The Role of H2S in the Corrosion and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steel


中文硫化氢培训教材 FPSO

中文硫化氢培训教材 FPSO

Where H2S may be present on FPSO 在我们油轮哪里可能出现硫化氢 FPSO STP room Main pump room All process areas Discharge side of any piping Cargo Oil pipe and tanks
1000 ppm Unconscious at once death occur almost at once 在1000PPM时几乎立刻死亡。
What is the unit ppm? PPM是什么单位?
PPM = parts per million PPM=1/百万 1 ppm corresponds to 1 mm in I kilometre 1 ppm 相当于1公里中的1毫米 1 ppm = 0.0001% 20ppm = 0.002% 1000ppm = 0.1%
Other H2S gas potential industries 其它有可能存在硫化氢的产业
Animal fat & food processors 动物脂肪和食品加工厂 Fishing vessels 鱼船 Livestock farmers 家畜农场 Mining industry 矿业 Natural gas production 天然气生产 Septic tanks & sewage plants 腐烂物的容器 和污水处理厂 Tunnel work 隧道作业
Sources of Possible H2S Releases 可能出现硫化氢释放的源头 Seals 密封 Fittings 连接装置 Flanges 法兰 Process vessels (condensers) 生产容器(冷凝器) Drains Sample valves排水沟 取样阀 Ruptures 断裂



引用格式:孙开俊,庄 强.加氢装置脱硫化氢汽提塔的腐蚀与对策[J].石油化工腐蚀与防护,2022,39(4):21 24. SUNKaijun,ZHUANGQiang.CorrosionofH2Sstripperinhydrogenationunitanditscountermeasures[J].Corrosion&ProtectioninPetrochemicalIndustry,2022,39(4):21 24.加氢装置脱硫化氢汽提塔的腐蚀与对策孙开俊,庄 强(中国石化扬子石油化工有限公司,江苏南京 210048)摘要:脱硫化氢汽提塔是加氢装置分馏单元腐蚀性介质含量最高、腐蚀问题最为严重的设备。




关键词:加氢装置;脱硫化氢汽提塔;腐蚀分析;汽蚀;防腐蚀措施收稿日期:2022 02 16;修回日期:2022 06 22。


E mail:sunkj01.yzsh@sinopec.com基金项目:中国石化科技开发项目“双超加氢反应器在200万吨/年渣油加氢装置上的应用”(10GKC008) 在加氢装置反应产物中含有硫化氢、氨和氯化氢等腐蚀性物质,为排除隐患以保障装置安全,一般在分馏单元设置脱硫化氢汽提塔脱除这些腐蚀性介质。

