Technical Writing for Fun & Profit

如何提高创造性思维英语作文Creativity is a valuable asset in today's world, andit's something we can all cultivate. Here are some tips to help you unleash your creative juices and start thinking outside the box.First, try to step away from your routine. Routines can be comforting, but they can also limit our ability to see things in a new way. Take a break from your usual schedule and do something different. It could be a new hobby, a different route to work, or even just spending time in a new environment. This change in perspective can spark new ideas and inspire creativity.Another great way to boost creativity is to surround yourself with diverse people and experiences. Connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures. Read books, watch movies, or listen to music that you're not familiar with. These new experiences can expand your horizons and provide inspiration for unique ideas.Don't be afraid to take risks and experiment.Creativity often comes from trying new things and not being afraid to fail. Even if your first attempt doesn't work out, you can learn from it and use that knowledge to create something even better. Remember, every great invention or idea started with someone's willingness to.。
Technical_Writing 技术写作、资料开发

• Bad: To improve his approach, the experiment was done. • Bad: To capture the new semantics, Promela is extended with new primitives.
Important goal
• Don’t make readers a hard time in reading your papers
– Your technical content is already hard enough
Avoid ambiguous words
• “since” • • • • • “because”
Dangling modifiers
• Bad: After reading the original study, the paper remains unconvincing.
– after …., we find that the paper ….
• Bad: The experiment was a failure, not having studies the lab manual.
Avoid complicated words
• “utilize” “use”
Explicitly write out things
• Don’t let readers guess • I just got a pet and gave her a name. This is cute.
Technical Writing

