(3)假设李四购买的该产品,则其购买价格为1000元,若计算债券相当收益率,则其债券相当收益率设为 ,则应满足
根据逆浮动利率的票面利率公式,我们知道,当 等于17%时,逆浮动利率债券的票面利率最低,即逆浮动利率的底为0,此时浮动利率债券的票面利率最高,即浮动利率的顶为20%。
担保合同中英文对照Guarantee Agreement担保合同中英文对照1. Introduction1. 引言This guarantee agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between ABC Company (hereinafter referred to as "Guarantor") and XYZ Company (hereinafter referred to as "Principal Debtor"). This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions pertaining to the Guarantor's guarantee of the Principal Debtor's obligations to LMN Bank (hereinafter referred to as "Lender").本担保协议(以下简称“协议”)由甲方ABC公司(以下简称“担保人”)与乙方XYZ公司(以下简称“主债务人”)签订。
2. Definitions2. 定义2.1 "Guarantee" refers to the guarantor's commitment to ensure the performance of the principal debtor's obligations under the loan agreement with the lender.2.1 “担保”指担保人为保证主债务人根据与贷方签订的贷款协议履行债务的承诺。
2.2 "Principal Debt" refers to the loan provided by the lender to the principal debtor.2.2 “主债务”指贷方向主债务人提供的贷款。
海运大豆、豆油 短量索赔中存在的 主要争议和法院观点
○液体货:最高人民法院已明确:承运人对船舶数量负责, 对岸罐数量不承担责任
○散 货:尚无明确规定,各海事法院判决不一致。 目前法院的判决倾向
●大 豆:货物水分在装卸两港发生变化,承运人是否可以以
营运和防止污染管理规则)已于2002年7月1日全面实施。 ○国内法院对ISM规则了解较少,但伦敦海事案件调查已在适用ISM规则并已有
●结论:在承运人存在管理过失的情况下,相比货方,船方可能更加不希 望伦敦仲裁
在提供共同海损担保(Average Guarantee)和确 认书(Average Bond)中,货方为保护自身的法 律权益,应注意的措施:
货方在遇到进口货物发生短量或货损时 采取的应急措施
在外轮离开中国港口前,取得船方对货损的担保 ❖ 担保的取得和方法 ❖ 担保措辞的注意点:
在进口运输中,遇到承运人宣布共同海损, 要求货方提供
●什么是共同海损(General Average-GA)
The Best Overall Fund Management Firm (Asia Pacific ex-Japan) 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, Asia Pacific Survey 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 conducted by Thomson Extel Surveys. 2006、 2007、 2008及2009 Thomson Extel (亞太區)調查— 2006、 2007、 2008 及2009整體最傑出基金管理公司大獎—亞太區(日本除外)。 Fidelity, Fidelity International, and Fidelity International and Pyramid Logo are trademarks of FIL Limited. 「富達」及其標誌均為 FIL Limited的商標。
担保合同中英文对照 供参考
担保合同中英文对照供参考担保合同 Guaranty Contract本文档由甲方和乙方签署,确认并约定以下条款,并同意承担相应的法律责任。
1. 担保范围1.1 甲方将对乙方在本合同项下的债务/合同履行/行为做出担保。
1.2 担保范围包括但不限于债务本金、利息、罚息、违约金等相关费用。
2. 担保方式2.1 担保方式包括连带责任担保、租赁担保、抵押担保等方式,详细方式见附件A。
2.2 如需调整担保方式,需经甲、乙双方书面协商并签署补充协议。
3. 担保期限3.1 担保期限自本合同生效之日起至债务履行完毕之日为止。
3.2 若债务发生变更或延期,担保期限相应延长,甲、乙双方应书面确认。
4. 担保责任4.1 甲方在乙方违约情况下承担连带责任,无条件履行债务或支付担保。
4.2 乙方应按合同约定履行债务,否则甲方有权代替乙方履行,并追偿乙方应承担的费用。
5. 担保合同的变更与终止5.1 甲、乙双方应共同遵守本合同的约定,未经协商一致,不得随意变更合同内容。
5.2 甲、乙双方一致同意解除本合同时,应书面通知对方,并按约定清算因解除合同产生的相关事务。
附件A:担保方式具体说明(详见附件A)本文所涉及的法律名词及注释:1. 连带责任:指在债务履行中,多个债务人对债权人承担连带责任,即债权人可以选择任意一方履行债务。
2. 租赁担保:指以租赁合同作为担保合同,并在租赁期限内对乙方履行借款债务。
3. 抵押担保:指将资产(如房屋、车辆等)作为担保物品,以其价值来履行债务。
甲方(签名):________________乙方(签名):________________日期:________________附件A:担保方式具体说明(详细说明担保方式及相关条款,可根据实际情况自行填写)法律名词及注释:1. 连带责任:多个债务人对债权人承担连带责任,债权人可以选择任意一方履行债务。
2. 租赁担保:以租赁合同作为担保合同,在租赁期限内对乙方履行借款债务。
样本美亚财产保险有限公司(以下简称我们)美亚个人每日住院津贴收入保障保险(2009年第二版)第一章第一章 基本条款基本条款基本条款第一条第一条 保险合同的构成保险合同的构成本保险条款、保险单、投保单、批注及其他约定书均为《美亚个人每日住院津贴收入保障保险》(以下简称本合同)的构成部分。
本保险合同英文全称为Personal Hospital Income Protection Plan,简称为HI。
第二条第二条 您具有完全民事行为能力的被保险人本人、对被保险人有保险利益的其他人。
第三条第三条 被保险人被保险人本合同投保时的被保险人可以为一人或数人,但最多不超过四人(含四人),以投保单上所载的为准。
第四条第四条 被保险人的减少被保险人的减少我们将按以下约定减少本合同项下的被保险人:样本(1)若我们因承保风险发生重大变更而不接受某被保险人继续成为本合同的被保险人或您申请减少某被保险人,则自其被取消被保资格之时起,本合同项下的被保险人将不再包含该被保险人。
第五条第五条 受益人受益人除另有约定外,本保险合同的受益人为被保险人本人。
第六条第六条 年龄的确定与错误的处理年龄的确定与错误的处理被保险人的投保年龄,以法定身份证件登记的周岁年龄为准,本合同所承保的被保险人的投保年龄必须符合投保单所载的年龄要求。
担保合同中英文对照 供参考-无删减范文
担保合同中英文对照供参考担保合同中英文对照供参考1. 引言本文档旨在提供一份担保合同的中英文对照,以供参考。
2. 担保合同条款2.1 贷款金额和借款方条款描述:根据本合同,借款方向债权人借款金额为[具体金额]人民币。
英文翻译:In accordance with this contract, the borrower borrows an amount of RMB [specific amount] fromthe creditor. The borrower refers to Party A, who provides funds to the party specified to accept the loan accordingto the agreement of this contract.2.2 担保范围条款描述:本合同担保的主要范围包括但不限于:[担保范围,比如贷款本金及利息等]。
