RNA silencing and antiviral defense in plants








si RNAi介导的RNAi是RNAi最主要的机制,主要过程是DCL将ds RNA切割成“初级si RNA”,RDR将si RNA重构成ds RNA,然后将新合成的ds RNA切割成更多的“次级si RNA”,AGO与si RNA结合形成RNA沉默复合物(RISC)。


本文归纳总结国内外RNAi机制相关蛋白及其功能、以及RNA i抗病毒机制,为植物抗病毒研究提供指导与依据。

关键词:RNA干扰;抗病毒机制;Argonaute;Dicer样;RNA依赖性RNA酶Abstract:Plant virus diseases are becoming more and more serious, and anti-virus research has attracted more and more attention. RNA interference is one of the important mechanisms of plant resistance to viruses, but few people have systematically studied it. RNAi key proteins mainly include three types: Dicer-like (DCL), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDR) and Argonaute (AGO). Among the antiviral effects, DCL1 and DCL2, RDR2 and RDR6, and AGO1 are the most important. si RNAi-mediated RNAi is the most important mechanism of RNAi. The main process is that DCL cuts ds RNA into "primary si RNA", RDR reconstitutes si RNA into ds RNA, and then cuts the newly synthesized ds RNA into more "Secondary siRNA", AGO combines with si RNA to form RNA silencing complex (RISC). RNAi can cut the RISC and target virus or RNA nucleic acid sequence through complementary base pairs, and ultimately degrade the virus or RNA nucleic acid sequence. This article summarizes the relevant proteins and their functions of RNAi mechanism at home and abroad, as well as the antiviral mechanism of RNAi, and provides guidance and basis for plant antiviral research.Keywords:RNA interference; Antiviral mechanism; Argonaute (AGO); Dicer-like (DCL); RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDR)植物受到多種病原微生物的侵染,包括真菌、细菌、病毒、线虫及其他生物,其中病毒病害防治最为困难,对农业安全生产影响巨大[1-2]。



反义RNA的原理及其应用反义RNA(antisense RNA)是与特定信使RNA(mRNA)互补碱基配对的一类人工合成或天然存在的RNA分子。
















这种方法可以用于治疗常见的遗传性疾病,如肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)和囊性纤维化(Cystic fibrosis),以及一些癌症等。




























Plant Immune Responses Against Viruses:How Does a Virus Cause Disease?Abstract :Plants respond to pathogens using elaborate networks of genetic interactions.Recently, significant progress has been made in understanding RNA silencing and how viruses counter this apparently ubiquitous antiviral defense. In addition,plants also induce hypersensitive and systemic acquired resistance responses, which together limit the virus to infected cells and impart resistance to the noninfected tissues. Molecular processes such as the ubiquitin proteasome system and DNA methylation are also critical to antiviral defenses. Here, we provide a summary and update of advances in plant antiviral immune responses, beyond RNA silencing mechanisms—advances that went relatively unnoticed in the realm of RNA silencing and nonviral immune responses. We also document the riseof Brachypodium and Setaria species as model grasses to study antiviral responsesin Poaceae, aspects that have been relatively understudied, despite grasses being the primary source of our calories, as well as animal feed, forage, recreation, and biofuel needs in the 21st century. Finally, we outline critical gaps, future prospects, and considerations central to studying plant antiviral immunity. To promote an integrated modelof plant immunity, we discuss analogous viral and nonviral immune concepts and propose working definitions of viral effectors, effector-triggered immunity, and viralpathogen-triggered immunity.植物抗病毒的免疫反应:病毒如何引起病害?摘要:植物通过复杂的遗传相互作用网络应对病原体。








反义RNA 分为DNA反义RNA和RNA反义RNA两种,其中DNA反义RNA是先合成DNA,再经过RNA依赖RNA聚合酶合成RNA;而RNA反义RNA则直接通过RNA依赖RNA聚合酶合成RNA。






