英国上层阶级介绍 upperclass 英文


3.Class and Race

3.Class and Race
nomic factors cultural differences (newspapers they read, regional accents) Education hereditary aristocracy.
The following is also important
to come from a particular kind of family to have friends who are considered suitable, to have been to a certain type of private school to speak with the right kind of accent.
2.一个五十岁的男人,坐在三十五英尺长的克 里斯游艇的甲板上,喝着听装的百威啤 酒, 被三个穿着三角背心和廉价白色快艇帽的美丽 可爱的女孩围着。 2.他是上层贫民阶级的一员,攒了一辈子的 钱买了那艘可怕的船。如果他把那些女孩 的 帽子摘下来,并把啤酒倒在玻璃杯里喝,他有 可能是个中产阶级。如果他让女孩子们穿上 男式旧衬衫,并把下摆露在外边,他甚至可能是
4.纽约一家大公司的一个年轻女律师,喜欢 在电视教育频道看莎士比亚戏剧,并经常 光 顾一些有口碑的风味餐厅,“《纽约人》杂志 简直就是我的圣经,”她会说。 4.她只能是个中产阶级,大概内心深处还怀 有不能成为中上层的痛苦。
Race in the UK
Around 5% of British citizens are from nonEuropean ethnic groups. The majority of immigrants have arrived in the last 40 years. Such immigrants groups bring their culture, which increases the variety and interest within British culture. The attitude of some of white British are not positive.P60






1. 上层阶级(Upper Class)上层阶级通常来自贵族家庭或富有的家庭,他们的口音被称为“王室音”或“皇室音”。



2. 中上层阶级(Upper Middle Class)中上层阶级通常是受过良好教育的人,他们的口音被称为“公共学校音”或“RP音”。



3. 中产阶级(Middle Class)中产阶级的口音没有上层阶级那么正式,也没有下层阶级那么粗糙。



4. 工人阶级(Working Class)工人阶级的口音通常带有浓重的地方口音特点,发音比较粗糙,语速较快。


5. 下层阶级(Lower Class)下层阶级的口音通常被认为是最地方化和粗俗的,发音不规范,语速较快,常常伴有口音或方言的独特特点。











中学毕业考试 General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE)英国学生一般16岁时参加考试,获得中学文凭。



高级水平考试 Advanced Level (A-Level)准备进大学深造的学生通过GCSE后,进入大学预科班,经过两年的学习,通过了A-Level,即可申请大学。



大学预科文凭International Foundation Diploma (IFD)部分大学设有该课程。




高级国家文凭Higher National Diploma (HND)相当于我国的大专文凭。





学士学位Bachelor Degree学制通常三年,如果是含实习期的夹心课程则为四年。

高级学习文凭Diploma in Advanced Study部分学校和专业设有该课程。


硕士学位 Master Degree学制通常一年,可能有半年毕业设计时间。


• 男爵
He just can lead a few knights(骑 士)and just has a little land.
He can not do anything and have any rights.
Thank you!
The second class(第二等级)
• 侯爵(marquis )
The second higest class of Englang aritocracy. Marquis and Earl have the same rights. The number of marquises is less than Earls. Marquis is not the relative of king.They are always the richest family in England society. They can appoint the local leader. It can be inherited.(世袭) marquises have a large number of lands.
The common class(普通阶级)
• 子爵(viscount)
The assistant of Earl at first. they can build castles, too. The title can be inherited.(世袭)
The lowest class in England society.
The Introduction of England Aristocracy
• 公爵(DUKE) • 萨克森-哥达-阿尔滕堡公爵(如下图)






1688年,乔治王朝把英国社会分为26个等级,这种等级后来发展成为上层(Upper Class)、中层(Middle Class)和下层(Lower Class)三种等级,他们之间的界限非常清晰。
















后来,这种社会等级逐渐发展成上层(Upper Class)、中层(Middle Class)和下层(Lower Class)三种等级。

另一种说法,这三个阶层也可以为称为贵族绅士阶层(Gentry Class)、市民阶层(Burghers Class)和劳动人民阶层(Working Class)。


King/Queen (国王、女王)Crownprince(王储)再英国称Prince of Wales,即威尔士亲王Prince(亲王或王子)通常只表示“君主之子”(或女君主之夫)之意,而非具体的爵位。

