The Republic of Ireland people
爱尔兰英⽂导游词爱尔兰英⽂介绍Republic of Ireland⽤英语介绍爱尔兰As far as tourist appeal goes, the small island of Ireland punches far above its own weight. The country is so packed with delights that visitors are often reduced to describing its charms in hyperbolic clichés: it is the greenest country, full of the friendliest people, all of whom would be geniuses if they weren't distracted by the lure of the pub.Ireland is indeed a green country - so much rainfall must have its benefits - and the people are justifiably renowned for their friendliness. As for the geniuses, well, the Irish will proudly point to their four Nobel Laureates for Literature and declare that the success rate is unmatched in any other country of its size, all the while ensuring that the sacred 'round' system (where everyone buys a drink for everyone else in turn) is strictly adhered to.Yet Ireland's charms run far deeper than the legendary craic of the pub or the accomplishments of a bunch of (mostly) dead writers. It has a remarkable history that is woven into virtually everything, from the prehistoric stone monuments of the Boyne Valley to the monuments honouring its fallen patriots, men and women who dared challenge the imperious might of its longtime occupier and contemporary friend, Britain.It has a vibrant and dynamic capital, Dublin, which has spearheaded a stunning period of economic growth that has seen the country transformed from rural backwater to the envy of Europe. As a result, the Irish have grown in worldliness that continues to propel them to greater heights of achievement. Even the thorniest issue of all - Northern Ireland - has seen a kind of resolution and Ireland looks to the future with untrammelled confidence.位于欧洲西部的爱尔兰岛南部。
第2章英国简介(2)Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. Ireland is part of Great Britain. _____【答案】F【解析】爱尔兰是一个独立国家,位于爱尔兰岛北部的北爱尔兰才是英国的一部分。
2. “Ulster”, referring to Northern Ireland, was once an ancient Irish Kingdom. _____【答案】T【解析】阿尔斯特指的是北爱尔兰,它曾经是一个古爱尔兰王国的名称。
3. The capital of Belfast is a large city with half a million people. _____【答案】F【解析】贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰的首府,拥有人口二十余万。
4. Northern Ireland is significant because of its manufacturing industry. _____【答案】F【解析】北爱尔兰重要不仅仅是因为它的工业发达,还因为它在历史上与英国政府的不断冲突,更多是政治意义上的重要性。
5. The majority of Irish people were descendants of the original Celtic people who inhabited British Isles before the Romans arrived 2000 years ago. _____【答案】T【解析】大部分爱尔兰人民是凯尔特人的后代,他们远在罗马人入侵英国的两千年前就在英国居住。
6. Most British people are Protestants while most Irish people are Catholics. _____ 【答案】T【解析】大部分英国人是新教徒,大部分爱尔兰人是天主教徒。
Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark (Denmark)东欧:爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、乌克兰、摩尔多瓦(7)Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova中欧:波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、德国、奥地利、瑞士、列支敦士登(8)Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein西欧:英国、爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国、摩纳哥(7)Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Monaco南欧:罗马尼亚、保加利亚、塞尔维亚、马其顿、阿尔巴尼亚、希腊、斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚、波斯尼亚和墨塞哥维那Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina意大利、梵蒂冈、圣马力诺、马耳他、西班牙、葡萄牙、安道尔(16)Italy, the Vatican, San Marino, Malta, Spain, Portugal, Andorra非洲(53个国家/6个地区)北非:埃及、利比亚、苏丹、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、亚速尔群岛(葡)、马德拉群岛(葡)(8)Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, the Azores (Portugal), Madeira (Portugal)东非:埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、索马里、吉布提、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、卢旺达、布隆迪、塞舌尔(10)Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Seychelles中非:乍得、中非、喀麦隆、赤道几内亚、加蓬、刚果共和国(即:刚果(布))、刚果民主共和国(即:刚果(金))、圣多美及普林西比(8)Chad, Central Africa, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of the Congo ( Congo (Brazzaville)). Democratic Republic of the Congo (the Congo (DRC)), Sao Tome and the Grenadines西非:毛里塔尼亚、西撒哈拉(注:未独立,详细请看:)、塞内加尔、冈比亚、马里、布基纳法索、几内亚、几内亚比绍、佛得角、塞拉利昂、利比里亚、科特迪瓦、加纳、多哥、贝宁、尼日尔、加那利群岛(西)(18)Mauritania, Western Sahara, Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Canary Islands (West)南非:赞比亚、安哥拉、津巴布韦、马拉维、莫桑比克、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、南非、斯威士兰、莱索托、马达加斯加、科摩罗、毛里求斯、留尼旺(法)、圣赫勒拿(英)(15)Zambia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Madagascar, the Comoros, Mauritius, La Reunion (French), St. Helena (United Kingdom)大洋洲(14个国家/10个地区)澳大利亚、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、所罗门群岛、瓦努阿图、密克罗尼西亚、马绍尔群岛、帕劳、瑙鲁、基里巴斯、图瓦卢、萨摩亚、斐济群岛、汤加、库克群岛(新)、关岛(美)、新喀里多尼亚(法)、法属波利尼西亚、皮特凯恩岛(英)、瓦利斯与富图纳(法)、纽埃(新)、托克劳(新)、美属萨摩亚、北马里亚纳(美)Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands. Palau, Nauru, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands (new), Guam .). New Caledonia (Act), French Polynesia, Pitcairn Island (British), Wallis and Futuna rich (Law), Niue (new). Tokelau (New), American Samoa, the Northern Marianas .)北美洲(23个国家/13个地区)北美:加拿大、美国、墨西哥、格陵兰(丹)(4)Canada, the United States, Mexico, Greenland (Denmark)中美洲:危地马拉、伯利兹、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加、巴拿马(7)Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama加勒比海地区:巴哈马、古巴、牙买加、海地、多米尼加共和国、安提瓜和巴布达、圣基茨和尼维斯、多米尼克、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、格林纳达、巴巴多斯、特立尼达和多巴哥、波多黎各(美)、英属维尔京群岛、美属维尔京群岛、安圭拉(英)、蒙特塞拉特(英)、瓜德罗普(法)、马提尼克(法)、荷属安的列斯、阿鲁巴(荷)、特克斯和凯科斯群岛(英)、开曼群岛(英)、百慕大(英)(25)The Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago. Puerto Rico (United States) and the British Virgin Islands, United States Virgin Islands, Anguilla (British), Guadeloupe (French), Martinique (French), the Netherlands Antilles, Aruba (Dutch). Turks and Caicos Islands (Britain), Cayman Islands (Britain), Bermuda (Britain)南美洲(12个国家/1个地区)北部:哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、圭亚那、法属圭亚那、苏里南(5)Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname中西部:厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、玻利维亚Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia (3)东部:巴西(1)Brazil南部:智利、阿根廷、乌拉圭、巴拉圭(4)Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay。
The Republic of Ireland
The Republic of Ireland IntroductionsThe island of Ireland is a relatively big island of the British Isles and is the second largest island in Europe. The island covers an area of 8,400 square kilometers. It has a population of 5.8 million. The Ireland now is composed of two parts: the Republic of Ireland, which is an independent country, and Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK.GeographyThe Republic of The Ireland accounts for about 5/6 of the island, lying off the coast of northwest Europe, bordered on the west by the Atlantic Ocean and on the northeast by the North Channel.The main geographical features are low central plains. There are numerous rivers, lakes, bogs scattering throughout the country, which contribute a lot to the magnificent sceneries of the Ireland.The republic of Ireland has a temperature maritime climate. The temperature throughout the entire island is a highly uniform. Greatly affected by the commonprecipitation; Ireland has excessive rainfall with an average of 1,000 millimeters annually.The biggest city Dublin which has a population of 1.6 million is the capital. It’s located in Dublin Bay and is the commercial and industrial center of Ireland as well as the principal port. Cork is the second largest city noted for the reputation for independence dating back to 1491. Other major cities include Galway, Limerick and Waterford.HistoryDuring the early period of Ireland, many invasions took place. Human habitation in Ireland dates back to almost 7,000 BC. The most important invasion occurred in the 4th century BC, when Gaels arrived and established a flourishing Gaelic civilization. In 1800, the British and Irish Parliament passed the Act of Union, leading Ireland to become an integral part of the UK.It took great effort for Ireland to gain independence. In January 1919, the 73 Irish Members of Parliament set up an Irish Parliament and issued Unilateral Declaration Independence. In the early 1920s, Anglo-Irish Treaty between Irish and British Parliament was signed in 1921.The treaty brought about pros and cons. The divergence between the two groups resulted in a bloody Irish Civil War. On December 29, 1937, the Constitution of Ireland was approved, but Ireland still belonged to the Commonwealth. On April 18, 1949, Ireland declared the complete independence and got away from the Commonwealth. Britain recognized the independence of the Irish Republic but refused to return the northern countries.On January 1, 1973, Ireland and Britain both entered the EEC. In 1985, Ireland signed the Anglo-Irish Agreement with Britain, giving Irish government a consultative role in the administration of Northern Ireland which would remain belonging to Britain if it was favored by a majority of the citizens. On December 3, 1990, the first female President, Mary Robinson, of Ireland took power. In 1993, the Downing Street of Declaration was signed, resulting in a ceasefire in Northern Ireland. On April 10, 1998, the Belfast Agreement was reached between Irish and British governments but the issue of IRA disarmament still remained unsolved. In July 2005, the IRA formally declared an end to the armed campaignagainst the British role in Northern Ireland. PoliticsIreland is a republic with a parliamentary government. The Constitution is the basic law of the state. Under the Constitution, Ireland has a bicameral Parliament, which consist of the House of Representatives and Senate. The