另一项研究中,利用RNA反义技术靶向克里姆森氏病毒(Murine norovirus)的VPg(病毒蛋白质),成功干扰了克里姆森氏病毒的感染和复制过程。






V IROLOGICA S INICA, June 2007, 22 (3):199-206Received: 2006-09 -01, Accepted: 2007-01-24* Foundation items: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.30500428); Chongqing Science and Technology Commission (2006BA5021)** Corresponding author. Tel: 86-23-68485230, Email: ahuang@200 V IROLOGICA S INICA V ol.22, No 3microRNA (miRNA), another type of small RNA which is derived from intrinsic hairpin RNA precursor, was also highlighted as an important type of RNAi. miRNAs often combine the target gene in the part of 3’ untranslated region by in a complementary but inexact manner which attenuates the translational activity, and may also lead to degradation of target RNA (17).RNAi is postulated to bean ancient immune mecha- nism used by cells to impede the actions of viruses, transgenes, and transposons. It plays an important role in defending invading pathogens while maintaining normal functions of cell development and apoptosis. Consistent with the notion that RNAi is a natural antiviral mechanism, miRNAs related to certain viruses in cells and siRNA derived from viruses in infection process were recently identified. Furthermore, some viruses were found to be able to encode proteins to suppress RNA silencing (9). Thus, viruses can antagonize the cell immune response at the gene level and enhance their ability to survive.In this article, we designed short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeted to the enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) and luciferase genes expressed by vector in mammal cells and determined their abilities to down-regulate the target genes. Efficient screening systems of RNAi suppressor were established. Using this system, we further demonstrated the function of P19 of tomato bushy stunt virus to antagonist RNAi induced by shRNA in mammal cells.MATERIALS AND METHODSpshRNA constructionsOligonucleotides were synthesized by Shanghai Bioasia Corporation. Sequences corresponding to the siRNA hairpin targets were as follows: shRNA-EGFP (5’-TCGAGGCTGACCCTGAAGTTCATCGAGTAC TGGA TGAACTTCAGGGTCAGCTTTTT-3’)targeting the EGFP gene at sites 526nt-546nt, shRNA-Luc (5’-T CGAGAAGTGTTGTTCCATTCCATTTCAAGAGA ATGGAATGGAACAACACTTTTTTTTT-3’)targeting the luciferase gene at sites 485nt-426nt, and the cor- responding reverse sequences were also synthesized. After annealing, oligonucleotides were cloned into pTZU6+1 with SalⅠand XbaⅠrestriction sites. The constructs were identified by SalⅠdigestion and further confirmed by DNA sequencing analysis. Plasmid expressing P19 fused with his tagpSG5mp19, which contains the DNA sequence of p19 and expresses the P19 protein in mammalian cells, was provided by Prof. Charle (Institut de Biologie Moleculaire des Plantes, France). To detect the protein of P19 expediently, we constructed a plasmid ex- pressing the P19 fused with a his tag. We obtained the DNA sequence from pSG5mp19 by PCR with the primers 5'-AGTCTCGAGACCATGGAACGAGCTA T-3' and 5'-GACGGATCCCTCGCTTTCTTTTTCGA -3'. The sequence was then inserted into the pcDAN- 3.1-myc-his (-) between restriction sites Xho I and Bam H I. After transfecting the plasmids into HepG2 cells, the mRNA expression of P19 and P19-his were confirmed by RT-PCR. Human glyceraldehydes-3- phosphate dehydrogenase (hGAPDH) was detected at the same time as a positive control. Primers for hGAP- DH were 5'-GGCTCTCCAGAACATCA T-3 and 5'-CA CCTGGTGCTCAGTGTA-3'. The protein of P19-his was also confirmed by the immunofluorescent method. The rabbit antibody pointing to the his tag was purc- hased from santan cruz. The second antibody labeled with FITC was from Beijing Zhongshan Corporation.CHEN et al. P19 of T B S Virus Suppresses RNA Silencing Induced by shRNA 201Cell line stably expressing GFPHepG2 cells were cultured at 37℃, 5% CO2 in medium 1640 supplemented with 10% FBS. pEGFP- N1 (promega) was transfected into cells with lipofectamine (invitrogen) according to the manufac- turer’s instructions. 24hr after transfection, G418 (500μg/ml) was added into the culture medium, and the green fluorescence of cells were observed by fluores- cence microscopy every day. Cells producing strong green fluorescence were harvested and individually seeded into 96 well plates, guaranteeing only one cell in each well. Cells producing strong green fluores- cence were amplified. To confirm the integration of the GFP gene into the cell genome, the genomic DNA of HepG2 cells which expressing GFP was extracted by the phenol-chloroform method and then used as the template for PCR to detect GFP. The primers used in this test were as follows: forward primer (5'-GATGG TACCCTA TGGTGAGCAAGGGC-3'), reverse primer (5'-GACAGTACTGCTTGTACAGCTCGTCCA-3'). The genome DNA of hepG2 was used as a control. plasmids transfectionTo study the effect of P19 on the GFP RNAi system, 4 groups of various plasmids were transfected by lipofectamine into the cells of HepG2-GFP as follows: 1) pSG5mp19+pshRNA-GFP; 2) pcDNAp19-his+psh- RNA-GFP; 3) pcDNA3.1-myc-his(-) +pshRNA-GFP;4) pcDNA3.1-myc-his(-)+pshRNA-Luc. To analyze the influence of P19 on luciferase RNAi system, 4 groups of different plasmids were transfected into cells as follows: 1) pSG5mp19+pshRNA-Luc; 2) pc- DNAp19-his+pshRNA-Luc; 3) pcDNA3.1- mychis(-) +pshRNA-LUC; 4) pcDNA3.1-myc-his(-)+pshRNA- GFP. In each group, pGL3 and pRL TK were also transfected. The former was used as reporting gene and the latter was used to normalize the transfection efficiency.Western blottingThe green fluorescence of different groups was observed by fluorescence microscopy every day post- transfection. At 72hr post-transfection, proteins of cell lysis were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred by electroblotting onto a polyvinyllidene difluoride mem- brane. A rabbit monoclonal antibody directed against eGFP (BD) was used and identified by a second HRP- conjugated antibody (Beijing Zhongshan) through enhanced chemiluminescence (Amersham). Signals were detected with genesnap and quantified with the genetool software. At the same time, actin protein was detected as a control in the same manner with a goat antibody directing actin and a second antibody directing goat IgG (both from Beijing Zhongshan). Semi-quantative RT-PCRTotal RNA was extracted from cultured cells post- transfection with the RNAeasy kit (Qiagen) and then the RNA was digested with DNaseⅠto exclude DNA contamination. To quantify the RNA from EGFP, the hGAPDH was amplified at the same time as a control. Primers for EGFP in the tests were as follows: forward (5'-GCAGCACGACTTCTTCAA -3'), reverse (5'-GT CCATG CCGAGAGTGAT-3'). The PCR products were analyzed by gel electrophoresis and the band was quantified with the genetools software. Luciferase assay48h after transfection, cells were lysed by 1×luciferase passive lysis buffer (Promega) and cen- trifuged at 12 000g for 15 sec, the liquid was used to detect luciferase activity by a multi-function enzyme analysizer (Gene corp). The relative activity of firefly luciferase was counted by normalizing to renal luciferase.202 V IROLOGICA S INICA V ol.22, No 3The reporter values represented averages ±1 SD from at least three independent transfections.RESULTSThe cell line of HepG2-GFP expressing GFP stably To construct a RNA interference model in mammal cells, we established the cell line stably expressing GFP (the cell line was named HepG2-GFP) by G418 selection culture. We obtained a cell line with strong green fluorescence observed by fluorescence micro- scopy after one-month culture. The insertion of EGFP into genome DNA was then confirmed by PCR. We detected the fragment of EGFP with the genome DNA as the template (Fig.1. lane 1) whereas the same fragment did not appear in the control test (Fig.1). P19 and P19-his expressed in mammal cells The tomato bushy stunt virus is a type of plant virus. To confirm its expression in mammal cells, we detected at the mRNA and protein levels by different methods. The mRNA of P19 were detected in cells of HepG2-GFP and HepG2 transfected with the Psg- 5mp19 or pcDNAp19-his respectively by RT-PCR. We furthermore detected the P19-his protein by an antibody targeting the his tag using the immu- nofluenscent method and P19-his proteins wereobserved to be primarily located in the plasma.Fig. 1. EGFP gene was detected in the genome DNA of HepG2.GFP by PCR. 1, DNA fragment for EGFP was amplified from the genome DNA in HepG2.GFP; 2, Genome DNA of HepG2 was used as negative control; 3, DNA marker.P19 recovered the expression of GFP