingual processing system多语讯息处理系统multilingual translation多语翻译multimedia多媒体multi-media communication多媒体通讯multiple inheritance多重继承multistate logic多态逻辑mutation语音转换mutual exclusion互斥mutual information相互讯息nativist position语法天生假说natural language自然语言natural language processing(NLP)自然语言处理natural language understanding自然语言理解negation否定negative sentence否定句neologism新词语nested structure套结构network网路neural network类神经网路Neurolinguistics神经语言学neutralization中立化n-gram n-连词n-gram modeling n-连词模型NLP(natural language processing)自然语言处理node节点nominalization名物化nonce暂用的non-finite非限定non-finite clause非限定式子句non-monotonic reasoning非单调推理normal distribution常态分布noun名词noun phrase名词组NP(noun phrase)completeness名词组完全性object宾语{语言学}/物件{资讯科学}object oriented programming物件导向程式设计[面向对向的程序设计] official language官方语言one-place pre dicate一元述语on-line dictionary线上查询词典[联机词点]onomatopoeia拟声词onset节首音ontogeny个体发生Ontology本体论open set开放集operand运算元[操作对象]optimization最佳化[最优化]overgeneralization过度概化overgeneration过度衍生paradigmatic relation聚合关系paralanguage附语言parallel construction并列结构Parallel Corpus平行语料库parallel distributed processing(PDP)平行分布处理paraphrase转述[释意;意译;同意互训]parole言语parser剖析器[句法剖析程序]parsing剖析part of speech(POS)词类particle语助词PART-OF relation PART-OF关系part-of-speech tagging词类标注pattern recognition型样识别P-C(predicate-complement)insertion述补中插PDP(parallel distributed processing)平行分布处理perception知觉perceptron感觉器[感知器]perceptual strategy感知策略performative行为句periphrasis用独立词表达perlocutionary语效性的permutation移位Petri Net Grammar Petri网语法philology语文学phone语音phoneme音素phonemic analysis因素分析phonemic stratum音素层Phonetics语音学phonogram音标Phonology声韵学[音位学;广义语音学] Phonotactics音位排列理论phrasal verb词组动词[短语动词]phrase词组[短语]phrase marker词组标记[短语标记]pitch音调pitch contour调形变化Pivot Grammar枢轴语法pivotal construction承轴结构plausibility function可能性函数PM(phrase marker)词组标记[短语标记] polysemy多义性POS-tagging词类标记postposition方位词PP(preposition phrase)attachment介词依附Pragmatics语用学Precedence Grammar优先顺序语法precision精确度predicate述词predicate calculus述词计算predicate logic述词逻辑[谓词逻辑]predicate-argument structure述词论元结构prefix前缀premodification前置修饰preposition介词Prescriptive Linguistics规定语言学[规范语言学] presentative sentence引介句presupposition前提Principle of Compositionality语意合成性原理privative二元对立的probabilistic parser概率句法剖析程式problem solving解决问题program程式programming language程式设计语言[程序设计语言] proofreading system校对系统proper name专有名词prosody节律prototype原型pseudo-cleft sentence准分裂句Psycholinguistics心理语言学punctuation标点符号pushdown automata下推自动机pushdown transducer下推转换器qualification后置修饰quantification量化quantifier范域词Quantitative Linguistics计量语言学questio nanswering system问答系统queue伫列radical字根[词干;词根;部首;偏旁]radix of tuple元组数基random access随机存取rationalism理性论rationalist(position)理性论立场[唯理论观点] reading laboratory阅读实验室real time即时real time control即时控制[实时控制]recursive transition network递回转移网路reduplication重迭词[重复]reference指涉referent指称对象referential indices指标referring expression指涉词[指示短语]register暂存器[寄存器]{资讯科学}/调高{语音学}/语言的场合层级{社会语言学}regular language正规语言[正则语言]relational database关联式资料库[关系数据库]relative clause关系子句relaxation method松弛法relevance相关性Restricted Logic Grammar受限逻辑语法resumptive pronouns复指代词retroactive inhibition逆抑制rewriting rule重写规则rheme述位rhetorical structure修辞结构rhetorics修辞学robust强健性robust processing强健性处理robustness强健性schema基朴school grammar教学语法scope范域[作用域;范围]script脚本search mechanism检索机制search space检索空间searching route检索路径[搜索路径] second order predicate二阶述词segmentation分词segmentation marker分段标志selectional restriction选择限制semantic field语意场semantic frame语意架构semantic network语意网路semantic representation语意表征[语义表示]semantic representation language语意表征语言semantic restriction语意限制semantic structure语意结构Semantics语意学sememe意素Semiotics符号学sender发送者sensorimotor stage感觉运动期sensory information感官讯息[感觉信息]sentence句子sentence generator句子产生器[句子生成程序]sentence pattern句型separation of homonyms同音词区分sequence序列serial order learning顺序学习serial verb construction连动结构set oriented semantic network集合导向型语意网路[面向集合型语意网路]SGML(Standard Generalized Markup Language)结构化通用标记语言shift-reduce parsing替换简化式剖析short term memory短程记忆sign信号signal processing technology信号处理技术simple word单纯词situation情境Situation Semantics情境语意学situational type情境类型social context社会环境sociolinguistics社会语言学software engineering软体工程[软件工程]sort排序speaker-independent spee ch recognition非特定语者语音识别spectrum频谱speech口语speech act assignment言语行为指定speech continuum言语连续体speech disorder语言失序[言语缺失]speech recognition语音辨识speech retrieval语音检索speech situation言谈情境[言语情境]speech synthesis语音合成speech translation system语音翻译系统speech understanding system语音理解系统spreading activation model扩散激发模型standard deviation标准差Standard Generalized Markup Language标准通用标示语言start-bound complement接头词state of affairs algebra事态代数state transition diagram状态转移图statement kernel句核static attribute list静态属性表statistical analysis统计分析Statistical Linguistics统计语言学statistical significance统计意义stem词干stimulus-response theory刺激反应理论stochastic approach to parsing概率式句法剖析[句法剖析的随机方法]stop爆破音Stratificational Grammar阶层语法[层级语法] string字串[串;字符串]string manipulation language字串操作语言string matching字串匹配[字符串]structural ambiguity结构歧义Structural Linguistics结构语言学structural relation结构关系structural transfer结构转换structuralism结构主义structure结构structure sharing representation结构共享表征subcategorization次类划分[下位范畴化] subjunctive假设的sublanguage子语言subordinate从属关系subordinate clause从属子句[从句;子句] subordination从属substitution rule代换规则[置换规则]substrate底层语言suffix后缀superordinate上位的superstratum上层语言suppletion异型[不规则词型变化] suprasegmental超音段的syllabification音节划分syllable音节syllable structure constraint音节结构限制symbolization and verbalization符号化与字句化synchronic同步的synonym同义词syntactic category句法类别syntactic constituent句法成分syntactic rule语法规律[句法规则]Syntactic Semantics句法语意学syntagm句段syntagmatic组合关系[结构段的;组合的]Syntax句法Systemic Grammar系统语法tag标记target language目的语言[目标语言]task sharing课题分享[任务共享]tautology套套逻辑[恒真式;重言式;同义反复] taxonomical hierarchy分类阶层[分类层次] telescopic compound套装合并template模板temporal inference循序推理[时序推理] temporal logic时间逻辑[时序逻辑]temporal marker时貌标记tense时态terminology术语text文本text analyzing文本分析text coherence文本一致性text generation文本生成[篇章生成]Text Linguistics文本语言学text planning文本规划text proofreading文本校对text retrieval文本检索text structure文本结构[篇章结构]text summarization文本自动摘要[篇章摘要] text understanding文本理解text-to-speech文本转语音thematic role题旨角色thematic structure题旨结构theorem定理thesaurus同义词辞典theta role题旨角色theta-grid题旨网格token实类[标记项]tone音调tone language音调语言tone sandhi连调变换top-down由上而下[自顶向下]topic主题topicalization主题化[话题化]trace痕迹Trace Theory痕迹理论training训练transaction异动[处理单位]transcription转写[抄写;速记翻译]transducer转换器transfer转移transfer approach转换方法transfer framework转换框架transformation变形[转换]Transformational Grammar变形语法[转换语法] transitional state term set转移状态项集合transitivity及物性translation翻译translation equivalence翻译等值性translation memory翻译记忆transparency透明性tree树状结构[树]Tree Adjoining Grammar树形加接语法[树连接语法]treebank树图资料库[语法关系树库]trigram三连词t-score t-数turing machine杜林机[图灵机]turing test杜林测试[图灵试验]type类型type/token node标记类型/实类节点type-feature structure类型特征结构typology类型学ultimate constituent终端成分unbounded dependency无界限依存underlying form基底型式underlying structure基底结构unification连并[合一]Unification-based Grammar连并为本的语法[基于合一的语法] Universal Grammar普遍性语法universal instantiation普遍例式universal quantifier全称范域词unknown word未知词[未定义词]unrestricted grammar非限制型语法usage flag使用旗标user interface使用者界面[用户界面] Valence Grammar结合价语法Valence Theory结合价理论valency结合价variance变异数[方差]verb动词verb phrase动词组[动词短语]verb resultative compound动补复合词verbal association词语联想verbal phrase动词组ve rbal production言语生成vernacular本地话V-O construction(verb-object)动宾结构vocabulary字汇vocabulary entry词条vocal track声道vocative呼格voice recognition声音辨识[语音识别]vowel母音vowel harmony母音和谐[元音和谐]waveform波形weak verb弱化动词Whorfian hypothesis Whorfian假说word词word frequency词频word frequency distribution词频分布word order词序word segmentation分词word segmentation standard for Chinese中文分词规范word segmentation unit分词单位[切词单位]word set词集working memory工作记忆[工作存储区]world knowledge世界知识writing system书写系统X-Bar Theory X标杠理论["x"阶理论]Zipf's Law利夫规律[齐普夫定律]MSN空间完美搬家到新浪博客!。