House of Representatives, the lower House, alone has the rights to make laws. The Senate is the upper House.The Irish executive branch includes the head of the state, the head of the government, and the Cabinet. The head of the state is the president who has little executive power. The head of the government is the Prime Minister.Judicial authority in Ireland is vested in the Supreme Court, the High Court, the Court of Criminal Appeal, the Central Criminal Court, circuit courts and district courts.Ireland has four main political parties-Fail, Fine Gael, the Labor Party and Progressive Democratic Party. EconomyIreland has been an agricultural countrythroughout the history. Cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens are raised in large numbers. The main crops are oats, barley and potatoes. Fruits, vegetables and specially crops for export are grown. Agriculture yields the country’s principle exports. Ireland maintains a mixed economy of both public and private enterprises.After World War II, energetic policy of industrialization were pursued not only to increase production in agriculture and industry but also to foster the increasing important tourist trade. Since 1960s, manufacturing has occupied an increasing important position in the economy. The high-tech industries of the 1980, promoted the development of the national economy. During the early 2000s, Ireland’s per capita income had exceeded the EU average, and has now become one of the richest among the European countries.CultureThere are two dominant official languages in Ireland, Gaelic or Irish and English. The Constitution states that Gaelic, as the national language, is the first official language; it recognizes English as the secondofficial language.The Irish Constitution guarantees religious freedom. In Ireland, 93% of the population is Roman Catholic, and the Church exercises a strong influence on the nation’s affairs.EducationIreland has a free public school system, with compulsory attendance for all children from 6 to 15 years of age. The public school system starts from primary schools, known as nation schools. Secondary schools are private institutions and are mainly operated by religious communities, most of which receive financial assistance from the government. Other educational institutions include technical and vocational schools, comprehensive schools, agriculture colleges, and teacher-training colleges. These schools are also partly state-subsidized. There are two major universities-the University of Dublin and the National University of Ireland, which are self-governing but receive state grants.。
所有国家的国旗和英语单词阿富汗英语单词:Afghanistan 缩写:AFG亚美尼亚英语单词:The Republic of Armenia 缩写:ARM阿塞拜疆英语单词:The Republic of Azerbaijan 缩写:AZE巴林英语单词:The Kingdom of Bahrain 缩写:BRN孟加拉共和国英语单词:The People's Republic of Bangladesh 缩写:BAN 不丹王国英语单词:Kingdom of Bhutan 缩写:BHU文莱英语单词:Brunei Darussalam 缩写:BRU缅甸英语单词:The Union of Myanmar 缩写:MYA柬埔寨英语单词:The Kingdom of Cambodia 缩写:CAM中国英文名称The People's Republic of China 缩写CHN塞浦路斯英语单词:The Republic of Cyprus 缩写:CYP东帝汶英语单词:Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 缩写:TLS印度英语单词:The Republic of India 缩写:IND印度尼西亚英语单词:The Republic of Indonesia 缩写:INA伊朗英语单词:The Islamic Republic of Iran 缩写:IRI伊拉克英语单词:The Republic of Iraq 缩写:IRQ以色列 The State of Israel 缩写:ISR日本英语单词:Japan 缩写:JPN约旦英语单词:The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 缩写:JOR哈萨克斯坦英语单词:The Republic of Kazakhstan 缩写:KAZ朝鲜英语单词:Democratic People's Republic of Korea 缩写:PRK韩国英语单词:Republic of Korea 缩写:KOR科威特英语单词:The State of Kuwait 缩写:KUW吉尔吉斯共和国英语单词:Kyrghyz Republic 缩写:KGZ老挝英语单词:The Lao People's Democratic Republic 缩写:LAO黎巴嫩英语单词:The Republic of Lebanon 缩写:LIB马来西亚英语单词:Malaysia 缩写:MAS马尔代夫(群岛) 英语单词:The Republic of Maldives 缩写:MDV蒙古英语单词:Mongolia 缩写:MGL尼泊尔英语单词:Nepal 缩写:NEP阿曼英语单词:The Sultanate of Oman 缩写:OMA巴基斯坦英语单词:The Islamic Republic of Pakistan 缩写:PAK菲律宾英语单词:The Republic of The Philippines 缩写:PHI卡塔尔英语单词:The State of Qatar 缩写:QAT沙特阿拉伯英语单词:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 缩写:KSA新加坡英语单词:The Republic of Singapore 缩写:SIN斯里兰卡 The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 缩写:SRI 叙利亚英语单词:The Syrian Arab Republic 缩写:SYR塔吉克斯坦英语单词:The Republic of Tajikistan 缩写:TJK泰国英语单词:The Kingdom of Thailand 缩写:THA阿拉伯联合酋长国英语单词:The United Arab Emirat 缩写:UAE乌兹别克斯坦英语单词:The Republic of Uzbekistan 缩写:UZB越南英语单词:The Socialist Republic of VietNam 缩写:VIE也门英语单词:The Republic of Yemen 缩写YEM巴勒斯坦英语单词:The state of Palestine 缩写:PLE格鲁吉亚 Georgia 缩写:GEO土耳其英语单词:The Republic of Turkey 缩写:TUR土库曼斯坦英语单词:Turkmenistan 缩写:TKM阿尔巴尼亚英语单词:The Republic of Albania 缩写:ALB安道尔共和国英语单词:The Principality of Andorra 缩写:AND奥地利英语单词:The Republic of Austria 缩写:AUT白俄罗斯英语单词:The Republic of Belarus 缩写:BLR比利时英语单词:The Kingdom of Belgium常用缩写:BEL波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 Bosnia and Herzegovina 缩写:BIH保加利亚英语单词:The Republic of Bulgaria 缩写:BUL克罗地亚共和国英语单词:The Republic of Croatia 缩写:CRO捷克共和国英语单词:The Czech Republic 缩写:CZE丹麦英语单词:The Kingdom of Denmark常用缩写:DEN西班牙英语单词:Spain 缩写:ESP爱沙尼亚英语单词:The Republic of Estonia 缩写:EST芬兰英语单词:The Republic of Finland 缩写:FIN马其顿共和国英语单词:The Republic of Macedonia 缩写:MKD法国英语单词:The Republic of France 缩写:FRA德国英语单词:The Federal Republic of Germany 缩写:GER英国 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland缩写:GBR 希腊英语单词:The Republic of Greece 缩写:GRE匈牙利英语单词:The Republic of Hungary 缩写:HUN冰岛英语单词:The Republic of Iceland 缩写:ISL爱尔兰英语单词:Ireland 缩写:IRL意大利英语单词:The Republic of Italy 缩写:ITA拉脱维亚英语单词:The Republic of Latvia 缩写:LAT列支敦士登英语单词:The Principality of Liechtenstein 缩写:LIE立陶宛英语单词:The Republic of Lithuania 缩写:LTU卢森堡英语单词:The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 缩写:LUX 缩写:LUX马耳他英语单词:The Republic of Malta 缩写:MLT摩纳哥英语单词:The Principality of Monaco 缩写:MON黑山英语单词:Montenegro 缩写:MNE荷兰英语单词:The Kingdom of the Netherlands 缩写:NED挪威英语单词:英文名称:The Kingdom of Norway 缩写:NOR波兰英语单词:The Republic of Poland 缩写:POL葡萄牙英语单词:The Portuguese Republic 缩写:POR摩尔多瓦英语单词:The Republic of Moldova 缩写:MDA罗马尼亚英语单词:Romania 缩写:ROU俄罗斯英语单词:The Russian Federation 缩写:RUS圣马利诺英语单词:The Republic of San Marino 缩写:SMR塞尔维亚英语单词:The Republic of Serbia 缩写:SRB斯洛伐克英文名称:The Slovak Republic国家缩写:SVK斯洛文尼亚英语单词:The Republic of Slovenia 缩写:SLO瑞典英语单词:The Kingdom of Sweden 缩写:SWE瑞士英语单词:Swiss Confederation 缩写:SUI乌克兰英语单词:UKRAINE 缩写:UKR梵蒂冈城国英语单词:The Vatican City state 缩写:阿尔及利亚英语单词:The Democratic People's Republic of Algeria缩写:ALG 安哥拉英语单词:The Republic of Angola 缩写:ANG贝宁英语单词:The Republic of Benin 缩写:BEN博茨瓦那英语单词:The Republic of Botswana 缩写:BOT布基纳法索国英语单词:The Burkina Faso 缩写:BUR布隆迪英语单词:The Republic of Burundi 缩写:BDI喀麦隆英语单词:The Republic of Cameroon常用缩写:CMR佛得角英语单词:The Republic of Cape Verde 缩写:CPV中非英语单词:The Central African Republic 缩写:CAF乍得英语单词:The Republic of Chad 缩写:CHA科摩罗英语单词:Union of Comoros 缩写:COM刚果(布)英语单词:The Republic of Congo 缩写:CGO科特迪瓦英语单词:The Republic of Cote d'ivoire 缩写:CIV民主刚果英语单词:The Democratic Republic of Congo 缩写:COD吉布提英语单词:The Republic of Djibouti 缩写:DJI埃及英文名称:The Arab Republic of Egypt 缩写:EGY赤道几内亚英语单词:The Republic of Equatorial Guinea缩写:GEQ厄立特里亚英语单词:The State of Eritrea 缩写:ERI埃塞俄比亚英语单词:The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 缩写:ETH 加蓬英语单词:The Gabonese Republic 缩写:GAB冈比亚英语单词:The Republic of the Gambia 缩写:GAM美利坚合众国英语单词:United States of America法兰西共和国英语单词:French Republic)英国英语单词Britain俄罗斯联邦英语单词:Russian Federation。
grey orange purplepink brown silver世界各国首都和国旗the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国中国China ['t∫ainə]北京Beijingthe Islamic [iz`læmik] Republic of Pakistan巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国巴基斯坦Pakistan [͵pɑ:kis'tɑ:n]伊斯兰堡Islamabad [is'lɑ:məbɑ:d]the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国斯里兰卡Sri Lanka [sri'læŋkə]科伦坡Colombo [kə'lʌmbəu]马来西亚Malaysia [mə'lei∫ə, mə'leiziə]吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur ['kwɑ:lə 'lumpuə]the Union of Myanmar 缅甸联邦缅甸Myanmar ['mjænmɑ:(r)](亦作Burma ['bə:mə]仰光Rangoon [ræŋ'ɡu:n]the People's Republic of Bangladesh孟加拉人民共和国孟加拉Bangladesh [͵bɑ:ŋɡlə'de∫]达卡Dhaka [`dækə]the Republic of Maldives 马尔代夫共和国马尔代夫Maldives ['mɔ:ldaivz, 'mæl-]马累Male ['mɑ:lei](the) Republic of Korea大韩民国韩国South Korea首尔Seoul [səul] 旧译“汉城”the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [kə'rɪə] 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国朝鲜North Korea平壤Pyongyang ['pjɔŋ'jæŋ]the Republic of Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦共和国乌兹别克Uzbekistan [͵uzbeki'stɑ:n]塔什干Tashkent [tæ∫'k ent]the Syrian Arab Republic阿拉伯叙利亚共和国叙利亚Syrian Arab Republic ['siriə]大马士革Damascus [də'mæskəs]the Republic of Turkey 土耳其共和国土耳其Turkey ['tə:ki]安卡拉Ankara ['æŋkərə]the Kingdom of Thailand 泰国泰国Thailand ['tailænd]曼谷Bangkok [bæŋ'kɔk]the Republic of India 印度共和国印度India ['indjə]新德里New Delhi [nju: 'deli]the Islamic State of Afghanistan 阿富汗伊斯兰国阿富汗Afghanistan [æf'ɡænistæn]喀布尔Kabul ['kɔ:bl; kə'bu:l]the Republic of the Philippines 菲律宾共和国菲律宾Philippines ['filipi:n,-painz]马尼拉Manila [mə'nilə]蒙古Mongolia [mɔŋ'ɡəuljə]乌兰巴托Ulaanbaatar ['u:lɑ:n 'bɑ:tɔ:]the state of Palestine 巴勒斯坦国巴勒斯坦Palestine ['pælistain]耶路撒冷Jerusalem [dӡe'ru:sələm]the Islamic Republic of Iran 伊朗伊斯兰共和国伊朗Iran [i'rɑ:n]德黑兰Tehran [teə`ræn,-`rɑ:n]日本Japan [dӡə'pæn]东京Tokyo ['təukjəu]the State of Israel 以色列国以色列Israel ['izreiəl]耶路撒冷Jerusalem [dӡe'ru:sələm]the United Arab Emirates ['emɪərət]阿拉伯联合酋长国阿联酋United Arab Emirates阿布扎比Abu Dhabi ['æbu: 'ðæbi:]the Republic of Iraq 伊拉克共和国伊拉克Iraq [i'rɑ:k]巴格达Baghdad [`bæɡdæd]the Republic of Indonesia 印度尼西亚共和国印尼Indonesia [͵indəu'ni:zjə]雅加达Jakarta [dӡə'kɑ:tə]the Kingdom of Cambodia 柬埔寨王国柬埔寨Cambodia [kæm'bəudiə]金边Phnom Penh [pə'nɔm 'pen]the Lao People's Democratic Republic 老挝人民民主共和国老挝Laos ['lauz]万象Vientiane [vjen'tjæn]the Republic of Singapore 新加坡共和国新加坡Singapore [͵siŋɡə'pɔ:]新加坡市Singapore Citythe Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 越南社会主义共和国越南Vietnam [͵vɪət'næm]河内Hanoi [hæ'nɔi]the Kingdom of Morocco 摩洛哥王国摩洛哥Morocco [mə'rɔkəu]拉巴特Rabat [rə'bɑ:t]the Republic of Mauritius 毛里求斯共和国毛里求斯Mauritius [mə'ri∫əs]路易港Port Louis ['pɔ:t 'lu(:)i(s)]the Federal Republic of Nigeria 尼日利亚联邦共和国尼日利亚Nigeria [nai'dӡiəriə]阿布贾Abuja [ɑ: 'bu:dʒɑ:]原是拉各斯lagos['leiɡɔs]the Republic of Armenia 亚美尼亚共和国亚美尼亚Armenia [ɑ:'mi:njə]埃里温Yerevan ['jere'vɑ:n]the State of Qatar 卡塔尔国卡塔尔Qatar ['kɑ:tər]多哈Doha ['dəuhə]the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯王国沙特Saudi Arabia ['saudi ə'reibjə]利雅得Riyadh [ri:'jɑ:d]the Republic of Lebanon 黎巴嫩共和国黎巴嫩Lebanon ['lebənən]贝鲁特Beirut [bei'ru:t]he Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal 尼泊尔联邦民主共和国尼泊尔Nepal [ni'pɔ:l]加德满都Katmandu ['kɑ:tmɑ:n'du:]the Republic of the Congo 刚果共和国民主刚果Congo ['kɔŋɡəu]布拉柴维尔Brazzaville ['bræzəvil]the Republic of Mozambique 莫桑比克共和国莫桑比克Mozambique ['məuzəm'bi:k]马普托Maputo [mæ'putə]the Republic of Zimbabwe 津巴布韦共和国津巴布韦Zimbabwe [zim'bɑ:bwei]索尔兹伯里Harare [hə'rɑ:rei]the Republic of Finland 芬兰共和国芬兰Finland ['finlənd]赫尔辛基Helsinki ['helsiŋki]the French Republic 法国法国France [frɑ:ns]巴黎Paris ['pæris]the Republic of Poland 波兰共和国波兰Poland ['pəulənd]华沙Warsaw ['wɔ:sɔ:]the Federal Republic of Germany 德意志联邦共和国德国Germany ['dӡə:məni]柏林Berlin [bə:'lin]the Kingdom of Norway 挪威王国挪威Norway ['nɔ:wei]奥斯陆Oslo ['ɔzləu]the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国英国Britain ['britən]伦敦London ['lʌndən]the Hellenic Republic [he'li:nik]希腊共和国希腊Greece [ɡri:s]雅典Athens ['æθinz]the Republic of Ireland爱尔兰共和国爱尔兰Ireland ['aiələnd]都柏林Dublin ['dʌblin]the Principality of Monaco [͵prinsi'pæliti] 摩纳哥公国摩纳哥Monaco ['mɔnəkəu]摩纳哥Monaco Villethe Republic of Austria 奥地利共和国奥地利Austria ['ɔstriə]维也纳Vienna [vi'enə]the Republic of Malta 马耳他共和国马耳他Malta ['mɔ:ltə]瓦莱塔Valletta [və'letə]the Vatican City State梵蒂冈城梵蒂冈Vatican ['vætikən]梵蒂冈Vaticanthe United States of America美利坚合众国(美国)美国America [ə'merikə]华盛顿Washingtonthe Federative Republic of Brazil巴西联邦共和国巴西Brazil [brə'zil]巴西利亚Brasilia [brə'zi:ljə]the Czech Republic 布拉格捷克共和国捷克Czech Republic [t∫ek]布拉格Prague [prɑ:ɡ]the Italian Republic [i'tæljən] 意大利共和国意大利Italy ['itəli]罗马Rome [rəum]the Principality of Andorra 安道尔公国安道尔Andorra [æn'dɔrə]安道尔Andorra la Velathe Swiss Confederation [kən͵f edə'rei∫ən] 瑞士联邦瑞士Switzerland ['switsələnd]伯尔尼Bern [bə:n,bεən]the Russian Federation[͵fedə'rei∫ən]俄罗斯联邦俄罗斯Russia ['rʌ∫ə]莫斯科Moscow ['mɔskəu]the Kingdom of Sweden 瑞典王国瑞典Sweden ['swi:dn]斯德哥尔摩Stockholm ['stɔkhəum]the Kingdom of the Netherlands 荷兰王国(尼德兰王国) 荷兰Netherlands ['neðələndz]阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam ['æmstə'dæm]the Grand Duchy ['dʌt∫i] of Luxembourg 卢森堡大公国卢森堡Luxembourg ['luksəm͵bə:ɡ]卢森堡Luxembourgthe Republic of Lithuania 立陶宛共和国立陶宛Lithuania [͵liθju(:)'einjə,-niə]维尔纽斯Vilnius [`vilniʊs,-əs]the Kingdom of Belgium 比利时王国比利时Belgium ['beldӡəm]布鲁塞尔Brussels ['brʌslz]乌克兰Ukraine [ju(:)'krein]基辅Kiev ['ki:ev]the Portuguese [͵pɔ:tju'ɡi:z] Republic 葡萄牙共和国葡萄牙Portugal ['pɔ:tjuɡəl]里斯本Lisbon ['lizbən]the Kingdom of Spain 西班牙王国西班牙Spain [spein]马德里Madrid [mə'drid]the Republic of Hungary 匈牙利共和国匈牙利Hungary ['hʌŋɡəri]布达佩斯Budapest ['b(j)u:də'pest]the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫联盟共和国(已解体)南斯拉夫Yugoslavia ['ju:ɡəu'slɑ:vjə]贝尔格莱德Belgrade [bel'ɡreid]the Slovak Republic 斯洛伐克共和国斯洛伐克Slovak [sləu'vækiə]布拉迪斯拉发Bratislava [͵bræti'slɑ:və]罗马尼亚Romania [rəu'meinjə]布加勒斯特Bucharest ['bju:kərest]the Republic of Albania 阿尔巴尼亚共和国阿尔巴尼亚Albania [æl'beinjə]地拉那Tirana [ti'rɑ:nə]the Republic of Bulgaria 保加利亚共和国保加利亚Bulgaria [bʌl'ɡεəriə]索非亚Sofia ['səufjə]the Republic of Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚共和国斯洛文尼亚Slovenia [sləu'vi:njə]卢布尔雅那Ljubljana ['lju:bljɑ:nɑ:]the Republic of Chile 智利共和国智利Chile ['t∫ili]圣地亚哥Santiago [sænti'ɑ:ɡəu]the Republic of Cuba 古巴共和国古巴Cuba ['kju:bə]哈瓦那Havana [hə'vænə]the Republic of Venezuela 委内瑞拉共和国委内瑞拉Venezuela [͵vene'zweilə]加拉加斯Caracas [kə'rækəs]the Argentine ['ɑ:dӡəntain] Republic 阿根廷共和国阿根廷Argentina [͵ɑ:dӡən'ti:nə]布宜诺斯艾利斯Buenos Aires ['bwenəs'aiəriz]the Republic of Panama 巴拿马共和国巴拿马Panama [͵pænə'mɑ:巴拿马城Panamathe Republic of Paraguay 巴拉圭共和国巴拉圭Paraguay ['pærəɡwai]亚松森Asuncion [ɑ'sjɔ:n]the Eastern Republic of Uruguay 乌拉圭东岸共和国乌拉圭Uruguay ['uruɡwai]蒙得维的亚Montevideo [͵mɔntivi'deiəu]the United Mexican States ['meksɪkən] (The United States of Mexico)墨西哥合众国墨西哥Mexico ['meksɪkəʊ]墨西哥城Mexico Citythe Republic of Ecuador 厄瓜多尔共和国厄瓜多尔Ecuador [͵ekwə'dɔ:]基多Quito ['ki:təu]加拿大Canada ['kænədə]渥太华Ottawa ['ɔtəwə]the Republic of Bolivia 玻利维亚共和国玻利维亚Bolivia [bə'liviə]拉巴斯La Paz [lɑ:'pæz]牙买加Jamaica [dӡə'meikə]金斯敦Kingston ['kiŋstən]the Republic of Colombia 哥伦比亚共和国哥伦比亚Colombia [kə'lɔmbiə]波哥达Bogota [bəugə'ta]新西兰New Zealand [nju:'zi:lənd]惠灵顿Wellington ['weliŋtən]the Republic of Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜共和国尼加拉瓜Nicaragua [͵nikə'rɑ:ɡwə,͵nikə'ræɡjuə] 马那瓜Managua [mə'nɑ:ɡwə]the Arab Republic of Egypt 阿拉伯埃及共和国埃及Egypt ['i:dӡɪpt]开罗Cairo ['kaiərəu]31。
英语国家概况名词解释——美国爱尔兰Rupert MurdochAustralian-born US newspaper publisher. he became a us citizen in 1985.Pilgrims Thanksgiving DayThe Pilgrims in 1620, 201 of them sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. The first winter after their arrival was very cold and when spring came, half of them were dead. Then the Indians came to their help and taught them how to grow corn. They had a good harvest that year. So they invited the Indians and held the first Thanksgiving celebration in America to give thanks to God.Republic of Ireland—the Republic of Ireland is an independent country situated in western Europe. It occupies four-fifths of the island of Ireland. Its capital is Dublin. The republic of Ireland is also known as Eire in Irish.Irish Catholicism—Ireland is one of the most catholic countries of Europe. Catholicism is an integral and pervasive influence on national life. Today 93.1% of the Irish population are Roman Catholics. About half the Catholic bishops in the United States are of Irish origin.爱尔兰裔。
成员国席位名称阿富汗Afghanistan阿尔巴尼亚Albania阿尔及利亚Algeria安道尔Andorra安哥拉Angola安提瓜和巴布达Antigua and Barbuda阿根廷Argentina亚美尼亚Armenia澳大利亚Australia奥地利Austria阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan巴哈马Bahamas巴林Bahrain孟加拉国Bangladesh巴巴多斯Barbados白俄罗斯Belarus比利时Belgium伯利兹Belize贝宁[4]Benin不丹Bhutan玻利维亚Bolivia波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Bosnia and Herzegovina博茨瓦纳Botswana巴西Brazil文莱[6]Brunei Darussalam保加利亚Bulgaria布基纳法索[7]Burkina Faso布隆迪Burundi柬埔寨Cambodia喀麦隆[8]Cameroon加拿大Canada佛得角Cape Verde中非共和国Central African Republic乍得Chad智利Chile中国注China哥伦比亚Colombia科摩罗Comoros刚果共和国[9]Congo哥斯达黎加Costa Rica科特迪瓦[10]Côte d'Ivoire克罗地亚Croatia古巴Cuba塞浦路斯Cyprus捷克Czech Republic朝鲜Democratic People's Republic of Korea 刚果民主共和国[12]Democratic Republic of the Congo丹麦Denmark吉布提Djibouti多米尼克Dominica多米尼加共和国Dominican Republic厄瓜多尔Ecuador埃及[13]Egypt萨尔瓦多El Salvador赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea厄立特里亚Eritrea爱沙尼亚Estonia埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia斐济Fiji芬兰Finland法国France加蓬Gabon冈比亚Gambia格鲁吉亚Georgia德国Germany加纳Ghana希腊Greece格林纳达Grenada危地马拉Guatemala几内亚Guinea几内亚比绍Guinea-Bissau圭亚那Guyana海地Haiti洪都拉斯Honduras匈牙利Hungary冰岛Iceland印度India印度尼西亚Indonesia伊朗[16]Iran (Islamic Republic of)伊拉克Iraq爱尔兰共和国Ireland以色列Israel意大利Italy牙买加Jamaica日本Japan约旦Jordan哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan肯尼亚Kenya基里巴斯Kiribati韩国Republic of Korea科威特Kuwait吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan老挝[17]Lao People's Democratic Republic 拉脱维亚Latvia黎巴嫩Lebanon莱索托Lesotho利比里亚Liberia利比亚[18]Libya列支敦士登Liechtenstein立陶宛Lithuania卢森堡Luxembourg马达加斯加Madagascar马拉维Malawi马来西亚[19]Malaysia马尔代夫Maldives马其顿共和国The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 马里Mali马耳他Malta马绍尔群岛Marshall Islands毛里塔尼亚Mauritania毛里求斯Mauritius墨西哥Mexico密克罗尼西亚联邦Micronesia摩尔多瓦Republic of Moldova摩纳哥Monaco蒙古国Mongolia黑山Montenegro摩洛哥Morocco莫桑比克Mozambique缅甸Myanmar纳米比亚Namibia瑙鲁Nauru尼泊尔Nepal荷兰Netherlands新西兰New Zealand尼加拉瓜Nicaragua尼日尔Niger尼日利亚Nigeria挪威Norway阿曼Oman巴基斯坦Pakistan帕劳Palau巴拿马Panama巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea巴拉圭Paraguay秘鲁Peru菲律宾[21]Philippines波兰Poland葡萄牙Portugal卡塔尔Qatar罗马尼亚Romania俄罗斯Russian Federation卢旺达Rwanda圣基茨和尼维斯Saint Kitts and Nevis圣卢西亚Saint Lucia圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 萨摩亚[22]Samoa圣马利诺San Marino圣多美和普林西比Sao Tome and Principe沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia塞内加尔Senegal塞尔维亚Serbia塞舌尔Seychelles塞拉利昂Sierra Leone新加坡Singapore斯洛伐克Slovakia斯洛文尼亚Slovenia所罗门群岛Solomon Islands索马里Somalia南非South Africa南苏丹South Sudan西班牙Spain斯里兰卡[24]Sri Lanka苏丹Sudan苏里南Suriname斯威士兰Swaziland瑞典Sweden瑞士Switzerland叙利亚Syrian Arab Republic塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan坦桑尼亚United Republic of Tanzania 泰国Thailand东帝汶Timor-Leste多哥Togo汤加Tonga特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago突尼斯Tunisia土耳其Turkey土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan图瓦卢Tuvalu乌干达Uganda乌克兰Ukraine阿拉伯联合酋长国United Arab Emirates英国United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland美国United States of America乌拉圭Uruguay乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan瓦努阿图Vanuatu委内瑞拉[29]Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)越南Viet Nam也门Yemen赞比亚Zambia津巴布韦Zimbabwe以上列出了至最新一个成员国南苏丹共和国在2011年7月14日加入后,全部193个联合国色衬托、粗体标示。
The Celts
• It is important to emphasize that ireland already had quite a sophisticated before the which were to transform it radically;that of the celts. it is believed that the celtics,originally thougt to be in the invaders , gradually into i
• Rival colonialists of the Neolithic,or new Stone Age ,period reached Irelang around 3000BC. these were farmers who raised animals and cultivated the soil.