Improving your technical writing skillsVersion 4.125 September 2003Norman FentonComputer Science DepartmentQueen Mary (University of London)London E1 4NSnorman@/~norman/Tel: 020 7882 7860AbstractThis document describes the basic principles of good writing. It is primarily targeted at students and researchers writing technical and business reports, but the principles are relevant to any form of writing, including letters and memos. Therefore, the document contains valuable lessons for anybody wishing to improve their writing skills. The ideas described here are, apart from fairly minor exceptions, not original. They are drawn from a range of excellent books and have also been influenced by various outstanding authors I have worked with. Thus, the approach represents a kind of modern consensus. This approach is very different to the style that was promoted by the traditional English schools’ system, which encouraged students to write in an unnecessarily complex and formal way. The approach described here emphasises simplicity (‘plain English’) and informality. For example, it encourages shorter sentences and use of the simplest words and phrases possible. It explains how you can achieve simplicity by using the active rather than the passive style, personal rather than impersonal style, and by avoiding noun constructs in favour of verbs. Crucially, this approach leads to better reports because they are much easier to read and understand.Document change historyVersion 1.0, 11 September 2000: Derived from Norman Fenton’s ‘Good Writing’ web pages. Version 2.0, 21 September 2001. Minor changes including addition of student project guidelines.Version 2.1, 20 September 2002. Minor corrections made.Version 3.0, 14 September 2003. Major revision.Version 4.0, 23 September 2003. Restructuring and editing.Version 4.1, 25 September 2003. Various typos fixed and polemic removed.Table of contents1.INTRODUCTION (4)2.BEFORE YOU START WRITING (5)ING PLAIN ENGLISH: STYLE (6)3.1S ENTENCE AND PARAGRAPH LENGTH (6)3.2B ULLET POINTS AND ENUMERATED LISTS (7)3.3U SING THE SIMPLEST WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS POSSIBLE (8)3.3.1Replace difficult words and phrases with simpler alternatives (9)3.3.2Avoid stock phrases (9)3.3.3Avoid legal words and pomposity (10)3.3.4Avoid jargon (10)3.4A VOIDING UNNECESSARY WORDS AND REPETITION (10)3.5U SING VERBS INSTEAD OF NOUNS (12)3.6U SING ACTIVE RATHER THAN PASSIVE STYLE (13)3.7U SING PERSONAL RATHER THAN IMPERSONAL STYLE (13)3.8E XPLAIN NEW IDEAS CLEARLY (15)3.9U SE CONSISTENT NAMING OF THE SAME ‘THINGS’ (15)3.10P AINLESS POLITICAL CORRECTNESS (16)3.11S UMMARY (17)ING PLAIN ENGLISH: THE MECHANICS (18)4.1A VOIDING COMMON VOCABULARY AND SPELLING ERRORS (18)4.2A BBREVIATIONS (19)4.3P UNCTUATION (19)4.3.1Capital letters (20)4.3.2Apostrophes (20)4.3.3Commas (21)4.3.4Exclamation marks (21)4.4S UMMARY (22)5.BASIC STRUCTURE FOR REPORTS (23)5.1W HAT EVERY REPORT SHOULD CONTAIN (23)5.2G ENERAL LAYOUT (24)5.3S ECTIONS AND SECTION NUMBERING (24)5.4T HE CRUCIAL ROLE OF ‘INTRODUCTIONS’ AND SUMMARIES (25)5.5F IGURES AND TABLES (26)5.6 A STRUCTURE FOR STUDENT PROJECT REPORTS (27)5.7S UMMARY AND CHECKLIST FOR WHEN YOU FINISH WRITING (28)6.ABSTRACTS AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES (29)7.WRITING THAT INCLUDES MATHEMATICS (31)8.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS (32)9.REFERENCES (33)1. IntroductionCompare the following two sentences that provide instructions to a set of employees (this Example is given in [Roy 2000]):1. It is of considerable importance to ensure that under no circumstances shouldanyone fail to deactivate the overhead luminescent function at its local activationpoint on their departure to their place of residence, most notably immediatelypreceding the two day period at the termination of the standard working week.2. Always turn the lights out when you go home, especially on a Friday.The meaning of both sentences is, of course, equivalent. Which one was easier to read and understand? The objective of this document is to show people how to write as in the second sentence rather than the first. If you actually prefer the first, then there is little point in you reading the rest of this document. But please do not expect to win too many friends (or marks) from any writing that you produce.Unfortunately, the great shame for anybody having to read lots of reports in their everyday life is that the schools’ system continues to produce students who feel they ought to write more like in the first sentence than the second. Hence, the unnecessarily complex and formal style is still common. This document shows you that there is a better way to write, using simple, plain English.One of the good things about technical writing is that you really can learn to improve. You should not believe people who say that being a good writer is a natural ability that you either have or do not have. We are talking here about presenting technical or business reports and not about writing novels. I speak from some experience in this respect, because in the last ten years I have learned these ideas and applied them to become a better writer. When I was writing my first book in 1989 an outstanding technical editor highlighted the many problems with my writing. I was guilty of many of the examples of bad practice that I will highlight throughout this document. You too can improve your writing significantly if you are aware of what these bad practices are and how to avoid them.The document contains the following main sections:• Before you start writing (Section 2): This is a simple checklist that stresses the importance of knowing your objective and audience.• Using plain English: style (Section 3). This is the heart of the document because it explains how to write in the simplest and most effective way.• Using plain English: the mechanics (Section 4). This covers vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation.• Basic structure for reports (Section 5). This section explains how to organise your report into sections and how to lay it out.• Abstracts and executive summaries (Section 6). This explains the difference between informative and descriptive abstracts. It tells you why you should always use informative abstracts and how to write them.• Writing that includes mathematics (Section 7). This contains some simple rules you should follow if your writing includes mathematical symbols or formulas.2. Before you start writingBefore you start producing your word-processed report you must make sure you do the following:• Decide what the objective of the report is. This is critical. If you fail to do this you will almost certainly produce something that is unsatisfactory. Every report should have a single clear objective. Make the objective as specific as possible.• Write down the objective. Ideally, this should be in one sentence. For example, the objective of this document is “to help students write well structured, easy-to-understand technical reports”. The objective should then be stated at the beginning of the report. If you cannot write down the objective in one sentence, then you are not yet ready to start any writing.• Always have in mind a specific reader. You should assume that the reader is intelligent but uninformed. It may be useful to state up front what the reader profile is. For example, the target readers for this document are primarily students and researchers with a good working knowledge of English. The document is not suitable for children under 13, or people who have yet to write documents in English. It is ideal for people who have written technical or business documents and wish to improve their writing skills.• Decide what information you need to include. You should use the objective as your reference and list the areas you need to cover. Once you have collected the information make a note of each main point and then sort them into logical groups. Ultimately you have to make sure that every sentence makes a contribution to the objective. If material you write does not make a contribution to the objective remove it – if it is good you may even be able to reuse it in a different report with a different objective.• Have access to a good dictionary. Before using a word that ‘sounds good’, but whose meaning you are not sure of, check it in the dictionary. Do the same for any word you are not sure how to spell.• Identify someone who can provide feedback. Make sure you identify a friend, relative or colleague who can read at least one draft of your report before you submit it formally. Do not worry if the person does not understand the technical area – they can at least check the structure and style and it may even force you to write in the plain English style advocated here.The following checklist should be applied before you give even an early draft of your document out for review:• Check that the structure conforms to all the rules described in this document.• Run the document through a spelling checker.• Read it through carefully, trying to put yourself in the shoes of your potential readers.3. Using plain English: styleWhen you are producing a technical or business report you want it to ‘get results’. If you are a student this can mean literally getting a good grade. More generally we mean that you want to convince the reader that what you have to say is sensible so that they act accordingly. If the report is a proposal then you want the reader to accept your recommendations. If the report describes a piece of research then you want the reader to understand what you did and why it was important and valid. Trying to be ‘clever’ and ‘cryptic’ in the way you write will confuse and annoy your readers and have the opposite effect to what you wanted. In all cases you are more likely to get results if you present your ideas and information in the simplest possible way. This section describes how to do this.The section is structured as follows:• Sections 3.1 and 3.2 describe structural techniques for making your writing easier to understand. Specifically:o Sentence and paragraph length: keeping them short is the simplest first step to improved writing.o Bullet points and lists: using these makes things clearer and less cluttered.• Sections 3.3 and 3.4 describe techniques for using fewer words. Specifically: o Using the simplest words and expressions available: this section also describes words and expressions to avoid.o Avoiding unnecessary words: this is about removing redundancy.• Sections 3.5 to 3.7 describe techniques for avoiding common causes of poorly structured sentences. Specifically:o Using verbs instead of nounso Using active rather than passive styleo Using personal rather than impersonal style• Section 3.8 describes how to explain new ideas clearly.• Section 3.9 explains the importance of naming things consistently.• Section 3.10 gives some rules on how to achieve political correctness in your writing without adding complexity.3.1 Sentence and paragraph lengthContrary to what you may have learnt in school, there is nothing clever about writing long, complex sentences. For technical writing it is simply wrong. You must get used to the idea of writing sentences that are reasonably short and simple. In many cases shorter sentences can be achieved by sticking to the following principles:1. A sentence should contain a single unit of information. Therefore, avoid compoundsentences wherever possible. In particular, be on the lookout for words like and, or and while which are often used unnecessarily to build a compound sentence.2. Check your sentences for faulty construction. Incorrect use of commas (see Section4.3 for how to use commas correctly) is a common cause of poorly constructed andexcessively long sentences.Example (this example fixes some other problems also that are dealt with below) Bad: “Time division multiplexed systems are basically much simpler, thecombination and separation of channels being affected by timing circuitsrather than by filters and inter-channel interference is less dependent onsystem non-linearities, due to the fact that only one channel is using thecommon communication medium at any instant.”Good: “Systems multiplexed by time division are basically much simpler.The channels are combined and separated by timing circuits, not byfilters. Interference between channels depends less on non-linear featuresof the system, because only one channel is using the commoncommunication medium at any time.”3. Use parentheses sparingly. Most uses are due to laziness and can be avoided bybreaking up the sentence. Never use nested parentheses if you want to retain your reader.Learning about some of the principles described below, especially using active rather than passive constructs, will go a long way toward helping you shorten your sentences.Just as it is bad to write long sentences it is also bad to write long paragraphs. A paragraph should contain a single coherent idea. You should always keep paragraphs to less than half a page. On the other hand, successive paragraphs that are very short may also be difficult to read. Such an approach is often the result of poorly structured thinking. If you need to write a sequence of sentences that each express a different idea then it is usually best to use bullet points or enumerated lists to do so. We consider these next.3.2 Bullet points and enumerated listsIf the sentences in a paragraph need to be written in sequence then this suggests that there is something that relates them and that they form some kind of a list. The idea that relates them should be used to introduce the list. For example, the following paragraph is a mess because the writer is trying to make what is clearly a list into one paragraph:Getting to university on time for a 9.00am lecture involves following a number of steps. First of all you have to set your alarm – you will need to do this before you go to bed the previous night. When the alarm goes off you will need to get out of bed.You should next take a shower and then get yourself dressed. After getting dressed you should have some breakfast. After breakfast you have to walk to the tube station, and then buy a ticket when you get there. Once you have your ticket you can catch the next train to Stepney Green. When the train arrives at Stepney Green you should get off and then finally walk to the University.The following is much simpler and clearer:To get to university on time for a 9.00am lecture:1. Set alarm before going to bed the previous night2. Get out of bed when the alarm goes off3. Take a shower4. Get dressed5. Have some breakfast6. Walk to the tube station7. Buy ticket8. Catch next train to Stepney Green9. Get out at Stepney Green10. Walk to the UniversityThe simple rule of thumb is: if what you are describing is a list then you should always display it as a list.The above is an example of an enumerated list. The items need to be shown in numbered order. If there is no specific ordering of the items in the list then you should use bullet points instead. For example consider the following paragraph:Good software engineering is based on a number of key principles. One such principle is getting a good understanding of the customer requirements (possibly by prototyping). It is also important to deliver in regular increments, involving the customer/user as much as possible. Another principle it that it is necessary to do testing throughout, with unit testing being especially crucial. In addition to the previous principles, you need to be able to maintain good communication within the project team (and also with the customer).The paragraph is much better when rewritten using bullet points:Good software engineering is based on the following key principles:• Get a good understanding of the customer requirements (possibly byprototyping).• Deliver in regular increments (involve the customer/user as much aspossible).• Do testing throughout, (unit testing is especially crucial).• Maintain good communication within the project team (and also with the customer).There are numerous examples throughout this report of bullet points and enumerated lists. You should never be sparing in your use of such lists. Also, note the following rule for punctuation in lists:If all the list items are very short, by which we normally mean less than one line long, then there is no need for any punctuation. Otherwise use a full stop at the end of each list item.3.3 Using the simplest words and expressions possibleOn a recent trip to Brussels by Eurostar the train manager made the following announcement: “Do not hesitate to contact us in the event that you are in need if assistance at this time”. What she meant was: “Please contact us if you need help now”,but she clearly did not use the simplest words and expressions possible. While this maybe acceptable verbally, it is not acceptable in writing.The golden rules on words and expressions to avoid are:• Replace difficult words and phrases with simpler alternatives;• Avoid stock phrases;• Avoid legal words and pomposity;• Avoid jargon.We will deal with each of these in turn.3.3.1 Replace difficult words and phrases with simpler alternativesTable 1 lists a number of words and expressions that should generally be avoided in favour of the simple alternative.Table 1 Words and expressions to avoidWord/expression to avoid SimplealternativeWord/expressiontoavoidSimplealternativeutilise use endeavourtry facilitate help terminate end,stop at this time now transmit sendin respect of about demonstrate showcommence start initiate begin terminate end, stop assist, assistance helpascertain findout necessitate needin the event of if in excess of more thanin consequence so dwelling houseenquire askAlso, unless you are talking about building maintenance or computer graphics, never use theverb ‘render’ as in:The testing strategy rendered it impossible to find all the faults.The ‘correct’ version of the above sentence is:The testing strategy made it impossible to find all the faults.In other words, if you mean ‘make’ then just write ‘make’ not ‘render’.3.3.2 Avoid stock phrasesStock phrase like those shown in Table 2 should be avoided in favour of the simpler alternative. Such phrases are cumbersome and pompous.Table 2 Stock phrases to avoidBAD GOODThere is a reasonable expectation that ... Probably …Owing to the situation that … Because, since …Should a situation arise where … If …Taking into consideration such factors as … Considering …Prior to the occasion when … Before …At this precise moment in time … Now …Do not hesitate to … Please …I am in receipt of … I have …3.3.3 Avoid legal words and pomposityLawyers seem to have a language of their own. This is primarily to ensure that their documents are so difficult to understand that only other lawyers can read them. This ensures more work and money for lawyers because it forces ordinary people to pay lawyers for work they could do themselves. For some strange reason ordinary people often think they are being very clever by using legal words and expressions in their own writing. Do not fall into this trap. Avoid legal words like the following:forthwith hereof Of the (4th) inst. thereofhenceforth hereto thereat whereat hereat herewith therein whereonAlso avoid nonsensical legal references like the following:“The said software compiler…”which should be changed to“The software compiler…”and:“The aforementioned people have agreed …”which should be changed to“A and B have agreed…”3.3.4 Avoid jargonExpressions like MS/DOS, Poisson distribution, and distributor cap are examples of jargon.In general, jargon refers to descriptions of specific things within a specialised field. The descriptions are often shorthand or abbreviations. If you are certain that every reader of your report understands the specialist field then it can be acceptable to use jargon. For example, if your only potential readers are computer specialists then it is probably OK to refer toMS/DOS without the need to explain what MS/DOS is or stands for. The same applies to Poisson distribution if your readers are all statisticians or distributor cap if your readers are car mechanics. In all other cases (which is almost always) jargon should be avoided. If you cannot avoid it by using alternative expressions then you should define the term the first time you use it and/or provide a glossary where it is defined.3.4 Avoiding unnecessary words and repetitionMany sentences contain unnecessary words that repeat an idea already expressed in another word. This wastes space and blunts the message. In many cases unnecessary words are causedby ‘abstract’ words like nature, position, character, condition and situation as the following examples show:BADGOOD The product is not of a satisfactory natureThe product is unsatisfactory The product is not of a satisfactory characterThe product is unsatisfactory After specification we are in a position tobegin detailed designAfter specification we can begin detailed design We are now in the situation of being able tobegin detailed designWe can now begin detailed designIn general, you should therefore use such abstract words sparingly, if at all.Often writers use several words for ideas that can be expressed in one. This leads to unnecessarily complex sentences and genuine redundancy as the following examples show:WITH REDUNDANCYWITHOUT REDUNDANCY The printer is located adjacent to the computerThe printer is adjacent to the computer The printer is located in the immediate vicinity of the computerThe printer is near the computer The user can visibly see the image movingThe user can see the image moving He wore a shirt that was blue in colour He wore a blue shirt The input is suitably processed The input is processed This is done by means of inserting an artificial faultThis is done by inserting an artificial fault The reason for the increase in number of faults found was due to an increase in testingThe increase in number of faults found was due to an increase in testing It is likely that problems will arise with regards to the completion of thespecification phaseYou will probably have problemscompleting the specification phase Within a comparatively short period we will be able to finish the designSoon we will be able to finish the designAnother common cause of redundant words is when people use so-called modifying words. For example, the word suitable in the sentence “John left the building in suitable haste” is a modifying word. It is redundant because the sentence “John left the building in haste” has exactly the same meaning. Similarly, the other form of a modifying word – the one ending in ‘y’ as in suitably – is also usually redundant. For example, “John was suitably impressed” says nothing more than “John was impressed”. Other examples are:BADGOOD absolute nonsense nonsense absolutely critical critical considerable difficulty difficulty considerably difficult difficultModifying words can be fine when used with a concrete reference, as in the example “Jane set John a suitable task” but in many cases they are not and so are best avoided: Here are the most common modifying words to avoid:appreciable excessive sufficientapproximate fair suitablecomparative negligible unduedefinite reasonableutter evident relativeFinally, one of the simplest ways to shorten and simplify your reports is to remove repetition. Poorly structured reports are often characterised by the same idea being described in different places. The only ‘allowable’ repetition is in introductions and summaries, as we shall see in Section 5.4. You can avoid repetition by checking through your report and jotting down a list of the key ideas as they appear. Where the same idea appears more than once, you have to decide once and for all the place where it should best go and then delete and/or merge the text accordingly.3.5 Using verbs instead of nounsLook at the following sentence:“Half the team were involved in the development of system Y”.This sentence contains a classic example of a common cause of poor writing style. The sentence is using an abstract noun ‘development’ instead of the verb ‘develop’ from which it is derived. The simpler and more natural version of the sentence is:“Half the team were involved in developing system Y”.Turning verbs into abstract nouns always results in longer sentences than necessary, so you should avoid doing it. The following examples show the improvements you can achieve by getting rid of nouns in favour of verbs:BAD GOODHe used to help in the specification of newsoftwareHe used to help specify new softwareAcid rain accounts for the destruction of ancientstone-workAcid rain destroys ancient stone-work When you take into consideration … When you consider …Clicking the icon causes the execution of the program The program executes when the icon is clickedMeasurement of static software properties was performed by the tool The tool measured static software propertiesThe analysis of the software was performed byFredFred analysed the software The testing of the software was carried out by Jane Jane tested the softwareIt was reported by Jones that method x facilitated the utilisation of inspection techniques by the testing team Jones reported that method x helped the testing team use inspection techniquesThe last example is a particular favourite of mine (the bad version appeared in a published paper) since it manages to breach just about every principle of good writing style. It uses a noun construct instead of a verb and it includes two of the forbidden words (facilitated, utilisation). However, one of the worst features of this sentence is that it says “It was reported by Jones” instead of simply “Jones reported”. This is a classic example of use of passive rather active constructs. We deal with this in the next section.3.6 Using active rather than passive styleConsider the following two sentences:1. Joe tested the software2. The software was tested by JoeBoth sentences provide identical information. The first is said to be in the active style and the second is said to be passive style. In certain situations it can make sense to use the less natural passive style. For example, if you really want to stress that a thing was acted on, then it is reasonable to use the passive style as in “the city was destroyed by constant bombing”. However, many writers routinely use the passive style simply because they believe it is more ‘formal’ and ‘acceptable’. It is not. Using the passive style is the most common reason for poorly structured sentences and it always leads to longer sentences than are necessary. Unless you have a very good reason for the change in emphasis, you should always write in the active style.The following examples show the improvements of switching from passive to active: BAD GOODThe report was written by Bloggs, and was found to be excellent Bloggs wrote the report, and it was excellentThe values were measured automatically by the control system The control system measured the values automaticallyIt was reported by the manager that the project was in trouble The manager reported that the project was in troubleThe precise mechanism responsible for this antagonism cannot be elucidated We do not know what causes this antagonismThe stability of the process is enhanced by co-operation Co-operation improves the stability of the process3.7 Using personal rather than impersonal styleSaying“My results have shown…”is an example of a sentence using the personal (also called first person) style. This contrasts with:“The author’s results have shown…”which is an example of the impersonal (also called third person) style.。