脱硫化氢汽提塔是加氢装置分馏单元腐蚀性介质含量最高、腐蚀最严重的设备[1 4]。


The Chemistry of Corrosion

The Chemistry of Corrosion

The Chemistry of Corrosion 腐蚀化学腐蚀是指金属在特定条件或环境下失去原有性能的现象。
























5. 中国石油西南油气田公,不仅会腐蚀输送管道、气田水处理设备和回注井筒等,而且当气田 水温度、压力或 pH 值发生变化时,其中的硫化物还有可能以 H2S 的形态逸出,从而带来安全风险。为了控制气田水中硫化物的含量, 满足气田开发安全、清洁的生产需求,在调查川渝地区相关含硫气田采出气田水中硫化物的含量及处理现状的基础上,模拟计算了 典型浓度含硫气田水中 H2S 的逸散规律并进行了实验验证,最后提出了气田水中硫化物的控制指标及处理措施建议。研究结果表明: ①硫化物含量大于 200 mg/L 的气田水应进行完全密闭贮存、输送和处理,以满足作业场所安全、职业健康和环境要求 ;②回注气田 水中硫化物含量应控制在 20 mg/L 以下,这样不仅能确保地面设备设施、输送管道及回注井筒硫化物腐蚀程度的最小化,而且也可 以保证非密闭条件下逸散的 H2S 含量远远低于国家标准规定的职业健康接触限值及环境排放限值 ;③高含硫气田水脱硫工艺应充分 考虑气田水的含硫特点及处理目标,结合运行经济性及可靠性,选择一级或多级脱硫处理工艺,以实现硫化物的高效、经济去除。
Abstract: Gas field water produced from sour gas fields contains sulfides to varying degrees, which can not only corrode pipelines, gas field water treatment equipment, injection wellbore, etc., but also bring safety risks when the sulfides escape in the form of hydrogen sulfide with the change of temperature, pressure or pH values. In order to control the sulfide content of gas field water and satisfy the requirements of safe and clean development of gas fields, we investigated the content and treatment status of sulfides in gas field water produced from sour gas fields in Sichuan and Chongqing areas. Then, the escape laws of hydrogen sulfide from sour gas field water with typical concentration were simulated, calculated and experimentally verified. Finally, the sulfide control indexes and treatment measures in gas field water were recommended. And the following research results were obtained. First, gas field water with a sulfide content higher than 200 mg/L shall be stored, transported and treated in a completely sealed environment to meet the safety, occupational health and environmental requirements of a workplace. Second, the content of sulfides in the re-injected gas field water shall be controlled below 20 mg/L to minimize sulfide corrosion on ground facilities, transmission pipelines and injection wellbores and keep the content of escaping hydrogen sulfide under an unsealed condition far lower than the limit values of occupational health contact and environment emission stipulated in national standards. Third, the desulfurization process used for sour gas field water shall take full consideration of the sulfur-bearing characteristics and treatment objective of gas field water. And it is necessary to select one-stage or multi-stage desulfurization process based on operation economy and reliability, so as to realize efficient and economical desulfurization. Keywords: Gas field water; Sulfide; Content; Hydrogen sulfide; Evaporation; Control Index; Desulfurization; Treatment measures



Stress corrosion cracking behavior of 16Mn steel and heat-affected zone in alkaline sulfide with different concentrations
HAO Wenkui, LIU Zhiyong, DU Cuiwei, LI Xiaogang
(Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083,China)
Abstract:This research aims to study the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior and its mechanism of 16Mn steel and heat-affected zone in alkaline (pH=11.7) sulfide solution with different concentrations using electrochemical technology and U-bent specimen immersing test. Original structure, coarse grain structure (air cooling structure) and hardening structure (quenching structure) turned into the state of passivation in alkaline sulfide solution, and the current density of passivation decreased gradually. The current density of hydrogen evolution of hardening organization was higher and corrosion rate was slower. And the corrosion near the fusion line part was deeper and the residual tensile stress area was exposed after long-term service, which caused stress corrosion cracking. The sensitivity of SCC lowered gradually when hardening organization, open grain structure and original structure of HAZ were in alkaline sulfide environment. Hardening structure exhibited high susceptibility to SCC, Coarse grain structure and original structure exhibited low susceptibility to SCC. The susceptibility increased by increasing the concentration of H2S. The SCC mechanism of 16Mn steel was anodic dissolution (AD) and was intergranular fracturing when it was in the solution of alkaline sulfide. Abstract:16Mn steel;sulfide;alkaline;stress corrosion cracking;corrosion



Acta Physiologica Sinica, April 25, 2007, 59 (2): 133-140
human and other mammalian cells, including those from the liver, kidneys, brain, smooth muscles, pancreas and lymphocytes[5-10]. CBS is reported to be the predominant H2S-generating enzyme in the brain and nervous system and CSE is mainly expressed in the vascular smooth muscles and pancreas[8,9,11]. Some other enzyme pathways are speculated to form H2S but the limited studies do not show the biological significance of these pathways in mammalians[12]. Another less important endogenous source of H2S is the nonenzymatic reduction of elemental sulfur to H2S using reducing equivalents obtained from the oxidation of glucose[4].
杨广东,王 睿 *
Lakehead 大学医学研究中心,雷湾,安大略 P7B 5E1,加拿大
摘 要:硫化氢是内源性气体分子家族中的一员,是一种气体递质(gasotransmitter)。近年来,内源性硫化氢的产生及生理 意义已经被认识,其代谢异常与许多疾病有关。本文综述了最近发现的硫化氢对细胞增殖和凋亡的调节作用,并重点概述硫 化氢细胞效应的分子机制,包括丝裂原活化蛋白激酶、细胞周期相关激酶、细胞死亡相关基因以及离子通道等的改变。对 硫化氢调节细胞生长或死亡的深入了解将为新药设计及许多疾病的治疗提供新的思路。