女性称Princess(公主)国王长女称PrinceRoyal,即“大公主”Royal Duke(大公)Duke(公爵)Marquess(侯爵)Earl(伯爵)Viscount(子爵)Baron(男爵)Baronet(从男爵)Knight(骑士)-----------------unjs--华丽丽的分割线------------------在说爵位之前呢,先嘚吧下大家都熟悉的皇室成员。


再往下就是王储,称为Crown-prince,在英国呢有专门的称谓是Prince of Wales,便是那位在1969便被册封为王储的查尔斯王子啦。





英国上层阶级介绍 upperclass 英文 ppt课件

英国上层阶级介绍 upperclass 英文 ppt课件
英国上层阶级介绍 upperclass 英 文
• The pastimes include the traditional country sports of hunting, shooting, and fishing. Many upper-class people keep horse ,and ride for pleasure (which often includes fox-hunting) and competitively( including show jumping), as well as taking an interest in racing.
英国上层阶级介绍 upperclass 英 文
英国上层阶级介绍 upperclasHigher education is also a feature of upper class. Traditionally, upper class children were brought up at home by a Nanny for the first few years of life, and then schooled at home by private tutors. From the 19th century, it became increasingly popular for upper-class families to mimic the middle-classes in sending their children to 英国上层阶p级u介绍bluipcpercslascs h英 ools.
英国上层阶级介绍 upperclass 英 文
Detailed Introduction

(10.13)Politics Class and Race in the U.K 英国政治种族和等级介绍

(10.13)Politics Class and Race in the U.K 英国政治种族和等级介绍
There are 3 major national parties in Britain
The Labour Party (工党) 2). The Conservative Party (保守党) 3). The Liberal Democrats (自由民主党)
The first 2 main political parties dominate the politica尔和撒切尔夫人等著名首相并在20世纪80年代和90年代创下4次连续执政1979年1997年的业绩不过保守党自从于1997年大选败于布莱尔领导的工党以后它一直处于反对党的状态直成2010年同自由民主党组成联合政府重新上台执政
Unit4 Politics ,Class and Race
The Conservative Party
The Conservative party developed out of the Tory Party (托利党). Tory Party was founded in 1679 when Parliament divided into 2 political groups over the dispute whether James II should be the heir to King Charles II. The supporters of James II formed the group known as “ Tory”, while the opponents formed the “ Whig”. The Tory Party changed its name into the Conservative party and Whig into Liberal Party in 1833.



Multiplying the Old Divisions of Class in Britain英国社会的七个阶级LONDON — Class in Britain used to be a relatively simple matter, or at least it used to be treated that way. It came in three flavors — upper, middle and working — and people supposedly knew by some mysterious native sixth sense exactly where they stood. As the very tall John Cleese declared to the less-tall Ronnie Corbett in the famous 1966 satirical television sketch meant to illustrate class attitudes in Britain — or, possibly, attitudes toward class attitudes —“I look down on him, because I am upper class.”伦敦——英国的阶级问题过去曾经是一个相对简单的事情,或者至少曾经被当做简单的事情对待。


就像个子很高的约翰·克里斯(John Cleese)在1966年一部非常著名的电视讽刺短剧中,向个子较矮的罗尼·科比特(Ronnie Corbett)公开表示的那样,“我看不起他,因为我是上层阶级。







The 1980s had the 'yuppies' and the 'nouveau riche', the 1990s had the 'Mondeo man' and the 2000s had the 'chav'.上世纪80年代有“雅皮士”和“暴发户”,90年代有“蒙迪欧先生”,本世纪又出现了“沙韦”。

译者注:“蒙迪欧先生”(Mondeo man)泛指上世纪90年代英国中产阶级,有自己的房产、有自己经营的事业,还有一辆福特蒙迪欧。



Each decade has its cultural stereotypes and according to new research, there are now seven modern day wealth tribes in Britain.每个年代都有其文化定势,而根据最新调查显示,针对现今英国的经济阶层,有七种文化定势。