发送作业作文的英文Title: Submission of Homework Essay。
As per your request, I'm providing the essay in English without revealing your prompt.---。
Title: The Impact of Technology on Education。
Technology has become an integral part of modern education, revolutionizing the way students learn and teachers instruct. In this essay, we will explore the profound effects of technology on education and its implications for both students and educators.Firstly, technology has transformed the traditional classroom setting into a dynamic and interactive learning environment. With the advent of smartboards, tablets, and educational software, students now have access to a wealthof resources at their fingertips. They can engage with multimedia content, participate in virtual simulations, and collaborate with peers in ways that were previously unimaginable. This not only enhances their understanding of complex concepts but also fosters creativity and critical thinking skills.Furthermore, technology has democratized education by breaking down barriers to access. With online courses and digital textbooks, students from all walks of life can pursue their educational goals regardless of geographical location or socioeconomic status. This has opened up new opportunities for lifelong learning and skill development, empowering individuals to compete in the global economy.Additionally, technology has revolutionized the role of teachers, transforming them from mere instructors to facilitators of learning. With access to data analytics and learning management systems, educators can personalize instruction to meet the diverse needs of students. They can track individual progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted support where necessary. This not onlyimproves student outcomes but also enables teachers to cultivate a more inclusive and engaging classroom environment.However, despite its numerous benefits, technology in education also poses certain challenges that must be addressed. One such challenge is the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not. In order to ensure equitable access to education, policymakers must work to bridge this divide by investing in infrastructure and providing subsidies for low-income families.Furthermore, there is a growing concern about the potential for technology to replace human interaction in the classroom. While digital tools can enhance learning, they can never fully replace the invaluable experience of face-to-face interaction between students and teachers. Therefore, it is essential that educators strike a balance between technology-mediated instruction and traditional teaching methods to create a holistic learning experience.In conclusion, technology has had a profound impact on education, transforming the way students learn and teachers instruct. While it presents numerous opportunities for innovation and growth, it also poses challenges that must be addressed. By harnessing the power of technology responsibly, we can create a more inclusive, equitable, and engaging educational experience for all.--。
Introduction to English Technical Writing