机械制造专业英语abrasive cloth 砂布abrasive paper 砂纸abrasive wheel 砂轮absolute coordinates 绝对坐标absolute error 绝对误差absolute value 绝对值absorb 吸收absorbability 吸收性hygrometer湿度计refrigeration吸收式制冷ac 交流交变电流acceleration 加速acceleration of gravity 重力加速度accelerator 加速器acceptance test 验收试验accumulator plate 蓄电池极板accuracy 精确度coating 保护层acoustic absorbing material 吸音材料acoustic insulation 隔音resonance共振vibration s 振动activated carbon 活性炭activation激活adhesion 附着coefficient 系数expansion 膨胀adjustable resistance 可变电阻adjustable wrench 活动扳手admission 进气admission port 吸气口aerial 天线aerodynamic 气体动力的resistance 阻力afterheat 余热hardening硬化air bleed 放气air cleaner 空气滤清器air cushion 气垫air damping空气阻尼air inflating 充气air infiltration 漏风air inlet 进气口air proof 不透气的,密封的air purification 空气净化thermometer温度计air vent 通风孔alkali[ælkəlaɪ]碱alkaline solution 碱性溶液all purpose 万能的allowable error 容许误差component成分brass黄铜bronze青铜aluminum casting 铝铸件condenser冷凝器refrigerator冷冻机amortization[æmətɪ’zeɪʃən ]折旧analytical mechanics分析力学angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角displacement位移anode[ænod]正极,阳极/positive polecathode[‘kæθod]阴极,负极/negative pole dissolution溶解antenna [æntɛnə]天线anticlockwise rotation 逆时针方向旋转anticorrosion防腐蚀antioxidant 抗氧化剂antirusting paint 防蚀涂料antiseptic 防腐剂antiskid 防滑aperiodic motion 非周期性运动applied mechanics 应用力学applied thermodynamics应用热力学approximate value 近似值Archimedes’principle阿基米德原理area of bearing 支承面arrangement 排列,布置arrowhead 箭头articulated 铰链式的articulated arm 关节杆articulation 关节artificial 人造的,人工的artificial diamond 人造金刚石artificial fiber 人造纤维artificial intelligence 人工智能artificial leather 人造革ash 灰asphalt 沥青assembling shop 装配车间asymmetry 不对称atomization原子化,雾化attractive force 引力attrition 磨耗defrosting除霜automatic discharging apparatus 自动卸货装置lathe车床orientation 定向changer更换装置average value 平均值axial 轴向的axis 轴axis of abscissas[æb’sɪsəz]横坐标轴axis of ordinates 纵坐标轴axisymmetric body 轴对称物体diffusion 扩散back view 后视图balancing crankshaft 曲轴均衡basicity [bə’sisiti]碱度bayonet joint 插销节bellows 波纹管bending 弯曲biofuel 生物燃料biogas 沼气blacksmith 锻工blank 毛坯blank flange 无孔法兰盘blunt 钝的boiling point 沸点hardness test 硬度试验brittle material 脆性材料brittleness 脆性buoyancy 浮力caliber 口径;孔型calibration[‘kælə’breɪʃən]校准calibration curve 校准曲线calibrator 校准器carbon steel 碳素钢carbonization 碳化cast iron 铸铁catalyst 催化剂catalytic action 催化反应caterpillar bulldozer 履带式开土机cathode 阴极center of gravity 重心centrifugal force 离心力centrifugal pump 离心泵ceramic coating 陶瓷涂层chain hoist 链动滑轮curve 曲线equation方程式charger 充电器charging 装料charging apparatus 装料设备blanking切料chemical bleaching 化学漂白chemical property 化学性质chisel 凿circuit diagram 电路图circular column 圆柱体circular motion 圆周运动circular movement圆周运动clamp 夹具clarification 澄清classical mechanics 经典力学coefficient[koə’fɪʃənt]系数coefficient of contraction 收缩系数coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数coining 模压;压印coloration 着色coloring 着色combustible 可燃的composition 组成composition of forces 力的合成compound 化合物computer numerical control 计算机数控simulation模拟concave /convex lens 凹/凸透镜concentrated load 集中荷重concentrated stress 集中应力concentrated wear 局部磨损concentric cable 同轴电缆conceptual design 概念设计conceptual model 概念模型condensation 冷凝condition 条件conductor 导体cone 圆锥confinement 封闭conical 圆锥的conservation of energy 能量守恒consistency 粘稠度constant 常数constant pressure line 等压线constraint约束continuity 连续性continuous line 实线dashed line虚线contour 轮廓contour line 轮廓线contractibility 收缩性contraction 收缩parameter参数nozzle喷嘴cooling 冷却cooling curve 冷却曲线coordinate axes 坐标轴coordinate system 坐标系correction 修正correction factor 修正系数cost accounting 成本核算counter 计数器crack 裂口crank 曲柄crankshaft 曲轴criterion 准则critical point 临界点critical state 临界状态cross section 横截面cross sectional area 截面面积cross sectional view 横断面视图crossed交叉cruising speed 巡航速度crusher 破碎机cryogenic engineering 低温技术crystallization point 结晶点cushion 垫cushion cylinder 缓冲汽缸cushioning 减震cylindrical[sə'lɪndrɪkəl]圆柱形的,圆柱体d。
1.1 短语查找
由于短语比之词语来说更加难以界定, 不同人对短语的理解 不同, 因此很难像汉语切词一般通过人工来做短语库。 对此, 可以 利用该方法中将任意连续的字符串看作短语的特点, 自动于汉语
单语语料库中抽取短语库。 具体来说, 这个短语查找的流程为 : 首先切分汉语语料库中的词语, 详细记录每个词语出现的位置, 并将其存储在 WordMap 中 ; 然后找出表中每个词语所在文件中 的对应位置, 并据此向后搜索若干个词得到及保存词串, 将相应 计数加 1 ; 最后其中出现次数> 2 的重复词串即为短语库。 在这 过程中, 若其中一个短语是另外一个短语的子串, 且两者的出现 次数相同, 那么则保留长的那个。
1.2 短语概率计算
短语概率指的就是有向无环图的路径长度, 其可通过概率论 的相关知识进行计算, 具体的公式为 :
p ¨(c) =
∑ N(c' )
1 短语切分方法
基于短语的统计机器翻译系统的最小翻译单位就是短语, 也即是说, 将句子拆分成若干个短于, 由每个短语的翻译而组成 句子的翻译。 汉语与英语的不同点在于其最小单位是字, 词语是 由字组成的, 短语则是由词语组成的, 而所谓的 “短语切分” 与汉 语的切词类似, 实际上就是在词语切分的基础上把句子切分成短 语。 故此, 在短语切分之时可以借鉴汉语词语的切分研究方法进 行研究。 这里采用了 N- 最短路径法 : 根据短语库对已经分词的 句子中全部可能的短语构造有向无环图, 得出 N 条最优的路径。 不过, 其中需要解决两项问题 : 一者是如何得到短语库 ; 二者是 如何确定有向无环图的路径长度。
•论著.中医综合护理缓解肛肠疾病术后疼痛的系统评价曾树宏、申路1,高月、贾裕智、咸停1,蔡雷南京中医药大学翰林学院,江苏泰州 225300;.泰州市人民医院,江苏225300)【摘要】目的系统评价中医综合护理对肛肠疾病术后疼痛的缓解作用。
方法通过计算机检索中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普资讯中文期刊服务平台、P ub M ed、E lse v ie r、Sp rin g e、Cochrane L ib ra r y数据库中关于中医综合护理缓解肛肠疾病术后疼痛的研究。
按纳入/排除标准对文献进行筛选、提取文献关键信息,采用R e v M a n5.3软件进行m e t a分析并评价纳入文献的证据质量。
结果纳入12篇文献,共 1 627例患者。
研究组患者经中医综合护理4、、4h后疼痛视觉模拟评分(V A S)均明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义「标准化均数差为-0.87、-1.46、-1.55,95%可信区间(95%C7)为-1.34〜-0.40、-2.15〜-0.77、-1.86〜-1.25,Z=3.62、4.17、10.02,_P<0.05];临床有效率明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(比值比为5.54,95%C7为3.74〜8.18,Z=8.58,_P<0.05);创口愈合时间明显短于对照组,差异有统计学意义(均数差为-4.61,95%C7=-5.91〜-3.30,Z=6.93,_P<0.05)。
【关键词】肛门疾病/外科学;直肠疾病/外科学;疼痛/护理;M e ta分析DQ I:10.3969/j.issn.1009-5519.2018.01.009 文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-5519(2018)01-0027-05Systematic review on traditional Chinese medicine comprehensive nursing care in relieving anorectal postoperativepain ZENG Shuhong1, SHEN Lu , GAO Yue , JIA Yuzhi,XIAN Ting1, CAI L ei'2h (l. Hanlin College, Nanjing University o^f Chinese Medicine, r T aizhou, Jangsu 225300, China; 2. Taizhou Municipal People's Hospital, "Taizhou, Jiangsu 225300, (^hina)【A bstract】Objective To system atically evaluate the alleviating effect of traditional C hinese m edicine (T C M) com prehensive nursing care on anorectal postoperative pain. Methods The studies on TCM com prehensive nursing care on allev iating anorectal postoperative pain were retrieved from the d atab ases of C N K I, W angfang, V IP, P ubM ed, E lse v ie r, Springer andCochrane Library. The literature retrieval time was from their establish m ent to March 11,2017. The literature screening and keyinfonnation extraction "were perform ed according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The m eta an aly sis w,a s conducted byusing the R ev Man 5.3 software. The evidence quality of included literatures w as evaluated. The control group received theroutine nursing care and potassium per^manganate hip bath,w r hile on this b a sis the study group w as given the TCM com prehensive nursing c a re, including ear hole planted se ed s,fu m ig a tio n, w r ash ing and hip bath with TCM d ru g s, differentiation caterin g,m assage (m ain a b d o m e n),attacking a vital p oin t,scraping th erapy,acupoint ap p licatio n,TCM health ed u catio n,em otion c a r e,etc.Results Tw elve articles were in clu d e d,involving 1 626patients. The pain V A S score after 4,8,24h by TCM com prehensivenursing care in the study group w as significantly lower than that in the control g ro u p, the difference w as statistically significant「stan dardized m ean d ev iatio n(SM D)=-0.87,95% confidence inter^^al(95%C I)=-1.34—0.40,-2.15—0.77,-1.86— 1.25,Z=3.62,4.17, 10.02,P<0.05]; the clin ical effective rate w as significantly better than that in the control grou p, the difference w as statistically sig n ific a n t「odds ratio (O尺)=5.54, 95%C I=3.74-8.18,Z=8.58,P<0.05]; the wound healing time was significantlyshorter than that in the control g ro u p,the difference w as statistically sig n ific a n t「m ean deviation (M D) =-4.61,95%C I=-5.91--3.30, Z=6.93,P<0.05]. Conclusion TCM com prehensive nursing care can relieve postoperative pain in the patients withanorectal d is e a s e,its effective rate is better than that of conventional nursing c a r e,moreover can shorten the wound h ealing time.【K eyw ords】A nus d isea ses/su rg ery; R ectal d iseases/su rg ery; P ain/nursing; M eta-analysis肛肠疾病种类繁多,临床发病率高,涉及人群面 广。
Extracting sentence translations from translated d
专利名称:Extracting sentence translations fromtranslated documents发明人:Eisele, Andreas申请号:EP01130198.3申请日:20011219公开号:EP1227409A3公开日:20051116专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A system extracts translations from translated texts, such as sentencetranslations from translated versions of documents. A first and a second text areaccessed and divided into a plurality of textual elements. From these textual elements, asequence of pairs of text portions is formed, and a pair score is calculated for each pair, using weighted features. Then, an alignment score of the sequence is calculated using the pair scores, and the sequence is systematically varied to identify a sequence that optimizes the alignment score. The invention allows for fast, reliable and robust alignment of sentences within large translated documents. Further, it allows to exploit a broad variety of existing knowledge sources in a flexible way, without performance penalty. Further, a general implementation of dynamic programming search with online memory allocation and garbage collection allows for treating very long documents with limited memory footprint.申请人:Xerox Corporation地址:Xerox Square - 20 A, 100 Clinton Avenue South Rochester, New York 14644 US 国籍:US代理机构:Grünecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhäusser Anwaltssozietät更多信息请下载全文后查看。
