苏教版六年级语文下册《伴你学》XXX《伴你学》语文苏教六下参考答案第一单元1长江之歌【我尝试】1.(1)bǔliàn qínɡcháo díchãn(2)形容词,形容气势盛大,广大无边。
(3)长江拟人- 1 -(4)赞美依恋(5)长江不仅壮美,而且它哺育了中华亿万儿女,奔流不XXX的精神会不断激励着华夏儿女发愤图强。
【我拓展】8.(1)不尽长江滚滚来(2)唯见长江天际流(3)碧水东流至此回(4)两岸猿声啼不住(5)惊涛裂岸卷起千堆雪2三亚落日【我尝试】1.XXXɡzhànɡyuâchàn qiāo tánɡuàn sìyâ2.(1)美妙绝伦(2)赤朱丹彤(3)硕大无朋(4)玉屑银末(5)悄然无声3.第1自然段是第一部分:开门见山,点明“在三亚看落日真有诗意”;第2自然段是第二部分:介绍三亚洋溢着热带风情的自然风光;第3、4自然段是第三部分:生动地描写了落日美景;第5自然段是第四部分:照应开头,总括“这就是三亚的落日”。
- 2 -4.它歪着红扑扑的脸蛋,毫无倦态,潇潇洒洒地从身上抖落下XXX,在大海上溅出无数夺目的亮点。
【我尝试】5.海天一色、白鸥低翔、椰树摇荡、海滩细沙热爱自然、热XXX【我挑战】7.弥漫玫瑰逊色飞溅收敛一盏玉屑弹跳8.蓝蓝碧玉般硕大无朋快乐夺目优美红扑扑洁白海面脚板赤朱丹彤光芒9.(1)搔捏捏团团揉(2)响走听读议10.(1)在三亚看落日真有诗意哦,这就是三亚的落日对三亚的爱好、赞美(2)天海白鸥椰子树海滩对艳丽三亚的赞叹- 3 -(3)快乐的孩童收敛了光芒光焰柔和的大红灯笼跳水员轻快敏捷寂静无声水波不惊拟人11.(1)人们全神贯注地看着落日的绚美,表示对短暂的三亚落日的珍惜、依恋之情(2)落日比喻孩童跳水员(3)棒棒糖乒乓球篮球(4)惊讶不敢生怕(5)日落西山残阳如血【我拓展】12.(1)蓝天白鸥椰子树海滩热带风情融为一体挺拔俊秀玉屑银末(2)海滩上玉屑银末般的细沙细沙玉屑银末(3)担心对海南热带景色的爱好(4)①√②×(5)三亚弥漫着浓浓的热带风情。
()三.填空题(共8题,共22分)1.请你把这些数分类:36、-9 、0.7、+20.4、-56、100、-13、-261、+4.8、109正数:()负数:()2.如图,以长方形10 cm长的边所在直线为轴旋转一周,会得到一个(),它的表面积是()cm2,体积是()cm3。
3.某日我国部分城市的气温情况:哈尔滨-30℃~-1 5℃,北京-4℃~4℃,拉萨-20℃~-4℃,广州13℃~18℃,其中温差最大的城市是________,温差最小的城市是________。
(填小数)6.一个圆柱的底面直径是15 cm,高是8 cm,这个圆柱的侧面积是()cm2。
7.0.4=()︰10 ==()%。
苏教版小学数学六下《伴你学》参考答案苏教版小学数学六下《伴你学》参考答案第1单元扇形统计图第1页 2. (1)儿童画报(2)4000×33%=1320(本)3. (1)60÷(1-30%-25%-15%-10%)=300(人)(2)300×(25%-10%)=45(人)第2页 1. (1)湖面路面(2)212. (1)320÷20%×70%=1120(只) (2)320÷20%=1600(只)3. (1)1 电信一(2)2 电信二(3)3 电信一第3页 2. (1)225 (2)67.5 753. (1)4÷10%×65%=26(人)(2)4÷10%×25%=10(人) 26-10=16(人)自主检测(一)一、 1. 条形折线扇形 2. 扇形折线 3. 扇形4. (1)7 (2)羊毛棉(3)17 (4)240 325. 扇形条形折线三、1. (1)1-28%-15%-25%=32% (2)20÷(25%-15%)=200(人)(3)200×(1-15%-25%)=120(人)3. 1800 900 450 13504500÷1350=10/3≈4(个) 他需要四个月的存款才能买到。
第2单元圆柱和圆锥第6页 1. (1)大小相同圆(2)1 曲(3)高无数2. (1) √ (2) √ (3) √3. ①③第7页 2. (1)25平方厘米(2)314平方厘米3. 200.96平方分米226.08平方分米4. 3.14×2×15×10=942(平方分米)第8页3. 2×3.14×32=56.52(平方厘米)56.52平方厘米=0.5652平方分米4. 3.14×1×1.5=4.71(平方米)5. 3.14×7×10+2×3.14×(7÷2)2=296.73(平方厘米)第9页 1. (1)750 0.93 (2)6.28 12.56(3)50.24 (4)169.56 (5)6.282. 18.84÷3.14÷2=3(分米)3.14×32×2+18.84×7×2=320.28≈320(平方分米)第10页 1. (1)50立方分米(2)3000 3 (3)底面积高(4)2 157.7536 3. 3.14×(8÷2)2×14=703.36(立方厘米)=703.36毫升第11页3. 3.14×(6÷2)2×15=423.9(立方厘米)=423.9毫升423.9<500,不能装下500毫升水。
2、有 13 个自然数,小红计算它们的平均数精确到百分位是 12.56,老师说最后一个数字写错了,那么正确答案应该是______。
A. B. C. D.二.判断题(共6题,共12分)1.一种商品打七五折销售,表示现价是原价的75%。
苏教版小学译林版英语六下《伴你学》参考答案Unit1The lion and the mouseUnit 1单元测试卷笔试部分一、1~6 √√××√√二、1. Just then 2. The next day 3. some day 4. 擅长于…… 5. 路过……三、1. quiet 2. quickly 3. happily 4. woke 5. bit四、1~5 B A B B B 6~10 C B C B B五、1. can reach the ball 2. lion caught the mouse 3. The mouse woke the lion up4. do you want to buy5. The lion and the mouse become friends.六、walked, woke, wanted to, help you some day 七、1~5 F T T F TUnit 2Good habits我运用1. 略2. (1)√ (2) × (3) √ (4) × (5) × (6)√3. 