英文翻译:The mn scope covered by this contract includes but is not limited to: [list the scope of guarantee, such as loan principal and interest, etc.].2.3 担保方式条款描述:担保方式有以下两种:[担保方式,比如保证、抵押等]。
英文翻译:There are two types of guarantee: [list the types of guarantee, such as guarantee, mortgage, etc.].2.4 担保期限和条件条款描述:担保期限为[具体期限],自合同签署之日起生效。
Asset-Backed Security 资产抵押证券Asset Allocation资产分配Asset Allocation Fund资产分配基金Asset-Liability Management资产负债管理Asset Play资产隙Asset Redeployment资产重新配置Asset Swap资产互换Asset Valuation资产估值Assets Under Management管理资产额Assignment转让At the Money到价ATP套汇交易理论Auction Market拍卖市场Audit审计Auditor's Report审计师报告Authorized Stock授权股份Auto Sales汽车销售额Automated Bond System (ABS)自动债券系统Automated ConfirmationTransaction Service (ACT)自动确认交易系统Average Annual Growth Rate平均年度增长率Average Annual Return平均年度回报率Average Life平均时期Average Price Call平均价格买入期权权Average Price Put平均价格出售期权Average Up 提高平均价格Average Price平均价格Asset Coverage Ratio资产偿付比率Asset Management资产管理Asset Turnover资产周转率Asset资产Back Door Listing后门上市/借壳上市Backlog订单积压Back Office后线Back Pricing往后定价Back-to-Back Loan背对背贷款Backstop最后担保Bad Debt不良贷款Balanced Fund平衡基金Balanced Investment Strategy平衡投资策略Balance Of Payments (BOP)国际收支差额Balance Of Trade (BOT)国际贸易差额Balance Sheet资产负债表Balloon Option气球型期权Balloon Maturity气球型期限Bancassurance银行出售保险Bank Guarantee银行担保Bank for International国际结算银行Settlements (BIS)Bank Insurance银行保险Bank Investment Contract (BIC)银行投资合约Bank Rate银行利率Bank run银行挤兑Bankruptcy破产Bankruptcy Risk破产风险Barrel's per Day每日产量(桶)Barter以物易物Base Period基本时期Basing平稳期Basis Point (BP)基点Bear Market熊市Bear Raid空头猛跌,大量抛空以使价格下跌Bearer Form凭票即付形式,无记名形式Beginning Inventory期初库存Behavioral Economics行为经济学Behavioral Finance行为金融学Benchmark基准Benchmark Bond基准债券Beneficial Owner受益者CFA 注册财务分析师CFO首席财务官COGS已售商品成本COO首席营运官CPA注册公共会计师CPI消费物价指数Calendar Year日历年Call买入期权Call Date买回日期Call Loan短期同业拆借,通知贷款Call Loan Rate短期同业拆借利率,通知贷款利率Call Option买入期权Call Warrant买入认股权证Callable Bond可买回债券Callable Preferred Stock可买回优先股CAMELS Rating SystemCAMELS 评级制度Capital Account资本帐户Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)资本充足率Capital Appreciation资本升值Capital Asset资本资产Capital Budgeting资本预算Capital Expenditure资本开支Capital Gain资本收益Capital Goods资本财货Capital Guarantee Fund 资本保证基金Capital Employed运用资本Capital资本/资本金Capital Asset Pricing Model(CAPM)资本资产计价模型Capital Base资本金基础Call Premium买回溢价Concession 销售报酬Concession Agreement 特许协议Conglomerate综合企业Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)消费者信心指数Consumer Credit消费信贷Consumer Price Index (CPI)消费物价指数Conversion Premium 转换溢价Conversion Price 转换价格Convertible Bond 可转换债券Convertible Debenture 可转换公司信用债券Convertible Preferred Stock 可转换优先股Convertible Subordinated Note 可转换次级票据Convertibles可转换证券Conveyance地产让与证书Contingency偶然事故Corporate Bond企业债券Corporate Cannibalism 企业自我竞争Corporate Finance 企业融资Corporate Governance 企业治理Corporate Tax公司税Corporation公司、企业Cost Basis成本基础Cost of Capital资本成本Cost of Funds资金成本Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)已售商品成本Cost Synergy成本协同效益Counterparty Risk 交易对手风险Country Risk国家风险Coupon息票Coupon Bond有息票债券Covenant契约Coverage Initiated 纳入研究范围Credit Default Swap 信贷违约掉期Credit Derivative信贷衍生工具Credit Enhancement 加强信贷措施Cost of Equity股本成本Credit信贷、信用、贷项Conversion转换Cyclical Industry 周期性行业Cyclical Stock周期性股票Cyclical Unemployment周期性失业DJIA道琼斯工业平均指数DJUA道琼斯公用事业平均指数Data Mining数据探索Debenture公司债券Debit借项、借方Debt债务Debt Equity Swap债换股交易Debt Financing债务融资Debt Ratio负债比率Debt Restructuring债务重组Debt Security债务证券Debt Service还本付息Debtor债务人Debt Overhang债务积压Declaration Date股息宣告日Default Risk违约风险Defeasance宣告(合约)无效、废止契约Defensive Buy防御性投资Defensive Investment Strategy 防御性投资策略Deep Discount Bond高折扣债券Default违约,未能履行合约Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)应收账款天数Debt Equity Ratio债务股本比Debt Service Coverage Ratio债务偿付比率DJTA道琼斯交通平均指数Days