汽轮机中英文词汇调节保安系统governing and protection system油系统oil system辅机系统auxiliary system安装要求requirement for installation 技术规范specification辅助设备auxiliary equipment安装数据data on installation工况图condition curves凝汽式汽轮机condensing steam turbine 转子部分rotary part主轴main shaft联轴器主油泵叶轮叶片盘车齿轮静子部分汽缸喷嘴组隔板轴承轴承座油动机调节汽阀公用底盘单缸结构前汽缸后汽缸垂直中分面主汽门调节汽阀蒸汽室新蒸汽碳素钢铸钢排汽室凝汽器排气接管膨胀节汽轮机本体猫爪沿轴向的底脚法兰滑销系统纵销横销立销润滑油槽润滑油地脚螺栓压紧螺栓调节级汽缸筒体测孔温差疏水口喷嘴组coupling main oil pump bladed wheels turning gear stationary part casing nozzle blocks diaphragm 挡板damper gland bearing bearing housing servomotor steam governing valve common chassis single casing structure inlet casing exhaust casing vertical splits main stop valve steam chamber of steam governing valve live steam welding carbon steel steel casting exhaust chamber condenser exhaustadapter expansion loop steam turbine proper lugs axially thrusting force foot flanges sliding key system longitudinal keys cross keys vertical keys oil grooves lubricating oil anchor bolts hold-down bolts control stage casing barrel gauging hole temperature differential drain ports nozzle block喷油嘴oil nozzle 悬挂销suspension pins 密封键sealing keys定位销securing keys同流部分气封flow passage glands 隔板汽封diaphragm gland 前后汽封front and rear gland 动叶moving blades 围带shroud band 隔板汽封环diaphragm gland ring 压紧弹簧hoedown spring 汽封套筒迷宫室汽封排汽室漏气套装转子危急遮断器刚性联轴器动平衡试验推力轴承前轴承主油泵环室危急遮断油门试验控制阀启动阀前底板角销热膨胀监测保护仪金属软管油口探头插头座铂热电阻具体位置联合轴承可倾瓦式推力瓦块小齿轮套装螺旋槽静压力有孔帽罩多压式汽轮机/补汽式汽轮机启动阀汽轮机安全监测装置电调装置油动机调节汽阀及连杆疏水管路射汽抽气器蒸汽管路汽封管路抽空气管路滤汽器外部油管路系统图本体油管路凝汽器gland sleeve labyrinth gland exhaust chamber leak steam shrunk-on rotor emergency governor butt-muff couplingdynamic test thrust-journal bearing chamber of mail oil pump emergency governor pilot valve trial control valve starting valve front base plate angle pins thermal expansion monitor metallic flexible hoses oil portprobe plug socket platinum thermostats practical position combined bearing pivoted shoe thrust pads pinion be shrunk on spiral grooves fixed pressureperforated cap multi-pressure turbine Starting valveSafety monitor for steam turbine Electric governing system Servomotor Steam governing valve with link lever Drain piping Steam piping for steam ejector Gland piping Air extraction piping Steam filter External oil line system diagram Oil line for turbine proper Condenser安全膜板Rupture disk排汽接管Exhaust adapter 起动抽气器Starting ejector两级射汽抽气器Two-stage steam ejector 疏水器Drainer轴封冷却器Shaft gland steam cooler 疏水膨胀箱Flash tank 扩容器均压箱Surge tank垫铁Wedge block特种板手Special spanner桥形规Bridge gauge拆轴瓦工具拆装主汽门工具导柱汽缸导柱吊转子工具吊隔板工具吊汽缸工具转子固定装置螺栓双头螺栓罩螺母填料环活塞环错油门弹簧推力瓦块轴承瓦块滤芯电磁阀方向控制阀升降式止回阀焊接式截止阀截止阀闸阀磁阻式转速传感器热膨胀监测保护仪油动机监视保护仪热电偶接近开关行程开关压力开关充气工具压力调节器压力变送器双筒低压管路过滤器囊式蓄能器三相异步电动机数字电液调节系统数字转速表磁浮液位计铂热电阻米引线热电阻接线端子箱汽耗率Bearing liner remover Tool for dismantling and assembling MSVGuide pillar Guide pillar for casing Hoisting bar for rotor Hoisting bar for diaphragm Hoisting bar for casing Device for fixing rotor bolt Stud Cap nut Packing ring Piston ring Spring of pilot valve Thrust pad Bearing pad Filter cartridge Solenoid valve Direction control valve Elevating check valve Welding stop valve Stopvalve Gate valve Reluctance speed sensor Thermal expansion monitor Servomotor monitor Thermocouple Proximity switch Limit switch Press switch Air charging tool Press. regulator Press. transmitter Binocular LP line filter Bag accumulator Three-phase asynchronous motor DEH system Digital tachometer Magnetic float type level meter Platinum thermistor 5m lead wire Thermistor Terminal box Steam rate通气器Gas exhauster前置器Proximitor延伸电缆Extension cable浸入直管式液位指示器Immersion straight pipe type level indicator液压空气滤清器hydraulic air filter自封式吸油过滤器self-closing oil adsorption filter膨胀节expansion joint通用型膨胀节,common type expansion joint键槽keyway蠕变断裂测试数据Creep Rupture Test Data锻造温度Forge Nearing Temp.始锻Starting Forge终锻Final Forge线膨胀系数Liner Expansibility导热系数Heat Conductivity弹性系数Elastic Ratio临界点温度Transformation Point Temp.蠕变断裂强度Creep Rupture StrengthP20 新蒸汽LIVE STEAM 压力PRESS.温度TEMP.流量FLOW RATE 焓ENTHALPY 热耗HEAT RATE 汽耗STEAM RATEP21 工业抽汽EXTRACTION STEAM FOR PROCESSING汽机排汽EXTRACTION STEAM FROM TURBINE冷却水COOLING WATERP23 初压变化对功率的修正曲线INITIAL PRESS. VARIATION – POWER CORRECTION CURVP24 初温变化对功率的修正曲线INITIAL TEMP. VARIATION – POWER CORRECTION CURVEP25 冷却水温变化对功率的修正曲线COOLING WATER TEMP. VARIATION –POWER CORRECTION CURVE P26 抽汽压力变化对功率的修正曲线———————————————————————————————————————————————。
Read a variety of texts, including news articles, short stories, and non fiction books, and focus on identifying the main idea and important details
The point of view of this text is from the perspective of the
man. We see what he sees and what he hears
The style of this text is very simple and clear The
05 Expand reading
Reading skills explanation
Key skill
Understanding the main idea and details of a text
02 03
This skill involves analyzing the structure of a text, identifying the main idea, and understanding the relationship between the main idea and supporting details
语言识别技术框架阶段顺序English Answer:Stages of a Language Recognition Framework.1. Data Collection.The first stage in building a language recognition framework is to collect a large and diverse dataset of speech and text samples in the languages that the system will be required to recognize. This dataset should include samples from a variety of speakers, accents, and environments.2. Feature Extraction.Once the dataset has been collected, the next step is to extract features from the speech and text samples. These features can be based on the acoustic properties of the speech, such as pitch, energy, and formant frequencies, oron the linguistic properties of the text, such as word frequency, sentence length, and punctuation usage.3. Model Training.The extracted features are then used to train a model that can classify speech and text samples into different languages. This model can be a statistical model, such as a hidden Markov model (HMM), or a neural network model, such as a convolutional neural network (CNN).4. Evaluation.Once the model has been trained, it is evaluated on a held-out dataset to assess its accuracy. The model's accuracy is typically measured in terms of the percentage of samples that are correctly classified.5. Deployment.Once the model has been evaluated and found to be sufficiently accurate, it can be deployed into a real-worldapplication. This application can be a standalone language recognition system or it can be integrated into a larger system, such as a speech recognition or machine translation system.Chinese Answer:语言识别框架的阶段。
一种OA系统主题词提取算法设计林钦【摘要】Designed a extraction algorithm of the keywords in the OA system, the algorithm includes several steps:the sentence clustering, the represent sentence extraction, the word segmentation for the represent sentence and the keywords extraction. Used the level coagulation as a single sentence clustering algorithm, studied the characteristics of the official document, designed the represent sentence extraction algorithm, according to the characteristic of the documents that it is single, created the library and the rule library of extracting keywords, improved the mechanical syncopation algorithm, designed a syncopation algorithm for the represent sentence, and achieved the goal of. that the keywords were automatically generated for the documents' search.%设计了一种用于OA 系统主题词提取算法,该算法包括单句聚类、抽取代表句、代表句分词和主题词提取几个步骤。
Skimming & Scanning
1.title and subtitle 2.topic sentence(首末句) 3.转折词之后的部分 4.高频词
1. Prediction 预判: 词性和特征 谁是关键词 2. Using key words 使用关键词 3. Referring the layout of the passage 参考 文章布局 pare and contrast 比照
1.词汇--高频词汇、同义词 2.语法—长句分析训练 3.速度—skimming & scanning 4.技巧— ―穿阅法” 5.背景知识--media 雅思阅读的宗旨:做对题目rather than 完全读懂文章
一、文题文 二、题文 三、平行阅读法 不良阅读习惯:指读,逐字逐句读, “盲读” 好的阅读习惯:skimming & scanning
1.标题和副标题 2.topic sentences(每段首末句) 3.关联词 4.定位关键词(key words) 5.高频词 6.suggest, show,indicate, demonstrate, argue, claim, imply等发表观点,揭示结 果的词
7.Between 1954 and 1963, an esitmated 10 million Americans were infected with SV40, an apparently harmless monkey virus borne(负载) as a silent passenger by both Salk‘s and Sabin‘s polio(小儿麻 痹) vaccines. Q: What is SV40?