略4. has, habits, gets, early, never goes, late, morning, bedtime, puts, finishes, does well, room, tidy, has, habits, does, late, doesn’t, earlyGrammar time我运用1. (1)√ (2)√ (3)× (4) √ (5) √ (6) ×2. (1)Listen to,teacher,school (2)Do,help your,home (3) Did, go, bed, last night Cartoon time我运用2. (1) show, around (2) go into (3) on the floor (4) put, in order (5) brushes his teeth, before bedtime (6) listen to3. (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) B (5) C (6) CCheckout time & Ticking time我尝试2. happy strong weak tidy我运用1. is singing well2. gets up late3. is running fastUnit 2单元测试卷笔试部分一、1~5 B A A B A二、1.is wearing 2.are 3.happily 4.Does, have 5.keeps 6.Did, go三、1~6 A B C C A C四、1.never goes to bed late 2.walk fast 3.This child, good habits, keeps his room tidy and clean 4.did, finish his homework 5.把你的玩具放整齐 6.昨晚7.把水倒进洞里五、1. are playing,happily 2. brings, water, pours, into3. always puts, things, order4. also helps, home5. Let, show, clothes六、1~5 F T T F FUnit 3 A healthy dietStory time我交流1. (1) F (2) A (3) B (4) C (5) G (6) D (7) E2. bread, milk, rice, fish, meat, noodles, an egg, meat, vegetables, rice3. (1) A (2) B (3) A (4) B (5) A我运用1. 略2. (1) have, healthy diet(2) a few, every(3) has, lot of, for(4) For, only, a little(5) eats, sweet, at a time 3. (1) A (2) AGrammar time我尝试2. potato tomato vegetable我交流1. 略2. noodles, vegetables, eggs, meat, bread, water, rice, milk, juice, mangoes, potatoes, tomatoes我运用1. a few potatoes, drink a little water, 吃很多肉,drink some milk, a few eggs, a lot of tomatoes, five mangoes, 吃一些蔬菜2. (1) drinks, little(2) eat a lot of noodles(3) He eats a few eggs.(4) They have some vegetables every day.Fun time我交流2. eat, breakfast, have, noodles, lunch, dinner, a lot of, vegetables, healthy我运用1.for lunch2.does, have3.has, vegetables4.does, for, has, noodlesSound time & Culture time我尝试2. (1) B (2) D (3) C (4) A (5) F (6) G我交流2. E C D A B我运用1.(1)√ (2)× (3)√ (4)× (5) √ (6) √2.(1)Do,do(2)Does(3)have, has(4)for(5)Does,doesn’t, drinks(6)ChineseCartoon time我尝试3. (1) C (2) A (3) D (4) E (5) B (6) F我交流1. (1)A (2)D2. (1)went,supermarket(2)No,didn’t(3)fish, rice (4)it wasn’t我运用2.supermarket, not much, cola, takes, bottle, needs, rice, have a rest3.(1) come with me(2) shouldn’t, too much(3) Take this big bag(4) Can we have a rest(5) We need a lot of rice(6) There is not much food in the fridge4.(1) with(2) drink (3) needs (4) rest (5) muchCheckout time & Ticking time我交流1. 略2. (1) T (2) T (3) T (4) Fhave for, have, bread, milk, does, breakfast, has, porridge, about, ForUnit 3单元测试卷笔试部分一、1~5 A B A A B二、1. drinks a little water 2. a few eggs 3. a healthy diet 4. at a time 5. eata lot of vegetables 6. 喝点粥吃些馒头 7. 喝太多可乐 8. need some vegetables 9. havea rest 10. is good for 11. not much food 12. 拿一小瓶三、1~5 B B A C B 6~10 B C B A C四、1.have a rest 2.Does,have,healthy diet 3.should,too much 4.not much,fridge5.has,lot,noodles,breakfast6.want to come with me7.He eats a few eggs every week.五、1~5 C D A B F六、do, have, milk, bread, about, lunch, rice, vegetables, healthy diet七、1~3 F T T 4. Some bread and milk 5. Yes, he does.Unit 4Road safetyStory time我尝试2. 马路,人行道,规则,必须,禁止,安全的,容易地,交通,遵守我交流1. 略2. 4 3 2 13. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) T (5) F我运用2. green man a zebra crossing red man road traffic lights pavement3. roads, crossing, lights, mustn’t, shoul d, safe, pavement, cross4. (1)playing football,behavior,follow,safe (2)cross,can’t,look,left,right脱口秀Grammar time我尝试1.c an’t, mustn’t, couldn’t, aren’t我交流2.(1)shouldn’t(2)mustn’t(3) must(4)loudly, can’t(5)must,quietly我运用1. (1) C (2) C (3) A (4) CFun time我尝试2. C A D B我交流2. (1)diet, mustn’t(2)road, safe (3)never (4)crossing, lights我运用1. follow the rules and stay safe, run or play2.(1)繁忙的马路(2)小心(3)在人行道上的等待(4) follow the rules (5) on the roadSound time & Culture time我交流1. must, mustn’t, can2.(1) D (2) A (3) F (4) C (5) B (6) E我运用1. (1)√ (2)× (3) × (4)× (5) √ (6)×2. (1) D (2) C (3) E (4) B (5) A Cartoon time3. E A D B C我交流2. (1) C (2) B (3) C3.(1)Yes,they do.(2)Yes,they are.(3)It means we must stop.(4)Because there is a red light 我运用2. (1) so many cars, road (2) How, get to, shopping(3) aren’t any, lights (4) must, pavement, look out3. aunt, take, get, road, light, means, must, crossing, roadCheckout time & Ticking time我尝试2. (1) you can (2) you can’t (3) you must (4) you can’t我交流2. (1) with (2) by, up (3) mustn’t (4) must, in (5) little我运用1. (1) D (2) C (3) CD (4) A (5) B2. Where, classroom, are, having, must, follow, mustn’t, loudlyUnit 4单元测试卷笔试部分一、1~4 ×√×√二、1. many busy roads 2. green man 3. follow the rules 4. got up late 5. on the Zhong Shan Road 6. 安全地过马路 7. 小心它们 8. 确保安全三、1~5 A B A A C 6~10 C C B A A四、1. Must we, early 2. little, crosses, road with 3. healthy diet, must, vegetables4. wait on, look out for五、cross, road, can’t, lights, must, mustn’t, should follow, pavement六、1~4 F T T F 5. On foot. 6. He crossed the road quickly without looking left and then a bus came to him and hurt his left leg.Project 1Being a good student (A)名师点拨1. large early tidy strong2. 在森林里,出来,吵醒,把……倒入,做得好,把东西摆放整齐,帮助他的父母3. Amy: Amy gets up early and has breakfast every day. She goes to school early. She helps her classmates. She finishes her homework before dinner. She always waits for the green man before she crosses the road. She often eats too many sweets.John: John says “good morning” to his teachers, but he is sometimes late for school. He watches TV in the evening. He waits for the green man before he crosses the road, but he sometimes runs quickly on the road. He usually eats a lot of meat for lunch and dinner. 我运用1. (1)× (2)× (3)× (4)√2. (1) B (2) A (3) A (4) A (5) C3.(1)From then on,the mouse became (2)go to bed late (3)eats some meat, some vegetables(4)wait,pavement,look out for cars and bikes (5)watches TV, does his homeworkProject 1Being a good student (B, C)我尝试2. a lot of pavement traffic lights road我交流1. (1)√ (2)× (3)× (4)× (5)√ (6)√2. (1) has (2) must, mustn’t(3) angry, eat (4) tidy (5) at, in3.(1)road, must, must, lights, green man (2) do,have,meat,fruit,about,healthy diet期中学业水平检测笔试部分一、1~4 ×××√二、1.吵醒狮子 2.吃几个鸡蛋3.每天4.