down- regulated by shRNAWe next designed the siRNA targeting EGFP tosuppress its expression. Here, a vector expressing strategy and a vector with RNA Ⅲ promoter (U6) was chosen. The vector pTZU6+1 can drive the trans- cription of short hairpin RNA precisely, which would be transferred into a functional type of siRNA in mammal cells by the Dicer. When the HepG2-GFP was transfected with the plasmid pshRNA-GFP, the fluorescence was reduced significantly compared with the control group, which was transfected with the plasmid pshRNA-Luc (Fig. 2.A). This was consistent with the results from western blotting (Fig. 2.B). Analysis with the Genetools software indicated the amount of GFP decreased by 70%. To determine the influence on mRNA levels, we further detected mRNA by a semi-quantative RT-PCR test and found that pshRNA-GFP lead a decrease in mRNA level of EGFP (Fig. 2.C) by 78%. Therefore it could be concluded that the shRNA down-regulated the expres- sion of EGFP and the down-regulation was a con- sequence of the degradation of mRNA. On the basis of the successful RNAi system described above, we studied the ability of P19 to suppress the RNAi effect in mammalian cells. When P19 and shRNAGFP were co-expressed in HepG2.GFP, we observed the phenol menon that the fluorescence recovered to a significant intensity compared with those cells without P19. The effect on efficiency on GFP expression was further evaluated by western blot for protein levels and by RT-PCR for mRNA levels. In these tests, P19recovered the GFP protein expression as well as mRNA expression (Fig. 3) increasing the expression of GFP by 80% and mRNA levels by 70% compared to the controls.CHEN et al. P19 of T B S Virus Suppresses RNA Silencing Induced by shRNA 203Fig. 2.P19 counteract the effect of shRNA on GFP expression. A: fluorescence observed by fluorescent microscope. ShRNA-GFP down-regulate fluorescence intensity whereas the P19 recovered the fluorescence in hepG2.GFP. B: The GFP levels were observed decreased by the shRNA-GFP and increased when P19 was introduced. C: mRNA was found decreased when shRNA existed whereas P19 recovered the mRNA level of GFP.Fig. 3. P19 expressed in mammal cells detected in the level of protein and mRNA. A: P19-his was observed by immunnofluorescent method in hepG2 cells transfected with pCDNAp19-his. Cells transfected with pCDNA3.1-myc-his was used as negative control (NC). P19-his was observed located in the plasma mostly. B: mRNA of P19 was also detected in the cells transfected with pSG5mp19 or pCDNAp19-his, respectively. mRNA extracted from Cells transfected with pCDNA3.1-myc-his was used as negative control. A fragment of hGAPDH gene was amplified in all three samples while fragment of P19 was only amplified from cells transfected with pSG5mp19 and pCDNAp19-his.P19 rescued the expression of luciferase in RNAi systemTo further understand the shRNA interference efficiency, we designed siRNA to target firefly luciferase. When the cells were transfected with pshRNA-Luc and the reporter vector, pGL3 as control (Promega), which expresses firefly luciferase under the control of SV40 promoter, the luciferase activity204 V IROLOGICA S INICA V ol.22, No 3Fig. 4. P19 rescued the luciferase expression in the RNAi system. The relative luciferase activity was counted by firefly luciferase activity devided by rena luciferase activity and the value of control group was standardized to 100. when shRNA-Luc was introduced, the firefly luciferase decreased significantly. When P19 was added into the RNAi system, luciferase activity recovered to a high level.reduced by 70% (Fig. 4) compared with the control group. It showed that the shRNA-Luc designed could down-regulate the expression of luciferase gene efficiently. When it was studied by the luciferase RNAi system, P19 was also found to be able to recover the luciferase activity significantly. Compared with the control group, when P19 was introduced into the cells, the relative luciferase activity increased to about 80%. The his tag did not impair the function of P19. Results from the luciferase RNAi system coincided with those from the GFP RNAi system.DISCUSSIONSRNAi is an ancient immune surveillance mechanism on gene level. It was shown to act as an efficient antiviral system in plant and insect cells and might also played an antiviral role in mammal cells (2,11). To counteract the antiviral effect of RNAi and enhance their existing ability, many plant and insect viruses express different RNAi suppressor proteins (14). These proteins always play important roles in the virus infection process and are important pathogens (12). The first identified RNAi suppressor, HC-pro of tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV), was found when researchers studied the co-infection phenomenon in plants (8). Later, some other RNAi suppressors encoded by plant viruses were discovered and the mechanism of RNAi inhibition became better under- stood (15). Furthermore, several animal viruses such as flock house virus, influenza virus and reovirus were also found to encode proteins having the same effect as an RNAi suppressor (19,10). Recently, HIV-1 and PFV-1 (primate foamy virus type 1, a retrovirus similar to HIV)were found to be able to produce such RNAi suppressors too (1,3). Interestingly, HIV-1 can produce a siRNA in the infected cells to down- regulate its Env expression while a cellular miRNA was verified to target the sequence of PFV-1 and could restrict the accumulation of PFV-1. These reports indicated that RNAi mechanism may also play an important role in vertebrate cells and the RNAi suppressor exists as an counteraction strategy to this antiviral mechanism.Similar to the phenomenon of RNAi, RNAi suppressor was firstly studied in the field of plant research. Nowadays, we have known that RNAi suppressors could take effect at different steps in the RNAi pathway (14). HC-pro, δ3 factor of reovirus, and NS1 of the influenza virus countact RNAi by binding long dsRNA and reduce production of siRNA. Tat of HIV-1 can also limit the production of siRNA by influencing the activities of Dicer. Some suppres- sors such as P19 can bind the siRNAs and prohibit them into RISC (4). Other suppressors may also act at various steps. For example, some of them may influence the activities of members of RISC, and some of them may limit the transduction of systematic silencing signals in cells (18). In summary, althoughCHEN et al. P19 of T B S Virus Suppresses RNA Silencing Induced by shRNA 205much of the mechanism of RNAi suppressing is still to be studied, we can concluded that different suppressors may have different interference methods and show different abilities to inhibit RNA silence.To date, miRNA was regarded as a kind of siRNA and considered part of the RNAi process by some researchers although single strain miRNA has some differences to short double strain RNA. miRNAs were also produced by Dicer and incorporated into RISC at last. miRNA and siRNA crossed partly in their pathway at least. If a protein could influence RNAi, it may also influence miRNAs. Since miRNAs have very important roles in keeping normal development and normal biological activity of cells, cells would be influenced when miRNA levels were changed. Patrice D et al studied the influence on miRNAs of several suppressors and discovered that most of them showed an obvious effect and could produce abnormalities (13). We could also predict the pathogenesis of the suppressor of animal viruses by influencing miRNA function. For example, a persistant production of the SRS in chronic virus infection may help to produce tumor and other chronic diseases.Tomato bushy stunt virus is a 4.7k nt plus RNA virus which infect agriculture plants and herbs. The P19 is essential for the viral pathogenity since it can enhance the ability of the virus to survive in infected plants by counteracting the RNAi system. It has been established that the RNAi mechanism is the most important defence strategy in plants. Daniel et al firstly reported that P19 could inhibit the RNAi effect in plants and pointed out it could combine the siRNAs and prohibit it incorporate into RISC. Recently, Ye et al elaborated the crystal structure of P19 and explained the physiochemical basis of its ability to combine siRNAs (5). In this report, RNAi systems targeting GFP and luciferase gene were constructed and used to identify the RNAi suppressor characteristics of P19. The results showed that P19 could also suppress RNAi effects induced by short hairpin RNAs in mammal cells as well as suppressing