Introduction to English TechnicalWriting英文技术写作简介在当今信息爆炸的时代,英文技术写作已经成为了一个不可或缺的技能。

如何提高我们的手写英语作文初三全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Improve Our Handwritten English Compositions in 8th GradeHey guys! I know a lot of us struggle with writing good compositions in English class. It's hard to come up with ideas, organize our thoughts, and then actually put pen to paper to write it all out neatly. But don't worry, I've got some tips that have really helped me improve my handwritten English compositions this year.First up, brainstorming ideas is so important. We can't just stare at a blank page and expect brilliance to flow from our pens! Before we start writing, we need to spend time thinking about the topic and jotting down any thoughts or examples that come to mind. I like to make mind maps – just write the main topic in the middle of a page and then draw branches off of it for different points or ideas related to the topic. Getting our ideas down in a visual way like this helps get our creative juices flowing.Once we've got a bunch of ideas mapped out, it's time to organize them into an outline. An outline is like a road map for our composition – it lets us plan where we're going with our writing before we actually start the journey. We decide what the main points are going to be, what examples or details we'll use to support each point, and how we'll structure the whole thing from intro to conclusion. Having this guide means we don't have to make it up as we go, which really cuts down on rambling or going off-track.With our roadmap outlined, we're finally ready to start the actual writing process. But we can't just dive right in scratching out sentences with our pens. Nope, we've got to go old school and write a rough draft first! A rough draft is where we get all our thoughts and ideas down on paper (or computer) without worrying too much about perfection. This is just to get the bulk of our content out of our brains and into some semblance of an essay. We can always revise and polish later.Speaking of revising, that's probably the most important step in this whole process. Once we have that rough draft done, we need to go through it with a critical eye. We're looking for areas that need improvement – maybe reordering some paragraphs to make the flow better, adding more descriptivedetails to enhance clarity, or cutting out unnecessary words and fluff. Revising means reworking and refining our writing until we've whipped it into shape.As we're revising, we also need to focus on the nitty-gritty mechanics like grammar, spelling, and punctuation. These little details may seem unimportant, but they actually matter a lot! Sloppy grammar makes our writing look unprofessional and distracts the reader from our awesome ideas and arguments. I like to read my drafts out loud so I can catch errors by hearing how the words sound together.Finally, when we've revised our compositions until we're happy with them, we get to the fun part – handwriting the final copy! This is where we show off our neatest penmanship and make sure the presentation is as polished as the content. We want to leave wide margins and skip lines to keep everything looking clean and readable. Pay special attention to making your letters clear and consistent in size. Sloppy handwriting can undermine even the best writing.Oh, and one last tip – don't forget the heading! We need to include the title of our composition, our name, the date, and any other info the teacher requires. It's such a small thing, but can cost us big points if we overlook it.So there you have it – my tried-and-true process for writing kick-ass handwritten compositions. It takes some time and effort, but following these steps really does make a difference. Our teachers will be able to see how much thought and care went into our work. And hey, we might even impress ourselves! Who knew we had such impressive writing chops?Give it a shot on your next in-class essay or short story assignment. Brainstorm up a storm, make those outlines tight, rough draft like crazy, revise revise revise, and then handwrite that final masterpiece. Before you know it, our handwritten English compositions will be leveling up like crazy. The 8th grade writing game will be ours!篇2Title: Unleashing Our Writing Prowess: Tips for Awesome English Compositions!Hey there, fellow students! Are you stuck in a rut when it comes to writing those English compositions? Fear not, because I've got some super cool tricks up my sleeve to help you unleash your writing prowess. Buckle up, and let's embark on this exciting journey together!First things first, we need to understand the importance of handwriting in today's digital age. Sure, typing on a computer or tablet is convenient, but there's something incredibly satisfying about putting pen to paper. Not only does it help us develop our fine motor skills, but it also allows our thoughts to flow more freely. Plus, let's be real, nothing beats the feeling of holding a freshly written composition in your hands, right?Now, let's talk about the fun part – brainstorming ideas! One of the best ways to come up with stellar ideas is to observe the world around you. Pay attention to the little details that others might miss, like the way the sun casts shadows on the playground or the way your favorite snack smells when it's fresh out of the oven. These seemingly insignificant observations can spark amazing story ideas or vivid descriptions in your writing.Another cool trick is to keep a journal or a notebook dedicated solely to your writing endeavors. Whenever a brilliant thought pops into your head, jot it down immediately. Trust me, these little nuggets of inspiration can be lifesavers when you're staring at a blank page, wondering where to begin.Now, let's talk about the actual writing process. One of the most important things to remember is to have a clear structure in mind. Start with a captivating introduction that grabs thereader's attention, followed by a well-organized body that explores your main ideas, and finally, a conclusion that wraps everything up nicely. Think of it like a delicious sandwich – you want the filling to be substantial and satisfying, bookended by two tasty slices of bread.When it comes to handwriting, it's crucial to practice regularly. Set aside a dedicated time each day, even if it's just for a few minutes, to work on your penmanship. The more you write, the more comfortable and confident you'll become. Don't be too hard on yourself if your handwriting isn't perfect right away – it's a skill that takes time and patience to master.As you're writing, remember to focus on using a varied and engaging vocabulary. Don't be afraid to break out that thesaurus (or online dictionary) and explore new words. Not only will it make your writing more interesting, but it'll also expand your English language skills. Plus, who doesn't love impressing their friends with a few fancy words here and there?Speaking of impressive, let's not forget about the importance of proofreading and editing. After you've poured your heart and soul into your composition, take a step back and read it over with fresh eyes. Look for any spelling or grammar errors, and make sure your ideas flow smoothly from oneparagraph to the next. If you're feeling extra ambitious, ask a friend or family member to read your work and provide feedback. Two (or more) heads are always better than one!Last but not least, don't be discouraged if your first few compositions aren't masterpieces. Writing is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Embrace the process, learn from your mistakes, and keep pushing forward. Every composition you write is an opportunity to grow and improve.So, there you have it, my fellow writers! With these tips and tricks up your sleeve, you'll be well on your way to crafting amazing English compositions that will leave your teachers and classmates in awe. Remember, writing is an art form, and you're the artist. So, grab that pen, unleash your creativity, and let your words dance across the page!篇3Title: Tips to Boost Your Handwritten English Compositions in Grade 9Hey there, fellow students! As we approach the crucial year of Grade 9, we all know that our English compositions will play a significant role in our academic journey. Writing well in English is not just about getting good grades; it's a valuable skill that willserve us throughout our lives. So, let's dive into some tips that can help us ace those handwritten compositions!Read, Read, and Read Some More!One of the best ways to improve your English writing is to read as much as you can. Reading exposes you to a wide range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and writing styles. Try to read books, magazines, or even online articles that interest you. As you read, pay attention to how the authors construct their sentences and use descriptive language. You can even keep a little notebook handy to jot down new words or phrases that catch your eye.Practice Makes Progress!Just like any other skill, writing takes practice. Set aside some time each day or week to practice your handwritten compositions. You can start by writing about your day, describing a favorite book or movie, or even crafting a short story. The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become with expressing your thoughts and ideas in English.Expand Your VocabularyHaving a rich vocabulary is essential for writing engaging compositions. Make it a habit to learn new words regularly. Youcan use flashcards, apps, or even create a personal dictionary where you write down new words along with their meanings and example sentences. Incorporating these new words into your writing will not only improve your vocabulary but also make your compositions more interesting and diverse.Pay Attention to Grammar and SpellingWhile creativity and ideas are crucial, don't forget the importance of proper grammar and spelling. Familiarize yourself with common grammar rules, and make use of resources like grammar books or online guides. When you're unsure about a word's spelling, double-check it in a dictionary or online. Remember, correct grammar and spelling make your writing more polished and easier to understand.Plan and Organize Your ThoughtsBefore you start writing, take some time to plan and organize your thoughts. Brainstorm ideas, create an outline, or use a graphic organizer to structure your composition. This will help you present your ideas in a clear and logical manner, making it easier for the reader to follow your train of thought.Show, Don't TellOne of the most effective ways to engage your reader is to use descriptive language that paints a vivid picture in their mind. Instead of simply stating facts or ideas, try to show them through specific details, examples, and sensory descriptions. This technique will make your writing more vivid and memorable.Seek Feedback and Learn from MistakesDon't be afraid to ask for feedback from your teachers or classmates. Their insights can help you identify areas for improvement and provide valuable suggestions. Additionally, when you receive feedback or corrections, take the time to understand your mistakes and learn from them. This will help you avoid repeating the same errors in future compositions.Stay Positive and PersistentImproving your handwritten English compositions takes time and effort. There may be moments when you feel discouraged or frustrated, but don't give up! Remember that every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and keep practicing with a positive mindset.Remember, writing is a journey, and every step you take brings you closer to mastering the art of handwritten Englishcompositions. Embrace the challenge, follow these tips, and watch your writing skills soar to new heights!篇4How to Improve Our Handwritten English CompositionsHey friends! I know a lot of us find it super hard to write good English compositions, especially when we have to handwrite them. Those timed writing tests can be really stressful! But don't worry, I've got some tips that have helped me and I want to share them with you.First off, the most important thing is to read, read, read! The more you read, the better your vocabulary and understanding of English will become. Read books, magazines, websites, anything you can get your hands on. Pay attention to how sentences are structured and how ideas flow from one to the next. The more examples of good writing you see, the easier it will be for you to write that way too.Another really helpful thing is to write practice compositions regularly, even if you don't have an assignment due. Pick a random topic, set a timer for 30 minutes, and just write. Don't worry about making it perfect, just get your ideas down on paper. Then you can go back and edit it, checking for grammar, spelling,and clarity. The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become with structured writing.When you do have a composition assignment, make sure you plan it out first. Brainstorm your main ideas and supporting details. Organize them into an outline with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Having a clear roadmap will make the actual writing so much easier.During the writing process, don't worry about being perfect at first. Get all your thoughts down, then go back and edit. Check that your ideas flow logically from one to the next. Add transition words like "additionally", "furthermore", "in contrast", etc. to connect your paragraphs.Pay special attention to your introduction and conclusion - these are so important! The introduction needs to capture the reader's attention and set up the main idea clearly. The conclusion should restate your main points and end with something memorable.For handwritten essays, neat handwriting is important for a good impression. Practice writing letters and words slowly and carefully. If your handwriting is messy, try using lined paper or a pen grip to help. Leaving space between lines can also make it easier to read.When you have a finished draft, read it out loud! This helps you catch mistakes and awkward phrasing that your eyes might have missed. Have a friend or parent read it too and give you feedback.Lastly, don't be too hard on yourself! Writing is a skill that takes time and practice. Keep working at it and you'll improve with each composition you write. An awesome writing voice and style will emerge.I really hope these tips are useful for you all! Getting better at written English can be challenging, but it's so important. Just take it step-by-step and don't get discouraged. You've got this! Let me know if you have any other questions.篇5Title: Mastering the Art of English Handwritten CompositionsHey there, fellow students! As we approach the end of our middle school journey, one thing that's been weighing heavily on our minds is the dreaded English handwritten composition. It's a task that strikes fear into the hearts of many, but fear not! With some dedication and a few insider tips, you can conquer this challenge and emerge victorious.First things first, let's address the elephant in the room – why is this even important? Well, besides being a crucial part of our final exams, handwritten compositions are a great way to showcase our English proficiency. They allow us to express our thoughts and ideas in a structured manner, demonstrating our grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and overall writing skills.Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of how to ace these compositions!Brainstorming and PlanningBefore you even put pen to paper, it's essential to have a solid plan in place. Start by brainstorming ideas related to the given topic. Jot down any thoughts, experiences, or examples that come to mind. This will help you organize your thoughts and establish a clear direction for your composition.Once you have a rough outline, it's time to structure your essay. A well-organized composition should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader's attention and provide a brief overview of your main points. The body paragraphs should elaborate on each of these points, providing examples and supporting details. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your key arguments and leave a lasting impression on the reader.Vocabulary and Grammar MasteryTo truly shine in your handwritten compositions, you'll need to have a strong command of English vocabulary and grammar. Don't be afraid to incorporate advanced words and phrases –just make sure you understand their meanings and use them correctly.One effective way to expand your vocabulary is to maintain a "word bank." Whenever you come across an interesting or unfamiliar word, jot it down, along with its definition and a sample sentence. Regularly reviewing and incorporating these words into your writing will do wonders for your compositions.As for grammar, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of sentence structure, verb tenses, and punctuation rules. If you're unsure about a particular grammatical concept, don't hesitate to consult your teacher or refer to reliable grammar resources.Practice, Practice, PracticeThe age-old saying "practice makes perfect" couldn't be more true when it comes to handwritten compositions. Set aside dedicated time each week to practice writing on various topics. This will not only improve your writing skills but also help you become more comfortable with the process.Additionally, don't be afraid to seek feedback from your teachers or peers. Their constructive criticism can provide valuable insights and help you identify areas for improvement.Time Management and PresentationDuring the actual composition exam, time management is key. Allocate a few minutes at the beginning to plan and outline your essay. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your composition flows logically.As you write, be mindful of your handwriting and presentation. Neat, legible handwriting not only makes a good impression but also helps the examiner understand your ideas more clearly.Remember, the composition exam is not a sprint but a marathon. Pace yourself and don't rush through your writing. Take breaks when needed to clear your mind and refocus.Confidence and PositivityLast but certainly not least, approach your handwritten compositions with confidence and a positive mindset. Believe in your abilities and trust the preparation you've put in. A little self-assurance can go a long way in helping you overcome any nerves or doubts.Throughout the writing process, stay positive and remind yourself of your strengths. Even if you make a mistake or stumble upon a challenging section, don't let it derail you. Acknowledge it, learn from it, and move forward with determination.In conclusion, mastering handwritten English compositions is no easy feat, but with dedication, practice, and the right strategies, it's an achievable goal. Embrace the challenge, follow these tips, and watch as your writing skills soar to new heights!Remember, the journey towards improvement is ongoing, and every composition is an opportunity to learn and grow. So, grab your pen, take a deep breath, and let your thoughts flow onto the page. You've got this!篇6How to Improve Our Handwritten English Compositions in Grade 9Hey there, guys and gals! It's me, your friendly neighborhood elementary school kid here to talk about something super important – how to improve our handwritten English compositions as we move into Grade 9. I know, I know, writing essays in English can be a real pain, but trust me, it's a skill that's gonna come in handy later on in life.First things first, let's talk about why handwritten compositions are still a thing in this day and age of computers and tablets. Well, for starters, it helps us develop our fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, which are important for all sorts of tasks, not just writing. Plus, there's something kinda satisfying about putting pen to paper and seeing your thoughts come to life in your own handwriting, don't you think?Now, let's get down to the nitty-gritty of how we can level up our handwritten English compositions. One of the biggest challenges we face is probably organizing our thoughts and ideas in a coherent and logical way. It's easy to get carried away and go off on tangents, but that's a surefire way to lose marks on your essay.Here's a hot tip: before you start writing, take a few minutes to brainstorm and jot down your main ideas. You can use a mind map, a list, or whatever works best for you. Once you've got your thoughts organized, it'll be way easier to structure your essay and make sure your points flow smoothly from one to the next.Another challenge we often face is vocabulary. Let's be real, English can be a tricky language, and sometimes we just don't know the right words to express what we want to say. But fearnot, my friends! There are plenty of resources out there to help us expand our vocabulary.One of my personal favorites is using a thesaurus. A thesaurus is like a dictionary, but instead of giving you definitions, it gives you synonyms (different words with similar meanings) for the word you look up. So, if you're stuck on a word and can't quite remember it, you can look up a similar word and browse through the synonyms until you find the one you're looking for.Another great strategy is to read as much as you can in English. Whether it's books, magazines, or even online articles, the more you expose yourself to the language, the more vocabulary you'll pick up naturally. And don't be afraid to jot down any new words you come across and look them up later!Now, let's talk about the actual writing process. One of the biggest mistakes we can make is rushing through our compositions without taking the time to proofread and edit our work. Trust me, I've been there – you think you've nailed it on the first try, only to realize later that you've made a ton of silly mistakes.That's why it's so important to take a break after you've finished your first draft and come back to it with fresh eyes. Readthrough your essay slowly and carefully, checking for spelling and grammar errors, as well as any parts that don't make sense or could be phrased better.And don't be afraid to ask for help! Whether it's your teacher, a classmate, or even a parent or older sibling, having someone else take a look at your work can be incredibly valuable. They might catch mistakes or areas for improvement that you've missed, and they can offer feedback and suggestions to help you strengthen your writing.Last but not least, let's talk about handwriting itself. I know, I know, it's not the most exciting topic, but hear me out. Having neat and legible handwriting can actually make a big difference in how your compositions are perceived and graded.If your handwriting is messy or hard to read, it can be a real pain for your teacher to try and decipher what you've written, and they might miss out on some of your brilliant ideas or arguments. Plus, sloppy handwriting just doesn't look very professional or polished.So, take the time to practice your handwriting and work on developing a neat and consistent style. It might seem like a small thing, but it can really elevate the overall quality of your compositions.And there you have it, folks – my top tips for improving your handwritten English compositions as you head into Grade 9. It might seem like a lot of work, but trust me, it'll be worth it in the long run. Not only will you impress your teachers and get better grades, but you'll also be developing important skills that'll serve you well in all sorts of future endeavors.So, what are you waiting for? Grab a pen and some paper, and start practicing those compositions! And remember, if you ever get stuck or need a little extra help, don't be afraid to reach out to your teacher, classmates, or even yours truly (though I might not be the best resource for Grade 9 level stuff).Happy writing, my friends, and may your compositions be as awesome as you are!。
FOr fun英语作文