跑得快 5.carefully 6.a little 7.Good habits三、1. gets 2. sadly 3. are laughing 4. supper 5. A little 6. tidy and clean 7. Monday 8. Do, have 9. swimming 10. bit四、1~5 C B A B A 6~10 C B D A B 五、1. brings, water, pours, into2. has, lot, noodles, breakfast3. lion and the mouse become friends六、1~5 C B C C BUnit 5 A partyStory time我尝试2. D A H B C E F G3. E D B A C F我交流1. C D A B2. (1) It is Children’s Day. (2) They are going to have a part y at Mike’s house.(3) Liu Tao. (4) They are going to have some fun first.我运用2. Children’s Day, have a party, snacks, drinks, toys, friends, clown, Liu Tao, balloons3. (1) is, toys, with (2) clown, balloonsGrammar time我尝试2. fruit, balloons, drinks我交流1. (1) B (2) A (3) C2. (1) are (2) are (3) Is, is我运用1. is your father going to do this Sunday they going to play with some toys2. isn’t, going to, balloonsFun time我尝试2. 四月一日在下午欢迎来到聚会带着零食和饮料玩得开心开心街我交流1.1st April (Sunday)2.Room 622,Building 3,No.900 Happy Street3.snacks and drinks我运用1.(1)What (2)Where (3)When2.(1)are, snacks (2)Children’s, party(3)balloons Sound time and Culture time我交流2.看着窗外西方聚会带上礼物迟到几分钟我运用1.(1)√(2)× (3)× (4)× (5)× (6)√2. (1) Western, Do not, early, late (2) is, is3. not, too early can be a few minutes late3. C D E B A我交流1. C B A play the piano tell a story put on a play2. (1) They are going to have a party soon.(2) Bobby.3. (1) F (2) F (3) T (4) T我运用2. have a party, play the piano, tell a story, put on a play, king3. (1) are you, do at (2) going to tell, story(3) Let’s put on a play(4)I’m going to be the king(5) He is wearing his new clothes4.(1) wearing (2) play (3) story (4) begin (5) areCheckout time and Ticking time我交流1.(1) at my house (2)three in the afternoon (3)five in the afternoon2. C B A我运用going to, is, is going to, fruit, isn’tUnit 5单元测试卷笔试部分一、1~6 ×√×√√√二、1. Children’s Day 2. put on 3. some balloons4. wearing new clothes5. have a party6. 带上礼物7. 一个小丑出现了8. 玩得开心9. 讲个故事 10. 成为国王三、1~5 C A B C B 6~10 A B A C A四、1~6 B D F A C E五1.are,party 2.going to bring some fruit from home 3.What is your father going to buy for the party 4.Are they going to bring some snacks 5.Do not arrive too early六、When, am going to, Are, party, balloons, toys, playing with七、1~4F F T F 5.Liu Tao is going to be a clown and bring some balloons.6.No, he isn’t. Unit 6An interesting countryStory time我尝试3. (1) G (2) E (3) A (4) H (5) B (6) I (7) C (8) F我交流1. (1) B (2) B (3) C (4) A2. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) T3.(1)He’ll ask his friend in Australia.(2)He’ll ask Mr Green.(3) She’ll go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia. (4)He is reading about Australia. 我运用1. (1) learn about, next week, find out about, before, lessons(2) ask, e-friend, send, photos, ask, comes from, read about, Internet, library, look for(3) kangaroos, koalas, football games, exciting2. (1) The children, learn about, next month (2) will love kangaroos, koalas(3) Will, go to Sydney this summer holiday(4) should not, so much, cars, a lot of energy (5) People in Australia welcome visitors3. Australia, kangaroos, koalas, Australian football games, exciting, visitGrammar time我尝试国家下周在澳大利亚去图书馆下个月来年我运用1. (1) They’ll(2) go (3) learn about (4) has (5) is going to (6) is sleeping2.