soxhlet extraction method -回复
soxhlet extraction method -回复Soxhlet extraction method, also known as the Soxhlet technique, is a widely used method in the field of chemistry for extracting organic compounds from solid samples. It involves using a combination of solvents and heat to extract desired compounds from a solid matrix. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of performing a Soxhlet extraction and discuss its applications and advantages.Step 1: Choosing the apparatus and materialsTo begin the Soxhlet extraction, you will need a Soxhlet apparatus, which consists of a thimble, a condenser, a round flask, and a heating mantle. Additionally, you will require a suitable solvent and the solid sample you wish to extract from. The choice of solvent depends on the solubility of the target compound and the properties of the solid matrix.Step 2: Filling the thimble with the solid sampleTake a clean and dry thimble made of glass or cellulose and fill it with the solid sample. Ensure that the thimble is neither overloaded nor underfilled, as it may affect the extraction efficiency. If necessary, grind the solid sample to increase the surface area forbetter extraction.Step 3: Assembling the Soxhlet apparatusSet up the Soxhlet apparatus by connecting the thimble to the condenser. Place the round flask beneath the condenser, and make sure all the connections are tight and secure. It is essential to maintain a closed system throughout the extraction process to prevent any loss of solvent or sample.Step 4: Adding the solventFill the round flask with an appropriate solvent, making sure it covers the thimble and sample completely. The choice of solvent depends on factors such as the polarity of the target compound and the solubility of the sample matrix. Common solvents used in Soxhlet extraction include acetone, ethanol, hexane, and dichloromethane.Step 5: Heating and refluxingApply gentle heat to the round bottom flask using a heating mantle or a hot plate. The boiling solvent vapors rise through the condenser and gradually fill the thimble. Once the solvent reaches the thimble, it dissolves the target compounds from the sample,creating a refluxing action.Step 6: Continuous extraction and refluxing cyclesAs the solvent temperature rises, it evaporates and condenses back into the round flask, now enriched with the extracted compounds. This continuous extraction and refluxing process ensures efficient extraction of the target compounds from the solid sample. Generally, the extraction is carried out for several hours or even overnight.Step 7: Collection and concentration of the extractAfter completing the desired number of extraction cycles, the extracted compounds are collected in the round flask. The solvent is then evaporated using techniques like rotary evaporation or vacuum distillation to obtain a concentrated extract.Soxhlet Extraction Method Applications:The Soxhlet extraction method finds extensive applications in various fields, including pharmaceuticals, environmental analysis, natural product extraction, and food science. It is especially useful when dealing with solid samples that are challenging to dissolve directly or contain analytes in trace amounts.Advantages of Soxhlet Extraction:The Soxhlet extraction method offers several advantages over other extraction techniques:1. High extraction efficiency: The continuous extraction and refluxing cycles ensure thorough extraction of target compounds, even from low-level concentration samples.2. Reduced solvent consumption: The closed-loop extraction system minimizes solvent loss, making it an economical method for large-scale extractions.3. Versatility: The choice of solvents provides flexibility in extracting compounds with different polarities, making it suitable for a wide range of samples.4. Simplicity: Once the apparatus is set up, the extraction process requires minimal intervention, allowing for easy operation.In conclusion, the Soxhlet extraction method is a powerful and widely used technique for extracting organic compounds fromsolid samples. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, researchers can efficiently extract target compounds and obtain concentrated extracts for further analysis. Its versatility, high extraction efficiency, and reduced solvent consumption make it an indispensable tool in various fields of research and analysis.。
Overview/ 机器概览4Safety precautions/ 安全指示5–6First use or after a long period of non-use/长时间不使用之后的第一次使用7Coffee preparation/ 咖啡制备8Assembling/Disassembling of the Rapid Cappuccino System (R.C.S)/安装或卸除快速卡布奇诺系统(R. C. S)8Preparing a Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato/制备卡布奇诺和玛琪雅朵9Programming the water volume/ 设定水量10Programming Cappuccino/Latte Macchiato volume/设定卡布奇诺/拿铁玛琪雅朵水量10Rinsing after each milk recipe preparation/每次牛奶配方制备后均须冲洗11Daily cleaning/ 日常清洁 11Care of the Rapid Cappuccino System (R.C.S.) twice a week/一周两次保养您的快速卡布奇诺系统 11Emptying system before a period of non-use, for frost protection or before a repair/请在长时间不使用、预防结霜或维修之前,将机器清空 12Energy saving concept/ 节能概念 12Descaling/ 除水垢 13–14Water hardness setting/ 水硬度设置 14Restoring volumes to factory settings/ 将各制备指标恢复出场设置 14Troubleshooting/ 故障排除 15Specifications/ 详细说明 15Contact the Nespresso Club/联系 Nespresso CLub 15Disposal and environmental concerns/ 废物处理和生态保护事宜 15Warranty/ 生态环境: 16En CnNESPRESSO, 奈斯派索,制作浓缩咖啡的专业系统。
机械制造中的专用名词英语(1) 按英文字母排序3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床3-Jaws indexing spacers 三爪、分割工具头A R Steel 高温度锰钢a safety loop 保险圈a wire loop 钢丝圈A.T.C.system 加工中心机刀库A/D analog to digital 模拟/数字A/D Analog /digital(conversion) 模/数(转换)A/M auto/manual 自动/手动A/M Automatic/manul 自动/手动ABC Automatic boiler control 锅炉自动控制Abnormal Steel 反常钢; 非正常钢ABS resin 丙烯轻丁二烯苯AC alternating current 交流电AC automatic control 自动控制AC Alternating current 交流(电)ACA accident consequence assessment 事故后果评价ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器ACC accident 故障、事故ACC Automatic combustion control 燃烧自动控制ACCUM accumulate 累计、蓄电池accumulator 蓄压器accurate die casting 精密压铸acourtic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统acetal copolymer 共聚甲醛acetal resin 聚甲醛树脂acetone resin 丙酮树脂acetylene 乙炔ACK acknowledge 确认ACP Auxiliary control panel 辅助控制盘acrylic fiber 丙乙轻纤维acrylic resin 丙烯树脂acrylonitrile-styrene 丙乙轻苯乙烯树脂ACS (adaptive control system) 自动补偿系统ACS Automatic control system 自动控制系统ACT actuator 执行机构ACT/S active side 带电部件、有功部件activator 活化剂actuator 驱动器ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向AD analog-digital 模拟-数字adapter ring 接模环adapter 接头addendum of thread 螺牙冠additional polymer 加聚物adhesive film 粘着薄膜adhesive 粘着剂adjustable spaneer 活动扳手ADP Annunciation display panel 报警显示板ADS automatic dispatch system 自动调度系统AEH Analog electro- 模拟式电液调节AEOD analysis and evaluation of operational data 运行数据分析和管理AFC automatic frequency control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制AFC Air flow control `送风控制AGC Automatic generation control 自动发电量控制AGC automatic generator control 机组自动发电控制age hardening 時效硬化ageing treatment 老化处理ageing 老化处理AI analog input 模拟量输入AI artificial intelligence 人工智能AI Analog input 模拟量输出air bend die 悬空弯曲模具air hardening 气体硬化air patenting 空气韧化air vent vale 通气阀air vent 排气槽air-bend die 自由弯曲模alkyd resin 醇酸树脂alloy tool steel 合金工具钢alloyed cast iron 合金铸铁allyl resin 烯丙醇酯树脂ALT alternate 交变的、交替的ALTNTR alternator 同步发电机aluminium alloy 铝合金钢Aluminium-steel Cable 钢铝电缆Aluminized Steel 涂铝钢Aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces 连续溶解保温炉Aluminum Nickel Steel 铝镍钢AMammeter 电流表amino resin 氨基树脂AMM analog master module 模拟主模件AMP ampere 安培ampere 电流安培AMPL amplifier 放大器AN air natural cooled 空气自然冷却analog control 模拟控制ANALZ analyzer 分析机anchir pin 锚梢Anchored Steel Trestle 锚固式钢栈桥angel welding 角焊angle cutter 角铣刀Angle Steel Ruler 钢角尺angular cams 角凸轮angular pin 交梢(倾斜梢)Anisotropic Steel 各向异性钢片Anisotropy Silicon Steel 各向异性硅钢片ANLG analog模拟通告者ANN annunciator system 报警系统ANN annunciator 信号装置,报警器Annealed Sheet Steel 退火薄钢板Annealed Steel 退火钢; 韧钢annealing 退火anode effect 阳级效应anodizing 阳级氧化处理Anticorrosive Aluminium-Coated Steel Wire 防蚀镀铝钢丝Anti-Creeping Angle Steel 防爬角铁antiflowback valve 反流阀AO analog output 模拟量输出AOC automatic overload control 自动过载控制AOL analog output to loop(圈,环)对FC30环的模拟输出AOP auxiliary oil pump 辅助油泵AOV air operated valve 汽动门APC automatic plant coordinate control automatic power control 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制APC Automatic plant control 电厂自动控制APO auxiliary (辅助的)APP appendix auxiliary power plant 附录:辅助电源设备application window 应用程序窗口approaching face 渐近面APS acessory power supply 辅助电源APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备arbor 心轴arc welding 电弧焊arc 电弧Arc-Furnace Steel 电炉钢Arc-Welded Steel Pipe 电弧焊接钢管arcylic 压克力Area Of Steel 钢筋断面面积; 钢筋截面面积Area Of Structural Steel 型钢截面积argon arc welding 氩弧焊接ARM armature 电枢、衔铁Armco Aluminized Steel 阿姆柯渗铝钢Armco Steel 不硬化钢Armco Steel 阿姆柯软钢ARP Auxiliary relay panel 辅助继电器盘arrester brake 制动器ASR automatic speed run up 自动升速ASS Automatic synchronized system 自动同期系统assembling 装配assembling die 复合冲模,装配用模具assembly drawing 装配图assembly language 汇编语言assembly.