▪ HIC(hydrogen-induced cracking)氢致开裂 ➢ planar cracking that occurs in carbon and low alloy
steels when atomic hydrogen diffuses into the steel and then combines to form molecular hydrogen at trap sites (为氢原子扩散进钢铁中并在陷阱处结合而成氢分子时所引 起的在碳钢和低合金钢中的平面裂纹)
三 标准术语
▪ SSC(sulfide stress-cracking) 硫化物应力开裂 ➢ cracking of metal involving anodic processes of localized
corrosion and tensile stress (residual and/or applied) in the presence of water and H2S (在有水和硫化氢存在的情况下,与腐蚀和拉应力有关的一 种金属开裂)
▪ 由硫化氢引起的开裂机理包括:SSC SCC HIC SOHIC
▪ 适用于按常规弹性准则设计和制造的设备选材,对于按塑
▪ 不适用于炼油或下游的加工设备,如考虑需要看到标准
NACE MR 0103-2010
五 标准使用注意点
▪ 标准是石油天然气生产以及脱硫装置中处于H2S环境中设
▪ HIC:是氢鼓泡的一种形式,由平行于钢表面的层状裂纹在
厚度方向上相连接,由个体缺陷连接引起的损伤能导致沿 壁厚方向的迅速穿透。有文献报道在沙特的酸性气体管线 中,失效发生于启用的数周之内,影响长度约10km。无需 外部应力即可发生。



油气田H2S腐蚀分析及高强钢选材步玉环;马明新;郭胜来【摘要】The H2 S corrosion is widely seen in oil & gas development, petroleum refining and processing. The presence of H2 S will greatly reduce the fatigue strength of steels, leading to stress corrosion failure. With the development of sulfur oil and gas fields,%在油气田勘探开发、炼制以及加工过程中,广泛存在H2S的腐蚀问题。







腐 蚀 速 度
温度=26。7 ℃
300 600
硫化氢浓度 PPM
Hydrogen sulfide corrosion of nonmetallic materials
On the ground, wellhead equipment, downhole tools, has a rubber, impregnated graphite, asbestos rope non-metallic materials, such as seals. They use in h2s environment after a period of time, the rubber will produce the bubbling swell, loss of elasticity; Oiled oil of graphite and asbestos rope was dissolved and lead to seal failure.
In wet h2s environment with water, hydrogen sulfide ionization can dissolve in water, the water is acidic: H2S = H++ HS The HS - = H++ S2 -
Corrosion of steel(钢铁的腐蚀)
The source of H2S
Hydrogen sulfide in oil refineries, chemical plants, usually desulfurization plant, oil/gas/water well or sewer, swamps, and other places there are decaying organic matter. Hydrogen sulfide mainly comes from: (1) the original organic matter into the process of oil and gas can produce hydrogen sulfide.



第36卷第6期腐蚀与防护V01.36 N o.6 2015年6月CORRO SIO N&PR OTEC TIO N June 2015D OI:10.11973/fSy fh-2015060062205双相不锈钢在硫酸中的腐蚀性能赵天字,陈吉,孙彦伟,陈晓明。







C,2205双相不锈钢的腐蚀深度为0 mm/a,耐蚀性等级为1级,评定为完全耐蚀;当温度增加至60℃且硫酸浓度为30%时,其腐蚀速率显著增加,腐蚀深度为27.026 mm/a,耐蚀性等级为10级,评定为不耐蚀。