When it comes to writing an English essay for fun,there are several elements to consider to make it engaging and enjoyable for both the writer and the reader.Here are some tips and ideas to help you craft a fun and interesting essay:1.Choose a Lighthearted Topic:Pick a subject that you find amusing or that has a humorous angle.It could be about a funny incident,a quirky hobby,or a lighthearted perspective on a common situation.e Descriptive Language:Engage the readers senses by using vivid and colorful language.Describe scenes,characters,and emotions in a way that paints a picture in the readers mind.3.Incorporate Humor:Inject humor into your essay by using puns,jokes,or funny anecdotes.Be careful,though,to ensure that the humor is appropriate for your audience and doesnt offend anyone.4.Create Memorable Characters:If your essay includes characters,give them distinct personalities,quirks,and dialogue that make them stand out and add to the fun of the story.e a Conversational Tone:Write as if youre telling a story to a friend.This can make your essay more approachable and enjoyable to read.6.Play with Structure:Instead of following a traditional essay structure,experiment with different formats.You could write a dialogue,a list,a series of diary entries,or even a fictional interview.7.Include Personal Experiences:Sharing personal anecdotes can make your essay more relatable and engaging.It also gives you the freedom to express your unique perspective on the topic.e Repetition for Effect:Repeat certain phrases or words for emphasis or to create a rhythm in your writing,which can be particularly effective in humorous essays.9.End with a Twist or a Punchline:Conclude your essay with an unexpected twist or a punchline that leaves the reader with a smile or a thoughtful reflection.10.Revise for Clarity and Flow:After youve written your first draft,go back and revise for clarity,flow,and to ensure that the humor lands as intended.Heres a brief example of a fun English essay about a hypothetical situation:Title:The Great Backyard SafariHave you ever imagined your backyard as a wild jungle,teeming with exotic creatures and untold adventures?One sunny afternoon,I decided to embark on the Great Backyard Safari,armed with nothing but a magnifying glass and my wildest imagination.As I stepped outside,the first creature I encountered was the elusive Garden Gnome,a shy and mysterious figure known to guard the borders of my territory.With a gentle hello, I moved on,deeper into the foliage.Next,I spotted the Lawn Lizard,a swift and agile reptile,darting between blades of grass.I marveled at its speed and agility,wishing I could move as swiftly through my daily chores.My safari took an unexpected turn when I stumbled upon the Potted Plant Oasis,a place where colorful Butterfly Beauties flitted from flower to flower,their wings a kaleidoscope of colors.As the sun began to set,I returned home,my mind filled with the wonders of the natural world right outside my door.The Great Backyard Safari was a reminder that adventure can be found in the smallest of places,and sometimes,all it takes is a little imagination. Remember,the key to a fun English essay is creativity and a willingness to step outside the box.Enjoy the process of writing,and your readers will enjoy the result.。
fun 英语作文

When it comes to writing an English essay that is both engaging and enjoyable, there are several key elements to consider.Heres a stepbystep guide to crafting a fun English essay:1.Choose a Captivating Topic:Start with a subject that genuinely interests you.This will make the writing process more enjoyable and your enthusiasm will likely shine through to the reader.2.Create a Catchy Title:The title is the first thing your readers will see.Make it intriguing to draw them in.For example,if youre writing about a memorable trip,instead of just saying My Trip to Paris,you could say A Whirlwind Adventure in the City of Lights.3.Engage with a Strong Introduction:Begin your essay with a hook that will capture the readers attention.This could be a question,a quote,or a bold statement that relates to your topic.e Descriptive Language:To make your essay fun,use vivid and descriptive language.Paint a picture with your words so that readers can visualize what youre describing.5.Incorporate Humor:If it fits with your topic and tone,adding a touch of humor can make your essay more enjoyable to read.Just be sure its appropriate and doesnt detract from your main message.6.Include Anecdotes or Personal Experiences:Sharing a personal story or anecdote can make your essay more relatable and interesting.It allows readers to connect with you on a deeper level.7.Vary Your Sentence Structure:Mix up your sentence lengths and structures to keep the essay from becoming monotonous.Short,punchy sentences can be as effective as longer, more complex ones.e Dialogue:If its relevant to your essay,including dialogue can make it more dynamic and engaging.It can also help to convey character and emotion.9.Edit for Clarity and Flow:Once youve written your first draft,go back and revise for clarity,flow,and grammar.Make sure your essay is easy to read and that your ideas are presented in a logical order.10.Proofread for Errors:Finally,proofread your essay to catch any spelling or grammatical errors.A polished essay will be more enjoyable to read.Remember,the goal of a fun English essay is not only to inform or persuade but also to entertain.By following these tips,you can create an essay that is both enjoyable to write and to read.。

投诉计算机英语作文Complaint about ComputerIn today's digital age, computers have become an integral part of our daily lives. They have revolutionized the way we work, communicate, and access information. However, as with any technology, computers are not without their flaws and drawbacks. As a frequent user of computers, I have encountered numerous issues that have led me to file a complaint about the overall experience.One of the primary concerns I have with computers is their susceptibility to technical issues and malfunctions. Despite the advancements in technology, computers still experience glitches, crashes, and system failures with alarming regularity. These problems can be incredibly frustrating, especially when they occur during critical tasks or important deadlines. The time and effort required to troubleshoot and resolve these issues can be both time-consuming and mentally exhausting.Another major complaint I have is the frequent software updates andsecurity patches that are constantly being pushed out. While these updates are often necessary to address security vulnerabilities and improve functionality, they can also be disruptive and inconvenient. Many times, these updates are forced upon users without their consent, leading to unexpected downtime and the need to relearn new interfaces or features. This can be particularly problematic for individuals who rely on their computers for work or other essential tasks, as the disruption can have a significant impact on their productivity and efficiency.Furthermore, the issue of data security and privacy is a growing concern with the increased use of computers. Despite the implementation of various security measures, such as antivirus software and encryption, there is always the risk of data breaches, hacking, and identity theft. This can be particularly worrisome for individuals who store sensitive information on their computers, such as personal financial data or confidential business information. The constant need to be vigilant about cybersecurity can be both time-consuming and mentally taxing.Another frustration I have with computers is the issue of compatibility and file format compatibility. With the vast array of hardware and software available, it can be challenging to ensure that all of the components and applications on a computer work seamlessly together. This can lead to compatibility issues, wherecertain files or programs may not be able to be opened or used on a particular computer. This can be especially problematic when trying to share files or collaborate with others who may be using different hardware or software.Additionally, the reliance on computers for everyday tasks has also led to a growing concern about the impact on our physical and mental health. The prolonged use of computers, particularly in sedentary work environments, can lead to a range of health issues, such as eye strain, neck and back pain, and even carpal tunnel syndrome. Furthermore, the constant exposure to screens and the distractions provided by computers can also contribute to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and reduced productivity.Another significant concern with computers is the environmental impact of their production, use, and disposal. The manufacturing of computers requires the extraction and processing of various raw materials, which can have a significant impact on the environment. Additionally, the energy consumption of computers, particularly during use and when left idle, can contribute to the overall carbon footprint. Furthermore, the disposal of old or obsolete computers can also pose a challenge, as many of the components contain hazardous materials that require proper handling and recycling.Finally, the issue of accessibility and inclusivity is another area wherecomputers fall short. While computers have the potential to enhance accessibility for individuals with disabilities, the reality is that many computer systems and applications are not designed with accessibility in mind. This can create barriers for individuals with visual, auditory, or physical impairments, limiting their ability to fully utilize the technology.In conclusion, while computers have undoubtedly revolutionized the way we live and work, they are not without their flaws and drawbacks. The technical issues, software updates, data security concerns, compatibility problems, health impacts, environmental concerns, and accessibility challenges all contribute to a less than satisfactory user experience. As a frequent user of computers, I believe that it is important for manufacturers, software developers, and policymakers to address these issues and work towards creating a more reliable, secure, and inclusive computing experience for all users.。