装配AST automatic stop trip 自动停机跳闸系统A-STP auto stop 自动停止A-STRT auto start 自动启动ASU automatic synchronizing unit 自动同步系统AT auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器ATC automatic turbine control 汽轮机自动控制ATC Automatic turbine startup or shutdown control system 汽轮机自启停系统atomloy treatment 阿托木洛伊表面A-TRIP auto trip 自动跳闸ATTEN attenuator 衰减器,消声器AUS auxiliary switch 辅助开关austempering 奧氏体等温淬火Austenilic Ni-Cr Stainless Steel 奥氏体镍铬不锈钢austenite 奧斯田体/奧氏体Austenitic Alloy Steel 奥氏体合金钢Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Steel 奥氏体铬-镍钢Austenitic Clad Steel 奥氏体复合钢Austenitic Heat-Resistance Steel 奥氏体耐热钢Austenitic Manganese Steel 奥氏体锰钢; 哈德菲尔德锰钢Austenitic Stainless Steel 奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic Steel 奥氏体钢austepeering 奥氏体等温淬火autocollimator 自动准直机Automatic Steel 易切削钢Automatic(Al) Steel 易切削钢automotive chassis 车架AUX auxiliany 辅助、备用auxiliary 辅助的;副的;附加的AVAIL available 可用的AVL automatic voltage control 自动电压控制AVR automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器Axle Steel 车轴钢back clearance angle 背隙角back rake 背斜角back shaft 支撑轴backing 视垫BAF baffle 隔板,挡板baffle plate 折流档板baffle 导流块baffle 调节阻板bag moulding 气胎施压成形bainite 贝氏体Bainitic Steel 贝氏体钢Balanced Steel 半镇静钢Balancing equipment 平衡设备Ball Bearing Steel Strip 滚珠轴承钢带ball button 球塞套ball end mill 球端铣刀ball plunger 定位球塞Ball Race Steel 滚珠轴承圈钢ball screw 滚珠丝杠ball silder 球塞滑块Ball-Bearing Steel 滚珠轴承钢Bamboo Steel 竹节钢筋Band Steel 带钢banded structure 条纹状组织Banding Steel 带钢; 箍钢bank 滞料Bar Steel 棒钢; 条钢bare electrode 光熔焊接barrel plating 滾镀barrel surface 圆柱形表面barrel tumbling 滾筒打光barrelling 滚光加工Basic Bessemer Steel Converter 碱性转炉钢转炉Basic Bessemer Steel 碱性贝氏转炉钢Basic Electric Furnace Steel 碱性电炉钢Basic Open Hearth Steel 碱性平炉钢batch file 批处理文件Battened Steel Column 双肢钢柱Bayonet 卡口BBL barrel 圆筒型支架BCS Burner control system 燃烧器控制系统BD block decrease 闭锁减BDUC bus duct 母线导管、母线沟BDV blowdown voltage 击穿电压Beam Steel Plate 大梁钢板Beam With Compression Steel 双筋梁bearing alloy 轴承合金Bearing fittings 轴承配件Bearing processing equipment 轴承加工机Bearing Quality Steel 滚珠钢Bearing Steel 轴承钢Bearings 轴承Belt drive 带传动belt sander 带式打磨机bench comparator 比长仪bend ability 可弯性bend arc 弯曲弧bending angle (line) 弯曲角(线)bending brake (bending machine) 弯板机,拆弯机bending equipment for plastics 塑料折弯设备bending fatigue 弯曲疲劳Bending machines 弯曲机bending moment diagram 弯矩图bending operation 弯曲工序bending radius 弯曲半径Bent Steel 挠曲钢筋Bessemer Low Carbon Steel 酸性转炉低碳钢Bessemer Mild Steel 贝色麦钢Bessemer Steel 贝色麦钢; 酸性钢Best Plough Steel Wire 铅淬火高强度钢丝bevel angle 去角bevel lead 倒角BF back feed 反馈BF Boiler follow 锅炉跟踪BFC Boiler fuel control 锅炉燃料控制BHP brake horsepower 制动马力BI block increase 闭锁增Billet Steel 坯段钢; 钢坯; 短条钢Binary Steel 二元合金钢binder plate 压板BK brake 制动器BKR breaker 断路器BKUP backup 备用Black Mild Steel Carriage Bolt And Nut 黑铁马车螺丝闩Black Mild Steel Fish Bolt And Nut 黑铁鱼尾螺丝闩Black Mild Steel Flat Head Rivet 黑铁扁头铆钉Black Mild Steel Flat Head Tinmen Rivet 黑铁号头铆钉Black Mild Steel Hexagonal Nut 黑铁六角螺丝帽blackening 染黑法blade 刀刃Blades 刀片Blades,saw 锯片blank determination 胚料展开blank holder 防皱压板blank length of bend 弯曲件展开长度blank through dies 漏件式下了模blank 胚料blanking clearance, die clearance 冲裁间隙blanking die 冲裁模blanking force 冲裁力blanking punch 下料冲头blanking 下料加工BLK block 程序块,封闭block gauge 块规blow molding die for plastics 塑料吹模机board drop hanmmer 板落锤bolt 螺栓Bolts,screws & nuts 螺栓,螺帽及螺丝BOPMS balance of plant master system机组辅助设备主控顺序Boring heads 搪孔头boring machine 搪孔机Boring machines 镗床BOS back-out system 补偿系统BOT build-operate-tranfer 建造-运行-移交bottom board 浇注底板bottom plate 下固定板bottoming hand tap 底螺丝攻box annealing 箱型退火box carburizing 封箱渗碳BP base plate 底版,支撑板BPS bypass control system 旁路控制系统BR brush 电刷、刷子bracket 托架brake 煞车branch connection 分支接续brazed tool 硬锝刀具breathing 排气BRG bearing 轴承bright electroplating 辉面电镀bright heat treatement 光辉热处理brittleness material 脆性材料broing machine 搪孔机BTG Boiler turbinegenerator (panel)锅炉、汽轮机、发电机(控制盘)burn through 烧蚀butadiene 丁二烯butt weld 对接焊缝butyl acetate 醋酸丁酯BW backwash 反洗BYC battery charger 电池充电器BYP bypass 旁路bypass heat treament 旁路热处理CA compressed air 压缩空气CAB cabinet 小室cable gland 电缆衬垫Cable making tools 造线机cable tray.电缆盘CAEP condenser air extraction pump 真空泵calendaring molding 压延成形calendering 压延成形calibration 校准caliper gauge 卡规cam die bending 凸轮弯曲加工camber 电弧弯曲camlachie cramp 铸包CAOS completely automatic operate system 全自动操作系统CAP capacity 容量、功率carbide tool 硬质合金刀具carbide 炭化物carbon fiber 碳纤维carbon steel 碳素钢carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层carburizing 渗碳cascade 階叠熔接法cast iron 铸铁cast steel 铸钢casting ladle 浇注包casting lug 铸耳casting on flat 水平铸造Casting,aluminium 铸铝Casting,copper 铸铜Casting,gray iron 铸灰口铁Casting,malleable iron 可锻铸铁Casting,other 其他铸造Casting,steel 铸钢catalyst 催化剂cathodic protection system 阴极保护系统CATS computer-aided trouble-shooting计算机辅助故障查寻caulking compound 填隙料CAV cavity 洞,空穴,腔CAVIT cavitation 汽蚀cavity adaptor plate 固定侧安装板cavity plate (block) 凹模cavity retainer plate 模穴托板cavity sinking EDM machines 型腔电火花加工机床cavity 模穴(模仁/模腔)cavityplate 模仁板CB control buton circuit breaker circuit board 控制钮:线路断路器:电路板CBL line circuit breaker 线路断路器CC charactevistic curve 特性曲线C-C centure-to-centure 中心距,中心之间CC closing coil 闭式循环CCCW closed circuit cooling water 闭式循环冷却水CCCWP closed circuit cooling water pump 闭式循环冷却水泵CCR Central control room 单元(中央)控制室CCS coordination control system 协调控制系统CCS 协调控制系统CCW counter-clockwise 反时针CCW condenser circulating water 循环水CCW counter clockwise 逆时针的CD control desk 控制台CE case expansion 缸胀cellulose acetate butyrate 醋酸丁酸纤维素cellulose acetate 醋酸纤维素(CA) cement lined piping 水泥衬里CEMF cownta electromotive force 反电动势center of die, center of load 压力中心center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具centering location 定心CEP condensate extraction pump 凝结水泵ceramic tool 陶瓷刀具CFGN configuration 轮廓,构架,组态Chain drive 链传动Chain making tools 造链机Chamfer machines 倒角机chamfer 倒角chamfered corner 去角角隅chamfering tool 去角刀具chamotte sand 烧磨砂CHAN channel 通道charging hopper 加料漏斗chaser 螺丝钣刀check gauge 校对规chemical plating 化学电镀chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀CHG change 改变CHGR charger 充电器chip breaker 断屑器chip formation 成型切削chip load (force) 切削力chlorinated polyethylene 氯化聚乙烯chopped strand 短玻璃丝束CHS Coal handing system 输煤控制系统chuck handle 夹头扳手,夹头钥匙Chucks 夹盘CIM (computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成制造CIU computer interface unit计算机接口单元界面,分界面接合部CIV close interceptor valve 关中压调门CJC Cold junction compensator 冷端补偿器CKT circuit 电路、线路CKW clockwise 顺时针方向CL center line 中心线CL centure line 总线,中心线clad sheet 被覆板clad weld 被覆熔接clamp face 夹持面clamp plate (ring) 压板(夹紧环)clamping block 锁定块clamping force (element, device, piston) 夹紧力(件,装置,活塞)Clamping/holding systems 夹具/支持系统CLD cold/cooled 冷的clearance angle 隙角clearance between punch and die 凹凸模间隙clearance gauge 间隙规CLF clarifier 净化器CLG cooling 冷却CLNG cleaning 清洁,净化closed type single action crank press 闭式单动(曲柄)压力机CLR cool 冷却器CLSG closing 关闭、合闸CLU clutch 离合器,控制;手clutch brake 离合制动器CMC milling machine CMC铣床CMR continuous maxinum rating 连续最大功率CMS computer monitoring system 计算机监视系统CNC (computer numerical control) 计算机数字控制CNC bending presses 电脑数控弯折机CNC boring machines 电脑数控镗床CNC drilling machines 电脑数控钻床CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC electric discharge machines 电脑数控电火花机CNC engraving machines 电脑数控雕刻机CNC grinding machines 电脑数控磨床CNC lathes 电脑数控车床CNC machine tool fittings 电脑数控机床配件cnc milling machine CNC铣床CNC milling machines 电脑数控铣床CNC shearing machines 电脑数控剪切机CNC toolings CNC刀杆CNC wire-cutting machines 电脑数控线切削机CNC--computer numerical control 计算机数字控制CND conduit ['k?ndit]管道,导线管CNDCTconductivity 导电率,传导率CNDN condition 工况、参数CNDNR conditioner 调节器CNGR congruence 相同,重合CNT contact 接触,触点CNTLR controller 控制器CNVR onveyor 传送装置CO con-out 关闭、切断COAG coagulant 凝结剂coarsening 結晶粒粗大化coating 涂布被覆COAX coaxial 同轴的COEF coefficient 系数coil car 带卷升降运输机coil cradle 卷材进料装置coil reel stand 钢材卷料架cold chamber die casting 冷室压铸cold circular saw 常温圆规color display 彩色显示color masterbatch 色母料color matching 调色colorant 着色剂combination chuck 复动夹头combustion 燃烧compacting molding 粉末压出成形comparator 比测仪compass 两角规compensator 补偿器compound blank and pierce dies 落料冲孔模compression molding machine 压塑机CON connector 连接器concave angle 凹角concave cutter 凹面铣刀COND condenser 凝汽器condenser 凝结器,冷却器 extraction 抽出condenser circulating water pump循环水泵conduit outlet电线引出口configuration system file 系统配置文件connector. 