高铬含量可以降低不锈钢材料的钝化电位,另一方面可以增强不锈钢表面钝化膜的修复能力,可能是2205双相不锈钢比316L和 20R更耐蚀的本质原因。

关键词:双相不锈钢;硫酸;耐蚀性;电化学;腐蚀失重中图分类号:TGl72.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005—748X(2015)06—0535—05Corrosion Resistance of2205Duplex Stainless Steel iU Sulfuric Acid SolutionsZHA()Tian-yu,CHEN Ji,SUN Yan—wei,Che n Xiao—ming,XU Zhi—xi an(D ep ar tm en t o f Me cha nica l Eng ine eri ng,Lia oni ng Shi hua Un ie rs it y,F us hu n113001,C hin a)Abstrac t:T he corrosion r e si st a nc e o f 2205dup lex SS in H2S04w a s i nv e s ti g a te d and co mp a re d wit h t h e conventio nal 316I。


Sulphide Stress Cracking – SSC破裂
Brittle failure by cracking under the combined action of tensile stress and corrosion in the presence of water and H2S. 有水和硫化氢存在,张应力和腐蚀会导致脆化破裂。 , When hydrogen molecules are formed from the hydrogen ions and the electrons a volume expansion takes place。 当氢原子生成氢分ogen Atom 氢原子
Hydrogen sulfide can cause damage even catastrophic failure in high strength components. 硫化氢的破坏作用能使一些高强度的零部件造成重大损害。 The presence of hydrogen sulfide tends to cause hydrogen atoms to enter the metal rather than form hydrogen molecules that can not enter the metal. 硫化氢中的氢离子可以进入金属内部生于氢原子。 The hydrogen atom migrate into the steel When two hydrogen atoms come together I the steel structure, a hydrogen molecule is formed and will cause an expansion. 氢原子在钢铁内部移与另一个氢原子结合形成分子然后膨胀。