Payable Outstanding(DPO)应付账款天数FX外汇Face Value面值Facility信贷额度、资金设施Fair Value公平价值Underlying相关证券、相关股票Underperform表现落后大市Undersubscribed认购不足Undervalued估值不足Underweight持有量不足Underwriting承销团Underwriting Spread承销价差Unearned Income非劳动收入Unearned Revenue未实现收入Unit Trust (UT)单位信托Unrealized Gain未实现收益Unrealized Loss未实现损失Unsecured Creditor无抵押债权人Unsecured Loan无抵押贷款U.S. Treasury美国财政部Valuation估值Value-Added增值Value-Based Pricing以价值为基础的定价Value Chain价值链Value at Risk (VAR)风险价值Value Investing价值投资Value Stock价值股票Vanilla Option单纯期权Variable Cost可变成本Variable Life Insurance Policy可变寿险保单Vendor Financing供应商融资Venture创业项目Venture Capital创业资本Venture Capital Fund创业基金Venture Capitalist创业基金投资者Vertical Integration纵向整合Vertical Market纵向市场Vertical Merger纵向合并Volatility波动性Volume Of Trade交易量、成交量Voting Right投票权Voting Shares投票股票Voting Trust投票信托Voting Trust Agreement投票信托协议Vulture Capitalist兀鹫投资者Vulture Fund兀鹫基金WACC加权平均资本成本WTO世界贸易组织Wall Street华尔街War Bond战争债券Warrant 认股权证Warrant Coverage认股权证比重Warrant Premium认股权证溢价Wealth Added Index (WAI)财富增值指数Wealth Effect财富效应Wealth Management财富管理Weighted Average MarketCapitalization加权平均总市值White Elephant白象White Knight白武士White Paper白皮书Wholesale Banking批发银行Wholly Owned Subsidiary全资拥有子公司Withholding预扣(税)Withholding Tax预扣(税)Working Capital营运资金Working Capital Turnover营运资金周转率Working Ratio流动比率Work in Progress 在建项目World Trade Organization (WTO)世界贸易组织Write-Down减记Write-Off销记、注销Write-Up 增记Yankee Bond扬基债券Yankee CD扬基存款证Year To Date (YTD)本年迄今Yellow Knight黄武士Weighted Average Cost ofCapital (WACC)加权平均资本成本Yield To Maturity (YTM)到期收益率Yield收益率个人或一家企业拥有、具有经济价值的任何物品。
会计英语-资产类英语词汇中英文对照高顿网校友情提示,最新安阳注册会计师协会网上公布相关会计英语-资产类英语词汇中英文对照等内容总结如下:会计英语:资产类英语词汇中英文对照流动资产Current assets货币资金Cash and cash equivalents现金Cash银行存款Cash in bank其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents外埠存款Other city Cash in bank银行本票Cashier's cheque银行汇票Bank draft信用卡Credit card信用证保证金L/C Guarantee deposits存出投资款Refundable deposits短期投资Short-term investments股票Short-term investments-stock债券Short-term investments-corporate bonds基金Short-term investments-corporate funds其他Short-term investments-other短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling price reserves应收款Account receivable应收票据Note receivable银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance应收股利Dividend receivable应收利息Interest receivable应收账款Account receivable其他应收款Other notes receivable坏账准备Bad debt reserves预付账款Advance money应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable库存资产Inventories物资采购Supplies purchasing原材料Raw materials包装物Wrappage低值易耗品Low-value consumption goods材料成本差异Materials cost variance自制半成品Semi-Finished goods库存商品Finished goods商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price委托加工物资Work in process-outsourced委托代销商品Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis 存货跌价准备Inventory falling price reserves分期收款发出商品Collect money and send out the goods by stages待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses长期投资Long-term investment长期股权投资Long-term investment on stocks股票投资Investment on stocks其他股权投资Other investment on stocks长期债权投资Long-term investment on bonds债券投资Investment on bonds其他债权投资Other investment on bonds长期投资减值准备Long-term investments depreciation reserves股权投资减值准备Stock rights investment depreciation reserves债权投资减值准备Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves 委托贷款Entrust loans本金Principal利息Interest减值准备Depreciation reserves固定资产Fixed assets房屋Building建筑物Structure机器设备Machinery equipment运输设备Transportation facilities工具器具Instruments and implement累计折旧Accumulated depreciation固定资产减值准备Fixed assets depreciation reserves房屋、建筑物减值准备Building/structure depreciation reserves机器设备减值准备Machinery equipment depreciation reserves工程物资Project goods and material专用材料Special-purpose material专用设备Special-purpose