Channel 5 has commissioned The Economist to conduct research into Britain’s wealth divide and they created categories of people that describe 21st-century Britain - so which one do you fall into?第五频道请《经济学人》对英国财富划分进行调查,他们认为,21世纪的英国人可以分为不同种类,那么你属于哪类?The seven categories show that while some people are doing very well for themselves, others have not seen much pay growth in recent years.这七种类型的划分表明,虽然有些人过得不错,但也有些人近些年来薪水没怎么增长。



3.The significance of hereditary aristocra cy should not be over-stated. Their position has changed with the cent ury. though still influential they don't domi nant UK society. Those who have been made "life peers" out of recognition for achievement in UK society could be regarded as aristocrats. 4.Real power in parliament rests in the el ected House of Commons.
Hereditary 英 [həˈredɪtri] adj.遗传性;世袭的;(生物学中)遗传的 • British Prime Ministers are traditionally offered here ditary peerages. • 英国首相传统上会被授予可世袭的贵族爵位。
Scattering 英 ['skætərɪŋ] 美 [ˈskætərɪŋ] n.[物]散射;散乱,分散;在媒介质中的散播 adj.散乱的;分散在不同范围的;广泛扩散的;(选票) 数量分散的 v.散布;散射(scatter的ing形式);驱散 • She was rummaging through the letters, scattering t hem about the table in herheedless haste. • 她在信件里乱翻,匆忙冒失之下将它们扔得满桌 都是。



英国的阶级介绍英文作文In the United Kingdom, social class has long been a topic of interest and discussion. It is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects of an individual's life, such as their occupation, education, income, and social status. Let's delve into the different classes in British society.Firstly, we have the upper class. This elite group consists of the wealthiest and most influential individuals in society. They often come from old money and have inherited their wealth and status through generations. The upper class is known for their luxurious lifestyles, prestigious education, and connections to the aristocracy. They may live in grand mansions, attend exclusive social events, and have access to the best opportunities in life.On the other end of the spectrum, we find the working class. This is the largest social class in the UK, comprising individuals who primarily earn a living throughmanual labor or low-skilled jobs. They often face financial struggles and have limited access to education and social mobility. The working class is characterized by theirstrong work ethic, resilience, and close-knit communities. They may live in modest homes and rely on public servicesfor support.Next, we have the middle class. This is a diverse and broad category that includes a range of occupations and income levels. The middle class typically consists of professionals, such as teachers, doctors, and engineers,who have attained a higher level of education and enjoy a comfortable standard of living. They often own their homes, have access to quality healthcare and education, and have a certain degree of financial stability.In recent years, a new class has emerged known as the "precariat." This term refers to individuals who live in a state of precarious employment, insecurity, and uncertainty. They often work in temporary or part-time jobs, have low wages, and lack social protection. The precariat faces difficulties in finding stable employment and may struggleto meet their basic needs. This class highlights the changing nature of work and the challenges faced by many in the modern economy.Lastly, we have the underclass. This is the most disadvantaged and marginalized group in society, oftenliving in poverty and experiencing multiple social issues. The underclass may include individuals who are long-term unemployed, homeless, or have a history of substance abuse. They face significant barriers to social inclusion andoften require support from various welfare programs and charities.It is important to note that these class divisions are not fixed or absolute. Social mobility and individual circumstances can lead to movement between classes. However, class still plays a significant role in shaping people's opportunities, experiences, and social interactions in the UK.。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!In the UK, the class system is still very much a part of society. There are four main classes: upper class, middle class, working class, and underclass.The upper class is made up of the aristocracy, the wealthy, and those with inherited titles. They typically have access to the best education, social connections, and job opportunities. They also tend to live in the most desirable areas and have the most luxurious lifestyles.The middle class is made up of professionals, managers, and skilled workers. They tend to have good salaries and job security, and often own their own homes. They value education and cultural pursuits, and tend to be politically moderate.The working class is made up of manual laborers,factory workers, and those in service industries. They tend to have lower salaries and less job security, and oftenrent their homes. They value hard work and family, and tend to be politically left-leaning.The underclass is made up of those who are unemployed, homeless, or living in poverty. They often have little access to education or job opportunities, and struggle to make ends meet. They may also face discrimination andsocial exclusion.Overall, the class system in the UK is complex and deeply ingrained in society. While there have been efforts to reduce inequality and promote social mobility, there is still a long way to go in achieving a truly equal society.。