小学上册英语第四单元真题试卷(含答案)考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)A卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 填空题:I can play the ______.2. 填空题:I love to ________ (聚会) with friends.3. 填空题:My grandma bakes ________ (饼干) for me.4. 选择题:What do you call a story that explains how things came to be?A. LegendB. MythC. FableD. Tale答案:B5. 听力题:A hot spring is a natural feature that occurs when groundwater is heated by ______.6. 听力题:The pH scale measures how ______ a substance is.7. 听力题:The sun is shining ___ (brightly) today.8. ers have a sweet __________ (香味). 填空题:Some flo9. 填空题:I enjoy playing _____ (桌面游戏) with my family.We go to school _____ (in/on) the morning.11. 听力题:The _____ is a group of stars that form a picture in the night sky.12. 填空题:Did you see a _______ (小猴子) swinging from a branch?13. 选择题:What is the main diet of omnivores?A. PlantsB. MeatC. Both plants and meatD. Fruits答案:C14. 听力题:The cat loves to nuzzle its _______.15. 填空题:The __________ (历史的交互作用) enhance learning experiences.16. 听力题:A chemical reaction can change the ______ of a material.17. 听力题:The ______ helps with the storage of energy in plants.18. 听力题:I found a ______ in my pocket. (button)19. 听力题:Plants can be very _______ and grow quickly.20. 选择题:What do you call a baby rabbit?A. KitB. PupC. CalfD. Chick答案:A21. n Tea Party was a protest against ______ (税收). 填空题:The BostChemical bonds can be broken and formed during a ______ reaction.23. 填空题:I saw a _____ (鳄鱼) at the zoo.24. 听力题:The girl is very ________.25. 填空题:The ______ (植物的生长速度) can vary based on conditions.26. 填空题:The turtle is a symbol of _______ (长寿).27. 填空题:My pet fish swims in a _____.28. 选择题:How many legs does a spider have?A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 1229. 填空题:My favorite stuffed animal is a _________ (小狗) named Fluffy.30. 选择题:Which of these is a type of cloud?A. CumulusB. MountainC. ValleyD. Desert答案:A31. 听力题:The _____ (road) is busy.32. 听力题:My dad loves to play ____ (poker) with friends.33. 听力题:A homogeneous mixture has a _____ composition throughout.The _____ (cypress) tree is often seen in swamps.35. 填空题:I can ______ (保持) good grades.36. 选择题:What is the capital of Mexico?A. CancunB. GuadalajaraC. Mexico CityD. Monterrey答案: C. Mexico City37. 填空题:People love to hike in the __________ (国家公园).38. 选择题:What is the capital of Angola?a. Luandab. Benguelac. Huambod. Lubango答案:a39. 填空题:We have a ______ in our backyard.40. 听力题:The process of heating a substance to remove water is called _______.41. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in tofu?A. SoybeansB. WheatC. RiceD. Corn42. 选择题:What do we call the person who cuts hair?A. DoctorB. BarberC. ChefD. Teacher答案:BI enjoy ________ in the garden.44. 填空题:A ______ (自然保护区) protects plants and wildlife.45. 选择题:What is the term for the gradual cooling of the universe after the Big Bang?A. Cosmic CoolingB. Universal ExpansionC. Dark AgesD. Cosmic Microwave Background46. 选择题:What do we call a person who studies the history of science?A. Science HistorianB. SociologistC. AnthropologistD. Philosopher答案: A47. 听力题:The dog is ___ (barking/growling).48. 选择题:What do we call a baby cow?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal答案:A49. 听力题:Some _______ can be used for making perfumes.50. 选择题:What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Washington, D.C.C. Los AngelesD. Chicago51. 听力题:The ____ has a thick fur coat and loves to stay warm.What is the name of the famous American author known for writing "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"?A. Mark TwainB. Ernest HemingwayC. F. Scott FitzgeraldD. John Steinbeck答案:A53. 听力题:The cat's whiskers help it navigate in the _______.54. 填空题:A caribou migrates during the ________________ (季节).55. 听力题:The chemical formula for ammonium thiocyanate is __________.56. 听力题:The __________ is a famous area known for its traditional medicine.57. 选择题:What is the opposite of open?A. CloseB. ShutC. BlockD. Both A and B答案:D58. 填空题:My best friend loves to _______ (动词) during summer vacation. 她觉得 _______ (形容词).59. 填空题:The _____ (花坛) is full of blooming flowers.60. 选择题:What is the smallest unit of life?A. CellB. TissueC. OrganD. Organism答案:AI want to learn to ________ (驾驶).62. 填空题:A ________ (生态平衡) ensures diversity.63. 选择题:What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?A. DavidB. LibertyC. Christ the RedeemerD. The Thinker64. 选择题:How many colors are in the national flag of the USA?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5答案:B65. 选择题:What do you use to cut paper?A. PencilB. GlueC. ScissorsD. Tape答案:C66. 填空题:I love _______ (冬天) because of the snow.67. 听力题:A __________ can affect human development.68. 选择题:What is the value of 6 ÷ 2 + 3?A. 5B. 6C. 8D. 9答案:A69. 选择题:What is the main purpose of a calendar?A. To tell timeB. To show datesC. To measure distanceD. To calculate70. 填空题:My sister has a collection of ______.71. 选择题:What do we call the process of learning how to swim?A. DivingB. FloatingC. Swimming lessonsD. Water sports答案:C72. 填空题:Planting trees along streets can provide ______ from the sun. (在街道上种植树木可以提供遮阳。



二氧化硫跟硫化氢反应英语Reaction between Sulfur Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulfide.Introduction.Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are two important gases that are commonly encountered in a variety of industrial and natural processes. These gases can react with each other to form a variety of products, including elemental sulfur (S), water (H2O), and sulfur trioxide (SO3). The reaction between SO2 and H2S is a complex one that proceeds through a series of intermediate steps. The overall reaction can be represented as follows:2SO2 + 2H2S → 3S + 2H2O.Mechanism of the Reaction.The reaction between SO2 and H2S is a two-step process. In the first step, SO2 reacts with H2S to form a reactiveintermediate called a sulfinyl radical (SO2•). This intermediate then reacts with another molecule of H2S to form elemental sulfur and water.SO2 + H2S → SO2• + HS•。



hs-和硫化氢的关系英文回答:Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a colorless, toxic gas that is commonly associated with sulfur springs and volcanic activity. It is also produced by the metabolism of sulfur-containing organic matter by certain bacteria and is a common component of flatus (intestinal gas).H2S is a potent neurotoxin, and exposure to even low concentrations can cause a range of health problems, including:Eye irritation.Respiratory irritation.Nausea and vomiting.Headache.Dizziness.Confusion.Seizures.Coma.Death.H2S is also a corrosive gas, and it can cause severe burns to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract.The threshold limit value (TLV) for H2S in the workplace is 10 parts per million (ppm), and exposure to concentrations above this level is considered to be hazardous.中文回答:硫化氢 (H2S) 是一种无色有毒气体,通常与硫磺温泉和火山活动有关。