equipment预付大型设备款Prepayments for equipment在建工程Construction-in-process安装工程Erection works在安装设备Erecting equipment-in-process技术改造工程Technical innovation project大修理工程General overhaul project在建工程减值准备Construction-in-process depreciation reserves固定资产清理Liquidation of fixed assets无形资产Intangible assets专利权Patents非专利技术Non-Patents商标权Trademarks,Trade names著作权Copyrights土地使用权Tenure商誉Goodwill无形资产减值准备Intangible Assets depreciation reserves专利权减值准备Patent rights depreciation reserves商标权减值准备trademark rights depreciation reserves未确认融资费用Unacknowledged financial charges待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income长期待摊费用Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income待处理流动资产损溢Wait deal intangible assets loss or income 待处理固定资产损溢Wait deal fixed assets loss or income。
担保合同中英文对照供参考担保协议Guarantee Agreement 担保合同,(适用于银行担保项下)(Applicable to Bank Guarantee)1.作为委托人的(以下称“委托人”)和2.作为保证人的XX银行股份有限公司(以下称“保证人”)签署。
This Guarantee Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entere d into as of (M/D/Y) between as the Client (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") and Branch, China XXXX Bank as the Guarantor (hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantor”).□本协议构成委托人与保证人签订的编号为年字第号的《授信协议》(下称《授信协议》)的组成部分(本条适用的,在□中打“√”)。
The Agreement constitutes an integral part of the Credit Extension Agreement [20 ] No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Extension Agreement”) between the Client and the Guarantor (if this paragraph applies, please click “√”in □).鉴于:Whereas1.委托人或被担保人(以下简称被担保人)与于年月日签署了总金额为币的编号为的关于的合同/ 标书(以下简称“合同”),或委托人或被担保人参加了招标书编号为关于项目的投标(以下简称“投标”);1. The Client or the Guaranteed (hereinafter referred to as the “Guaranteed”) signed No. Contract on / Bid Document totaling (Currency) (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) with on (M/D/Y), or the Client or the Guaranteed participated in the tender for Project with Bid Document No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Bid”);2.委托人申请保证人为委托人或被担保人开立上述合同或投标项下以为受益人(以下称“受益人”),金额币,编号为的保函/备用信用证(下称“保函”)。
特定原始权益人 交易所警示函
特定原始权益人交易所警示函尊敬的某交易所:我是一位特定原始权益人(Special Purpose Entity,SPE),代表公司A(以下简称“A公司”)向贵交易所发起此信函。
此致敬礼!某公司A特定原始权益人(Special Purpose Entity,SPE)此次贵交易所发出的警示函,无疑对于我们公司A产生了很大的影响,但我们相信通过各方的共同努力,一定能够找到切实可行的解决方案,避免再次出现类似的情况。
二、估值调整机制1. 目标公司的估值将根据其最近一轮融资的投后估值确定。
2. 重新评估公司估值时,将采用市场法、收益法、资产基础法等多种方法进行评估,确保估值的公正性和准确性。
3. 若投资者与目标公司无法就新的估值达成一致,双方应通过友好协商或仲裁等方式解决争议。
三、反稀释保护1. 若目标公司在后续融资中发行新股,导致投资者的股份比例被稀释,投资者有权按照稀释前的股份比例享受相应的权益。
2. 若目标公司在后续融资中发行新股的价格低于投资者当时认购的价格,投资者有权要求目标公司按照发行新股的价格回购其部分或全部股份。
四、优先权保护1. 在目标公司的股权结构发生变化时,投资者有权优先于其他股东行使优先购买权,以确保其在目标公司的股份比例保持不变。
2. 在目标公司清算或解散时,投资者有权优先于其他股东获得清算或解散款项。
五、其他保护措施1. 投资者有权要求目标公司定期披露财务报告及其他重要信息,以确保其对目标公司的经营状况有充分的了解。
2. 若目标公司的管理层或其他股东发生重大变动,投资者有权要求目标公司提前通知,并享有相应的知情权和表决权。
3. 本条款未尽事宜,双方应通过友好协商解决。
担保合同中英文对照担保合同 Guaranty Agreement本文档由债务方、担保方、债权方共同签署,旨在确保债务方履行其债务,并提供担保方的担保。
保证担保合同,英文2024年合同目录Chapter 1: General Provisions1.1 Purpose of the Contract1.2 Applicable Scope and Definitions1.3 Legal Effect and Interpretation Principles Chapter 2: Contracting Parties2.1 Basic Information of Party A (Principal)2.2 Basic Information of Party B (Guarantor)2.3 Overview of Rights and ObligationsChapter 3: Guarantee Items3.1 Scope and Conditions of the Guarantee3.2 Term and Method of the Guarantee3.3 Specific Operational Procedures of the Guarantee Chapter 4: Guarantee Fee and Payment4.1 Calculation and Determination of the Guarantee Fee 4.2 Mode and Timing of Payment4.3 Adjustment and Refund Mechanism for FeesChapter 5: Rights and Obligations of Party A5.1 Rights of Party A5.2 Obligations of Party A5.3 Supervision and Assistance by Party AChapter 6: Rights and Obligations of Party B6.1 Rights of Party B6.2 Obligations