英国的阶级介绍英文作文英文:In the UK, the class system has been a significant part of society for centuries. There are generally considered to be three main social classes: upper class, middle class,and working class.The upper class is typically made up of wealthy individuals who come from old money or have inherited their wealth. They often have prestigious family backgrounds and attend elite private schools. They may also have titlessuch as "Lord" or "Lady" and own large estates. For example, the royal family and aristocrats like the Duke of Westminster are considered to be part of the upper class.The middle class is a diverse group that includes professionals, managers, and white-collar workers. Theyoften have higher levels of education and income comparedto the working class. Members of the middle class may workin fields such as law, medicine, or finance. For instance, lawyers, doctors, and accountants are typically consideredto be part of the middle class.The working class, on the other hand, consists of individuals who perform manual labor and have lower levelsof education and income. They may work in industries suchas construction, manufacturing, or hospitality. For example, factory workers, construction workers, and waiters areoften part of the working class.It's important to note that these social classes arenot always clearly defined, and there can be overlap between them. Additionally, there are other factors such as education, occupation, and cultural capital that can also impact an individual's social standing.中文:在英国,阶级体系已经是社会的重要组成部分几个世纪了。

The House of Lords英国上议院简介

The  House  of  Lords英国上议院简介

The House of LordsThe House of Lords is made up largely of life peers with experience in wide-ranging fields, including medicine,education, science, the armed services, academia.the arts, business, industry, the charity sector and public life. They meet and discuss legislation or issues that concern them and to question the government.This House of Lords is one of the most impressive rooms in the House of Parliament. Unlike the Commons which was rebuilt after the WWⅡ. The House of Lords is a working space and it is integral to the parliament’s work. As a forum of independent expertise member of the Lords play a central role in making laws. Scrutinizing, revising and initiating legislation as well as holding a government where it comes. The Lords’ speaker sits there on the woolsack. The Lords’ speaker’s role is to offer advice on procedure and to act as an ambassador for the House. The House of Lords is a self-regulating house.The Lords’ speaker preside over debates but it’s not decide who speaks. The woolsack is a sort of having been introduced in the 16th century to reflect the economic importance of the world trade to England. Over the years, its, stuffing changing to horse hair. But in 1938, It was stuffed with wool from England, Wales, Scotland ,Northern Ireland and countries of the Commonwealth ,given by the International Wool Secretariat.And the development of the Lords is also distant.In 1256 years, Simom de Montfort summoned two knights from each shire and two citizens from each of the more important towns to the Great Council,thus it got the name Parliament. Then during the Hundred Years’ War ,Parliament was formally divided into two parts,Lords and Commons. In 17th century, Parliament was ruled by the king.After the Glorious Revolution,1689s,the Bill of Rights came out,this was a bill which ended the theories of hereditary right to the throne and since then every English monarch rules by permission of Parliament, so after 1688s,the Glorious Revolution marked the shift in power from monarch to parliament.1832s:the year of the first Reform Bill passed,the House of Lords has become less important than the House of Commons.Also the member of the Lords are a significant part , It has over 1000 non-elected members who are Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal.Lords Spiritual which includes the 2 archbishops of the Church of England , Canterbury and York, and 42 diocesan bishops. Their eligibility to sit ends on retirement. And Lords Temporal, It includes hereditary peers and life peers.Hereditary Peers ,in order of rank ,they are Duke, Marquis,Earl, Viscount,Baron. However, since 1963 a hereditary peer can give up his noble title . But this does not prevent the peer's heir from inheriting his title.then talk about the Life Peers. The life peers is the person who is given a title during his or her lifetime , in honor of his or her professionalachievements. And since the Life Peerage Act 1958, about 15 to 20 life peerage have been given each year .In fact many Lords aren’t enthusiastic about politics ,so the average daily attendance is quite low. Their average age is 63.thus the House also called '' nursing home '' by some people. Besides,The peers get no parliamentary salary, but they enjoy a small allowance for each day of attendance.The important part is the function. The functions of the House of Lords are both parliamentary and judicial .let’s know the parliamentary function. theoretically , the Lords run parallel to the Commons.But in fact the Lords does not exercise the dominant constitutional influence.In 1911 an Act was passed under which the House of Lords could not prevent for more than 2 years a bill from passing into law .The interval was reduced to 1 year in1949. This also called Suspensive vote. What’s more ,the Lords has no power to prevent the passing of legislation or bills approved by the House of Commons.It seems unlikely that the Upper House would ever use even the small power which is still left to it.However,in the judicial functions the Lords it is unique.The House of Lords is the highest court in Britain hearing civil and criminal appeals from the lower courts. Actually, when acting as the final court of appeal in Britain, the Lords employs only ''law lords'', who sits asthe highest court of appeal in England . Besides ,the Lords is presided by the Lord Chancellor as its Speaker .The Lords are more informal than those of the Commons,and their role in saving the Commons a great amount of time is widely recognized. Now the work of Lords is largely complementary to that of the Commons.英语一班刘晖14571115。