Friday is a day that many students look forward to,not only because it marks the end of the school week but also because it can be a day filled with engaging and interactive classes.Heres a detailed English composition about what a Friday class might look like:Title:The Joy of Friday ClassesAs the week draws to a close,the anticipation for Fridays classes is palpable among students.The day is often infused with a sense of excitement and a lighter atmosphere,as everyone knows that the weekend is just around the corner.The Morning BeginsThe day starts with a warmup activity,perhaps a quick vocabulary game or a spelling bee, designed to wake up the minds and get everyone in the mood for learning.Teachers often use this time to review the weeks lessons,reinforcing key points and ensuring that students have grasped the essential concepts.Interactive LessonsFridays classes are typically more interactive than those earlier in the week.Teachers might incorporate group discussions,roleplays,or debates to encourage active participation.For example,in a history class,students could be divided into groups to represent different historical figures and debate the merits of their viewpoints.Creative Writing SessionsEnglish composition classes on Fridays often focus on creative writing.Students are given prompts that inspire them to think outside the box and express their thoughts and ideas in a unique way.The teacher provides constructive feedback,helping students to refine their writing skills and improve their storytelling abilities.Science ExperimentsIn science classes,Fridays might be reserved for handson experiments.Students get to apply the theories theyve learned throughout the week in a practical setting.This could involve anything from dissecting a flower to conducting a simple chemistry reaction, making learning a fun and memorable experience.Art and Music IntegrationArt and music classes on Fridays often have a more relaxed vibe,with students encouraged to explore their creativity.They might work on a group mural,compose a song,or learn about different art movements and their impact on culture.Physical EducationPE classes on Fridays are a great way to let off steam before the weekend.Students might engage in team sports,yoga,or dance classes,promoting physical fitness and camaraderie among classmates.WrapUp SessionsTowards the end of the day,teachers often conduct wrapup sessions where they summarize the weeks learning and discuss what to expect in the following week.This helps students to stay organized and prepared for upcoming assignments and tests.Reflection TimeFinally,Friday classes often conclude with a short reflection time,where students are encouraged to think about what theyve learned and how they can apply it in their daily lives.This reflective practice not only solidifies their understanding but also helps them to develop a growth mindset.In conclusion,Friday classes are a cherished part of the school week,offering a blend of review,creativity,and relaxation that leaves students feeling accomplished and ready to enjoy their wellearned weekend.。

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fun fact英语作文

fun fact英语作文Fun facts are small pieces of interesting or little-known information that can provide a glimpse into the wonders of our world. These facts can range from the bizarre to the enlightening and can often leave us feeling a sense of amazement or curiosity. Whether it's learning about the unique behaviors of animals, the fascinating origins of common phrases, or the astounding feats of the human body, fun facts have a way of capturing our imagination and sparking our interest.One particularly intriguing fun fact is the existence of the Corpse Flower, a rare and massive plant native to the rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia. This plant, also known as the Titan Arum, can grow to over 10 feet tall and is renowned for its enormous, foul-smelling bloom that resembles rotting flesh. The stench, which has been described as a mixture of sweaty socks and rotting meat, is designed to attract the plant's primary pollinators – carrion beetles and flesh flies. While the sight and smell of the Corpse Flower may be off-putting to humans, it is a remarkable example of the plant's evolutionary adaptations to ensure its survival and propagation.Another fascinating fun fact involves the unique characteristics of the octopus. These remarkable creatures are known for their intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and the remarkable flexibility of their bodies. What many people may not know, however, is that octopuses have three hearts. Two of these hearts are responsible for pumping blood to the gills, while the third heart circulates blood throughout the rest of the body. This adaptation allows octopuses to thrive in the low-oxygen environments of the ocean depths, where they often make their homes.Speaking of the ocean, one of the most captivating fun facts about the marine world is the existence of the giant squid. These colossal creatures, which can grow to over 40 feet in length, were once the stuff of legend and myth, with tales of sea monsters and kraken terrorizing sailors. However, it wasn't until the early 2000s that the first images of a live giant squid were captured, providing concrete evidence of their existence. The giant squid's massive size, enormous eyes, and mysterious nature have continued to capture the public's imagination, making it a enduring symbol of the ocean's hidden wonders.Moving from the depths of the sea to the heights of the sky, another fun fact that has captured the public's attention is the phenomenon of ball lightning. This rare and enigmatic form of lightning has beenreported throughout history, with eyewitness accounts describing glowing spheres of light that can float through the air, pass through solid objects, and even disappear without a trace. While the exact nature of ball lightning is still not fully understood, scientists have proposed various theories to explain this mysterious occurrence, ranging from electrical discharges to concentrated energy fields.Closer to home, one of the most delightful fun facts is the discovery that dogs can smell human emotions. Studies have shown that dogs are able to detect subtle changes in the chemical composition of human sweat and breath that correspond to different emotional states, such as fear, happiness, or anxiety. This remarkable ability allows dogs to provide emotional support and comfort to their human companions, and has led to the increased use of therapy dogs in a variety of settings, from hospitals to schools.Another fun fact that highlights the amazing capabilities of the human body is the phenomenon of synesthesia. This neurological condition, which affects a small percentage of the population, involves the blending of the senses, where individuals may experience the perception of one sense in response to the stimulation of another. For example, a synesthete may see colors when hearing certain sounds, or taste specific flavors when seeing particular letters or numbers. While the exact causes of synesthesia are still being studied, it is a fascinating example of the brain'sremarkable ability to integrate and interpret sensory information in unique and unexpected ways.Moving from the realm of the senses to the realm of language, one of the most captivating fun facts is the origin of the phrase "rule of thumb." This common idiom is often used to refer to a general principle or guideline, but its actual origins can be traced back to a controversial legal ruling in 18th-century England. The phrase is said to have originated from a law that allowed a man to beat his wife with a stick, as long as the stick was no thicker than his thumb. While the veracity of this claim is debated, the phrase has endured as a testament to the sometimes surprising and unsavory origins of our everyday expressions.Finally, one of the most delightful fun facts is the existence of the "Wow! signal," a mysterious and unexplained radio signal that was detected by astronomers in 1977. The signal, which lasted for 72 seconds, was received by the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University and was immediately recognized as a potential sign of extraterrestrial intelligence. While the source of the signal has never been conclusively identified, the "Wow! signal" continues to capture the imagination of scientists and the public alike, serving as a tantalizing reminder of the vast and unexplored mysteries of the universe.These are just a few examples of the countless fun facts that exist in our world, each one offering a unique and fascinating glimpse into the wonders of science, nature, and the human experience. Whether it's the bizarre adaptations of the natural world, the remarkable capabilities of the human body, or the unexpected origins of our language and culture, fun facts have a way of sparking our curiosity and inspiring us to explore the world around us with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation.。

创新思维投稿英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Innovative Thinking: A Key to SuccessIntroductionIn today's rapidly changing world, the ability to think innovatively has become increasingly important. With new technologies emerging and industries evolving at a rapid pace, it is essential for individuals and organizations to adapt and innovate in order to stay competitive. In this article, we will explore the concept of innovative thinking and how it can be applied in various aspects of our lives.What is Innovative Thinking?Innovative thinking refers to the ability to think creatively and come up with new ideas and solutions to problems. It involves thinking outside the box, challenging assumptions, and approaching challenges with a fresh perspective. Innovative thinkers are not afraid to take risks, experiment, and embrace change.Benefits of Innovative ThinkingThere are many benefits to developing innovative thinking skills. Some of the key advantages include:- Problem-solving: Innovative thinking enables individuals to come up with creative solutions to complex problems.- Competitive advantage: Companies that innovate are more likely to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changes in the market.- Personal growth: Developing innovative thinking skills can help individuals to grow personally and professionally, as they learn to think creatively and overcome obstacles.- Entrepreneurship: Innovative thinking is essential for entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses and develop new products or services.How to Foster Innovative ThinkingThere are several strategies that individuals and organizations can use to foster innovative thinking. Some of these include:- Encouraging curiosity: Curiosity is key to innovative thinking. Encourage curiosity by asking questions, exploring new ideas, and seeking out new experiences.- Embracing failure: Failure is a natural part of the innovation process. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than as a setback.- Collaborating with others: Collaborating with others can help to spark new ideas and bring different perspectives to the table.- Experimenting: Take risks and try new things. Experimentation is essential for developing innovative thinking skills.- Seeking feedback: Seek feedback from others to help refine and improve your ideas.Examples of Innovative ThinkingThere are many examples of innovative thinking that have had a significant impact on our world. Some notable examples include:- The invention of the smartphone: The smartphone has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and live our lives.- Airbnb: Airbnb disrupted the traditional hotel industry by connecting travelers with unique accommodation options.- SpaceX: SpaceX is pushing the boundaries of space exploration and making space travel more accessible.ConclusionInnovative thinking is a critical skill that can help individuals and organizations to thrive in today's fast-paced world. By fostering a culture of innovation, embracing creativity, and experimenting with new ideas, we can unleash our full potential and achieve great success. So, let's embrace innovative thinking and push the boundaries of what is possible.篇2Title: Innovative Thinking: A Key to SuccessIn today's fast-paced and rapidly changing world, the ability to think innovatively is becoming increasingly important. Whether it's in business, technology, science, or any other field, those who can think outside the box and come up with creative solutions are the ones who stand out and succeed. In this article, we will explore the concept of innovative thinking and how it can lead to success in various aspects of life.What is innovative thinking?Innovative thinking is the ability to approach problems and challenges in new and creative ways. It involves breaking free from traditional, linear thinking and exploring unconventional solutions. Innovative thinkers are not bound by rules or constraints; they are willing to take risks, think differently, and challenge the status quo.Why is innovative thinking important?Innovative thinking is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it allows individuals to overcome obstacles and find solutions to complex problems. By thinking innovatively, individuals can come up with creative ideas that can lead to breakthrough innovations and advancements in various fields.Secondly, innovative thinking can give individuals a competitive edge. In today's competitive job market, employers are looking for candidates who can think outside the box and bring fresh perspectives to the table. By demonstrating innovative thinking skills, individuals can set themselves apart from the competition and increase their chances of success.Furthermore, innovative thinking can lead to personal growth and development. By challenging themselves to thinkdifferently and approach problems from new angles, individuals can expand their creativity, increase their problem-solving skills, and unlock their full potential.How to develop innovative thinking?Developing innovative thinking requires practice, patience, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. Here are some tips to help you cultivate your innovative thinking skills:1. Embrace curiosity: Cultivate a sense of curiosity and explore new ideas, concepts, and perspectives. Ask questions, seek out new experiences, and challenge your assumptions.2. Think creatively: Encourage yourself to think creatively by brainstorming ideas, experimenting with different approaches, and exploring unconventional solutions.3. Take risks: Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things. Innovation often involves taking calculated risks and stepping into the unknown.4. Collaborate with others: Collaborate with people from different backgrounds, disciplines, and perspectives to gain new insights and spark creative ideas.5. Stay open-minded: Keep an open mind and be willing to consider alternative viewpoints and possibilities. Avoid getting stuck in rigid or linear thinking patterns.In conclusion, innovative thinking is a valuable skill that can lead to success in various aspects of life. By developing your innovative thinking skills, you can overcome challenges, unlock new opportunities, and achieve your goals. Remember to embrace curiosity, think creatively, take risks, collaborate with others, and stay open-minded. With a mindset of innovation and creativity, the possibilities are endless.篇3Innovative Thinking in SubmissionIn today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, innovation has become the key to success in every aspect of life. Whether it is in business, science, technology, or even everyday tasks, those who think innovatively are the ones who are able to stay ahead of the game and make a real impact.When it comes to submitting work for a publication or competition, having a mindset of innovative thinking can set you apart from the competition. This type of thinking involveslooking at things from a fresh perspective, thinking outside the box, and coming up with creative solutions to problems.One of the first steps in applying innovative thinking to your submission is to do thorough research. This means not only looking at what has already been done in the field you are working in, but also exploring new and alternative ideas that may not have been considered before. This can help you to come up with a unique angle or approach to your work that will capture the attention of the reviewers or judges.Another important aspect of innovative thinking is being willing to take risks. This means being open to trying new ideas, even if they may seem unconventional or outside of the norm. By taking risks and thinking creatively, you may be able to come up with something truly groundbreaking and original that will make your submission stand out.Additionally, collaboration with others can also help to foster innovative thinking. By sharing ideas and working together with others who have different perspectives and skill sets, you can combine your strengths and come up with something truly innovative and impressive. This can also help to push you out of your comfort zone and challenge you to think in new and different ways.Overall, applying innovative thinking to your submission can help you to create work that is truly unique, original, and impactful. By doing thorough research, taking risks, and collaborating with others, you can set yourself apart from the competition and make a real impression with your work. So next time you are preparing a submission, remember to think innovatively and see where it can take you.。