of Party B6.3 Reporting and Information Disclosure by Party BChapter 7: Risk Management and Control7.1 Identification and Assessment of Risks7.2 Risk Control Measures7.3 Handling of Risk EventsChapter 8: Confidentiality Clause8.1 Scope and Definition of Confidential Information8.2 Obligations of Confidentiality and Duration8.3 Handling of Confidentiality BreachesChapter 9: Liability for Breach of Contract9.1 Determination and Classification of Breach of Contract9.2 Modes of Liability for Breach of Contract9.3 Calculation and Payment of Compensation for Breach of Contract Chapter 10: Modification, Renewal, and Termination of the Contract 10.1 Conditions and Procedures for Contract Modification10.2 Conditions and Procedures for Contract Renewal10.3 Conditions and Consequences for Contract Termination Chapter 11: Force Majeure11.1 Definition and Scope of Force Majeure11.2 Notification and Proof of Force Majeure11.3 Impact of Force Majeure on Contract Performance Chapter 12: Dispute Resolution12.1 Methods and Procedures for Dispute Resolution12.2 Applicable Law for Dispute Resolution12.3 Cost-Bearing of Dispute ResolutionChapter 13: Supplementary Provisions13.1 Conditions for Contract Effectiveness13.2 Record-Filing and Publicity of the Contract13.3 Other Supplementary ProvisionsChapter 14: Signature Section14.1 Signature of Party A14.2 Signature of Party B14.3 Date of Signing14.4 Place of Signing合同编号______Chapter 1: General Provisions1.1 Purpose of the ContractThis contract is established to clarify the rights, obligations,and responsibilities of Party A and Party B in the guarantee transaction, and to ensure the smooth implementation of the guarantee service.1.2 Applicable Scope and DefinitionsThis contract applies to the guarantee services provided by Party B to Party A. All professional terms used in this contract shall be interpreted according to the relevant laws and regulations and industry standards.1.3 Legal Effect and Interpretation PrinciplesThis contract shall take effect upon signature and seal by both parties and shall be legally binding on both parties. The interpretation of the terms of this contract shall be based on the purpose of the contract, the meaning of the text, and the principle of good faith.Chapter 2: Contracting Parties2.1 Basic Information of Party A (Principal)Name of Party A: ______Address of Party A: ______Legal Representative of Party A: ______2.2 Basic Information of Party B (Guarantor)Name of Party B: ______Address of Party B: ______Legal Representative of Party B: ______2.3 Overview of Rights and ObligationsBoth Party A and Party B shall exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations in accordance with the terms of this contract, and neither party shall unilaterally change or terminate the contract.Chapter 3: Guarantee Items3.1 Scope and Conditions of the GuaranteeThe guarantee services provided by Party B to Party A include but are not limited to the recommendation of guarantee products, customer consultation, and handling of guarantee procedures.3.2 Term and Method of the GuaranteeThe term of the guarantee shall commence from the effective date of this contract and continue until the termination date of the contract. The method of guarantee includes both online and offline services.3.3 Specific Operational Procedures of the GuaranteeParty B shall formulate and implement the operational proceduresfor the guarantee in accordance with the requirements of Party A and industry regulations.Chapter 4: Guarantee Fee and Payment4.1 Calculation and Determination of the Guarantee FeeThe guarantee fee shall be calculated and determined based on the volume and quality of the services