• The earliest settler arrived around 7000 BC in the Mesolithic or middle Stone Age period. Evidence suggests that they arrived in the nonth of the island,across the narrow strait from northern Britain.these people were mainly huners.
The 18th Century
• In implementing such repressive measures ,the island of the Bitish colonies .But it have been rendered British colony -in the American war of independence (1776-1783)was the revolt of another British colony. that initiated radical changes in the Irish politics .Encouraged by the Americn examples.,the Protestant ascendancy began to press for a measure the American examle.
IrelandClimate:Ireland is not very hot during summer, nor very cold in winter, actually it has a quite temperate climate_ does not vary from one season the next。
Ireland had a quite unspoiled landscape, due to the comparative poverty of the country. Conflicts often arise between those who seek development and those who seek to protect the environment。
Environmentthe third—largest island in Europe and the twentieth—largest island in the world, it lies to the northwest of continental Europe . To the east of Ireland is Great Britain.Relatively low—lying mountains surrounding a central plain,the island has lush vegetation, a product of its mild but changeable oceanic climate。
Thick woodlands covered the island until the 17th century. Today,it is the most deforested area in Europe。
Twenty—six mammal species are native to Ireland,with some, such as the red fox, hedgehog and badger, being very common. Others, like the Irish hare, red deer,and pine marten are less so.The population of Ireland is estimated to be 6.5 million people,with just under 4.5 million in the Republic of Ireland and just under 1.8 million in Northern Ireland. This is a significant increase from a modern historical low of 4。
第十一章Part Two The Republic of Ireland爱尔兰共和国地理与历史Geography and History不列颠群岛由两大岛屿和几百座小岛构成。
The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islandsare Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because ot its rich green countryside. Ireland is divided into two political units. They are Northern Ireland and the Republic ofIreland. Northern Island is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland (Eire) is an independentcountry.I.Geographical Features地理特点爱尔兰共和国的面积为70 , 282 平方公里。
与北爱尔兰接壤的界限为434 公里。
The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km.国都是都柏林,The capital is Dublin.爱尔兰向来被比作盆地,内有海滨高地围起的石灰岩高原。
亚洲各国:按地理位置由东向西推进中国thePeople'sRepublicofChina北京Beijing人民币RMB蒙古国Mongolia首都:乌兰巴托UlanBator货币名称:图格里克togrog朝鲜民主主义人民共和国TheDemocraticPeople'sRepublicofKorea首都:平壤Pyongyang 大韩民国RepublicofKorea首尔Seoul日本国Japan首都:东京Tokyo,菲律宾共和国TheRepublicofThePhilippines首都:马尼拉Manila印度尼西亚共和国TheRepublicofIndonesia首都:雅加达Jakarta,东帝汶民主共和国DEMOCRATICREPUBLICOFTIMOR-LESTE首都:帝力Dili马来西亚Malaysia首都:吉隆坡kualalumpur文莱达鲁萨兰国BruneiDarussalam首都:斯里巴加湾市BandarSeriBegawan新加坡共和国TheRepublicofSingapore首都:新加坡市SingaporeCity越南社会主义共和国TheSocialistRepublicofVietNam首都:河内HaNoi老挝人民民主共和国TheLaoPeople'sDemocraticRepublic首都:万象Vientianevjen'tjɑ:n 柬埔寨王国TheKingdomofCambodia首都:金边PhnomPenhp'nm'pen泰王国TheKingdomofThailand首都:曼谷Bangkok,b'kk;'b-缅甸联邦TheUnionofMyanmar首都:内比都NayPyiTaw原首都仰光Yangon孟加拉人民共和国ThePeople'sRepublicofBangladesh首都:达卡Dhaka不丹王国KingdomofBhutan首都:廷布Thimphu尼泊尔联邦民主共和国FederalDemocraticRepublicofNepal加德满都Kathmandu印度共和国TheRepublicofIndia新德里NewDelhi货币名称:印度卢比Rupee巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国TheIslamicRepublicofPakistan首都:伊斯兰堡Islamabad阿富汗Afghanistan首都:喀布尔Kabul伊朗伊斯兰共和国TheIslamicRepublicofIran首都:德黑兰Tehran货币:里亚尔rial;伊拉克共和国TheRepublicofIraq首都:巴格达Baghdad,科威特国TheStateofKuwait首都:科威特城KuwaitCity,巴林王国theKingdomofBahrain首都:麦纳麦Manama,m'nm卡塔尔国TheStateofQatar首都:多哈Doha阿拉伯联合酋长国TheUnitedArabEmirates首都:阿布扎比AbuDhabi'bu:'e bi:阿曼苏丹国TheSultanateofOman首都:马斯喀特Muscat'mskt,'-kt也门共和国TheRepublicofYemen首都:萨那Sana’a沙特阿拉伯王国KingdomofSaudiArabia首都:利雅得Riyadhri:'jɑ:d约旦哈希姆王国TheHashemiteKingdomofJordan首都:安曼Amman以色列国TheStateofIsrael首都:特拉维夫TelAviv巴勒斯坦国ThestateofPalestine黎巴嫩共和国TheRepublicofLebanon首都:贝鲁特Beirut阿拉伯叙利亚共和国TheSyrianArabRepublic首都:大马士革Damascus塞浦路斯共和国TheRepublicofCyprus'saiprs首都:尼科西亚Nicosia,niku'si:土耳其共和国TheRepublicofTurkey首都:安卡拉Ankara阿塞拜疆共和国TheRepublicofAzerbaijan'ɑ:zbai'dɑ:n首都:巴库Baku亚美尼亚共和国TheRepublicofArmenia首都:埃里温Yerevan,Thtdfy'jere'vɑ:n格鲁吉亚Georgia首都:第比利斯Tbilisit'bilisi,tbili:'si:哈萨克斯坦共和国TheRepublicofKazakhstan首都:阿斯塔纳Astana吉尔吉斯共和国KyrghyzRepublic简称吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan首都:比什凯克Bishkek塔吉克斯坦共和国TheRepublicofTajikistan首都:杜尚别Dushanbedu:'ɑ:mb乌兹别克斯坦共和国TheRepublicofUzbekistan首都:塔什干Tashkentt'kent土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan首都:阿什哈巴德Ashgabat斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国TheDemocraticSocialistRepublicofSriLanka首都:科伦坡Colombok'lmbu马尔代夫共和国TheRepublicofMaldives首都:马累Male欧洲各国:俄罗斯联邦或俄罗斯TheRussianFederation,TheRussia首都:莫斯科Moscow乌克兰Ukraineju:'krein首都:基辅kyiv'ki:ev白俄罗斯共和国TheRepublicofBelarus'belrs首都:明斯克Minskminsk立陶宛共和国TheRepublicofLithuania,liθju:'eini首都:维尔纽斯Vilniusvilnius拉脱维亚共和国TheRepublicofLatvia'ltvi首都:里加riga爱沙尼亚共和国TheRepublicofEstoniaes'tuni首都:塔林Tallinn'tlin;'tɑ:-芬兰共和国TheRepublicofFinland,Suomentasavalta首都:赫尔辛基Helsinki'helsiki瑞典王国TheKingdomofSweden'swi:dn首都:斯德哥尔摩Stockholm'stkhum挪威王国TheKingdomofNorway,KongeriketNorge首都:奥斯陆Oslo'zlu;'uslu冰岛共和国TheRepublicofIceland,IslenskaLydveldid首都:雷克雅未克Reykjavik'reikj,vi:k 波兰共和国TheRepublicofPoland首都:华沙Warsaw'w:s:斯洛伐克共和国TheSlovakRepublic首都:布拉迪斯拉发Bratislava匈牙利共和国TheRepublicofHungary首都:布达佩斯Budapest,bu:d'pest罗马尼亚Romania首都:布加勒斯特Bucharest摩尔多瓦共和国TheRepublicofMoldova,RepublicaMoldova首都:基希讷乌Chisinau/kishinev 保加利亚共和国TheRepublicofBulgaria首都:索非亚Sofia希腊共和国TheHellenicRepublic,TheRepublicofGreece首都:雅典Athens马其顿共和国TheRepublicofMacedonia,msi'dunj首都:斯科普里Skopje'skup,je阿尔巴尼亚共和国TheRepublicofAlbania首都:地拉那Tirana塞尔维亚共和国TheRepublicofSerbia首都:贝尔格莱德Belgrade黑山Montenegro首都:波德戈里察Podgorica波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那BosniaandHerzegovina首都:萨拉热窝Sarajevo克罗地亚共和国TheRepublicofCroatia首都:萨格勒布Zagreb斯洛文尼亚共和国TheRepublicofSlovenia首都:卢布尔雅那ljubljana'lju:bljɑ:nɑ:奥地利共和国TheRepublicofAustria首都:维也纳Vienna捷克共和国TheCzechtekRepublic首都:布拉格Pragueprɑ:g列支敦士登公国ThePrincipalityofLiechtenstein首都:瓦杜兹Vaduz圣马力诺共和国TheRepublicofSanMarino首都:圣马力诺SanMarino梵蒂冈城国TheVaticanCitystate首都:梵蒂冈城VaticanCity意大利共和国TheRepublicofItaly首都:罗马rome/roma马耳他共和国TheRepublicofMalta首都:瓦莱塔Valletta丹麦王国TheKingdomofDenmark,KongerigetDanmark首都:哥本哈根Copenhagen,Koebenhavn德意志联邦共和国TheFederalRepublicofGermany首都:柏林Berlin荷兰王国TheKingdomoftheNetherlands首都:阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam比利时王国TheKingdomofBelgium,LeRoyaumedeBelgique首都:布鲁塞尔Bruxelles卢森堡大公国TheGrandDuchyofLuxembourg首都:卢森堡Luxembourg法兰西共和国TheRepublicofFrance,LaRepubliqueFrancaise首都:巴黎Paris摩纳哥公国ThePrincipalityofMonaco首都:摩纳哥城Monaco-Ville安道尔公国ThePrincipalityofAndorra首都:安道尔城AndorraLaVella瑞士联邦SwissConfederation首都:伯尔尼Bern西班牙王国Spain,Espana首都:马德里Madrid葡萄牙共和国ThePortuguese,p:tju'gi:zRepublic首都:里斯本lisbon'lizbn大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIreland首都:伦敦london爱尔兰Ireland首都:都柏林Dublin非洲各国:阿拉伯埃及共和国TheArabRepublicofEgypt首都:开罗Cairo苏丹共和国TheRepublicoftheSudan首都:喀土穆Khartoumkɑ:'tu:m厄立特里亚国TheStateofEritrea,eri'tri:首都:阿斯马拉Asmara埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国TheFederalDemocraticRepublicofEthiopia首都:亚的斯亚贝巴AddisAbaba'dis'bb吉布提共和国TheRepublicofDjibouti首都:吉布提市Djibouti索马里共和国TheSomaliRepublic首都:摩加迪沙Mogadishu,m:gɑ:'di:u:肯尼亚共和国TheRepublicofKenya首都:内罗毕Nairobi乌干达共和国TheRepublicofUganda首都:坎帕拉Kampala卢旺达共和国TheRepublicofRwanda首都:基加利Kigali布隆迪共和国TheRepublicofBurundi首都:布琼布拉Bujumbura坦桑尼亚联合共和国TheUnitedRepublicofTanzania首都:达累斯萨拉姆DaresSalaam马拉维共和国TheRepublicofMalawi首都:利隆圭Lilongwe莫桑比克共和国TheRepublicofMozambique首都:马普托Maputo科摩罗联盟UnionofComoros首都:莫罗尼Moroni塞舌尔共和国TheRepublicofSeychelles首都:维多利亚Victoria马达加斯加共和国TheRepublicofMadagascar首都:塔那那利佛Antananarivo毛里求斯共和国TheRepublicofMauritius首都:路易港PortLouis南非共和国TheRepublicofSouthAfrica首都:行政首都比勒陀利亚Pretoria立法首都开普敦CapeTown司法首都布隆方丹Bloemfontein纳米比亚共和国TheRepublicofNamibia首都:温得和克Windhoek博茨瓦纳共和国TheRepublicofBotswana首都:哈博罗内Gaborone津巴布韦共和国TheRepublicofZimbabwe首都:哈拉雷Harare赞比亚共和国TheRepublicofZambia首都:卢萨卡Lusaka安哥拉共和国TheRepublicofAngola首都:罗安达Luanda刚果民主共和国,简称刚果金TheDemocraticRepublicofCongo首都:金沙萨Kinshasa,刚果共和国TheRepublicofCongo,简称刚果布首都:布拉柴维尔Brazzaville加蓬共和国TheGaboneseRepublic首都:利伯维尔Libreville圣多美和普林西比民主共和国简称“圣普”TheDemocraticRepublicofSaoTomeandPrincipe 首都:圣多美Saotome赤道几内亚共和国TheRepublicofEquatorialGuinea首都:马拉博Malabo喀麦隆共和国TheRepublicofCameroun首都:雅温得Yaounde中非共和国TheCentralAfricanRepublic首都:班吉Bangui乍得共和国TheRepublicofChad首都:恩贾梅纳N'Djamena大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国TheGreatSocialistPeople'sLibyanArabJamahiriya首都:的黎波里Tripoli突尼斯共和国TheRepublicofTunisia,LaRepubliqueTunisienne首都:突尼斯市Tunis阿尔及利亚民主人民共和国TheDemocraticPeople'sRepublicofAlgeria首都:阿尔及尔Algiers,Alger摩洛哥王国TheKingdomofMorocco首都:拉巴特Rabat毛里塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国TheIslamicRepublicofMauritania首都:努瓦克肖特Nouakchott 马里共和国TheRepublicofMali首都:巴马科Bamako尼日尔共和国TheRepublicofNiger首都:尼亚美Niamey尼日利亚联邦共和国TheFederalRepublicofNigeria首都:阿布贾Abuja贝宁共和国TheRepublicofBenin首都:波多诺伏Porto-Novo多哥共和国TheRepublicofTogo首都:洛美Lome加纳共和国TheRepublicofGhana首都:阿克拉Accra布基纳法索TheBurkinaFaso首都:瓦加杜古Ouagadougou科特迪瓦共和国TheRepublicofCoted'ivoire首都:政治首都,亚穆苏克罗Yamoussoukro,经济首都,阿比让Abidjan利比里亚共和国TheRepublicofLiberia首都:蒙罗维亚Monrovia塞拉利昂共和国TheRepublicofSierraLeone首都:弗里敦Freetown几内亚共和国TheRepublicofGuinea首都:科纳克里Conakry几内亚比绍共和国TheRepublicofGuinea-Bissau首都:比绍Bissau冈比亚共和国TheRepublicoftheGambia首都:班珠尔Banjul塞内加尔共和国TheRepublicofSenegal首都:达喀尔Dakar佛得角共和国TheRepublicofCapeVerde首都:普拉亚Praia美洲各国:加拿大Canada首都:渥太华Ottawa美利坚合众国TheUnitedStatesofAmerica首都:华盛顿哥伦比亚特区.