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Maths Revision Chatroom Interviews with British Chinese peer instruction With a whiteboard and Chinese children Messageboard
Yang Yang
Supervisors: Claire O’Malley and Charles Crook
Density of Contents:
Maths Average length of thread Average length of message Percentage of threads with replies Average Number of days to have a new message added to the board 3.0 messages SD=5.71 44.52 words 32.0% 2.23days/message
Study1: British Children’s authentic use of homework message board
•What is BBC Onion Street? •Research questions:
Q1: How discussion patterns and content varied in two different disciplinebased boards: Maths and English? Q2: To what extent the message boards supported genuinely evolving discussions? Q3: What the exchanges on the board revealed regarding the prevailing concerns of students in this age group when they were confronting private study out-of-school ?
Social chat 5.7% School and peer 5.1% evaluation chat
Study1: British Children’s authentic use of homework message board
Content analysis: English Board
English 416 user identities
262 user identities
298 user identities
1.44 messages
1.87 messages
In both boards, nearly 90% of user identities came and never returned to contribute again within 3 months
Children’s School Related Learning with Social Software Out of School
海淘 http://www.haitao.com
BBC Onion Street Messageboard
RawMandarin Social network site
Data analysis at three levels: • Quantitatively measured the ‘traffic’ of boards: Density of the message board content and Density of users’ participation.
Define the context : •A shifting boundary between school and out-of-school •A system of multi-activities •Children’s active engagement •Technology mediation Central aim of my PhD research: To design more optimal experiences by understanding interactions in the context.
Study1: British Children’s authentic use of homework message board
Content analysis: Maths board
General help 32.9% Topic help 24.5%
Learning discussion
There are 416 messages collected from 175 discussion threads in Maths board and 893 messages collected from 175 threads in English board.
Study1: British Children’s authentic use of homework message board
Maths The number of participated identities The number of user identities who only participate once The average number of messages contributed by the users 345 user identities
my head is killing me I have done so much revision Hi any1 ere 4m scotland? Wats ur hightest level in year 6?
Exam initiated chat 7.1%
Chat-style discussion
• Content analysis was used to classify the characteristics of the discussion
• Thread structure analysis to complement the content analysis
Study1: British Children’s authentic use of homework message board
Heya!!! yoh Just a little watzthought vivid on Inspector Goole vocabulary from An Inspector Calls. It seems near borin the end of the play i no datz but he is distressed because he plz tell me?doing hi is anybody "doesn't have much time". Then richard the III for their he I really love englishhe leaves and we discover english exam i just especially english lit! my wasn't a real Inspector, and wanted totake check i kno friends all mick but THEN the girl the dies…I told hi im inlove year 10 and i you it was far-fetched. everything about it. i really it!! lol!! they Your opinions please have too much english please reply dont take the mick though Thank coursework whether thanks xyou when they need me to IntoTheSpotlight its henry or annotate their lets do vii like aanthology chain seamus heaney and with them!! lol!!start anyone story. i could it, else behing on all ofam it and love english or i just the and then someone now the teachers are bit, only geek!!! could say the next pushing me someone for course and then else work. wot shud i do does the next bit after
Study1: British Children’s authentic use of homework message board
•Data Collection: Unobtrusive observation •When was the data collected? •Nature of the data
English 5.4 messages SD=16.59 66.00 words 44.8% 3.47 days/message
Study1: British Children’s authentic use of homework message board
Density of Participation:
General Questions about the Research Context:
1. What do children do out-of-school? 2. How do children learn out-of-school? 3. How do children do school related learning out-of-school? 4. How do children do school related learning with Social Software out-of-school?
Topic help 44.2%
Learning discussion
Literature 9.2% discussion Exam-initiated 23.9% chat Social chat 11.7%
Chat-style discuss来自百度文库on
School and peer 8.6% evaluation chat English interactive 2.4% game
Questioning 19.7% Offer help 3.5%
hi, everyone I 10 amand I am can't simaltaneous II am in do year in year bad 8 but math equasions (my i cant even really at maths, the teacher keeps saying me spell simltenious!!!) Can biggest problem is that I I have homework I to dnt that Iit1! should be in year 11 anybody help me ... how have exams in a month. get OK, this is what I because of good I am at do you do them ... does What can Ihow do? have to do…. maths. So if a anyone has any anyone no website wot Add 1+1=2 2+2=4 and problems with their homework shows how to do you u do that all d em?????? way 2 then I sam the one come to. thanx 1000. what is theto most I come onway here most days so simple to do that? start sending your messages