provided by Party B.4.2 Mode and Timing of PaymentParty A shall pay the guarantee fee to Party B within ______ days after Party B provides the service, in accordance with the agreed payment method.4.3 Adjustment and Refund Mechanism for FeesIn case of market changes or adjustments in the scope of services, both parties shall negotiate to determine the adjustment of the guarantee fee. If the service is not completed or does not meet the agreed terms, Party A shall have the right to request a refund of the corresponding fee.Chapter 5: Rights and Obligations of Party A5.1 Rights of Party AParty A has the right to supervise the guarantee activities of Party B and ensure the quality of services.5.2 Obligations of Party AParty A shall pay the guarantee fee on time and provide necessary business information and support.5.3 Supervision and Assistance by Party AParty A shall assist Party B in understanding the dynamics of the guarantee market, supervise the guarantee activities of Party B, and ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and the terms of this contract.Chapter 6: Rights and Obligations of Party B6.1 Rights of Party BParty B has the right to receive the guarantee fee in accordance with the terms of this contract.6.2 Obligations of Party BParty B shall provide professional and compliant guarantee services according to the requirements of Party A and industry regulations.6.3 Reporting and Information Disclosure by Party BParty B shall regularly report to Party A on the progress of the guarantee business and disclose important business information.Chapter 7: Risk Management and Control7.1 Identification and Assessment of RisksParty B shall identify and assess the risks that may arise in the guarantee business.7.2 Risk Control MeasuresParty B shall take effective measures to control and reduce risks.7.3 Handling of Risk EventsIn the event of a risk event, Party B shall promptly notify Party A and take measures to minimize losses.Chapter 8: Confidentiality Clause8.1 Scope and Definition of Confidential InformationBoth Party A and Party B shall keep confidential the content ofthis contract and any business secrets, customer information, etc., known during the performance of this contract.8.2 Obligations of Confidentiality and DurationThe confidentiality period shall be from the date of signing this contract until ______ years after the termination of the contract.8.3 Handling of Confidentiality BreachesIf one party breaches the confidentiality obligation, it shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility and compensate the other partyfor the losses suffered as a result.Chapter 9: Liability for Breach of Contract9.1 Determination and Classification of Breach of ContractBreach of contract includes but is not limited to failure to perform obligations, delayed performance, or performance that does not meet the contract's stipulations.9.2 Modes of Liability for Breach of ContractThe breaching party shall assume responsibilities such as continuing performance, taking remedial measures, or compensating for losses, based on the circumstances of the breach.9.3 Calculation and Payment of Compensation for Breach of ContractCompensation for breach of contract shall be determined in accordance with actual losses, contract terms, and relevant legal provisions, and shall be paid within ______ days after confirmation by the breaching party.9.4 Breach of Contract NotificationUpon occurrence of a breach, the non-breaching party shall promptly send a written notice of breach to the breaching party.Chapter 10: Modification, Renewal, and Termination of the Contract10.1 Conditions and Procedures for Contract ModificationAny