接线器CONST constans construction 常数:构造、结构CONST constant 恒定的,常数CONT contact control 接点:调节、控制CONT continuous 连续的contouring machine 轮廓锯床control (main,system) menu 控制(主,系统)菜单control cable控制电缆操纵索control wiring控制线路control: 控制器controlled atmosphere 大气热处理CONV converter转换器Conveying chains 输送链COOL coolant 冷却介质Coolers 冷却机cooling manifold 冷却歧管cooling spiral 螺旋冷却栓coordinator/coordinate 调度员/协调协调者copy grinding machine 仿形磨床copy lathe 仿形车床copy milling machine 仿形铣床copy shaping machine 仿形铇床COR coordination 协调控制方式core adaptor plate 可动侧安装板core plate 心型板core push back spring 心型回位弹簧corner radius 角隅半径cotter diameter 梢径counterbore cutter head 扩孔钻头Coupling 联轴器COV cover 外壳CP control panel 控制板CPD capacitor potential device 电容器分压器CPLG coupling 偶合器,连轴器CPU Central processing unit 中央处理器CR control relay 控制继电器crack 破裂cradle 送料架crank 曲柄轴crankless 无曲柄式crate: 柳条箱crater 刀痕磨耗crator 焊疤create (change, remove) directory建立(改变,移动)目录creeping discharge 蠕缓放电crest radius 牙顶圆角半径CRH cold reheat 冷再热Crimping tools 卷边工具CRIT critical 临界的,关键的cross crank 横向曲轴CRT cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管CRT circuit 回路CRT (cathode-ray tube) 显像管CRT cathode (阴极)ray tube显示器CRT Cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管屏幕显示器crystalline polymer 结晶性聚合物CS control switch 控制开关CSG casing 汽缸CT current transformer 电流互感器CT combustion turbine 燃气轮机CTRLZD centralized 集中CTW cooling tower 冷水塔curing temperature 固化温度cutter saddle 刀架cutting edge angle 切深角cutting edge inclination 切刃斜角cutting part 切削部分Cutting: 切割Cutting-off machines 切断机CV control valve 控制调门,调节器CV control valve 高调门CW clockwise 顺时针方向CW cooling water 冷却水CWP circulating water pump 循环水泵cyclohexanol 环乙酯cyclohexanone 环乙酮CYL cylinder 汽缸cylinder key broach 键孔拉刀cylinder saddle 鞍形气缸座cylinder square 圆筒直尺cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床D/A digital to analog converter 数字/模拟转换器D/A Digtal/analog(conversion) 数/模(转换)DAS data acquisition system 数据采集系统Data acquisition system 计算机监视系统或数据采集系统data processing system 数据处理系统daylight 开隙DBMS data base management system 数据库管理系统DC Direct current 直流(电)DC electrical source 直流电源DCAS data collection and analysis system 数据收集分析系统DCE Data circuit-terminating equipment 数据电路终端设备DCS distributed control system分散控制系统DD device driver(fc123) 设备驱动器DDC Direct digital control 直接数字控制DDP Distributed datd processing 分散数据处理DE digital equipment display equipment 数字元件:显示设备DE differential expansion 胀差DEA deaerator 除氧器 degasifier 脱气器,除氧器decarburization 脱碳处理decarburizing 脱碳退火decrease 下降default selection mode 默认选择模式deformation 变形deforming force 变形力DEG degree(s) 度,学位DEGC degrees celsius 摄氏度摄氏的DEH digital electric-hydraulic 数字电液调节系统DEH Digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字式电液控制系统DELIV deliver 供给、供电/输出DEMIN demineralization 除盐,去矿化作用density 密度,浓度depth gauge 测深规depth of hardening 硬化深层desalination 除盐DET detector 检测器DETN detection 检测DEVN deviation 偏差DG diesel generator 柴油发电机DHP delivered horsepower 输出功率DI data input 数据输入DI Digital input 数字量输入DIAGL diagonal 对角的dial feed 分度送料dial indicator 针盘指示表dial snap gauge 卡规dially phthalate 苯二甲酸二烯丙酯Diamond cutters 钻石刀具DIAPH diaphragm 流量孔板,薄膜diaphragm gate 盘形浇口dibutyl fumarate 反丁烯二酸二丁酯Dicing saws 晶圆切割机die approach 模头料道die assembly 合模Die casting dies 压铸冲模Die casting machines 压铸机die clamper 夹模器die fastener 模具固定用零件die for special purpose 专用模die material 模具材料die plate 冲模板die spotting machine 合模机die,stamping and punching die 冲模die-casting die 压力铸造模具(简称压铸模)Dies-progressive 连续冲模DIFF differential 有差的DIFFT differential temperature 温差diffusion annealing 扩散退火DIG digital 数字digital micrometer 数位式测微计DIL dilute/dilution 冲淡稀释dimensional inspection 尺寸检验dioctyl fumarate 反丁烯二酸二辛酯direct gate 直接浇口direction of main movement 主运动方向DISC disconnect 断开 breakingDISC SW disconnect swtich 隔离开关DISH dissolved hydrogen 溶氢disk operating system (DOS) 磁盘操作系统disk 断开diskcopy command 磁盘拷贝命令DISO dissolved oxygen 溶氧dispatch 派遣,分派Disposable toolholder bits 舍弃式刀头dissolve 溶解DISTR diatribution 分散、分配、配电DISTRB disturbance 扰动,干扰distribution board配电盘, 配电屏DL data line 数据传输线DLU--Data Loops Unit 数据循环单元DLY delay 延迟,滞后DMM digital multimeter 数字万用表DMNRLZRdemineralizer[di:'min?r?laiz?]除盐装置DMP Damper 挡板、风门DMS data management system 数据管理系统DNC--direct numerical control 直接数字控制DO diesel oil 柴油DO Digital output 数字量输出DOL digital output to loop(fn45) 到FN45环的数字输出DOS dosing 配料,加药剂量double solenoid valve 双螺线管阀门,电磁阀double crank press 双曲柄轴冲床double shearing 叠板裁断double stack mold 双层模具DP differential pressure 压差DPDT double-pole double-throw 双刀双掷开关DPST double-pole sigle-throw 双刀单掷开关DPU--Data Processing Unit 数控处理单元draft 拔模锥度Draft 脱模斜度draw bead 张力调整杆Drawing machines 拔丝机drawing numbers 拉伸次数drawing ratio (coefficient,force,speed) 拉伸比(系数,力,速度)drawing thread 退刀螺蚊drawing with ironing 抽引光滑加工drawing 引申加工driling machine 钻孔机drill and countersink 定心钻,中心钻drilling and reaming 钻孔和铰孔Drilling machines bench 钻床工作台Drilling machines 钻床Drilling machines,high-speed 高速钻床Drilling machines,multi-spindle 多轴钻床Drilling machines,radial 摇臂钻床Drilling machines,vertical 立式钻床drills 钻头drive bearing 传动轴承driven ['drivn] 受到驱策的, 驱使DSB Distributed switch-board 配电盘DSBLD disabled 不能的DSCH discharge 放电DSL diesel 柴油机DSL line desconnect switch 隔离开关DSTL distill [dis'til]蒸馏DSTLT distillate ['distil?t]蒸馏,蒸溜物DT dawn time 故障停机时间DTE Data terminal equipment 数据中端设备DTS data transimission 数据传输系统duplicated cavity plate 复板模dye penetrant examination染料渗透试验法DYNA dynamic analysis 动态分析E.U engineering units 工程单位E/P electrical to pneumatic converter 电动气动转换器E/P Electro/pneumatic(converter) 电/气(转换器)EAF equivalent available factor 等效可运系数EBOP emergency bearing oil pump 事故轴承油泵ECC eccentricity [eksen'tris?ti]偏心度离心率ECR economical continuous rating 经济连续出力edge gate 侧浇口EE electrical engineer 电气工程师EEPROM Electrically-erasable programmable read only mrmory 电可擦写只读存储器EFF efficiency 效率EFFT effective 有效的EH electrohydraulic 电液EHC electrohydraulic control 电液控制EHV extra-high voltage 超高压ejection pad 顶出衬垫ejector leader busher 顶出导梢衬套ejector pad 顶出垫ejector pin (plate) 推杆(板)ejector pin retaining plate 推杆固定板ejector plate 顶出板ejector valve 顶出阀ejector 抽气器,喷射器elastomer 弹性体ELEC electric 电气的electric machining 电加工Electric power tools 电动刀具electrical discharge forming 电火花成形机electrical discharge machining (EDM) 电火花加工electrical panel 配电板,配电盘electrical spark-erosion perforation 电火花打孔electrochemical machining tool 电解加工机床electro-chemical machining 电化学加工electrode contact surface 电极接触面electrodischarge cutting machine 电火花切割机electro-discharge machine tool 电火花加工机床electrohydraulic forming 电液成形electrolytic forming machine 电解成形机electrolytic hardening 电解淬火electrolytic heat treatment 电解液热处理electrolytic marking machine 电解刻印机electrolytic surface grinder 电解平面磨electrolytic universal tool and cutter grinder 电解万能工具磨床electron beam cutting machine 电子束切割机electron beam machine tool 电子束加工机床electron beam machining (EBM) 电子束加工EMER emergency 事故保安EMER emergency 紧急、事故EMLON emergency condition 事故状态EMP eletromechanical power 机电功率EMS emergency switch 紧急开关、事故按钮encapsulation molding 注入成形ENCL enclose 封闭、包围encoded transducer 编码传感器end cutting angle 副切深角end gash 刀端深口ENER energize 励磁、使带电ENERD energized 已励磁的、已带电的ENG engage 发动机engineering plastics 工程塑胶engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机engraving machine 雕刻机Engraving machines,laser 激光雕刻机EOP emergency oil pump 事故油泵EP extreme power 极限功率EPROM Electrically programmable read only memory 电可编程只读存储器erase (deletion) command 删除命令erection 架设ES Expert system 专家系统ES extraction steam 抽汽ESD emergency shutdown 事故停机ESD 紧急停车系统ESS essential service system 主要厂用系统Etching machines 蚀刻机ethyl acetate 醋酸乙酯ethylene vinylacetate 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物ETS electrical trip solenoid 电气跳闸线圈ETS emergency trip system 汽轮机紧急跳闸保护系统ETS Emergency trip system 紧急停机系统EWS Engineer wok station 工程师工作站examination试验EXC exciter 励磁机、励磁excess metal 多余金属EXCH exhange/exhanger交换/交换器EXD external device 外部设备exfoliation剥落EXH exhaust 排气/排汽EXHD exhaust hood 排汽罩/排汽缸expanded polystyrene 发泡聚苯乙烯expander die 扩径模expanding die 胀形模,扩管模external threading 外螺纹车削EXTR extraction/extractor 抽取/抽汽器extruded bead sealing 压出粒涂层法extruder double-screw for plastics 塑料加工用双螺杆挤压机EY voltage transducer 电压变送器F/C fall close 出故障时自动关闭F/O fall open 出故障时自动打开f;ash mold 溢料式模具FA full arc 全周,全周进汽弧FA Full arc 全周进汽fabrication tolerance.制造容差fabrication.