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东汉,明帝提倡佛教,听说佛教有正月十五僧人点灯敬佛的做法,就下 令在皇宫和寺庙里点灯敬佛,以后这种佛教礼仪渐渐形成民间的盛大节 日。由于它处在新的时间点上,人们用这一特殊的时间段来表达自己的
The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese Festival, as early as in the Western Han dynasty more than 2000 years ago there, Lantern tours lamps began in the Eastern Han dynasty, Emperor Ming promoted Buddhism, I heard that the Buddhist year Lighting practice of worshipping the Buddha of monks, ordered the Palace And lamp in the temple worship Buddha, this later Buddhist etiquette Civil Grand Festival has evolved. Because it is in New at that point in time, people used this special time To express their life aspirations.
元宵节是中国的传统节日,全国各地都过。正月十五 闹元宵,大部分地区的习俗是差不多的。在一元复始, 大地回春的节日夜晚,天上明月高悬,地上彩灯万盏, 人们观灯猜灯谜、吃元宵,成为世代相延的习俗。
The custom of the Lantern Festival Lotus Lantern since the Han dynasty from. The Lantern Festival is a veritable "Festival of Lights" Lotus Lantern lanterns is the most important activities of this festival. Lamp symbol of a beautiful, bright, happy and auspicious heritage, through the dynasties, the festival of lights style more and more, orange, silk lamp, lantern, lanterns and so on.
早在春秋时已经出现,是我国古代百戏的其 中一种。据说踩高跷这种形势,原来是古代
The lion dance originated in the Three Kingdoms period, Southern Lion and North Lion. Lion for the beasts of the statue Jun Wu, majestic image, giving a sense of majesty, the brave. Ancients as a symbol of courage and strength that it can protect themselves, and so gradually formed in the customs of the major festivals and lion dance.
A long time ago, landed a God bird get lost because room was shot and killed by hunters. Emperor ordered troops from heaven in the first lunar month 15th into the world on fire, burn humans. Victims of the Emperor's daughter could not bear to people, telling people the news. An elderly came up with during the first month, 14, 16th, pinned lanterns, firecrackers, Fireworks at home solutions. Year this evening, the Emperor found that room a piece of red, thought it was a burning flame, and went away. Every year, each household hanging lantern, setting off fireworks to mark the occasion
分。狮子为百兽之尊,形象雄伟俊武,给 人以威严、勇猛之感。古人将它当作勇敢 和力量的象征,认为它能保佑平安,所以 逐渐形成了在重大节日舞狮子的习俗。
随着时间的推移,元宵节的活动越来越多,这个传承已有两千多年的传统节 日,不仅盛行于海峡两岸,就是在海外华人的聚居区也年年欢庆不衰。
灯谜是元宵节派生出来的一种文字游戏,出现在宋朝。 将谜语贴在花灯上,供人们一边赏灯,一边猜迷,谜 底多着眼于文字意义含义丰富。中国最大的一次灯谜 盛会是1979年在南京举行的“九城市灯谜会猜”,设有 灯谜上万条,3天里参加的人次达两万多人。
Lantern Festival, the custom of eating rice balls began in the Song Dynasty. North is called the Lantern Festival, the South said the rice balls. Intended to bless the family reunion harmony, the Leisure happiness in the new year. Lantern made from glutinous rice, sub-solid, with filling two kinds. Spicy sweet and sour salty flavors. Can be boiled, fried, fried or steamed. Cakes Lantern rice balls and the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival dumplings are seasonal food.
As time goes by, the Festival is more and more, this tradition more than two thousand years of traditional festivals, not only prevalent in both sides of the strait, is in the ghettos of the overseas Chinese also celebrate the mid-not bad.
南方称汤圆。意在祝福全家团圆和睦,在新的 一年中康乐幸福。元宵由糯米制成,分实心和 带馅两种。有香辣甜酸咸五味。可以煮、炒、 油炸或蒸制。元宵汤圆和春节的年糕、端午节 的粽子一样,都是节日食品。
On stilts is a mass was popular arts show, and has appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, 100 play one of ancient China. It is said that walking on stilts with this situation, turned out to be the ancient order to the collection of wild fruit to eat of the tree, two sticks tied to their legs and developed.
很久以前,一只神鸟因为迷路降落人间,被猎人射死了。天帝下令天兵 于正月十五日到人间放火,把人类烧死。天帝的女儿不忍心百姓受难, 把这个消息告诉了人们。一个老人家想出了在正月十四、十五、十六日, 在家里挂红灯笼、点爆竹、放烟火的办法。正月十五这天晚上,天帝发 觉人间一片红光,以为是燃烧的火焰,就走了。从此每到正月十五,家 家户户都挂灯笼、放烟火来纪念这个日子。
每年农历的正月十五日,春节刚过,迎来的就是中 国的传统节日--元宵节。
五日是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五 为元宵节。
The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festivals, all over the country too. Lantern Festival Lantern Festival, in most parts of the custom is similar. Starts with one of the spring festival night, the sky the moon hung, ten thousand on the ground lantern riddle guessing people lanterns, eating Lantern, generations relative to the extension of customs.
15th day of the Lunar Chinese new year, Usher is China's traditional festival-The Lantern Festival. The first month is Lunar January Chief, known as night of the ancients as "night", first lunar month 15th night of the first full moon of the year, so that year for the Festival.
元宵燃灯的习俗起自汉代。元宵节是名副其实的“灯 节”,燃灯、观灯是这个节日的最主要的活动。由于 灯象征美好、光明、喜Baidu Nhomakorabea和吉祥,经过历朝历代的传 承,节日的灯式越来越多,有橘灯、绢灯、走马灯、 孔明灯等等。
Riddles Lantern derived text Word games, in the Song Dynasty. To riddle Post In the lantern, for the people side of the lantern, a Edge quiz answers focus on the literal sense, Rich in symbolism. China's largest time riddles The event is held in Nanjing in 1979, nine City riddles would guess, has riddles on , Visitors to participate in three days, more than 20,000 People.