二氧化硫与h2s反应方程式The reaction between sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an interesting chemical process that has various implications in different fields. This reaction can be represented by the following balanced equation:SO2 + 2H2S → 3S + 2H2OFrom an industrial perspective, this reaction has significant importance in the production of elemental sulfur. Sulfur is a vital component used in the manufacturing of various products, including fertilizers, dyes, and rubber. By reacting sulfur dioxide with hydrogen sulfide, elemental sulfur is produced, which can then be further processed and utilized in different industries. This reaction plays a crucial role in ensuring the availability of sulfur for various industrial applications.From an environmental standpoint, this reaction has both positive and negative implications. On one hand, thereaction between sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide can occur naturally in the atmosphere, contributing to the formation of sulfate aerosols. These aerosols can act as cloud condensation nuclei, leading to the formation of clouds and potentially influencing weather patterns. Additionally, the reaction can help in the removal ofsulfur compounds from the atmosphere, reducing the levels of air pollution.On the other hand, the presence of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in the environment can have detrimental effects. Both gases are considered air pollutants and can contribute to the formation of acid rain. Acid rain can have severe consequences on ecosystems, including the acidification of water bodies, damage to vegetation, and corrosion of buildings and infrastructure. Therefore, it is important to monitor and control the levels of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide emissions to mitigate their environmental impact.From a chemical perspective, the reaction betweensulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide is a redox reaction.Sulfur dioxide is oxidized, while hydrogen sulfide is reduced. This reaction involves the transfer of electrons between the reactants, resulting in the formation of elemental sulfur and water. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of this reaction is crucial for studying and predicting the behavior of similar chemical reactions.In conclusion, the reaction between sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide is a significant chemical process with implications in various fields. It plays a crucial role in the production of elemental sulfur for industrial applications. From an environmental perspective, this reaction can contribute to the formation of sulfateaerosols and aid in the removal of sulfur compounds fromthe atmosphere. However, the presence of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in the environment can also havedetrimental effects, such as the formation of acid rain. Understanding and controlling the behavior of this reaction is essential for both industrial and environmental purposes.。

硫化氢中毒 英语

硫化氢中毒 英语

硫化氢中毒英语What is hydrogen sulfide poisoning?Hydrogen sulfide poisoning is a type of poisoning caused by exposure to high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide gas. The symptoms of hydrogen sulfide poisoning can range from mild to severe, depending on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and the length of exposure.Some common symptoms of hydrogen sulfide poisoning include:* Eye irritation* Coughing* Shortness of breath* Wheezing* Nausea* Vomiting* Dizziness* Confusion* Loss of consciousnessIn severe cases, hydrogen sulfide poisoning can lead to permanentdamage to the nervous system, heart disease, and even death.The treatment for hydrogen sulfide poisoning usually involves removing the victim from the source of exposure, providing oxygen, and treating any symptoms that may arise. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you or someone around you is exposed to high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide gas.译文:硫化氢中毒是一种因暴露于高浓度硫化氢气体而引起的中毒。