墨西哥合众国TheUnitedStatesofMexico首都:墨西哥城MexicoCity危地马拉共和国TheRepublicofGuatemala首都:危地马拉城GuatemalaCity伯利兹Belize首都:贝尔莫潘Belmopan洪都拉斯共和国TheRepublicofHonduras首都:特古西加尔巴Tegucigalpa萨尔瓦多共和国TheRepublicofElSalvador首都:圣萨尔瓦多SanSalvador尼加拉瓜共和国TheRepublicofNicaragua首都:马那瓜Managua哥斯达黎加共和国TheRepublicofCostaRica首都:圣何塞SanJose巴拿马共和国TheRepublicofPanama首都:巴拿马城Panamacity古巴共和国TheRepublicofCuba首都:哈瓦那LaHabana巴哈马国TheCommonwealthofTheBahamas首都:拿骚Nassau海地共和国TheRepublicofHaiti首都:太子港Port-au-Prince牙买加Jamaica首都:金斯敦Kingston多米尼加共和国TheDominicanRepublic首都:圣多明各SantoDomingo圣基茨和尼维斯联邦theFederationofSaintKittsandNevis首都:巴斯特尔Basseterre安提瓜和巴布达AntiguaandBarbuda首都:圣约翰城's多米尼克国TheCommonwealthofDominica首都:罗索Roseau圣卢西亚SaintLucia首都:卡斯特里Castries巴巴多斯Barbados首都:布里奇敦Bridgetown格林纳达Grenada首都:圣乔治's特立尼达和多巴哥共和国TheRepublicofTrinidadandTobago首都:西班牙港PortofSpain圣文森特和格林纳丁斯SaintVincentandtheGrenadines首都:金斯敦Kingstown委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国BolivarianRepublicofVenezuela首都:加拉加斯Caracas哥伦比亚共和国TheRepublicofColombia首都:波哥大Bogota厄瓜多尔共和国TheRepublicofEcuador首都:基多Quito秘鲁共和国TheRepublicofPeru首都:利马lima多民族玻利维亚国EstadoPlurinacionaldeBolivia首都:政府、议会所在地:拉巴斯LaPaz智利共和国RepublicofChile首都:圣地亚哥Santiago阿根廷共和国RepublicofArgentina,RepublicaArgentina首都:布宜诺斯艾利斯BuenosAires 乌拉圭东岸共和国OrientalRepublicofUruguay首都:蒙得维的亚Montevideo巴拉圭共和国TheRepublicofParaguay首都:亚松森Asuncion巴西联邦共和国TheFederativeRepublicofBrazil首都:巴西利亚Brasilia圭亚那合作共和国TheCooperativeRepublicofGuyana首都:乔治敦Georgetown苏里南共和国TheRepublicofSuriname首都:帕拉马里博Paramaribo大洋洲各国:帕劳共和国TheRepublicofPalau首都:科罗尔Koror密克罗尼西亚联邦TheFederatedStatesofMicronesia首都:帕利基尔palikir马绍尔群岛共和国TheRepublicofMarshallIsland首都:马朱罗Majuro基里巴斯共和国TheRepublicofKiribati首都:塔拉瓦Tarawa瑙鲁共和国TheRepublicofNauru首都:无正式首都,政府机关设在亚伦区YarenDistrict图瓦卢Tuvalu首都:富纳富提Funafuti巴布亚新几内亚独立国TheIndependentStateofPapuaNewGuinea首都:莫尔斯比港PortMoresby 所罗门群岛TheSolomonislands首都:霍尼亚拉Honiara瓦努阿图共和国TheRepublicofVanuatu首都:维拉港PortVila斐济群岛共和国TheRepublicofTheFijiIslands首都:苏瓦Suva萨摩亚独立国TheIndependentStateofSamoa首都:阿皮亚Apia汤加王国TheKingdom首都:努库阿洛法nukualofa纽埃NiueofTonga首都:阿洛菲Alofi库克群岛TheCookIslands首都:阿瓦鲁阿Avarua新西兰NewZealand首都:惠灵顿Wellington澳大利亚联邦TheCommonwealthofAustralia首都:堪培拉Canberra。
Independence and the division of
Michael Collins had led the war effort against Britain. A treaty was signed after the War of Independence in 1921. However the people of Northern Ireland did not want to separate from England and so they remained part of the United Kingdom (UK). Many of the NI people felt betrayed by the British government for giving independence to the Irish.
The Celts
The Celtic race of people arrived from Europe to Ireland between 800-100 BC. Ireland became a Celtic country. It was from this tribal people that the modern Irish language came from and Irish identity is founded upon.
Irish History
9000 years ago Ireland was covered in ice. And the Ice Age ended. Stone age people arrived from Europe about 8000 BC. Agriculture (farming) began about 4000 BC.
5.Irish Independence
5)Home Rule (地方自治)in 1914
In 1870, a constitutional movement seeking Home Rule was instituted up by Isaac Butt.The Home Rule Bill(自治法案) was finally passed in 1914.
4.English invasion
1771 Henry VIII declared himself king of Ireland
Henry II,establish himself as overlord of Ireland
1601 Queen Elizabeth I’s army defeated the Irish at the Battle of Kinsale the English sought to impose their Protestantism in the Irish colony 1800 from 16th century onward
2)During and after the Great Famine ① Who : People all over Ireland. ② Why : As a result of Great Famine. ③ Destination : The New World. ④ Result the immmediate result of Great Famine was a decimation of population,which about half its population lost.
英语国家概况1试题 第1页(共6页) 英语国家概况1试题 第2页(共6页)试卷编号:5102 座位号浙江广播电视大学2006年秋季学期开放教育本科期末考试 《英语国家概况1》试题2007年1月请将答案写在答题纸上 I. There are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(共20题,每小题1.5分,共30分) 1. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England? A. the Anglo-Saxons B. the Normans C. the Vikings D. the Romans 2. Which of the following can NOT be found in London? A. Teahouses. B. Galleries. C. Museums. D. Theatres. 3. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of British government? A. It offers the Queen high political status and supreme power. B. It is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. C. It is the oldest representative democracy in the world. D. It has no written form of Constitution. 4. How many seats in the House of Commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election? A. 651 B. 326 C. 626 D. 351 5. Who is the leader of the Labour party at present? A. John Major B.Tony Blair C. Harold Wilson D. Margaret Thatcher 6. Which of the following statements about the UK economy is NOT true?A. Britain remains one of the Group of Seven large industrial economies.B. Britain has experienced a relative economic decline since 1945.C. There has been a period of steady decreasing of living standards.D. Some smaller economies have overtaken the UK in terms of output per capita.7. Which of the following livestock has the biggest number in the UK? A. beef battle B. dairy cattleC. chickenD. sheep8. Which of the following books is written by Geoffrey Chaucer?A. The Canterbury TalesB. BeowulfC. The Ulster CycleD. Morte D'Arthur 9. What flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literature ? A. Novel B. Essay C. Drama D. Poetry 10. On which day is Halloween celebrated? A. 5 November B. 31 October C. 17 March D. 25 December11. Which of the following about class system in the UK is NOT true?A. People of different classes tend to read different kinds of newspaper.B. Class-division is only decided by people's income.C. Though social advancement is possible, class affects a person' s life-chances.D. The way people speak identifies themselves to particular class. 12. Three of the following factors have contributed to a certain degree of Britain's special relationship with the United States. Which is the exception? A. Britain and the United States share the general ideas in many respects.B. They have common interests in every respect.C. They agree generally on how the world economy should be managed.D. They have special links in culture. 13. Where is the international tennis championships held? A. Wembley B. Wimbledon C. St Andrews D. Clapham14. Which of the following about hunting is NOT true?A. It had developed into a recreational activity in medieval England.B. Only men participated in the hunting.C. Modem hunters usually chase foxes nowadays.D. It is strongly objected by animal rights groups.15. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Open University?A. It's open to everybody.B. It requires no formal educational qualifications.C. No university degree is awarded.D. University courses are followed through TV, radio, correspondence, ect.16. The British media have many important functions. Which of the following is an exception?A. They supply people with news, keeping them informed about what is happening in the world.B. They make huge profit by publishing advertisements.C. They promote culture and education.D. They provide entertainment.17. Northern Ireland includes ________________.A. 6 countiesB. 26 countiesC. 32 countiesD. the whole island off the northwest coast of Great Britain18. In 1541, _______________ declared to be the king of Ireland, the first English monarch to do so.A. Henry VIIIB. Queen Elizabeth IC. William of OrangeD. James II19. The word "Ireland" is used ambiguously to mean ________________.A. Republic of IrelandB. Northern IrelandC. both the Republic and Northern IrelandD. the 26 counties which gained independence in 192120. How long is the office term of the President of Ireland?A. 4 years.B. 5 years.C. 6 years.D. 7 years.II. There are altogether 15 blanks in the following sentences. Fill inthe blanks and writer your answer at the corresponding places onthe ANSWER SHEET. (共15题,每小题2分,共30分)●The capital of Britain is 21_________, which has great influence on the UK inall fields including government, finance, and 22____________.