modifications to the contract shall be based on the actual circumstances of contract performance and shall be mutually agreed upon by both parties.10.2 Conditions and Procedures for Contract RenewalPrior to the expiration of the contract term, both parties may negotiate the renewal of the contract, following the conditions and procedures stipulated in this contract.10.3 Conditions and Consequences for Contract TerminationIn the event of a breach by one party or the occurrence of force majeure, the other party has the right to terminate the contract and settle accounts based on the actual situation.Chapter 11: Force Majeure11.1 Definition and Scope of Force MajeureForce majeure refers to unforeseeable, unavoidable, and insurmountable objective circumstances, such as natural disasters, wars, etc.11.2 Notification and Proof of Force MajeureIf a party is unable to perform the contract due to force majeure,it shall promptly notify the other party and provide corresponding proof.11.3 Impact of Force Majeure on Contract PerformanceIf force majeure prevents the performance of the contract, the affected party may be partially or fully exempted from liability according to the circumstances.Chapter 12: Dispute Resolution12.1 Methods and Procedures for Dispute ResolutionContract disputes should first be resolved through negotiation. If negotiation fails, arbitration or litigation may be initiated.12.2 Applicable Law for Dispute ResolutionThe resolution of disputes shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.12.3 Cost-Bearing of Dispute ResolutionUnless otherwise determined by arbitration or a court, the costs of dispute resolution shall be borne by the losing party.Chapter 13: Supplementary Provisions13.1 Conditions for Contract EffectivenessThis contract shall take effect upon signature and seal by the authorized representatives of both parties.13.2 Record-Filing and Publicity of the ContractAccording to relevant laws and regulations, this contract shall be filed with the relevant departments and publicized.13.3 Other Supplementary ProvisionsBoth parties may supplement and modify this contract based on actual circumstances.Chapter 14: Signature Section14.1 Signature of Party A: ______14.2 Signature of Party B: ______14.3 Date of Signing: ______14.4 Place of Signing: ______Chapter 15: Contract Duration and Expiration15.1 Contract DurationThe term of this contract is from the effective date of the contract until ______.15.2 Conditions for Contract ExpirationThe contract may be terminated under conditions such as completion of performance, mutual agreement, or breach of contract by one party.15.3 Rights and Obligations After Contract ExpirationAfter the contract is terminated, both parties shall fulfill their obligations such as notification, handover, and confidentiality according to the contract and actual circumstances.Chapter 16: Assignment and Delegation of the Contract16.1 Contract AssignmentWithout the written consent of the other party, neither party may assign the rights and obligations of the contract to a third party.16.2 Delegation of PerformanceA party may entrust a third party to perform the obligations of the contract, ensuring that the performance by the third party complies with the contract requirements.16.3 Notification of Delegation and AssignmentEntrustment or assignment of contract rights and obligations shall be notified to the other party in writing in advance.Chapter 17: Independence of the Contract17.1 Principle of IndependenceEach clause of the contract is independent, and the invalidity of part of the contract does not affect the effectiveness of the other clauses.17.2 Handling of Invalid ClausesIf