RNAi induced by synthetic siRNA or long dsRNA in plants. Our research confirmed that the suppressing ability of P19 was non-sequence specific for it suppressed both the RNAi targeting GFP and the RNAi targeting luciferase. Furthermore, our study showed that the RNAi system in mammal cells induced by vector derived shRNA is suitable for screening RNAi suppressors, and could be a more efficient approach compared with the methods such as transgenic plant models or virus infection models.Scientists attached much importance to therapy exploitation of RNAi in viral infection diseases and cancer diseases when synthetic siRNAs were found to be able to down-regulate the homologous gene expres- sion by activating the RNAi mechanism in mammal cells (6). Today, much improvement has been achieved in this field (16). But the discovery of RNAi suppressors encoded by viruses will bring some new questions to the application of siRNA drugs. Benasser pointed out that HIV could resist the persistent vector-derived shRNAs since its Tas was a RNAi suppressor (1). It may also be the case that some mammal viruses such as HCV, HBV and SARS-coV may also encode such RNAi suppressors and these factors could influence the therapy strategy of RNAi. There are still many unknown factors to be studied in this field. The knowledge of RNAi suppressor will not only enrich our understanding of RNAi phenomenon and interaction between virus and host but also help206 V IROLOGICA S INICA V ol.22, No 3the exploitation of RNAi as a therapy strategy.Reference s1.Bennasser Y, Le S Y, Benkirane M, et al. 2005. Evidencethat HIV-1 encodes an siRNA and a suppressor of RNA silencing. Immunity, 22 (5): 607-619.2.Carrington J C, Ambros V. 2003. Role of microRNAs inplant and animal development. Science, 301: 336-338.3.Charles H L, Patrice D, Khalil A, et al.2005. A cellularmicroRNA mediates antiviral defense in human cells.Science, 308 (22): 557-560.4.Daniel S, Attila M, Alessandra L, et al. 2002. 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2025高考英语一轮复习外刊阅读与词汇专练专题04 RNA破防了!我不是DNA的小弟!1. 精编外刊阅读2. 阅读理解专项3. 语法填空专项4. 课标高频词专练5. 外刊中的课标词【精编·外刊阅读】A primer on RNA, perhaps the most consequential molecule of all(文章来源:Economist)文中红色粗体为课标词,下面有专门的高频课标词训练和课标词梳理表格For years, students of cellbiology were taught that RNA wasmerely a humble assistant to DNAand proteins. DNA was seen as thelibrary of all knowledge and proteinsas the constructors of an organism.RNA was viewed as a messenger(信使), carrying DNA's plans tocell workshops and being part of theworkshop fabric. Biologists now realize that RNA has a far wider range of jobs in cells than earlier understood. It seems likely that RNA even precedes DNA and proteins as the original molecule(分子)of life.Thomas Cech's new book, "The Catalyst," describes how the view of RNA has changed. In the 1980s, Cech supported the idea that RNA molecules can act as enzymes(酶), challenging the belief that only proteins could be catalysts. In 1989, he shared the Nobel chemistry prize for discovering "ribozymes (核酶)". Dr Cech’s team found an "autocatalytic(自催化的)" rearrangement of an RNA molecule. This molecule, meant to bee part of a ribosome(核糖体), cut out an unnecessary part. This discovery challenged the belief that enzymes are always proteins.Similar discoveries by other labs quickly followed, revealing other types of ribozymes. RNA in ribosomes was discovered to be catalytic, not just structural. It is RNA, not the protein ponent, that adds amino(氨基) acids to a growing protein chain. This discovery excited scientists seeking life’s origin. RNA, which can both store information and catalyze(催化)reactions, may have been the earliest molecule of life. Early RNAbased organisms may have later evolved to use DNA for information storage and proteins for catalysis, with RNA linking these molecules.Since Dr Cech’s discovery, many types of RNA have been found, involved in gene regulation and protecting cells from viral infection. About half of medicines work by targeting germ RNA while leaving human RNA unaffected, which is a promising starting point for new drugs. RNA can silence disease causing genetic changes by pairing with and disabling RNA messengers from changed DNA sections. RNA messengers have been used to create covid vaccines and may be used against other diseases, including certain cancers.【原创阅读理解】1.What was RNA traditionally viewed as in cell biology?A. A primary molecule responsible for genetic inheritanceB. A secondary molecule assisting DNA and proteinsC. The main structural ponent of cells and tissuesD. An enzyme that catalyzes biochemical reactions2.How can the word "catalysts" be interpreted in the context of this passage?A. Things that slow down chemical reactions in cellsB. Proteins that support and maintain cell structuresC. Molecules that carry genetic information to cellsD. Substances that help speed up chemical reactions3.Why is RNA important in the study of life's origin?A. RNA's ability to act as both genetic material and an enzyme supports theories of early lifeB. RNA's stability and versatility make it essential for understanding early lifeC. RNA's simplicity pared to DNA and proteins suggests it was the first biological moleculeD. RNA's presence in early organisms underscores its evolutionary importance4.What does the article imply about the future possibilities for RNA in medicine?A. RNA will likely bee the main focus of genetic research, overshadowing DNAB. RNAbased therapies have the potential to revolutionize treatment for various diseasesC. RNA's role in cellular functions suggests it will replace proteins in many therapiesD. RNA applications are limited, but they show promise in specialized fields like oncology【原创语法填空】For years, students of cell biology were taught that RNA was merely an assistant to DNA and proteins. DNA ____1____ (consider) the library of all knowledge, and proteins were seen as the buildersof an organism. RNA was viewed as a messenger, ____2____ (carry) DNA's instructions to cell workshops. Biologists now realize that RNA performs a much ____3____ (wide) range of jobs in cells.Thomas Cech's book, "The Catalyst," highlights how perceptions of RNA have changed. In the 1980s, Cech proposed that RNA molecules can act as enzymes, challenging the belief that only proteins could be catalysts. In 1989, he won the Nobel Prize for discovering "ribozymes." His team identified____4____ "autocatalytic" RNA molecule ____5____ removed an unnecessary part to bee part of a ribosome.Other labs quickly made similar ____6____ (discovery), identifying more ribozymes. RNA in ribosomes was found to be catalytic, not just structural. It is RNA, not protein, ____7____ adds amino acids to a growing protein chain. RNA, capable of storing information and catalyzing reactions, may have been the earliest molecule of life. Early RNAbased organisms might have evolved to use DNA for information storage and proteins for catalysis, ____8____ RNA linking these molecules.About half of medicines work by targeting germ RNA while leaving human RNA unaffected. RNA messengers ____9____ (use) to create COVID19 vaccines and might be used against other diseases,____10____ (include) cancers.【原创·课标高频词训练】1.It is __________ (necessary) to provide further proof when the evidence is already overwhelming.2.Our current __________ (store) capabilities are insufficient for the volume of data we handle daily.3.The government's new __________ (regulate) on emissions has sparked controversy among carmanufacturers.4.Over millions of years, animals __________ (evolve) specialized traits to survive in their habitats.5.The campaign __________ (target) demographic includes young adults aged 1825.6.Scientists constantly __________ (seek) to understand the underlying causes of plex diseases.7.The study __________ (reveal) significant differences between the two groups.8.The temperature __________ (range) in this region can vary dramatically between day and night.9.The __________ (origin) manuscript of the novel is preserved in the national library.10.The mittee is __________ (mere) advisory and has no decisionmaking powers.11.Given the current circumstances, it is highly __________ (like) that the project will be delayed.12.The investigation __________ (involve) multiple agencies working collaboratively.13.Proper hygiene practices can significantly reduce the risk of __________ (infect).14.The project presents many __________ (challenge) to the team, requiring innovative solutions.15.The patient's __________ (react) to the medication was carefully monitored by the doctors.【梳理·外刊中的课标词】。