●The island of Great Britain is made up of England, 23________and 24_______.●Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of 25______ and 26________.●Virginia Woolf was one of the most famous writers of the 20th century. Her workwas concerned with the individual consciousness, especially the 27________consciousness. She sometimes used the technique called 28___________ inher writing.●The two oldest universities in Britain are 29________ and 30___________.●There are 31 ______ members of the Commonwealth including 32 ________countries as well as 33 _________ industrial countries.●34_________ commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, while 35_________commemorates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.III. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):(共10题,每小题2分,共20分)36. The Commonwealth of Nations includes all European countries.37. The Scots and Welsh have a strong sense of being British.38. In the UK, a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in circumstances.treatment by police and by the justice system.英语国家概况1试题第3页(共6页)英语国家概况1试题第4页(共6页)英语国家概况1试题 第5页(共6页) 英语国家概况1试题 第6页(共6页)independence in 1947.41. Much early British literature was concerned with Christianity.42. It is commonly believed that Boxing Day involves the sport of boxing.43. British universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government.44. When referring to Ireland, people mean either the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland, aprovince of Great Britain.45. The area covering the Republic of Ireland is five times of that of Northern Ireland.IV . Explain each of the following two items. Write your answer at theappropriate place on the ANSWER SHEET.(共2题,每小题10分,共20分)46. the House of Commons47. The relative decline of the UK economy。
the Republic of Ireland爱尔兰是一个西欧国家,西临大西洋东靠爱尔兰海(Muir éireann),与英国隔海相望,爱尔兰为北美通向欧洲的通道。
政体:总统共和首都:都柏林(Dublin)官方语言:盖尔语(Gaeilge),英语主要民族:凯尔特人主要宗教:天主教国庆日:3月17日(圣帕特里克日Saint Patlick's Day)国花:白三叶草经济概况:爱尔兰是一个以农牧业为主、经济发达的国家。
地理爱尔兰位于欧洲西部爱尔兰岛的中南部,西濒大西洋,东北与英国的北爱尔兰接壤,东隔爱尔兰海与英国相望,中部是丘陵和平原,沿海多为高地;最长的河流香侬河(Abha na Sionainne)长约370多公里,最大的湖泊为科里布湖(Loch Koilib)。
气候:气候温和湿润,为典型温带海洋性气候极制点:最高点为神族镰刀山(Kolrán Tuaceail),1041米;最低点为大西洋,0米。
【政党】(1)共和党(FIANNA FAIL):现第一大执政党,(2)统一党(FINE GAEL):第二大党。
(3)工党(THE LABOUR PARTY):第三大党。
(4)爱尔兰绿党(THE GREEN PARTY IN IRELAND)司法机构:最高法院立法机构:爱尔兰国会(Oileachtas)为两院制,分为爱尔兰上议院(Seanad éileann)和爱尔兰下议院(Dáil éileann)。
中华人民共和国People's Republic of China北京Beijing蒙古Mongolia乌兰巴托Elggydggmgj朝鲜Democratic People's Republic of Korea平壤Pyongyang 韩国Republic of Korea汉城(首尔)Seoul日本Japan东京Tokyo菲律宾Republic of the Philippines马尼拉Manila印度尼西亚Republic of Indonesia雅加达Jakarta文莱Brunei Darussalam斯里巴加湾市Bandar Seri Begawan 新加坡Republic of Singapore新加坡Singapore泰国Kingdom of Thailand曼谷Bangkok马来西亚Malaysia吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur越南Socialist Republic of Vietnam河内Hanoi老挝Lao People's Democratic Republic万象Vientiane柬埔寨Kingdom of Cambodia金边Phnom Penh缅甸Union of Myanmar仰光Yangon不丹Kingdom of Bhutan廷布Thimphu东帝汶Democratic Republic of East Timor帝力Dili尼泊尔Kingdom of Nepal加德满都Kathmandu印度Republic of India新德里New Delhi孟加拉国People's Republic of Bangladesh达卡Dhaka斯里兰卡Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka科伦坡Colombo马尔代夫Republic of Maldives马累Male巴基斯坦Islamic Republic of Pakistan伊斯兰堡Islamabad阿富汗Islamic State of Afghanistan喀布尔Kabul塔吉克斯坦Republic of Tajikistan杜尚别Dushanbe吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyz Republic比什凯克Bishkek哈萨克斯坦Republic of Kazakhstan阿斯塔纳Astana乌兹别克期坦Republic of Uzbekistan塔什干Tashkent土库曼斯坦Republic of Turkmenistan阿什哈巴德Ashgabat 伊朗Islamic Republic of Iran德黑兰Tehran伊拉克Republic of Iraq巴格达Baghdad科威特State of Kuwait科威特城Kuwait卡塔尔State of Qatarc多哈Doha阿拉伯联合酋长国United Arab Emirates阿布扎比Abu Dhabi 巴林Kingdom of Bahrain麦纳麦Manama阿曼Sultanate of Oman马斯喀特Muscat也门Republic of Yemen萨那Sanaa沙特阿拉伯Kingdom of Saudi Arabia利雅得Riyadh约旦Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan安曼Amman巴勒斯坦State of Palestine耶路撒冷Jerusalem以色列State of Israel耶路撒冷Jerusalem叙利亚Syrian Arab Republic大马士革Damascus黎巴嫩Lebanese Republic贝鲁特Beirut塞浦路斯Republic of Cyprus尼科西亚Nicosia土耳其Republic of Turkey安卡拉Ankara阿塞拜疆Republic of Azerbaijan巴库Baku格鲁吉亚Georgia第比利斯T'bilisi亚美尼亚Republic of Armenia埃里温Yerevan挪威Kingdom of Norway奥斯路Oslo冰岛Republic of Iceland雷克雅未克Reykjavik瑞典Kingdom of Sweden斯德哥尔摩Stockholm芬兰Republic of Finland赫尔辛基Helsinki爱沙尼亚Republic of Estonia塔林Tallinn拉脱维亚Republic of Latvia里加Riga立陶宛Republic of Lithuania维尔纽斯Vilnius白俄罗斯Republic of Belarus明斯克Minsk俄罗斯Russian Federation莫斯科Moscow乌克兰Ukraine基辅Kiev摩尔多瓦Republic of Moldova基希讷乌Chisinau波兰Republic of Poland华沙Warsaw捷克Czech Republic布拉格Prague斯洛伐克Slovak Republic布拉提斯拉发Bratislava匈牙利Republic of Hungary布达佩斯Budapest德国Federal Republic of Germany柏林Berlin英国United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland伦敦London爱尔兰Ireland都柏林Dublin丹麦Kingdom of Denmark哥本哈根Copenhagen荷兰Kingdom of the Netherlands阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam 摩纳哥Principality of Monaco摩纳哥Monaco法国French Republic巴黎Paris比利时Kingdom of Belgium布鲁塞尔Brussels卢森堡Grand Duchy of Luxembourg卢森堡Luxembourg 奥地利Republic of Austria维也纳Vienna瑞士Swiss Confederation伯尔尼Bern列支敦士登Principality of Liechtenstein瓦杜兹Vaduz西班牙Kingdom of Spain马德里Madrid安道尔Principality of Andorra安道尔Andorra la Vella葡萄牙Portuguese Republic里斯本Lisbon意大利Italian Republic罗马Rome马耳他Republic of Malta瓦莱塔Bamako圣马力诺Republic of San Marino圣马力诺San Marino 梵蒂冈Vatican City梵蒂冈Port-au-Prince斯洛文尼亚Republic of Slovenia卢布尔雅那Ljubljana 克罗地亚Republic of Croatia萨格勒布Zagreb波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Bosnia and Herzegovina萨拉热窝Sarajevo南斯拉夫Federal Republic of Yugoslavia贝尔格莱德Belgrade马其顿Republic of Macedonia斯科普里Skopje阿尔巴尼亚Republic of Albania地拉那Tirana罗马尼亚Romania布加勒斯特Bucharest保加利亚Republic of Bulgaria索非亚Sofia希腊Hellenic Republic雅典Athens埃及Arab Republic of Egypt开罗Cairo苏丹Republic of the Sudan喀土穆Khartoum埃塞俄比亚Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia亚的斯亚贝巴Addis Ababa厄立特里亚State of Eritrea阿斯马拉Asmara吉布提Republic of Djibouti吉布提Djibouti索马里Somali Republic摩加迪沙Mogadishu利比亚Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya的黎波里Tripoli 阿尔及利亚Democratic People's Republic of Algeria阿尔及尔Algiers突尼斯Republic of Tunisia突尼斯Tunis摩洛哥Kingdom of Morocco拉巴特Rabat佛得角Republic of Cape Verde普拉亚Praia毛里塔尼亚Islamic Republic of Mauritania努瓦克肖特Nouakchott 马里Republic of Mali巴马科Bamako塞内加尔Republic of Senegal达喀尔Dakar冈比亚Republic of the Gambia班珠尔Banjul几内亚比绍Republic of Guinea-Bissau比绍Bissau几内亚Republic of Guinea科纳克里Conakry塞拉利昂Republic of Sierra Leone弗里敦Freetown利比里亚Republic of Liberia蒙罗维亚Monrovia科特迪瓦Republic of Cote d'Ivoire亚穆苏克罗Yamoussoukro布基纳法索Burkina Faso瓦加杜古Ouagadougou尼日尔Republic of Niger尼亚美Niamey乍得Republic of Chad恩贾梅纳N'Djamena尼日利亚Federal Republic of Nigeria阿布贾Abuja加纳Republic of Ghana阿克拉Accra多哥Togolese Republic洛美Lome贝宁Republic of Benin波多诺伏Porto-Novo喀麦隆Republic of Cameroon雅温得Yaounde加蓬Gabonese Republic利伯维尔Libreville赤道几内亚Republic of Equatorial Guinea马拉博Malabo圣多美和普林西比Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美Sao Tome中非Central African Republic班吉Bangui刚果Republic of the Congo布拉柴维尔Brazzaville刚果民主共和国Democratic Republic of the Congo金沙萨Kinshasa乌干达Republic of Uganda坎帕拉Kampala卢旺达Republic of Rwanda基加利Kigali布隆迪Republic of Burundi布琼布拉Bujumbura坦桑尼亚United Republic of Tanzania达累斯萨拉姆Dodoma肯尼亚Republic of Kenya内罗华Nairobi安哥拉Republic of Angola罗安达Luanda赞比亚Republic of Zambia卢萨卡Lusaka马拉维Republic of Malawi利隆圭Lilongwe莫桑比克Republic of Mozambique马普托Maputo马达加斯加Republic of Madagascar塔那那利佛Antananarivo科摩罗Union of the Comoros莫罗尼Moroni塞舌尔Republic of Seychelles维多利亚Victoria毛里求斯Republic of Mauritius路易港Port Louis津巴布韦Republic of Zimbabwe哈拉雷Harare博茨瓦纳Republic of Botswana哈博罗内Gaborone纳米比亚Republic of Namibia温得和克Windhoek斯威士兰Kingdom of Swaziland姆巴巴内Mbabane莱索托Kingdom of Lesotho马塞卢Maseru南非Republic of South Africa比勒陀利亚Cape Town澳大利亚Commonwealth of Australia堪培拉Canberra巴布亚新几内亚Independent State of Papua New Guinea莫尔兹比港Port Moresby所罗门群岛Solomon Islands霍尼亚拉Honiara瓦努阿图Republic of Vanuatu维拉港Port-Vila新西兰New Zealand惠灵顿Wellington斐济Republic of the Fiji Islands苏瓦Suva汤加Kingdom of Tonga努库阿洛法Nuku'alofa瑙鲁Republic of Nauru亚伦Yaren District基里巴斯Republic of Kiribati塔拉瓦Tarawa图瓦卢Tuvalu富纳富提Funafuti萨摩亚Independent State of Samoa阿皮亚Apia密克罗尼西亚联邦Federated States of Micronesia帕利基尔Palikir 马绍尔群岛Republic of the Marshall Islands马朱罗Majuro帕劳Republic of Palau科罗尔Koror加拿大Canada渥太华Ottawa美国United States of America华盛顿Washington墨西哥United Mexican States墨西哥城Mexico City危地马拉Republic of Guatemala危地马拉Guatemala伯利兹Belize贝尔莫潘Belmopan萨尔瓦多Republic of El Salvador圣萨尔瓦多San Salvador洪都拉斯Republic of Honduras特古西加尔巴Tegucigalpa尼加拉瓜Republic of Nicaragua马那瓜Managua哥斯达黎加Republic of Costa Rica圣何塞San Jose巴拿马Republic of Panama巴拿马城Panama古巴Republic