lives is that a car- worker (working-class)reads
The Sun in the morning, while a lawyer or
doctor(middle-class) reads The Guardian in the
1.lt is difficult to avoid social class when dis cussing British society . The British people general accept the social class system. 2.Social class system is the product of social dev elopment in the UK. What is distinctive about the British class system, and which marks it as different from the A merican or Chinese social structure , Is that it has also retained a hereditary aristocracy.
middle class.
The influence of the British class system on people's daily life
• One of the manifestations of the influence
of the British class system on people's daily
Duck 公爵

Marquis 侯爵

Earl 伯爵





甜品常常是⼀餐中的最后⼀道菜at the end of a meal,甜品的英⽂说法有好⼏种:dessert,pudding和sweet. 三个词的意思虽然相同,但⽤法稍有不同。

Dessert Dessert是从法语desservir借来的字,表⽰"to clear the table" and "to serve." 。

Desserts包括:cakes, cookies, fruits, pastries, ice cream, and candies. 这个词⼴泛地应⽤于美国、加拿⼤、澳⼤利亚、爱尔兰。

The dessert is seen as a separate meal or snack rather than a course, and may be eaten apart from the meal. In colloquial American usage "dessert" has a broader meaning and can refer to anything sweet that follows a meal, including milkshakes and other beverages. 除了指餐后最后⼀道菜,随时吃的甜品都可以叫dessert。


Pudding Putting是从法语boudin借来的字,⽽它最初则源⾃拉丁⽂botellus,表⽰"small sausage" ,因为中世纪的欧洲,pudding⼀般都是塞着⾁的⼩⾷。


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Fox Hunting
• The pastimes include the traditional country sports of hunting, shooting, and fishing. Many upper-class people keep horse ,and ride for pleasure (which often includes fox-hunting) and competitively( including show jumping), as well as taking an interest in racing.
• • • • • • Historical development and component Importance of marriages to the nobility Principle of primogeniture on the nobility Education Behavior and accent Pastimes
The Upper Class NhomakorabeaThe upper class
• It generally refers to the aristocracy and its offshoots, and was traditionally the “ruling class”.
Detailed Introduction
5.Behavior and Accent
Good manners are of the utmost importance. A upper class should have a distinctive, mannered accent, which is delivered in a very precise manner. The accent is known as “an upper-class drawl”.
Eton College
• founded by Henry VI in 1440 • Famous graduate:Princes William and Harry, the current Prime Minister David Cameron • produced 20 British Prime Ministers
• The first-born son, as the prime inheritor, gains the title . • His siblings have only courtesy titles
Eton College
Higher education is also a feature of upper class. Traditionally, upper class children were brought up at home by a Nanny for the first few years of life, and then schooled at home by private tutors. From the 19th century, it became increasingly popular for upper-class families to mimic the middle-classes in sending their children to public schools.
1.Historical development and component
The upper class occupies 5% to 10% of the population,including the , zillionaire about 0.2% of the population. There is a historical development of the upper class. There are distinctions between “old upper class” and “new upper class”.
2.Importance of marriages to the nobility
• Increase a family’s prestige or influence • Families usually took a strong hand in arranging marriages
3.Principle of primogeniture on the nobility
• Oxford ,Cambridge and other “traditional” universities such as Durham University(杜伦大学 the 杜伦大学), 杜伦大学 University of Edinburgh(爱丁 爱丁 堡大学 ), and St Andrews University(圣安德鲁大学 ) are 圣安德鲁大学 the most popular sources of higher education for the upper class.