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also suggested that the H2S acts to poison the recombination reaction, thus facilitating h y d r o g e n e n t r y . Because of the complexity, there is still much u n k n o w n about the role of H2S in hydrogen embrittlement. This paper describes the results of experiments carried out to u n d e r s t a n d the factors controlling the e n trance of hydrogen into steel. I n particular, the effect of surface oxides and the presence of HfS on the v a r i ous corrosion reactions and hydrogen p e r m e a t i o n were investigated. These results will serve as the foundation for future studies which combine corrosion and m e chanical testing to u n d e r s t a n d the mechanisms of the e m b r i t t l e m e n t of steels i n the presence of HfS.
Hydrogen sulfide is k n o w n to accelerate the rate o f cracking of high strength steels in acidic, aqueous e n v i r o n m e n t s (1-5). The steels, carbon and low alloy, which are most affected are those h e a t - t r e a t e d to strengths above 80-90,000 psi and the failures are typified b y i n t e r g r a n u l a r cracking which occur well below the yield strength (6). This type of failure is most troublesome in oil and gas production where high strength steels are required for drill pipe and production t u b u l a r (7). I n this case, the e n v i r o n m e n t is aqueous b r i n e with pH in the range of 2-5. The t e m peratures range from a m b i e n t at the well head to as much as 450~ for the v e r y deep gas wells. HfS can be present in large quantities of the gas phase. F a i l ures of alloy steels have also been documented in petroleum refining where HfS is present (8-10). F a i l ures are less f r e q u e n t in refining, however, due to the need and use of lower strength steels. Those that have occurred have been a t t r i b u t e d to h a r d welds a n d / o r improper h e a t - t r e a t m e n t s . The e m b r i t t l e m e n t p h e n o m e n a observed in these e n v i r o n m e n t s have been n a m e d sulfide stress cracking (SSC). Materials are screened for susceptibility b y a n N.A.C.E. sponsored test (11) which subjects tensile or C-ring specimens to a static load in an aqueous solution containing 5% NaC1, and 0.5% acetic acid saturated with HfS gas. Using this and other testing schemes, much has been l e a r n e d about the p h e n o m e nology of sulfide stress cracking. It is k n o w n that sulfide stress cracking is influenced by three general classes of variables: e n v i r o n m e n t , metallurgy, a n d state of stress. E n v i r o n m e n t a l factors include pH, acid and salt composition, concentration of HfS, a n d t e m perature. Metallurgical variables include hardness, strength, ductility, microstructure, and composition of the alloy. The state of stress variables are i m p o r t a n t to measure and control. They include the stress i n t e n s i t y at the crack tip and the m a n n e r i n which the stress is applied (tensile, biaxial, plane strain, etc.). There a r e m a n y h u n d r e d s of experiments and field experiences which have been reported, b u t due to the large n u m ber of variables which must be considered and the difficulty in v a r y i n g only one parameter, the mechanisms of e m b r i t t l e m e n t are still uncertain. It has been suggested that sulfide stress cracking is a form of hydrogen e m b r i t t l e m e n t (1, 12). Hydrogen is present due to the corrosion of the steel i n the acidic e n v i r o n m e n t . At the corrosion potential, the dissolution of iron, Fe ~ Fe ++ -}- 2 e - (anodic reaction), is accompanied b y the cathodic reaction, 2H + + 2 e 2H(ads). The h y d r o g e n atoms which are produced at the steel surface m a y recombine to form H2 or may be absorbed b y the steel as atomic hydrogen. I t is * Electrochemical Society Active Member. Key words: metals, absorption, passivity, polarization.
The Role of H2Sin the Corrosion and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steel
B. J. Berkowitz and H. H. Horowitz* Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Corporate Research Science Laboratories, Linden, New Jersey 07036
Hydrogen permeation in a high strength ferritic steel was shown to depend on the passivity of the surface and the presence of HfS. In the case where HfS is not present, an oxide on the surface of the steel reduced the kinetics of the proton discharge rate and, even more so, the kinetics of the molecular hydrogen evolution rate. Thus, a high percentage of hydrogen permeated the steel. After the oxide was removed, there was an increased proton discharge rate and an equally increased hydrogen evolution rate. thus resulting in very low percentage of hydrogen permeation. When H~S was present, the hydrogen discharge reaction remained high but the recombination reaction was suppressed so the percent of permeation was very high. Thus, HfS plays a multiple role in increasing hydrogen permeation of passivated steel in slightly acidic environments. It increases the rates of iron corrosion and proton discharge and poisons the hydrogen evolution react'ion on the depassivated surface, thereby permitting a large fraction of hydrogen atoms to enter the metal.