印刷术的英语作文Printing technology has been around for centuries, and it has played a crucial role in the spread of knowledge and information. From the invention of the printing press to the modern digital printing techniques, the evolution of printing has been remarkable.The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century revolutionized the way information was disseminated. It allowed for the mass production of books and other printed materials, making knowledge more accessible to the general public. This marked the beginning of the print revolution, which had a profound impact on society.Over the years, printing technology has continued to advance, with the introduction of offset printing, flexography, and digital printing. These advancements have made printing faster, more efficient, and more cost-effective. Today, we can print high-quality materials withintricate designs and vibrant colors in a matter of minutes.Printing technology has also expanded beyondtraditional paper-based materials to include 3D printing, which has revolutionized manufacturing processes. With 3D printing, complex objects can be created layer by layer, opening up new possibilities in various industries,including healthcare, aerospace, and automotive.In addition to its impact on the dissemination of knowledge and manufacturing, printing technology has also had a significant influence on art and design. Artists and designers can now experiment with different printing techniques to create unique and innovative works of art. From screen printing to digital printing, the possibilities are endless.In conclusion, printing technology has come a long way since the invention of the printing press. It has transformed the way we communicate, manufacture, and create. As we continue to advance in the digital age, it will beexciting to see how printing technology evolves and shapes the future.。

学而思学习机英语作文批改Learning is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to embrace new challenges. As students, we are constantly seeking ways to enhance our knowledge and skills, and one of the most effective tools at our disposal is the guidance and feedback provided by educational institutions like Xueersi.Xueersi is a renowned educational platform that offers a comprehensive range of learning solutions, including personalized tutoring, online courses, and assessment services. One of the key features that sets Xueersi apart is its approach to essay grading. The company's team of experienced educators meticulously reviews each essay, providing detailed feedback and guidance to help students improve their writing skills.The process of essay grading at Xueersi is a multifaceted one, involving a thorough examination of various aspects of the student's work. The first and most crucial step is the assessment of the essay's content. The graders at Xueersi carefully analyze the coherence and organization of the essay, ensuring that the ideas are presented in alogical and cohesive manner. They also evaluate the depth of understanding and the ability of the student to effectively convey their thoughts and arguments.In addition to content, the graders also pay close attention to the structure and mechanics of the essay. They scrutinize the essay's introduction, body, and conclusion, ensuring that each section serves its intended purpose and contributes to the overall flow of the essay. They also check for proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, providing feedback to help the student improve their technical writing skills.One of the most valuable aspects of Xueersi's essay grading process is the personalized feedback provided to each student. The graders take the time to analyze the unique strengths and weaknesses of the student's writing, offering specific suggestions for improvement. This feedback can range from suggestions for strengthening the thesis statement to recommendations for improving sentence structure and vocabulary.The impact of this personalized feedback cannot be overstated. By receiving detailed and constructive feedback, students are able to identify areas where they need to focus their efforts, and they can then work to address those weaknesses. This, in turn, leads to a deeper understanding of the writing process and a greaterconfidence in their ability to express their ideas effectively.Moreover, Xueersi's essay grading service goes beyond simply providing feedback. The company also offers resources and tools to help students improve their writing skills. This includes access to online writing workshops, sample essays, and interactive writing exercises. By leveraging these resources, students can continue to develop their writing abilities even after receiving their essay grades.One of the key benefits of Xueersi's essay grading service is its ability to help students prepare for important academic and professional writing tasks. Whether it's a college application essay, a research paper, or a business report, the skills and strategies learned through the Xueersi essay grading process can be applied across a wide range of writing contexts.Furthermore, the feedback provided by Xueersi's graders can be particularly valuable for students who are working to improve their English language proficiency. By receiving detailed guidance on their writing, these students can identify and address specific areas of weakness, such as grammar, vocabulary, or sentence structure. This, in turn, can lead to significant improvements in their overall English language skills.In conclusion, Xueersi's essay grading service is a valuable resourcefor students of all ages and skill levels. By providing personalized feedback, access to learning resources, and a focus on developing essential writing skills, Xueersi helps students to become more confident, effective, and successful communicators. Whether you are a student preparing for a major academic milestone or an individual looking to improve your professional writing abilities, Xueersi's essay grading service is an invaluable tool that can help you achieve your goals.。

英语炫技:探索语言之美In the realm of language arts, the mastery of English writing is a display of elegance and precision. It is not merely about stringing words together but about crafting sentences that are both beautiful and impactful. The art of English essay writing is a blend of创意, skill, and deep understanding of the language.To excel in English essay writing, one must possess a rich vocabulary and the ability to choose the right wordfor each occasion. Words are the building blocks of any essay, and a diverse vocabulary enables the writer to convey ideas more effectively. For instance, using synonyms and antonyms adds variety and depth to the writing, making it more engaging for the reader.Moreover, sentence structure and grammar are crucial elements of essay writing. Well-constructed sentences with correct grammar not only convey the message clearly but also enhance the readability of the text. The use of complex sentences, with clauses and modifiers, demonstrates a higher level of writing skill and adds sophistication to the essay.However, it is important to strike a balance between complexity and simplicity. While showcasing one's writing prowess, it is essential to ensure that the essay remains accessible to the reader. Avoiding jargon and sticking to clear, concise language helps the reader to understand and appreciate the essay better.Furthermore, the organization of ideas is paramount in essay writing. A clear structure, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, helps the reader to follow the argument seamlessly. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea, followed by supporting sentences that elaborate on the topic. This organization ensures that the essay flows smoothly and maintains the reader's interest.Incorporating literary devices such as similes, metaphors, and alliterations adds a touch of creativity and elegance to the essay. These devices help the writer to convey abstract ideas in a more vivid and memorable manner. For instance, using similes to compare two unrelated concepts can help the reader to visualize and understand the idea more easily.Finally, revision and proofreading are essential steps in essay writing. They help to identify and correct grammatical errors, improve sentence structure, and enhance the clarity of the ideas. A well-revised essay is not only error-free but also more coherent and impactful.In conclusion, the art of English essay writing is a blend of创意, skill, and deep understanding of the language. It requires a rich vocabulary, mastery of grammar and sentence structure, clear organization of ideas, and a willingness to revise and proofread. By cultivating these skills, writers can craft essays that are not onlybeautiful but also effective in conveying their ideas to the reader.**英语作文炫技:探索语言之美**在英语写作的艺术领域中,掌握英语作文的写作技巧是一种展现优雅与精确的语言表现。

印刷术的英语作文Printing technology has played a significant role in the development of human civilization. From the invention of the movable type printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century to the digital printing technology we use today, printing has revolutionized the way information is shared and preserved.Printing technology has greatly facilitated the spread of knowledge and ideas. Before the invention of theprinting press, books and documents had to be copied by hand, making them expensive and rare. The printing press made it possible to produce multiple copies of a book quickly and efficiently, allowing for a wider distribution of knowledge.In the modern digital age, printing technology has continued to evolve. Digital printing technology has made it easier and more affordable to produce high-quality printed materials, such as books, magazines, and advertisements. With the advent of 3D printing technology, it is now possible to create three-dimensional objects layer by layer, revolutionizing manufacturing processes.The impact of printing technology on society cannot be underestimated. Printed materials have been instrumental in shaping public opinion, disseminating news and information, and preserving cultural heritage. From newspapers and magazines to posters and flyers, printed materials are an essential part of our daily lives.In conclusion, printing technology has had a profound impact on human civilization, enabling the widespread dissemination of knowledge and ideas. As technology continues to advance, printing will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the way we communicate and interact with the world around us.印刷术在人类文明的发展中起着重要作用。

Guidelines to Successful Technical Writing1。
Revising with efficient sentencesThe main purpose of a technical document is to inform or persuade the reader through use of efficient sentences,not to impress or entertain with fancy language displays。
So, technical documents transmit worthwhile information—even highly specialized information—in the most straightforward way to their audience。
Readers of technical documents are busy and impatient。
They do not wish to put more into reading a document than they can get from it。
They hate waste and expect efficiency. Every sentence in a document should be revised to carry its own weight, in conveying the writer’s meaning。
Observe the same rule in adopting sentence style as you would in choosing the document's content: make it long enough to be understood, yet short enough to be tolerated。