of Cuba哈瓦那Havana巴哈马Commonwealth of the Bahamas拿骚Nassau海地Republic of Haiti太子港Port-au-Prince多米尼加共和国Dominican Republic圣多明各Santo Domingo 牙买加Jamaica金斯敦Kingston圣基茨和尼维斯Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis巴斯特尔Basseterre安提瓜和巴布达Antigua and Barbuda圣约翰Saint John's多米尼克Commonwealth of Dominica罗索Roseau圣卢西亚Saint Lucia卡斯特里Castries圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent and the Grenadines金斯敦Kingstown格林纳达Grenada圣乔治Saint George's巴巴多斯Barbados布里奇敦Bridgetown特立尼达和多巴哥Republic of Trinidad and Tobago西班牙港Port-of-Spain哥伦比亚Republic of Colombia波哥大Bogota厄瓜多尔Republic of Ecuador基多Quito委内瑞拉Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela加拉加斯Caracas圭亚那Co-operative Republic of Guyana乔治敦Georgetown苏里南Republic of Suriname帕拉马里博Paramaribo秘鲁Republic of Peru利马Lima玻利维亚Republic of Bolivia苏克雷Sucre巴拉圭Republic of Paraguay亚松森Asuncion阿根廷Argentine Republic布宜诺斯艾利斯Buenos Aires 乌拉圭Oriental Republic of Uruguay蒙得维的亚Montevide 巴西Federative Republic of Brazil巴西利亚Brasilia智利Republic of Chile圣地亚哥Santiago阿尔巴尼亚Albania阿尔及利亚Algeria阿富汗Afghanistan阿根廷Argentina阿闻酋United Arab Emirates阿鲁巴Aruba阿曼Oman阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan埃及Egypt埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia爱尔兰Ireland爱沙尼亚Estonia安道尔Andorra安哥拉Angola安圭拉Anguilla安提瓜和巴布达Antigua and Barbuda 奥地利Austria澳大利亚Australia澳门Macau巴巴多斯Barbados巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea 巴哈马Bahamas巴基斯坦Pakistan巴拉圭Paraguay巴勒斯坦Palestine巴林Bahrain巴拿马Panama巴西Brazil白俄罗斯Belarus百慕大Bermuda保加利亚Bulgaria北马里亚纳Northern Marianas贝劳Palau贝宁Benin比利时Belgium冰岛Iceland波多黎各Puerto Rico波兰Poland玻利维亚Bolivia波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Bosnia and Herzegovina 博茨瓦纳Botswana伯利兹Belize不丹Bhutan布基纳法索Burkina Faso布隆迪Burundi布维岛Bouvet Island朝鲜Korea,Democratic People's Republic of赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea丹麦Denmark德国Germany如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』http;//东帝汶East Timor多哥Togo多米尼加共和国Dominican Republic多米尼克Dominica俄罗斯Russia厄瓜多尔Ecuador厄立特里亚Eritrea法国France法罗群岛Faroe Islands法属波利尼西亚French Polynesia法属圭亚那French Guiana法属南部领土French Southern Territo-ries 梵蒂冈Vatican菲律宾Philippines斐济Fiji芬兰Finland佛得角Cape Verde冈比亚Gambia刚果Congo哥伦比亚Colombia哥斯达黎加Costa Rica格林纳达Grenada格陵兰Greenland格鲁吉亚Georgia古巴Cuba瓜德罗普Guadeloupe关岛Guam圭亚那Guyana哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan海地Haiti韩国Korea,Republic of荷兰Netherlands荷属安的列斯Netherlands Antilles赫德岛和麦克唐纳岛Heard islands and Mc Donald Islands 洪都拉斯Honduras基里巴斯Kiribati吉布提Djibouti吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan几内亚Guinea几内亚比绍Guine-bissau加拿大Canada加纳Ghana加蓬Gabon柬埔寨Cambodia捷克Czech Repoublic津巴布韦Zimbabwe喀麦隆Cameroon卡塔尔Qatar开曼群岛Cayman Islands科科斯(基林)群岛Cocos(Keeling) Islands科摩罗Comoros科特迪瓦Cote d'Ivoire科威特Kuwait克罗地亚Croatia肯尼亚Kenya库克群岛Cook Islands拉脱维亚Latvia莱索托Lesotho老挝Lao黎巴嫩Lebanon利比里亚Liberia利比亚Libya立陶宛Lithuania列支敦士登Liechtenstein留尼汪Reunion卢森堡Luxembourg卢旺达Rwanda罗马尼亚Romania马达加斯加Madagascar马耳他Malta马尔代夫Maldives马尔维纳斯群岛(福克兰群岛) Malvinas Islands (Falkland Islands)马拉维Malawi马来西亚Malaysia马里Mali马斯顿Macedonia马绍尔群岛Marshall Islands马提尼克Martinique马约特Mayotte毛里求斯Mauritius毛里塔尼亚Mauritania美国United States美属萨摩亚American Samoa美属太平洋各群岛(包括:中途岛、约翰斯顿岛、豪兰岛、贝克岛和威克岛等) United States miscella-neous Pac美属维尔京群岛United States Virgin Is-lands蒙古Mongolia蒙特塞拉特Montserrat孟加拉国Bangladesh秘鲁Peru密克罗尼西亚Micronesia缅甸Myanmar摩尔多瓦Moldova摩洛哥Morocco摩纳哥Monaco莫桑比克Mozambique墨西哥Mexico纳米比亚Namibia南非South Africa南极洲Antarctica南乔治亚岛和南桑德韦奇岛South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands南斯拉夫Yugoslavia瑙鲁Nauru尼泊尔Nepal尼加拉瓜Nicaragua尼日尔Niger尼日利亚Nigeria纽埃Niue挪威Norway诺福克岛Norfolk Island皮特凯恩群岛Pitcairn Islands Group葡萄牙Portugal日本Japan瑞典Sweden瑞士Switzerland如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』http;//萨尔瓦多El Salvador塞拉利昂Sierra leone塞内加尔Senegal塞浦路斯Cyprus塞舌尔Seychells沙竺阿拉伯Saudi Arabia圣诞岛Christmas Island圣多美和普林西比Sao Tome and Principe圣赫勒拿Saint helena圣基茨和尼维斯Saint Kitts and nevis圣卢西亚Saint lucia圣马力诺San Marion圣皮埃尔和密克隆Saint Pierre and Miquelon圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 斯里兰卡Sri Lanka斯洛伐克Slovakia斯洛文尼亚Slovenia斯瓦尔巴群岛Svalbard and jan Mayen Islands斯威士兰Swaziland苏丹Sudan苏里南Suriname索马里Somalia所罗门群岛Solomon Islands塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan泰国Thailand坦桑尼亚Tanzania汤加Tonga特克斯科斯群岛Turks and Caicos Islands特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago突尼斯Tunisia图瓦卢Tuvalu土耳其Turkey土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan托克劳Tokelau瓦利斯和富图纳群岛Wallis and Futuna Is-lands 瓦努阿图Vanuatu危地马拉Guatemala委内瑞拉Venezuela文莱Brunei Darussalam乌干达Uganda乌克兰Ukraine乌拉圭Uruguay乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan西班牙Spain西撒哈拉Western Sahara西萨摩亚Western Samoa希腊Greece香港Hong Kong新加坡Singapore新喀里多尼亚New Caledonia 新西兰New Zealand匈牙利Hungary叙利亚Syria牙买加Jamaica亚美尼亚Armenia也门Yemen伊拉克Iraq伊朗Iran以色列Israel意大利Italy印度India印度尼西亚Indonesia英国United Kingdom英属维尔京群岛British Virgin Islands英属印度洋领土British indian Ocean Ter-ritory 约旦Jordan越南Viet Nam赞比亚Zambia扎伊尔Zaire乍得Chad直布罗陀Gibraltar智利Chile中非Central Africa中国China中国台湾Taiwan,China。
亚洲:1阿富汗英文全称:Afghanistan 英文缩写:AFG2亚美尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Armenia英文缩写:ARM3阿塞拜疆英文全称:The Republic of Azerbaijan英文缩写:AZE4巴林英文全称:The Kingdom of Bahrain英文缩写:BRN5孟加拉共和国The People's Republic of Bangladesh英文缩写:BAN 6不丹王国英文全称:Kingdom of Bhutan英文缩写:BHU7文莱英文全称:Brunei Darussalam英文缩写:BRU8缅甸英文全称:The Union of Myanmar英文缩写:MYA9柬埔寨英文全称:The Kingdom of Cambodia英文缩写:CAM10中国英文名称The People's Republic of China英文缩写CHN11塞浦路斯The Republic of Cyprus英文缩写:CYP12东帝汶英文全称:Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste英文缩写:TLS13印度英文全称:The Republic of India英文缩写:IND14印度尼西亚英文全称:The Republic of Indonesia英文缩写:INA15伊朗英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Iran英文缩写:IRI16伊拉克英文全称:The Republic of Iraq英文缩写:IRQ17以色列The State of Israel英文缩写:ISR18日本英文全称:Japan英文缩写:JPN19约旦英文全称:The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan英文缩写:JOR20哈萨克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Kazakhstan英文缩写:KAZ21朝鲜英文全称:Democratic People's Republic of Korea英文缩写:PRK22韩国英文全称:Republic of Korea英文缩写:KOR23科威特英文全称:The State of Kuwait英文缩写:KUW24吉尔吉斯共和国英文全称:Kyrghyz Republic英文缩写:KGZ25老挝英文全称:The Lao People's Democratic Republic英文缩写:LAO26黎巴嫩英文全称:The Republic of Lebanon英文缩写:LIB27马来西亚英文全称:Malaysia英文缩写:MAS28马尔代夫(群岛)英文全称:The Republic of Maldives英文缩写:MDV29蒙古英文全称:Mongolia英文缩写:MGL30尼泊尔英文全称:Nepal英文缩写:NEP31阿曼英文全称:The Sultanate of Oman英文缩写:OMA32巴基斯坦英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Pakistan 英文缩写:PAK33菲律宾英文全称:The Republic of The Philippines英文缩写:PHI34卡塔尔英文全称:The State of Qatar英文缩写:QAT35沙特阿拉伯英文全称:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 英文缩写:KSA36新加坡英文全称:The Republic of Singapore英文缩写:SIN37斯里兰卡The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka英文缩写:SRI38叙利亚英文全称:The Syrian Arab Republic英文缩写:SYR39塔吉克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Tajikistan英文缩写:TJK40泰国英文全称:The Kingdom of Thailand英文缩写:THA41阿拉伯联合酋长国英文全称:The United Arab Emirat英文缩写:UAE42乌兹别克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Uzbekistan英文缩写:UZB43越南英文全称:The Socialist Republic of VietNam英文缩写:VIE44也门英文全称:The Republic of Yemen英文缩写YEM45巴勒斯坦英文全称:The state of Palestine英文缩写:PLE46格鲁吉亚Georgia英文缩写:GEO47土耳其英文全称:The Republic of Turkey英文缩写:TUR48土库曼斯坦英文全称:Turkmenistan英文缩写:TKM中国香港英文缩写:HKG中国澳门欧洲:1阿尔巴尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Albania英文缩写:ALB2安道尔共和国The Principality of Andorra 英文缩写:AND3奥地利The Republic of Austria 英文缩写:AUT4白俄罗斯The Republic of Belarus英文缩写:BLR5比利时The Kingdom of Belgium常用缩写:BEL6波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Bosnia and Herzegovina英文缩写:BIH7保加利亚The Republic of Bulgaria英文缩写:BUL8克罗地亚共和国The Republic of Croatia英文缩写:CRO9捷克共和国The Czech Republic英文缩写:CZE10丹麦The Kingdom of Denmark常用缩写:DEN11西班牙Spain英文缩写:ESP12爱沙尼亚The Republic of Estonia英文缩写:EST13芬兰The Republic of Finland英文缩写:FIN14马其顿共和国英文全称:The Republic of Macedonia英文缩写:MKD15法国英文全称:The Republic of France英文缩写:FRA16德国英文全称:The Federal Republic of Germany英文缩写:GER17英国The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland缩写:GBR18希腊英文全称:The Republic of Greece英文缩写:GRE19匈牙利英文全称:The Republic of Hungary英文缩写:HUN20冰岛英文全称:The Republic of Iceland英文缩写:ISL21爱尔兰英文全称:Ireland英文缩写:IRL22意大利The Republic of Italy英文缩写:ITA23拉脱维亚英文全称:The Republic of Latvia英文缩写:LAT24列支敦士登英文全称:The Principality of Liechtenstein英文缩写:LIE25立陶宛The Republic of Lithuania英文缩写:LTU26卢森堡The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg英文缩写:LUX 英文缩写:LUX27马耳他英文全称:The Republic of Malta英文缩写:MLT28摩纳哥英文全称:The Principality of Monaco英文缩写:MON29黑山Montenegro 英文缩写:MNE30荷兰英文名称:The Kingdom of the Netherlands常用缩写:NED31挪威英文名称:The Kingdom of Norway常用缩写:NOR32波兰英文全称:The Republic of Poland英文缩写:POL33葡萄牙英文全称:The Portuguese Republic英文缩写:POR34摩尔多瓦英文全称:The Republic of Moldova英文缩写:MDA35罗马尼亚英文全称:Romania英文缩写:ROU36俄罗斯英文全称:The Russian Federation英文缩写:RUS37圣马利诺英文全称:The Republic of San