a part of the contract is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, both parties shall negotiate to determine an alternative.Chapter 18: Additional Terms18.1 Special AgreementsBoth parties may make special agreements on the contract according to specific business needs.18.2 Contract SupplementsSupplements to the contract shall be made in writing and form an indivisible part of this contract.18.3 Priority ApplicationIf there is any inconsistency between the contract supplement and the content of this contract, the supplement shall prevail.Chapter 19: Modification and Supplement of the Contract19.1 Conditions for ModificationThe modification of the contract shall be based on the actual situation of contract performance and shall be mutually agreed upon by both parties.19.2 Modification ProceduresThe modification of the contract shall be made in writing and confirmed by the authorized representatives of both parties.19.3 Supplementary AgreementsSupplementary agreements have the same legal effect as this contract.Chapter 20: Performance Assurance of the Contract20.1 Requirements for Performance AssuranceTo ensure the smooth performance of the contract, both parties may agree to provide performance bonds or third-party guarantees.20.2 Modes of AssurancePerformance assurance can be in the form of cash, bank guarantees, or other methods recognized by both parties.20.3 Release of AssuranceAfter the completion of contract performance, the performance assurance shall be released or returned.Chapter 21: Special Clauses for Guarantee Services21.1 Special Requirements for Guarantee ServicesParty B shall comply with the special regulations and requirements of the guarantee industry during the guarantee service process.21.2 Risk Disclosure of Guarantee ServicesParty B shall fully disclose the potential risks of guarantee services to Party A.21.3 Compliance of Guarantee ServicesParty B shall ensure that guarantee service activities comply with relevant laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements.Chapter 22: Miscellaneous22.1 Applicable LawThe establishment, interpretation, performance, modification, termination, and dispute resolution of this contract are all governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.22.2 Contract TextThis contract is written in Chinese, in two copies, each party holds one copy, and they have the same legal effect.22.3 Matters Not CoveredMatters not covered by the contract shall be resolved by negotiation between both parties.。
资方和担保合同(中英文版)**Investor and Guarantor Contract**---**1.Introduction**This Contract is entered into between the Investor (hereinafter referred to as "the Investor") and the Guarantor (hereinafter referred to as "the Guarantor") as of [Date], for the purpose of outlining the terms and conditions of the investment and guarantee arrangements.**1.简介**本合同由投资者(以下简称“投资者”)与担保人(以下简称“担保人”)于[日期]签订,旨在明确投资和担保的相关条款和条件。
---**2.Investment Terms**The Investor agrees to invest an amount of [investment amount] in the business of the Guarantor, in exchange for certain equity interests in the Guarantor.The investment will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.**2.投资条款**投资者同意向担保人的业务投资金额为[投资金额],以换取担保人的一定股权。
---**3.Guarantee Obligations**The Guarantor hereby guarantees the full and timely payment of all obligations of the Investor under this Contract, and agrees to indemnify the Investor for any losses suffered by the Investor as a result of the Guarantor"s breach of this Contract.**3.担保义务**担保人特此保证,将全面且及时地履行投资者在本合同项下的所有义务,并同意就担保人违反本合同而导致的投资者遭受的任何损失向投资者进行赔偿。
如果刚好不赚不亏,保证金比例是2000/500=400% 。
再换个例子,如果2000美金的交易帐户你做0.2手美日,占用100美元的保证金,也就是5%的仓量,保证金比例是2000/100=2000% 。