When it comes to writing an essay about interesting activities, there are several approaches you can take to make your composition engaging and enjoyable for readers. Here are some tips and a sample essay to guide you:1. Choose an Engaging Topic: Pick an activity that you genuinely find interesting and can describe vividly.2. Use Descriptive Language: Engage the readers senses by describing the activity in detail.3. Include Personal Experiences: Sharing personal anecdotes can make the essay more relatable.4. Structure Your Essay: Start with an introduction, develop the body with examples and details, and conclude with a summary or reflection.5. Edit and Revise: Proofread your work for clarity, grammar, and punctuation.Heres a sample essay to illustrate these points:Title: The Joy of PaintingIntroduction:From a young age, I have always been captivated by the world of colors and the stories they can tell. One of the most interesting activities that I have discovered is painting. Its not just about creating art its about expressing emotions and capturing moments in a way that words often cannot.Body:Painting is a versatile activity that can be both relaxing and invigorating. The process begins with selecting the right canvas and paints. The texture of the canvas and the viscosity of the paint are crucial to the outcome of the artwork. As I mix colors on my palette, I feel a sense of control over the hues and shades that I create.The act of painting itself is a dance of brush strokes on the canvas. Each stroke is deliberate, yet freeflowing, as I translate my thoughts and feelings into visual form. The smell of the paint is unique, a mix of chemicals and creativity that fills the air and sets the mood for the work at hand.One of my favorite aspects of painting is the ability to experiment with different techniques. From impressionistic dabs to bold, abstract splashes, each style offers a new challenge and a fresh perspective on the subject I am depicting.Personal Experience:I remember the first time I painted a landscape. It was a serene scene of a sunset over a tranquil lake. The challenge was to capture the fleeting beauty of the moment as the sun dipped below the horizon. As I layered the colors, from the warm oranges and reds of the setting sun to the cool blues and purples of the evening sky, I felt a deep connection to the scene. It was as if I was not just painting it, but living it.Conclusion:Painting is more than an interesting activity its a journey of selfexpression and exploration. It allows me to communicate in a medium that transcends language and culture. Whether I am creating a realistic portrait or an abstract piece that defies interpretation, the joy of painting lies in the process and the emotions it evokes. Remember, the key to a compelling essay is to write about something you are passionate about and to convey that passion to your readers through vivid descriptions and personal insights.。

文心一言修改英语作文【中英文版】English:The journey of writing is never easy, especially when it comes to crafting an English essay.Sometimes, even the most seasoned writers can find themselves stuck in a rut, struggling to find the right words or convey their thoughts effectively.Enter Wenxin Yanyi, an AI-powered writing assistant that can help you revise your English compositions with ease.中文:写作之旅从来都不容易,尤其是在编写英语作文时。
English:Wenxin Yanyi works by analyzing your text and providing suggestions for improvements.Whether it"s correcting grammatical errors, suggesting more appropriate vocabulary, or offering suggestions on sentence structure, Wenxin Yanyi can help you fine-tune your essay to make it more fluent and coherent.中文:文心一言通过分析你的文本并提供改进建议来工作。
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Technical Writing for Fun & ProfitDavid E. GoldbergDepartment of General Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUrbana, IL 61801IlliGAL Report No. 99020October 1999Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 117 Transportation Building104 S. Mathews AvenueUrbana, Illinois 61801 USAPhone: 217-333-0897Fax: 217-244-5705Web: http///Technical Writing for Fun & ProfitDavid E. GoldbergDepartment of General EngineeringUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUrbana, Illinois 61801 USAdeg@IntroductionThe average engineering student would rather go to the dentist and have root canal than write a technical report or a memo. This is unfortunate, as a large part of a working engineer’s professional life is spent in writing technical communiqués of one sort or another. Although, the widespread aversion to writing has a variety of causes, I suspect that a large part of the problem is simply not understanding the process and elements of good technical writing. And this comes as no surprise, because many students’ exposure to writing comes in college freshman English, and these courses train the student to write a certain kind of critical essay that is largely useful in passing college freshman English. Remarkably few such courses expose the student to the kinds of business writing they will use for the rest of their lives.The purpose of this paper is to partially remedy this situation by presenting the basics of technical writing in a bite-sized format. Specifically, we examine 5 keys to technical writing success:1.The prime directive of all writing2.The primary structure of all technical writing.3.The technical writer’s best friends4.Summaries and conclusions: Knowing the difference5.Heading titles made easyIn the remainder each of these is examined in more detail.The Prime DirectiveThe prime directive of writing is—drum roll please—to just write. This sounds obvious enough, but when I watch students sitting in class, I see more crossing out than writing. As a result, the writing process becomes a tedious herky-jerky affair marked by fits and starts, but not much completed writing. This problem has been studied over the years, and elsewhere, I, too, have discussed it at some length (Goldberg, 1995). But the secret to just writing is to separate writing from revision. Many good writers find that they are much more productive if they can start out writing by suspending self-criticism. Simply committing oneself to writing continuously without crossing out goes a long way to speeding up the generation of significant quantities of text that can then be used, edited, and revised to form a cogent first draft.One way to get the feeling of this mode of writing is to practice the writing exercise called freewriting (Elbow, 1985), where you write for a fixed period of time (three to ten minutes) without stopping and without crossing out. In freewriting, you write about whatever pops intoyour head. Of course, in real writing you direct your attention to the topic at hand, but if you can learn to do it initially in a non-critical, non-judgmental mode, you can get more done in a given span of time.3 Critical Needs: B-P-ROnce the budding technical writer learns to just write, line after line can be generated with speed, but another problem focuses on the content: What should he or she write about? In detail, this will depend upon the writer’s subject, but every piece of technical writing has 3 critical needs, needs that must be fulfilled at first and then over and over again in every piece of writing.Specifically every document, section, or major element of a technical writing must explain its1. background2. purpose3. roadmapAt the beginning of a document—especially—and at the beginning of any section or subsection as well, the writer has a problem. At the beginning of a document the writer faces a sharp discontinuity in a reader’s understanding. Prior to the first sentence, the reader has little or no idea of the subject of the piece, its context, its purpose, or what is to follow. It is the writer’s job to fill in the gaps quite speedily at the beginning of the document and in succeeding major sections. The first task, therefore, is for the writer to provide what has been called background. What is the motivation for and context of the document? What were the enabling events that led to the document’s needing to be written? Who are the key players? Background should be provided quickly, with only essential detail, because the clock is ticking until the writer explicitly states the purpose of the piece.The purpose or rhetorical purpose of a piece is the objective of the piece of writing itself. Note that this is distinct from the purpose of the project or problem that the document may address. Sometimes students in presenting the rhetorical purpose beat around the bush or try to be subtle. Subtlety is for mystery novels, and in business writing it is better to simply come right out and blow the trumpet with phrases such as, “The purpose of this report is…” or “ The goals of this memo are….” Students sometimes learn to announce their intentions more subtly in freshman English, but business people are busy. They require clear landmarks in their reading, and the wise writer will give them what they need.Following the discussion of background and purpose, it is time to give a roadmap to the remainder. At the beginning of a document, this roadmap foreshadows the subject’s major topics in the remainder of the document. In a section or sub-section an intermediate roadmap lays out the topics for that writing section or segment of writing.Roadmaps are often left out by novice writers, and it shows. Giving a roadmap builds a mental model for the reader of what is to come. It gives the reader a preliminary point of view that helps create appropriate expectations for what is to follow. Without roadmaps the reader isn’t sure where he is and he isn’t sure where he’s going, and from the reader’s perspective, this is most disconcerting, like being lost in a fog. Yet, by simply handing the reader an occasional roadmap to the remainder, such discomfort can be avoided and greater clarity can be achieved.Lists and Amplification: A Technical Writer’s Best FriendA terrific way to give roadmaps and to help otherwise organize a document or a section is the numbered or bulleted list. The list clearly announces the forthcoming structure, thereby alerting the reader to coming attractions. The list has two advantages:1. It announces the items to the reader in an easy-to-grasp manner.2.It simplifies the subsequent writing task for the writer.Think of lists as a rough outline, and think of the subsequent paragraphs as simply amplifying the details of the list. This will make your job and the reader’s job so much the easier. Go back through this paper and look at how lists and amplification were used to first highlight a roadmap and then fill in the blanks.Be SpecificThe language you use says a lot about how you think, and unfortunately by this criterion there are a bunch of fuzzy-minded student writers out there. One of the common flaws in student writing is the substitution of a high-minded, general-sounding word or phrase when a simple word would do. Buzzwords such as “areas” or “issues” will wrongfully take the place of concrete words such as “tasks” or “problems.” Fuzzy-headed verbs such as “involve” or “consider” will be used in place of action words that actually describe what has taken place.Remember, concrete language paints a picture in the reader’s mind that lasts because it engages active thought.Distinguishing Summaries from ConclusionsTwo elements are needed at the end of a piece of writing, and they are usually covered under a pair of headings:1.Summary2.ConclusionsThere is a good bit of confusion between the two, and here we examine each one and distinguish them.A summary is concisely summarized in the advice offered to Army officers in writing their memos:Tell ‘em what your gonna say,say it,and tell ‘em what you said.A summary is the “Tell them what you said” part of the closing and indeed it is critical to integrating the piece of writing in your reader’s mind. In a sense, a summary is a backward looking roadmap where you revisit the milestones of the piece to tie everything together.Conclusions are distinct from the summary and to understand them, we recognize that they answer a critical question for the reader. How should the reader’s thoughts or actions change as a result of having read the piece of writing? In a sense, conclusions are a call to think or act differently as a result of the material presented. Conclusions that involve largely changes in action are sometimes given the special name “recommendations.” But whatever name you use, conclusions and recommendations are important because they draw out the consequences of what was said for the reader.Summary and Conclusions (for this essay)Books have been written and whole courses taught on the subject of technical writing, but in this paper we have tried to condense the subject so it might be written on the head of a pin. Specifically, we have focused on five primary areas of concern (key elements for better writing):1.The prime directive of writing—learning to write first, criticize later.2.The BPR method (background, purpose, and roadmaps) to introduce documents andsections of documents.3.The technical writer’s best friend, the list, to highlight the elements of a section andmake it easy to fill in the blanks.4.The use of concrete terms in place of abstract generalities and fuzzy general-purposebuzz phrases.5.The importance of clear summaries and conclusions and the need to distinguishbetween the two.Although, excellent technical writing requires a good bit more than can be covered in such a short piece as this, the student who follows this advice will be well on the road to a lifetime of effective written communication at work. And those who communicate well in business are those who influence the decisions of customers, colleagues, and bosses, and those who influence decisions are those who succeed over the long haul.ReferencesElbow, P. (1998). Writing with power: Techniques for mastering the writing process (2nd ed.).Oxford, UK: Oxford University PressGoldberg, D. E. (1995). Life skills and leadership for engineers. New York: McGraw-Hill.。