(1)When,come home(2)friends,have,party in,park (3)will also like Sydney(4) People in China welcome visitors. (5)I’ll read about kangaroos on the Internet3. (1) Sunday, will, with, want, you, Welcome, join, bring, fruit(2) will, zoo, kangaroos, koalas, Australia, about, will, time, AtFun time我尝试3. Sydney, the London Eye, kangaroo, koala, Big Ben, Tower Bridge我交流1. (1) It’s sometimes rainy.(2) Yes, they do. (3) London and Oxford.(4) Big Ben, the London Eye and Tower Bridge.我运用1. (1) about (2) for (3) like (4) out (5) before2. (1) will learn, country (2) welcome visitors (3) lovers (4) koalas3. 澳式橄榄球运动爱好者读杂志大本钟塔桥伦敦眼a beautiful country next week send an e-mail to my friend find out about the country Sound time & Culture time我尝试3.over there in Australia fresh air 它的风景/景色长城黄石国家公园大堡礁我交流4. (1) D (2) E (3) B (4) A我运用1. (1) √ (2) × (3) × (4) √ (5) × (6) ×2. (1) children, learn about, an, country (2) send, e-mails, friend(3) want find out about (4) is, to, look for, aboutCartoon time我尝试3. (1) B (2) F (3) D (4) A (5) C我交流1. 4 1 2 32. (1) A (2) C (3) C (4) B (5) B3.(1)He learns about cooking on the Internet and he reads newspap ers too.(2)No,he isn’t.我运用1. eating nice food, be, cook, find out, cooking, learn, cooking, Internet, read newspapers, cook dinner, busy, kitchen, cooking fish, making, potato2. (1) B (2) B (3) A (4) C (5) BCheckout time & Ticking time我尝试2. fruit shopping me e-mails a story the UK balloons pencils fun a salad我运用1. (1) √ (2) √ (3) × (4) √ (5) × (6) ×2. (1) My parents, I, visit, next month (2) some things about Australia.(3) can’t wait, have, picnic (4) My mother, do many things tomorrow morning. Unit 6单元测试卷一、1~6 √√×√√×二、1. for example 2. exciting 3. a little 4. find out 三、1. find out about, 在上课之前 2. 寄给我一些邮票, country 3. 运动爱好者,澳式橄榄球比赛 4. next Sunday 5. welcome, visitors 6. learning四、1~5 D B C D A 6~10 D B A C B 五、1~5 B C E D A六、(1) My friend wants to find out more about Australia (2) Will your parents do housework this evening (3) Are there any interesting cities in Japan (4) I can’t wait to read the book (5) I can use “will” to talk about the future七、1.speak,will,do,have a picnic with,friends,interesting,join,meet,in front of2. Where, go, country, like, kangaroos, koalas八、1~4 F F T T1. No, they won’t.2. They’ll h ave some pies, hot dogs, some orange juice and some grapes.3. The boys will go climbing and the girls will sing some songs.Unit 7Summer holiday plansStory time我尝试1. 略2. A C E B D3. A B E C D F我交流1. (1) A (2) B (3) A B (4) B2. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) T (5) F我运用2. holiday, plans, go back to, stay, month, visit, train, parents, Disneyland, Taipei, show, photos, after3. (1) will, for, summer holiday (2) will stay, London, month(3)will,Disneyland,Ocean Park,Hong Kong (4)Liu Tao will show some photos after the holiday Grammar time我尝试2. Beijing London Taipei我交流2.