mex-3 RNA A control: not stained B: wt C: wt + antisense RNA D: wt + ds RNA
!!! ds mixture causes potent and specific interference !!!! !!! ds RNA substancially more effective than antisence !!! !!! effect were evident in both the injected animals and their progeny !!!
在RdRP的作用下,进入细胞内的双链RNA通过类似于 PCR的反应过程,呈指数级的数量扩增。但是目前认为 这个现象并不存在于哺乳动物细胞中。
2 Nucleotides 3’ overhang
21-25 nt
- RNAse III, ds spec. endonuclease - Dimer, 2 catal. domains, helicase and PAZ motif - produce 2-3nt 3´overhangs - ATP-dependent ribonuclease
•这个方法的不足是实 验的规模受到限制。
•体外转录得到的 siRNAs只要较低的浓 度就可以达到化学合 成siRNAs较高浓度的 效果(如右图:0.5-20 nM vs. 50-100 nM per transfection)
HeLa cells
RNase III降解
dsRNA Digestion of long dsRNA by an RNase III family enzyme



高中英语作文应对病毒The Importance of English Language Proficiency in Combating the PandemicThe COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly transformed the world as we know it. In these unprecedented times, the ability to effectively communicate in English has become increasingly crucial, particularly for high school students. As the global language of science, medicine, and international cooperation, proficiency in English has emerged as a vital tool in the fight against the virus.High school students, who are on the cusp of embarking on their academic and professional journeys, have a unique opportunity to leverage their English language skills to contribute to the global response to the pandemic. From understanding the latest scientific research and public health guidelines to effectively communicating with healthcare professionals and policymakers, the ability to communicate in English can make a significant difference.One of the primary ways in which high school students can utilize their English language proficiency is in the realm of accessing and comprehending the wealth of information available on the COVID-19pandemic. The majority of the scientific literature, medical journals, and public health resources are published in English, making it essential for students to possess the necessary language skills to navigate and understand this critical information. By being able to read, analyze, and synthesize the latest developments, high school students can stay informed, make informed decisions, and even contribute to the ongoing research and dialogue.Moreover, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of international cooperation and collaboration in addressing global challenges. As countries around the world work together to develop vaccines, share best practices, and coordinate response efforts, the ability to communicate effectively in English becomes a crucial asset. High school students who can engage in cross-cultural exchanges, participate in virtual conferences, and collaborate with peers from different parts of the world can play a vital role in fostering this global cooperation.In addition to the practical applications of English language proficiency in the context of the pandemic, high school students can also leverage their skills to support their local communities. By serving as translators and interpreters for non-English speaking individuals, students can help bridge the language gap and ensure that critical information and resources reach those who need them the most. This not only strengthens the resilience of the communitybut also provides valuable real-world experience for the students.Furthermore, the pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote learning and virtual interactions, which have further emphasized the importance of strong English language skills. High school students who can effectively communicate in English, participate in online discussions, and collaborate with peers from around the world are better equipped to thrive in this evolving educational landscape.Beyond the immediate challenges posed by the pandemic, proficiency in English also opens up a world of opportunities for high school students. As they prepare to pursue higher education or enter the job market, the ability to communicate fluently in English can significantly enhance their prospects. Many universities and employers around the world prioritize candidates with strong English language skills, as it enables them to contribute to a globally connected workforce and engage in international projects.In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the crucial importance of English language proficiency for high school students. From accessing and understanding crucial information to facilitating global cooperation and supporting local communities, the ability to communicate effectively in English has become a valuable asset in the fight against the virus. By embracing and developing their English language skills, high school students can not only navigatethe current crisis but also position themselves for success in their future academic and professional endeavors.。



作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2012, 38(5): 761−772/zwxb/ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail: xbzw@本研究由国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2009CB118401)资助。

*通讯作者(Corresponding author) : 徐明良, E-mail: mxu@ ** 同等贡献(Contributed equally to the work)Received(收稿日期): 2011-09-01; Accepted(接受日期): 2012-02-22; Published online(网络出版日期): 2012-03-05. URL: /kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20120305.1038.007.htmlDOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.00761植物抗病毒侵染的分子机制侯 静** 刘青青** 徐明良*中国农业大学 / 国家玉米改良中心, 北京 100193摘 要: 植物病毒病是一类严重危害农作物生产的重要病害。


病毒的复制涉及自身的编码蛋白及其与寄主蛋白间的互作, 参与病毒复制的寄主蛋白很多, 如真核翻译起始因子eIF4E 和eIF4G, 植物的内膜系统等, 相关蛋白的功能丧失或构型改变可阻滞病毒的复制; 此外, 植物细胞内的硫氧还蛋白可调节细胞的氧化还原状态, 进而阻断病毒的增殖。

病毒在植物体内的扩散包括胞间移动和长距离迁移, 植物抗病蛋白(R 蛋白)通过识别病毒的无毒因子(Avr)促发防御反应, 诱导过敏性坏死, 限制病毒在细胞间的扩散, 编码这类抗病蛋白的基因主要为TIR-NBS-LRR 和CC-NBS-LRR 。

病毒的长距离迁移涉及的因素很多, 目前仅发现韧皮部的RTM 蛋白可能以多聚蛋白的形式抵制病毒的长距离移动。






1. RNA病毒的生物学特性RNA病毒具有很高的变异性,这是由于RNA的化学性质决定的。







2. RNA病毒的抗病毒疫苗策略由于RNA病毒变异性大,因此用单一的抗病毒药物难以完全抑制病毒活动并治疗病患,为此科学家开发了RNA病毒的抗病毒疫苗。


由于RNA 病毒的RNA需要作为信息封装到蛋白质中,因此反义oligo还可以跨膜进入RNA病毒外层。









新冠病毒属于正义单链RNA 病毒,其基因组长度约为30kb。


其中最重要的结构域是开放阅读框区域(open reading frame,ORF),携带了编码病毒所需蛋白质的信息。





病毒的RNA 通过与不同的宿主细胞蛋白质相互作用,影响宿主细胞的功能,从而促进病毒的复制和传播。


已经发现新冠病毒的RNA可以与多种宿主蛋白质相互作用,其中包括宿主细胞的RNA结合蛋白(RNA-binding proteins, RBPs)。


















































遗传学报 Acta Genetica Sinica ,June 2003,30(6):589~596ISSN 0379-4172收稿日期:2002-11-28;修回日期:2003-03-17基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(39989001)和国家/9730(G2000016205)资助项目[This project was s upported by Nati onal Natural Science Foun -dation of Chi na (No.39989001)and National /9730(G2000016205)project]¹ 通讯作者。