制造face milling cutter 面铣刀face 斜面family mold 成套制品模具fantail die 扇尾形模具FB fuse block 保险盒FB feedback 反馈 dysfunction机能的FB Field bus 现场总线FC fast closing 快关FCB Fast cut back (机组)快速甩负荷FCB faster cut back 机组快速甩负荷FCPLG fluid coupling 液力偶合器FDC Furnace draft control 炉膛压力控制FDG OFF functional drive group 功能驱动组关FDG ON functional drive group 功能驱动组开feed (gating, runner) system 浇注系统feedback unit 反馈单元feeder馈电线feeler guage 测隙规ferrostatic pressure 钢铁水静压力F-F flip-flop 触发器FGCTL functional group control 功能组控制指示;指点;表示FGS 火灾报警系统fibrillation 原纤化filament 长纤维FILL filling 充水,充汽fillet weld角焊,填角焊film gate 薄膜形浇口film play 液面花纹final forging temperature 终锻温度fine blanking press 精密下料冲床fine blanking 精密下料加工finish blacking 光制下料加工finish machined plate 角形模板finish machined round plate 圆形模板Finishing machines 修整机finishing temperature 终锻温度first stage annealing 第一段退火FIS flow indication switch 流量指示器fishtail die 鱼尾形模具fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板fixed clamping plate 定模底板fixed transfer mold 固定式传递模fixture of gear cutting machine 齿轮加工机床夹具fixture of grinding machine 磨床夹具fixture of milling machine 铣床夹具fixture of planing machine 刨床夹具fixture of slotting machine 插床夹具Fixture 夹具FL full load 满负荷FL fluid 流体,液体flabging 凸缘加工flaking 破损flame hardening 火焰硬化flame treatment 火焰处理flang trim die 整缘磨具flange bending die 弯缘模具flange connection 凸缘联接flange gasket 法兰垫片flange joint 凸缘接头flanged pin 带凸缘销flank wear 隙面磨耗flank 隙面(刀腹)flash gate 毛边形浇口flash mold 溢料式模具flash trimming die 整缘磨具flash-type mold 溢出式压缩模flask 上箱flat die hammer 自由锻锤flat edge teim die 水平整缘磨具flexible machining system 柔性制造系统FLF flip-flop 触发器FLG flange 法兰,边缘flip-flop 触发器floating platen 活动模板floating punch 浮动冲头FLT fault 故障,缺陷FLTK flash tank 扩容器[fl??] 一瞬间,闪光FLTR filter 过滤器,过滤FLTRG filtering 过滤fluorocarbon resin 氟碳树脂fluted land 槽背FME frequency measuring equipment 频率计FMS (flexible manufacturing system) 柔性制造系统FNL final 末级,最后,决赛foam frming 发泡成形foamed (cellular) plastic 泡沫塑料foaming agent 发泡剂foaming mold for plastics 泡沫塑料模型forge furnace 锻炉forge ratio (forge reduction) 锻造比forging crankpress 锻造用曲柄压力机forging die (die steel, drawing) 锻模(锻模钢,锻件图)Forging dies 锻模forging heat-treatment 锻件热处理forging line (load, practice) 锻造生产线(负荷,工艺)forging plane (plant) 锻造面(厂)forging pressure (process, range) 锻造力(工艺,范围)forging temperature interval 锻造温度范围forging tolerance 锻件公差Forging,aluminium 锻铝Forging,cold 冷锻Forging,copper 铜锻Forging,other 其他锻造Forging,steel 钢锻form electromachining 电加工成形面form grinding machine 成形磨床format a diskette 磁盘格式化formboard 进模口架found 铸造Foundry equipment 铸造设备four crank press 四曲柄压力机FP full power 满功率 frequency 频率frame 床身机架FS flow switch 流量开关FSS Furnace safety system 炉膛安全系统FST first 第一级FU fuse 保险丝、熔断器full annealing 完全退火Furnace safeguard supervisory system 锅炉炉膛安全监控系统FW feedwater 给水FWP feedwater pump 给水泵FWR full-wave rectifier 全波整流器GA gage/gauge仪表规,表,计galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板gang die 成排模具gas shield 气体遮蔽gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法gate 门,导叶,内浇口gate land 浇口面gauge plate 量规定位板Gear cutting machines 齿轮切削机gear hob 滚齿 gear 齿轮gear mechining 齿轮加工gear shaping 插齿gearbox /casing 变速箱/框;壳;罩;套Gears 齿轮GEN generator 发电机gas-insulated metal-enclosed switch gear全封闭组合电器GGH 烟气换热装置girth weld环形焊缝GLND gland 密封装置,压盖GLND ST gland steam 密封蒸汽,轴封蒸汽globular cementite 球状炭化铁Goggles:护目镜governor 调节器GPT generator potential transformer 发电机电压互感器grain size 結晶粒度granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理granule 颗粒料graphic data processing 图形处理graphite fiber 石墨纤维graphite mackine 石墨加工机graphitizing 石墨退火Gravity casting machines 重力铸造机gravity casting 重力铸造GRD ground 接地GRD FLT ground fault 接地故障Grinder bench 磨床工作台Grinders,thread 螺纹磨床Grinders,tools & cutters 工具磨床Grinders,ultrasonic 超声波打磨机Grinding machines 磨床Grinding machines,centerless 无心磨床Grinding machines,cylindrical 外圆磨床Grinding machines,universal 万能磨床Grinding tools 磨削工具Grinding wheels 磨轮grounding conductor 接地导体GT grounding transformer 接地变压器GT gas turbine 燃气轮机GTG gas turbine generator 燃气轮机发电机GTV gate valve 闸门guage plate 量规定位板guide plate 导板guide rail 导轨GV governor valve 主汽调节门GV Governor valve 调节阀门hammer forging die 锤锻模hand face shield 手握面罩Hand tools 手工具hard (soft) disk 硬(软)盘hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢hard disk drive (HDD) 硬盘驱动器hard facing 硬表面堆焊Hard hat 安全帽Hard hat:安全帽Hard/soft andfree expansion sheet making plant 硬(软)板(片)材及自由发泡板机组hardenability curve 淬透性曲线hardenability 淬透性hardening capacity 淬硬性(硬化能力)hardening 硬化hardness penetration diagram “U”形曲线hardness profile 硬度分布(硬度梯度)hatching 部面线HBP High-pressure by-pass valve 高压旁路HC holding coil 保持线圈HCL hydrochloric acid 盐酸HDR header 母管,联箱,页眉,标题,报头head punch 顶镦冲头headless punch 直柄沖头Heat preserving furnaces 保温炉heat system 加热系统heat time 加热时间heat treatment cycle 热处理工艺周期heat treatment furnace 热处理炉heat treatment installation 热处理设备heat treatment procedure 热处理规范heat treatment 热处理heating curve 加热曲线Heating treatment funaces 熔热处理炉heating up time 升温时间heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒height gauge 测高规helix angle 螺旋角hexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓hexagon nut 六角螺帽HF high frequency 高频HG harmonic generator 谐波发生器high alloy steel 高合金钢high carbon steel 高碳钢high impact polystyene 高冲击产聚苯乙烯high impact polystyrene 高冲击聚苯乙烯(HIPS)high temperature carburizing 高温渗碳high temperature tempering 高温回火HIPOT high potential test 高电压实验HIS human system interface 操作员系统接口HITASS hitichi turbine automatic start-up system 日立汽轮机。
《语料库语言学与计算语言学研究丛书》1 序
1. 语料库语言学研究简介语料库是为一个或多个应用目标而专门收集的、有一定结构的、有代表性的、可被计算机程序检索的、具有一定规模的语料的集合。
语料库一般可分为如下类型:●按语料选取的时间划分,可分为历时语料库(diachronic corpus)和共时语料库(synchronic corpus)。
●按语料的加工深度划分,可分为标注语料库(annotated corpus)和非标注语料库(non-annotated corpus)。
●按语料库的结构划分,可分为平衡结构语料库(balance structure corpus)和自然随机结构的语料库(random structure corpus)。
●按语料库的用途划分,可分为通用语料库(general corpus)和专用语料库(specialized corpus)。
专用语料库又可以进一步根据使用的目的来划分,例如,又可以进一步分为语言学习者语料库(learner corpus)、语言教学语料库(pedagogical corpus)。
●按语料库的表达形式划分,可分为口语语料库(spoken corpus)和文本语料库1《语料库语言学与计算语言学研究丛书》,世界图书出版公司出版。
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Sentence Extraction System Assembling Multiple Evidence Chikashi NOBATA Satoshi SEKINE Masaki MURATA Kiyotaka UCHIMOTO Masao UTIYAMA Hitoshi ISAHARA Keihanna Human Info-Communication Research CenterCommunications Research Laboratory2-2-2Hikari-dai,Seika-cho,Soraku-gun Kyoto619-0238JAPAN nova,murata,uchimoto,mutiyama, Computer Science Department,New York University715Broadway,7thfloor,New York,NY10003USAsekine@AbstractWe have developed a sentence extraction system,which estimates the significance of sentences by integrating four scoring functions that use evidence such as sentence loca-tion,sentence length,TF/IDF values of words,and similar-ity to the title.Similarity to a given query is also added to the system on the summarization task for Information Re-trieval.Parameters for scoring functions were optimized by an experiment using dry run data of the TSC.Results from the TSC formal run showed that our method was effective in the sentence extraction task.1IntroductionIn recent years,we can see a vast amount of machine readable documents on the web or machine readable text. To obtain useful information from these documents effi-ciently,there are several ongoing researchfields in natural language processing,such as information retrieval,infor-mation extraction,automatic summarization.Sentence extraction is one of useful methods for auto-matic text summarization[5].Various clues have been used for sentence extraction.Lead-based method,which is sim-ple but still effective,uses the sentence location in a given document.Statistical information like word frequency and document frequency has also been used to estimate the sig-nificance of sentences.Linguistic clues that show the struc-ture of a document are also useful to extract important sen-tences.Edmundson[2]proposed a method to integrate several clues for extracting sentences.He manually assigned pa-rameter values to integrate evidence for estimating the sig-nificance score of sentences.On the other hand,Aone et al.