(1)will,study (2)am,will go (3)will give (4)Will, stay, will visit (5)won’t use 我运用1. go back to how long go in July stay there for a month show you some photos暑假去海洋公园拜访她的叔叔婶婶2. (1) How long will, stay there (2) Where will, go for, summer holiday(3) Will they go, Disneyland, No, they won’tFun time我运用2. Liu Tao will go to Hong Kong. Su Hai will go to Taipei.Mike will do London. Yang Ling will go to Disneyland.Sound time & Culture time我尝试2. C A B D我交流1~2. 略3. H A G E B D F C我运用1. (1) √ (2) √ (3)× (4) √2. (1) will, Uluru, Australia (2) little boy playing with his toyCartoon time3. (1) E (2) D (3) G (4) C (5) A (6) B我交流1. (1) B (2) B (3) A2.(1) go to,UK,the US and Australia (2)travel plans (3)Yes,will (4)No they won’t 我运用2.reading,travel,traveller,travel around the world,travel plans,excited,go with,take a taxi3. (1) How will, get to the UK (2) is talking, travel plans with(3) want to be, traveller, travel around the world (4) I will visit many places.4. (1) around (2) with, won’t (3) sounds (4) visit (5) backCheckout time & Ticking time我交流2. (1) F (2) F (3) T (4) T我运用1. a plan, go t o Beijing, She’ll2. are, going, go to visit, How long, for two months, will visit, Will, No, won’t, photos Unit 7单元测试卷笔试部分一、1~6 ×√×√√×二、1. will go back to 2. go in July 3. How long, for a month 4. some photos, the holiday5. 环游世界6. 有不同的计划7. 发现三、1~5 B C C B C 6~10 C B A C B四、1. will, go for your summer holiday 2. will go, Tower Bridge, London3. will find Uluru, Australia4. talking about his travel plans五、1~5 B D E C A 六、Where will, How long, for a month, visit, photos七、1~3 F F T 1. The UK. 2. No, he won’t.Unit 8Our dreamsStory time我尝试2. dancer, astronaut, football player, pianist3. (1) A (2) E (3) G (4) H (5) D (6) C (7) B (8) F4. (1) B (2) A (3) A我交流3.Who His/ Her dream Why Mike a dentist help children WangBing astronaut fly a spaceship to the Moon Liu Tao football player play in the World Cup some day Su Hai dancer to be healthy and beautifulNancy writer writer stories for children Yang Ling pianist make people happy4.(1)They are talking about their dreams. (2)Her dream is to see all their dreams come true.我运用1. (1) F (2) F (3) T (4) T (5) T2. I want to be a dentist. I want to be an astronaut.I want to be a dancer. I want to be a writer.3. their dreams, dentist, care about, astronaut, fly, spaceship, World Cup, dance, dancing,Grammar time我交流2. 想要成为想要做……成真在未来我运用1.(1)想成为一名舞蹈家 (2)in the future (3) make people healthy and beautiful (4) 使人们开心 (5) come true (6) write stories for children2. (1) do, want, do, the future (2) I want to fly a spaceship to the Moon(3) Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful3. (1) do, want to be, a cook (2) does, want to be, a policeman(3) What does she want to be in the future? She wants to be a teacher.Fun time & Sound time我尝试1. astronaut dancer doctor pianist policeman teacherwriter cook我运用1. policeman dancer football player teacher cook astronaut3. 