E -mail:zz hu@Post -Transcriptional Gene SilencingA Plant Defense Strategy to Viruses InvasionFE NG De -Jiang,LI U Xiang,ZHU Zhen¹(Institute o f Gene tic s and De velopme nt Biolo gy ,Chine se Academy o f Sc ie nce s ,Be ijing 100101,China )Abstract :Gene silencing is a kind of epigenetic phenomenon discovered in transgenic plants in recent years.Gene silencing can be divided in to two types:position effect and homology dependen t gene silencing (HdGS).Homology -dependent gene silencing (HdGS),which is the generic term for transcrip tional gene silencing (TGS),pos-t transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS)and RNA -mediated virus -resis tance (RmVR)have been shown to frequently occur in transgenic plants.Pos-t transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS)is an antiviral defense system of plants,which has led to a new understanding of the relationship between vi ruses and pla -nts.And i t .s a co -evolution result between plants and viruses.A few hypothesis models have been proposed to elucidate the mecha -nism of gene silencing,but they could not explain all the phenomena in gene silencing.In this paper,we reviewed the relationship between PTGS and the plants defense mechanis m to virus,and proposed a model of gene silencing based on our experiments re -sults.Key words :gene silencing;pos-t transcriptional gene silencing;virus;defense mechanism转录后基因沉默植物抵御外来病毒入侵的一种机制冯德江,刘 翔,朱 祯¹(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,北京 100101)摘 要:基因沉默是近几年来在转基因植物中发现的一种后生遗传现象。



RNA干扰技术的发现与应用RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是一种影响基因表达的基因沉默技术。

它归功于安德鲁·菲尔(Andrew Fire)和克雷格·梅洛(Craig Mello)在1998年的一项研究。

他们使用小分子RNA (siRNA)来强制性降低瓢虫的pigmentary determinacy基因的表达。



RNAi技术的发现RNA干扰技术的发现是基于对食蚜蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)早期胚胎发育的研究。


















RNA干预剂是一种可以干扰RNA复制和翻译过程的分子,包括小干扰RNA (siRNA)、Morpholino (MO) 寡核苷酸、锚定核酸酶剪切(antisense oligonucleotide) 和核酸酶H (RNase H) 依赖型双链RNA酶。