[1]Nomoto and Matsumoto[4]generated a decision tree[6]for sentence extraction from training data.Our system follows the above direction;the system is to use several pieces of evidence to estimate the sentence significance in a uniform way.Each evidence is integrated using parameters,which are estimated using training data. Suitable parameter sets can be selected at each section in-formation and compression ratio.In the following sections,we explain methods used in our system,then show and discuss the evaluation results on the TSC,Text Summarization Challenge,which was held by National Information Institute.2MethodsIn this section,we introduce our sentence extraction sys-tem.First,we explain scoring functions used in the system, and then mention the other parts,such as threshold types, patterns and parameters the system uses.2.1Score functionOur system uses four types of metrics to estimate the im-portance of sentences,such as sentence location,sentence length,TF/IDF values of words,and similarity to the title. In the task B of TSC,summarization for information re-trieval task,the system also uses similarity to a given query. The significance of sentences is given by the sum of the val-ues of the above metrics with parameters.Each metric will be explained in the following subsections.2.1.1Lead-basedOur system has a function which uses sentence location as one of the information to set significance of sentences.In this function,there are three different methods to handlesentence location.Thefirst method is to give score1to the first sentences and0to the others,where is a given threshold for the number of sentences.That is,the score of th sentence Score is:ifotherwise(1) The second method is to give the reciprocal of the sen-tence location;the score of th sentence Score is:tfDNused in the task A1when the compression ratio was10%. We tried to utilize the headline information for this task;if a headline shares some words with the query,the parameter for the query scoring function is doubled.Moreover,we set a threshold of the total score for sentences.A sentence was not extracted when the score is lower than the threshold.The other summary set,Sum2,was intended to supply sufficient information for the IR task and to improve the measure of Recall.Therefore the compression ratio was set to50%,and at least three sentences were extracted.2.2ThresholdOur system calculates a significance score for all of the sentences,and sets the rank of each sentence in descending order of scores.Our system can use three types of thresh-olds:the number of sentences,the number of characters, and the score of the sentence.Regardless of the thresh-old type,the order of the extracted sentences is the same as in the original articles.When the number of sentencesis given as a threshold,the system outputs the top sen-tences in the rank.When the number of characters is given, the system converts it to the number of sentences;the maxi-mum number of sentences within a given number of charac-ters is calculated by accumulating the number of characters of sentences in ascending order of ranks.After the number of sentences is calculated,the system uses it as a threshold. When the threshold score is given,the system outputs the sentences that have higher score than the threshold score.2.3PatternsOur system applies patterns to shorten sentences in the task A2of the TSC.We intended that generated summary included as many sentences as possible by applying trans-formation patterns.There are several research on using transformation pattern or rules for summarization.Wakao et al.[8]manually created patterns for subtitles of TV news program.Katoh and Uratani[3]proposed a method to ac-quire transformation rules automatically from TV news test and teletext.We created20rules manually by looking at dry run data. We will try to acquire such rules automatically as a future work.2.4ParametersOur system adds parameters to the results of each scoring function,in order to calculate the total score of sentences. We estimated the optimal values of these parameters with data used in the task A1of the TSC dry run.The dry run data we used are30newspaper articles,and the manually created summary.These summaries are created for every compression ratio(10%,30%and50%)and30summaries are available at each compression ratio.We split the sum-maries into two sets,i.e.15editorials and the other15ar-ticles.We assumed the characteristics of editorials are dif-ferent from those of the other articles.We thereforefinally divided summaries into six classes by the compression ra-tio and the section information,and estimated the parameter values for each summary class.Types of location and length functions were also selected at each class.On the other hand,two compression ratios were set in the task A2:20%and40%.We applied parameter sets of the task A1to the task A2;the parameter set for10%in the task A1was applied to20%in the task A2,that for30%to 40%.3Results and discussionIn this section,we show the evaluation results of our sys-tem in each task of the TSC formal run,and also discuss the actual failures of generated summaries.3.1Task A1:Sentence extractionTable3.1shows the evaluation results of our system and base-line systems in the task A1,sentence extraction task. Each row shows the section that articles appeared on,and each column corresponds to the result at each compression ratio.Thefigures on Table3.1are points by F-measure. Actually,since all of the participants output sentences as many as the upper limit,the values of recall,precision and F-measure are the same.Our system obtained the better results than the baseline systems,especially when the compression ratio is10%.The average performance was the second among9participants.We analyzed causes of errors our systems made.One of the types of missing sentences are short sentences.Since our system considers shorter sentences less significant by the length scoring function,short sentences without a con-tribution from other scoring functions do not appear in the summary.For example,in the30%summary of other sec-tions,42%(29/69)of missing sentences are less than25 characters,and in the50%summary of other sections,64% (33/85)of missing sentences are less than20characters.In addition,the TF/IDF and headline functions add higher score to the sentences that describe specific facts than to the abstract expressions.On the other hand,the key sum-maries,which human annotater generated,include more ab-stract and shorter expressions.Table2shows that the sys-tem’s performance when one of the features is ignored.We can see the contribution of each feature in the task A1from the table.The length,TF/IDF and headline function showed the negative or zero contribution in each compression ratio;Table1.Evaluation results of the task A110%30%50%Our system0.4630.2840.4320.5860.2760.3670.530Table3.Evaluation results of the types of lo-cation functionRatio Ave.0.1580.2560.4740.3940.4780.586All0.391Ratio Ave.0.3230.3600.5570.3560.4360.544All0.429All0.450Comparison with FREE summary20%40%Our system0.509 TF-based0.516 Lead-based0.481 Our system0.559 TF-based0.549 Lead-based0.513Table2.Evaluation results of the task A1when one feature is ignored10%30%50%All features0.4630.326(.037)0.394(.041)0.575(.014)0.372(.009)0.472(.037)0.600(.011)0.372(.009)0.439(.004)0.582(.007)0.403(.040)0.449(.014)0.589(.000)0.381(.018)0.438(.003)0.589(.000)Table5.Evaluation Results of the Task A2byHuman Experts20%R20%C40%R40%C3.07 3.33 2.60 3.07TF-BasedTable6.Average number of sentences in thetask A220%40%4.53(136/30)8.93(268/30)with Patterncompression ratio is basically50%.Table7shows that the evaluation results of the summaries.“Answer level”means the correct answer type with the relevance to a given query in the IR task.When the answer level is A,only the articles judged A are the correct answers of the IR task.When the answer level is B,the articles which A or B are the correct answers of the IR task.Both summaries have better evalua-tion results on the answer level B than on the answer level A, compared with summaries of other participants.From these results,we can say that our summaries do not have enough information to distinguish articles of the level A from those of the level B,but has enough information to distinguish articles of the level A or B from non-relevant articles.Figure1and2show the categorization F-measure versus time for participants.Figure1shows the evaluation result when the answer level is A,and Figure2shows the result when the level is B.While the evaluation of Sum1is lower than that of Sum2in the bothfigures,the average time is shorter than that of Sum2.Considering that the difference of F-measure is small,Sum1is more suitable for the sum-marization for the IR task than Sum2.The average time for Sum2was greater than that for sum-maries of any other participants’summaries;this is an in-adequate point to the IR task.The reason is probably that Table7.Evaluation Results of the TSC Task B MeasurementSum10.8990.7170.7850.8430.7110.751TF-based0.7400.7660.731Sum10.7930.9040.8280.7360.8880.773TF-based0.6250.9210.7120.70.750.80.850.9A v e r a g e F -m e a s u r eAverage timeFigure 1.Evaluation Results between Time and F-measure (Answer level A)References[1]Chinatsu Aone,Mary Ellen Okurowski,James Gorlin-sky,and Bjornal Larsen.A Scalable Summarization System Using Robust NLP.In Proceedings of the ACL Work shop on Intelligent 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