1. A 2. C 3. B4. an astronaut, Two, Xing Xing, Xiao Mi, Three, policeman, pianist, music, happy, writer, write storiesCartoon time我尝试2. (1) D (2) A (3) B (4) C我交流1. (1) D (2) B (3) C (4) A2. Who Dream What should he/she do? Bobby a scientist read many booksSam a policeman do more sport Willy an artist have painting lessonsBilly a cook go to cooking school我运用1. (1) scientist, study hard, read many books (2) brave, strong, do more sport (3) wants to be, painting (4) cook, cooking schoolCheckout time, Song time & Ticking time我尝试2. (1) F (2) G (3) E (4) H (5) D我运用1. (1) 关心他们的牙齿 (2) want to be an astronaut (3) 努力学习 (4) read many books (5) 画画 (6) have painting lessons (7)给孩子们写故事 (8) come true2. (1) see, dreams come true (2) should be brave, strong (3) Bobby and his friends have their dreams (4) football player, World Cup (5) playing the piano, a pianistUnit 8单元测试卷笔试部分一、1. in the future, dentist 2. football player, playground 3. dreams 4. 给孩子们写故事 5. 使人们开心 6. 成真 7. 照顾二、1~5 C A C B B 6~10 A B C A A三、1. do, want, be, the future 2. I want to fly a spaceship to the Moon3. Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful4. Jenny wants to be a dentist, because she wants to help children四、1. (1)~(4) F T F F 2. (1)~(4) B C C DA travel book (A, B)我尝试2. Shanghai, Beijing, Sydney, Hong Kong我运用1. (1) √(2) ×(3) √ (4) √2. (1) B (2) B (3) A (4) C (5) B3. (1) What, going to (2) weather is(3) Here, balloons for (4) in Australia, visitors (5) will show, the holidayA travel book(C)我尝试2. she’ll they’ll won’t I’ll we’ll he’ll我交流3. F B A E G D C我运用1. (1) √(2) ×(3) √(4) √(5) √ (6) ×2. (1) find out (2) am, will (3) watching (4) cloudy, clouds (5) also3. (1) Liu Tao, are, balloons (2) will go to, long, stay, will, there期末学业水平检测笔试部分一、1~6 ××××√√二、1.儿童节 2.发现 3.给你看些照片 4.环游世界 5.get to 6.in thefuture 7.pianist三、1. will be 2. to buy 3. are making 4. dinner 5. At twelve6. were7. rainy8. want to be9. will be 10. excited四、1~5 C C A B A 6~10 C D A A A 五、1~5 B A A A B六、1. artist, party, paints, painting lessons2. What’s, London, interesting places, Ben七、(A) 1~5 F F T F T (B) 1~5 D C C A B。
一、选择题1. 下列数中,是两位数的有()A. 345B. 67C. 890D. 1234答案:B2. 下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是()A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 三角形D. 平行四边形答案:A3. 下列分数中,真分数是()A. $\frac{2}{3}$B. $\frac{3}{2}$C. $\frac{4}{4}$D. $\frac{5}{7}$答案:D4. 在直线上,若点A到点B的距离是5cm,点B到点C的距离是8cm,那么点A到点C的距离是()A. 3cmB. 8cmC. 13cmD. 15cm答案:C5. 下列计算正确的是()A. 3.2×4.8=15.36B. 0.6×0.7=0.42C. 0.25×0.5=0.125D.0.4×0.3=0.12答案:C二、填空题6. 0.3的倒数是_________。
答案:$\frac{10}{3}$7. 下列各数中,最小的整数是_________。
答案:-58. 2.5×4的积是_________。
答案:109. 在数轴上,点A表示的数是-3,点B表示的数是2,那么点A和点B之间的距离是_________。
答案:510. 一个长方形的长是8cm,宽是5cm,那么这个长方形的面积是_________。
答案:40cm²三、解答题11. 一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,已知甲乙两地相距120km,汽车以每小时60km的速度行驶,求汽车从甲地开往乙地需要多少小时?答案:汽车从甲地开往乙地需要2小时。
12. 一个正方形的周长是24cm,求这个正方形的面积。
13. 小明有3个苹果,小红有5个苹果,小明和小红一共有多少个苹果?答案:小明和小红一共有8个苹果。
14. 一个长方形的长是12cm,宽是8cm,求这个长方形的面积。
A.x+y=6B.x-y=8 C.y=5x D.xy=77.下列说法正确的是()。
A.温度先上升8℃,再上升2℃B.温度先上升-8℃,再上升-2℃ C.温度先上升8℃,再下降2℃2.一架客机从北京飞往上海,飞行速度和所用时间()。