Marino英文缩写:SMR38塞尔维亚英文全称:The Republic of Serbia英文缩写:SRB39斯洛伐克英文名称:The Slovak Republic国家缩写:SVK40斯洛文尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Slovenia英文缩写:SLO41瑞典英文全称:The Kingdom of Sweden英文缩写:SWE42瑞士英文名称:Swiss Confederation常用缩写:SUI43乌克兰英文全称:UKRAINE英文缩写:UKR44梵蒂冈城国The Vatican City state英文缩写:非洲:1阿尔及利亚The Democratic People's Republic of Algeria缩写:ALG2安哥拉英文全称:The Republic of Angola英文缩写:ANG3贝宁英文全称:The Republic of Benin英文缩写:BEN4博茨瓦那英文全称:The Republic of Botswana英文缩写:BOT5布基纳法索国英文全称:The Burkina Faso英文缩写:BUR6布隆迪英文全称:The Republic of Burundi 英文缩写:BDI7喀麦隆英文名称:The Republic of Cameroon常用缩写:CMR8佛得角英文全称:The Republic of Cape Verde英文缩写:CPV9中非英文全称:The Central African Republic英文缩写:CAF10乍得英文全称:The Republic of Chad英文缩写:CHA11科摩罗英文全称:Union of Comoros英文缩写:COM12刚果(布)英文全称:The Republic of Congo英文缩写:CGO13科特迪瓦英文全称:The Republic of Cote d'ivoire英文缩写:CIV14民主刚果英文全称:The Democratic Republic of Congo英文缩写:COD15吉布提英文全称:The Republic of Djibouti英文缩写:DJI16埃及英文名称:The Arab Republic of Egypt英文缩写:EGY17赤道几内亚英文全称:The Republic of Equatorial Guinea 英文缩写:GEQ18厄立特里亚英文全称:The State of Eritrea英文缩写:ERI19埃塞俄比亚The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia英文缩写:ETH20加蓬英文全称:The Gabonese Republic英文缩写:GAB21 冈比亚英文全称:The Republic of the Gambia英文缩写:GAM22加纳英文全称:The Republic of Ghana英文缩写:GHA23几内亚英文全称:The Republic of Guinea英文缩写:GUI24几内亚比绍英文全称:The Republic of Guinea-Bissau英文缩写:GBS25肯尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Kenya英文缩写:KEN26莱索托英文全称:The Kingdom of Lesotho英文缩写:LES27利比里亚英文全称:The Republic of Liberia英文缩写:LBR28利比亚The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya英文缩写:LBA29马达加斯加英文全称:The Republic of Madagascar英文缩写:MAD30马拉维英文全称:The Republic of Malawi英文缩写:MAW31马里英文全称:The Republic of Mali英文缩写:MLI32毛里塔尼亚英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Mauritania英文缩写:MTN33毛里求斯(非洲岛国)英文全称:The Republic of Mauritius英文缩写:MRI34摩洛哥英文全称:The Kingdom of Morocco英文缩写:MAR35莫桑比克英文全称:The Republic of Mozambique英文缩写:MOZ36纳米比亚英文全称:The Republic of Namibia英文缩写:NAM37尼日尔英文全称:The Republic of Niger英文缩写:NIG38尼日利亚英文全称:The Federal Republic of Nigeria英文缩写:NGR39卢旺达英文全称:The Republic of Rwanda英文缩写:RWA40 圣多美与普林西比共和国英文全称:The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe英文缩写:STP41塞内加尔英文全称:The Republic of Senegal英文缩写:SEN42塞舌尔群岛英文全称:The Republic of Seychelles英文缩写:SEY43 塞拉利昂英文全称:The Republic of Sierra Leone英文缩写:SLE44索马里英文全称:The Somalia Republic英文缩写:SOM45南非英文名称:The Republic of South Africa常用缩写:RSA46苏丹英文全称:The Republic of the Sudan英文缩写:SUD47斯威士兰英文全称:The Kingdom of Swaziland英文缩写:SWZ48多哥英文全称:The Republic of Togo英文缩写:TOG49突尼斯英文全称:The Republic of Tunisia英文缩写:TUN50乌干达英文全称:The Republic of Uganda英文缩写:UGA51坦桑尼亚英文全称:The United Republic of Tanzania英文缩写:TAN52赞比亚英文全称:The Republic of Zambia英文缩写:ZAM53津巴布韦英文全称:The Republic of Zimbabwe英文缩写:ZIM美洲:1安提瓜及巴布达英文全称:Antigua and Barbuda英文缩写:ANT2阿根廷英文名称:Republic of Argentina英文缩写:ARG3巴哈马英文全称:The Commonwealth of The Bahamas英文缩写:BAH4巴巴多斯英文全称:Barbados英文缩写:BAR5伯利兹英文全称:Belize英文缩写:BIZ6玻利维亚英文全称:The Republic of Bolivia英文缩写:BOL7巴西英文全称:The Federative Republic of Brazil英文缩写:BRA8加拿大英文全称:Canada英文缩写:CAN9智利英文全称:Republic of Chile英文缩写:CHI10哥伦比亚英文全称:The Republic of Colombia英文缩写:COL11 哥斯达黎加英文全称:The Republic of Costa Rica英文缩写:CRC12古巴英文全称:The The Republic of Cuba英文缩写:CUB13多米尼加共和国英文全称:The Commonwealth of Dominica英文缩写:DMA14多米尼克英文全称:The Dominican Republic英文缩写:DOM15厄瓜多尔英文全称:The Republic of Ecuador英文缩写:ECU16萨尔瓦多英文全称:The Republic of El Salvador英文缩写:ESA17格林纳达英文全称:Grenada英文缩写:GRN18危地马拉英文全称:The Republic of Guatemala英文缩写:GUA19圭亚那英文全称:The Cooperative Republic of Guyana英文缩写:GUY20海地英文全称:The Republic of Haiti英文缩写:HAI21洪都拉斯英文全称:The Republic of Honduras英文缩写:HON22牙买加英文全称:Jamaica英文缩写:JAM23圣卢西亚英文全称:Saint Lucia英文缩写:LCA24墨西哥英文全称:The United Mexican States英文缩写:MEX25尼加拉瓜英文全称:The Republic of Nicaragua英文缩写:NCA26巴拿马英文全称:The Republic of Panama英文缩写:PAN27巴拉圭英文全称:The Republic of Paraguay英文缩写:PAR28秘鲁英文全称:The Republic of Peru英文缩写:PER29圣基茨和尼维斯The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis英文缩写:SKN30苏里南英文全称:The Republic of Suriname英文缩写:SUR31特立尼达和多巴哥The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago英文缩写:TRI32乌拉圭英文全称:Oriental Republic of Uruguay英文缩写:URU33美利坚合众国英文全称:The United State of America英文缩写:USA34委内瑞拉英文全称:Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela英文缩写:VEN35圣文森特和格林纳丁斯Saint Vincent and the Grenadines英文缩写:VIN 大洋州:1澳大利亚英文全称:The Commonwealth of Australia英文缩写:AUS2库克群岛英文全称:The Cook Islands英文缩写:COK3密克罗尼西亚英文全称:The Federated States of Micronesia缩写:FSM4斐济英文全称:The Republic of The Fiji Islands英文缩写:FIJ5基里巴斯共和国英文全称:The Republic of Kiribati英文缩写:KIR6马绍尔群岛英文全称:The Republic of Marshall Island英文缩写:MHL7瑙鲁英文全称:The Republic of Nauru英文缩写:NRU8新西兰英文全称:New Zealand英文缩写:NZL9帕劳共和国英文全称:The Republic of Palau英文缩写:PLW10巴布亚新几内亚The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 缩写:PNG11萨摩亚英文全称:The Independent State of Samoa英文缩写:SAM12所罗门群岛英文全称:The Solomon islands英文缩写:SOL13汤加群岛英文全称:The Kingdom of Tonga英文缩写:TGA14图瓦卢英文全称:Tuvalu英文缩写:TUV15瓦努阿图(共和国)英文全称:The Republic of Vanuatu英文缩写:VAN16纽埃Niue。
第十一章Part Two The Republic of Ireland爱尔兰共和国地理与历史 Geography and History不列颠群岛由两大岛屿和几百座小岛组成。
The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because ot its rich green countryside. Ireland is divided into two political units. They are Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Northern Island is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland (Eire) is an independent country.I.Geographical Features地理特征爱尔兰共和国的面积为70,282平方公里。
The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km.首都是都柏林,The capital is Dublin.爱尔兰一直被比作盆地,内有海滨高地围起的石灰岩高原。
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Irish ancestors
About Irish ancestors, legend they are Nemedians clan, Buddha Moore clan, burke clan, Tuatha De Danann family and miletus people gens of later generations. An Irish theology book Lebor Gabala Erenn said Tuatha De Dananns Scythian is the offspring. And Irish main group interaction with Pict, Scotland and the vikings.
The population of Ireland in 2005 was over 4 million. It has an overall population density of 58 people per square kilometer, making it the country with the lowest population density in the EU, The population is predominantly of Celtic origin with French , English ,and more recently Chinese and Indian minorities . Ireland also has a small indigenous (本 土的)minority known as Travellers ,whose population is estimated to be 25000.Travellers move and camp across the Irish countryside in small groups or live in the Travellers enclaves(少数民族 聚集地) within cities.
St. Patrick's Day (St. Patrick 's Day) for the March 17,, in memory of the Irish patron saint Patrick. This festival five century originated in Ireland, the United States from March 17, 1737 began to celebrate. In 432 AD, the saint Patrick the papal sent to Ireland to persuade Irish converted to Christianity. He from wicklow landed, local angry pagan attempt to beat him to death with stones. But saint Patrick face the music, immediately took off a tree trefoil alfalfa, vividly illustrates the father, n and holy spirit trinity doctrine. His eloquent speech make Irish people deeply touched, accepted the saint Patrick main shi's grand baptism. A.D. 493 years on March 17, the saint Patrick died, Irish people in order to commemorate him, will this day as the st. Patrick's day.
In 1737, some Irish gentleman and businessmen in the U.S. state of Massachusetts Boston party memorial saint Patrick, and has established the Irish charitable societies. In 1780 and 1784, Philadelphia and New York has established the son of st Patrick's friendship, such as group, from now on the United States every year to celebrate the holiday. America's st. Patrick's day this day, people usually will have a parade, church and dinners and other activities. The United States of Irish people like wearing trefoil alfalfa, with the Irish flag colors - green HuangLiang color to decorate a room, wearing green clothes, and to the guests present trefoil alfalfa decorations, etc. Every year on March 17,, the world of Irish have held ceremonious celebration, cosmetic parade, every Irish people are wearing "national flower" oxalis, and dress to have green, even to eat with the green of the cake, in order to express the saint Patrick memorial.
北 爱 尔 兰 共 和 国 人 口 分 布 图
Irish blood kind of very miscellaneous, but pure Irish should be orange, extensive yellow hair. Pure in Irish is not very beautiful, have commonly freckles. Because the Irish, Scotland and Wilson people from a race, that is, the family's (Celt), so it is difficult to points out by the appearance of. But from the accent was soon recognized where. Irish accent and English accent is very different, it is very pure, very pleasant to hear a. More like very positive international English, but some words end they would say more heavy.