它迫使细胞复制类病毒的RNA 来取代细胞的。


RNA 和DNA是核酸,遗传分⼦。


























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RNA silencing and antiviral defense in plantsMing-Bo Wang1and Michael Metzlaff2Much progress has been made recently in identifying themolecular components of RNA silencing in plants,and inunderstanding their roles in the biogenesis of small interferingRNAs and microRNAs,in RNA-directed DNA methylation,andin RNA-mediated antiviral defense.However,many crucialquestions remain unanswered.What are the molecular basesof sense and antisense transgene-mediated silencing?Whydoes silencing only appear to spread through transgenes?Plant viruses encode silencing suppressors to counteracthost RNA silencing,and some of these suppressors affectmicroRNA accumulation and function and hence normal plantdevelopment.Is viral pathogenicity determined,partly orentirely,by their silencing suppressor activity?Addresses1CSIRO Plant Industry,PO Box1600,Canberra,ACT2601,Australia2Bayer BioScience N.V.,Technologiepark38,B-9052Gent,BelgiumCorresponding authors:Wang,Ming-Bo(Ming-Bo.Wang@csiro.au);Metzlaff,Michael(Michael.Metzlaff@)Current Opinion in Plant Biology2005,8:216–222This review comes from a themed issue onPlant biotechnologyEdited by Jim Peacock and Maurice MoloneyAvailable online29th January20051369-5266/$–see front matter#2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.DOI10.1016/j.pbi.2005.01.006IntroductionRNA silencing is a general term used to describe post-transcriptional gene silencing in plants,quelling in fungi,and RNA interference in animals[1 ,2 ].To those inter-ested in its practical applications,the basic process ofRNA silencing might look simple and straight-forward:double-stranded RNA(dsRNA)or hairpin RNA(hpRNA)is cleaved by Dicer,an RNaseIII-type enzyme,into smallinterfering RNAs(siRNAs)of21–26nucleotides(nt),which then guide an RNA-induced silencing complex(RISC)to destroy single-stranded cognate RNA.To thosetrying to understand the underlying biology,however,RNA silencing is a complex process that involves RNA–RNA,RNA–DNA,RNA–protein and protein–proteininteractions[2 ].RNA silencing might have arisen as an ancient RNAsurveillance system that is conserved among eukaryotes,and that acts as a natural defense mechanism againstinvasive nucleic acids,including viruses,transposonsand perhaps other highly repetitive genomic sequences.RNA silencing also plays a pivotal role in plant and animaldevelopment by providing an elegant system of genecontrol that can occur through RNA degradation,transla-tional inhibition or chromatin modification.There are twooverlapping but distinct RNA silencing pathways inplants and animals,the siRNA pathway and the micro-RNA(miRNA)pathway[1 ,2 ].The siRNA pathway isinduced by the presence of perfect dsRNAs,and isbelieved to play a defensive role against viruses andtransposons[1 ].miRNAs are small 22-nt RNAs thatare generated by Dicer cleavage of short hairpin struc-tures in primary miRNA transcripts[3].Many of thesemiRNAs control the spatial and temporal expression ofkey regulatory genes in plants and animals by binding tomRNA,either targeting its destruction by cleavage orpreventing its translation into protein[3,4].This review focuses on recent advances in understandingRNA silencing in plants and its defensive role againstviruses.We also discuss some important questions con-cerning the molecular details of the siRNA pathway inplants.RNA silencing in plants and the associatedprotein factorsSome aspects of RNA silencing(e.g.the requirement forDicer and Argonaute proteins)are common to all eukar-yotic organisms,whereas others occur in some but not alleukaryotes.Plants appear to have more diverse aspectsof RNA silencing than do other organisms.Silencing inplants is systemically transmissible(systemic silencing),and can spread from the initial target region to adjacent50and30non-target sequences(transitive silencing)[5 ,6].Similar systemic and transitive silencing occursin the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans,but appears to beabsent from mammals and insects[1 ].The presence ofdsRNA can induce sequence-specific DNA methylation,and this RNA-directed DNA methylation(RdDM)hasbeen demonstrated in various plant systems and inresponse to various dsRNA inducers[7].Recent studiessuggest that RdDM also occurs in mammals[8]but doesnot exist in fungi[9].Silencing in plants is associatedwith two distinct size classes of siRNAs,21-nt and24-ntsiRNAs[10,11 ],which appear to have different func-tions.The21-nt siRNAs guide the cleavage of targetmRNA by a RISC,and the24-nt siRNAs direct systemicsilencing and RdDM[10].Silencing of transgenes in thefungus Mucor circinelloides is also associated with two sizeclasses of siRNAs,21-nt and25-nt siRNAs[12],butanimals only appear to produce the 21-nt species ofsmall RNAs.Several silencing-associated protein factors have been identified in plants.These include Dicer-like(DCL) proteins,RNA-dependent RNA polymerases(RdRP), proteins of the Argonaute family,RNA helicases and a few other proteins such as HEN1and HYL1[1 ,2 ]. Unlike animals and fungi,which encode one or two Dicer proteins,Arabidopsis and rice have four DCL proteins, which appear to have distinct functions.DCL1is struc-turally and functionally similar to human Dicer and Drosophila Dicer-1,having two RNaseIII domains plus dsRNA-binding,RNA helicase and PAZ domains[13]. DCL1is required,together with HEN1and HYL1 [14 ,15,16],for plant miRNA biogenesis.It also has similarities with the animal miRNA biogenesis enzyme Drosha[17 ],and appears to function in the nucleus to process both primary transcripts and precursors of miRNAs[18 ,19].DCL1is unlikely to be involved in the processing of long dsRNAs:a loss-of-function muta-tion has no effect on viral RNA accumulation[14 ]and does not relieve silencing induced by long hpRNA trans-genes[13].Although the function of DCL4has yet to be determined,it could be responsible for the processing of long dsRNA(e.g.long hpRNA)because it is the only Arabidopsis DCL that lacks a PAZ domain[13].The PAZ domain binds to the2-nt30-overhang of dsRNA termini [20],and the absence of this domain seems to be a typical feature of long-dsRNA-processing enzymes including Drosophila Dicer-2,thefission yeast Dicer,and the Escher-ichia coli RNaseIII[17 ].The exact function of DCL2is unclear but it might play a role in antiviral defense:an Arabidopsis dcl2mutant showed delayed viral siRNA accumulation and increased susceptibility to one of three viruses tested[14 ].DCL3is required for RdDM in Arabidopsis[14 ,21]and,in conjunction with HEN1[16], is also required for the production of 24-nt endogenous (transposon)siRNAs[14 ].Hence,it is likely to be involved in systemic silencing.Another class of proteins that is particularly important for silencing in plants is RdRP,which is thought to contri-bute to silencing by copying target RNA to generate secondary dsRNA.Indeed,in Arabidopsis,RdRPs are required for systemic and transitive silencing[5 ,6]and for RdDM[14 ,21].The exact nature of the RISC in plants has not been determined,but it is likely to include a member(s)of the Argonaute family[22].Sense and antisense transgene-mediated silencing:how are they induced?Most of the known silencing factors,including HEN1, HYL1,AGO4and the four Arabidopsis DCLs,appear to localize in the nucleus[14 ,15].One or more DCLs might,however,also function in the cytoplasm,as sug-gested by the capacity of wheat-germ extract(mostly of cytoplasmic content)to process long dsRNA[11 ].This might provide clues to some of the important processes involved in co-suppression(sense-transgene-induced silencing)and antisense-mediated silencing in plants. It has been postulated that co-suppression is induced by read-through hpRNA transcripts from inverted-repeat (IR)transgene copies(Figure1;[23]).This is consistent with reports showing a direct correlation between trans-gene silencing and IR transgene integration[24,25]. However,single-copy transgenes or multiple transgenes that are not arranged as IRs also induce effective gene silencing[26].Another model proposes that transgene-derived‘aberrant RNA’is used as a template for RdRP to produce dsRNA,thereby triggering silencing,but the nature of the‘aberrant RNA’remains a mystery[27 ]. It has been proposed that nuclear-accumulated tran-scripts might be the‘aberrant RNA’template for RdRP (Figure1;[25]).An alternative scenario for co-suppression is illustrated in Figure1a.In this scenario,nuclear-accumulated sense transcripts form imperfect hairpin structures that resem-ble miRNA precursors(pre-miRNA).These precursors are processed by a Drosha-like protein,or by one or more of the DCL enzymes(e.g.DCL1or DCL3),into miRNA-like small RNAs.These small RNAs have partial com-plementarity with the target mRNA,which allows them to hybridize with the cytoplasmic mRNA and to initiate RdRP-catalyzed synthesis of secondary dsRNAs,result-ing in silencing.The nuclear RNA model is consistent with the frequent observation that transgene or endogen-ous gene(e.g.retroelement)silencing is accompanied by RNA accumulation in the nucleus[28,29 ].This model could also account for the observations that transgenes of bacterial origin appear to be more susceptible to co-suppression than are endogenous sequences.Bacterial genes have not co-evolved with RNA silencing and are more likely than endogenous sequences to contain pre-miRNA-like secondary structures in their RNA tran-scripts.A seeming paradox regarding antisense transgenes is that they rarely induce efficient silencing in plants despite their transcripts having the potential to form duplex RNA with the target mRNA.It is possible that antisense transcripts do not usually hybridize with the target sense mRNA in vivo to form dsRNA and trigger silencing.We postulate that a similar nuclear pathway(as shown in Figure1b)accounts for antisense-mediated silencing;the antisense-derived small RNAs have perfect complemen-tarity with the target mRNA and hence can direct clea-vage of the mRNA as well as acting as primers for RdRP. Spread of silencing in plants:why does it only appear to act on transgenes?One puzzling observation regarding systemic and transi-tive silencing in plants is that they seem to occur only with transgenes and not with endogenous genes.For instance, a greenfluorescent protein(GFP)transgene was found to be susceptible to both systemic and transitive silencing,RNA silencing and antiviral defense in plants Wang and Metzlaff217whereas the endogenous Rubisco small subunit(RbcS) gene is recalcitrant to both types of silencing[5 ,6]. Target mRNA levels do not appear to be responsible for this difference because GFP and RbcS transcripts accumulate to similar levels[5 ].Sequence composition is also unlikely to be responsible because endogenous gene sequences,when expressed as transgenes,become sus-ceptible to systemic silencing[30].A possible explanation is that certain transgene loci might have features(e.g. tandem repeats or lack of introns)that make them highly218Plant biotechnologyFigure1A nuclear model for sense and antisense transgene-mediated silencing.(a)Nuclear-accumulated sense transcript forms a pre-miRNA-like structure and,upon cleavage by Dicer or Drosha-like proteins,gives rise to miRNA-like small RNAs.These small RNAs are then used asprimers by RdRP to synthesize secondary dsRNA,resulting in gene silencing(co-suppression).(b)Similarly,nuclear-localized antisense transcript can also form pre-miRNA-like structures and hence miRNA-like small RNAs.These small RNAs have perfect complementarity with the target mRNA.They guide RISC to cleave target mRNA or are used as primers for RdRP or both.Alternatively,nuclear sense or antisense transcriptis the preferred template for RdRP to synthesize secondary dsRNA in either a primer-dependent or a primer-independent manner[11 ].Another possibility is that read-through transcription occurs in a tail-to-tail inverted transgene repeat,generating long hpRNA and triggering silencing. Ter,transcriptional terminator.susceptible to RdDM-mediated heterochromatic mod-ification that is triggered by primary siRNAs or systemic siRNA signals.The heterochromatic marks(e.g.DNA and histone methylation)and associated factors might recruit enzymes such as RdRP and DCLs to the target locus and hence to the nascent transcripts originating from it[14 ,27 ]Alternatively,these marks might result in the production of the nuclear-localized tran-script.Either of these processes can trigger further silencing.This model is supported by thefinding that AGO4and SDE4,proteins that are required for cytosine (DNA)methylation,are also required for the accumula-tion of endogenous retroelement siRNAs in Arabidopsis [14 ,31].Furthermore,silencing that is induced by exogenous hpRNA,and the associated accumulation of siRNA,requires both an RdRP and a histone methyl-transferase infission yeast[32].A possible nuclear action by RdRP is suggested to occur in both plants andfission yeast.The Arabidopsis RDR2appears to interact both physically and functionally with DCL3 that is presumably localized in the nucleus[14 ];in fission yeast,RdRP physically associates with silent heterochromatin[33].RNA silencing and antiviral defense in plants The infection of plants by both RNA and DNA viruses results in the accumulation of viral siRNAs.Viruses are therefore inducers of RNA silencing that is directed against their own replication.The siRNA pathway of RNA silencing is generally believed to be a natural antiviral defense mechanism in plants.The exact path-way for the biogenesis of viral siRNAs is unclear.It is thought that dsRNA replication intermediates are the source of viral siRNAs.However,direct processing by Dicer of duplex structures formed within single-stranded viral RNAs could also contribute to the siRNA pool. Furthermore,the probable involvement of RdRP in antiviral defense[34]and in DNA virus-induced gene silencing[35]in plants suggests that RdRP-mediated synthesis of secondary viral dsRNA might also play a role in viral siRNA accumulation.The long-dsRNA-mediated siRNA pathway does not seem to operate in most mammalian cells[36 ],and is therefore less likely to play a major role in antiviral defense in mammals. Transgene-mediated virus resistance is a classical exam-ple of RNA silencing and its role in antiviral defense in plants.However,viruses are different from plant genes with respect to their response to transgene-induced silen-cing.This is demonstrated by the different susceptibil-ities of potyviruses and plant genes to sense and antisense transgene-mediated silencing.For instance,co-expres-sion of a sense and an antisense transgene from two separate transcriptional units gives high levels of resis-tance to potato virus Y[37],but the same strategy does not cause the silencing of plant genes[38].Also,a viral sense transgene that expresses high steady-state levels of RNA confers good resistance to tobacco etch virus,although thetransgene is clearly unsilenced before virus infection[39].A probable explanation of this difference is that virusesare themselves the source of siRNAs,and these siRNAscan initiate the RdRP-mediated synthesis of secondarydsRNAs using the sense and antisense viral transgeneRNA as templates,leading to the amplification of silen-cing and,hence,to high levels of virus resistance. Suppressors of RNA silencing and viral counter defenseThe discovery that almost all plant viruses encode silen-cing suppressors[40]provides further evidence for theinvolvement of RNA silencing in plant antiviral defense.These suppressor proteins operate through a variety ofmechanisms.For instance,the P1/HC-Pro suppressorfrom the potyviruses inhibits silencing at a step down-stream of dsRNA processing,possibly by preventing theunwinding of duplex siRNAs or the incorporation ofsiRNA into RISC,or both[41 ].The tombusvirus p19protein also functions downstream of dsRNA processing,but it physically binds to duplex siRNAs and henceprevents their incorporation into RISC[41 ,42,43 ].The cucumisvirus2b protein and the p25protein ofpotexviruses,on the other hand,inhibit the systemictransmission of silencing signals[40].Thus,plant virusesappear to have evolved diverse counter-defense strategiesagainst RNA silencing.None of these silencing suppressors appear to blockdsRNA processing,but tend to operate by sequesteringsiRNAs,preventing siRNA unwinding,or blocking thecell-to-cell movement of siRNAs.This might have sig-nificant implications for viral self-defense strategies.It ispossible that silencing suppressors only function in thosecells in which viruses are actively replicating,and mightlose their suppressor activity once the viruses have com-pleted their life cycle and moved into neighboring cells.The siRNA-charged suppressor proteins in the pre-infected cells would then release their siRNAs,makingthem available for silencing against secondary infectionby the same or a related virus.Thus,viruses might haveevolved a survival mechanism by protecting their hostsfrom secondary viral infection.This possibility is consis-tent with the phenomenon of classical viral cross-protection,where a plant that is pre-inoculated with amild virus strain becomes resistant to subsequent infec-tion by a related severe strain.A recent study suggeststhat viral cross-protection is mediated by RNA silencing[44].Cross-protection is only effective when the severeviral strain is inoculated after infection with the mildstrain.Simultaneous co-inoculation of the two viral strainsdoes not result in cross-protection.RNA silencing and viral pathogenicityOverexpression of viral silencing suppressors can affectmiRNA accumulation and function,and can result inRNA silencing and antiviral defense in plants Wang and Metzlaff219developmental abnormalities in plants[41 ,43 ,45,46]. This has led to the suggestion that viral pathogenicity is largely determined by the effect of viral silencing sup-pressors on the host miRNA pathway[45,46].Evidence against the universality of this pathogenicity model comes from the observation that not all viral suppressors appear to affect the miRNA pathway in plants[43 ].An alternative RNA-silencing-mediated pathogenicity model(illustrated in Figure2)is suggested by thefinding that plant subviral RNAs appear to induce symptoms by inducing silencing against host genes[47],and that a human DNA virus expresses miRNAs that have the potential to suppress host gene expression[48 ].This model envisages three possible scenarios:first,viral siRNAs induce cleavage of host mRNA because of their sequence identity;second,viral siRNAs are partially complementary to the host mRNA and serve as primers to initiate RdRP-mediated synthesis of secondary dsRNA against the host mRNA;or third,certain host mRNAs contain sequence motifs that resemble viral origins of replication,and consequently,viral-encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase recognizes the sequences and initiates the synthesis of antisense RNA against the host mRNA.Each of these scenarios would result in the silencing of host genes,leading to disease symptoms. This pathogenicity model,if proven,would have implica-tions for an additional role for the silencing suppressors; namely,that they might function to minimize virus-induced symptoms by moderating host gene silencing,thus minimizing the impact on their hosts and,hence,on the viruses themselves.ConclusionsThere is still much to learn about the molecular processes and biological roles of RNA silencing in plants.Our current understanding of this RNA-mediated mechanism of gene control has already opened up new horizons for molecular biology and virology research.It is clear that RNA silencing plays a defensive role in plants,but its fundamental role in gene regulation is only beginning to be recognized.The recentfinding that miRNAs mainly target transcription factor and other regulatory genes[3,4] indicates that they constitute the primary control ele-ments in gene regulatory cascades.The discovery that the accumulation of certain endogenous small RNAs is responsive to environmental stresses[49]suggests that at least some epigenetic traits in plants might also be determined by this small-RNA-mediated control mechanism.It will be exciting to see if all epigenetic modifications in plants are directed by small RNAs or other non-coding RNAs.Recent evidence seems to indi-cate that RdDM is the main,or only,source of de novo DNA methylation in plants[7,21].The ability of viruses to modulate the normal functioning of RNA silencing pathways in plants has led us to ponder whether we should continue to see them solely as pathogens.Like some other environmental stimuli[50],viral infections might disturb the RNA-silencing-mediated control of transposons through their silencing suppressor activity,220Plant biotechnologyFigure2A model for viral pathogenicity mediated by RNA silencing.(a)Viral siRNAs share sequence identity with host mRNA and therefore direct the cleavage of host mRNA or initiate the RdRP-catalyzed synthesis of host gene dsRNA,resulting in silencing of the host genes and viral symptoms.(b)Viral-encoded RdRP binds to host mRNA sequences that resemble a viral origin of replication and initiates viral-like replication of the host mRNA.This replication generates dsRNAs of the host mRNA,leading to host gene silencing and symptoms.and might thereby enhance the transposon-mediated evolution of the host plant genome. 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